Richard Bridger1
M, #99661, b. before 1836, d. before July 1670
Last Edited | 6 Aug 2022 |
Richard Bridger married Jane Jones before 1665 at South Farnham Parish, Old Rappahannock Co., Virginia, USA,
Her 1st husband.1
Richard Bridger died before July 1670 at South Farnham Parish, Old Rappahannock Co., Virginia, USA.1 He was born before 1836.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
1670-1672 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 4, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 162
THESE PRSENTS WITNESSETH that I NICHOLAS COCK of the County of MIDDLESEX doe authorize Impower & depute my Loveing Friend THOMAS WHARTON to be my true & lawful! Attorney to answer the Suite of HENRY CREIGHTON who marryed the Relict of RICHARD BRIDGATE & what my said Attorney shall doe therein shall be in as full power as if I were psonally prsent myselfe. As Witness my hand this 5th July 1670
1663-1668 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 3; [Antient Press]; Page 14-23
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I RICHARD BREDGARR of the County of Rappa. due hereby acknowledge and confess that I have bargained for & sold unto ROBT HILL of the County of LANCR: his heires six hundred acres of land more or less for a valluable consideracon to my owne content already in hand received it being a parcell of land belonging to mee the sd Richd. Bredgarr and formerly purchased by me from PETTER BAWCOMB as by my conveyance may appeare the wch land is Pattendd in the name of THOMAS WILLIAMSON and EVAN DAVIS & RICHD, LAWRENCE and the whole tract is nine hundred acres and bounded as followeth Vizt Begining at a marked white oak standing on the Eastward side of a white marsh at the head of a branch issuing out of the Dragon Swampe and crossing Matapany upper Path thence Running Southerly alongst the sd Branch to the Dragon Swampe thence Easterly alongst the sd Swamp to another Branch thereof thence alongst the said branch to a marked tree standing in Matapany Path thence alongst the Path 24 Degrees North Westerly 84 poles North North West 298 poles thence West North West 51 poles thence West and by North 204 poles to the first Specifyed place the wch Land wth all rights and priviledges whatsoever thereunto belonging I the sd RICHARD BREDGARR doe acknowledge to have sold and into the possession delivered unto him the sd Robt Hill his heires for Ever to be by him and them quietly enjoyed and possessed and I the said Richard Bredgarr doe by Venue of these presents firmely bind my Selfe my heirs to save defend and keepe harmeless & Indemnifyed him the sd Robt. Hill of and from all Trouble hindrance or molestation of any person or persons whatsoever which shall or any manner of way may hinder the quiets Enjoymt and peaceable possession of the same to this my act and Deed to be placed in the publick Records according to Law there to be provided I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale. I JANE BREDGARR Wife of Richd. Bredgarr doe hereby acknowledg that the Sale of this Land is done wth: my perfect knowledge and free consent as WITNESS our hands & seales this 2 day of May 1666
In presence of us Richard Bredgar
Recognit in Cur Rappa 2d Die Maii Ano 1666
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I JANE BREDGARR doe hereby constitute and appoynt my Friend JNO. MEHEW my true and lawfull Attorney for me and in my name to acknowledg all my Right Title and Interrest in a parcell of land containing six hundred acres unto Robt. Hill his heires and assignes the sd Land being sold and convayed to the said Robt by my husband Richd. Bredgarr and I doe hereby acknowledg that the Seale thereof is done wth my perfect knowledge and free consent and doe give my sd Attorney by these presents as full and ample power in the premises as if my Selfe were personally present by Rattifying and Confirming whatsoever my said Attorney shall Doe herein as Wittness my hand & Seale this last day of Aprill Ano, 1666
Test RICH: PERROTT Jane Bredgarr
Recordat Xth Die Maii Ano 1666
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I RICHARD BREDGARR of the County of Rappa doe hereby acknowledg and confess that I have bargained for and sold unto JOHN MEHEW of the aforesaid County his heires & assignes foyer hundred and twenty eight acres of land more or less for a valluable consideracon to my owne content already in hand reced the sd land lying and being in the South side of Rappa. River in the County of Rappa. and on the North side of a Great Swampe that Runneth into Peancketanck River bounded as followeth Vizt. begining at a marked white oake standing on the sd Swampe side & adjoyning to the Land of ANTHONY JACKMAN thence Extending North Easterly 140 degrees 398 poles alongst the line of marked trees of the said Anthony Jackmans Land unto a Corner white oake thence N:W: 191 poles to a Corner marked white oake adjoyning to the land of GEORGE MARSH thence S:W: 320 poles along the lyne of marked trees of the sd Marsh his land to a Corner marked pocickry Standing on the Swampe side thence alonge the said Swampe side according to its several! courses and bounded by the Blaine River in the Midle of the sd Swamp unto the place it Begann it being a parcel] of land belonging unto me as by my Pattent appeareth the wch land wth all Rights and privilidges whatsoever thereunto belonging I the sd Richd. Bredgarr doe acknowledg to have sold and into the possession delivered unto him the sad Jno. Mehew his heirs and assignes for Ever to be by him and them quietly Enjoyed and possessed And to this my act and Deed to be placed in the Publick Records according to Law thereto provided I have hereunto sett my hand & seale I JANE BREDGARR Wife of Richd Bredgarr doe hereby acknowledge that the sale of this land is done wth my perfect knowledge and free consent As WITNESS our hands and seales this 2d day of May 1666
In presents of RICHD. PERROTT. Richard Bredgarr
THO. PATTISON Jane Bredgarr
Recognit in Cur Rappa 2 Die Maii 1666
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I JANE BREDGARR doe hereby constitute & appoynt my Friend ROBT. HILL my true and lawfull Attorney for me and in my name to Acknowledge all my right Title and interest in a parcell of land cont. 428 acres unto John Mehew his heires and assignes the said land being sold and convayed to the sd Jno. Mehew by my Husband Richa. Bredgarr and I doe hereby acknowledge that the sale thereof is done wth my perfect knowledge and free consent and do give my sd Attorney by these presents as full and ample power in the premises as if myself were personally present by Rattifying & confirming whatsoever my sd Attorney shall doe therein as Wittness my hand and Seale this last day of Apl, 1666
Test RICH. PERROTT Jane Bredgarr
Recordat in Cur Rappa 10 Die Maii 1666
I RICHARD BREDGARR of the County of Rappa Planter doe by these presents acknowledge that I have for a valluable consideracon to me paid before the sealing and delivery hereof sold assigned and sett over all the right and title that I now have or hereafter may have unto that tract of land contg. 1200 acres lying in the County aforesd and on the Dragon Swampe the sd land belonging unto me in Joynt Tenure with ROBT HILL and JNO MEHEW by Patt dated the 20th day of March 1665/6 unto Robt. Hill and John Mehew aforesaid of the County aforesd Planters from me my heirs unto them their heirs and assignes for ever as Wittness my hand and Seale this 2d day of May 1666
In presents of us RICHARD LAWRENCE. Richard Bredgarr
Recognit in Cur Rappa 2d die Maii Ano 1666
I ROBT HILL of the County of Rappa. Planter doe by these presents disclaime all my right and title that I now have or hereafter have to three hundred acres of land being part of twelve hundred acres of land lying in the County aforesaid and on the Dragon Swampe the sd Twelve hundred acres belonging unto me in Joynt Tenure wth Richard Bredgarr and John Mehewe by Pattent dated the 20th of March 1665/6 the sd three hundred acres being that parte of the said twelve hundred acres wch formerly belonged to Mr. RICHARD LAWRENCE and WM. BALDWIN I say I disclaime it for me my heirs As Witness my hand this Second day of May 1666
In presents of us RICHARD LAWRENCE, Robert Hill
Recognit cur Rappa. 2d Die Maii 1666
I JOHN MEYHEW of the County of Rappa Planter doe by these presents disclaime all my right and title that I now have or hereafter may have to nyne hundred acres of land being parte of Twelve hundred acres lying in the County aforesd and on the Dragon Swampe the sd Twelve hundred acres belonging unto me in Joynt Tenure wth Richd. Bredgarr and Robt. Hill by Patt. dated 20th of Maii 1665/6 the sd nyne hundred acres being that parte of the said Twelve hundred acres wch formerly belonged to Mr. RICHARD LAWRENCE, EVAN DAVIS and THOMAS WILLIAMSON I say disclaime it for me my heirs as Wittness my hand this second day of Maii 1666.
1663-1668 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 3; [Antient Press]; Page 301 - 302
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I JAMES FAUSSETT of the County of Rappa. for and in consideracon of the sum of Five thousand pounds of VIRGINIA Leafe Tob; to me in hand paid by RICHARD HUBARD of the County aforesd Planter wherewth I confess my Selfe to be fully sattisfyed contented and paid have bargained and sould unto the said Richard Hubard three hundred Seaventy and five acres of land lying uppon the Dragon Swamp vhereinto the said Land doth Runn and soe up called Porkers Swamp, the said land being the one halfe of a tract taken up by Mr. GEORGE MARSH and sould by the said Mr. Marsh unto RICHARD BRIDGARR & my Selfe as by a Convayance wth accknowledgmt; in Court doth make appeare aand I the said James Flassett the said 375 acres of land unto the said Richard Hubard shall warrant IN WITTNESS whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale this 3th day 9br 1667.
In presents of us JOHN BURKSLEY James Fasett
THO; HARWAR his marke
Recognit in Cur Com Rappa 5 Die 9bris 1667.
1668-1670 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 4, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 97-98
TO ALL XPIAN psons to whom it may con cerne KNOW ALL MEN by these pntes that I THOMAS WILLIAMSON the Eldr. in the County of Rappa. & prdecessor of the Estate of RICHARD HUBBERT hath bargained & sold three hundred & Seaventy five acres of land lyeing upon the ( )Swamp wth the free consent of KATHERINE HUBBERT being now my lawfull Wife hath bargained sold unto JAMES FOSSETT his heirs the sd Land this sd Land being formerly sold by GEORGE M--K unto RICHARD BRIDGATE & JAMES FOSSETT seaven hundred & fifty acres JAMES FOSSETT formerly sold unto RICHARD HUBBERT the one halfe of this land now the sd THOMAS WILLIAMSON being prdecessor of the sd Estate of RICHARD HUBBERT hath bargained & sold three hundred seaventy five acres, of land unto JAMES FOSSETT wth the full consent of KATE HUBBERT being now my lawful' wife & doth acknowledge for to have recd full sattisfaccon for the sd Land & doth want, this sd Land unto JAMES FOSSETT his heirs forever wth all appurt belonging thereunto as fart as Pattent shall afford for the full pformance hereoff wee have heerunto sett our hands & seals the last day of Augt 1669
in the pnce of us ANTH, ARNOLD, THO. WILLIAMSON SENR his marke -
Recognr, in Cur Rappa 1st die Septr, Ano 1669
I KATHERINE HUBBERT doe by these pntes constitute ordeyne & appoint Mr. JOHN FORTH my true &lawful' Atturney for mee & in my name & stead to acknowledge all my right of three hundred seaventy five acres of land sold by my husbd, THOMAS WILLIAMSON to JAMES FOSSETT, In Witnes I doe sett my hand this first day of Septr. 1669
ANTH. ARNOLD her marke
1668-1670 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 4, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 133-134
TO ALL TO WHOME these prsents shall come I THOMAS PATTISON of the County of Rappa for and in consideration of the sume of one thousand pounds of Tab & caske to me in hand paid by HENRY CREIGHTON of the same County at and before the sealing and delivery of these prsents doe give bargaine sell and confirme unto the sd HEN, CREIGHTON his heires two hundred & twenty acres of land scituate lying and being on the South side of RAPPA, RIVER and lying uppon a Maine Branch of the DRAGON SWAMP beginning at a corner white Oake standing by the sd Pocoson side and running upp into the woods by a line of marked trees bounding uppon the land of JOHN CHYNN and JOHN GIBSON E, N, E, 200 po. to another mrked white Oake thence E,S.E, 1/2 to a poynt Southerly 100 poles to a corner red Oake of JNO, MAYO and thence running downe to the aforesd pocoson S. S. W. 120 po, bounding uppon the said MARKAMs land and along the pocoson West and W: N: W: 280 po. to the first menconed tree together with all priviledges whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise aperteining unto the sd HENRY CREIGHTON his heires & assignes for Evermore and the said THOMAS PATTISON for himselfe his heires doth covenant and agree to and wth the said HENRY CREIGHTON his heires & assignes by these prsents shall or lawfully at all time may hereafter quietly and peaceably have hold enjoy the sd prmises and I the sd HENRY CREIGHTON doth binde myselfe my heires to deliver unto JOHN BRADGER the Son of RICHARD BRADGER deced att the age of twenty one yeares the one halfe of the land itt being one hundred and tenn acres being the Free of THO: PATTISON and ANN PATTISON his Wife and the said HENRY CREIGHTON for himselfe his heirs doth covenant & agree and to and with the said THOMAS PATTISON his heires & assignes that the said HENRY CREIGHTON his heires will pay the quitrrents wch is twelve pence for every fifty acres of the said land In Witness whereof I the sd THOMAS PATTISON wth the consent of ANN
PATTISON my Wife have hereunto sett or; hands & seaies this First day of March 1669/70
in prsents of us THO, ELLIS. THO:PATTISON
Recognitr 2d die Martii 1669
I the above menconed HENRY CREIGHTON doe by these prsents confirme in open Cort from mee my heirs unto JOHN the Son of RICHARD BRADGER deced and unto his heirs for evermore the one halfe of the above menconed land according to the true intent & meaning of the donor and my Engagement above As Witness my hand & Seale the day & yeare above written
in the prsents of us THO ELLIS, HENRY CREIGHTON
Recognitr. in Cur Rappa 2d die Martii 1669/70
=== land mentioned
1672-1674 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 5, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 95
KNOW ALL MEN that I HENRY BATTLE of the County of Rappa. for the love and affection which I have to REBECCA COX Orphant of NICHOLAS COX doe from me my heirs and freely and absolutely give and make over unto the said REBECCA COX her heirs and assignes all my right and interest of a tract of land containing One hundred acres being in the County of Rappa on the South side of the said River bounded on the lands of Mr. NICHOLAS COCKEs and the land wch was formerly RICHARD BRIDGARs and JAMES FOSSETTs wth all proffits thereunto belonging or in any ways appertaining to have and to hold the same and every part thereof forever as witness my hand and seal this 5th day of March 1672/3
Recognit in Cur Cora Rappa 5 die March 1672
1662-1666 Cavaliers and Pioneers, Patent Book No. 5; [Nell Marion Nugent]; Page 440
RICHARD BRIDGER (Bredgar), 428 acs. Rappa. Co., 19 Sept. 1664, p. 141,
(1). On S. side of Rappa. Riv. & N. side of a great swamp running into Peanketanke Riv., adj. land of Anthony Jackman & Mr. George Marsh. Trans. of 9 pers.
1662-1666 Cavaliers and Pioneers, Patent Book No. 5; [Nell Marion Nugent]; Page 545
RICHARD BREDGAR, ROBT. HILL & JOHN MAYHEW, 1200 acs. Rappa. Co., 20 Mar. 1665/6, P. 472, (576). Beg. at the Wwd. side of a white marsh at the head of a br. issuing out of the Dragon Sw. & crossing Mattapony upper path, running W.N.W. &c. 300 acs. formerly belonging to Mr. Rich. Lawrence & Wm. Bauldine by pattent dated 15 June 1663 & by sd. Lawrence (the whole remaining in him after the death of Bauldine) assigned to sd. Mayhew; 900 acs. granted to Mr. Rich. Lawrence, Evan Davies & The. Williamson 16 June 1663 & now by several) assignments made over to sd. Bredgar & Hill.
1666-1679 Cavaliers and Pioneers, Patent Book No. 6; [Nell Marion Nugent]; Page 24
MR. WILLIAM FOGG, 650 acs. Rappa. Co., S. side the river, 18 Feb. 1666, p. 87. Beg. at S.most end of a line deviding this & land formerly Rich. West's, to land of Nicholas Burt &c., to Popeman' br. &c: to land of Thomas Page & Jno. Watson, over a great br. &c. to topp of hills deviding.this & land of Jno. Catlett, Gent. &c. 222 acs. being parte of 444 acs. granted sd. Fogg & Richard West, 28 July 1663; 428 acs. for trans. of 9 pers: Henry Knowles, Edmund Bird, Richard Badger, Willm. Baseley, James Lee, Elizabeth Clampe, Thomas Fogg, Edward Smith, Wm. Tanner.
1666-1679 Cavaliers and Pioneers, Patent Book No. 6; [Nell Marion Nugent]; Page 52
THOMAS HARWARR (Harwar) & NICH. COX. 922 acs. Rappa. Co.. S. side the Riv.. 7 Dec. 1668, p. 205. 867 ars. adj. John Chyn, Tho, Pattison & Rich. Bredgart. Jno. Sharpe, Inc. Mayo, & Lt. Coll. Tho. Goodrich; 55 acs. adj. Rich. Snurlong, & purchased from him; 867 ars. for trans. of 18 pers: Nich. Cox. Wm. Crosse. Hen. Battle. Jno. Williams. Jno. Tones, Bethell Garland. Rich. Brookes, Fliz. Chamberlen. Rich. Knowles, Wm. Crosse. Jno. Loxley, Wm. Chambers, Jno. Stock. Patrick Cookmen. Charles Thomas. Tho. Hat- wan. Hugh Lee. Sampson Cooper.
1666-1679 Cavaliers and Pioneers, Patent Book No. 6; [Nell Marion Nugent]; Page 89
MR. THOMAS HARWAR & NICH. COX, 922 acs. Rappa. Co.. S. side sd. Riv., 17 Nov. 1670, p. 342. 867 acs. adj. Jno. Chin. Tho. Pattyson. Rich. Bredgar, Jno. Sharp, Jno. Mayo & Lt. Col. Tho. Goodrich; 55 acs. adj. Rich. Spurland & purchased of him. 867 acs. for trans. of 18 pers.* Note: This pat- tent is recorded in this booke in folio 205.1
Her 1st husband.1
Richard Bridger died before July 1670 at South Farnham Parish, Old Rappahannock Co., Virginia, USA.1 He was born before 1836.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
1670-1672 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 4, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 162
THESE PRSENTS WITNESSETH that I NICHOLAS COCK of the County of MIDDLESEX doe authorize Impower & depute my Loveing Friend THOMAS WHARTON to be my true & lawful! Attorney to answer the Suite of HENRY CREIGHTON who marryed the Relict of RICHARD BRIDGATE & what my said Attorney shall doe therein shall be in as full power as if I were psonally prsent myselfe. As Witness my hand this 5th July 1670
1663-1668 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 3; [Antient Press]; Page 14-23
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I RICHARD BREDGARR of the County of Rappa. due hereby acknowledge and confess that I have bargained for & sold unto ROBT HILL of the County of LANCR: his heires six hundred acres of land more or less for a valluable consideracon to my owne content already in hand received it being a parcell of land belonging to mee the sd Richd. Bredgarr and formerly purchased by me from PETTER BAWCOMB as by my conveyance may appeare the wch land is Pattendd in the name of THOMAS WILLIAMSON and EVAN DAVIS & RICHD, LAWRENCE and the whole tract is nine hundred acres and bounded as followeth Vizt Begining at a marked white oak standing on the Eastward side of a white marsh at the head of a branch issuing out of the Dragon Swampe and crossing Matapany upper Path thence Running Southerly alongst the sd Branch to the Dragon Swampe thence Easterly alongst the sd Swamp to another Branch thereof thence alongst the said branch to a marked tree standing in Matapany Path thence alongst the Path 24 Degrees North Westerly 84 poles North North West 298 poles thence West North West 51 poles thence West and by North 204 poles to the first Specifyed place the wch Land wth all rights and priviledges whatsoever thereunto belonging I the sd RICHARD BREDGARR doe acknowledge to have sold and into the possession delivered unto him the sd Robt Hill his heires for Ever to be by him and them quietly enjoyed and possessed and I the said Richard Bredgarr doe by Venue of these presents firmely bind my Selfe my heirs to save defend and keepe harmeless & Indemnifyed him the sd Robt. Hill of and from all Trouble hindrance or molestation of any person or persons whatsoever which shall or any manner of way may hinder the quiets Enjoymt and peaceable possession of the same to this my act and Deed to be placed in the publick Records according to Law there to be provided I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale. I JANE BREDGARR Wife of Richd. Bredgarr doe hereby acknowledg that the Sale of this Land is done wth: my perfect knowledge and free consent as WITNESS our hands & seales this 2 day of May 1666
In presence of us Richard Bredgar
Recognit in Cur Rappa 2d Die Maii Ano 1666
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I JANE BREDGARR doe hereby constitute and appoynt my Friend JNO. MEHEW my true and lawfull Attorney for me and in my name to acknowledg all my Right Title and Interrest in a parcell of land containing six hundred acres unto Robt. Hill his heires and assignes the sd Land being sold and convayed to the said Robt by my husband Richd. Bredgarr and I doe hereby acknowledg that the Seale thereof is done wth my perfect knowledge and free consent and doe give my sd Attorney by these presents as full and ample power in the premises as if my Selfe were personally present by Rattifying and Confirming whatsoever my said Attorney shall Doe herein as Wittness my hand & Seale this last day of Aprill Ano, 1666
Test RICH: PERROTT Jane Bredgarr
Recordat Xth Die Maii Ano 1666
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I RICHARD BREDGARR of the County of Rappa doe hereby acknowledg and confess that I have bargained for and sold unto JOHN MEHEW of the aforesaid County his heires & assignes foyer hundred and twenty eight acres of land more or less for a valluable consideracon to my owne content already in hand reced the sd land lying and being in the South side of Rappa. River in the County of Rappa. and on the North side of a Great Swampe that Runneth into Peancketanck River bounded as followeth Vizt. begining at a marked white oake standing on the sd Swampe side & adjoyning to the Land of ANTHONY JACKMAN thence Extending North Easterly 140 degrees 398 poles alongst the line of marked trees of the said Anthony Jackmans Land unto a Corner white oake thence N:W: 191 poles to a Corner marked white oake adjoyning to the land of GEORGE MARSH thence S:W: 320 poles along the lyne of marked trees of the sd Marsh his land to a Corner marked pocickry Standing on the Swampe side thence alonge the said Swampe side according to its several! courses and bounded by the Blaine River in the Midle of the sd Swamp unto the place it Begann it being a parcel] of land belonging unto me as by my Pattent appeareth the wch land wth all Rights and privilidges whatsoever thereunto belonging I the sd Richd. Bredgarr doe acknowledg to have sold and into the possession delivered unto him the sad Jno. Mehew his heirs and assignes for Ever to be by him and them quietly Enjoyed and possessed And to this my act and Deed to be placed in the Publick Records according to Law thereto provided I have hereunto sett my hand & seale I JANE BREDGARR Wife of Richd Bredgarr doe hereby acknowledge that the sale of this land is done wth my perfect knowledge and free consent As WITNESS our hands and seales this 2d day of May 1666
In presents of RICHD. PERROTT. Richard Bredgarr
THO. PATTISON Jane Bredgarr
Recognit in Cur Rappa 2 Die Maii 1666
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I JANE BREDGARR doe hereby constitute & appoynt my Friend ROBT. HILL my true and lawfull Attorney for me and in my name to Acknowledge all my right Title and interest in a parcell of land cont. 428 acres unto John Mehew his heires and assignes the said land being sold and convayed to the sd Jno. Mehew by my Husband Richa. Bredgarr and I doe hereby acknowledge that the sale thereof is done wth my perfect knowledge and free consent and do give my sd Attorney by these presents as full and ample power in the premises as if myself were personally present by Rattifying & confirming whatsoever my sd Attorney shall doe therein as Wittness my hand and Seale this last day of Apl, 1666
Test RICH. PERROTT Jane Bredgarr
Recordat in Cur Rappa 10 Die Maii 1666
I RICHARD BREDGARR of the County of Rappa Planter doe by these presents acknowledge that I have for a valluable consideracon to me paid before the sealing and delivery hereof sold assigned and sett over all the right and title that I now have or hereafter may have unto that tract of land contg. 1200 acres lying in the County aforesd and on the Dragon Swampe the sd land belonging unto me in Joynt Tenure with ROBT HILL and JNO MEHEW by Patt dated the 20th day of March 1665/6 unto Robt. Hill and John Mehew aforesaid of the County aforesd Planters from me my heirs unto them their heirs and assignes for ever as Wittness my hand and Seale this 2d day of May 1666
In presents of us RICHARD LAWRENCE. Richard Bredgarr
Recognit in Cur Rappa 2d die Maii Ano 1666
I ROBT HILL of the County of Rappa. Planter doe by these presents disclaime all my right and title that I now have or hereafter have to three hundred acres of land being part of twelve hundred acres of land lying in the County aforesaid and on the Dragon Swampe the sd Twelve hundred acres belonging unto me in Joynt Tenure wth Richard Bredgarr and John Mehewe by Pattent dated the 20th of March 1665/6 the sd three hundred acres being that parte of the said twelve hundred acres wch formerly belonged to Mr. RICHARD LAWRENCE and WM. BALDWIN I say I disclaime it for me my heirs As Witness my hand this Second day of May 1666
In presents of us RICHARD LAWRENCE, Robert Hill
Recognit cur Rappa. 2d Die Maii 1666
I JOHN MEYHEW of the County of Rappa Planter doe by these presents disclaime all my right and title that I now have or hereafter may have to nyne hundred acres of land being parte of Twelve hundred acres lying in the County aforesd and on the Dragon Swampe the sd Twelve hundred acres belonging unto me in Joynt Tenure wth Richd. Bredgarr and Robt. Hill by Patt. dated 20th of Maii 1665/6 the sd nyne hundred acres being that parte of the said Twelve hundred acres wch formerly belonged to Mr. RICHARD LAWRENCE, EVAN DAVIS and THOMAS WILLIAMSON I say disclaime it for me my heirs as Wittness my hand this second day of Maii 1666.
1663-1668 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 3; [Antient Press]; Page 301 - 302
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I JAMES FAUSSETT of the County of Rappa. for and in consideracon of the sum of Five thousand pounds of VIRGINIA Leafe Tob; to me in hand paid by RICHARD HUBARD of the County aforesd Planter wherewth I confess my Selfe to be fully sattisfyed contented and paid have bargained and sould unto the said Richard Hubard three hundred Seaventy and five acres of land lying uppon the Dragon Swamp vhereinto the said Land doth Runn and soe up called Porkers Swamp, the said land being the one halfe of a tract taken up by Mr. GEORGE MARSH and sould by the said Mr. Marsh unto RICHARD BRIDGARR & my Selfe as by a Convayance wth accknowledgmt; in Court doth make appeare aand I the said James Flassett the said 375 acres of land unto the said Richard Hubard shall warrant IN WITTNESS whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale this 3th day 9br 1667.
In presents of us JOHN BURKSLEY James Fasett
THO; HARWAR his marke
Recognit in Cur Com Rappa 5 Die 9bris 1667.
1668-1670 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 4, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 97-98
TO ALL XPIAN psons to whom it may con cerne KNOW ALL MEN by these pntes that I THOMAS WILLIAMSON the Eldr. in the County of Rappa. & prdecessor of the Estate of RICHARD HUBBERT hath bargained & sold three hundred & Seaventy five acres of land lyeing upon the ( )Swamp wth the free consent of KATHERINE HUBBERT being now my lawfull Wife hath bargained sold unto JAMES FOSSETT his heirs the sd Land this sd Land being formerly sold by GEORGE M--K unto RICHARD BRIDGATE & JAMES FOSSETT seaven hundred & fifty acres JAMES FOSSETT formerly sold unto RICHARD HUBBERT the one halfe of this land now the sd THOMAS WILLIAMSON being prdecessor of the sd Estate of RICHARD HUBBERT hath bargained & sold three hundred seaventy five acres, of land unto JAMES FOSSETT wth the full consent of KATE HUBBERT being now my lawful' wife & doth acknowledge for to have recd full sattisfaccon for the sd Land & doth want, this sd Land unto JAMES FOSSETT his heirs forever wth all appurt belonging thereunto as fart as Pattent shall afford for the full pformance hereoff wee have heerunto sett our hands & seals the last day of Augt 1669
in the pnce of us ANTH, ARNOLD, THO. WILLIAMSON SENR his marke -
Recognr, in Cur Rappa 1st die Septr, Ano 1669
I KATHERINE HUBBERT doe by these pntes constitute ordeyne & appoint Mr. JOHN FORTH my true &lawful' Atturney for mee & in my name & stead to acknowledge all my right of three hundred seaventy five acres of land sold by my husbd, THOMAS WILLIAMSON to JAMES FOSSETT, In Witnes I doe sett my hand this first day of Septr. 1669
ANTH. ARNOLD her marke
1668-1670 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 4, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 133-134
TO ALL TO WHOME these prsents shall come I THOMAS PATTISON of the County of Rappa for and in consideration of the sume of one thousand pounds of Tab & caske to me in hand paid by HENRY CREIGHTON of the same County at and before the sealing and delivery of these prsents doe give bargaine sell and confirme unto the sd HEN, CREIGHTON his heires two hundred & twenty acres of land scituate lying and being on the South side of RAPPA, RIVER and lying uppon a Maine Branch of the DRAGON SWAMP beginning at a corner white Oake standing by the sd Pocoson side and running upp into the woods by a line of marked trees bounding uppon the land of JOHN CHYNN and JOHN GIBSON E, N, E, 200 po. to another mrked white Oake thence E,S.E, 1/2 to a poynt Southerly 100 poles to a corner red Oake of JNO, MAYO and thence running downe to the aforesd pocoson S. S. W. 120 po, bounding uppon the said MARKAMs land and along the pocoson West and W: N: W: 280 po. to the first menconed tree together with all priviledges whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise aperteining unto the sd HENRY CREIGHTON his heires & assignes for Evermore and the said THOMAS PATTISON for himselfe his heires doth covenant and agree to and wth the said HENRY CREIGHTON his heires & assignes by these prsents shall or lawfully at all time may hereafter quietly and peaceably have hold enjoy the sd prmises and I the sd HENRY CREIGHTON doth binde myselfe my heires to deliver unto JOHN BRADGER the Son of RICHARD BRADGER deced att the age of twenty one yeares the one halfe of the land itt being one hundred and tenn acres being the Free of THO: PATTISON and ANN PATTISON his Wife and the said HENRY CREIGHTON for himselfe his heirs doth covenant & agree and to and with the said THOMAS PATTISON his heires & assignes that the said HENRY CREIGHTON his heires will pay the quitrrents wch is twelve pence for every fifty acres of the said land In Witness whereof I the sd THOMAS PATTISON wth the consent of ANN
PATTISON my Wife have hereunto sett or; hands & seaies this First day of March 1669/70
in prsents of us THO, ELLIS. THO:PATTISON
Recognitr 2d die Martii 1669
I the above menconed HENRY CREIGHTON doe by these prsents confirme in open Cort from mee my heirs unto JOHN the Son of RICHARD BRADGER deced and unto his heirs for evermore the one halfe of the above menconed land according to the true intent & meaning of the donor and my Engagement above As Witness my hand & Seale the day & yeare above written
in the prsents of us THO ELLIS, HENRY CREIGHTON
Recognitr. in Cur Rappa 2d die Martii 1669/70
=== land mentioned
1672-1674 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 5, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 95
KNOW ALL MEN that I HENRY BATTLE of the County of Rappa. for the love and affection which I have to REBECCA COX Orphant of NICHOLAS COX doe from me my heirs and freely and absolutely give and make over unto the said REBECCA COX her heirs and assignes all my right and interest of a tract of land containing One hundred acres being in the County of Rappa on the South side of the said River bounded on the lands of Mr. NICHOLAS COCKEs and the land wch was formerly RICHARD BRIDGARs and JAMES FOSSETTs wth all proffits thereunto belonging or in any ways appertaining to have and to hold the same and every part thereof forever as witness my hand and seal this 5th day of March 1672/3
Recognit in Cur Cora Rappa 5 die March 1672
1662-1666 Cavaliers and Pioneers, Patent Book No. 5; [Nell Marion Nugent]; Page 440
RICHARD BRIDGER (Bredgar), 428 acs. Rappa. Co., 19 Sept. 1664, p. 141,
(1). On S. side of Rappa. Riv. & N. side of a great swamp running into Peanketanke Riv., adj. land of Anthony Jackman & Mr. George Marsh. Trans. of 9 pers.
1662-1666 Cavaliers and Pioneers, Patent Book No. 5; [Nell Marion Nugent]; Page 545
RICHARD BREDGAR, ROBT. HILL & JOHN MAYHEW, 1200 acs. Rappa. Co., 20 Mar. 1665/6, P. 472, (576). Beg. at the Wwd. side of a white marsh at the head of a br. issuing out of the Dragon Sw. & crossing Mattapony upper path, running W.N.W. &c. 300 acs. formerly belonging to Mr. Rich. Lawrence & Wm. Bauldine by pattent dated 15 June 1663 & by sd. Lawrence (the whole remaining in him after the death of Bauldine) assigned to sd. Mayhew; 900 acs. granted to Mr. Rich. Lawrence, Evan Davies & The. Williamson 16 June 1663 & now by several) assignments made over to sd. Bredgar & Hill.
1666-1679 Cavaliers and Pioneers, Patent Book No. 6; [Nell Marion Nugent]; Page 24
MR. WILLIAM FOGG, 650 acs. Rappa. Co., S. side the river, 18 Feb. 1666, p. 87. Beg. at S.most end of a line deviding this & land formerly Rich. West's, to land of Nicholas Burt &c., to Popeman' br. &c: to land of Thomas Page & Jno. Watson, over a great br. &c. to topp of hills deviding.this & land of Jno. Catlett, Gent. &c. 222 acs. being parte of 444 acs. granted sd. Fogg & Richard West, 28 July 1663; 428 acs. for trans. of 9 pers: Henry Knowles, Edmund Bird, Richard Badger, Willm. Baseley, James Lee, Elizabeth Clampe, Thomas Fogg, Edward Smith, Wm. Tanner.
1666-1679 Cavaliers and Pioneers, Patent Book No. 6; [Nell Marion Nugent]; Page 52
THOMAS HARWARR (Harwar) & NICH. COX. 922 acs. Rappa. Co.. S. side the Riv.. 7 Dec. 1668, p. 205. 867 ars. adj. John Chyn, Tho, Pattison & Rich. Bredgart. Jno. Sharpe, Inc. Mayo, & Lt. Coll. Tho. Goodrich; 55 acs. adj. Rich. Snurlong, & purchased from him; 867 ars. for trans. of 18 pers: Nich. Cox. Wm. Crosse. Hen. Battle. Jno. Williams. Jno. Tones, Bethell Garland. Rich. Brookes, Fliz. Chamberlen. Rich. Knowles, Wm. Crosse. Jno. Loxley, Wm. Chambers, Jno. Stock. Patrick Cookmen. Charles Thomas. Tho. Hat- wan. Hugh Lee. Sampson Cooper.
1666-1679 Cavaliers and Pioneers, Patent Book No. 6; [Nell Marion Nugent]; Page 89
MR. THOMAS HARWAR & NICH. COX, 922 acs. Rappa. Co.. S. side sd. Riv., 17 Nov. 1670, p. 342. 867 acs. adj. Jno. Chin. Tho. Pattyson. Rich. Bredgar, Jno. Sharp, Jno. Mayo & Lt. Col. Tho. Goodrich; 55 acs. adj. Rich. Spurland & purchased of him. 867 acs. for trans. of 18 pers.* Note: This pat- tent is recorded in this booke in folio 205.1
Family | Jane Jones b. c 1641, d. a 1677 |
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, Richard Bridger Bef 1636 - Bef 1670 seen 6 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
Henry Creighton1
M, #99662, b. before 1640, d. 6 July 1677
Last Edited | 6 Aug 2022 |
Henry Creighton was born before 1640.1 He married Frances (?) before 1660 at Sittingbourne Parish, Old Rappahannock Co., Virginia, USA,
His 1st wife.2 Henry Creighton married Jane Jones before July 1670 at North Farnham Parish, Old Rappahannock Co., Virginia, USA,
Her 2nd husband; his 2nd wife.1
Henry Creighton died on 6 July 1677 at Sittingbourne Parish, Old Rappahannock Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers (Archive #1):
1677-1678 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed & Will Book 6, Part 1; [Antient Press]; Page 41-44
Wills of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia [William Montgomery Sweeny]
CREIGHTON, HENRY, 26 January, 1676; 6 7bris 1677.
To son Henry Creighton the Devident of Land where I now live with all ye housing and Orchards thereunto belonging and if he dies without issue I doe hereby give ye same to my sons William and Thomas Creighton to be equally divided between them & upon ye decease of ye said William or Thomas to the survivor & his heirs to Enjoy ye whole Estate for Ever but his wife Jane Creighton to enjoy it during her widowhood until my said son Henry shall attain ye age of 21 years and that my said son Henry shall enjoy ye 1/2 profits thereof during her widowhood.
To sons Henry William and Thomas and their heirs forever all my parcell of Land lying in the Freshes of Rappae (as by pattent will appear) to be divided into three parts between ye said Henry Thomas & William ye said Henry first Choosing his part thereof and William next of his part thereof.
To Charles Elizabeth and John Bredgar all my female Cattle belonging to the Lower Plantation the said Cattle to be appraised and ye Value thereof to be equally shared between them.
All the rest of my personal estate to be sold at an out Cry for money or tobacco to pay my debts first and then equally to be divided between my said wife Jane Creighton and my sons Henry & William Creighton each of them one-third part thereof.
Executors his loving friends Mr. Thomas Gouldman and Mr. Robert Tomlin.
I doe appoint my Loveing Friends, Mr. THOMAS GOULDMAN & Mr. ROBERT THOMLIN, my Executors of this my Last Will & Testament as Witness my hand & Seale this Six & twentieth day of January 1676
Signed sealed & acknowledged HENRY CREIGHTON
to be ye Last Will &Tetament of
HENRY CREIGHTONN in ye presence of
The wthin: named PATRICK NORTON aged 35 yeares or thereabouts being Examined & Sworne saith that he did see ye wth :in named Testator signe seale & publish ye wthin mentioned as his last Will & Testamt. & that he was in perfect sence & memory at ye Signing Sealing & publishing thereof to ye best of yor: Deponts. Judgmt: & further saith not PATRICK NORTON
Juratus est NORTON in Cur Com Rappae 6: die 7bris 1677
Test EDMD: CRASK, Cl Cur
Wills of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia [William Montgomery Sweeny]
Will of Thomas Button, (who married by 18 March, 1662, the widow of John Gillett.) Will dated 1 March, 1669, names wife Jane as executrix. To brother, Robert Button, he devised the greater part of "Button's Range," in Rappahannock County.
To Thomas Pettus he bequeathed 100 acres of land in Rappahannock County.
To godson Henry Creighton, son of Henry Creighton, Sr., he bequeathed 100 acres, part of "Button's Range." Orders &c., 1692, pages 97, 347; Deeds No. 8, page 215. He died prior to 9 August, 1670. Jane, the widow of Thomas Button, married before 24 January, 1671, Watts. Deeds No. 4, 1668-1672, page 526. Shortly after his death, true to the tradition of Virginia widows, we find that in 1674 Mrs. Jane Watts had been wed to her fourth husband, Thomas Gordon.
Book No. 5, 1672-1676, page 364.
1662-1664 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 199-200
KNOW ALL MEN that I HENRY CRIGHTON of the County of Rappahanock for one valluable consideracon doth sell all my right & interest in a parcell of land formerly bought by me of Mr. WM. LINNELL & for my heirs & assignes unto WM RYDEN his heirs & assignes as his proper right & the said HENRY CRIGHTON doth bind myself to acknowledge the same in Court according to Law when it shall be required I have sett my hand & seale the 4th day of Augt. 1662
1662-1664 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 231
THIS BILL Bindeth us JAMES BOUGHAN my heirs and admrs, to pay unto HENRY CRETON his Exrs or Admrs, the just sume of Two thousand & Eight hundred pounds of good Tobacco & cask to be paid at my now dwelling house in PACATACON CREEK at or upon the tenth day of November next ensueing date hereof & for Lb true performance the sd JAMES BOUGHAN do bind over unto the foresd HENRY CRETON or his assignes all my whole crop of Tobo that I shall make this present year and to acknowledge it according to Law In Witness I have sett my hand this 20th of June 1663 Test WILL JOHNSON, JAMES BOUGHAN
1665-1677 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed & Will Book; [Antient Press]; Page 24-25
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I HENRY CREIGHTON of the County of Rappa. in Virga, by & with the Consent of FRANCIS my Wife for divers good causes & valuable considerations us thereunto moving & more especially for the sole consideration of one Cow Calfe already delivered to me by WILLIAM BRUCE of the same County have granted sold & confirmed & do by these presents give sell & confirme unto the sd WILLIAM BRUCE his heirs & assignes Two acres & thirty four perches of land situate lying & being in the aforesaid County & on the North side of RAPPA. RIVER being part of a Devident of land whereon I the said CREIGHTON now live together with all the houses edifices & buildings & appurtenances thereunto belonging begining at a marked Stump in the North & South lines that divides the lands of the said CREIGHTON & the said BRUCE N. unto a marked Pocickory that standeth in the Division lyne thence SSW half a point westerly to a marked Stump thence S. by West to the East lyne thence to the place where begun East 14 poles to have & to hold the said Two acres & thirty four perches withal! the houses Edifices buildings & appurtenances to him the sd WILLIAM BRUCE his heirs admrs. or assignes for ever to the sole & proper use of him the sd WILLIAM BRUCE his heirs & assigns forevermore the sd WM. BRUCE paying & discharging the rights & services therefore first due & of right accustomed & furthermore I the said HENRY CREIGHTON & FRANCES my Wife do for us our heirs & admrs. promise & grant with the sd WILLIAM BRUCE his heirs & assignes that he the said WILLIAM BRUCE his heirs or assignes shall & may from time to time and at all times hereafter quietly enjoy the sd two acres & thirty four perches of land with the aforementioned pmises without any hindrance of us the said HENRY & FRANCES or any other person lawfully claiming the same. In Witness whereof we the sd HENRY & FRANCES have hereunto set our hands & seals this 25th of May 1665 in presence of us ALEXR FLEMING HENRY CREIGHTON seal
Recognr in Cur Com Rappa 6 die 7bris Ao. 1665
1665-1677 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed & Will Book; [Antient Press]; Page 85-86
TO ALL XPIAN PEOPLE to whom these presents shall come Know Ye that wee JOHN SHARPE by & with the Consent of JUDITH my Wife & HENRY CREIGHTON by & with the consent of FRANCIS my Wife for divers good causes & valuable considerations us thereunto moving & more especially for the sume of Four thousand Five hundred pounds of good tobacco & Caske to us in hand paide by JOHN PAINE of the County of Rappa: which wee acknowledge to have received have given sold & confirmed & do by these presents give sell & confirme unto the said JOHN PAINE all that parcell & divident of land which we bought of WILLIAM SAVADGE & WILLIAM LINNELL begining at a white Oake marked upon the Edge of the Swampe & so tuning West South West unto an INDIAN PATH & from thence to the same Swamp where we first began the sd Land being formerly sold by the said PAINE to ye: said SAVADGE, ROBT: MUSSELL & WILLIAM LINNEL to have and to hold the said Divident of land with every part & parcel! thereof with all rights & priviledges to him the sd JOHN PAINE his heirs & assignes for ever the said JOHN PAINE his heirs or assignes yeilding & paying from henceforth yearly his Matys Rights dues & accustomed for the same & we the said JOHN SHARPE & JUDITH my Wife & HENRY CREIGHTON & FRANCIS my Wife do hereby promise & grant to & with the said JOHN PAINE his heirs & assignes that he & they shall at all times hereafter quietly enjoy the abovementioned premises with every part & parcel! thereof without the hindrances or interruption of us or either or any of our heirs or assignes or any other persons whatsoever claimeing the aforementioned premises or any part thereof by or under us our or any of our heirs or assignes. In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands & seals this 26th day of April 1665
in presence of us JOHN FENNELL, JOHN SHARPE seal
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I JUDITH SHARPE of ye County of Rappa: doth constitute & appoint my Loving Friend JOHN NEWMAN to be my lawful Attorny for me & in my steed to acknowledge a tract of land sold by my Husband unto JOHN PAINE. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 28th:
day of Aprill 1665
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I FRANCES CREIGHTON do constitute & appoint my Loveing Friend Mr. RICHARD WEBLEY for me & in my steed to acknowledge one parcell of land sould by HENRY CREIGHTON my Husband unto JOHN PAINE as Witness my hand this 2 of May 1665
Recognr in Cur Com Rappa: 4 die May 1665
1663-1668 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 3; [Antient Press]; Page 203-207
THIS INDENTURE made the fourth day of February 1666 Betweene JOHN and ANN HAWSE of the County of Rappa in the behalfe of their Sone ROBERT CATTON of the one parte and HENRY CRIGHTOUN of the County of Rappa. Taylor of the other pty WITTNESSETH that the said Robt Caton doth hereby covenant promise and grant to and with the said Henry Crightoune his heires from the day of the date hereof untill he be at the aige of twenty foure years he being foure yeares of aige the 8br before this date in consideracon such service and imploymt as the said Henry Crightoune shall imploy him during the said Terme in consideracon the said Henry Crightoune his heires is to find and allow the said Robert catten Meate Drink Washing and Lodging wth other necessarys during the said time and the said Henry Crightoune his heires is to deliver to the sd Robt Catten at the aige of Twenty yeares one heiffer of two yeares old or thereabouts and there to remaine till he the said catten have served out his whole time wch will be foure years after and to be looked after as the Stock of his Masters and then to he delivered with all the increase male & female and to him Double apparrell and three Barrels of good Indian Come at the Expiracon of his time In Witness whereunto the partyes above written hath interchangeably sett their hands and seals the day and years- above written
In presence of us signd Jno Hoase
Recordat in Com Rappa xii die Martii 1666
THIS INDENTURE made the fourth day of February 1666 Between HENRY CRIGHTOUN of the County of Rappa Taylor of the one party & JNO. & ANN HOUSE of 207 same County on the other party for and in the Behalf of their Son ROBERT CATTEN (Same terms and conditions as in the previous entry)
In presents of us GEO TAYLOR SENIOR Henry Crightoun
ye marke of JA BOURNE
Recognit in Cur Com Rappa 7th ie Martii 1666
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that we JOHN HOUSE and ANN HOUSE my Wife doth Constitute and appoynt our Loveing Freind WM BRUCE our true & lawful Attorney for us and in our Steeds to accknowledge the Binding of ROBERT CATTEN as by an Indenture our hands & seals doth more at large appear & what our said Attorney shall doe or cause to be don in the premises wee the said Jno House and Ann doth rattify and confirme & Witness our hands & seales this 21st day of February 1666
In presence of us the marke of JNO WILLIAMS Jno. House
Recordat in Com Rappa xii Die Martii 1666
Old Rappahannock Co Va Deeds & Wills - 1665-1677; Page 200-202
IN THE NAME OF GOD Amen I THOMAS ERWIN of the Parish of Sittingburn in the County of Rappa being sick in body but of sound & perfect memory do hereby make & ordain this my last Will &Testament hereby revoaking and making void any Testament heretofore by me made either by word or writing & this onely to be taken for my Last Will and Testament (my Wife to be my only Executrix hereafter) Imprs I give and bequeath my Soule into the hands of Almighty God hoping and trusting through the mercies of Jesus Christ to obtaine full and perfect remission of all my Sinns & my Body to the earth from whence it was taken to be buried in comely and decent manner according to the discretion of my Wife & Relations And as for my worldly goods I thus bequeath them
Item I give and bequeath to my Wife one bay mare & if in case she bring forth a mare foale it to run for the good of all my Children and likewise there be three mares more & a horse which I do order & constitute to be given to my Children in general) & a young gelding in the same manner for the use of my Children
Item I give & bequeath to my Children eight Cows & their increase & them to be kept upon my said Plantation for the use of all my Children & no exception to be made but equally to be devided
Item I give & bequeath to my two Eldest Sonns all my land consisting of Two hundred & thirty acres & the said land to be equally devided when they come of age that is to say Sixteen yeares & then to be free to enjoy accordingly to live together upon one Plantation, that then my Eldest Sonn provide proportionably so much land in some other place convenient as my Second Sonn thinks fitt otherwise to concurr to live unanimously together according to will & desire
Item it is my will & command that my Wife have the third part of the land & half the Orchard for the use of her and likewise her children for ever without any molestation whatsoever
Item I give & bequeath to my two youngest Sonns two hundred acres of land lying in the READY WAY to Collo, WASHINGTONs & if it please God they should depart before they come of age to enjoy it then the said land to fall to my two Eldest Sons and if in case they should die then it to go to the use of my Daughters
Item it is my will that my Wife shall have all my personall estate that is to say all cattle hoggs all moveables whatsoever as tobaccoes debts dues & whatsoever belongs to me in order to the education & bringing up of the Children
Item I doe hereby make ordain & appoint my loveing Wife ANN ERWIN the whole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament to see it performed & further I do ordaine appoint my loveing Freind JOHN MATLIN & WILLIAM SERJEANT & HENRY CREIGHTON Overseers & Assistants to my Wife & in case of the death of my Wife to take care of my Childrens Estate & Education
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seale this 19th of January
Signed sealed & delivered to be THOMAS ERWIN Seale
his last Will & Testament
in presence of us JOHN PAYNE
I Underwritten do depose and say that I did see the within named Testatr. signe seale & publish the within mentioned to be his last Will & Testament & that he was in prfect sence & memory at the signing sealing & publishing thereof to the best of my
Juratr est PAYNE in Cur Com Rappa 3 die May 1676 Probatr et_ recordatr xx die JOHN PAYNE
1668-1670 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 4, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 11
TO ALL TO WHOM these pnts shall come I HENRY CRIGHTOUNE of the County of Rappa, for a Valluable Consideracon recd in hand paid by WM, BRUICE of the same County at and before the sealing and delivery of these pnts doe give grant bargaine sell alien Enfeoffe and confirme unto the sd WM. BRUICE his heires and assignes one pcell of land scituate lying and being in the same County aforesd uppon the North side the River and begining at Corner of the fence of the sd BRUICEs and soe running along as the path goes towards the INDIAN SWAMP to the line that runneth No East and by East and soe along that line to the Corner tree of the sd BRUICEs formerly bought of WALTER GRANGER and soe to the Corner Oak the fence where wee first began together wth all the privilidges thereunto belonging To Have and To Hold the sd land to WM. BRUICE his heirs and the sd HENRY CRIGHTOUNE for himselfe his heires doth covenant and agree to and wth the sd WM. BRUICE his heires shall and lawfully may at all times hereafter for Ever enjoyn the same and the sd WM. BRUICE for himselfe his or assignes doth covenant to and wth the sd HENRY CRIGHTOUNE his heires to pay the quit rents yearely wch will be twelve pence yearely. In Witness whereof the sd HENRY CRIGHTOUNE have hereunto sett my hand and Seale the third day of Novembr. 1668,
in the presence of HENRY CRIGHTOUNE
Recognit in tar Com Rappa. 4th die 9bris 1668
