Henry Hull1
M, #75963
Father | Francis Philip "Franz" Hull1 b. 30 Dec 1733, d. 1808 |
Mother | Maria "Mary" Agnes Klingel1 b. 5 Oct 1732, d. bt 1768 - 1772 |
Last Edited | 12 Apr 2018 |
; Mentioned in 1806 will of father.1
In Francis Philip "Franz" Hull's will dated 1 February 1806 at Virginia, USA, Henry Hull was named as an heir; DAR App #555016 cites Chalkley [1912:II:232]:
Page 190 - 1st February, 1806. Francis Hull's will
To sons, Henry and Daniel; to daughters, Elizabeth Fulwider, Holly Hanger, Barbara Cook, son Frederick, daughter Catherine Wiseman; son, John; daughter Susanna; windmill to son John. Executos, Daniel Hull, James Harris. Teste: John and Hugh Daugherty (affirmed); David Myers (sworn). Proved 28 March, 1808 by Jno. Daugherty and 26th April 1808, by others. Executors refuse. Administration granted Jno. Hull."2,1
In Francis Philip "Franz" Hull's will dated 1 February 1806 at Virginia, USA, Henry Hull was named as an heir; DAR App #555016 cites Chalkley [1912:II:232]:
Page 190 - 1st February, 1806. Francis Hull's will
To sons, Henry and Daniel; to daughters, Elizabeth Fulwider, Holly Hanger, Barbara Cook, son Frederick, daughter Catherine Wiseman; son, John; daughter Susanna; windmill to son John. Executos, Daniel Hull, James Harris. Teste: John and Hugh Daugherty (affirmed); David Myers (sworn). Proved 28 March, 1808 by Jno. Daugherty and 26th April 1808, by others. Executors refuse. Administration granted Jno. Hull."2,1

- [S4134] DAR Application No. 555016 - Ancestor: Ulrich FULLENWIDER , DAR No. A043216 and Supporting Documents, unknown series. Hereinafter cited as DAR App #555016 Ulrich FULLENWIDER 18133.
- [S3185] Lyman Chalkley, compiler, Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia: Extracted from the Original Court records of Augusta County 1745-1800, 3 Volumes (n.p.: The Commonwealth Printing Company, 1912), vol. II, p. 232. Hereinafter cited as Chalkley [1912] Chron Scotch-Irish Stlmnt in VA.
Anna Margaret Fulwider1,2
F, #75964, b. 28 January 1762, d. before 25 February 1804
Father | Hans Ulrich Vollenweider1,3 b. b 5 Dec 1723, d. Feb 1804 |
Mother | Anna Margaretha Binckele1,3 b. 30 Jun 1735, d. Aug 1791 |
Last Edited | 12 Apr 2018 |
Anna Margaret Fulwider married (?) Black
; Her 1st husbad.3,2 Anna Margaret Fulwider was born on 28 January 1762 at York Co., Pennsylvania, USA; DAR App #555016 cites: "William J. Hinke's transcription and translation, doe in 1939, of the Church Record of St. Jacob's (Stone) Church, Codorus township, Brodbeck's, York County, Pennsylvania, 1756-1858."1,2
She was baptized on 14 February 1762 at St. Jacob's (Stone) Church, Cordorus Township, York Co., Pennsylvania, USA.2 She married Jacob Cline Jr. on 26 January 1790
; Her 2nd husbad; DAR App #555016 cites Chalkley [1912:287].3,2,4
Anna Margaret Fulwider died before 25 February 1804; cited as deceased in her father's 1804 will.3
Hans Ulrich Vollenweider and Anna Margaretha Binckele emigrated in 1779 from Augusta Co., Virginia, USA; DAR App #747286 provides supporting material from Harlan Yager Smith "I am Because They Were", p. 159:
"Toward the end of the 1770's it would seem that Ulrich made a move with his family from Pennsylvania to Virginia."5
In Hans Ulrich Vollenweider's will dated 25 February 1804 at Augusta Co., Virginia, USA, Anna Margaret Fulwider was named as an heir; Ancestry.com - Virginia Land, Marriage, and Probate Records, 1639-1850
Name: Ulrich Fulwider
Date: 25 Feb 1804
Location: Augusta Co., VA
Notes: This probate record was originally published in "Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia, 1745-1800. Extracted from the Original Court Records of Augusta County" by Lyman Chalkley.
Remarks: Ulrich Fulwiders will-To wife, Margaret; son, George (two entrys made in Beverlys lands); to five daughters, Margaret Cline, Susanna Bright, Mary Wearly, Betsy Hanger, Catherine Hefner (Margaret and Susanna are dead); son, Henry (?); to Margaret Ga
Description: Decedent
Book: WB10-317
Prove Date: 1 Nov 1809
Source Information: Ancestry.com. Virginia Land, Marriage, and Probate Records, 1639-1850 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2004.
Original data:
Chalkley, Lyman. Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia, 1745-1800. Extracted from the Original Court Records of Augusta County. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1965. Originally published in 1912.
Crozier, William Armstrong, ed. Virginia County Records - Spotsylvania County Records, 1721-1800. Being transcriptions from the original files at the County Court House of wills, deeds, administrators' and guardians' bonds, marriage licenses, and lists of revolutionary pensioners. New York, NY: Fox, Duffield & Co., 1905.
The will abstracts for Isle of Wight and Norfolk counties were taken from microfilmed copies of the original Will Books. Some of these records may be found at the Family History Library as well as other libraries and archives. The originals may be found at the appropriate county courthouses.
For individual sources please see the Notes section listed with each record.
Text of Will from DAR App #531965:
"In the name of God Amen this 25th day of February 1804
"I, Uldrick Fulwider of Augusta County and State of Virginia being old and weak in body but of a perfect mind and memory thanks to God therefore 6allirig·to mind the mortality of my body and knowing a that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last will and Testament and principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it and as for my body I commend it to the earth to be buried in a Christian like and decent manner by my Executors nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the Mighty Power of God and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me within this life I give and despose of in the following manner, and principally I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Margaret Fulwider the dwelling house and dresser her life time only.
