Judith Browne1
F, #27001, b. between 1675 and 1677, d. 1725
Father | Original Browne1 b. c 1650 |
Mother | Jane Brooks1 b. c 1650 |
Charts | Ancestors - John M. Jones, III |
Reference | GKJ7 |
Last Edited | 1 Feb 2003 |
Judith Browne married William R. Wroe Sr.1
Judith Browne was born between 1675 and 1677 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
Judith Browne died in 1725.1
; Judith Browne ws b in Westmoreland Co Va ca. 1675. Judith died ca 1725 in Westmoreland co Va. She married William Wroe in Westmoreland Co VA. Wm. was born ca 1670 in Lancashire, England. Wm. d ca 1725 in Westmoreland Co Va.1 GKJ-7.
; From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.1
Judith Browne was born between 1675 and 1677 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
Judith Browne died in 1725.1
; Judith Browne ws b in Westmoreland Co Va ca. 1675. Judith died ca 1725 in Westmoreland co Va. She married William Wroe in Westmoreland Co VA. Wm. was born ca 1670 in Lancashire, England. Wm. d ca 1725 in Westmoreland Co Va.1 GKJ-7.
; From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.1
Family | William R. Wroe Sr. b. 8 Feb 1670, d. 1730 |
Children |
- [S967] e-mail address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=:a21063, Unknown (unknown location), downloaded updated 25 Aug 2001.
Original Browne1
M, #27002, b. circa 1650
Father | Richard Browne1 b. c 1618, d. 1670 |
Mother | Eader James1 b. c 1618 |
Charts | Ancestors - John M. Jones, III |
Reference | GKJ8 |
Last Edited | 1 Feb 2003 |
Original Browne was born circa 1650.1 He married Jane Brooks, daughter of Henry Brooks and Jane (Joane) Saxton, circa 1670 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
; Signed Sealed Published Pronounced & Declared by the said Original Browne as his last will and Testament in the presence of us. Laurence Abbington, Edward Lambey, John Higdon Westmoreland Tet?. At a Court held for the said County the 27? th day of April 1698. This Will was proved by the Oaths of Laurence Abbington and John Higdon and a Probate granted to Jane Brown Ext. herein named and the Will ordered to be.1
; ORIGINAL BROWNE (sealed.)1
; Recorded. Teste James Westcomb __?1 GKJ-8.
; File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Peggy Miller.1
; In the Name of God Amen this 5th day of February in the year of our Lord God 1697/8. I Original Browne of Washington Parish in the County of Westmoreland being Sick of Body, but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given to God Therefor, calling to mind the mortality of my body knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die so make and ordaine this my last Will & Testament in manner and form following, first & principally I give my soul into the hands of God who gave it me and for my body I commend it to the Earth to be buried in Christian & decent manner as to my Executrea hereafter named shall be thought neet and convenient, nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God and as touching such worldly estate, wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life I give and devise bequath and dispose the same in manner & form following First I give and bequath unto my daughter Jane Pope one Chest of Drawers: Item I give unto my daughter Judith Roe ten Shillings of good & Lawfull Money of England, Item I give unto my Daughter Mary Browne at the full age of 16 or the day of Marriage One negro girl commonly called Jenny to her and the Lawfull heirs of her body, but if my Daughter Mary should Die before the expressed time or without an heir Lawfully begotten of her body as aforesaid, that then the said Negro Girl with all her increase shall return to the next heir at Law, Item I give unto my Daughter Mary Browne One Feather bed and furniture after the maner of the aforesaid Legacy, Item I give unto my Daughter Mary Browne two cows and calves after the manner of the aforesaid Legacy, Item I give unto my Son William Brown one riding horse, two saddles, bridle halter, one case of Pistols and a pair of Holsters and one Bayonett, Item I give unto my Son William Brown, one mair of three years & with her