1668-1670 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 4, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 133-134
TO ALL TO WHOME these prsents shall come I THOMAS PATTISON of the County of Rappa for and in consideration of the sume of one thousand pounds of Tab & caske to me in hand paid by HENRY CREIGHTON of the same County at and before the sealing and delivery of these prsents doe give bargaine sell and confirme unto the sd HEN, CREIGHTON his heires two hundred & twenty acres of land scituate lying and being on the South side of RAPPA, RIVER and lying uppon a Maine Branch of the DRAGON SWAMP beginning at a corner white Oake standing by the sd Pocoson side and running upp into the woods by a line of marked trees bounding uppon the land of JOHN CHYNN and JOHN GIBSON E, N, E, 200 po. to another mrked white Oake thence E,S.E, 1/2 to a poynt Southerly 100 poles to a corner red Oake of JNO, MAYO and thence running downe to the aforesd pocoson S. S. W. 120 po, bounding uppon the said MARKAMs land and along the pocoson West and W: N: W: 280 po. to the first menconed tree together with all priviledges whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise aperteining unto the sd HENRY CREIGHTON his heires & assignes for Evermore and the said THOMAS PATTISON for himselfe his heires doth covenant and agree to and wth the said HENRY CREIGHTON his heires & assignes by these prsents shall or lawfully at all time may hereafter quietly and peaceably have hold enjoy the sd prmises and I the sd HENRY CREIGHTON doth binde myselfe my heires to deliver unto JOHN BRADGER the Son of RICHARD BRADGER deced att the age of twenty one yeares the one halfe of the land itt being one hundred and tenn acres being the Free of THO: PATTISON and ANN PATTISON his Wife and the said HENRY CREIGHTON for himselfe his heirs doth covenant & agree and to and with the said THOMAS PATTISON his heires & assignes that the said HENRY CREIGHTON his heires will pay the quitrrents wch is twelve pence for every fifty acres of the said land In Witness whereof I the sd THOMAS PATTISON wth the consent of ANN
PATTISON my Wife have hereunto sett or; hands & seaies this First day of March 1669/70
in prsents of us THO, ELLIS. THO:PATTISON
Recognitr 2d die Martii 1669
I the above menconed HENRY CREIGHTON doe by these prsents confirme in open Cort from mee my heirs unto JOHN the Son of RICHARD BRADGER deced and unto his heirs for evermore the one halfe of the above menconed land according to the true intent & meaning of the donor and my Engagement above As Witness my hand & Seale the day & yeare above written
in the prsents of us THO ELLIS, HENRY CREIGHTON
Recognitr. in Cur Rappa 2d die Martii 1669/70
1668-1670 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 4, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 135
KNOWE ALL MEN by these prsents that wee THO: and ANN PATTISON doe constitute & appoynt or: Friend HENRY BALL for us and in or: names place & stead to acknowledge a conveyance by us signed and sealed unto HENRY CREIGHTON his heires for Ever for one parcell of land conteining two hundred & twenty acres of land formerly taken up in the name of me ye sd THO, PATTISON & RICH, BRADGAR deced in the County Court of Rappa, provided he the sd HEN: CREIGHTON shall att the same time acknowledge a clause in the said conveyance for the Gift and confirmacon of the one halfe of the said land unto the Son of RICHARD BRADGAR deced & with his heires for evermore in every respect according to the tenor & true intent and meaning of the conveyance aforesd menconed allowing Rattifieing and confirming whatever or: sd Atturney shall doe in & concerning the prmises as if wee or:selves were prsonally prsent and had done the same Further giving him or: said Atturney as full and ample power as is or cann be given to my Atturney in like cases As Witnes or: hands and seales this First day of March 1669/70
In the prsents of us THO. ELLIS, THOS,PATTISON
Recordatr, XIIth die Martii 1669/70
1670-1672 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 4, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 162
THESE PRSENTS WITNESSETH that I NICHOLAS COCK of the County of MIDDLESEX doe authorize Impower & depute my Loveing Friend THOMAS WHARTON to be my true & lawful! Attorney to answer the Suite of HENRY CREIGHTON who marryed the Relict of RICHARD BRIDGATE & what my said Attorney shall doe therein shall be in as full power as if I were psonally prsent myselfe. As Witness my hand this 5th July 1670
1670-1672 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 4, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 215
KNOW ALL MEN by these pnts that I HENRY CREIGHTON of the County of Rappa. for me my heires for severall causes mee moveing thereunto doth freely & willingly give unto THOMAS ARMSTRONG Sonn of ROBT, ARMSTRONG of the same County afforesd two Cowes the one a brown cowe abt, fower yeares old the other ( ) all
their increase male & female to him & his heires forever but in case the said THOMAS ARMSTRONG should die before he comes to the age of twenty one yeares that then these cattle before menconed he equally derided amongst his (N--k) heareof I have heereunto sett my hand & seale this last day of Febr. 1670
in the pnts of us JOHN HUME, HENRY CREIGHTON
The ears mark of the catle is three slitts & a cropp on the left. Eare and a Swallow forke on the right eare
1670-1672 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 4, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 239-240
KNOW ALL MEN by these pnts yt I HENRY CRIGHTON doth for me my heirs firmly give unto JAMES BOUGHGNAN JUNIOR one heifer about two years old with all ye increase both male & female to him & his heirs forever and marked both Eares • cropt three alit' in Each Cropt she being of a white colour with white about her and now upon ye plantacon of JAMES BOUGHGNAN SENIOR ye said Heifer is and for ye True Pformance I have hereunto set my hand as Wittness my hand and seale this 6th of July 1671 in ye psence of us
Recognitr in cur Rappa die 5th July Ano 1671
1672-1674 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 5, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 13-14
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I JOHN SAMNFORD of the County of Rappa. and Parish of Sittingbourne (marked out) Farnham doe for and in consideration of four thousand pounds of tobacco and cask to me in hand paid by Mr. RICE JONES of the same County doe sell and forever make over unto the said RICE JONES all my stock of Catle wch I am now possessed wth and also my Stock of hoggs that are in Copartnership betweene HENRY CREIGHTON and me the said JOHN SANFORD to have and to hold the said Catle with all theire increase both male and female from day of the date hereof and forevermore alwaise that if the said JOHN SANFORD do well and truely paie unto the sd JONES or assignes the just quantity of Foure thousand pounds of tobacco and caske or what shall appear justly due by Bill at or upon the last day of October next ensuing wth conveniency in the above said County and Parish that then this abovesaid Deed of Sale to be void and of none effect or else to remaine in full force as Witness my hand & Seale this 23 of Februarie 1671
Recognit in Cu. Com Rappa 7d die March 1671
I the within mentioned JOHN SAMFORD doe impower my Friend THOMAS FRESHWATER to acknowledge this my wthin mentioned Deed of Sale in the next County Court held for the said County of Rappa and doe hereby ratifie and confirme the same to be as firm as
if I myself were personally present as Witness my hand this 23 of Februarie 1671 Test THOMAS TOSELEY JOHN SAMFORD
Recordatr. xx7d die Aprilis 1672
1672-1674 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 5, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 121-122
KNOW ALL MEN that I HENRY CREIGHTON for and in consideration of Three thousand pounds of Tobacco in hand the bills bearing date wth these presents do give sell and confirm unto SAMUEL GREENE and CHARLES CHEANIE ioyntly and severally to them or either of them their heirs or assigns One hundred and ten acres of land being on the South side of RAPPA RIVER and in the same County and formerly bought of Mr. THOMAS PATTON as by Conveyance upon Record in the County Court will appear and Pattent for the same from JAMES CITY for Two hundred and twenty acres betwixt the said PATTISON and (blurred) and BEDGAR and the said GREEN and CHEANIE their heirs or assigns to take their choice of the one half being one hundred and ten acres of land with all the appurtenances and privilidges thereunto belonging forever in as ample manner as I the said CREIGHTON have it from Mr, THOMAS PATTISON by Conveyance forever and with warranty unto the said SAMUEL GREENE and CHARLES CHEANIE their heirs or assigns from all parties or persons whatsoever laying titles or interest to any part thereof from or under me, and the said SAMUEL GREENE and CHARLES CHEANIE for themselves their heirs or assigns do promise to paie the Quitrents and layeth out and so take their choice In Witness thereof I the said HENRY CREIGHTON with the consent of my Wife JANE CREIGHTON have hereunto sett our hands and seals this first day of Aprill 1673
Recognit in Cu Com Rappa 3 die 7bris 1673 at Citation.1
His 1st wife.2 Henry Creighton married Jane Jones before July 1670 at North Farnham Parish, Old Rappahannock Co., Virginia, USA,
Her 2nd husband; his 2nd wife.1
Henry Creighton died on 6 July 1677 at Sittingbourne Parish, Old Rappahannock Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers (Archive #1):
1677-1678 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed & Will Book 6, Part 1; [Antient Press]; Page 41-44
Wills of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia [William Montgomery Sweeny]
CREIGHTON, HENRY, 26 January, 1676; 6 7bris 1677.
To son Henry Creighton the Devident of Land where I now live with all ye housing and Orchards thereunto belonging and if he dies without issue I doe hereby give ye same to my sons William and Thomas Creighton to be equally divided between them & upon ye decease of ye said William or Thomas to the survivor & his heirs to Enjoy ye whole Estate for Ever but his wife Jane Creighton to enjoy it during her widowhood until my said son Henry shall attain ye age of 21 years and that my said son Henry shall enjoy ye 1/2 profits thereof during her widowhood.
To sons Henry William and Thomas and their heirs forever all my parcell of Land lying in the Freshes of Rappae (as by pattent will appear) to be divided into three parts between ye said Henry Thomas & William ye said Henry first Choosing his part thereof and William next of his part thereof.
To Charles Elizabeth and John Bredgar all my female Cattle belonging to the Lower Plantation the said Cattle to be appraised and ye Value thereof to be equally shared between them.
All the rest of my personal estate to be sold at an out Cry for money or tobacco to pay my debts first and then equally to be divided between my said wife Jane Creighton and my sons Henry & William Creighton each of them one-third part thereof.
Executors his loving friends Mr. Thomas Gouldman and Mr. Robert Tomlin.
I doe appoint my Loveing Friends, Mr. THOMAS GOULDMAN & Mr. ROBERT THOMLIN, my Executors of this my Last Will & Testament as Witness my hand & Seale this Six & twentieth day of January 1676
Signed sealed & acknowledged HENRY CREIGHTON
to be ye Last Will &Tetament of
HENRY CREIGHTONN in ye presence of
The wthin: named PATRICK NORTON aged 35 yeares or thereabouts being Examined & Sworne saith that he did see ye wth :in named Testator signe seale & publish ye wthin mentioned as his last Will & Testamt. & that he was in perfect sence & memory at ye Signing Sealing & publishing thereof to ye best of yor: Deponts. Judgmt: & further saith not PATRICK NORTON
Juratus est NORTON in Cur Com Rappae 6: die 7bris 1677
Test EDMD: CRASK, Cl Cur
Wills of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia [William Montgomery Sweeny]
Will of Thomas Button, (who married by 18 March, 1662, the widow of John Gillett.) Will dated 1 March, 1669, names wife Jane as executrix. To brother, Robert Button, he devised the greater part of "Button's Range," in Rappahannock County.
To Thomas Pettus he bequeathed 100 acres of land in Rappahannock County.
To godson Henry Creighton, son of Henry Creighton, Sr., he bequeathed 100 acres, part of "Button's Range." Orders &c., 1692, pages 97, 347; Deeds No. 8, page 215. He died prior to 9 August, 1670. Jane, the widow of Thomas Button, married before 24 January, 1671, Watts. Deeds No. 4, 1668-1672, page 526. Shortly after his death, true to the tradition of Virginia widows, we find that in 1674 Mrs. Jane Watts had been wed to her fourth husband, Thomas Gordon.
Book No. 5, 1672-1676, page 364.
1662-1664 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 199-200
KNOW ALL MEN that I HENRY CRIGHTON of the County of Rappahanock for one valluable consideracon doth sell all my right & interest in a parcell of land formerly bought by me of Mr. WM. LINNELL & for my heirs & assignes unto WM RYDEN his heirs & assignes as his proper right & the said HENRY CRIGHTON doth bind myself to acknowledge the same in Court according to Law when it shall be required I have sett my hand & seale the 4th day of Augt. 1662
1662-1664 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 231
THIS BILL Bindeth us JAMES BOUGHAN my heirs and admrs, to pay unto HENRY CRETON his Exrs or Admrs, the just sume of Two thousand & Eight hundred pounds of good Tobacco & cask to be paid at my now dwelling house in PACATACON CREEK at or upon the tenth day of November next ensueing date hereof & for Lb true performance the sd JAMES BOUGHAN do bind over unto the foresd HENRY CRETON or his assignes all my whole crop of Tobo that I shall make this present year and to acknowledge it according to Law In Witness I have sett my hand this 20th of June 1663 Test WILL JOHNSON, JAMES BOUGHAN
1665-1677 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed & Will Book; [Antient Press]; Page 24-25
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I HENRY CREIGHTON of the County of Rappa. in Virga, by & with the Consent of FRANCIS my Wife for divers good causes & valuable considerations us thereunto moving & more especially for the sole consideration of one Cow Calfe already delivered to me by WILLIAM BRUCE of the same County have granted sold & confirmed & do by these presents give sell & confirme unto the sd WILLIAM BRUCE his heirs & assignes Two acres & thirty four perches of land situate lying & being in the aforesaid County & on the North side of RAPPA. RIVER being part of a Devident of land whereon I the said CREIGHTON now live together with all the houses edifices & buildings & appurtenances thereunto belonging begining at a marked Stump in the North & South lines that divides the lands of the said CREIGHTON & the said BRUCE N. unto a marked Pocickory that standeth in the Division lyne thence SSW half a point westerly to a marked Stump thence S. by West to the East lyne thence to the place where begun East 14 poles to have & to hold the said Two acres & thirty four perches withal! the houses Edifices buildings & appurtenances to him the sd WILLIAM BRUCE his heirs admrs. or assignes for ever to the sole & proper use of him the sd WILLIAM BRUCE his heirs & assigns forevermore the sd WM. BRUCE paying & discharging the rights & services therefore first due & of right accustomed & furthermore I the said HENRY CREIGHTON & FRANCES my Wife do for us our heirs & admrs. promise & grant with the sd WILLIAM BRUCE his heirs & assignes that he the said WILLIAM BRUCE his heirs or assignes shall & may from time to time and at all times hereafter quietly enjoy the sd two acres & thirty four perches of land with the aforementioned pmises without any hindrance of us the said HENRY & FRANCES or any other person lawfully claiming the same. In Witness whereof we the sd HENRY & FRANCES have hereunto set our hands & seals this 25th of May 1665 in presence of us ALEXR FLEMING HENRY CREIGHTON seal
Recognr in Cur Com Rappa 6 die 7bris Ao. 1665
1665-1677 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed & Will Book; [Antient Press]; Page 85-86
TO ALL XPIAN PEOPLE to whom these presents shall come Know Ye that wee JOHN SHARPE by & with the Consent of JUDITH my Wife & HENRY CREIGHTON by & with the consent of FRANCIS my Wife for divers good causes & valuable considerations us thereunto moving & more especially for the sume of Four thousand Five hundred pounds of good tobacco & Caske to us in hand paide by JOHN PAINE of the County of Rappa: which wee acknowledge to have received have given sold & confirmed & do by these presents give sell & confirme unto the said JOHN PAINE all that parcell & divident of land which we bought of WILLIAM SAVADGE & WILLIAM LINNELL begining at a white Oake marked upon the Edge of the Swampe & so tuning West South West unto an INDIAN PATH & from thence to the same Swamp where we first began the sd Land being formerly sold by the said PAINE to ye: said SAVADGE, ROBT: MUSSELL & WILLIAM LINNEL to have and to hold the said Divident of land with every part & parcel! thereof with all rights & priviledges to him the sd JOHN PAINE his heirs & assignes for ever the said JOHN PAINE his heirs or assignes yeilding & paying from henceforth yearly his Matys Rights dues & accustomed for the same & we the said JOHN SHARPE & JUDITH my Wife & HENRY CREIGHTON & FRANCIS my Wife do hereby promise & grant to & with the said JOHN PAINE his heirs & assignes that he & they shall at all times hereafter quietly enjoy the abovementioned premises with every part & parcel! thereof without the hindrances or interruption of us or either or any of our heirs or assignes or any other persons whatsoever claimeing the aforementioned premises or any part thereof by or under us our or any of our heirs or assignes. In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands & seals this 26th day of April 1665
in presence of us JOHN FENNELL, JOHN SHARPE seal
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I JUDITH SHARPE of ye County of Rappa: doth constitute & appoint my Loving Friend JOHN NEWMAN to be my lawful Attorny for me & in my steed to acknowledge a tract of land sold by my Husband unto JOHN PAINE. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 28th:
day of Aprill 1665
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I FRANCES CREIGHTON do constitute & appoint my Loveing Friend Mr. RICHARD WEBLEY for me & in my steed to acknowledge one parcell of land sould by HENRY CREIGHTON my Husband unto JOHN PAINE as Witness my hand this 2 of May 1665
Recognr in Cur Com Rappa: 4 die May 1665
1663-1668 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 3; [Antient Press]; Page 203-207
THIS INDENTURE made the fourth day of February 1666 Betweene JOHN and ANN HAWSE of the County of Rappa in the behalfe of their Sone ROBERT CATTON of the one parte and HENRY CRIGHTOUN of the County of Rappa. Taylor of the other pty WITTNESSETH that the said Robt Caton doth hereby covenant promise and grant to and with the said Henry Crightoune his heires from the day of the date hereof untill he be at the aige of twenty foure years he being foure yeares of aige the 8br before this date in consideracon such service and imploymt as the said Henry Crightoune shall imploy him during the said Terme in consideracon the said Henry Crightoune his heires is to find and allow the said Robert catten Meate Drink Washing and Lodging wth other necessarys during the said time and the said Henry Crightoune his heires is to deliver to the sd Robt Catten at the aige of Twenty yeares one heiffer of two yeares old or thereabouts and there to remaine till he the said catten have served out his whole time wch will be foure years after and to be looked after as the Stock of his Masters and then to he delivered with all the increase male & female and to him Double apparrell and three Barrels of good Indian Come at the Expiracon of his time In Witness whereunto the partyes above written hath interchangeably sett their hands and seals the day and years- above written
In presence of us signd Jno Hoase
Recordat in Com Rappa xii die Martii 1666
THIS INDENTURE made the fourth day of February 1666 Between HENRY CRIGHTOUN of the County of Rappa Taylor of the one party & JNO. & ANN HOUSE of 207 same County on the other party for and in the Behalf of their Son ROBERT CATTEN (Same terms and conditions as in the previous entry)
In presents of us GEO TAYLOR SENIOR Henry Crightoun
ye marke of JA BOURNE
Recognit in Cur Com Rappa 7th ie Martii 1666
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that we JOHN HOUSE and ANN HOUSE my Wife doth Constitute and appoynt our Loveing Freind WM BRUCE our true & lawful Attorney for us and in our Steeds to accknowledge the Binding of ROBERT CATTEN as by an Indenture our hands & seals doth more at large appear & what our said Attorney shall doe or cause to be don in the premises wee the said Jno House and Ann doth rattify and confirme & Witness our hands & seales this 21st day of February 1666
In presence of us the marke of JNO WILLIAMS Jno. House
Recordat in Com Rappa xii Die Martii 1666
Old Rappahannock Co Va Deeds & Wills - 1665-1677; Page 200-202
IN THE NAME OF GOD Amen I THOMAS ERWIN of the Parish of Sittingburn in the County of Rappa being sick in body but of sound & perfect memory do hereby make & ordain this my last Will &Testament hereby revoaking and making void any Testament heretofore by me made either by word or writing & this onely to be taken for my Last Will and Testament (my Wife to be my only Executrix hereafter) Imprs I give and bequeath my Soule into the hands of Almighty God hoping and trusting through the mercies of Jesus Christ to obtaine full and perfect remission of all my Sinns & my Body to the earth from whence it was taken to be buried in comely and decent manner according to the discretion of my Wife & Relations And as for my worldly goods I thus bequeath them
Item I give and bequeath to my Wife one bay mare & if in case she bring forth a mare foale it to run for the good of all my Children and likewise there be three mares more & a horse which I do order & constitute to be given to my Children in general) & a young gelding in the same manner for the use of my Children
Item I give & bequeath to my Children eight Cows & their increase & them to be kept upon my said Plantation for the use of all my Children & no exception to be made but equally to be devided
Item I give & bequeath to my two Eldest Sonns all my land consisting of Two hundred & thirty acres & the said land to be equally devided when they come of age that is to say Sixteen yeares & then to be free to enjoy accordingly to live together upon one Plantation, that then my Eldest Sonn provide proportionably so much land in some other place convenient as my Second Sonn thinks fitt otherwise to concurr to live unanimously together according to will & desire
Item it is my will & command that my Wife have the third part of the land & half the Orchard for the use of her and likewise her children for ever without any molestation whatsoever
Item I give & bequeath to my two youngest Sonns two hundred acres of land lying in the READY WAY to Collo, WASHINGTONs & if it please God they should depart before they come of age to enjoy it then the said land to fall to my two Eldest Sons and if in case they should die then it to go to the use of my Daughters
Item it is my will that my Wife shall have all my personall estate that is to say all cattle hoggs all moveables whatsoever as tobaccoes debts dues & whatsoever belongs to me in order to the education & bringing up of the Children
Item I doe hereby make ordain & appoint my loveing Wife ANN ERWIN the whole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament to see it performed & further I do ordaine appoint my loveing Freind JOHN MATLIN & WILLIAM SERJEANT & HENRY CREIGHTON Overseers & Assistants to my Wife & in case of the death of my Wife to take care of my Childrens Estate & Education
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seale this 19th of January
Signed sealed & delivered to be THOMAS ERWIN Seale
his last Will & Testament
in presence of us JOHN PAYNE
I Underwritten do depose and say that I did see the within named Testatr. signe seale & publish the within mentioned to be his last Will & Testament & that he was in prfect sence & memory at the signing sealing & publishing thereof to the best of my
Juratr est PAYNE in Cur Com Rappa 3 die May 1676 Probatr et_ recordatr xx die JOHN PAYNE
1668-1670 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 4, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 11
TO ALL TO WHOM these pnts shall come I HENRY CRIGHTOUNE of the County of Rappa, for a Valluable Consideracon recd in hand paid by WM, BRUICE of the same County at and before the sealing and delivery of these pnts doe give grant bargaine sell alien Enfeoffe and confirme unto the sd WM. BRUICE his heires and assignes one pcell of land scituate lying and being in the same County aforesd uppon the North side the River and begining at Corner of the fence of the sd BRUICEs and soe running along as the path goes towards the INDIAN SWAMP to the line that runneth No East and by East and soe along that line to the Corner tree of the sd BRUICEs formerly bought of WALTER GRANGER and soe to the Corner Oak the fence where wee first began together wth all the privilidges thereunto belonging To Have and To Hold the sd land to WM. BRUICE his heirs and the sd HENRY CRIGHTOUNE for himselfe his heires doth covenant and agree to and wth the sd WM. BRUICE his heires shall and lawfully may at all times hereafter for Ever enjoyn the same and the sd WM. BRUICE for himselfe his or assignes doth covenant to and wth the sd HENRY CRIGHTOUNE his heires to pay the quit rents yearely wch will be twelve pence yearely. In Witness whereof the sd HENRY CRIGHTOUNE have hereunto sett my hand and Seale the third day of Novembr. 1668,
in the presence of HENRY CRIGHTOUNE
Recognit in tar Com Rappa. 4th die 9bris 1668
1668-1670 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 4, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 133-134
TO ALL TO WHOME these prsents shall come I THOMAS PATTISON of the County of Rappa for and in consideration of the sume of one thousand pounds of Tab & caske to me in hand paid by HENRY CREIGHTON of the same County at and before the sealing and delivery of these prsents doe give bargaine sell and confirme unto the sd HEN, CREIGHTON his heires two hundred & twenty acres of land scituate lying and being on the South side of RAPPA, RIVER and lying uppon a Maine Branch of the DRAGON SWAMP beginning at a corner white Oake standing by the sd Pocoson side and running upp into the woods by a line of marked trees bounding uppon the land of JOHN CHYNN and JOHN GIBSON E, N, E, 200 po. to another mrked white Oake thence E,S.E, 1/2 to a poynt Southerly 100 poles to a corner red Oake of JNO, MAYO and thence running downe to the aforesd pocoson S. S. W. 120 po, bounding uppon the said MARKAMs land and along the pocoson West and W: N: W: 280 po. to the first menconed tree together with all priviledges whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise aperteining unto the sd HENRY CREIGHTON his heires & assignes for Evermore and the said THOMAS PATTISON for himselfe his heires doth covenant and agree to and wth the said HENRY CREIGHTON his heires & assignes by these prsents shall or lawfully at all time may hereafter quietly and peaceably have hold enjoy the sd prmises and I the sd HENRY CREIGHTON doth binde myselfe my heires to deliver unto JOHN BRADGER the Son of RICHARD BRADGER deced att the age of twenty one yeares the one halfe of the land itt being one hundred and tenn acres being the Free of THO: PATTISON and ANN PATTISON his Wife and the said HENRY CREIGHTON for himselfe his heirs doth covenant & agree and to and with the said THOMAS PATTISON his heires & assignes that the said HENRY CREIGHTON his heires will pay the quitrrents wch is twelve pence for every fifty acres of the said land In Witness whereof I the sd THOMAS PATTISON wth the consent of ANN
PATTISON my Wife have hereunto sett or; hands & seaies this First day of March 1669/70
in prsents of us THO, ELLIS. THO:PATTISON
Recognitr 2d die Martii 1669
I the above menconed HENRY CREIGHTON doe by these prsents confirme in open Cort from mee my heirs unto JOHN the Son of RICHARD BRADGER deced and unto his heirs for evermore the one halfe of the above menconed land according to the true intent & meaning of the donor and my Engagement above As Witness my hand & Seale the day & yeare above written
in the prsents of us THO ELLIS, HENRY CREIGHTON
Recognitr. in Cur Rappa 2d die Martii 1669/70
1668-1670 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 4, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 135
KNOWE ALL MEN by these prsents that wee THO: and ANN PATTISON doe constitute & appoynt or: Friend HENRY BALL for us and in or: names place & stead to acknowledge a conveyance by us signed and sealed unto HENRY CREIGHTON his heires for Ever for one parcell of land conteining two hundred & twenty acres of land formerly taken up in the name of me ye sd THO, PATTISON & RICH, BRADGAR deced in the County Court of Rappa, provided he the sd HEN: CREIGHTON shall att the same time acknowledge a clause in the said conveyance for the Gift and confirmacon of the one halfe of the said land unto the Son of RICHARD BRADGAR deced & with his heires for evermore in every respect according to the tenor & true intent and meaning of the conveyance aforesd menconed allowing Rattifieing and confirming whatever or: sd Atturney shall doe in & concerning the prmises as if wee or:selves were prsonally prsent and had done the same Further giving him or: said Atturney as full and ample power as is or cann be given to my Atturney in like cases As Witnes or: hands and seales this First day of March 1669/70
In the prsents of us THO. ELLIS, THOS,PATTISON
Recordatr, XIIth die Martii 1669/70
1670-1672 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 4, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 162
THESE PRSENTS WITNESSETH that I NICHOLAS COCK of the County of MIDDLESEX doe authorize Impower & depute my Loveing Friend THOMAS WHARTON to be my true & lawful! Attorney to answer the Suite of HENRY CREIGHTON who marryed the Relict of RICHARD BRIDGATE & what my said Attorney shall doe therein shall be in as full power as if I were psonally prsent myselfe. As Witness my hand this 5th July 1670
1670-1672 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 4, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 215
KNOW ALL MEN by these pnts that I HENRY CREIGHTON of the County of Rappa. for me my heires for severall causes mee moveing thereunto doth freely & willingly give unto THOMAS ARMSTRONG Sonn of ROBT, ARMSTRONG of the same County afforesd two Cowes the one a brown cowe abt, fower yeares old the other ( ) all
their increase male & female to him & his heires forever but in case the said THOMAS ARMSTRONG should die before he comes to the age of twenty one yeares that then these cattle before menconed he equally derided amongst his (N--k) heareof I have heereunto sett my hand & seale this last day of Febr. 1670
in the pnts of us JOHN HUME, HENRY CREIGHTON
The ears mark of the catle is three slitts & a cropp on the left. Eare and a Swallow forke on the right eare
1670-1672 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 4, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 239-240
KNOW ALL MEN by these pnts yt I HENRY CRIGHTON doth for me my heirs firmly give unto JAMES BOUGHGNAN JUNIOR one heifer about two years old with all ye increase both male & female to him & his heirs forever and marked both Eares • cropt three alit' in Each Cropt she being of a white colour with white about her and now upon ye plantacon of JAMES BOUGHGNAN SENIOR ye said Heifer is and for ye True Pformance I have hereunto set my hand as Wittness my hand and seale this 6th of July 1671 in ye psence of us
Recognitr in cur Rappa die 5th July Ano 1671
1672-1674 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 5, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 13-14
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I JOHN SAMNFORD of the County of Rappa. and Parish of Sittingbourne (marked out) Farnham doe for and in consideration of four thousand pounds of tobacco and cask to me in hand paid by Mr. RICE JONES of the same County doe sell and forever make over unto the said RICE JONES all my stock of Catle wch I am now possessed wth and also my Stock of hoggs that are in Copartnership betweene HENRY CREIGHTON and me the said JOHN SANFORD to have and to hold the said Catle with all theire increase both male and female from day of the date hereof and forevermore alwaise that if the said JOHN SANFORD do well and truely paie unto the sd JONES or assignes the just quantity of Foure thousand pounds of tobacco and caske or what shall appear justly due by Bill at or upon the last day of October next ensuing wth conveniency in the above said County and Parish that then this abovesaid Deed of Sale to be void and of none effect or else to remaine in full force as Witness my hand & Seale this 23 of Februarie 1671
Recognit in Cu. Com Rappa 7d die March 1671
I the within mentioned JOHN SAMFORD doe impower my Friend THOMAS FRESHWATER to acknowledge this my wthin mentioned Deed of Sale in the next County Court held for the said County of Rappa and doe hereby ratifie and confirme the same to be as firm as
if I myself were personally present as Witness my hand this 23 of Februarie 1671 Test THOMAS TOSELEY JOHN SAMFORD
Recordatr. xx7d die Aprilis 1672
1672-1674 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 5, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 121-122
KNOW ALL MEN that I HENRY CREIGHTON for and in consideration of Three thousand pounds of Tobacco in hand the bills bearing date wth these presents do give sell and confirm unto SAMUEL GREENE and CHARLES CHEANIE ioyntly and severally to them or either of them their heirs or assigns One hundred and ten acres of land being on the South side of RAPPA RIVER and in the same County and formerly bought of Mr. THOMAS PATTON as by Conveyance upon Record in the County Court will appear and Pattent for the same from JAMES CITY for Two hundred and twenty acres betwixt the said PATTISON and (blurred) and BEDGAR and the said GREEN and CHEANIE their heirs or assigns to take their choice of the one half being one hundred and ten acres of land with all the appurtenances and privilidges thereunto belonging forever in as ample manner as I the said CREIGHTON have it from Mr, THOMAS PATTISON by Conveyance forever and with warranty unto the said SAMUEL GREENE and CHARLES CHEANIE their heirs or assigns from all parties or persons whatsoever laying titles or interest to any part thereof from or under me, and the said SAMUEL GREENE and CHARLES CHEANIE for themselves their heirs or assigns do promise to paie the Quitrents and layeth out and so take their choice In Witness thereof I the said HENRY CREIGHTON with the consent of my Wife JANE CREIGHTON have hereunto sett our hands and seals this first day of Aprill 1673
Recognit in Cu Com Rappa 3 die 7bris 1673 at Citation.1
Family 1 | Frances (?) b. b 1644, d. a Sep 1666 |
Family 2 | Jane Jones b. c 1641, d. a 1677 |
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, Henry Creighton Bef 1640 - 1677 seen 6 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, Frances MNU Creighton Bef 1644 - Aft 1666 seen 6 Aug 2022 at
Frances (?)1
F, #99663, b. before 1644, d. after September 1666
Last Edited | 6 Aug 2022 |
Frances (?) was born before 1644.1 She married Henry Creighton before 1660 at Sittingbourne Parish, Old Rappahannock Co., Virginia, USA,
His 1st wife.1
Frances (?) died after September 1666 at Sittingbourne Parish, Old Rappahannock Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers (Archive #1):
1665-1677 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed & Will Book; [Antient Press]; Page 24-25
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I HENRY CREIGHTON of the County of Rappa. in Virga, by & with the Consent of FRANCIS my Wife for divers good causes & valuable considerations us thereunto moving & more especially for the sole consideration of one Cow Calfe already delivered to me by WILLIAM BRUCE of the same County have granted sold & confirmed & do by these presents give sell & confirme unto the sd WILLIAM BRUCE his heirs & assignes Two acres & thirty four perches of land situate lying & being in the aforesaid County & on the North side of RAPPA. RIVER being part of a Devident of land whereon I the said CREIGHTON now live together with all the houses edifices & buildings & appurtenances thereunto belonging begining at a marked Stump in the North & South lines that divides the lands of the said CREIGHTON & the said BRUCE N. unto a marked Pocickory that standeth in the Division lyne thence SSW half a point westerly to a marked Stump thence S. by West to the East lyne thence to the place where begun East 14 poles to have & to hold the said Two acres & thirty four perches withal! the houses Edifices buildings & appurtenances to him the sd WILLIAM BRUCE his heirs admrs. or assignes for ever to the sole & proper use of him the sd WILLIAM BRUCE his heirs & assigns forevermore the sd WM. BRUCE paying & discharging the rights & services therefore first due & of right accustomed & furthermore I the said HENRY CREIGHTON & FRANCES my Wife do for us our heirs & admrs. promise & grant with the sd WILLIAM BRUCE his heirs & assignes that he the said WILLIAM BRUCE his heirs or assignes shall & may from time to time and at all times hereafter quietly enjoy the sd two acres & thirty four perches of land with the aforementioned pmises without any hindrance of us the said HENRY & FRANCES or any other person lawfully claiming the same. In Witness whereof we the sd HENRY & FRANCES have hereunto set our hands & seals this 25th of May 1665 in presence of us ALEXR FLEMING HENRY CREIGHTON seal
Recognr in Cur Com Rappa 6 die 7bris Ao. 1665
1665-1677 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed & Will Book; [Antient Press]; Page 85-86
TO ALL XPIAN PEOPLE to whom these presents shall come Know Ye that wee JOHN SHARPE by & with the Consent of JUDITH my Wife & HENRY CREIGHTON by & with the consent of FRANCIS my Wife for divers good causes & valuable considerations us thereunto moving & more especially for the sume of Four thousand Five hundred pounds of good tobacco & Caske to us in hand paide by JOHN PAINE of the County of Rappa: which wee acknowledge to have received have given sold & confirmed & do by these presents give sell & confirme unto the said JOHN PAINE all that parcell & divident of land which we bought of WILLIAM SAVADGE & WILLIAM LINNELL begining at a white Oake marked upon the Edge of the Swampe & so tuning West South West unto an INDIAN PATH & from thence to the same Swamp where we first began the sd Land being formerly sold by the said PAINE to ye: said SAVADGE, ROBT: MUSSELL & WILLIAM LINNEL to have and to hold the said Divident of land with every part & parcel! thereof with all rights & priviledges to him the sd JOHN PAINE his heirs & assignes for ever the said JOHN PAINE his heirs or assignes yeilding & paying from henceforth yearly his Matys Rights dues & accustomed for the same & we the said JOHN SHARPE & JUDITH my Wife & HENRY CREIGHTON & FRANCIS my Wife do hereby promise & grant to & with the said JOHN PAINE his heirs & assignes that he & they shall at all times hereafter quietly enjoy the abovementioned premises with every part & parcel! thereof without the hindrances or interruption of us or either or any of our heirs or assignes or any other persons whatsoever claimeing the aforementioned premises or any part thereof by or under us our or any of our heirs or assignes. In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands & seals this 26th day of April 1665
in presence of us JOHN FENNELL, JOHN SHARPE seal
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I JUDITH SHARPE of ye County of Rappa: doth constitute & appoint my Loving Friend JOHN NEWMAN to be my lawful Attorny for me & in my steed to acknowledge a tract of land sold by my Husband unto JOHN PAINE. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 28th:
day of Aprill 1665
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I FRANCES CREIGHTON do constitute & appoint my Loveing Friend Mr. RICHARD WEBLEY for me & in my steed to acknow-
ledge one parcell of land sould by HENRY CREIGHTON my Husband unto JOHN PAINE as Witness my hand this 2 of May 1665
Recognr in Cur Com Rappa: 4 die May 1665
1668-1670 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 4, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 11
TO ALL TO WHOM these pnts shall come I HENRY CRIGHTOUNE of the County of Rappa, for a Valluable Consideracon recd in hand paid by WM, BRUICE of the same County at and before the sealing and delivery of these pnts doe give grant bargaine sell alien Enfeoffe and confirme unto the sd WM. BRUICE his heires and assignes one pcell of land scituate lying and being in the same County aforesd uppon the North side the River and begining at Corner of the fence of the sd BRUICEs and soe running along as the path goes towards the INDIAN SWAMP to the line that runneth No East and by East and soe along that line to the Corner tree of the sd BRUICEs formerly bought of WALTER GRANGER and soe to the Corner Oak the fence where wee first began together wth all the privilidges thereunto belonging To Have and To Hold the sd land to WM. BRUICE his heirs and the sd HENRY CRIGHTOUNE for himselfe his heires doth covenant and agree to and wth the sd WM. BRUICE his heires shall and lawfully may at all times hereafter for Ever enjoyn the same and the sd WM. BRUICE for himselfe his or assignes doth covenant to and wth the sd HENRY CRIGHTOUNE his heires to pay the quit rents yearely wch will be twelve pence yearely. In Witness whereof the sd HENRY CRIGHTOUNE have hereunto sett my hand and Seale the third day of Novembr. 1668,
in the presence of HENRY CRIGHTOUNE
Recognit in tar Com Rappa. 4th die 9bris 1668 at Citation.1
His 1st wife.1
Frances (?) died after September 1666 at Sittingbourne Parish, Old Rappahannock Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers (Archive #1):
1665-1677 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed & Will Book; [Antient Press]; Page 24-25
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I HENRY CREIGHTON of the County of Rappa. in Virga, by & with the Consent of FRANCIS my Wife for divers good causes & valuable considerations us thereunto moving & more especially for the sole consideration of one Cow Calfe already delivered to me by WILLIAM BRUCE of the same County have granted sold & confirmed & do by these presents give sell & confirme unto the sd WILLIAM BRUCE his heirs & assignes Two acres & thirty four perches of land situate lying & being in the aforesaid County & on the North side of RAPPA. RIVER being part of a Devident of land whereon I the said CREIGHTON now live together with all the houses edifices & buildings & appurtenances thereunto belonging begining at a marked Stump in the North & South lines that divides the lands of the said CREIGHTON & the said BRUCE N. unto a marked Pocickory that standeth in the Division lyne thence SSW half a point westerly to a marked Stump thence S. by West to the East lyne thence to the place where begun East 14 poles to have & to hold the said Two acres & thirty four perches withal! the houses Edifices buildings & appurtenances to him the sd WILLIAM BRUCE his heirs admrs. or assignes for ever to the sole & proper use of him the sd WILLIAM BRUCE his heirs & assigns forevermore the sd WM. BRUCE paying & discharging the rights & services therefore first due & of right accustomed & furthermore I the said HENRY CREIGHTON & FRANCES my Wife do for us our heirs & admrs. promise & grant with the sd WILLIAM BRUCE his heirs & assignes that he the said WILLIAM BRUCE his heirs or assignes shall & may from time to time and at all times hereafter quietly enjoy the sd two acres & thirty four perches of land with the aforementioned pmises without any hindrance of us the said HENRY & FRANCES or any other person lawfully claiming the same. In Witness whereof we the sd HENRY & FRANCES have hereunto set our hands & seals this 25th of May 1665 in presence of us ALEXR FLEMING HENRY CREIGHTON seal
Recognr in Cur Com Rappa 6 die 7bris Ao. 1665
1665-1677 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed & Will Book; [Antient Press]; Page 85-86
TO ALL XPIAN PEOPLE to whom these presents shall come Know Ye that wee JOHN SHARPE by & with the Consent of JUDITH my Wife & HENRY CREIGHTON by & with the consent of FRANCIS my Wife for divers good causes & valuable considerations us thereunto moving & more especially for the sume of Four thousand Five hundred pounds of good tobacco & Caske to us in hand paide by JOHN PAINE of the County of Rappa: which wee acknowledge to have received have given sold & confirmed & do by these presents give sell & confirme unto the said JOHN PAINE all that parcell & divident of land which we bought of WILLIAM SAVADGE & WILLIAM LINNELL begining at a white Oake marked upon the Edge of the Swampe & so tuning West South West unto an INDIAN PATH & from thence to the same Swamp where we first began the sd Land being formerly sold by the said PAINE to ye: said SAVADGE, ROBT: MUSSELL & WILLIAM LINNEL to have and to hold the said Divident of land with every part & parcel! thereof with all rights & priviledges to him the sd JOHN PAINE his heirs & assignes for ever the said JOHN PAINE his heirs or assignes yeilding & paying from henceforth yearly his Matys Rights dues & accustomed for the same & we the said JOHN SHARPE & JUDITH my Wife & HENRY CREIGHTON & FRANCIS my Wife do hereby promise & grant to & with the said JOHN PAINE his heirs & assignes that he & they shall at all times hereafter quietly enjoy the abovementioned premises with every part & parcel! thereof without the hindrances or interruption of us or either or any of our heirs or assignes or any other persons whatsoever claimeing the aforementioned premises or any part thereof by or under us our or any of our heirs or assignes. In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands & seals this 26th day of April 1665
in presence of us JOHN FENNELL, JOHN SHARPE seal
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I JUDITH SHARPE of ye County of Rappa: doth constitute & appoint my Loving Friend JOHN NEWMAN to be my lawful Attorny for me & in my steed to acknowledge a tract of land sold by my Husband unto JOHN PAINE. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 28th:
day of Aprill 1665
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I FRANCES CREIGHTON do constitute & appoint my Loveing Friend Mr. RICHARD WEBLEY for me & in my steed to acknow-
ledge one parcell of land sould by HENRY CREIGHTON my Husband unto JOHN PAINE as Witness my hand this 2 of May 1665
Recognr in Cur Com Rappa: 4 die May 1665
1668-1670 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 4, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 11
TO ALL TO WHOM these pnts shall come I HENRY CRIGHTOUNE of the County of Rappa, for a Valluable Consideracon recd in hand paid by WM, BRUICE of the same County at and before the sealing and delivery of these pnts doe give grant bargaine sell alien Enfeoffe and confirme unto the sd WM. BRUICE his heires and assignes one pcell of land scituate lying and being in the same County aforesd uppon the North side the River and begining at Corner of the fence of the sd BRUICEs and soe running along as the path goes towards the INDIAN SWAMP to the line that runneth No East and by East and soe along that line to the Corner tree of the sd BRUICEs formerly bought of WALTER GRANGER and soe to the Corner Oak the fence where wee first began together wth all the privilidges thereunto belonging To Have and To Hold the sd land to WM. BRUICE his heirs and the sd HENRY CRIGHTOUNE for himselfe his heires doth covenant and agree to and wth the sd WM. BRUICE his heires shall and lawfully may at all times hereafter for Ever enjoyn the same and the sd WM. BRUICE for himselfe his or assignes doth covenant to and wth the sd HENRY CRIGHTOUNE his heires to pay the quit rents yearely wch will be twelve pence yearely. In Witness whereof the sd HENRY CRIGHTOUNE have hereunto sett my hand and Seale the third day of Novembr. 1668,
in the presence of HENRY CRIGHTOUNE
Recognit in tar Com Rappa. 4th die 9bris 1668 at Citation.1
Family | Henry Creighton b. b 1640, d. 6 Jul 1677 |
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, Frances MNU Creighton Bef 1644 - Aft 1666 seen 6 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
Mary Lord1
F, #99664, b. September 1614, d. 1687/88
Last Edited | 7 Aug 2022 |
Mary Lord was born in September 1614.1 She married Thomas Stanton, son of Thomas Staunton of Wolverton Hall, co. Warwick and Katherine Washington, in 1637
His 1st wife.1
Mary Lord died in 1687/88.1
; Genealogics cites:
His 1st wife.1
Mary Lord died in 1687/88.1
; Genealogics cites:
1. Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska, Ancestor list, 2008, Verheecke, José. nr.15670
2. Angelica Huston, Ancestors 2012, Verheecke, José.1
2. Angelica Huston, Ancestors 2012, Verheecke, José.1
Family | Thomas Stanton b. 30 Jul 1616, d. 2 Dec 1677 |
- [S1450] John P. Ravilious, "Ravilious email "Correction to CP: Dinham, Lord Dinham"," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to e-mail address, 7 June 2003, Mary Lord 1614 - Abt 1687 seen 7 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as "Ravilious email 7 June 2003."
Samuel Camp1
M, #99666, b. 14 May 1753, d. 18 August 1827
Last Edited | 7 Aug 2022 |
Samuel Camp was born on 14 May 1753 at Wallingford, New Haven Co., Connecticut, USA.1 He married Mary Banks, daughter of Gerard Banks (II) and Ann Stanton, before 1777
; According to their FAG memorials, their first-born child listed, Thaddeus, was born 15 Nov 1777 in Amherst Co., VA.1
Samuel Camp died on 18 August 1827 at Jewell, Warren Co., Georgia, USA, at age 74.1
Samuel Camp was buried after 18 August 1827 at Camp Family Cemetery, Warren Co., Georgia, USA; From Find A Grave:
; According to their FAG memorials, their first-born child listed, Thaddeus, was born 15 Nov 1777 in Amherst Co., VA.1
Samuel Camp died on 18 August 1827 at Jewell, Warren Co., Georgia, USA, at age 74.1
Samuel Camp was buried after 18 August 1827 at Camp Family Cemetery, Warren Co., Georgia, USA; From Find A Grave:
BIRTH 14 May 1753, Wallingford, New Haven County, Connecticut, USA
DEATH 18 Aug 1827 (aged 74), Jewell, Warren County, Georgia, USA
Revolutionary War Quartermaster in Colonel Gabriel Penn's Virginia Regiment, Albemarle Barracks, 1779. Also served as Quartermaster Virginia Troops, March 1776, Amherst County, Virginia.
Inscription: Erected to memory of Samuel Camp, by Serg't Newton Chapter, Covington, Georgia, Daughters of the Americam Revolution, 1924.
Family Members
Ichabod Camp 1725–1786
Content Ward Camp 1727–1754
Mary Banks Camp 1754–1800
Sarah Camp Thompson 1750–1791
Half Siblings
George Camp 1761–1784
Catherine Camp Dodge 1765–1836
Louisa Camp 1768–1825
Thaddeus Camp 1777–1845
Cecelius Camp 1779–1824
Claudsley Camp 1781–1814
Sarah Camp Ledbetter 1782 – unknown
Nancy Camp Williams 1784 – unknown
Elizabeth Camp Smith 1786–1810
Mary Camp Kelly 1788–1864
Telemachus Camp 1790–1849
Hypsiphilly Camp Johnson 1792 – unknown
Gerard Camp 1794–1861
BURIAL Camp Family Cemetery, Warren County, Georgia, USA
Created by: Jimmy Morris
Added: 6 Jun 2009
Find a Grave Memorial ID: 37990029.1
DEATH 18 Aug 1827 (aged 74), Jewell, Warren County, Georgia, USA
Revolutionary War Quartermaster in Colonel Gabriel Penn's Virginia Regiment, Albemarle Barracks, 1779. Also served as Quartermaster Virginia Troops, March 1776, Amherst County, Virginia.
Inscription: Erected to memory of Samuel Camp, by Serg't Newton Chapter, Covington, Georgia, Daughters of the Americam Revolution, 1924.
Family Members
Ichabod Camp 1725–1786
Content Ward Camp 1727–1754
Mary Banks Camp 1754–1800
Sarah Camp Thompson 1750–1791
Half Siblings
George Camp 1761–1784
Catherine Camp Dodge 1765–1836
Louisa Camp 1768–1825
Thaddeus Camp 1777–1845
Cecelius Camp 1779–1824
Claudsley Camp 1781–1814
Sarah Camp Ledbetter 1782 – unknown
Nancy Camp Williams 1784 – unknown
Elizabeth Camp Smith 1786–1810
Mary Camp Kelly 1788–1864
Telemachus Camp 1790–1849
Hypsiphilly Camp Johnson 1792 – unknown
Gerard Camp 1794–1861
BURIAL Camp Family Cemetery, Warren County, Georgia, USA
Created by: Jimmy Morris
Added: 6 Jun 2009
Find a Grave Memorial ID: 37990029.1