"A so I bequeath to said Margaret Fulwider all the beads and furniture belonging to sd. beds the bedstead also with the stove and two chest · I likewise bequeath to my wife Margaret Fulwider all dresser furniture such as pots ovens dishes plates and spoons and one large kettle everything mentioned or not belonging to the dresser, likewise I leave and bequeath to ,my son George Fulwider my plantation that I now live on with my right of two entrys I made in Beverleys lands adjoining to said old tract I bequeath also to George Fulwider my wagon Jeckscrew horse gears windmill plows harrow spaid shovels matocks axes log chains ogers chesels drawing knives pitch forks of all kinds one meal chest and a tub all barrels on sd. plow with the sheep and hogs belonging to the premises I likewise will and bequeath to my five daughters, to wit, Margaret Cline, Susana Bright, Mary Wearly, Betsy Hanger, and Catharine Hefner each forty pounds to be paid by my son George Fulwider out of his part already it is to be paid to each or their children as Mrs. Cline is deceased and Susannah Bright deceased also there part what is coming now their children is to get it their Mothers part only the money is to be paid as before mentioned that sum to each in twelve equal gales yearly. Also George Fulwider is to furnish Margaret Fulwider with a sufficient support while she lives and is to cut and hawl fire wood to the door ready to burn.
"I Ulrick Fulwider reserve for myself one third of the grain raised on the place over what supports both Georges and my familys and likewise one third of the meat that is to be killed for house use, and Ulrick Fulwider is to keep one Mear and two cows and of sd cows the may raise one calf a year and sd George Fulwider is to keep them for his father as his own is keep & the Creatures at the decease of the old man the one to be sold and the old woman is to have the use and all notes and bonds that is coming to me is to be gathered in and at the death of Margaret Fulwider all furniture and cash is to be divided into six equal shares to Clines children and Susana Bright's Children to Mary Wearly, Betsy Hanger, Catharine Hefner and Henry Fulwider.
"I likewise will and bequeath what is in the hands of Henry Fulwider to remain there and to be his own forever also I bequeath to Henry Fulwider my cloathing all that I am possessed of.
"I likewise bequeath to Margaret Gaul what is in her hands and if Margaret Fulwider choses to love the place then sd George Fulwider is to give for the support of Margaret Fulwider five pounds in cash yearly ten pounds of hackled flax ten pounds of tow and six pounds of wool and also the third of the flax that is raised the old man's life time.
"I likewise bequeath to John Fulwider what is now in his possession already, as I consider he has got .his full part.
"I likewise allow my just debts to be paid and funeral charges to be paid out of what is coming and the money what is remaining is to be divided in the manner prescribed above.
"I likewise appoint and constutute and ordain Robert Harris and Margaret Fulwider sole Executors of this my last will and testament and do hereby utterly disallow and revoke and disannul all and every other form of wills testam legies requests or bequeaths and Executors by me in any wise before this time named confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the year and day above written."6,3
; Her 1st husbad.3,2 Anna Margaret Fulwider was born on 28 January 1762 at York Co., Pennsylvania, USA; DAR App #555016 cites: "William J. Hinke's transcription and translation, doe in 1939, of the Church Record of St. Jacob's (Stone) Church, Codorus township, Brodbeck's, York County, Pennsylvania, 1756-1858."1,2

; Her 2nd husbad; DAR App #555016 cites Chalkley [1912:287].3,2,4

Anna Margaret Fulwider died before 25 February 1804; cited as deceased in her father's 1804 will.3
Hans Ulrich Vollenweider and Anna Margaretha Binckele emigrated in 1779 from Augusta Co., Virginia, USA; DAR App #747286 provides supporting material from Harlan Yager Smith "I am Because They Were", p. 159:
"Toward the end of the 1770's it would seem that Ulrich made a move with his family from Pennsylvania to Virginia."5

In Hans Ulrich Vollenweider's will dated 25 February 1804 at Augusta Co., Virginia, USA, Anna Margaret Fulwider was named as an heir; Ancestry.com - Virginia Land, Marriage, and Probate Records, 1639-1850
Name: Ulrich Fulwider
Date: 25 Feb 1804
Location: Augusta Co., VA
Notes: This probate record was originally published in "Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia, 1745-1800. Extracted from the Original Court Records of Augusta County" by Lyman Chalkley.
Remarks: Ulrich Fulwiders will-To wife, Margaret; son, George (two entrys made in Beverlys lands); to five daughters, Margaret Cline, Susanna Bright, Mary Wearly, Betsy Hanger, Catherine Hefner (Margaret and Susanna are dead); son, Henry (?); to Margaret Ga
Description: Decedent
Book: WB10-317
Prove Date: 1 Nov 1809
Source Information: Ancestry.com. Virginia Land, Marriage, and Probate Records, 1639-1850 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2004.
Original data:
Chalkley, Lyman. Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia, 1745-1800. Extracted from the Original Court Records of Augusta County. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1965. Originally published in 1912.
Crozier, William Armstrong, ed. Virginia County Records - Spotsylvania County Records, 1721-1800. Being transcriptions from the original files at the County Court House of wills, deeds, administrators' and guardians' bonds, marriage licenses, and lists of revolutionary pensioners. New York, NY: Fox, Duffield & Co., 1905.
The will abstracts for Isle of Wight and Norfolk counties were taken from microfilmed copies of the original Will Books. Some of these records may be found at the Family History Library as well as other libraries and archives. The originals may be found at the appropriate county courthouses.
For individual sources please see the Notes section listed with each record.
Text of Will from DAR App #531965:
"In the name of God Amen this 25th day of February 1804
"I, Uldrick Fulwider of Augusta County and State of Virginia being old and weak in body but of a perfect mind and memory thanks to God therefore 6allirig·to mind the mortality of my body and knowing a that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last will and Testament and principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it and as for my body I commend it to the earth to be buried in a Christian like and decent manner by my Executors nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the Mighty Power of God and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me within this life I give and despose of in the following manner, and principally I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Margaret Fulwider the dwelling house and dresser her life time only.
"A so I bequeath to said Margaret Fulwider all the beads and furniture belonging to sd. beds the bedstead also with the stove and two chest · I likewise bequeath to my wife Margaret Fulwider all dresser furniture such as pots ovens dishes plates and spoons and one large kettle everything mentioned or not belonging to the dresser, likewise I leave and bequeath to ,my son George Fulwider my plantation that I now live on with my right of two entrys I made in Beverleys lands adjoining to said old tract I bequeath also to George Fulwider my wagon Jeckscrew horse gears windmill plows harrow spaid shovels matocks axes log chains ogers chesels drawing knives pitch forks of all kinds one meal chest and a tub all barrels on sd. plow with the sheep and hogs belonging to the premises I likewise will and bequeath to my five daughters, to wit, Margaret Cline, Susana Bright, Mary Wearly, Betsy Hanger, and Catharine Hefner each forty pounds to be paid by my son George Fulwider out of his part already it is to be paid to each or their children as Mrs. Cline is deceased and Susannah Bright deceased also there part what is coming now their children is to get it their Mothers part only the money is to be paid as before mentioned that sum to each in twelve equal gales yearly. Also George Fulwider is to furnish Margaret Fulwider with a sufficient support while she lives and is to cut and hawl fire wood to the door ready to burn.