increase, Item I give unto my Son William Brown all my guns in general, Item I will that after my legacies are paid that my said Son William Brown have his equal half of all my cattle that shall remain both of male and female with their increase, Item I will that my said Son Wm Browne have likewise half my stock of Hoggs and half my beding Brass Pewter and Iron Potts, Item I will that my said Son William Browne haves one of my best ___ tables with half my table linnen, half my chairs & two of my best chests, Item I will that my said Son Wiliam Brown haves my Bible and all the rest of my books, Item I give unto my Son Wm Brown two negroes named Cofey and Diana, to be delivered to him at the full age of Twenty & One with all their Increase from this time to that and that there increase afterward, to him and his heirs, but if my said Son should die before he comes to the age of One & Twenty or after should die without an heir of his body, that then the said Negroes with their aforesaid Increase, and every particular legacy, which I have unto my aforesaid Son William Browne to return to the next heir at Law; Item I give unto my well beloved Wife Jane all the residue of my Estate both of Cattle horses hoggs Corn Tobacco, houshold goods and all manner of my Estate whatsoever excepting what I here next give; Item I give unto Laurence Abbington all my wearing Cloaths in general; Item it is my will and pleasure that my Executrea shall first Pay my debts and then my legacies, Item it is my will and pleasure that my well beloved Wife Jane be full and Sole Excutrea of this my last Will & Testament, But if my said Wife should in any case Imbezell make away or Strive to defraud my said Children of any part or Parcell of any of the mentioned legacies which I have given them, then it is my desire that my esteemed friends Capt. Laurence Washington and W Caleb Butler whome I empower & Intrust as overseers over my Children and their estate, to take my said Children & their Estates unto their Custody, and I desire my said two overseers carefully to look after my said Children and their estate, during the time of their minority, untill they come to the specified time which I have left them of age, Item it is my will and Pleasure that if Mark Cullum should have opportunity of geting the place of Ship Master that then my said Son William Brown be bound to him during the time that I have left him to be of age provided he followeth the Seas as Master, but if the said Mark Cullum should not attaine the Office aforesaid, that then my said Son William Brown the last four years of _____ of his age be bound apprentice to a Carpenter Millwright or Jayner; Item I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke and annull all and every other former Testaments wills Legacies, Executors or Executrea, by me in any wise before thi time named willed & bequeathed Ratifying & confirming this and none other to be my last Will and Testament, In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale above on the other side of this above whole upper sheet of paper mentioned.1
; Originall Browne b. Westmoreland Co Va 1648 d 1698 unknown. M. Jane Brooks Higdon (Another listing gives his wife's name as Jane Bridges.) in Westmoreland Co VA ca 1670. Jane b. ca 1650 possibly Westmoreland Co VA. d/o Henry Brooks and Joane Saxton. Jane d unknown.1
; Will of Original Browne, s/5 Feb 1697/98, p/27 Apr 1698. From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.1
; The original will can be found at the Westmoreland County Court House, Va. Will Book 2, pages 142A through 144. It was copied as close as possible.1
; Will of Original Browne.1
; Signed Sealed Published Pronounced & Declared by the said Original Browne as his last will and Testament in the presence of us. Laurence Abbington, Edward Lambey, John Higdon Westmoreland Tet?. At a Court held for the said County the 27? th day of April 1698. This Will was proved by the Oaths of Laurence Abbington and John Higdon and a Probate granted to Jane Brown Ext. herein named and the Will ordered to be.1
; ORIGINAL BROWNE (sealed.)1
; Recorded. Teste James Westcomb __?1 GKJ-8.