Family | Mary Banks b. 5 Jun 1754, d. 6 Jun 1800 |
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 07 August 2022), memorial page for Samuel Camp (14 May 1753–18 Aug 1827), Find a Grave Memorial ID 37990029, citing Camp Family Cemetery, Warren County, Georgia, USA; Maintained by Jimmy Morris (contributor 47132742) at Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
Lorena Taylor1
F, #99667, b. between 1806 and 1820
Father | Mooreman Taylor2 b. 26 Mar 1769, d. 16 Sep 1827 |
Mother | Lavinia Banks2 b. c 1777 |
Last Edited | 7 Aug 2022 |
Lorena Taylor was born between 1806 and 1820 at Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA; Aged 30 (i.e., ca 1820) in 1850 census; 45 in 1860 (i.e., ca 1815); 57 in 1870 (i.e., ca 1813); 74 in 1880 (i.e., ca 1806.)2,1,3,4
Lorena Taylor was also known as Luruna Taylor.2
Lorena Taylor was listed as a resident in Mooreman Taylor and Lavinia Banks's household in the census report on 7 August 1820 at Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 90, line 15
Source Information: 1820 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.
Original data: Fourth Census of the United States, 1820. (NARA microfilm publication M33, 142 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.5
Lorena Taylor was listed as a resident in Elizabeth Taylor's household in the census report on 28 August 1850 at District 2, Carroll Co., Kentucky, USA; Elizabeth and her mother are next door to her 1st cousin, Samuel BANKS.
p. 205-B, lines 22-26, dwelling 207, family 215
Lorena Taylor appeared in the census of 20 August 1860 at Milton, Trimble Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 311, lines 26-31, dwelling 792, family 787
26 TAYLOR, Luruna 45 [1815 ] F W $300 Garard [sic] Co. KY
27 " , Turrissa 56 [1804] F W Garard [sic] Co. KY
28 " , Levina 83 [1777] F W VA
29 " , Elizabeth 61 [1799] SF W Garard [sic] Co. KY
30 SADLER, Benj. 12 [1848] M W --- Attended school
31 " , Olive 7 [1853] F W Trimble Co KY.2
Lorena Taylor was listed as a resident in Elizabeth Taylor's household in the census report on 28 July 1870 at Milton, Trimble Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 215-A, lines 22-23, dwelling 58, family 58
Lorena Taylor was listed as a resident in Elizabeth Taylor's household in the census report on 24 June 1880 at Milton, Trimble Co., Kentucky, USA; The name of the Elizabeth's sister is not clear in the image.
p. 450-C, lines 27-28, dwelling 322, family 325
Lorena Taylor was also known as Luruna Taylor.2
Lorena Taylor was listed as a resident in Mooreman Taylor and Lavinia Banks's household in the census report on 7 August 1820 at Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 90, line 15
Record ID 7734::1387606
Name Moman Taylor
Home in 1820 (City, County, State) Garrard, Garrard, Kentucky
Enumeration Date 7 August 1820
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10 3 [aft 1810] Garrard 1813, Oliver c1816, Garton 1817
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 15 1 [1805-10] Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 18 1 [1802-04] Zachariah 1802
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25 1 [1795-1804] Zachariah 1802
Free White Persons - Males - 45 and over 1 [bef 1775] Mooreman 1769
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10 1 [aft 1810] Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15 2 [1805-10] Lurena c1806, Charity 1809
Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25 2 [1795-1804] Elizabeth c1799, Naomi 1799
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44 1 [bef 1775] Lavinia (BANKS) 80916
Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture 1
Free White Persons - Under 16 7
Free White Persons - Over 25 2
Total Free White Persons 12
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other 12
Name Moman Taylor
Home in 1820 (City, County, State) Garrard, Garrard, Kentucky
Enumeration Date 7 August 1820
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10 3 [aft 1810] Garrard 1813, Oliver c1816, Garton 1817
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 15 1 [1805-10] Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 18 1 [1802-04] Zachariah 1802
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25 1 [1795-1804] Zachariah 1802
Free White Persons - Males - 45 and over 1 [bef 1775] Mooreman 1769
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10 1 [aft 1810] Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15 2 [1805-10] Lurena c1806, Charity 1809
Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25 2 [1795-1804] Elizabeth c1799, Naomi 1799
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44 1 [bef 1775] Lavinia (BANKS) 80916
Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture 1
Free White Persons - Under 16 7
Free White Persons - Over 25 2
Total Free White Persons 12
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other 12
Source Information: 1820 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.
Original data: Fourth Census of the United States, 1820. (NARA microfilm publication M33, 142 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.5