"I Ulrick Fulwider reserve for myself one third of the grain raised on the place over what supports both Georges and my familys and likewise one third of the meat that is to be killed for house use, and Ulrick Fulwider is to keep one Mear and two cows and of sd cows the may raise one calf a year and sd George Fulwider is to keep them for his father as his own is keep & the Creatures at the decease of the old man the one to be sold and the old woman is to have the use and all notes and bonds that is coming to me is to be gathered in and at the death of Margaret Fulwider all furniture and cash is to be divided into six equal shares to Clines children and Susana Bright's Children to Mary Wearly, Betsy Hanger, Catharine Hefner and Henry Fulwider.
"I likewise will and bequeath what is in the hands of Henry Fulwider to remain there and to be his own forever also I bequeath to Henry Fulwider my cloathing all that I am possessed of.
"I likewise bequeath to Margaret Gaul what is in her hands and if Margaret Fulwider choses to love the place then sd George Fulwider is to give for the support of Margaret Fulwider five pounds in cash yearly ten pounds of hackled flax ten pounds of tow and six pounds of wool and also the third of the flax that is raised the old man's life time.
"I likewise bequeath to John Fulwider what is now in his possession already, as I consider he has got .his full part.
"I likewise allow my just debts to be paid and funeral charges to be paid out of what is coming and the money what is remaining is to be divided in the manner prescribed above.
"I likewise appoint and constutute and ordain Robert Harris and Margaret Fulwider sole Executors of this my last will and testament and do hereby utterly disallow and revoke and disannul all and every other form of wills testam legies requests or bequeaths and Executors by me in any wise before this time named confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the year and day above written."6,3
Family 1 | (?) Black d. b 26 Jan 1790 |
Family 2 | Jacob Cline Jr. |
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online http://search.ancestry.com/, Record seen on Ancestry.com on 6 June 2014 at http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/26547373/person/1864697829. Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site.
- [S4134] DAR Application No. 555016 - Ancestor: Ulrich FULLENWIDER , DAR No. A043216 and Supporting Documents, unknown series. Hereinafter cited as DAR App #555016 Ulrich FULLENWIDER 18133.
- [S4133] DAR Application No. 531965 - Ancestor: Ulrich FULLENWIDER , DAR No. A043216 and Supporting Documents, unknown series. Hereinafter cited as DAR App #531965 Ulrich FULLENWIDER 18133.
- [S3185] Lyman Chalkley, compiler, Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia: Extracted from the Original Court records of Augusta County 1745-1800, 3 Volumes (n.p.: The Commonwealth Printing Company, 1912), p. 287. Hereinafter cited as Chalkley [1912] Chron Scotch-Irish Stlmnt in VA.
- [S4135] DAR Application No. 747286 - Ancestor: Ulrich FULLENWIDER , DAR No. A043216 and Supporting Documents, unknown series, Cites Harlan Yager Smith "I am Because They Were", p. 159. Hereinafter cited as DAR App #747286 Ulrich FULLENWIDER 18133.
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online http://search.ancestry.com/, http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=VaRecords_ga&h=44322&ti=0&indiv=try&gss=pt&ssrc=gr_t68721256_p42186608826_ktidz0q3d68721256z0q26pidz0q3d42186608826z0q26hidz0q3d82767513753z0q26dbidz0q3d7832z0q26rpidz0q3d44322z0q26hfz0q3dAllHintsz0q26pnz0q3d1z0q26hsz0q3drecentz0q26ssrcz0q3dgrz0q26pgz0q3d32880z0q26pgplz0q3dtidz0q257cpidz0q257chidz0q257cdbidz0q257crpidz0q257chfz0q257cpnz0q257chsz0q257cssrcz0q26pgpsz0q3d42186608826_h82767513753
Mary (?)1
F, #75965
Charts | Ancestors - Martha Elizabeth HART |
Reference | GAV5 |
Last Edited | 12 Apr 2018 |
Mary (?) married Jacob Fulwider, son of Hans Ulrich Vollenweider and Anna Margaretha Binckele.1,2
Family | Jacob Fulwider b. 20 Jan 1754, d. b 15 Jan 1782 |
Child |
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online http://search.ancestry.com/, Record seen on Ancestry.com on 6 June 2014 at http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/26547373/person/1864697829. Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site.
- [S4134] DAR Application No. 555016 - Ancestor: Ulrich FULLENWIDER , DAR No. A043216 and Supporting Documents, unknown series. Hereinafter cited as DAR App #555016 Ulrich FULLENWIDER 18133.
John Garrett1
M, #75966, b. 10 January 1631
Father | John Garrett1 b. bt 1600 - 1603, d. 31 Aug 1680 |
Mother | Mary (?)1 b. c 1612 |
Last Edited | 5 Jun 2014 |
John Garrett was born on 10 January 1631.1
- [S1140] J Smith Futhey & Gilbert Cope, History of Chester Co, PA (Philadelphia: Louis H Everts, 1881; repub 1978, Unigraphic, Inc, 1401N Fares, Evansville, IN 47711, unknown publish date), p. 560. Hereinafter cited as History of Chester Co, PA.
Mary Garrett1
F, #75967, b. 1 May 1642
Father | John Garrett1 b. bt 1600 - 1603, d. 31 Aug 1680 |
Mother | Mary (?)1 b. c 1612 |
Last Edited | 5 Jun 2014 |
- [S1140] J Smith Futhey & Gilbert Cope, History of Chester Co, PA (Philadelphia: Louis H Everts, 1881; repub 1978, Unigraphic, Inc, 1401N Fares, Evansville, IN 47711, unknown publish date), p. 560. Hereinafter cited as History of Chester Co, PA.
Catren Garrett1
F, #75968, b. circa 1 May 1646
Father | John Garrett1 b. bt 1600 - 1603, d. 31 Aug 1680 |
Mother | Mary (?)1 b. c 1612 |
Last Edited | 5 Jun 2014 |
- [S1140] J Smith Futhey & Gilbert Cope, History of Chester Co, PA (Philadelphia: Louis H Everts, 1881; repub 1978, Unigraphic, Inc, 1401N Fares, Evansville, IN 47711, unknown publish date), p. 560. Hereinafter cited as History of Chester Co, PA.
