John Weire1
M, #99601, b. before 1614, d. before 4 July 1674
Last Edited | 5 Aug 2022 |
John Weire was born before 1614.1 He married Unknown (?) before 1650
His 1st wife.2 John Weire married Honora (?) before 19 February 1660 at Old Rappahannock Co., Virginia, USA,
Her 2nd husband; his 2nd wife.1
John Weire died before 4 July 1674 at Old Rappahannock Co., Virginia, USA; Date of probate.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
Contributed by: James Hughes
URL title: The Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume I
Weire, John, Major, Rappahannock County, Virginia, 7th May, 1671; 28th Apr., 1678. To wife Honoria, dower rights. To daughter-in-law Margaret, wife of John Watts of Potomac R., and hrs., part of a tract of land, 1, 108 A., bought of Henry Randolph of Jamestown (1/2 of sd. tract having already been sold to Robert Payne). To dau. Eliza: and hrs., "The Island" at 21 yrs. of age. To son John and hrs., residue of lands in Virginia and elsewhere. Exs.: Son-in-law Jno. Watts, Wm. Mosely, Capt. Jno. Hull. Test: Jno. Bates, Luke Humbleton, Jno. Jeffery. 9. 78.
Editors: Major John Weire of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia, married Honoria, mother of Margaret (---), wife of John Watts (and later Abraham Blagg of Richmond County, Virginia). His daughter Elizabeth later married Richard Gardner, son of Richard and Elizabeth (Hatton) Gardner (Calendar, Vol. II, pp. 14-27)
=== according to this record John Weire died before July 4, 1671
1670-1672 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 4, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 233-235
KNOW ALL MEN by these psents that I HONORIA WEIRE sole Exectutrix of the will & Testament of my late deced husband JOHN WEIRE doe hereby make and appoint my loving (Son (?) JOHN WATTS to be my true & lawful Atturney for me and in my name to make acknowledgement of ye several pcells of land here menconed to the severall respective places hereafter menconed yt. is to DAVID HOWSMAN and JAMES TRENT ye quantity of five hundred twenty & five acres to JOHN MOLLEY & WM. SERJEANT ye one three hundred & forty nine acres the other two hundred & Fourtie acres all which sd land was to ye sd persons and each of them sold by my sd Husband in his life time and I doe further impower my ad Attorney to doe & act for me herein ye same manner as I myself e might or could doe being psonally prsent and wch may bee necessarie and required to settle Establish a firme right and title in all or either of ye sd psons In Wittness whereof I have set my hand & seale this 4th day of July 1671
Recordatr. in Cour Rappa a die July Anno Dom 1671
KNOW ALL MEN by these prsenis yt: I JNO. WEIRE of the County of Rappa Gent for and good causes and consideracons me thereunto moving as for and in consideracon of Eleven thousand five hundred pounds of good and well condiconed tobo in hand Received of JNO. MARTIN of the same County Planter & Eight thousand five hundred pounds of like Tobbo: by mee likewise in hand Received of WM. SARIEANT of the same County Blacksmith ye Receipt of both which sumes I do hereby acknowledge and my selfe therewth fully satisfied and contented doe therefore for myselfe together wth the consent HONORIA my Wife &our heirs sell & make over to the said JNO MARTIN a certain pcell of land lying and being in ye County of Rappa and in the Pish of Sittingbourne on the North side of ye River being pte of ye land sold to me by Mr. WM. LANE late of this County deced and containing the quantity of three hundred twenty nine acres and unto WILLIAM SARIEANT wee do for ourselves or; heires in like manner sell convey and make over as above our other pt thereof containing three hundred and fourty acres to them each these foremenconed pts. and to theire heires for every according as it is layd out and bounded & WM. MOSELEY of ye same County Gent as by ye plott here will appear the same to have hold occupy & possess to each of them and each of their heires according to their before menconed pts Together with all orchards gardens buildings woods waters and all other prvilledges wtsoever belonging In Wittness whereof we have hereunto to sett our hands & seales thereby binding ourselves to acknowledge this our Deed either by our selves or or: knowne Lawfull Attorney or Attornies at the Court of Rappa. when thereunto Reason
ably requested within ye terme of six months next ensueing the date of these psents being the fourth of May in ye 23 yeare of ye Reigne of our Sovereign Lord King CHARLES the second and of our Lord God 1671
signed in ye prsence of us W. MOSELEY JOHN WEIRE
Recognitr. in Cour Rappa x die July Anno Dom 1671 &Recordatr.
1670-1672 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 4, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 253
KNOW ALL MEN by these pnts that I JOHN VASSALL of the County of Rappa. for for the valuble cunsideracon of the sume of Thirty Eight thousand pounds of Tobo: and caske to me in hand paid by HONORIA WEIR of the same place Gentwn. and Executrix of the last Will and Testamt. of JNO. WEIR late of the abovesd County Gentl deced the Receipt whereof 1 doe hereby acknowledge wth full and absolute content doe hereby sell and make over all my right title and Interest of in and to a certain conveyance from me my heirs of land Cont. Eleaven hundred and seaventy acres by me ye sd VASSALL formly purchased of the above sd JNO. WEIRE Gent. according to the Assignmt for the same bearing date the 7th day of January Anno Dom 1667 unto the said HONORIA WEIR Gentlwn. and Executrix aforesd her heires and assignes forever to say the said land with the pptenances be it more or less and doe hereby oblidge myself my heirs to acknowledge the same to the County Cort of Rappahannock when thereunto desired by the said HONORIA WEIRE Gentwn. her heirs in Wittness whereof and to all and singular the premises I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale this 13th day of July 1671
Recognitr. in Cur Rappa 6th die 7bris Anno Dom 1671
KNOW ALL MEN by these pnts that I ANNA VASSALL the Wife of JOHN VASSALL of the County of Rappa. Esqr have appointed my well beloved [xxx] ROBERT PAYNE of the same place my true and law full Attorney for me and in my name & place to acknoweldge unto HONORIA WEIRE Executor of the last Will & Testament of JNO. WEIR late of the abovesd County Gent. decd all my right title and interest of in and to the land menconed in the within Conveyance or assignment in the County Court of Rappahannock I haveing reced a consideracon to my content for the same and do hereby warrt. Rattyfie and confirme whatsoever my said Attorney shall lawfully do or doe in the prmises for the better authenticacey hereof & sure making of the pnts, In Wittness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale this 12th day of July 1671
Recordatr, in Cour Rappa xii die 7bris 1671
James Hughes 2005-08-24 15:06:09
Epitomie of the History of the Moseley Family
In the calendar of wills of St. Mary County is the will of Major John Weire , dated May , 7 , 1671 , and probated April 28 , 1678 , Rappahannock County Virginia , William Moseley executor . Evidently Weire had acquired land in St. Mary County , Maryland , which necessitated the record of the will on the register of that county . It would seem , too, that there must had been some close relationship between John Weire and William Moseley . It is possible that this relationship is still further reflected by the fact that Robert Moseley , possibly a brother of William , went to St. Mary County , Maryland at a later date for some service in connection with the John Weire estate and settled there in 1715 . He was a witness to some wills in that county in that year .
Maj. John Weire 6.24 I
of Rapahanock, Virginia.
Appraisers: Richard Gardiner.
List of debts: Mr. Richard Boulton, Thomas Goodgame, William Seager, John Kimbell, Roger Cromtom, Richard Dawson, John Bell, Thomas Glener, Richard Tayler, Richard Warbotton, Joseph Webster, William Stinford, William Deane, Thomas Patison.
James Hughes 2005-08-24 15:20:52
1666-1679 Cavaliers and Pioneers, Patent Book No. 6; [Nell Marion Nugent]; Page 6
Mr Thomas Ballard, 800 acres Rappa river, on S. Side and in the freshes of Rappa Riv, 6 Nov 1666. p 16
Beg on a creek deviding this and land of John Weire. Granted to Robt Thomas & Wm Mosse by several patents, deserted, granted by order & due for trans of 16 persons [Thomas Marshall was one]
James Hughes 2005-08-24 16:34:36
The Dawsons of Dorsett: A Chronology of Richard & Frances Dawson Family of Dorchester Co Md.
1678: Major John Weire of Rapahannock VA, Inventory. Appraiser: Richard Gardiner. List of Debts: Richard Dawson. Adm: John Brooke, chirugeon. [Source: Accounts of Preg. Court of Md. Liber 7A:15 & Liber 7A:17-28]
James Hughes 2005-08-24 16:45:16
Lancaster County, Virginia
John WEIRE appears in the records of Lancaster Co VA by 04 Sep 1650 when he witnessed a deed John VAUSE for land on the south side of the Rappa. River [later Old Rappa. Co, then Essex].
James Hughes 2005-08-24 19:49:01
John Weire witnessed a deed of John Vause 1650 Lancaster Co. Could John Vause be the same as John Vasall? Nicholas Ware married Anna Vasall. Nicholas Ware was the origional ancestor of Henry Ware that died in KGC who's will was Witnessed by William Marshall, Edward Marshall and Elizabeth Markham.
Contributed by: James Hughes
URL: 1/000065/html/am65--257.html
URL title: Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1670/1-1675Volume 65, Page 257
William Gittings
(the deft appeares by George Parker his Attorny &
agt imples untill next Court.
John Gittings
John Ware the deft appeares by Robert Carvile his Attorny and
agt jimparies untill next Court.
Henry Exon
John Browne
the deft appeares by Robert Carvile his Attorny and
agt rimparles untill next Court.
James Hughes 2006-01-05 12:55:43
Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1670/1-1675Volume 65, Page 297
John Warr Henry Exon late of St Maries County otherwise called Page 220
agt Henry Exon of St Maries County in the Province of Maryland
Henry Exon was summoned to answer unto John Warren in a plea that he render unto him the summe of two thousand five hundred and eighty pounds of tobacco which to him he oweth and unjustly deteineth And whereupon the said John Warren by Kenelm Cheseldyn his Attorny saith that whereas the said Henry the seventh day of June in the yeare 1673 did by his certaine writeing Obligatory sealed with the seale of the said Henry here in Court produced whose date is the same day and yeare abovewritten bind himself e his heirs executors and administrators to pay or cause to be paid unto the said John Warr merchant or his assignes the just quantity of two thousand five hundred and eighty pounds of tobacco sound and merchantable with caske to containe the same in to be paid the same in ditto County at or upon the 10th of October next ensueing the date thereof notwithstanding which the said Henry the said summe of two thousand five hundred and eighty pounds of tobacco accord ing to the tenor of the said bill hath not paid though often thereunto required but the same hath and still doth deny to the damage of the said John Warren foure thousand pounds of tobacco And there upon he bringeth his suite
Afterwards to witt the 16th day of April in the 42th yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius &c came the said Henry by Robert Carvile his Attorny and defendeth the force and injury when &c and prayed liberty of speaking hereunto untill this day to witt the twelfth day of May in the yeane aforesaid and it was granted unto him and the same day given to both parties.
Att which Said 12th day of May came the said John Warren by Kenelm Cheseldyn his Attorny and the said Henry Exon by Robert Carvile his Attorny likewise came and the said Henry saith that he hath nothing to say in barr of the said action whereby the said John Warren remaineth against the said Henry for the said summe of two thousand five hundred and eighty pounds of tobacco in the declaration aforesaid of the said John mentioned undefended Therefore it is considered by the Court here that the said John recover against the said Henry the said summe of two thousand five hundred and eighty pounds of tobacco together with three hundred and forty pounds of tobacco for his costs and charges in this behalfe laid Out and expended but execution is hereby stayed untill the tenth day of October next.
Contributed by: James Hughes
p.8. Will of Robert Chambers. Refers to "a Barke I bought of James Brown of Charles Town in New England my will is that my Land lore of Boston William Merry shall dispose of as thus that what Mr Garland shall make Justly appear to be Due him William Merry to go give satisfaction to my Landlady Crabtree fro a venture of 20 pounds of sugar which I was to be accountable for and for the rest that shall remain of the Barke that shall be in the said William Merry hands I do will it to be distributed to the poor of Gods church in Boston in New England x x x my loving friend Jo Weir to sell my great shallop & to carry home with him of the sale of the sd shallop 2000 lb of tobo the sd tobo to be sold for money & to be equally distributed by the sd Jo Weir to my friends that is to my mother in Law my three aunts and my sister Elizabeth I give to Francis Weir a steer that is at John Rogers at Chickacone I give to Hanner Place for looking to me in my sickness a yearling Heiffer 3 yards of green - - my chest & a - - skin I give unto one honest poor man named Jo Hill living about Kent or Sevurne 1100 lb of tobo due to me by bills from James Dasher of herrins creek x x one bill x x to one Richard Paille I give unto Anthony Fullyham (for unchangable love & kindness past betwixt us) one of those Hhds of tobo that I have at his house I give unto Mrs Taylor in consideration of her charge & endeavor to cure me of my Infirmities one cow that is at Mr Fullyhams." Appoints John Weir Exor. Rrfers to debt ot Mr.Scarborough and to debt owing him by Mrs. Crow. Dated 4th February 1653/4.
signed Robert Chambers.
Richard Coleman
Thomas Win . . .
Prob. 10th Abril 1654.
Fleet, Beverley,
Lancaster County, record book no. 2, 1654-1666, pages 1-394
Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. County, 1961, 141 pgs.
1656-1662 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 4
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I JOHN WEIR of the County of Rappahanock Planter for a Valluable consideracon by me received have sold & by these presents sell alienate & make over from me my heires for ever unto PETER CORNWELL his heirs & assignes for ever all my right title of a parcel of land of about Eighty acres more or less said land being now in the possession of said PETER CORNWELL & begins at the mouth of a Creeke called CLIFT CREEKE & so alongst the River downwards to a little Marsh & from thence by marked trees into the Wood to an INDIAN PATH with a markt Corner great Chesnut tree & so alongst the said path by Markt trees to the head of a Branch that cometh from the Creeke & so alonge the said Branch to the above- said Creeke where this land begins and said Land To Have and To Hold in all ample manner as is Exprest to me in a Pattent for (missing) hundred acres formerly granted to me as more largely will apear by the said Pattent In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seal the first of February 1656/
in presence of us JOHN WEIR
Witnesses names obliterated
1656-1662 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 4-5
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I JOHN WEIR of the County of Rappahanock in Virginia Planter for & in consideracon of Ten Men Servants or able Youths with Double Suits of Cloathing one whereof I have received in hand & the other (missing) to be delivered to me in the year next ensueing on the Plantacon on which I now live (missing) that is (missing) year by HUGH WILSON of LONDON (missing) good causes me thereunto moveing have given granted bargained sold aliened & confirmed & do (missing) heirs Exrs. Admrs. & assignes give grant bargaine sell & confirm (missing) one moyety or full half (missing) of land lying on RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER (missing) runing along (missing) North North West One hundred twenty five chains thence South (missing) 160 chains to the River thence along the river to the place where it began which said 500 acres of land (missing) granted by Sr WILLIAM BERKLEY Knt. under his Pattent bearing date the 5th day of September (missing) unto one ANTHONY FULGHAM & by the sd FULGHAM assigned unto me the sd JOHN WEIR & also the full moyety of one halfe parte of seaven hundred acres adjoying unto the aforesaid five hundred acres of land heretofore granted unto me by Pattent as by the said mentioned Pattent may more at large appear Except always reserved out of these presents One hundred acres of land or thereabouts parcell of the said Pattent of Seaven Hundred heretofore sold by me the said JOHN WEIR unto PflER CORNWELL TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid moyety or half part of the said two Pattents of land (Except before Excepted) unto the said HUGH WILSON his heirs & assignes for Ever in as large & ample manor form to all intents and purposes (missing) is more at large menconed &Expressed & by the rents & Services therein menconed (missing) I the said JOHN WEIR do for me my heirs & assignes covenants promise & grant to warrant & defend the said Land by these presents granted (Except before Excepted) unto said HUGH WILSON his heires & assignes for ever against all persons whatsoever who claim by from or under me & have hereunto put my hand & Seal dated this last day of January Anna 1656/ JOHN WEIR Seal
1656-1662 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 8
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I WILLIAM CLAPHAM of the County of Rappahanock the Younger for the valluable consideracon of (missing) pounds of Tobo & Cask upon all demands to be (missing) & four thousand pounds & (missing) ) do alien bargain & sell & by these presents do firmly sell & make over unto JOHN WEIR his heirs Exrs. Admrs. or Assignes for ever one thousand acres of land lying in the Freshes of RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER beginning at a marked white Oak at the lowermost end of the ISLAND to him his heirs & assignes forever & I the said WILLIAM CLAPHAM do hereby bind my self my heirs Exrs. & Assignes to save and keep harmless the said JOHN WEIR his heirs & assignes from any person or persons wtsoever that may or shall lay any claime to the same & further I the said WILLIAM CLAPHAM do hereby bind myself my heirs & assignes to make unto the said JOHN WEIR or his assigns wt. further assurance he or they shall in reason demand (missing) further I do hereby bind my self my heirs or assignes in case any person or persons (missing) lay claim or (missing) to the said land & by that claim shall recover the said land from the said JOHN WEIR then the said CLAPHAM shall pay or cause to be paid by him or his assignes (missing) Tobacco & cask upon all demands & do hereby give power unto Mr. ANT. STEPHENS for me to acknowledge this Deed in the Court of Rappahanock & have hereunto sett ray hand & seal
in presence of EDWARD DALE, WILLIAM CLAPHAM seal
1656-1662 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 18
ANDREW GILSON Sr The Estate I have in the hands of Mr. JOHN WEIR both in Land and Servants together with a Boat twenty thousand pounds of Tobacco in good Debts I shall desire him to follow these issuing instructions In case it should please God to take away Mr. JOHN WEIR then I by this present appoint you my lawful Atturney in all matters whatsoever concerning my business in Rappahannock which (missing) alreadly partly knowing in concerning the Estate & Debts abovementioned In case it should please God to take me out of this world then I do by these presents appoint my friend Mr. JOHN WEIR & your Self to be my Overseers of the Estates & Debts abovemenconed to Dispose of as you both shall think most convenient for the profit of my Wife & Child So in this particulars (missing) your cares & remain
Your Loving Friend
1656-1662 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 30
BE IT KNOWN UNTO ALL MEN by these presents that I ANTHONY CHEEKE (missing) my true & lawful! Attorney JOHN WEIR to do & act in my Stead as if I were (missing) discharge as if I were there as witness my hand this 6th of January 1657/8 in presence of JOHN CATLETT, ANTHONY CHEEKE
1656-1662 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 36
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I JOHN WEIR of the County of Rappa. Planter for the valluable consideracon by me in hand received have sold untn HENRY BERRY his heirs & assignes for ever (a parceil of land) known by the name of the Bottom of Mr. LAWSONS NECK the said land being part of (missing) formerly purchased by me of WILLIAM CLAPPHAM JUNR. being thus bounded begining at (missing) NECK at the marked trees bounding the said land from the land that Mr. LAWSON is now living on (missing) extending downward betwixt two marshes to the bottom of the said Land buttin upon OCCUPACON CREEK (missing) Land I Warrant unto the said BERRY & his heirs from me my heirs or any person (or persons whatsoever claiming)
the said land by or from me In Witness whereof I sett my hand this 26th of October 165s in presence of FRANCIS WEIR, WEIR Seal
1656-1662 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 36
Agreement of HENRY PERRY [sic Berry] to erect certain houses for Mr, JOHN WEIR dated Oct. 26 1658. Witnessed by FRANCIS WEIR & PETER CORNWELL. Recorded November 1638 by ANT: STEPHENS C. Cur.
(Much mutilated & not copied)
1656-1662 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 42
KNOW (ALL MEN) by these presents that I underwritten CUTH. POTTER doth hereby authorize and appoint Mr, JOHN WEIR of Rappahanock County my true and Lawfull Attorney to receive from the Estate of Mr. RICHARD LAWSON three thousand pounds of Tobacco & Caske (missing) & whatsoever my said Attorney shall (missing) to act & doe herein I do hereby (missing) as witness my hand & seal this 30th day of April! 165-
Signatures of witnesses destroye
1656-1662 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 47-48
JOHN WEIR have sould unto WALTER WEIR & JAMES MATHEW all my right & title of a Pattent of Three hundred acres of land (missing) the last of March 1655 being bounded upon CLIFFS CREEK and (missing) river for breadth & into the woods for length as will more fully (appear from the) said Pattent hereby assigning over from me & my heirs forever all my right & title (missing) Pattent unto WALTER WEIR & JAMES MATHEWS their heirs & assignes for ever In Witness whereof I have sett my hand this 25th of June 1657
(missing) HONOUR WEIR the Wife of the above JOHN WEIR doth giver her assent ( missin g ) Land above said. Witness (missing) 1659 HONOUR / WEIR
1656-1662 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 50
THIS BILL Bindeth me GEORGE REYNOLDS my heirs & assignes to pay or cause to be paid to JOHN WEIR for a parcell of rowle tobacco (missing) three pounds Sterl. the which sum of money is to be laid out for the said (WEIR in) plate as witness my hand this 12th of (missing) 1654
These presents Witnesseth me GEORGE REYNOLDS Citizen of LONDON my self my heirs or admrs. to pay or cause to be paid unto JOHN WEIR or his assignes by the (missing)ary next three Servants one man Servant to serve him four years one man Servant to serve seven years, one maid for four or five years these said servants to be double appareled with a bed & bed clothes with all b(missing) myself & aforesaid to the said JOHN WEIR to deliver said Servants at the said WEIRs Plantacon in RAPPHANOCK RIVER by the times above specified likewise I acknowledge (myself to have) reced a SLOOP of the said JOHN WEIR for sufficient satisfacion for the (missing) if in case the said Servants be not paid according to the condition then I the said GEORGE REYNOLDS do bind my self my heirs to pay unto the said WEIR or his assignes (missing) thousand pounds (missing) tobacco & cask to be paid by the tenth of February next (to the true) performance hereof I bind over to the said WEIR the aforesaid SLOOP with all other debts due to me by an accts. whatsoever in Virginia in Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand this 13th of June 1654
1656-1662 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 54
TO ALL TO WHOM these presents shall come I RICHARD BENNETT Esqr. Govr. & Capt. Generall of Virginia send greeting in our Lord God everlasting Whereas by the articles &c now Know ye that I said RICHARD BENNETT Esqr do in the name of his highness the Lord Protector of England Scotland & Ireland with consent of the Councell of State accordingly give and grant unto JOHN WEIR, JOHN GILLET, ANDREW GILSON & JOHN PHILLIPS four thousand acres of land being on the South side in the freshes of RAPPA. RIVER about twelve miles above NANSEMON TOWN & beginning on the Eastward side of a navigable Creek called WEIRS CREEK & extending for breadth down by or nigh the side (missing) E N E 800 poles on the (missing) low grounds & marshes facing upon the River unto a marked (missing) by the River side & from the said marked tree for length (missing) 320 poles to a marked white Oak & thence for breadth again (missing) 800 poles to a red Oak finally for length NE 320 poles to the place where the land first Begin the said land being due unto said JOHN WEIR, JOHN GILLET, ANDREW GILSON and JOHN PHILLIPS for the transportation of (missing) persons into this Collony whose names are in the records menconed in this Pattent To have and To Hold provided that if the (missing) JOHN WEIR, JOHN GILLET, ANDREW GILSON & JOHN PHILLIPS their heirs or assignes do not plant or seat upon the said land within three years next ensuing then it shall be lawfull for any Adventurer or Planter to make choice & plant thereupon Given under our hands at JAMES CITY the 7th September anno Dom 1654
1656-1662 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 76
KNOW ALL TO WHOM this present shall come that I THOMAS WHETTHELL do by this present subscribe & appoint Mr. JOHN WEIR my true & lawful! Attorney that he for me & in my name aske demand of JOHN LOYDE his heirs or admrs all such sums of Tobacco as are any way du and belong to me whether by Bill or Bond or account giving & granting to my said Attorney full authority for non payment to arrest the heirs or admrs. of said LOYDE to implead sue unprison & condemne & upon payment on Composition out of prison to deliver to give an acquittance or other discharge in my name & to do in every respect to all intents & purposes what I might or could do were I then & there personally present & whatsoever my said Attorny shall do were I then & there personally present & whatsoever my said Attorny shall do in the premises I rattify enn firme the same as Witness my hand this 19th March 1658
1656-1662 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 87
THIS BILL bindeth me HUGH WILSON of LONDON Marrynr. my Exrs. or Ass.s to deliver or cause to be delivered unto JOHN WEIR at his now dwelling house in Rappa. in Virga. or to his assignes (three) men servants or three able youths (missing) with sufficient bedding & apparrel at or (before the) first day of March which shall be in the year of our Lord God 165(7) In Witness whereof I the said HUGH WILSON have put my hand this last day of January anno Dom 1656
THIS BILL bindeth me HUGH WILSON of LONDON Marrynr. my Exrs. or ass. to deliver or cause to be delivered unto JOHN WEIR at his now dwelling house in Rappahanock in Virginia or to his ass.s three men servants or three able lyouths with sufficient bedding & apparell before the first day of March which shall be in the year of our Lorc God 1658. In Witness whereof I have putt my hand this last day of January ano Dom
THIS BILL bindeth me HUGH WILSON of LONDON Marrynr. my Exrs. or ass to deliver
or cause to be delivered unto JOHN WEIR or his assignes at his now dwelling house in Rappahanock in Virga. three men servants or able youths with sufficient bedding & apparel' at or before the first day of March which shall be in the year of our Lord God 1639. In Witness whereof I the sd HUGH WILSON have put my hand this last day of anuary ano Dom 1656
1656-1662 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 114
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I JOHN WEIR of the County of Rappahanock doth hereby sell & make over unto JONATHAN BARROWE of the same place or his assignes one red Cow with some white under her belly & cropt on the right ear with a peice taken out of the left ear on the under side (missing) the said JONATHAN BARROW for to have the said Cow with her increase without any molestacon or trouble of any person or persons whatsoever & from me my heirs or assignes as Witness my hand May 28th 1660
Test MATH. CARRACK JOHN WEIR at Citation.1
His 1st wife.2 John Weire married Honora (?) before 19 February 1660 at Old Rappahannock Co., Virginia, USA,
Her 2nd husband; his 2nd wife.1
John Weire died before 4 July 1674 at Old Rappahannock Co., Virginia, USA; Date of probate.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
Contributed by: James Hughes
URL title: The Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume I
Weire, John, Major, Rappahannock County, Virginia, 7th May, 1671; 28th Apr., 1678. To wife Honoria, dower rights. To daughter-in-law Margaret, wife of John Watts of Potomac R., and hrs., part of a tract of land, 1, 108 A., bought of Henry Randolph of Jamestown (1/2 of sd. tract having already been sold to Robert Payne). To dau. Eliza: and hrs., "The Island" at 21 yrs. of age. To son John and hrs., residue of lands in Virginia and elsewhere. Exs.: Son-in-law Jno. Watts, Wm. Mosely, Capt. Jno. Hull. Test: Jno. Bates, Luke Humbleton, Jno. Jeffery. 9. 78.
Editors: Major John Weire of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia, married Honoria, mother of Margaret (---), wife of John Watts (and later Abraham Blagg of Richmond County, Virginia). His daughter Elizabeth later married Richard Gardner, son of Richard and Elizabeth (Hatton) Gardner (Calendar, Vol. II, pp. 14-27)
=== according to this record John Weire died before July 4, 1671
1670-1672 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 4, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 233-235
KNOW ALL MEN by these psents that I HONORIA WEIRE sole Exectutrix of the will & Testament of my late deced husband JOHN WEIRE doe hereby make and appoint my loving (Son (?) JOHN WATTS to be my true & lawful Atturney for me and in my name to make acknowledgement of ye several pcells of land here menconed to the severall respective places hereafter menconed yt. is to DAVID HOWSMAN and JAMES TRENT ye quantity of five hundred twenty & five acres to JOHN MOLLEY & WM. SERJEANT ye one three hundred & forty nine acres the other two hundred & Fourtie acres all which sd land was to ye sd persons and each of them sold by my sd Husband in his life time and I doe further impower my ad Attorney to doe & act for me herein ye same manner as I myself e might or could doe being psonally prsent and wch may bee necessarie and required to settle Establish a firme right and title in all or either of ye sd psons In Wittness whereof I have set my hand & seale this 4th day of July 1671
Recordatr. in Cour Rappa a die July Anno Dom 1671
KNOW ALL MEN by these prsenis yt: I JNO. WEIRE of the County of Rappa Gent for and good causes and consideracons me thereunto moving as for and in consideracon of Eleven thousand five hundred pounds of good and well condiconed tobo in hand Received of JNO. MARTIN of the same County Planter & Eight thousand five hundred pounds of like Tobbo: by mee likewise in hand Received of WM. SARIEANT of the same County Blacksmith ye Receipt of both which sumes I do hereby acknowledge and my selfe therewth fully satisfied and contented doe therefore for myselfe together wth the consent HONORIA my Wife &our heirs sell & make over to the said JNO MARTIN a certain pcell of land lying and being in ye County of Rappa and in the Pish of Sittingbourne on the North side of ye River being pte of ye land sold to me by Mr. WM. LANE late of this County deced and containing the quantity of three hundred twenty nine acres and unto WILLIAM SARIEANT wee do for ourselves or; heires in like manner sell convey and make over as above our other pt thereof containing three hundred and fourty acres to them each these foremenconed pts. and to theire heires for every according as it is layd out and bounded & WM. MOSELEY of ye same County Gent as by ye plott here will appear the same to have hold occupy & possess to each of them and each of their heires according to their before menconed pts Together with all orchards gardens buildings woods waters and all other prvilledges wtsoever belonging In Wittness whereof we have hereunto to sett our hands & seales thereby binding ourselves to acknowledge this our Deed either by our selves or or: knowne Lawfull Attorney or Attornies at the Court of Rappa. when thereunto Reason
ably requested within ye terme of six months next ensueing the date of these psents being the fourth of May in ye 23 yeare of ye Reigne of our Sovereign Lord King CHARLES the second and of our Lord God 1671
signed in ye prsence of us W. MOSELEY JOHN WEIRE
Recognitr. in Cour Rappa x die July Anno Dom 1671 &Recordatr.
1670-1672 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 4, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 253
KNOW ALL MEN by these pnts that I JOHN VASSALL of the County of Rappa. for for the valuble cunsideracon of the sume of Thirty Eight thousand pounds of Tobo: and caske to me in hand paid by HONORIA WEIR of the same place Gentwn. and Executrix of the last Will and Testamt. of JNO. WEIR late of the abovesd County Gentl deced the Receipt whereof 1 doe hereby acknowledge wth full and absolute content doe hereby sell and make over all my right title and Interest of in and to a certain conveyance from me my heirs of land Cont. Eleaven hundred and seaventy acres by me ye sd VASSALL formly purchased of the above sd JNO. WEIRE Gent. according to the Assignmt for the same bearing date the 7th day of January Anno Dom 1667 unto the said HONORIA WEIR Gentlwn. and Executrix aforesd her heires and assignes forever to say the said land with the pptenances be it more or less and doe hereby oblidge myself my heirs to acknowledge the same to the County Cort of Rappahannock when thereunto desired by the said HONORIA WEIRE Gentwn. her heirs in Wittness whereof and to all and singular the premises I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale this 13th day of July 1671
Recognitr. in Cur Rappa 6th die 7bris Anno Dom 1671
KNOW ALL MEN by these pnts that I ANNA VASSALL the Wife of JOHN VASSALL of the County of Rappa. Esqr have appointed my well beloved [xxx] ROBERT PAYNE of the same place my true and law full Attorney for me and in my name & place to acknoweldge unto HONORIA WEIRE Executor of the last Will & Testament of JNO. WEIR late of the abovesd County Gent. decd all my right title and interest of in and to the land menconed in the within Conveyance or assignment in the County Court of Rappahannock I haveing reced a consideracon to my content for the same and do hereby warrt. Rattyfie and confirme whatsoever my said Attorney shall lawfully do or doe in the prmises for the better authenticacey hereof & sure making of the pnts, In Wittness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale this 12th day of July 1671
Recordatr, in Cour Rappa xii die 7bris 1671
James Hughes 2005-08-24 15:06:09
Epitomie of the History of the Moseley Family
In the calendar of wills of St. Mary County is the will of Major John Weire , dated May , 7 , 1671 , and probated April 28 , 1678 , Rappahannock County Virginia , William Moseley executor . Evidently Weire had acquired land in St. Mary County , Maryland , which necessitated the record of the will on the register of that county . It would seem , too, that there must had been some close relationship between John Weire and William Moseley . It is possible that this relationship is still further reflected by the fact that Robert Moseley , possibly a brother of William , went to St. Mary County , Maryland at a later date for some service in connection with the John Weire estate and settled there in 1715 . He was a witness to some wills in that county in that year .
Maj. John Weire 6.24 I
of Rapahanock, Virginia.
Appraisers: Richard Gardiner.
List of debts: Mr. Richard Boulton, Thomas Goodgame, William Seager, John Kimbell, Roger Cromtom, Richard Dawson, John Bell, Thomas Glener, Richard Tayler, Richard Warbotton, Joseph Webster, William Stinford, William Deane, Thomas Patison.
James Hughes 2005-08-24 15:20:52
1666-1679 Cavaliers and Pioneers, Patent Book No. 6; [Nell Marion Nugent]; Page 6
Mr Thomas Ballard, 800 acres Rappa river, on S. Side and in the freshes of Rappa Riv, 6 Nov 1666. p 16
Beg on a creek deviding this and land of John Weire. Granted to Robt Thomas & Wm Mosse by several patents, deserted, granted by order & due for trans of 16 persons [Thomas Marshall was one]
James Hughes 2005-08-24 16:34:36
The Dawsons of Dorsett: A Chronology of Richard & Frances Dawson Family of Dorchester Co Md.
1678: Major John Weire of Rapahannock VA, Inventory. Appraiser: Richard Gardiner. List of Debts: Richard Dawson. Adm: John Brooke, chirugeon. [Source: Accounts of Preg. Court of Md. Liber 7A:15 & Liber 7A:17-28]
James Hughes 2005-08-24 16:45:16
Lancaster County, Virginia
John WEIRE appears in the records of Lancaster Co VA by 04 Sep 1650 when he witnessed a deed John VAUSE for land on the south side of the Rappa. River [later Old Rappa. Co, then Essex].
James Hughes 2005-08-24 19:49:01
John Weire witnessed a deed of John Vause 1650 Lancaster Co. Could John Vause be the same as John Vasall? Nicholas Ware married Anna Vasall. Nicholas Ware was the origional ancestor of Henry Ware that died in KGC who's will was Witnessed by William Marshall, Edward Marshall and Elizabeth Markham.
Contributed by: James Hughes
URL: 1/000065/html/am65--257.html
URL title: Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1670/1-1675Volume 65, Page 257
William Gittings
(the deft appeares by George Parker his Attorny &
agt imples untill next Court.
John Gittings
John Ware the deft appeares by Robert Carvile his Attorny and
agt jimparies untill next Court.
Henry Exon
John Browne
the deft appeares by Robert Carvile his Attorny and
agt rimparles untill next Court.
James Hughes 2006-01-05 12:55:43
Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1670/1-1675Volume 65, Page 297
John Warr Henry Exon late of St Maries County otherwise called Page 220
agt Henry Exon of St Maries County in the Province of Maryland
Henry Exon was summoned to answer unto John Warren in a plea that he render unto him the summe of two thousand five hundred and eighty pounds of tobacco which to him he oweth and unjustly deteineth And whereupon the said John Warren by Kenelm Cheseldyn his Attorny saith that whereas the said Henry the seventh day of June in the yeare 1673 did by his certaine writeing Obligatory sealed with the seale of the said Henry here in Court produced whose date is the same day and yeare abovewritten bind himself e his heirs executors and administrators to pay or cause to be paid unto the said John Warr merchant or his assignes the just quantity of two thousand five hundred and eighty pounds of tobacco sound and merchantable with caske to containe the same in to be paid the same in ditto County at or upon the 10th of October next ensueing the date thereof notwithstanding which the said Henry the said summe of two thousand five hundred and eighty pounds of tobacco accord ing to the tenor of the said bill hath not paid though often thereunto required but the same hath and still doth deny to the damage of the said John Warren foure thousand pounds of tobacco And there upon he bringeth his suite
Afterwards to witt the 16th day of April in the 42th yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius &c came the said Henry by Robert Carvile his Attorny and defendeth the force and injury when &c and prayed liberty of speaking hereunto untill this day to witt the twelfth day of May in the yeane aforesaid and it was granted unto him and the same day given to both parties.
Att which Said 12th day of May came the said John Warren by Kenelm Cheseldyn his Attorny and the said Henry Exon by Robert Carvile his Attorny likewise came and the said Henry saith that he hath nothing to say in barr of the said action whereby the said John Warren remaineth against the said Henry for the said summe of two thousand five hundred and eighty pounds of tobacco in the declaration aforesaid of the said John mentioned undefended Therefore it is considered by the Court here that the said John recover against the said Henry the said summe of two thousand five hundred and eighty pounds of tobacco together with three hundred and forty pounds of tobacco for his costs and charges in this behalfe laid Out and expended but execution is hereby stayed untill the tenth day of October next.
Contributed by: James Hughes
p.8. Will of Robert Chambers. Refers to "a Barke I bought of James Brown of Charles Town in New England my will is that my Land lore of Boston William Merry shall dispose of as thus that what Mr Garland shall make Justly appear to be Due him William Merry to go give satisfaction to my Landlady Crabtree fro a venture of 20 pounds of sugar which I was to be accountable for and for the rest that shall remain of the Barke that shall be in the said William Merry hands I do will it to be distributed to the poor of Gods church in Boston in New England x x x my loving friend Jo Weir to sell my great shallop & to carry home with him of the sale of the sd shallop 2000 lb of tobo the sd tobo to be sold for money & to be equally distributed by the sd Jo Weir to my friends that is to my mother in Law my three aunts and my sister Elizabeth I give to Francis Weir a steer that is at John Rogers at Chickacone I give to Hanner Place for looking to me in my sickness a yearling Heiffer 3 yards of green - - my chest & a - - skin I give unto one honest poor man named Jo Hill living about Kent or Sevurne 1100 lb of tobo due to me by bills from James Dasher of herrins creek x x one bill x x to one Richard Paille I give unto Anthony Fullyham (for unchangable love & kindness past betwixt us) one of those Hhds of tobo that I have at his house I give unto Mrs Taylor in consideration of her charge & endeavor to cure me of my Infirmities one cow that is at Mr Fullyhams." Appoints John Weir Exor. Rrfers to debt ot Mr.Scarborough and to debt owing him by Mrs. Crow. Dated 4th February 1653/4.
signed Robert Chambers.
Richard Coleman
Thomas Win . . .
Prob. 10th Abril 1654.
Fleet, Beverley,
Lancaster County, record book no. 2, 1654-1666, pages 1-394
Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. County, 1961, 141 pgs.
1656-1662 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 4
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I JOHN WEIR of the County of Rappahanock Planter for a Valluable consideracon by me received have sold & by these presents sell alienate & make over from me my heires for ever unto PETER CORNWELL his heirs & assignes for ever all my right title of a parcel of land of about Eighty acres more or less said land being now in the possession of said PETER CORNWELL & begins at the mouth of a Creeke called CLIFT CREEKE & so alongst the River downwards to a little Marsh & from thence by marked trees into the Wood to an INDIAN PATH with a markt Corner great Chesnut tree & so alongst the said path by Markt trees to the head of a Branch that cometh from the Creeke & so alonge the said Branch to the above- said Creeke where this land begins and said Land To Have and To Hold in all ample manner as is Exprest to me in a Pattent for (missing) hundred acres formerly granted to me as more largely will apear by the said Pattent In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seal the first of February 1656/
in presence of us JOHN WEIR
Witnesses names obliterated
1656-1662 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 4-5
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I JOHN WEIR of the County of Rappahanock in Virginia Planter for & in consideracon of Ten Men Servants or able Youths with Double Suits of Cloathing one whereof I have received in hand & the other (missing) to be delivered to me in the year next ensueing on the Plantacon on which I now live (missing) that is (missing) year by HUGH WILSON of LONDON (missing) good causes me thereunto moveing have given granted bargained sold aliened & confirmed & do (missing) heirs Exrs. Admrs. & assignes give grant bargaine sell & confirm (missing) one moyety or full half (missing) of land lying on RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER (missing) runing along (missing) North North West One hundred twenty five chains thence South (missing) 160 chains to the River thence along the river to the place where it began which said 500 acres of land (missing) granted by Sr WILLIAM BERKLEY Knt. under his Pattent bearing date the 5th day of September (missing) unto one ANTHONY FULGHAM & by the sd FULGHAM assigned unto me the sd JOHN WEIR & also the full moyety of one halfe parte of seaven hundred acres adjoying unto the aforesaid five hundred acres of land heretofore granted unto me by Pattent as by the said mentioned Pattent may more at large appear Except always reserved out of these presents One hundred acres of land or thereabouts parcell of the said Pattent of Seaven Hundred heretofore sold by me the said JOHN WEIR unto PflER CORNWELL TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid moyety or half part of the said two Pattents of land (Except before Excepted) unto the said HUGH WILSON his heirs & assignes for Ever in as large & ample manor form to all intents and purposes (missing) is more at large menconed &Expressed & by the rents & Services therein menconed (missing) I the said JOHN WEIR do for me my heirs & assignes covenants promise & grant to warrant & defend the said Land by these presents granted (Except before Excepted) unto said HUGH WILSON his heires & assignes for ever against all persons whatsoever who claim by from or under me & have hereunto put my hand & Seal dated this last day of January Anna 1656/ JOHN WEIR Seal
1656-1662 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 8
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I WILLIAM CLAPHAM of the County of Rappahanock the Younger for the valluable consideracon of (missing) pounds of Tobo & Cask upon all demands to be (missing) & four thousand pounds & (missing) ) do alien bargain & sell & by these presents do firmly sell & make over unto JOHN WEIR his heirs Exrs. Admrs. or Assignes for ever one thousand acres of land lying in the Freshes of RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER beginning at a marked white Oak at the lowermost end of the ISLAND to him his heirs & assignes forever & I the said WILLIAM CLAPHAM do hereby bind my self my heirs Exrs. & Assignes to save and keep harmless the said JOHN WEIR his heirs & assignes from any person or persons wtsoever that may or shall lay any claime to the same & further I the said WILLIAM CLAPHAM do hereby bind myself my heirs & assignes to make unto the said JOHN WEIR or his assigns wt. further assurance he or they shall in reason demand (missing) further I do hereby bind my self my heirs or assignes in case any person or persons (missing) lay claim or (missing) to the said land & by that claim shall recover the said land from the said JOHN WEIR then the said CLAPHAM shall pay or cause to be paid by him or his assignes (missing) Tobacco & cask upon all demands & do hereby give power unto Mr. ANT. STEPHENS for me to acknowledge this Deed in the Court of Rappahanock & have hereunto sett ray hand & seal
in presence of EDWARD DALE, WILLIAM CLAPHAM seal
1656-1662 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 18
ANDREW GILSON Sr The Estate I have in the hands of Mr. JOHN WEIR both in Land and Servants together with a Boat twenty thousand pounds of Tobacco in good Debts I shall desire him to follow these issuing instructions In case it should please God to take away Mr. JOHN WEIR then I by this present appoint you my lawful Atturney in all matters whatsoever concerning my business in Rappahannock which (missing) alreadly partly knowing in concerning the Estate & Debts abovementioned In case it should please God to take me out of this world then I do by these presents appoint my friend Mr. JOHN WEIR & your Self to be my Overseers of the Estates & Debts abovemenconed to Dispose of as you both shall think most convenient for the profit of my Wife & Child So in this particulars (missing) your cares & remain
Your Loving Friend
1656-1662 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 30
BE IT KNOWN UNTO ALL MEN by these presents that I ANTHONY CHEEKE (missing) my true & lawful! Attorney JOHN WEIR to do & act in my Stead as if I were (missing) discharge as if I were there as witness my hand this 6th of January 1657/8 in presence of JOHN CATLETT, ANTHONY CHEEKE
1656-1662 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 36
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I JOHN WEIR of the County of Rappa. Planter for the valluable consideracon by me in hand received have sold untn HENRY BERRY his heirs & assignes for ever (a parceil of land) known by the name of the Bottom of Mr. LAWSONS NECK the said land being part of (missing) formerly purchased by me of WILLIAM CLAPPHAM JUNR. being thus bounded begining at (missing) NECK at the marked trees bounding the said land from the land that Mr. LAWSON is now living on (missing) extending downward betwixt two marshes to the bottom of the said Land buttin upon OCCUPACON CREEK (missing) Land I Warrant unto the said BERRY & his heirs from me my heirs or any person (or persons whatsoever claiming)
the said land by or from me In Witness whereof I sett my hand this 26th of October 165s in presence of FRANCIS WEIR, WEIR Seal
1656-1662 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 36
Agreement of HENRY PERRY [sic Berry] to erect certain houses for Mr, JOHN WEIR dated Oct. 26 1658. Witnessed by FRANCIS WEIR & PETER CORNWELL. Recorded November 1638 by ANT: STEPHENS C. Cur.
(Much mutilated & not copied)
1656-1662 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 42
KNOW (ALL MEN) by these presents that I underwritten CUTH. POTTER doth hereby authorize and appoint Mr, JOHN WEIR of Rappahanock County my true and Lawfull Attorney to receive from the Estate of Mr. RICHARD LAWSON three thousand pounds of Tobacco & Caske (missing) & whatsoever my said Attorney shall (missing) to act & doe herein I do hereby (missing) as witness my hand & seal this 30th day of April! 165-
Signatures of witnesses destroye
1656-1662 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 47-48
JOHN WEIR have sould unto WALTER WEIR & JAMES MATHEW all my right & title of a Pattent of Three hundred acres of land (missing) the last of March 1655 being bounded upon CLIFFS CREEK and (missing) river for breadth & into the woods for length as will more fully (appear from the) said Pattent hereby assigning over from me & my heirs forever all my right & title (missing) Pattent unto WALTER WEIR & JAMES MATHEWS their heirs & assignes for ever In Witness whereof I have sett my hand this 25th of June 1657
(missing) HONOUR WEIR the Wife of the above JOHN WEIR doth giver her assent ( missin g ) Land above said. Witness (missing) 1659 HONOUR / WEIR
1656-1662 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 50
THIS BILL Bindeth me GEORGE REYNOLDS my heirs & assignes to pay or cause to be paid to JOHN WEIR for a parcell of rowle tobacco (missing) three pounds Sterl. the which sum of money is to be laid out for the said (WEIR in) plate as witness my hand this 12th of (missing) 1654
These presents Witnesseth me GEORGE REYNOLDS Citizen of LONDON my self my heirs or admrs. to pay or cause to be paid unto JOHN WEIR or his assignes by the (missing)ary next three Servants one man Servant to serve him four years one man Servant to serve seven years, one maid for four or five years these said servants to be double appareled with a bed & bed clothes with all b(missing) myself & aforesaid to the said JOHN WEIR to deliver said Servants at the said WEIRs Plantacon in RAPPHANOCK RIVER by the times above specified likewise I acknowledge (myself to have) reced a SLOOP of the said JOHN WEIR for sufficient satisfacion for the (missing) if in case the said Servants be not paid according to the condition then I the said GEORGE REYNOLDS do bind my self my heirs to pay unto the said WEIR or his assignes (missing) thousand pounds (missing) tobacco & cask to be paid by the tenth of February next (to the true) performance hereof I bind over to the said WEIR the aforesaid SLOOP with all other debts due to me by an accts. whatsoever in Virginia in Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand this 13th of June 1654
1656-1662 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 54
TO ALL TO WHOM these presents shall come I RICHARD BENNETT Esqr. Govr. & Capt. Generall of Virginia send greeting in our Lord God everlasting Whereas by the articles &c now Know ye that I said RICHARD BENNETT Esqr do in the name of his highness the Lord Protector of England Scotland & Ireland with consent of the Councell of State accordingly give and grant unto JOHN WEIR, JOHN GILLET, ANDREW GILSON & JOHN PHILLIPS four thousand acres of land being on the South side in the freshes of RAPPA. RIVER about twelve miles above NANSEMON TOWN & beginning on the Eastward side of a navigable Creek called WEIRS CREEK & extending for breadth down by or nigh the side (missing) E N E 800 poles on the (missing) low grounds & marshes facing upon the River unto a marked (missing) by the River side & from the said marked tree for length (missing) 320 poles to a marked white Oak & thence for breadth again (missing) 800 poles to a red Oak finally for length NE 320 poles to the place where the land first Begin the said land being due unto said JOHN WEIR, JOHN GILLET, ANDREW GILSON and JOHN PHILLIPS for the transportation of (missing) persons into this Collony whose names are in the records menconed in this Pattent To have and To Hold provided that if the (missing) JOHN WEIR, JOHN GILLET, ANDREW GILSON & JOHN PHILLIPS their heirs or assignes do not plant or seat upon the said land within three years next ensuing then it shall be lawfull for any Adventurer or Planter to make choice & plant thereupon Given under our hands at JAMES CITY the 7th September anno Dom 1654
1656-1662 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 76
KNOW ALL TO WHOM this present shall come that I THOMAS WHETTHELL do by this present subscribe & appoint Mr. JOHN WEIR my true & lawful! Attorney that he for me & in my name aske demand of JOHN LOYDE his heirs or admrs all such sums of Tobacco as are any way du and belong to me whether by Bill or Bond or account giving & granting to my said Attorney full authority for non payment to arrest the heirs or admrs. of said LOYDE to implead sue unprison & condemne & upon payment on Composition out of prison to deliver to give an acquittance or other discharge in my name & to do in every respect to all intents & purposes what I might or could do were I then & there personally present & whatsoever my said Attorny shall do were I then & there personally present & whatsoever my said Attorny shall do in the premises I rattify enn firme the same as Witness my hand this 19th March 1658
1656-1662 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 87
THIS BILL bindeth me HUGH WILSON of LONDON Marrynr. my Exrs. or Ass.s to deliver or cause to be delivered unto JOHN WEIR at his now dwelling house in Rappa. in Virga. or to his assignes (three) men servants or three able youths (missing) with sufficient bedding & apparrel at or (before the) first day of March which shall be in the year of our Lord God 165(7) In Witness whereof I the said HUGH WILSON have put my hand this last day of January anno Dom 1656
THIS BILL bindeth me HUGH WILSON of LONDON Marrynr. my Exrs. or ass. to deliver or cause to be delivered unto JOHN WEIR at his now dwelling house in Rappahanock in Virginia or to his ass.s three men servants or three able lyouths with sufficient bedding & apparell before the first day of March which shall be in the year of our Lorc God 1658. In Witness whereof I have putt my hand this last day of January ano Dom
THIS BILL bindeth me HUGH WILSON of LONDON Marrynr. my Exrs. or ass to deliver
or cause to be delivered unto JOHN WEIR or his assignes at his now dwelling house in Rappahanock in Virga. three men servants or able youths with sufficient bedding & apparel' at or before the first day of March which shall be in the year of our Lord God 1639. In Witness whereof I the sd HUGH WILSON have put my hand this last day of anuary ano Dom 1656
1656-1662 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 114
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I JOHN WEIR of the County of Rappahanock doth hereby sell & make over unto JONATHAN BARROWE of the same place or his assignes one red Cow with some white under her belly & cropt on the right ear with a peice taken out of the left ear on the under side (missing) the said JONATHAN BARROW for to have the said Cow with her increase without any molestacon or trouble of any person or persons whatsoever & from me my heirs or assignes as Witness my hand May 28th 1660
Test MATH. CARRACK JOHN WEIR at Citation.1
Family 1 | Unknown (?) b. b 1618, d. b 1660 |
Family 2 | Honora (?) b. c 1632, d. 6 Nov 1685 |
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, John Weire Bef 1614 - Bef 1671 seen 5 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, Female MNU Weire Bef 1618 - Bef 1660 seen 5 Aug 2022 at
Unknown (?)1
F, #99602, b. before 1618, d. before 1660
Last Edited | 5 Aug 2022 |
Unknown (?) was born before 1618.1 She married John Weire before 1650
His 1st wife.1
Unknown (?) died before 1660 at Old Rappahannock Co., Virginia, USA.1
His 1st wife.1
Unknown (?) died before 1660 at Old Rappahannock Co., Virginia, USA.1
Family | John Weire b. b 1614, d. b 4 Jul 1674 |
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, Female MNU Weire Bef 1618 - Bef 1660 seen 5 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
George Jones1
M, #99603, b. circa 1645, d. 6 August 1684
Last Edited | 5 Aug 2022 |
George Jones was born circa 1645.1 He married Honora (?) before 30 December 1672 at Sittingbourne Parish, Old Rappahannock Co., Virginia, USA.1
George Jones died on 6 August 1684 at Old Rappahannock Co., Virginia, USA; Date of inventory of estate.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers - Record Set #2:
1709-1717 Richmond County, Virginia Wills Book 3 and Inventories [Robert K. Headley, jr.];
p.297 - Alexander DONIPHAN, will; 20 Sep 1716, 6 Feb 1716/17
son Alexander 250 ac. in the fork of Rappahannock bought of George JONES decd;
Stephen BOWEING the other 250 ac. of land joining the aforesaid tract;
son Mott 180 ac. out of a tract bought of Joshua DAVIS being 330 ac. lying back of my river land; if he has no heirs, to go to grson. Giles TRAVERS;
son Robert;
dau. Margaret 70 ac. bought of Joshua DAVIS;
dau. Elizabeth remainder of 80 ac. and her mother's wedding ring;
wife Susannah, having kept her est. apart, and taken it to herself and desiring nothing of mine..;
dau. Anne; ex. to give Mrs. Mary BELFIELD a ring of 12 shillings price;
ex: son Robert;
wits: Peter LOWD, Elias POWELL, Robert FASSAKER.
[Alexander DONIPHAN mar. his 2d wife, Margaret MOTT, by Nov 1691; she d. prior to Mar 1709. MAC, p.57.)
1677-1678 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed & Will Book 6, Part 1; [Antient Press]; Page 169
Vid. page) I JAMES BROWNE wthin mentioned doe for ye valuable consideration of Five thousand pounds of tobacco & cask from me my heires sell & sett over unto GEORGE JONES his heires & assignes for ever all ye wthin mentioned land to me sold by ye wthin named ROGER CLOTWORTHY & all ye houses, edifices & buildings thereon built, And alsoe for ye consideration aforesaid likewise sell unto ye sd JONES his heires & assignes for ever one heifer marked wth a hole in ye right Eare & a cropp & an overkeele on ye left Eare, & alsoe Eight shotes being marked as aforesaid, wch said stock of hoggs & heifer are now runing at ye demised prmises, In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seale this 12th day of March 1673/4
Sealed & Delivered. in ye presence
Recordatr x4 die Maii 1678
I GEORGE JONES wthin mentioned doe assigne unto WILLIAM SIMMS his heires & assignes ye wthin mentioned land as ye same was demised to me for ye consideration of Six thousand pounds of Tobacco & cask to me secured to be paid by ye said WM. SIMMS his heires & assignes at Six severall paymts: yearly for ye wch: having passed his Bill bearing date wth thse prsents; To have & to hold ye abovesaid land to him & his heires forever wth warranty agt all persons that shall lay any Clayme in ye prmises by from or undr, me my heires As Witness my hand this 4th day of Febry. 1677/8
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappae: 4 die Maii 1678
1677-1678 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed & Will Book 6, Part 1; [Antient Press]; Page 176-177
TO ALL TO WHOM &c. I Sr. WILLIAM BERKLEY, Knt. Governr: &c., Capt. Generall of Virginia &c, Whereas &c, Now know yee that I ye said Sr; WM, BERKLEY, Knt. Governor &c, doe wth ye advice & consent of ye Councell of State accordingly give & grant unto JOHN BOWEN & GEORGE JOANES Six hundred eighty nine acres of land scituate in ye County of Rappae; on ye head branches of RAPPAE: CREEK &neare ye land of Mr, WILLIAM LANE, beginning at a marked red Oak, thence tuning N. by E. to a Locust, W. to a white Oak, No. by E. to a Maple, being ye severall courses of an Eastward Branch, whence N.N.W. to a maricd Gumm neare ye MAIN PUN nr REAVERDAM side, whence downe ye MAINE RUNN side S. by E. & finally E. Nly to ye place begun, Including ye abovesaid Quantity this land being due by transportation of Fourteen persons unto this Collony whose names are on ye Records mentioned undr. this Pattent; To have & to hold &c. Yeilding & paying &c. Provided &c. Given under my hand & ye Seale of ye Collony ye 17th of April! 1668
Pattent for 689 acres in ye County of Rappae
Recordatr, Teste PHIL. LUDWELL CI Officr:
Recordatr x9 die Junii 1678
KNOW ALL MEN by these prsents that I JOHN BOWIN for ye valuable consideration of Seaven thousand pounds of good tobacco in Cask to me in hand already paid by RICHARD SHEPARD, ye Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, doe from me my heires sett over unto ye said RICHARD SHEPARD his heires & assignes forever all my right & demand wtsoever of ye land of this wthin mentioned Pattent, To have & to hold & enjoy ye wthin mentioned land to him & his heires forever As Witness my hand & Seale this 30th of Decembr: 1673.
Recognitr. in Cur Com Rappae: 7 die Januari 1673/4
Recordatr x9 die Junii 1678
KNOW ALL MEN by these prsents that I RICHARD SHEPARD for a valuable consideration to me in hand paid by GEORGE JONES from me my heires sell unto ye said GEORGE JONES his heirs & assignes forever all my right & interest of ye land of ye wthin mentioned Pattent, To have & to enjoy ye aforesaid land & Pattent to him & his heires forever, And doe hereby obliedge my selfe my heires to acknowledge sd Instrumt, of Writing at ye next Cort, held for Rappae: County as Witness my hand & Seale 10th of Novembr: 1676
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappae: 2 die Janry. 1677/8 et Recordatr 19 die Junii 78
1677-1678 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed & Will Book 6, Part 1; [Antient Press]; Page 187
March the 6th 1677/8. Then received of HENRY CLARK five hunred pounds of tobacco and cask it being his halfe which I paid CAPT. MOSELEY for the Survay of Thirteene hundred & odd acres of land which said Thirteene hundd, acres belongs to me the said CLARK, and in full of all other Debts due & demands from the beginning of the world to this day as witness my hand the day and yeare abovesaid
The moyetie or halfe part of the land above mentioned I doe by these prsents freely acknowledge to be the right of the heires of the above mentioned Mr. HENRY CLARK Witness my hand and Seale this 5th day of Septr: 1678
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappae 6th die Septr. 1678
1677-1678 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed & Will Book 6, Part 1; [Antient Press]; Page 192-193
TO ALL TO WHOM &c. I Sr: WM. BERKLEY, Knt. Governor & Capt. Genll. of Virginia &c. Whereas &c. Now know yee that I the said Sr: WM. BERKLEY Knt.: &c. doe wth the consent of the Councell of State accordingly give and grant unto JOHN BARROW Fifteene hundred acres of land lying in the Freshes of Rappae: River & on the South side bounding upon THOMAS LUCAS JUNIOR on the one side & CLEMENT HERBERT on the other side, said land being formerly granted unto HENRY BERRY and by the said BERRY sold & assigned to the said JOHN BARROW by a Bill of Sale bearing date the 14th of March 1662 may appeare, and is since confirmed to the said BARROW by an order of the Genll. Court dated the 23d of March 1665; To have and to hold the said land &c, Yeilding and paying &c. Provided &c. Given undr. my hand & Seale of the Cottony this 13th of Octobr. 1670
JNO. BARROW his Pattent for 1500 ) Recordatr. Test WM. BERKLEY
acres of Land in Rappae: County ) PHI, LUDWELL Cl Offir:
Recordatr xx6 die Decembris 1678
KNOW ALL MEN by these prsents that I JOHN BARROW of the County of Rappae: doe hereby for me my heires give & make over all my right & clayme of the wthin mentioned Pattent of Fifteene hundred acres of land according to the bounds & courses thereof & warranty from all persons whatseoever unto Mr. GEORGE JONES of County aforesaid to him his heires & assignes forever having received full satisfaction for the same, and I doe hereby covent, that my now Wife shall relinquish her thirds of the said Land when thereunto required as Witness my hand & Seale this 6th day of Novembr: 1678 Signed Sealed & Delivered
in the prsence of WM: POTTS, JOHN BARROW
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappae: 6 die Novis 1678
1679-1682 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Will & Deed Book 6, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 208-209
KNOW ALL PEOPLE by these prsents that I GEORGE JONES for the valuable consideration of Eight thousand pounds of tobacco & cask to me secured to be paid by THOMAS MICHELL, doe from me my heires sett over unto the said THOMAS MICHELL his heires & assignes Six hundred acres of land being in the FORREST of Rappae; River in the Freshes & on the North side thereof next and adjoining to the land of JOHN BOWEN and the land where JOHN MEWS now lives, wch said land is part and parcel! of the land whereon the said MEWS now lives aforesaid, To have hold and enjoy all the land together with the Timber and Timber trees now growing thereon to him ye said THOMAS MICHELL his heires and assignes forever wthout the lett or molestation of me my heires or any other persons by my privity consent or pcuremt: In Witness whereof I have sett my hand and seale this 7th day of Janry. 1678; And doe appoint Mr. WM. POTTS to acknowledge this my act & Instrumt. to the said THOMAS MICHELL for and in my behalfe at the next County Court held in Course
Sealed Delivered in the presence of us
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappae 2 die April! 1679
1679-1682 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Will & Deed Book 6, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 209-210
THIS INDENTURE made the Sixteenth day of December 1678 and in the xxxth yeare of the Raigne of or: Soveraigne Lord King Charles ye Second of England &c. Between GEORGE SOUTHEN of the Parish of Sittingbourne in ye County of Rappae:, Planter, of one part and GEORGE JONES of the Parish & County aforesaid Gent. of the other part, Witnesseth that GEORGE SOUTHEN for diverse good causes hath sold unto GEORGE JONES his heires & assignes forever one gray Mare branded wth the KATERINE WHEELE on the neare Shoulder, formerly puchsed of HUGH WILLIAMS, one bay Mare filley about six months old, one grey stone horse branded wth J S on the neare buttock, five cows, two heiffers of three yeares old, two Bulls of three yeares old, two yearling calves, together wth all and every their yearly encrease, alsoe one Serant boy having two yeares to serve from April! next after the date hereof, alsoe two hundred acres of land scituate in the fresher next & adjoyning to Mr: DANLL: GAINES which I lately purchased of LEWIS LOYD, alsoe all the land whereon I now live together wth all my utensils, houshold stuffe & implemts; of houshold stuffe, good & chattells whatsoever now in my possession, To have hold & enjoy all the above mentioned goods, catle, chattels, land, houshold stuffe to him the said GEORGE JONES his heires and assignes forever without the denial! of him the said GEORGE SOUTHEN his heires or any other persons whatsoever Provided nevertheless and it is the true meaning that if the abovesaid GEORGE SOUTHEN his heires doe well & truely pay unto abovesaid GEORGE JONES his heires the neate sume of Six thousand eight hundred thirty & seven pounds of good sound merchantable tobacco and cask cleare of ground leaves and trash convenient in Rappae: County att or upon the 10th of October next at one intire paymt. wth allowance or interest of Ten p cent for the same, Then these prsents & every thing therein conteyned shall cease & be void otherwise to remaine in full force. In Witness whereof the said GEORGE SOUTHEN hath sett his hand and seale the day and yeare first above mentioned &c. 1678. Furthermore, I doe appoint Mr. GRIFFITH JONES my true & lawful! Attorney to acknowledge this Instrumt. of Writing at the next Court held for Rappae: County before the signing & sealing of this present Deed
Sealed & Delivd. in the presence of
JOHN CARPENTER This 15th February 1678
Delivery of Seizin is by me GEORGE SOUTHEN delivered unto the above menconed GEORGE JONES of all & singular the prmises menconed to &. for use of the said GEORGE JONES his heires forever by the delivering of one Silver Spoon marked wth S;R: on the handle in the prsence of the witnesses hereto subscribed I say delivered, together by & with the consent of my now loveing Wife, MARY, as is above specified the day & yeare above written, And further doe appoint JNO. MOTLIN in stead of GRIFFIN JONES to acknowledge this Instrumt, of Writing at the next Court held for County of Rappae: I say in the prsence of RICHD. MERRIMAN & Mr. JNO. SUMMER, witnesses hereto subscribed
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappae 2 die April 1679
1679-1682 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Will & Deed Book 6, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 228
Vid. pa: in another book 271) [Deed Book 5, Part II - 1674-1676; Antient Press: pg 224-226]
KNOW ALL MEN by these prsents that I GEORGE JONES, Attorney of the within named RICHARD POOLE, and for the behalfe of the said POOLE doe bargaine and sell THOMAS POWELL his heires and assignes for ever all the whole tract of land being Foure hundred twenty seaven within this Pattent mentioned together with the Pattent itselfe, To have & to hold the within mentioned land to him the said THOMAS POWELL his heires and assignes forever, warranting agt all persons whatsoever that shall lay any clayme thereof. In Witness whereof I have sett my hand and Seale this 2 day of July 1679
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappae: 2 die Julii 1679
Vid; in another small book Ack: & Record 7th of February 1665 [1665-1677 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed & Will Book; [Antient Press]; Page 59-63]
KNOW ALL MEN by these prsents that I THOMAS POWELL for the consideration of Two thousand five hundred pounds of tobacco and cask have sold unto GEORGE JONES his heires and assignes for ever the within mentioned Deed together wth every clause & article therein conteyned, To have & enjoy the said Deed to him the said JONES his heires and assignes forever. In Witness I have sett my hand and Seale the 2d day of
July 1679
Recongitr in Cur Com Rappae: 2 die Julii 1679
1679-1682 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Will & Deed Book 6, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 232
TO ALL XPIAN PEOPLE to whom these presents shall come GEORGE JONES of the Parish of Sittingburne in County of Rappaw: sendeth greeting, Know ye that I the said GEORGE JONES for diverse good causes & espetially for the consideration of Six thousand pounds of tobacco and Cask to him paid upon the 10th of October next ensuing by ANTHONY CARNABY and DAVID EMMS their heires or assignes, hath granted and sold unto the said ANTHONY CARNABY & DAVID EMMS their heirs and assignes forever all that land formerly belonging to JAMES MATHEWS and WALTER WEIRE late deced that moyetie which belonged and was in the possession of the said WALTR: WEIRE to him formerly sold before his death being in the County of Rappae. next and adjoyning to the land of JOHN WEIRE late deced together with all houses, fences orchards and apprtnances thereunto belonging; To have & to hold from him the said GEORGE JONES his heires to the said ANTHONY CARNABY and DAVID EMMS their heires & assignes forever, and said GEORGE JONES doth agree to warrant the said land agt all persons whatsoever & to acknowledge the same at the next Court held for the County of Rappae: either by himselfe or his certaine attorney in case of his absence In Witness whereof he hath set his hand and seale this 4th day of July 1679
Signed sealed & Delivrd.
Recognitr pr GEORGE JONES in Cur Com Rappae 2 die 7bris 1679
1679-1682 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Will & Deed Book 6, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 258
Vid: pa: 76)
KNOW ALL MEN by these prsents that I GEORGE JONES from me my heires have sold unto IGNATIUS WHITE Esqr, for the consideracon of Five thousand Five hundred pounds of tobacco and cask the Deed within mencioned & every clause & article therein conteyned To have & to hold the within mentioned, to him the said IGNATIUS WHITE. his heires & assignes forever, In Witness whereof I have sett my hand & seale this 18th day of November 1679 Signed Sealed Delivd.
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappak: 7 die Jan 79/80
1679-1682 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Will & Deed Book 6, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 258
KNOW ALL MEN by these prsents that I GEORGE JONES of the Parish of Sittingburne in the County of Rappak: gent: for the consideration of Five thousand Five hundred pounds of good sound merchantable tobacco and cast to be paid or secured to be paid by IGNATIUS WHITE of the County of WESTMLAND, Gent, have from me my heires sold unto said IGNATIUS WHITE his heires & assignes forever Fifty acres of land being on the South side Rappak: River wch I the said JONES lately purchased of THOMAS POWELL, & now in possession of the said POWELL or his assignes together with all houses, buildings, orchards fences belonging to him the said IGNATIUS WHITE as the same was granted to the said THOMAS POWELL his heires & assignes for ever by JOHN MILLS, as by a certain Deed under the hand & seale of the said JOHN MILLS recorded in the County Court of Rappak: may more at large appeare, without the hinderance of me my heirs or any of them, or the said JOHN MILLS & THOMAS POWELL their heirs lawfully clayming undr: me or undr: them the said JOHN MILLS & THOMAS POWELL or either of them, or any other persons whatsoever In Witness whereof I have set my hand & seale this 18th day of December 1679 Signed sealed & delivered
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappak: 7 die January 1679/80
=== land mentioned
1679-1682 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Will & Deed Book 6, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 280-281
TO ALL TO WHOM these prsents shall come THOMAS MITCHELL of Rappae: County in Virginia, Plantr., sendeth Greeting. Know ye that I the said THOMAS MITCHELL for Two thousand Two hundred & fifty pds. of good tobacco & casque in hand passed have sold unto SARAH GRIFFIN of WESTMORELAND COUNTY in Virginia, Widdow, one hundred acres of land beging, at a marked red Oake standing on the Westward side of the Maine Runn of RAPPAE. CREEKE & extending along sd Run No. by E. to another marked red Oake thence South by West to a marked Maple standing in a swamp on the North side of another Runn falling in the aforesaid Maine Branch of RAPPAE. CREEKE thence down the Swamp to the place where it began being part of Six hundred acres of land sould unto me by Mr. GEORG JONES of Rappae: County To have and to hold the said land wth all advantages wtsoever to the said SARAH GRIFFIN her heires assignes forever under the yearly rents reserved for the same to our Soveraigne Lord the Kin g In Witness my hand and Seale this 7th of May 1680
Sealed & delivered in prsence of
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappae: 7 die July 1680
1679-1682 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Will & Deed Book 6, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 309-310
KNOW ALL MEN by these prsentsthat I IGNATIUS WHITE Esqr, within named doe from me my heirs for the consideration wthin mentioned assigne & confirme unto the within named GEORGE JONES his heires & assignes forever the Deed of Sale within mentioned together with all rights concerning the same in as full manner as the said JONES granted the same to me my heires To have & to hold the sd Land wthin mentioned to him the said JONES his hrs. & assignes forever together with all appurtenances belonging In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seale this 22d day of April! 1661 Sealed & delivered in ye
prsence of WILL SARGENT And I doe hereby before the ensealing hereof
HENRY BROWNE appt. Mr, ARTHUR SPICER to be my Atturney on my
behalf to acknowledge this my Deed when thereto required
by the sd JONES his heirs &c. at any Court held for Rappae, County IGNATIUS WHITE
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappae 1st Junii 1681
The within named Deed of Sale from Mr. GEORGE JONES to IGNATIUS WHITE is recorded in the 97th page Anno 1679/80
Recordatr p EDMD. CRASKE Cl Cur
1679-1682 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Will & Deed Book 6, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 340
Wee whose names are hereunto subscribed doe hereby firmely and absolutely reconvay & assigne over all our Right title and Clayme interest and demand of in the land & Estate of WALTER WEIRE mentioned being the moyety of a greater quantity unto Mr. GEORG JONES within mentioned having received full satisfaction for the same To have and hold and enjoy the said land as is within mentioned to the said GEORG JONES his heirs and assignes for ever hereby freely quitting clayme to the same or any part thereof warranting this assignmt: from us or either of us our heires and assignes As Witness or; hands this 7th day-of September 1681
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappa 2 die Martii 1681
1679-1682 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Will & Deed Book 6, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 356
The mark of WILLIAM SIMPSONs Calfe given him by Mr. GEORGE JONES as foil: crop on ye right eare & a crop on ye left eare and two slitts and an under keel it being a black Calfe
Recordatr xx die July 1682
1679-1682 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Will & Deed Book 6, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 362-362
THIS INDENTURE made the twelvth day of May in the yeare 1677 and in the twenty ninth yeare of the Raigne of or: Soveraigne Lord King Charles the Second &c. between WALTER WEIRE of the County of Rappa: Planter., of the one party and GEORG JONES of the said County, Gentl. of the other party Witnesseth that the said WALTER WEIRE for and in consideration of the said JONES his paying and satisfying unto JOHN MOTLEY Foure hundred twenty five pounds of Tob: and cask due by Bill from the said WEIRE to the said MOTLEY and for the payment of Three hundred forty five pounds of Tob: and Casque due alsoe by Bill to RICHARD LAURENCE from the said WEIRE and alsoe for the payment of a Certain Bill of Two thousand pounds of Tob. & cask due to the said WEIRE upon the Ball. of an Execution obtayed against him the said JONES upon a suit formerly depending between the said JONES and WEIRE have granted unto the said GEORGE JONES his hrs. and assignes forever from him his heires and assignes forever all that halfe part of Five hundred acres of land formerly sold by Majr: JOHN WEIRE unto JAMES MATHEWS and me the said WALIER WEIRE whereon I now live being in the Parish of Sittingburne on the North side of RAPPA RIVER bounded upon the upper part of the said moyety or halfe part of the devident of land sold by the aforesaid JAMES MATHEWS unto the said Major JOHN WEIRE deceased as by Deed bearing date the fourth day of Janry: 1668 more at large it doth and may appeare To have and to hold the said Moyety or halfe part. of the said Five hundred acres of land hereby formerly sold unto the said GEORGE JONES his heires and assignes forever within a twelve month and a day after the decease of the said WALTER WEIRE without any sale or will- full wast of the timber growing upon the said land or the Orchard, houses or fences upon the said plantation with warranty agst, all psons that shall now or at any time hereafter lay any claime from by or under me my heires or assignes And I sd WALTER WEIRE doe hereby further engadge myselfe togeather with MARY my Wife to acknowledge the same in County Court of Rappae: either by our selves or known atorney when thereto required. In Witness whereof I have set. my hand and affixed my Seale the twelvth day of May aforementioned Signed sealed and delivrd.
in the presence of EDMUND CRASK, WALTER WEIRE
Recordatr xxi die 7bris 1682
1682-1686 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 7, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 54-55
KNOW ALL MEN by these prsents that I GEORGE JONES of the Parish of Sittingborn in the County of Rappa: Gent., for ye consideration of Six thousand pounds of good sound merchantable Tob: in cask to me paid or secured to be paid have sold unto JOHN MEWSE [Muse] of ye Parish and County, Plantr., all my right in One hundred & eight acres of land being in ye FORREST of Rappa: aforesd being ye residue of Six hundred & eighty acres, Eighty acres whereof was sold and transferred by JOHN BOWEN unto THOMAS POLTON & by me obteyned in ye County Court of Rappa: aforesaid and ye residue being Six hundred acres was sold and transferred by ye said JOHN BOWEN to RICHARD SHEPHERD and from ye said SHEPARD sold to me and by me sold to THOMAS MICHELL and againe obtayned in the County Court of Rappa: as by records of the said Court will at large appeare; To have and to hold the said One hundred and eight acres unto the said JOHN MEWSE his heires for ever without the lett of any persons claiming under me In Witness whereof I have sett my hand and seale this 21th day of April! 1683; Moreover I the said GEORG JONES doe for my heires agree with ye said JOHN MEWSE his heires that I shall defend ye above granted land from all persons whatsoever laying any claime therein
Sealed and delivrd in the prsence of
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappa: 4th die July 1683 et recordatr 17 die
1682-1686 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 7, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 61-62
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I GEORGE JONES of the Parrish of Sittingburne in ye County of Rappa: Gent. for consideration of Nine thousand pounds of good sound merchantable Tobb: to me paid or secured to be paid have granted unto ALEXR. DONIPHAN of the Parish and County aforesaid Gent. and unto JOHN BOWEN of the said County, Planter, their heires forever all my right in five hundred acres of land being in the FORREST of Rappah: aforesaid being part of a Dividend of land containing Six hundred and Eighty acres whereof by the said JOHN BOWEN sold and transferred to THOMAS POULTON and by me obteyned in the County Court of Rappa: aforesd: and the residue being Six hundred acres was by the said JOHN BOWEN sold & transferred to RICHARD SHEPPARD and from him sold and transferred to me and by me formerly sold to THOMAS MICHELL and againe obteyned in ye County Court of Rappa: aforesd: all which sales will appear at larg on the Records of the same Court; To have and to hold the sd Five hundred acres of land togeather with all privilidges to the same belonging unto the said ALEXR. DONIPHAN and JOHN BOWEN their heires forever without the claime of any persons undr: me and will at any time hereafter whereto required make such other assurances of the above sd Five hundred acres of land as the Law in that case provides. In Witness whereof I have sett my hand and seale this 21st day of Aprill 1683; Moreover, I the said GEORG JONES doe agree with the said ALEXR. DONIPHAN and JOHN BOWEN their heires that I will at all time hereafter warrt. and defend ye above land against all persons laying any right therein
Sealed and delivered in the prsence of
Recognitr in Cur: Com: Rappa: 5 die Febris: 1683 et Recordatr xxi die
Test THO: NEW Cl Cur p temp
1682-1686 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 7, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 89-90
TO ALL XPIAN PEOPLE to whome these prsents may come &c. GEORGE JONES of the Parish of Sittingborn and County of Rappa: send Greeting &c. Know yee that I the said GEORG JONES for the consideration of Two thousand pounds of tobo: and Cask to me paid whereof I doe hereby acknowledge have sold unto ELIAS WILSON JUNR. One hundred acres of land being in the FOREST of Rappa: about three miles distant from the River next and adjoyning to the land of JNO. CLARKE and ELIAS WILSON SENR. being part of a devident of land lately surveyed by Mr. WILLIAM MOSELEY To have and possess the aforesaid land unto the aforesaid ELIAS WILSON JUNR. his heirs with all rights without the hindrance of me or any persons clayming any right In Witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this 4th day of March 1683
Signed sealed & delivd. in the prsence of us
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappa: 9th die Martii 1683/4 et recordatr 17 die
continued at Citation.2
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers - Record Set #3:
1686-1688 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 7, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 347-349
THIS INDENTURE made this 10th day of March in the yeare of our Lord God 1686 and in the second yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord King James the second &c. Between RICHARD GARDNER of the Province of MARYLAND Gent. and ELIZABETH his Wife of the one part and ELIZABETH PARKER, Relict and Exrx. of ROBERT PARKER late of the Colony of Virginia, Planter, of the other part Witnesseth that the sd RICHARD GARDNER and ELIZABETH for divers good causes and valuable considerations them thereunto especially moving but also in consideration of the sum of Seaven thousand of Tobb: and caske to them the said RICHARD and ELIZABETH well and truly paid by her ELIZABETH PARKER have given unto the sd ELIZABETH PARKER her heires forever all that the OLD MILL scituate lying and being at the head of a Creeke commonly called and known by the name of GILLSONS MILL CREEK on the South side of Rappa. River which sd Mill was late in the occupation of Mr. GEO: JONES late of Rappa: aforesaid deced, and now comonly called and knowne by the name of JONES MILL, together with all water courses Mill dam &c. and all other the rights and appertinances unto the said Mill or any part belonging and all the Estate right of them the sd RICHARD and ELIZABETH GARDINER of all the premises To have and to hold the sd OLD MILL called JONES MILL as aforesd. and all rights whatsoever to the only proper use of the sd ELIZABETH PARKER her heires and assignes and the sd RICHARD and ELIZABETH GARDINER for themselves unto the said ELIZABETH PARKER will warrant and defend by these presents In Witness whereof the sd RICHD. and ELIZABETH GARDINER have sett their hands and seals
Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappa: 4 die Maii 1687 et Recordr. 20th die
MARYLAND ss. KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I RICHARD GARDINER and ELIZABETH GARDINER do impower Mr. BRUEN RADFORD of Rappa' to acknowledge in Rappa: Court a Deed of Sale of the MILL to ELIZABETH PARKER which Deed bears date with these presents wee give the sd RADFORD as much power to acknowledge the sd Deed as wee have ourselves As Witness our hands and seales this 10th day of March 1686
Signed sealed and delivered in presence of
Record 20th die Maii 1687
1705-1708 Richmond County, Virginia Deed Book 4 [Antient Press]; Page 6a-7a
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I GEORGE JONES of the Parish of SITTINGBOURNE in the County of RAPPA: Gent. for the consideration of Nine thousand pounds of good sound merchantable tobbo: to me in hand paid or secured to be paid by these presents do bargaine sell and confirme unto ALEXANDER DONIPHAN of the Parish and County aforesaid, Gent., and unto JOHN BOWEN of the same place, Planter, theire heires all my right title and demand of Five hundred acres of land lying in the FORREST of RAPPA: being part of a Devident of Land containeing Six hundred and eighty acres, Eighty acres whereof was by said JOHN BOWEN sold and transferred to THOMAS POULTON and by me obtained in the County Court of RAPPA: and the residue being Six hundred acres was by said JOHN BOWEN sold to RICHARD SHEPPARD and from him sold to me and by me formerly sold to THOMAS MITCHELL and againe obtained in the County Court of RAPPA: all wch: sales will appeare att large on the Records of the same Court; To have and to hold the same Five hundred acres of land together with all rights and priviledges whatsoever belonging free and cleere from all Incumbrances whatsoever; In Wittness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale this 21 day of April Ano: Dom: 1683; moreover I the said GEORGE JONES do for me my heires agree with ALEXANDER DONIPHAN and JOHN BOWEN their heires that I shall at all times hereafter warrant & defend the above granted Five hundred acres of land against all persons whatsoever laying claim therein
Sealed and Delivered in the presence of
his marke MEWES
Recognitr. in Cur Corn Rappa: 5th die 7br: Ano: 1683; recordatr; 22 die
Teste THO: NEW, Cl Cur
Recordatr. Cur Corn Richmond 10th die May Ann. Dom 1703
Xber 8th 17UZ
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I ALEXANDR: DONIPHAN SENR. of Richmond County do for divers causes and considerations give and over unto my Son, ALEXANDER DONIPHAN, the one halfe of the within mentioned land wch: is Two hundred and fifty acres to him and his heires for ever, In Testimony hereof I have sett my hand the date above ALEXR; DONIPHAN
Recognitr in Cur Com Richmond 3d die May Ano: Dom: 1705 & recordatr: 10th die
Teste J. SHERLOCK, Cl Cur
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I ALEXANDER DONIPHAN JUNR. do for ye consideration of Three thousand five hundred pounds tobbo: in hand reced do make over from me my heirs unto JOHN KELLY his heirs all the within mentioned Two hundred and fifty acres of land being the one halfe of the said tract of Five hundred acres and do oblidge my selfe that the said KELLY shall have his choice after divided. In Testimony hereof I have sett my hand and fixed my seal this 8th March 1704/5.