Lorena Taylor was listed as a resident in Elizabeth Taylor's household in the census report on 28 August 1850 at District 2, Carroll Co., Kentucky, USA; Elizabeth and her mother are next door to her 1st cousin, Samuel BANKS.
p. 205-B, lines 22-26, dwelling 207, family 215
22 TAYLOR, Elizabeth 50 [1800] F W KY
23 " , Lavina 70 [1780] F W VA
24 " , Lorena 30 [1820] F W KY
25 SADDLER, Teresa 26 [1824] F W KY
26 " , Ben F. 2 [1848] M W KY.1
23 " , Lavina 70 [1780] F W VA
24 " , Lorena 30 [1820] F W KY
25 SADDLER, Teresa 26 [1824] F W KY
26 " , Ben F. 2 [1848] M W KY.1

Lorena Taylor appeared in the census of 20 August 1860 at Milton, Trimble Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 311, lines 26-31, dwelling 792, family 787
26 TAYLOR, Luruna 45 [1815 ] F W $300 Garard [sic] Co. KY
27 " , Turrissa 56 [1804] F W Garard [sic] Co. KY
28 " , Levina 83 [1777] F W VA
29 " , Elizabeth 61 [1799] SF W Garard [sic] Co. KY
30 SADLER, Benj. 12 [1848] M W --- Attended school
31 " , Olive 7 [1853] F W Trimble Co KY.2

Lorena Taylor was listed as a resident in Elizabeth Taylor's household in the census report on 28 July 1870 at Milton, Trimble Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 215-A, lines 22-23, dwelling 58, family 58
22 TAYLOR, Betty 70 [1800] F W Keeping House KY
23 " , Lurany 57 [1813] F W Keeping House KY.3
23 " , Lurany 57 [1813] F W Keeping House KY.3

Lorena Taylor was listed as a resident in Elizabeth Taylor's household in the census report on 24 June 1880 at Milton, Trimble Co., Kentucky, USA; The name of the Elizabeth's sister is not clear in the image.
p. 450-C, lines 27-28, dwelling 322, family 325
27 TAYLOR, Elizabeth W F 81 [1799] Single Keeping House KY --- VA
28 " , Lucy? W F 74 [18063] Sister Single At Home KY --- VA.4
28 " , Lucy? W F 74 [18063] Sister Single At Home KY --- VA.4

- [S5657] 1850 Federal Census, 1850 Census KY Carroll Co Dist 2, Year: 1850; Census Place: District 2, Carroll, Kentucky; Roll: 195; Page: 205b seen 7 Aug 2022
Image: - [S5656] 1860 Federal Census, 1860 Census KY Trimble Co Milton, Year: 1860; Census Place: Trimble, Kentucky; Roll: M653_397; Page: 311; Family History Library Film: 803397 seen 7 Aug 2022
Image: - [S5659] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census KY Trimble Co Milton, Year: 1870; Census Place: Milton, Trimble, Kentucky; Roll: M593_501; Page: 215A seen 7 Aug 2022
Image: - [S5660] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census KY Trimble Co Milton, Year: 1880; Census Place: Milton, Trimble, Kentucky; Roll: 443; Page: 450B; Enumeration District: 192 seen 7 Aug 2022
Image: - [S3791] 1820 Federal Census, 1820 Census KY Garrard Co, 1820 U S Census; Census Place: Garrard, Garrard, Kentucky; Page: 99; NARA Roll: M33_21; Image: 113 seen 7 Aug 2022
Theresa B. Taylor1
F, #99668, b. circa 1824
Father | Mooreman Taylor2 b. 26 Mar 1769, d. 16 Sep 1827 |
Mother | Lavinia Banks2 b. c 1777 |
Last Edited | 8 Aug 2022 |
Theresa B. Taylor was buried ; Possible burial record.3 She was born circa 1824 at Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA; Aged 26 in 1850 census; 56 in 1860.2 She married (?) Sadler before 1848
; Their son Ben was aged in the 1850 census.1
Theresa B. Taylor was also known as Turissa Taylor.2
Theresa B. Taylor was listed as a resident in Elizabeth Taylor's household in the census report on 28 August 1850 at District 2, Carroll Co., Kentucky, USA; Elizabeth and her mother are next door to her 1st cousin, Samuel BANKS.
p. 205-B, lines 22-26, dwelling 207, family 215
Theresa B. Taylor was listed as a resident in Lorena Taylor's household in the census report on 20 August 1860 at Milton, Trimble Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 311, lines 26-31, dwelling 792, family 787
26 TAYLOR, Luruna 45 [1815 ] F W $300 Garard [sic] Co. KY
27 " , Turrissa 56 [1804] F W Garard [sic] Co. KY
28 " , Levina 83 [1777] F W VA
29 " , Elizabeth 61 [1799] SF W Garard [sic] Co. KY
30 SADLER, Benj. 12 [1848] M W --- Attended school
31 " , Olive 7 [1853] F W Trimble Co KY.2
Theresa B. Taylor appeared in the census of 30 June 1870 at Versailles, Ripley Co., Indiana, USA; p. 67-A, lines 27-29, dwelling 65, family 65
; Their son Ben was aged in the 1850 census.1
Theresa B. Taylor was also known as Turissa Taylor.2
Theresa B. Taylor was listed as a resident in Elizabeth Taylor's household in the census report on 28 August 1850 at District 2, Carroll Co., Kentucky, USA; Elizabeth and her mother are next door to her 1st cousin, Samuel BANKS.
p. 205-B, lines 22-26, dwelling 207, family 215
22 TAYLOR, Elizabeth 50 [1800] F W KY
23 " , Lavina 70 [1780] F W VA
24 " , Lorena 30 [1820] F W KY
25 SADDLER, Teresa 26 [1824] F W KY
26 " , Ben F. 2 [1848] M W KY.1
23 " , Lavina 70 [1780] F W VA
24 " , Lorena 30 [1820] F W KY
25 SADDLER, Teresa 26 [1824] F W KY
26 " , Ben F. 2 [1848] M W KY.1

Theresa B. Taylor was listed as a resident in Lorena Taylor's household in the census report on 20 August 1860 at Milton, Trimble Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 311, lines 26-31, dwelling 792, family 787
26 TAYLOR, Luruna 45 [1815 ] F W $300 Garard [sic] Co. KY
27 " , Turrissa 56 [1804] F W Garard [sic] Co. KY
28 " , Levina 83 [1777] F W VA
29 " , Elizabeth 61 [1799] SF W Garard [sic] Co. KY
30 SADLER, Benj. 12 [1848] M W --- Attended school
31 " , Olive 7 [1853] F W Trimble Co KY.2

Theresa B. Taylor appeared in the census of 30 June 1870 at Versailles, Ripley Co., Indiana, USA; p. 67-A, lines 27-29, dwelling 65, family 65
27 SADDLER, Theresa 46 [1824] F W Keeping house $100 KY
28 " , Benj. F. 22 [1848] M W Farm Laborer IN [sic]
29 " , Olive N. 17 [1853] F W KY.4
28 " , Benj. F. 22 [1848] M W Farm Laborer IN [sic]
29 " , Olive N. 17 [1853] F W KY.4

Family | (?) Sadler |
Children |
- [S5657] 1850 Federal Census, 1850 Census KY Carroll Co Dist 2, Year: 1850; Census Place: District 2, Carroll, Kentucky; Roll: 195; Page: 205b seen 7 Aug 2022
Image: - [S5656] 1860 Federal Census, 1860 Census KY Trimble Co Milton, Year: 1860; Census Place: Trimble, Kentucky; Roll: M653_397; Page: 311; Family History Library Film: 803397 seen 7 Aug 2022
Image: - [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 08 August 2022), memorial page for T. B. Sadler (24 Aug 1822–23 Jan 1880), Find a Grave Memorial ID 11544852, citing Taylor Cemetery, Butler County, Kentucky, USA; Maintained by heather simpson (contributor 46792747) at Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
- [S5658] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census IN Ripley Co Center Twp Versailles, Year: 1870; Census Place: Center, Ripley, Indiana; Roll: M593_355; Page: 67A seen 7 Aug 2022
Benjamin F. Sadler1
M, #99669, b. circa 1848, d. March 1880
Father | (?) Sadler1 |
Mother | Theresa B. Taylor1 b. c 1824 |
Last Edited | 7 Aug 2022 |
Benjamin F. Sadler was born circa 1848 at Carroll Co., Kentucky, USA; Aged 2 in the 1850 census; 12 in 1860.1,2 He married Mollie L A Crozier on 8 March 1876 at Indiana, USA,
; - Indiana, U.S., Marriages, 1810-2001
Source Information Indiana, U.S., Marriages, 1810-2001 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014.
Original data: Indiana, Marriages, 1810-2001. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013.3
Benjamin F. Sadler died in March 1880 at Butler Co., Kentucky, USA; - U.S., Federal Census Mortality Schedules, 1850-1885
Source.Citation: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA); Washington, D.C; Federal Mortality Census Schedules, 1850-1880, and Related Indexes, 1850-1880; Archive Collection: T655; Archive Roll Number: 17; Census Year: 1880; Census Place: Kentucky; Page: 1289.4
Benjamin F. Sadler was listed as a resident in Elizabeth Taylor's household in the census report on 28 August 1850 at District 2, Carroll Co., Kentucky, USA; Elizabeth and her mother are next door to her 1st cousin, Samuel BANKS.
p. 205-B, lines 22-26, dwelling 207, family 215
Benjamin F. Sadler was listed as a resident in Lorena Taylor's household in the census report on 20 August 1860 at Milton, Trimble Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 311, lines 26-31, dwelling 792, family 787
26 TAYLOR, Luruna 45 [1815 ] F W $300 Garard [sic] Co. KY
27 " , Turrissa 56 [1804] F W Garard [sic] Co. KY
28 " , Levina 83 [1777] F W VA
29 " , Elizabeth 61 [1799] SF W Garard [sic] Co. KY
30 SADLER, Benj. 12 [1848] M W --- Attended school
31 " , Olive 7 [1853] F W Trimble Co KY.2
Benjamin F. Sadler was listed as a resident in Theresa B. Taylor's household in the census report on 30 June 1870 at Versailles, Ripley Co., Indiana, USA; p. 67-A, lines 27-29, dwelling 65, family 65
; - Indiana, U.S., Marriages, 1810-2001
Record ID 60282::3078525
Name Benjamin F Sadler
Gender Male
Event Type Marriage Registration (Marriage)
Marriage Date 8 March 1876
Marriage Place Indiana, United States
Spouse Mollie L A Crozier
Page 344
FHL Film 001310211
Name Benjamin F Sadler
Gender Male
Event Type Marriage Registration (Marriage)
Marriage Date 8 March 1876
Marriage Place Indiana, United States
Spouse Mollie L A Crozier
Page 344
FHL Film 001310211
Source Information Indiana, U.S., Marriages, 1810-2001 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014.
Original data: Indiana, Marriages, 1810-2001. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013.3
Benjamin F. Sadler died in March 1880 at Butler Co., Kentucky, USA; - U.S., Federal Census Mortality Schedules, 1850-1885
Record ID 8756::2334262
Name B F Sadler
Gender Male
Marital Status Married
Estimated Birth Year abt 1845
Birth Place Kentucky
Age 35
Death Date March 1880
Census year 1880
Census Place Kentucky, USA
Line 9
Name B F Sadler
Gender Male
Marital Status Married
Estimated Birth Year abt 1845
Birth Place Kentucky
Age 35
Death Date March 1880
Census year 1880
Census Place Kentucky, USA
Line 9
Part1 National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Part2 Washington, D.C.
Part3 Federal Mortality Census Schedules, 1850-1880, and Related Indexes, 1850-1880
Archive Collection T655
Archive Roll Number 17
Census Year 1880
Census Place Kentucky
Page 1289
Part2 Washington, D.C.
Part3 Federal Mortality Census Schedules, 1850-1880, and Related Indexes, 1850-1880
Archive Collection T655
Archive Roll Number 17
Census Year 1880
Census Place Kentucky
Page 1289
Source.Citation: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA); Washington, D.C; Federal Mortality Census Schedules, 1850-1880, and Related Indexes, 1850-1880; Archive Collection: T655; Archive Roll Number: 17; Census Year: 1880; Census Place: Kentucky; Page: 1289.4
Benjamin F. Sadler was listed as a resident in Elizabeth Taylor's household in the census report on 28 August 1850 at District 2, Carroll Co., Kentucky, USA; Elizabeth and her mother are next door to her 1st cousin, Samuel BANKS.
p. 205-B, lines 22-26, dwelling 207, family 215
22 TAYLOR, Elizabeth 50 [1800] F W KY
23 " , Lavina 70 [1780] F W VA
24 " , Lorena 30 [1820] F W KY
25 SADDLER, Teresa 26 [1824] F W KY
26 " , Ben F. 2 [1848] M W KY.1
23 " , Lavina 70 [1780] F W VA
24 " , Lorena 30 [1820] F W KY
25 SADDLER, Teresa 26 [1824] F W KY
26 " , Ben F. 2 [1848] M W KY.1

Benjamin F. Sadler was listed as a resident in Lorena Taylor's household in the census report on 20 August 1860 at Milton, Trimble Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 311, lines 26-31, dwelling 792, family 787
26 TAYLOR, Luruna 45 [1815 ] F W $300 Garard [sic] Co. KY
27 " , Turrissa 56 [1804] F W Garard [sic] Co. KY
28 " , Levina 83 [1777] F W VA
29 " , Elizabeth 61 [1799] SF W Garard [sic] Co. KY
30 SADLER, Benj. 12 [1848] M W --- Attended school
31 " , Olive 7 [1853] F W Trimble Co KY.2

Benjamin F. Sadler was listed as a resident in Theresa B. Taylor's household in the census report on 30 June 1870 at Versailles, Ripley Co., Indiana, USA; p. 67-A, lines 27-29, dwelling 65, family 65
27 SADDLER, Theresa 46 [1824] F W Keeping house $100 KY
28 " , Benj. F. 22 [1848] M W Farm Laborer IN [sic]
29 " , Olive N. 17 [1853] F W KY.5
28 " , Benj. F. 22 [1848] M W Farm Laborer IN [sic]
29 " , Olive N. 17 [1853] F W KY.5