Thomas Garrett1
M, #75969, b. circa 1 May 1649
Father | John Garrett1 b. bt 1600 - 1603, d. 31 Aug 1680 |
Mother | Mary (?)1 b. c 1612 |
Last Edited | 5 Jun 2014 |
- [S1140] J Smith Futhey & Gilbert Cope, History of Chester Co, PA (Philadelphia: Louis H Everts, 1881; repub 1978, Unigraphic, Inc, 1401N Fares, Evansville, IN 47711, unknown publish date), p. 560. Hereinafter cited as History of Chester Co, PA.
Anne Garrett1
F, #75970, b. 4 February 1669, d. before 10 November 1672
Father | William Garrett Sr.1,2 b. 21 Aug 1643, d. 7 Feb 1723/24 |
Mother | Ann Kirke1,2 b. 17 Mar 1641/42, d. 7 Feb 1721/22 |
Last Edited | 24 Sep 2017 |
Anne Garrett was born on 4 February 1669 at Hose, Leicestershire, England.1
Anne Garrett died before 10 November 1672 at Leicestershire, England.1,2
Anne Garrett was also known as Ann Garrett.2
Anne Garrett died before 10 November 1672 at Leicestershire, England.1,2
Anne Garrett was also known as Ann Garrett.2
- [S3588] John Pitts Launey, First Families of Chester County Pennsylvania (2 volumes) (Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2007), Volume 2, p. 44. Hereinafter cited as Launey [2007] 1st Families Cester Co (2 vols).
- [S1140] J Smith Futhey & Gilbert Cope, History of Chester Co, PA (Philadelphia: Louis H Everts, 1881; repub 1978, Unigraphic, Inc, 1401N Fares, Evansville, IN 47711, unknown publish date), p. 561. Hereinafter cited as History of Chester Co, PA.
Mary Garrett1,2
F, #75971, b. November 1670, d. 16 January 1704/5
Father | William Garrett Sr.1,2 b. 21 Aug 1643, d. 7 Feb 1723/24 |
Mother | Ann Kirke1,2 b. 17 Mar 1641/42, d. 7 Feb 1721/22 |
Last Edited | 10 Feb 2017 |
Mary Garrett was born in November 1670 at Hose, Leicestershire, England.1,2
Mary Garrett died on 16 January 1704/5 at Upper Darby Township, Chester Co., Pennsylvania, USA, at age 34.2
Mary Garrett died on 16 January 1704/5 at Upper Darby Township, Chester Co., Pennsylvania, USA, at age 34.2
- [S1140] J Smith Futhey & Gilbert Cope, History of Chester Co, PA (Philadelphia: Louis H Everts, 1881; repub 1978, Unigraphic, Inc, 1401N Fares, Evansville, IN 47711, unknown publish date), p. 561. Hereinafter cited as History of Chester Co, PA.
- [S3588] John Pitts Launey, First Families of Chester County Pennsylvania (2 volumes) (Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2007), Volume 2, p. 44. Hereinafter cited as Launey [2007] 1st Families Cester Co (2 vols).
Abel Noble1
M, #75972
Last Edited | 10 Feb 2017 |
Family | Mary Garrett d. 16 Jan 1703 |
- [S1140] J Smith Futhey & Gilbert Cope, History of Chester Co, PA (Philadelphia: Louis H Everts, 1881; repub 1978, Unigraphic, Inc, 1401N Fares, Evansville, IN 47711, unknown publish date), p. 561. Hereinafter cited as History of Chester Co, PA.
- [S3588] John Pitts Launey, First Families of Chester County Pennsylvania (2 volumes) (Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2007), Volume 2, p. 44. Hereinafter cited as Launey [2007] 1st Families Cester Co (2 vols).
Hannah Garrett1,2
F, #75973, b. 23 June 1674
Father | William Garrett Sr.1,2 b. 21 Aug 1643, d. 7 Feb 1723/24 |
Mother | Ann Kirke1,2 b. 17 Mar 1641/42, d. 7 Feb 1721/22 |
Last Edited | 10 Feb 2017 |
Hannah Garrett was born on 23 June 1674 at Harby, Leicestershire, England; Futhey & Cope [1881:561] say b 23 Apr 1674.1,2 She married George Emlen in 1694.1,2
Family | George Emlen |
- [S1140] J Smith Futhey & Gilbert Cope, History of Chester Co, PA (Philadelphia: Louis H Everts, 1881; repub 1978, Unigraphic, Inc, 1401N Fares, Evansville, IN 47711, unknown publish date), p. 561. Hereinafter cited as History of Chester Co, PA.
- [S3588] John Pitts Launey, First Families of Chester County Pennsylvania (2 volumes) (Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2007), Volume 2, p. 44. Hereinafter cited as Launey [2007] 1st Families Cester Co (2 vols).
George Emlen1
M, #75974
Last Edited | 10 Feb 2017 |
Family | Hannah Garrett b. 23 Jun 1674 |
- [S1140] J Smith Futhey & Gilbert Cope, History of Chester Co, PA (Philadelphia: Louis H Everts, 1881; repub 1978, Unigraphic, Inc, 1401N Fares, Evansville, IN 47711, unknown publish date), p. 561. Hereinafter cited as History of Chester Co, PA.
- [S3588] John Pitts Launey, First Families of Chester County Pennsylvania (2 volumes) (Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2007), Volume 2, p. 44. Hereinafter cited as Launey [2007] 1st Families Cester Co (2 vols).
Sarah Garrett1,2
F, #75975, b. 23 June 1676, d. between 8 February 1702 and 1703
Father | William Garrett Sr.1,2 b. 21 Aug 1643, d. 7 Feb 1723/24 |
Mother | Ann Kirke1,2 b. 17 Mar 1641/42, d. 7 Feb 1721/22 |
Last Edited | 10 Feb 2017 |
Sarah Garrett was born on 23 June 1676 at Harby, Leicestershire, England; Futhey & Cope [1881:561] say b 23 Apr 1676.1,2
Sarah Garrett died between 8 February 1702 and 1703 at Upper Darby Township, Chester Co., Pennsylvania, USA; from Launey [2007:II:44]: "d. 8th of 12th mo, 1702."2 She married Randal R. Croxson on 8 April 1702
; from Launey [2007:II:44]: "m. 8th of 2ne mo, 1702."1,2
Sarah Garrett died between 8 February 1702 and 1703 at Upper Darby Township, Chester Co., Pennsylvania, USA; from Launey [2007:II:44]: "d. 8th of 12th mo, 1702."2 She married Randal R. Croxson on 8 April 1702
; from Launey [2007:II:44]: "m. 8th of 2ne mo, 1702."1,2
Family | Randal R. Croxson |
- [S1140] J Smith Futhey & Gilbert Cope, History of Chester Co, PA (Philadelphia: Louis H Everts, 1881; repub 1978, Unigraphic, Inc, 1401N Fares, Evansville, IN 47711, unknown publish date), p. 561. Hereinafter cited as History of Chester Co, PA.