Sealed and delivered in presents
Recognitr. in Cur Com Richmd. 3d die May 1705 & recordatr. 10th die
Teste J. SHERLOCK Cl Cur
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I ELIZABETH DONIPHAN do constitute and appoint Mr. ELIAS WILSON to be my lawfull Attorney to act and doe and acknowledge my third part of a piece of land sold by my Husband, ALEXANDER DONIPHAN JUNR. unto JOHN KELLY to him for ever Wittness my hand seale this 23d Febry. Ano: 1704/5.
1704-1705 Richmond County, Virginia Order Book 4; Part 1 [Antient Press]; Page 63)
Richmond County Court 3d of May 1705
- This day Capt ALEXANDER DONIPHAN acknowledged an Assignment for the one halfe of a certaine parcell or tract of land mentioned in a Conveyance made by GEORGE JONES, deced., to him, to ALEXANDER DONIPHAN, JUNR., wch: is ordered to be recorded
1666-1679 Cavaliers and Pioneers, Patent Book No. 6; [Nell Marion Nugent]; Page 179
GEORG JONES & HENRY CLARKE. 1261 acs., Rappa. Co., N. side the river; 27 Feb. 1677/8, p. 621. Beg. in a white martish Sw. on N. side the roade; adj, Major John Weire; Robt. Tomlin; William Moss; Richard Burke; cor. tree of Coleman or Patrick Norton; land of Mr. William Lane, &c. Trans.- of 26 pers: Georg Jones twice. Jon, Skinner, Tho. Searle, Willi. Hill, Jon. Chapman, Isaac Bucher, Tho, Hamond, Barth. Marriott, Jon. Roumble (?), Jon. Jeffrey, Georg Smith; Teag; Darby; & Denby, Irish boys; Jon. Grover, Susan (a ?) Kinsman, Anne Cumber, Eliz. Rich. Christ. Sherbrooke. Kate Lothlen (or Larchlen), Tho. Barker, Anne Rayney, James Loyd, Leonard Gill. Noce: -Is truly dated accord. to the pattent. Hen. Hartwell).
JNO. BOWEN & GEORGE JOONES, 689 acs. Rappa. County, on head branches of Rappa. Cr.. neer Mr. Wm. Laine, 17 Apr. 1668, p. 124. Trans. of 14 pers: Wm. Horne, Jno. Harper, Peter Hardy, Tho. Petty, Wm. Draper, Wm. Smith.
Title Jones, George.
Publication 1 February 1677/1678.
Other Format Available on microfilm. Virginia State Land Office. Patents 1-42, reels 1-41.
Related See also the following surname(s): Joanes.
Note Location: Rappahannock County (extinct).
Grantee(s): Jones, George and Clarke, Henry.
Description: 1261 acres on the north side the river, about 3 miles back in the woods, beginning &c in a white marsh swamp on the north side the road and near the same; being an angle of the land of Major John Weire.
Source: Land Office Patents No. 6, 1666-1679 (pt.1 & 2 p.1-692), p. 621 (Reel 6). at Citation.3
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers - Record Set #1:
Contributed by: James Hughes
URL title: Individual Notes
Rappahannock County Orders 1663-1665
Page 32 Upon the request of Mrs Honoria Jones administratrix of her husbands estate Mr George Jones, it is ordered that Alexr Doniphan & Mr Robt Plea meet at the house of Mrs Jones 6 Aug 1684.
Wills of Rappahannock County, Virginia, 1658-1692 page 89
SARGENT, WILLIAM, 14 April, 1683.
I dispose of my worldly estate as followeth after my funerall charges debts and Legacies paid.
To son George all my lands in Virg or elsewhere to be delivered to him by my Executors hereafter named when he shall attain to the age of twenty years also to my son George all my personall estate together with the produce thereof to be delivered to him as soon as he shall attaine to the age of twenty years aforesaid. If my Executors hereafter named shall think fit to bring my perishable goods to an appraisement or to be sold at an outcry then the produce thereof to be delivered to my son George at the age aboresaid. My will and desire is that one diaper table Cloath fifteen napkins a bell mettle pot And a feather bed and furniture ten breeding Cows A bull and my Mares Remaine unsold with their Encrease And that the said Cattle and Mares Remain on the Plantation and lands whereon I now live And the encrease to be delivered to my son George at the age aforesaid. What other goods my Executors shall keep and think fitt not to be sold or appraised to Remaine in their Custody And to be delivered to my son George at the age aforesaid. My will is that out of ye produce of what goods my Executors shall make sale of that it be laid out in good Non household stuff and such other necessaries as they shall think fitt for the benefit of my son George and his Plantations to be delivered to him at the age abovesaid. My will is that both my Plantations be kept employed by my Executors And that my houses and fences be kept in Repair until my son shall Attain to the age above said And that one sixty foot tobacco house be built on the Plantation where I now live about two years before he attain to his said age. It is my will that my Executors give a lease to Richard Mathews of the land he now lives on until my son George comes to the age aforesaid he paying the quit Rents during ye time. In case my said son shall dye (w God forbid) before he attain to the age of twenty years then I give unto Richard Mathews his heirs and assigns forever ye Plantation whereon he now lives in the fforest with a hundred acres adjoining it. In case of my sons death above said [-----] unto William Whitridge his heirs and assigns forever [-----] Son of John Whitridge one hundred acres of land of the same dividend adjoining on the dividing land between Mrs Joane Clark and mine. In case of my sons death as aforesaid I give unto Will Warren his heirs and assign's forever son of John Warren one hundred acres of land of the same divident adjoining on Will Whitridge, Richard Mathews and John Bowen. In case of my sons death as aforesaid I give unto Henry Feild his heirs and assigns forever son of Abraham Ffeild devd one hundred acres of land of the same divident Crossing the lines of Will Whitridge And William Warren to John Bowen line and back to the dividing line of Mrs Joane Clark and mine. In case of my sons death as aforesaid I give unto Will Griffin his heirs and assigns forever son of Will Griffin decd fifty acres of land the same divident beginning at the great Swamp of his fathers line running along the said line to the line of Henry feild afores°. In case of my sons death as aforesaid I give unto Frances Sterne her heirs and assigns forever daughter of David Sterne and Rebeccah Wells her heirs and assigns forever daughter of Barnaby Wells the residue of the said land in the forest aforesaid to be equally divided between them quantity for quantity and quality for quality. In case of my sons death aforesaid I give unto John Deane his heirs and assigns forever son of John Deane one of my Executors hereafter named all the plantation with the land belonging whereon I now live together with ten Cattle that is to say six cows and one bull and three steeres Alsoe the hogs on the said land belonging to me. In case of my sons death aforesaid ye Residue of my Estate to be distributed among the poorest and most incapable of living of my God Children According to ye discretion of my Executors if they think fitt.
To every and each of my friends here named; George Jones to Honoria his wife to John Weire to Mr Daniel Gaines to Mr Thomas Perkins to Mrs. Jane Deane wife of John Deane one of my Executors to Mrs. Martha Taylor twenty shillings apiece to buy them mourning Rings. To each of my Executors hereafter named twenty shillings apiece to buy them mourning Rings. It is my will that my said Son remain with his God father and Godmother until he attaine to the age aforesaid and to be brought up to learn to Read write and Cast accounts and the Grammer Rules if possible. And last I ordaine and appoint Capt George Taylor John Deane and Mrs Elizabeth Jones Exs. of this my last will and Testament.
Wit. ALEX. DONIPHAN, aged 30 years or thereabouts, Rees EVANS, aged 30 years or thereabouts, JOHN MILLS, age 36 years or thereabouts.
=== note George is witness... it appears he is the brother or relation to Thomas d. 1677
1677 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 1, Part 4; [John Frederick Dorman];
Page 358a. 23 Oct. 1677. Robert Vaulx to Rich. Steele. For 500 pounds of tobacco and for the consideration that Rich. Steele shall fother what stocke of cattle I now have at the plantation formerly in the possession of Tho: Jones, late deceased, until the fother be spent. All that plantation which he formerly leased unto Tho: Jones for the terme of sixteen yeares.
Robt. Vaulx
Wit: Geo: Jones, Rich. Gardner.
28 Dec. 1677. Recorded by William Plott, Dep. Cl.
Contributed by: James Hughes
URL title: Individual Notes
p. 30-31 To All Christian people to whom these pnts shall come I Amory Butler Minister of the Gospell of Jesus Christ Now Inhabitant of the County of Rappa in Virga send greeting in our Lord God Everlasting. Know yee that I the said Amory as well for the indemnity discharge and saving harmless of me, Mr. George Jones and Mr. William Mosse and every of our heirs Exectrs. and assigns and every of them from all manner or binds and wrightings obligations whatsoever wherein we the said Amory and Mr. George Jones and Mr. William Mosse are bound or they for me in any sume or summs of money or tobacco to any persons whatsoever within the Collony of Virginia on the Accompt of ye Estate of Collo. John Catlett deceased as also for diverse other good causes and considerations me thereunto moving by these pnts do give and make over unto my loving Kinsman William Underwood of the same County all and singular my Leases, lands, goods and Chattels whatsoever as well Reale as prsonell of what kind nature quanity or condition soever the same are of be and in what place soever the same shall or may be found as well in my owne Custody and possession as of any other psons whatsoever excepting my Bookes wearing apparrell and parochiall dues within this Collony aforesaid To have and to hold all and singular the said lands leases goods and chattels and all other premises the appurtenances to the said William Underwood and his heirs and assigns forever to his and their owne proper use and behoofe and I the said Amory my heirs & assigns forever to his and their owne proper use and behoofe and I the said Amory my heirs & assigns all and singular the said lands leases goods and chattels to the said William Underwood shall warrent and forever defend by these presents and I the said Amory doe hereby further freely and willingly surrender and deposit unto the hands of the said William all that part of third of Collo. Catletts Estate late of the County left in my hands by his Relict Elizabeth since my Lawful Wife but late deceased to remine in my hands to whom she gave the profitts thereof with Certaine Provisoes in her Will exprest as thereby will more at large appears till her Children to be to certaine ages to have each their severall parts of the said thirds or what shall remaine in myne or his hands after the Estate of Coll. Catlett shall be first made good out of the same which said profitts I doe hereby give unto the said William Underwood and his heirs forever and this together with the premises I doe give upon consideration that he accepts of the Thirds and pformes the Covenants hereafter mentioned that is to say Provided that the said Underwood his heirs and assigns shall and of from time to time and at all times hereafter acquit and discharge or otherwise sufficiently save and keep harmless me the said Amory my heirs and particularly the said George Jones and William Mosse together with their heirs who became Security for me in regard of the Estate of Collo John Catlett of and from all and singular bonds and writing wherein they are bound as touching the said Estate to any persons whatsoever in any summes of money or tobacco and from all manner of actions suits charges and demands whatsoever which shall or may in any wise hereafter happen to or against the said Amory. George Jones and William Mosse his Securities four mentioned by reasons of any the obligations or writings agt them passed for and towards the securing of the said Catletts Estate and that the said Underwood doe according to the Will of the afour mentioned Elizabeth Butler late deceased deliver to each of her Children there part of the said Thirds if any shall remaine in his hands after the said John Catletts Estate shall be made good and further yt the said Underwood doe by himself his heirs or assigns pay to the said Amory or his orderre in the terme of tenn years by equall portions Twelve thousand pounds of good sound merchantable Tobacco and cask to containe the same with Convenience on the Rises of Rappa and the first payment to be made the 10th of November in the year of our Lord One thousand Six hundred Seventy and four that is to say the 10th of Novr next in pformance of all and singular the premises wee have mutually sett our hands and seals this 9th day of February in ye year of our Lord 1673
In presence of W. Moseley, Amory Butler
Richard Cawthorne William Underwood SN
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappa primo die July 1674
p. 31-32 Know all Men by these presents that I Amory Butler of the Countie of Rappahannock Clerk doe hereby acknowledge that it is the true intent and meaning of the within instrument & it is thereby intended that amongst the land and lease therein mentionded the Six hundred acres purchased by of Mr. Warwick Cammock is thereby intended and whereby conveyed and made over upon the Conditions & according to the tennor of the said Instrument though the same be not yett acknowledged to me by the said Cammack all what said Six hundred acres I doe hereby confirm and Warrent to the said Underwoode and his heirs forever together with its appurtenances forever and doe further oblige myselfe my heirs or assigns to build on the said land one Thirtie foot house with a sheade at each end and two ourside chimneys on the broadside and to Planck one Rowme and this at my charge and further it is meant and intended in that article of the said Instrument wherein the said Underwood is bound to make good all damages and bear all charges and expenses and bear harmless me the said Amory and Securities in all things concerning the whole of thirds of Col. Catletts Estate that it is meant what changes or damges shall hereafter come only Excepting such fees as are already due to Officers living out of the Countie of Rappahannock and that he the said Underwood do pay and discharge all dues and demands due from me on the account of the said Catletts Estate and that is further to say the said Underwood is the have and possess all such goods lands and estate usuall or psonall mention in the within Instrument on consideration he discharge me of and pay for me and my Securities all debts charged and damages and demands whatsoever than are already or shall be due from me and my said Securities for conveying the said Catletts Estate of Wives thirds as Witness my hand and seal this () day of Febry 1673/4
Test W. Moseley Amory Butler
Richard Cawthorne
Recognitr in Cu Com Rappa primo die July 1674
1663-1668 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 3; [Antient Press]; Page 353-356
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I JOHN BOWEN Planter of the County of Rappa, for the Consideracon of Eleaven hundred pounds of Tob: & caske by me in hand received of GEORGE JONES have granted and confirmed unto GEORGE JONES his heires all my right title and interrest of the Just Halfe or moyety of Two hundred seaventy seaven acres of land being the Residue of a Pattent of 333 acres of land granted to me by Pattent bearing Date 20th of 8br 1666 The first halfe of the sd Patt being sold by me to JOHN MOTLEY as by Deed appeares bearing date the 5th 9br 1667, the said land To Have and To Hold to him the sd George Jones his heires for Ever in 63 full and ample manner ac is granted to me by the said Pattent IN WITTNESS whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale this 30th xbr 1667.
In presents of us WILLIAM EALES, John Bowen
Recognit in Cur Com Rappa primo Die Januarii 1667
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I JOHN BOWEN of the County of Rappa. Planter doe hereby constitute my good Friend Majr. JOHN WEIR my true and lawful] Attorney to accknowledge the sale of a parcell of land sold by me to JOHN MOTLEY
In presents of us WILLIAM EALES, John Bowen
Recordat in Com Rappa x Die Januarii 1667
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I REBECKA BOWEN of the County of Rappa. doe hereby constitute my good Friend Majr. JOHN WEIR my true and lawfull Attorney to accknowledge the sale of a parcell of land sold by my husband JOHN BOWEN to JOHN MOTLEY bearing date the 5th day of 9br 1667 and one of land sold to George Jones bearing date wth these presents hereby ratifying and confirming wtsoever my said Attorney shall doe in the premises this next Court held for Rappa. County. WITTNESS my hand and Seale this 30th day of xbr 1667.
In the presents of WILLIAM EALES Rebecka Bowen
Recordat in Com Rappa x Die Januarii 1667
1672-1674 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 5, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 11-12
BE IT KNOWN unto all men that I JOHN WASHINGTON of WASHINGTON PARISH in WESTMORELAND COUNTY gent. do make and appoint my loving freind GEORGE JONES of Sittinghourne Parish in Rappa. County my true and lawful' Attorney for to acknowledge a parcell of land conteining five hundred and Sixty acres lying and being in the Freshes of Rappa County wch lately I petitioned for to the Right Honorable Sr. WILLIAM BERKLEY Knt. and Governor of Virginia and was by him granted to me unto ELIZABETH HOSKINS Daughter of ANTHONY HOSKINS late of ACCOMACK deceased to her and her heirs forever as Witness my hand this 27th of December 1671
1672-1674 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 5, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 46-47
WITNESS THESE PRESENTS that I THOMAS RASON my heirs and administrators do give and grant unto GEORGE JONES his heirs and assigns forever a parcell of land containing ten acres by and adjoyning unto the MILL of Majr. WEIR late deceased now in the possession of the sd JONES together with the houses fences and edificies thereunto belonging will the appurtenances Provided the said JONES paid unto me as long as I shall live One barrell of ENGLISH MEALE and two barrells of INDIAN MEALE and when it shall happen that I the said RAWSON shall dye then the land to return to the said JONES his heirs and assignes forever as witness my hand and seale this 15th day of March 1671/2 and I do hereby appoint MR. THOMLIN to acknowledge this pt. the next Court of Rappa. and signing and sealing hereof and to deliver possession unto the sd JONES or his Assign
Recordat x6 die 9bris 1672
1672-1674 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 5, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 71-72
TO ALL TO WHOM these presents shall come I GEORGE JONES send Greeting &c. Whereas I the said JONES having lately inter MARRIED with HONORIA late Widow and sole Executrix of Majr. JOHN WEIR late deceased and by the said Marriage have had into my possession all and every the Estate wtsoever formerly belonging to the said Maior JOHN WEIR and wch the said WEIR by Will before his decease gave unto his then Wife HONORIA aforesaid to be distributed into three parts Vizt. Between hirselfe and her two Children ( Vizt) JOHN and ELIZABETH of their two bodies lawfully begotten as they shall come to age as by the said Will more at large appeareth Now Know yee that I the said JONES for diverse good causes doe freely of my own Will and Clearly and absolutely forever repossesses resigne and return unto my said Wife HONORIA late Widdow and sole Executrix of the said WEIRE deceased all and every part and parcell of the Estate aforesaid both real personal and mixt wch I had into my possession by our Intermarrying together and also wch the said WEIR at the time of his decease aforesaid left to her disposing and made her sole Executrix of two thirds whereof at the time of our Inter Marrying together she as being Executrix aforesaid gave me into my possession to manage for the use of her two children and the other thirds wch belonged to herself she gave me likewise into my possession to mannage for the use of her myself & our heirs all which said Estate as Cattle hoggs horses mares sheepe servants slaves negroes lands houses and household stuffe and debts of Tobacco the two thirds belonging to her Children and her owne thirds also I hereby repossess her againe and doe freely leave the same to my said Wifes own discretion to dispose thereof as she shall think fin how where and when she pleases and to what uses intents and purposes soever in as full and ample manner as she did possess the same in her widowhood either by Will Deed or otherwise without any interruption or denial] and I doe hereby at the insealing of these presents give her full possession in the name of the whole by recording the same at the next Court held for Rappa January 1672. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale this 30th of December 1672
Recognitr in Cu. Com Rappa 3 die Januarry 1672/3
1672-1674 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 5, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 163-165
THIS INDENTURE made the sixth day of September 1673 and in the Twenty fifth yeare of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord CHARLES the Second Between JOHN PAYNE of the County of Rappa. & Parish of Sittingbourne of the one part and GEORGE JONES of the aforesd County for the sum of Twenty and nine thousand fouer hundred Twenty and three pounds of good sound tobacco in Caske to him already paid the Receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and thereof doth clearly acquit & discharge the said JONES his heirs and assigns forever hath granted and to farm letten and by these presents betake & to farm let unto the said GEORGE JONES his heirs and assigns foureteene hundred eight acres and five acres of land bee they more or less sett lying and being in the Freshes of RAPPA. and on the South side thereof and adjoining nigh the land of Mr. ABRAHAM MOORE late deceased and in the now possession of the said JOHN PAYNE together withall rights thereunto belonging as the same was granted to him by Pattent from the Right Honble the Governor that now is bearing date the 26th of October 1666 To have and to hold the aforesd demised land wth every of their appourtenances to the said GEORGE JONES his heirs and assignes from the day of the date hereof until! the full terme of Ninety and nine years fully to be compleat and ended paying therefore yearely and every yeare during the said Terme unto the said JOHN PAYNE his heirs and assigns to have have and enjoy peaceably and quietly all the aforesaid demised land with the appurtenances during the said Term without the Eviction of the said JONES his heirs or any other persons under him Provided always and it is nevertheless concluded and agreed upon by and betweene the said parties to these presents, and it is the true meaning thereof that if the said JOHN PAYNE doe well and truly pale or cause to be paide unto said GEORGE JONES his heirs or assignes the aforesd full and just sum of Twenty and nine thousand fouer hundred twenty and three pounds of good sound bright and large Aronoco Tobacco and Caske convenient in Rappa. County cleave of ground leaves and Trash and not exceeding halfe a mile from the Water side at the severall and equall payments on three several' yeares ensuing one a nother that is to say Nine thousand eight hundred and one pounds of good tobacco & Casque to be paid upon the tenth of October 1674, and Nine thousand eight hundred and one pounds of good Tobacco in Casque to be paid upon the tenth of October 1675 and Nine thousand eight hundred and one pounds of good Tobacco in Casque to be paid upon the 10th of October 1676 Each respective payment to bee duly & truly paide and performed at or upon each respective day above specified and if it shall happen that any of the aforesaid payments or any part be behind or unpaide upon the day of the aforesaid dates of payment above limitted that then this present demise and every article and clause therein mentioned shall bee of full force and virtue otherwise to cease and be utterly void to all intents and purposes. In Witness whereof the abovesaid PAYNE hath hereunto set his hand & seale the day and year above written
in presence of us THOMAS BLISSED, JOHN PAYNE
Recognit in Cu Com Rappa 7 die Januarie 1673/4
1674-1676 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 5, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 274
May Court 1675. KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that wee HENRY CLARKE and GEORGE JONES of the Parish of Sitting Bourne and County of Rappa have for a valuable consideration in hand reced of ELIAS WILSON sold unto the said ELIAS WILSON his heirs and assigns forever three hundred acres of land to adjoyne the land of the said ELIAS WILSON scituate in the Freshes of Rappa County and Parrish aforesaid in the woods being part of a Divident of land lately conveyed by us the said HENRY CLARKE and GEORGE JONES together wth all privilidges and appurtenances thereto belonging to have and enioye the aforesaid three hundred of land above demised unto the said ELIAS WILSON his heirs and assigns forever with out the molestation or deniale of us our heirs or any other person claiming by him or under from or under us our heirs or assigns and I the said GEORGE JONES doe hereby constitute my abovesaid loving Friend HENRY CLARKE to make acknowledgement of this Instrument of Writing at the next County Court in my behalfe In Witness whereof wee have hereunto set our hands and seals this 9th day of April 1675
Recognitr in Cu Com Rappa 5 die May 1675
1677-1678 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed & Will Book 6, Part 1; [Antient Press]; Page 119-121
TO ALL XPIAN People to whom these presents shall come GEORGE JONES of Sittingbourne Parish in the County of Rappae: sending Greeting &c. Whereas Major JOHN WEIRE late of the Parish and County aforesaid deced did by his Last Will and Testament in writing bearing date the Seventh of May Anno Dom 1671 devise and bequeath to his Sonn, JOHN WEIRE, & to his Daughter, ELIZABETH WEIRE, two full third parts of his personall Estate whereof he died possessed to be delivered to them when they should come to their several! ages following (Vitt) his Daughter at the age of Seaventeen yeares or day of Marriage wch shall first happen and his Sonn to the age of One and Twenty & to his Wife, HONORIA, the other third part of his personal! Estate whom he appointed his Executrix And for as much as since the decease of the said Major JOHN WEIRE I have intermarried wth: the said HONORIA, his Relict and Executrix aforesaid, & by reason of the sd marriage am become possessed wth, the whole personal! Estate abovesaid, NOW KNOW yee that I the said GEORGE JONES for diverse good causes & considerations mee thereunto moving have granted bargained & sold unto my aforesaid Wife, HONORIA, JOHN WEIRE his Sonn, & JOHN WATTS of WESTMORELAND COUNTY gent., two full third parts of the above sd personall Estate, the whole to be divided in three parts according to an Inventory thereof exhibited to & recorded in the records of Rappa: County Court; To have and to hold the said two third parts of the said prsonall Estate to them the said HONRIA, my Wife, JOHN WEIRE her Son & JOHN WATTS their heires Executrs: & Administrs: in Trust for & to the onely use & behoofe of the above said JOHN & ELIZABETH WEIRE their heirs & assignes forever, And I the said GEORGE JONES for myselfe my heires covenant and grant to & wth said HONORIA my Wife JOHN WEIRE her Sonn & JOHN WATTS & either of their heires that the said two third parts of the personal! Estate at all times hereafter remaine free & cleare from all manner of incumbrances committed or done by me the said GEORGE JONES or any other persons by my procurement & slso shall make the full proportion of Bills, debts being part of the personall Estate abovesd. inthe name of the said HONORIA my Wife & JOHN WEIRE her Sonn & JOHN WATTS feoffees in Trust above herein mentioned for use of the said JOHN & ELIZABETH WEIRE, excepting what desperate Bills Debts & could not receive or heare of the Debts Debtrs, since being possessed wth them all wch sd Debts will at large appeare in an Inventory of them taken in the possession of my sd Wife, HONRORIA, Provided all ways & it is the true meaning of these presents that the said two third parts of the personal! Estate shall remaine in possession of him said GEORGE JONES until! the said JOHN & ELIZABETH WEIRE attaine to their respective ages above mentioned & the Improvmt. thereof to issue towards the Education & maintenance of the said JOHN & ELIZABETH WEIRE any thing in these presents contained to the Contrary notwithstanding. In Witness whereof I have hereto sett my hand & Seale this fifth day of May 1676
Sealed & delivered in the prsence of & GEORGE JONES
possession given by Delivering a Silver Tankard
in the name of the whole: THOMAS BARKER,
Recognitr: in Cur Com Rappae: 5 die Maii et Recordatr. xxi die Janry 1677
1677-1678 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed & Will Book 6, Part 1; [Antient Press]; Page 153-154
THIS INDENTURE made ye 2d: day of January Anno Dom 1677/8 And in the 29th 153- yeare of ye Reigne of or: Sovereigne Lord King Charles ye 2d of England &c. Betweene GEORGE JONES of ye Parish of Sittingbourne in County of Rappa. and HONORIA his Wife of ye one part and THOMAS BOWLER of ye Parish of Farnham in ye County aforesd. of ye other part Witnesseth that sd GEORGE JONES & HONORIA his Wife have sold unto ye sd THOMAS BOWLER his heires & assignes all that their MILL & MILL HOUSE wth ye appurtenances thereunto belonging Situate & being on ye South side of ye River of Rappae: aforesaid lying on TIGNORE CREEK, together wth all profits & emoluments belonging to ye same. To have & to hold ye sd MILL & MILL HOUSE & appurtenances aforesaid unto the said THOMAS BOWLER his heires & assignes forever wthout Lawful! lett or denyall of them ye sd GEORGE JONES & HONORIA his Wife, their heires or assignes or any other persons lawfully clayming under him, them or either of the, or any of their heires, Provided allwaies and it is ye true intent that if ye above named GEORGE JONES & HONORIA his Wife their heires shall keep & deliver up ye sd MILL & MILL HOUSE & apprtenances in good & sufficient repaire or doe pay or cause to be paid unto ye sd THOMAS BOWLER his heires or assignes at or upon the last day of January next ensuing ye date hereof, ye sum of Ffoure thousand pounds of good sound Merchantable tobacco & Cask cleare of ground leaves & trash convenient neare Rappae: River side, being ye propper Debt of Mr. JNO: PAGE of MIDDLE PLANTATION in YORK COUNTY, And alsoe cause to be paid unto ye sd THOMAS BOWLER his heires or assignes ye sume of Thirty five pounds Sterling by good Bills of Exchange to be drawn on some responsible person in England payable likewise at or upon the next returns of ye Ships home after this Shipping soe much tobacco as will satisfie ye whole debt both of money & tobacco to ye said THOMAS BOWLER wthout any fraud, coven, deceit or alteration of ye mark of ye hhds: by ye sd GEORGE JONES or his order for to hinder ye payment of ye sd tobacco, every clause & article herein conteyned to be of noe effect but shall utterly cease & be void anything in the prsents conteyned to ye Contrary notwithstanding. In Witness whereof ye said GEORGE JONES & HONORIA his Wife have hereto sett their hands & Settles ye day & year first above written
Signed Sealed & delivered
in ye presence of EDMUND CRASK, GEORGE JONES
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappae: 2 die January 1677/8
Continued at Citation.4
George Jones died on 6 August 1684 at Old Rappahannock Co., Virginia, USA; Date of inventory of estate.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers - Record Set #2:
1709-1717 Richmond County, Virginia Wills Book 3 and Inventories [Robert K. Headley, jr.];
p.297 - Alexander DONIPHAN, will; 20 Sep 1716, 6 Feb 1716/17
son Alexander 250 ac. in the fork of Rappahannock bought of George JONES decd;
Stephen BOWEING the other 250 ac. of land joining the aforesaid tract;
son Mott 180 ac. out of a tract bought of Joshua DAVIS being 330 ac. lying back of my river land; if he has no heirs, to go to grson. Giles TRAVERS;
son Robert;
dau. Margaret 70 ac. bought of Joshua DAVIS;
dau. Elizabeth remainder of 80 ac. and her mother's wedding ring;
wife Susannah, having kept her est. apart, and taken it to herself and desiring nothing of mine..;
dau. Anne; ex. to give Mrs. Mary BELFIELD a ring of 12 shillings price;
ex: son Robert;
wits: Peter LOWD, Elias POWELL, Robert FASSAKER.
[Alexander DONIPHAN mar. his 2d wife, Margaret MOTT, by Nov 1691; she d. prior to Mar 1709. MAC, p.57.)
1677-1678 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed & Will Book 6, Part 1; [Antient Press]; Page 169
Vid. page) I JAMES BROWNE wthin mentioned doe for ye valuable consideration of Five thousand pounds of tobacco & cask from me my heires sell & sett over unto GEORGE JONES his heires & assignes for ever all ye wthin mentioned land to me sold by ye wthin named ROGER CLOTWORTHY & all ye houses, edifices & buildings thereon built, And alsoe for ye consideration aforesaid likewise sell unto ye sd JONES his heires & assignes for ever one heifer marked wth a hole in ye right Eare & a cropp & an overkeele on ye left Eare, & alsoe Eight shotes being marked as aforesaid, wch said stock of hoggs & heifer are now runing at ye demised prmises, In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seale this 12th day of March 1673/4
Sealed & Delivered. in ye presence
Recordatr x4 die Maii 1678
I GEORGE JONES wthin mentioned doe assigne unto WILLIAM SIMMS his heires & assignes ye wthin mentioned land as ye same was demised to me for ye consideration of Six thousand pounds of Tobacco & cask to me secured to be paid by ye said WM. SIMMS his heires & assignes at Six severall paymts: yearly for ye wch: having passed his Bill bearing date wth thse prsents; To have & to hold ye abovesaid land to him & his heires forever wth warranty agt all persons that shall lay any Clayme in ye prmises by from or undr, me my heires As Witness my hand this 4th day of Febry. 1677/8
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappae: 4 die Maii 1678
1677-1678 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed & Will Book 6, Part 1; [Antient Press]; Page 176-177
TO ALL TO WHOM &c. I Sr. WILLIAM BERKLEY, Knt. Governr: &c., Capt. Generall of Virginia &c, Whereas &c, Now know yee that I ye said Sr; WM, BERKLEY, Knt. Governor &c, doe wth ye advice & consent of ye Councell of State accordingly give & grant unto JOHN BOWEN & GEORGE JOANES Six hundred eighty nine acres of land scituate in ye County of Rappae; on ye head branches of RAPPAE: CREEK &neare ye land of Mr, WILLIAM LANE, beginning at a marked red Oak, thence tuning N. by E. to a Locust, W. to a white Oak, No. by E. to a Maple, being ye severall courses of an Eastward Branch, whence N.N.W. to a maricd Gumm neare ye MAIN PUN nr REAVERDAM side, whence downe ye MAINE RUNN side S. by E. & finally E. Nly to ye place begun, Including ye abovesaid Quantity this land being due by transportation of Fourteen persons unto this Collony whose names are on ye Records mentioned undr. this Pattent; To have & to hold &c. Yeilding & paying &c. Provided &c. Given under my hand & ye Seale of ye Collony ye 17th of April! 1668
Pattent for 689 acres in ye County of Rappae
Recordatr, Teste PHIL. LUDWELL CI Officr:
Recordatr x9 die Junii 1678
KNOW ALL MEN by these prsents that I JOHN BOWIN for ye valuable consideration of Seaven thousand pounds of good tobacco in Cask to me in hand already paid by RICHARD SHEPARD, ye Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, doe from me my heires sett over unto ye said RICHARD SHEPARD his heires & assignes forever all my right & demand wtsoever of ye land of this wthin mentioned Pattent, To have & to hold & enjoy ye wthin mentioned land to him & his heires forever As Witness my hand & Seale this 30th of Decembr: 1673.
Recognitr. in Cur Com Rappae: 7 die Januari 1673/4
Recordatr x9 die Junii 1678
KNOW ALL MEN by these prsents that I RICHARD SHEPARD for a valuable consideration to me in hand paid by GEORGE JONES from me my heires sell unto ye said GEORGE JONES his heirs & assignes forever all my right & interest of ye land of ye wthin mentioned Pattent, To have & to enjoy ye aforesaid land & Pattent to him & his heires forever, And doe hereby obliedge my selfe my heires to acknowledge sd Instrumt, of Writing at ye next Cort, held for Rappae: County as Witness my hand & Seale 10th of Novembr: 1676
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappae: 2 die Janry. 1677/8 et Recordatr 19 die Junii 78
1677-1678 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed & Will Book 6, Part 1; [Antient Press]; Page 187
March the 6th 1677/8. Then received of HENRY CLARK five hunred pounds of tobacco and cask it being his halfe which I paid CAPT. MOSELEY for the Survay of Thirteene hundred & odd acres of land which said Thirteene hundd, acres belongs to me the said CLARK, and in full of all other Debts due & demands from the beginning of the world to this day as witness my hand the day and yeare abovesaid
The moyetie or halfe part of the land above mentioned I doe by these prsents freely acknowledge to be the right of the heires of the above mentioned Mr. HENRY CLARK Witness my hand and Seale this 5th day of Septr: 1678
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappae 6th die Septr. 1678
1677-1678 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed & Will Book 6, Part 1; [Antient Press]; Page 192-193
TO ALL TO WHOM &c. I Sr: WM. BERKLEY, Knt. Governor & Capt. Genll. of Virginia &c. Whereas &c. Now know yee that I the said Sr: WM. BERKLEY Knt.: &c. doe wth the consent of the Councell of State accordingly give and grant unto JOHN BARROW Fifteene hundred acres of land lying in the Freshes of Rappae: River & on the South side bounding upon THOMAS LUCAS JUNIOR on the one side & CLEMENT HERBERT on the other side, said land being formerly granted unto HENRY BERRY and by the said BERRY sold & assigned to the said JOHN BARROW by a Bill of Sale bearing date the 14th of March 1662 may appeare, and is since confirmed to the said BARROW by an order of the Genll. Court dated the 23d of March 1665; To have and to hold the said land &c, Yeilding and paying &c. Provided &c. Given undr. my hand & Seale of the Cottony this 13th of Octobr. 1670
JNO. BARROW his Pattent for 1500 ) Recordatr. Test WM. BERKLEY
acres of Land in Rappae: County ) PHI, LUDWELL Cl Offir:
Recordatr xx6 die Decembris 1678
KNOW ALL MEN by these prsents that I JOHN BARROW of the County of Rappae: doe hereby for me my heires give & make over all my right & clayme of the wthin mentioned Pattent of Fifteene hundred acres of land according to the bounds & courses thereof & warranty from all persons whatseoever unto Mr. GEORGE JONES of County aforesaid to him his heires & assignes forever having received full satisfaction for the same, and I doe hereby covent, that my now Wife shall relinquish her thirds of the said Land when thereunto required as Witness my hand & Seale this 6th day of Novembr: 1678 Signed Sealed & Delivered
in the prsence of WM: POTTS, JOHN BARROW
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappae: 6 die Novis 1678
1679-1682 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Will & Deed Book 6, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 208-209
KNOW ALL PEOPLE by these prsents that I GEORGE JONES for the valuable consideration of Eight thousand pounds of tobacco & cask to me secured to be paid by THOMAS MICHELL, doe from me my heires sett over unto the said THOMAS MICHELL his heires & assignes Six hundred acres of land being in the FORREST of Rappae; River in the Freshes & on the North side thereof next and adjoining to the land of JOHN BOWEN and the land where JOHN MEWS now lives, wch said land is part and parcel! of the land whereon the said MEWS now lives aforesaid, To have hold and enjoy all the land together with the Timber and Timber trees now growing thereon to him ye said THOMAS MICHELL his heires and assignes forever wthout the lett or molestation of me my heires or any other persons by my privity consent or pcuremt: In Witness whereof I have sett my hand and seale this 7th day of Janry. 1678; And doe appoint Mr. WM. POTTS to acknowledge this my act & Instrumt. to the said THOMAS MICHELL for and in my behalfe at the next County Court held in Course
Sealed Delivered in the presence of us
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappae 2 die April! 1679
1679-1682 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Will & Deed Book 6, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 209-210
THIS INDENTURE made the Sixteenth day of December 1678 and in the xxxth yeare of the Raigne of or: Soveraigne Lord King Charles ye Second of England &c. Between GEORGE SOUTHEN of the Parish of Sittingbourne in ye County of Rappae:, Planter, of one part and GEORGE JONES of the Parish & County aforesaid Gent. of the other part, Witnesseth that GEORGE SOUTHEN for diverse good causes hath sold unto GEORGE JONES his heires & assignes forever one gray Mare branded wth the KATERINE WHEELE on the neare Shoulder, formerly puchsed of HUGH WILLIAMS, one bay Mare filley about six months old, one grey stone horse branded wth J S on the neare buttock, five cows, two heiffers of three yeares old, two Bulls of three yeares old, two yearling calves, together wth all and every their yearly encrease, alsoe one Serant boy having two yeares to serve from April! next after the date hereof, alsoe two hundred acres of land scituate in the fresher next & adjoyning to Mr: DANLL: GAINES which I lately purchased of LEWIS LOYD, alsoe all the land whereon I now live together wth all my utensils, houshold stuffe & implemts; of houshold stuffe, good & chattells whatsoever now in my possession, To have hold & enjoy all the above mentioned goods, catle, chattels, land, houshold stuffe to him the said GEORGE JONES his heires and assignes forever without the denial! of him the said GEORGE SOUTHEN his heires or any other persons whatsoever Provided nevertheless and it is the true meaning that if the abovesaid GEORGE SOUTHEN his heires doe well & truely pay unto abovesaid GEORGE JONES his heires the neate sume of Six thousand eight hundred thirty & seven pounds of good sound merchantable tobacco and cask cleare of ground leaves and trash convenient in Rappae: County att or upon the 10th of October next at one intire paymt. wth allowance or interest of Ten p cent for the same, Then these prsents & every thing therein conteyned shall cease & be void otherwise to remaine in full force. In Witness whereof the said GEORGE SOUTHEN hath sett his hand and seale the day and yeare first above mentioned &c. 1678. Furthermore, I doe appoint Mr. GRIFFITH JONES my true & lawful! Attorney to acknowledge this Instrumt. of Writing at the next Court held for Rappae: County before the signing & sealing of this present Deed
Sealed & Delivd. in the presence of
JOHN CARPENTER This 15th February 1678
Delivery of Seizin is by me GEORGE SOUTHEN delivered unto the above menconed GEORGE JONES of all & singular the prmises menconed to &. for use of the said GEORGE JONES his heires forever by the delivering of one Silver Spoon marked wth S;R: on the handle in the prsence of the witnesses hereto subscribed I say delivered, together by & with the consent of my now loveing Wife, MARY, as is above specified the day & yeare above written, And further doe appoint JNO. MOTLIN in stead of GRIFFIN JONES to acknowledge this Instrumt, of Writing at the next Court held for County of Rappae: I say in the prsence of RICHD. MERRIMAN & Mr. JNO. SUMMER, witnesses hereto subscribed
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappae 2 die April 1679
1679-1682 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Will & Deed Book 6, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 228
Vid. pa: in another book 271) [Deed Book 5, Part II - 1674-1676; Antient Press: pg 224-226]
KNOW ALL MEN by these prsents that I GEORGE JONES, Attorney of the within named RICHARD POOLE, and for the behalfe of the said POOLE doe bargaine and sell THOMAS POWELL his heires and assignes for ever all the whole tract of land being Foure hundred twenty seaven within this Pattent mentioned together with the Pattent itselfe, To have & to hold the within mentioned land to him the said THOMAS POWELL his heires and assignes forever, warranting agt all persons whatsoever that shall lay any clayme thereof. In Witness whereof I have sett my hand and Seale this 2 day of July 1679
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappae: 2 die Julii 1679
Vid; in another small book Ack: & Record 7th of February 1665 [1665-1677 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed & Will Book; [Antient Press]; Page 59-63]
KNOW ALL MEN by these prsents that I THOMAS POWELL for the consideration of Two thousand five hundred pounds of tobacco and cask have sold unto GEORGE JONES his heires and assignes for ever the within mentioned Deed together wth every clause & article therein conteyned, To have & enjoy the said Deed to him the said JONES his heires and assignes forever. In Witness I have sett my hand and Seale the 2d day of
July 1679
Recongitr in Cur Com Rappae: 2 die Julii 1679
1679-1682 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Will & Deed Book 6, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 232
TO ALL XPIAN PEOPLE to whom these presents shall come GEORGE JONES of the Parish of Sittingburne in County of Rappaw: sendeth greeting, Know ye that I the said GEORGE JONES for diverse good causes & espetially for the consideration of Six thousand pounds of tobacco and Cask to him paid upon the 10th of October next ensuing by ANTHONY CARNABY and DAVID EMMS their heires or assignes, hath granted and sold unto the said ANTHONY CARNABY & DAVID EMMS their heirs and assignes forever all that land formerly belonging to JAMES MATHEWS and WALTER WEIRE late deced that moyetie which belonged and was in the possession of the said WALTR: WEIRE to him formerly sold before his death being in the County of Rappae. next and adjoyning to the land of JOHN WEIRE late deced together with all houses, fences orchards and apprtnances thereunto belonging; To have & to hold from him the said GEORGE JONES his heires to the said ANTHONY CARNABY and DAVID EMMS their heires & assignes forever, and said GEORGE JONES doth agree to warrant the said land agt all persons whatsoever & to acknowledge the same at the next Court held for the County of Rappae: either by himselfe or his certaine attorney in case of his absence In Witness whereof he hath set his hand and seale this 4th day of July 1679
Signed sealed & Delivrd.
Recognitr pr GEORGE JONES in Cur Com Rappae 2 die 7bris 1679
1679-1682 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Will & Deed Book 6, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 258
Vid: pa: 76)
KNOW ALL MEN by these prsents that I GEORGE JONES from me my heires have sold unto IGNATIUS WHITE Esqr, for the consideracon of Five thousand Five hundred pounds of tobacco and cask the Deed within mencioned & every clause & article therein conteyned To have & to hold the within mentioned, to him the said IGNATIUS WHITE. his heires & assignes forever, In Witness whereof I have sett my hand & seale this 18th day of November 1679 Signed Sealed Delivd.
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappak: 7 die Jan 79/80
1679-1682 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Will & Deed Book 6, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 258
KNOW ALL MEN by these prsents that I GEORGE JONES of the Parish of Sittingburne in the County of Rappak: gent: for the consideration of Five thousand Five hundred pounds of good sound merchantable tobacco and cast to be paid or secured to be paid by IGNATIUS WHITE of the County of WESTMLAND, Gent, have from me my heires sold unto said IGNATIUS WHITE his heires & assignes forever Fifty acres of land being on the South side Rappak: River wch I the said JONES lately purchased of THOMAS POWELL, & now in possession of the said POWELL or his assignes together with all houses, buildings, orchards fences belonging to him the said IGNATIUS WHITE as the same was granted to the said THOMAS POWELL his heires & assignes for ever by JOHN MILLS, as by a certain Deed under the hand & seale of the said JOHN MILLS recorded in the County Court of Rappak: may more at large appeare, without the hinderance of me my heirs or any of them, or the said JOHN MILLS & THOMAS POWELL their heirs lawfully clayming undr: me or undr: them the said JOHN MILLS & THOMAS POWELL or either of them, or any other persons whatsoever In Witness whereof I have set my hand & seale this 18th day of December 1679 Signed sealed & delivered
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappak: 7 die January 1679/80
=== land mentioned
1679-1682 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Will & Deed Book 6, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 280-281
TO ALL TO WHOM these prsents shall come THOMAS MITCHELL of Rappae: County in Virginia, Plantr., sendeth Greeting. Know ye that I the said THOMAS MITCHELL for Two thousand Two hundred & fifty pds. of good tobacco & casque in hand passed have sold unto SARAH GRIFFIN of WESTMORELAND COUNTY in Virginia, Widdow, one hundred acres of land beging, at a marked red Oake standing on the Westward side of the Maine Runn of RAPPAE. CREEKE & extending along sd Run No. by E. to another marked red Oake thence South by West to a marked Maple standing in a swamp on the North side of another Runn falling in the aforesaid Maine Branch of RAPPAE. CREEKE thence down the Swamp to the place where it began being part of Six hundred acres of land sould unto me by Mr. GEORG JONES of Rappae: County To have and to hold the said land wth all advantages wtsoever to the said SARAH GRIFFIN her heires assignes forever under the yearly rents reserved for the same to our Soveraigne Lord the Kin g In Witness my hand and Seale this 7th of May 1680
Sealed & delivered in prsence of
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappae: 7 die July 1680
1679-1682 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Will & Deed Book 6, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 309-310
KNOW ALL MEN by these prsentsthat I IGNATIUS WHITE Esqr, within named doe from me my heirs for the consideration wthin mentioned assigne & confirme unto the within named GEORGE JONES his heires & assignes forever the Deed of Sale within mentioned together with all rights concerning the same in as full manner as the said JONES granted the same to me my heires To have & to hold the sd Land wthin mentioned to him the said JONES his hrs. & assignes forever together with all appurtenances belonging In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seale this 22d day of April! 1661 Sealed & delivered in ye
prsence of WILL SARGENT And I doe hereby before the ensealing hereof
HENRY BROWNE appt. Mr, ARTHUR SPICER to be my Atturney on my
behalf to acknowledge this my Deed when thereto required
by the sd JONES his heirs &c. at any Court held for Rappae, County IGNATIUS WHITE
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappae 1st Junii 1681
The within named Deed of Sale from Mr. GEORGE JONES to IGNATIUS WHITE is recorded in the 97th page Anno 1679/80
Recordatr p EDMD. CRASKE Cl Cur
1679-1682 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Will & Deed Book 6, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 340
Wee whose names are hereunto subscribed doe hereby firmely and absolutely reconvay & assigne over all our Right title and Clayme interest and demand of in the land & Estate of WALTER WEIRE mentioned being the moyety of a greater quantity unto Mr. GEORG JONES within mentioned having received full satisfaction for the same To have and hold and enjoy the said land as is within mentioned to the said GEORG JONES his heirs and assignes for ever hereby freely quitting clayme to the same or any part thereof warranting this assignmt: from us or either of us our heires and assignes As Witness or; hands this 7th day-of September 1681
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappa 2 die Martii 1681
1679-1682 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Will & Deed Book 6, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 356
The mark of WILLIAM SIMPSONs Calfe given him by Mr. GEORGE JONES as foil: crop on ye right eare & a crop on ye left eare and two slitts and an under keel it being a black Calfe
Recordatr xx die July 1682
1679-1682 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Will & Deed Book 6, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 362-362
THIS INDENTURE made the twelvth day of May in the yeare 1677 and in the twenty ninth yeare of the Raigne of or: Soveraigne Lord King Charles the Second &c. between WALTER WEIRE of the County of Rappa: Planter., of the one party and GEORG JONES of the said County, Gentl. of the other party Witnesseth that the said WALTER WEIRE for and in consideration of the said JONES his paying and satisfying unto JOHN MOTLEY Foure hundred twenty five pounds of Tob: and cask due by Bill from the said WEIRE to the said MOTLEY and for the payment of Three hundred forty five pounds of Tob: and Casque due alsoe by Bill to RICHARD LAURENCE from the said WEIRE and alsoe for the payment of a Certain Bill of Two thousand pounds of Tob. & cask due to the said WEIRE upon the Ball. of an Execution obtayed against him the said JONES upon a suit formerly depending between the said JONES and WEIRE have granted unto the said GEORGE JONES his hrs. and assignes forever from him his heires and assignes forever all that halfe part of Five hundred acres of land formerly sold by Majr: JOHN WEIRE unto JAMES MATHEWS and me the said WALIER WEIRE whereon I now live being in the Parish of Sittingburne on the North side of RAPPA RIVER bounded upon the upper part of the said moyety or halfe part of the devident of land sold by the aforesaid JAMES MATHEWS unto the said Major JOHN WEIRE deceased as by Deed bearing date the fourth day of Janry: 1668 more at large it doth and may appeare To have and to hold the said Moyety or halfe part. of the said Five hundred acres of land hereby formerly sold unto the said GEORGE JONES his heires and assignes forever within a twelve month and a day after the decease of the said WALTER WEIRE without any sale or will- full wast of the timber growing upon the said land or the Orchard, houses or fences upon the said plantation with warranty agst, all psons that shall now or at any time hereafter lay any claime from by or under me my heires or assignes And I sd WALTER WEIRE doe hereby further engadge myselfe togeather with MARY my Wife to acknowledge the same in County Court of Rappae: either by our selves or known atorney when thereto required. In Witness whereof I have set. my hand and affixed my Seale the twelvth day of May aforementioned Signed sealed and delivrd.
in the presence of EDMUND CRASK, WALTER WEIRE
Recordatr xxi die 7bris 1682
1682-1686 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 7, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 54-55
KNOW ALL MEN by these prsents that I GEORGE JONES of the Parish of Sittingborn in the County of Rappa: Gent., for ye consideration of Six thousand pounds of good sound merchantable Tob: in cask to me paid or secured to be paid have sold unto JOHN MEWSE [Muse] of ye Parish and County, Plantr., all my right in One hundred & eight acres of land being in ye FORREST of Rappa: aforesd being ye residue of Six hundred & eighty acres, Eighty acres whereof was sold and transferred by JOHN BOWEN unto THOMAS POLTON & by me obteyned in ye County Court of Rappa: aforesaid and ye residue being Six hundred acres was sold and transferred by ye said JOHN BOWEN to RICHARD SHEPHERD and from ye said SHEPARD sold to me and by me sold to THOMAS MICHELL and againe obtayned in the County Court of Rappa: as by records of the said Court will at large appeare; To have and to hold the said One hundred and eight acres unto the said JOHN MEWSE his heires for ever without the lett of any persons claiming under me In Witness whereof I have sett my hand and seale this 21th day of April! 1683; Moreover I the said GEORG JONES doe for my heires agree with ye said JOHN MEWSE his heires that I shall defend ye above granted land from all persons whatsoever laying any claime therein
Sealed and delivrd in the prsence of
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappa: 4th die July 1683 et recordatr 17 die
1682-1686 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 7, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 61-62
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I GEORGE JONES of the Parrish of Sittingburne in ye County of Rappa: Gent. for consideration of Nine thousand pounds of good sound merchantable Tobb: to me paid or secured to be paid have granted unto ALEXR. DONIPHAN of the Parish and County aforesaid Gent. and unto JOHN BOWEN of the said County, Planter, their heires forever all my right in five hundred acres of land being in the FORREST of Rappah: aforesaid being part of a Dividend of land containing Six hundred and Eighty acres whereof by the said JOHN BOWEN sold and transferred to THOMAS POULTON and by me obteyned in the County Court of Rappa: aforesd: and the residue being Six hundred acres was by the said JOHN BOWEN sold & transferred to RICHARD SHEPPARD and from him sold and transferred to me and by me formerly sold to THOMAS MICHELL and againe obteyned in ye County Court of Rappa: aforesd: all which sales will appear at larg on the Records of the same Court; To have and to hold the sd Five hundred acres of land togeather with all privilidges to the same belonging unto the said ALEXR. DONIPHAN and JOHN BOWEN their heires forever without the claime of any persons undr: me and will at any time hereafter whereto required make such other assurances of the above sd Five hundred acres of land as the Law in that case provides. In Witness whereof I have sett my hand and seale this 21st day of Aprill 1683; Moreover, I the said GEORG JONES doe agree with the said ALEXR. DONIPHAN and JOHN BOWEN their heires that I will at all time hereafter warrt. and defend ye above land against all persons laying any right therein
Sealed and delivered in the prsence of
Recognitr in Cur: Com: Rappa: 5 die Febris: 1683 et Recordatr xxi die
Test THO: NEW Cl Cur p temp
1682-1686 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 7, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 89-90
TO ALL XPIAN PEOPLE to whome these prsents may come &c. GEORGE JONES of the Parish of Sittingborn and County of Rappa: send Greeting &c. Know yee that I the said GEORG JONES for the consideration of Two thousand pounds of tobo: and Cask to me paid whereof I doe hereby acknowledge have sold unto ELIAS WILSON JUNR. One hundred acres of land being in the FOREST of Rappa: about three miles distant from the River next and adjoyning to the land of JNO. CLARKE and ELIAS WILSON SENR. being part of a devident of land lately surveyed by Mr. WILLIAM MOSELEY To have and possess the aforesaid land unto the aforesaid ELIAS WILSON JUNR. his heirs with all rights without the hindrance of me or any persons clayming any right In Witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this 4th day of March 1683
Signed sealed & delivd. in the prsence of us
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappa: 9th die Martii 1683/4 et recordatr 17 die
continued at Citation.2
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers - Record Set #3:
1686-1688 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 7, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 347-349
THIS INDENTURE made this 10th day of March in the yeare of our Lord God 1686 and in the second yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord King James the second &c. Between RICHARD GARDNER of the Province of MARYLAND Gent. and ELIZABETH his Wife of the one part and ELIZABETH PARKER, Relict and Exrx. of ROBERT PARKER late of the Colony of Virginia, Planter, of the other part Witnesseth that the sd RICHARD GARDNER and ELIZABETH for divers good causes and valuable considerations them thereunto especially moving but also in consideration of the sum of Seaven thousand of Tobb: and caske to them the said RICHARD and ELIZABETH well and truly paid by her ELIZABETH PARKER have given unto the sd ELIZABETH PARKER her heires forever all that the OLD MILL scituate lying and being at the head of a Creeke commonly called and known by the name of GILLSONS MILL CREEK on the South side of Rappa. River which sd Mill was late in the occupation of Mr. GEO: JONES late of Rappa: aforesaid deced, and now comonly called and knowne by the name of JONES MILL, together with all water courses Mill dam &c. and all other the rights and appertinances unto the said Mill or any part belonging and all the Estate right of them the sd RICHARD and ELIZABETH GARDINER of all the premises To have and to hold the sd OLD MILL called JONES MILL as aforesd. and all rights whatsoever to the only proper use of the sd ELIZABETH PARKER her heires and assignes and the sd RICHARD and ELIZABETH GARDINER for themselves unto the said ELIZABETH PARKER will warrant and defend by these presents In Witness whereof the sd RICHD. and ELIZABETH GARDINER have sett their hands and seals
Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappa: 4 die Maii 1687 et Recordr. 20th die
MARYLAND ss. KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I RICHARD GARDINER and ELIZABETH GARDINER do impower Mr. BRUEN RADFORD of Rappa' to acknowledge in Rappa: Court a Deed of Sale of the MILL to ELIZABETH PARKER which Deed bears date with these presents wee give the sd RADFORD as much power to acknowledge the sd Deed as wee have ourselves As Witness our hands and seales this 10th day of March 1686
Signed sealed and delivered in presence of
Record 20th die Maii 1687
1705-1708 Richmond County, Virginia Deed Book 4 [Antient Press]; Page 6a-7a
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I GEORGE JONES of the Parish of SITTINGBOURNE in the County of RAPPA: Gent. for the consideration of Nine thousand pounds of good sound merchantable tobbo: to me in hand paid or secured to be paid by these presents do bargaine sell and confirme unto ALEXANDER DONIPHAN of the Parish and County aforesaid, Gent., and unto JOHN BOWEN of the same place, Planter, theire heires all my right title and demand of Five hundred acres of land lying in the FORREST of RAPPA: being part of a Devident of Land containeing Six hundred and eighty acres, Eighty acres whereof was by said JOHN BOWEN sold and transferred to THOMAS POULTON and by me obtained in the County Court of RAPPA: and the residue being Six hundred acres was by said JOHN BOWEN sold to RICHARD SHEPPARD and from him sold to me and by me formerly sold to THOMAS MITCHELL and againe obtained in the County Court of RAPPA: all wch: sales will appeare att large on the Records of the same Court; To have and to hold the same Five hundred acres of land together with all rights and priviledges whatsoever belonging free and cleere from all Incumbrances whatsoever; In Wittness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale this 21 day of April Ano: Dom: 1683; moreover I the said GEORGE JONES do for me my heires agree with ALEXANDER DONIPHAN and JOHN BOWEN their heires that I shall at all times hereafter warrant & defend the above granted Five hundred acres of land against all persons whatsoever laying claim therein
Sealed and Delivered in the presence of
his marke MEWES
Recognitr. in Cur Corn Rappa: 5th die 7br: Ano: 1683; recordatr; 22 die
Teste THO: NEW, Cl Cur
Recordatr. Cur Corn Richmond 10th die May Ann. Dom 1703
Xber 8th 17UZ
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I ALEXANDR: DONIPHAN SENR. of Richmond County do for divers causes and considerations give and over unto my Son, ALEXANDER DONIPHAN, the one halfe of the within mentioned land wch: is Two hundred and fifty acres to him and his heires for ever, In Testimony hereof I have sett my hand the date above ALEXR; DONIPHAN
Recognitr in Cur Com Richmond 3d die May Ano: Dom: 1705 & recordatr: 10th die
Teste J. SHERLOCK, Cl Cur
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I ALEXANDER DONIPHAN JUNR. do for ye consideration of Three thousand five hundred pounds tobbo: in hand reced do make over from me my heirs unto JOHN KELLY his heirs all the within mentioned Two hundred and fifty acres of land being the one halfe of the said tract of Five hundred acres and do oblidge my selfe that the said KELLY shall have his choice after divided. In Testimony hereof I have sett my hand and fixed my seal this 8th March 1704/5.
Sealed and delivered in presents
Recognitr. in Cur Com Richmd. 3d die May 1705 & recordatr. 10th die
Teste J. SHERLOCK Cl Cur
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I ELIZABETH DONIPHAN do constitute and appoint Mr. ELIAS WILSON to be my lawfull Attorney to act and doe and acknowledge my third part of a piece of land sold by my Husband, ALEXANDER DONIPHAN JUNR. unto JOHN KELLY to him for ever Wittness my hand seale this 23d Febry. Ano: 1704/5.
1704-1705 Richmond County, Virginia Order Book 4; Part 1 [Antient Press]; Page 63)
Richmond County Court 3d of May 1705
- This day Capt ALEXANDER DONIPHAN acknowledged an Assignment for the one halfe of a certaine parcell or tract of land mentioned in a Conveyance made by GEORGE JONES, deced., to him, to ALEXANDER DONIPHAN, JUNR., wch: is ordered to be recorded
1666-1679 Cavaliers and Pioneers, Patent Book No. 6; [Nell Marion Nugent]; Page 179
GEORG JONES & HENRY CLARKE. 1261 acs., Rappa. Co., N. side the river; 27 Feb. 1677/8, p. 621. Beg. in a white martish Sw. on N. side the roade; adj, Major John Weire; Robt. Tomlin; William Moss; Richard Burke; cor. tree of Coleman or Patrick Norton; land of Mr. William Lane, &c. Trans.- of 26 pers: Georg Jones twice. Jon, Skinner, Tho. Searle, Willi. Hill, Jon. Chapman, Isaac Bucher, Tho, Hamond, Barth. Marriott, Jon. Roumble (?), Jon. Jeffrey, Georg Smith; Teag; Darby; & Denby, Irish boys; Jon. Grover, Susan (a ?) Kinsman, Anne Cumber, Eliz. Rich. Christ. Sherbrooke. Kate Lothlen (or Larchlen), Tho. Barker, Anne Rayney, James Loyd, Leonard Gill. Noce: -Is truly dated accord. to the pattent. Hen. Hartwell).
JNO. BOWEN & GEORGE JOONES, 689 acs. Rappa. County, on head branches of Rappa. Cr.. neer Mr. Wm. Laine, 17 Apr. 1668, p. 124. Trans. of 14 pers: Wm. Horne, Jno. Harper, Peter Hardy, Tho. Petty, Wm. Draper, Wm. Smith.
Title Jones, George.
Publication 1 February 1677/1678.
Other Format Available on microfilm. Virginia State Land Office. Patents 1-42, reels 1-41.
Related See also the following surname(s): Joanes.
Note Location: Rappahannock County (extinct).
Grantee(s): Jones, George and Clarke, Henry.
Description: 1261 acres on the north side the river, about 3 miles back in the woods, beginning &c in a white marsh swamp on the north side the road and near the same; being an angle of the land of Major John Weire.
Source: Land Office Patents No. 6, 1666-1679 (pt.1 & 2 p.1-692), p. 621 (Reel 6). at Citation.3
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers - Record Set #1:
Contributed by: James Hughes
URL title: Individual Notes
Rappahannock County Orders 1663-1665
Page 32 Upon the request of Mrs Honoria Jones administratrix of her husbands estate Mr George Jones, it is ordered that Alexr Doniphan & Mr Robt Plea meet at the house of Mrs Jones 6 Aug 1684.
Wills of Rappahannock County, Virginia, 1658-1692 page 89
SARGENT, WILLIAM, 14 April, 1683.
I dispose of my worldly estate as followeth after my funerall charges debts and Legacies paid.
To son George all my lands in Virg or elsewhere to be delivered to him by my Executors hereafter named when he shall attain to the age of twenty years also to my son George all my personall estate together with the produce thereof to be delivered to him as soon as he shall attaine to the age of twenty years aforesaid. If my Executors hereafter named shall think fit to bring my perishable goods to an appraisement or to be sold at an outcry then the produce thereof to be delivered to my son George at the age aboresaid. My will and desire is that one diaper table Cloath fifteen napkins a bell mettle pot And a feather bed and furniture ten breeding Cows A bull and my Mares Remaine unsold with their Encrease And that the said Cattle and Mares Remain on the Plantation and lands whereon I now live And the encrease to be delivered to my son George at the age aforesaid. What other goods my Executors shall keep and think fitt not to be sold or appraised to Remaine in their Custody And to be delivered to my son George at the age aforesaid. My will is that out of ye produce of what goods my Executors shall make sale of that it be laid out in good Non household stuff and such other necessaries as they shall think fitt for the benefit of my son George and his Plantations to be delivered to him at the age abovesaid. My will is that both my Plantations be kept employed by my Executors And that my houses and fences be kept in Repair until my son shall Attain to the age above said And that one sixty foot tobacco house be built on the Plantation where I now live about two years before he attain to his said age. It is my will that my Executors give a lease to Richard Mathews of the land he now lives on until my son George comes to the age aforesaid he paying the quit Rents during ye time. In case my said son shall dye (w God forbid) before he attain to the age of twenty years then I give unto Richard Mathews his heirs and assigns forever ye Plantation whereon he now lives in the fforest with a hundred acres adjoining it. In case of my sons death above said [-----] unto William Whitridge his heirs and assigns forever [-----] Son of John Whitridge one hundred acres of land of the same dividend adjoining on the dividing land between Mrs Joane Clark and mine. In case of my sons death as aforesaid I give unto Will Warren his heirs and assign's forever son of John Warren one hundred acres of land of the same divident adjoining on Will Whitridge, Richard Mathews and John Bowen. In case of my sons death as aforesaid I give unto Henry Feild his heirs and assigns forever son of Abraham Ffeild devd one hundred acres of land of the same divident Crossing the lines of Will Whitridge And William Warren to John Bowen line and back to the dividing line of Mrs Joane Clark and mine. In case of my sons death as aforesaid I give unto Will Griffin his heirs and assigns forever son of Will Griffin decd fifty acres of land the same divident beginning at the great Swamp of his fathers line running along the said line to the line of Henry feild afores°. In case of my sons death as aforesaid I give unto Frances Sterne her heirs and assigns forever daughter of David Sterne and Rebeccah Wells her heirs and assigns forever daughter of Barnaby Wells the residue of the said land in the forest aforesaid to be equally divided between them quantity for quantity and quality for quality. In case of my sons death aforesaid I give unto John Deane his heirs and assigns forever son of John Deane one of my Executors hereafter named all the plantation with the land belonging whereon I now live together with ten Cattle that is to say six cows and one bull and three steeres Alsoe the hogs on the said land belonging to me. In case of my sons death aforesaid ye Residue of my Estate to be distributed among the poorest and most incapable of living of my God Children According to ye discretion of my Executors if they think fitt.
To every and each of my friends here named; George Jones to Honoria his wife to John Weire to Mr Daniel Gaines to Mr Thomas Perkins to Mrs. Jane Deane wife of John Deane one of my Executors to Mrs. Martha Taylor twenty shillings apiece to buy them mourning Rings. To each of my Executors hereafter named twenty shillings apiece to buy them mourning Rings. It is my will that my said Son remain with his God father and Godmother until he attaine to the age aforesaid and to be brought up to learn to Read write and Cast accounts and the Grammer Rules if possible. And last I ordaine and appoint Capt George Taylor John Deane and Mrs Elizabeth Jones Exs. of this my last will and Testament.
Wit. ALEX. DONIPHAN, aged 30 years or thereabouts, Rees EVANS, aged 30 years or thereabouts, JOHN MILLS, age 36 years or thereabouts.
=== note George is witness... it appears he is the brother or relation to Thomas d. 1677
1677 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 1, Part 4; [John Frederick Dorman];
Page 358a. 23 Oct. 1677. Robert Vaulx to Rich. Steele. For 500 pounds of tobacco and for the consideration that Rich. Steele shall fother what stocke of cattle I now have at the plantation formerly in the possession of Tho: Jones, late deceased, until the fother be spent. All that plantation which he formerly leased unto Tho: Jones for the terme of sixteen yeares.
Robt. Vaulx
Wit: Geo: Jones, Rich. Gardner.
28 Dec. 1677. Recorded by William Plott, Dep. Cl.
Contributed by: James Hughes
URL title: Individual Notes
p. 30-31 To All Christian people to whom these pnts shall come I Amory Butler Minister of the Gospell of Jesus Christ Now Inhabitant of the County of Rappa in Virga send greeting in our Lord God Everlasting. Know yee that I the said Amory as well for the indemnity discharge and saving harmless of me, Mr. George Jones and Mr. William Mosse and every of our heirs Exectrs. and assigns and every of them from all manner or binds and wrightings obligations whatsoever wherein we the said Amory and Mr. George Jones and Mr. William Mosse are bound or they for me in any sume or summs of money or tobacco to any persons whatsoever within the Collony of Virginia on the Accompt of ye Estate of Collo. John Catlett deceased as also for diverse other good causes and considerations me thereunto moving by these pnts do give and make over unto my loving Kinsman William Underwood of the same County all and singular my Leases, lands, goods and Chattels whatsoever as well Reale as prsonell of what kind nature quanity or condition soever the same are of be and in what place soever the same shall or may be found as well in my owne Custody and possession as of any other psons whatsoever excepting my Bookes wearing apparrell and parochiall dues within this Collony aforesaid To have and to hold all and singular the said lands leases goods and chattels and all other premises the appurtenances to the said William Underwood and his heirs and assigns forever to his and their owne proper use and behoofe and I the said Amory my heirs & assigns forever to his and their owne proper use and behoofe and I the said Amory my heirs & assigns all and singular the said lands leases goods and chattels to the said William Underwood shall warrent and forever defend by these presents and I the said Amory doe hereby further freely and willingly surrender and deposit unto the hands of the said William all that part of third of Collo. Catletts Estate late of the County left in my hands by his Relict Elizabeth since my Lawful Wife but late deceased to remine in my hands to whom she gave the profitts thereof with Certaine Provisoes in her Will exprest as thereby will more at large appears till her Children to be to certaine ages to have each their severall parts of the said thirds or what shall remaine in myne or his hands after the Estate of Coll. Catlett shall be first made good out of the same which said profitts I doe hereby give unto the said William Underwood and his heirs forever and this together with the premises I doe give upon consideration that he accepts of the Thirds and pformes the Covenants hereafter mentioned that is to say Provided that the said Underwood his heirs and assigns shall and of from time to time and at all times hereafter acquit and discharge or otherwise sufficiently save and keep harmless me the said Amory my heirs and particularly the said George Jones and William Mosse together with their heirs who became Security for me in regard of the Estate of Collo John Catlett of and from all and singular bonds and writing wherein they are bound as touching the said Estate to any persons whatsoever in any summes of money or tobacco and from all manner of actions suits charges and demands whatsoever which shall or may in any wise hereafter happen to or against the said Amory. George Jones and William Mosse his Securities four mentioned by reasons of any the obligations or writings agt them passed for and towards the securing of the said Catletts Estate and that the said Underwood doe according to the Will of the afour mentioned Elizabeth Butler late deceased deliver to each of her Children there part of the said Thirds if any shall remaine in his hands after the said John Catletts Estate shall be made good and further yt the said Underwood doe by himself his heirs or assigns pay to the said Amory or his orderre in the terme of tenn years by equall portions Twelve thousand pounds of good sound merchantable Tobacco and cask to containe the same with Convenience on the Rises of Rappa and the first payment to be made the 10th of November in the year of our Lord One thousand Six hundred Seventy and four that is to say the 10th of Novr next in pformance of all and singular the premises wee have mutually sett our hands and seals this 9th day of February in ye year of our Lord 1673
In presence of W. Moseley, Amory Butler
Richard Cawthorne William Underwood SN
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappa primo die July 1674
p. 31-32 Know all Men by these presents that I Amory Butler of the Countie of Rappahannock Clerk doe hereby acknowledge that it is the true intent and meaning of the within instrument & it is thereby intended that amongst the land and lease therein mentionded the Six hundred acres purchased by of Mr. Warwick Cammock is thereby intended and whereby conveyed and made over upon the Conditions & according to the tennor of the said Instrument though the same be not yett acknowledged to me by the said Cammack all what said Six hundred acres I doe hereby confirm and Warrent to the said Underwoode and his heirs forever together with its appurtenances forever and doe further oblige myselfe my heirs or assigns to build on the said land one Thirtie foot house with a sheade at each end and two ourside chimneys on the broadside and to Planck one Rowme and this at my charge and further it is meant and intended in that article of the said Instrument wherein the said Underwood is bound to make good all damages and bear all charges and expenses and bear harmless me the said Amory and Securities in all things concerning the whole of thirds of Col. Catletts Estate that it is meant what changes or damges shall hereafter come only Excepting such fees as are already due to Officers living out of the Countie of Rappahannock and that he the said Underwood do pay and discharge all dues and demands due from me on the account of the said Catletts Estate and that is further to say the said Underwood is the have and possess all such goods lands and estate usuall or psonall mention in the within Instrument on consideration he discharge me of and pay for me and my Securities all debts charged and damages and demands whatsoever than are already or shall be due from me and my said Securities for conveying the said Catletts Estate of Wives thirds as Witness my hand and seal this () day of Febry 1673/4
Test W. Moseley Amory Butler
Richard Cawthorne
Recognitr in Cu Com Rappa primo die July 1674
1663-1668 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 3; [Antient Press]; Page 353-356
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I JOHN BOWEN Planter of the County of Rappa, for the Consideracon of Eleaven hundred pounds of Tob: & caske by me in hand received of GEORGE JONES have granted and confirmed unto GEORGE JONES his heires all my right title and interrest of the Just Halfe or moyety of Two hundred seaventy seaven acres of land being the Residue of a Pattent of 333 acres of land granted to me by Pattent bearing Date 20th of 8br 1666 The first halfe of the sd Patt being sold by me to JOHN MOTLEY as by Deed appeares bearing date the 5th 9br 1667, the said land To Have and To Hold to him the sd George Jones his heires for Ever in 63 full and ample manner ac is granted to me by the said Pattent IN WITTNESS whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale this 30th xbr 1667.
In presents of us WILLIAM EALES, John Bowen
Recognit in Cur Com Rappa primo Die Januarii 1667
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I JOHN BOWEN of the County of Rappa. Planter doe hereby constitute my good Friend Majr. JOHN WEIR my true and lawful] Attorney to accknowledge the sale of a parcell of land sold by me to JOHN MOTLEY
In presents of us WILLIAM EALES, John Bowen
Recordat in Com Rappa x Die Januarii 1667
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I REBECKA BOWEN of the County of Rappa. doe hereby constitute my good Friend Majr. JOHN WEIR my true and lawfull Attorney to accknowledge the sale of a parcell of land sold by my husband JOHN BOWEN to JOHN MOTLEY bearing date the 5th day of 9br 1667 and one of land sold to George Jones bearing date wth these presents hereby ratifying and confirming wtsoever my said Attorney shall doe in the premises this next Court held for Rappa. County. WITTNESS my hand and Seale this 30th day of xbr 1667.