Family | Mollie L A Crozier b. 1856, d. 29 Sep 1879 |
- [S5657] 1850 Federal Census, 1850 Census KY Carroll Co Dist 2, Year: 1850; Census Place: District 2, Carroll, Kentucky; Roll: 195; Page: 205b seen 7 Aug 2022
Image: - [S5656] 1860 Federal Census, 1860 Census KY Trimble Co Milton, Year: 1860; Census Place: Trimble, Kentucky; Roll: M653_397; Page: 311; Family History Library Film: 803397 seen 7 Aug 2022
Image: - [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, Indiana, U.S., Marriages, 1810-2001 seen 7 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site.
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, U.S., Federal Census Mortality Schedules, 1850-1885 seen 7 Aug 2022 at
- [S5658] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census IN Ripley Co Center Twp Versailles, Year: 1870; Census Place: Center, Ripley, Indiana; Roll: M593_355; Page: 67A seen 7 Aug 2022
Olive A. "Ollie" Sadler1,2
F, #99670, b. 12 August 1854, d. 26 October 1934
Father | (?) Sadler1 |
Mother | Theresa B. Taylor1 b. c 1824 |
Last Edited | 7 Aug 2022 |
Olive A. "Ollie" Sadler was born on 12 August 1854 at Trimble Co., Kentucky, USA; Aged 7 in 1850 census.1,3 She married Charles Green on 18 January 1879 at Indiana, USA,
; - Indiana, U.S., Marriages, 1810-2001
Source Information: Indiana, U.S., Marriages, 1810-2001 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014.
Original data: Indiana, Marriages, 1810-2001. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013.2
Olive A. "Ollie" Sadler died on 26 October 1934 at Bartholomew Co., Indiana, USA, at age 80.3
Olive A. "Ollie" Sadler was buried after 26 October 1934 at Garland Brook Cemetery, Columbus, Bartholomew Co., Indiana, USA; From Find A Grave
Olive A. "Ollie" Sadler was listed as a resident in Lorena Taylor's household in the census report on 20 August 1860 at Milton, Trimble Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 311, lines 26-31, dwelling 792, family 787
26 TAYLOR, Luruna 45 [1815 ] F W $300 Garard [sic] Co. KY
27 " , Turrissa 56 [1804] F W Garard [sic] Co. KY
28 " , Levina 83 [1777] F W VA
29 " , Elizabeth 61 [1799] SF W Garard [sic] Co. KY
30 SADLER, Benj. 12 [1848] M W --- Attended school
31 " , Olive 7 [1853] F W Trimble Co KY.1
Olive A. "Ollie" Sadler was listed as a resident in Theresa B. Taylor's household in the census report on 30 June 1870 at Versailles, Ripley Co., Indiana, USA; p. 67-A, lines 27-29, dwelling 65, family 65
; - Indiana, U.S., Marriages, 1810-2001
Record ID 60282::950014
Name Ollie A Sadler
Gender Female
Event Type Marriage Registration (Marriage)
Marriage Date 18 January 1879
Marriage Place Indiana, United States
Spouse Charles Green
Page 310
FHL Film 001301628
Name Ollie A Sadler
Gender Female
Event Type Marriage Registration (Marriage)
Marriage Date 18 January 1879
Marriage Place Indiana, United States
Spouse Charles Green
Page 310
FHL Film 001301628
Source Information: Indiana, U.S., Marriages, 1810-2001 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014.
Original data: Indiana, Marriages, 1810-2001. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013.2
Olive A. "Ollie" Sadler died on 26 October 1934 at Bartholomew Co., Indiana, USA, at age 80.3
Olive A. "Ollie" Sadler was buried after 26 October 1934 at Garland Brook Cemetery, Columbus, Bartholomew Co., Indiana, USA; From Find A Grave
BIRTH 12 Aug 1854, Kentucky, USA
DEATH 26 Oct 1934 (aged 80), Bartholomew County, Indiana, USA
Spouse: Charles Green
Father: unknown Sadler
Mother: Naomi Taylor
Burial location: Section 54, lot 607
Family Members
Charles Green 1852–1936
BURIAL Garland Brook Cemetery, Columbus, Bartholomew County, Indiana, USA
Maintained by: Quietude
Originally Created by: Glenda Aikins
Added: 18 May 2010
Find a Grave Memorial ID: 52550788.3
DEATH 26 Oct 1934 (aged 80), Bartholomew County, Indiana, USA
Spouse: Charles Green
Father: unknown Sadler
Mother: Naomi Taylor
Burial location: Section 54, lot 607
Family Members
Charles Green 1852–1936
BURIAL Garland Brook Cemetery, Columbus, Bartholomew County, Indiana, USA
Maintained by: Quietude
Originally Created by: Glenda Aikins
Added: 18 May 2010
Find a Grave Memorial ID: 52550788.3

Olive A. "Ollie" Sadler was listed as a resident in Lorena Taylor's household in the census report on 20 August 1860 at Milton, Trimble Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 311, lines 26-31, dwelling 792, family 787
26 TAYLOR, Luruna 45 [1815 ] F W $300 Garard [sic] Co. KY
27 " , Turrissa 56 [1804] F W Garard [sic] Co. KY
28 " , Levina 83 [1777] F W VA
29 " , Elizabeth 61 [1799] SF W Garard [sic] Co. KY
30 SADLER, Benj. 12 [1848] M W --- Attended school
31 " , Olive 7 [1853] F W Trimble Co KY.1

Olive A. "Ollie" Sadler was listed as a resident in Theresa B. Taylor's household in the census report on 30 June 1870 at Versailles, Ripley Co., Indiana, USA; p. 67-A, lines 27-29, dwelling 65, family 65
27 SADDLER, Theresa 46 [1824] F W Keeping house $100 KY
28 " , Benj. F. 22 [1848] M W Farm Laborer IN [sic]
29 " , Olive N. 17 [1853] F W KY.4
28 " , Benj. F. 22 [1848] M W Farm Laborer IN [sic]
29 " , Olive N. 17 [1853] F W KY.4

Family | Charles Green b. 1852, d. 24 Apr 1936 |
- [S5656] 1860 Federal Census, 1860 Census KY Trimble Co Milton, Year: 1860; Census Place: Trimble, Kentucky; Roll: M653_397; Page: 311; Family History Library Film: 803397 seen 7 Aug 2022
Image: - [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, Indiana, U.S., Marriages, 1810-2001 seen 7 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site.
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 07 August 2022), memorial page for Olive S Green (12 Aug 1854–26 Oct 1934), Find a Grave Memorial ID 52550788, citing Garland Brook Cemetery, Columbus, Bartholomew County, Indiana, USA; Maintained by Quietude (contributor 47201639) at Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
- [S5658] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census IN Ripley Co Center Twp Versailles, Year: 1870; Census Place: Center, Ripley, Indiana; Roll: M593_355; Page: 67A seen 7 Aug 2022
Mollie L A Crozier1
F, #99671, b. 1856, d. 29 September 1879
Last Edited | 7 Aug 2022 |
Mollie L A Crozier was born in 1856 at Madison, Jefferson Co., Indiana, USA.2 She married Benjamin F. Sadler, son of (?) Sadler and Theresa B. Taylor, on 8 March 1876 at Indiana, USA,
; - Indiana, U.S., Marriages, 1810-2001
Source Information Indiana, U.S., Marriages, 1810-2001 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014.
Original data: Indiana, Marriages, 1810-2001. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013.1
Mollie L A Crozier died on 29 September 1879 at Madison, Jefferson Co., Indiana, USA.2
Mollie L A Crozier was buried after 29 September 1879 at Springdale Cemetery, Madison, Jefferson Co., Indiana, USA; From Find A Grave
; - Indiana, U.S., Marriages, 1810-2001
Record ID 60282::3078525
Name Benjamin F Sadler
Gender Male
Event Type Marriage Registration (Marriage)
Marriage Date 8 March 1876
Marriage Place Indiana, United States
Spouse Mollie L A Crozier
Page 344
FHL Film 001310211
Name Benjamin F Sadler
Gender Male
Event Type Marriage Registration (Marriage)
Marriage Date 8 March 1876
Marriage Place Indiana, United States
Spouse Mollie L A Crozier
Page 344
FHL Film 001310211
Source Information Indiana, U.S., Marriages, 1810-2001 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014.
Original data: Indiana, Marriages, 1810-2001. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013.1
Mollie L A Crozier died on 29 September 1879 at Madison, Jefferson Co., Indiana, USA.2
Mollie L A Crozier was buried after 29 September 1879 at Springdale Cemetery, Madison, Jefferson Co., Indiana, USA; From Find A Grave
BIRTH 1856, Madison, Jefferson County, Indiana, USA
DEATH 29 Sep 1879 (aged 22–23), Madison, Jefferson County, Indiana, USA
Daughter of John Andrew Crozier and Harriet E. Hoding. Married Benjamin F. Sadler, 12 March 1876, Jefferson Co., IN
Information from Death Certificate:
Madison Weekly Herald, 1 Oct 1879
DIED, Monday, Sept. 2th, 1879, in the 23d year of her age, Mollie L. A. Saddler, daughter of John A. Crozier.
Gravesite Details: NO GRAVEMARKER
Family Members
John Andrew Crozier 1836–1893
John G Crozier 1861–1937
Gaylord Frederick Crozier 1863–1924
Frederick Alonzo Crozier 1875–1928
Mabel F. Crozier 1878–1879
Bessie B. Crozier 1882–1899
BURIAL Springdale Cemetery, Madison, Jefferson County, Indiana, USA
Unknown (not read by DAR) Possibly Lot 304, Plat 3, Plat ( NO GRAVEMARKER)
Created by: Karen Phillips
Added: 30 Oct 2012
Find a Grave Memorial ID: 99893400.2
DEATH 29 Sep 1879 (aged 22–23), Madison, Jefferson County, Indiana, USA
Daughter of John Andrew Crozier and Harriet E. Hoding. Married Benjamin F. Sadler, 12 March 1876, Jefferson Co., IN
Information from Death Certificate:
Age 23
Nativity - American
Female - White - Married
Cause of death - consumption
Dr. R. H. Reemelin
Died at Third St.
C. Vail, Undertaker
Burial Permit issued to Benjamin Sadler
Nativity - American
Female - White - Married
Cause of death - consumption
Dr. R. H. Reemelin
Died at Third St.
C. Vail, Undertaker
Burial Permit issued to Benjamin Sadler
Madison Weekly Herald, 1 Oct 1879
DIED, Monday, Sept. 2th, 1879, in the 23d year of her age, Mollie L. A. Saddler, daughter of John A. Crozier.
Gravesite Details: NO GRAVEMARKER
Family Members
John Andrew Crozier 1836–1893
John G Crozier 1861–1937
Gaylord Frederick Crozier 1863–1924
Frederick Alonzo Crozier 1875–1928
Mabel F. Crozier 1878–1879
Bessie B. Crozier 1882–1899
BURIAL Springdale Cemetery, Madison, Jefferson County, Indiana, USA
Unknown (not read by DAR) Possibly Lot 304, Plat 3, Plat ( NO GRAVEMARKER)
Created by: Karen Phillips
Added: 30 Oct 2012
Find a Grave Memorial ID: 99893400.2
Family | Benjamin F. Sadler b. c 1848, d. Mar 1880 |
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, Indiana, U.S., Marriages, 1810-2001 seen 7 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site.
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 07 August 2022), memorial page for Mollie L. A. Crozier Sadler (1856–29 Sep 1879), Find a Grave Memorial ID 99893400, citing Springdale Cemetery, Madison, Jefferson County, Indiana, USA; Maintained by Karen Phillips (contributor 46884884) at Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
Charles Green1
M, #99672, b. 1852, d. 24 April 1936
Last Edited | 7 Aug 2022 |
Charles Green was born in 1852.2
He married Olive A. "Ollie" Sadler, daughter of (?) Sadler and Theresa B. Taylor, on 18 January 1879 at Indiana, USA,
; - Indiana, U.S., Marriages, 1810-2001
Source Information: Indiana, U.S., Marriages, 1810-2001 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014.
Original data: Indiana, Marriages, 1810-2001. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013.1
Charles Green died on 24 April 1936 at Florida, USA.2
Charles Green was buried after 24 April 1936 at Garland Brook Cemetery, Columbus, Bartholomew Co., Indiana, USA; From Find A Grave

; - Indiana, U.S., Marriages, 1810-2001
Record ID 60282::950014
Name Ollie A Sadler
Gender Female
Event Type Marriage Registration (Marriage)
Marriage Date 18 January 1879
Marriage Place Indiana, United States
Spouse Charles Green
Page 310
FHL Film 001301628
Name Ollie A Sadler
Gender Female
Event Type Marriage Registration (Marriage)
Marriage Date 18 January 1879
Marriage Place Indiana, United States
Spouse Charles Green
Page 310
FHL Film 001301628
Source Information: Indiana, U.S., Marriages, 1810-2001 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014.
Original data: Indiana, Marriages, 1810-2001. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013.1
Charles Green died on 24 April 1936 at Florida, USA.2
Charles Green was buried after 24 April 1936 at Garland Brook Cemetery, Columbus, Bartholomew Co., Indiana, USA; From Find A Grave
BIRTH 1852
DEATH 24 Apr 1936 (aged 83–84), Florida, USA
Daughter: Eudora A Green
Burial location: Section 54, lot 607
Family Members
Olive S Green 1854–1934
Eudora A Green 1881–1970
BURIAL Garland Brook Cemetery, Columbus, Bartholomew County, Indiana, USA
Maintained by: Quietude
Originally Created by: Glenda Aikins
Added: 18 May 2010
Find a Grave Memorial ID: 52550932.2
DEATH 24 Apr 1936 (aged 83–84), Florida, USA
Daughter: Eudora A Green
Burial location: Section 54, lot 607
Family Members
Olive S Green 1854–1934
Eudora A Green 1881–1970
BURIAL Garland Brook Cemetery, Columbus, Bartholomew County, Indiana, USA
Maintained by: Quietude
Originally Created by: Glenda Aikins
Added: 18 May 2010
Find a Grave Memorial ID: 52550932.2
Family | Olive A. "Ollie" Sadler b. 12 Aug 1854, d. 26 Oct 1934 |
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, Indiana, U.S., Marriages, 1810-2001 seen 7 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site.
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 07 August 2022), memorial page for Charles Green (1852–24 Apr 1936), Find a Grave Memorial ID 52540932, citing Garland Brook Cemetery, Columbus, Bartholomew County, Indiana, USA; Maintained by Quietude (contributor 47201639) at Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
Naomi Taylor1
F, #99673, b. 14 November 1799, d. 27 November 1889
Father | Mooreman Taylor1 b. 26 Mar 1769, d. 16 Sep 1827 |
Mother | Lavinia Banks1 b. c 1777 |
Last Edited | 8 Aug 2022 |
Naomi Taylor was born on 14 November 1799 at Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA.1 She married Lynn Stanton Banks, son of William Edward Banks and Rachel Marksbury, on 17 March 1824 at Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA,
; - Kentucky, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1783-1965
Source Information: Kentucky, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1783-1965 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2016.
Original data: Marriage Records. Kentucky Marriages. Madison County Courthouse, Richmond, Kentucky.2
Naomi Taylor died on 27 November 1889 at Palmyra, Trimble Co., Kentucky, USA, at age 90.1
Naomi Taylor appeared on the census of 1810 in the household of Mooreman Taylor and Lavinia Banks at Lancaster, Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 228, line 4 (in alphabetical order)
Source Information: 1810 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.
Original data: Third Census of the United States, 1810. (NARA microfilm publication M252, 71 rolls). Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.3
Naomi Taylor appeared on the census of 7 August 1820 in the household of Mooreman Taylor and Lavinia Banks at Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 90, line 15
Source Information: 1820 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.
Original data: Fourth Census of the United States, 1820. (NARA microfilm publication M33, 142 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.4
Naomi Taylor and Lynn Stanton Banks appeared in the census of 7 August 1820 at Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 91, line 21
Source Information: 1820 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.
Original data: Fourth Census of the United States, 1820. (NARA microfilm publication M33, 142 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.5
; - Kentucky, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1783-1965
Record ID 61372::1740903
Name Lyns Banks
Gender Male
Marriage Date 17 March 1824
Marriage Place Garrard, Kentucky, USA
Spouse Nenomi Taylor
Film Number 000183256
Name Lyns Banks
Gender Male
Marriage Date 17 March 1824
Marriage Place Garrard, Kentucky, USA
Spouse Nenomi Taylor
Film Number 000183256
Source Information: Kentucky, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1783-1965 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2016.
Original data: Marriage Records. Kentucky Marriages. Madison County Courthouse, Richmond, Kentucky.2
Naomi Taylor died on 27 November 1889 at Palmyra, Trimble Co., Kentucky, USA, at age 90.1
Naomi Taylor appeared on the census of 1810 in the household of Mooreman Taylor and Lavinia Banks at Lancaster, Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 228, line 4 (in alphabetical order)
Record ID 7613::561348
Name Mooeman Tayloe
Home in 1810 (City, County, State) Lancaster, Garrard, Kentucky
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10 3 [aft 1800] Uria 1800, Zachariah 1802, Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44 1 [1766-84] Moorman 1769
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10 2 [aft 1800] Malissa 1804, Charity 1809
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15 2 [1795-1800] Elizabeth c1799, Naomi c1799
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44 1 [1766-84] Lavinia (BANKS) c1777
Number of Household Members Under 16 7
Number of Household Members Over 25 2
Number of Household Members 9
Name Mooeman Tayloe
Home in 1810 (City, County, State) Lancaster, Garrard, Kentucky
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10 3 [aft 1800] Uria 1800, Zachariah 1802, Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44 1 [1766-84] Moorman 1769
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10 2 [aft 1800] Malissa 1804, Charity 1809
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15 2 [1795-1800] Elizabeth c1799, Naomi c1799
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44 1 [1766-84] Lavinia (BANKS) c1777
Number of Household Members Under 16 7
Number of Household Members Over 25 2
Number of Household Members 9
Source Information: 1810 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.
Original data: Third Census of the United States, 1810. (NARA microfilm publication M252, 71 rolls). Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.3

Naomi Taylor appeared on the census of 7 August 1820 in the household of Mooreman Taylor and Lavinia Banks at Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 90, line 15
Record ID 7734::1387606
Name Moman Taylor
Home in 1820 (City, County, State) Garrard, Garrard, Kentucky
Enumeration Date 7 August 1820
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10 3 [aft 1810] Garrard 1813, Oliver c1816, Garton 1817
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 15 1 [1805-10] Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 18 1 [1802-04] Zachariah 1802
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25 1 [1795-1804] Zachariah 1802
Free White Persons - Males - 45 and over 1 [bef 1775] Mooreman 1769
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10 1 [aft 1810] Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15 2 [1805-10] Lurena c1806, Charity 1809
Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25 2 [1795-1804] Elizabeth c1799, Naomi 1799
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44 1 [bef 1775] Lavinia (BANKS) 80916
Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture 1
Free White Persons - Under 16 7
Free White Persons - Over 25 2
Total Free White Persons 12
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other 12
Name Moman Taylor
Home in 1820 (City, County, State) Garrard, Garrard, Kentucky
Enumeration Date 7 August 1820
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10 3 [aft 1810] Garrard 1813, Oliver c1816, Garton 1817
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 15 1 [1805-10] Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 18 1 [1802-04] Zachariah 1802
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25 1 [1795-1804] Zachariah 1802
Free White Persons - Males - 45 and over 1 [bef 1775] Mooreman 1769
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10 1 [aft 1810] Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15 2 [1805-10] Lurena c1806, Charity 1809
Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25 2 [1795-1804] Elizabeth c1799, Naomi 1799
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44 1 [bef 1775] Lavinia (BANKS) 80916
Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture 1
Free White Persons - Under 16 7
Free White Persons - Over 25 2
Total Free White Persons 12
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other 12
Source Information: 1820 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.
Original data: Fourth Census of the United States, 1820. (NARA microfilm publication M33, 142 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.4

Naomi Taylor and Lynn Stanton Banks appeared in the census of 7 August 1820 at Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 91, line 21
Record ID 7734::1387399
Name Lynn Banks
Home in 1820 (City, County, State) Garrard, Garrard, Kentucky
Enumeration Date 7 August 1820
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10 2 [aft 1810] Unidentified?, Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44 1 [1776-94] Lynn 1792
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10 1 [aft 1810] Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15 1 [1805-10] Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25 1 [1795-1804] Naomi (TAYLOR) 1799
Number of Persons - Engaged in Commerce 1
Free White Persons - Under 16 4
Free White Persons - Over 25 1
Total Free White Persons 6
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other 6
Name Lynn Banks
Home in 1820 (City, County, State) Garrard, Garrard, Kentucky
Enumeration Date 7 August 1820
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10 2 [aft 1810] Unidentified?, Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44 1 [1776-94] Lynn 1792
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10 1 [aft 1810] Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15 1 [1805-10] Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25 1 [1795-1804] Naomi (TAYLOR) 1799
Number of Persons - Engaged in Commerce 1
Free White Persons - Under 16 4
Free White Persons - Over 25 1
Total Free White Persons 6
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other 6
Source Information: 1820 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.
Original data: Fourth Census of the United States, 1820. (NARA microfilm publication M33, 142 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.5

Family | Lynn Stanton Banks b. 1792, d. 15 Sep 1827 |
Children |
- [S2338] Ancestry.Com Family Trees, online, Tree Name Taylor Family Tree
Tree ID 9275805
Tree Owner ASFrankland45
Name Naomi Taylor
seen 7 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Family Trees. - [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, Kentucky, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1783-1965 seen 7 Aug 2022
Image: Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site. - [S3423] 1810 Federal Census, 1810 Census KY Garrard Co Lancaster, Year: 1810; Census Place: Lancaster, Garrard, Kentucky; Roll: 6; Page: 228; Image: 00244; Family History Library Film: 0181351 seen 7 Aug 2022
Image: - [S3791] 1820 Federal Census, 1820 Census KY Garrard Co, 1820 U S Census; Census Place: Garrard, Garrard, Kentucky; Page: 99; NARA Roll: M33_21; Image: 113 seen 7 Aug 2022
Image: - [S3791] 1820 Federal Census, 1820 Census KY Garrard Co, 1820 U S Census; Census Place: Garrard, Garrard, Kentucky; Page: 91; NARA Roll: M33_21; Image: 105 seen 7 Aug 2022
Image: - [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 07 August 2022), memorial page for Elizabeth Ann Banks Holsclaw (31 Mar 1828–3 Feb 1905), Find a Grave Memorial ID 62929845, citing Holsclaw-Richmond Cemetery, Milton, Trimble County, Kentucky, USA; Maintained by Dianna Taylor (contributor 47310976) at Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
Elizabeth Ann Banks1
F, #99674, b. 31 March 1828, d. 3 February 1905
Father | Lynn Stanton Banks1 b. 1792, d. 15 Sep 1827 |
Mother | Naomi Taylor1 b. 14 Nov 1799, d. 27 Nov 1889 |
Last Edited | 7 Aug 2022 |
Elizabeth Ann Banks was born on 31 March 1828 at Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA.1 She married Enoch Bascom Holsclaw on 3 February 1852 at Trimble Co., Kentucky, USA,
; - Kentucky, U.S., Marriage Records, 1852-1914
Source Citation: Kentucky Department For Libraries and Archives; Frankfort, Kentucky; Kentucky Birth, Marriage and Death Records - Microfilm (1852-1910); Roll: 994056
Source Information: Kentucky, U.S., Marriage Records, 1852-1914 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2007.
Original data: Kentucky. Kentucky Birth, Marriage and Death Records – Microfilm (1852-1910). Microfilm rolls #994027-994058. Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, Frankfort, Kentucky.2
Elizabeth Ann Banks died on 3 February 1905 at Kent, Jefferson Co., Indiana, USA, at age 76.1
Elizabeth Ann Banks was buried after 3 February 1905 at Holsclaw-Richmond Cemetery, Milton, Trimble Co., Kentucky, USA; From Find A Grave:

; - Kentucky, U.S., Marriage Records, 1852-1914
Record ID 1117::3553
Name Enoch B Holsclaw
Marriage Age 32
Birth Date abt 1820
Birth Place Garrard
Residence Date Abt 1852
Residence Place Trimble
Marriage Date 3 February 1852
Marriage Place Kentucky, USA
Marriage Registration Date 1852
Marriage Registration Place Trimble, Kentucky, USA
Spouse Name Elizabeth Banks
Name Enoch B Holsclaw
Marriage Age 32
Birth Date abt 1820
Birth Place Garrard
Residence Date Abt 1852
Residence Place Trimble
Marriage Date 3 February 1852
Marriage Place Kentucky, USA
Marriage Registration Date 1852
Marriage Registration Place Trimble, Kentucky, USA
Spouse Name Elizabeth Banks
Source Citation: Kentucky Department For Libraries and Archives; Frankfort, Kentucky; Kentucky Birth, Marriage and Death Records - Microfilm (1852-1910); Roll: 994056
Source Information: Kentucky, U.S., Marriage Records, 1852-1914 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2007.
Original data: Kentucky. Kentucky Birth, Marriage and Death Records – Microfilm (1852-1910). Microfilm rolls #994027-994058. Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, Frankfort, Kentucky.2
Elizabeth Ann Banks died on 3 February 1905 at Kent, Jefferson Co., Indiana, USA, at age 76.1
Elizabeth Ann Banks was buried after 3 February 1905 at Holsclaw-Richmond Cemetery, Milton, Trimble Co., Kentucky, USA; From Find A Grave:
BIRTH 31 Mar 1828, Garrard County, Kentucky, USA
DEATH 3 Feb 1905 (aged 76), Kent, Jefferson County, Indiana, USA
Elizabeth was the daughter of Lynn S Banks 1792-1827 and Naomi Taylor 1799-1889. She had 1 brother Gerald. Elizabeth's Banks and Taylor ancestors were early settlers to America from England, she had 1 grandfather and 2 great grandfathers that served in the Revolutionary War. She married Enoch B Holsclaw on Feb 3rd 1852. They had 7 daughters and 2 sons, I have been unable to find what happened to her daughter Rebecca Levina.
Family Members
Enoch Bascom Holsclaw 1818–1891
Enoch Ann Holsclaw Wood 1852–1927
Susan Perry Holsclaw Cull 1854–1914
Mary Jane Holsclaw Vail 1856–1943
Felicia Elizabeth Holsclaw Melvin 1858–1926
Laurana Morris Holsclaw Ricketts 1860–1947
William S. Holsclaw 1862–1903
Thomas B Holsclaw 1867–1869
Cordie Holsclaw Wright 1872–1955
BURIAL Holsclaw-Richmond Cemetery, Milton, Trimble County, Kentucky, USA
Maintained by: Dianna Taylor
Originally Created by: Quietude
Added: 14 Dec 2010
Find a Grave Memorial ID: 62929845.1
DEATH 3 Feb 1905 (aged 76), Kent, Jefferson County, Indiana, USA
Elizabeth was the daughter of Lynn S Banks 1792-1827 and Naomi Taylor 1799-1889. She had 1 brother Gerald. Elizabeth's Banks and Taylor ancestors were early settlers to America from England, she had 1 grandfather and 2 great grandfathers that served in the Revolutionary War. She married Enoch B Holsclaw on Feb 3rd 1852. They had 7 daughters and 2 sons, I have been unable to find what happened to her daughter Rebecca Levina.
Family Members
Enoch Bascom Holsclaw 1818–1891
Enoch Ann Holsclaw Wood 1852–1927
Susan Perry Holsclaw Cull 1854–1914
Mary Jane Holsclaw Vail 1856–1943
Felicia Elizabeth Holsclaw Melvin 1858–1926
Laurana Morris Holsclaw Ricketts 1860–1947
William S. Holsclaw 1862–1903
Thomas B Holsclaw 1867–1869
Cordie Holsclaw Wright 1872–1955
BURIAL Holsclaw-Richmond Cemetery, Milton, Trimble County, Kentucky, USA
Maintained by: Dianna Taylor
Originally Created by: Quietude
Added: 14 Dec 2010
Find a Grave Memorial ID: 62929845.1


Family | Enoch Bascom Holsclaw b. 27 Apr 1818, d. 15 May 1891 |
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 07 August 2022), memorial page for Elizabeth Ann Banks Holsclaw (31 Mar 1828–3 Feb 1905), Find a Grave Memorial ID 62929845, citing Holsclaw-Richmond Cemetery, Milton, Trimble County, Kentucky, USA; Maintained by Dianna Taylor (contributor 47310976) at Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, Kentucky, U.S., Marriage Records, 1852-1914 seen 7 Aug 2022
Image: Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site.
Enoch Bascom Holsclaw1
M, #99675, b. 27 April 1818, d. 15 May 1891
Last Edited | 7 Aug 2022 |
Enoch Bascom Holsclaw was born on 27 April 1818 at Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA.2 He married Elizabeth Ann Banks, daughter of Lynn Stanton Banks and Naomi Taylor, on 3 February 1852 at Trimble Co., Kentucky, USA,
; - Kentucky, U.S., Marriage Records, 1852-1914
Source Citation: Kentucky Department For Libraries and Archives; Frankfort, Kentucky; Kentucky Birth, Marriage and Death Records - Microfilm (1852-1910); Roll: 994056
Source Information: Kentucky, U.S., Marriage Records, 1852-1914 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2007.
Original data: Kentucky. Kentucky Birth, Marriage and Death Records – Microfilm (1852-1910). Microfilm rolls #994027-994058. Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, Frankfort, Kentucky.1
Enoch Bascom Holsclaw died on 15 May 1891 at Trimble Co., Kentucky, USA, at age 73.2
Enoch Bascom Holsclaw was buried after 15 May 1891 at Holsclaw-Richmond Cemetery, Milton, Trimble Co., Kentucky, USA; From Find A Grave:
; - Kentucky, U.S., Marriage Records, 1852-1914
Record ID 1117::3553
Name Enoch B Holsclaw
Marriage Age 32
Birth Date abt 1820
Birth Place Garrard
Residence Date Abt 1852
Residence Place Trimble
Marriage Date 3 February 1852
Marriage Place Kentucky, USA
Marriage Registration Date 1852
Marriage Registration Place Trimble, Kentucky, USA
Spouse Name Elizabeth Banks
Name Enoch B Holsclaw
Marriage Age 32
Birth Date abt 1820
Birth Place Garrard
Residence Date Abt 1852
Residence Place Trimble
Marriage Date 3 February 1852
Marriage Place Kentucky, USA
Marriage Registration Date 1852
Marriage Registration Place Trimble, Kentucky, USA
Spouse Name Elizabeth Banks
Source Citation: Kentucky Department For Libraries and Archives; Frankfort, Kentucky; Kentucky Birth, Marriage and Death Records - Microfilm (1852-1910); Roll: 994056
Source Information: Kentucky, U.S., Marriage Records, 1852-1914 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2007.
Original data: Kentucky. Kentucky Birth, Marriage and Death Records – Microfilm (1852-1910). Microfilm rolls #994027-994058. Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, Frankfort, Kentucky.1
Enoch Bascom Holsclaw died on 15 May 1891 at Trimble Co., Kentucky, USA, at age 73.2
Enoch Bascom Holsclaw was buried after 15 May 1891 at Holsclaw-Richmond Cemetery, Milton, Trimble Co., Kentucky, USA; From Find A Grave:
BIRTH 27 Apr 1818, Garrard County, Kentucky, USA
DEATH 15 May 1891 (aged 73), Trimble County, Kentucky, USA
Enoch a farmer was the son of Elijah Holsclaw/Holtzclaw 1764 VA - 1853 KY & Sarah "Sally" Collier 1776 Ireland - 1854 KY
His Grandfather Jacob Holtzclaw 1738-1812 served in the Revolutionary War, His Great Grandfather Hans Jacob Holtzclaw 1683-1760 was among the first settlers (arrival 1714) in GermanTown (Germanna) in Fauquier County Virginia, His lineage can be traced back to the 16th century in Germany where the name was originally spelled "Holtzklau".
He married Elizabeth Banks on Feb 3rd 1852. Enoch & Elizabeth had one more daughter (in addition to the children linked below) Rebecca Levina b: 26 Apr 1865, she married James D. Spillman 14 Nov 1894, I can find no record of her after the marriage date.
Family Members
Elijah Holsclaw 1764–1853
Sarah Collier Holtzclaw 1776–1854
Elizabeth Ann Banks Holsclaw 1828–1905
Enoch Ann Holsclaw Wood 1852–1927
Susan Perry Holsclaw Cull 1854–1914
Mary Jane Holsclaw Vail 1856–1943
Felicia Elizabeth Holsclaw Melvin 1858–1926
Laurana Morris Holsclaw Ricketts 1860–1947
William S. Holsclaw 1862–1903
Thomas B Holsclaw 1867–1869
Cordie Holsclaw Wright 1872–1955
BURIAL Holsclaw-Richmond Cemetery, Milton, Trimble County, Kentucky, USA
Maintained by: Dianna Taylor
Originally Created by: Quietude
Added: 14 Dec 2010
Find a Grave Memorial ID: 62929810.2
DEATH 15 May 1891 (aged 73), Trimble County, Kentucky, USA
Enoch a farmer was the son of Elijah Holsclaw/Holtzclaw 1764 VA - 1853 KY & Sarah "Sally" Collier 1776 Ireland - 1854 KY
His Grandfather Jacob Holtzclaw 1738-1812 served in the Revolutionary War, His Great Grandfather Hans Jacob Holtzclaw 1683-1760 was among the first settlers (arrival 1714) in GermanTown (Germanna) in Fauquier County Virginia, His lineage can be traced back to the 16th century in Germany where the name was originally spelled "Holtzklau".
He married Elizabeth Banks on Feb 3rd 1852. Enoch & Elizabeth had one more daughter (in addition to the children linked below) Rebecca Levina b: 26 Apr 1865, she married James D. Spillman 14 Nov 1894, I can find no record of her after the marriage date.
Family Members
Elijah Holsclaw 1764–1853
Sarah Collier Holtzclaw 1776–1854
Elizabeth Ann Banks Holsclaw 1828–1905
Enoch Ann Holsclaw Wood 1852–1927
Susan Perry Holsclaw Cull 1854–1914
Mary Jane Holsclaw Vail 1856–1943
Felicia Elizabeth Holsclaw Melvin 1858–1926
Laurana Morris Holsclaw Ricketts 1860–1947
William S. Holsclaw 1862–1903
Thomas B Holsclaw 1867–1869
Cordie Holsclaw Wright 1872–1955
BURIAL Holsclaw-Richmond Cemetery, Milton, Trimble County, Kentucky, USA
Maintained by: Dianna Taylor
Originally Created by: Quietude
Added: 14 Dec 2010
Find a Grave Memorial ID: 62929810.2