; File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Peggy Miller
; In the Name of God Amen this 5th day of February in the year of our Lord God 1697/8. I Original Browne of Washington Parish in the County of Westmoreland being Sick of Body, but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given to God Therefor, calling to mind the mortality of my body knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die so make and ordaine this my last Will & Testament in manner and form following, first & principally I give my soul into the hands of God who gave it me and for my body I commend it to the Earth to be buried in Christian & decent manner as to my Executrea hereafter named shall be thought neet and convenient, nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God and as touching such worldly estate, wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life I give and devise bequath and dispose the same in manner & form following First I give and bequath unto my daughter Jane Pope one Chest of Drawers: Item I give unto my daughter Judith Roe ten Shillings of good & Lawfull Money of England, Item I give unto my Daughter Mary Browne at the full age of 16 or the day of Marriage One negro girl commonly called Jenny to her and the Lawfull heirs of her body, but if my Daughter Mary should Die before the expressed time or without an heir Lawfully begotten of her body as aforesaid, that then the said Negro Girl with all her increase shall return to the next heir at Law, Item I give unto my Daughter Mary Browne One Feather bed and furniture after the maner of the aforesaid Legacy, Item I give unto my Daughter Mary Browne two cows and calves after the manner of the aforesaid Legacy, Item I give unto my Son William Brown one riding horse, two saddles, bridle halter, one case of Pistols and a pair of Holsters and one Bayonett, Item I give unto my Son William Brown, one mair of three years & with her increase, Item I give unto my Son William Brown all my guns in general, Item I will that after my legacies are paid that my said Son William Brown have his equal half of all my cattle that shall remain both of male and female with their increase, Item I will that my said Son Wm Browne have likewise half my stock of Hoggs and half my beding Brass Pewter and Iron Potts, Item I will that my said Son William Browne haves one of my best ___ tables with half my table linnen, half my chairs & two of my best chests, Item I will that my said Son Wiliam Brown haves my Bible and all the rest of my books, Item I give unto my Son Wm Brown two negroes named Cofey and Diana, to be delivered to him at the full age of Twenty & One with all their Increase from this time to that and that there increase afterward, to him and his heirs, but if my said Son should die before he comes to the age of One & Twenty or after should die without an heir of his body, that then the said Negroes with their aforesaid Increase, and every particular legacy, which I have unto my aforesaid Son William Browne to return to the next heir at Law; Item I give unto my well beloved Wife Jane all the residue of my Estate both of Cattle horses hoggs Corn Tobacco, houshold goods and all manner of my Estate whatsoever excepting what I here next give; Item I give unto Laurence Abbington all my wearing Cloaths in general; Item it is my will and pleasure that my Executrea shall first Pay my debts and then my legacies, Item it is my will and pleasure that my well beloved Wife Jane be full and Sole Excutrea of this my last Will & Testament, But if my said Wife should in any case Imbezell make away or Strive to defraud my said Children of any part or Parcell of any of the mentioned legacies which I have given them, then it is my desire that my esteemed friends Capt. Laurence Washington and W Caleb Butler whome I empower & Intrust as overseers over my Children and their estate, to take my said Children & their Estates unto their Custody, and I desire my said two overseers carefully to look after my said Children and their estate, during the time of their minority, untill they come to the specified time which I have left them of age, Item it is my will and Pleasure that if Mark Cullum should have opportunity of geting the place of Ship Master that then my said Son William Brown be bound to him during the time that I have left him to be of age provided he followeth the Seas as Master, but if the said Mark Cullum should not attaine the Office aforesaid, that then my said Son William Brown the last four years of _____ of his age be bound apprentice to a Carpenter Millwright or Jayner; Item I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke and annull all and every other former Testaments wills Legacies, Executors or Executrea, by me in any wise before thi time named willed & bequeathed Ratifying & confirming this and none other to be my last Will and Testament, In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale above on the other side of this above whole upper sheet of paper mentioned.1
; Originall Browne b. Westmoreland Co Va 1648 d 1698 unknown. M. Jane Brooks Higdon (Another listing gives his wife's name as Jane Bridges.) in Westmoreland Co VA ca 1670. Jane b. ca 1650 possibly Westmoreland Co VA. d/o Henry Brooks and Joane Saxton. Jane d unknown.1
; Will of Original Browne, s/5 Feb 1697/98, p/27 Apr 1698. From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.1
; The original will can be found at the Westmoreland County Court House, Va. Will Book 2, pages 142A through 144. It was copied as close as possible.1
; Will of Original Browne.1
Family | Jane Brooks b. c 1650 |
Children |
- [S967] e-mail address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=:a21063, Unknown (unknown location), downloaded updated 25 Aug 2001.