In the presents of WILLIAM EALES Rebecka Bowen
Recordat in Com Rappa x Die Januarii 1667
1672-1674 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 5, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 11-12
BE IT KNOWN unto all men that I JOHN WASHINGTON of WASHINGTON PARISH in WESTMORELAND COUNTY gent. do make and appoint my loving freind GEORGE JONES of Sittinghourne Parish in Rappa. County my true and lawful' Attorney for to acknowledge a parcell of land conteining five hundred and Sixty acres lying and being in the Freshes of Rappa County wch lately I petitioned for to the Right Honorable Sr. WILLIAM BERKLEY Knt. and Governor of Virginia and was by him granted to me unto ELIZABETH HOSKINS Daughter of ANTHONY HOSKINS late of ACCOMACK deceased to her and her heirs forever as Witness my hand this 27th of December 1671
1672-1674 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 5, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 46-47
WITNESS THESE PRESENTS that I THOMAS RASON my heirs and administrators do give and grant unto GEORGE JONES his heirs and assigns forever a parcell of land containing ten acres by and adjoyning unto the MILL of Majr. WEIR late deceased now in the possession of the sd JONES together with the houses fences and edificies thereunto belonging will the appurtenances Provided the said JONES paid unto me as long as I shall live One barrell of ENGLISH MEALE and two barrells of INDIAN MEALE and when it shall happen that I the said RAWSON shall dye then the land to return to the said JONES his heirs and assignes forever as witness my hand and seale this 15th day of March 1671/2 and I do hereby appoint MR. THOMLIN to acknowledge this pt. the next Court of Rappa. and signing and sealing hereof and to deliver possession unto the sd JONES or his Assign
Recordat x6 die 9bris 1672
1672-1674 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 5, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 71-72
TO ALL TO WHOM these presents shall come I GEORGE JONES send Greeting &c. Whereas I the said JONES having lately inter MARRIED with HONORIA late Widow and sole Executrix of Majr. JOHN WEIR late deceased and by the said Marriage have had into my possession all and every the Estate wtsoever formerly belonging to the said Maior JOHN WEIR and wch the said WEIR by Will before his decease gave unto his then Wife HONORIA aforesaid to be distributed into three parts Vizt. Between hirselfe and her two Children ( Vizt) JOHN and ELIZABETH of their two bodies lawfully begotten as they shall come to age as by the said Will more at large appeareth Now Know yee that I the said JONES for diverse good causes doe freely of my own Will and Clearly and absolutely forever repossesses resigne and return unto my said Wife HONORIA late Widdow and sole Executrix of the said WEIRE deceased all and every part and parcell of the Estate aforesaid both real personal and mixt wch I had into my possession by our Intermarrying together and also wch the said WEIR at the time of his decease aforesaid left to her disposing and made her sole Executrix of two thirds whereof at the time of our Inter Marrying together she as being Executrix aforesaid gave me into my possession to manage for the use of her two children and the other thirds wch belonged to herself she gave me likewise into my possession to mannage for the use of her myself & our heirs all which said Estate as Cattle hoggs horses mares sheepe servants slaves negroes lands houses and household stuffe and debts of Tobacco the two thirds belonging to her Children and her owne thirds also I hereby repossess her againe and doe freely leave the same to my said Wifes own discretion to dispose thereof as she shall think fin how where and when she pleases and to what uses intents and purposes soever in as full and ample manner as she did possess the same in her widowhood either by Will Deed or otherwise without any interruption or denial] and I doe hereby at the insealing of these presents give her full possession in the name of the whole by recording the same at the next Court held for Rappa January 1672. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale this 30th of December 1672
Recognitr in Cu. Com Rappa 3 die Januarry 1672/3
1672-1674 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 5, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 163-165
THIS INDENTURE made the sixth day of September 1673 and in the Twenty fifth yeare of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord CHARLES the Second Between JOHN PAYNE of the County of Rappa. & Parish of Sittingbourne of the one part and GEORGE JONES of the aforesd County for the sum of Twenty and nine thousand fouer hundred Twenty and three pounds of good sound tobacco in Caske to him already paid the Receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and thereof doth clearly acquit & discharge the said JONES his heirs and assigns forever hath granted and to farm letten and by these presents betake & to farm let unto the said GEORGE JONES his heirs and assigns foureteene hundred eight acres and five acres of land bee they more or less sett lying and being in the Freshes of RAPPA. and on the South side thereof and adjoining nigh the land of Mr. ABRAHAM MOORE late deceased and in the now possession of the said JOHN PAYNE together withall rights thereunto belonging as the same was granted to him by Pattent from the Right Honble the Governor that now is bearing date the 26th of October 1666 To have and to hold the aforesd demised land wth every of their appourtenances to the said GEORGE JONES his heirs and assignes from the day of the date hereof until! the full terme of Ninety and nine years fully to be compleat and ended paying therefore yearely and every yeare during the said Terme unto the said JOHN PAYNE his heirs and assigns to have have and enjoy peaceably and quietly all the aforesaid demised land with the appurtenances during the said Term without the Eviction of the said JONES his heirs or any other persons under him Provided always and it is nevertheless concluded and agreed upon by and betweene the said parties to these presents, and it is the true meaning thereof that if the said JOHN PAYNE doe well and truly pale or cause to be paide unto said GEORGE JONES his heirs or assignes the aforesd full and just sum of Twenty and nine thousand fouer hundred twenty and three pounds of good sound bright and large Aronoco Tobacco and Caske convenient in Rappa. County cleave of ground leaves and Trash and not exceeding halfe a mile from the Water side at the severall and equall payments on three several' yeares ensuing one a nother that is to say Nine thousand eight hundred and one pounds of good tobacco & Casque to be paid upon the tenth of October 1674, and Nine thousand eight hundred and one pounds of good Tobacco in Casque to be paid upon the tenth of October 1675 and Nine thousand eight hundred and one pounds of good Tobacco in Casque to be paid upon the 10th of October 1676 Each respective payment to bee duly & truly paide and performed at or upon each respective day above specified and if it shall happen that any of the aforesaid payments or any part be behind or unpaide upon the day of the aforesaid dates of payment above limitted that then this present demise and every article and clause therein mentioned shall bee of full force and virtue otherwise to cease and be utterly void to all intents and purposes. In Witness whereof the abovesaid PAYNE hath hereunto set his hand & seale the day and year above written
in presence of us THOMAS BLISSED, JOHN PAYNE
Recognit in Cu Com Rappa 7 die Januarie 1673/4
1674-1676 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 5, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 274
May Court 1675. KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that wee HENRY CLARKE and GEORGE JONES of the Parish of Sitting Bourne and County of Rappa have for a valuable consideration in hand reced of ELIAS WILSON sold unto the said ELIAS WILSON his heirs and assigns forever three hundred acres of land to adjoyne the land of the said ELIAS WILSON scituate in the Freshes of Rappa County and Parrish aforesaid in the woods being part of a Divident of land lately conveyed by us the said HENRY CLARKE and GEORGE JONES together wth all privilidges and appurtenances thereto belonging to have and enioye the aforesaid three hundred of land above demised unto the said ELIAS WILSON his heirs and assigns forever with out the molestation or deniale of us our heirs or any other person claiming by him or under from or under us our heirs or assigns and I the said GEORGE JONES doe hereby constitute my abovesaid loving Friend HENRY CLARKE to make acknowledgement of this Instrument of Writing at the next County Court in my behalfe In Witness whereof wee have hereunto set our hands and seals this 9th day of April 1675
Recognitr in Cu Com Rappa 5 die May 1675
1677-1678 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed & Will Book 6, Part 1; [Antient Press]; Page 119-121
TO ALL XPIAN People to whom these presents shall come GEORGE JONES of Sittingbourne Parish in the County of Rappae: sending Greeting &c. Whereas Major JOHN WEIRE late of the Parish and County aforesaid deced did by his Last Will and Testament in writing bearing date the Seventh of May Anno Dom 1671 devise and bequeath to his Sonn, JOHN WEIRE, & to his Daughter, ELIZABETH WEIRE, two full third parts of his personall Estate whereof he died possessed to be delivered to them when they should come to their several! ages following (Vitt) his Daughter at the age of Seaventeen yeares or day of Marriage wch shall first happen and his Sonn to the age of One and Twenty & to his Wife, HONORIA, the other third part of his personal! Estate whom he appointed his Executrix And for as much as since the decease of the said Major JOHN WEIRE I have intermarried wth: the said HONORIA, his Relict and Executrix aforesaid, & by reason of the sd marriage am become possessed wth, the whole personal! Estate abovesaid, NOW KNOW yee that I the said GEORGE JONES for diverse good causes & considerations mee thereunto moving have granted bargained & sold unto my aforesaid Wife, HONORIA, JOHN WEIRE his Sonn, & JOHN WATTS of WESTMORELAND COUNTY gent., two full third parts of the above sd personall Estate, the whole to be divided in three parts according to an Inventory thereof exhibited to & recorded in the records of Rappa: County Court; To have and to hold the said two third parts of the said prsonall Estate to them the said HONRIA, my Wife, JOHN WEIRE her Son & JOHN WATTS their heires Executrs: & Administrs: in Trust for & to the onely use & behoofe of the above said JOHN & ELIZABETH WEIRE their heirs & assignes forever, And I the said GEORGE JONES for myselfe my heires covenant and grant to & wth said HONORIA my Wife JOHN WEIRE her Sonn & JOHN WATTS & either of their heires that the said two third parts of the personal! Estate at all times hereafter remaine free & cleare from all manner of incumbrances committed or done by me the said GEORGE JONES or any other persons by my procurement & slso shall make the full proportion of Bills, debts being part of the personall Estate abovesd. inthe name of the said HONORIA my Wife & JOHN WEIRE her Sonn & JOHN WATTS feoffees in Trust above herein mentioned for use of the said JOHN & ELIZABETH WEIRE, excepting what desperate Bills Debts & could not receive or heare of the Debts Debtrs, since being possessed wth them all wch sd Debts will at large appeare in an Inventory of them taken in the possession of my sd Wife, HONRORIA, Provided all ways & it is the true meaning of these presents that the said two third parts of the personal! Estate shall remaine in possession of him said GEORGE JONES until! the said JOHN & ELIZABETH WEIRE attaine to their respective ages above mentioned & the Improvmt. thereof to issue towards the Education & maintenance of the said JOHN & ELIZABETH WEIRE any thing in these presents contained to the Contrary notwithstanding. In Witness whereof I have hereto sett my hand & Seale this fifth day of May 1676
Sealed & delivered in the prsence of & GEORGE JONES
possession given by Delivering a Silver Tankard
in the name of the whole: THOMAS BARKER,
Recognitr: in Cur Com Rappae: 5 die Maii et Recordatr. xxi die Janry 1677
1677-1678 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed & Will Book 6, Part 1; [Antient Press]; Page 153-154
THIS INDENTURE made ye 2d: day of January Anno Dom 1677/8 And in the 29th 153- yeare of ye Reigne of or: Sovereigne Lord King Charles ye 2d of England &c. Betweene GEORGE JONES of ye Parish of Sittingbourne in County of Rappa. and HONORIA his Wife of ye one part and THOMAS BOWLER of ye Parish of Farnham in ye County aforesd. of ye other part Witnesseth that sd GEORGE JONES & HONORIA his Wife have sold unto ye sd THOMAS BOWLER his heires & assignes all that their MILL & MILL HOUSE wth ye appurtenances thereunto belonging Situate & being on ye South side of ye River of Rappae: aforesaid lying on TIGNORE CREEK, together wth all profits & emoluments belonging to ye same. To have & to hold ye sd MILL & MILL HOUSE & appurtenances aforesaid unto the said THOMAS BOWLER his heires & assignes forever wthout Lawful! lett or denyall of them ye sd GEORGE JONES & HONORIA his Wife, their heires or assignes or any other persons lawfully clayming under him, them or either of the, or any of their heires, Provided allwaies and it is ye true intent that if ye above named GEORGE JONES & HONORIA his Wife their heires shall keep & deliver up ye sd MILL & MILL HOUSE & apprtenances in good & sufficient repaire or doe pay or cause to be paid unto ye sd THOMAS BOWLER his heires or assignes at or upon the last day of January next ensuing ye date hereof, ye sum of Ffoure thousand pounds of good sound Merchantable tobacco & Cask cleare of ground leaves & trash convenient neare Rappae: River side, being ye propper Debt of Mr. JNO: PAGE of MIDDLE PLANTATION in YORK COUNTY, And alsoe cause to be paid unto ye sd THOMAS BOWLER his heires or assignes ye sume of Thirty five pounds Sterling by good Bills of Exchange to be drawn on some responsible person in England payable likewise at or upon the next returns of ye Ships home after this Shipping soe much tobacco as will satisfie ye whole debt both of money & tobacco to ye said THOMAS BOWLER wthout any fraud, coven, deceit or alteration of ye mark of ye hhds: by ye sd GEORGE JONES or his order for to hinder ye payment of ye sd tobacco, every clause & article herein conteyned to be of noe effect but shall utterly cease & be void anything in the prsents conteyned to ye Contrary notwithstanding. In Witness whereof ye said GEORGE JONES & HONORIA his Wife have hereto sett their hands & Settles ye day & year first above written
Signed Sealed & delivered
in ye presence of EDMUND CRASK, GEORGE JONES
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappae: 2 die January 1677/8
Continued at Citation.4
Family | Honora (?) b. c 1632, d. 6 Nov 1685 |
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, George Jones Abt 1645 - 1684 seen 5 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, Record Set #2: George Jones Abt 1645 - 1684 seen 5 Aug 2022 at
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, Record Set #3: George Jones Abt 1645 - 1684 seen 5 Aug 2022 at
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, Record Set #1: George Jones Abt 1645 - 1684 seen 5 Aug 2022 at
William Strother1
M, #99604, b. 1697, d. 2 March 1733
Father | William (III) Strother Jr.1 b. bt 1665 - 1675, d. b 26 Jul 1726 |
Mother | Margaret Thornton1 b. 2 Apr 1678, d. 1 Aug 1727 |
Last Edited | 5 Aug 2022 |
William Strother was born in 1697 at St. Paul's Parish, King George Co., Virginia, USA.1 He married Margaret Watts, daughter of Richard Watts and Mary Blagg, circa 1718 at King George Co., Virginia, USA,
Her 1st husband.2
William Strother died on 2 March 1733 at "Ferry Farm", King George Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
1721-1752 King George County, Virginia Will Book A-1; [George Harrison Sanford King]; Page 95
In the Name of God Amen. I William Strother of the County of King George in the Colony of Virginia, Gent., being sick and weak of body but of sound and perfect memory thanks be to God for the same, do make and ordain this my last Will & Testament hereby revoking making null & void all others by me formerly made.
Imps I give and bequeath my whole estate both real and person-al to be equally divided between my dear and loving wife Margaret Strother and my six children namely Elizabeth, Alice, Agatha, Margaret, Anne & Jane Strother and further it is my will and desire that my lands in Prince William County and King George County be sold to the highest bidder in Money & Tobacco by my Executor here-after named if she thinks convenient and the money thereon arising be equally divided as aforesaid. And my will and desire is that if my wife should dye before such sale be made that my brother Anthony Strother by these presents have full power and authority to sell the same in manner aforesaid if he shall think convenient and the money thereon arising to be equally divided among my children above named.
Lastly I do hereby constitute ordain and appoint my dear and loving wife Margaret Strother my whole and sole Executor of this my last Will & Testament. In Wittnes whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and seal this twentieth day of November Anno Dom. 1732. *******
Wm Strother *Seale* ******* Sealed published & declared
in the presence of us R: Rogers
George [ T.: ] Sympson Mark
Mary Higginson
At a Court held for King George County the 2d day of March 1732 [1732/3].
The last Will & Testament of William Strother, Gent., Dece., was presented into Court by Margaret Strother his Widow and Executrix who made oath thereto and the same was proved by the oath of Richard Rogers and admitted to record.
Copes Test:
T: Turner Cl: Cur
Minnis-Yates, Freer-Bent, Ruggles, and other relations
Known as William Strother of "Stafford," to distinguish him from his nephew, William Strother, son of his brother, Francis Strother, of St. Mark's Parish, and Susanna Dabney, and this nephew was afterwards known as William Strother of "Orange."
1721 COURT: Caroline Co, Virginia, William Strother part of 6,000 acre tract granted in Caroline Co, Virginia, by Alexander Spotswood to his favorites.
1724 MIL: King George County, Virginia, militia commission, 5 Sep.
1733 WILL: King George County, Virginia, Inventory.
1735 COURT: Caroline Co, Virginia, Willam Strother, decd, Margaret Strother, exer.
William Strother was b. about 1700. After the destruction of the old mansion house of his grandfather, the first William Strother, he sold his estate near Port Conway, and purchased on the river opposite Fredericksburg in 1727. His daughters were all born there at this farm which was sold to Capt. Augustine Washington, father of George, in 1738. This tract was sold, per the directions of his will, in 1738 by John Grant. Gent, and Margaret , his then wife, widow and executrix of William Strother, Gent, decd, to Capt. Augustine Washington. Thus when George Washington was 6 years of age, he came to live there. There his father died on 12 Apr 1743; his mother lived there until 1748 when she moved to "Little Falls" and later to Fredericksburg to be near her only daughter, Mrs. Lewis, who lived at "Kenmore." The deed was dated 2 Nov 1738 and recorded in King George County, Virginia, and conveyed 280 acres of land in Stafford County, Virginia. On May 26, I727, William received a grant for 266 acres in King George Co; and Sept. 12, 1731, as "Captain" William Strother, 372 acres in Prince William Co. He was sheriff and justice of King George County, and vestryman of the parish. He married Margaret Watts. William died in 1732, and in his will directs sale of his lands in King George and Prince William Cos., and names his wife as extx (Owen, William Strother of VA, 1898, p.8, with corrections by compiler).
(1)Elizabeth Strother m. John Frogg
(2)Agatha, m. John Madison
(3)Margaret, b. in King George county, m. (1) April 26, 1744, George Morton, who d, in a short time; (2) Oct. 16, 1749, Gabriel Jones.
(4)Anne, m. May 17, 1744, Francis Tyler, resided in Culpeper and later in Augusta Co.
(5)Jane, m. Jan. 26, I749, Thomas Lewis.
(6)(Alice, m. Henry Tyler).
Children of Margaret WATTS and William STROTHER are:
i. Alice STROTHER was born 1719 in Richmond,VA. She married Henry TYLER 1738 in Prince William,VA, son of Francis TYLER and ? ?. He was born Abt 1715.
ii. Elizabeth STROTHER was born 1721 in King George,VA, and died 1752. She married John FROGG 9 NOV 1738 in Overwharton Pari,Stafford,VA. He was born Abt 1720, and died 1794 in Bath,VA.
iii. Anne STROTHER was born 1723 in King George. She married Francis TYLER 14 MAY 1744 in Stafford,VA, son of Francis TYLER and ? ?. He was born Abt 1720.
iv. Margaret STROTHER was born 3 SEP 1726 in King George,VA, and died 1822 in Port Republic,Rockingham,VA. She married George MORTON 26 APR 1744 in King George,VA. He was born Abt 1725, and died Abt 1745. She married Gabriel JONES 16 OCT 1749 in Stafford,VA, son of John JONES and Elizabeth ?. He was born 14 MAY 1724 in nr Williamsburg,VA, and died 6 OCT 1806 in Port Republic,Rockingham,VA.
v. Agatha STROTHER was born 1728 in King George,VA. She married John MADISON 1745 in King George,VA, son of Ambrose MADISON and Frances TAYLOR. He was born Abt 1724 in VA, and died MAR 1784 in "Visses," Botetourt,VA.
vi. Jane STROTHER was born 1731 in King George,VA, and died 19 SEP 1820 in Lynwood,Rockingham,VA. She married Thomas LEWIS 26 JAN 1749/1750 in Augusta,VA, son of John LEWIS and Margaret LYNN. He was born 27 APR 1718 in Donegal,IRE, and died 31 JAN 1790 in "Lewiston," Port Republic,Rockingham,VA.
Esq., Justice of Gloucester Co, Virginia, and High Sheriff in 1660. On November 20, 1678, Anthony Savage, of the upper precinct of Sittinburne parish, conveyed to Francis Thornton and Alice Savage Thornton, his wife, 300 acres to be divided from the tract he then lived on of 1,000 acres, called Mongoheocala with division to granddaughter, Margaret Thornton, who afterward married Wm. Strother, Jr., son of the first William and his wife Dorothy. In 1727, William Strother, Jr., and his wife, Margaret Thornton, conveyed this land to their son, William Strother, of "Stafford," (who married Margaret Watts) (Register, Kentucky Hist Soc, May 1911).
Contributed by: James Hughes
Spotsylvania County Records , Page 108
Septr. 2, 1729. Henry Willis of Spts. County, Virginia., Gent., to Philemon Cavenaugh of the same county. 60 curr., 3277 a. of land in the fork of the Rappa, River in St. Geo. Par., Spts. Co. Witnesses: Wm. Marshall, Wm. Strother, Wm. Cave. Rec. Septr. 2, 1729.
1729 Stafford County, Virginia rent rolls by James Carter 21 Nov 1730; 266 acres Capt William Strother; 5 yrs due his deed sd to be still in ye office but was sent to Charles Brent by Lewis Ellzey
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 97
Westmoreland County Court 26th of March 1718
Upon the Petition of WILLIAM STROTHER who intermarried with MARGRETT, the Daughter of RICHARD WATTS, Gent., deced. it is ordered that JOHN CHILTON, Gent., who intermarried with MARY, the Relict and Executrix of RICHARD WATTS, Gent., deced. do pay to WILLIAM STROTHER all and singular the Estate which of right doth belong to MARGRETT out of the Estate ofher Father with costs alias Execution
1726-1729 King George County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part 2; [Antient Press]; Page 424-427
Indenture 2nd September 1725 between JOHN HUDNALL of Parish of Hanover King George County Planter and WILLIAM STROTHER of same Gent. .. by deeds of Lease and Release .. sold 235 acres for Severall sums of Twenty pounds current money of Virginia and three thousand pounds of Tobacco being part of 713 acres granted to WILLIAM ALLEN and JOHN BROWN by Deeds out of the Proprietors Office Sept. 25, 1710 being 1/3 part in length of the said land .. as will more plainly appear by the Surveyors Land Register in Stafford County ..
Presence Lazarus Dameron, John Hudnall
Timothy Reading, John Morehead,
Darby Galliham
5th May 1727 .. deeds of Lease and Release recorded .. by Virtue of Power of Attorney from SARAH wife of said JOHN HUDNALL .. THOMAS TURNER .. Relinquished her Right of Dower and Thirds at the Common Law ..
Know all Men .. I SARAH Wife of JOHN HUDNALL JUNR. of ye County of Northumberland have appointed .. THOMAS TURNER Gent. .. Clerk of the County Court of King George County my true & lawfull Attorney .. acknowledge .. Right of Dower .. 1st May 1727.
Presence Sam'l. Blackwell, Sarah x Hudnall
Sam'l. Blackwell Junr.
5th May 1727 .. Power of Attorney recorded.
=== llection=NN Grant
Title Strother, William.
Publication 20 June 1749.
Other Format Available on microfilm. Northern Neck Grants, reels 288-311.
Note Location: Westmoreland County.
Description: 190 acres escheat land beg.g &c on the south side of Weeden’s Damm; thence &c. to the Manjatico path.
Source: Northern Neck Grants F, 1742-1754, Page 311 (Reel 292
1738-RENT ROLLS - Prince William County, VA
Strothers, William
1718-1719 Richmond County, Virginia Order Book 8; Part 2 [Antient Press]; Page 126)
Richmond County Court 4th of June 1719
- STROTHER,JUNR. Surveyor of the Highways
WILLIAM STROTHER, JUNR. is appointed Surveyor of the Highways for this ensueing year from the DOAG SWAMP to GINGOTEAGE and ordered he forthwith clear the same according to Law
1726-1729 King George County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part 2; [Antient Press]; Page 453
To all Xtion People .. I MARGARET STROTHER of Hanover Parish King George County Widow for natural love unto my Son WILLIAM STROTHER granted 300 acres formerly given by Deed of Gift by my Grandfather ANTHONY SAVAGE Gent. Deced to my ffather FRANCIS THORNTON Gent. and my Mother ALICE his wife for their natural lives and by reversion to me and my heirs forever said land lying on north side of Rappahannock River commonly called Mangikamux and now lying in ye Parish of Hanover .. to be taken out of the thousand acres of land belonging to the sd ANTHONY SAVAGE beginning at uper corner tree•in the river .. including 300 acres taking a proportionable bredth on the River .. reserving to myself & heirs .. one half acre of land for a burying place to be laid of Squares ye angles to be East, West, North & South including ye Graves that now are & they to be in ye Center first day of August anno Dom 1727.
Presence Harry Beverley, Margaret Strother
Mosley Battaley, Enoch Innis
1st September 1727 .. Deed of Gift recorded..
1726-1729 King George County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part 2; [Antient Press]; Page 445-446
Indenture 3rd/4th August 1727 between WILLIAM STROTHER and SAML. SKINKER both of King George County .. by deeds of Lease and Release .. for Two hundred and fifty pounds Sterl: of lawfull money of England sold 410 acres .. 300 acres part thereof conveyed to me by Deed of Gift from my Mother MARGARET STROTHER bearing date 1st August 1727 & the Residue being descended to me from my Deced father WILLIAM STROTHER .. land SAMUEL SKINKER now lives on on north side of Rappahanock River .. Presence Harry Beverley,
Mosley Battaley, Enoch Innis, William Strother
Memo - Half an acre of land for burying place is Excepted on Each of the within mentioned plantations and Crossed out of this Sale to be laid of in Squares to Include the graves that are there as near the Middle of the sd Square as may be ..
1st September 1727 .. Deeds of Lease and Release recorded.
1726-1729 King George County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part 2; [Antient Press]; Page 449-451 Indenture 10th/11th August 1727 between THOMAS HARWOOD of King George County Planter and MARGRET his wife and WILLIAM STROTHER of same Gent. .. by deeds of Lease and Release .. for Eighty pounds Sterling money of Great Brittain sold 150 acres on head of Rappahannock River below the ffalls thereof and between the land of WM. BRENT and JOHN ROBINS .. as by a Deed 14th September 1710 granted unto a certain MAURIS CLARK late of the County of Richmond & by Sundry means conveyances vested in ye said THOMAS HARWOOD & MARGRET his wife ..
Presence Anthony Thornton, Thomas x Harwood
Mosley Battaley, Enoch Innis Margret x Harwood
1st September 1727 .. Deeds of Lease and Release recorded .. said MARGARET being Solely & Secretly Examined according to law acknowledged the Right of the said land .. to WM. STROTHER
1721-1735 King George County Deed Book 1, Part II, (Antient Press); pp. 637-641
Indenture 4th/5th December 1729 between ALICE CALE Parish of Hanover King George County Widow & WILLIAM STROTHER of same Gent. .. for fifty pounds Sterling .. by deeds of lease and release .. sold 200 acres being on Claibournes Run in Parish of Hanover now in possession of said ALICE beginning at land late in possession of THOMAS FITZHUGH Gent. deced the land now in possession of Burwell's Orphans & land of Majr. WILLIAM THORNTON which he bought of Mr. THOMAS STONE which said 200 acres was bequeathed to said ALICE by Last Will & Testament of EDWARD MADDOX Gent. deced on records of Stafford County Court (Excepting always out of the 200 acres a certain part thereof sold to WILLIAM THORNTON for 35 acres by the said ALICE CALE & CHARLES CALE late Deced her late husband according to bounds mentioned Deeds of sale dated 4th March 1723 now on records of Richmond County Courts) .. Presence Edwd. Barradall, Alice x Cale
John Mercer
5th December 1729 .. Deeds of Lease & Release together with receipt for consideration money recorded.
1735-1743 King George County Deed Book 2 (Antient Press); pp. 220-225
Indenture made 2nd/3rd November 1738 between JOHN GRANT of County Stafford Gent. & MARGARET his wife Executrix of Last Will & Testament of WILLIAM STROTHER late of County King George Gent. Deceased of one part & AUGUSTINE WASHINGTON of County Prince William Gent. of other part .. sold all that Tenement & Mansion House where the said William Strother lately Dwelt .. all lands which said Mansion stand 280 acres in Parish Brunswick county King George .. which Premises were formerly purchased by William Strother in his life time in three several parcels of ALICE CALE, Widdo: THOMAS HARWOOD & JOHN HARTSHORN & by last will and Testament of William Strother bearing date 20th November 1732 among other things did declare his will to be that his lands in Prince William & King George Countys be sold to highest bidder .. by his Executors .. that money arising should be applied in manner as in said will .. Will appoints his Loving wife the said Margaret his whole Executrix .. which said Margaret after the Death of William Strother proved the Will and Whereas John Grant & Margaret his wife .. Executors ..
[S66] Fielding Lewis.
Fielding Lewis and the Washington Family, Paula S. Felder at Citation.1
Her 1st husband.2
William Strother died on 2 March 1733 at "Ferry Farm", King George Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
1721-1752 King George County, Virginia Will Book A-1; [George Harrison Sanford King]; Page 95
In the Name of God Amen. I William Strother of the County of King George in the Colony of Virginia, Gent., being sick and weak of body but of sound and perfect memory thanks be to God for the same, do make and ordain this my last Will & Testament hereby revoking making null & void all others by me formerly made.
Imps I give and bequeath my whole estate both real and person-al to be equally divided between my dear and loving wife Margaret Strother and my six children namely Elizabeth, Alice, Agatha, Margaret, Anne & Jane Strother and further it is my will and desire that my lands in Prince William County and King George County be sold to the highest bidder in Money & Tobacco by my Executor here-after named if she thinks convenient and the money thereon arising be equally divided as aforesaid. And my will and desire is that if my wife should dye before such sale be made that my brother Anthony Strother by these presents have full power and authority to sell the same in manner aforesaid if he shall think convenient and the money thereon arising to be equally divided among my children above named.
Lastly I do hereby constitute ordain and appoint my dear and loving wife Margaret Strother my whole and sole Executor of this my last Will & Testament. In Wittnes whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and seal this twentieth day of November Anno Dom. 1732. *******
Wm Strother *Seale* ******* Sealed published & declared
in the presence of us R: Rogers
George [ T.: ] Sympson Mark
Mary Higginson
At a Court held for King George County the 2d day of March 1732 [1732/3].
The last Will & Testament of William Strother, Gent., Dece., was presented into Court by Margaret Strother his Widow and Executrix who made oath thereto and the same was proved by the oath of Richard Rogers and admitted to record.
Copes Test:
T: Turner Cl: Cur
Minnis-Yates, Freer-Bent, Ruggles, and other relations
Known as William Strother of "Stafford," to distinguish him from his nephew, William Strother, son of his brother, Francis Strother, of St. Mark's Parish, and Susanna Dabney, and this nephew was afterwards known as William Strother of "Orange."
1721 COURT: Caroline Co, Virginia, William Strother part of 6,000 acre tract granted in Caroline Co, Virginia, by Alexander Spotswood to his favorites.
1724 MIL: King George County, Virginia, militia commission, 5 Sep.
1733 WILL: King George County, Virginia, Inventory.
1735 COURT: Caroline Co, Virginia, Willam Strother, decd, Margaret Strother, exer.
William Strother was b. about 1700. After the destruction of the old mansion house of his grandfather, the first William Strother, he sold his estate near Port Conway, and purchased on the river opposite Fredericksburg in 1727. His daughters were all born there at this farm which was sold to Capt. Augustine Washington, father of George, in 1738. This tract was sold, per the directions of his will, in 1738 by John Grant. Gent, and Margaret , his then wife, widow and executrix of William Strother, Gent, decd, to Capt. Augustine Washington. Thus when George Washington was 6 years of age, he came to live there. There his father died on 12 Apr 1743; his mother lived there until 1748 when she moved to "Little Falls" and later to Fredericksburg to be near her only daughter, Mrs. Lewis, who lived at "Kenmore." The deed was dated 2 Nov 1738 and recorded in King George County, Virginia, and conveyed 280 acres of land in Stafford County, Virginia. On May 26, I727, William received a grant for 266 acres in King George Co; and Sept. 12, 1731, as "Captain" William Strother, 372 acres in Prince William Co. He was sheriff and justice of King George County, and vestryman of the parish. He married Margaret Watts. William died in 1732, and in his will directs sale of his lands in King George and Prince William Cos., and names his wife as extx (Owen, William Strother of VA, 1898, p.8, with corrections by compiler).
(1)Elizabeth Strother m. John Frogg
(2)Agatha, m. John Madison
(3)Margaret, b. in King George county, m. (1) April 26, 1744, George Morton, who d, in a short time; (2) Oct. 16, 1749, Gabriel Jones.
(4)Anne, m. May 17, 1744, Francis Tyler, resided in Culpeper and later in Augusta Co.
(5)Jane, m. Jan. 26, I749, Thomas Lewis.
(6)(Alice, m. Henry Tyler).
Children of Margaret WATTS and William STROTHER are:
i. Alice STROTHER was born 1719 in Richmond,VA. She married Henry TYLER 1738 in Prince William,VA, son of Francis TYLER and ? ?. He was born Abt 1715.
ii. Elizabeth STROTHER was born 1721 in King George,VA, and died 1752. She married John FROGG 9 NOV 1738 in Overwharton Pari,Stafford,VA. He was born Abt 1720, and died 1794 in Bath,VA.
iii. Anne STROTHER was born 1723 in King George. She married Francis TYLER 14 MAY 1744 in Stafford,VA, son of Francis TYLER and ? ?. He was born Abt 1720.
iv. Margaret STROTHER was born 3 SEP 1726 in King George,VA, and died 1822 in Port Republic,Rockingham,VA. She married George MORTON 26 APR 1744 in King George,VA. He was born Abt 1725, and died Abt 1745. She married Gabriel JONES 16 OCT 1749 in Stafford,VA, son of John JONES and Elizabeth ?. He was born 14 MAY 1724 in nr Williamsburg,VA, and died 6 OCT 1806 in Port Republic,Rockingham,VA.
v. Agatha STROTHER was born 1728 in King George,VA. She married John MADISON 1745 in King George,VA, son of Ambrose MADISON and Frances TAYLOR. He was born Abt 1724 in VA, and died MAR 1784 in "Visses," Botetourt,VA.
vi. Jane STROTHER was born 1731 in King George,VA, and died 19 SEP 1820 in Lynwood,Rockingham,VA. She married Thomas LEWIS 26 JAN 1749/1750 in Augusta,VA, son of John LEWIS and Margaret LYNN. He was born 27 APR 1718 in Donegal,IRE, and died 31 JAN 1790 in "Lewiston," Port Republic,Rockingham,VA.
Esq., Justice of Gloucester Co, Virginia, and High Sheriff in 1660. On November 20, 1678, Anthony Savage, of the upper precinct of Sittinburne parish, conveyed to Francis Thornton and Alice Savage Thornton, his wife, 300 acres to be divided from the tract he then lived on of 1,000 acres, called Mongoheocala with division to granddaughter, Margaret Thornton, who afterward married Wm. Strother, Jr., son of the first William and his wife Dorothy. In 1727, William Strother, Jr., and his wife, Margaret Thornton, conveyed this land to their son, William Strother, of "Stafford," (who married Margaret Watts) (Register, Kentucky Hist Soc, May 1911).
Contributed by: James Hughes
Spotsylvania County Records , Page 108
Septr. 2, 1729. Henry Willis of Spts. County, Virginia., Gent., to Philemon Cavenaugh of the same county. 60 curr., 3277 a. of land in the fork of the Rappa, River in St. Geo. Par., Spts. Co. Witnesses: Wm. Marshall, Wm. Strother, Wm. Cave. Rec. Septr. 2, 1729.
1729 Stafford County, Virginia rent rolls by James Carter 21 Nov 1730; 266 acres Capt William Strother; 5 yrs due his deed sd to be still in ye office but was sent to Charles Brent by Lewis Ellzey
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 97
Westmoreland County Court 26th of March 1718
Upon the Petition of WILLIAM STROTHER who intermarried with MARGRETT, the Daughter of RICHARD WATTS, Gent., deced. it is ordered that JOHN CHILTON, Gent., who intermarried with MARY, the Relict and Executrix of RICHARD WATTS, Gent., deced. do pay to WILLIAM STROTHER all and singular the Estate which of right doth belong to MARGRETT out of the Estate ofher Father with costs alias Execution
1726-1729 King George County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part 2; [Antient Press]; Page 424-427
Indenture 2nd September 1725 between JOHN HUDNALL of Parish of Hanover King George County Planter and WILLIAM STROTHER of same Gent. .. by deeds of Lease and Release .. sold 235 acres for Severall sums of Twenty pounds current money of Virginia and three thousand pounds of Tobacco being part of 713 acres granted to WILLIAM ALLEN and JOHN BROWN by Deeds out of the Proprietors Office Sept. 25, 1710 being 1/3 part in length of the said land .. as will more plainly appear by the Surveyors Land Register in Stafford County ..
Presence Lazarus Dameron, John Hudnall
Timothy Reading, John Morehead,
Darby Galliham
5th May 1727 .. deeds of Lease and Release recorded .. by Virtue of Power of Attorney from SARAH wife of said JOHN HUDNALL .. THOMAS TURNER .. Relinquished her Right of Dower and Thirds at the Common Law ..
Know all Men .. I SARAH Wife of JOHN HUDNALL JUNR. of ye County of Northumberland have appointed .. THOMAS TURNER Gent. .. Clerk of the County Court of King George County my true & lawfull Attorney .. acknowledge .. Right of Dower .. 1st May 1727.
Presence Sam'l. Blackwell, Sarah x Hudnall
Sam'l. Blackwell Junr.
5th May 1727 .. Power of Attorney recorded.
=== llection=NN Grant
Title Strother, William.
Publication 20 June 1749.
Other Format Available on microfilm. Northern Neck Grants, reels 288-311.
Note Location: Westmoreland County.
Description: 190 acres escheat land beg.g &c on the south side of Weeden’s Damm; thence &c. to the Manjatico path.
Source: Northern Neck Grants F, 1742-1754, Page 311 (Reel 292
1738-RENT ROLLS - Prince William County, VA
Strothers, William
1718-1719 Richmond County, Virginia Order Book 8; Part 2 [Antient Press]; Page 126)
Richmond County Court 4th of June 1719
- STROTHER,JUNR. Surveyor of the Highways
WILLIAM STROTHER, JUNR. is appointed Surveyor of the Highways for this ensueing year from the DOAG SWAMP to GINGOTEAGE and ordered he forthwith clear the same according to Law
1726-1729 King George County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part 2; [Antient Press]; Page 453
To all Xtion People .. I MARGARET STROTHER of Hanover Parish King George County Widow for natural love unto my Son WILLIAM STROTHER granted 300 acres formerly given by Deed of Gift by my Grandfather ANTHONY SAVAGE Gent. Deced to my ffather FRANCIS THORNTON Gent. and my Mother ALICE his wife for their natural lives and by reversion to me and my heirs forever said land lying on north side of Rappahannock River commonly called Mangikamux and now lying in ye Parish of Hanover .. to be taken out of the thousand acres of land belonging to the sd ANTHONY SAVAGE beginning at uper corner tree•in the river .. including 300 acres taking a proportionable bredth on the River .. reserving to myself & heirs .. one half acre of land for a burying place to be laid of Squares ye angles to be East, West, North & South including ye Graves that now are & they to be in ye Center first day of August anno Dom 1727.
Presence Harry Beverley, Margaret Strother
Mosley Battaley, Enoch Innis
1st September 1727 .. Deed of Gift recorded..
1726-1729 King George County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part 2; [Antient Press]; Page 445-446
Indenture 3rd/4th August 1727 between WILLIAM STROTHER and SAML. SKINKER both of King George County .. by deeds of Lease and Release .. for Two hundred and fifty pounds Sterl: of lawfull money of England sold 410 acres .. 300 acres part thereof conveyed to me by Deed of Gift from my Mother MARGARET STROTHER bearing date 1st August 1727 & the Residue being descended to me from my Deced father WILLIAM STROTHER .. land SAMUEL SKINKER now lives on on north side of Rappahanock River .. Presence Harry Beverley,
Mosley Battaley, Enoch Innis, William Strother
Memo - Half an acre of land for burying place is Excepted on Each of the within mentioned plantations and Crossed out of this Sale to be laid of in Squares to Include the graves that are there as near the Middle of the sd Square as may be ..
1st September 1727 .. Deeds of Lease and Release recorded.
1726-1729 King George County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part 2; [Antient Press]; Page 449-451 Indenture 10th/11th August 1727 between THOMAS HARWOOD of King George County Planter and MARGRET his wife and WILLIAM STROTHER of same Gent. .. by deeds of Lease and Release .. for Eighty pounds Sterling money of Great Brittain sold 150 acres on head of Rappahannock River below the ffalls thereof and between the land of WM. BRENT and JOHN ROBINS .. as by a Deed 14th September 1710 granted unto a certain MAURIS CLARK late of the County of Richmond & by Sundry means conveyances vested in ye said THOMAS HARWOOD & MARGRET his wife ..
Presence Anthony Thornton, Thomas x Harwood
Mosley Battaley, Enoch Innis Margret x Harwood
1st September 1727 .. Deeds of Lease and Release recorded .. said MARGARET being Solely & Secretly Examined according to law acknowledged the Right of the said land .. to WM. STROTHER
1721-1735 King George County Deed Book 1, Part II, (Antient Press); pp. 637-641
Indenture 4th/5th December 1729 between ALICE CALE Parish of Hanover King George County Widow & WILLIAM STROTHER of same Gent. .. for fifty pounds Sterling .. by deeds of lease and release .. sold 200 acres being on Claibournes Run in Parish of Hanover now in possession of said ALICE beginning at land late in possession of THOMAS FITZHUGH Gent. deced the land now in possession of Burwell's Orphans & land of Majr. WILLIAM THORNTON which he bought of Mr. THOMAS STONE which said 200 acres was bequeathed to said ALICE by Last Will & Testament of EDWARD MADDOX Gent. deced on records of Stafford County Court (Excepting always out of the 200 acres a certain part thereof sold to WILLIAM THORNTON for 35 acres by the said ALICE CALE & CHARLES CALE late Deced her late husband according to bounds mentioned Deeds of sale dated 4th March 1723 now on records of Richmond County Courts) .. Presence Edwd. Barradall, Alice x Cale
John Mercer
5th December 1729 .. Deeds of Lease & Release together with receipt for consideration money recorded.
1735-1743 King George County Deed Book 2 (Antient Press); pp. 220-225
Indenture made 2nd/3rd November 1738 between JOHN GRANT of County Stafford Gent. & MARGARET his wife Executrix of Last Will & Testament of WILLIAM STROTHER late of County King George Gent. Deceased of one part & AUGUSTINE WASHINGTON of County Prince William Gent. of other part .. sold all that Tenement & Mansion House where the said William Strother lately Dwelt .. all lands which said Mansion stand 280 acres in Parish Brunswick county King George .. which Premises were formerly purchased by William Strother in his life time in three several parcels of ALICE CALE, Widdo: THOMAS HARWOOD & JOHN HARTSHORN & by last will and Testament of William Strother bearing date 20th November 1732 among other things did declare his will to be that his lands in Prince William & King George Countys be sold to highest bidder .. by his Executors .. that money arising should be applied in manner as in said will .. Will appoints his Loving wife the said Margaret his whole Executrix .. which said Margaret after the Death of William Strother proved the Will and Whereas John Grant & Margaret his wife .. Executors ..
[S66] Fielding Lewis.
Fielding Lewis and the Washington Family, Paula S. Felder at Citation.1
Family | Margaret Watts b. c 1703, d. c 1755 |
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, William Strother 1697 - 1733 seen 5 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, Margaret Watts Abt 1703 - Abt 1755 seen 5 Aug 2022 at
Margaret Watts1
F, #99605, b. circa 1703, d. circa 1755
Father | Richard Watts2 b. b 1670, d. 31 Oct 1716 |
Mother | Mary Blagg3 b. 1679, d. 26 Apr 1737 |
Last Edited | 5 Aug 2022 |
Margaret Watts was born circa 1703 at Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1 She married William Strother, son of William (III) Strother Jr. and Margaret Thornton, circa 1718 at King George Co., Virginia, USA,
Her 1st husband.1
Margaret Watts died circa 1755 at Frederick Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
Minnis-Yates, Freer-Bent, Ruggles, and other relations
Margaret then married (2) John Grant. In March, 1737, she asked for a reapportionment of the estate of her late husband, and Hancock Lee, Abram Kenyon, and John Grant were appointed to make it and to set aside to her one seventh of the estate. On Nov. 3, 1738, Anthony Strother qualified as "guardian of Elizabeth, Agatha, Margaret, Anne and Jane," five of the children of William Strother decd, and gave bond to pay five sevenths of the debts of said William. Some have said that she was the great grand aunt of President James Monroe. This is incorrect in that her sister Jane Watts was just the wife of a 1st cousin twice removed. (Owens, William Strother of VA, 1898, Page 8).
Her brother, John Watts, in his will referred to his sister, Margaret Grant. (1754 WILL: Westmoreland County, Virginia, dtd 4 Nov 1749, proved 27 Mar 1754).
Captain Grant married secondly (1737/8) Margaret Watts, daughter of Richard Watts and widow of William Strother (ca.1696-1733). By her he had two more children, Peter and Mary. There is a deed in Prince William County, Virginia (DB D-88) from John Grant, Gent, and Margaret his wife of Stafford Co to John Graham which states that Margaret Grant's former husband was William Strother.
Westmoreland County, Virginia, dated 3 Apr 1737, probated 26 Apr 1737, Mary Chilton.
Granddaughter Elizabeth Sanford, Capt. Andrew Munroe and his wife Jane to have care of her estate until she is 18 years of age; son John Watts; son James Bowcock and his children, Thomas, James, and Jane; son Richard Watts; daus. Jane Munroe, Margaret Strother and Mary Blackburn and husband Richard Blackburn; Capt. Thomas Chilton and his wife Jemima.
Westmoreland County, Virginia, Book 5-127, 25 Mar, depostion of Mrs. Mary Watts aged about 33 years.
John Grant's second wife, it is believed, was Margaret Strother (nee Watts), widow of William Strother, gentleman, of King George County. There is a deed in Prince William County (May 21, 1739) from "John Grant, Gentleman, and Margaret his wife of Stafford County to John Graham," stating that Margaret Grant's former husband was William Strother, and conveying 1240 acres of land in Hamilton Parish, Prince William County (Deed Book D, Page 88). John and Margaret Grant owned land in Stafford County. There is a deed in King George County (November 2, 1738) from John Grant and Margaret, his wife, to Augustine Washington, father of General George Washington, conveying 280 acres of land in Stafford County ("Letters to Washington," edited by Hamilton, Vol. III, pp. 183, 393; "Buckners of Virginia," by Crozier, Page 222).
Contributed by: James Hughes
URL title: Individual Notes
Watts, the hymnologist (Hayden's "Virginia Genealogies," page 601; "William and Mary Quarterly," Vol. IV, Page 266). Her sister, Mary, married Colonel Richard Blackburn of Ripon Lodge, Virginia, whose home in England was Ripon Lodge, Yorkshire. Her sister, Jane, married Andrew Monroe (who also had a second wife, Margaret Washington), and their son was Spence Monroe, father of President James Monroe ("William and Mary Quarterly," Vol. XVI, Page 66). Margaret Grant's brother, John Watts, was "Gentleman Justice" of Westmoreland County, October 18, 1737. He mentions in his will, proved in Westmoreland County, March 27, 1754, "Sister Margaret Grant."
Margaret Grant was the daughter of Richard Watts, of Westmoreland County, whose will was proved October 13, 1716. She was of the same family in England as Dr.
Westmoreland County, Virginia, dated 3 Apr 1737, probated 26 Apr 1737, Mary Chilton. Granddaughter Elizabeth Sanford, Capt. Andrew Munroe and his wife Jane to have care of her estate until she is 18 years of age; son John Watts; son James Bowcock and his children, Thomas, James, and Jane; son Richard Watts; daus. Jane Munroe, Margaret Strother and Mary Blackburn and husband Richard Blackburn; Capt. Thomas Chilton and his wife Jemima.
In the Name of God Amen. I William Strother of the County of King George in the Colony of Virginia, Gent., being sick and weak of body but of sound and perfect memory thanks be to God for the same, do make and ordain this my last Will & Testament hereby revoking making null & void all others by me formerly made.
Imps I give and bequeath my whole estate both real and person-al to be equally divided between my dear and loving wife Margaret Strother and my six children namely Elizabeth, Alice, Agatha, Margaret, Anne & Jane Strother and further it is my will and desire that my lands in Prine William County and King George County be sold to the highest bidder in Money & Tobacco by my Executor here-after named if she thinks convenient and the money thereon arising be equally divided as aforesaid. And my will and desire is that if my wife should dye before such sale be made that my brother Anthony Strother by these presents have full power and authority to sell the same in manner aforesaid if he shall think convenient and the money thereon arising to be equally divided among my children above named.
Lastly I do hereby constitute ordain and appoint my dear and loving wife Margaret Strother my whole and sole Executor of this my last Will & Testament. In Wittnes whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and seal this twentieth day of November Anno Dom. 1732. *******
Wm Strother *Seale* ******* Sealed published & declared
in the presence of us R: Rogers
George [ T.: ] Sympson Mark
Mary Higginson
At a Court held for King George County the 2d day of March 1732 [1732/3]. d
The last Will & Testament of William Strother, Gent., Dece., was presnted into Court by Margaret Strother his Widow and Executrix who made oath thereto and the same was proved by the oath of Richard Rogers and admitted to record.
Copes Test:
T: Turner Cl: Cur
Culpeper County, VA Deed Records (by Dorman, 1991):
"This indenture made 5th and 6th June 1770 between Mary Whitecotton Widow and Relict of Husbandfoot Whitecotton late of the County of Stafford deceased and Axton Whitecotton Eldest son and heir at Law of the said Husbandfoot Whitecotton of same County of one part and Francis Corbin of same county of other part. Witnesseth that said Mary and Axton Whitecotton in consideration of sum of Forty pounds current money of Virginia hath sold unto Francis Corbin all that tract of land in County Culpeper (formerly Orange) and bounded Beginning at a forked pine in Capt. Compton's line in the head of a Valley thence to a white oak by the Marsh branch where it comes into Hunger Run to two pines and a white oak upon a ridge near the foot of Jobbers Mountain to beginning. Tract containing 400 acres as by a Survey thereof made by Mr. John Baylis for John Grant late of County of Prince William deced also by a Deed from under the Hand of the Right Honble Thomas Lord Fairfax bearing date 19th July 1748 granted to Mr. Richard Foote of the County of Stafford aforesaid and Mrs. Margaret Grant Widow of the before mentioned John Grant of the County of Prince William deced."
1654-1800 Westmoreland County, Virginia Wills [Augusta B. Fothergill]; Page 136
WATTS, JOHN, 4 Nov. 1749; 27 Mar. 1754. Son John land in Westmoreland and King George; son Richard land in Fairfax and Prince William; to Beheathland Bragg my house keeper the care of my two daus. Frances and Elizabeth Watts estate at age of 21 years; if my children marry a Maryland woman they are to forfeit their part of my estate; sister Margaret Grant a ring; friends Charles Ashton, James Bankhead, James Berryman and George Geay exrs.
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 97
Westmoreland County Court 26th of March 1718
Upon the Petition of WILLIAM STROTHER who intermarried with MARGRETT, the Daughter of RICHARD WATTS, Gent., deced. it is ordered that JOHN CHILTON, Gent., who intermarried with MARY, the Relict and Executrix of RICHARD WATTS, Gent., deced. do pay to WILLIAM STROTHER all and singular the Estate which of right doth belong to MARGRETT out of the Estate ofher Father with costs alias Execution
1735-1743 King George County Deed Book 2 (Antient Press); pp. 220-225
Indenture made 2nd/3rd November 1738 between JOHN GRANT of County Stafford Gent. & MARGARET his wife Executrix of Last Will & Testament of WILLIAM STROTHER late of County King George Gent. Deceased of one part & AUGUSTINE WASHINGTON of County Prince William Gent. of other part .. sold all that Tenement & Mansion House where the said William Strother lately Dwelt .. all lands which said Mansion stand 280 acres in Parish Brunswick county King George .. which Premises were formerly purchased by William Strother in his life time in three several parcels of ALICE CALE, Widdo: THOMAS HARWOOD & JOHN HARTSHORN & by last will and Testament of William Strother bearing date 20th November 1732 among other things did declare his will to be that his lands in Prince William & King George Countys be sold to highest bidder .. by his Executors .. that money arising should be applied in manner as in said will .. Will appoints his Loving wife the said Margaret his whole Executrix .. which said Margaret after the Death of William Strother proved the Will and Whereas John Grant & Margaret his wife .. Executors ..
Prince William County, Virginia Deeds : Liber D; 1738 - 1740; Pages 88-91.
May 21, 1739. John Grant of Stafford, Gent. and Margaret Grant his wife executrix of will of William Strother late of King George, Gent. dec. to John Graham of Stafford ... for 303 Ibs .... 1241 a .... purchased by William Strother in his life time in three several parcels (to wit) of William Allen 740 a., of John Hudnall 235 a. and 266 by deed from Proprietors Office ... William Strother made his last will dated 20, Nov. 1732 and declared that his lands in Pro Wm. and King George should be sold to highest bidder for money or tob. by his exors ..... sd. will appointed his loving wife Margaret executrix, which sd. Margaret proved sd. will in King George Co.
John Grant
Marg. Grant
Wits: M. Battaley, Gerrard Alexander, John Waugh
Rec'd. this 27 day of May 1739 of John Graham 303 Ibs.
At court May 28, 1739 John Grant, Gent. and Margaret his wife acknowledged this release with the receipt endorsed.
Prince William County, Virginia Deeds : Liber D; 1738 - 1740; Pages 91-94.
May 25, 1739. John Graham of Stafford Co., Merchant to John Grant of Stafford, Gent .... 303 Ibs .... three tracts containing 1241 a. formerly purchased by William Strother late of King George Co., Gent. dec. in three parcels (to wit) of William Allen 740 a., of John Huduall 235 a., and 266 a. from Proprietors Office .... and sd. premisses was purchased by sd. John Graham of sd. John Grant and Margaret his wife executrix of will of William Strother dec.
John Graham
Wits: M. Battaley, Garrard Alexander, John Waugh.
Rec'd. this May 26, 1739 of John Grant 303 Ibs.
At Court May 28, 1739 John Graham, Merch. acknowledged this release with the receipt endorsed
1726-1729 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds & Will Book 8, Part 2 [Antient Press]; Page 310
IN THE NAME OF GOD, Amen. I MARY CHILTON of the Parish of Washington & County of Westmorland in the Colony of Virginia, Widdow, being very sick and weak but of perfect sence and memory praised be God for the same, do make this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form as followeth. First my will and desire is that all my just debts be paid & discharged.
Item. I give to my Grand Daughter, ELIZABETH SANFORD, three Negros (viz.) Pegg, Nann. Scipio and their Encrease to her and her heirs lawfully begotten and for want of such heirs to the heirs of the WATTS, the aforesaid Negros to be under the care of Capt. ANDREW MONROE & JANE his Wife until ELIZA. SANFORD shall attain to the age of eigh-
teen years and then deliver them to her
Item. I give to my Son, JOHN WATTS (besides his equal part of my Estate hereafter mentioned one Silver Tankard marked J. W, and one Silver Tumbler marked E. W., to him and his hairs lawfully begotten and for want of .. heirs to the heirs of the sd WATTS, and likewise I give to my Son, JAMES BOWCOCK, during his natural life, the two Negros which he hath now in possession belonging to me named Bristoll and Cesar and ten head of Cattle of equal sorts out of my Stock at NOMINI to be chose by my Exrs. hereafter menconed and likewise I give to my Son, JAMES BOWCOCK, twenty pounds current money of Virginia and fifteen pounds worth of goods out of my parcel of goods at my Son, JOHN WATTS, according to the note of particulars which he has all this I give
desire is that my Executors hereafter mentioned take the aforesaid Legacies into their hands for the interest of JAMES BOWCOCKs Children, namely THOMAS, JAMES & JANE BOWCOCK to be delivered to them when the said THOMAS and JAMES shall come to the age of twen-ty one years and the said JANE att the age of Eighteen years and if either of the said Children should depart this life before they attain the age aforesaid, then their part so dying to be equally divided between the Survivors and if in case all the said Children should depart this life without attaining the ages aforesaid or issue lawfully begotten of their body, then my desire is that my above sd. Son, JOHN WATTS, or his heirs to have the said Legacies
Item. I give to my Sons, RICHARD and JOHN WATTS, and my Daughter, JANE MONROE, all the remaining part of my Negros to be equally divided among them and their heirs lawfully begotten of their body and for want of such heirs then the remaining heirs of the WATTS and further it is my will that my Daughters, MARGARET STROTHER and MARY BLACKBURN have an equall part with my abovesaid Children, RICHARD, JOHN and JANE, of the value of the Negros paid them in money by the said RICHARD, JOHN and JANE, and of all my other Estate not before mentioned to be equally divided among my five Children last mentioned and their heirs lawfully begotten and if in case one or more of my said Children should depart this life without issue lawfully begotten then their part so dying to be equally divided among the survivors or their heirs;
Item. It is my desire that if it should happen that one or both of my said Sons, RICHARD and JOHN, should depart this life and their heirs not of age to take the Estate here given, it is my will my Exrs. hereafter named if living do take sufficient security of their Wife or Wives and if my Exrs, happen to dy then my will is the County Court to take security
Item. It is my will that what Estate I give to my Daughter, MARY BLACKBURN, to go after her decease to the issue which she may have by her Husband, Mr. RICHD: BLACKBURN, And if in case she have no issue, then that part of my Estate to be divided among all the surviving Grand Children of the WATTS,
Item. I give one thousand pounds of tobacco to the poor of the Parish to be paid out of my Estate by my Executors at their discretion
Item. I give to the Reverd. Mr. RODERICK McCULLOCH a mourning Ring
Item. I give Capt. THOMAS CHILTON & JEMIMA his Wife a mourning Ring a piece;
And Lastly, I constitute and appoint Capt. ANDREW MONROE, my Sons, RICHARD WATTS and JOHN WATTS my Executors of this my Last Will and Testament revokeing and making void all former Wills by me made or caused to be made. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this third day of April 1737
Signed and Sealed in presence of
Westmorland ss. At a Court held for the said County the 26th day of April 1737
This Last. Will and Testament of MARY CHILTON, deceased, was presented into Court by ANDREW MONROE, RICHARD WATTS and JOHN WATTS, Gent., her Executors in the said Will named, who made Oath thereto, And being proved by the Oaths of Mr. JOHN MARTIN and MATTHEW COX witnesses thereunto subscribed is admitted to Record; And upon the mocon of the said Executors and their performing what is usual in such cases, Certificate is granted them for obtaining a Probate thereof in due form
Recorded the 29th day of April 1737, pr. G. T., C. C. W,
Prince William County, Virginia Deeds : Liber D; 1738 - 1740; Pages 413-418.
June 22, 1740. John Grant and Mararet his wife of Stafford Co. to James Baxter of Pr. Wm., Gent....for 100 lbs. sterl 602 a. on n. side of Occoquon River upon Wolf Run near the mouth thereof....lower corner on sd. run of tract of land lately belonging to John Waugh Gent. dec standing near a Indian path....corner to land lately belonging to Robert Carter Esq. dec tract gr. by Proprietor Office to John Waugh dec. Sept. 20, 1710 deeds of lease and release.
John Grant
Wits: James Scott, Nath. Chapman, W. Thompson.
Rec. of James Baxter sum of 100 lbs. sterl. June 23, 1740.
At Ct. June 23, 1740 John Grant acknowledged this release with receit endorsed.
1747-1754 Orange County, Virginia Order Book 5; [Antient Press]; Page 176
Orange County Court 23rd of March 1748/49
- Indentures of Lease and Release between RICHARD FOOT, Gent., and MARGARET GRANT, Widow, Executor and Executrix &c. of JOHN GRANT, deced. of one part and HORATIO DADE of the other part, and a Receipt thereon endorsed on the Release were acknowledged by RICHARD and MARGARET and ordered to be recorded
1747-1754 Orange County, Virginia Order Book 5; [Antient Press]; Page 176
Orange County Court 23rd of March 1748/49
- Indentures of Lease and Release between RICHARD FOOT, Gent. and MARGARET GRANT, Widow, Executor and Executrix &c. of JOHN GRANT, deced., of one part and HORATIO DADE, of other part, and a Receipt thereon endorsed on the Release, were acknowledged by RICHARD and MARGARET and ordered to be recorded
1747-1754 Orange County, Virginia Order Book 5; [Antient Press]; Page 176
Orange County Court 23rd of March 1748/49
- Indentures of Lease and Release between RICHARD FOOT, Gent., and MARGARET GRANT, Widow, Executor and Executrix &c. of JOHN GRANT, deced., of one part and HUSBAND FOOT WHITECOTTON, of the other part, and a Receipt endorsed on the Release were acknowledged by RICHARD and MARGARET and ordered to be recorded
1747-1754 Orange County, Virginia Order Book 5; [Antient Press]; Page 176
Orange County Court 23rd of March 1748/49
- Indentures of Lease and Release between RICHARD FOOT, Gent. and MARGARET GRANT, Widow, Executor and Executrix &c. of JOHN GRANT, deced. of one part and BENJAMIN ELKINS of other part, and a Receipt endorsed on the Release were acknowledged by RICHARD and MARGARET and ordered to be recorded
1747-1754 Orange County, Virginia Order Book 5; [Antient Press]; Page 176
Orange County Court 23rd of March 1748/49
- Indentures of Lease and Release between RICHARD FOOT, Gent. and MARGARET GRANT, Widow, Executor and Executrix, &c. of JOHN GRANT, deced., of one part and HAYWARD TODD of the other part, and a Receipt endorsed on the Release were acknowledged by RICHARD and MARGARET and ordered to be recorded
1747-1751 Orange County, Virginia Deed Book 11, Part 1; [Antient Press]; Page 121-123
Indenture 21 March 1748 between RICHARD FOOTE, County of Stafford, Gent., and MARGARET GRANT, Widow & Relict of JOHN GRANT, late of the County of Prince William, dec'd, Executor and Executrix of the last will and testament of John Grant of one part, and HORATIO DADE of County of Stafford, of other .. for eighteen pounds, ten shillings .. deeds of lease and release .. grants 400 acres in Orange County granted to Richard Foote and Margaret Grant 19 July 1748 .. bounded .. Indian Run ... Sarah Russell's line . .
Witnesses: Richard Foote
Roger Dixon Margaret Grant
Hayward Todd, Benjamin Elkins
Recorded Orange County 22 March 1748
1747-1751 Orange County, Virginia Deed Book 11, Part 1; [Antient Press]; Page 123-124
Indenture 22 March 1748 between RICHARD FOOTE of Stafford County, Gent., and MARGARET GRANT, widow and relict of JOHN GRANT, late of the County of Prince William, dec'd, Executor and Execu-
trix of the last will and testament of John Grant of the one part and HORATIO DADE of Stafford County .. for sixteen pounds, ten shillings .. deeds of lease and release .. for 300 acres in Orange County .. granted to them by Patent from the Proprietor's Office 19 July 1748 .. bounded .. Thomas Kennerly .. Capt. Compton's line .. along Mr. Compton's line . .
Witnesses: Richard Foote
Roger Dixon Margaret Grant
Hayward Todd, Benjamin Elkins
Recorded Orange County 23rd March 1748
1747-1751 Orange County, Virginia Deed Book 11, Part 1; [Antient Press]; Page 125-127
Indenture 22 March 1748 between RICHARD FOOTE and MARGARET GRANT, widow of JOHN GRANT, late of Prince William County, dec'd .. and FOOTE WHITE COTTON of Stafford County .. for thirty two
pounds .. deeds of lease and release .. for 400 acres .. part of survey made for John Grant by John Baylis, for James Genn
Witnesses: Richard Foote
Roger Dixon Margaret Grant
Benjamin Elkins, Hayward Todd
Recorded Orange County 28th March 1748
1747-1751 Orange County, Virginia Deed Book 11, Part 1; [Antient Press]; Page 127-128
Indenture 22 March 1748 between RICHARD FOOTE of Stafford County, Gent., and MARGARET GRANT, Executor and Executrix of the last will and testament of John Grant, dec'd, of Prince William
County .. and BENJAMIN ELKINS of Parish of Brunswick in County of King George, Planter .. for thirty nine pounds .. grants by deeds of lease and release .. 400 acres in the Little Fork of Rappahannock River .. granted 19 July 1748 to Richard Foote and Margaret Grant .. bounded .. Capt. Robert Green .. Branch of White Oak Run . .
Richard Foote
Witnesses: Margaret Grant
Horatio Dade
Roger Dixon, Husband Foote White Cotton
Recorded Orange County 23 March 1748
1747-1751 Orange County, Virginia Deed Book 11, Part 1; [Antient Press]; Page 129-131
Indenture 23 March 1748 between RICHARD FOOTE and MARGARET GRANT of Stafford County, and HAYWARD TODD of Stafford County, Parish of Overwharton .. for twenty two pounds, ten shillings ..
by deeds of lease and release .. grants 300 acres in Little Fork Rappahannock River .. granted Richard Foote and Margaret Grant 19 July 1748 .. bounded .. Branch of Elk Run . . .
Witnesses: Richard Foote
Roger Dixon Margaret Grant
Husband Foote White Cotton, Horatio Dade
Recorded Orange County 23rd March 1748
=== mentioned
1769-1773 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book F; [Antient Press]; Page 124-127
This Indenture made 5th and 6th June 1770 between MARY WHITECOTTON Widow and Relict of HUSBANDFOOT WHITECOTTON late of the County of Stafford deceased and AXTON WHITECOTTON Eldest son and heir at Law of the said Husbandfoot Whitecotton of same County of one part and FRANCIS CORBIN of same county of other part. Witnesseth that said Mary and Axton Whitecotton in consideration of sum Forty pounds current money of Virginia hath sold unto Francis Corbin all that tract of land in County of Culpeper (formerly Orange) and bounded Beginning at a forked pine in Capt. COMPTON's line in the head of a Valey thence to a white oak by the Marsh Branch where it comes into Hunger Run to two pines and a white oak upon a ridge near the foot of Jobbers Mountain to beginning .. Tract containing 400 acres as by a Survey thereof made by Mr. JOHN BAYLIS for JOHN GRANT late of the County of Prince William deced also by a Deed from under the Hand of the Right Honble THOMAS LORD FAIRFAX bearing date 19th July 1748 granted to Mr. RICHARD FOOTE of the County of Stafford aforesaid and Mrs. MARGARET GRANT Widow of the before mentioned John Grant of the County of Prince William deced
Presence: James Pendleton, Mary Whitecotton
Robert Stuart Junr., Daniel Delaney, Axton Whitecotton
Jno. Williams Junr., John Tutt
At Court held for County of Culpeper 20th August 1770 This Indenture of Lease and Release ordered to be recorded. at Citation.1
Her 1st husband.1
Margaret Watts died circa 1755 at Frederick Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
Minnis-Yates, Freer-Bent, Ruggles, and other relations
Margaret then married (2) John Grant. In March, 1737, she asked for a reapportionment of the estate of her late husband, and Hancock Lee, Abram Kenyon, and John Grant were appointed to make it and to set aside to her one seventh of the estate. On Nov. 3, 1738, Anthony Strother qualified as "guardian of Elizabeth, Agatha, Margaret, Anne and Jane," five of the children of William Strother decd, and gave bond to pay five sevenths of the debts of said William. Some have said that she was the great grand aunt of President James Monroe. This is incorrect in that her sister Jane Watts was just the wife of a 1st cousin twice removed. (Owens, William Strother of VA, 1898, Page 8).
Her brother, John Watts, in his will referred to his sister, Margaret Grant. (1754 WILL: Westmoreland County, Virginia, dtd 4 Nov 1749, proved 27 Mar 1754).
Captain Grant married secondly (1737/8) Margaret Watts, daughter of Richard Watts and widow of William Strother (ca.1696-1733). By her he had two more children, Peter and Mary. There is a deed in Prince William County, Virginia (DB D-88) from John Grant, Gent, and Margaret his wife of Stafford Co to John Graham which states that Margaret Grant's former husband was William Strother.
Westmoreland County, Virginia, dated 3 Apr 1737, probated 26 Apr 1737, Mary Chilton.
Granddaughter Elizabeth Sanford, Capt. Andrew Munroe and his wife Jane to have care of her estate until she is 18 years of age; son John Watts; son James Bowcock and his children, Thomas, James, and Jane; son Richard Watts; daus. Jane Munroe, Margaret Strother and Mary Blackburn and husband Richard Blackburn; Capt. Thomas Chilton and his wife Jemima.
Westmoreland County, Virginia, Book 5-127, 25 Mar, depostion of Mrs. Mary Watts aged about 33 years.
John Grant's second wife, it is believed, was Margaret Strother (nee Watts), widow of William Strother, gentleman, of King George County. There is a deed in Prince William County (May 21, 1739) from "John Grant, Gentleman, and Margaret his wife of Stafford County to John Graham," stating that Margaret Grant's former husband was William Strother, and conveying 1240 acres of land in Hamilton Parish, Prince William County (Deed Book D, Page 88). John and Margaret Grant owned land in Stafford County. There is a deed in King George County (November 2, 1738) from John Grant and Margaret, his wife, to Augustine Washington, father of General George Washington, conveying 280 acres of land in Stafford County ("Letters to Washington," edited by Hamilton, Vol. III, pp. 183, 393; "Buckners of Virginia," by Crozier, Page 222).
Contributed by: James Hughes
URL title: Individual Notes
Watts, the hymnologist (Hayden's "Virginia Genealogies," page 601; "William and Mary Quarterly," Vol. IV, Page 266). Her sister, Mary, married Colonel Richard Blackburn of Ripon Lodge, Virginia, whose home in England was Ripon Lodge, Yorkshire. Her sister, Jane, married Andrew Monroe (who also had a second wife, Margaret Washington), and their son was Spence Monroe, father of President James Monroe ("William and Mary Quarterly," Vol. XVI, Page 66). Margaret Grant's brother, John Watts, was "Gentleman Justice" of Westmoreland County, October 18, 1737. He mentions in his will, proved in Westmoreland County, March 27, 1754, "Sister Margaret Grant."
Margaret Grant was the daughter of Richard Watts, of Westmoreland County, whose will was proved October 13, 1716. She was of the same family in England as Dr.
Westmoreland County, Virginia, dated 3 Apr 1737, probated 26 Apr 1737, Mary Chilton. Granddaughter Elizabeth Sanford, Capt. Andrew Munroe and his wife Jane to have care of her estate until she is 18 years of age; son John Watts; son James Bowcock and his children, Thomas, James, and Jane; son Richard Watts; daus. Jane Munroe, Margaret Strother and Mary Blackburn and husband Richard Blackburn; Capt. Thomas Chilton and his wife Jemima.
In the Name of God Amen. I William Strother of the County of King George in the Colony of Virginia, Gent., being sick and weak of body but of sound and perfect memory thanks be to God for the same, do make and ordain this my last Will & Testament hereby revoking making null & void all others by me formerly made.
Imps I give and bequeath my whole estate both real and person-al to be equally divided between my dear and loving wife Margaret Strother and my six children namely Elizabeth, Alice, Agatha, Margaret, Anne & Jane Strother and further it is my will and desire that my lands in Prine William County and King George County be sold to the highest bidder in Money & Tobacco by my Executor here-after named if she thinks convenient and the money thereon arising be equally divided as aforesaid. And my will and desire is that if my wife should dye before such sale be made that my brother Anthony Strother by these presents have full power and authority to sell the same in manner aforesaid if he shall think convenient and the money thereon arising to be equally divided among my children above named.
Lastly I do hereby constitute ordain and appoint my dear and loving wife Margaret Strother my whole and sole Executor of this my last Will & Testament. In Wittnes whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and seal this twentieth day of November Anno Dom. 1732. *******
Wm Strother *Seale* ******* Sealed published & declared
in the presence of us R: Rogers
George [ T.: ] Sympson Mark
Mary Higginson
At a Court held for King George County the 2d day of March 1732 [1732/3]. d
The last Will & Testament of William Strother, Gent., Dece., was presnted into Court by Margaret Strother his Widow and Executrix who made oath thereto and the same was proved by the oath of Richard Rogers and admitted to record.
Copes Test:
T: Turner Cl: Cur
Culpeper County, VA Deed Records (by Dorman, 1991):
"This indenture made 5th and 6th June 1770 between Mary Whitecotton Widow and Relict of Husbandfoot Whitecotton late of the County of Stafford deceased and Axton Whitecotton Eldest son and heir at Law of the said Husbandfoot Whitecotton of same County of one part and Francis Corbin of same county of other part. Witnesseth that said Mary and Axton Whitecotton in consideration of sum of Forty pounds current money of Virginia hath sold unto Francis Corbin all that tract of land in County Culpeper (formerly Orange) and bounded Beginning at a forked pine in Capt. Compton's line in the head of a Valley thence to a white oak by the Marsh branch where it comes into Hunger Run to two pines and a white oak upon a ridge near the foot of Jobbers Mountain to beginning. Tract containing 400 acres as by a Survey thereof made by Mr. John Baylis for John Grant late of County of Prince William deced also by a Deed from under the Hand of the Right Honble Thomas Lord Fairfax bearing date 19th July 1748 granted to Mr. Richard Foote of the County of Stafford aforesaid and Mrs. Margaret Grant Widow of the before mentioned John Grant of the County of Prince William deced."
1654-1800 Westmoreland County, Virginia Wills [Augusta B. Fothergill]; Page 136
WATTS, JOHN, 4 Nov. 1749; 27 Mar. 1754. Son John land in Westmoreland and King George; son Richard land in Fairfax and Prince William; to Beheathland Bragg my house keeper the care of my two daus. Frances and Elizabeth Watts estate at age of 21 years; if my children marry a Maryland woman they are to forfeit their part of my estate; sister Margaret Grant a ring; friends Charles Ashton, James Bankhead, James Berryman and George Geay exrs.
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 97
Westmoreland County Court 26th of March 1718
Upon the Petition of WILLIAM STROTHER who intermarried with MARGRETT, the Daughter of RICHARD WATTS, Gent., deced. it is ordered that JOHN CHILTON, Gent., who intermarried with MARY, the Relict and Executrix of RICHARD WATTS, Gent., deced. do pay to WILLIAM STROTHER all and singular the Estate which of right doth belong to MARGRETT out of the Estate ofher Father with costs alias Execution
1735-1743 King George County Deed Book 2 (Antient Press); pp. 220-225
Indenture made 2nd/3rd November 1738 between JOHN GRANT of County Stafford Gent. & MARGARET his wife Executrix of Last Will & Testament of WILLIAM STROTHER late of County King George Gent. Deceased of one part & AUGUSTINE WASHINGTON of County Prince William Gent. of other part .. sold all that Tenement & Mansion House where the said William Strother lately Dwelt .. all lands which said Mansion stand 280 acres in Parish Brunswick county King George .. which Premises were formerly purchased by William Strother in his life time in three several parcels of ALICE CALE, Widdo: THOMAS HARWOOD & JOHN HARTSHORN & by last will and Testament of William Strother bearing date 20th November 1732 among other things did declare his will to be that his lands in Prince William & King George Countys be sold to highest bidder .. by his Executors .. that money arising should be applied in manner as in said will .. Will appoints his Loving wife the said Margaret his whole Executrix .. which said Margaret after the Death of William Strother proved the Will and Whereas John Grant & Margaret his wife .. Executors ..
Prince William County, Virginia Deeds : Liber D; 1738 - 1740; Pages 88-91.
May 21, 1739. John Grant of Stafford, Gent. and Margaret Grant his wife executrix of will of William Strother late of King George, Gent. dec. to John Graham of Stafford ... for 303 Ibs .... 1241 a .... purchased by William Strother in his life time in three several parcels (to wit) of William Allen 740 a., of John Hudnall 235 a. and 266 by deed from Proprietors Office ... William Strother made his last will dated 20, Nov. 1732 and declared that his lands in Pro Wm. and King George should be sold to highest bidder for money or tob. by his exors ..... sd. will appointed his loving wife Margaret executrix, which sd. Margaret proved sd. will in King George Co.
John Grant
Marg. Grant
Wits: M. Battaley, Gerrard Alexander, John Waugh
Rec'd. this 27 day of May 1739 of John Graham 303 Ibs.
At court May 28, 1739 John Grant, Gent. and Margaret his wife acknowledged this release with the receipt endorsed.
Prince William County, Virginia Deeds : Liber D; 1738 - 1740; Pages 91-94.
May 25, 1739. John Graham of Stafford Co., Merchant to John Grant of Stafford, Gent .... 303 Ibs .... three tracts containing 1241 a. formerly purchased by William Strother late of King George Co., Gent. dec. in three parcels (to wit) of William Allen 740 a., of John Huduall 235 a., and 266 a. from Proprietors Office .... and sd. premisses was purchased by sd. John Graham of sd. John Grant and Margaret his wife executrix of will of William Strother dec.
John Graham
Wits: M. Battaley, Garrard Alexander, John Waugh.
Rec'd. this May 26, 1739 of John Grant 303 Ibs.
At Court May 28, 1739 John Graham, Merch. acknowledged this release with the receipt endorsed
1726-1729 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds & Will Book 8, Part 2 [Antient Press]; Page 310
IN THE NAME OF GOD, Amen. I MARY CHILTON of the Parish of Washington & County of Westmorland in the Colony of Virginia, Widdow, being very sick and weak but of perfect sence and memory praised be God for the same, do make this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form as followeth. First my will and desire is that all my just debts be paid & discharged.
Item. I give to my Grand Daughter, ELIZABETH SANFORD, three Negros (viz.) Pegg, Nann. Scipio and their Encrease to her and her heirs lawfully begotten and for want of such heirs to the heirs of the WATTS, the aforesaid Negros to be under the care of Capt. ANDREW MONROE & JANE his Wife until ELIZA. SANFORD shall attain to the age of eigh-
teen years and then deliver them to her
Item. I give to my Son, JOHN WATTS (besides his equal part of my Estate hereafter mentioned one Silver Tankard marked J. W, and one Silver Tumbler marked E. W., to him and his hairs lawfully begotten and for want of .. heirs to the heirs of the sd WATTS, and likewise I give to my Son, JAMES BOWCOCK, during his natural life, the two Negros which he hath now in possession belonging to me named Bristoll and Cesar and ten head of Cattle of equal sorts out of my Stock at NOMINI to be chose by my Exrs. hereafter menconed and likewise I give to my Son, JAMES BOWCOCK, twenty pounds current money of Virginia and fifteen pounds worth of goods out of my parcel of goods at my Son, JOHN WATTS, according to the note of particulars which he has all this I give
desire is that my Executors hereafter mentioned take the aforesaid Legacies into their hands for the interest of JAMES BOWCOCKs Children, namely THOMAS, JAMES & JANE BOWCOCK to be delivered to them when the said THOMAS and JAMES shall come to the age of twen-ty one years and the said JANE att the age of Eighteen years and if either of the said Children should depart this life before they attain the age aforesaid, then their part so dying to be equally divided between the Survivors and if in case all the said Children should depart this life without attaining the ages aforesaid or issue lawfully begotten of their body, then my desire is that my above sd. Son, JOHN WATTS, or his heirs to have the said Legacies
Item. I give to my Sons, RICHARD and JOHN WATTS, and my Daughter, JANE MONROE, all the remaining part of my Negros to be equally divided among them and their heirs lawfully begotten of their body and for want of such heirs then the remaining heirs of the WATTS and further it is my will that my Daughters, MARGARET STROTHER and MARY BLACKBURN have an equall part with my abovesaid Children, RICHARD, JOHN and JANE, of the value of the Negros paid them in money by the said RICHARD, JOHN and JANE, and of all my other Estate not before mentioned to be equally divided among my five Children last mentioned and their heirs lawfully begotten and if in case one or more of my said Children should depart this life without issue lawfully begotten then their part so dying to be equally divided among the survivors or their heirs;
Item. It is my desire that if it should happen that one or both of my said Sons, RICHARD and JOHN, should depart this life and their heirs not of age to take the Estate here given, it is my will my Exrs. hereafter named if living do take sufficient security of their Wife or Wives and if my Exrs, happen to dy then my will is the County Court to take security
Item. It is my will that what Estate I give to my Daughter, MARY BLACKBURN, to go after her decease to the issue which she may have by her Husband, Mr. RICHD: BLACKBURN, And if in case she have no issue, then that part of my Estate to be divided among all the surviving Grand Children of the WATTS,
Item. I give one thousand pounds of tobacco to the poor of the Parish to be paid out of my Estate by my Executors at their discretion
Item. I give to the Reverd. Mr. RODERICK McCULLOCH a mourning Ring
Item. I give Capt. THOMAS CHILTON & JEMIMA his Wife a mourning Ring a piece;
And Lastly, I constitute and appoint Capt. ANDREW MONROE, my Sons, RICHARD WATTS and JOHN WATTS my Executors of this my Last Will and Testament revokeing and making void all former Wills by me made or caused to be made. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this third day of April 1737
Signed and Sealed in presence of
Westmorland ss. At a Court held for the said County the 26th day of April 1737
This Last. Will and Testament of MARY CHILTON, deceased, was presented into Court by ANDREW MONROE, RICHARD WATTS and JOHN WATTS, Gent., her Executors in the said Will named, who made Oath thereto, And being proved by the Oaths of Mr. JOHN MARTIN and MATTHEW COX witnesses thereunto subscribed is admitted to Record; And upon the mocon of the said Executors and their performing what is usual in such cases, Certificate is granted them for obtaining a Probate thereof in due form
Recorded the 29th day of April 1737, pr. G. T., C. C. W,
Prince William County, Virginia Deeds : Liber D; 1738 - 1740; Pages 413-418.
June 22, 1740. John Grant and Mararet his wife of Stafford Co. to James Baxter of Pr. Wm., Gent....for 100 lbs. sterl 602 a. on n. side of Occoquon River upon Wolf Run near the mouth thereof....lower corner on sd. run of tract of land lately belonging to John Waugh Gent. dec standing near a Indian path....corner to land lately belonging to Robert Carter Esq. dec tract gr. by Proprietor Office to John Waugh dec. Sept. 20, 1710 deeds of lease and release.