Family | Elizabeth Ann Banks b. 31 Mar 1828, d. 3 Feb 1905 |
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, Kentucky, U.S., Marriage Records, 1852-1914 seen 7 Aug 2022
Image: Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site. - [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 07 August 2022), memorial page for Enoch Bascom Holsclaw (27 Apr 1818–15 May 1891), Find a Grave Memorial ID 62929810, citing Holsclaw-Richmond Cemetery, Milton, Trimble County, Kentucky, USA; Maintained by Dianna Taylor (contributor 47310976) at Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
Gerald Banks1
M, #99676
Father | Lynn Stanton Banks1 b. 1792, d. 15 Sep 1827 |
Mother | Naomi Taylor1 b. 14 Nov 1799, d. 27 Nov 1889 |
Last Edited | 7 Aug 2022 |
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 07 August 2022), memorial page for Elizabeth Ann Banks Holsclaw (31 Mar 1828–3 Feb 1905), Find a Grave Memorial ID 62929845, citing Holsclaw-Richmond Cemetery, Milton, Trimble County, Kentucky, USA; Maintained by Dianna Taylor (contributor 47310976) at Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
Uriah Morris Taylor1
M, #99677, b. 1 October 1800, d. 20 April 1885
Father | Mooreman Taylor1 b. 26 Mar 1769, d. 16 Sep 1827 |
Mother | Lavinia Banks1 b. c 1777 |
Last Edited | 7 Aug 2022 |
Uriah Morris Taylor was born on 1 October 1800 at Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA.1 He married Elizabeth Ann Wharton on 9 September 1823 at Lancaster, Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA.2
Uriah Morris Taylor died on 20 April 1885 at Carrollton, Carroll Co., Kentucky, USA, at age 84.1
Uriah Morris Taylor was buried after 20 April 1885 at Taylor Cemetery, Carroll Co., Kentucky, USA; From Find A Grave:
Uriah Morris Taylor was listed as a resident in Mooreman Taylor and Lavinia Banks's household in the census report in 1810 at Lancaster, Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 228, line 4 (in alphabetical order)
Source Information: 1810 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.
Original data: Third Census of the United States, 1810. (NARA microfilm publication M252, 71 rolls). Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.3
Uriah Morris Taylor died on 20 April 1885 at Carrollton, Carroll Co., Kentucky, USA, at age 84.1
Uriah Morris Taylor was buried after 20 April 1885 at Taylor Cemetery, Carroll Co., Kentucky, USA; From Find A Grave:
BIRTH 1 Dec 1800, Garrard County, Kentucky, USA
DEATH 20 Apr 1885 (aged 84), Carrollton, Carroll County, Kentucky, USA
Carrollton Democrat---May 2, 1885
Died: At his home in Carroll County, Ky., April 20, 1885, Mr. Uriah M. Taylor, in the 84th year of his age. He was born December 1st, 1800, in Garrard county, Ky. In 1823 he married Miss Elizabeth Ann Wharton, near Lancaster, who survives, in her 80th year a lonely mariner on the river of time, only waiting a little longer to be called to join the happy throng beyond the tide. They had walked and fought life's battles together for over 62 years. Father Taylor was one of a family of twelve children, six sons and six daughters, four of whom are still living -- three sisters and one brother, one of them older than himself. His posterity at his death numbered 80 as follows: 9 children, 51 grand children and 20 great grand children, of the whole number 56 are living and 24 dead; those living: Children 9 grand children 39 and great grand children 12; dead children four, grandchildren 12 and great grandchildren 8 . In 1836 he removed with his family from Garrard county, Ky. to a place near Canaan in Jefferson County, Ind. When that was a frontier settlement and the writer has often heard him speak of trading with the Indians on the spot where the little town of Canaan now stands. In 1830 he moved his family to Trimble county, Ky and in a few years purchased a farm in Carroll county, and moved on it in 1838, where he was living at the time of his death and on which he now lies buried near the dwelling, in a beautiful spot selected by himself years ago, 400 feet above the Ohio river on top of one of those rugged Kentucky hills that he loved so well. He was a man of more than ordinary intelligence in his day, a leader in the M. E. Church. Although born and educated in the midst of slavery he believed it to be wrong and opposed the institution from early youth, being a strong Union man during the late rebellion. He was one of the first to engage in the cultivation of fruits and vegetables for the Madison, Ind. Market and many of the older citizens can remember the large luscious peaches and fine melons he used to sell.
From the files of George C. Willick
Son of Mooreman Morris Taylor and Lavina Banks. He married Elizabeth Ann Wharton on September 9, 1823 in Lancaster, Garrard Co, KY.
Their children:
Family Members
Elizabeth Ann Warton Taylor 1805–1888
Sarah Ann Taylor Clegg 1834–1911
Francis Marion Taylor 1839–1914
Nancy L. Taylor Ray 1840–1912
BURIAL Taylor Cemetery, Carroll County, Kentucky, USA
Created by: GenealogyGirl
Added: 2 Jan 2008
Find a Grave Memorial ID: 23699893.1
DEATH 20 Apr 1885 (aged 84), Carrollton, Carroll County, Kentucky, USA
Carrollton Democrat---May 2, 1885
Died: At his home in Carroll County, Ky., April 20, 1885, Mr. Uriah M. Taylor, in the 84th year of his age. He was born December 1st, 1800, in Garrard county, Ky. In 1823 he married Miss Elizabeth Ann Wharton, near Lancaster, who survives, in her 80th year a lonely mariner on the river of time, only waiting a little longer to be called to join the happy throng beyond the tide. They had walked and fought life's battles together for over 62 years. Father Taylor was one of a family of twelve children, six sons and six daughters, four of whom are still living -- three sisters and one brother, one of them older than himself. His posterity at his death numbered 80 as follows: 9 children, 51 grand children and 20 great grand children, of the whole number 56 are living and 24 dead; those living: Children 9 grand children 39 and great grand children 12; dead children four, grandchildren 12 and great grandchildren 8 . In 1836 he removed with his family from Garrard county, Ky. to a place near Canaan in Jefferson County, Ind. When that was a frontier settlement and the writer has often heard him speak of trading with the Indians on the spot where the little town of Canaan now stands. In 1830 he moved his family to Trimble county, Ky and in a few years purchased a farm in Carroll county, and moved on it in 1838, where he was living at the time of his death and on which he now lies buried near the dwelling, in a beautiful spot selected by himself years ago, 400 feet above the Ohio river on top of one of those rugged Kentucky hills that he loved so well. He was a man of more than ordinary intelligence in his day, a leader in the M. E. Church. Although born and educated in the midst of slavery he believed it to be wrong and opposed the institution from early youth, being a strong Union man during the late rebellion. He was one of the first to engage in the cultivation of fruits and vegetables for the Madison, Ind. Market and many of the older citizens can remember the large luscious peaches and fine melons he used to sell.
From the files of George C. Willick
Son of Mooreman Morris Taylor and Lavina Banks. He married Elizabeth Ann Wharton on September 9, 1823 in Lancaster, Garrard Co, KY.
Their children:
1. William Taylor born about 1825
2. Silas Taylor born about 1827
3. Martha Taylor born about 1830
4. Sarah Taylor born about 1832
5. Miram Taylor born about 1837
6. Nancy Taylor born about 1839
7. Mary C. Taylor born about 1843.
2. Silas Taylor born about 1827
3. Martha Taylor born about 1830
4. Sarah Taylor born about 1832
5. Miram Taylor born about 1837
6. Nancy Taylor born about 1839
7. Mary C. Taylor born about 1843.
Family Members
Elizabeth Ann Warton Taylor 1805–1888
Sarah Ann Taylor Clegg 1834–1911
Francis Marion Taylor 1839–1914
Nancy L. Taylor Ray 1840–1912
BURIAL Taylor Cemetery, Carroll County, Kentucky, USA
Created by: GenealogyGirl
Added: 2 Jan 2008
Find a Grave Memorial ID: 23699893.1
Uriah Morris Taylor was listed as a resident in Mooreman Taylor and Lavinia Banks's household in the census report in 1810 at Lancaster, Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 228, line 4 (in alphabetical order)
Record ID 7613::561348
Name Mooeman Tayloe
Home in 1810 (City, County, State) Lancaster, Garrard, Kentucky
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10 3 [aft 1800] Uria 1800, Zachariah 1802, Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44 1 [1766-84] Moorman 1769
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10 2 [aft 1800] Malissa 1804, Charity 1809
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15 2 [1795-1800] Elizabeth c1799, Naomi c1799
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44 1 [1766-84] Lavinia (BANKS) c1777
Number of Household Members Under 16 7
Number of Household Members Over 25 2
Number of Household Members 9
Name Mooeman Tayloe
Home in 1810 (City, County, State) Lancaster, Garrard, Kentucky
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10 3 [aft 1800] Uria 1800, Zachariah 1802, Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44 1 [1766-84] Moorman 1769
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10 2 [aft 1800] Malissa 1804, Charity 1809
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15 2 [1795-1800] Elizabeth c1799, Naomi c1799
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44 1 [1766-84] Lavinia (BANKS) c1777
Number of Household Members Under 16 7
Number of Household Members Over 25 2
Number of Household Members 9
Source Information: 1810 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.
Original data: Third Census of the United States, 1810. (NARA microfilm publication M252, 71 rolls). Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.3

Family | Elizabeth Ann Wharton b. 6 Jan 1805, d. 23 Dec 1888 |
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 07 August 2022), memorial page for Uriah Morris Taylor (1 Dec 1800–20 Apr 1885), Find a Grave Memorial ID 23699893, citing Taylor Cemetery, Carroll County, Kentucky, USA; Maintained by GenealogyGirl (contributor 46564531) at Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 07 August 2022), memorial page for Elizabeth Ann Warton Taylor (6 Jan 1805–23 Dec 1888), Find a Grave Memorial ID 22851713, citing Taylor Cemetery, Carroll County, Kentucky, USA; Maintained by J.L. Cobb (contributor 46947837) at
- [S3423] 1810 Federal Census, 1810 Census KY Garrard Co Lancaster, Year: 1810; Census Place: Lancaster, Garrard, Kentucky; Roll: 6; Page: 228; Image: 00244; Family History Library Film: 0181351 seen 7 Aug 2022
Elizabeth Ann Wharton1
F, #99678, b. 6 January 1805, d. 23 December 1888
Last Edited | 7 Aug 2022 |
Elizabeth Ann Wharton was born on 6 January 1805.1 She married Uriah Morris Taylor, son of Mooreman Taylor and Lavinia Banks, on 9 September 1823 at Lancaster, Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA.1
Elizabeth Ann Wharton died on 23 December 1888 at age 83.1
Elizabeth Ann Wharton was buried after 23 December 1888 at Taylor Cemetery, Carroll Co., Kentucky, USA; From Find A Grave:
Elizabeth Ann Wharton died on 23 December 1888 at age 83.1
Elizabeth Ann Wharton was buried after 23 December 1888 at Taylor Cemetery, Carroll Co., Kentucky, USA; From Find A Grave:
BIRTH 6 Jan 1805
DEATH 23 Dec 1888 (aged 83)
Gravesite Details: W/O URIAH
Family Members
Uriah Morris Taylor 1800–1885
Sarah Ann Taylor Clegg 1834–1911
Francis Marion Taylor 1839–1914
Nancy L. Taylor Ray 1840–1912
BURIAL Taylor Cemetery, Carroll County, Kentucky, USA
Created by: J.L. Cobb
Added: 12 Nov 2007
Find a Grave Memorial ID: 22851713.1
DEATH 23 Dec 1888 (aged 83)
Gravesite Details: W/O URIAH
Family Members
Uriah Morris Taylor 1800–1885
Sarah Ann Taylor Clegg 1834–1911
Francis Marion Taylor 1839–1914
Nancy L. Taylor Ray 1840–1912
BURIAL Taylor Cemetery, Carroll County, Kentucky, USA
Created by: J.L. Cobb
Added: 12 Nov 2007
Find a Grave Memorial ID: 22851713.1
Family | Uriah Morris Taylor b. 1 Oct 1800, d. 20 Apr 1885 |
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 07 August 2022), memorial page for Elizabeth Ann Warton Taylor (6 Jan 1805–23 Dec 1888), Find a Grave Memorial ID 22851713, citing Taylor Cemetery, Carroll County, Kentucky, USA; Maintained by J.L. Cobb (contributor 46947837) at Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
Zachariah Taylor1
M, #99679, b. 2 November 1802, d. 20 February 1860
Father | Mooreman Taylor1 b. 26 Mar 1769, d. 16 Sep 1827 |
Mother | Lavinia Banks1 b. c 1777 |
Last Edited | 7 Aug 2022 |
Zachariah Taylor was born on 2 November 1802 at Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA.1 He married Susan Elizabeth Hume on 13 December 1830 at Madison Co., Kentucky, USA,
; - Kentucky, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1783-1965
Source Information: Kentucky, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1783-1965 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2016.
Original data: Marriage Records. Kentucky Marriages. Madison County Courthouse, Richmond, Kentucky.2
Zachariah Taylor died on 20 February 1860 at Spencer Co., Kentucky, USA, at age 57.1
Zachariah Taylor was buried after 20 February 1860 at Valley Cemetery, Taylorsville, Spencer Co., Kentucky, USA; From Find A Grave:
Zachariah Taylor was listed as a resident in Mooreman Taylor and Lavinia Banks's household in the census report in 1810 at Lancaster, Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 228, line 4 (in alphabetical order)
Source Information: 1810 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.
Original data: Third Census of the United States, 1810. (NARA microfilm publication M252, 71 rolls). Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.3
Zachariah Taylor was listed as a resident in Mooreman Taylor and Lavinia Banks's household in the census report on 7 August 1820 at Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 90, line 15
Source Information: 1820 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.
Original data: Fourth Census of the United States, 1820. (NARA microfilm publication M33, 142 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.4
; - Kentucky, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1783-1965
Record ID 61372::2486977
Name Zachery Taylor
Gender Male
Marriage Date 13 December 1830
Marriage Place Madison, Kentucky, USA
Spouse Susan E. Hume
Film Number 000183302
Name Zachery Taylor
Gender Male
Marriage Date 13 December 1830
Marriage Place Madison, Kentucky, USA
Spouse Susan E. Hume
Film Number 000183302
Source Information: Kentucky, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1783-1965 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2016.
Original data: Marriage Records. Kentucky Marriages. Madison County Courthouse, Richmond, Kentucky.2
Zachariah Taylor died on 20 February 1860 at Spencer Co., Kentucky, USA, at age 57.1
Zachariah Taylor was buried after 20 February 1860 at Valley Cemetery, Taylorsville, Spencer Co., Kentucky, USA; From Find A Grave:
BIRTH 2 Nov 1802, Garrard County, Kentucky, USA
DEATH 28 Feb 1860 (aged 57), Spencer County, Kentucky, USA
Son of Mooreman Taylor 1769-1827 and Levinah Banks 1776-1868
Married January 13, 1830.
Family Members
Susan Elizabeth Hume Taylor 1808–1893 (m. 1830)
John Pruett Taylor 1832–1917
Charles Austin Taylor 1840–1914
Joseph Taylor 1842–1929
Robert Samuel Taylor 1845–1923
Zachariah Richard Taylor 1849–1927
BURIAL Valley Cemetery, Taylorsville, Spencer County, Kentucky, USA
Maintained by: Quietly Resting
Originally Created by: Dianna B.
Added: 18 Jul 2009
Find a Grave Memorial ID: 39589016.1
DEATH 28 Feb 1860 (aged 57), Spencer County, Kentucky, USA
Son of Mooreman Taylor 1769-1827 and Levinah Banks 1776-1868
Married January 13, 1830.
Family Members
Susan Elizabeth Hume Taylor 1808–1893 (m. 1830)
John Pruett Taylor 1832–1917
Charles Austin Taylor 1840–1914
Joseph Taylor 1842–1929
Robert Samuel Taylor 1845–1923
Zachariah Richard Taylor 1849–1927
BURIAL Valley Cemetery, Taylorsville, Spencer County, Kentucky, USA
Maintained by: Quietly Resting
Originally Created by: Dianna B.
Added: 18 Jul 2009
Find a Grave Memorial ID: 39589016.1

Zachariah Taylor was listed as a resident in Mooreman Taylor and Lavinia Banks's household in the census report in 1810 at Lancaster, Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 228, line 4 (in alphabetical order)
Record ID 7613::561348
Name Mooeman Tayloe
Home in 1810 (City, County, State) Lancaster, Garrard, Kentucky
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10 3 [aft 1800] Uria 1800, Zachariah 1802, Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44 1 [1766-84] Moorman 1769
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10 2 [aft 1800] Malissa 1804, Charity 1809
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15 2 [1795-1800] Elizabeth c1799, Naomi c1799
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44 1 [1766-84] Lavinia (BANKS) c1777
Number of Household Members Under 16 7
Number of Household Members Over 25 2
Number of Household Members 9
Name Mooeman Tayloe
Home in 1810 (City, County, State) Lancaster, Garrard, Kentucky
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10 3 [aft 1800] Uria 1800, Zachariah 1802, Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44 1 [1766-84] Moorman 1769
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10 2 [aft 1800] Malissa 1804, Charity 1809
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15 2 [1795-1800] Elizabeth c1799, Naomi c1799
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44 1 [1766-84] Lavinia (BANKS) c1777
Number of Household Members Under 16 7
Number of Household Members Over 25 2
Number of Household Members 9
Source Information: 1810 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.
Original data: Third Census of the United States, 1810. (NARA microfilm publication M252, 71 rolls). Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.3

Zachariah Taylor was listed as a resident in Mooreman Taylor and Lavinia Banks's household in the census report on 7 August 1820 at Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 90, line 15
Record ID 7734::1387606
Name Moman Taylor
Home in 1820 (City, County, State) Garrard, Garrard, Kentucky
Enumeration Date 7 August 1820
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10 3 [aft 1810] Garrard 1813, Oliver c1816, Garton 1817
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 15 1 [1805-10] Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 18 1 [1802-04] Zachariah 1802
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25 1 [1795-1804] Zachariah 1802
Free White Persons - Males - 45 and over 1 [bef 1775] Mooreman 1769
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10 1 [aft 1810] Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15 2 [1805-10] Lurena c1806, Charity 1809
Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25 2 [1795-1804] Elizabeth c1799, Naomi 1799
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44 1 [bef 1775] Lavinia (BANKS) 80916
Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture 1
Free White Persons - Under 16 7
Free White Persons - Over 25 2
Total Free White Persons 12
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other 12
Name Moman Taylor
Home in 1820 (City, County, State) Garrard, Garrard, Kentucky
Enumeration Date 7 August 1820
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10 3 [aft 1810] Garrard 1813, Oliver c1816, Garton 1817
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 15 1 [1805-10] Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 18 1 [1802-04] Zachariah 1802
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25 1 [1795-1804] Zachariah 1802
Free White Persons - Males - 45 and over 1 [bef 1775] Mooreman 1769
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10 1 [aft 1810] Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15 2 [1805-10] Lurena c1806, Charity 1809
Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25 2 [1795-1804] Elizabeth c1799, Naomi 1799
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44 1 [bef 1775] Lavinia (BANKS) 80916
Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture 1
Free White Persons - Under 16 7
Free White Persons - Over 25 2
Total Free White Persons 12
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other 12
Source Information: 1820 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.
Original data: Fourth Census of the United States, 1820. (NARA microfilm publication M33, 142 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.4

Family | Susan Elizabeth Hume b. 6 Nov 1808, d. 26 Oct 1893 |
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 07 August 2022), memorial page for Zachariah Taylor (2 Nov 1802–28 Feb 1860), Find a Grave Memorial ID 39589016, citing Valley Cemetery, Taylorsville, Spencer County, Kentucky, USA; Maintained by Quietly Resting (contributor 47077524) at Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, Kentucky, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1783-1965 seen 7 Aug 2022
Image: Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site. - [S3423] 1810 Federal Census, 1810 Census KY Garrard Co Lancaster, Year: 1810; Census Place: Lancaster, Garrard, Kentucky; Roll: 6; Page: 228; Image: 00244; Family History Library Film: 0181351 seen 7 Aug 2022
Image: - [S3791] 1820 Federal Census, 1820 Census KY Garrard Co, 1820 U S Census; Census Place: Garrard, Garrard, Kentucky; Page: 99; NARA Roll: M33_21; Image: 113 seen 7 Aug 2022
Susan Elizabeth Hume1
F, #99680, b. 6 November 1808, d. 26 October 1893
Last Edited | 7 Aug 2022 |
Susan Elizabeth Hume was born on 6 November 1808 at Fauquier Co., Virginia, USA.2 She married Zachariah Taylor, son of Mooreman Taylor and Lavinia Banks, on 13 December 1830 at Madison Co., Kentucky, USA,
; - Kentucky, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1783-1965
Source Information: Kentucky, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1783-1965 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2016.
Original data: Marriage Records. Kentucky Marriages. Madison County Courthouse, Richmond, Kentucky.1
Susan Elizabeth Hume died on 26 October 1893 at Spencer Co., Kentucky, USA, at age 84.2
Susan Elizabeth Hume was buried after 26 October 1893 at Valley Cemetery, Taylorsville, Spencer Co., Kentucky, USA; From Find A Grave:
; - Kentucky, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1783-1965
Record ID 61372::2486977
Name Zachery Taylor
Gender Male
Marriage Date 13 December 1830
Marriage Place Madison, Kentucky, USA
Spouse Susan E. Hume
Film Number 000183302
Name Zachery Taylor
Gender Male
Marriage Date 13 December 1830
Marriage Place Madison, Kentucky, USA
Spouse Susan E. Hume
Film Number 000183302
Source Information: Kentucky, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1783-1965 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2016.
Original data: Marriage Records. Kentucky Marriages. Madison County Courthouse, Richmond, Kentucky.1
Susan Elizabeth Hume died on 26 October 1893 at Spencer Co., Kentucky, USA, at age 84.2
Susan Elizabeth Hume was buried after 26 October 1893 at Valley Cemetery, Taylorsville, Spencer Co., Kentucky, USA; From Find A Grave:
BIRTH 6 Nov 1808, Fauquier County, Virginia, USA
DEATH 26 Dec 1893 (aged 85), Spencer County, Kentucky, USA
Family Members
Zachariah Taylor 1802–1860 (m. 1830)
John Pruett Taylor 1832–1917
Charles Austin Taylor 1840–1914
Joseph Taylor 1842–1929
Robert Samuel Taylor 1845–1923
Zachariah Richard Taylor 1849–1927
BURIAL Valley Cemetery, Taylorsville, Spencer County, Kentucky, USA
Maintained by: Quietly Resting
Originally Created by: Dianna B.
Added: 18 Jul 2009
Find a Grave Memorial ID: 39589007.2
DEATH 26 Dec 1893 (aged 85), Spencer County, Kentucky, USA
Family Members
Zachariah Taylor 1802–1860 (m. 1830)
John Pruett Taylor 1832–1917
Charles Austin Taylor 1840–1914
Joseph Taylor 1842–1929
Robert Samuel Taylor 1845–1923
Zachariah Richard Taylor 1849–1927
BURIAL Valley Cemetery, Taylorsville, Spencer County, Kentucky, USA
Maintained by: Quietly Resting
Originally Created by: Dianna B.
Added: 18 Jul 2009
Find a Grave Memorial ID: 39589007.2