Jane Brooks1
F, #27003, b. circa 1650
Father | Henry Brooks2 b. c 1625 |
Mother | Jane (Joane) Saxton3 |
Charts | Ancestors - John M. Jones, III |
Reference | GKJ8 |
Last Edited | 1 Feb 2003 |
Jane Brooks married Mr. Higdon.1
Jane Brooks married James Campbell.1
Jane Brooks was born circa 1650 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1 She married Original Browne, son of Richard Browne and Eader James, circa 1670 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
; Jane Brooks m. 1st John Higdon; 2nd Originall Browne. Originall and Jane had 4 children, one of who was Judith Browne who m. William Wroe. Jane, at the death of William Wroe (that is what it says) m. James Campbell.1 GKJ-8.
; From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996. Another listing gives her name as Jane Bridges.1
Jane Brooks married James Campbell.1
Jane Brooks was born circa 1650 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1 She married Original Browne, son of Richard Browne and Eader James, circa 1670 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
; Jane Brooks m. 1st John Higdon; 2nd Originall Browne. Originall and Jane had 4 children, one of who was Judith Browne who m. William Wroe. Jane, at the death of William Wroe (that is what it says) m. James Campbell.1 GKJ-8.
; From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996. Another listing gives her name as Jane Bridges.1
Family 1 | James Campbell |
Family 2 | Mr. Higdon |
Family 3 | Original Browne b. c 1650 |
Children |
- [S967] e-mail address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=:a21063, Unknown (unknown location), downloaded updated 25 Aug 2001.
- [S967] e-mail address, updated 25 Aug 2001, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=:a21063&id=I14255
- [S967] e-mail address, updated 25 Aug 2001, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=:a21063&id=I14256
Hannah [Mrs.] Mason1
F, #27004, d. before 1730
Last Edited | 23 Dec 2001 |
Family | William R. Wroe Sr. b. 8 Feb 1670, d. 1730 |
- [S967] e-mail address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=:a21063, Unknown (unknown location), downloaded updated 25 Aug 2001.
William Wroe Jr.1
M, #27005, b. circa 1700
Father | William R. Wroe Sr.1 b. 8 Feb 1670, d. 1730 |
Mother | Judith Browne1 b. bt 1675 - 1677, d. 1725 |
Last Edited | 23 Dec 2001 |
William Wroe Jr. was born circa 1700 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
- [S967] e-mail address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=:a21063, Unknown (unknown location), downloaded updated 25 Aug 2001.
Richard Wroe1
M, #27006, b. circa 1702
Father | William R. Wroe Sr.1 b. 8 Feb 1670, d. 1730 |
Mother | Judith Browne1 b. bt 1675 - 1677, d. 1725 |
Last Edited | 23 Dec 2001 |
Richard Wroe was born circa 1702 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
- [S967] e-mail address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=:a21063, Unknown (unknown location), downloaded updated 25 Aug 2001.
Mary Wroe1
F, #27007, b. circa 1704
Father | William R. Wroe Sr.1 b. 8 Feb 1670, d. 1730 |
Mother | Judith Browne1 b. bt 1675 - 1677, d. 1725 |
Last Edited | 23 Dec 2001 |
Mary Wroe was born circa 1704 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
- [S967] e-mail address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=:a21063, Unknown (unknown location), downloaded updated 25 Aug 2001.
Judith Wroe1
F, #27008, b. circa 1706
Father | William R. Wroe Sr.1 b. 8 Feb 1670, d. 1730 |
Mother | Judith Browne1 b. bt 1675 - 1677, d. 1725 |
Last Edited | 23 Dec 2001 |
Judith Wroe was born circa 1706 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
- [S967] e-mail address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=:a21063, Unknown (unknown location), downloaded updated 25 Aug 2001.
Elizabeth Wroe1
F, #27009, b. circa 1708
Father | William R. Wroe Sr.1 b. 8 Feb 1670, d. 1730 |
Mother | Judith Browne1 b. bt 1675 - 1677, d. 1725 |
Last Edited | 23 Dec 2001 |
Elizabeth Wroe was born circa 1708 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
- [S967] e-mail address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=:a21063, Unknown (unknown location), downloaded updated 25 Aug 2001.