John Grant
Wits: James Scott, Nath. Chapman, W. Thompson.
Rec. of James Baxter sum of 100 lbs. sterl. June 23, 1740.
At Ct. June 23, 1740 John Grant acknowledged this release with receit endorsed.
1747-1754 Orange County, Virginia Order Book 5; [Antient Press]; Page 176
Orange County Court 23rd of March 1748/49
- Indentures of Lease and Release between RICHARD FOOT, Gent., and MARGARET GRANT, Widow, Executor and Executrix &c. of JOHN GRANT, deced. of one part and HORATIO DADE of the other part, and a Receipt thereon endorsed on the Release were acknowledged by RICHARD and MARGARET and ordered to be recorded
1747-1754 Orange County, Virginia Order Book 5; [Antient Press]; Page 176
Orange County Court 23rd of March 1748/49
- Indentures of Lease and Release between RICHARD FOOT, Gent. and MARGARET GRANT, Widow, Executor and Executrix &c. of JOHN GRANT, deced., of one part and HORATIO DADE, of other part, and a Receipt thereon endorsed on the Release, were acknowledged by RICHARD and MARGARET and ordered to be recorded
1747-1754 Orange County, Virginia Order Book 5; [Antient Press]; Page 176
Orange County Court 23rd of March 1748/49
- Indentures of Lease and Release between RICHARD FOOT, Gent., and MARGARET GRANT, Widow, Executor and Executrix &c. of JOHN GRANT, deced., of one part and HUSBAND FOOT WHITECOTTON, of the other part, and a Receipt endorsed on the Release were acknowledged by RICHARD and MARGARET and ordered to be recorded
1747-1754 Orange County, Virginia Order Book 5; [Antient Press]; Page 176
Orange County Court 23rd of March 1748/49
- Indentures of Lease and Release between RICHARD FOOT, Gent. and MARGARET GRANT, Widow, Executor and Executrix &c. of JOHN GRANT, deced. of one part and BENJAMIN ELKINS of other part, and a Receipt endorsed on the Release were acknowledged by RICHARD and MARGARET and ordered to be recorded
1747-1754 Orange County, Virginia Order Book 5; [Antient Press]; Page 176
Orange County Court 23rd of March 1748/49
- Indentures of Lease and Release between RICHARD FOOT, Gent. and MARGARET GRANT, Widow, Executor and Executrix, &c. of JOHN GRANT, deced., of one part and HAYWARD TODD of the other part, and a Receipt endorsed on the Release were acknowledged by RICHARD and MARGARET and ordered to be recorded
1747-1751 Orange County, Virginia Deed Book 11, Part 1; [Antient Press]; Page 121-123
Indenture 21 March 1748 between RICHARD FOOTE, County of Stafford, Gent., and MARGARET GRANT, Widow & Relict of JOHN GRANT, late of the County of Prince William, dec'd, Executor and Executrix of the last will and testament of John Grant of one part, and HORATIO DADE of County of Stafford, of other .. for eighteen pounds, ten shillings .. deeds of lease and release .. grants 400 acres in Orange County granted to Richard Foote and Margaret Grant 19 July 1748 .. bounded .. Indian Run ... Sarah Russell's line . .
Witnesses: Richard Foote
Roger Dixon Margaret Grant
Hayward Todd, Benjamin Elkins
Recorded Orange County 22 March 1748
1747-1751 Orange County, Virginia Deed Book 11, Part 1; [Antient Press]; Page 123-124
Indenture 22 March 1748 between RICHARD FOOTE of Stafford County, Gent., and MARGARET GRANT, widow and relict of JOHN GRANT, late of the County of Prince William, dec'd, Executor and Execu-
trix of the last will and testament of John Grant of the one part and HORATIO DADE of Stafford County .. for sixteen pounds, ten shillings .. deeds of lease and release .. for 300 acres in Orange County .. granted to them by Patent from the Proprietor's Office 19 July 1748 .. bounded .. Thomas Kennerly .. Capt. Compton's line .. along Mr. Compton's line . .
Witnesses: Richard Foote
Roger Dixon Margaret Grant
Hayward Todd, Benjamin Elkins
Recorded Orange County 23rd March 1748
1747-1751 Orange County, Virginia Deed Book 11, Part 1; [Antient Press]; Page 125-127
Indenture 22 March 1748 between RICHARD FOOTE and MARGARET GRANT, widow of JOHN GRANT, late of Prince William County, dec'd .. and FOOTE WHITE COTTON of Stafford County .. for thirty two
pounds .. deeds of lease and release .. for 400 acres .. part of survey made for John Grant by John Baylis, for James Genn
Witnesses: Richard Foote
Roger Dixon Margaret Grant
Benjamin Elkins, Hayward Todd
Recorded Orange County 28th March 1748
1747-1751 Orange County, Virginia Deed Book 11, Part 1; [Antient Press]; Page 127-128
Indenture 22 March 1748 between RICHARD FOOTE of Stafford County, Gent., and MARGARET GRANT, Executor and Executrix of the last will and testament of John Grant, dec'd, of Prince William
County .. and BENJAMIN ELKINS of Parish of Brunswick in County of King George, Planter .. for thirty nine pounds .. grants by deeds of lease and release .. 400 acres in the Little Fork of Rappahannock River .. granted 19 July 1748 to Richard Foote and Margaret Grant .. bounded .. Capt. Robert Green .. Branch of White Oak Run . .
Richard Foote
Witnesses: Margaret Grant
Horatio Dade
Roger Dixon, Husband Foote White Cotton
Recorded Orange County 23 March 1748
1747-1751 Orange County, Virginia Deed Book 11, Part 1; [Antient Press]; Page 129-131
Indenture 23 March 1748 between RICHARD FOOTE and MARGARET GRANT of Stafford County, and HAYWARD TODD of Stafford County, Parish of Overwharton .. for twenty two pounds, ten shillings ..
by deeds of lease and release .. grants 300 acres in Little Fork Rappahannock River .. granted Richard Foote and Margaret Grant 19 July 1748 .. bounded .. Branch of Elk Run . . .
Witnesses: Richard Foote
Roger Dixon Margaret Grant
Husband Foote White Cotton, Horatio Dade
Recorded Orange County 23rd March 1748
=== mentioned
1769-1773 Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book F; [Antient Press]; Page 124-127
This Indenture made 5th and 6th June 1770 between MARY WHITECOTTON Widow and Relict of HUSBANDFOOT WHITECOTTON late of the County of Stafford deceased and AXTON WHITECOTTON Eldest son and heir at Law of the said Husbandfoot Whitecotton of same County of one part and FRANCIS CORBIN of same county of other part. Witnesseth that said Mary and Axton Whitecotton in consideration of sum Forty pounds current money of Virginia hath sold unto Francis Corbin all that tract of land in County of Culpeper (formerly Orange) and bounded Beginning at a forked pine in Capt. COMPTON's line in the head of a Valey thence to a white oak by the Marsh Branch where it comes into Hunger Run to two pines and a white oak upon a ridge near the foot of Jobbers Mountain to beginning .. Tract containing 400 acres as by a Survey thereof made by Mr. JOHN BAYLIS for JOHN GRANT late of the County of Prince William deced also by a Deed from under the Hand of the Right Honble THOMAS LORD FAIRFAX bearing date 19th July 1748 granted to Mr. RICHARD FOOTE of the County of Stafford aforesaid and Mrs. MARGARET GRANT Widow of the before mentioned John Grant of the County of Prince William deced
Presence: James Pendleton, Mary Whitecotton
Robert Stuart Junr., Daniel Delaney, Axton Whitecotton
Jno. Williams Junr., John Tutt
At Court held for County of Culpeper 20th August 1770 This Indenture of Lease and Release ordered to be recorded. at Citation.1
Family | William Strother b. 1697, d. 2 Mar 1733 |
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, Margaret Watts Abt 1703 - Abt 1755 seen 5 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, Richard Watts Bef 1670 - 1716 seen 5 Aug 2022 at
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, Mary Blagg 1679 - 1737 seen 5 Aug 2022 at
Margaret Place1
F, #99606, b. circa 1652, d. 27 July 1726
Father | Francis Place1 b. b 1628, d. bt 1654 - 1660 |
Mother | Honora (?)1 b. c 1632, d. 6 Nov 1685 |
Last Edited | 5 Aug 2022 |
Margaret Place was born circa 1652 at Isle of Wight Co., Virginia, USA.1 She married John Watts on 7 May 1671 at Old Rappahannock Co., Virginia, USA,
His 2nd wife; her 1st husband.2 Margaret Place married Abraham Blagg before 8 October 1679 at Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.3
Margaret Place died on 27 July 1726 at Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
1723-1726 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds & Will Book 8, Part 1
[Antient Press]; Page 54
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN, I MARGARETT BLAGG of Washington Parish in the County of Westmoreld. being sick & weak of body but of perfect sence & memory (blessed be God therefore) do constitute & appoint this my Last Will & Testament in form & manner following, that is to say, first & principally I give & bequeath my Soul into the hands of God that gave it and my body to the Earth to receive a decent & Christian like burial at the discresion of my Executor hereafter mentioned in hopes of a joyful resurrecion thro the merits of ur blessed Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ.
It. I give & bequeath my whole Estate both real & personal unto my Grand Son, ABRAHAM BLAGG. with all premisses which doth belong unto me whehter in my possession custody or where it may be found. I do also constitute & appoint my said Grand Son. ABRAHAM BLAGG, my whole & sole Exr. of this my last Will & Testament, And I do will & desire that JAMES HORE, his Uncle, should advise him concerning the management of the said Estate and that the sd. ABRAHAM BLAGG should neither buy or sell without the consent of the sd. JAMES HORE untill he comes to the age of eighteen -years. And this I do acknowledge to be my Last Will & Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the eighteenth day of May in the year of our Lord 1724
Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of
Westmoreland us. At a Court held for the sd. County the 27th day of July 1726
The Last Will & Testament of MARGRET BLAGG, deced., was presented into Court by ABRAHAM BLAGG. her Executor. who made Oath thereto. & being proved by the Oaths of JOHN DOWGIN & SARAH MARTIN. two of the witnesses thereto, is admitted to Record: And upon the mocon of the said ABRAHAM BLAGG and his performing what is ususal in such case. Certificate is granted him for obtaining a Probate thereof in due form
Test THO; SORRELL, Cl Recordat Nono die Augti 1726
1654-1800 Westmoreland County, Virginia Wills [Augusta B. Fothergill]; Page 85
BLAGG, MARGARET, 18 May 1724; 27 July 1726. All my estate to my grandson Abraham Blagg when 18 years of age; James Hore his uncle to advise him.
1679-1682 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 2 [John Frederick Dorman]; Page 10; [8 Oct. 1679]
Abram Blagg security for Rich: Watts. Anth. Bridges and Mr. Gilbert Huband security for Mr. Abraham Blagg as marrying, the relict of Mr. Jno: Watts estate in 30,000 pounds of tobacco.
1654-1800 Westmoreland County, Virginia Wills [Augusta B. Fothergill]; Page 17
BLAGG, ABRAHAM, 4 June 1694; 31 March 1697. Estate to wife Margaret.
1691-1699 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 2; [John Frederick Dorman-1801 transcript];
Page 101. Will of Abraham Blagg of Westmoreland County in Virginia being weak and lowe in body, dated 4 June 1694.
What worldly estate I have, unto my loving wife Margarett Blagg to be disposed of at her discression, appointing her my executrix.
Abraham Blagg
Wit: Richard Watts, Anne Thomas.
31 March 1697. Proved by Richard Walls [sic], Anne Thomas the other witness being dead. Probate granted unto Margarett Blagg his relict.
1691-1692 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 1 [John Frederick Dorman];
Page 2 [28 Jan. 1690/91]
Abraham Blagg caused John Washington to be arrested in a plea of trespass, The plaintiff by Robt. Brent his attorney declared that Mr, John Watts, late of this county, did by his last Will devise unto Margarett his relict a tract of land called Creydon Hill in this county and, the plaintiff haveing intermarried with Margarett, imediately after the said espowsalls the messuage did vest in him in right of his wife. But Mr. John Washington hath entered upon the plantation. For that neither plaintiff nor defendant appeared at this Court, the Court doe dismiss the suite.
1691-1699 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 2; [John Frederick Dorman-1801 transcript];
Page 9a. 25 Nov. 1691. These may certify that I Abraham Blagge will allow nor confirm no sale, mortgage or lease of any land that shall be made by Margaret Blagge wife to the aforesaid Abraham Blagge, neither sale of my goods or chattels, and will not pay any debts, challenge or claim made by the said Margaret Blagge. Abraham Blagge
1694-1695 Essex County, Virginia Deed & Will Book; [Antient Press]; Page 317-318
At a Court held for Essex County October ye 10th Ano Dom 1694
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I ABRAHAM BLAGGE of WESTMORELAND County do appoint & impower my loveing Wife, MARGARETT BLAGGE to be my true & lawful Attorney in all matters as well in receiving as in paying, as also in buying & selling to act & doe as largely & amply as I myselfe might or could do, and for ye more effecting & compleating all & any matter she shall Judge necdfull requisit to be done I doe by these presents give unto my sd Atturney my full & whole power to use such means for ye p:secuting ye same as Law and Equity alloweth without any manny of Restraint or Reservations but that to all intents and purposes this power may be construed & interpreted (if need thereunto require) to be as valid and effectuall in any or all matters whatsoever (relating or concerning me, the sd ABRAHAM BLAGGE) that shall be done or caused to be done by my sd Atturney as if I my selfe had done & acted or caused to be done & acted the same, or Atturneys under her to make & ordaine and againe at her pleasure to revoake and this my power to her I do make irrevoakeable and all & whatsoever my sd Atturney shall do or cause to be done I promise by these presents to rattifie & allow. In Witness whereof I have set my hand and seale August the 22d Anno 1694
Signed sealed & delivered in ye presence of
At a Court held for Essex County October ye 10th Ano Dom 1694
The within Lettr: of Attorney was prov'd by ye oathes of ye witnesses thereto & ordered to be recorded
Vere Recordatr: Test FRANCIS MERIWETHER, Cl Cur
1699-1702 Essex County, Virginia Order Book; [Antient Press]; Page 86
Essex County Court 10th of April 1701
- MARGARET BLAGGE complaines against REBECCA TOMLIN in a plea of Trespass for that whereas the said Plt. is seised of a good absolute & indefeasible Estate of Inheritance of in & to Six hundred acres of Land scituate lying & being in ye Parish of CITTENBURNE in this County, yet the sd REBECCA TOMLIN not regarding the Plts. seizure aforesd upon the 10th day of September last into & upon the premisses aforesd. with force & armes did illegally enter & three Timber trees of the value of Fifteen pounds Sterl, did then & there fall cut down & destroy & divers & sundry other trespasses did then & there comit agt. the peace &c., & to the Plts. damage of Fifty pounds Sterl. for wch. she hath brought her suit & prays Judgmt. with costs &c., to which the Deft, in Febry, Court last by WM. JONES her Attorney appear'd & prayed an Imparlance till the next Court wch: was granted, but not appearing now, its ordered that the Sheriff of this County or his Deputy sumon an able jury of ye Neighbourhood that are nowise concerned by affinity consanguinity or interest or lyable to any other just exception, who being first sworne are together with Mr, CHARLES SMITH, Surveyr:, to goe upon ye aforesd. Land on ye 28th of this instant if fair, if not ye next fair day & lay out the same according to ye ancient bounds of ye Patent thereof haveing regard to all evidences that shall be produced by Plt. & Deft. & if they find ye Deft. a Trespasser that they value ye damage & report their proceedings undr: their hands & seales to ye next Court to be held for this County & Mr. SAML. THACKER is desired to swear ye Jury
1701-1704 Essex County, Virginia Deed & Will Book; [Antient Press]; Page 109
THIS INDENTURE made the Eleventh day of May in the Fourteenth yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereign Lord William the third &c. and in the yeare One thousand seaven hundred and two Between MARGARET BLAGG of the Parish of WASHINGTON in the County of WESTMORELAND in ye Colony of Virga:, Widow, of ye one pie: and DAVID GWYN of ye Parish of Farnham in the County of RICHMOND in the same Colony, Merchant, of the other part. Witnesseth that the said MARGARET BLAGG for the sume of Twenty six thousand pounds of tobo: and caske and One hundred pounds Sterling money of England to her the said MARGARET BLAGG for the full and absolute purchase & conveyance of ye lands with the appurtenances hereinafter particularly described well & truely paid by DAVID GWYN by these pr:sents hath granted unto the aforesd. DAVID GWYN and to his heires and assignes all that tract of land conteyning One thousand and fifty acres being on the South side of Rappahannock River in the Parish of Sitingburne in the County of Essex and bounded Beginning at a white Oake standing on a Poynt by the North side of a Creeke formerly called TIGNORS CREEK but now goeing by the name of the MILL CREEK and running for length North and for breadth by or nigh on ye sd Creekes side and soe runing againe for length North includeing and bounding Six hundred acres & another p:cell begin ing at the Westermost bounds of the abovesd. Six hundred acres paralell to which it extendeth it selfe to the Woods a Mile North & by West, thence butting upon the River East & by Northerly, the said bounds includeing Four hundred acres together with the Marsh land thereunto belonging lying upon the Mouth of the Westermost side of the said Creeke upon which was bounded the former Defident, Together with all houses orchards woods meadows marshes & appurtenances belonging and all the Estate, right & demand of her the said MARGT. BLAGG both in Law & Equity; To have and to hold the said One thousand acres of Woodland and fifty acres of Marsh land together with all the appurtenances unto the said DAVID GWYN his heires & assignes forever to be held of or: Sovgne. Lord the King & paying the Quitt Rents due from the same for every fifty acres to be paid at the Feast of St. Mlchael the Archangell yearely and the said MARGT. BLAGG doth grant she will warrant & forever defend unto the said DAVID GWYN his heires & assignes the aforesd. land agt her her heires & assignes & every other persons whatsoever and that the said DAVID GWYN shall at all times hereafter forever peaceably possess all the sd land without any manner of trouble of her the sd MARGT, BLAGG her heires or assignes or any other persons. In Witness whereof the said MARGARET BLAGG hath set her hand and seale
Signed sealed and delivered in the pr:sence of
the marke of DANIEL CARRYL
the marke of JNO, JONES
Acknowledged in Essex County Court the 11th of May 1702 and truely recorded Memorandum. That on the eleventh day of May 1702 Livery of Seisin was given by MARGARET BLAGG to DAVID GWYN by deliverey of Turffe and Twigg in pr:sence of
Acknowledged in Essex County Court DANIEL CARRYL
ye 11th day of May 1702 and truely JOHN JONES
(Bond in the sum of On thousand pounds of good & lawfull money of England dated 11th of May 1702 to fulfill agreements. Same Witnesses)
From Maryland Calendar of Wills, by Jane Baldwin, F 180-C85-Volume 1, page 208:
Will of Major John Weire, Rappahannock County, Virginia:
Made May 7, 1671, probated April 28, 1678 (Book 9, page 78).
To wife, Honoria - dower rights.
To daughter, Margaret, wife of John Watts, of Potomac River and heirs, part of 1,108 acres bought of Henry Randolph of Jamestown, 1/2 of said tract having already been sold to Robert Payne.
To daughter, Elizabeth and heirs at 21 years - "The Island"
To son, John and heirs - residue of lands in Virginia and elsewhere.
Executors: Son-in-law John Watts
William Mosely
Capt. John Hull
Witnesses: John Bates
Luke Humberton
John Jeffery.
Contributed by: James Hughes
URL title: The Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume I
Weire, John, Major, Rappahannock County, Virginia, 7th May, 1671; 28th Apr., 1678. To wife Honoria, dower rights.
To daughter-in-law Margaret, wife of John Watts of Potomac R., and hrs., part of a tract of land, 1, 108 A., bought of Henry Randolph of Jamestown (1/2 of sd. tract having already been sold to Robert Payne). To dau. Eliza: and hrs., "The Island" at 21 yrs. of age.
To son John and hrs., residue of lands in Virginia and elsewhere.
Exs.: Son-in-law Jno. Watts, Wm. Mosely, Capt. Jno. Hull. Test: Jno. Bates, Luke Humbleton, Jno. Jeffery. 9. 78.
Editors: Major John Weire of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia, married Honoria, mother of Margaret (---), wife of John Watts (and later Abraham Blagg of Richmond County, Virginia). His daughter Elizabeth later married Richard Gardner, son of Richard and Elizabeth (Hatton) Gardner (Calendar, Vol. II, pp. 14-27)
Contributed by: James Hughes
Watts Families, Page 86
(20) John Watts, born (???); died C1680. He lived in Westmoreland County, Virginia. He was first married to Elizabeth Vaughan, daughter of John Vaughan. He was named in the will of John Vaughan made January 9, 1663, proved April 27, 1664, Nominy Parish, Westmoreland County, Virginia. (Will Book 1, Page 3).
After the death of his first wife, Elizabeth (Vaughan) Watts, he married Margaret Weire, daughter of Major John Weire and Honoria (???).
This reference is found in the will of Major John Weire, probated in Maryland, April 28, 1678. (J. Baldwin's Maryland Calendar of Wills, Vol. 1, page 208). The will had been made May 7, 1671.
Further proof is found in the following references:
"Index of (old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Grants, Deeds, etc.", Vol. 4, P to Y 1654-1692.
Page 47
Page 1126. John Watts is given power of attorney by Honoria Weire, Executrix of John Weire. (Book 1668-1672, page 444, June 4, 1671).
Page 1126. John Watts is given assignment of notes and bills in Estate of Major John Weire, whose widow has married George Jones. (Book 1677-1682, page 121, May 5, 1676).
Then in (old) Rappahannock County (now Essex) records, copies now in Virginia Archives at Richmond, we find:
Old Book No. 1, page 119, where George Jones, who married Honoria Weire, widow of Major John Weire, consents to a settlement whereby the wife and John Watts are empowered to protect John and Elizabeth Weire until they come of age. (May 2, 5, 1676-77. Several pages of forms).
Old Book 62, New 6 R., Page 84, is the will of Honoria Jones. In it she gives her grandson, Richard Watts, two pieces of silverware. (November 9, 1685).
Meanwhile, John Watts had died and his widow Margaret Watts, nee Weire, married Abraham Blagg, and Honoria's will mentions her son-in-law, Abraham Blagg, and her grandsons, Edward Blagg and Abraham Blagg, and Richard Watts.
John Watts sold a plantation to Thomas Wilsford, September 1, 1666, Westmoreland Co. He leased land from John Washington in Westmoreland Co. in 1668.
He acquired 1053 acres from Nathaniel Pope in Westmoreland County, on Hollis Creek, November 1, 1665. December 15, 1665, he deeded land in Northumberland County, Virginia. (D. B. 1, page 277).
October 20, 1670, he acquired a headright in Stafford County, Virginia.
More detailed data on some of the references included in the above follows:
Index of (old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Grants, Deeds, etc., in Richmond, Virginia., Vol 4, P to Y, 1654-1692. Page 1126:
John Watts, Book 1668-1672, page 444, 6/4/1671, is given Power of Attorney by Honoria Weire, executrix of John Weire.
John Watts, Book 1677-1682, page 121, 5/5/1676, is given assignment of notes and bills in estate of Major John (S. B. Weire) whose widow married George Jones.
Richard Watts, Book 1677-1682, page 84, is given Silverware in will of Honoria Jones, recorded 1/4/1695
Old Rappahannock County, now Essex County
Will in Tapahannock
James Hughes 2006-01-06 11:12:16
Thomas Powell [Sr.]
1667 September 30. Thomas and Mary Powell sold (Ibid., page 317) their interest in 300 acres land to James Coghill for the valluable consideration of nyne barrells of good Indian corne as also for Divers other Considerasions of Sittingbourne Parish, Rappahannock County, Virginia. The land was "lying in the freshes of Rappahannock River on the North side of the River."
8/11/1655 (Lancaster Co, Virginia Rec. Book, #2, page 104). Francis Place conveyed a tract of land formerly in Isle of Wight County, Virginia containing 300 acres patented by him September 7, 1654, lying on the North side of the "freshes" of the Rappahanncok River about ten miles above Nazemum Town and certain cattle by deed of gift to 'My daughter Mary Place when she arrives at 18 years,' if she dies without heirs, then 'to daughter Margaret Place, my youngest daughter.'" Mary had married Thomas Powell by 1666 when they deeded this same land to James Coghill.
9/30/1667 (Old Rappahannock Co, Virginia Deed Book 3, page 317): "Thomas Powell and Mary, his wife, sell to James Coghill for the valluable consideration of nyne barrells of good Indian corne as also for Divers other Consideracons 300 acres on the North side of Rappahannock River patented September 7, 1654. Mary Powell, daughter to Francis Place, doth appoint her loving friend, Mr. Daniel Gaines her true and lawful attorney to acknowledge said deed." William Wilton witnessed this power of attorney and a few days later bought the land from Coghill. This deed establishes the maiden name and father of Thomas Powell's wife Mary.
James Hughes 2006-04-27 10:52:29
Van Gundy Family Tree
John POWELL [Parents] was born in 1644 in Wales/England. He died in 1703 in Essex County, Virginia. He married Mary Coghill in 1668 in Occupacia District, Old Rappahannock Co, Virginia.
Other marriages:
COGHILL , Margaret
On 11/14/1656, John was released from all debts by Maj John Hallowes, Essex County, Virginia. (He may have been a bond servant)
On 5/11/1676 at 33 yrs of age, he was a witness to Thomas Pannell's will.
On 11/23/1676 he witnessed Rice Jones' will and was also named in the will as a Christian servant.
It is hard to image all his daughters-in-law were named Mary, as many say they were.
John's 3rd wife, Jane, & Thomas Burnett, were co-administrators of his estate.
Mary Coghill died in 1689/1690. She married John POWELL in 1668 in Occupacia District, Old Rappahannock Co, Virginia.
Mary was a sister to Margaret, John's 2nd wife.
Mary was still living in 1685.
They had the following children:
M i Robert Powell was born in 1669 in Old Rappahannock Co, Virginia. He died in 1740 in Caroline Co, Virginia.
M ii Henry POWELL was born in 1674. He died after 1740.
M iii Elias POWELL was born in 1676. He died in 1736.
M iv (James) POWELL was born in 1680/1681 in Old Rappahannock Co, Virginia.
James was said to have been a single man all his life.
M v John POWELL was born in 1686. He died in 1780.
M vi Thomas "T.P." POWELL was born in 1689/1690. He died in 1750 in Brunswick Co, Virginia.
John POWELL [Parents] was born in 1644 in Wales/England. He died in 1703 in Essex County, Virginia. He married Margaret COGHILL in 1691 in Essex County, Virginia.
Contributed by: James Hughes
title: Thomas Jr Powell
Good day! I have checked my book,"Index to Marriages of Old Rappahannock and Essex Counties, Virginia 1655-1900," for your POWELL's. There were only six entries as follows:
1700 POWELL, Ann; daughter of Thomas, married Edward COFFEY; Deeds & Wills Box 10, Page 75. 1699
POWELL, Jane; Exec. of John, married Thomas BURNETT; Deeds & Wills Box 10, Page 14. 1689
POWELL, John; married Michall, daughter of Hezekiah TURNER, Court Orders Box 2, Page 155. 1690
POWELL, John; married Margaret, daughter of James COGWELL, Court Orders Box 2, Page 253. 1694
POWELL, John; married Margaret, daughter of James COGHILL, Court Orders Box 1, Page 242. ***1723
POWELL, Thomas; married Mary, daughter of William GIBSON, Deeds Box 17, Page 159.
There were no surname PLACES listed whatsoever.
It looks like the last entry, at least, is a hit.
Hope this information is of assistance! Michael C. Brady MCBRADY@prodigy dot net Margaret must have been from an earlier marriage of Honoria at Citation.1
His 2nd wife; her 1st husband.2 Margaret Place married Abraham Blagg before 8 October 1679 at Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.3
Margaret Place died on 27 July 1726 at Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
1723-1726 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds & Will Book 8, Part 1
[Antient Press]; Page 54
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN, I MARGARETT BLAGG of Washington Parish in the County of Westmoreld. being sick & weak of body but of perfect sence & memory (blessed be God therefore) do constitute & appoint this my Last Will & Testament in form & manner following, that is to say, first & principally I give & bequeath my Soul into the hands of God that gave it and my body to the Earth to receive a decent & Christian like burial at the discresion of my Executor hereafter mentioned in hopes of a joyful resurrecion thro the merits of ur blessed Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ.
It. I give & bequeath my whole Estate both real & personal unto my Grand Son, ABRAHAM BLAGG. with all premisses which doth belong unto me whehter in my possession custody or where it may be found. I do also constitute & appoint my said Grand Son. ABRAHAM BLAGG, my whole & sole Exr. of this my last Will & Testament, And I do will & desire that JAMES HORE, his Uncle, should advise him concerning the management of the said Estate and that the sd. ABRAHAM BLAGG should neither buy or sell without the consent of the sd. JAMES HORE untill he comes to the age of eighteen -years. And this I do acknowledge to be my Last Will & Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the eighteenth day of May in the year of our Lord 1724
Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of
Westmoreland us. At a Court held for the sd. County the 27th day of July 1726
The Last Will & Testament of MARGRET BLAGG, deced., was presented into Court by ABRAHAM BLAGG. her Executor. who made Oath thereto. & being proved by the Oaths of JOHN DOWGIN & SARAH MARTIN. two of the witnesses thereto, is admitted to Record: And upon the mocon of the said ABRAHAM BLAGG and his performing what is ususal in such case. Certificate is granted him for obtaining a Probate thereof in due form
Test THO; SORRELL, Cl Recordat Nono die Augti 1726
1654-1800 Westmoreland County, Virginia Wills [Augusta B. Fothergill]; Page 85
BLAGG, MARGARET, 18 May 1724; 27 July 1726. All my estate to my grandson Abraham Blagg when 18 years of age; James Hore his uncle to advise him.
1679-1682 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 2 [John Frederick Dorman]; Page 10; [8 Oct. 1679]
Abram Blagg security for Rich: Watts. Anth. Bridges and Mr. Gilbert Huband security for Mr. Abraham Blagg as marrying, the relict of Mr. Jno: Watts estate in 30,000 pounds of tobacco.
1654-1800 Westmoreland County, Virginia Wills [Augusta B. Fothergill]; Page 17
BLAGG, ABRAHAM, 4 June 1694; 31 March 1697. Estate to wife Margaret.
1691-1699 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 2; [John Frederick Dorman-1801 transcript];
Page 101. Will of Abraham Blagg of Westmoreland County in Virginia being weak and lowe in body, dated 4 June 1694.
What worldly estate I have, unto my loving wife Margarett Blagg to be disposed of at her discression, appointing her my executrix.
Abraham Blagg
Wit: Richard Watts, Anne Thomas.
31 March 1697. Proved by Richard Walls [sic], Anne Thomas the other witness being dead. Probate granted unto Margarett Blagg his relict.
1691-1692 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 1 [John Frederick Dorman];
Page 2 [28 Jan. 1690/91]
Abraham Blagg caused John Washington to be arrested in a plea of trespass, The plaintiff by Robt. Brent his attorney declared that Mr, John Watts, late of this county, did by his last Will devise unto Margarett his relict a tract of land called Creydon Hill in this county and, the plaintiff haveing intermarried with Margarett, imediately after the said espowsalls the messuage did vest in him in right of his wife. But Mr. John Washington hath entered upon the plantation. For that neither plaintiff nor defendant appeared at this Court, the Court doe dismiss the suite.
1691-1699 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 2; [John Frederick Dorman-1801 transcript];
Page 9a. 25 Nov. 1691. These may certify that I Abraham Blagge will allow nor confirm no sale, mortgage or lease of any land that shall be made by Margaret Blagge wife to the aforesaid Abraham Blagge, neither sale of my goods or chattels, and will not pay any debts, challenge or claim made by the said Margaret Blagge. Abraham Blagge
1694-1695 Essex County, Virginia Deed & Will Book; [Antient Press]; Page 317-318
At a Court held for Essex County October ye 10th Ano Dom 1694
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I ABRAHAM BLAGGE of WESTMORELAND County do appoint & impower my loveing Wife, MARGARETT BLAGGE to be my true & lawful Attorney in all matters as well in receiving as in paying, as also in buying & selling to act & doe as largely & amply as I myselfe might or could do, and for ye more effecting & compleating all & any matter she shall Judge necdfull requisit to be done I doe by these presents give unto my sd Atturney my full & whole power to use such means for ye p:secuting ye same as Law and Equity alloweth without any manny of Restraint or Reservations but that to all intents and purposes this power may be construed & interpreted (if need thereunto require) to be as valid and effectuall in any or all matters whatsoever (relating or concerning me, the sd ABRAHAM BLAGGE) that shall be done or caused to be done by my sd Atturney as if I my selfe had done & acted or caused to be done & acted the same, or Atturneys under her to make & ordaine and againe at her pleasure to revoake and this my power to her I do make irrevoakeable and all & whatsoever my sd Atturney shall do or cause to be done I promise by these presents to rattifie & allow. In Witness whereof I have set my hand and seale August the 22d Anno 1694
Signed sealed & delivered in ye presence of
At a Court held for Essex County October ye 10th Ano Dom 1694
The within Lettr: of Attorney was prov'd by ye oathes of ye witnesses thereto & ordered to be recorded
Vere Recordatr: Test FRANCIS MERIWETHER, Cl Cur
1699-1702 Essex County, Virginia Order Book; [Antient Press]; Page 86
Essex County Court 10th of April 1701
- MARGARET BLAGGE complaines against REBECCA TOMLIN in a plea of Trespass for that whereas the said Plt. is seised of a good absolute & indefeasible Estate of Inheritance of in & to Six hundred acres of Land scituate lying & being in ye Parish of CITTENBURNE in this County, yet the sd REBECCA TOMLIN not regarding the Plts. seizure aforesd upon the 10th day of September last into & upon the premisses aforesd. with force & armes did illegally enter & three Timber trees of the value of Fifteen pounds Sterl, did then & there fall cut down & destroy & divers & sundry other trespasses did then & there comit agt. the peace &c., & to the Plts. damage of Fifty pounds Sterl. for wch. she hath brought her suit & prays Judgmt. with costs &c., to which the Deft, in Febry, Court last by WM. JONES her Attorney appear'd & prayed an Imparlance till the next Court wch: was granted, but not appearing now, its ordered that the Sheriff of this County or his Deputy sumon an able jury of ye Neighbourhood that are nowise concerned by affinity consanguinity or interest or lyable to any other just exception, who being first sworne are together with Mr, CHARLES SMITH, Surveyr:, to goe upon ye aforesd. Land on ye 28th of this instant if fair, if not ye next fair day & lay out the same according to ye ancient bounds of ye Patent thereof haveing regard to all evidences that shall be produced by Plt. & Deft. & if they find ye Deft. a Trespasser that they value ye damage & report their proceedings undr: their hands & seales to ye next Court to be held for this County & Mr. SAML. THACKER is desired to swear ye Jury
1701-1704 Essex County, Virginia Deed & Will Book; [Antient Press]; Page 109
THIS INDENTURE made the Eleventh day of May in the Fourteenth yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereign Lord William the third &c. and in the yeare One thousand seaven hundred and two Between MARGARET BLAGG of the Parish of WASHINGTON in the County of WESTMORELAND in ye Colony of Virga:, Widow, of ye one pie: and DAVID GWYN of ye Parish of Farnham in the County of RICHMOND in the same Colony, Merchant, of the other part. Witnesseth that the said MARGARET BLAGG for the sume of Twenty six thousand pounds of tobo: and caske and One hundred pounds Sterling money of England to her the said MARGARET BLAGG for the full and absolute purchase & conveyance of ye lands with the appurtenances hereinafter particularly described well & truely paid by DAVID GWYN by these pr:sents hath granted unto the aforesd. DAVID GWYN and to his heires and assignes all that tract of land conteyning One thousand and fifty acres being on the South side of Rappahannock River in the Parish of Sitingburne in the County of Essex and bounded Beginning at a white Oake standing on a Poynt by the North side of a Creeke formerly called TIGNORS CREEK but now goeing by the name of the MILL CREEK and running for length North and for breadth by or nigh on ye sd Creekes side and soe runing againe for length North includeing and bounding Six hundred acres & another p:cell begin ing at the Westermost bounds of the abovesd. Six hundred acres paralell to which it extendeth it selfe to the Woods a Mile North & by West, thence butting upon the River East & by Northerly, the said bounds includeing Four hundred acres together with the Marsh land thereunto belonging lying upon the Mouth of the Westermost side of the said Creeke upon which was bounded the former Defident, Together with all houses orchards woods meadows marshes & appurtenances belonging and all the Estate, right & demand of her the said MARGT. BLAGG both in Law & Equity; To have and to hold the said One thousand acres of Woodland and fifty acres of Marsh land together with all the appurtenances unto the said DAVID GWYN his heires & assignes forever to be held of or: Sovgne. Lord the King & paying the Quitt Rents due from the same for every fifty acres to be paid at the Feast of St. Mlchael the Archangell yearely and the said MARGT. BLAGG doth grant she will warrant & forever defend unto the said DAVID GWYN his heires & assignes the aforesd. land agt her her heires & assignes & every other persons whatsoever and that the said DAVID GWYN shall at all times hereafter forever peaceably possess all the sd land without any manner of trouble of her the sd MARGT, BLAGG her heires or assignes or any other persons. In Witness whereof the said MARGARET BLAGG hath set her hand and seale
Signed sealed and delivered in the pr:sence of
the marke of DANIEL CARRYL
the marke of JNO, JONES
Acknowledged in Essex County Court the 11th of May 1702 and truely recorded Memorandum. That on the eleventh day of May 1702 Livery of Seisin was given by MARGARET BLAGG to DAVID GWYN by deliverey of Turffe and Twigg in pr:sence of
Acknowledged in Essex County Court DANIEL CARRYL
ye 11th day of May 1702 and truely JOHN JONES
(Bond in the sum of On thousand pounds of good & lawfull money of England dated 11th of May 1702 to fulfill agreements. Same Witnesses)
From Maryland Calendar of Wills, by Jane Baldwin, F 180-C85-Volume 1, page 208:
Will of Major John Weire, Rappahannock County, Virginia:
Made May 7, 1671, probated April 28, 1678 (Book 9, page 78).
To wife, Honoria - dower rights.
To daughter, Margaret, wife of John Watts, of Potomac River and heirs, part of 1,108 acres bought of Henry Randolph of Jamestown, 1/2 of said tract having already been sold to Robert Payne.
To daughter, Elizabeth and heirs at 21 years - "The Island"
To son, John and heirs - residue of lands in Virginia and elsewhere.
Executors: Son-in-law John Watts
William Mosely
Capt. John Hull
Witnesses: John Bates
Luke Humberton
John Jeffery.
Contributed by: James Hughes
URL title: The Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume I
Weire, John, Major, Rappahannock County, Virginia, 7th May, 1671; 28th Apr., 1678. To wife Honoria, dower rights.
To daughter-in-law Margaret, wife of John Watts of Potomac R., and hrs., part of a tract of land, 1, 108 A., bought of Henry Randolph of Jamestown (1/2 of sd. tract having already been sold to Robert Payne). To dau. Eliza: and hrs., "The Island" at 21 yrs. of age.
To son John and hrs., residue of lands in Virginia and elsewhere.
Exs.: Son-in-law Jno. Watts, Wm. Mosely, Capt. Jno. Hull. Test: Jno. Bates, Luke Humbleton, Jno. Jeffery. 9. 78.
Editors: Major John Weire of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia, married Honoria, mother of Margaret (---), wife of John Watts (and later Abraham Blagg of Richmond County, Virginia). His daughter Elizabeth later married Richard Gardner, son of Richard and Elizabeth (Hatton) Gardner (Calendar, Vol. II, pp. 14-27)
Contributed by: James Hughes
Watts Families, Page 86
(20) John Watts, born (???); died C1680. He lived in Westmoreland County, Virginia. He was first married to Elizabeth Vaughan, daughter of John Vaughan. He was named in the will of John Vaughan made January 9, 1663, proved April 27, 1664, Nominy Parish, Westmoreland County, Virginia. (Will Book 1, Page 3).
After the death of his first wife, Elizabeth (Vaughan) Watts, he married Margaret Weire, daughter of Major John Weire and Honoria (???).
This reference is found in the will of Major John Weire, probated in Maryland, April 28, 1678. (J. Baldwin's Maryland Calendar of Wills, Vol. 1, page 208). The will had been made May 7, 1671.
Further proof is found in the following references:
"Index of (old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Grants, Deeds, etc.", Vol. 4, P to Y 1654-1692.
Page 47
Page 1126. John Watts is given power of attorney by Honoria Weire, Executrix of John Weire. (Book 1668-1672, page 444, June 4, 1671).
Page 1126. John Watts is given assignment of notes and bills in Estate of Major John Weire, whose widow has married George Jones. (Book 1677-1682, page 121, May 5, 1676).
Then in (old) Rappahannock County (now Essex) records, copies now in Virginia Archives at Richmond, we find:
Old Book No. 1, page 119, where George Jones, who married Honoria Weire, widow of Major John Weire, consents to a settlement whereby the wife and John Watts are empowered to protect John and Elizabeth Weire until they come of age. (May 2, 5, 1676-77. Several pages of forms).
Old Book 62, New 6 R., Page 84, is the will of Honoria Jones. In it she gives her grandson, Richard Watts, two pieces of silverware. (November 9, 1685).
Meanwhile, John Watts had died and his widow Margaret Watts, nee Weire, married Abraham Blagg, and Honoria's will mentions her son-in-law, Abraham Blagg, and her grandsons, Edward Blagg and Abraham Blagg, and Richard Watts.
John Watts sold a plantation to Thomas Wilsford, September 1, 1666, Westmoreland Co. He leased land from John Washington in Westmoreland Co. in 1668.
He acquired 1053 acres from Nathaniel Pope in Westmoreland County, on Hollis Creek, November 1, 1665. December 15, 1665, he deeded land in Northumberland County, Virginia. (D. B. 1, page 277).
October 20, 1670, he acquired a headright in Stafford County, Virginia.
More detailed data on some of the references included in the above follows:
Index of (old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Grants, Deeds, etc., in Richmond, Virginia., Vol 4, P to Y, 1654-1692. Page 1126:
John Watts, Book 1668-1672, page 444, 6/4/1671, is given Power of Attorney by Honoria Weire, executrix of John Weire.
John Watts, Book 1677-1682, page 121, 5/5/1676, is given assignment of notes and bills in estate of Major John (S. B. Weire) whose widow married George Jones.
Richard Watts, Book 1677-1682, page 84, is given Silverware in will of Honoria Jones, recorded 1/4/1695
Old Rappahannock County, now Essex County
Will in Tapahannock
James Hughes 2006-01-06 11:12:16
Thomas Powell [Sr.]
1667 September 30. Thomas and Mary Powell sold (Ibid., page 317) their interest in 300 acres land to James Coghill for the valluable consideration of nyne barrells of good Indian corne as also for Divers other Considerasions of Sittingbourne Parish, Rappahannock County, Virginia. The land was "lying in the freshes of Rappahannock River on the North side of the River."
8/11/1655 (Lancaster Co, Virginia Rec. Book, #2, page 104). Francis Place conveyed a tract of land formerly in Isle of Wight County, Virginia containing 300 acres patented by him September 7, 1654, lying on the North side of the "freshes" of the Rappahanncok River about ten miles above Nazemum Town and certain cattle by deed of gift to 'My daughter Mary Place when she arrives at 18 years,' if she dies without heirs, then 'to daughter Margaret Place, my youngest daughter.'" Mary had married Thomas Powell by 1666 when they deeded this same land to James Coghill.
9/30/1667 (Old Rappahannock Co, Virginia Deed Book 3, page 317): "Thomas Powell and Mary, his wife, sell to James Coghill for the valluable consideration of nyne barrells of good Indian corne as also for Divers other Consideracons 300 acres on the North side of Rappahannock River patented September 7, 1654. Mary Powell, daughter to Francis Place, doth appoint her loving friend, Mr. Daniel Gaines her true and lawful attorney to acknowledge said deed." William Wilton witnessed this power of attorney and a few days later bought the land from Coghill. This deed establishes the maiden name and father of Thomas Powell's wife Mary.
James Hughes 2006-04-27 10:52:29
Van Gundy Family Tree
John POWELL [Parents] was born in 1644 in Wales/England. He died in 1703 in Essex County, Virginia. He married Mary Coghill in 1668 in Occupacia District, Old Rappahannock Co, Virginia.
Other marriages:
COGHILL , Margaret
On 11/14/1656, John was released from all debts by Maj John Hallowes, Essex County, Virginia. (He may have been a bond servant)
On 5/11/1676 at 33 yrs of age, he was a witness to Thomas Pannell's will.
On 11/23/1676 he witnessed Rice Jones' will and was also named in the will as a Christian servant.
It is hard to image all his daughters-in-law were named Mary, as many say they were.
John's 3rd wife, Jane, & Thomas Burnett, were co-administrators of his estate.
Mary Coghill died in 1689/1690. She married John POWELL in 1668 in Occupacia District, Old Rappahannock Co, Virginia.
Mary was a sister to Margaret, John's 2nd wife.
Mary was still living in 1685.
They had the following children:
M i Robert Powell was born in 1669 in Old Rappahannock Co, Virginia. He died in 1740 in Caroline Co, Virginia.
M ii Henry POWELL was born in 1674. He died after 1740.
M iii Elias POWELL was born in 1676. He died in 1736.
M iv (James) POWELL was born in 1680/1681 in Old Rappahannock Co, Virginia.
James was said to have been a single man all his life.
M v John POWELL was born in 1686. He died in 1780.
M vi Thomas "T.P." POWELL was born in 1689/1690. He died in 1750 in Brunswick Co, Virginia.
John POWELL [Parents] was born in 1644 in Wales/England. He died in 1703 in Essex County, Virginia. He married Margaret COGHILL in 1691 in Essex County, Virginia.
Contributed by: James Hughes
title: Thomas Jr Powell
Good day! I have checked my book,"Index to Marriages of Old Rappahannock and Essex Counties, Virginia 1655-1900," for your POWELL's. There were only six entries as follows:
1700 POWELL, Ann; daughter of Thomas, married Edward COFFEY; Deeds & Wills Box 10, Page 75. 1699
POWELL, Jane; Exec. of John, married Thomas BURNETT; Deeds & Wills Box 10, Page 14. 1689
POWELL, John; married Michall, daughter of Hezekiah TURNER, Court Orders Box 2, Page 155. 1690
POWELL, John; married Margaret, daughter of James COGWELL, Court Orders Box 2, Page 253. 1694
POWELL, John; married Margaret, daughter of James COGHILL, Court Orders Box 1, Page 242. ***1723
POWELL, Thomas; married Mary, daughter of William GIBSON, Deeds Box 17, Page 159.
There were no surname PLACES listed whatsoever.
It looks like the last entry, at least, is a hit.
Hope this information is of assistance! Michael C. Brady MCBRADY@prodigy dot net Margaret must have been from an earlier marriage of Honoria at Citation.1
Family 1 | John Watts b. b 1643, d. 8 Oct 1679 |
Child |
Family 2 | Abraham Blagg b. b 1656, d. 31 Mar 1697 |
Child |
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, Margaret Place Abt 1652 - 1726 seen 5 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, John Watts Bef 1643 - Bef 1679 seen 5 Aug 2022 at
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, Abraham Blagg Bef 1656 - 1697 seen 5 Aug 2022 at
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, Richard Watts Bef 1670 - 1716 seen 5 Aug 2022 at
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, Mary Blagg 1679 - 1737 seen 5 Aug 2022 at
John Watts1
M, #99607, b. before 1643, d. 8 October 1679
Last Edited | 5 Aug 2022 |
John Watts was born before 1643.1 He married Elizabeth Vaughan before 1663 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA,
His 1st wife.2 John Watts married Margaret Place, daughter of Francis Place and Honora (?), on 7 May 1671 at Old Rappahannock Co., Virginia, USA,
His 2nd wife; her 1st husband.1
John Watts died on 8 October 1679 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
1679-1682 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 2 [John Frederick Dorman]; Page 10; [8 Oct. 1679]
Abram Blagg security for Rich: Watts. Anth. Bridges and Mr. Gilbert Huband security for Mr. Abraham Blagg as marrying, the relict of Mr. Jno: Watts estate in 30,000 pounds of tobacco.
1654-1800 Westmoreland County, Virginia Wills [Augusta B. Fothergill]; Page 7
VAUGHAN, JOHN, 9 January 1663; 27 April 1664 (of Nominy Parish).
Wife Ellen exx. and guardian of two sons, Samuel & William; son in law John Watts and his wife Elizabeth 1000 acres of land on Mattox Creek.
1674-1677 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 1, Part 3; [John Frederick Dorman];
Pages 201a-202. Will of Jno. Boocock of the County of Westmoreland, being sick in body, dated 30 7ber [Sept.] 1673.
Unto Tho: Arnold and Peeter Butler formerly my debtors 500 pounds of tobacco a peece.
Unto my brother Tho: Boocock his three children 1000 pounds of tobacco to remain in the hands of my brother till the children are at adge.
To Gilbert Huband, chyrurgion, 6000 pounds of tobacco. Also the first foale my mare bringeth.
To Mr. Jno. Watts 3000 pounds of tobacco.
To Robt. Hodges my bedd and the furniture therunto belonging.
Unto Martin Fisher one of my chests and all my waering apparrell both linning and wolen.
To my brother Henry Boocock's sonne John Boocock the remaining part of my estate, land, tobacco and my mare. If the said John Boocock be dead or dye before he come of adge then my brother Henry dispose of the remainder of my estate, to another of his sonnes whom he shall think fitt and the remainder of my estate remaine in the hands of my executors till my brother or his sonne come to demands it.
Mr. Jno. Watts and Gilbert Huband executors.
To my executors all the male increase of my mare to be equally devided after the first foale and the female increase to my brother's sonne.
Jno: Boocock
Wit: Jno: (X) Dixon, Robt: (X) Franke.
26 Aug. [1674]. Proved by the evidences.
1674-1677 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 1, Part 3; [John Frederick Dorman];
Pages 202a-203. Will of Abram Feild, being verry sick and weake, dated 16 June 1671.
Unto my two eldest sonnes Abraham and Daniell all my land that I now injoy when they come of adge to be equally devided betwixt them, Abraham to have his first choyce. If either of them dye without issue then to fall to the next eldest brother.
Unto my sonne Abram Feild one horse colt branded with my owne marke and one heifer marked with a hole and cropt on the right eare and cropt and overkeeled on the left.
Unto my sonne Daniell one young heifer marked with crop and a hole in the right eare and underkeeled and overkeeled
and cropt on the left care.
Unto my sonne Henry one yong heifer called Mealynose marked on my own marke.
Unto my sonne Jno. Feild one yong heifer which I bought of Jno: Hill.
Unto my daughter Elianor Feild one yong iron grey gelding being branded with my owne mark; also one cow calfe marked
with a swallow forke on the right eare.
Unto my daughter Margarett Feild my grey mare, it being her full portion.
Unto my loving wife Mary Feild one black mare, six cowes, one cow marked with a swallow forke on the right eare and underkeeled on the left, one yong cow on my own marke, four cowes marked with cropt and slitt and underkeeled on both eares, one steere of 4 yeares old on my own marke, one bull of the same adge and marke, one feather bed and furniture, two chests, one cupboard, one warming pan, two iron potts and pott-hooks, 1 pr. pothangers, one pewter bason and all the stock of hoggs that is due to me from Wm. Mason, with one barrow that runnes at James Scott's, one small trunke and short muscott.
Unto my good freind Jno. Watts and Patrick Spence each a barrow of six year old to buy them a ring a peece.
Unto my sister Spence a pair of gloves.
All the rest of my personall estate be sold at an outcry for the best advantage of my five children heere mentioned to be equally devided betwixt Abram, Dann. Henry, John and Elianor.
My loving wife Mary Feild executrix and also guardian to my children. My three eldest sonnes at the adge of fifteene be bound out to some trade, Abram being now 13 years, Dann. 11 years 1/2, Henry 3 years old.
My freinds Patrick Spence and Jno. Watts to assist my wife in her business.
Abram Feild
Wit: Edwd. (X) Conney, Jno: Watts, Patrick Spence.
26 Aug. 1674. Proved by Mr. Jno: Watts and Edwd. Coney
1663-1668 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 1, Part 1; [John Frederick Dorman]; Page 232-33. Will of John Vaughan of the Parish of Nomony in the County of Westmoreland in Virginia, being sick and weak in body, dated 9 Jan. 1663 [1664].
To be decently intered by the old house upon the plantation where I now live.
Unto my very loving wife Ellen Vagham the plantation whereon I now live with all the dwelling houses and tobacco houses during her natural life and after her decease unto my son
Samuel Vaughan. If my son Samuel Vaughan die without heirs, unto my son William Vaughan.
Unto my son William Vaughan 500 acres granted me by pattent 4 Sept. 1661.
Unto my son-in-law Mr. John Watts 400 acres in the old house creeke. Also 600 acres on the south side of Mattox Creeke in the County of Westmoreland.
The rest of my personal estate, as household stuff, servants, hogs, cattle, ready tobacco, unto my very loving wife Ellen Vaughan, whom I make executrix.
My wife shall be guardian to my sons Samuel and William Vaghan til they shall be of full age.
John Vaughan
Wit: George Williams, Thomas Wilsford.
27 April 1664. Proved.
1663-1668 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 1, Part 1; [John Frederick Dorman];
Page 238. 4 Sept. 1661. Patent from Francis Morrison, Esq to John Vaughan of 600 acres in Westmoreland County on the south side of the main branch of Attopin Creeke ... by the main run above the dam, likewise above 100 acres pattent by John Hiller ... into the woods ... due for the transportation of 12 persons into this Colony.
Francis Morrison
31 Aug. 1664. Recorded.
14 May 1664. John Watts and Elizabeth his wife unto John Boocock. For a valuable consideration already received. All my right of this pattent given by my father in law John
Vaughan. John Watts
Elizabeth Watts
Wit: John Washington, William Freake.
Acknowledged by John Watts and Elizabeth his wife.
1668-1671 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 1, Part 1; [John Frederick Dorman];
Page 66a. 13 9br [Nov.] 1670. John Gallo of the Cittie of Bristoll, merchant, doe discharge John Watts from all debts.
John Gale
Wit: John Gale, Ann (X) House.
30 June 1671. Recorded.
1668-1671 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 1, Part 1; [John Frederick Dorman];
Page 87. 9 Sept. 1671. Richard Betterton of the Cittie of Bristoll, merchant, appoint my welbeloved friend Thomas Pope of the same city, merchant, my attorney to receive tobacco due from John Watts in Appomattocks in Virginia.
Richard Betterton
it: Joseph Tucker, Richard Gotley, John Gotley.
16 May 1672. Recorded.
14 May 1672. Thomas Pope as attornie of Mr. Richard Betterton, merchant of Bristoll, have received of John Watts 3225 pounds of tobacco in full of all accompts.
Thomas Pope
Wit: James Scott, Humphrey (X) Pope.
16 May 1672. Recorded.
James Hughes 2005-08-03 13:20:48
The Watts On-line Issue No. 53 October 17,1998
Sir Wm. Berkeley, etc... to Jno. Foxhall 314 acres of land in Westmoreland County in the body of the main forest betwixt the headbranches of Potomack and Rappa beginning at the line of Lt. Col. Jno. Washingtons land extending E 26 poles to a red oak a corner tree of Jno. Pipers from thence S. 320 poles to Spanish oak another corner tree of the said Pipers and thence E 200 poles to a red oak standing in the line of the land of MR. JOHN WATTS then S ? poles along the said MR. JOHN WATTS his line thence E 200 poles along the said Mr. Watts line thence S 50 poles thence W 426 poles to a red oak standing near Ned the Indians path thence N 550 poles to the place begun...23 day of October 1669.
Consequently, in the fall of 1669 John Willis, John Washington, John Piper, John Foxhall, Phillip Browne, Nathaniel Pope, Robert Nurse, and JOHN WATTS owned tracts between the Potomac and Rappahannock rivers near Ned the Indian's path (possibly the same as Wariscreek or Warisquock path) and Powetridge (which was found with a variety of spellings ...I suspect that it may have been named because it was a convenient route for portaging between the Rappahannock and Potomac Rivers....
WATTS's tract at the head of Mattox Creek was orignally patented by Nathaniel Pope Sr. who willed it to his son Nathaniel (father of Nathaniel Pope alias Bridges) who sold it to Watts in 1665. WATTS then sold half of it to Thomas Wilford who died in 1666, Metes and bounds given in the patents indicate that the western boundary of WATTS' tract joined John Piper and that the southern boundary of WATTS' tract joined John Foxhall. WATTS and Willis lived within two or three miles of each other, but WATTS' land lay on the dividing ridge and was mostly in Westmoreland County where records for this tract are found.
1654-1800 Westmoreland County, Virginia Wills [Augusta B. Fothergill]; Page 10
WILSFORD, THOMAS, 1 September 1666; 11 September 1667.
To son Andrew Wilsford my plantation lately bought of John Watts;
son James and son Thomas;
Witnesses; James Ward, Robt. Nurse.
James Hughes
Watts Families, Page 86
20) John Watts, born (???); died C1680. He lived in Westmoreland County, Virginia. He was first married to Elizabeth Vaughan, daughter of John Vaughan. He was named in the will of John Vaughan made January 9, 1663, proved April 27, 1664, Nominy Parish, Westmoreland County, Virginia. (Will Book 1, Page 3).
After the death of his first wife, Elizabeth (Vaughan) Watts, he married Margaret Weire, daughter of Major John Weire and Honoria (???).
This reference is found in the will of Major John Weire, probated in Maryland, April 28, 1678. (J. Baldwin's Maryland Calendar of Wills, Vol. 1, page 208). The will had been made May 7, 1671.
Further proof is found in the following references:
"Index of (old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Grants, Deeds, etc.", Vol. 4, P to Y 1654-1692.
Page 47
Page 1126. John Watts is given power of attorney by Honoria Weire, Executrix of John Weire. (Book 1668-1672, page 444, June 4, 1671).
Page 1126. John Watts is given assignment of notes and bills in Estate of Major John Weire, whose widow has married George Jones. (Book 1677-1682, page 121, May 5, 1676).
Then in (old) Rappahannock County (now Essex) records, copies now in Virginia Archives at Richmond, we find:
Old Book No. 1, page 119, where George Jones, who married Honoria Weire, widow of Majer John Weire, consents to a settlement whereby the wife and John Watts are empowered to protect John and Elizabeth Weire until they come of age. (May 2, 5, 1676-77. Several pages of forms).
Old Book 62, New 6 R., Page 84, is the will of Honoria Jones. In it she gives her grandson, Richard Watts, two pieces of silverware. (November 9, 1685).
Meanwhile, John Watts had died and his widow Margaret Watts, nee Weire, married Abraham Blagg, and Honoria's will mentions her son-in-law, Abraham Blagg, and her grandsons, Edward Blagg and Abraham Blagg, and Richard Watts.
John Watts sold a plantation to Thomas Wilsford, September 1, 1666, Westmoreland Co. He leased land from John Washington in Westmoreland Co. in 1668.
He acquired 1053 acres from Nathaniel Pope in Westmoreland County, on Hollis Creek, November 1, 1665. December 15, 1665, he deeded land in Northumberland County, Virginia. (D. B. 1, page 277).
October 20, 1670, he acquired a headright in Stafford County, Virginia.
More detailed data on some of the references included in the above follows:
Index of (old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Grants, Deeds, etc., in Richmond, Virginia., Vol 4, P to Y, 1654-1692. Page 1126:
John Watts, Book 1668-1672, page 444, 6/4/1671, is given Power of Attorney by Honoria Weire, executrix of John Weire.
John Watts, Book 1677-1682, page 121, 5/5/1676, is given assignment of notes and bills in estate of Major John (S. B. Weire) whose widow married George Jones.
Richard Watts, Book 1677-1682, page 84, is given Silverware in will of Honoria Jones, recorded 1/4/1695
Old Rappahannock County, now Essex County
Will in Tapahannock
=== according to this record John Weire died before July 4, 1671
1670-1672 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 4, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 233-235
KNOW ALL MEN by these psents that I HONORIA WEIRE sole Exectutrix of the will & Testament of my late deced husband JOHN WEIRE doe hereby make and appoint
my loving (Son (?) JOHN WATTS to be my true & lawful Atturney for me and in my name to make acknowledgement of ye several pcells of land here menconed to the severall respective places hereafter menconed yt. is to DAVID HOWSMAN and JAMES TRENT ye quantity of five hundred twenty & five acres to JOHN MOLLEY & WM. SERJEANT ye one three hundred & forty nine acres the other two hundred & Fourtie acres all which sd land was to ye sd persons and each of them sold by my sd Husband in his life time and I doe further impower my ad Attorney to doe & act for me herein ye same manner as I myself e might or could doe being psonally prsent and wch may bee necessarie and required to settle Establish a firme right and title in all or either of ye sd psons In Wittness whereof I have set my hand & seale this 4th day of July 1671
Recordatr. in Cour Rappa a die July Anno Dom 1671
KNOW ALL MEN by these prsenis yt: I JNO. WEIRE of the County of Rappa Gent
for and good causes and consideracons me thereunto moving as for and in consideracon of Eleven thousand five hundred pounds of good and well condiconed tobo in hand Received of JNO. MARTIN of the same County Planter & Eight thousand five hundred pounds of like Tobbo: by mee likewise in hand Received of WM. SARIEANT of the same County Blacksmith ye Receipt of both which sumes I do hereby acknowledge and my selfe therewth fully satisfied and contented doe therefore for myselfe together wth the consent HONORIA my Wife &our heirs sell & make over to the said JNO MARTIN a certain pcell of land lying and being in ye County of Rappa and in the Pish of Sittingbourne on the North side of ye River being pte of ye land sold to me by Mr. WM. LANE late of this County deced and containing the quantity of three hundred twenty nine acres and unto WILLIAM SARIEANT wee do for ourselves or; heires in like manner sell convey and make over as above our other pt thereof containing three hundred and fourty acres to them each these foremenconed pts. and to theire heires for every according as it is layd out and bounded & WM. MOSELEY of ye same County Gent as by ye plott here will appear the same to have hold occupy & possess to each of them and each of their heires according to their before menconed pts Together with all orchards gardens buildings woods waters and all other prvilledges wtsoever belonging In Wittness whereof we have hereunto to sett our hands & seales thereby binding ourselves to acknowledge this our Deed either by our selves or or: knowne Lawfull Attorney or Attornies at the Court of Rappa. when thereunto Reason
ably requested within ye terme of six months next ensueing the date of these psents
being the fourth of May in ye 23 yeare of ye Reigne of our Sovereign Lord King CHARLES the second and of our Lord God 1671
signed in ye prsence of us W. MOSELEY JOHN WEIRE
Recognitr. in Cour Rappa x die July Anno Dom 1671 &Recordatr.
1691-1692 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 1 [John Frederick Dorman];
Page 2 [28 Jan. 1690/91]
Abraham Blagg caused John Washington to be arrested in a plea of trespass, The plaintiff by Robt. Brent his attorney declared that Mr, John Watts, late of this county, did by his last Will devise unto Margarett his relict a tract of land called Creydon Hill in this county and, the plaintiff haveing intermarried with Margarett, imediately after the said espowsalls the messuage did vest in him in right of his wife. But Mr. John Washington hath entered upon the plantation. For that neither plaintiff nor defendant appeared at this Court, the Court doe dismiss the suite.
James Hughes 2005-08-03 13:25:13
URL (Click on link) tion=LO Patent
Title Foxhall, John.
Publication 23 October 1669.
Other Format Available on microfilm. Virginia State Land Office. Patents 1-42, reels 1-41.
Note Location: Westmoreland County.
Description: 314 acres in the body of the main forrest betwixt the two rivers of Potomack and Rappahannock adjoining land of Lt. Col. John Washington, and John Watts.
URL (Click on link) tion=LO Patent
Title Piper, John.
Publication 2 July 1669.
Other Format Available on microfilm. Virginia State Land Office. Patents 1-42, reels 1-41.
Note Location: Westmoreland County.
Description: 400 acres upon the falling branches of Appamottock Creek adjoining land of John Watts, and John Washington and Robert Nurse.
Source: Land Office Patents No. 6, 1666-1679 (pt.1 & 2 p.1-692), Page 236 (Reel 6). at Citation.1
His 1st wife.2 John Watts married Margaret Place, daughter of Francis Place and Honora (?), on 7 May 1671 at Old Rappahannock Co., Virginia, USA,
His 2nd wife; her 1st husband.1
John Watts died on 8 October 1679 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
1679-1682 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 2 [John Frederick Dorman]; Page 10; [8 Oct. 1679]
Abram Blagg security for Rich: Watts. Anth. Bridges and Mr. Gilbert Huband security for Mr. Abraham Blagg as marrying, the relict of Mr. Jno: Watts estate in 30,000 pounds of tobacco.
1654-1800 Westmoreland County, Virginia Wills [Augusta B. Fothergill]; Page 7
VAUGHAN, JOHN, 9 January 1663; 27 April 1664 (of Nominy Parish).
Wife Ellen exx. and guardian of two sons, Samuel & William; son in law John Watts and his wife Elizabeth 1000 acres of land on Mattox Creek.
1674-1677 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 1, Part 3; [John Frederick Dorman];
Pages 201a-202. Will of Jno. Boocock of the County of Westmoreland, being sick in body, dated 30 7ber [Sept.] 1673.
Unto Tho: Arnold and Peeter Butler formerly my debtors 500 pounds of tobacco a peece.
Unto my brother Tho: Boocock his three children 1000 pounds of tobacco to remain in the hands of my brother till the children are at adge.
To Gilbert Huband, chyrurgion, 6000 pounds of tobacco. Also the first foale my mare bringeth.
To Mr. Jno. Watts 3000 pounds of tobacco.
To Robt. Hodges my bedd and the furniture therunto belonging.
Unto Martin Fisher one of my chests and all my waering apparrell both linning and wolen.
To my brother Henry Boocock's sonne John Boocock the remaining part of my estate, land, tobacco and my mare. If the said John Boocock be dead or dye before he come of adge then my brother Henry dispose of the remainder of my estate, to another of his sonnes whom he shall think fitt and the remainder of my estate remaine in the hands of my executors till my brother or his sonne come to demands it.
Mr. Jno. Watts and Gilbert Huband executors.
To my executors all the male increase of my mare to be equally devided after the first foale and the female increase to my brother's sonne.
Jno: Boocock
Wit: Jno: (X) Dixon, Robt: (X) Franke.
26 Aug. [1674]. Proved by the evidences.
1674-1677 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 1, Part 3; [John Frederick Dorman];
Pages 202a-203. Will of Abram Feild, being verry sick and weake, dated 16 June 1671.
Unto my two eldest sonnes Abraham and Daniell all my land that I now injoy when they come of adge to be equally devided betwixt them, Abraham to have his first choyce. If either of them dye without issue then to fall to the next eldest brother.
Unto my sonne Abram Feild one horse colt branded with my owne marke and one heifer marked with a hole and cropt on the right eare and cropt and overkeeled on the left.
Unto my sonne Daniell one young heifer marked with crop and a hole in the right eare and underkeeled and overkeeled
and cropt on the left care.
Unto my sonne Henry one yong heifer called Mealynose marked on my own marke.
Unto my sonne Jno. Feild one yong heifer which I bought of Jno: Hill.
Unto my daughter Elianor Feild one yong iron grey gelding being branded with my owne mark; also one cow calfe marked
with a swallow forke on the right eare.
Unto my daughter Margarett Feild my grey mare, it being her full portion.
Unto my loving wife Mary Feild one black mare, six cowes, one cow marked with a swallow forke on the right eare and underkeeled on the left, one yong cow on my own marke, four cowes marked with cropt and slitt and underkeeled on both eares, one steere of 4 yeares old on my own marke, one bull of the same adge and marke, one feather bed and furniture, two chests, one cupboard, one warming pan, two iron potts and pott-hooks, 1 pr. pothangers, one pewter bason and all the stock of hoggs that is due to me from Wm. Mason, with one barrow that runnes at James Scott's, one small trunke and short muscott.
Unto my good freind Jno. Watts and Patrick Spence each a barrow of six year old to buy them a ring a peece.
Unto my sister Spence a pair of gloves.
All the rest of my personall estate be sold at an outcry for the best advantage of my five children heere mentioned to be equally devided betwixt Abram, Dann. Henry, John and Elianor.
My loving wife Mary Feild executrix and also guardian to my children. My three eldest sonnes at the adge of fifteene be bound out to some trade, Abram being now 13 years, Dann. 11 years 1/2, Henry 3 years old.
My freinds Patrick Spence and Jno. Watts to assist my wife in her business.
Abram Feild
Wit: Edwd. (X) Conney, Jno: Watts, Patrick Spence.
26 Aug. 1674. Proved by Mr. Jno: Watts and Edwd. Coney
1663-1668 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 1, Part 1; [John Frederick Dorman]; Page 232-33. Will of John Vaughan of the Parish of Nomony in the County of Westmoreland in Virginia, being sick and weak in body, dated 9 Jan. 1663 [1664].
To be decently intered by the old house upon the plantation where I now live.
Unto my very loving wife Ellen Vagham the plantation whereon I now live with all the dwelling houses and tobacco houses during her natural life and after her decease unto my son
Samuel Vaughan. If my son Samuel Vaughan die without heirs, unto my son William Vaughan.
Unto my son William Vaughan 500 acres granted me by pattent 4 Sept. 1661.
Unto my son-in-law Mr. John Watts 400 acres in the old house creeke. Also 600 acres on the south side of Mattox Creeke in the County of Westmoreland.
The rest of my personal estate, as household stuff, servants, hogs, cattle, ready tobacco, unto my very loving wife Ellen Vaughan, whom I make executrix.
My wife shall be guardian to my sons Samuel and William Vaghan til they shall be of full age.
John Vaughan
Wit: George Williams, Thomas Wilsford.
27 April 1664. Proved.
1663-1668 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 1, Part 1; [John Frederick Dorman];
Page 238. 4 Sept. 1661. Patent from Francis Morrison, Esq to John Vaughan of 600 acres in Westmoreland County on the south side of the main branch of Attopin Creeke ... by the main run above the dam, likewise above 100 acres pattent by John Hiller ... into the woods ... due for the transportation of 12 persons into this Colony.
Francis Morrison
31 Aug. 1664. Recorded.
14 May 1664. John Watts and Elizabeth his wife unto John Boocock. For a valuable consideration already received. All my right of this pattent given by my father in law John
Vaughan. John Watts
Elizabeth Watts
Wit: John Washington, William Freake.
Acknowledged by John Watts and Elizabeth his wife.
1668-1671 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 1, Part 1; [John Frederick Dorman];
Page 66a. 13 9br [Nov.] 1670. John Gallo of the Cittie of Bristoll, merchant, doe discharge John Watts from all debts.
John Gale
Wit: John Gale, Ann (X) House.
30 June 1671. Recorded.
1668-1671 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 1, Part 1; [John Frederick Dorman];
Page 87. 9 Sept. 1671. Richard Betterton of the Cittie of Bristoll, merchant, appoint my welbeloved friend Thomas Pope of the same city, merchant, my attorney to receive tobacco due from John Watts in Appomattocks in Virginia.
Richard Betterton
it: Joseph Tucker, Richard Gotley, John Gotley.
16 May 1672. Recorded.
14 May 1672. Thomas Pope as attornie of Mr. Richard Betterton, merchant of Bristoll, have received of John Watts 3225 pounds of tobacco in full of all accompts.
Thomas Pope
Wit: James Scott, Humphrey (X) Pope.
16 May 1672. Recorded.
James Hughes 2005-08-03 13:20:48
The Watts On-line Issue No. 53 October 17,1998
Sir Wm. Berkeley, etc... to Jno. Foxhall 314 acres of land in Westmoreland County in the body of the main forest betwixt the headbranches of Potomack and Rappa beginning at the line of Lt. Col. Jno. Washingtons land extending E 26 poles to a red oak a corner tree of Jno. Pipers from thence S. 320 poles to Spanish oak another corner tree of the said Pipers and thence E 200 poles to a red oak standing in the line of the land of MR. JOHN WATTS then S ? poles along the said MR. JOHN WATTS his line thence E 200 poles along the said Mr. Watts line thence S 50 poles thence W 426 poles to a red oak standing near Ned the Indians path thence N 550 poles to the place begun...23 day of October 1669.
Consequently, in the fall of 1669 John Willis, John Washington, John Piper, John Foxhall, Phillip Browne, Nathaniel Pope, Robert Nurse, and JOHN WATTS owned tracts between the Potomac and Rappahannock rivers near Ned the Indian's path (possibly the same as Wariscreek or Warisquock path) and Powetridge (which was found with a variety of spellings ...I suspect that it may have been named because it was a convenient route for portaging between the Rappahannock and Potomac Rivers....
WATTS's tract at the head of Mattox Creek was orignally patented by Nathaniel Pope Sr. who willed it to his son Nathaniel (father of Nathaniel Pope alias Bridges) who sold it to Watts in 1665. WATTS then sold half of it to Thomas Wilford who died in 1666, Metes and bounds given in the patents indicate that the western boundary of WATTS' tract joined John Piper and that the southern boundary of WATTS' tract joined John Foxhall. WATTS and Willis lived within two or three miles of each other, but WATTS' land lay on the dividing ridge and was mostly in Westmoreland County where records for this tract are found.
1654-1800 Westmoreland County, Virginia Wills [Augusta B. Fothergill]; Page 10
WILSFORD, THOMAS, 1 September 1666; 11 September 1667.
To son Andrew Wilsford my plantation lately bought of John Watts;
son James and son Thomas;
Witnesses; James Ward, Robt. Nurse.
James Hughes
Watts Families, Page 86
20) John Watts, born (???); died C1680. He lived in Westmoreland County, Virginia. He was first married to Elizabeth Vaughan, daughter of John Vaughan. He was named in the will of John Vaughan made January 9, 1663, proved April 27, 1664, Nominy Parish, Westmoreland County, Virginia. (Will Book 1, Page 3).
After the death of his first wife, Elizabeth (Vaughan) Watts, he married Margaret Weire, daughter of Major John Weire and Honoria (???).
This reference is found in the will of Major John Weire, probated in Maryland, April 28, 1678. (J. Baldwin's Maryland Calendar of Wills, Vol. 1, page 208). The will had been made May 7, 1671.
Further proof is found in the following references:
"Index of (old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Grants, Deeds, etc.", Vol. 4, P to Y 1654-1692.
Page 47
Page 1126. John Watts is given power of attorney by Honoria Weire, Executrix of John Weire. (Book 1668-1672, page 444, June 4, 1671).
Page 1126. John Watts is given assignment of notes and bills in Estate of Major John Weire, whose widow has married George Jones. (Book 1677-1682, page 121, May 5, 1676).
Then in (old) Rappahannock County (now Essex) records, copies now in Virginia Archives at Richmond, we find:
Old Book No. 1, page 119, where George Jones, who married Honoria Weire, widow of Majer John Weire, consents to a settlement whereby the wife and John Watts are empowered to protect John and Elizabeth Weire until they come of age. (May 2, 5, 1676-77. Several pages of forms).
Old Book 62, New 6 R., Page 84, is the will of Honoria Jones. In it she gives her grandson, Richard Watts, two pieces of silverware. (November 9, 1685).
Meanwhile, John Watts had died and his widow Margaret Watts, nee Weire, married Abraham Blagg, and Honoria's will mentions her son-in-law, Abraham Blagg, and her grandsons, Edward Blagg and Abraham Blagg, and Richard Watts.
John Watts sold a plantation to Thomas Wilsford, September 1, 1666, Westmoreland Co. He leased land from John Washington in Westmoreland Co. in 1668.
He acquired 1053 acres from Nathaniel Pope in Westmoreland County, on Hollis Creek, November 1, 1665. December 15, 1665, he deeded land in Northumberland County, Virginia. (D. B. 1, page 277).
October 20, 1670, he acquired a headright in Stafford County, Virginia.
More detailed data on some of the references included in the above follows:
Index of (old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Grants, Deeds, etc., in Richmond, Virginia., Vol 4, P to Y, 1654-1692. Page 1126:
John Watts, Book 1668-1672, page 444, 6/4/1671, is given Power of Attorney by Honoria Weire, executrix of John Weire.
John Watts, Book 1677-1682, page 121, 5/5/1676, is given assignment of notes and bills in estate of Major John (S. B. Weire) whose widow married George Jones.
Richard Watts, Book 1677-1682, page 84, is given Silverware in will of Honoria Jones, recorded 1/4/1695
Old Rappahannock County, now Essex County
Will in Tapahannock
=== according to this record John Weire died before July 4, 1671
1670-1672 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 4, Part II; [Antient Press]; Page 233-235
KNOW ALL MEN by these psents that I HONORIA WEIRE sole Exectutrix of the will & Testament of my late deced husband JOHN WEIRE doe hereby make and appoint
my loving (Son (?) JOHN WATTS to be my true & lawful Atturney for me and in my name to make acknowledgement of ye several pcells of land here menconed to the severall respective places hereafter menconed yt. is to DAVID HOWSMAN and JAMES TRENT ye quantity of five hundred twenty & five acres to JOHN MOLLEY & WM. SERJEANT ye one three hundred & forty nine acres the other two hundred & Fourtie acres all which sd land was to ye sd persons and each of them sold by my sd Husband in his life time and I doe further impower my ad Attorney to doe & act for me herein ye same manner as I myself e might or could doe being psonally prsent and wch may bee necessarie and required to settle Establish a firme right and title in all or either of ye sd psons In Wittness whereof I have set my hand & seale this 4th day of July 1671
Recordatr. in Cour Rappa a die July Anno Dom 1671
KNOW ALL MEN by these prsenis yt: I JNO. WEIRE of the County of Rappa Gent
for and good causes and consideracons me thereunto moving as for and in consideracon of Eleven thousand five hundred pounds of good and well condiconed tobo in hand Received of JNO. MARTIN of the same County Planter & Eight thousand five hundred pounds of like Tobbo: by mee likewise in hand Received of WM. SARIEANT of the same County Blacksmith ye Receipt of both which sumes I do hereby acknowledge and my selfe therewth fully satisfied and contented doe therefore for myselfe together wth the consent HONORIA my Wife &our heirs sell & make over to the said JNO MARTIN a certain pcell of land lying and being in ye County of Rappa and in the Pish of Sittingbourne on the North side of ye River being pte of ye land sold to me by Mr. WM. LANE late of this County deced and containing the quantity of three hundred twenty nine acres and unto WILLIAM SARIEANT wee do for ourselves or; heires in like manner sell convey and make over as above our other pt thereof containing three hundred and fourty acres to them each these foremenconed pts. and to theire heires for every according as it is layd out and bounded & WM. MOSELEY of ye same County Gent as by ye plott here will appear the same to have hold occupy & possess to each of them and each of their heires according to their before menconed pts Together with all orchards gardens buildings woods waters and all other prvilledges wtsoever belonging In Wittness whereof we have hereunto to sett our hands & seales thereby binding ourselves to acknowledge this our Deed either by our selves or or: knowne Lawfull Attorney or Attornies at the Court of Rappa. when thereunto Reason
ably requested within ye terme of six months next ensueing the date of these psents
being the fourth of May in ye 23 yeare of ye Reigne of our Sovereign Lord King CHARLES the second and of our Lord God 1671
signed in ye prsence of us W. MOSELEY JOHN WEIRE
Recognitr. in Cour Rappa x die July Anno Dom 1671 &Recordatr.