- [S3588] John Pitts Launey, First Families of Chester County Pennsylvania (2 volumes) (Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2007), Volume 2, p. 44. Hereinafter cited as Launey [2007] 1st Families Cester Co (2 vols).
Randal R. Croxson1,2
M, #75976
Last Edited | 10 Feb 2017 |
Randal R. Croxson married Sarah Garrett, daughter of William Garrett Sr. and Ann Kirke, on 8 April 1702
; from Launey [2007:II:44]: "m. 8th of 2ne mo, 1702."1,2
; from Launey [2007:II:44]: "m. 8th of 2ne mo, 1702."1,2
Family | Sarah Garrett b. 23 Jun 1676, d. bt 8 Feb 1702 - 1703 |
- [S1140] J Smith Futhey & Gilbert Cope, History of Chester Co, PA (Philadelphia: Louis H Everts, 1881; repub 1978, Unigraphic, Inc, 1401N Fares, Evansville, IN 47711, unknown publish date), p. 561. Hereinafter cited as History of Chester Co, PA.
- [S3588] John Pitts Launey, First Families of Chester County Pennsylvania (2 volumes) (Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2007), Volume 2, p. 44. Hereinafter cited as Launey [2007] 1st Families Cester Co (2 vols).
Alice Garrett1
F, #75977, b. 24 June 1678, d. 13 September 1748
Father | William Garrett Sr.1 b. 21 Aug 1643, d. 7 Feb 1723/24 |
Mother | Ann Kirke1 b. 17 Mar 1641/42, d. 7 Feb 1721/22 |
Last Edited | 10 Feb 2017 |
Alice Garrett was born on 24 June 1678 at Harby, Leicestershire, England.1,2 She married Joseph Pennell, son of Robert Pennell and Hannah (?), on 8 April 1702
; from Launey [2007:II:44]: "m. 8th of 2nd mo, 1702."1,2
Alice Garrett died on 13 September 1748 at age 70; from Launey [2007:II:44]: "d. 13th of 7th mo, 1748."2
; from Launey [2007:II:44]: "m. 8th of 2nd mo, 1702."1,2
Alice Garrett died on 13 September 1748 at age 70; from Launey [2007:II:44]: "d. 13th of 7th mo, 1748."2
Family | Joseph Pennell b. 12 Oct 1674, d. 30 Sep 1756 |
- [S1140] J Smith Futhey & Gilbert Cope, History of Chester Co, PA (Philadelphia: Louis H Everts, 1881; repub 1978, Unigraphic, Inc, 1401N Fares, Evansville, IN 47711, unknown publish date), p. 561. Hereinafter cited as History of Chester Co, PA.
- [S3588] John Pitts Launey, First Families of Chester County Pennsylvania (2 volumes) (Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2007), Volume 2, p. 44. Hereinafter cited as Launey [2007] 1st Families Cester Co (2 vols).
Joseph Pennell1
M, #75978, b. 12 October 1674, d. 30 September 1756
Father | Robert Pennell2 d. c 1728 |
Mother | Hannah (?)2 b. c 1640, d. 4 Dec 1711 |
Last Edited | 10 Feb 2017 |
Joseph Pennell was born on 12 October 1674.2 He married Alice Garrett, daughter of William Garrett Sr. and Ann Kirke, on 8 April 1702
; from Launey [2007:II:44]: "m. 8th of 2nd mo, 1702."1,3
Joseph Pennell died on 30 September 1756 at age 81.2
; from Launey [2007:II:44]: "m. 8th of 2nd mo, 1702."1,3
Joseph Pennell died on 30 September 1756 at age 81.2
Family | Alice Garrett b. 24 Jun 1678, d. 13 Sep 1748 |
- [S1140] J Smith Futhey & Gilbert Cope, History of Chester Co, PA (Philadelphia: Louis H Everts, 1881; repub 1978, Unigraphic, Inc, 1401N Fares, Evansville, IN 47711, unknown publish date), p. 561. Hereinafter cited as History of Chester Co, PA.
- [S1069] Compiled by Gilbert Cope, 'Genealogy of the Smedley Family' descended from George and Sarah Smedley -settlers of Chester Co. Penn (Lancaster, PA: Wickersham Printing Co., 1901), p. 90. Hereinafter cited as Genealogy of the Smedley Family.
- [S3588] John Pitts Launey, First Families of Chester County Pennsylvania (2 volumes) (Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2007), Volume 2, p. 44. Hereinafter cited as Launey [2007] 1st Families Cester Co (2 vols).
John Garrett1,2
M, #75979, b. 22 March 1685/86, d. 21 August 1713
Father | William Garrett Sr.1,2 b. 21 Aug 1643, d. 7 Feb 1723/24 |
Mother | Ann Kirke1,2 b. 17 Mar 1641/42, d. 7 Feb 1721/22 |
Last Edited | 10 Feb 2017 |
John Garrett was born on 22 March 1685/86 at Upper Darby Township, Chester Co., Pennsylvania, USA; Futhey & Cope [1881:561] say b 22 Jan 1685/86; from Launey [2007:II:44]: "b. 22nd of 1st mo, 1686."1,2
John Garrett died on 21 August 1713 at age 27; Futhey & Cope [1881:561] say d. 21 Aug 1716; from Launey [2007:II:44]: "d. 22st of 8th mo, 1713."1,2
John Garrett died on 21 August 1713 at age 27; Futhey & Cope [1881:561] say d. 21 Aug 1716; from Launey [2007:II:44]: "d. 22st of 8th mo, 1713."1,2
- [S1140] J Smith Futhey & Gilbert Cope, History of Chester Co, PA (Philadelphia: Louis H Everts, 1881; repub 1978, Unigraphic, Inc, 1401N Fares, Evansville, IN 47711, unknown publish date), p. 561. Hereinafter cited as History of Chester Co, PA.
- [S3588] John Pitts Launey, First Families of Chester County Pennsylvania (2 volumes) (Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2007), Volume 2, p. 44. Hereinafter cited as Launey [2007] 1st Families Cester Co (2 vols).