Family | Zachariah Taylor b. 2 Nov 1802, d. 20 Feb 1860 |
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, Kentucky, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1783-1965 seen 7 Aug 2022
Image: Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site. - [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 07 August 2022), memorial page for Susan Elizabeth Hume Taylor (6 Nov 1808–26 Dec 1893), Find a Grave Memorial ID 39589007, citing Valley Cemetery, Taylorsville, Spencer County, Kentucky, USA; Maintained by Quietly Resting (contributor 47077524) at Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
Jane Stanton1
F, #99681, b. circa 1733, d. before 1802
Father | Thomas Stanton1 b. 1689, d. 22 Oct 1741 |
Mother | Sarah Robinson1 b. 1693, d. 3 May 1745 |
Last Edited | 8 Aug 2022 |
Jane Stanton was born circa 1733 at Hanover Parish, Richmond Co., Virginia, USA.1 She married George Hume in 1754 at Culpeper Co., Virginia, USA.2
Jane Stanton died before 1802 at Culpeper Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
issue: George, Reuben, Charles, William, [John], Elizabeth, Frances and Sarah.
1753-1757 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book B; [John Frederick Dorman]; 338-41.
23 May 1755. Thomas Stanton of Culpeper County to George Hume of same. For £5 current money. 204 acres that fell by will to Jane Stanton by Thomas Stanton, deceased, alias Jane Hume ... William Kirtley's line ... in Brumfield Parish ... part of a pattent granted to Thomas Stanton, deceased, for 400 acres 10 June 1737.
Thos. Stanton
Wit: William Stanton, Jeremiah (J) Early, John Hume, Wm. (HVase) Harvey.
19 June 1755. Acknowledged by the party.
1757-1762 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book C; [John Frederick Dorman]; Page 295-97.
20 March 1760. George Hume Jr. and Jane his wife of Culpeper County to Francis Kirtley of same. For £25 current money. 204 acres in Brumfield Parish'that was devised by Thomas Stanton to Jane by his last will and testament and since the Intermarrying of Jane with George Hume the land was conveyed to George Hume by Thomas Stanton, son and heir at law of the decedent, by deed 26 March 1759 ... in William
Kirtley's line ... on the side of a mountain ... on the end of the Piney Mountain ...
George Hume jr
Jane (X) Hume
20 March 1760. Acknowledged by George.
15 May 1760. Acknowledged by Jeane.
1763-1767 Frederick County, Va Deed Book
Bk 10, pg. 33 - 6 Nov. 1764
[Lease] Between George Hume of County of Culpeper [to] John Neilson and Alexander Wodrow of County of King George ... consideration of five Shillings ... Tract of Land lying in that part of Frederick County which
was formerly Augusta ... on the south side of Netherton's Mill Run ... containing four Hundred Acres the same being Granted to said George Hume by Deed under the Hand and Seal of the Right Hon.ble Thos. Lord Fairfax the xix October (illegible roman numerals) ... Rent of one Pepper Corn on Lady Day next ...
Wit: Thos. Wood George Hume
Robert Lemen
Francis Hume
Recorded:•7 Nov. 1764
Bk 10, pg. 34 - 7 Nov. 1764
[Release] Between George Hume and Jean his wife.of County of Culpepper [to] John Neilson and Alexander Wodrow of County of King George ... for and in consideration of Thirty Pounds ... 400 Acres (same as above)
Wit: same as above George Hume
Recorded: 7 Nov. 1764
1769-1773 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book F; [Antient Press]; Page 59-62
This Indenture made the 18th October 1769 between GEORGE HUME and JANE his Wife of County of Culpeper and JOHN STRODE of County of King George .. in consideration of One hundred and Ninety pounds current money of Virginia sold unto John Strode 446 acres in County of Culpeper being formerly granted to GOODRICH LIGHTFOOT by Patent bearing date 30th June 1726 and bounded beginning at two white oaks by the South West side of the Run corner to a Patent formerly granted to HARRY BEVERLEY thence North to beginning .,
Presence: William Love, George Hume
Francis Hume, John+ Kendall Jane Hume
At Court held for County of Culpeper 17th May 1770 This Indenture of Feoffment ordered to be recorded previous to which the said Jane was privily examained as the Law directs.
1769-1773 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book F; [Antient Press]; Page 62-64
This Indenture made 18th October 1769 between GEORGE HUME of County of Culpeper and JANE his Wife and JOHN STRODE of County of King George... in consideration of Fifty pounds current money of Virginia hath sold unto John Strode 200 acres in Parish of St. Marks in Culpeper County beginning at two red oaks in line of tract belonging to JOHN SPOTSWOOD Esqr. being a corner to WILLIAM STANTON's tract and extending thence with Stanton's line East to two white oaks in line of said Spots-woods now DONALD to beginning (which said Tract of land was granted to GEORGE HUMS Father to George Hume party to these presents by Patent bearing date from the Proprietor's office the 21st day of May 1748 and from him decended to his said Son George Hume) ..
Presence: William Love, George Hume
Francis Hume, John + Kendall Jane Hume
At Court held for County of Culpeper 17th May 1770 This Indenture of Feoffment was ordered to be recorded previous to which the said Jane was privily examined as the Law directs. at Citation.1
Jane Stanton died before 1802 at Culpeper Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
issue: George, Reuben, Charles, William, [John], Elizabeth, Frances and Sarah.
1753-1757 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book B; [John Frederick Dorman]; 338-41.
23 May 1755. Thomas Stanton of Culpeper County to George Hume of same. For £5 current money. 204 acres that fell by will to Jane Stanton by Thomas Stanton, deceased, alias Jane Hume ... William Kirtley's line ... in Brumfield Parish ... part of a pattent granted to Thomas Stanton, deceased, for 400 acres 10 June 1737.
Thos. Stanton
Wit: William Stanton, Jeremiah (J) Early, John Hume, Wm. (HVase) Harvey.
19 June 1755. Acknowledged by the party.
1757-1762 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book C; [John Frederick Dorman]; Page 295-97.
20 March 1760. George Hume Jr. and Jane his wife of Culpeper County to Francis Kirtley of same. For £25 current money. 204 acres in Brumfield Parish'that was devised by Thomas Stanton to Jane by his last will and testament and since the Intermarrying of Jane with George Hume the land was conveyed to George Hume by Thomas Stanton, son and heir at law of the decedent, by deed 26 March 1759 ... in William
Kirtley's line ... on the side of a mountain ... on the end of the Piney Mountain ...
George Hume jr
Jane (X) Hume
20 March 1760. Acknowledged by George.
15 May 1760. Acknowledged by Jeane.
1763-1767 Frederick County, Va Deed Book
Bk 10, pg. 33 - 6 Nov. 1764
[Lease] Between George Hume of County of Culpeper [to] John Neilson and Alexander Wodrow of County of King George ... consideration of five Shillings ... Tract of Land lying in that part of Frederick County which
was formerly Augusta ... on the south side of Netherton's Mill Run ... containing four Hundred Acres the same being Granted to said George Hume by Deed under the Hand and Seal of the Right Hon.ble Thos. Lord Fairfax the xix October (illegible roman numerals) ... Rent of one Pepper Corn on Lady Day next ...
Wit: Thos. Wood George Hume
Robert Lemen
Francis Hume
Recorded:•7 Nov. 1764
Bk 10, pg. 34 - 7 Nov. 1764
[Release] Between George Hume and Jean his wife.of County of Culpepper [to] John Neilson and Alexander Wodrow of County of King George ... for and in consideration of Thirty Pounds ... 400 Acres (same as above)
Wit: same as above George Hume
Recorded: 7 Nov. 1764
1769-1773 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book F; [Antient Press]; Page 59-62
This Indenture made the 18th October 1769 between GEORGE HUME and JANE his Wife of County of Culpeper and JOHN STRODE of County of King George .. in consideration of One hundred and Ninety pounds current money of Virginia sold unto John Strode 446 acres in County of Culpeper being formerly granted to GOODRICH LIGHTFOOT by Patent bearing date 30th June 1726 and bounded beginning at two white oaks by the South West side of the Run corner to a Patent formerly granted to HARRY BEVERLEY thence North to beginning .,
Presence: William Love, George Hume
Francis Hume, John+ Kendall Jane Hume
At Court held for County of Culpeper 17th May 1770 This Indenture of Feoffment ordered to be recorded previous to which the said Jane was privily examained as the Law directs.
1769-1773 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book F; [Antient Press]; Page 62-64
This Indenture made 18th October 1769 between GEORGE HUME of County of Culpeper and JANE his Wife and JOHN STRODE of County of King George... in consideration of Fifty pounds current money of Virginia hath sold unto John Strode 200 acres in Parish of St. Marks in Culpeper County beginning at two red oaks in line of tract belonging to JOHN SPOTSWOOD Esqr. being a corner to WILLIAM STANTON's tract and extending thence with Stanton's line East to two white oaks in line of said Spots-woods now DONALD to beginning (which said Tract of land was granted to GEORGE HUMS Father to George Hume party to these presents by Patent bearing date from the Proprietor's office the 21st day of May 1748 and from him decended to his said Son George Hume) ..
Presence: William Love, George Hume
Francis Hume, John + Kendall Jane Hume
At Court held for County of Culpeper 17th May 1770 This Indenture of Feoffment was ordered to be recorded previous to which the said Jane was privily examined as the Law directs. at Citation.1
Family | George Hume b. 1729, d. b 23 Dec 1802 |
Children |
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, Jane Stanton Abt 1733 - Bef 1802 seen 8 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, George Hume 1729 - 1802 seen 8 Aug 2022 at
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, Charles Hume Bef 1765 - Aft 1818 seen 8 Aug 2022 at
George Hume1
M, #99682, b. 1729, d. before 23 December 1802
Last Edited | 8 Aug 2022 |
George Hume was born in 1729 at Spotsylvania Co., Virginia, USA.1 He married Jane Stanton, daughter of Thomas Stanton and Sarah Robinson, in 1754 at Culpeper Co., Virginia, USA.1
George Hume died before 23 December 1802 at Madison Co., Virginia, USA; Date of probate.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
Slaves mentioned in Fauquier County Deeds & Wills by
Sarah/Negro woman (Joseph Delaney to Andrew Barbee one Negro woman named Sarah 5/24/1764)
1753-1757 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book B; [John Frederick Dorman]; 338-41.
23 May 1755. Thomas Stanton of Culpeper County to George Hume of same. For £5 current money. 204 acres that fell by will to Jane Stanton by Thomas Stanton, deceased, alias Jane Hume ... William Kirtley's line ... in Brumfield Parish ... part of a pattent granted to Thomas Stanton, deceased, for 400 acres 10 June 1737.
Thos. Stanton
Wit: William Stanton, Jeremiah (J) Early, John Hume, Wm. (HVase) Harvey.
19 June 1755. Acknowledged by the party.
1757-1762 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book C; [John Frederick Dorman]; Page 295-97.
20 March 1760. George Hume Jr. and Jane his wife of Culpeper County to Francis Kirtley of same. For £25 current money. 204 acres in Brumfield Parish'that was devised by Thomas Stanton to Jane by his last will and testament and since the Intermarrying of Jane with George Hume the land was conveyed to George Hume by Thomas Stanton, son and heir at law of the decedent, by deed 26 March 1759 ... in William
Kirtley's line ... on the side of a mountain ... on the end of the Piney Mountain ...
George Hume jr
Jane (X) Hume
20 March 1760. Acknowledged by George.
15 May 1760. Acknowledged by Jeane.
1757-1762 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book C; [John Frederick Dorman]; Page 564-69.
19-20 Aug. 1761. George Hume of Culpeper County to Daniel Campbell of same. Lease and release: for £5
current money. 220 acres ... line of a tract surveyed for James Taylor White on the east side of Rich Mountain ... head of the Hickory Hollow .. on the top of a mountain ... on the south side the Hazel River ... to James White and George Roberts' corner ... corner to James Taylor White ...
Geo. Hume
Jane Hume
Wit: Linn Banks, Francis Hume.
20 Aug. 1761. Acknowledged by George.
A commission is awarded to take the privy examination of Jane.
1763-1767 Frederick County, Va Deed Book
Bk 10, pg. 33 - 6 Nov. 1764
[Lease] Between George Hume of County of Culpeper [to] John Neilson and Alexander Wodrow of County of King George ... consideration of five Shillings ... Tract of Land lying in that part of Frederick County which
was formerly Augusta ... on the south side of Netherton's Mill Run ... containing four Hundred Acres the same being Granted to said George Hume by Deed under the Hand and Seal of the Right Hon.ble Thos. Lord Fairfax the xix October (illegible roman numerals) ... Rent of one Pepper Corn on Lady Day next ...
Wit: Thos. Wood George Hume
Robert Lemen
Francis Hume
Recorded:•7 Nov. 1764
Bk 10, pg. 34 - 7 Nov. 1764
[Release] Between George Hume and Jean his wife of County of Culpepper [to] John Neilson and Alexander Wodrow of County of King George ... for qqwert?> Wit: same as above George Hume
Recorded: 7 Nov. 1764
1769-1773 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book F; [Antient Press]; Page 57-59
This Indenture made 18th October 1769 between FRANCIS HUME together with ELIZABETH his Wife of County of Culpeper and GEORGE HUME of same .. in consideration of Twenty pounds current money of Virginia doth sell George Hume tract of land in County of Culpeper (being part of a tract formerly granted to GOODRICH LIGHTFOOT by Patent date 30th June 1726) containing 100 acres bounded beginning at a pine in a line of the aforesaid Patent .. to a gum in Stanton's line to beginning ..
Presence: William Love, Francis Hume
John Strode, John Kendall Elizabeth Hume
At Court held for Culpeper County 17th May 1770 This Indenture of Feoffment with receipt Endorsed and Memorandum ordered to be recorded previous to which the said Elizabeth was first privily examined as the Law directs
1769-1773 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book F; [Antient Press]; Page 59-62
This Indenture made the 18th October 1769 between GEORGE HUME and JANE his Wife of County of Culpeper and JOHN STRODE of County of King George .. in consideration of One hundred and Ninety pounds current money of Virginia sold unto John Strode 446 acres in County of Culpeper being formerly granted to GOODRICH LIGHTFOOT by Patent bearing date 30th June 1726 and bounded beginning at two white oaks by the South West side of the Run corner to a Patent formerly granted to HARRY BEVERLEY thence North to beginning .,
Presence: William Love, George Hume
Francis Hume, John+ Kendall Jane Hume
At Court held for County of Culpeper 17th May 1770 This Indenture of Feoffment ordered to be recorded previous to which the said Jane was privily examained as the Law directs.
1769-1773 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book F; [Antient Press]; Page 62-64
This Indenture made 18th October 1769 between GEORGE HUME of County of Culpeper and JANE his Wife and JOHN STRODE of County of King George... in consideration of Fifty pounds current money of Virginia hath sold unto John Strode 200 acres in Parish of St. Marks in Culpeper County beginning at two red oaks in line of tract belonging to JOHN SPOTSWOOD Esqr. being a corner to WILLIAM STANTON's tract and extending thence with Stanton's line East to two white oaks in line of said Spots-woods now DONALD to beginning (which said Tract of land was granted to GEORGE HUMS Father to George Hume party to these presents by Patent bearing date from the Proprietor's office the 21st day of May 1748 and from him decended to his said Son George Hume) ..
Presence: William Love, George Hume
Francis Hume, John + Kendall Jane Hume
At Court held for County of Culpeper 17th May 1770 This Indenture of Feoffment was ordered to be recorded previous to which the said Jane was privily examined as the Law directs.
1769-1773 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book F; [Antient Press]; Page 338-340
This Indenture made 21st October 1771 between GEORGE ROBERTS and ELIZABETH his Wife of County of Culpeper and GEORGE HUME of aforesaid County .. in consideration of sum Three hundred and thirty pounds current money of Virginia hath sold unto George Hume parcel of land whereon JOHN HUME and WILLIAM ABBOTT now live containg 205 acres in County of Culpeper on Mountain Run and bounded Beginning at two red oaks on Mountain Run corner to JOSEPH STUARD to a Gum on Dowdys Run to red oak on a Ridge to two Box oak corners to Colo. WILLIAM GREEN decd to the Beginning ..
Presence Thomas Clifton George Roberts Senr
E. Roberts
At Court held for County of Culpeper 21st October 1771 This Indenture of Feoffment ordered to be recorded Previous to which the said Elizabeth was first privily examined as the.Law directs.
1769-1773 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book F; [Antient Press]; Page 433-435
This Indenture made 16th December 1771 between JAMES HUNTER of County of King George Gent and JOHN STRODE of same .. Whereas GEORGE HUME did by Deed of Lease and Release by way of Mortgage dated 15th and 16th October 1754 convey and mortgage unto James Hunter land in Culpeper County containing 200 acres and bounded as in the Deeds mentioned for securing the payment of Twenty eight pounds Ten shillings and Four pence with Interest from date thereof as by Deed in County Court of Culpeper and whereas GEORGE HUME Son and heir at Law of said George Hume deceased and (blank) his Wife did by Deeds of Feoffment date the (blank) day of -in 1769 also of record in County Court of Culpeper convey unto John Strode the Tract of land in Fee Simple and whereas John Strode hath at the request of Geo. Hume fully paid the sum of Twenty eight pounds Ten shillings and Four pence with Interest from date of the Mortgage amounting to the sum of Fifty pounds unto James Hunter Now This Indenture Witnesseth that James Hunter in consideration of Fifty pounds paid by John Strode hath granted unto John Strode tract of land
Presence P. Clayton, James Hunter
French Strother, Edward Watkins
At Court held for County of Culpeper 17th March 1772 This Indenture of Release ordered to be recorded
1769-1773 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book F; [Antient Press]; Page 676
RECEIVED of GEORGE HUME full satisfaction for our Father's Estate & this is to Certify that we nor our heirs have no claim or Demand against said George Hume nor his heirs for the same. Witness our hands 15th February 1773
Francis Hume John Hume
William Hume James Hume
Charles flume
At a Court held for Culpeper County March 15, 1773
This Receipt ordered to be recorded.
1773-1775 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book G; [Antient Press]; Page 489-492
THIS INDENTURE made this 21st day of February 1775 Between GEORGE HUME of County of Culpeper of one part and HORATIO GRIGSBY of County of KING GEORGE of other part Witnesseth that for sum of Sixty pounds current money of Virginia said George Hume hath granted unto said Oratio Grigsby his heirs forever land in County of Culpeper containing Fifty acres and bounded Beginning at two red oaks on Mountain Run Corner to WILLIAM ABBETT thence with said Abbetts line South to a pine thence West to a Gum and Hickory on Thorney Branch thence down the said Branch to Mountain Run thence down Mountain Run to the beginning . Geo: Hume
At a Court held for Culpeper County February the 20th 1775
This Indenture acknowledged by said George Hume and ordered to be recorded.
1775-1778 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book H; [Antient Press]; Page 175-177
THIS INDENTUREmade this 20th May 1776 Between GEORGE HUME of County of Culpeper of one part & FRANCES HUME of County aforesaid Witnesseth that for sum Fifty pounds current money of Virginia said George Hume hath granted unto said Francis Hume his heirs land in County aforesaid containing 185 acres Bounded Begining at a white oak in WM. ABBETTs line with his line South to a Gum on DOWDY's Branch thence West to two box oak Corner to Colo. WM. GREEN Decd then with his line South to a red and white oak near GRIGSBYs fence thence South to a pine now cut down in said Humes Plantation thence to the Beginning
George Hume
At Court held for Culpeper County the 17 June 1776
This Indenture Deed together with the Receipt endorsed ordered to be recorded.
1781-1783 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book L (Part 2); [Antient Press]; Page 99-102
THIS INDENTURE made the 28th day of March in year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred & Eighty two Between GEORGE ROOTS of County of FREDERICK & WILLIAM CHAPMAN of County of Culpeper of one part and GEORGE HUME of County of Culpeper of other part Witnesseth that GEORGE ROOTS & WILLIAM CHAPMAN for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty pounds good & lawfull money of Virginia to them in hand paid by these presents do fully clearly & absolutely bargain and sell unto GEORGE HUME and to his heirs and assigns for ever all that Tract of land containing One hundred &Thirty seven acres be the same more or less lying and being in Culpeper on the Branches of the ROBINSON RIVER and is bounded beginning at a Chesnut & Hickory Corner to said HUME North twenty nine pole to a Gum on a Branch corner to WILLIAM GRAYSON, thence with his line North twenty four degrees East sixty eight pole to a Dogwood & Hickory cut down, thence South eighty five degrees East eighty four pole to two Chesnut Oaks, thence South fifty seven degrees East One hundred and fifty four pole to a red Oak dead standing in MARK FINKS line, thence with his line South thirty degrees West One hundred & five poles to a Gum & Chesnut Oak by a large Rock, thence South seventy degrees West sixty four pole to a Chesnut & Dogwood Corner to said GEORGE HUME, thence with the lines of that tract, thence North One hundred & fourteen pole to two red Oaks and a Spanish Oak by a small Branch, thence West One hundred and twenty seven pole to the Begining and all houses orchards gardens & appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging To have and to hold the said One hundred & thirty seven acres of land more or less and GEORGE ROOTS & WILLIAM CHAPMAN their heirs & assigns against all other persons whatsoever shall for ever defend by these presents In Witness whereof the said GEORGE ROOTS & WILLIAM CHAPMAN have hereunto set their hands and Seals this 28th day of March in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred & Eighty two
in presence of ACREY BERRY, GEO: ROOTES
Reced of the within n ed GEORGE HUME the sum of Fifty pounds lawfull money being the consideration within mentioned as Witness my hand this 28th day of March 1782
At a Court held for Culpeper County the 20th day of May 1782 This Indenture was proved by the Oaths of ACREY BERRY, JOHN COLLINS & JOHN TAYLOR Witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded
1781-1783 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book L (Part 2); [Antient Press]; Page 344-345
THIS INDENTURE made this fifteenth day of February in year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Eighty three Between GEORGE HUME of County of Culpeper of one part and JOHN YOWELL of the aforesaid County of other part, Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty pounds current money of Virginia to him the said GEORGE HUME well & truly in hand paid have bargained and sold unto JOHN YOWELL his heirs and assigns forever a certain piece or parcell of land lying in County of Culpeper containing by estimation Three hundred twenty two acres be the same more or less lying on the FORK MOUNTAIN on the Waters of the ROBINSON RIVER and bounded Begining at two white Oaks & Chesnut on the East side of the Fork in the foresaid County and runing thence North sixty six degrees West two hundred and twenty poles to two Chesnuts & Spanish Oak thence South twenty four degrees West One hundred and Twelve poles to a Chesnut Oak and two Chesnuts and Mahogany, thence South Twenty two Degrees East Two hundred & twenty eight poles to two Chesnuts, thence South Sixty six degrees East Eighty poles to four white Oaks on the South side of the FORK MOUNTAIN, thence North nineteen degrees East two hundred & sevinty four poles to the Begining, Together with all woods and underwoods, houses orchards and all other appurtenances belonging and all other the Estate right and title that may now or ever hereafter appertain to the same free from the trouble hindrance or molestation of any persons whatsoever To have and to hold the aforesaid Land & premises from all In-cumbrances of Mortgages Dowers and Reversions by or from us whatsoever As Witness my hand and Seal the day and year above written
At a Court held for Culpeper County the 27th day of July 1783
This Indenture was acknowledged by the within mentioend GEORGE HUME & ordered to be recorded
1783-1785 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book M; [Antient Press]; Page 234
I hereby Certify all persons to whom it may concern that Whereas GEORGE HUME having a Negro Woman named Luce I have some property in the said Wench I hereby acknowledge that the said GEORGE HUME hath fully satisfied me for the property that I had in said Negro Luce and that I hereby confess that me my heirs hath no claim or demand against the said HUME for any part of his property from the Begining to this day as Witness my hand & Seal this 16th day of August 1784
in presence of JOHN HUME, JAS. HUME
At a Court held for Culpeper County the 16th day of August 1784
This Bill of Sale was acknowledged by the party & oredered to be recorded
George Hume died before 23 December 1802 at Madison Co., Virginia, USA; Date of probate.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
Slaves mentioned in Fauquier County Deeds & Wills by
Sarah/Negro woman (Joseph Delaney to Andrew Barbee one Negro woman named Sarah 5/24/1764)
1753-1757 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book B; [John Frederick Dorman]; 338-41.
23 May 1755. Thomas Stanton of Culpeper County to George Hume of same. For £5 current money. 204 acres that fell by will to Jane Stanton by Thomas Stanton, deceased, alias Jane Hume ... William Kirtley's line ... in Brumfield Parish ... part of a pattent granted to Thomas Stanton, deceased, for 400 acres 10 June 1737.
Thos. Stanton
Wit: William Stanton, Jeremiah (J) Early, John Hume, Wm. (HVase) Harvey.
19 June 1755. Acknowledged by the party.
1757-1762 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book C; [John Frederick Dorman]; Page 295-97.
20 March 1760. George Hume Jr. and Jane his wife of Culpeper County to Francis Kirtley of same. For £25 current money. 204 acres in Brumfield Parish'that was devised by Thomas Stanton to Jane by his last will and testament and since the Intermarrying of Jane with George Hume the land was conveyed to George Hume by Thomas Stanton, son and heir at law of the decedent, by deed 26 March 1759 ... in William
Kirtley's line ... on the side of a mountain ... on the end of the Piney Mountain ...
George Hume jr
Jane (X) Hume
20 March 1760. Acknowledged by George.
15 May 1760. Acknowledged by Jeane.
1757-1762 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book C; [John Frederick Dorman]; Page 564-69.
19-20 Aug. 1761. George Hume of Culpeper County to Daniel Campbell of same. Lease and release: for £5
current money. 220 acres ... line of a tract surveyed for James Taylor White on the east side of Rich Mountain ... head of the Hickory Hollow .. on the top of a mountain ... on the south side the Hazel River ... to James White and George Roberts' corner ... corner to James Taylor White ...
Geo. Hume
Jane Hume
Wit: Linn Banks, Francis Hume.
20 Aug. 1761. Acknowledged by George.
A commission is awarded to take the privy examination of Jane.
1763-1767 Frederick County, Va Deed Book
Bk 10, pg. 33 - 6 Nov. 1764
[Lease] Between George Hume of County of Culpeper [to] John Neilson and Alexander Wodrow of County of King George ... consideration of five Shillings ... Tract of Land lying in that part of Frederick County which
was formerly Augusta ... on the south side of Netherton's Mill Run ... containing four Hundred Acres the same being Granted to said George Hume by Deed under the Hand and Seal of the Right Hon.ble Thos. Lord Fairfax the xix October (illegible roman numerals) ... Rent of one Pepper Corn on Lady Day next ...
Wit: Thos. Wood George Hume
Robert Lemen
Francis Hume
Recorded:•7 Nov. 1764
Bk 10, pg. 34 - 7 Nov. 1764
[Release] Between George Hume and Jean his wife of County of Culpepper [to] John Neilson and Alexander Wodrow of County of King George ... for qqwert?> Wit: same as above George Hume
Recorded: 7 Nov. 1764
1769-1773 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book F; [Antient Press]; Page 57-59
This Indenture made 18th October 1769 between FRANCIS HUME together with ELIZABETH his Wife of County of Culpeper and GEORGE HUME of same .. in consideration of Twenty pounds current money of Virginia doth sell George Hume tract of land in County of Culpeper (being part of a tract formerly granted to GOODRICH LIGHTFOOT by Patent date 30th June 1726) containing 100 acres bounded beginning at a pine in a line of the aforesaid Patent .. to a gum in Stanton's line to beginning ..
Presence: William Love, Francis Hume
John Strode, John Kendall Elizabeth Hume
At Court held for Culpeper County 17th May 1770 This Indenture of Feoffment with receipt Endorsed and Memorandum ordered to be recorded previous to which the said Elizabeth was first privily examined as the Law directs
1769-1773 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book F; [Antient Press]; Page 59-62
This Indenture made the 18th October 1769 between GEORGE HUME and JANE his Wife of County of Culpeper and JOHN STRODE of County of King George .. in consideration of One hundred and Ninety pounds current money of Virginia sold unto John Strode 446 acres in County of Culpeper being formerly granted to GOODRICH LIGHTFOOT by Patent bearing date 30th June 1726 and bounded beginning at two white oaks by the South West side of the Run corner to a Patent formerly granted to HARRY BEVERLEY thence North to beginning .,
Presence: William Love, George Hume
Francis Hume, John+ Kendall Jane Hume
At Court held for County of Culpeper 17th May 1770 This Indenture of Feoffment ordered to be recorded previous to which the said Jane was privily examained as the Law directs.
1769-1773 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book F; [Antient Press]; Page 62-64
This Indenture made 18th October 1769 between GEORGE HUME of County of Culpeper and JANE his Wife and JOHN STRODE of County of King George... in consideration of Fifty pounds current money of Virginia hath sold unto John Strode 200 acres in Parish of St. Marks in Culpeper County beginning at two red oaks in line of tract belonging to JOHN SPOTSWOOD Esqr. being a corner to WILLIAM STANTON's tract and extending thence with Stanton's line East to two white oaks in line of said Spots-woods now DONALD to beginning (which said Tract of land was granted to GEORGE HUMS Father to George Hume party to these presents by Patent bearing date from the Proprietor's office the 21st day of May 1748 and from him decended to his said Son George Hume) ..
Presence: William Love, George Hume
Francis Hume, John + Kendall Jane Hume
At Court held for County of Culpeper 17th May 1770 This Indenture of Feoffment was ordered to be recorded previous to which the said Jane was privily examined as the Law directs.
1769-1773 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book F; [Antient Press]; Page 338-340
This Indenture made 21st October 1771 between GEORGE ROBERTS and ELIZABETH his Wife of County of Culpeper and GEORGE HUME of aforesaid County .. in consideration of sum Three hundred and thirty pounds current money of Virginia hath sold unto George Hume parcel of land whereon JOHN HUME and WILLIAM ABBOTT now live containg 205 acres in County of Culpeper on Mountain Run and bounded Beginning at two red oaks on Mountain Run corner to JOSEPH STUARD to a Gum on Dowdys Run to red oak on a Ridge to two Box oak corners to Colo. WILLIAM GREEN decd to the Beginning ..
Presence Thomas Clifton George Roberts Senr
E. Roberts
At Court held for County of Culpeper 21st October 1771 This Indenture of Feoffment ordered to be recorded Previous to which the said Elizabeth was first privily examined as the.Law directs.
1769-1773 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book F; [Antient Press]; Page 433-435
This Indenture made 16th December 1771 between JAMES HUNTER of County of King George Gent and JOHN STRODE of same .. Whereas GEORGE HUME did by Deed of Lease and Release by way of Mortgage dated 15th and 16th October 1754 convey and mortgage unto James Hunter land in Culpeper County containing 200 acres and bounded as in the Deeds mentioned for securing the payment of Twenty eight pounds Ten shillings and Four pence with Interest from date thereof as by Deed in County Court of Culpeper and whereas GEORGE HUME Son and heir at Law of said George Hume deceased and (blank) his Wife did by Deeds of Feoffment date the (blank) day of -in 1769 also of record in County Court of Culpeper convey unto John Strode the Tract of land in Fee Simple and whereas John Strode hath at the request of Geo. Hume fully paid the sum of Twenty eight pounds Ten shillings and Four pence with Interest from date of the Mortgage amounting to the sum of Fifty pounds unto James Hunter Now This Indenture Witnesseth that James Hunter in consideration of Fifty pounds paid by John Strode hath granted unto John Strode tract of land
Presence P. Clayton, James Hunter
French Strother, Edward Watkins
At Court held for County of Culpeper 17th March 1772 This Indenture of Release ordered to be recorded
1769-1773 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book F; [Antient Press]; Page 676
RECEIVED of GEORGE HUME full satisfaction for our Father's Estate & this is to Certify that we nor our heirs have no claim or Demand against said George Hume nor his heirs for the same. Witness our hands 15th February 1773
Francis Hume John Hume
William Hume James Hume
Charles flume
At a Court held for Culpeper County March 15, 1773
This Receipt ordered to be recorded.
1773-1775 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book G; [Antient Press]; Page 489-492
THIS INDENTURE made this 21st day of February 1775 Between GEORGE HUME of County of Culpeper of one part and HORATIO GRIGSBY of County of KING GEORGE of other part Witnesseth that for sum of Sixty pounds current money of Virginia said George Hume hath granted unto said Oratio Grigsby his heirs forever land in County of Culpeper containing Fifty acres and bounded Beginning at two red oaks on Mountain Run Corner to WILLIAM ABBETT thence with said Abbetts line South to a pine thence West to a Gum and Hickory on Thorney Branch thence down the said Branch to Mountain Run thence down Mountain Run to the beginning . Geo: Hume
At a Court held for Culpeper County February the 20th 1775
This Indenture acknowledged by said George Hume and ordered to be recorded.
1775-1778 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book H; [Antient Press]; Page 175-177
THIS INDENTUREmade this 20th May 1776 Between GEORGE HUME of County of Culpeper of one part & FRANCES HUME of County aforesaid Witnesseth that for sum Fifty pounds current money of Virginia said George Hume hath granted unto said Francis Hume his heirs land in County aforesaid containing 185 acres Bounded Begining at a white oak in WM. ABBETTs line with his line South to a Gum on DOWDY's Branch thence West to two box oak Corner to Colo. WM. GREEN Decd then with his line South to a red and white oak near GRIGSBYs fence thence South to a pine now cut down in said Humes Plantation thence to the Beginning
George Hume
At Court held for Culpeper County the 17 June 1776
This Indenture Deed together with the Receipt endorsed ordered to be recorded.
1781-1783 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book L (Part 2); [Antient Press]; Page 99-102
THIS INDENTURE made the 28th day of March in year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred & Eighty two Between GEORGE ROOTS of County of FREDERICK & WILLIAM CHAPMAN of County of Culpeper of one part and GEORGE HUME of County of Culpeper of other part Witnesseth that GEORGE ROOTS & WILLIAM CHAPMAN for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty pounds good & lawfull money of Virginia to them in hand paid by these presents do fully clearly & absolutely bargain and sell unto GEORGE HUME and to his heirs and assigns for ever all that Tract of land containing One hundred &Thirty seven acres be the same more or less lying and being in Culpeper on the Branches of the ROBINSON RIVER and is bounded beginning at a Chesnut & Hickory Corner to said HUME North twenty nine pole to a Gum on a Branch corner to WILLIAM GRAYSON, thence with his line North twenty four degrees East sixty eight pole to a Dogwood & Hickory cut down, thence South eighty five degrees East eighty four pole to two Chesnut Oaks, thence South fifty seven degrees East One hundred and fifty four pole to a red Oak dead standing in MARK FINKS line, thence with his line South thirty degrees West One hundred & five poles to a Gum & Chesnut Oak by a large Rock, thence South seventy degrees West sixty four pole to a Chesnut & Dogwood Corner to said GEORGE HUME, thence with the lines of that tract, thence North One hundred & fourteen pole to two red Oaks and a Spanish Oak by a small Branch, thence West One hundred and twenty seven pole to the Begining and all houses orchards gardens & appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging To have and to hold the said One hundred & thirty seven acres of land more or less and GEORGE ROOTS & WILLIAM CHAPMAN their heirs & assigns against all other persons whatsoever shall for ever defend by these presents In Witness whereof the said GEORGE ROOTS & WILLIAM CHAPMAN have hereunto set their hands and Seals this 28th day of March in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred & Eighty two
in presence of ACREY BERRY, GEO: ROOTES
Reced of the within n ed GEORGE HUME the sum of Fifty pounds lawfull money being the consideration within mentioned as Witness my hand this 28th day of March 1782
At a Court held for Culpeper County the 20th day of May 1782 This Indenture was proved by the Oaths of ACREY BERRY, JOHN COLLINS & JOHN TAYLOR Witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded
1781-1783 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book L (Part 2); [Antient Press]; Page 344-345
THIS INDENTURE made this fifteenth day of February in year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Eighty three Between GEORGE HUME of County of Culpeper of one part and JOHN YOWELL of the aforesaid County of other part, Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty pounds current money of Virginia to him the said GEORGE HUME well & truly in hand paid have bargained and sold unto JOHN YOWELL his heirs and assigns forever a certain piece or parcell of land lying in County of Culpeper containing by estimation Three hundred twenty two acres be the same more or less lying on the FORK MOUNTAIN on the Waters of the ROBINSON RIVER and bounded Begining at two white Oaks & Chesnut on the East side of the Fork in the foresaid County and runing thence North sixty six degrees West two hundred and twenty poles to two Chesnuts & Spanish Oak thence South twenty four degrees West One hundred and Twelve poles to a Chesnut Oak and two Chesnuts and Mahogany, thence South Twenty two Degrees East Two hundred & twenty eight poles to two Chesnuts, thence South Sixty six degrees East Eighty poles to four white Oaks on the South side of the FORK MOUNTAIN, thence North nineteen degrees East two hundred & sevinty four poles to the Begining, Together with all woods and underwoods, houses orchards and all other appurtenances belonging and all other the Estate right and title that may now or ever hereafter appertain to the same free from the trouble hindrance or molestation of any persons whatsoever To have and to hold the aforesaid Land & premises from all In-cumbrances of Mortgages Dowers and Reversions by or from us whatsoever As Witness my hand and Seal the day and year above written
At a Court held for Culpeper County the 27th day of July 1783
This Indenture was acknowledged by the within mentioend GEORGE HUME & ordered to be recorded
1783-1785 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book M; [Antient Press]; Page 234
I hereby Certify all persons to whom it may concern that Whereas GEORGE HUME having a Negro Woman named Luce I have some property in the said Wench I hereby acknowledge that the said GEORGE HUME hath fully satisfied me for the property that I had in said Negro Luce and that I hereby confess that me my heirs hath no claim or demand against the said HUME for any part of his property from the Begining to this day as Witness my hand & Seal this 16th day of August 1784
in presence of JOHN HUME, JAS. HUME
At a Court held for Culpeper County the 16th day of August 1784
This Bill of Sale was acknowledged by the party & oredered to be recorded
[S77] Genealogies of Virginia Families Vol. II, from Tyler's Quarterly Historical and Genealogical Magazine, Scott, Paul H, (Name: he William and Mary Quarterly, vol. 19, no. 4, 1939, pp. 485-509;), 372.
[S77] Genealogies of Virginia Families Vol. II, from Tyler's Quarterly Historical and Genealogical Magazine, Scott, Paul H, (Name: he William and Mary Quarterly, vol. 19, no. 4, 1939, pp. 485-509;), 337.
at Citation.1[S77] Genealogies of Virginia Families Vol. II, from Tyler's Quarterly Historical and Genealogical Magazine, Scott, Paul H, (Name: he William and Mary Quarterly, vol. 19, no. 4, 1939, pp. 485-509;), 337.
Family | Jane Stanton b. c 1733, d. b 1802 |
Children |
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, George Hume 1729 - 1802 seen 8 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, Charles Hume Bef 1765 - Aft 1818 seen 8 Aug 2022 at
Grace James1
F, #99683, b. 1746, d. circa 1783
Last Edited | 8 Aug 2022 |
Grace James married Adam Banks, son of Gerard Banks (II) and Ann Stanton.1
Grace James was born in 1746 at Bromfield Parish, Culpeper Co., Virginia, USA.1
Grace James died circa 1783 at Madison Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
1781-1783 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book L (Part 2); [Antient Press]; Page 351-353
THIS INDENTURE made the 18th day of August in year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Eighty three Between ADAM BANKS & GRACY his Wife of County of Culpeper of the one part and JOEL EARLEY of the aforesd County of other part Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the Quantity of Ten thousand pounds of Nett Crop Tobacco to him the said ADAM BANKS well & truly in hand paid have bargained & sold in fee unto JOEL EARLY his heirs and assigns forever a certain piece or parcel of land containing Two hundred and Twenty four acres be the same more or less lying in the aforesaid County at the head of WILSONS RIVER a branch of STANTON RIVER bounded Beg: at a Wild Cherry tree and three Chesnut trees on the side of a Mountain nigh the head of the said WILSONS RIVER and running North thirty five degrees West One hundred and twenty poles to two white Oaks and one Chesnut tree on the side of a Mountain, th: South fifty five degrees West Two hundred and forty poles to three Spanish Oaks, th: South thirty five degrees East One hundred and sixty two poles to three Chesnut trees in ISAAC SMITHs old line, th: North sixty degrees East One hundred and Ten poles to a Wild Cherry tree Maple and white Oak on the said WILSONS RIVER, th: up the several courses of the same to the Beg: Together-with all houses, fences, orchards and all appurtenances belonging To have and to hold the aforesaid premises with every part and parcel from all incumbrance of Mortgage, Dowers & reversions & to be only to the use of him the said JOEL EARLY his heirs and assigns As Witness our hands and Seals the day and date above written
in presence of ADAM BANKS
Received full satisfaction for the within written Indenture as Witness my hand this 18th day of August 1783 ADAM BANKS
At a Court held for Culpeper County the 18th day of August 1783
This Indenture was acknowledged by the within mentioned ADAM BANKS and ordered to be recorded at Citation.1
Grace James was born in 1746 at Bromfield Parish, Culpeper Co., Virginia, USA.1
Grace James died circa 1783 at Madison Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
1781-1783 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book L (Part 2); [Antient Press]; Page 351-353
THIS INDENTURE made the 18th day of August in year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Eighty three Between ADAM BANKS & GRACY his Wife of County of Culpeper of the one part and JOEL EARLEY of the aforesd County of other part Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the Quantity of Ten thousand pounds of Nett Crop Tobacco to him the said ADAM BANKS well & truly in hand paid have bargained & sold in fee unto JOEL EARLY his heirs and assigns forever a certain piece or parcel of land containing Two hundred and Twenty four acres be the same more or less lying in the aforesaid County at the head of WILSONS RIVER a branch of STANTON RIVER bounded Beg: at a Wild Cherry tree and three Chesnut trees on the side of a Mountain nigh the head of the said WILSONS RIVER and running North thirty five degrees West One hundred and twenty poles to two white Oaks and one Chesnut tree on the side of a Mountain, th: South fifty five degrees West Two hundred and forty poles to three Spanish Oaks, th: South thirty five degrees East One hundred and sixty two poles to three Chesnut trees in ISAAC SMITHs old line, th: North sixty degrees East One hundred and Ten poles to a Wild Cherry tree Maple and white Oak on the said WILSONS RIVER, th: up the several courses of the same to the Beg: Together-with all houses, fences, orchards and all appurtenances belonging To have and to hold the aforesaid premises with every part and parcel from all incumbrance of Mortgage, Dowers & reversions & to be only to the use of him the said JOEL EARLY his heirs and assigns As Witness our hands and Seals the day and date above written
in presence of ADAM BANKS
Received full satisfaction for the within written Indenture as Witness my hand this 18th day of August 1783 ADAM BANKS
At a Court held for Culpeper County the 18th day of August 1783
This Indenture was acknowledged by the within mentioned ADAM BANKS and ordered to be recorded at Citation.1
Family | Adam Banks b. 1742, d. 19 Aug 1816 |
Child |
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, Grace James 1746 - Aft 1783 seen 8 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, Elizabeth Banks Bef 1769 - Bef 1800 seen 8 Aug 2022 at
Charles Hume1
M, #99684, b. before 1765, d. after 1818
Father | George Hume1 b. 1729, d. b 23 Dec 1802 |
Mother | Jane Stanton1 b. c 1733, d. b 1802 |
Last Edited | 8 Aug 2022 |
Charles Hume was born before 1765 at Culpeper Co., Virginia, USA.1 He married Elizabeth Banks, daughter of Adam Banks and Grace James, in 1785 at Bromfield Parish, Culpeper Co., Virginia, USA.2,1
Charles Hume died after 1818 at Culpeper Co., Virginia, USA.1
Charles Hume died after 1818 at Culpeper Co., Virginia, USA.1
Family | Elizabeth Banks b. b 1769, d. b 1800 |
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, Charles Hume Bef 1765 - Aft 1818 seen 8 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, Elizabeth Banks Bef 1769 - Bef 1800 seen 8 Aug 2022 at
Elizabeth Banks1
F, #99685, b. before 1769, d. before 1800
Father | Adam Banks1 b. 1742, d. 19 Aug 1816 |
Mother | Grace James1 b. 1746, d. c 1783 |
Last Edited | 8 Aug 2022 |
Elizabeth Banks was born before 1769 at Bromfield Parish, Culpeper Co., Virginia, USA.1 She married Charles Hume, son of George Hume and Jane Stanton, in 1785 at Bromfield Parish, Culpeper Co., Virginia, USA.1,2
Elizabeth Banks died before 1800 at Culpeper Co., Virginia, USA.1
Elizabeth Banks died before 1800 at Culpeper Co., Virginia, USA.1
Family | Charles Hume b. b 1765, d. a 1818 |
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, Elizabeth Banks Bef 1769 - Bef 1800 seen 8 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, Charles Hume Bef 1765 - Aft 1818 seen 8 Aug 2022 at
Malissa Taylor1
F, #99686, b. 1804, d. 26 August 1863
Father | Mooreman Taylor1 b. 26 Mar 1769, d. 16 Sep 1827 |
Mother | Lavinia Banks1 b. c 1777 |
Last Edited | 8 Aug 2022 |
Malissa Taylor was born in 1804 at Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA.1 She married John F “Little Turtle” Pruett in 1831.2
Malissa Taylor died on 26 August 1863 at Butler Co., Kentucky, USA.1
Malissa Taylor was buried after 26 August 1863 at Pruett Farm Cemetery, Butler Co., Kentucky, USA; From Find A Grave:
Malissa Taylor was listed as a resident in Mooreman Taylor and Lavinia Banks's household in the census report in 1810 at Lancaster, Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 228, line 4 (in alphabetical order)
Source Information: 1810 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.
Original data: Third Census of the United States, 1810. (NARA microfilm publication M252, 71 rolls). Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.3
Malissa Taylor died on 26 August 1863 at Butler Co., Kentucky, USA.1
Malissa Taylor was buried after 26 August 1863 at Pruett Farm Cemetery, Butler Co., Kentucky, USA; From Find A Grave:
BIRTH 1804, Garrard County, Kentucky, USA
DEATH 28 Aug 1863 (aged 58–59), Butler County, Kentucky, USA
Daughter of Moorman Taylor,wife of John F Pruett. Mother of Adaline,Wiley,Garton,Henry,& Malissa Pruett. She is buried in a farmer field next to John F Pruett
Family Members
John F Pruett 1809–1869 (m. 1831)
Adaline Pruett Rogers 1833–1913
Wiley Pruett 1836–1907
Garton Collins Pruett 1838–1920
Malisia A Pruett Ausbrooks 1847–1883
BURIAL Pruett Farm Cemetery, Butler County, Kentucky, USA
Maintained by: Kathy S.
Originally Created by: Mary Coursey
Added: 5 Sep 2005
Find a Grave Memorial ID: 11686230.1
DEATH 28 Aug 1863 (aged 58–59), Butler County, Kentucky, USA
Daughter of Moorman Taylor,wife of John F Pruett. Mother of Adaline,Wiley,Garton,Henry,& Malissa Pruett. She is buried in a farmer field next to John F Pruett
Family Members
John F Pruett 1809–1869 (m. 1831)
Adaline Pruett Rogers 1833–1913
Wiley Pruett 1836–1907
Garton Collins Pruett 1838–1920
Malisia A Pruett Ausbrooks 1847–1883
BURIAL Pruett Farm Cemetery, Butler County, Kentucky, USA
Maintained by: Kathy S.
Originally Created by: Mary Coursey
Added: 5 Sep 2005
Find a Grave Memorial ID: 11686230.1