1691-1692 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 1 [John Frederick Dorman];
Page 2 [28 Jan. 1690/91]
Abraham Blagg caused John Washington to be arrested in a plea of trespass, The plaintiff by Robt. Brent his attorney declared that Mr, John Watts, late of this county, did by his last Will devise unto Margarett his relict a tract of land called Creydon Hill in this county and, the plaintiff haveing intermarried with Margarett, imediately after the said espowsalls the messuage did vest in him in right of his wife. But Mr. John Washington hath entered upon the plantation. For that neither plaintiff nor defendant appeared at this Court, the Court doe dismiss the suite.
James Hughes 2005-08-03 13:25:13
URL (Click on link) tion=LO Patent
Title Foxhall, John.
Publication 23 October 1669.
Other Format Available on microfilm. Virginia State Land Office. Patents 1-42, reels 1-41.
Note Location: Westmoreland County.
Description: 314 acres in the body of the main forrest betwixt the two rivers of Potomack and Rappahannock adjoining land of Lt. Col. John Washington, and John Watts.
URL (Click on link) tion=LO Patent
Title Piper, John.
Publication 2 July 1669.
Other Format Available on microfilm. Virginia State Land Office. Patents 1-42, reels 1-41.
Note Location: Westmoreland County.
Description: 400 acres upon the falling branches of Appamottock Creek adjoining land of John Watts, and John Washington and Robert Nurse.
Source: Land Office Patents No. 6, 1666-1679 (pt.1 & 2 p.1-692), Page 236 (Reel 6). at Citation.1
Family 1 | Elizabeth Vaughan b. b 1647, d. b 1670 |
Family 2 | Margaret Place b. c 1652, d. 27 Jul 1726 |
Child |
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, John Watts Bef 1643 - Bef 1679 seen 5 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, Elizabeth Vaughan Bef 1647 - Bef 1670 seen 5 Aug 2022 at
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, Richard Watts Bef 1670 - 1716 seen 5 Aug 2022 at
Elizabeth Vaughan1
F, #99608, b. before 1647, d. before 1670
Last Edited | 5 Aug 2022 |
Elizabeth Vaughan was born before 1647 at England.1 She married John Watts before 1663 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA,
His 1st wife.1
Elizabeth Vaughan died before 1670 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
1654-1800 Westmoreland County, Virginia Wills [Augusta B. Fothergill]; Page 7
VAUGHAN, JOHN, 9 January 1663; 27 April 1664 (of Nominy Parish).
Wife Ellen exx. and guardian of two sons, Samuel & William; son in law John Watts and his wife Elizabeth 1000 acres of land on Mattox Creek.
1663-1668 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 1, Part 1; [John Frederick Dorman]; Page 232-33. Will of John Vaughan of the Parish of Nomony in the County of Westmoreland in Virginia, being sick and weak in body, dated 9 Jan. 1663 [1664].
To be decently intered by the old house upon the plantation where I now live.
Unto my very loving wife Ellen Vagham the plantation whereon I now live with all the dwelling houses and tobacco houses during her natural life and after her decease unto my son Samuel Vaughan. If my son Samuel Vaughan die without heirs, unto my son William Vaughan.
Unto my son William Vaughan 500 acres granted me by pattent 4 Sept. 1661.
Unto my son-in-law Mr. John Watts 400 acres in the old house creeke. Also 600 acres on the south side of Mattox Creeke in the County of Westmoreland.
The rest of my personal estate, as household stuff, servants, hogs, cattle, ready tobacco, unto my very loving wife Ellen Vaughan, whom I make executrix.
My wife shall be guardian to my sons Samuel and William Vaghan til they shall be of full age.
John Vaughan
Wit: George Williams, Thomas Wilsford.
27 April 1664. Proved.
1663-1668 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 1, Part 1; [John Frederick Dorman];
Page 238. 4 Sept. 1661. Patent from Francis Morrison, Esq to John Vaughan of 600 acres in Westmoreland County on the south side of the main branch of Attopin Creeke ... by the main run above the dam, likewise above 100 acres pattent by John Hiller ... into the woods ... due for the transportation of 12 persons into this Colony.
Francis Morrison
31 Aug. 1664. Recorded.
14 May 1664. John Watts and Elizabeth his wife unto John Boocock. For a valuable consideration already received. All my right of this pattent given by my father in law John
Vaughan. John Watts
Elizabeth Watts
Wit: John Washington, William Freake.
Acknowledged by John Watts and Elizabeth his wife.1
His 1st wife.1
Elizabeth Vaughan died before 1670 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
1654-1800 Westmoreland County, Virginia Wills [Augusta B. Fothergill]; Page 7
VAUGHAN, JOHN, 9 January 1663; 27 April 1664 (of Nominy Parish).
Wife Ellen exx. and guardian of two sons, Samuel & William; son in law John Watts and his wife Elizabeth 1000 acres of land on Mattox Creek.
1663-1668 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 1, Part 1; [John Frederick Dorman]; Page 232-33. Will of John Vaughan of the Parish of Nomony in the County of Westmoreland in Virginia, being sick and weak in body, dated 9 Jan. 1663 [1664].
To be decently intered by the old house upon the plantation where I now live.
Unto my very loving wife Ellen Vagham the plantation whereon I now live with all the dwelling houses and tobacco houses during her natural life and after her decease unto my son Samuel Vaughan. If my son Samuel Vaughan die without heirs, unto my son William Vaughan.
Unto my son William Vaughan 500 acres granted me by pattent 4 Sept. 1661.
Unto my son-in-law Mr. John Watts 400 acres in the old house creeke. Also 600 acres on the south side of Mattox Creeke in the County of Westmoreland.
The rest of my personal estate, as household stuff, servants, hogs, cattle, ready tobacco, unto my very loving wife Ellen Vaughan, whom I make executrix.
My wife shall be guardian to my sons Samuel and William Vaghan til they shall be of full age.
John Vaughan
Wit: George Williams, Thomas Wilsford.
27 April 1664. Proved.
1663-1668 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 1, Part 1; [John Frederick Dorman];
Page 238. 4 Sept. 1661. Patent from Francis Morrison, Esq to John Vaughan of 600 acres in Westmoreland County on the south side of the main branch of Attopin Creeke ... by the main run above the dam, likewise above 100 acres pattent by John Hiller ... into the woods ... due for the transportation of 12 persons into this Colony.
Francis Morrison
31 Aug. 1664. Recorded.
14 May 1664. John Watts and Elizabeth his wife unto John Boocock. For a valuable consideration already received. All my right of this pattent given by my father in law John
Vaughan. John Watts
Elizabeth Watts
Wit: John Washington, William Freake.
Acknowledged by John Watts and Elizabeth his wife.1
Family | John Watts b. b 1643, d. 8 Oct 1679 |
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, Elizabeth Vaughan Bef 1647 - Bef 1670 seen 5 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
Abraham Blagg1
M, #99609, b. before 1656, d. 31 March 1697
Last Edited | 5 Aug 2022 |
Abraham Blagg was born before 1656.1 He married Margaret Place, daughter of Francis Place and Honora (?), before 8 October 1679 at Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
Abraham Blagg died on 31 March 1697 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
1654-1800 Westmoreland County, Virginia Wills [Augusta B. Fothergill]; Page 17
BLAGG, ABRAHAM, 4 June 1694; 31 March 1697. Estate to wife Margaret.
1691-1699 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 2; [John Frederick Dorman-1801 transcript];
Page 101. Will of Abraham Blagg of Westmoreland County in Virginia being weak and lowe in body, dated 4 June 1694.
What worldly estate I have, unto my loving wife Margarett Blagg to be disposed of at her discression, appointing her my executrix.
Abraham Blagg
Wit: Richard Watts, Anne Thomas.
31 March 1697. Proved by Richard Walls [sic], Anne Thomas the other witness being dead. Probate granted unto Margarett Blagg his relict.
1691-1699 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 2; [John Frederick Dorman-1801 transcript];
Page 103. Mr. Abraham Blagg. Inventory. 22 May 1697.
Total valuation 3210 pounds of tobacco. Signed by Margarett Blagge. Appraisers sworn before Samll. Thompson.
John Hoore
Samuel Rodgers
26 May 1697. Returned by Mrs. Margarett Blagg.
1679-1682 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 2 [John Frederick Dorman]; Page 10; [8 Oct. 1679]
Abram Blagg security for Rich: Watts. Anth. Bridges and Mr. Gilbert Huband security for Mr. Abraham Blagg as marrying, the relict of Mr. Jno: Watts estate in 30,000 pounds of tobacco.
Contributed by: James Hughes
URL title: The Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume I
Weire, John, Major, Rappahannock County, Virginia, 7th May, 1671; 28th Apr., 1678. To wife Honoria, dower rights. To daughter-in-law Margaret, wife of John Watts of Potomac R., and hrs., part of a tract of land, 1, 108 A., bought of Henry Randolph of Jamestown (1/2 of sd. tract having already been sold to Robert Payne). To dau. Eliza: and hrs., "The Island" at 21 yrs. of age. To son John and hrs., residue of lands in Virginia and elsewhere. Exs.: Son-in-law Jno. Watts, Wm. Mosely, Capt. Jno. Hull. Test: Jno. Bates, Luke Humbleton, Jno. Jeffery. 9. 78.
Editors: Major John Weire of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia, married Honoria, mother of Margaret (---), wife of John Watts (and later Abraham Blagg of Richmond County, Virginia). His daughter Elizabeth later married Richard Gardner, son of Richard and Elizabeth (Hatton) Gardner (Calendar, Vol. II, pp. 14-27)
James Hughes 2005-09-29 12:22:34
The County Line Combs of Old Rappa., Richmond, King George& Westmoreland Counties VA
3/4 Aug 1730-7 Aug 1730 (King George DB1-A:64-69) Indent. John POPE of Washington Parish, Westmoreland County, Virginia to Joshua FFARGUSON of Hanover, KG County, £30, land whereon Joshua now live, 80 A, being all that remaineth of 300 A. formerly sold by Capt. Wm. UNDERWOOD Gent of County of Richmond Deced unto Nathaniel POPE alias BRIDGES Father to said John POPE.. said UNDERWOOD by deed bearing date 3 Aug 1696 said 80 A in Parish of Hanover bounded by land of Jeremiah MURDOCH; Abraham BLAGG; BLAGG'S Line, along former line of William UNDERWOOD deced to Nathaniel POPE to first mencd. station. also with the remaining part of 100 A. bought by William WHEELER sold to Nathaniel POPE Father to John POPE.. UNDERWOOD'S deed bearing date 4th Dec 1689 .. 80 A as also parcell remaining of the 100 A... To have and to hold John POPE doth hereby promise that the above sold land against claims of John PIPER & William ROE their heirs... s/John POPE, Presence Josiah FARGUSON, Moses [x] KNIGHTON. Ackn. by John POPE 7 Aug 1730... & Thos. TURNER w/POA from Elizabeth POPE wife of said John ... relinquished her right of Dower... s/Elizabeth [x] POPE, Wits: John [x] BURCH, George PARSONS. 7th Aug 1730.. (Sparacio) The above was Abraham BLAGG III. See Also Abraham BLAGG I in records of St. Mary's Co MD with Abraham COMBS of Old Rappa. Co VA & St. Mary's Co MD. Abraham BLAGG I m Margaret WEIRE, d/o Maj. John & Honoria UNKNOWN Ware (Jones)
Contributed by: James Hughes
URL title: Virginia Death Records
MAR 31 1697 Abraham Blagg Westmoreland
Contributed by: James Hughes
URL title: Combs &c. Families of St. Mary's County, Maryland 1656-1699
08 Apr 1684 (St. Mary's Co MD Estate Accounts, Liber 8:247, #7639 ) Edward FISHWICK, £181.1.7. Payments to: Abraham BLAGGE of Virginia paid Mr. Richard GARDINER (attorney), Richard WALKER, Richard GARY, Richard BROWNE, William ROSEWELL, Nicholas SYLVESTER, Michael THOMPSON, Richard EDELEN, paid to James ELLIS. Administratrix: MARGARET COMBE, wife of Abraham COMBE. (Abstracts of the Inventories and Accounts of The Prerogative Court Of Maryland, 1679-1686 Libers 6, 7a, 7B, 8, V. L. Skinner, Jr.)
=== Contributed by Ralph D. Smith
Oct. 1679 - Abraham Blagg of Plymouth vs. William Wells of Portobacco Creek in Charles Co. Suit on a note. Wells confessed judgment to Blagg for 20,000 lbs. of tobacco. The Court gave judgment to Blagg in that amount and ordered Wells jailed until he paid.
Source: Archives of Maryland, Vol. 69, pp. 48-50 and 154.
Sep. 1685 - William Theobalds vs. William Wells, of Charles Co. Theobalds alleges that in Jan. 1682/3 he held a note for 1500 lbs. of tobacco from Abraham Blagg of Virginia and that he gave the note to Wells on the understanding that Wells would collect 1235 lbs. of tobacco from Blagg (the balance still due on the note), and that Wells would be accountable to him (Theobalds) for that amount or return the note to him. In Dec. 1683, Theobalds requested payment or the note back and Wells stated that he would pay Theobalds the 1235 lbs. of tobacco but, not having done so, Theobalds brings suit.
Source: Charles Co., Md. Circuit Court, Liber M, Page 22.
Comment: This record consists only of Theobalds' complaint.
1680 Stafford County, Virginia Order Book [Antient Press];
p. 18(32) To ye Worn: his Majesty's Justices for Stafford County the humble Peticon of ABRAHAM BLAGG, Sheweth that in or about the ninth of March Anno 1675, your Peticonr: drew on Mr. MALLACHY PEALE (then your Petitioner's Attorney) a Note by Majr, THOMAS STAGGE of' MARYLAND, that hee would that yeare pay unto him or Ordr: three thousand pounds of Tobo: and caske, taking his or their receipt for ye said summe Now soe itt is may itt please your Worships that your Petitioner arrivinge into this Countrey againe in September following amongst other concernes enquiring of his said Attorney, Mr. MALLA: PEALE, and finding ye said Tobo: for which ye said Note was charged not paid, did then forbid ye said Mr. PEALE to pay ye said Note by reason ye Petitioner had not received the expected consideration for which ye said Note was drawne, the said Note being tendered by Mr. WILLIAM MILLETT who with ye said STAGGE were both dead & noe payments made according to ye contents of ye said Note nor any receipt of one. Therefore your Petitioner humbly prays hee may have ye said Note returned to him againe by ye said Mr. MALLA: PEALE as in all equity and reason hee ought and that ye said PEALE pay costs of suite and hee shall ever pray & c. Mr: MALLACHY PEALE: My very good friend, If my friend, Majr. THOMAS STAGGE draw on you to pay two or three thousand pounds of Tobo: & caske, left him bee supplied taking a receipt upon ye accot. of; your assured friend and servt.
Dated March ey 20th 1677 ABRAHAM BLAGGE
Recordatr: 10th Novembe: 1680, witnessed p, ROBERT BARRICK
Be pleased to pay unto Mr: WM: MILLETT or Ordr: ye contents of this Note which sd. three thousand pounds of Tobo- & Caske taking his receipt for ye same wch: is the desire of Mr. ABRAM BLAGGE and myselfe and you will much oblidge your friend and Servt. unknowne THOMAS STAGGE
To Mr. MALLA. PEALE, Pr:sent May ye 8th 1677
I doe oblidge myselfe to save harmless Mr. MALLA: PEALE from having passed his promise to Mr. WM. MILLETT to pay three thousand pounds of Tobo: wch: was then made by him as my Attorney, but now havinge drawn my effects out of his hands, I doe pro-test my owne Note having never reced: any consideration for ye same. As Witness my hand May 16th 1679.
Recorded 20th Novembr: 1680
1691-1699 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 2; [John Frederick Dorman-1801 transcript];
Page 9a. 25 Nov. 1691. These may certify that I Abraham Blagge will allow nor confirm no sale, mortgage or lease of any land that shall be made by Margaret Blagge wife to the aforesaid Abraham Blagge, neither sale of my goods or chattels, and will not pay any debts, challenge or claim made by the said Margaret Blagge. Abraham Blagge
1694-1695 Essex County, Virginia Deed & Will Book; [Antient Press]; Page 317-318
At a Court held for Essex County October ye 10th Ano Dom 1694
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I ABRAHAM BLAGGE of WESTMORELAND County do appoint & impower my loveing Wife, MARGARETT BLAGGE to be my true & lawful Attorney in all matters as well in receiving as in paying, as also in buying & selling to act & doe as largely & amply as I myselfe might or could do, and for ye more effecting & compleating all & any matter she shall Judge necdfull requisit to be done I doe by these presents give unto my sd Atturney my full & whole power to use such means for ye p:secuting ye same as Law and Equity alloweth without any manny of Restraint or Reservations but that to all intents and purposes this power may be construed & interpreted (if need thereunto require) to be as valid and effectuall in any or all matters whatsoever (relating or concerning me, the sd ABRAHAM BLAGGE) that shall be done or caused to be done by my sd Atturney as if I my selfe had done & acted or caused to be done & acted the same, or Atturneys under her to make & ordaine and againe at her pleasure to revoake and this my power to her I do make irrevoakeable and all & whatsoever my sd Atturney shall do or cause to be done I promise by these presents to rattifie & allow. In Witness whereof I have set my hand and seale August the 22d Anno 1694
Signed sealed & delivered in ye presence of
At a Court held for Essex County October ye 10th Ano Dom 1694
The within Lettr: of Attorney was prov'd by ye oathes of ye witnesses thereto & ordered to be recorded
Vere Recordatr: Test FRANCIS MERIWETHER, Cl Cur
1699-1702 Essex County, Virginia Order Book; [Antient Press]; Page 86
Essex County Court 10th of April 1701
- MARGARET BLAGGE complaines against REBECCA TOMLIN in a plea of Trespass for that whereas the said Plt. is seised of a good absolute & indefeasible Estate of Inheritance of in & to Six hundred acres of Land scituate lying & being in ye Parish of CITTENBURNE in this County, yet the sd REBECCA TOMLIN not regarding the Plts. seizure aforesd upon the 10th day of September last into & upon the premisses aforesd. with force & armes did illegally enter & three Timber trees of the value of Fifteen pounds Sterl, did then & there fall cut down & destroy & divers & sundry other trespasses did then & there comit agt. the peace &c., & to the Plts. damage of Fifty pounds Sterl. for wch. she hath brought her suit & prays Judgmt. with costs &c., to which the Deft, in Febry, Court last by WM. JONES her Attorney appear'd & prayed an Imparlance till the next Court wch: was granted, but not appearing now, its ordered that the Sheriff of this County or his Deputy sumon an able jury of ye Neighbourhood that are nowise concerned by affinity consanguinity or interest or lyable to any other just exception, who being first sworne are together with Mr, CHARLES SMITH, Surveyr:, to goe upon ye aforesd. Land on ye 28th of this instant if fair, if not ye next fair day & lay out the same according to ye ancient bounds of ye Patent thereof haveing regard to all evidences that shall be produced by Plt. & Deft. & if they find ye Deft. a Trespasser that they value ye damage & report their proceedings undr: their hands & seales to ye next Court to be held for this County & Mr. SAML. THACKER is desired to swear ye Jury
1701-1704 Essex County, Virginia Deed & Will Book; [Antient Press]; Page 83
In Obedience to an Ordr: of ye Worshipll. Court of Essex beareing date ye 10th day of Aprill 1701, we whose names are subscribed being summoned by ye Sub Sheriff of ye County of Essex aforesd. being sworne before Mr. SAMUEL THACKER did upon ye 18th day of Aprill 1701 together with: Mr. CHARLES SMITH goe upon the land of Mrs, MARGARETT BLAGGs & haveing had regard to alle evidences did find ye begin tree upon CEDAR POYNT being a m:ked white Oak & having run severall out according to Pattent, ye same was by Mr. RICHD. WALLS by force & armes broken. In Testimony whereof wee have hereunto sett our hand & settles ye 28th day of April 1701 abovesd.
Truely recorded according to an Order of Essex County Court the 11th day of June 1701 The Deposition of GEORGE TAYLOR aged sixty yeares or thereabouts sworne saith that CEADER POINT was ever and at all times reputed the begining of a Pattent of land unto ANDREW GILSON for Six hundred acres and further saith not and this I have knowne fifty yeares GEORGE TAYLOR
Aprill 18th 1701. Ye above ordr: was sworne before me in pr:sents of Jury appointed to out ye land relateing thereto
The Deposition of JOHN DANGERFEILD aged Seventy yeares or thereabout sworne saith that he asked Mr. GILSON for a Ceder tree that grew on CEADER POINT and he gave me Liberty p:vided it was not a corner tree nor a line tree and farther saith not
April. ye 28th 1701, The above two depositions were taken and sworne to before me in presence of Jury appointed to lay out some land relateing thereto Mrs. ELIZ: BLAGGs
Attourney being there pr:sent and his Wife, Mrs. REBECCA TOMLIN
The Deposicon of ELIZA: PLEY aged fifty-eight yeares sworne saith that about nine yeares since shee was at the house of ANDREW GILSON saith he what a doo here is about land now to what there ust to be when I came up first into Rappahannock River there came upp severall with me to take upp land and named them and every one Cooke where they biked best and I steept on shoare at CEADAR POINT and make a marke a tree and said from that tree said he would run for Six hundred acres of land and further saieth not ELIZA: PLEY
Aprill ye 28th: 1701 The above Deposicon was taken & sworne to before me in pr:sents of a Jury appointed to lay out some land relateing thereto to Mrs. ELIZA: BLAGGs Attorney Plantiffe brought them up and likewise Mrs, REBECCA TOMLIN Deft.
Truely recorded according to an Ordr: of Essex County Court ye 4th day of June 1701
1701-1704 Essex County, Virginia Deed & Will Book; [Antient Press]; Page 109
THIS INDENTURE made the Eleventh day of May in the Fourteenth yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereign Lord William the third &c. and in the yeare One thousand seaven hundred and two Between MARGARET BLAGG of the Parish of WASHINGTON in the County of WESTMORELAND in ye Colony of Virga:, Widow, of ye one pie: and DAVID GWYN of ye Parish of Farnham in the County of RICHMOND in the same Colony, Merchant, of the other part. Witnesseth that the said MARGARET BLAGG for the sume of Twenty six thousand pounds of tobo: and caske and One hundred pounds Sterling money of England to her the said MARGARET BLAGG for the full and absolute purchase & conveyance of ye lands with the appurtenances hereinafter particularly described well & truely paid by DAVID GWYN by these pr:sents hath granted unto the aforesd. DAVID GWYN and to his heires and assignes all that tract of land conteyning One thousand and fifty acres being on the South side of Rappahannock River in the Parish of Sitingburne in the County of Essex and bounded Beginning at a white Oake standing on a Poynt by the North side of a Creeke formerly called TIGNORS CREEK but now goeing by the name of the MILL CREEK and running for length North and for breadth by or nigh on ye sd Creekes side and soe runing againe for length North includeing and bounding Six hundred acres & another p:cell begin ing at the Westermost bounds of the abovesd. Six hundred acres paralell to which it extendeth it selfe to the Woods a Mile North & by West, thence butting upon the River East & by Northerly, the said bounds includeing Four hundred acres together with the Marsh land thereunto belonging lying upon the Mouth of the Westermost side of the said Creeke upon which was bounded the former Defident, Together with all houses orchards woods meadows marshes & appurtenances belonging and all the Estate, right & demand of her the said MARGT. BLAGG both in Law & Equity; To have and to hold the said One thousand acres of Woodland and fifty acres of Marsh land together with all the appurtenances unto the said DAVID GWYN his heires & assignes forever to be held of or: Sovgne. Lord the King & paying the Quitt Rents due from the same for every fifty acres to be paid at the Feast of St. Mlchael the Archangell yearely and the said MARGT. BLAGG doth grant she will warrant & forever defend unto the said DAVID GWYN his heires & assignes the aforesd. land agt her her heires & assignes & every other persons whatsoever and that the said DAVID GWYN shall at all times hereafter forever peaceably possess all the sd land without any manner of trouble of her the sd MARGT, BLAGG her heires or assignes or any other persons. In Witness whereof the said MARGARET BLAGG hath set her hand and seale
Signed sealed and delivered in the pr:sence of
the marke of DANIEL CARRYL
the marke of JNO, JONES
Acknowledged in Essex County Court the 11th of May 1702 and truely recorded Memorandum. That on the eleventh day of May 1702 Livery of Seisin was given by MARGARET BLAGG to DAVID GWYN by deliverey of Turffe and Twigg in pr:sence of
Acknowledged in Essex County Court DANIEL CARRYL
ye 11th day of May 1702 and truely JOHN JONES
(Bond in the sum of On thousand pounds of good & lawfull money of England dated 11th of May 1702 to fulfill agreements. Same Witnesses)
Contributed by: Vic Piper
Westmoreland County Va. Deed Bk 12 pg 125-126
30th day of July 1754
David Piper of the Parish of Truro and County of Fairfax to John Piper of the parish of Wahington and County of Westmorland...... a tract of land... called Cradonhill... being est. 100 acres .....that John Piper bought of Abraham Blagg and gave to his son David, bounded with the line of John Washington, decd. and south and west with the lines of Joseph Smith, John Smith and north with the line of John Jett.....
witnesses: Original Brown, John Jett Junior, and Samuel Rallings
=== &collection=NN Grant
Title Thompson, Samuel.
Publication 14 December 1696.
Other Format Available on microfilm. Northern Neck Grants, reels 288-311.
Note Location: Westmoreland County.
Description: 164 acres adjoining Thomas Bowcock and Abraham Blagge.
Source: Northern Neck Grants No. 2, 1694-1700, Page 261-262 (Reel 288). at Citation.1
Abraham Blagg died on 31 March 1697 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
1654-1800 Westmoreland County, Virginia Wills [Augusta B. Fothergill]; Page 17
BLAGG, ABRAHAM, 4 June 1694; 31 March 1697. Estate to wife Margaret.
1691-1699 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 2; [John Frederick Dorman-1801 transcript];
Page 101. Will of Abraham Blagg of Westmoreland County in Virginia being weak and lowe in body, dated 4 June 1694.
What worldly estate I have, unto my loving wife Margarett Blagg to be disposed of at her discression, appointing her my executrix.
Abraham Blagg
Wit: Richard Watts, Anne Thomas.
31 March 1697. Proved by Richard Walls [sic], Anne Thomas the other witness being dead. Probate granted unto Margarett Blagg his relict.
1691-1699 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 2; [John Frederick Dorman-1801 transcript];
Page 103. Mr. Abraham Blagg. Inventory. 22 May 1697.
Total valuation 3210 pounds of tobacco. Signed by Margarett Blagge. Appraisers sworn before Samll. Thompson.
John Hoore
Samuel Rodgers
26 May 1697. Returned by Mrs. Margarett Blagg.
1679-1682 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 2 [John Frederick Dorman]; Page 10; [8 Oct. 1679]
Abram Blagg security for Rich: Watts. Anth. Bridges and Mr. Gilbert Huband security for Mr. Abraham Blagg as marrying, the relict of Mr. Jno: Watts estate in 30,000 pounds of tobacco.
Contributed by: James Hughes
URL title: The Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume I
Weire, John, Major, Rappahannock County, Virginia, 7th May, 1671; 28th Apr., 1678. To wife Honoria, dower rights. To daughter-in-law Margaret, wife of John Watts of Potomac R., and hrs., part of a tract of land, 1, 108 A., bought of Henry Randolph of Jamestown (1/2 of sd. tract having already been sold to Robert Payne). To dau. Eliza: and hrs., "The Island" at 21 yrs. of age. To son John and hrs., residue of lands in Virginia and elsewhere. Exs.: Son-in-law Jno. Watts, Wm. Mosely, Capt. Jno. Hull. Test: Jno. Bates, Luke Humbleton, Jno. Jeffery. 9. 78.
Editors: Major John Weire of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia, married Honoria, mother of Margaret (---), wife of John Watts (and later Abraham Blagg of Richmond County, Virginia). His daughter Elizabeth later married Richard Gardner, son of Richard and Elizabeth (Hatton) Gardner (Calendar, Vol. II, pp. 14-27)
James Hughes 2005-09-29 12:22:34
The County Line Combs of Old Rappa., Richmond, King George& Westmoreland Counties VA
3/4 Aug 1730-7 Aug 1730 (King George DB1-A:64-69) Indent. John POPE of Washington Parish, Westmoreland County, Virginia to Joshua FFARGUSON of Hanover, KG County, £30, land whereon Joshua now live, 80 A, being all that remaineth of 300 A. formerly sold by Capt. Wm. UNDERWOOD Gent of County of Richmond Deced unto Nathaniel POPE alias BRIDGES Father to said John POPE.. said UNDERWOOD by deed bearing date 3 Aug 1696 said 80 A in Parish of Hanover bounded by land of Jeremiah MURDOCH; Abraham BLAGG; BLAGG'S Line, along former line of William UNDERWOOD deced to Nathaniel POPE to first mencd. station. also with the remaining part of 100 A. bought by William WHEELER sold to Nathaniel POPE Father to John POPE.. UNDERWOOD'S deed bearing date 4th Dec 1689 .. 80 A as also parcell remaining of the 100 A... To have and to hold John POPE doth hereby promise that the above sold land against claims of John PIPER & William ROE their heirs... s/John POPE, Presence Josiah FARGUSON, Moses [x] KNIGHTON. Ackn. by John POPE 7 Aug 1730... & Thos. TURNER w/POA from Elizabeth POPE wife of said John ... relinquished her right of Dower... s/Elizabeth [x] POPE, Wits: John [x] BURCH, George PARSONS. 7th Aug 1730.. (Sparacio) The above was Abraham BLAGG III. See Also Abraham BLAGG I in records of St. Mary's Co MD with Abraham COMBS of Old Rappa. Co VA & St. Mary's Co MD. Abraham BLAGG I m Margaret WEIRE, d/o Maj. John & Honoria UNKNOWN Ware (Jones)
Contributed by: James Hughes
URL title: Virginia Death Records
MAR 31 1697 Abraham Blagg Westmoreland
Contributed by: James Hughes
URL title: Combs &c. Families of St. Mary's County, Maryland 1656-1699
08 Apr 1684 (St. Mary's Co MD Estate Accounts, Liber 8:247, #7639 ) Edward FISHWICK, £181.1.7. Payments to: Abraham BLAGGE of Virginia paid Mr. Richard GARDINER (attorney), Richard WALKER, Richard GARY, Richard BROWNE, William ROSEWELL, Nicholas SYLVESTER, Michael THOMPSON, Richard EDELEN, paid to James ELLIS. Administratrix: MARGARET COMBE, wife of Abraham COMBE. (Abstracts of the Inventories and Accounts of The Prerogative Court Of Maryland, 1679-1686 Libers 6, 7a, 7B, 8, V. L. Skinner, Jr.)
=== Contributed by Ralph D. Smith
Oct. 1679 - Abraham Blagg of Plymouth vs. William Wells of Portobacco Creek in Charles Co. Suit on a note. Wells confessed judgment to Blagg for 20,000 lbs. of tobacco. The Court gave judgment to Blagg in that amount and ordered Wells jailed until he paid.
Source: Archives of Maryland, Vol. 69, pp. 48-50 and 154.
Sep. 1685 - William Theobalds vs. William Wells, of Charles Co. Theobalds alleges that in Jan. 1682/3 he held a note for 1500 lbs. of tobacco from Abraham Blagg of Virginia and that he gave the note to Wells on the understanding that Wells would collect 1235 lbs. of tobacco from Blagg (the balance still due on the note), and that Wells would be accountable to him (Theobalds) for that amount or return the note to him. In Dec. 1683, Theobalds requested payment or the note back and Wells stated that he would pay Theobalds the 1235 lbs. of tobacco but, not having done so, Theobalds brings suit.
Source: Charles Co., Md. Circuit Court, Liber M, Page 22.
Comment: This record consists only of Theobalds' complaint.
1680 Stafford County, Virginia Order Book [Antient Press];
p. 18(32) To ye Worn: his Majesty's Justices for Stafford County the humble Peticon of ABRAHAM BLAGG, Sheweth that in or about the ninth of March Anno 1675, your Peticonr: drew on Mr. MALLACHY PEALE (then your Petitioner's Attorney) a Note by Majr, THOMAS STAGGE of' MARYLAND, that hee would that yeare pay unto him or Ordr: three thousand pounds of Tobo: and caske, taking his or their receipt for ye said summe Now soe itt is may itt please your Worships that your Petitioner arrivinge into this Countrey againe in September following amongst other concernes enquiring of his said Attorney, Mr. MALLA: PEALE, and finding ye said Tobo: for which ye said Note was charged not paid, did then forbid ye said Mr. PEALE to pay ye said Note by reason ye Petitioner had not received the expected consideration for which ye said Note was drawne, the said Note being tendered by Mr. WILLIAM MILLETT who with ye said STAGGE were both dead & noe payments made according to ye contents of ye said Note nor any receipt of one. Therefore your Petitioner humbly prays hee may have ye said Note returned to him againe by ye said Mr. MALLA: PEALE as in all equity and reason hee ought and that ye said PEALE pay costs of suite and hee shall ever pray & c. Mr: MALLACHY PEALE: My very good friend, If my friend, Majr. THOMAS STAGGE draw on you to pay two or three thousand pounds of Tobo: & caske, left him bee supplied taking a receipt upon ye accot. of; your assured friend and servt.
Dated March ey 20th 1677 ABRAHAM BLAGGE
Recordatr: 10th Novembe: 1680, witnessed p, ROBERT BARRICK
Be pleased to pay unto Mr: WM: MILLETT or Ordr: ye contents of this Note which sd. three thousand pounds of Tobo- & Caske taking his receipt for ye same wch: is the desire of Mr. ABRAM BLAGGE and myselfe and you will much oblidge your friend and Servt. unknowne THOMAS STAGGE
To Mr. MALLA. PEALE, Pr:sent May ye 8th 1677
I doe oblidge myselfe to save harmless Mr. MALLA: PEALE from having passed his promise to Mr. WM. MILLETT to pay three thousand pounds of Tobo: wch: was then made by him as my Attorney, but now havinge drawn my effects out of his hands, I doe pro-test my owne Note having never reced: any consideration for ye same. As Witness my hand May 16th 1679.
Recorded 20th Novembr: 1680
1691-1699 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 2; [John Frederick Dorman-1801 transcript];
Page 9a. 25 Nov. 1691. These may certify that I Abraham Blagge will allow nor confirm no sale, mortgage or lease of any land that shall be made by Margaret Blagge wife to the aforesaid Abraham Blagge, neither sale of my goods or chattels, and will not pay any debts, challenge or claim made by the said Margaret Blagge. Abraham Blagge
1694-1695 Essex County, Virginia Deed & Will Book; [Antient Press]; Page 317-318
At a Court held for Essex County October ye 10th Ano Dom 1694
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I ABRAHAM BLAGGE of WESTMORELAND County do appoint & impower my loveing Wife, MARGARETT BLAGGE to be my true & lawful Attorney in all matters as well in receiving as in paying, as also in buying & selling to act & doe as largely & amply as I myselfe might or could do, and for ye more effecting & compleating all & any matter she shall Judge necdfull requisit to be done I doe by these presents give unto my sd Atturney my full & whole power to use such means for ye p:secuting ye same as Law and Equity alloweth without any manny of Restraint or Reservations but that to all intents and purposes this power may be construed & interpreted (if need thereunto require) to be as valid and effectuall in any or all matters whatsoever (relating or concerning me, the sd ABRAHAM BLAGGE) that shall be done or caused to be done by my sd Atturney as if I my selfe had done & acted or caused to be done & acted the same, or Atturneys under her to make & ordaine and againe at her pleasure to revoake and this my power to her I do make irrevoakeable and all & whatsoever my sd Atturney shall do or cause to be done I promise by these presents to rattifie & allow. In Witness whereof I have set my hand and seale August the 22d Anno 1694
Signed sealed & delivered in ye presence of
At a Court held for Essex County October ye 10th Ano Dom 1694
The within Lettr: of Attorney was prov'd by ye oathes of ye witnesses thereto & ordered to be recorded
Vere Recordatr: Test FRANCIS MERIWETHER, Cl Cur
1699-1702 Essex County, Virginia Order Book; [Antient Press]; Page 86
Essex County Court 10th of April 1701
- MARGARET BLAGGE complaines against REBECCA TOMLIN in a plea of Trespass for that whereas the said Plt. is seised of a good absolute & indefeasible Estate of Inheritance of in & to Six hundred acres of Land scituate lying & being in ye Parish of CITTENBURNE in this County, yet the sd REBECCA TOMLIN not regarding the Plts. seizure aforesd upon the 10th day of September last into & upon the premisses aforesd. with force & armes did illegally enter & three Timber trees of the value of Fifteen pounds Sterl, did then & there fall cut down & destroy & divers & sundry other trespasses did then & there comit agt. the peace &c., & to the Plts. damage of Fifty pounds Sterl. for wch. she hath brought her suit & prays Judgmt. with costs &c., to which the Deft, in Febry, Court last by WM. JONES her Attorney appear'd & prayed an Imparlance till the next Court wch: was granted, but not appearing now, its ordered that the Sheriff of this County or his Deputy sumon an able jury of ye Neighbourhood that are nowise concerned by affinity consanguinity or interest or lyable to any other just exception, who being first sworne are together with Mr, CHARLES SMITH, Surveyr:, to goe upon ye aforesd. Land on ye 28th of this instant if fair, if not ye next fair day & lay out the same according to ye ancient bounds of ye Patent thereof haveing regard to all evidences that shall be produced by Plt. & Deft. & if they find ye Deft. a Trespasser that they value ye damage & report their proceedings undr: their hands & seales to ye next Court to be held for this County & Mr. SAML. THACKER is desired to swear ye Jury
1701-1704 Essex County, Virginia Deed & Will Book; [Antient Press]; Page 83
In Obedience to an Ordr: of ye Worshipll. Court of Essex beareing date ye 10th day of Aprill 1701, we whose names are subscribed being summoned by ye Sub Sheriff of ye County of Essex aforesd. being sworne before Mr. SAMUEL THACKER did upon ye 18th day of Aprill 1701 together with: Mr. CHARLES SMITH goe upon the land of Mrs, MARGARETT BLAGGs & haveing had regard to alle evidences did find ye begin tree upon CEDAR POYNT being a m:ked white Oak & having run severall out according to Pattent, ye same was by Mr. RICHD. WALLS by force & armes broken. In Testimony whereof wee have hereunto sett our hand & settles ye 28th day of April 1701 abovesd.
Truely recorded according to an Order of Essex County Court the 11th day of June 1701 The Deposition of GEORGE TAYLOR aged sixty yeares or thereabouts sworne saith that CEADER POINT was ever and at all times reputed the begining of a Pattent of land unto ANDREW GILSON for Six hundred acres and further saith not and this I have knowne fifty yeares GEORGE TAYLOR
Aprill 18th 1701. Ye above ordr: was sworne before me in pr:sents of Jury appointed to out ye land relateing thereto
The Deposition of JOHN DANGERFEILD aged Seventy yeares or thereabout sworne saith that he asked Mr. GILSON for a Ceder tree that grew on CEADER POINT and he gave me Liberty p:vided it was not a corner tree nor a line tree and farther saith not
April. ye 28th 1701, The above two depositions were taken and sworne to before me in presence of Jury appointed to lay out some land relateing thereto Mrs. ELIZ: BLAGGs
Attourney being there pr:sent and his Wife, Mrs. REBECCA TOMLIN
The Deposicon of ELIZA: PLEY aged fifty-eight yeares sworne saith that about nine yeares since shee was at the house of ANDREW GILSON saith he what a doo here is about land now to what there ust to be when I came up first into Rappahannock River there came upp severall with me to take upp land and named them and every one Cooke where they biked best and I steept on shoare at CEADAR POINT and make a marke a tree and said from that tree said he would run for Six hundred acres of land and further saieth not ELIZA: PLEY
Aprill ye 28th: 1701 The above Deposicon was taken & sworne to before me in pr:sents of a Jury appointed to lay out some land relateing thereto to Mrs. ELIZA: BLAGGs Attorney Plantiffe brought them up and likewise Mrs, REBECCA TOMLIN Deft.
Truely recorded according to an Ordr: of Essex County Court ye 4th day of June 1701
1701-1704 Essex County, Virginia Deed & Will Book; [Antient Press]; Page 109
THIS INDENTURE made the Eleventh day of May in the Fourteenth yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereign Lord William the third &c. and in the yeare One thousand seaven hundred and two Between MARGARET BLAGG of the Parish of WASHINGTON in the County of WESTMORELAND in ye Colony of Virga:, Widow, of ye one pie: and DAVID GWYN of ye Parish of Farnham in the County of RICHMOND in the same Colony, Merchant, of the other part. Witnesseth that the said MARGARET BLAGG for the sume of Twenty six thousand pounds of tobo: and caske and One hundred pounds Sterling money of England to her the said MARGARET BLAGG for the full and absolute purchase & conveyance of ye lands with the appurtenances hereinafter particularly described well & truely paid by DAVID GWYN by these pr:sents hath granted unto the aforesd. DAVID GWYN and to his heires and assignes all that tract of land conteyning One thousand and fifty acres being on the South side of Rappahannock River in the Parish of Sitingburne in the County of Essex and bounded Beginning at a white Oake standing on a Poynt by the North side of a Creeke formerly called TIGNORS CREEK but now goeing by the name of the MILL CREEK and running for length North and for breadth by or nigh on ye sd Creekes side and soe runing againe for length North includeing and bounding Six hundred acres & another p:cell begin ing at the Westermost bounds of the abovesd. Six hundred acres paralell to which it extendeth it selfe to the Woods a Mile North & by West, thence butting upon the River East & by Northerly, the said bounds includeing Four hundred acres together with the Marsh land thereunto belonging lying upon the Mouth of the Westermost side of the said Creeke upon which was bounded the former Defident, Together with all houses orchards woods meadows marshes & appurtenances belonging and all the Estate, right & demand of her the said MARGT. BLAGG both in Law & Equity; To have and to hold the said One thousand acres of Woodland and fifty acres of Marsh land together with all the appurtenances unto the said DAVID GWYN his heires & assignes forever to be held of or: Sovgne. Lord the King & paying the Quitt Rents due from the same for every fifty acres to be paid at the Feast of St. Mlchael the Archangell yearely and the said MARGT. BLAGG doth grant she will warrant & forever defend unto the said DAVID GWYN his heires & assignes the aforesd. land agt her her heires & assignes & every other persons whatsoever and that the said DAVID GWYN shall at all times hereafter forever peaceably possess all the sd land without any manner of trouble of her the sd MARGT, BLAGG her heires or assignes or any other persons. In Witness whereof the said MARGARET BLAGG hath set her hand and seale
Signed sealed and delivered in the pr:sence of
the marke of DANIEL CARRYL
the marke of JNO, JONES
Acknowledged in Essex County Court the 11th of May 1702 and truely recorded Memorandum. That on the eleventh day of May 1702 Livery of Seisin was given by MARGARET BLAGG to DAVID GWYN by deliverey of Turffe and Twigg in pr:sence of
Acknowledged in Essex County Court DANIEL CARRYL
ye 11th day of May 1702 and truely JOHN JONES
(Bond in the sum of On thousand pounds of good & lawfull money of England dated 11th of May 1702 to fulfill agreements. Same Witnesses)
Contributed by: Vic Piper
Westmoreland County Va. Deed Bk 12 pg 125-126
30th day of July 1754
David Piper of the Parish of Truro and County of Fairfax to John Piper of the parish of Wahington and County of Westmorland...... a tract of land... called Cradonhill... being est. 100 acres .....that John Piper bought of Abraham Blagg and gave to his son David, bounded with the line of John Washington, decd. and south and west with the lines of Joseph Smith, John Smith and north with the line of John Jett.....
witnesses: Original Brown, John Jett Junior, and Samuel Rallings
=== &collection=NN Grant
Title Thompson, Samuel.
Publication 14 December 1696.
Other Format Available on microfilm. Northern Neck Grants, reels 288-311.
Note Location: Westmoreland County.
Description: 164 acres adjoining Thomas Bowcock and Abraham Blagge.
Source: Northern Neck Grants No. 2, 1694-1700, Page 261-262 (Reel 288). at Citation.1
Family | Margaret Place b. c 1652, d. 27 Jul 1726 |
Child |
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, Abraham Blagg Bef 1656 - 1697 seen 5 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, Mary Blagg 1679 - 1737 seen 5 Aug 2022 at
Richard Watts1
M, #99610, b. before 1670, d. 31 October 1716
Father | John Watts1 b. b 1643, d. 8 Oct 1679 |
Mother | Margaret Place1 b. c 1652, d. 27 Jul 1726 |
Last Edited | 5 Aug 2022 |
Richard Watts was born before 1670 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1 He married Mary Blagg, daughter of Abraham Blagg and Margaret Place, in 1700 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA,
Her 2nd husband.2,1
Richard Watts died on 31 October 1716 at Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
1654-1800 Westmoreland County, Virginia Wills [Augusta B. Fothergill]; Page 59
WATTS, RICHARD, Westmoreland County, Virginia, dated 23 Apr 1715, probated 31 Oct 1716. Plantation at mouth of Mattox to son Richard; son John plantation where my mother lives on north side of Mattox creek; my five children and wife Mary personal estate; residue of estate to 2 sons.
1654-1800 Westmoreland County, Virginia Wills [Augusta B. Fothergill]; Page 63
WATTS, RICHARD, 13 September 1717. Inventory returned.
Children of Mary BLAGG and Richard WATTS are:
i. John WATTS was born Abt 1700, and died 1754 in Westmoreland,VA. He married ? ?.
ii. Richard WATTS was born Abt 1700.
iii. Mary WATTS was born Abt 1700. She married Henry ASHTON. He was born 1670, and died 1731. She married Richard BLACKBURN Aft 1731.
iv. Jane WATTS was born Abt 1700, and died Bef 21 DEC 1761. She married Thomas SANFORD. He died 1725. She married Andrew MONROE 1726, son of Andrew MONROE and Eleanor SPENCE. He was born 1697 in Westmoreland,VA, and died 1770 in Westmoreland,VA.
v. Margaret WATTS was born Abt 1700 in VA, and died Abt 1755 in VA. She married William STROTHER Abt 1718, son of William STROTHER and Margaret THORNTON. He was born 1697 in VA, and died 1732 in Ferry Farm,King George,VA. She married John GRANT 22 MAY 1739 in Prince William,VA. He was born Abt 1695 in VA, and died 1749 in King George,VA.
1654-1800 Westmoreland County, Virginia Wills [Augusta B. Fothergill]; Page 37
WILSFORD, THOMAS, gent., 17 September 1700; 23 February 1703.
Friend Richard Watts all my land, cattle and rest of estate.
1691-1699 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 2; [John Frederick Dorman-1801 transcript];
Pages 149-150. John Washington. Inventory.
Division of estate of Thomas Wiliford and Richard Watts from the estate of Capt. John Washington, deceased. Made in obedience to order of 23 Feb. 1697/8.
Washington's inventory: Items in the hall chamber, the porch chamber, parlor chamber, old store, kitchen, hall, at Willsford's. Includes one Negro boy and woman valued at 10,000 pounds of tobacco, boy named Jonas Williams, servants John February and Alice Wilkison. At Indian Town, six Negroes and six mulatto children; 77,000 pounds of tobacco and servant man Mark Henderson. Two Negroes valued at 3000 pounds of tobacco and boy John Hewes. Items in hall closet. Servant boy John Parsons and man servant Thos. Gilding. Amount due to Mr. Thomas Willsford, 21,215 pounds of tobacco, and to Richard Watts, 13,052 pounds of tobacco.
Total valuation 74,967 pounds of tobacco.
John Elliott
James Taylor
John Higdon
Laurence Abington
Appraisers sworn before William Bridges.
Inventory of Watts and Willsford estate deducted: Negro woman valued at 5000 pounds of tobacco,
James Taylor
John Higdon
Laurence Abington
27 April 1698. Mrs. Anne Washington returned this inventory.
1705-1707 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part I [Antient Press]; Page 6
- GREEN. ERASMUS deced. p Administracon to TANCELL Upon the motion of JOHN TANCELL, Administracon is granted him on the Estate of ERASMUS GREEN, deced., and hee ordered to return a full and perfect Inventory of the deced.'s Estate to the next Court upon Oathe. It is also ordered that WILLIAM MUNRO, JOHN HORE, RICHARD WATTS and CHARLES TYLER or any three of them being first sworn before some ofher Majties Justices for this County, doe some time before the next Court value and apparise the deced.'s Estate and return their valuation to the next Court
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 13
Westmoreland County Court 31st day of October 1716
- WATTS's Will proved
The Last Will and Testament of RICHARD WATTS, Gent., deced., was presented into Court by MARY, his Relict and Executrix, who made Oath thereto and being proved by the Oaths ofNATHANIEL POPE and SPENCE MUNROE, two of the wittnesses thereto, is admitt to Record; And upon motion ofthe Executrix and her performing what is usuall in such cases, Certificate is granted her for obtaining a Probate thereof in due form; And it is ordered that ROBERT LOVELL, CHARLES TYLER, JOSEPH WEEKES and WILLIAM MUNROE, or any three ofthem being first sworn before one ofhis Majesties Justices for this County doe some time before the next Court value and appraise the Estate of RICHARD WATTS in money and make report thereof to the next Court
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 26
Westmoreland County Court 27th of February 1716/17
- BRYANT's Will proved
The Last Will and Testament of WILLIAM BRYANT, deced. was presented in Court by MARY WATTS, his Surviving Executrix, who made Oath threto and being proved by the Oath of THO DART, one of the wittnesses thereto is admitt to Record, and upon motion ofthe Executrix and her performing what is usual in such cases, Certificate is granted her for obtaining a Probate thereofin due form, And it is ordered that WILLIAM BROWN, WILLIAM ROE, WANSFORD ARRINGTON and JAMES MASON or any three ofthem being first sworn before a Justice of the Peace for this County, doe some time before the next Court value and appraise the Estate of the Testator in money and make report thereof to the next Court
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 40
Westmoreland County Court 26th of June 1717
Upon the Petition of JAMES BOWCOCK, [Son ofTHOMAS BOWCOCK, deced], by CHARLES TYLER his Guardian it is ordered that WILLIAM MUNROE, ROBERT LOVELL, HUGH FRENCH and NATHANIEL GRAY or any three ofthem doe some time before the next Court to be held for this County, separate and sett apart the Estate which to JAMES doth belong out ofhis Father's Estate from the Estate of RICHARD WATTS, Gent., deced. who intermarried with MARY, Relict of THOMAS BOWCOCK which Estates are now in the possession ofJOHN SUMERVIL, who also intermarried with MARY after the decease of RICHARD WATTS, and that they make report of their proceedings therein to the next Court to be held for this County
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 97
Westmoreland County Court 26th of March 1718
Upon the Petition of WILLIAM STROTHER who intermarried with MARGRETT, the Daughter of RICHARD WATTS, Gent., deced. it is ordered that JOHN CHILTON, Gent., who intermarried with MARY, the Relict and Executrix of RICHARD WATTS, Gent., deced. do pay to
WILLIAM STROTHER all and singular the Estate which of right doth belong to MARGRETT out of the Estate ofher Father with costs alias Execution
1711-1714 Richmond County, Virginia Deed Book 6, Part 1 [Antient Press]; Page 77-79
THIS INDENTURE made the first day of Aprill in the eleventh year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Ann by the Grace of God of Great Brittain France and Ireland. Queene Defendr: of the faith &c., annoq: Dom: 1712; Between SAMUELL WHARTON of the Parish of St. Marie in the County of Richmond, Planter, and RICHARD WATTS of the Parish of WASHINGTON in ye County of WESTMORELAND, Gent., of other part; Wittnesseth that SAMUELL WHARTON in consideration of the summe of Five shillings of Lawfull money of England to him in hand paid by RICHARD WATTS, by these presents doth bargaine and sell unto RICHARD WATTS all that parcel of Land containing by estimation One hundred and fifty acres (be the same more or less) scituate in Parish of St. Mary and County of Richmond, being bounded, begining att a Hickory tree corner to the land of said SAMUELL WHARTON standing beside RAPPAHANOCK RIVER side, and then running Easterly the severall meanders of the River a hundred twenty and two poles to a white Oake corner tree to the Land of RALPH WORMELEY Esqr., standing by ye mouth of a Creek called by the name of CHINGOTEAGE CREEK, thence North over CHINGOTEAGE CREEK four hundred fifty and two poles to a Possimon tree standing by the Maine Branch of CHINGOTEAGE CREEK on or neare the Land of said SAMLL. WHARTON. thence South fifteen. degrees West four hundred & fourty poles; which said One hundred and fifty acres of land was granted by Patent out of the Proprietors Office to RALPH WHITING, Grandfather of said SAMUELL WHARTON, bearing date the nineteenth day of March Anno Dom: 1696/7; as by the same Patent more fully it doth appeare, which said land upon ye death of ye said RALPH WHITING descended and came to said SAMUELL WHARTON by ye gift and bequest of his said Grandfather, together with all houses tobacco houses orchards fences profitts and appurtenances and all rents and services referred due or payable upon or by any demise Lease or grant made or granted of the sd premises; To have and to hold the peace of land & premises with the appurtenances unto RICHARD WATTS his heirs dureing the terme of one whole year to this intent that by force hereof and of the Statute for transferring uses into possession said RICHARD WAITS may be in the actuall possession of the said premises and thereby be enabled to take a grant and release of the premises to him the said RICHARD WAITS his heirs; In Wittnesse whereof said SAMLL. WHARTON hath hereunto sett his hand and seale the day and year above written
Sealed and Delivered in the presence of
Att a Court held for Richmond County ye fifth day of November 1712
SAMUELL WHARTON came into Court and acknowledged this his Deed unto RICHARD WATTS and itt was admitted to Record Test M. BECKWITH, Cl Cur
THIS INDENTURE made the Second day of Aprill in the eleventh year of the Reignc of our Sovereign Lady Ann by the Grace of God of Great Brittain France and Ireland, Queene Defender of the faith &c., Annoq: Dom: 1712; Betweene SAMUELL WHARTON of the Parish of St. Marie in County of Richmond, Planter, of one part and RICHARD WATTS of the Parish of WASHINGTON in the County of WESTMORELAND, Gent., of the other part; Wittnesseth that SAMLL. WHARTON in consideration of the summe of Three thousand pounds of good tobbo; to him in hand paid by RICHARD WATTS, by these presents doth bargaine sell release and confirm unto RICHARD WATTS, in his actuall possession now being by virtue of a bargaine and sale for one whole year and by force of the Statute for transferring uses into possession, and to his heirs all that parcel! of Land containing by estimation One hundred and fifty acres be the same more or less scituate in the Parish of St. Mary and County of Richmond being bounded; (the bounds are repeated as in the foregoing Lease, as well as the Patent to RALPH WHITING. Grandfather of said SAMUELL WHARTON and the descent of the land to SAMUELL WHARTON); To have and to hold the parcell of land with the appurtenances unto RICHARD WAITS his heirs freely and clearly discharged from all encumbrances whatsoever; In Wittnesse whereof the said SAMLL. WHARTON hath hereunto sett his hand and seals the day and yeare above
Sealed and Delivered in the presence of
At a Court held for Richmond County the fifth day of November 1712
SAMLL. WHARTON came into Court and acknowledged this his Deed of Release unto RICHARD WATTS and it was admitted to Record
Test M. BECKWITH, CI Cur===
Wills of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia [William Montgomery Sweeny]
9 November, 1685; 21 December,1685.
JONES, HONORIA, Widdow & Relict of Mr: George Jones.
To daughter Margaret Blagg that Seat & Tract of Land wch I purchased of Col John Vassall Lying & being on the south Side of Rappa River contayning Eleven hundred seventy and five acres the sd Land to be at her absolute and sole disposal forever. To daughter Elizabeth Gardiner my Wedding Ring wch: Joyned me and my husband Majr: John Weire in Matrimonie. To son-in-law Mr: Abraham Blagg and my son Mr: Richard Gardner each twenty shillings to buy them Mourning Rings. To my grandchildren Richard Watts Edward Blagg Abraham Blagg Luke Gardner and Jno: Gardner each one Silver Spoone and one Silver Trencher Salt. I Constitute and Ordaine my Well beloved Daughter Margrett Blagg wife of Mr: Abraham Blagg my sole Executrix.
Page 63.
=== lection=NN Grant
Title Watts, Richard.
Publication 22 April 1715.
Other Format Available on microfilm. Northern Neck Grants, reels 288-311.
Note Location: Westmoreland County.
Description: 79 acres in the great swamp. On the north side of Mattox Creek and joining Thomas Bowcock and Geo. Beard.
Source: Northern Neck Grants No. 5, 1713-1719, Page 73 (Reel 289).
Recorded survey available. Northern Neck Grants No.5 1713-1719. (reverse). at Citation.1
Her 2nd husband.2,1
Richard Watts died on 31 October 1716 at Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
1654-1800 Westmoreland County, Virginia Wills [Augusta B. Fothergill]; Page 59
WATTS, RICHARD, Westmoreland County, Virginia, dated 23 Apr 1715, probated 31 Oct 1716. Plantation at mouth of Mattox to son Richard; son John plantation where my mother lives on north side of Mattox creek; my five children and wife Mary personal estate; residue of estate to 2 sons.
1654-1800 Westmoreland County, Virginia Wills [Augusta B. Fothergill]; Page 63
WATTS, RICHARD, 13 September 1717. Inventory returned.
Children of Mary BLAGG and Richard WATTS are:
i. John WATTS was born Abt 1700, and died 1754 in Westmoreland,VA. He married ? ?.
ii. Richard WATTS was born Abt 1700.
iii. Mary WATTS was born Abt 1700. She married Henry ASHTON. He was born 1670, and died 1731. She married Richard BLACKBURN Aft 1731.
iv. Jane WATTS was born Abt 1700, and died Bef 21 DEC 1761. She married Thomas SANFORD. He died 1725. She married Andrew MONROE 1726, son of Andrew MONROE and Eleanor SPENCE. He was born 1697 in Westmoreland,VA, and died 1770 in Westmoreland,VA.
v. Margaret WATTS was born Abt 1700 in VA, and died Abt 1755 in VA. She married William STROTHER Abt 1718, son of William STROTHER and Margaret THORNTON. He was born 1697 in VA, and died 1732 in Ferry Farm,King George,VA. She married John GRANT 22 MAY 1739 in Prince William,VA. He was born Abt 1695 in VA, and died 1749 in King George,VA.
1654-1800 Westmoreland County, Virginia Wills [Augusta B. Fothergill]; Page 37
WILSFORD, THOMAS, gent., 17 September 1700; 23 February 1703.
Friend Richard Watts all my land, cattle and rest of estate.
1691-1699 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 2; [John Frederick Dorman-1801 transcript];
Pages 149-150. John Washington. Inventory.
Division of estate of Thomas Wiliford and Richard Watts from the estate of Capt. John Washington, deceased. Made in obedience to order of 23 Feb. 1697/8.
Washington's inventory: Items in the hall chamber, the porch chamber, parlor chamber, old store, kitchen, hall, at Willsford's. Includes one Negro boy and woman valued at 10,000 pounds of tobacco, boy named Jonas Williams, servants John February and Alice Wilkison. At Indian Town, six Negroes and six mulatto children; 77,000 pounds of tobacco and servant man Mark Henderson. Two Negroes valued at 3000 pounds of tobacco and boy John Hewes. Items in hall closet. Servant boy John Parsons and man servant Thos. Gilding. Amount due to Mr. Thomas Willsford, 21,215 pounds of tobacco, and to Richard Watts, 13,052 pounds of tobacco.
Total valuation 74,967 pounds of tobacco.
John Elliott
James Taylor
John Higdon
Laurence Abington
Appraisers sworn before William Bridges.
Inventory of Watts and Willsford estate deducted: Negro woman valued at 5000 pounds of tobacco,
James Taylor
John Higdon
Laurence Abington
27 April 1698. Mrs. Anne Washington returned this inventory.
1705-1707 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part I [Antient Press]; Page 6
- GREEN. ERASMUS deced. p Administracon to TANCELL Upon the motion of JOHN TANCELL, Administracon is granted him on the Estate of ERASMUS GREEN, deced., and hee ordered to return a full and perfect Inventory of the deced.'s Estate to the next Court upon Oathe. It is also ordered that WILLIAM MUNRO, JOHN HORE, RICHARD WATTS and CHARLES TYLER or any three of them being first sworn before some ofher Majties Justices for this County, doe some time before the next Court value and apparise the deced.'s Estate and return their valuation to the next Court
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 13
Westmoreland County Court 31st day of October 1716
- WATTS's Will proved
The Last Will and Testament of RICHARD WATTS, Gent., deced., was presented into Court by MARY, his Relict and Executrix, who made Oath thereto and being proved by the Oaths ofNATHANIEL POPE and SPENCE MUNROE, two of the wittnesses thereto, is admitt to Record; And upon motion ofthe Executrix and her performing what is usuall in such cases, Certificate is granted her for obtaining a Probate thereof in due form; And it is ordered that ROBERT LOVELL, CHARLES TYLER, JOSEPH WEEKES and WILLIAM MUNROE, or any three ofthem being first sworn before one ofhis Majesties Justices for this County doe some time before the next Court value and appraise the Estate of RICHARD WATTS in money and make report thereof to the next Court
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 26
Westmoreland County Court 27th of February 1716/17
- BRYANT's Will proved
The Last Will and Testament of WILLIAM BRYANT, deced. was presented in Court by MARY WATTS, his Surviving Executrix, who made Oath threto and being proved by the Oath of THO DART, one of the wittnesses thereto is admitt to Record, and upon motion ofthe Executrix and her performing what is usual in such cases, Certificate is granted her for obtaining a Probate thereofin due form, And it is ordered that WILLIAM BROWN, WILLIAM ROE, WANSFORD ARRINGTON and JAMES MASON or any three ofthem being first sworn before a Justice of the Peace for this County, doe some time before the next Court value and appraise the Estate of the Testator in money and make report thereof to the next Court
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 40
Westmoreland County Court 26th of June 1717
Upon the Petition of JAMES BOWCOCK, [Son ofTHOMAS BOWCOCK, deced], by CHARLES TYLER his Guardian it is ordered that WILLIAM MUNROE, ROBERT LOVELL, HUGH FRENCH and NATHANIEL GRAY or any three ofthem doe some time before the next Court to be held for this County, separate and sett apart the Estate which to JAMES doth belong out ofhis Father's Estate from the Estate of RICHARD WATTS, Gent., deced. who intermarried with MARY, Relict of THOMAS BOWCOCK which Estates are now in the possession ofJOHN SUMERVIL, who also intermarried with MARY after the decease of RICHARD WATTS, and that they make report of their proceedings therein to the next Court to be held for this County
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 97
Westmoreland County Court 26th of March 1718
Upon the Petition of WILLIAM STROTHER who intermarried with MARGRETT, the Daughter of RICHARD WATTS, Gent., deced. it is ordered that JOHN CHILTON, Gent., who intermarried with MARY, the Relict and Executrix of RICHARD WATTS, Gent., deced. do pay to
WILLIAM STROTHER all and singular the Estate which of right doth belong to MARGRETT out of the Estate ofher Father with costs alias Execution
1711-1714 Richmond County, Virginia Deed Book 6, Part 1 [Antient Press]; Page 77-79
THIS INDENTURE made the first day of Aprill in the eleventh year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Ann by the Grace of God of Great Brittain France and Ireland. Queene Defendr: of the faith &c., annoq: Dom: 1712; Between SAMUELL WHARTON of the Parish of St. Marie in the County of Richmond, Planter, and RICHARD WATTS of the Parish of WASHINGTON in ye County of WESTMORELAND, Gent., of other part; Wittnesseth that SAMUELL WHARTON in consideration of the summe of Five shillings of Lawfull money of England to him in hand paid by RICHARD WATTS, by these presents doth bargaine and sell unto RICHARD WATTS all that parcel of Land containing by estimation One hundred and fifty acres (be the same more or less) scituate in Parish of St. Mary and County of Richmond, being bounded, begining att a Hickory tree corner to the land of said SAMUELL WHARTON standing beside RAPPAHANOCK RIVER side, and then running Easterly the severall meanders of the River a hundred twenty and two poles to a white Oake corner tree to the Land of RALPH WORMELEY Esqr., standing by ye mouth of a Creek called by the name of CHINGOTEAGE CREEK, thence North over CHINGOTEAGE CREEK four hundred fifty and two poles to a Possimon tree standing by the Maine Branch of CHINGOTEAGE CREEK on or neare the Land of said SAMLL. WHARTON. thence South fifteen. degrees West four hundred & fourty poles; which said One hundred and fifty acres of land was granted by Patent out of the Proprietors Office to RALPH WHITING, Grandfather of said SAMUELL WHARTON, bearing date the nineteenth day of March Anno Dom: 1696/7; as by the same Patent more fully it doth appeare, which said land upon ye death of ye said RALPH WHITING descended and came to said SAMUELL WHARTON by ye gift and bequest of his said Grandfather, together with all houses tobacco houses orchards fences profitts and appurtenances and all rents and services referred due or payable upon or by any demise Lease or grant made or granted of the sd premises; To have and to hold the peace of land & premises with the appurtenances unto RICHARD WATTS his heirs dureing the terme of one whole year to this intent that by force hereof and of the Statute for transferring uses into possession said RICHARD WAITS may be in the actuall possession of the said premises and thereby be enabled to take a grant and release of the premises to him the said RICHARD WAITS his heirs; In Wittnesse whereof said SAMLL. WHARTON hath hereunto sett his hand and seale the day and year above written
Sealed and Delivered in the presence of
Att a Court held for Richmond County ye fifth day of November 1712
SAMUELL WHARTON came into Court and acknowledged this his Deed unto RICHARD WATTS and itt was admitted to Record Test M. BECKWITH, Cl Cur
THIS INDENTURE made the Second day of Aprill in the eleventh year of the Reignc of our Sovereign Lady Ann by the Grace of God of Great Brittain France and Ireland, Queene Defender of the faith &c., Annoq: Dom: 1712; Betweene SAMUELL WHARTON of the Parish of St. Marie in County of Richmond, Planter, of one part and RICHARD WATTS of the Parish of WASHINGTON in the County of WESTMORELAND, Gent., of the other part; Wittnesseth that SAMLL. WHARTON in consideration of the summe of Three thousand pounds of good tobbo; to him in hand paid by RICHARD WATTS, by these presents doth bargaine sell release and confirm unto RICHARD WATTS, in his actuall possession now being by virtue of a bargaine and sale for one whole year and by force of the Statute for transferring uses into possession, and to his heirs all that parcel! of Land containing by estimation One hundred and fifty acres be the same more or less scituate in the Parish of St. Mary and County of Richmond being bounded; (the bounds are repeated as in the foregoing Lease, as well as the Patent to RALPH WHITING. Grandfather of said SAMUELL WHARTON and the descent of the land to SAMUELL WHARTON); To have and to hold the parcell of land with the appurtenances unto RICHARD WAITS his heirs freely and clearly discharged from all encumbrances whatsoever; In Wittnesse whereof the said SAMLL. WHARTON hath hereunto sett his hand and seals the day and yeare above
Sealed and Delivered in the presence of
At a Court held for Richmond County the fifth day of November 1712
SAMLL. WHARTON came into Court and acknowledged this his Deed of Release unto RICHARD WATTS and it was admitted to Record
Test M. BECKWITH, CI Cur===
Wills of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia [William Montgomery Sweeny]
9 November, 1685; 21 December,1685.
JONES, HONORIA, Widdow & Relict of Mr: George Jones.
To daughter Margaret Blagg that Seat & Tract of Land wch I purchased of Col John Vassall Lying & being on the south Side of Rappa River contayning Eleven hundred seventy and five acres the sd Land to be at her absolute and sole disposal forever. To daughter Elizabeth Gardiner my Wedding Ring wch: Joyned me and my husband Majr: John Weire in Matrimonie. To son-in-law Mr: Abraham Blagg and my son Mr: Richard Gardner each twenty shillings to buy them Mourning Rings. To my grandchildren Richard Watts Edward Blagg Abraham Blagg Luke Gardner and Jno: Gardner each one Silver Spoone and one Silver Trencher Salt. I Constitute and Ordaine my Well beloved Daughter Margrett Blagg wife of Mr: Abraham Blagg my sole Executrix.
Page 63.
=== lection=NN Grant
Title Watts, Richard.
Publication 22 April 1715.
Other Format Available on microfilm. Northern Neck Grants, reels 288-311.
Note Location: Westmoreland County.
Description: 79 acres in the great swamp. On the north side of Mattox Creek and joining Thomas Bowcock and Geo. Beard.
Source: Northern Neck Grants No. 5, 1713-1719, Page 73 (Reel 289).
Recorded survey available. Northern Neck Grants No.5 1713-1719. (reverse). at Citation.1
Family | Mary Blagg b. 1679, d. 26 Apr 1737 |
Child |
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, Richard Watts Bef 1670 - 1716 seen 5 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, Mary Blagg 1679 - 1737 seen 5 Aug 2022 at
Mary Blagg1
F, #99611, b. 1679, d. 26 April 1737
Father | Abraham Blagg1 b. b 1656, d. 31 Mar 1697 |
Mother | Margaret Place1 b. c 1652, d. 27 Jul 1726 |
Last Edited | 5 Aug 2022 |
Mary Blagg was born in 1679 at Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1 She married Thomas Bowcock, son of Thomas Bowcock and Jane Freke?, circa 1695 at Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA,
Her 1st husband.2 Mary Blagg married Richard Watts, son of John Watts and Margaret Place, in 1700 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA,
Her 2nd husband.1,3 Mary Blagg married John Summerville in 1717 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA,
Her 3rd husband; his 2nd wife.4 Mary Blagg married John Chilton circa 1718 at Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA,
Her 3rd husband; his 2nd wife.5,1
Mary Blagg died on 26 April 1737 at Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
1726-1729 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds & Will Book 8, Part 2 [Antient Press]; Page 310
IN THE NAME OF GOD, Amen. I MARY CHILTON of the Parish of Washington & County of Westmorland in the Colony of Virginia, Widdow, being very sick and weak but of perfect sence and memory praised be God for the same, do make this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form as followeth. First my will and desire is that all my just debts be paid & discharged.
Item. I give to my Grand Daughter, ELIZABETH SANFORD, three Negros (viz.) Pegg, Nann. Scipio and their Encrease to her and her heirs lawfully begotten and for want of such heirs to the heirs of the WATTS, the aforesaid Negros to be under the care of Capt. ANDREW MONROE & JANE his Wife until ELIZA. SANFORD shall attain to the age of eighteen years and then deliver them to her
Item. I give to my Son, JOHN WATTS (besides his equal part of my Estate hereafter mentioned one Silver Tankard marked J. W, and one Silver Tumbler marked E. W., to him and his hairs lawfully begotten and for want of .. heirs to the heirs of the sd WATTS, and likewise I give to my Son, JAMES BOWCOCK, during his natural life, the two Negros which he hath now in possession belonging to me named Bristoll and Cesar and ten head of Cattle of equal sorts out of my Stock at NOMINI to be chose by my Exrs. hereafter menconed and likewise I give to my Son, JAMES BOWCOCK, twenty pounds current money of Virginia and fifteen pounds worth of goods out of my parcel of goods at my Son, JOHN WATTS, according to the note of particulars which he has all this
I give desire is that my Executors hereafter mentioned take the aforesaid Legacies into their hands for the interest of JAMES BOWCOCKs Children, namely THOMAS, JAMES & JANE BOWCOCK to be delivered to them when the said THOMAS and JAMES shall come to the age of twen-ty one years and the said JANE att the age of Eighteen years and if either of the said Children should depart this life before they attain the age aforesaid, then their part so dying to be equally divided between the Survivors and if in case all the said Children should depart this life without attaining the ages aforesaid or issue lawfully begotten of their body, then my desire is that my above sd. Son, JOHN WATTS, or his heirs to have the said Legacies
Item. I give to my Sons, RICHARD and JOHN WATTS, and my Daughter, JANE MONROE, all the remaining part of my Negros to be equally divided among them and their heirs lawfully begotten of their body and for want of such heirs then the remaining heirs of the WATTS and further it is my will that my Daughters, MARGARET STROTHER and MARY BLACKBURN have an equall part with my abovesaid Children, RICHARD, JOHN and JANE, of the value of the Negros paid them in money by the said RICHARD, JOHN and JANE, and of all my other Estate not before mentioned to be equally divided among my five Children last mentioned and their heirs lawfully begotten and if in case one or more of my said Children should depart this life without issue lawfully begotten then their part so dying to be equally divided among the survivors or their heirs;
Item. It is my desire that if it should happen that one or both of my said Sons, RICHARD and JOHN, should depart this life and their heirs not of age to take the Estate here given, it is my will my Exrs. hereafter named if living do take sufficient security of their Wife or Wives and if my Exrs, happen to dy then my will is the County Court to take security
Item. It is my will that what Estate I give to my Daughter, MARY BLACKBURN, to go after her decease to the issue which she may have by her Husband, Mr. RICHD: BLACKBURN, And if in case she have no issue, then that part of my Estate to be divided among all the surviving Grand Children of the WATTS,
Item. I give one thousand pounds of tobacco to the poor of the Parish to be paid out of my Estate by my Executors at their discretion
Item. I give to the Reverd. Mr. RODERICK McCULLOCH a mourning Ring
Item. I give Capt. THOMAS CHILTON & JEMIMA his Wife a mourning Ring a piece;
And Lastly, I constitute and appoint Capt. ANDREW MONROE, my Sons, RICHARD WATTS and JOHN WATTS my Executors of this my Last Will and Testament revokeing and making void all former Wills by me made or caused to be made. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this third day of April 1737
Signed and Sealed in presence of
Westmorland ss. At a Court held for the said County the 26th day of April 1737
This Last. Will and Testament of MARY CHILTON, deceased, was presented into Court by ANDREW MONROE, RICHARD WATTS and JOHN WATTS, Gent., her Executors in the said Will named, who made Oath thereto, And being proved by the Oaths of Mr. JOHN MARTIN and MATTHEW COX witnesses thereunto subscribed is admitted to Record; And upon the mocon of the said Executors and their performing what is usual in such cases, Certificate is granted them for obtaining a Probate thereof in due form
Recorded the 29th day of April 1737, pr. G. T., C. C. W,
Page 78a [24 April 1700]
The last will and testament of Mr. Thomas Bowcock was proved
by all the witnesses. A probate thereof granted Mrs Mary Bowcock his relict and executrix in the will named. It is also ordered that Andrew Munro. Wm Munro, John Hore and Charles Tyler appraise Themas Bowcock estate
1654-1800 Westmoreland County, Virginia Wills [Augusta B. Fothergill]; Page 62
SUMMERVILLE, JOHN, 19 June 1717; 28 August 1717. 5 negroes to wife Mary and land in Stafford; son in law William Thompson land in Stafford devised him by his mother; Susanna Thompson one negro boy; son in law John Watts; to William Sturman a gold ring.
father of mary?
Contributed by: James Hughes
URL: http://pages.prodigy dot net/berryman2/
URL title: Marvin E. Berryman
1729, May 29 - Benj. Berryman, Gent. (Court Justice) on motion of his Daughter Anne Berryman Burch (who) made oath before the Court that her decd. husband John Burch departed ...(intestate) ...Anne gives security and is granted administration. Ordered that John Marshall, John Piper, Original Brown and Abraham Blagg, or any three of them are to value and appraise (Burch's) estate and report to ...the next Court. Westmoreland Court
Contributed by: James Hughes
Deed Book No. 2
p.133. Deed. 4 March 1695. Francis James of Richmond County, planter and "Mary my Wife", to Edward Lamby of Westmorland County, Carpenter, for 1000 lb tobo, 50 acres, being in Co. of Westmorland and Parish of Washington, Adj land of Wm Jetts, Mr Blagg's dam, Barrows Bridge.
Wit: signed Fran: James mark
Peter Rawlls Mary James mark
Rose Thomas her mark
Rec. 30 Oct. 1695.
p.135 Power of Atty. No date. Mary James wife of Francis James to John Burkett to ack foregoing deed.
Wit: signed Mary James her mark
Edward Roberts his mark
James Rosser his mark
Richmond County records, 1692-1704 : Deed book no. 1, 1692-1693, Deed book no. 2, 1693/4-1696, Deed book no. 3, lost, miscellaneous records, 1699-1704
Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. County, 1961, 117 pgs.
Depositions on record in Westmoreland Co. Va
Mary Chilton, 55 in 1736;
Mar. 25, 1713. Deposition of Mrs. Mary Watts, aged 33 years or thereabouts. (Book 5, p. 127.)
SUMMERVILLE, JOHN, 19 June 1717; 28 August 1717.