Jane Pennell1,2
F, #75980, b. 13 July 1678, d. 27 August 1736
Father | Robert Pennell1,3,2 d. c 1728 |
Mother | Hannah (?)1 b. c 1640, d. 4 Dec 1711 |
Last Edited | 24 Sep 2017 |
Jane Pennell was born on 13 July 1678; Futhey & Cope [1881:561] say b. 13 May 1678; from Launey [2007:II:44]: "b. 13th of 7th mo, 1678"; Futhey & Cope [1881:561] says "born 5, 13, 1678."1,2 She married Samuel Garrett Sr., son of William Garrett Sr. and Ann Kirke, on 6 May 1698 at Upper Darby Township, Chester Co., Pennsylvania, USA.4,1,3,2
Jane Pennell died on 27 August 1736 at age 58; per Launey [2007:II:44]: "d. 27th of 6th mo, 1736"; Futhey & Cope [1881:561] says "died 6, 27, 1736."1,3,2
She was Quaker.2 She was per Launey [2007:II:44]: "appointed overseer for the Darby Women's Monthly Meeting on 7th of 6th mo, 1717 for a perio of one year." in 1717/18 at Darby Women's Monthly Meeting, Darby Township, Chester Co. (now Delaware Co.), Pennsylvania, USA.2
Jane Pennell died on 27 August 1736 at age 58; per Launey [2007:II:44]: "d. 27th of 6th mo, 1736"; Futhey & Cope [1881:561] says "died 6, 27, 1736."1,3,2
She was Quaker.2 She was per Launey [2007:II:44]: "appointed overseer for the Darby Women's Monthly Meeting on 7th of 6th mo, 1717 for a perio of one year." in 1717/18 at Darby Women's Monthly Meeting, Darby Township, Chester Co. (now Delaware Co.), Pennsylvania, USA.2
Family | Samuel Garrett Sr. b. 7 Jul 1672, d. 4 Mar 1743/44 |
Children |
- [S1140] J Smith Futhey & Gilbert Cope, History of Chester Co, PA (Philadelphia: Louis H Everts, 1881; repub 1978, Unigraphic, Inc, 1401N Fares, Evansville, IN 47711, unknown publish date), p. 561. Hereinafter cited as History of Chester Co, PA.
- [S3588] John Pitts Launey, First Families of Chester County Pennsylvania (2 volumes) (Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2007), Volume 2, p. 44. Hereinafter cited as Launey [2007] 1st Families Cester Co (2 vols).
- [S1069] Compiled by Gilbert Cope, 'Genealogy of the Smedley Family' descended from George and Sarah Smedley -settlers of Chester Co. Penn (Lancaster, PA: Wickersham Printing Co., 1901), p. 90. Hereinafter cited as Genealogy of the Smedley Family.
- [S1113] Unknown compiler, online unknown url, Ronald Q Smith (?) (11 Black Oak Rd., St. Paul, MN 55127-6204), downloaded imported on 02/10/2002 at 15:59:2.
Robert Pennell1,2
M, #75981, d. circa 1728
Last Edited | 10 Feb 2017 |
Robert Pennell married Hannah (?)1,2
Robert Pennell died circa 1728 at Middletown Township, Chester Co. (now Delaware Co.), Pennsylvania, USA.2
Robert Pennell lived before 1684 at Boulderton, Nottinghamshire, England.2
Robert Pennell immigrated in 1684 to Pennsylvania, USA; England->PA.2
Robert Pennell died circa 1728 at Middletown Township, Chester Co. (now Delaware Co.), Pennsylvania, USA.2
Robert Pennell lived before 1684 at Boulderton, Nottinghamshire, England.2
Robert Pennell immigrated in 1684 to Pennsylvania, USA; England->PA.2
Family | Hannah (?) b. c 1640, d. 4 Dec 1711 |
Children |
- [S1140] J Smith Futhey & Gilbert Cope, History of Chester Co, PA (Philadelphia: Louis H Everts, 1881; repub 1978, Unigraphic, Inc, 1401N Fares, Evansville, IN 47711, unknown publish date), p. 561. Hereinafter cited as History of Chester Co, PA.
- [S1069] Compiled by Gilbert Cope, 'Genealogy of the Smedley Family' descended from George and Sarah Smedley -settlers of Chester Co. Penn (Lancaster, PA: Wickersham Printing Co., 1901), p. 90. Hereinafter cited as Genealogy of the Smedley Family.
- [S3588] John Pitts Launey, First Families of Chester County Pennsylvania (2 volumes) (Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2007), Volume 2, p. 44. Hereinafter cited as Launey [2007] 1st Families Cester Co (2 vols).
Hannah (?)1
F, #75982, b. circa 1640, d. 4 December 1711
Last Edited | 5 Jun 2014 |
Hannah (?) married Robert Pennell.1,2
Hannah (?) was born circa 1640; based on age at death of 71 years.2
Hannah (?) died on 4 December 1711 at Middletown Township, Chester Co. (now Delaware Co.), Pennsylvania, USA; aged 71 years.2
Hannah (?) lived in 1686 at Middletown Township, Chester Co. (now Delaware Co.), Pennsylvania, USA.1
Hannah (?) was born circa 1640; based on age at death of 71 years.2
Hannah (?) died on 4 December 1711 at Middletown Township, Chester Co. (now Delaware Co.), Pennsylvania, USA; aged 71 years.2
Hannah (?) lived in 1686 at Middletown Township, Chester Co. (now Delaware Co.), Pennsylvania, USA.1
Family | Robert Pennell d. c 1728 |
Children |
- [S1140] J Smith Futhey & Gilbert Cope, History of Chester Co, PA (Philadelphia: Louis H Everts, 1881; repub 1978, Unigraphic, Inc, 1401N Fares, Evansville, IN 47711, unknown publish date), p. 561. Hereinafter cited as History of Chester Co, PA.
- [S1069] Compiled by Gilbert Cope, 'Genealogy of the Smedley Family' descended from George and Sarah Smedley -settlers of Chester Co. Penn (Lancaster, PA: Wickersham Printing Co., 1901), p. 90. Hereinafter cited as Genealogy of the Smedley Family.