Malissa Taylor was listed as a resident in Mooreman Taylor and Lavinia Banks's household in the census report in 1810 at Lancaster, Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 228, line 4 (in alphabetical order)
Record ID 7613::561348
Name Mooeman Tayloe
Home in 1810 (City, County, State) Lancaster, Garrard, Kentucky
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10 3 [aft 1800] Uria 1800, Zachariah 1802, Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44 1 [1766-84] Moorman 1769
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10 2 [aft 1800] Malissa 1804, Charity 1809
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15 2 [1795-1800] Elizabeth c1799, Naomi c1799
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44 1 [1766-84] Lavinia (BANKS) c1777
Number of Household Members Under 16 7
Number of Household Members Over 25 2
Number of Household Members 9
Name Mooeman Tayloe
Home in 1810 (City, County, State) Lancaster, Garrard, Kentucky
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10 3 [aft 1800] Uria 1800, Zachariah 1802, Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44 1 [1766-84] Moorman 1769
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10 2 [aft 1800] Malissa 1804, Charity 1809
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15 2 [1795-1800] Elizabeth c1799, Naomi c1799
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44 1 [1766-84] Lavinia (BANKS) c1777
Number of Household Members Under 16 7
Number of Household Members Over 25 2
Number of Household Members 9
Source Information: 1810 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.
Original data: Third Census of the United States, 1810. (NARA microfilm publication M252, 71 rolls). Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.3

Family | John F “Little Turtle” Pruett b. 7 Aug 1809, d. 7 May 1869 |
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 08 August 2022), memorial page for Malissa Taylor Pruett (1804–28 Aug 1863), Find a Grave Memorial ID 11686230, citing Pruett Farm Cemetery, Butler County, Kentucky, USA; Maintained by Kathy S. (contributor 46944127) at Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 08 August 2022), memorial page for John F “Little Turtle” Pruett (7 Aug 1809–7 May 1869), Find a Grave Memorial ID 9104986, citing Pruett Farm Cemetery, Butler County, Kentucky, USA; Maintained by Kathy S. (contributor 46944127) at
- [S3423] 1810 Federal Census, 1810 Census KY Garrard Co Lancaster, Year: 1810; Census Place: Lancaster, Garrard, Kentucky; Roll: 6; Page: 228; Image: 00244; Family History Library Film: 0181351 seen 7 Aug 2022
John F “Little Turtle” Pruett1
M, #99687, b. 7 August 1809, d. 7 May 1869
Last Edited | 8 Aug 2022 |
John F “Little Turtle” Pruett was born on 7 August 1809 at Madison Co., Kentucky, USA.1 He married Malissa Taylor, daughter of Mooreman Taylor and Lavinia Banks, in 1831.1
John F “Little Turtle” Pruett married Ann Elizabeth “Annie” Doolin in 1864
His 2nd wife; her 1st husband.2
John F “Little Turtle” Pruett died on 7 May 1869 at Bowling Green, Warren Co., Kentucky, USA, at age 59.1
John F “Little Turtle” Pruett was buried after 7 May 1869 at Pruett Farm Cemetery, Butler Co., Kentucky, USA; From Find A Grave:
John F “Little Turtle” Pruett married Ann Elizabeth “Annie” Doolin in 1864
His 2nd wife; her 1st husband.2
John F “Little Turtle” Pruett died on 7 May 1869 at Bowling Green, Warren Co., Kentucky, USA, at age 59.1
John F “Little Turtle” Pruett was buried after 7 May 1869 at Pruett Farm Cemetery, Butler Co., Kentucky, USA; From Find A Grave:
BIRTH 7 Aug 1809, Madison County, Kentucky, USA
DEATH 7 May 1869 (aged 59), Bowling Green, Warren County, Kentucky, USA
Son of Mary Polly Ford & Chief Little Turtle. Buried beside his 2nd wife Malissa Taylor Pruett. She was a niece of Zachary Taylor. He was my great,great,grandfather,He is buried in a farmer field in Butler County,Ky.
Family Members
Malissa Taylor Pruett 1804–1863 (m. 1831)
Ann Elizabeth Doolin Young 1842–1911 (m. 1864)
Adaline Pruett Rogers 1833–1913
Wiley Pruett 1836–1907
Garton Collins Pruett 1838–1920
Malisia A Pruett Ausbrooks 1847–1883
James Banton Pruett 1865–1933
William Henry Pruett 1867–1952
BURIAL Pruett Farm Cemetery, Butler County, Kentucky, USA
Maintained by: Kathy S.
Originally Created by: Mary Coursey
Added: 15 Jul 2004
Find a Grave Memorial ID: 9104986.1
DEATH 7 May 1869 (aged 59), Bowling Green, Warren County, Kentucky, USA
Son of Mary Polly Ford & Chief Little Turtle. Buried beside his 2nd wife Malissa Taylor Pruett. She was a niece of Zachary Taylor. He was my great,great,grandfather,He is buried in a farmer field in Butler County,Ky.
Family Members
Malissa Taylor Pruett 1804–1863 (m. 1831)
Ann Elizabeth Doolin Young 1842–1911 (m. 1864)
Adaline Pruett Rogers 1833–1913
Wiley Pruett 1836–1907
Garton Collins Pruett 1838–1920
Malisia A Pruett Ausbrooks 1847–1883
James Banton Pruett 1865–1933
William Henry Pruett 1867–1952
BURIAL Pruett Farm Cemetery, Butler County, Kentucky, USA
Maintained by: Kathy S.
Originally Created by: Mary Coursey
Added: 15 Jul 2004
Find a Grave Memorial ID: 9104986.1
Family 1 | Malissa Taylor b. 1804, d. 26 Aug 1863 |
Family 2 | Ann Elizabeth “Annie” Doolin b. Feb 1842, d. 28 May 1911 |
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 08 August 2022), memorial page for John F “Little Turtle” Pruett (7 Aug 1809–7 May 1869), Find a Grave Memorial ID 9104986, citing Pruett Farm Cemetery, Butler County, Kentucky, USA; Maintained by Kathy S. (contributor 46944127) at Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 08 August 2022), memorial page for Ann Elizabeth “Annie” Doolin Young (Feb 1842–28 May 1911), Find a Grave Memorial ID 13161108, citing Mount Pleasant Church of Christ Cemetery, Richardsville, Warren County, Kentucky, USA; Maintained by TColley (contributor 47285774) at
Ann Elizabeth “Annie” Doolin1
F, #99688, b. February 1842, d. 28 May 1911
Last Edited | 8 Aug 2022 |
Ann Elizabeth “Annie” Doolin was born in February 1842 at Rush Co., Indiana, USA.1 She married John F “Little Turtle” Pruett in 1864
His 2nd wife; her 1st husband.1 Ann Elizabeth “Annie” Doolin married William Chastain "Billy" Young in 1878
His 3rd wife; her 2nd husband.2
Ann Elizabeth “Annie” Doolin died on 28 May 1911 at Warren Co., Kentucky, USA, at age 69.1
Ann Elizabeth “Annie” Doolin was buried after 28 May 1911 at Mount Pleasant Church of Christ Cemetery, Richardsville, Warren Co., Kentucky, USA; From Find A Grave:
His 2nd wife; her 1st husband.1 Ann Elizabeth “Annie” Doolin married William Chastain "Billy" Young in 1878
His 3rd wife; her 2nd husband.2
Ann Elizabeth “Annie” Doolin died on 28 May 1911 at Warren Co., Kentucky, USA, at age 69.1
Ann Elizabeth “Annie” Doolin was buried after 28 May 1911 at Mount Pleasant Church of Christ Cemetery, Richardsville, Warren Co., Kentucky, USA; From Find A Grave:
BIRTH Feb 1842, Rush County, Indiana, USA
DEATH 28 May 1911 (aged 69), Warren County, Kentucky, USA
Daughter of John Banton Doolin & Nancy Davis. Wife of John F Pruett,then William Young
Family Members
John F Pruett 1809–1869 (m. 1864)
William Chastain Young 1822–1904 (m. 1878)
James Banton Pruett 1865–1933
William Henry Pruett 1867–1952
BURIAL Mount Pleasant Church of Christ Cemetery, Richardsville, Warren County, Kentucky, USA
Maintained by: TColley
Originally Created by: Mary Coursey
Added: 28 Jan 2006
Find a Grave Memorial ID: 13161108.1
DEATH 28 May 1911 (aged 69), Warren County, Kentucky, USA
Daughter of John Banton Doolin & Nancy Davis. Wife of John F Pruett,then William Young
Family Members
John F Pruett 1809–1869 (m. 1864)
William Chastain Young 1822–1904 (m. 1878)
James Banton Pruett 1865–1933
William Henry Pruett 1867–1952
BURIAL Mount Pleasant Church of Christ Cemetery, Richardsville, Warren County, Kentucky, USA
Maintained by: TColley
Originally Created by: Mary Coursey
Added: 28 Jan 2006
Find a Grave Memorial ID: 13161108.1
Family 1 | John F “Little Turtle” Pruett b. 7 Aug 1809, d. 7 May 1869 |
Family 2 | William Chastain "Billy" Young b. 1822, d. 19 Dec 1904 |
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 08 August 2022), memorial page for Ann Elizabeth “Annie” Doolin Young (Feb 1842–28 May 1911), Find a Grave Memorial ID 13161108, citing Mount Pleasant Church of Christ Cemetery, Richardsville, Warren County, Kentucky, USA; Maintained by TColley (contributor 47285774) at Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 08 August 2022), memorial page for William Chastain “Billy” Young (1822–19 Dec 1904), Find a Grave Memorial ID 8895384, citing Mount Pleasant Church of Christ Cemetery, Richardsville, Warren County, Kentucky, USA; Maintained by Don Burris (contributor 46985366) at
William Chastain "Billy" Young1
M, #99689, b. 1822, d. 19 December 1904
Last Edited | 8 Aug 2022 |
William Chastain "Billy" Young was born in 1822 at Warren Co., Kentucky, USA.1 He married Ann Elizabeth “Annie” Doolin in 1878
His 3rd wife; her 2nd husband.1
William Chastain "Billy" Young died on 19 December 1904 at Warren Co., Kentucky, USA.1
William Chastain "Billy" Young was buried after 19 December 1904 at Mount Pleasant Church of Christ Cemetery, Richardsville, Warren Co., Kentucky, USA.1
His 3rd wife; her 2nd husband.1
William Chastain "Billy" Young died on 19 December 1904 at Warren Co., Kentucky, USA.1
William Chastain "Billy" Young was buried after 19 December 1904 at Mount Pleasant Church of Christ Cemetery, Richardsville, Warren Co., Kentucky, USA.1
Family | Ann Elizabeth “Annie” Doolin b. Feb 1842, d. 28 May 1911 |
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 08 August 2022), memorial page for William Chastain “Billy” Young (1822–19 Dec 1904), Find a Grave Memorial ID 8895384, citing Mount Pleasant Church of Christ Cemetery, Richardsville, Warren County, Kentucky, USA; Maintained by Don Burris (contributor 46985366) at Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
Charity Taylor1
F, #99690, b. 26 April 1809, d. 16 April 1901
Father | Mooreman Taylor1 b. 26 Mar 1769, d. 16 Sep 1827 |
Mother | Lavinia Banks1 b. c 1777 |
Last Edited | 8 Aug 2022 |
Charity Taylor was born on 26 April 1809.1 She married Willford Embry on 24 March 1829 at Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA,
; - Kentucky, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1783-1965
Source Information: Kentucky, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1783-1965 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2016.
Original data: Marriage Records. Kentucky Marriages. Madison County Courthouse, Richmond, Kentucky.2
Charity Taylor died on 16 April 1901 at age 91.1
Charity Taylor was buried after 16 April 1901 at Taylor Cemetery, Butler Co., Kentucky, USA; From Find A Grave:
Charity Taylor was listed as a resident in Mooreman Taylor and Lavinia Banks's household in the census report in 1810 at Lancaster, Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 228, line 4 (in alphabetical order)
Source Information: 1810 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.
Original data: Third Census of the United States, 1810. (NARA microfilm publication M252, 71 rolls). Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.3
Charity Taylor was listed as a resident in Mooreman Taylor and Lavinia Banks's household in the census report on 7 August 1820 at Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 90, line 15
Source Information: 1820 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.
Original data: Fourth Census of the United States, 1820. (NARA microfilm publication M33, 142 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.4
; - Kentucky, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1783-1965
Record ID 61372::901562528
Name Charity Taylor
Gender Female
Marriage Date 24 March 1829
Marriage Place Garrard, Kentucky, USA
Mother Levina Taylor
Spouse Wilford Embry
Film Number 000183256
Name Charity Taylor
Gender Female
Marriage Date 24 March 1829
Marriage Place Garrard, Kentucky, USA
Mother Levina Taylor
Spouse Wilford Embry
Film Number 000183256
Source Information: Kentucky, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1783-1965 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2016.
Original data: Marriage Records. Kentucky Marriages. Madison County Courthouse, Richmond, Kentucky.2
Charity Taylor died on 16 April 1901 at age 91.1
Charity Taylor was buried after 16 April 1901 at Taylor Cemetery, Butler Co., Kentucky, USA; From Find A Grave:
BIRTH 26 Apr 1809
DEATH 19 Apr 1901 (aged 91)
Family Members
Willford Embry 1809–1853
Rolinda Embry Veteto 1834–1868
Frances Embry 1838–1902
Garrard Banks Embry 1840–1922
BURIAL Taylor Cemetery, Butler County, Kentucky, USA
Created by: heather simpson
Added: 16 Aug 2005
Find a Grave Memorial ID: 11545051.1
DEATH 19 Apr 1901 (aged 91)
Family Members
Willford Embry 1809–1853
Rolinda Embry Veteto 1834–1868
Frances Embry 1838–1902
Garrard Banks Embry 1840–1922
BURIAL Taylor Cemetery, Butler County, Kentucky, USA
Created by: heather simpson
Added: 16 Aug 2005
Find a Grave Memorial ID: 11545051.1

Charity Taylor was listed as a resident in Mooreman Taylor and Lavinia Banks's household in the census report in 1810 at Lancaster, Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 228, line 4 (in alphabetical order)
Record ID 7613::561348
Name Mooeman Tayloe
Home in 1810 (City, County, State) Lancaster, Garrard, Kentucky
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10 3 [aft 1800] Uria 1800, Zachariah 1802, Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44 1 [1766-84] Moorman 1769
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10 2 [aft 1800] Malissa 1804, Charity 1809
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15 2 [1795-1800] Elizabeth c1799, Naomi c1799
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44 1 [1766-84] Lavinia (BANKS) c1777
Number of Household Members Under 16 7
Number of Household Members Over 25 2
Number of Household Members 9
Name Mooeman Tayloe
Home in 1810 (City, County, State) Lancaster, Garrard, Kentucky
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10 3 [aft 1800] Uria 1800, Zachariah 1802, Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44 1 [1766-84] Moorman 1769
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10 2 [aft 1800] Malissa 1804, Charity 1809
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15 2 [1795-1800] Elizabeth c1799, Naomi c1799
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44 1 [1766-84] Lavinia (BANKS) c1777
Number of Household Members Under 16 7
Number of Household Members Over 25 2
Number of Household Members 9
Source Information: 1810 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.
Original data: Third Census of the United States, 1810. (NARA microfilm publication M252, 71 rolls). Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.3

Charity Taylor was listed as a resident in Mooreman Taylor and Lavinia Banks's household in the census report on 7 August 1820 at Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 90, line 15
Record ID 7734::1387606
Name Moman Taylor
Home in 1820 (City, County, State) Garrard, Garrard, Kentucky
Enumeration Date 7 August 1820
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10 3 [aft 1810] Garrard 1813, Oliver c1816, Garton 1817
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 15 1 [1805-10] Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 18 1 [1802-04] Zachariah 1802
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25 1 [1795-1804] Zachariah 1802
Free White Persons - Males - 45 and over 1 [bef 1775] Mooreman 1769
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10 1 [aft 1810] Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15 2 [1805-10] Lurena c1806, Charity 1809
Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25 2 [1795-1804] Elizabeth c1799, Naomi 1799
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44 1 [bef 1775] Lavinia (BANKS) 80916
Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture 1
Free White Persons - Under 16 7
Free White Persons - Over 25 2
Total Free White Persons 12
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other 12
Name Moman Taylor
Home in 1820 (City, County, State) Garrard, Garrard, Kentucky
Enumeration Date 7 August 1820
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10 3 [aft 1810] Garrard 1813, Oliver c1816, Garton 1817
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 15 1 [1805-10] Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 18 1 [1802-04] Zachariah 1802
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25 1 [1795-1804] Zachariah 1802
Free White Persons - Males - 45 and over 1 [bef 1775] Mooreman 1769
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10 1 [aft 1810] Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15 2 [1805-10] Lurena c1806, Charity 1809
Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25 2 [1795-1804] Elizabeth c1799, Naomi 1799
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44 1 [bef 1775] Lavinia (BANKS) 80916
Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture 1
Free White Persons - Under 16 7
Free White Persons - Over 25 2
Total Free White Persons 12
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other 12
Source Information: 1820 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.
Original data: Fourth Census of the United States, 1820. (NARA microfilm publication M33, 142 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.4

Family | Willford Embry b. 24 Sep 1809, d. 24 Jul 1853 |
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 08 August 2022), memorial page for Charity Taylor Embry (26 Apr 1809–19 Apr 1901), Find a Grave Memorial ID 11545051, citing Taylor Cemetery, Butler County, Kentucky, USA; Maintained by heather simpson (contributor 46792747) at Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, Kentucky, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1783-1965 seen 8 August 2022
Image: Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site. - [S3423] 1810 Federal Census, 1810 Census KY Garrard Co Lancaster, Year: 1810; Census Place: Lancaster, Garrard, Kentucky; Roll: 6; Page: 228; Image: 00244; Family History Library Film: 0181351 seen 7 Aug 2022
Image: - [S3791] 1820 Federal Census, 1820 Census KY Garrard Co, 1820 U S Census; Census Place: Garrard, Garrard, Kentucky; Page: 99; NARA Roll: M33_21; Image: 113 seen 7 Aug 2022