5 negroes to wife Mary and land in Stafford; son in law William Thompson land in Stafford devised him by his mother; Susanna Thompson one negro boy; son in law JOHN WATTS; to WILLIAM STURMAN a gold ring.
of Westmoreland County, Virginia , Page 62
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 13
Westmoreland County Court 31st day of October 1716
- WATTS's Will proved
The Last Will and Testament of RICHARD WATTS, Gent., deced., was presented into Court by MARY, his Relict and Executrix, who made Oath thereto and being proved by the Oaths of NATHANIEL POPE and SPENCE MUNROE, two of the wittnesses thereto, is admitt to Record; And upon motion ofthe Executrix and her performing what is usuall in such cases, Certificate is granted her for obtaining a Probate thereof in due form; And it is ordered that ROBERT LOVELL, CHARLES TYLER, JOSEPH WEEKES and WILLIAM MUNROE, or any three ofthem being first sworn before one ofhis Majesties Justices for this County doe some time before the next Court value and appraise the Estate of RICHARD WATTS in money and make report thereof to the next Court
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 40
Westmoreland County Court 26th of June 1717
Upon the Petition of JAMES BOWCOCK, [Son ofTHOMAS BOWCOCK, deced], by CHARLES TYLER his Guardian it is ordered that WILLIAM MUNROE, ROBERT LOVELL, HUGH FRENCH and NATHANIEL GRAY or any three ofthem doe some time before the next Court to be held for this County, separate and sett apart the Estate which to JAMES doth belong out ofhis Father's Estate from the Estate of RICHARD WATTS, Gent., deced. who intermarried with MARY, Relict of THOMAS BOWCOCK which Estates are now in the possession ofJOHN SUMERVIL, who also intermarried with MARY after the decease of RICHARD WATTS, and that they make report of their proceedings therein to the next Court to be held for this County
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 63
Westmoreland Countv Court 29th of August 1717
- SUMMERVILE's Will proved
The Last Will and Testament of JOHN SUMMERVILE, deced., was presented in Court by MARY his Executrix, who made Oath thereto and being proved by the Oaths ofWILLIAM STURMAN and JAMES
BOWCOCK, two ofthe wittnesses thereto, is admitt the Record, And upon motion of MARY SUMMERVILE and her performing what is usual in such cases, Certificate is granted her for obtaining a Probate thereofin due form and it is ordered CHARLES TYLER, ROBERT LOVELL, WILLIAM MUNROE and HENRY ROE or any threeofthem being first sworn before one ofhis Majesties Justices for this County doesome time before the next Court to be held for this County value and appraise the
Testator's Estate and make report thereof to the next Court
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 63
Westmoreland Countv Court 29th of August 1717
- SUMMERVILE v BRYANT's Estate Judgment is granted MARY SUMMERVILE, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of JOHN SUMMERVILE, deced., for the sum of twenty two hundred eighty and four pounds of tobacco to be discounted out ofthe Estate at twelve shillings and six pence p hundred being the value laid on the tobacco by the Court in this Case, she haveing proved the Debt byher former Husband, RICHARD WATTS, his Book and her Account by her Oath in Court
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 97
Westmoreland County Court 26th of March 1718
Upon the Petition of WILLIAM STROTHER who intermarried with MARGRETT, the Daughter of RICHARD WATTS, Gent., deced. it is ordered that JOHN CHILTON, Gent., who intermarried with MARY, the Relict and Executrix of RICHARD WATTS, Gent., deced. do pay to
WILLIAM STROTHER all and singular the Estate which of right doth belong to MARGRETT out of the Estate ofher Father with costs alias Execution
Stafford Co VA Deed Book 1722-1728
pp. 386-392 This Indenture made 8th and 9th May 1727 between Mrs. MARY CHILTON Widow of Parish of Washington County of Westmoreland & GEORGE MASON of Ocquia in Overwharton Parish Stafford County .. by deeds of lease and release for sum Two thousand Pounds Tobacco in hand paid doth grant tract upon Occoquan River ln Stafford County and being the half of a certain tract of land first gtanted by Virtue of a warrant out of the Proprietry Office unto WILLIAM BLANE and JOHN BENNET bearing date 19th ffebruary 1711 for 266 acres and since then assigned & made over by the said William Blane unto RICHARD DELA FFOYLE of said County of Stafford which assignment bearing date 28th May 1711 then by Patent granted out of the said office unto John Bennet and Reynhard de Lauffoyol bearing date 31st August followlng in said year 1711 the whole tratt granted for 246 acres of which this demised tract is one full moyetie 123 acres beginning at marked white oak standing on the River side at the mouth of small branch being corner tree to JOHN HOGIN & extending along said Howgens line .. to marked black oak standing in head of a valley & 120 acres wherein said Mary Chilton hath any Estate of free hold & Inheritance
Presence John Peyton,
John x Johnson, William Mason
At a Court held for Stafford County 14th June 1721
lease admitted to record.
Her 1st husband.2 Mary Blagg married Richard Watts, son of John Watts and Margaret Place, in 1700 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA,
Her 2nd husband.1,3 Mary Blagg married John Summerville in 1717 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA,
Her 3rd husband; his 2nd wife.4 Mary Blagg married John Chilton circa 1718 at Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA,
Her 3rd husband; his 2nd wife.5,1
Mary Blagg died on 26 April 1737 at Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
1726-1729 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds & Will Book 8, Part 2 [Antient Press]; Page 310
IN THE NAME OF GOD, Amen. I MARY CHILTON of the Parish of Washington & County of Westmorland in the Colony of Virginia, Widdow, being very sick and weak but of perfect sence and memory praised be God for the same, do make this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form as followeth. First my will and desire is that all my just debts be paid & discharged.
Item. I give to my Grand Daughter, ELIZABETH SANFORD, three Negros (viz.) Pegg, Nann. Scipio and their Encrease to her and her heirs lawfully begotten and for want of such heirs to the heirs of the WATTS, the aforesaid Negros to be under the care of Capt. ANDREW MONROE & JANE his Wife until ELIZA. SANFORD shall attain to the age of eighteen years and then deliver them to her
Item. I give to my Son, JOHN WATTS (besides his equal part of my Estate hereafter mentioned one Silver Tankard marked J. W, and one Silver Tumbler marked E. W., to him and his hairs lawfully begotten and for want of .. heirs to the heirs of the sd WATTS, and likewise I give to my Son, JAMES BOWCOCK, during his natural life, the two Negros which he hath now in possession belonging to me named Bristoll and Cesar and ten head of Cattle of equal sorts out of my Stock at NOMINI to be chose by my Exrs. hereafter menconed and likewise I give to my Son, JAMES BOWCOCK, twenty pounds current money of Virginia and fifteen pounds worth of goods out of my parcel of goods at my Son, JOHN WATTS, according to the note of particulars which he has all this
I give desire is that my Executors hereafter mentioned take the aforesaid Legacies into their hands for the interest of JAMES BOWCOCKs Children, namely THOMAS, JAMES & JANE BOWCOCK to be delivered to them when the said THOMAS and JAMES shall come to the age of twen-ty one years and the said JANE att the age of Eighteen years and if either of the said Children should depart this life before they attain the age aforesaid, then their part so dying to be equally divided between the Survivors and if in case all the said Children should depart this life without attaining the ages aforesaid or issue lawfully begotten of their body, then my desire is that my above sd. Son, JOHN WATTS, or his heirs to have the said Legacies
Item. I give to my Sons, RICHARD and JOHN WATTS, and my Daughter, JANE MONROE, all the remaining part of my Negros to be equally divided among them and their heirs lawfully begotten of their body and for want of such heirs then the remaining heirs of the WATTS and further it is my will that my Daughters, MARGARET STROTHER and MARY BLACKBURN have an equall part with my abovesaid Children, RICHARD, JOHN and JANE, of the value of the Negros paid them in money by the said RICHARD, JOHN and JANE, and of all my other Estate not before mentioned to be equally divided among my five Children last mentioned and their heirs lawfully begotten and if in case one or more of my said Children should depart this life without issue lawfully begotten then their part so dying to be equally divided among the survivors or their heirs;
Item. It is my desire that if it should happen that one or both of my said Sons, RICHARD and JOHN, should depart this life and their heirs not of age to take the Estate here given, it is my will my Exrs. hereafter named if living do take sufficient security of their Wife or Wives and if my Exrs, happen to dy then my will is the County Court to take security
Item. It is my will that what Estate I give to my Daughter, MARY BLACKBURN, to go after her decease to the issue which she may have by her Husband, Mr. RICHD: BLACKBURN, And if in case she have no issue, then that part of my Estate to be divided among all the surviving Grand Children of the WATTS,
Item. I give one thousand pounds of tobacco to the poor of the Parish to be paid out of my Estate by my Executors at their discretion
Item. I give to the Reverd. Mr. RODERICK McCULLOCH a mourning Ring
Item. I give Capt. THOMAS CHILTON & JEMIMA his Wife a mourning Ring a piece;
And Lastly, I constitute and appoint Capt. ANDREW MONROE, my Sons, RICHARD WATTS and JOHN WATTS my Executors of this my Last Will and Testament revokeing and making void all former Wills by me made or caused to be made. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this third day of April 1737
Signed and Sealed in presence of
Westmorland ss. At a Court held for the said County the 26th day of April 1737
This Last. Will and Testament of MARY CHILTON, deceased, was presented into Court by ANDREW MONROE, RICHARD WATTS and JOHN WATTS, Gent., her Executors in the said Will named, who made Oath thereto, And being proved by the Oaths of Mr. JOHN MARTIN and MATTHEW COX witnesses thereunto subscribed is admitted to Record; And upon the mocon of the said Executors and their performing what is usual in such cases, Certificate is granted them for obtaining a Probate thereof in due form
Recorded the 29th day of April 1737, pr. G. T., C. C. W,
Page 78a [24 April 1700]
The last will and testament of Mr. Thomas Bowcock was proved
by all the witnesses. A probate thereof granted Mrs Mary Bowcock his relict and executrix in the will named. It is also ordered that Andrew Munro. Wm Munro, John Hore and Charles Tyler appraise Themas Bowcock estate
1654-1800 Westmoreland County, Virginia Wills [Augusta B. Fothergill]; Page 62
SUMMERVILLE, JOHN, 19 June 1717; 28 August 1717. 5 negroes to wife Mary and land in Stafford; son in law William Thompson land in Stafford devised him by his mother; Susanna Thompson one negro boy; son in law John Watts; to William Sturman a gold ring.
father of mary?
Contributed by: James Hughes
URL: http://pages.prodigy dot net/berryman2/
URL title: Marvin E. Berryman
1729, May 29 - Benj. Berryman, Gent. (Court Justice) on motion of his Daughter Anne Berryman Burch (who) made oath before the Court that her decd. husband John Burch departed ...(intestate) ...Anne gives security and is granted administration. Ordered that John Marshall, John Piper, Original Brown and Abraham Blagg, or any three of them are to value and appraise (Burch's) estate and report to ...the next Court. Westmoreland Court
Contributed by: James Hughes
Deed Book No. 2
p.133. Deed. 4 March 1695. Francis James of Richmond County, planter and "Mary my Wife", to Edward Lamby of Westmorland County, Carpenter, for 1000 lb tobo, 50 acres, being in Co. of Westmorland and Parish of Washington, Adj land of Wm Jetts, Mr Blagg's dam, Barrows Bridge.
Wit: signed Fran: James mark
Peter Rawlls Mary James mark
Rose Thomas her mark
Rec. 30 Oct. 1695.
p.135 Power of Atty. No date. Mary James wife of Francis James to John Burkett to ack foregoing deed.
Wit: signed Mary James her mark
Edward Roberts his mark
James Rosser his mark
Richmond County records, 1692-1704 : Deed book no. 1, 1692-1693, Deed book no. 2, 1693/4-1696, Deed book no. 3, lost, miscellaneous records, 1699-1704
Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. County, 1961, 117 pgs.
Depositions on record in Westmoreland Co. Va
Mary Chilton, 55 in 1736;
Mar. 25, 1713. Deposition of Mrs. Mary Watts, aged 33 years or thereabouts. (Book 5, p. 127.)
SUMMERVILLE, JOHN, 19 June 1717; 28 August 1717.
5 negroes to wife Mary and land in Stafford; son in law William Thompson land in Stafford devised him by his mother; Susanna Thompson one negro boy; son in law JOHN WATTS; to WILLIAM STURMAN a gold ring.
of Westmoreland County, Virginia , Page 62
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 13
Westmoreland County Court 31st day of October 1716
- WATTS's Will proved
The Last Will and Testament of RICHARD WATTS, Gent., deced., was presented into Court by MARY, his Relict and Executrix, who made Oath thereto and being proved by the Oaths of NATHANIEL POPE and SPENCE MUNROE, two of the wittnesses thereto, is admitt to Record; And upon motion ofthe Executrix and her performing what is usuall in such cases, Certificate is granted her for obtaining a Probate thereof in due form; And it is ordered that ROBERT LOVELL, CHARLES TYLER, JOSEPH WEEKES and WILLIAM MUNROE, or any three ofthem being first sworn before one ofhis Majesties Justices for this County doe some time before the next Court value and appraise the Estate of RICHARD WATTS in money and make report thereof to the next Court
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 40
Westmoreland County Court 26th of June 1717
Upon the Petition of JAMES BOWCOCK, [Son ofTHOMAS BOWCOCK, deced], by CHARLES TYLER his Guardian it is ordered that WILLIAM MUNROE, ROBERT LOVELL, HUGH FRENCH and NATHANIEL GRAY or any three ofthem doe some time before the next Court to be held for this County, separate and sett apart the Estate which to JAMES doth belong out ofhis Father's Estate from the Estate of RICHARD WATTS, Gent., deced. who intermarried with MARY, Relict of THOMAS BOWCOCK which Estates are now in the possession ofJOHN SUMERVIL, who also intermarried with MARY after the decease of RICHARD WATTS, and that they make report of their proceedings therein to the next Court to be held for this County
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 63
Westmoreland Countv Court 29th of August 1717
- SUMMERVILE's Will proved
The Last Will and Testament of JOHN SUMMERVILE, deced., was presented in Court by MARY his Executrix, who made Oath thereto and being proved by the Oaths ofWILLIAM STURMAN and JAMES
BOWCOCK, two ofthe wittnesses thereto, is admitt the Record, And upon motion of MARY SUMMERVILE and her performing what is usual in such cases, Certificate is granted her for obtaining a Probate thereofin due form and it is ordered CHARLES TYLER, ROBERT LOVELL, WILLIAM MUNROE and HENRY ROE or any threeofthem being first sworn before one ofhis Majesties Justices for this County doesome time before the next Court to be held for this County value and appraise the
Testator's Estate and make report thereof to the next Court
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 63
Westmoreland Countv Court 29th of August 1717
- SUMMERVILE v BRYANT's Estate Judgment is granted MARY SUMMERVILE, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of JOHN SUMMERVILE, deced., for the sum of twenty two hundred eighty and four pounds of tobacco to be discounted out ofthe Estate at twelve shillings and six pence p hundred being the value laid on the tobacco by the Court in this Case, she haveing proved the Debt byher former Husband, RICHARD WATTS, his Book and her Account by her Oath in Court
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 97
Westmoreland County Court 26th of March 1718
Upon the Petition of WILLIAM STROTHER who intermarried with MARGRETT, the Daughter of RICHARD WATTS, Gent., deced. it is ordered that JOHN CHILTON, Gent., who intermarried with MARY, the Relict and Executrix of RICHARD WATTS, Gent., deced. do pay to
WILLIAM STROTHER all and singular the Estate which of right doth belong to MARGRETT out of the Estate ofher Father with costs alias Execution
Stafford Co VA Deed Book 1722-1728
pp. 386-392 This Indenture made 8th and 9th May 1727 between Mrs. MARY CHILTON Widow of Parish of Washington County of Westmoreland & GEORGE MASON of Ocquia in Overwharton Parish Stafford County .. by deeds of lease and release for sum Two thousand Pounds Tobacco in hand paid doth grant tract upon Occoquan River ln Stafford County and being the half of a certain tract of land first gtanted by Virtue of a warrant out of the Proprietry Office unto WILLIAM BLANE and JOHN BENNET bearing date 19th ffebruary 1711 for 266 acres and since then assigned & made over by the said William Blane unto RICHARD DELA FFOYLE of said County of Stafford which assignment bearing date 28th May 1711 then by Patent granted out of the said office unto John Bennet and Reynhard de Lauffoyol bearing date 31st August followlng in said year 1711 the whole tratt granted for 246 acres of which this demised tract is one full moyetie 123 acres beginning at marked white oak standing on the River side at the mouth of small branch being corner tree to JOHN HOGIN & extending along said Howgens line .. to marked black oak standing in head of a valley & 120 acres wherein said Mary Chilton hath any Estate of free hold & Inheritance
Presence John Peyton,
John x Johnson, William Mason
At a Court held for Stafford County 14th June 1721
lease admitted to record.
[S210] The Virginia Genealogist Volume 12, 1968.
[S211] The Virginia Genealogist Volume 13, 1969.
at Citation.1[S211] The Virginia Genealogist Volume 13, 1969.
Family 1 | Thomas Bowcock b. b 1671, d. 23 Apr 1700 |
Family 2 | Richard Watts b. b 1670, d. 31 Oct 1716 |
Child |
Family 3 | John Summerville b. b 1649, d. b 28 Aug 1717 |
Family 4 | John Chilton b. 1666, d. b 28 Sep 1726 |
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, Mary Blagg 1679 - 1737 seen 5 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, Thomas Bowcock Bef 1671 - 1700 seen 5 Aug 2022 at
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, Richard Watts Bef 1670 - 1716 seen 5 Aug 2022 at
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, John Summerville Bef 1649 - 1717 seen 5 Aug 2022 at
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, John Chilton 1666 - 1726 seen 5 Aug 2022 at
John Summerville1
M, #99612, b. before 1649, d. before 28 August 1717
Last Edited | 5 Aug 2022 |
John Summerville was born before 1649.1 He married Unknown (?) before 1669 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA,
His 1st wife.2 John Summerville married Mary Blagg, daughter of Abraham Blagg and Margaret Place, in 1717 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA,
Her 3rd husband; his 2nd wife.1
John Summerville died before 28 August 1717 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA; Date of probate.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
SUMMERVILLE, JOHN, 19 June 1717; 28 August 1717.
5 negroes to wife Mary and land in Stafford; son in law William Thompson land in Stafford devised him by his mother; Susanna Thompson one negro boy; son in law JOHN WATTS; to WILLIAM STURMAN a gold ring.
of Westmoreland County, Virginia , Page 62
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 63
Westmoreland Countv Court 29th of August 1717
- SUMMERVILE's Will proved
The Last Will and Testament of JOHN SUMMERVILE, deced., was presented in Court by MARY his Executrix, who made Oath thereto and being proved by the Oaths ofWILLIAM STURMAN and JAMES BOWCOCK, two ofthe wittnesses thereto, is admitt the Record, And upon motion of MARY SUMMERVILE and her performing what is usual in such cases, Certificate is granted her for obtaining a Probate thereofin due form and it is ordered CHARLES TYLER, ROBERT LOVELL, WILLIAM MUNROE and HENRY ROE or any threeofthem being first sworn before one ofhis Majesties Justices for this County doesome time before the next Court to be held for this County value and appraise the
Testator's Estate and make report thereof to the next Court
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 63
Westmoreland Countv Court 29th of August 1717
- SUMMERVILE v BRYANT's Estate Judgment is granted MARY SUMMERVILE, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of JOHN SUMMERVILE, deced., for the sum of twenty two hundred eighty and four pounds of tobacco to be discounted out ofthe Estate at twelve shillings and six pence p hundred being the value laid on the tobacco by the Court in this Case, she haveing proved the Debt by her former Husband, RICHARD WATTS, his Book and her Account by her Oath in Court
1709-1717 Richmond County, Virginia Wills Book 3 and Inventories [Robert K. Headley, jr.];
p. 39 - James MATHEWS, St. M. Par., will; 2 Feb 1707, 7 Mar 1710/11 wife Jennett; son Andrew; dau. Margaret the wife of Richard TANKERSLEY; ex: wife; wits: John SOMMERVILLE, John [GREEN], Edward TURBERVILL
1705-1708 Richmond County, Virginia Deed Book 4 [Antient Press]; Page 27a)
THIS INDENTURE made the first day of March in the fourth yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lady Anne by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland, Queene defender of the faith &c., and in the yeare of our Lord One thousand seven hundred & five Betweene JOHN FOSSAKER of Parish of ST. MARYs & County of Richmond and Colony of Virginia Gentleman and ELIZABETH his Wife of one part and MARGARETT FRENCH, Spinster, Daughter of HUGH FRENCH, late of the County of Richmond deced, of the other part; Witnesseth that JOHN FOSSAKER and ELIZABETH his Wife for the summe of Seven hundred pounds of good sound merchantable tobbo: and caske to them in hand paid by said MARGARETT FRENCH by these presents do bargain sell & confirme unto MARGARETT FRENCH and her heires all that certaine parcell of land scituate in Parish of ST. MARYs in County of Richmond containing by estimation in the whole Thirty six acres of land be the same more or less; now in ye occupation of said JOHN FOSSAKER binding upon one hundred acres of land formerly sold by JOHN FOSSAKER and ELIZABETH his Wife, party to these presents, unto DAVID DARNALL deced, by a parole agreemt. had and made by and betweene the parties aforesd. and by DAVID DARNALL in his life time also sold unto HUGH FRENCH by the like agreement aforesd. which verball sales and agreements aforesaid the said JOHN FOSSAKER and ELIZABETH his said Wife have made good for that have granted and sold the one hundred acres aforesaid adjoyning upon the thirty six acres contained in this Deed by one Deed of Sale beareing date (blank) day of September in the yeare of our Lord 1693 unto said HUGH FRENCH, Father of the aforesd. MARGARETT, his heires for the consideration expressed in the said Deed as by the acknowledgment thereof beareing date the fourth day of October then next following in Richmond County Court and attested by WILLIAM COLSTON, Clk. of the Court; which One hundred acres of land said HUGH FRENCH by his last Will and Testament in writing bearing date (blank) did give and bequeath the same unto said MARGARETT FRENCH, party to these presents, her heires as in and by said Will now remaineing upon Record in Richmond County Court Records it doth more fully appeare, the said Thirty six acres of land being bounded within the said One hundred acres above menconed by one survey made the 28th day of November 1705 by Capt. CHARLES SMITH, Surveyor of ESSEX County by the special order and direction of said MARGARETT, party to these presents, the bounds of the One hundred and thirty six acres; Beginning att a marked white Oake standing in the back line of the said tract of land and corner to a parcell of land formerly sold by said FOSSAKER unto COLL. GEORGE MASON, thence with the said line N: W: 60 poles to a Stake standing in the center of two Hickorys & two white Oakes; thence with a line of marked trees which divideth this from the land of Mr, GLENDENNINGs S. 6d. E: 347 poles to a red Oake standing betweene a white Oake and Hickory, thence N. 84d. F: 80 poles to a Gumm standing in the maine Westernmost branch of LAMBS CREEKE and in a line which divideth this from the aforesd land of MASONs, then with the said N: 10d. to the place it Degan; To have and to hold the said Thirty six acres of land with all appurtenances unto MARGARETT FRENCH her heires and JOHN FOSSAKER and ELIZABETH his Wife theire heires will warrant & forever defend by virtue of these presents; In Wittnesse whereof the parties aforesd.
have hereunto sett theire hands and seales the day and yeare first above written Signed sealed and delivered in presence of
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 40
Westmoreland County Court 26th of June 1717
Upon the Petition of JAMES BOWCOCK, [Son ofTHOMAS BOWCOCK, deced], by CHARLES TYLER his Guardian it is ordered that WILLIAM MUNROE, ROBERT LOVELL, HUGH FRENCH and NATHANIEL GRAY or any three ofthem doe some time before the next Court to be held for this County, separate and sett apart the Estate which to JAMES doth belong out ofhis Father's Estate from the Estate of RICHARD WATTS, Gent., deced. who intermarried with MARY, Relict of THOMAS BOWCOCK which Estates are now in the possession of JOHN SUMERVIL, who also intermarried with MARY after the decease of RICHARD WATTS, and that they make report of their proceedings therein to the next Court to be held for this County at Citation.1
His 1st wife.2 John Summerville married Mary Blagg, daughter of Abraham Blagg and Margaret Place, in 1717 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA,
Her 3rd husband; his 2nd wife.1
John Summerville died before 28 August 1717 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA; Date of probate.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
SUMMERVILLE, JOHN, 19 June 1717; 28 August 1717.
5 negroes to wife Mary and land in Stafford; son in law William Thompson land in Stafford devised him by his mother; Susanna Thompson one negro boy; son in law JOHN WATTS; to WILLIAM STURMAN a gold ring.
of Westmoreland County, Virginia , Page 62
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 63
Westmoreland Countv Court 29th of August 1717
- SUMMERVILE's Will proved
The Last Will and Testament of JOHN SUMMERVILE, deced., was presented in Court by MARY his Executrix, who made Oath thereto and being proved by the Oaths ofWILLIAM STURMAN and JAMES BOWCOCK, two ofthe wittnesses thereto, is admitt the Record, And upon motion of MARY SUMMERVILE and her performing what is usual in such cases, Certificate is granted her for obtaining a Probate thereofin due form and it is ordered CHARLES TYLER, ROBERT LOVELL, WILLIAM MUNROE and HENRY ROE or any threeofthem being first sworn before one ofhis Majesties Justices for this County doesome time before the next Court to be held for this County value and appraise the
Testator's Estate and make report thereof to the next Court
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 63
Westmoreland Countv Court 29th of August 1717
- SUMMERVILE v BRYANT's Estate Judgment is granted MARY SUMMERVILE, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of JOHN SUMMERVILE, deced., for the sum of twenty two hundred eighty and four pounds of tobacco to be discounted out ofthe Estate at twelve shillings and six pence p hundred being the value laid on the tobacco by the Court in this Case, she haveing proved the Debt by her former Husband, RICHARD WATTS, his Book and her Account by her Oath in Court
1709-1717 Richmond County, Virginia Wills Book 3 and Inventories [Robert K. Headley, jr.];
p. 39 - James MATHEWS, St. M. Par., will; 2 Feb 1707, 7 Mar 1710/11 wife Jennett; son Andrew; dau. Margaret the wife of Richard TANKERSLEY; ex: wife; wits: John SOMMERVILLE, John [GREEN], Edward TURBERVILL
1705-1708 Richmond County, Virginia Deed Book 4 [Antient Press]; Page 27a)
THIS INDENTURE made the first day of March in the fourth yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lady Anne by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland, Queene defender of the faith &c., and in the yeare of our Lord One thousand seven hundred & five Betweene JOHN FOSSAKER of Parish of ST. MARYs & County of Richmond and Colony of Virginia Gentleman and ELIZABETH his Wife of one part and MARGARETT FRENCH, Spinster, Daughter of HUGH FRENCH, late of the County of Richmond deced, of the other part; Witnesseth that JOHN FOSSAKER and ELIZABETH his Wife for the summe of Seven hundred pounds of good sound merchantable tobbo: and caske to them in hand paid by said MARGARETT FRENCH by these presents do bargain sell & confirme unto MARGARETT FRENCH and her heires all that certaine parcell of land scituate in Parish of ST. MARYs in County of Richmond containing by estimation in the whole Thirty six acres of land be the same more or less; now in ye occupation of said JOHN FOSSAKER binding upon one hundred acres of land formerly sold by JOHN FOSSAKER and ELIZABETH his Wife, party to these presents, unto DAVID DARNALL deced, by a parole agreemt. had and made by and betweene the parties aforesd. and by DAVID DARNALL in his life time also sold unto HUGH FRENCH by the like agreement aforesd. which verball sales and agreements aforesaid the said JOHN FOSSAKER and ELIZABETH his said Wife have made good for that have granted and sold the one hundred acres aforesaid adjoyning upon the thirty six acres contained in this Deed by one Deed of Sale beareing date (blank) day of September in the yeare of our Lord 1693 unto said HUGH FRENCH, Father of the aforesd. MARGARETT, his heires for the consideration expressed in the said Deed as by the acknowledgment thereof beareing date the fourth day of October then next following in Richmond County Court and attested by WILLIAM COLSTON, Clk. of the Court; which One hundred acres of land said HUGH FRENCH by his last Will and Testament in writing bearing date (blank) did give and bequeath the same unto said MARGARETT FRENCH, party to these presents, her heires as in and by said Will now remaineing upon Record in Richmond County Court Records it doth more fully appeare, the said Thirty six acres of land being bounded within the said One hundred acres above menconed by one survey made the 28th day of November 1705 by Capt. CHARLES SMITH, Surveyor of ESSEX County by the special order and direction of said MARGARETT, party to these presents, the bounds of the One hundred and thirty six acres; Beginning att a marked white Oake standing in the back line of the said tract of land and corner to a parcell of land formerly sold by said FOSSAKER unto COLL. GEORGE MASON, thence with the said line N: W: 60 poles to a Stake standing in the center of two Hickorys & two white Oakes; thence with a line of marked trees which divideth this from the land of Mr, GLENDENNINGs S. 6d. E: 347 poles to a red Oake standing betweene a white Oake and Hickory, thence N. 84d. F: 80 poles to a Gumm standing in the maine Westernmost branch of LAMBS CREEKE and in a line which divideth this from the aforesd land of MASONs, then with the said N: 10d. to the place it Degan; To have and to hold the said Thirty six acres of land with all appurtenances unto MARGARETT FRENCH her heires and JOHN FOSSAKER and ELIZABETH his Wife theire heires will warrant & forever defend by virtue of these presents; In Wittnesse whereof the parties aforesd.
have hereunto sett theire hands and seales the day and yeare first above written Signed sealed and delivered in presence of
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 40
Westmoreland County Court 26th of June 1717
Upon the Petition of JAMES BOWCOCK, [Son ofTHOMAS BOWCOCK, deced], by CHARLES TYLER his Guardian it is ordered that WILLIAM MUNROE, ROBERT LOVELL, HUGH FRENCH and NATHANIEL GRAY or any three ofthem doe some time before the next Court to be held for this County, separate and sett apart the Estate which to JAMES doth belong out ofhis Father's Estate from the Estate of RICHARD WATTS, Gent., deced. who intermarried with MARY, Relict of THOMAS BOWCOCK which Estates are now in the possession of JOHN SUMERVIL, who also intermarried with MARY after the decease of RICHARD WATTS, and that they make report of their proceedings therein to the next Court to be held for this County at Citation.1
Family 1 | Unknown (?) b. b 1653, d. b 1705 |
Family 2 | Mary Blagg b. 1679, d. 26 Apr 1737 |
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, John Summerville Bef 1649 - 1717 seen 5 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, Female MNU Summerville Bef 1653 - Bef 1705 seen 5 Aug 2022 at
Unknown (?)1
F, #99613, b. before 1653, d. before 1705
Last Edited | 5 Aug 2022 |
Unknown (?) was born before 1653.1 She married John Summerville before 1669 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA,
His 1st wife.1
Unknown (?) died before 1705 at Richmond Co., Virginia, USA.1
His 1st wife.1
Unknown (?) died before 1705 at Richmond Co., Virginia, USA.1
Family | John Summerville b. b 1649, d. b 28 Aug 1717 |
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, Female MNU Summerville Bef 1653 - Bef 1705 seen 5 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
John Chilton1
M, #99614, b. 1666, d. before 28 September 1726
Last Edited | 5 Aug 2022 |
John Chilton was born in 1666 at Christ Church Parish, Lancaster Co., Virginia, USA.1 He married Unknown (?) circa 1686 at Christ Church Parish, Lancaster Co., Virginia, USA,
His 1st wife.2 John Chilton married Mary Blagg, daughter of Abraham Blagg and Margaret Place, circa 1718 at Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA,
Her 3rd husband; his 2nd wife.1,3
John Chilton died before 28 September 1726 at Currioman, Cople Parish, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
1723-1726 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds & Will Book 8, Part 1 [Antient Press]; Page 68
IN THE NAME OF GOD, Amen I JOHN CHILTON of Westmoreland County haveing at this time my perfeckt reason and memmerry, praise God for it. do make & ordain this present Riteing to he my Will and Testament and maner and form as followeth: First, I bequeath my Soul to the hands of Almighty God who gave it me hopeing at the day of Resurraktion through the merrits of my blessed Saviour Jesus Christ to receive it. again and my body I bequeath to the Earth to be desently buryed at the discretion of my Executor and as for my worldly goods, both reall and personall, which God path been pleased to bestow upon me. I give and bequeath in maner and forme as followeth.
Item I do give to my Son, JOHN CHILTON, my tract of Land in STAFFORD County at CHAPAWOMSICK to him and his heires lawfully from his body for ever: and if he said JOHN CHILTON dyes without heires lawfully from his body, then I do give the said land unto my Son. THOMAS CHILTON. and his heirs lawfully begotten for ever, and if the said THOMAS CHILTON dyes without lawfull issue to the next heir at Law to him
Itm. I do give the Negros yt: is now on the said Land at CHAPAWOMSICK which is at this time eight unto my Son. JOHN
Itm. I do also give all the Stock Cattle hogs horses and all the household goods that is on the said land unto my Son, JOHN
Itm. I do also give that Land in MADDOX that I bought of THOMAS BARNES and that Land in MADDOX NECK I bought of JOHN KENT unto my Son, JOHN, and to his lawfuil heirs by his body for ever.
Itm I do give unto my Son, JOHN, my Horse, Gloriter.
Itm I do give unto my Son. JOHN, one Mare and Colt that runs at NOMINY FERRY Old Fields
Itm. I do give unto my Son. JOHN. one Negro boy called Joe, and it is my will and desire yt; my Son JOHN, shall not be conserved wth: any part of my Estate no more then that I have given him and it is my desire when RICHARD WATTS and JOHN WATTS come of age to have theire parts of theire Estate and RICHARD WATTS when he comes of age to have the Negro boy, Will, in MADDOX and little Negro. George, yt: is in MADDOX in part of his Fathers Estate
Itm, I do give all my whome track of land unto my Son. THOMAS. and his heirs lawfully begotten for ever, And all my Negroes yt: is upon the said Land and it is my desire that RICHD. WATTS and JOHN WATTS should have theire parts out of the whole Estate only yt: part yt: I have given unto my Son, JOHN. I do constitute and ordaine my Son, THOMAS. to be my whole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament
Signed & delivered in the presence of
HANNAH the mark of STEVENS
ly ye 7th 1726 dated
Westmoreland ss. At a Court held for the said County the 28th day or September 1726 The Last Will and Testament of JOHN CHILTON, Gent., deced„ was presented into Court by his Son, THOMAS CHILTON, his Exr., who made Oath thereto, and being proved by the Oaths of both the witnesses thereto, is admitted to Record. And upon mocon of the said Exr, and his performing what is usual in such cases, Certificate is granted him for obtining a Probate thereof in due form
Recorded this 7th day of Janry. 1726 Pr me G. TTJRBERVILE, Cl Co, W.
CHILTON, JOHN, Sr., 15 November 1706; 29 April 1708. 1 negro and 1 horse to dau. Sarah Chilton ; dau. Mary wife of John Sharp of Lancaster; 1 negro man to dau. Elizabeth wife of Bryan Groves; son Thomas £10 Sterling; grandson John son of William Chilton £5 Sterling; grandson John son of John Chilton £5 Sterling; wife Jane and all my children; daughter Sarah my side saddle; son John exr
1726 WILL: Westmoreland County, Virginia, dtd 7 Aug 1726, probated 28 Sep 1726. Son John land on Chippawamsic swamp and 8 Negroes; son Thomas home plantation; when Richard and John Watts come of age to have Negroes in part of their father's estate.
1713-1749 Northumberland County, Virginia Wills-Admin; [Lewis & Booker];; Page 4
Chilton, John, will probated 13 of 7br 1737 by Mary Chilton the executrix.
1723-1726 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds & Will Book 8, Part 1 [Antient Press]; Page 68
I do by these presents assigne & sell four Negroes, George, Hary, Moll and Jane. unto JANE SANFORD and to be her proper right the whole right of the sd, Negroes do properly belong unto the sd. JANE SANFORD Given under my hand this 7th day of July 1726
Westmoreland ss, At a Court held for the said County the 28th day of September 1726 JANE SANFORD produced in Court the above assignmt, passed to her by JOHN CHILTON, Gent., deced., which THOMAS CHILTON proved to be wrote by him and signed by his sd. Father's Order, which on her request is ordered to be recorded and the same is accordingly recorded p me G. TURBERVILE, Cl. Co, W.
1707-1709 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 2 [Antient Press]; Page 47
Westmoreland County Court 27th ofMay 1708
- CONTANCEAU & HARCUM v LYON JOHN LYON wassummoned to answer PETER CONTANCEAU and WILLIAM HARCUM, Churchwardens of the Parish ofSaint Stephens in NORTHUMBERLAND County of a Plea of Debt for one thousand seven hundred seventy five pounds of tobacco, And the Sheriffreturned cepi corpus, JOHN CHILTON, Security, but for that JOHN LYON did not appeare, Conditionall Order passed against JOHN CHILTON, Security, to bee proceeded in according to Law
1707-1709 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 2 [Antient Press]; Page 94
Westmoreland County Court 30th ofJune 1709
- GERRARD's Acknowledgment to CHILTON
JOHN GERRARD acknowledged a Deed ofLease and Release oflands by him made to JOHN CHILTON to be his act and deed and JANE, Wife of JOHN GERRARD, relinqished her Right ofDower in and to the same, And JOHN GERRARD likewise acknowledged a Bond for performance of Covenants to JOHN CHILTON to be his act and deed which are all ordered to be recorded
1712-1714 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 4 [Antient Press]; Page 6
Westmoreland County Court 25th day of June 1712
ELIZABETH HIGGINS, Widdow, haveing sworn the peace against ANNE HIGGINS, Wife of AUGUSTINE HIGGINS, and alsoe against JONE DANIEL, Wife of RICHARD DANIEL, all of this County, and JOHN CHILTON, Gent., one ofher Majties Justices for this County, at ELIZABETH HIGGINS's Complaint haveing bound ANNE and JONE to keep the peace of our Soveraigne Lady the Queen by the space ofone whole yeare and returned the Warrant together with their recognizance to this Court, it is ordered the same be lodged in the Clerk's Office for this County
1714-1716 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 5 [Antient Press]; Page 72
Westmoreland County Court 30th ofMay 1716
- WESTCOMB's Will proved The Last Will and Testament of JAMES WESTCOMB, Gent., deced. was presented in Court by MARY his Executrix who made Oath thereto and being proved by the Oaths of JOHN CHILTON, Gent. and MARY BECKWITH, wittnesses thereto is admitt to Record, HENRY ASHTON, Gent., assumeing in Court to be Security for her faithfull performance of the same, and upon the motion of MARY and her performing what is ususall in such cases, Certificate is granted her for obtaining a Probat thereof in due form; And it is ordered FRANCIS ATTWELL, GERRARD HUTT, JOHN WELLINGTON and CHARLES CHILTON or any three of them being first sworn before one o fhis Majesty's Justices for Westmorland County doe some time before the next Court value and appraise the Estate of the Testator and make report thereof to the next Court
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 97
Westmoreland County Court 26th of March 1718
Upon the Petition of WILLIAM STROTHER who intermarried with MARGRETT, the Daughter of RICHARD WATTS, Gent., deced. it is ordered that JOHN CHILTON, Gent., who intermarried with MARY, the Relict and Executrix of RICHARD WATTS, Gent., deced. do pay to WILLIAM STROTHER all and singular the Estate which of right doth belong to MARGRETT out of the Estate ofher Father with costs alias Execution
1723-1726 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds & Will Book 8, Part 1 [Antient Press]; Page 29-30
THIS INDENTURE made this twenty fourth day of October in the year of our Lord God one thousand seven hundred twenty & four Between JOHN KENT of County of NORTHUMBERLAND of one part and JOHN CHILTON of County of Westmoreland of other part: Witnesseth that JOHN KENT in consideracon of the sum of Five shillings good & lawful! money of England to him in hand paid by JOHN CHILTON, the receipt whereof he doth acknowledge, do by these presents bargain & sell unto JOHN CHILTON all his right title & interest whatsoever of in and to a certain parcel! of land containing by estimation One hundred sixty three acres lying in County of Westmoreland & Parish of Washington on the GREAT SWAMP, on North side of APPAMATTOX CREEK which I purchased of BUNCH ROE in the year 1693, in partnership with DAVID DICKEY of RICHMOND County, being part of a Patent granted to the sd. BUNCH ROE in the year 1692, the 12th day of July. containing 331 acres. the said one hundred and sixty three acres is bounded with the Land of the said BUNCE ROE: on the land of THOS: BOWCOCK, the land of MICHAEL PHILLIPS & the land of WM: MONROE, with all water courses priviledges profitt, comodities to the same belonging; To have & to hold the parcell of land untoJOHN CHILTON his heirs during the full term of one half year ensueing paying the rent of one Ear of Indian Corn on the 10th day of January if lawfully demanded; to the intent that by venue of these presents and of the Statute for transferring uses into possession JOHN CHILTON may be in actual possession of the land & premisses and be thereby enabled to accept a grant of the inheritance thereof: In Witness whereof the said JOHN KENT hath set his hand & fixed his seal the day & year above written
Signed sealed & deliverd in presence of
Westmoreland ss, At a Court held for the sd. County the 28th day of October 1724
JOHN KENT personally acknowledged this Lease of Land by him passed to JOHN CHILTON, Gent.. to be his proper act and deed_ which WILLIAM STURMAN, Cent., on behalf of the said CHILTON, accepted, Ordered the same be recorded
Recordat. Sexto die Novembris 1724
THIS INDENTURE made this twenty fourth day of October in the year of our Lord God one thousand seven hudnred twenty four Between JOHN KENT of the County of NORTHUNDERLAND of one part and JOHN CHILTON of the County of Westmoreland of the other part: Witnesseth that JOHN KENT for divers good causes him thereunto moving but more especially in consideracon of the sum of One thousand, two hundred & fifty poudns of tobo: paid by said CHILTON, the receipt whereof JOHN KENT doth acknowledge, do by these presents lease and release bargain and sell unto JNO: CHILTON his heirs all his right title & interest in a certain parcel of land containing by estimation One hundred and sixty three acres (this Release repeats the passing of the land and the neighbors to it as in the foregoing Lease": To have and to hold the sd. part of the land with its rights benefits profitts belonging to JOHN CHILTON his heirs, to be held of the Cheif Lord or Lords of the Fee or Fees as accustomed to be paid and JOHN KENT doth oblidge himself his heirs to warrant & forever defend the land & premisses with the appurtenances unto JOHN CHILTON his heirs against the claim of any person; In Witness whereof the said JOHN KENT hath hereunto sett his hand and fixed his seal the day & year above written
Signed Sealed & delivered in the presence of
Westmoreland ss. At a Court held for the sd. County the 28th day of October 1724 JOHN LENT personally acknowledged this Release of Land by him passed to JOHN CHILTON, Gent., to be his proper act & deed, which WM: STURMAN, Gent., accepted on behalf of the said CHILTON. Ordered the same be recorded
Recordat sexto die Novbris 1724
the Tombstone of John, son of immigrant John, found about 1920 at "Curriomen", is written: "Here/Lyeth in hopes of a/Joyfull Resurrection the/Body of Mr. John Chilton/Merchant who Departed/this life the 11th day of July/Anno Domini 1726 Aged/about 60 years."
1687-1691 Lancaster County Va Order Book; [Antient Press]:
Lancaster County Court 10th of October 1688
1695-1699 Lancaster County Order Book; [Antient Press]; pg 33
Lancaster County Court 10th of November 1697
JOHN CHILTON -2 (next to Tobias Purcell)
1699-1701 Lancaster County Order Book 4; [Antient Press]
Lancaster County Court 9th of November 1699
Christ Church Parish Tithables
=== llection=NN Grant
Title Minor, Nicholas.
Publication 26 August 1712.
Other Format Available on microfilm. Northern Neck Grants, reels 288-311.
Note Location: Westmoreland County.
Description: 296 acres beg.g &c. corner to a parcel of land lately taken up by John Chilton stand.g on the eastward side and near the head of a branch falling into Great Rappahannock Creek, commonly called and known by the name of the white marsh.
Source: Northern Neck Grants No. 4, 1710-1712 , Page 111 (Reel 289).
=== lection=NN Grant
Title Chilton, John.
Publication 26 May 1712.
Other Format Available on microfilm. Northern Neck Grants, reels 288-311.
Note Location: Westmoreland County.
Description: 375 acres beg.g &c. south westermost corner tree of the land of the said Chilton commonly called and known by the name Corryoman land.
Source: Northern Neck Grants No. 4, 1710-1712 , Page 86 (Reel 289).
His 1st wife.2 John Chilton married Mary Blagg, daughter of Abraham Blagg and Margaret Place, circa 1718 at Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA,
Her 3rd husband; his 2nd wife.1,3
John Chilton died before 28 September 1726 at Currioman, Cople Parish, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
1723-1726 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds & Will Book 8, Part 1 [Antient Press]; Page 68
IN THE NAME OF GOD, Amen I JOHN CHILTON of Westmoreland County haveing at this time my perfeckt reason and memmerry, praise God for it. do make & ordain this present Riteing to he my Will and Testament and maner and form as followeth: First, I bequeath my Soul to the hands of Almighty God who gave it me hopeing at the day of Resurraktion through the merrits of my blessed Saviour Jesus Christ to receive it. again and my body I bequeath to the Earth to be desently buryed at the discretion of my Executor and as for my worldly goods, both reall and personall, which God path been pleased to bestow upon me. I give and bequeath in maner and forme as followeth.
Item I do give to my Son, JOHN CHILTON, my tract of Land in STAFFORD County at CHAPAWOMSICK to him and his heires lawfully from his body for ever: and if he said JOHN CHILTON dyes without heires lawfully from his body, then I do give the said land unto my Son. THOMAS CHILTON. and his heirs lawfully begotten for ever, and if the said THOMAS CHILTON dyes without lawfull issue to the next heir at Law to him
Itm. I do give the Negros yt: is now on the said Land at CHAPAWOMSICK which is at this time eight unto my Son. JOHN
Itm. I do also give all the Stock Cattle hogs horses and all the household goods that is on the said land unto my Son, JOHN
Itm. I do also give that Land in MADDOX that I bought of THOMAS BARNES and that Land in MADDOX NECK I bought of JOHN KENT unto my Son, JOHN, and to his lawfuil heirs by his body for ever.
Itm I do give unto my Son, JOHN, my Horse, Gloriter.
Itm I do give unto my Son. JOHN, one Mare and Colt that runs at NOMINY FERRY Old Fields
Itm. I do give unto my Son. JOHN. one Negro boy called Joe, and it is my will and desire yt; my Son JOHN, shall not be conserved wth: any part of my Estate no more then that I have given him and it is my desire when RICHARD WATTS and JOHN WATTS come of age to have theire parts of theire Estate and RICHARD WATTS when he comes of age to have the Negro boy, Will, in MADDOX and little Negro. George, yt: is in MADDOX in part of his Fathers Estate
Itm, I do give all my whome track of land unto my Son. THOMAS. and his heirs lawfully begotten for ever, And all my Negroes yt: is upon the said Land and it is my desire that RICHD. WATTS and JOHN WATTS should have theire parts out of the whole Estate only yt: part yt: I have given unto my Son, JOHN. I do constitute and ordaine my Son, THOMAS. to be my whole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament
Signed & delivered in the presence of
HANNAH the mark of STEVENS
ly ye 7th 1726 dated
Westmoreland ss. At a Court held for the said County the 28th day or September 1726 The Last Will and Testament of JOHN CHILTON, Gent., deced„ was presented into Court by his Son, THOMAS CHILTON, his Exr., who made Oath thereto, and being proved by the Oaths of both the witnesses thereto, is admitted to Record. And upon mocon of the said Exr, and his performing what is usual in such cases, Certificate is granted him for obtining a Probate thereof in due form
Recorded this 7th day of Janry. 1726 Pr me G. TTJRBERVILE, Cl Co, W.
CHILTON, JOHN, Sr., 15 November 1706; 29 April 1708. 1 negro and 1 horse to dau. Sarah Chilton ; dau. Mary wife of John Sharp of Lancaster; 1 negro man to dau. Elizabeth wife of Bryan Groves; son Thomas £10 Sterling; grandson John son of William Chilton £5 Sterling; grandson John son of John Chilton £5 Sterling; wife Jane and all my children; daughter Sarah my side saddle; son John exr
1726 WILL: Westmoreland County, Virginia, dtd 7 Aug 1726, probated 28 Sep 1726. Son John land on Chippawamsic swamp and 8 Negroes; son Thomas home plantation; when Richard and John Watts come of age to have Negroes in part of their father's estate.
1713-1749 Northumberland County, Virginia Wills-Admin; [Lewis & Booker];; Page 4
Chilton, John, will probated 13 of 7br 1737 by Mary Chilton the executrix.
1723-1726 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds & Will Book 8, Part 1 [Antient Press]; Page 68
I do by these presents assigne & sell four Negroes, George, Hary, Moll and Jane. unto JANE SANFORD and to be her proper right the whole right of the sd, Negroes do properly belong unto the sd. JANE SANFORD Given under my hand this 7th day of July 1726
Westmoreland ss, At a Court held for the said County the 28th day of September 1726 JANE SANFORD produced in Court the above assignmt, passed to her by JOHN CHILTON, Gent., deced., which THOMAS CHILTON proved to be wrote by him and signed by his sd. Father's Order, which on her request is ordered to be recorded and the same is accordingly recorded p me G. TURBERVILE, Cl. Co, W.
1707-1709 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 2 [Antient Press]; Page 47
Westmoreland County Court 27th ofMay 1708
- CONTANCEAU & HARCUM v LYON JOHN LYON wassummoned to answer PETER CONTANCEAU and WILLIAM HARCUM, Churchwardens of the Parish ofSaint Stephens in NORTHUMBERLAND County of a Plea of Debt for one thousand seven hundred seventy five pounds of tobacco, And the Sheriffreturned cepi corpus, JOHN CHILTON, Security, but for that JOHN LYON did not appeare, Conditionall Order passed against JOHN CHILTON, Security, to bee proceeded in according to Law
1707-1709 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 2 [Antient Press]; Page 94
Westmoreland County Court 30th ofJune 1709
- GERRARD's Acknowledgment to CHILTON
JOHN GERRARD acknowledged a Deed ofLease and Release oflands by him made to JOHN CHILTON to be his act and deed and JANE, Wife of JOHN GERRARD, relinqished her Right ofDower in and to the same, And JOHN GERRARD likewise acknowledged a Bond for performance of Covenants to JOHN CHILTON to be his act and deed which are all ordered to be recorded
1712-1714 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 4 [Antient Press]; Page 6
Westmoreland County Court 25th day of June 1712
ELIZABETH HIGGINS, Widdow, haveing sworn the peace against ANNE HIGGINS, Wife of AUGUSTINE HIGGINS, and alsoe against JONE DANIEL, Wife of RICHARD DANIEL, all of this County, and JOHN CHILTON, Gent., one ofher Majties Justices for this County, at ELIZABETH HIGGINS's Complaint haveing bound ANNE and JONE to keep the peace of our Soveraigne Lady the Queen by the space ofone whole yeare and returned the Warrant together with their recognizance to this Court, it is ordered the same be lodged in the Clerk's Office for this County
1714-1716 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 5 [Antient Press]; Page 72
Westmoreland County Court 30th ofMay 1716
- WESTCOMB's Will proved The Last Will and Testament of JAMES WESTCOMB, Gent., deced. was presented in Court by MARY his Executrix who made Oath thereto and being proved by the Oaths of JOHN CHILTON, Gent. and MARY BECKWITH, wittnesses thereto is admitt to Record, HENRY ASHTON, Gent., assumeing in Court to be Security for her faithfull performance of the same, and upon the motion of MARY and her performing what is ususall in such cases, Certificate is granted her for obtaining a Probat thereof in due form; And it is ordered FRANCIS ATTWELL, GERRARD HUTT, JOHN WELLINGTON and CHARLES CHILTON or any three of them being first sworn before one o fhis Majesty's Justices for Westmorland County doe some time before the next Court value and appraise the Estate of the Testator and make report thereof to the next Court
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 97
Westmoreland County Court 26th of March 1718
Upon the Petition of WILLIAM STROTHER who intermarried with MARGRETT, the Daughter of RICHARD WATTS, Gent., deced. it is ordered that JOHN CHILTON, Gent., who intermarried with MARY, the Relict and Executrix of RICHARD WATTS, Gent., deced. do pay to WILLIAM STROTHER all and singular the Estate which of right doth belong to MARGRETT out of the Estate ofher Father with costs alias Execution
1723-1726 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds & Will Book 8, Part 1 [Antient Press]; Page 29-30
THIS INDENTURE made this twenty fourth day of October in the year of our Lord God one thousand seven hundred twenty & four Between JOHN KENT of County of NORTHUMBERLAND of one part and JOHN CHILTON of County of Westmoreland of other part: Witnesseth that JOHN KENT in consideracon of the sum of Five shillings good & lawful! money of England to him in hand paid by JOHN CHILTON, the receipt whereof he doth acknowledge, do by these presents bargain & sell unto JOHN CHILTON all his right title & interest whatsoever of in and to a certain parcel! of land containing by estimation One hundred sixty three acres lying in County of Westmoreland & Parish of Washington on the GREAT SWAMP, on North side of APPAMATTOX CREEK which I purchased of BUNCH ROE in the year 1693, in partnership with DAVID DICKEY of RICHMOND County, being part of a Patent granted to the sd. BUNCH ROE in the year 1692, the 12th day of July. containing 331 acres. the said one hundred and sixty three acres is bounded with the Land of the said BUNCE ROE: on the land of THOS: BOWCOCK, the land of MICHAEL PHILLIPS & the land of WM: MONROE, with all water courses priviledges profitt, comodities to the same belonging; To have & to hold the parcell of land untoJOHN CHILTON his heirs during the full term of one half year ensueing paying the rent of one Ear of Indian Corn on the 10th day of January if lawfully demanded; to the intent that by venue of these presents and of the Statute for transferring uses into possession JOHN CHILTON may be in actual possession of the land & premisses and be thereby enabled to accept a grant of the inheritance thereof: In Witness whereof the said JOHN KENT hath set his hand & fixed his seal the day & year above written
Signed sealed & deliverd in presence of
Westmoreland ss, At a Court held for the sd. County the 28th day of October 1724
JOHN KENT personally acknowledged this Lease of Land by him passed to JOHN CHILTON, Gent.. to be his proper act and deed_ which WILLIAM STURMAN, Cent., on behalf of the said CHILTON, accepted, Ordered the same be recorded
Recordat. Sexto die Novembris 1724
THIS INDENTURE made this twenty fourth day of October in the year of our Lord God one thousand seven hudnred twenty four Between JOHN KENT of the County of NORTHUNDERLAND of one part and JOHN CHILTON of the County of Westmoreland of the other part: Witnesseth that JOHN KENT for divers good causes him thereunto moving but more especially in consideracon of the sum of One thousand, two hundred & fifty poudns of tobo: paid by said CHILTON, the receipt whereof JOHN KENT doth acknowledge, do by these presents lease and release bargain and sell unto JNO: CHILTON his heirs all his right title & interest in a certain parcel of land containing by estimation One hundred and sixty three acres (this Release repeats the passing of the land and the neighbors to it as in the foregoing Lease": To have and to hold the sd. part of the land with its rights benefits profitts belonging to JOHN CHILTON his heirs, to be held of the Cheif Lord or Lords of the Fee or Fees as accustomed to be paid and JOHN KENT doth oblidge himself his heirs to warrant & forever defend the land & premisses with the appurtenances unto JOHN CHILTON his heirs against the claim of any person; In Witness whereof the said JOHN KENT hath hereunto sett his hand and fixed his seal the day & year above written
Signed Sealed & delivered in the presence of
Westmoreland ss. At a Court held for the sd. County the 28th day of October 1724 JOHN LENT personally acknowledged this Release of Land by him passed to JOHN CHILTON, Gent., to be his proper act & deed, which WM: STURMAN, Gent., accepted on behalf of the said CHILTON. Ordered the same be recorded
Recordat sexto die Novbris 1724
the Tombstone of John, son of immigrant John, found about 1920 at "Curriomen", is written: "Here/Lyeth in hopes of a/Joyfull Resurrection the/Body of Mr. John Chilton/Merchant who Departed/this life the 11th day of July/Anno Domini 1726 Aged/about 60 years."
1687-1691 Lancaster County Va Order Book; [Antient Press]:
Lancaster County Court 10th of October 1688
1695-1699 Lancaster County Order Book; [Antient Press]; pg 33
Lancaster County Court 10th of November 1697
JOHN CHILTON -2 (next to Tobias Purcell)
1699-1701 Lancaster County Order Book 4; [Antient Press]
Lancaster County Court 9th of November 1699
Christ Church Parish Tithables
=== llection=NN Grant
Title Minor, Nicholas.
Publication 26 August 1712.
Other Format Available on microfilm. Northern Neck Grants, reels 288-311.
Note Location: Westmoreland County.
Description: 296 acres beg.g &c. corner to a parcel of land lately taken up by John Chilton stand.g on the eastward side and near the head of a branch falling into Great Rappahannock Creek, commonly called and known by the name of the white marsh.
Source: Northern Neck Grants No. 4, 1710-1712 , Page 111 (Reel 289).
=== lection=NN Grant
Title Chilton, John.
Publication 26 May 1712.
Other Format Available on microfilm. Northern Neck Grants, reels 288-311.
Note Location: Westmoreland County.
Description: 375 acres beg.g &c. south westermost corner tree of the land of the said Chilton commonly called and known by the name Corryoman land.
Source: Northern Neck Grants No. 4, 1710-1712 , Page 86 (Reel 289).
[S210] The Virginia Genealogist Volume 12, 1968.
[S211] The Virginia Genealogist Volume 13, 1969.
at Citation.1[S211] The Virginia Genealogist Volume 13, 1969.
Family 1 | Unknown (?) b. 1670, d. b 1716 |
Family 2 | Mary Blagg b. 1679, d. 26 Apr 1737 |
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, John Chilton 1666 - 1726 seen 5 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, Female MNU Chilton 1670 - Bef 1716 seen 5 Aug 2022 at
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, Mary Blagg 1679 - 1737 seen 5 Aug 2022 at
Unknown (?)1
F, #99615, b. 1670, d. before 1716
Last Edited | 5 Aug 2022 |
Unknown (?) was born in 1670 at Christ Church Parish, Lancaster Co., Virginia, USA.1 She married John Chilton circa 1686 at Christ Church Parish, Lancaster Co., Virginia, USA,
His 1st wife.1
Unknown (?) died before 1716 at Currioman, Cople Parish, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
His 1st wife.1
Unknown (?) died before 1716 at Currioman, Cople Parish, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
Family | John Chilton b. 1666, d. b 28 Sep 1726 |
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, Female MNU Chilton 1670 - Bef 1716 seen 5 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
Thomas Bowcock1
M, #99616, b. before 1671, d. 23 April 1700
Father | Thomas Bowcock1 b. b 1645, d. 4 May 1675 |
Mother | Jane Freke?1 b. b 1645, d. a 1692 |
Last Edited | 5 Aug 2022 |
Thomas Bowcock was born before 1671 at Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1 He married Mary Blagg, daughter of Abraham Blagg and Margaret Place, circa 1695 at Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA,
Her 1st husband.1
Thomas Bowcock died on 23 April 1700 at Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
Page 78a [24 April 1700]
The last will and testament of Mr. Thomas Bowcock was proved by all the witnesses. A probate thereof granted Mrs Mary Bowcock his relict and executrix in the will named. It is also ordered that Andrew Munro. Wm Munro, John Hore and Charles Tyler appraise Themas Bowcock estate
Page 72 : 28 February 1699/1700
Daniell Petty servant to Thomas Bowcock:.late deceased is, adjudged fifteen yeares of age. Ordered to serve according to law~
1685/6-1687 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 5 [John Frederick Dorman];
Page 586 [26 May 1687]
Jane White the relict of Thomas White prayed to prove the will of her deceased Tho: White which shee proved by the oathes of Thomas Boocock and John Hoare and further prayed that letters of administration might be granted with the will annext, she being the whole and sole executrix nominated, which the Court grant provided shee enter into bond. Andrew Monroe and John Elliot with Jane White did assume in 30,000 pounds of tobacco.
1691-1692 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 1 [John Frederick Dorman];
Page 38a [29 Sept. 1691]
Upon the petition of Tho. Bukock [Boocock/Bowcock] son of Tho. Bucock late of this county, it is ordered that Mr. Thomas Paiciey [Paise] father in law to the said Bucock doe deliver unto Buckock all the estate left him by his father's last will, hee haveing made due proof that he is of age.
1691-1699 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 2; [John Frederick Dorman-1801 transcript];
Page 78a. 12 Dec. 1694. Thomas Bowcock do acquitt and discharge my father in law Thomas Paice [Paise] from all debts, dues and demands as was left me by my father's will.
Thomas Bowcock
Wit: Mary Bowcock
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 40
Westmoreland County Court 26th of June 1717
Upon the motion of JAMES BOWCOCK,
Son of THOMAS BOWCOCK, deced., CHARLES TYLER is admitt his Guardian, ordered that he be immediately possest with his Pupil's Estate, NATHANIEL POPE and GEORGE ESKRIDGE assumeing in Court to be Security for the trust reposed in him
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 40
Westmoreland County Court 26th of June 1717
Upon the Petition of JAMES BOWCOCK, [Son ofTHOMAS BOWCOCK, deced], by CHARLES TYLER his Guardian it is ordered that WILLIAM MUNROE, ROBERT LOVELL, HUGH FRENCH and NATHANIEL GRAY or any three ofthem doe some time before the next Court to be held for this County, separate and sett apart the Estate which to JAMES doth belong out ofhis Father's Estate from the Estate of RICHARD WATTS, Gent., deced. who intermarried with MARY, Relict of THOMAS BOWCOCK which Estates are now in the possession ofJOHN SUMERVIL, who also intermarried with MARY after the decease of RICHARD WATTS, and that they make report of their proceedings therein to the next Court to be held for this County
=== lection=NN Grant
Title Watts, Richard.
Publication 22 April 1715.
Other Format Available on microfilm. Northern Neck Grants, reels 288-311.
Note Location: Westmoreland County.
Description: 79 acres in the great swamp. On the north side of Mattox Creek and joining Thomas Bowcock and Geo. Beard.
Source: Northern Neck Grants No. 5, 1713-1719, p. 73 (Reel 289).
Recorded survey available. Northern Neck Grants No.5 1713-1719. (reverse).
=== &collection=NN Grant
Title Thompson, Samuel.
Publication 14 December 1696.
Other Format Available on microfilm. Northern Neck Grants, reels 288-311.
Note Location: Westmoreland County.
Description: 164 acres adjoining Thomas Bowcock and Abraham Blagge.
Source: Northern Neck Grants No. 2, 1694-1700, p. 261-262 (Reel 288).
=== lection=NN Grant
Title Watts, Richard.
Publication 22 April 1715.
Other Format Available on microfilm. Northern Neck Grants, reels 288-311.
Note Location: Westmoreland County.
Description: 79 acres in the great swamp. On the north side of Mattox Creek and joining Thomas Bowcock and Geo. Beard.
Source: Northern Neck Grants No. 5, 1713-1719, p. 73 (Reel 289).
Recorded survey available. Northern Neck Grants No.5 1713-1719. (reverse). at Citation.1
Her 1st husband.1
Thomas Bowcock died on 23 April 1700 at Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
Page 78a [24 April 1700]
The last will and testament of Mr. Thomas Bowcock was proved by all the witnesses. A probate thereof granted Mrs Mary Bowcock his relict and executrix in the will named. It is also ordered that Andrew Munro. Wm Munro, John Hore and Charles Tyler appraise Themas Bowcock estate
Page 72 : 28 February 1699/1700
Daniell Petty servant to Thomas Bowcock:.late deceased is, adjudged fifteen yeares of age. Ordered to serve according to law~
1685/6-1687 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 5 [John Frederick Dorman];
Page 586 [26 May 1687]
Jane White the relict of Thomas White prayed to prove the will of her deceased Tho: White which shee proved by the oathes of Thomas Boocock and John Hoare and further prayed that letters of administration might be granted with the will annext, she being the whole and sole executrix nominated, which the Court grant provided shee enter into bond. Andrew Monroe and John Elliot with Jane White did assume in 30,000 pounds of tobacco.
1691-1692 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 1 [John Frederick Dorman];
Page 38a [29 Sept. 1691]
Upon the petition of Tho. Bukock [Boocock/Bowcock] son of Tho. Bucock late of this county, it is ordered that Mr. Thomas Paiciey [Paise] father in law to the said Bucock doe deliver unto Buckock all the estate left him by his father's last will, hee haveing made due proof that he is of age.
1691-1699 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 2; [John Frederick Dorman-1801 transcript];
Page 78a. 12 Dec. 1694. Thomas Bowcock do acquitt and discharge my father in law Thomas Paice [Paise] from all debts, dues and demands as was left me by my father's will.
Thomas Bowcock
Wit: Mary Bowcock
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 40
Westmoreland County Court 26th of June 1717
Upon the motion of JAMES BOWCOCK,
Son of THOMAS BOWCOCK, deced., CHARLES TYLER is admitt his Guardian, ordered that he be immediately possest with his Pupil's Estate, NATHANIEL POPE and GEORGE ESKRIDGE assumeing in Court to be Security for the trust reposed in him
1716-1718 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 6 [Antient Press]; Page 40
Westmoreland County Court 26th of June 1717
Upon the Petition of JAMES BOWCOCK, [Son ofTHOMAS BOWCOCK, deced], by CHARLES TYLER his Guardian it is ordered that WILLIAM MUNROE, ROBERT LOVELL, HUGH FRENCH and NATHANIEL GRAY or any three ofthem doe some time before the next Court to be held for this County, separate and sett apart the Estate which to JAMES doth belong out ofhis Father's Estate from the Estate of RICHARD WATTS, Gent., deced. who intermarried with MARY, Relict of THOMAS BOWCOCK which Estates are now in the possession ofJOHN SUMERVIL, who also intermarried with MARY after the decease of RICHARD WATTS, and that they make report of their proceedings therein to the next Court to be held for this County
=== lection=NN Grant
Title Watts, Richard.
Publication 22 April 1715.
Other Format Available on microfilm. Northern Neck Grants, reels 288-311.
Note Location: Westmoreland County.
Description: 79 acres in the great swamp. On the north side of Mattox Creek and joining Thomas Bowcock and Geo. Beard.
Source: Northern Neck Grants No. 5, 1713-1719, p. 73 (Reel 289).
Recorded survey available. Northern Neck Grants No.5 1713-1719. (reverse).
=== &collection=NN Grant
Title Thompson, Samuel.
Publication 14 December 1696.
Other Format Available on microfilm. Northern Neck Grants, reels 288-311.
Note Location: Westmoreland County.
Description: 164 acres adjoining Thomas Bowcock and Abraham Blagge.
Source: Northern Neck Grants No. 2, 1694-1700, p. 261-262 (Reel 288).
=== lection=NN Grant
Title Watts, Richard.
Publication 22 April 1715.
Other Format Available on microfilm. Northern Neck Grants, reels 288-311.
Note Location: Westmoreland County.
Description: 79 acres in the great swamp. On the north side of Mattox Creek and joining Thomas Bowcock and Geo. Beard.
Source: Northern Neck Grants No. 5, 1713-1719, p. 73 (Reel 289).
Recorded survey available. Northern Neck Grants No.5 1713-1719. (reverse). at Citation.1
Family | Mary Blagg b. 1679, d. 26 Apr 1737 |
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, Thomas Bowcock Bef 1671 - 1700 seen 5 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
Thomas White1
M, #99617, b. before 1637, d. 26 May 1687
Last Edited | 5 Aug 2022 |
Thomas White was born before 1637.1 He married Jane Freke? circa 1676 at Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA,
Her 2nd husband.1
Thomas White died on 26 May 1687 at Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
1685/6-1687 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 5 [John Frederick Dorman];
Page 586 [26 May 1687]
Jane White the relict of Thomas White prayed to prove the will of her deceased Tho: White which shee proved by the oathes of Thomas Boocock and John Hoare and further prayed that letters of administration might be granted with the will annext, she being the whole and sole executrix nominated, which the Court grant provided shee enter into bond. Andrew Monroe and John Elliot with Jane White did assume in 30,000 pounds of tobacco.
1685/6-1687 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 5 [John Frederick Dorman];
Page 586 [26 May 1687]
John Hoar vs. Jane White. The Court order John Hoar 80 pounds of tobacco for his attendance as a witnes to prove the will of Thomas White to be paid by Jane White, the executrix.
Name: Arlene Fultz
John BURKITT/BURKETT and Anne MILLS had 4 daughters including Elizabeth "Eliza" BURKETT/BURKITT who married Capt. George WHITE before 1712 and had George WHITE, Jr. George WHITE, Jr. is the one you refer to in the following deed to William Jett: "William Jett of King George County, 50 acres from George White from the latter's grandfather, John Burkett, whose daughter, Eliza Burkett, was the mother of the said White, 1755."
George, Jr.'s father, Captain George WHITE (16??-1738) was the son of Thomas WHITE and his wife Jane of Westmoreland Co. The will of Capt. George White and that of his brother Capt. Daniel White were both in the lost King George Co. WB #1.
I hope that explains the relationships better.
1674-1677 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 1, Part 3; [John Frederick Dorman];
Pages 256-256a. Last day of Dec. 1675. Adam Wofendale of Rappahannock County stands indebted to Thomas White of Westmoreland County, mill Wright, 4255 pounds of tobacco to bee payd 10 December next. Mortgage of 525 acres formerly bought by mee of Wm. Balthrope. If Adam Wofendale pay 4255 pounds of tobacco, to be voyd.
Adam Wofendale
Wit: Anthony Bridges, Clerke, Jno. Freeston.
Last of Dec. 1675. Adam Wofendale appoint Mr. Anthony Bridges my atturney to acknowledge a sale of land to Mr. Thomas White.
Wit: John Freeston. Adam Wofendale
1682-1684 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 3 [John Frederick Dorman];
Page 315 [13 Feb. 1683/4]
Wm. Search in his lifetime did declare that his children after his decease should be disposed to Thomas White and Andrew Munroe. They assume in Court to give them good education as to teach them to reade and worke with the needle and doe other works belonginge to weomen. The Court order that Elenor the daughter of Wm. Search bee committed to the, tutorage of Thomas White and Agnes the other daughter of Serch to Andrew Munroe and that Elias Webb and Richd. Browne doe apprayse the estate of Serch. and bring an inventory to the next Court and give sufficient security.
1691-1692 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 1 [John Frederick Dorman];
Page 62a [25 May 1692]
Thomas Paicie was arrested to answer Henry Berry in an action. The plaintiff by Joshua Davies his attorney declares that he had dealings with Mr. James Fulwood of Exon [Exeter] merchant in the Kingdom of England in Jan. 1685/6 when he was last in this country and resident at the house of Mr. Thomas White on Appomatox Creek in this county. Your petitioner bought of Mr. James Fulwood severall goods and more particularly six chaires covered with kederminster stuff white and green and fringe of the value of £1.16.- sterling mony at the first cost in England and had bound and corded up the said chaires and put them on his horses with an intent to carry them home to his plantation in Rappahannock County and finding it troublesome and illconvenient carriage, the plaintiff was persuaded by Mr. Fulwood and Mr. Thomas White to leave them with Mr. Thomas White and send for them at some other convenience. The plaintiff left the six chaires with Mr. Thomas White and Fulwood promised in case any opportunity did permitt hee would send them to Mr. Malachi Peele's plantation on Machotegue. But Fulwood not at all regarding his promise, the plaintiff twelve months after with a neighbour in company went to Mr. Thomas White's and met Mr.-White at his mill and desired him to goe home with them and deliver the chaires, but Mr. White being urgent at work about his mill and could not goe home with Berry, but gave Berry a note to his wife for the six chaires to be delivered to Berry. But Mrs. White not regarding the commands of her husband as obedient wife ought to have don but refuseth to deliver the chaires, and night comeing on Berry went home. Some tyme after Mr. White dies. Mr. Thomas Paicie marries the widdow and executrix of Mr. Thomas White, in whose possession the chaires are and of whom the plaintiff hath many tymes demanded them, and Paicie refuseth to deliver them to the plaintiff, to his damage 500 pounds of tobacco.
The defendant aledged a percell of verbal stuff in lieu of a plea as if he knew nothing of the matter, but at length the whole matter being refer'd to the Court, after several evidences produced by the plaintiff were read and all matters fully heard on both, parts, it is the Court's oppinion and judgment is granted Henry Berry for the six chaires. Ordered Thomas Paicie doe imediately deliver the six chaires to Berry
=== note date!
1691-1699 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 2; [John Frederick Dorman-1801 transcript];
Page 78a. 15 Oct. 1685. Andrew Monroe do discharge Mr. Thomas White from all bills, bonds or other accounts due to me from Mr. Thomas Bookes.
Andrew Monroe
Wit: Darby Swillivant, Reuben Baley.
1696. Recorded. at Citation.1
Her 2nd husband.1
Thomas White died on 26 May 1687 at Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
1685/6-1687 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 5 [John Frederick Dorman];
Page 586 [26 May 1687]
Jane White the relict of Thomas White prayed to prove the will of her deceased Tho: White which shee proved by the oathes of Thomas Boocock and John Hoare and further prayed that letters of administration might be granted with the will annext, she being the whole and sole executrix nominated, which the Court grant provided shee enter into bond. Andrew Monroe and John Elliot with Jane White did assume in 30,000 pounds of tobacco.
1685/6-1687 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 5 [John Frederick Dorman];
Page 586 [26 May 1687]
John Hoar vs. Jane White. The Court order John Hoar 80 pounds of tobacco for his attendance as a witnes to prove the will of Thomas White to be paid by Jane White, the executrix.
Name: Arlene Fultz
John BURKITT/BURKETT and Anne MILLS had 4 daughters including Elizabeth "Eliza" BURKETT/BURKITT who married Capt. George WHITE before 1712 and had George WHITE, Jr. George WHITE, Jr. is the one you refer to in the following deed to William Jett: "William Jett of King George County, 50 acres from George White from the latter's grandfather, John Burkett, whose daughter, Eliza Burkett, was the mother of the said White, 1755."
George, Jr.'s father, Captain George WHITE (16??-1738) was the son of Thomas WHITE and his wife Jane of Westmoreland Co. The will of Capt. George White and that of his brother Capt. Daniel White were both in the lost King George Co. WB #1.
I hope that explains the relationships better.
1674-1677 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 1, Part 3; [John Frederick Dorman];
Pages 256-256a. Last day of Dec. 1675. Adam Wofendale of Rappahannock County stands indebted to Thomas White of Westmoreland County, mill Wright, 4255 pounds of tobacco to bee payd 10 December next. Mortgage of 525 acres formerly bought by mee of Wm. Balthrope. If Adam Wofendale pay 4255 pounds of tobacco, to be voyd.
Adam Wofendale
Wit: Anthony Bridges, Clerke, Jno. Freeston.
Last of Dec. 1675. Adam Wofendale appoint Mr. Anthony Bridges my atturney to acknowledge a sale of land to Mr. Thomas White.
Wit: John Freeston. Adam Wofendale
1682-1684 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 3 [John Frederick Dorman];
Page 315 [13 Feb. 1683/4]
Wm. Search in his lifetime did declare that his children after his decease should be disposed to Thomas White and Andrew Munroe. They assume in Court to give them good education as to teach them to reade and worke with the needle and doe other works belonginge to weomen. The Court order that Elenor the daughter of Wm. Search bee committed to the, tutorage of Thomas White and Agnes the other daughter of Serch to Andrew Munroe and that Elias Webb and Richd. Browne doe apprayse the estate of Serch. and bring an inventory to the next Court and give sufficient security.
1691-1692 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 1 [John Frederick Dorman];
Page 62a [25 May 1692]
Thomas Paicie was arrested to answer Henry Berry in an action. The plaintiff by Joshua Davies his attorney declares that he had dealings with Mr. James Fulwood of Exon [Exeter] merchant in the Kingdom of England in Jan. 1685/6 when he was last in this country and resident at the house of Mr. Thomas White on Appomatox Creek in this county. Your petitioner bought of Mr. James Fulwood severall goods and more particularly six chaires covered with kederminster stuff white and green and fringe of the value of £1.16.- sterling mony at the first cost in England and had bound and corded up the said chaires and put them on his horses with an intent to carry them home to his plantation in Rappahannock County and finding it troublesome and illconvenient carriage, the plaintiff was persuaded by Mr. Fulwood and Mr. Thomas White to leave them with Mr. Thomas White and send for them at some other convenience. The plaintiff left the six chaires with Mr. Thomas White and Fulwood promised in case any opportunity did permitt hee would send them to Mr. Malachi Peele's plantation on Machotegue. But Fulwood not at all regarding his promise, the plaintiff twelve months after with a neighbour in company went to Mr. Thomas White's and met Mr.-White at his mill and desired him to goe home with them and deliver the chaires, but Mr. White being urgent at work about his mill and could not goe home with Berry, but gave Berry a note to his wife for the six chaires to be delivered to Berry. But Mrs. White not regarding the commands of her husband as obedient wife ought to have don but refuseth to deliver the chaires, and night comeing on Berry went home. Some tyme after Mr. White dies. Mr. Thomas Paicie marries the widdow and executrix of Mr. Thomas White, in whose possession the chaires are and of whom the plaintiff hath many tymes demanded them, and Paicie refuseth to deliver them to the plaintiff, to his damage 500 pounds of tobacco.
The defendant aledged a percell of verbal stuff in lieu of a plea as if he knew nothing of the matter, but at length the whole matter being refer'd to the Court, after several evidences produced by the plaintiff were read and all matters fully heard on both, parts, it is the Court's oppinion and judgment is granted Henry Berry for the six chaires. Ordered Thomas Paicie doe imediately deliver the six chaires to Berry
=== note date!
1691-1699 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 2; [John Frederick Dorman-1801 transcript];
Page 78a. 15 Oct. 1685. Andrew Monroe do discharge Mr. Thomas White from all bills, bonds or other accounts due to me from Mr. Thomas Bookes.
Andrew Monroe
Wit: Darby Swillivant, Reuben Baley.
1696. Recorded. at Citation.1
Family | Jane Freke? b. b 1645, d. a 1692 |
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, Thomas White Bef 1637 - 1687 seen 5 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
Thomas Paise1
M, #99618, b. before 1645, d. after 3 December 1725
Last Edited | 5 Aug 2022 |
Thomas Paise was born before 1645.1 He married Jane Freke? circa 28 September 1687 at Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA,
Her 4th husband; his 1st wife.1 Thomas Paise married Mary (?) in 1714 at St. Mary's Parish, Richmond Co., Virginia, USA.2
Thomas Paise died after 3 December 1725 at King George Co., Virginia, USA; Date of Probate.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
1721-1752 King George County, Virginia Will Book A-1; [George Harrison Sanford King]; Page 32, 32a, 33
In the Name of God Amen. I Thomas Paise of Sittingbourne Parish in King George County in the Colony of Virginia do by these presents being in perfect health and memory make and ordaine this my Last Will and Testament revoking all others formerly made by me in manner and form followeth -
Item: My will is that all my debts be faithfully paid and discharged out of my Estate by my Executrix.
Item: I do give unto my sister Frances Curtis now but formerly Frances Hobbs One Hundred pounds Sterling money of England, fifty of it to be paid in a year or two after my decease and the other fifty to be paid at the decease of my Loving Wife and this money I do give unto my sister Frances Curtis and to her behoofs and heires forever.
Item: I do give unto Joseph Hampton two Thousand pounds of Tobacco or a Servant of fotr years to serve to him and his heires forever.
Item; My will is that all the rest of my Estate both real and personal in Stafford and in Rappahannock [River] with the provision that these Legacys be paid, I do give unto my Dear and Loving Wife to her and her Behoofs forever.
I do appoint my Loving Wife Mary Paise whole and sole Executrix & I do appoint Mr. Paul Micou, Sen if Liveing my feoffee in trust to see my Will performed and in case of mortality then Mr. Paul Micou, Jun
Item: I do give to my feoffee in trust Twenty Shillings to buy a Ring.
And in Testimony of the same within written Will I have hereunto set my hand and Seale this 9th day of November in the year of our Lord 1724.
Thomas Paise *Seale*
Signed Sealed and Delivered
in the presence of us.
[Witnesses all sign by mark]
Henry [H] Lock
Elizabeth [X] Stoffill
George [0] Stone
At a Court held for King George County on ye 3rd day of December 1725.
The Last Will and Testament of Thomas Paise, deceased, was presented into Court by Mary Paise, his wife, and Executrix who made Oath thereto and the same was also proved by the Oaths of George Stone and Elizabeth Stoffill two of the evidences thereto and is
Admitted to Record. a
Cop. Test.
T. Turner Cl: Cur:
KING GEORGE COUNTY VIRGINIA INVENTORIES;1721-1744 [Antient Press]; Pages 65-68
Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of THOMAS PAISE decd includes five negroes; a servant man named Gilbert Falloth; a servant boy named James Caton; a servant woman named Mary Jones; a considerable amount of material and goods; one silver watch; parcel of window glass .. items not valued ..
No recording information.
THOMAS PAISE of Sittingbourne Parish in King George County made his will on the 9th of November 1724. Wife MARY PAISE. Presented into court 3rd February 1725 (1726) by his widow, MARY PAISE, and ordered to be recorded.
Bond of MARY PAISE in the sum of 500 pounds sterling money of England dated 3rd December 1725. Bondsmen Nicholas Smith, Meredith Price.