Mary Garrett1,2
F, #75983, b. 7 June 1699
Father | Samuel Garrett Sr.1,2 b. 7 Jul 1672, d. 4 Mar 1743/44 |
Mother | Jane Pennell1,2 b. 13 Jul 1678, d. 27 Aug 1736 |
Last Edited | 10 Feb 2017 |
Mary Garrett married Obadiah Eldridge
; her 1st husband.1,2 Mary Garrett was born on 7 June 1699 at Darby Township, Chester Co. (now Delaware Co.), Pennsylvania, USA; per Launey [2007:II:44]: "b. 7th of 4th mo, 1699."1,2 She married Thomas Oldman in 1721
; her 2nd husband.1,2
; her 1st husband.1,2 Mary Garrett was born on 7 June 1699 at Darby Township, Chester Co. (now Delaware Co.), Pennsylvania, USA; per Launey [2007:II:44]: "b. 7th of 4th mo, 1699."1,2 She married Thomas Oldman in 1721
; her 2nd husband.1,2
Family 1 | Obadiah Eldridge |
Family 2 | Thomas Oldman |
- [S1140] J Smith Futhey & Gilbert Cope, History of Chester Co, PA (Philadelphia: Louis H Everts, 1881; repub 1978, Unigraphic, Inc, 1401N Fares, Evansville, IN 47711, unknown publish date), p. 561. Hereinafter cited as History of Chester Co, PA.
- [S3588] John Pitts Launey, First Families of Chester County Pennsylvania (2 volumes) (Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2007), Volume 2, p. 44. Hereinafter cited as Launey [2007] 1st Families Cester Co (2 vols).
Thomas Oldman1
M, #75984
Last Edited | 6 Apr 2018 |
Thomas Oldman married Mary Garrett, daughter of Samuel Garrett Sr. and Jane Pennell, in 1721
; her 2nd husband.1,2
Reference: This may be the "Thomas Oldham (Junior)" discussed along with "his widow Mary" in Miller [1907:476]:
"The following owned lands in Chester County, Pennsylvania: Joseph Oldham 1754, robert Oldhamn 1765 to 1774, and John Oldhamn 1765 to 1769. About 1750, Thomas Oldham (Junior) being suffixed because his father had the same given name, died in Chester County, and his widow Mary qualified as administratrix of his estate. In 1756, another Thomas Oldham, father of the one above named, style senior, died in East Nottingham, his will mentioning his wife Rachael, (daughter of Zacharias Butcher) and daughters..." at Chester Co., Pennsylvania, USA.3
; her 2nd husband.1,2
Reference: This may be the "Thomas Oldham (Junior)" discussed along with "his widow Mary" in Miller [1907:476]:
"The following owned lands in Chester County, Pennsylvania: Joseph Oldham 1754, robert Oldhamn 1765 to 1774, and John Oldhamn 1765 to 1769. About 1750, Thomas Oldham (Junior) being suffixed because his father had the same given name, died in Chester County, and his widow Mary qualified as administratrix of his estate. In 1756, another Thomas Oldham, father of the one above named, style senior, died in East Nottingham, his will mentioning his wife Rachael, (daughter of Zacharias Butcher) and daughters..." at Chester Co., Pennsylvania, USA.3
Family | Mary Garrett b. 7 Jun 1699 |
- [S1140] J Smith Futhey & Gilbert Cope, History of Chester Co, PA (Philadelphia: Louis H Everts, 1881; repub 1978, Unigraphic, Inc, 1401N Fares, Evansville, IN 47711, unknown publish date), p. 561. Hereinafter cited as History of Chester Co, PA.
- [S3588] John Pitts Launey, First Families of Chester County Pennsylvania (2 volumes) (Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2007), Volume 2, p. 44. Hereinafter cited as Launey [2007] 1st Families Cester Co (2 vols).
- [S4121] W. H. Miller, History and Genealogies of the Families of Miller, Woods, Harris, Wallace, Maupin, Oldham, Kavanaugh, and Brown (Lexington, KY: Press of Transylvania Co., 1907), p. 476. Hereinafter cited as Miller [1907] History and Genealogies.
Joseph Garrett Sr.1,2
M, #75986, b. 25 April 1701, d. between 2 May 1769 and 29 August 1770
Father | Samuel Garrett Sr.1,3 b. 7 Jul 1672, d. 4 Mar 1743/44 |
Mother | Jane Pennell1,3 b. 13 Jul 1678, d. 27 Aug 1736 |
Last Edited | 11 Feb 2017 |
Joseph Garrett Sr. was born on 25 April 1701 at Darby Township, Chester Co., Pennsylvania, USA; Anderson [1966:I:25] says "2 mo. 25, 1701"; Laney [2007:II:44] says "b. 25th of 2nd mo, 1700/01."1,4,3 He married Mary Sharpless, daughter of James Sharpless and Mary Lewis, between 25 April 1721 and 1722 at Providence Meeting, Media, Delaware Co., Pennsylvania, USA,
; Anderson [1966:I:25] says "2 mo. 25, 1722"; Launey [2007:II:46]: "m. 25th of 2nd mo, 1721/22."1,4,2
Joseph Garrett Sr. died between 2 May 1769 and 29 August 1770 at Goshen Township, Chester Co., Pennsylvania, USA.4,2
His estate was probated on 30 August 1770 at Chester County Register of Wills, West Chester Township, Chester Co., Pennsylvania, USA.4,2
Joseph Garrett Sr. left a will on 1 May 1769 at Goshen Township, Chester Co., Pennsylvania, USA.2
; Anderson [1966:I:25] says "2 mo. 25, 1722"; Launey [2007:II:46]: "m. 25th of 2nd mo, 1721/22."1,4,2
Joseph Garrett Sr. died between 2 May 1769 and 29 August 1770 at Goshen Township, Chester Co., Pennsylvania, USA.4,2
His estate was probated on 30 August 1770 at Chester County Register of Wills, West Chester Township, Chester Co., Pennsylvania, USA.4,2
Joseph Garrett Sr. left a will on 1 May 1769 at Goshen Township, Chester Co., Pennsylvania, USA.2
Family | Mary Sharpless b. 27 Apr 1702, d. c 1780 |
Children |
- [S1140] J Smith Futhey & Gilbert Cope, History of Chester Co, PA (Philadelphia: Louis H Everts, 1881; repub 1978, Unigraphic, Inc, 1401N Fares, Evansville, IN 47711, unknown publish date), p. 561. Hereinafter cited as History of Chester Co, PA.
- [S3588] John Pitts Launey, First Families of Chester County Pennsylvania (2 volumes) (Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2007), Volume 2, p. 46. Hereinafter cited as Launey [2007] 1st Families Cester Co (2 vols).
- [S3588] John Pitts Launey, Launey [2007] 1st Families Cester Co (2 vols), Volume 2, p. 44.
- [S3546] Bart Anderson (editor), compiler, The Sharples-Sharpless Family (2 Volumes) (West Chester, PA: Self-Published, 1966), Vol 1, p. 25. Hereinafter cited as Anderson [1966] The Sharples-Sharpless Family.