1682-1686 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 7, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 41-43
THIS INDENTURE made this foreth day of June in the yeare of our Lord 1683 Between THOMAS PACE of the County of Rappa: in the Collony of Virginia and ALEXIA his Wife of one part and WILLIAM CLAPHAM of ye County aforesaid, Planter, of the other part Witnesseth that the said THOMAS PACE and ALEXIA his Wife for divers & valluable consideration them hereunto moving but more especially for the sume of Twenty five thousand pounds of Oronoka Tobb: and cask have sold unto the said WILLIAM CLAPHAM his heirs forever all that the plantation with all and singular its appnces. togeather with all houses buildings gardens woods to said plantation belonging being on the North side of Rappa: River contaying Three hundred and Twenty acres as by Survay thereof made and laid out relation being had may appeare for the sd THOMAS & ALEXIA and in the right of the said ALEXIA as her part of her deced Father, Capt. ALEXANDER FLEMINGs, land in three parts equally divided and by the said ALEXANDER FLEMING given by his last Will and Testament unto the said ALEXIA and her heirs forever as also all that her even and equal part a Pattent of 2750 acres of land being in the Freshes of Rappa: River on the South side as by the sd Pattent relation being had (and bearing date ye 17th of Aprill 1667) wch above recited Plantation with all its apptnces. is now in the occupation of the said THOMAS & ALEXIA his Wife and in the right of said ALEXIA To have and to hold the said Plantacon and all other the premises hereby sold unto said WILLIAM CLAPHAM his heires forever against them the said THOMAS & ALEXIA their heires or any other persons claying under them and forever defend and the said THOMAS PACE and ALEXIA doe hereby grant to execute due acknowledgmt. the before granted premises at the next Court held for County of Rappa: and there to be in rolled according to Statute in that case provided In Witness whereof the said THOMAS and ALEXIA have sett their hands and seales the day & yeare first above written
Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappa 6 die Junii 1683 et recordatr xii die
1682-1686 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 7, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 48-49
KNOW ALL MEN by these prsents that I ABRAHAM RAW of Sittingborn Parish in Rappa. County, Planter, doe hereby bind over my two Children, JOHN RAW and ANN RAW, apprentices unto THOMAS PACIE of ye sd Parish and County, Planter, untill ye said Children shall either of them fulfill ye age of one and twenty yeares fully to be compleat and ended the said THOMAS PACIE finding the sd Children convenient Lodging and Clothing during the said Terme; it is also further concluded that the said Children are hereby firmly bound unto the said THOMAS PACIE his heirs as apprentice Servant to doe all such lawfull employmt. as said THO: PACIE shall imploy them in during the above said terme, always provided that if the said ABRAHAM RAW shall satisfie the said THOMAS PACE within the space of two years next ensuing the value of Fifteen hundred weight of Tobb: yearely for the time ye said THOMAS PACE shall keep the said Children that then the said THOMAS PACE shall surrender up the said Children unto the said ABRAHAM RAW again. It is alsoe further covenanted that if the Children remaine in the service of the said THOMAS PACE then the said THOMAS PACE shall give the boy a Mare Colt with its increase and shall record the same for the boy within the space of six yeares next ensuing the date hereof. In Witness of the true performance of this Indented Obligation I have sett my hand and seale this Twentieth day of Febry. 1682
I do hereby constitute and appoint my trusty friend, ARTHUR SPICER Gent, my Attorney for me to acknowledge my agreement in binding over my Children, JOHN RAW and ANN RAW, as Apprentices unto THOMAS PACE as by the said obligation more at larg doth appeare As Witness my hand and seale this twentieth day of Febry. 1682/3
Recordatr xviii die Junii 1683
1682-1686 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 7, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 62-64
TO ALL XPIAN PEOPLE to whom this prsent Instrument of Writing shall come WILLIAM CLAPHAM and MARY his Wife send Greeting. Know yee that wee the said WILLIAM CLAPHAM and MARY for diverse good causes them hereunto especially moveing have granted unto THOMAS PACES [Paise] of Rapp.: and ALEXIA his Wife all that Plantacon with all and singular its apptnences, being in the Freshes of the Rappa: on the North side togeather with all houses buildings orchards woods pffitts & comodities to said Plantacon belonging conteyning Three hundred and Twenty acres be the same more or less as alsoe her equall part of Two thousand seaven hundred and fifty acres of land being on the South side in the Freshes of Rappa: River as by the sd Pattent (relation being thereunto had and bearing date the 17th of April 1667) all the before mentioned prmisses are now in ye tenure of the said THO: PACEE all which Plantacon lands was by him the said WILLIAM CLAPHAM of late purchased by Deed indented and inrolled in the County Court of Rappa: of the aforesd. THOMAS PACEE & ALEXIA his Wife as by a certain Indenture of Bargaine and Sale bearing date the fourth day of June 1683 relation being thereunto had may appeare To have and to hold the before mentioned prmisses with all their apptnces unto said THOMAS PACEE and ALEXIA his Wife and their heires forever more and the said WILLIAM CLAPHAM doth hereby promise to make a Livery of Seizen of all the before recited prmises and the said WILLIAM and MARY doe hereby agree that at the reasonable request of them to make all such acts as shall be advised for the further & more pfect. assurance of the hereby granted prmisses In Witness whereof the said WILLIAM & MARY have hereunto sett their hands and seales this thirtieth day of June 1683
Signed sealed and delivered in prsence of
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappa quinto die 7bris 1683
1691-1692 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 1 [John Frederick Dorman]; Page 10a [25 Feb. 1690/91]
Mr. Thomas Paicie by his petition to this Court setting forth that as marrieing the widdow and relict of Tho. White he became possessed with the estate and had the tutorshipp of Ellenor Search, an orphant, that Ellenor is lately intermarried to one Joseph Barker who of right ought to take the charge and care. of the said Ellenor's estate and discharge your petitioner from the: same, yet refuseth so to do, and for that part of the estate consists in, cattle, horses and other perishable goods, the said Paicie humbly prayed this. Court's order to be discharged thereof. Ordered that Thomas Paicie doe in the presence of some of his neighbours make tender of the said Ellenor's. estate to. Joseph Barker and if Joseph Barker shall refuse to accept thereof and to give Paicie a discharge, then if any dainage happen to any part of the perishable estate after: Paicie shall give Barker due notice of this order, such . loss or damage :shall be the proper loss and damage 'of the said Joseph Barker.
1691-1692 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 1 [John Frederick Dorman]; Page lla [25 Feb. 1690/91].
Thomas Paicie [Paise] was arrested to answer Ambrose Daniel in, a plea and declared against him for detaining several carpenter's and joyner's workeing tooles from him. Defendant by Arthur Spicer his attorney pleaded not guilty. Ordered that Daniel doe make Mr. Paicie such a cupboard as by their agreement hee ought to doe and that Mr. Paicie when requested by Daniel show Daniel all his carpenter's and joyner's tools and what of the tools Daniel shall upon his oath declare to be, his proper tools, Paicie is hereby ordered to deliver to Daniel imediately.
1691-1692 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 1 [John Frederick Dorman];
Page 38a [29 Sept. 1691]
Upon the petition of Tho. Bukock [Boocock/Bowcock] son of Tho. Bucock late of this county, it is ordered that Mr. Thomas Paiciey [Paise] father in law to the said Bucock doe deliver unto Buckock all the estate left him by his father's last will, hee haveing made due proof that he is of age.
1691-1692 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 1 [John Frederick Dorman];
Page 62a [25 May 1692]
Thomas Paicie was arrested to answer Henry Berry in an action. The plaintiff by Joshua Davies his attorney declares that he had dealings with Mr. James Fulwood of Exon [Exeter] merchant in the Kingdom of England in Jan. 1685/6 when he was last in this country and resident at the house of Mr. Thomas White on Appomatox Creek in this county. Your petitioner bought of Mr. James Fulwood severall goods and more particularly six chaires covered with kederminster stuff white and green and fringe of the value of £1.16.- sterling mony at the first cost in England and had bound and corded up the said chaires and put them on his horses with an intent to carry them home to his plantation in Rappahannock County and finding it troublesome and illconvenient carriage, the plaintiff was persuaded by Mr. Fulwood and Mr. Thomas White to leave them with Mr. Thomas White and send for them at some other convenience. The plaintiff left the six chaires with Mr. Thomas White and Fulwood promised in case any opportunity did permitt hee would send them to Mr. Malachi Peele's plantation on Machotegue. But Fulwood not at all regarding his promise, the plaintiff twelve months after with a neighbour in company went to Mr. Thomas White's and met Mr.-White at his mill and desired him to goe home with them and deliver the chaires, but Mr. White being urgent at work about his mill and could not goe home with Berry, but gave Berry a note to his wife for the six chaires to be delivered to Berry. But Mrs. White not regarding the commands of her husband as obedient wife ought to have don but refuseth to deliver the chaires, and night comeing on Berry went home. Some tyme after Mr. White dies. Mr. Thomas Paicie marries the widdow and executrix of Mr. Thomas White, in whose possession the chaires are and of whom the plaintiff hath many tymes demanded them, and Paicie refuseth to deliver them to the plaintiff, to his damage 500 pounds of tobacco.
The defendant aledged a percell of verbal stuff in lieu of a plea as if he knew nothing of the matter, but at length the whole matter being refer'd to the Court, after several evidences produced by the plaintiff were read and all matters fully heard on both, parts, it is the Court's oppinion and judgment is granted Henry Berry for the six chaires. Ordered Thomas Paicie doe imediately deliver the six chaires to Berry
1692-1693 Richmond County, Virginia Deed Book 1 [Antient Press]; Page 38-45)
THIS INDENTURE made the Sixth day of Septembr: 1692 and in the third yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady William & Mary, King & Queen &c., Between THO: PACE of RAPPAHANNOCK County in Virginia, Plantr: and JANE his Wife, and ROWLAND THORTON of the same County, Plantr, & ELIZA: his Wife, one of the Daughters of ALEXANDR: FLEMING deced of the one part and FRAN: THORNTON of the same County, Gent., of the other part Witnesseth that the sd. THO: PACE & JANE his Wife, ROWLAND THORNTON & ELIZ: his Wife as well in consideracon of the sum of Five Shillings Sterling money to them in hand paid by the sd FRAN: THORNTON as for divers other good causes have and either of them hath granted unto the sd FRAN: THORNTON his heirs & assignes forever all that Plantacon, tract or parcell of Land conteyning Three hundred and twenty acres as it is now in the terme or occupation of the sd THOMAS situate & being on the River side on the North side of the Rappa: River in the County aforesd., And is that part of the divident of Nine hundred & sixty acres of Land given by the sd ALEXR: FLEMING betwixt his Wife & two Children with Three hundred & twenty acres wch: was the devident allotted to the sd THO: PACE and ALEXIA, his late Wife, the other of the Daughters of the sd ALEXANDER as by the Platt & Devident made by EDWIN CONWAY, Surveyor, WARWICK CAMOCK, FRAN: STONE, WM: CLAPHAM, FRAN: STERNE & DAVID STERNE will more fully appeare; And all ways waters profitts whatsoever to the sd land belonging and all woods and houses orchards buildings and all the Estate, right of them the said THO. PACE & JANE his Wife. ROWLAND THORNTON & ELIZ: ROWLAND THORTON & ELIZ: his Wife, their heirs shall & may from the death or departure out of this life of the sd THO: PACE & JANE his Wife have & enjoy all the premises granted without the trouble by the heirs or assigns of the said THOMAS & JANE or any other persons claiming under him or either of them and that the sd ROWLAND THORN- TON for himself & the sd ELIZ: his Wife, doth promise with the sd FRAN; THORNTON his heirs & assigns that they the sd THO: PACE & JANE his Wife & their assigns shall during their natural lifes & the life of the longest liver of them lawfully hold & enjoy all the before granted Land & premises without molestacon of sd ROWLAND THORNTON & ELIZ: his Wife, and the sd ROWLAND THORNTON for himself & the sd ELIZ: his Wife and the sd THO: PACE for himself & the sd JANE his Wife do covenant with the sd FRAN: THORNTON his heirs that they will at the next Court that shall be held for RAPPAHANNOCK County before their Majesties Justices for the Peace then sitting acknowledge this pr:sent Indenture to the intent it may be enrolled amongst the Records of the sd County In Witness whereof the sd parties have sett their hands & seals
Signed sealed & delivered in presence of
Recognitr in Cur Com Richmond 7 die 7ber: 1692
1697-1701 Richmond County, Virginia Deed Book 3; Part 1 [Antient Press]; Page 59-60
THIS INDENTURE made the first day of July in the yeare of our Lord 1699, and in the Eleventh yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord King William &c.. Nowv Know yee that I ROWLAND THORNTON & ELIZABETH my Wife for a valuable consideracon in hand paid or secured to be paid by THOMAS PACEY of the aforesaid Parish & County Gent. have granted unto him the said THOMAS PAISE his heires or assignes forever one tract of Land conteyning Three hundred & twenty acres more or less scituate lying & being in the aforesaid Parish & County being part of a devident of Land left by Capt. ALEXANDER FLEMING to be equally devided between JOYCE his Wife & his two daughters, ALICIA & ELIZABETH, it being by Order of Court divided according to the said FLEMMINGs Will, the abovesaid THOMAS PAISIE Marrying ALICIA & she dying without issue, it fell unto ELIZABETH, the Wife of ROWLAND THORNTON, it being the Devident of land where the said PAISIE now liveth on, Together with all edifices woods & appurtinances whatsoever, To have & to hold the said Tract of Land to him the said THOMAS PAISIE his heires & assignes forever, And the said ROWLAND THORNTON and ELIZABETH his Wife for ourselves our heires do grant to warrant to defend the said Land from the claimes of any manner of persons that the said ROWLAND THORNTON & ELIZABETH his Wife covenant to give better assurance as by Councell learned in the Law shall be advised unto him the said THOMAS PAICIE his heires & assignes paying the yearly fee Rent due for the same In Witness whereof wee have hereunto sett our hands & fixed our seals the day & year above written
Signed sealed & delivered in pr:sence of us
Recognitr: in Cur Com Richmond p ROWLAND THORNTON et ELIZABETH 5th die Julii Ano: Dom; 1699 et record 22d die Test WM: COLSTON, Cl Cur
1726-1729 King George County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part 2; [Antient Press]; Page 431-433
Indenture lst/2nd March 1726 between WILLIAM ROBINSON of Parish of Sittenbourn King George County Gent. and THOMAS VIVION of same Gent. .. by deeds of lease and release .. for Two hundred pounds of Lawfull money of England sold 320 acres being the plantation in possession of THOMAS PAINE Deced with the express proviso and condition that if MARY the now wife of the said THOMAS VIVION shall survive or be the longest liver .. that she shall without any trouble .. occupy the said plantation .. during the term of her natural life .. which said plantation is part of a tract left by ALEXANDER ffLEMING to ALASTIA his Daughter and for want of heirs of her descended to ELIZABETH THORNTON her Sister who by Deed 1st July 1699 sold to THOMAS PAISE who by his last Will did bequeath the same unto MARY his wife who by Deed of Release dated 8th December last past did convey unto WILLIAM ROBINSON ..
5th May 1727 .. Deed of Release recorded. William Robinson
1691-1699 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 2; [John Frederick Dorman-1801 transcript];
Page 78. 22 March 1689. William Monroe doe discharge Thomas Paice [Paise] from all bills, bonds or any other accounts due unto me from Mr. Thomas Bowcock estate as marrying his daughter Margarett Bowcock,
William Munroe
Wit: Thos. Bowcock, John Jackson.
1691-1699 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 2; [John Frederick Dorman-1801 transcript];
Page 78a. 12 Dec. 1694. Thomas Bowcock do acquitt and discharge my father in law Thomas Paice [Paise] from all debts, dues and demands as was left me by my father's will.
Thomas Bowcock
Wit: Mary Bowcock.
1722-1728 Stafford County, Virginia Deed Book J; [Antient Press]; Page 476-480
This Indenture made 2nd and 3rd October 1727 between THOMAS VIVION Gent. and MARY his wife of Sittingbourne Parish King George County and WILLIAM ROBISON Gent. of afsd .. by deeds of lease & release for sum Sixty pounds of Lawful mony of England have sold 134 acres in Parish of St. Pauls county of stafford bounded beginning at a chesnut oak standing in the bottom of a valley by the side of a branch running down to Machotique dam and to Jordan's BRIDGE & so according to several Courses as they are mentioned in certain deed granted by THOMAS LEE Agent for the proprietors of the northern neck to THOMAS PAISE & MARY his wife dated 31st January 1714 said 134 acres was Patented by ANDREW CHAMBERS the 5th Octobr 1695 and devised by the said Chambers Last Will unto JOHN HEAD & by the said Head conveyed to JOHN LILLEY by deed dated 9th April 1706 and the said Lilly dyeing without heir or making any disposition whereof the same land escheated to the Proprietors who by their deed the 31st day nf January 1714 granted the same to Thomas Paise & Mary his wife now MARY VIVION party to these presents ..
Presence Max Robinson, Thos. Vivion
Charles Deane, Hugh Roberts Mary x Vivion
At Court held for Stafford County 11th October 1727 Thomas Vivion & Mary
his wife acknnwledged their deeds of lease & release (the said Mary being first privately ellamined) .. admitted to record.
=== ?
1714 Richmond County, Virginia Deed Book 6, Part 2 [Antient Press]; Page 201)
Richmond County Court 5th of May 1714
- THOMAS BALEY this day petitioned the Court for his Freedom and THOMAS PAISE who claims him as his Servant, appeared in Court. On hearing the arguments of both partys, it is the opinion of the Court and accordingly ordered that THOMAS BALEY be free
1755-1765 Stafford County, Virginia Deed Book P; [Antient Press]; Page 50-55
This indenture made 6th and 7 August 1755 between Thomas Vivion King George County, gentleman and Walter Williamson of County Stafford, gentleman by deeds of lease and release for some 100 pounds current money of Virginia have sold 180 acres (excepting 34 acres sold by the said Thomas Vivion to John Short, gentleman, 4 & 5 days of August) being the land formerly sold by Joseph King unto John Pratt the younger and John Lilley which John Pratt the younger by his deed Poll 12 June 1710 conveyed 100 acres part of the above unto John Lilley and said Lilley dying without issue or any air or making disposition the same escheated to the proprietors of the Northern Neck of Virginia by deeds 29th of January 1714 granted land belonging to Lilley to Thomas Paist and Mary his wife who intermarried with the said Thomas Vivion who by their deeds 2/3 October 1727 conveyed the same to William Robinson who by his deed lease and release 1/2 September 1729 sold to Thomas Vivion which land and bounded beginning at a crooked hickory standing by the road to a marked black Walnut in the head of a branch ... Thence according to the several courses mentioned in a certain deed granted by Thomas Lee, agent for the proprietors ... to Thomas Paise & Mary his wife. Signed Thomas Vivion in the presence of William Bernard, William Rowley, Richard Foote, John Short
George the Second to John Taliferro, William Rowley and Samuel Skinker of County King George, gentlemen, greetings. Whereas Thomas Vivion and Jane his wife of County King George by their deed 7 August 1755 did grant unto Walter Williamson of Stafford County 146 acres. Whereas said James is unable to travel to our county court of Stanford in her proper person to acknowledge the said deed, we do give you full power to receive the acknowledgment and we do command you personally to go to Jane and receive her acknowledgment whether she doth same freely and when you have received her acknowledgment do certify us in our court of Stafford sending then and there the said deeds and this writ. Witnesses Henry Tyler, clerk of our said court this 12th of July in the 29th year of our reign, Henry Tyler
King George County, to wit. By virtue of the within writ we have examined Jane wife of Thomas Vivion apart from her husband and do certify that the said Jane voluntarily considered to the recording 7th of August 1755, John Taliferro, William Rowley
=== llection=NN Grant
Title Paise, Thomas.
Publication 1 April 1707.
Other Format Available on microfilm. Northern Neck Grants, reels 288-311.
Note Location: Richmond County.
Description: 320 acres beginning by Rappahannock River side, and in the dividing line between this land and that part laid out for Mr. Flemings Widow.
Source: Northern Neck Grants No. 3, 1703-1710, p. 162 (Reel 288). at Citation.1
Her 4th husband; his 1st wife.1 Thomas Paise married Mary (?) in 1714 at St. Mary's Parish, Richmond Co., Virginia, USA.2
Thomas Paise died after 3 December 1725 at King George Co., Virginia, USA; Date of Probate.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
1721-1752 King George County, Virginia Will Book A-1; [George Harrison Sanford King]; Page 32, 32a, 33
In the Name of God Amen. I Thomas Paise of Sittingbourne Parish in King George County in the Colony of Virginia do by these presents being in perfect health and memory make and ordaine this my Last Will and Testament revoking all others formerly made by me in manner and form followeth -
Item: My will is that all my debts be faithfully paid and discharged out of my Estate by my Executrix.
Item: I do give unto my sister Frances Curtis now but formerly Frances Hobbs One Hundred pounds Sterling money of England, fifty of it to be paid in a year or two after my decease and the other fifty to be paid at the decease of my Loving Wife and this money I do give unto my sister Frances Curtis and to her behoofs and heires forever.
Item: I do give unto Joseph Hampton two Thousand pounds of Tobacco or a Servant of fotr years to serve to him and his heires forever.
Item; My will is that all the rest of my Estate both real and personal in Stafford and in Rappahannock [River] with the provision that these Legacys be paid, I do give unto my Dear and Loving Wife to her and her Behoofs forever.
I do appoint my Loving Wife Mary Paise whole and sole Executrix & I do appoint Mr. Paul Micou, Sen if Liveing my feoffee in trust to see my Will performed and in case of mortality then Mr. Paul Micou, Jun
Item: I do give to my feoffee in trust Twenty Shillings to buy a Ring.
And in Testimony of the same within written Will I have hereunto set my hand and Seale this 9th day of November in the year of our Lord 1724.
Thomas Paise *Seale*
Signed Sealed and Delivered
in the presence of us.
[Witnesses all sign by mark]
Henry [H] Lock
Elizabeth [X] Stoffill
George [0] Stone
At a Court held for King George County on ye 3rd day of December 1725.
The Last Will and Testament of Thomas Paise, deceased, was presented into Court by Mary Paise, his wife, and Executrix who made Oath thereto and the same was also proved by the Oaths of George Stone and Elizabeth Stoffill two of the evidences thereto and is
Admitted to Record. a
Cop. Test.
T. Turner Cl: Cur:
KING GEORGE COUNTY VIRGINIA INVENTORIES;1721-1744 [Antient Press]; Pages 65-68
Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of THOMAS PAISE decd includes five negroes; a servant man named Gilbert Falloth; a servant boy named James Caton; a servant woman named Mary Jones; a considerable amount of material and goods; one silver watch; parcel of window glass .. items not valued ..
No recording information.
THOMAS PAISE of Sittingbourne Parish in King George County made his will on the 9th of November 1724. Wife MARY PAISE. Presented into court 3rd February 1725 (1726) by his widow, MARY PAISE, and ordered to be recorded.
Bond of MARY PAISE in the sum of 500 pounds sterling money of England dated 3rd December 1725. Bondsmen Nicholas Smith, Meredith Price.
1682-1686 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 7, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 41-43
THIS INDENTURE made this foreth day of June in the yeare of our Lord 1683 Between THOMAS PACE of the County of Rappa: in the Collony of Virginia and ALEXIA his Wife of one part and WILLIAM CLAPHAM of ye County aforesaid, Planter, of the other part Witnesseth that the said THOMAS PACE and ALEXIA his Wife for divers & valluable consideration them hereunto moving but more especially for the sume of Twenty five thousand pounds of Oronoka Tobb: and cask have sold unto the said WILLIAM CLAPHAM his heirs forever all that the plantation with all and singular its appnces. togeather with all houses buildings gardens woods to said plantation belonging being on the North side of Rappa: River contaying Three hundred and Twenty acres as by Survay thereof made and laid out relation being had may appeare for the sd THOMAS & ALEXIA and in the right of the said ALEXIA as her part of her deced Father, Capt. ALEXANDER FLEMINGs, land in three parts equally divided and by the said ALEXANDER FLEMING given by his last Will and Testament unto the said ALEXIA and her heirs forever as also all that her even and equal part a Pattent of 2750 acres of land being in the Freshes of Rappa: River on the South side as by the sd Pattent relation being had (and bearing date ye 17th of Aprill 1667) wch above recited Plantation with all its apptnces. is now in the occupation of the said THOMAS & ALEXIA his Wife and in the right of said ALEXIA To have and to hold the said Plantacon and all other the premises hereby sold unto said WILLIAM CLAPHAM his heires forever against them the said THOMAS & ALEXIA their heires or any other persons claying under them and forever defend and the said THOMAS PACE and ALEXIA doe hereby grant to execute due acknowledgmt. the before granted premises at the next Court held for County of Rappa: and there to be in rolled according to Statute in that case provided In Witness whereof the said THOMAS and ALEXIA have sett their hands and seales the day & yeare first above written
Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappa 6 die Junii 1683 et recordatr xii die
1682-1686 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 7, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 48-49
KNOW ALL MEN by these prsents that I ABRAHAM RAW of Sittingborn Parish in Rappa. County, Planter, doe hereby bind over my two Children, JOHN RAW and ANN RAW, apprentices unto THOMAS PACIE of ye sd Parish and County, Planter, untill ye said Children shall either of them fulfill ye age of one and twenty yeares fully to be compleat and ended the said THOMAS PACIE finding the sd Children convenient Lodging and Clothing during the said Terme; it is also further concluded that the said Children are hereby firmly bound unto the said THOMAS PACIE his heirs as apprentice Servant to doe all such lawfull employmt. as said THO: PACIE shall imploy them in during the above said terme, always provided that if the said ABRAHAM RAW shall satisfie the said THOMAS PACE within the space of two years next ensuing the value of Fifteen hundred weight of Tobb: yearely for the time ye said THOMAS PACE shall keep the said Children that then the said THOMAS PACE shall surrender up the said Children unto the said ABRAHAM RAW again. It is alsoe further covenanted that if the Children remaine in the service of the said THOMAS PACE then the said THOMAS PACE shall give the boy a Mare Colt with its increase and shall record the same for the boy within the space of six yeares next ensuing the date hereof. In Witness of the true performance of this Indented Obligation I have sett my hand and seale this Twentieth day of Febry. 1682
I do hereby constitute and appoint my trusty friend, ARTHUR SPICER Gent, my Attorney for me to acknowledge my agreement in binding over my Children, JOHN RAW and ANN RAW, as Apprentices unto THOMAS PACE as by the said obligation more at larg doth appeare As Witness my hand and seale this twentieth day of Febry. 1682/3
Recordatr xviii die Junii 1683
1682-1686 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed Book 7, Part I; [Antient Press]; Page 62-64
TO ALL XPIAN PEOPLE to whom this prsent Instrument of Writing shall come WILLIAM CLAPHAM and MARY his Wife send Greeting. Know yee that wee the said WILLIAM CLAPHAM and MARY for diverse good causes them hereunto especially moveing have granted unto THOMAS PACES [Paise] of Rapp.: and ALEXIA his Wife all that Plantacon with all and singular its apptnences, being in the Freshes of the Rappa: on the North side togeather with all houses buildings orchards woods pffitts & comodities to said Plantacon belonging conteyning Three hundred and Twenty acres be the same more or less as alsoe her equall part of Two thousand seaven hundred and fifty acres of land being on the South side in the Freshes of Rappa: River as by the sd Pattent (relation being thereunto had and bearing date the 17th of April 1667) all the before mentioned prmisses are now in ye tenure of the said THO: PACEE all which Plantacon lands was by him the said WILLIAM CLAPHAM of late purchased by Deed indented and inrolled in the County Court of Rappa: of the aforesd. THOMAS PACEE & ALEXIA his Wife as by a certain Indenture of Bargaine and Sale bearing date the fourth day of June 1683 relation being thereunto had may appeare To have and to hold the before mentioned prmisses with all their apptnces unto said THOMAS PACEE and ALEXIA his Wife and their heires forever more and the said WILLIAM CLAPHAM doth hereby promise to make a Livery of Seizen of all the before recited prmises and the said WILLIAM and MARY doe hereby agree that at the reasonable request of them to make all such acts as shall be advised for the further & more pfect. assurance of the hereby granted prmisses In Witness whereof the said WILLIAM & MARY have hereunto sett their hands and seales this thirtieth day of June 1683
Signed sealed and delivered in prsence of
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappa quinto die 7bris 1683
1691-1692 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 1 [John Frederick Dorman]; Page 10a [25 Feb. 1690/91]
Mr. Thomas Paicie by his petition to this Court setting forth that as marrieing the widdow and relict of Tho. White he became possessed with the estate and had the tutorshipp of Ellenor Search, an orphant, that Ellenor is lately intermarried to one Joseph Barker who of right ought to take the charge and care. of the said Ellenor's estate and discharge your petitioner from the: same, yet refuseth so to do, and for that part of the estate consists in, cattle, horses and other perishable goods, the said Paicie humbly prayed this. Court's order to be discharged thereof. Ordered that Thomas Paicie doe in the presence of some of his neighbours make tender of the said Ellenor's. estate to. Joseph Barker and if Joseph Barker shall refuse to accept thereof and to give Paicie a discharge, then if any dainage happen to any part of the perishable estate after: Paicie shall give Barker due notice of this order, such . loss or damage :shall be the proper loss and damage 'of the said Joseph Barker.
1691-1692 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 1 [John Frederick Dorman]; Page lla [25 Feb. 1690/91].
Thomas Paicie [Paise] was arrested to answer Ambrose Daniel in, a plea and declared against him for detaining several carpenter's and joyner's workeing tooles from him. Defendant by Arthur Spicer his attorney pleaded not guilty. Ordered that Daniel doe make Mr. Paicie such a cupboard as by their agreement hee ought to doe and that Mr. Paicie when requested by Daniel show Daniel all his carpenter's and joyner's tools and what of the tools Daniel shall upon his oath declare to be, his proper tools, Paicie is hereby ordered to deliver to Daniel imediately.
1691-1692 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 1 [John Frederick Dorman];
Page 38a [29 Sept. 1691]
Upon the petition of Tho. Bukock [Boocock/Bowcock] son of Tho. Bucock late of this county, it is ordered that Mr. Thomas Paiciey [Paise] father in law to the said Bucock doe deliver unto Buckock all the estate left him by his father's last will, hee haveing made due proof that he is of age.
1691-1692 Westmoreland County, Virginia Order Book, Part 1 [John Frederick Dorman];
Page 62a [25 May 1692]
Thomas Paicie was arrested to answer Henry Berry in an action. The plaintiff by Joshua Davies his attorney declares that he had dealings with Mr. James Fulwood of Exon [Exeter] merchant in the Kingdom of England in Jan. 1685/6 when he was last in this country and resident at the house of Mr. Thomas White on Appomatox Creek in this county. Your petitioner bought of Mr. James Fulwood severall goods and more particularly six chaires covered with kederminster stuff white and green and fringe of the value of £1.16.- sterling mony at the first cost in England and had bound and corded up the said chaires and put them on his horses with an intent to carry them home to his plantation in Rappahannock County and finding it troublesome and illconvenient carriage, the plaintiff was persuaded by Mr. Fulwood and Mr. Thomas White to leave them with Mr. Thomas White and send for them at some other convenience. The plaintiff left the six chaires with Mr. Thomas White and Fulwood promised in case any opportunity did permitt hee would send them to Mr. Malachi Peele's plantation on Machotegue. But Fulwood not at all regarding his promise, the plaintiff twelve months after with a neighbour in company went to Mr. Thomas White's and met Mr.-White at his mill and desired him to goe home with them and deliver the chaires, but Mr. White being urgent at work about his mill and could not goe home with Berry, but gave Berry a note to his wife for the six chaires to be delivered to Berry. But Mrs. White not regarding the commands of her husband as obedient wife ought to have don but refuseth to deliver the chaires, and night comeing on Berry went home. Some tyme after Mr. White dies. Mr. Thomas Paicie marries the widdow and executrix of Mr. Thomas White, in whose possession the chaires are and of whom the plaintiff hath many tymes demanded them, and Paicie refuseth to deliver them to the plaintiff, to his damage 500 pounds of tobacco.
The defendant aledged a percell of verbal stuff in lieu of a plea as if he knew nothing of the matter, but at length the whole matter being refer'd to the Court, after several evidences produced by the plaintiff were read and all matters fully heard on both, parts, it is the Court's oppinion and judgment is granted Henry Berry for the six chaires. Ordered Thomas Paicie doe imediately deliver the six chaires to Berry
1692-1693 Richmond County, Virginia Deed Book 1 [Antient Press]; Page 38-45)
THIS INDENTURE made the Sixth day of Septembr: 1692 and in the third yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady William & Mary, King & Queen &c., Between THO: PACE of RAPPAHANNOCK County in Virginia, Plantr: and JANE his Wife, and ROWLAND THORTON of the same County, Plantr, & ELIZA: his Wife, one of the Daughters of ALEXANDR: FLEMING deced of the one part and FRAN: THORNTON of the same County, Gent., of the other part Witnesseth that the sd. THO: PACE & JANE his Wife, ROWLAND THORNTON & ELIZ: his Wife as well in consideracon of the sum of Five Shillings Sterling money to them in hand paid by the sd FRAN: THORNTON as for divers other good causes have and either of them hath granted unto the sd FRAN: THORNTON his heirs & assignes forever all that Plantacon, tract or parcell of Land conteyning Three hundred and twenty acres as it is now in the terme or occupation of the sd THOMAS situate & being on the River side on the North side of the Rappa: River in the County aforesd., And is that part of the divident of Nine hundred & sixty acres of Land given by the sd ALEXR: FLEMING betwixt his Wife & two Children with Three hundred & twenty acres wch: was the devident allotted to the sd THO: PACE and ALEXIA, his late Wife, the other of the Daughters of the sd ALEXANDER as by the Platt & Devident made by EDWIN CONWAY, Surveyor, WARWICK CAMOCK, FRAN: STONE, WM: CLAPHAM, FRAN: STERNE & DAVID STERNE will more fully appeare; And all ways waters profitts whatsoever to the sd land belonging and all woods and houses orchards buildings and all the Estate, right of them the said THO. PACE & JANE his Wife. ROWLAND THORNTON & ELIZ: ROWLAND THORTON & ELIZ: his Wife, their heirs shall & may from the death or departure out of this life of the sd THO: PACE & JANE his Wife have & enjoy all the premises granted without the trouble by the heirs or assigns of the said THOMAS & JANE or any other persons claiming under him or either of them and that the sd ROWLAND THORN- TON for himself & the sd ELIZ: his Wife, doth promise with the sd FRAN; THORNTON his heirs & assigns that they the sd THO: PACE & JANE his Wife & their assigns shall during their natural lifes & the life of the longest liver of them lawfully hold & enjoy all the before granted Land & premises without molestacon of sd ROWLAND THORNTON & ELIZ: his Wife, and the sd ROWLAND THORNTON for himself & the sd ELIZ: his Wife and the sd THO: PACE for himself & the sd JANE his Wife do covenant with the sd FRAN: THORNTON his heirs that they will at the next Court that shall be held for RAPPAHANNOCK County before their Majesties Justices for the Peace then sitting acknowledge this pr:sent Indenture to the intent it may be enrolled amongst the Records of the sd County In Witness whereof the sd parties have sett their hands & seals
Signed sealed & delivered in presence of
Recognitr in Cur Com Richmond 7 die 7ber: 1692
1697-1701 Richmond County, Virginia Deed Book 3; Part 1 [Antient Press]; Page 59-60
THIS INDENTURE made the first day of July in the yeare of our Lord 1699, and in the Eleventh yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord King William &c.. Nowv Know yee that I ROWLAND THORNTON & ELIZABETH my Wife for a valuable consideracon in hand paid or secured to be paid by THOMAS PACEY of the aforesaid Parish & County Gent. have granted unto him the said THOMAS PAISE his heires or assignes forever one tract of Land conteyning Three hundred & twenty acres more or less scituate lying & being in the aforesaid Parish & County being part of a devident of Land left by Capt. ALEXANDER FLEMING to be equally devided between JOYCE his Wife & his two daughters, ALICIA & ELIZABETH, it being by Order of Court divided according to the said FLEMMINGs Will, the abovesaid THOMAS PAISIE Marrying ALICIA & she dying without issue, it fell unto ELIZABETH, the Wife of ROWLAND THORNTON, it being the Devident of land where the said PAISIE now liveth on, Together with all edifices woods & appurtinances whatsoever, To have & to hold the said Tract of Land to him the said THOMAS PAISIE his heires & assignes forever, And the said ROWLAND THORNTON and ELIZABETH his Wife for ourselves our heires do grant to warrant to defend the said Land from the claimes of any manner of persons that the said ROWLAND THORNTON & ELIZABETH his Wife covenant to give better assurance as by Councell learned in the Law shall be advised unto him the said THOMAS PAICIE his heires & assignes paying the yearly fee Rent due for the same In Witness whereof wee have hereunto sett our hands & fixed our seals the day & year above written
Signed sealed & delivered in pr:sence of us
Recognitr: in Cur Com Richmond p ROWLAND THORNTON et ELIZABETH 5th die Julii Ano: Dom; 1699 et record 22d die Test WM: COLSTON, Cl Cur
1726-1729 King George County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part 2; [Antient Press]; Page 431-433
Indenture lst/2nd March 1726 between WILLIAM ROBINSON of Parish of Sittenbourn King George County Gent. and THOMAS VIVION of same Gent. .. by deeds of lease and release .. for Two hundred pounds of Lawfull money of England sold 320 acres being the plantation in possession of THOMAS PAINE Deced with the express proviso and condition that if MARY the now wife of the said THOMAS VIVION shall survive or be the longest liver .. that she shall without any trouble .. occupy the said plantation .. during the term of her natural life .. which said plantation is part of a tract left by ALEXANDER ffLEMING to ALASTIA his Daughter and for want of heirs of her descended to ELIZABETH THORNTON her Sister who by Deed 1st July 1699 sold to THOMAS PAISE who by his last Will did bequeath the same unto MARY his wife who by Deed of Release dated 8th December last past did convey unto WILLIAM ROBINSON ..
5th May 1727 .. Deed of Release recorded. William Robinson
1691-1699 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 2; [John Frederick Dorman-1801 transcript];
Page 78. 22 March 1689. William Monroe doe discharge Thomas Paice [Paise] from all bills, bonds or any other accounts due unto me from Mr. Thomas Bowcock estate as marrying his daughter Margarett Bowcock,
William Munroe
Wit: Thos. Bowcock, John Jackson.
1691-1699 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds-Wills No. 2; [John Frederick Dorman-1801 transcript];
Page 78a. 12 Dec. 1694. Thomas Bowcock do acquitt and discharge my father in law Thomas Paice [Paise] from all debts, dues and demands as was left me by my father's will.
Thomas Bowcock
Wit: Mary Bowcock.
1722-1728 Stafford County, Virginia Deed Book J; [Antient Press]; Page 476-480
This Indenture made 2nd and 3rd October 1727 between THOMAS VIVION Gent. and MARY his wife of Sittingbourne Parish King George County and WILLIAM ROBISON Gent. of afsd .. by deeds of lease & release for sum Sixty pounds of Lawful mony of England have sold 134 acres in Parish of St. Pauls county of stafford bounded beginning at a chesnut oak standing in the bottom of a valley by the side of a branch running down to Machotique dam and to Jordan's BRIDGE & so according to several Courses as they are mentioned in certain deed granted by THOMAS LEE Agent for the proprietors of the northern neck to THOMAS PAISE & MARY his wife dated 31st January 1714 said 134 acres was Patented by ANDREW CHAMBERS the 5th Octobr 1695 and devised by the said Chambers Last Will unto JOHN HEAD & by the said Head conveyed to JOHN LILLEY by deed dated 9th April 1706 and the said Lilly dyeing without heir or making any disposition whereof the same land escheated to the Proprietors who by their deed the 31st day nf January 1714 granted the same to Thomas Paise & Mary his wife now MARY VIVION party to these presents ..
Presence Max Robinson, Thos. Vivion
Charles Deane, Hugh Roberts Mary x Vivion
At Court held for Stafford County 11th October 1727 Thomas Vivion & Mary
his wife acknnwledged their deeds of lease & release (the said Mary being first privately ellamined) .. admitted to record.
=== ?
1714 Richmond County, Virginia Deed Book 6, Part 2 [Antient Press]; Page 201)
Richmond County Court 5th of May 1714
- THOMAS BALEY this day petitioned the Court for his Freedom and THOMAS PAISE who claims him as his Servant, appeared in Court. On hearing the arguments of both partys, it is the opinion of the Court and accordingly ordered that THOMAS BALEY be free
1755-1765 Stafford County, Virginia Deed Book P; [Antient Press]; Page 50-55
This indenture made 6th and 7 August 1755 between Thomas Vivion King George County, gentleman and Walter Williamson of County Stafford, gentleman by deeds of lease and release for some 100 pounds current money of Virginia have sold 180 acres (excepting 34 acres sold by the said Thomas Vivion to John Short, gentleman, 4 & 5 days of August) being the land formerly sold by Joseph King unto John Pratt the younger and John Lilley which John Pratt the younger by his deed Poll 12 June 1710 conveyed 100 acres part of the above unto John Lilley and said Lilley dying without issue or any air or making disposition the same escheated to the proprietors of the Northern Neck of Virginia by deeds 29th of January 1714 granted land belonging to Lilley to Thomas Paist and Mary his wife who intermarried with the said Thomas Vivion who by their deeds 2/3 October 1727 conveyed the same to William Robinson who by his deed lease and release 1/2 September 1729 sold to Thomas Vivion which land and bounded beginning at a crooked hickory standing by the road to a marked black Walnut in the head of a branch ... Thence according to the several courses mentioned in a certain deed granted by Thomas Lee, agent for the proprietors ... to Thomas Paise & Mary his wife. Signed Thomas Vivion in the presence of William Bernard, William Rowley, Richard Foote, John Short
George the Second to John Taliferro, William Rowley and Samuel Skinker of County King George, gentlemen, greetings. Whereas Thomas Vivion and Jane his wife of County King George by their deed 7 August 1755 did grant unto Walter Williamson of Stafford County 146 acres. Whereas said James is unable to travel to our county court of Stanford in her proper person to acknowledge the said deed, we do give you full power to receive the acknowledgment and we do command you personally to go to Jane and receive her acknowledgment whether she doth same freely and when you have received her acknowledgment do certify us in our court of Stafford sending then and there the said deeds and this writ. Witnesses Henry Tyler, clerk of our said court this 12th of July in the 29th year of our reign, Henry Tyler
King George County, to wit. By virtue of the within writ we have examined Jane wife of Thomas Vivion apart from her husband and do certify that the said Jane voluntarily considered to the recording 7th of August 1755, John Taliferro, William Rowley
=== llection=NN Grant
Title Paise, Thomas.
Publication 1 April 1707.
Other Format Available on microfilm. Northern Neck Grants, reels 288-311.
Note Location: Richmond County.
Description: 320 acres beginning by Rappahannock River side, and in the dividing line between this land and that part laid out for Mr. Flemings Widow.
Source: Northern Neck Grants No. 3, 1703-1710, p. 162 (Reel 288). at Citation.1
Family 1 | Jane Freke? b. b 1645, d. a 1692 |
Family 2 | Mary (?) b. b 1698, d. bt 1744 - 1755 |
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, Thomas Paise Bef 1645 - 1725 seen 5 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, Mary MNU Paise Bef 1698 - 1755 seen 5 Aug 2022 at
Mary (?)1
F, #99619, b. before 1698, d. between 1744 and 1755
Last Edited | 5 Aug 2022 |
Mary (?) was born before 1698 at Hanover Parish, Richmond Co., Virginia, USA.1 She married Thomas Paise in 1714 at St. Mary's Parish, Richmond Co., Virginia, USA.1
Mary (?) married Thomas Vivion in 1725 at Hanover Parish, King George Co., Virginia, USA,
Her 2nd husband; his 3rd wife.2
Mary (?) died between 1744 and 1755 at Hanover Parish, King George Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
1721-1752 King George County, Virginia Will Book A-1; [George Harrison Sanford King]; Page 32, 32a, 33
In the Name of God Amen. I Thomas Paise of Sittingbourne Parish in King George County in the Colony of Virginia do by these presents being in perfect health and memory make and ordaine this my Last Will and Testament revoking all others formerly made by me in manner and form followeth -
Item: My will is that all my debts be faithfully paid and discharged out of my Estate by my Executrix.
Item: I do give unto my sister Frances Curtis now but formerly Frances Hobbs One Hundred pounds Sterling money of England, fifty of it to be paid in a year or two after my decease and the other fifty to be paid at the decease of my Loving Wife and this money I do give unto my sister Frances Curtis and to her behoofs and heires forever.
Item: I do give unto Joseph Hampton two Thousand pounds of Tobacco or a Servant of fotr years to serve to him and his heires forever.
Item; My will is that all the rest of my Estate both real and personal in Stafford and in Rappahannock [River] with the provision that these Legacys be paid, I do give unto my Dear and Loving Wife to her and her Behoofs forever. I do appoint my Loving Wife Mary Paise whole and sole Executrix & I do appoint Mr. Paul Micou, Sen if Liveing my feoffee in trust to see my Will performed and in casE of mortality then Mr. Paul Micou, Jun
Item: I do give to my feoffee in trust Twenty Shillings to buy a Ring.
And in Testimony of the same within written Will I have hereunto set my hand and Seale this 9th day of November in the year of our Lord 1724.
Thomas Paise *Seale*
Signed Sealed and Delivered
in the presence of us.
[Witnesses all sign by mark]
Henry [H] Lock
Elizabeth [X] Stoffill
George [0] Stone
At a Court held for King George County on ye 3rd day of December 1725.
The Last Will and Testament of Thomas Paise, deceased, was presented into Court by Mary Paise, his wife, and Executrix who made Oath thereto and the same was also proved by the Oaths of George Stone and Elizabeth Stoffill two of the evidences thereto and is
Admitted to Record. a
Cop. Test.
T. Turner Cl: Cur:
KING GEORGE COUNTY VIRGINIA INVENTORIES;1721-1744 [Antient Press]; Pages 65-68
Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of THOMAS PAISE decd
includes five negroes; a servant man named Gilbert Falloth; a servant
boy named James Caton; a servant woman named Mary Jones; a considerable amount of material and goods; one silver watch; parcel of window glass .. items not valued ..
No recording information.
THOMAS PAISE of Sittingbourne Parish in King George County made his will on the 9th of November 1724. Wife MARY PAISE. Presented into court 3rd February 1725 (1726) by his widow, MARY PAISE, and ordered to be recorded.
Bond of MARY PAISE in the sum of 500 pounds sterling money of England dated 3rd December 1725. Bondsmen Nicholas Smith, Meredith Price.
1722-1728 Stafford County, Virginia Deed Book J; [Antient Press];
p. 467 This Indenture made Second day October 1727 between THOMAS VIVION Gent. & MARY his wife of Parish of Sittenbourne in County King George and WILLIAM ROBINSON of said Parish & County Gent. in consideration sum of ten shillings do lease 180 acres in Parish of St. Pauls County Stafford Beginning at a marked Crooked hiccory standing by the ROAD & extends from the said Hiccory North .. & marked black walnut standing in head of a branch & thence according to the several courses mentioned in a certain Deed granted by THOMAS LEE Agent for the Proprietors of Northern neck to THOMAS PAISE & MARY his wife dated 29 January 3 1714 ..
Presence Max Robinson, Thos. Vivion
Charles Deane, Hugh Roberts Mary x Vivion
At Court held for Stafford County 11th October 1727 Thomas Vivion Gent.
and Mary his wife acknowledged this their deed of lease .. admitted to record.
1722-1728 Stafford County, Virginia Deed Book J; [Antient Press];
pp. 468-471 This Indenture made 3rd October 1727 between THOMAS VIVION Gent. and MARY his wife of Parish Sittenbourne in county King George & ROBINSON of said Gent. .. Witnesseth for sum Fifty pounds of Lawful Mony of England paid by William Robinson do release all that Plantation containing 124 acres (be the same more or less) in St. Pauls Parish County Stafford bounded .. Beginning at marked red oak standing in a line of land of JOHN BROWN thence along the line to marked red oak standing by a HORSE ROAD thence along the said Road to a :marked white oak standing by the said Road being a corner tree of one HAWKINS .. Thence by said Hawkins E to beginning according to a certain deed granted by THOMAS LEE Agent for the Proprietorq of the Northern neck to THOMAS PAISE & MARY his wife dated 30th January 1714 .. said 124 acres of land was granted unto JOHN LILLTE by Deed from the Proprs. office dated 26th July 1706 who dieing without heirs or without makeing any disposition of the same the said Land Escheated to the Proprs. who by their deed dated 30th January 1714 did grant the same unto Thomas Paise & Mary his wife now MARY VIVION party to these presents ..
Presence Max Robinson, Thos. Vivion
Charles Deane, Hugh Roberts Mary x Vivion
At Court held for Stafford County 1lth October 1727 Thomas Vivian & Mary his wife acknowledged Deed of Release (the said Mary being first privately examined) .. admitted to record.
1726-1729 King George County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part 2; [Antient Press]; Page 431-433
Indenture lst/2nd March 1726 between WILLIAM ROBINSON of Parish of
Sittenbourn King George County Gent. and THOMAS VIVION of same Gent. .. by deeds of lease and release .. for Two hundred pounds of Lawfull money of England sold 320 acres being the plantation in possession of THOMAS PAINE Deced with the express proviso and condition that if MARY the now wife of the said THOMAS VIVION shall survive or be the longest liver .. that she shall without any trouble .. occupy the said plantation .. during the term of her natural life .. which said plantation is part of a tract left by ALEXANDER ffLEMING to ALASTIA his Daughter and for want of heirs of her descended to ELIZABETH THORNTON her Sister who by Deed 1st July 1699 sold to THOMAS PAISE who by his last Will did bequeath the same unto MARY his wife who by Deed of Release dated 8th December last past did convey unto WILLIAM ROBINSON ..
5th May 1727 .. Deed of Release recorded. William Robinson
1722-1728 Stafford County, Virginia Deed Book J; [Antient Press]; Page 476-480
This Indenture made 2nd and 3rd October 1727 between THOMAS VIVION Gent. and MARY his wife of Sittingbourne Parish King George County and WILLIAM ROBISON Gent. of afsd .. by deeds of lease & release for sum Sixty pounds of Lawful mony of England have sold 134 acres in Parish of St. Pauls county of stafford bounded beginning at a chesnut oak standing in the bottom of a valley by the side of a branch running down to Machotique dam and to Jordan's BRIDGE & so according to several Courses as they are mentioned in certain deed granted by THOMAS LEE Agent for the proprietors of the northern neck to THOMAS PAISE & MARY his wife dated 31st January 1714 said 134 acres was Patented by ANDREW CHAMBERS the 5th Octobr 1695 and devised by the said Chambers Last Will unto JOHN HEAD & by the said Head conveyed to JOHN LILLEY by deed dated 9th April 1706 and the said Lilly dyeing without heir or making any disposition whereof the same land escheated to the Proprietors who by their deed the 31st day nf January 1714 granted the same to Thomas Paise & Mary his wife now MARY VIVION party to these presents ..
Presence Max Robinson, Thos. Vivion
Charles Deane, Hugh Roberts Mary x Vivion
At Court held for Stafford County 11th October 1727 Thomas Vivion & Mary
his wife acknnwledged their deeds of lease & release (the said Mary being first privately ellamined) .. admitted to record.
1744-1745 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds & Will Book 10, Part 1 [Antient Press]; Page 63-67
ur Sovereign Lord George the Second by the grace of God of Great Brittain France and Ireland, King, Defender of the faith &c., And in the year of our Lord Christ 1744: Between THOMAS VIVION of the Parish of Hanover in County of KING GEORGE and MARY his Wife of one part and WILLIAM BAILEY of Parish of Lunenburg in County of RICHMOND of other part; Witnesseth that THOMAS VIVION and MARY his Wife in consideration of the sum of Sixty five pounds current money of Virginia to them in hand paid by WILLIAM BAILEY, the receipt whereof THOMAS VIVION and MARY his Wife do acquit WILLIAM BAILEY his heirs, have and by these presents do bargain and sell unto WILLIAM BAILEY his heirs all that parcel of Land containing Two hundred and Seventy eight acres of Land situate in the Branches of NOMONY RIVER in Parish of Cople in County of Westmoreland being pqrt of a Pattent of Eighteen hundred and two acres of Land granted WILLIAM PEIRCE bearing date the 22nd day of March 1665, which Pattent by several conveyances became the right of NICHOLAS SPENCER, Esqr., deceased, and by the Last Will and Testament NICHOLAS SPENCER, Esqr., did give and devise to JOHN SPENCER, his Son, and by JOHN SPENCER sold and conveyed by Deeds bearing dte the 25th day of September 1706 unto JAMES BURN, and by JAMES BURN given and devised to his Sons, JAMES BURN and WILLIAM BURN, and by JAMES BURN and HILLIAMBURN conveyed by Deeds bearing date the 21st day of May 1732 to ISRAEL HILLINGWORTH and by the said HILLINGWORTH conveyed by Deed bearing date the 11th day of May 1733 to THOMAS VIVION, now party to these presents. together with all houses orchards profits and appurtenances to the same belonging; and the rents issues and profits thereof, the Two hundred and Seventy eight acres of land situate on the Branches of NOMONY RIVER and bounded; Beginning at the mouth of a Beaver Dam Swamp by a line of marked trees, S. 5d. W. 450 poles to a marked pohiccory which line divides this land from another part of the aforesaid now in possession of Mr. JOHN SPENCE, formerly belonging to JOHN BUSHROD, Gent., deceased, thence N. 85d. W. 20 poles thence W. S. W. 95 poles to a marked white Oak standing near the Road that leads to NOMONY FERRY on the North side of said Road, being a corner tree of the Land of Mr. WILLIAM FRYOR, thence N. 5d E, by a line of marked trees 420 poles to a red Oak, thence down the several meanders of the Branch to the mouth thereof to the aforesaid Great Beaver Dam. thence down the meanders of the Swamp to the first station; And all right title and demand of THOMAS VIVION and MARY his Wife in the premises; To have and to hold the Two hundred and seventy eight acres of land and premises and appurtenances unto WILLIAM BAILEY his heirs; freely and clearly acquitted saved harmless and ketp indemnified from all in cumbran ces whatsoever: the quit rents from time to time due to the Lord or Lords of the fee only excepted; And THOMAS VIVION nd MARY his Wife their heirs the premises with the appurtenances to WILLIAM BAILEY his heirs against the claim or demand of every person shall warrant and forever defend by these presents; In Witness whereof THOMAS VIVION and MARY his Wife have to these presents interchangeably set their hands and seals the day and date within written
Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of
Memorandum; That on the 21st day of September Anno Dom: 1744 actual and peaceable possession and sizen of the land and appurtenances within mentioned was given and delivered by THOMAS VIVION unto WILLIAM BAILEY by the delivery of Turff and Twigg unto him on the said Land; To have and to hold unto WILLIAM BAILEY his heirs according to the form and effect of the within written; In the presence of
Westmd. Sct At a Court held for the said County the 30th day of Octr, 1744
This Deed of Feoffment for Lands from THOMAS VIVION to WILLIAM BAILEY together with the livery of seizen were proved in open Court by the Oaths of the witnesses thereto, which on motion of the said BAILEY are admitted to Record
Teste GEO. LEE, C. W. C.
(On margin: VIVION's Bond to BAILEY)
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I THOMAS VIVION of Parish of Hanover in County of KING GEORGE, Gent., am held and firmly bound unto WILLIAM BAILEY of Parish of Lunenburg in County of RICHMOND, Planter, in the sum of One hundred and forty four pounds current money of Virginia, to the true and just payment whereof I bind myself my heirs firmly by these presents; Sealed with my Seal and dated this 21st day of September in the 18th year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the grace of God of Great Brittain France and Ireland, King Defender of the faith &c Anno Domini 1744
THE CONDITION of the above obligation is such tht if the above bound THOMAS VIVION his heirs shall perform and keep all Covenants which on his or their part ought to be performed and kept mentioned in a certain Deed of Feoffment made between THOMAS VIVION and WILLIAM BAILEY in all things according to the true meaning of the said Deed, Then the above obligation to be void & of none effect, otherwise to stand & remain in full force Dower and virtue
Sealed and delivered in the presence of
Westmd, Sct. At a Court held for the said County the 30th day of October 1744
This Bond for performance of Covenants from THOMAS VIVION to WILLIAM BAILEY was proved in open Court by the Oaths of the witnesses thereto, which on motion of the said BAILEY is admitted to Record Teste GEO: LEE, C. W. C.
1755-1765 Stafford County, Virginia Deed Book P; [Antient Press]; Page 50-55
This indenture made 6th and 7 August 1755 between Thomas Vivion King George County, gentleman and Walter Williamson of County Stafford, gentleman by deeds of lease and release for some 100 pounds current money of Virginia have sold 180 acres (excepting 34 acres sold by the said Thomas Vivion to John Short, gentleman, 4 & 5 days of August) being the land formerly sold by Joseph King unto John Pratt the younger and John Lilley which John Pratt the younger by his deed Poll 12 June 1710 conveyed 100 acres part of the above unto John Lilley and said Lilley dying without issue or any air or making disposition the same escheated to the proprietors of the Northern Neck of Virginia by deeds 29th of January 1714 granted land belonging to Lilley to Thomas Paist and Mary his wife who intermarried with the said Thomas Vivion who by their deeds 2/3 October 1727 conveyed the same to William Robinson who by his deed lease and release 1/2 September 1729 sold to Thomas Vivion which land and bounded beginning at a crooked hickory standing by the road to a marked black Walnut in the head of a branch ... Thence according to the several courses mentioned in a certain deed granted by Thomas Lee, agent for the proprietors ... to Thomas Paise & Mary his wife. Signed Thomas Vivion in the presence of William Bernard, William Rowley, Richard Foote, John Short
George the Second to John Taliferro, William Rowley and Samuel Skinker of County King George, gentlemen, greetings. Whereas Thomas Vivion and Jane his wife of County King George by their deed 7 August 1755 did grant unto Walter Williamson of Stafford County 146 acres. Whereas said James is unable to travel to our county court of Stanford in her proper person to acknowledge the said deed, we do give you full power to receive the acknowledgment and we do command you personally to go to Jane and receive her acknowledgment whether she doth same freely and when you have received her acknowledgment do certify us in our court of Stafford sending then and there the said deeds and this writ. Witnesses Henry Tyler, clerk of our said court this 12th of July in the 29th year of our reign, Henry Tyler
King George County, to wit. By virtue of the within writ we have examined Jane wife of Thomas Vivion apart from her husband and do certify that the said Jane voluntarily considered to the recording 7th of August 1755, John Taliferro, William Rowley at Citation.1
Mary (?) married Thomas Vivion in 1725 at Hanover Parish, King George Co., Virginia, USA,
Her 2nd husband; his 3rd wife.2
Mary (?) died between 1744 and 1755 at Hanover Parish, King George Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
1721-1752 King George County, Virginia Will Book A-1; [George Harrison Sanford King]; Page 32, 32a, 33
In the Name of God Amen. I Thomas Paise of Sittingbourne Parish in King George County in the Colony of Virginia do by these presents being in perfect health and memory make and ordaine this my Last Will and Testament revoking all others formerly made by me in manner and form followeth -
Item: My will is that all my debts be faithfully paid and discharged out of my Estate by my Executrix.
Item: I do give unto my sister Frances Curtis now but formerly Frances Hobbs One Hundred pounds Sterling money of England, fifty of it to be paid in a year or two after my decease and the other fifty to be paid at the decease of my Loving Wife and this money I do give unto my sister Frances Curtis and to her behoofs and heires forever.
Item: I do give unto Joseph Hampton two Thousand pounds of Tobacco or a Servant of fotr years to serve to him and his heires forever.
Item; My will is that all the rest of my Estate both real and personal in Stafford and in Rappahannock [River] with the provision that these Legacys be paid, I do give unto my Dear and Loving Wife to her and her Behoofs forever. I do appoint my Loving Wife Mary Paise whole and sole Executrix & I do appoint Mr. Paul Micou, Sen if Liveing my feoffee in trust to see my Will performed and in casE of mortality then Mr. Paul Micou, Jun
Item: I do give to my feoffee in trust Twenty Shillings to buy a Ring.
And in Testimony of the same within written Will I have hereunto set my hand and Seale this 9th day of November in the year of our Lord 1724.
Thomas Paise *Seale*
Signed Sealed and Delivered
in the presence of us.
[Witnesses all sign by mark]
Henry [H] Lock
Elizabeth [X] Stoffill
George [0] Stone
At a Court held for King George County on ye 3rd day of December 1725.
The Last Will and Testament of Thomas Paise, deceased, was presented into Court by Mary Paise, his wife, and Executrix who made Oath thereto and the same was also proved by the Oaths of George Stone and Elizabeth Stoffill two of the evidences thereto and is
Admitted to Record. a
Cop. Test.
T. Turner Cl: Cur:
KING GEORGE COUNTY VIRGINIA INVENTORIES;1721-1744 [Antient Press]; Pages 65-68
Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of THOMAS PAISE decd
includes five negroes; a servant man named Gilbert Falloth; a servant
boy named James Caton; a servant woman named Mary Jones; a considerable amount of material and goods; one silver watch; parcel of window glass .. items not valued ..
No recording information.
THOMAS PAISE of Sittingbourne Parish in King George County made his will on the 9th of November 1724. Wife MARY PAISE. Presented into court 3rd February 1725 (1726) by his widow, MARY PAISE, and ordered to be recorded.
Bond of MARY PAISE in the sum of 500 pounds sterling money of England dated 3rd December 1725. Bondsmen Nicholas Smith, Meredith Price.
1722-1728 Stafford County, Virginia Deed Book J; [Antient Press];
p. 467 This Indenture made Second day October 1727 between THOMAS VIVION Gent. & MARY his wife of Parish of Sittenbourne in County King George and WILLIAM ROBINSON of said Parish & County Gent. in consideration sum of ten shillings do lease 180 acres in Parish of St. Pauls County Stafford Beginning at a marked Crooked hiccory standing by the ROAD & extends from the said Hiccory North .. & marked black walnut standing in head of a branch & thence according to the several courses mentioned in a certain Deed granted by THOMAS LEE Agent for the Proprietors of Northern neck to THOMAS PAISE & MARY his wife dated 29 January 3 1714 ..
Presence Max Robinson, Thos. Vivion
Charles Deane, Hugh Roberts Mary x Vivion
At Court held for Stafford County 11th October 1727 Thomas Vivion Gent.
and Mary his wife acknowledged this their deed of lease .. admitted to record.
1722-1728 Stafford County, Virginia Deed Book J; [Antient Press];
pp. 468-471 This Indenture made 3rd October 1727 between THOMAS VIVION Gent. and MARY his wife of Parish Sittenbourne in county King George & ROBINSON of said Gent. .. Witnesseth for sum Fifty pounds of Lawful Mony of England paid by William Robinson do release all that Plantation containing 124 acres (be the same more or less) in St. Pauls Parish County Stafford bounded .. Beginning at marked red oak standing in a line of land of JOHN BROWN thence along the line to marked red oak standing by a HORSE ROAD thence along the said Road to a :marked white oak standing by the said Road being a corner tree of one HAWKINS .. Thence by said Hawkins E to beginning according to a certain deed granted by THOMAS LEE Agent for the Proprietorq of the Northern neck to THOMAS PAISE & MARY his wife dated 30th January 1714 .. said 124 acres of land was granted unto JOHN LILLTE by Deed from the Proprs. office dated 26th July 1706 who dieing without heirs or without makeing any disposition of the same the said Land Escheated to the Proprs. who by their deed dated 30th January 1714 did grant the same unto Thomas Paise & Mary his wife now MARY VIVION party to these presents ..
Presence Max Robinson, Thos. Vivion
Charles Deane, Hugh Roberts Mary x Vivion
At Court held for Stafford County 1lth October 1727 Thomas Vivian & Mary his wife acknowledged Deed of Release (the said Mary being first privately examined) .. admitted to record.
1726-1729 King George County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part 2; [Antient Press]; Page 431-433
Indenture lst/2nd March 1726 between WILLIAM ROBINSON of Parish of
Sittenbourn King George County Gent. and THOMAS VIVION of same Gent. .. by deeds of lease and release .. for Two hundred pounds of Lawfull money of England sold 320 acres being the plantation in possession of THOMAS PAINE Deced with the express proviso and condition that if MARY the now wife of the said THOMAS VIVION shall survive or be the longest liver .. that she shall without any trouble .. occupy the said plantation .. during the term of her natural life .. which said plantation is part of a tract left by ALEXANDER ffLEMING to ALASTIA his Daughter and for want of heirs of her descended to ELIZABETH THORNTON her Sister who by Deed 1st July 1699 sold to THOMAS PAISE who by his last Will did bequeath the same unto MARY his wife who by Deed of Release dated 8th December last past did convey unto WILLIAM ROBINSON ..
5th May 1727 .. Deed of Release recorded. William Robinson
1722-1728 Stafford County, Virginia Deed Book J; [Antient Press]; Page 476-480
This Indenture made 2nd and 3rd October 1727 between THOMAS VIVION Gent. and MARY his wife of Sittingbourne Parish King George County and WILLIAM ROBISON Gent. of afsd .. by deeds of lease & release for sum Sixty pounds of Lawful mony of England have sold 134 acres in Parish of St. Pauls county of stafford bounded beginning at a chesnut oak standing in the bottom of a valley by the side of a branch running down to Machotique dam and to Jordan's BRIDGE & so according to several Courses as they are mentioned in certain deed granted by THOMAS LEE Agent for the proprietors of the northern neck to THOMAS PAISE & MARY his wife dated 31st January 1714 said 134 acres was Patented by ANDREW CHAMBERS the 5th Octobr 1695 and devised by the said Chambers Last Will unto JOHN HEAD & by the said Head conveyed to JOHN LILLEY by deed dated 9th April 1706 and the said Lilly dyeing without heir or making any disposition whereof the same land escheated to the Proprietors who by their deed the 31st day nf January 1714 granted the same to Thomas Paise & Mary his wife now MARY VIVION party to these presents ..
Presence Max Robinson, Thos. Vivion
Charles Deane, Hugh Roberts Mary x Vivion
At Court held for Stafford County 11th October 1727 Thomas Vivion & Mary
his wife acknnwledged their deeds of lease & release (the said Mary being first privately ellamined) .. admitted to record.
1744-1745 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds & Will Book 10, Part 1 [Antient Press]; Page 63-67
ur Sovereign Lord George the Second by the grace of God of Great Brittain France and Ireland, King, Defender of the faith &c., And in the year of our Lord Christ 1744: Between THOMAS VIVION of the Parish of Hanover in County of KING GEORGE and MARY his Wife of one part and WILLIAM BAILEY of Parish of Lunenburg in County of RICHMOND of other part; Witnesseth that THOMAS VIVION and MARY his Wife in consideration of the sum of Sixty five pounds current money of Virginia to them in hand paid by WILLIAM BAILEY, the receipt whereof THOMAS VIVION and MARY his Wife do acquit WILLIAM BAILEY his heirs, have and by these presents do bargain and sell unto WILLIAM BAILEY his heirs all that parcel of Land containing Two hundred and Seventy eight acres of Land situate in the Branches of NOMONY RIVER in Parish of Cople in County of Westmoreland being pqrt of a Pattent of Eighteen hundred and two acres of Land granted WILLIAM PEIRCE bearing date the 22nd day of March 1665, which Pattent by several conveyances became the right of NICHOLAS SPENCER, Esqr., deceased, and by the Last Will and Testament NICHOLAS SPENCER, Esqr., did give and devise to JOHN SPENCER, his Son, and by JOHN SPENCER sold and conveyed by Deeds bearing dte the 25th day of September 1706 unto JAMES BURN, and by JAMES BURN given and devised to his Sons, JAMES BURN and WILLIAM BURN, and by JAMES BURN and HILLIAMBURN conveyed by Deeds bearing date the 21st day of May 1732 to ISRAEL HILLINGWORTH and by the said HILLINGWORTH conveyed by Deed bearing date the 11th day of May 1733 to THOMAS VIVION, now party to these presents. together with all houses orchards profits and appurtenances to the same belonging; and the rents issues and profits thereof, the Two hundred and Seventy eight acres of land situate on the Branches of NOMONY RIVER and bounded; Beginning at the mouth of a Beaver Dam Swamp by a line of marked trees, S. 5d. W. 450 poles to a marked pohiccory which line divides this land from another part of the aforesaid now in possession of Mr. JOHN SPENCE, formerly belonging to JOHN BUSHROD, Gent., deceased, thence N. 85d. W. 20 poles thence W. S. W. 95 poles to a marked white Oak standing near the Road that leads to NOMONY FERRY on the North side of said Road, being a corner tree of the Land of Mr. WILLIAM FRYOR, thence N. 5d E, by a line of marked trees 420 poles to a red Oak, thence down the several meanders of the Branch to the mouth thereof to the aforesaid Great Beaver Dam. thence down the meanders of the Swamp to the first station; And all right title and demand of THOMAS VIVION and MARY his Wife in the premises; To have and to hold the Two hundred and seventy eight acres of land and premises and appurtenances unto WILLIAM BAILEY his heirs; freely and clearly acquitted saved harmless and ketp indemnified from all in cumbran ces whatsoever: the quit rents from time to time due to the Lord or Lords of the fee only excepted; And THOMAS VIVION nd MARY his Wife their heirs the premises with the appurtenances to WILLIAM BAILEY his heirs against the claim or demand of every person shall warrant and forever defend by these presents; In Witness whereof THOMAS VIVION and MARY his Wife have to these presents interchangeably set their hands and seals the day and date within written
Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of
Memorandum; That on the 21st day of September Anno Dom: 1744 actual and peaceable possession and sizen of the land and appurtenances within mentioned was given and delivered by THOMAS VIVION unto WILLIAM BAILEY by the delivery of Turff and Twigg unto him on the said Land; To have and to hold unto WILLIAM BAILEY his heirs according to the form and effect of the within written; In the presence of
Westmd. Sct At a Court held for the said County the 30th day of Octr, 1744
This Deed of Feoffment for Lands from THOMAS VIVION to WILLIAM BAILEY together with the livery of seizen were proved in open Court by the Oaths of the witnesses thereto, which on motion of the said BAILEY are admitted to Record
Teste GEO. LEE, C. W. C.
(On margin: VIVION's Bond to BAILEY)
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I THOMAS VIVION of Parish of Hanover in County of KING GEORGE, Gent., am held and firmly bound unto WILLIAM BAILEY of Parish of Lunenburg in County of RICHMOND, Planter, in the sum of One hundred and forty four pounds current money of Virginia, to the true and just payment whereof I bind myself my heirs firmly by these presents; Sealed with my Seal and dated this 21st day of September in the 18th year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the grace of God of Great Brittain France and Ireland, King Defender of the faith &c Anno Domini 1744
THE CONDITION of the above obligation is such tht if the above bound THOMAS VIVION his heirs shall perform and keep all Covenants which on his or their part ought to be performed and kept mentioned in a certain Deed of Feoffment made between THOMAS VIVION and WILLIAM BAILEY in all things according to the true meaning of the said Deed, Then the above obligation to be void & of none effect, otherwise to stand & remain in full force Dower and virtue
Sealed and delivered in the presence of
Westmd, Sct. At a Court held for the said County the 30th day of October 1744
This Bond for performance of Covenants from THOMAS VIVION to WILLIAM BAILEY was proved in open Court by the Oaths of the witnesses thereto, which on motion of the said BAILEY is admitted to Record Teste GEO: LEE, C. W. C.
1755-1765 Stafford County, Virginia Deed Book P; [Antient Press]; Page 50-55
This indenture made 6th and 7 August 1755 between Thomas Vivion King George County, gentleman and Walter Williamson of County Stafford, gentleman by deeds of lease and release for some 100 pounds current money of Virginia have sold 180 acres (excepting 34 acres sold by the said Thomas Vivion to John Short, gentleman, 4 & 5 days of August) being the land formerly sold by Joseph King unto John Pratt the younger and John Lilley which John Pratt the younger by his deed Poll 12 June 1710 conveyed 100 acres part of the above unto John Lilley and said Lilley dying without issue or any air or making disposition the same escheated to the proprietors of the Northern Neck of Virginia by deeds 29th of January 1714 granted land belonging to Lilley to Thomas Paist and Mary his wife who intermarried with the said Thomas Vivion who by their deeds 2/3 October 1727 conveyed the same to William Robinson who by his deed lease and release 1/2 September 1729 sold to Thomas Vivion which land and bounded beginning at a crooked hickory standing by the road to a marked black Walnut in the head of a branch ... Thence according to the several courses mentioned in a certain deed granted by Thomas Lee, agent for the proprietors ... to Thomas Paise & Mary his wife. Signed Thomas Vivion in the presence of William Bernard, William Rowley, Richard Foote, John Short
George the Second to John Taliferro, William Rowley and Samuel Skinker of County King George, gentlemen, greetings. Whereas Thomas Vivion and Jane his wife of County King George by their deed 7 August 1755 did grant unto Walter Williamson of Stafford County 146 acres. Whereas said James is unable to travel to our county court of Stanford in her proper person to acknowledge the said deed, we do give you full power to receive the acknowledgment and we do command you personally to go to Jane and receive her acknowledgment whether she doth same freely and when you have received her acknowledgment do certify us in our court of Stafford sending then and there the said deeds and this writ. Witnesses Henry Tyler, clerk of our said court this 12th of July in the 29th year of our reign, Henry Tyler
King George County, to wit. By virtue of the within writ we have examined Jane wife of Thomas Vivion apart from her husband and do certify that the said Jane voluntarily considered to the recording 7th of August 1755, John Taliferro, William Rowley at Citation.1
Family 1 | Thomas Paise b. b 1645, d. a 3 Dec 1725 |
Family 2 | Thomas Vivion b. c 1683, d. 28 Apr 1791 |
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, Mary MNU Paise Bef 1698 - 1755 seen 5 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, Thomas Vivion Abt 1683 - 1761 seen 5 Aug 2022 at
Thomas Vivion1
M, #99620, b. circa 1683, d. 28 April 1791
Last Edited | 5 Aug 2022 |
Thomas Vivion was born circa 1683 at Middlesex Co., Virginia, USA.1 He married Mary (?) in 1725 at Hanover Parish, King George Co., Virginia, USA,
Her 2nd husband; his 3rd wife.1
Thomas Vivion died on 28 April 1791 at Hanover Parish, King George Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
Thomas was appointed Justice, 14 June 1722, and sheriff, 24 October 1718 in King George County, VA
The Virginia Genealogist Volume 4, 1960 [John Frederick Dorman]
1713-1734 Middlesex County, Virginia Will Book, [Virginia Genealogist-John Frederick Dorman]; Pages 251-52.
Will of John Vivion of the Parish of Christ Church in the County of Middlesex, being sicke and weake in body, dated --- 1720.
Unto my dear and loveing wife Elizabeth Vivion all my whole estate dureing her naturall life. In case she
should marry againe then one third to my said wife and the other two thirds in equal parts to my son John
Vivion and my daughter Elizabeth Vivion as they come of age or marry. My son and daughter shall live on my plantation with their mother during their minority.
To my son John Vivion all my lands.
My dear and loveing wife Eliza. Vivion executrix.
My loving brothers Thomas Vivion and Henry Thacker, my kinsman Mr. [Edwin?] Thacker and my good friend Mr. Humphry Jones to be aiding and assisting my wife.
3 July 1722. Elizabeth Vivion, executrix, and William Stanard made oath that about March 1720 John Vivion
being sick sent for Stanard to make his will, which he did and read it to him, after which he read it himself
and said it is very well, I like it, and he gave it to Mrs. Vivion and bid her put it in the desk.
In the Name of God Amen. I Mary Brock of the County of King George and Parish of Hanover being of perfect sense and memory thanks be to God for the same, do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following.
Item: I give to my loving daughter Anne Deane Twenty Shillings to buy her a ring.
Item: I give and bequeath to my granddaughter Anne Deane when she comes to age or marries my Negro girl Isabell to her and her heirs lawfully begotten and for want of such heirs to my grandson Charles Deane and his heirs lawfully begotten.
Item: I give to my grandson John Deane Twenty Shillings to buy a ring.
Item: I give to my grandson Charles Deane Twenty Shillings to buy a ring.
Item: I give to my grandson George Deane when he comes to age Ten Pounds if he lives to that age.
Item: I give to my good friend Thomas Vivian Twenty Shillings.
Item: I give all the remaining part of my estate real and personal of what kind soever (and not before given) to my grandson William Deane and his heirs lawfully begotten and for want of such heirs to be equally divided between the surviving children of my daughter Anne Deane to them and their heirs forever.
And Lastly I do constitute my loving grandson William Deane Executor of this my Last Will & Testament, Revoking all other wills by me made heretofore. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale this 21st day of January 1743.
Her *******
Mary [MB] Brock *Seale*
Mark *******
John Jones
Margarett Vivion
Thos Vivion
At a Court held for King George County on Friday February the 1St 1744.
The Last Will and Testament of Mary Brock, Deceased, was presented into Court by William Deane her Executor who made oath thereto and the same was proved by the oaths of Thomas Vivion and John Jones and admitted to record.
Harry Turner, C1:Cur: [See G.H.S. King, Marriages of Richmond Ccunty, Virginia, 16681853, pages 24, 53, 109, 256.]
1722-1728 Stafford County, Virginia Deed Book J; [Antient Press];
p. 467 This Indenture made Second day October 1727 between THOMAS VIVION Gent. & MARY his wife of Parish of Sittenbourne in County King George and WILLIAM ROBINSON of said Parish & County Gent. in consideration sum of ten shillings do lease 180 acres in Parish of St. Pauls County Stafford Beginning at a marked Crooked hiccory standing by the ROAD & extends from the said Hiccory North .. & marked black walnut standing in head of a branch & thence according to the several courses mentioned in a certain Deed granted by THOMAS LEE Agent for the Proprietors of Northern neck to THOMAS PAISE & MARY his wife dated 29 January 3 1714 ..
Presence Max Robinson, Thos. Vivion
Charles Deane, Hugh Roberts Mary x Vivion
At Court held for Stafford County 11th October 1727 Thomas Vivion Gent.
and Mary his wife acknowledged this their deed of lease .. admitted to record.
1722-1728 Stafford County, Virginia Deed Book J; [Antient Press];
pp. 468-471 This Indenture made 3rd October 1727 between THOMAS VIVION Gent. and MARY his wife of Parish Sittenbourne in county King George & ROBINSON of said Gent. .. Witnesseth for sum Fifty pounds of Lawful Mony of England paid by William Robinson do release all that Plantation containing 124 acres (be the same more or less) in St. Pauls Parish County Stafford bounded .. Beginning at marked red oak standing in a line of land of JOHN BROWN thence along the line to marked red oak standing by a HORSE ROAD thence along the said Road to a :marked white oak standing by the said Road being a corner tree of one HAWKINS .. Thence by said Hawkins E to beginning according to a certain deed granted by THOMAS LEE Agent for the Proprietorq of the Northern neck to THOMAS PAISE & MARY his wife dated 30th January 1714 .. said 124 acres of land was granted unto JOHN LILLTE by Deed from the Proprs. office dated 26th July 1706 who dieing without heirs or without makeing any disposition of the same the said Land Escheated to the Proprs. who by their deed dated 30th January 1714 did grant the same unto Thomas Paise & Mary his wife now MARY VIVION party to these presents ..
Presence Max Robinson, Thos. Vivion
Charles Deane, Hugh Roberts Mary x Vivion
At Court held for Stafford County 1lth October 1727 Thomas Vivian & Mary his wife acknowledged Deed of Release (the said Mary being first privately examined) .. admitted to record.
1748-1767 Stafford County, Virginia Will Book O; [Antient Press]; pp. 468-469 In Name of God Amen I JOHN SHORT of Parish of St. Pauls & County of Stafford being sick & weak but in perfect sense do make this my last will & Testament .. I give to my dear Wife THEODOSIA SHORT, the riding Chair and two horses called Silver Springs and White Stockings exclusive of her thirds by Law allowed. I give to mv Eldest Son JAMES SHORT all that part of land in the Indian Town formerly purchased of EDWARD HUMSTON & WITHERS CONWAY to him James & heirs and if he should die before he arrives at age, or without heirs Lawfully begotten and my Second son THOMAS become heir to the Land above devised to said James, then I give the lands purchased of THOS. VIVION and THOS. CLIFTON to my Youngest son JOHN and his heirs. I give to my second son Thomas Short all that part of land purchased of Thomas Vivion containing 95 acres more or less. As also 91 acres purchased of Thomas Clifton to him Thomas & heirs and in failure of such heirs, then to my third son John Short. I give unto my third son John Short all that land purchased of Doctor WILLIAM ALLASON containing 200 acres more or less, to him John & heirs, and if failure of such heirs, then co my second son Thomas. Its my will that my slaves & their future increase be equally divided among my children vizt. MARY, SARAH, JAMES, MARGARET, ELIZABETH, ANN, THOMAS & JOHN as they arrive at age or Marry, that is to say when any of the aforsd children do arrive at age, or marry, I do impower my Exrs oftermentioned to pay to each child their just & full proportion of my slaves, the remainder to be put together till another child arrives at age or marrys & get his or her share. And so on till they the said children are all paid off & my Negroes distributed as above. My household goods & stocks I desire may be kept in the house & on the Plantation for the more decent support of my wife and children which Stocks and household goods are to be equally divided in the same manner as my Negroes and I likewise desire my w1fes thirds may he distributed the same way ea above after her Death. I do desire that my slaves may work promnisciously on the Plantations as they usually have done in my lifetime till my Sons arrive at age, and the crops to be applied to the Support of the family as above. Lastly I nominate my dear wife THEODOSIA SHORT, my friends JOHN MATHEWS of Charles County in the Province of Maryland, ANDREW GRANT JUNR. and WALTER WILLIAMSON to be Exx & Exrs of this .. 7th August 1763. John Short
John Stuart, Wm. Scott, Baldwn. Dade
At Court held for Stafford County July 9th 1764 Will presented .. proved . admitted to record. Certificate granted for obtaining Probate ..
1753-1773 King George Co., Va - Deed Book; pp. 507-510
Indenture made 18th/19th October 1762 between JOHN ORR & SUSANNA his wife of parish Washington in county Westmoreland and THOS. JETT of parish Hanover in county King George .. by deeds of lease and release .. for sum Three hundred and eighteen pounds nine shillings current money of Virginia .. sold 386 acres of land adjoyning to the upper part of Thomas Jett land which land John Orr purchased of Major Thomas Vivian some time in the year 1760 ..
Presence Simon Triplett, John Orr
Chas. Triplett, Chas. Deane.
John Richardson
At a court held 3rd March 1763 .. Deeds of lease and release .. admitted to record.
1721-1723 King George County, Virginia Order Book; [Antient Press]; Page
King George County Court 1st of September 1721; Page 15
- JOHN SPICER by his Petition setting forth that he has intention to build a Mill on PAINE's DAM in the County aforesaid, but cannot proceed by reason that JOHN VIVION and ELIZABETH his Wife, THOMAS VIVION and FRANCES his Wife, MARTHA THACKER and LETTICE THACKER, Spinsters, do own the land on the other side the said Creek and will not sell him an acres thereof; Whereupon it is considered by the Court and accordingly ordered that CORNELIUS EDMUNDS, THOMAS BROCK, GEORGE WHITE and JOHN GILBERT or any two of them being first sworn before some justices of the Peace
for this County some time before the next Court to be held for the said County layoff and value an acre of the said JOHN VIVION and ELIZABITH his Wife, THOMAS VIVION and FRANCES his Wife, MARTHA THACKER and LITfICE THACKER Spinsters Land convenient on the said CREEK for the said JOHN SPICERs building a Mill thereon as aforesd. not taking away any Houses Orchards or the immediate conveniences of the parties aforesd. And that they report their proceeding to the next Court
1726-1729 King George County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part 2; [Antient Press]; Page 431-433
Indenture lst/2nd March 1726 between WILLIAM ROBINSON of Parish of Sittenbourn King George County Gent. and THOMAS VIVION of same Gent. .. by deeds of lease and release .. for Two hundred pounds of Lawfull money of England sold 320 acres being the plantation in possession of THOMAS PAINE Deced with the express proviso and condition that if MARY the now wife of the said THOMAS VIVION shall survive or be the longest liver .. that she shall without any trouble .. occupy the said plantation .. during the term of her natural life .. which said plantation is part of a tract left by ALEXANDER ffLEMING to ALASTIA his Daughter and for want of heirs of her descended to ELIZABETH THORNTON her Sis-
ter who by Deed 1st July 1699 sold to THOMAS PAISE who by his last Will did bequeath the same unto MARY his wife who by Deed of Release dated 8th December last past did convey unto WILLIAM ROBINSON ..
5th May 1727 .. Deed of Release recorded. William Robinson
1735-1743 King George County Deed Book 2 (Antient Press); pp 535-537
Indenture made 13th December 1743 between THOMAS THATCHER and THOMAS VIVION Gent. .. Whereas one WILLIAM UNDERWOOD (the Grandfather of the said Thomas) by his last will & testament .. xixth day of July MDCCXVII duly proved .. court of Richmond VII August MDCCXVII did devise unto his loving Grandsons JOHN & WILLIAM THATCHER 200 acres equally divided between them lying between the land of WILLIAM TRIPLETT & MARY TUTT and John Thatcher Departed this life before he attained to lawfull age & without leaving issue, & thereupon William Thatcher sold the land so devised to him & the said John & conveyed the same unto Thomas Vivion but the said Thomas Thatcher being Elder Brother of the sd JOHN & WILLIAM brought his Ejectment against THOMAS VIVION & by the Judgment of the Court of King George 5th November MDCCXLII recovered against Vivion the land aforsd Devised by Underwood to JOHN THATCHER being 100 acres .. by Records of King George County .. This Indenture witnesseth .. THOMAS THATCHER in consideration of sum Fourty five pounds Eleven shillings paid by Vivion .. sells all land .. 100 acres devised by WILLIAM UNDERWOOD to John Thatcher ..
Presence John Wharton, Thomas Thatcher
Bourn Price, Thomas x Plaile
At a court held 5th January 1743 .. Deed of Release and receipt of consideration money .. recorded.
1744-1745 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds & Will Book 10, Part 1 [Antient Press]; Page 63-67
ur Sovereign Lord George the Second by the grace of God of Great Brittain France and Ireland, King, Defender of the faith &c., And in the year of our Lord Christ 1744: Between THOMAS VIVION of the Parish of Hanover in County of KING GEORGE and MARY his Wife of one part and WILLIAM BAILEY of Parish of Lunenburg in County of RICHMOND of other part; Witnesseth that THOMAS VIVION and MARY his Wife in consideration of the sum of Sixty five pounds current money of Virginia to them in hand paid by WILLIAM BAILEY, the receipt whereof THOMAS VIVION and MARY his Wife do acquit WILLIAM BAILEY his heirs, have and by these presents do bargain and sell unto WILLIAM BAILEY his heirs all that parcel of Land containing Two hundred and Seventy eight acres of Land situate in the Branches of NOMONY RIVER in Parish of Cople in County of Westmoreland being pqrt of a Pattent of Eighteen hundred and two acres of Land granted WILLIAM PEIRCE bearing date the 22nd day of March 1665, which Pattent by several conveyances became the right of NICHOLAS SPENCER, Esqr., deceased, and by the Last Will and Testament NICHOLAS SPENCER, Esqr., did give and devise to JOHN SPENCER, his Son, and by JOHN SPENCER sold and conveyed by Deeds bearing dte the 25th day of September 1706 unto JAMES BURN, and by JAMES BURN given and devised to his Sons, JAMES BURN and WILLIAM BURN, and by JAMES BURN and HILLIAMBURN conveyed by Deeds bearing date the 21st day of May 1732 to ISRAEL HILLINGWORTH and by the said HILLINGWORTH conveyed by Deed bearing date the 11th day of May 1733 to THOMAS VIVION, now party to these presents. together with all houses orchards profits and appurtenances to the same belonging; and the rents issues and profits thereof, the Two hundred and Seventy eight acres of land situate on the Branches of NOMONY RIVER and bounded; Beginning at the mouth of a Beaver Dam Swamp by a line of marked trees, S. 5d. W. 450 poles to a marked pohiccory which line divides this land from another part of the aforesaid now in possession of Mr. JOHN SPENCE, formerly belonging to JOHN BUSHROD, Gent., deceased, thence N. 85d. W. 20 poles thence W. S. W. 95 poles to a marked white Oak standing near the Road that leads to NOMONY FERRY on the North side of said Road, being a corner tree of the Land of Mr. WILLIAM FRYOR, thence N. 5d E, by a line of marked trees 420 poles to a red Oak, thence down the several meanders of the Branch to the mouth thereof to the aforesaid Great Beaver Dam. thence down the meanders of the Swamp to the first station; And all right title and demand of THOMAS VIVION and MARY his Wife in the premises; To have and to hold the Two hundred and seventy eight acres of land and premises and appurtenances unto WILLIAM BAILEY his heirs; freely and clearly acquitted saved harmless and ketp indemnified from all in cumbran ces whatsoever: the quit rents from time to time due to the Lord or Lords of the fee only excepted; And THOMAS VIVION nd MARY his Wife their heirs the premises with the appurtenances to WILLIAM BAILEY his heirs against the claim or demand of every person shall warrant and forever defend by these presents; In Witness whereof THOMAS VIVION and MARY his Wife have to these presents interchangeably set their hands and seals the day and date within written
Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of
Memorandum; That on the 21st day of September Anno Dom: 1744 actual and peaceable possession and sizen of the land and appurtenances within mentioned was given and delivered by THOMAS VIVION unto WILLIAM BAILEY by the delivery of Turff and Twigg unto him on the said Land; To have and to hold unto WILLIAM BAILEY his heirs according to the form and effect of the within written; In the presence of
Westmd. Sct At a Court held for the said County the 30th day of Octr, 1744
This Deed of Feoffment for Lands from THOMAS VIVION to WILLIAM BAILEY together with the livery of seizen were proved in open Court by the Oaths of the witnesses thereto, which on motion of the said BAILEY are admitted to Record
Teste GEO. LEE, C. W. C.
(On margin: VIVION's Bond to BAILEY)
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I THOMAS VIVION of Parish of Hanover in County of KING GEORGE, Gent., am held and firmly bound unto WILLIAM BAILEY of Parish of Lunenburg in County of RICHMOND, Planter, in the sum of One hundred and forty four pounds current money of Virginia, to the true and just payment whereof I bind myself my heirs firmly by these presents; Sealed with my Seal and dated this 21st day of September in the 18th year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the grace of God of Great Brittain France and Ireland, King Defender of the faith &c Anno Domini 1744
THE CONDITION of the above obligation is such tht if the above bound THOMAS VIVION his heirs shall perform and keep all Covenants which on his or their part ought to be performed and kept mentioned in a certain Deed of Feoffment made between THOMAS VIVION and WILLIAM BAILEY in all things according to the true meaning of the said Deed, Then the above obligation to be void & of none effect, otherwise to stand & remain in full force Dower and virtue
Sealed and delivered in the presence of
Westmd, Sct. At a Court held for the said County the 30th day of October 1744
This Bond for performance of Covenants from THOMAS VIVION to WILLIAM BAILEY was proved in open Court by the Oaths of the witnesses thereto, which on motion of the said BAILEY is admitted to Record Teste GEO: LEE, C. W. C.
1743-1752 King George County, Virginia Deed Book 3; [Antient Press]; Page 221-225
Indenture made 14th/15th October 1747 between WILLIAM HARDING & SARAH his wife of county Northumberland of one part & THOMAS VIVION of county King George .. by deeds of lease & release for sum Five hundred pounds current money of Virginia sold 515 acres in Hanover Parish King George County .. it being the land whereon said Harding has a Quarter & whereon HENRY DRAKE lives which said land was bequeathed unto said Sarah by the Last Will & Testament of JOSEPH BALL dated 19th October 1720 & duly proved & Recorded in County Court of Northumberland ..
Presence M. Robinson, William Harding
John Triplett, Christor. Quisenbury, Sarah x Harding
Harry Turner, Clapham Richardson,
Tho: Jett
Memo - Whereas Henry Drake has a Lease dated 19th November 1733 for twenty years clear of any rent. Now the true Intent & meaning hereof is that the sd Drake shall possess .. sd Leased premises for the term of the Lease yet to come the sd Drake complying with the Lease in every particular 15th October 1747.
Presence M. Robinson, John Triplett, Thos. Vivion
Christor. Quisenbury, Harry Turner,
Clapham Richardson, Tho: Jett
At a court held 5th February 1747 .. Deeds of lease & release with for the privy examination of said Sarah recorded.
King George. George the Second .. to MAXIMILIAN ROBINSON, JOSEPH MORTON & JOHN TRIPLETT Gent. Greeting. Whereas William Harding & Sarah his wife .. conveyed unto Thomas Vivion .. whereas Sarah cannot conveniently travel to King George County Court & make acknowledgment .. you do personally go to sd Sarah .. examine her .. Witness Harry Turner Clerk of our sd Court at the sd Court House the 28th Jan. in the twenty first year of our Reign & in the year of our Lord God 1747.
By virtue of above commission .. received her acknowledgment .. 28th January 1747. Max: Robinson John Triplett
At a court held 5th Februar
1743-1752 King George County, Virginia Deed Book 3; [Antient Press]; Page 242-245
Indenture made 25th/26th March 1748 between GEORGE BALL & ANN his Wife of County Northumberland & THOMAS VIVION of County King George .. by deeds of lease & release .. for sum Two hundred pounds current money of Virginia sold 200 acres .. beginning at Red oak in line of Scott .. north .. line of Ball's land .. West near the Main Road ..
Presence Harry Turner, George Ball
Will: Jett, Henry Drake, Ann Ball
Thomas Pratt, Law: Butler,
Thos. Jett, Danl. Payne
1753-1765 King George County, Virginia Deed Book 4; [Antient Press]; Page 69-72
Indenture made 24th/25th September 1753 between THOS. PRATT and MARGARET his wife of Parish Hanover in county King George & THOMAS VIVION of same .. by deeds of lease and release .. for sum of one hundred pounds current money of Virginia .. sold all that parcel of land whereon said Thomas Vivion now lives .. 200 acres .. which said land was conveyed to Margaret (the wife of Thomas Pratt) by WILLIAM LETMAN and FRANCES his wife & MARY BOWEN Sister of the said Letman as by deeds of lease and release recorded in county court of King George ..
Presence Will. Jett, Thos. Pratt
Joseph Jones, F. Jett Junr., Margaret Pratt
Thos. Jett
At a court held 7th February 1754 .. Deeds of lease and release admitted to record.
1753-1765 King George County, Virginia Deed Book 4; [Antient Press]; Page 72-73
King George County .. George the second .. to PETER DANIEL, WILLIAM FITZHUGH and JOHN STUART Gent. Justices of Stafford County greeting.
Whereas THOMAS PRATT and MARGARET his wife by their Indenture dated 24th/25th September 1753 have conveyed to THOMAS VIVION Gent. .. 200 acres .. and Whereas said Margaret cannot conveniently travel to our county court .. receive the acknowledgment which she be willing to make .. ROBERT ARMISTEAD Clerk county court of King George 12th February 1754.
Commission returned 26th April 1754 by Peter Daniel, John Stuart.
1724-1728 Essex County, Virginia Deed Book 18; [Antient Press]; Page 315-318
THIS INDENTURE made the fifteenth/sixteenth day December 1727 Between HUGH ROBERTS of the Parish of St. Ann in County of Essex Carpenter of one part and THOMAS VIVION of the Parish of Sittenbourne in County of King George gent WITNESSETH that the said Hugh Roberts for sum of Sixteen thousand pounds of good tobacco paid by these presents doth grant unto Thomas Vivion all that WATER GRIST MILL & parcell of land thereunto belonging containing three acres on ye head of Blackbourns Creek in the parish of St Ann in County of Essex In presence of WIL ROBINSON,Hugh Roberts THOMAS QUISENBURY GILBERT TALLOCK
At Court held for Essex County ye 20th day of February 1727
1724-1728 Essex County, Virginia Deed Book 18; [Antient Press]; Page 373a-375
I ELIZABETH SMITH Wife of NICHOLAS SMITH of County of King George Gent do by these presents appoint WILLIAM BEVERLEY Gent my lawfull Attorney for me & in my name to acknowledge in the County Court of Essex my relinquishment of Dower and thirds to a tract of land conveyed by my husband to THOMAS VIVION Gent by Indenture date the 5th & 6th days of this Instant November whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seal this Sixth day of November 1728.
Sealed in presence of JOHN LOMAX, Elizabeth Smith
At Court held for Essex County at Tappa on 19th November 1728
This Power of Attorney admitted to record
THIS INDENTURE made the fifth/Sixth day of November 1728 Between NICHOLAS SMITH of Parish of Sittenbourn in County of King George Gent of one part & THOMAS VIVION of Parish & County aforesaid Gent. Witnesseth that the said Nicholas Smith for sum of two bundred pounds of lawfull mony of England hath granted unto the said Thomas Vivion his heirs & assigns the Plantacon or parcel of land menconed in Indenture of bargain & sale bearing date the day next before the Day of the date of these presents & of the Statute for Transferring uses into possession the land being in the Parish of St. Ann in County of Essex in the fork of Blackbourn's Creek & bounded by the said Creek & the Land of WILLIAM PRICE & by the land of JOHN HUDSON deced the said lands containing 180 acres being part of a tract of 438 acres granted to VOLLENT1NE ALLEN in the year 1661 and is as by the several conveyances may appear become the proper Estate of Nicholas Smith
Seal'd in presence of JNO LOMAX, Nicholas Smith
At Court held for Essex County at Tappa the 19th November 1728
This Deed of Lease & Release (WILLIAM BEVERLEY Gent by Virtue of a Power of Attorney from Elizabeth the Wife of the said Nicholas Smith relinquished her right of Dower in the Land therein conveyed) wch on Mr. EDWARD BARRADALL's mocon is admitted to record
I the within named Nicholas Smith do acknowledge to have reced from Thomas Vivion the sum of Two hundred pounds the consideration money menconed to be paid
Witness WIL, ROBINSON, Nicho Smith
Acknowledged in Essex County Court the 19th November 1728 & admitted to record
Magazine of Virginia Genealogy Vol 24 1986, No. 4; Page 73
Virginia Land Patent Book 17
Thomas Vivion of King George County, 40 acres in St. Anne's parish Essex County adjacent his own land between the branches of Blackburn Creek. To September 1736
1738-1742 Essex County, Virginia Deed Book 22; [Antient Press]; Page 233-236
THIS INDENTURE made the Eighteenth day of May one thousand seven hundred forty and one Between THOMAS VIVION Gent. of KING GEORGE COUNTY of one part and ROBERT BROOKINS of St. Stephen's Parish in County of KING & QUEEN and FRANCES his Wife Daughter of the said THOMAS VIVION of the other part Witnesseth that said THOMAS VIVION out of pure Natural Affection to his Daughter and for No other consideration but her good & wellfair hath given to the said FRANCES BROOKING and her heirs for ever all them two parcells of land being in St. Anns Parish in Essex County containing two hundred and Twenty acres, one hundred and Eighty acres being bought of NICHO, SMITH as by Deed dated the Sixth day of November one thousand seven hundred twenty and eight and the other forty taken up by the said THOMAS VIVION as by PATTENT dated the second day of September one thousand Seven hundred thirty and six Both which parcells of land the said THOMAS VIVION doth give to the said FRANCES BROOKING to be held from the date of these presents forever as Witness my hand and seal
At a Court held for Essex County at Tappa. on the 19th day of May 1741
This Indenture from THOMAS VIVION to ROBERT BROOKING and FRANCES his Wife and the Livery of Seisin thereon Endorsed was duely proved by the Oaths of all the Witnesses thereto and admitted to record
1755-1765 Stafford County, Virginia Deed Book P; [Antient Press]; Page 50-55
This indenture made 6th and 7 August 1755 between Thomas Vivion King George County, gentleman and Walter Williamson of County Stafford, gentleman by deeds of lease and release for some 100 pounds current money of Virginia have sold 180 acres (excepting 34 acres sold by the said Thomas Vivion to John Short, gentleman, 4 & 5 days of August) being the land formerly sold by Joseph King unto John Pratt the younger and John Lilley which John Pratt the younger by his deed Poll 12 June 1710 conveyed 100 acres part of the above unto John Lilley and said Lilley dying without issue or any air or making disposition the same escheated to the proprietors of the Northern Neck of Virginia by deeds 29th of January 1714 granted land belonging to Lilley to Thomas Paist and Mary his wife who intermarried with the said Thomas Vivion who by their deeds 2/3 October 1727 conveyed the same to William Robinson who by his deed lease and release 1/2 September 1729 sold to Thomas Vivion which land and bounded beginning at a crooked hickory standing by the road to a marked black Walnut in the head of a branch ... Thence according to the several courses mentioned in a certain deed granted by Thomas Lee, agent for the proprietors ... to Thomas Paise & Mary his wife. Signed Thomas Vivion in the presence of William Bernard, William Rowley, Richard Foote, John Short
George the Second to John Taliferro, William Rowley and Samuel Skinker of County King George, gentlemen, greetings. Whereas Thomas Vivion and Jane his wife of County King George by their deed 7 August 1755 did grant unto Walter Williamson of Stafford County 146 acres. Whereas said James is unable to travel to our county court of Stanford in her proper person to acknowledge the said deed, we do give you full power to receive the acknowledgment and we do command you personally to go to Jane and receive her acknowledgment whether she doth same freely and when you have received her acknowledgment do certify us in our court of Stafford sending then and there the said deeds and this writ. Witnesses Henry Tyler, clerk of our said court this 12th of July in the 29th year of our reign, Henry Tyler
King George County, to wit. By virtue of the within writ we have examined Jane wife of Thomas Vivion apart from her husband and do certify that the said Jane voluntarily considered to the recording 7th of August 1755, John Taliferro, William Rowley at Citation.1
Her 2nd husband; his 3rd wife.1
Thomas Vivion died on 28 April 1791 at Hanover Parish, King George Co., Virginia, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
Thomas was appointed Justice, 14 June 1722, and sheriff, 24 October 1718 in King George County, VA
The Virginia Genealogist Volume 4, 1960 [John Frederick Dorman]
1713-1734 Middlesex County, Virginia Will Book, [Virginia Genealogist-John Frederick Dorman]; Pages 251-52.
Will of John Vivion of the Parish of Christ Church in the County of Middlesex, being sicke and weake in body, dated --- 1720.
Unto my dear and loveing wife Elizabeth Vivion all my whole estate dureing her naturall life. In case she
should marry againe then one third to my said wife and the other two thirds in equal parts to my son John
Vivion and my daughter Elizabeth Vivion as they come of age or marry. My son and daughter shall live on my plantation with their mother during their minority.
To my son John Vivion all my lands.
My dear and loveing wife Eliza. Vivion executrix.
My loving brothers Thomas Vivion and Henry Thacker, my kinsman Mr. [Edwin?] Thacker and my good friend Mr. Humphry Jones to be aiding and assisting my wife.
3 July 1722. Elizabeth Vivion, executrix, and William Stanard made oath that about March 1720 John Vivion
being sick sent for Stanard to make his will, which he did and read it to him, after which he read it himself
and said it is very well, I like it, and he gave it to Mrs. Vivion and bid her put it in the desk.
In the Name of God Amen. I Mary Brock of the County of King George and Parish of Hanover being of perfect sense and memory thanks be to God for the same, do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following.
Item: I give to my loving daughter Anne Deane Twenty Shillings to buy her a ring.
Item: I give and bequeath to my granddaughter Anne Deane when she comes to age or marries my Negro girl Isabell to her and her heirs lawfully begotten and for want of such heirs to my grandson Charles Deane and his heirs lawfully begotten.
Item: I give to my grandson John Deane Twenty Shillings to buy a ring.
Item: I give to my grandson Charles Deane Twenty Shillings to buy a ring.
Item: I give to my grandson George Deane when he comes to age Ten Pounds if he lives to that age.
Item: I give to my good friend Thomas Vivian Twenty Shillings.
Item: I give all the remaining part of my estate real and personal of what kind soever (and not before given) to my grandson William Deane and his heirs lawfully begotten and for want of such heirs to be equally divided between the surviving children of my daughter Anne Deane to them and their heirs forever.
And Lastly I do constitute my loving grandson William Deane Executor of this my Last Will & Testament, Revoking all other wills by me made heretofore. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale this 21st day of January 1743.
Her *******
Mary [MB] Brock *Seale*
Mark *******
John Jones
Margarett Vivion
Thos Vivion
At a Court held for King George County on Friday February the 1St 1744.
The Last Will and Testament of Mary Brock, Deceased, was presented into Court by William Deane her Executor who made oath thereto and the same was proved by the oaths of Thomas Vivion and John Jones and admitted to record.
Harry Turner, C1:Cur: [See G.H.S. King, Marriages of Richmond Ccunty, Virginia, 16681853, pages 24, 53, 109, 256.]
1722-1728 Stafford County, Virginia Deed Book J; [Antient Press];
p. 467 This Indenture made Second day October 1727 between THOMAS VIVION Gent. & MARY his wife of Parish of Sittenbourne in County King George and WILLIAM ROBINSON of said Parish & County Gent. in consideration sum of ten shillings do lease 180 acres in Parish of St. Pauls County Stafford Beginning at a marked Crooked hiccory standing by the ROAD & extends from the said Hiccory North .. & marked black walnut standing in head of a branch & thence according to the several courses mentioned in a certain Deed granted by THOMAS LEE Agent for the Proprietors of Northern neck to THOMAS PAISE & MARY his wife dated 29 January 3 1714 ..
Presence Max Robinson, Thos. Vivion
Charles Deane, Hugh Roberts Mary x Vivion
At Court held for Stafford County 11th October 1727 Thomas Vivion Gent.
and Mary his wife acknowledged this their deed of lease .. admitted to record.
1722-1728 Stafford County, Virginia Deed Book J; [Antient Press];
pp. 468-471 This Indenture made 3rd October 1727 between THOMAS VIVION Gent. and MARY his wife of Parish Sittenbourne in county King George & ROBINSON of said Gent. .. Witnesseth for sum Fifty pounds of Lawful Mony of England paid by William Robinson do release all that Plantation containing 124 acres (be the same more or less) in St. Pauls Parish County Stafford bounded .. Beginning at marked red oak standing in a line of land of JOHN BROWN thence along the line to marked red oak standing by a HORSE ROAD thence along the said Road to a :marked white oak standing by the said Road being a corner tree of one HAWKINS .. Thence by said Hawkins E to beginning according to a certain deed granted by THOMAS LEE Agent for the Proprietorq of the Northern neck to THOMAS PAISE & MARY his wife dated 30th January 1714 .. said 124 acres of land was granted unto JOHN LILLTE by Deed from the Proprs. office dated 26th July 1706 who dieing without heirs or without makeing any disposition of the same the said Land Escheated to the Proprs. who by their deed dated 30th January 1714 did grant the same unto Thomas Paise & Mary his wife now MARY VIVION party to these presents ..
Presence Max Robinson, Thos. Vivion
Charles Deane, Hugh Roberts Mary x Vivion
At Court held for Stafford County 1lth October 1727 Thomas Vivian & Mary his wife acknowledged Deed of Release (the said Mary being first privately examined) .. admitted to record.
1748-1767 Stafford County, Virginia Will Book O; [Antient Press]; pp. 468-469 In Name of God Amen I JOHN SHORT of Parish of St. Pauls & County of Stafford being sick & weak but in perfect sense do make this my last will & Testament .. I give to my dear Wife THEODOSIA SHORT, the riding Chair and two horses called Silver Springs and White Stockings exclusive of her thirds by Law allowed. I give to mv Eldest Son JAMES SHORT all that part of land in the Indian Town formerly purchased of EDWARD HUMSTON & WITHERS CONWAY to him James & heirs and if he should die before he arrives at age, or without heirs Lawfully begotten and my Second son THOMAS become heir to the Land above devised to said James, then I give the lands purchased of THOS. VIVION and THOS. CLIFTON to my Youngest son JOHN and his heirs. I give to my second son Thomas Short all that part of land purchased of Thomas Vivion containing 95 acres more or less. As also 91 acres purchased of Thomas Clifton to him Thomas & heirs and in failure of such heirs, then to my third son John Short. I give unto my third son John Short all that land purchased of Doctor WILLIAM ALLASON containing 200 acres more or less, to him John & heirs, and if failure of such heirs, then co my second son Thomas. Its my will that my slaves & their future increase be equally divided among my children vizt. MARY, SARAH, JAMES, MARGARET, ELIZABETH, ANN, THOMAS & JOHN as they arrive at age or Marry, that is to say when any of the aforsd children do arrive at age, or marry, I do impower my Exrs oftermentioned to pay to each child their just & full proportion of my slaves, the remainder to be put together till another child arrives at age or marrys & get his or her share. And so on till they the said children are all paid off & my Negroes distributed as above. My household goods & stocks I desire may be kept in the house & on the Plantation for the more decent support of my wife and children which Stocks and household goods are to be equally divided in the same manner as my Negroes and I likewise desire my w1fes thirds may he distributed the same way ea above after her Death. I do desire that my slaves may work promnisciously on the Plantations as they usually have done in my lifetime till my Sons arrive at age, and the crops to be applied to the Support of the family as above. Lastly I nominate my dear wife THEODOSIA SHORT, my friends JOHN MATHEWS of Charles County in the Province of Maryland, ANDREW GRANT JUNR. and WALTER WILLIAMSON to be Exx & Exrs of this .. 7th August 1763. John Short
John Stuart, Wm. Scott, Baldwn. Dade
At Court held for Stafford County July 9th 1764 Will presented .. proved . admitted to record. Certificate granted for obtaining Probate ..
1753-1773 King George Co., Va - Deed Book; pp. 507-510
Indenture made 18th/19th October 1762 between JOHN ORR & SUSANNA his wife of parish Washington in county Westmoreland and THOS. JETT of parish Hanover in county King George .. by deeds of lease and release .. for sum Three hundred and eighteen pounds nine shillings current money of Virginia .. sold 386 acres of land adjoyning to the upper part of Thomas Jett land which land John Orr purchased of Major Thomas Vivian some time in the year 1760 ..
Presence Simon Triplett, John Orr
Chas. Triplett, Chas. Deane.
John Richardson
At a court held 3rd March 1763 .. Deeds of lease and release .. admitted to record.
1721-1723 King George County, Virginia Order Book; [Antient Press]; Page
King George County Court 1st of September 1721; Page 15
- JOHN SPICER by his Petition setting forth that he has intention to build a Mill on PAINE's DAM in the County aforesaid, but cannot proceed by reason that JOHN VIVION and ELIZABETH his Wife, THOMAS VIVION and FRANCES his Wife, MARTHA THACKER and LETTICE THACKER, Spinsters, do own the land on the other side the said Creek and will not sell him an acres thereof; Whereupon it is considered by the Court and accordingly ordered that CORNELIUS EDMUNDS, THOMAS BROCK, GEORGE WHITE and JOHN GILBERT or any two of them being first sworn before some justices of the Peace
for this County some time before the next Court to be held for the said County layoff and value an acre of the said JOHN VIVION and ELIZABITH his Wife, THOMAS VIVION and FRANCES his Wife, MARTHA THACKER and LITfICE THACKER Spinsters Land convenient on the said CREEK for the said JOHN SPICERs building a Mill thereon as aforesd. not taking away any Houses Orchards or the immediate conveniences of the parties aforesd. And that they report their proceeding to the next Court
1726-1729 King George County, Virginia Deed Book 1, Part 2; [Antient Press]; Page 431-433
Indenture lst/2nd March 1726 between WILLIAM ROBINSON of Parish of Sittenbourn King George County Gent. and THOMAS VIVION of same Gent. .. by deeds of lease and release .. for Two hundred pounds of Lawfull money of England sold 320 acres being the plantation in possession of THOMAS PAINE Deced with the express proviso and condition that if MARY the now wife of the said THOMAS VIVION shall survive or be the longest liver .. that she shall without any trouble .. occupy the said plantation .. during the term of her natural life .. which said plantation is part of a tract left by ALEXANDER ffLEMING to ALASTIA his Daughter and for want of heirs of her descended to ELIZABETH THORNTON her Sis-
ter who by Deed 1st July 1699 sold to THOMAS PAISE who by his last Will did bequeath the same unto MARY his wife who by Deed of Release dated 8th December last past did convey unto WILLIAM ROBINSON ..
5th May 1727 .. Deed of Release recorded. William Robinson
1735-1743 King George County Deed Book 2 (Antient Press); pp 535-537
Indenture made 13th December 1743 between THOMAS THATCHER and THOMAS VIVION Gent. .. Whereas one WILLIAM UNDERWOOD (the Grandfather of the said Thomas) by his last will & testament .. xixth day of July MDCCXVII duly proved .. court of Richmond VII August MDCCXVII did devise unto his loving Grandsons JOHN & WILLIAM THATCHER 200 acres equally divided between them lying between the land of WILLIAM TRIPLETT & MARY TUTT and John Thatcher Departed this life before he attained to lawfull age & without leaving issue, & thereupon William Thatcher sold the land so devised to him & the said John & conveyed the same unto Thomas Vivion but the said Thomas Thatcher being Elder Brother of the sd JOHN & WILLIAM brought his Ejectment against THOMAS VIVION & by the Judgment of the Court of King George 5th November MDCCXLII recovered against Vivion the land aforsd Devised by Underwood to JOHN THATCHER being 100 acres .. by Records of King George County .. This Indenture witnesseth .. THOMAS THATCHER in consideration of sum Fourty five pounds Eleven shillings paid by Vivion .. sells all land .. 100 acres devised by WILLIAM UNDERWOOD to John Thatcher ..
Presence John Wharton, Thomas Thatcher
Bourn Price, Thomas x Plaile
At a court held 5th January 1743 .. Deed of Release and receipt of consideration money .. recorded.
1744-1745 Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds & Will Book 10, Part 1 [Antient Press]; Page 63-67
ur Sovereign Lord George the Second by the grace of God of Great Brittain France and Ireland, King, Defender of the faith &c., And in the year of our Lord Christ 1744: Between THOMAS VIVION of the Parish of Hanover in County of KING GEORGE and MARY his Wife of one part and WILLIAM BAILEY of Parish of Lunenburg in County of RICHMOND of other part; Witnesseth that THOMAS VIVION and MARY his Wife in consideration of the sum of Sixty five pounds current money of Virginia to them in hand paid by WILLIAM BAILEY, the receipt whereof THOMAS VIVION and MARY his Wife do acquit WILLIAM BAILEY his heirs, have and by these presents do bargain and sell unto WILLIAM BAILEY his heirs all that parcel of Land containing Two hundred and Seventy eight acres of Land situate in the Branches of NOMONY RIVER in Parish of Cople in County of Westmoreland being pqrt of a Pattent of Eighteen hundred and two acres of Land granted WILLIAM PEIRCE bearing date the 22nd day of March 1665, which Pattent by several conveyances became the right of NICHOLAS SPENCER, Esqr., deceased, and by the Last Will and Testament NICHOLAS SPENCER, Esqr., did give and devise to JOHN SPENCER, his Son, and by JOHN SPENCER sold and conveyed by Deeds bearing dte the 25th day of September 1706 unto JAMES BURN, and by JAMES BURN given and devised to his Sons, JAMES BURN and WILLIAM BURN, and by JAMES BURN and HILLIAMBURN conveyed by Deeds bearing date the 21st day of May 1732 to ISRAEL HILLINGWORTH and by the said HILLINGWORTH conveyed by Deed bearing date the 11th day of May 1733 to THOMAS VIVION, now party to these presents. together with all houses orchards profits and appurtenances to the same belonging; and the rents issues and profits thereof, the Two hundred and Seventy eight acres of land situate on the Branches of NOMONY RIVER and bounded; Beginning at the mouth of a Beaver Dam Swamp by a line of marked trees, S. 5d. W. 450 poles to a marked pohiccory which line divides this land from another part of the aforesaid now in possession of Mr. JOHN SPENCE, formerly belonging to JOHN BUSHROD, Gent., deceased, thence N. 85d. W. 20 poles thence W. S. W. 95 poles to a marked white Oak standing near the Road that leads to NOMONY FERRY on the North side of said Road, being a corner tree of the Land of Mr. WILLIAM FRYOR, thence N. 5d E, by a line of marked trees 420 poles to a red Oak, thence down the several meanders of the Branch to the mouth thereof to the aforesaid Great Beaver Dam. thence down the meanders of the Swamp to the first station; And all right title and demand of THOMAS VIVION and MARY his Wife in the premises; To have and to hold the Two hundred and seventy eight acres of land and premises and appurtenances unto WILLIAM BAILEY his heirs; freely and clearly acquitted saved harmless and ketp indemnified from all in cumbran ces whatsoever: the quit rents from time to time due to the Lord or Lords of the fee only excepted; And THOMAS VIVION nd MARY his Wife their heirs the premises with the appurtenances to WILLIAM BAILEY his heirs against the claim or demand of every person shall warrant and forever defend by these presents; In Witness whereof THOMAS VIVION and MARY his Wife have to these presents interchangeably set their hands and seals the day and date within written
Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of
Memorandum; That on the 21st day of September Anno Dom: 1744 actual and peaceable possession and sizen of the land and appurtenances within mentioned was given and delivered by THOMAS VIVION unto WILLIAM BAILEY by the delivery of Turff and Twigg unto him on the said Land; To have and to hold unto WILLIAM BAILEY his heirs according to the form and effect of the within written; In the presence of
Westmd. Sct At a Court held for the said County the 30th day of Octr, 1744
This Deed of Feoffment for Lands from THOMAS VIVION to WILLIAM BAILEY together with the livery of seizen were proved in open Court by the Oaths of the witnesses thereto, which on motion of the said BAILEY are admitted to Record
Teste GEO. LEE, C. W. C.
(On margin: VIVION's Bond to BAILEY)
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I THOMAS VIVION of Parish of Hanover in County of KING GEORGE, Gent., am held and firmly bound unto WILLIAM BAILEY of Parish of Lunenburg in County of RICHMOND, Planter, in the sum of One hundred and forty four pounds current money of Virginia, to the true and just payment whereof I bind myself my heirs firmly by these presents; Sealed with my Seal and dated this 21st day of September in the 18th year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the grace of God of Great Brittain France and Ireland, King Defender of the faith &c Anno Domini 1744
THE CONDITION of the above obligation is such tht if the above bound THOMAS VIVION his heirs shall perform and keep all Covenants which on his or their part ought to be performed and kept mentioned in a certain Deed of Feoffment made between THOMAS VIVION and WILLIAM BAILEY in all things according to the true meaning of the said Deed, Then the above obligation to be void & of none effect, otherwise to stand & remain in full force Dower and virtue
Sealed and delivered in the presence of
Westmd, Sct. At a Court held for the said County the 30th day of October 1744
This Bond for performance of Covenants from THOMAS VIVION to WILLIAM BAILEY was proved in open Court by the Oaths of the witnesses thereto, which on motion of the said BAILEY is admitted to Record Teste GEO: LEE, C. W. C.
1743-1752 King George County, Virginia Deed Book 3; [Antient Press]; Page 221-225
Indenture made 14th/15th October 1747 between WILLIAM HARDING & SARAH his wife of county Northumberland of one part & THOMAS VIVION of county King George .. by deeds of lease & release for sum Five hundred pounds current money of Virginia sold 515 acres in Hanover Parish King George County .. it being the land whereon said Harding has a Quarter & whereon HENRY DRAKE lives which said land was bequeathed unto said Sarah by the Last Will & Testament of JOSEPH BALL dated 19th October 1720 & duly proved & Recorded in County Court of Northumberland ..
Presence M. Robinson, William Harding
John Triplett, Christor. Quisenbury, Sarah x Harding
Harry Turner, Clapham Richardson,
Tho: Jett
Memo - Whereas Henry Drake has a Lease dated 19th November 1733 for twenty years clear of any rent. Now the true Intent & meaning hereof is that the sd Drake shall possess .. sd Leased premises for the term of the Lease yet to come the sd Drake complying with the Lease in every particular 15th October 1747.
Presence M. Robinson, John Triplett, Thos. Vivion
Christor. Quisenbury, Harry Turner,
Clapham Richardson, Tho: Jett
At a court held 5th February 1747 .. Deeds of lease & release with for the privy examination of said Sarah recorded.
King George. George the Second .. to MAXIMILIAN ROBINSON, JOSEPH MORTON & JOHN TRIPLETT Gent. Greeting. Whereas William Harding & Sarah his wife .. conveyed unto Thomas Vivion .. whereas Sarah cannot conveniently travel to King George County Court & make acknowledgment .. you do personally go to sd Sarah .. examine her .. Witness Harry Turner Clerk of our sd Court at the sd Court House the 28th Jan. in the twenty first year of our Reign & in the year of our Lord God 1747.
By virtue of above commission .. received her acknowledgment .. 28th January 1747. Max: Robinson John Triplett
At a court held 5th Februar
1743-1752 King George County, Virginia Deed Book 3; [Antient Press]; Page 242-245
Indenture made 25th/26th March 1748 between GEORGE BALL & ANN his Wife of County Northumberland & THOMAS VIVION of County King George .. by deeds of lease & release .. for sum Two hundred pounds current money of Virginia sold 200 acres .. beginning at Red oak in line of Scott .. north .. line of Ball's land .. West near the Main Road ..
Presence Harry Turner, George Ball
Will: Jett, Henry Drake, Ann Ball
Thomas Pratt, Law: Butler,
Thos. Jett, Danl. Payne
1753-1765 King George County, Virginia Deed Book 4; [Antient Press]; Page 69-72
Indenture made 24th/25th September 1753 between THOS. PRATT and MARGARET his wife of Parish Hanover in county King George & THOMAS VIVION of same .. by deeds of lease and release .. for sum of one hundred pounds current money of Virginia .. sold all that parcel of land whereon said Thomas Vivion now lives .. 200 acres .. which said land was conveyed to Margaret (the wife of Thomas Pratt) by WILLIAM LETMAN and FRANCES his wife & MARY BOWEN Sister of the said Letman as by deeds of lease and release recorded in county court of King George ..
Presence Will. Jett, Thos. Pratt
Joseph Jones, F. Jett Junr., Margaret Pratt
Thos. Jett
At a court held 7th February 1754 .. Deeds of lease and release admitted to record.
1753-1765 King George County, Virginia Deed Book 4; [Antient Press]; Page 72-73
King George County .. George the second .. to PETER DANIEL, WILLIAM FITZHUGH and JOHN STUART Gent. Justices of Stafford County greeting.
Whereas THOMAS PRATT and MARGARET his wife by their Indenture dated 24th/25th September 1753 have conveyed to THOMAS VIVION Gent. .. 200 acres .. and Whereas said Margaret cannot conveniently travel to our county court .. receive the acknowledgment which she be willing to make .. ROBERT ARMISTEAD Clerk county court of King George 12th February 1754.
Commission returned 26th April 1754 by Peter Daniel, John Stuart.
1724-1728 Essex County, Virginia Deed Book 18; [Antient Press]; Page 315-318
THIS INDENTURE made the fifteenth/sixteenth day December 1727 Between HUGH ROBERTS of the Parish of St. Ann in County of Essex Carpenter of one part and THOMAS VIVION of the Parish of Sittenbourne in County of King George gent WITNESSETH that the said Hugh Roberts for sum of Sixteen thousand pounds of good tobacco paid by these presents doth grant unto Thomas Vivion all that WATER GRIST MILL & parcell of land thereunto belonging containing three acres on ye head of Blackbourns Creek in the parish of St Ann in County of Essex In presence of WIL ROBINSON,Hugh Roberts THOMAS QUISENBURY GILBERT TALLOCK
At Court held for Essex County ye 20th day of February 1727
1724-1728 Essex County, Virginia Deed Book 18; [Antient Press]; Page 373a-375
I ELIZABETH SMITH Wife of NICHOLAS SMITH of County of King George Gent do by these presents appoint WILLIAM BEVERLEY Gent my lawfull Attorney for me & in my name to acknowledge in the County Court of Essex my relinquishment of Dower and thirds to a tract of land conveyed by my husband to THOMAS VIVION Gent by Indenture date the 5th & 6th days of this Instant November whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seal this Sixth day of November 1728.
Sealed in presence of JOHN LOMAX, Elizabeth Smith
At Court held for Essex County at Tappa on 19th November 1728
This Power of Attorney admitted to record
THIS INDENTURE made the fifth/Sixth day of November 1728 Between NICHOLAS SMITH of Parish of Sittenbourn in County of King George Gent of one part & THOMAS VIVION of Parish & County aforesaid Gent. Witnesseth that the said Nicholas Smith for sum of two bundred pounds of lawfull mony of England hath granted unto the said Thomas Vivion his heirs & assigns the Plantacon or parcel of land menconed in Indenture of bargain & sale bearing date the day next before the Day of the date of these presents & of the Statute for Transferring uses into possession the land being in the Parish of St. Ann in County of Essex in the fork of Blackbourn's Creek & bounded by the said Creek & the Land of WILLIAM PRICE & by the land of JOHN HUDSON deced the said lands containing 180 acres being part of a tract of 438 acres granted to VOLLENT1NE ALLEN in the year 1661 and is as by the several conveyances may appear become the proper Estate of Nicholas Smith
Seal'd in presence of JNO LOMAX, Nicholas Smith
At Court held for Essex County at Tappa the 19th November 1728
This Deed of Lease & Release (WILLIAM BEVERLEY Gent by Virtue of a Power of Attorney from Elizabeth the Wife of the said Nicholas Smith relinquished her right of Dower in the Land therein conveyed) wch on Mr. EDWARD BARRADALL's mocon is admitted to record
I the within named Nicholas Smith do acknowledge to have reced from Thomas Vivion the sum of Two hundred pounds the consideration money menconed to be paid
Witness WIL, ROBINSON, Nicho Smith
Acknowledged in Essex County Court the 19th November 1728 & admitted to record
Magazine of Virginia Genealogy Vol 24 1986, No. 4; Page 73
Virginia Land Patent Book 17
Thomas Vivion of King George County, 40 acres in St. Anne's parish Essex County adjacent his own land between the branches of Blackburn Creek. To September 1736
1738-1742 Essex County, Virginia Deed Book 22; [Antient Press]; Page 233-236
THIS INDENTURE made the Eighteenth day of May one thousand seven hundred forty and one Between THOMAS VIVION Gent. of KING GEORGE COUNTY of one part and ROBERT BROOKINS of St. Stephen's Parish in County of KING & QUEEN and FRANCES his Wife Daughter of the said THOMAS VIVION of the other part Witnesseth that said THOMAS VIVION out of pure Natural Affection to his Daughter and for No other consideration but her good & wellfair hath given to the said FRANCES BROOKING and her heirs for ever all them two parcells of land being in St. Anns Parish in Essex County containing two hundred and Twenty acres, one hundred and Eighty acres being bought of NICHO, SMITH as by Deed dated the Sixth day of November one thousand seven hundred twenty and eight and the other forty taken up by the said THOMAS VIVION as by PATTENT dated the second day of September one thousand Seven hundred thirty and six Both which parcells of land the said THOMAS VIVION doth give to the said FRANCES BROOKING to be held from the date of these presents forever as Witness my hand and seal
At a Court held for Essex County at Tappa. on the 19th day of May 1741
This Indenture from THOMAS VIVION to ROBERT BROOKING and FRANCES his Wife and the Livery of Seisin thereon Endorsed was duely proved by the Oaths of all the Witnesses thereto and admitted to record
1755-1765 Stafford County, Virginia Deed Book P; [Antient Press]; Page 50-55
This indenture made 6th and 7 August 1755 between Thomas Vivion King George County, gentleman and Walter Williamson of County Stafford, gentleman by deeds of lease and release for some 100 pounds current money of Virginia have sold 180 acres (excepting 34 acres sold by the said Thomas Vivion to John Short, gentleman, 4 & 5 days of August) being the land formerly sold by Joseph King unto John Pratt the younger and John Lilley which John Pratt the younger by his deed Poll 12 June 1710 conveyed 100 acres part of the above unto John Lilley and said Lilley dying without issue or any air or making disposition the same escheated to the proprietors of the Northern Neck of Virginia by deeds 29th of January 1714 granted land belonging to Lilley to Thomas Paist and Mary his wife who intermarried with the said Thomas Vivion who by their deeds 2/3 October 1727 conveyed the same to William Robinson who by his deed lease and release 1/2 September 1729 sold to Thomas Vivion which land and bounded beginning at a crooked hickory standing by the road to a marked black Walnut in the head of a branch ... Thence according to the several courses mentioned in a certain deed granted by Thomas Lee, agent for the proprietors ... to Thomas Paise & Mary his wife. Signed Thomas Vivion in the presence of William Bernard, William Rowley, Richard Foote, John Short
George the Second to John Taliferro, William Rowley and Samuel Skinker of County King George, gentlemen, greetings. Whereas Thomas Vivion and Jane his wife of County King George by their deed 7 August 1755 did grant unto Walter Williamson of Stafford County 146 acres. Whereas said James is unable to travel to our county court of Stanford in her proper person to acknowledge the said deed, we do give you full power to receive the acknowledgment and we do command you personally to go to Jane and receive her acknowledgment whether she doth same freely and when you have received her acknowledgment do certify us in our court of Stafford sending then and there the said deeds and this writ. Witnesses Henry Tyler, clerk of our said court this 12th of July in the 29th year of our reign, Henry Tyler
King George County, to wit. By virtue of the within writ we have examined Jane wife of Thomas Vivion apart from her husband and do certify that the said Jane voluntarily considered to the recording 7th of August 1755, John Taliferro, William Rowley at Citation.1
Family | Mary (?) b. b 1698, d. bt 1744 - 1755 |
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, Thomas Vivion Abt 1683 - 1761 seen 5 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
John D. Coffey Sr.1
M, #99621, b. 16 January 1701, d. 31 March 1774
Last Edited | 6 Aug 2022 |
John D. Coffey Sr. was born on 16 January 1701 at Essex Co., Virginia, USA.1 He married Jean Graves in 1728 at Virginia, USA,
; - U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900
Source Citation: Source number: 8240.004; Source type: Pedigree chart; Number of Pages: 26
Source Information: Yates Publishing. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004.
Original data: This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was derived from an array of materials including pedigree charts, family history articles, querie.2,3
John D. Coffey Sr. died on 31 March 1774 at Albemarle Co., Virginia, USA, at age 73.1
; - U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900
Name: Jane Graves
Gender: Female
Birth Year: 1710
Spouse Name: John Coffey
Spouse Birth Place: VA
Spouse Birth Year: 1700
Marriage Year: 1728
Marriage State: VA
Number Pages: 26
Gender: Female
Birth Year: 1710
Spouse Name: John Coffey
Spouse Birth Place: VA
Spouse Birth Year: 1700
Marriage Year: 1728
Marriage State: VA
Number Pages: 26
Source Citation: Source number: 8240.004; Source type: Pedigree chart; Number of Pages: 26
Source Information: Yates Publishing. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004.
Original data: This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was derived from an array of materials including pedigree charts, family history articles, querie.2,3
John D. Coffey Sr. died on 31 March 1774 at Albemarle Co., Virginia, USA, at age 73.1
Family | Jean Graves b. c 1710, d. 31 Mar 1775 |
Child |
- [S1631] Unknown, online, unknown (unknown location), downloaded unknown, John D. Buford Coffey Sr. 16 July 1701 – 31 March 1774 LB7Z-GW3 seen 6 August 2022 at
- [S1631] Unknown, unknown, Jane Graves 16 July 1700 – 31 March 1775 L4S2-Z4F seen 6 August 2022 at
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 seen 6 August 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site.
Jean Graves1,2
F, #99622, b. circa 1710, d. 31 March 1775
Last Edited | 6 Aug 2022 |
Jean Graves was born circa 1710 at St. Anne's Parish, Essex Co., Virginia, USA; Marriage record says b. 1710. FAG says 16 Jul 1700. Early Col Settlers says b. aft 1705.1,3,2 She married John D. Coffey Sr. in 1728 at Virginia, USA,
; - U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900
Source Citation: Source number: 8240.004; Source type: Pedigree chart; Number of Pages: 26
Source Information: Yates Publishing. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004.
Original data: This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was derived from an array of materials including pedigree charts, family history articles, querie.1,3
Jean Graves died on 31 March 1775 at Wilkes Co., North Carolina, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
1717-1722 Essex County, Virginia Wills, Inventories & Settlements, No. 3; [John Frederick Dorman]; Page 140-41. Will of John Graves of the county of Essex and Parish of St. Ann, am sick and weak of body ...dated 4 Sept. 1719.
Unto my well beloved: wife Hannah Graves my plantation whare dureing her life, provided she does not marry, again, but if she do marry to my son James Graves. If my sun James Graves dye without haveing any child of his own then the land goe to my sun Benjamin Graves.
To my daughter Martha Graves one cow and calf at the day of marriage.
Unto my daughter Jean Graves one cow and calf at the day of marriage.
The rest of my personal estate unto my loveing wife Hannah Graves during her natural life and after her decease equally divided amongst all my children.
My wel beloved wife exettrix
John Greaves
Wit: Robt. Elliott, John Munday, Johannah (J E) Elliott
17 May 1720., Presented in Court by Hannah Graves. Proved by Robt. Elliott and John Munday. at Citation.2
; - U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900
Name: Jane Graves
Gender: Female
Birth Year: 1710
Spouse Name: John Coffey
Spouse Birth Place: VA
Spouse Birth Year: 1700
Marriage Year: 1728
Marriage State: VA
Number Pages: 26
Gender: Female
Birth Year: 1710
Spouse Name: John Coffey
Spouse Birth Place: VA
Spouse Birth Year: 1700
Marriage Year: 1728
Marriage State: VA
Number Pages: 26
Source Citation: Source number: 8240.004; Source type: Pedigree chart; Number of Pages: 26
Source Information: Yates Publishing. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004.
Original data: This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was derived from an array of materials including pedigree charts, family history articles, querie.1,3
Jean Graves died on 31 March 1775 at Wilkes Co., North Carolina, USA.1
Reference: From Early Colonial Settlers:
1717-1722 Essex County, Virginia Wills, Inventories & Settlements, No. 3; [John Frederick Dorman]; Page 140-41. Will of John Graves of the county of Essex and Parish of St. Ann, am sick and weak of body ...dated 4 Sept. 1719.
Unto my well beloved: wife Hannah Graves my plantation whare dureing her life, provided she does not marry, again, but if she do marry to my son James Graves. If my sun James Graves dye without haveing any child of his own then the land goe to my sun Benjamin Graves.
To my daughter Martha Graves one cow and calf at the day of marriage.
Unto my daughter Jean Graves one cow and calf at the day of marriage.
The rest of my personal estate unto my loveing wife Hannah Graves during her natural life and after her decease equally divided amongst all my children.
My wel beloved wife exettrix
John Greaves
Wit: Robt. Elliott, John Munday, Johannah (J E) Elliott
17 May 1720., Presented in Court by Hannah Graves. Proved by Robt. Elliott and John Munday. at Citation.2
Family | John D. Coffey Sr. b. 16 Jan 1701, d. 31 Mar 1774 |
Child |
- [S1631] Unknown, online, unknown (unknown location), downloaded unknown, Jane Graves 16 July 1700 – 31 March 1775 L4S2-Z4F seen 6 August 2022 at
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, Jean Graves Aft 1705 - Aft 1720 seen 6 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 seen 6 August 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site.
John Dulaney1
M, #99623, b. 27 June 1747
Father | John Dulaney1 b. 16 Jun 1718, d. 17 Aug 1803 |
Mother | Frances Stanton1 b. 9 Nov 1723, d. 19 Jan 1804 |
Last Edited | 6 Aug 2022 |
John Dulaney was born on 27 June 1747 at Culpeper Co., Virginia, USA.2
In John Dulaney's will dated 28 April 1800 at Madison Co., Virginia, USA, John Dulaney was named as executor; - Virginia, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1652-1900
Source

In John Dulaney's will dated 28 April 1800 at Madison Co., Virginia, USA, John Dulaney was named as executor; - Virginia, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1652-1900
Record ID 62347::211616
Name John Delaney
Gender Male
Residence Date Abt 1800
Residence Place Madison, Virginia
Will Date 28 April 1800
Probate Date 28 April 1800
Probate Place Madison, Virginia, USA
Inferred Death Year 1800
Inferred Death Place Virginia, USA
Item Description Order Book, Vol 15, 1876-1884; Order Book, Vol 16, 1884-1892
Others Listed Relationship
John Delaney
Frances Delaney Wife
John Delaney Son
Tom Enslaved Person
Roger Enslaved Person
James Enslaved Person
Fillis Enslaved Person
Grace Enslaved Person
Hannah Enslaved Person
Dapny Enslaved Person
William Delaney Son
Milley Eddins Daughter
Ginney Enslaved Person
James Offil Son-in-law
Sarah Graves Child
Marah Edelins Child
Joseph Delaney Child
Elizabeth Pemberton Child
Frances Furniss Child
Jane Delaney Child
Margaret Trimble Child
Eliza Roads Child
Diannah Offil Child
Name John Delaney
Gender Male
Residence Date Abt 1800
Residence Place Madison, Virginia
Will Date 28 April 1800
Probate Date 28 April 1800
Probate Place Madison, Virginia, USA
Inferred Death Year 1800
Inferred Death Place Virginia, USA
Item Description Order Book, Vol 15, 1876-1884; Order Book, Vol 16, 1884-1892
Others Listed Relationship
John Delaney
Frances Delaney Wife
John Delaney Son
Tom Enslaved Person
Roger Enslaved Person
James Enslaved Person
Fillis Enslaved Person
Grace Enslaved Person
Hannah Enslaved Person
Dapny Enslaved Person
William Delaney Son
Milley Eddins Daughter
Ginney Enslaved Person
James Offil Son-in-law
Sarah Graves Child
Marah Edelins Child
Joseph Delaney Child
Elizabeth Pemberton Child
Frances Furniss Child
Jane Delaney Child
Margaret Trimble Child
Eliza Roads Child
Diannah Offil Child
Part1 Order Books, 1793-1892
Author Virginia. County Court (Madison County)
Probate Place Madison, Virginia.1
Author Virginia. County Court (Madison County)
Probate Place Madison, Virginia.1


- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, Virginia, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1652-1900 seen 6 August 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site.
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, John Dulany 1747 - seen 6 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
Elizabeth Taylor1
F, #99624, b. between 1799 and 1800
Father | Mooreman Taylor1 b. 26 Mar 1769, d. 16 Sep 1827 |
Mother | Lavinia Banks1 b. c 1777 |
Last Edited | 12 Aug 2022 |
Elizabeth Taylor was born between 1799 and 1800 at Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA; Aged 50 in 1850 census; 61 in 1860.1,2
Elizabeth Taylor appeared on the census of 1810 in the household of Mooreman Taylor and Lavinia Banks at Lancaster, Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 228, line 4 (in alphabetical order)
Source Information: 1810 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.
Original data: Third Census of the United States, 1810. (NARA microfilm publication M252, 71 rolls). Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.3
Elizabeth Taylor was listed as a resident in Mooreman Taylor and Lavinia Banks's household in the census report on 7 August 1820 at Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 90, line 15
Source Information: 1820 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.
Original data: Fourth Census of the United States, 1820. (NARA microfilm publication M33, 142 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.4
Elizabeth Taylor appeared in the census of 28 August 1850 at District 2, Carroll Co., Kentucky, USA; Elizabeth and her mother are next door to her 1st cousin, Samuel BANKS.
p. 205-B, lines 22-26, dwelling 207, family 215
Elizabeth Taylor was listed as a resident in Lorena Taylor's household in the census report on 20 August 1860 at Milton, Trimble Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 311, lines 26-31, dwelling 792, family 787
26 TAYLOR, Luruna 45 [1815 ] F W $300 Garard [sic] Co. KY
27 " , Turrissa 56 [1804] F W Garard [sic] Co. KY
28 " , Levina 83 [1777] F W VA
29 " , Elizabeth 61 [1799] SF W Garard [sic] Co. KY
30 SADLER, Benj. 12 [1848] M W --- Attended school
31 " , Olive 7 [1853] F W Trimble Co KY.1
Elizabeth Taylor appeared in the census of 28 July 1870 at Milton, Trimble Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 215-A, lines 22-23, dwelling 58, family 58
Elizabeth Taylor appeared in the census of 24 June 1880 at Milton, Trimble Co., Kentucky, USA; The name of the Elizabeth's sister is not clear in the image.
p. 450-C, lines 27-28, dwelling 322, family 325
Elizabeth Taylor appeared on the census of 1810 in the household of Mooreman Taylor and Lavinia Banks at Lancaster, Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 228, line 4 (in alphabetical order)
Record ID 7613::561348
Name Mooeman Tayloe
Home in 1810 (City, County, State) Lancaster, Garrard, Kentucky
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10 3 [aft 1800] Uria 1800, Zachariah 1802, Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44 1 [1766-84] Moorman 1769
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10 2 [aft 1800] Malissa 1804, Charity 1809
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15 2 [1795-1800] Elizabeth c1799, Naomi c1799
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44 1 [1766-84] Lavinia (BANKS) c1777
Number of Household Members Under 16 7
Number of Household Members Over 25 2
Number of Household Members 9
Name Mooeman Tayloe
Home in 1810 (City, County, State) Lancaster, Garrard, Kentucky
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10 3 [aft 1800] Uria 1800, Zachariah 1802, Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44 1 [1766-84] Moorman 1769
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10 2 [aft 1800] Malissa 1804, Charity 1809
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15 2 [1795-1800] Elizabeth c1799, Naomi c1799
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44 1 [1766-84] Lavinia (BANKS) c1777
Number of Household Members Under 16 7
Number of Household Members Over 25 2
Number of Household Members 9
Source Information: 1810 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.
Original data: Third Census of the United States, 1810. (NARA microfilm publication M252, 71 rolls). Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.3

Elizabeth Taylor was listed as a resident in Mooreman Taylor and Lavinia Banks's household in the census report on 7 August 1820 at Garrard Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 90, line 15
Record ID 7734::1387606
Name Moman Taylor
Home in 1820 (City, County, State) Garrard, Garrard, Kentucky
Enumeration Date 7 August 1820
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10 3 [aft 1810] Garrard 1813, Oliver c1816, Garton 1817
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 15 1 [1805-10] Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 18 1 [1802-04] Zachariah 1802
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25 1 [1795-1804] Zachariah 1802
Free White Persons - Males - 45 and over 1 [bef 1775] Mooreman 1769
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10 1 [aft 1810] Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15 2 [1805-10] Lurena c1806, Charity 1809
Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25 2 [1795-1804] Elizabeth c1799, Naomi 1799
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44 1 [bef 1775] Lavinia (BANKS) 80916
Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture 1
Free White Persons - Under 16 7
Free White Persons - Over 25 2
Total Free White Persons 12
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other 12
Name Moman Taylor
Home in 1820 (City, County, State) Garrard, Garrard, Kentucky
Enumeration Date 7 August 1820
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10 3 [aft 1810] Garrard 1813, Oliver c1816, Garton 1817
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 15 1 [1805-10] Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 18 1 [1802-04] Zachariah 1802
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25 1 [1795-1804] Zachariah 1802
Free White Persons - Males - 45 and over 1 [bef 1775] Mooreman 1769
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10 1 [aft 1810] Unidentified?
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15 2 [1805-10] Lurena c1806, Charity 1809
Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25 2 [1795-1804] Elizabeth c1799, Naomi 1799
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44 1 [bef 1775] Lavinia (BANKS) 80916
Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture 1
Free White Persons - Under 16 7
Free White Persons - Over 25 2
Total Free White Persons 12
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other 12
Source Information: 1820 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.
Original data: Fourth Census of the United States, 1820. (NARA microfilm publication M33, 142 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.4

Elizabeth Taylor appeared in the census of 28 August 1850 at District 2, Carroll Co., Kentucky, USA; Elizabeth and her mother are next door to her 1st cousin, Samuel BANKS.
p. 205-B, lines 22-26, dwelling 207, family 215
22 TAYLOR, Elizabeth 50 [1800] F W KY
23 " , Lavina 70 [1780] F W VA
24 " , Lorena 30 [1820] F W KY
25 SADDLER, Teresa 26 [1824] F W KY
26 " , Ben F. 2 [1848] M W KY.2
23 " , Lavina 70 [1780] F W VA
24 " , Lorena 30 [1820] F W KY
25 SADDLER, Teresa 26 [1824] F W KY
26 " , Ben F. 2 [1848] M W KY.2

Elizabeth Taylor was listed as a resident in Lorena Taylor's household in the census report on 20 August 1860 at Milton, Trimble Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 311, lines 26-31, dwelling 792, family 787
26 TAYLOR, Luruna 45 [1815 ] F W $300 Garard [sic] Co. KY
27 " , Turrissa 56 [1804] F W Garard [sic] Co. KY
28 " , Levina 83 [1777] F W VA
29 " , Elizabeth 61 [1799] SF W Garard [sic] Co. KY
30 SADLER, Benj. 12 [1848] M W --- Attended school
31 " , Olive 7 [1853] F W Trimble Co KY.1

Elizabeth Taylor appeared in the census of 28 July 1870 at Milton, Trimble Co., Kentucky, USA; p. 215-A, lines 22-23, dwelling 58, family 58
22 TAYLOR, Betty 70 [1800] F W Keeping House KY
23 " , Lurany 57 [1813] F W Keeping House KY.5
23 " , Lurany 57 [1813] F W Keeping House KY.5

Elizabeth Taylor appeared in the census of 24 June 1880 at Milton, Trimble Co., Kentucky, USA; The name of the Elizabeth's sister is not clear in the image.
p. 450-C, lines 27-28, dwelling 322, family 325
27 TAYLOR, Elizabeth W F 81 [1799] Single Keeping House KY --- VA
28 " , Lucy? W F 74 [18063] Sister Single At Home KY --- VA.6
28 " , Lucy? W F 74 [18063] Sister Single At Home KY --- VA.6

- [S5656] 1860 Federal Census, 1860 Census KY Trimble Co Milton, Year: 1860; Census Place: Trimble, Kentucky; Roll: M653_397; Page: 311; Family History Library Film: 803397 seen 7 Aug 2022
Image: - [S5657] 1850 Federal Census, 1850 Census KY Carroll Co Dist 2, Year: 1850; Census Place: District 2, Carroll, Kentucky; Roll: 195; Page: 205b seen 7 Aug 2022
Image: - [S3423] 1810 Federal Census, 1810 Census KY Garrard Co Lancaster, Year: 1810; Census Place: Lancaster, Garrard, Kentucky; Roll: 6; Page: 228; Image: 00244; Family History Library Film: 0181351 seen 7 Aug 2022
Image: - [S3791] 1820 Federal Census, 1820 Census KY Garrard Co, 1820 U S Census; Census Place: Garrard, Garrard, Kentucky; Page: 99; NARA Roll: M33_21; Image: 113 seen 7 Aug 2022
Image: - [S5659] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census KY Trimble Co Milton, Year: 1870; Census Place: Milton, Trimble, Kentucky; Roll: M593_501; Page: 215A seen 7 Aug 2022
Image: - [S5660] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census KY Trimble Co Milton, Year: 1880; Census Place: Milton, Trimble, Kentucky; Roll: 443; Page: 450B; Enumeration District: 192 seen 7 Aug 2022
Marah Dulaney1
F, #99626, b. 19 November 1742
Father | John Dulaney1,2 b. 16 Jun 1718, d. 17 Aug 1803 |
Mother | Frances Stanton1 b. 9 Nov 1723, d. 19 Jan 1804 |
Last Edited | 6 Aug 2022 |
Marah Dulaney married (?) Eddins.1
Marah Dulaney was born on 19 November 1742 at Culpeper Co., Virginia, USA.3
Marah Dulaney was also known as Mary Dulaney.1
In John Dulaney's will dated 28 April 1800 at Madison Co., Virginia, USA, Marah Dulaney was named as an heir; - Virginia, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1652-1900
Source

Marah Dulaney was born on 19 November 1742 at Culpeper Co., Virginia, USA.3
Marah Dulaney was also known as Mary Dulaney.1
In John Dulaney's will dated 28 April 1800 at Madison Co., Virginia, USA, Marah Dulaney was named as an heir; - Virginia, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1652-1900
Record ID 62347::211616
Name John Delaney
Gender Male
Residence Date Abt 1800
Residence Place Madison, Virginia
Will Date 28 April 1800
Probate Date 28 April 1800
Probate Place Madison, Virginia, USA
Inferred Death Year 1800
Inferred Death Place Virginia, USA
Item Description Order Book, Vol 15, 1876-1884; Order Book, Vol 16, 1884-1892
Others Listed Relationship
John Delaney
Frances Delaney Wife
John Delaney Son
Tom Enslaved Person
Roger Enslaved Person
James Enslaved Person
Fillis Enslaved Person
Grace Enslaved Person
Hannah Enslaved Person
Dapny Enslaved Person
William Delaney Son
Milley Eddins Daughter
Ginney Enslaved Person
James Offil Son-in-law
Sarah Graves Child
Marah Edelins Child
Joseph Delaney Child
Elizabeth Pemberton Child
Frances Furniss Child
Jane Delaney Child
Margaret Trimble Child
Eliza Roads Child
Diannah Offil Child
Name John Delaney
Gender Male
Residence Date Abt 1800
Residence Place Madison, Virginia
Will Date 28 April 1800
Probate Date 28 April 1800
Probate Place Madison, Virginia, USA
Inferred Death Year 1800
Inferred Death Place Virginia, USA
Item Description Order Book, Vol 15, 1876-1884; Order Book, Vol 16, 1884-1892
Others Listed Relationship
John Delaney
Frances Delaney Wife
John Delaney Son
Tom Enslaved Person
Roger Enslaved Person
James Enslaved Person
Fillis Enslaved Person
Grace Enslaved Person
Hannah Enslaved Person
Dapny Enslaved Person
William Delaney Son
Milley Eddins Daughter
Ginney Enslaved Person
James Offil Son-in-law
Sarah Graves Child
Marah Edelins Child
Joseph Delaney Child
Elizabeth Pemberton Child
Frances Furniss Child
Jane Delaney Child
Margaret Trimble Child
Eliza Roads Child
Diannah Offil Child
Part1 Order Books, 1793-1892
Author Virginia. County Court (Madison County)
Probate Place Madison, Virginia.1
Author Virginia. County Court (Madison County)
Probate Place Madison, Virginia.1


Family | (?) Eddins |
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, Virginia, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1652-1900 seen 6 August 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site.
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, John Dulany 1718 - 1803 seen 6 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, Mary 'Mariah' Dulany 1742 - seen 6 Aug 2022 at
(?) Sadler1
M, #99627
Last Edited | 7 Aug 2022 |
(?) Sadler married Theresa B. Taylor, daughter of Mooreman Taylor and Lavinia Banks, before 1848
; Their son Ben was aged in the 1850 census.1
; Their son Ben was aged in the 1850 census.1
Family | Theresa B. Taylor b. c 1824 |
Children |
- [S5657] 1850 Federal Census, 1850 Census KY Carroll Co Dist 2, Year: 1850; Census Place: District 2, Carroll, Kentucky; Roll: 195; Page: 205b seen 7 Aug 2022
Image: - [S5656] 1860 Federal Census, 1860 Census KY Trimble Co Milton, Year: 1860; Census Place: Trimble, Kentucky; Roll: M653_397; Page: 311; Family History Library Film: 803397 seen 7 Aug 2022
Joseph Dulaney1
M, #99628, b. 6 May 1744, d. 20 July 1814
Father | John Dulaney1,2 b. 16 Jun 1718, d. 17 Aug 1803 |
Mother | Frances Stanton1 b. 9 Nov 1723, d. 19 Jan 1804 |
Last Edited | 6 Aug 2022 |
Joseph Dulaney was born on 6 May 1744 at Culpeper Co., Virginia, USA.3 He married Frances Hume, daughter of George Hume and Jane Stanton, in 1774 at Orange Co., Virginia, USA.4
Joseph Dulaney died on 20 July 1814 at Madison Co., Virginia, USA, at age 70.3
In John Dulaney's will dated 28 April 1800 at Madison Co., Virginia, USA, Joseph Dulaney was named as an heir; - Virginia, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1652-1900
Source

Joseph Dulaney died on 20 July 1814 at Madison Co., Virginia, USA, at age 70.3
In John Dulaney's will dated 28 April 1800 at Madison Co., Virginia, USA, Joseph Dulaney was named as an heir; - Virginia, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1652-1900
Record ID 62347::211616
Name John Delaney
Gender Male
Residence Date Abt 1800
Residence Place Madison, Virginia
Will Date 28 April 1800
Probate Date 28 April 1800
Probate Place Madison, Virginia, USA
Inferred Death Year 1800
Inferred Death Place Virginia, USA
Item Description Order Book, Vol 15, 1876-1884; Order Book, Vol 16, 1884-1892
Others Listed Relationship
John Delaney
Frances Delaney Wife
John Delaney Son
Tom Enslaved Person
Roger Enslaved Person
James Enslaved Person
Fillis Enslaved Person
Grace Enslaved Person
Hannah Enslaved Person
Dapny Enslaved Person
William Delaney Son
Milley Eddins Daughter
Ginney Enslaved Person
James Offil Son-in-law
Sarah Graves Child
Marah Edelins Child
Joseph Delaney Child
Elizabeth Pemberton Child
Frances Furniss Child
Jane Delaney Child
Margaret Trimble Child
Eliza Roads Child
Diannah Offil Child
Name John Delaney
Gender Male
Residence Date Abt 1800
Residence Place Madison, Virginia
Will Date 28 April 1800
Probate Date 28 April 1800
Probate Place Madison, Virginia, USA
Inferred Death Year 1800
Inferred Death Place Virginia, USA
Item Description Order Book, Vol 15, 1876-1884; Order Book, Vol 16, 1884-1892
Others Listed Relationship
John Delaney
Frances Delaney Wife
John Delaney Son
Tom Enslaved Person
Roger Enslaved Person
James Enslaved Person
Fillis Enslaved Person
Grace Enslaved Person
Hannah Enslaved Person
Dapny Enslaved Person
William Delaney Son
Milley Eddins Daughter
Ginney Enslaved Person
James Offil Son-in-law
Sarah Graves Child
Marah Edelins Child
Joseph Delaney Child
Elizabeth Pemberton Child
Frances Furniss Child
Jane Delaney Child
Margaret Trimble Child
Eliza Roads Child
Diannah Offil Child
Part1 Order Books, 1793-1892
Author Virginia. County Court (Madison County)
Probate Place Madison, Virginia.1
Author Virginia. County Court (Madison County)
Probate Place Madison, Virginia.1


Family | Frances Hume b. 14 Nov 1756, d. 19 Dec 1814 |
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, Virginia, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1652-1900 seen 6 August 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site.
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, John Dulany 1718 - 1803 seen 6 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, Joseph Dulany 1744 - 1814 seen 6 Aug 2022 at
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online, Frances Hume 1756 - 1814 seen 6 Aug 2022 at
Elizabeth Dulaney1,2
F, #99629, b. 28 January 1746
Father | John Dulaney1 b. 16 Jun 1718, d. 17 Aug 1803 |
Mother | Frances Stanton1 b. 9 Nov 1723, d. 19 Jan 1804 |
Last Edited | 6 Aug 2022 |
Elizabeth Dulaney married (?) Pemberton.1
Elizabeth Dulaney was born on 28 January 1746 at Culpeper Co., Virginia, USA.2
In John Dulaney's will dated 28 April 1800 at Madison Co., Virginia, USA, Elizabeth Dulaney was named as an heir; - Virginia, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1652-1900
Source

Elizabeth Dulaney was born on 28 January 1746 at Culpeper Co., Virginia, USA.2
In John Dulaney's will dated 28 April 1800 at Madison Co., Virginia, USA, Elizabeth Dulaney was named as an heir; - Virginia, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1652-1900
Record ID 62347::211616
Name John Delaney
Gender Male
Residence Date Abt 1800
Residence Place Madison, Virginia
Will Date 28 April 1800
Probate Date 28 April 1800
Probate Place Madison, Virginia, USA
Inferred Death Year 1800
Inferred Death Place Virginia, USA
Item Description Order Book, Vol 15, 1876-1884; Order Book, Vol 16, 1884-1892
Others Listed Relationship
John Delaney
Frances Delaney Wife
John Delaney Son
Tom Enslaved Person
Roger Enslaved Person
James Enslaved Person
Fillis Enslaved Person
Grace Enslaved Person
Hannah Enslaved Person
Dapny Enslaved Person
William Delaney Son
Milley Eddins Daughter
Ginney Enslaved Person
James Offil Son-in-law
Sarah Graves Child
Marah Edelins Child
Joseph Delaney Child
Elizabeth Pemberton Child
Frances Furniss Child
Jane Delaney Child
Margaret Trimble Child
Eliza Roads Child
Diannah Offil Child
Name John Delaney
Gender Male
Residence Date Abt 1800
Residence Place Madison, Virginia
Will Date 28 April 1800
Probate Date 28 April 1800
Probate Place Madison, Virginia, USA
Inferred Death Year 1800
Inferred Death Place Virginia, USA
Item Description Order Book, Vol 15, 1876-1884; Order Book, Vol 16, 1884-1892
Others Listed Relationship
John Delaney
Frances Delaney Wife
John Delaney Son
Tom Enslaved Person
Roger Enslaved Person
James Enslaved Person
Fillis Enslaved Person
Grace Enslaved Person
Hannah Enslaved Person
Dapny Enslaved Person
William Delaney Son
Milley Eddins Daughter
Ginney Enslaved Person
James Offil Son-in-law
Sarah Graves Child
Marah Edelins Child
Joseph Delaney Child
Elizabeth Pemberton Child
Frances Furniss Child
Jane Delaney Child
Margaret Trimble Child
Eliza Roads Child
Diannah Offil Child
Part1 Order Books, 1793-1892
Author Virginia. County Court (Madison County)
Probate Place Madison, Virginia.1
Author Virginia. County Court (Madison County)
Probate Place Madison, Virginia.1


Family | (?) Pemberton |
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, Virginia, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1652-1900 seen 6 August 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site.
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <>, Elizabeth Dulany 1746 - seen 6 Aug 2022 at Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.