- [S3546] Bart Anderson (editor), Anderson [1966] The Sharples-Sharpless Family, Vol. 1, p. 45.
Mary Sharpless1,2
F, #75987, b. 27 April 1702, d. circa 1780
Father | James Sharpless3,2 b. bt 5 Jul 1670 - 1671, d. c 1746 |
Mother | Mary Lewis3,2 b. 10 Jul 1674, d. c 1753 |
Last Edited | 11 Feb 2017 |
Mary Sharpless was born on 27 April 1702 at Nether Providence Township, Chester Co., Pennsylvania, USA; Anderson [1966:I:25] says "born 2 mo. 27, 1702."4 She married Joseph Garrett Sr., son of Samuel Garrett Sr. and Jane Pennell, between 25 April 1721 and 1722 at Providence Meeting, Media, Delaware Co., Pennsylvania, USA,
; Anderson [1966:I:25] says "2 mo. 25, 1722"; Launey [2007:II:46]: "m. 25th of 2nd mo, 1721/22."1,5,2
Mary Sharpless died circa 1780 at Goshen Township, Chester Co., Pennsylvania, USA.4
Her estate was probated on 10 June 1780 at Chester County Register of Wills, West Chester Township, Chester Co., Pennsylvania, USA.4
; Anderson [1966:I:25] says "2 mo. 25, 1722"; Launey [2007:II:46]: "m. 25th of 2nd mo, 1721/22."1,5,2
Mary Sharpless died circa 1780 at Goshen Township, Chester Co., Pennsylvania, USA.4
Her estate was probated on 10 June 1780 at Chester County Register of Wills, West Chester Township, Chester Co., Pennsylvania, USA.4
Family | Joseph Garrett Sr. b. 25 Apr 1701, d. bt 2 May 1769 - 29 Aug 1770 |
Children |
- [S1140] J Smith Futhey & Gilbert Cope, History of Chester Co, PA (Philadelphia: Louis H Everts, 1881; repub 1978, Unigraphic, Inc, 1401N Fares, Evansville, IN 47711, unknown publish date), p. 561. Hereinafter cited as History of Chester Co, PA.
- [S3588] John Pitts Launey, First Families of Chester County Pennsylvania (2 volumes) (Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2007), Volume 2, p. 46. Hereinafter cited as Launey [2007] 1st Families Cester Co (2 vols).
- [S3546] Bart Anderson (editor), compiler, The Sharples-Sharpless Family (2 Volumes) (West Chester, PA: Self-Published, 1966), Vol 1, p. 11. Hereinafter cited as Anderson [1966] The Sharples-Sharpless Family.
- [S3546] Bart Anderson (editor), Anderson [1966] The Sharples-Sharpless Family, Vol 1, p. 2.
- [S3546] Bart Anderson (editor), Anderson [1966] The Sharples-Sharpless Family, Vol 1, p. 25.
- [S3546] Bart Anderson (editor), Anderson [1966] The Sharples-Sharpless Family, Vol. 1, p. 45.
Hannah Garrett1,2
F, #75988, b. 18 September 1704, d. 15 July 1763
Father | Samuel Garrett Sr.1,2 b. 7 Jul 1672, d. 4 Mar 1743/44 |
Mother | Jane Pennell1,2 b. 13 Jul 1678, d. 27 Aug 1736 |
Last Edited | 10 Feb 2017 |
Hannah Garrett was born on 18 September 1704 at Darby Township, Chester Co. (now Delaware Co.), Pennsylvania, USA; per Launey [2007:II:44]: "b. 18th of 7th mo, 1704."1,2 She married William Lewis, son of David Lewis and Ann Jones, in 1728.1,2
Hannah Garrett died on 15 July 1763 at age 58.2
Hannah Garrett died on 15 July 1763 at age 58.2
Family | William Lewis |
- [S1140] J Smith Futhey & Gilbert Cope, History of Chester Co, PA (Philadelphia: Louis H Everts, 1881; repub 1978, Unigraphic, Inc, 1401N Fares, Evansville, IN 47711, unknown publish date), p. 561. Hereinafter cited as History of Chester Co, PA.
- [S3588] John Pitts Launey, First Families of Chester County Pennsylvania (2 volumes) (Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2007), Volume 2, p. 44. Hereinafter cited as Launey [2007] 1st Families Cester Co (2 vols).
William Lewis1
M, #75989
Father | David Lewis2 |
Mother | Ann Jones2 |
Last Edited | 10 Feb 2017 |
Family | Hannah Garrett b. 18 Sep 1704, d. 15 Jul 1763 |
- [S1140] J Smith Futhey & Gilbert Cope, History of Chester Co, PA (Philadelphia: Louis H Everts, 1881; repub 1978, Unigraphic, Inc, 1401N Fares, Evansville, IN 47711, unknown publish date), p. 561. Hereinafter cited as History of Chester Co, PA.
- [S3588] John Pitts Launey, First Families of Chester County Pennsylvania (2 volumes) (Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2007), Volume 2, p. 44. Hereinafter cited as Launey [2007] 1st Families Cester Co (2 vols).
Samuel Garrett1,2
M, #75990, b. 20 December 1706, d. 19 March 1707/8
Father | Samuel Garrett Sr.1,2 b. 7 Jul 1672, d. 4 Mar 1743/44 |
Mother | Jane Pennell1,2 b. 13 Jul 1678, d. 27 Aug 1736 |
Last Edited | 10 Feb 2017 |
Samuel Garrett was born on 20 December 1706 at Darby Township, Chester Co. (now Delaware Co.), Pennsylvania, USA; per Launey [2007:II:44]: "b. 20th of 10th mo, 1706."1,2
Samuel Garrett died on 19 March 1707/8 at age 1; per Launey [2007:II:44]: "b. 19th of 1st mo, 1707/08."1,2
Samuel Garrett died on 19 March 1707/8 at age 1; per Launey [2007:II:44]: "b. 19th of 1st mo, 1707/08."1,2
- [S1140] J Smith Futhey & Gilbert Cope, History of Chester Co, PA (Philadelphia: Louis H Everts, 1881; repub 1978, Unigraphic, Inc, 1401N Fares, Evansville, IN 47711, unknown publish date), p. 561. Hereinafter cited as History of Chester Co, PA.
- [S3588] John Pitts Launey, First Families of Chester County Pennsylvania (2 volumes) (Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2007), Volume 2, p. 44. Hereinafter cited as Launey [2007] 1st Families Cester Co (2 vols).