Sarah Wroe1
F, #27010, b. circa 1710
Father | William R. Wroe Sr.1 b. 8 Feb 1670, d. 1730 |
Mother | Judith Browne1 b. bt 1675 - 1677, d. 1725 |
Last Edited | 23 Dec 2001 |
Sarah Wroe was born circa 1710 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
- [S967] e-mail address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=:a21063, Unknown (unknown location), downloaded updated 25 Aug 2001.
Thomas Chancellor1
M, #27011, b. 5 July 1691, d. 9 March 1761
Father | John Chancellor1 b. c 1650 |
Mother | Margaret (?)1 |
Charts | Ancestors - John M. Jones, III |
Reference | GKJ6 |
Last Edited | 21 Apr 2002 |
Thomas Chancellor and Katherine Fitzgerald Copper were divorced; N.1 Thomas Chancellor was born on 5 July 1691 at Somerset Co., Maryland, USA.1 He married Katherine Fitzgerald Copper, daughter of Dr. John Copper and Lady Katherine Fitzgerald, on 3 March 1724 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
Thomas Chancellor died on 9 March 1761 at Somerset Co., Maryland, USA, at age 69.1
; From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.1 GKJ-6.
Thomas Chancellor died on 9 March 1761 at Somerset Co., Maryland, USA, at age 69.1
; From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.1 GKJ-6.
Family | Katherine Fitzgerald Copper b. 1705, d. 1767 |
Children |
- [S967] e-mail address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=:a21063, Unknown (unknown location), downloaded updated 25 Aug 2001.
Katherine Fitzgerald Copper1
F, #27012, b. 1705, d. 1767
Father | Dr. John Copper1 b. b 1688, d. 1735 |
Mother | Lady Katherine Fitzgerald1 b. c 1688, d. b 1735 |
Charts | Ancestors - John M. Jones, III |
Reference | GKJ6 |
Last Edited | 22 Aug 2002 |
Katherine Fitzgerald Copper and Thomas Chancellor were divorced; N.1 Katherine Fitzgerald Copper was born in 1705 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1 She married Thomas Chancellor, son of John Chancellor and Margaret (?), on 3 March 1724 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
Katherine Fitzgerald Copper died in 1767 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
; Katherine and Thomas Chancellor had the following children.1
; John Chancellor b. W Co VA 1726 d 1815 in VA possibly. Katherine Chancellor b. W co Va 1730. Grace Chancellor b. 1734. Rebecca Chancellor b. W Co VA Nov 10, 1742. Thomas Chancellor b. in W Co VA 1745. Sarah Chancellor b. W Co Va 1749.1 GKJ-6.
; From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.1
; Katherine Fitzgerald Cooper was b in Westmoreland Co VA 1705. died 1767 in W Co VA probably. She married Thomas Chancellor in Westmoreland Co VA probably ca 1721. Thomas was b. July 5, 1691 in Somerset Co MD. He was son of John Chancellor and Margaret Chancellor (maiden name unknown) Thomas d. Mar 9, 1761 in Somerset Co MD at 69 years of age.1
Katherine Fitzgerald Copper died in 1767 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
; Katherine and Thomas Chancellor had the following children.1
; John Chancellor b. W Co VA 1726 d 1815 in VA possibly. Katherine Chancellor b. W co Va 1730. Grace Chancellor b. 1734. Rebecca Chancellor b. W Co VA Nov 10, 1742. Thomas Chancellor b. in W Co VA 1745. Sarah Chancellor b. W Co Va 1749.1 GKJ-6.
; From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.1
; Katherine Fitzgerald Cooper was b in Westmoreland Co VA 1705. died 1767 in W Co VA probably. She married Thomas Chancellor in Westmoreland Co VA probably ca 1721. Thomas was b. July 5, 1691 in Somerset Co MD. He was son of John Chancellor and Margaret Chancellor (maiden name unknown) Thomas d. Mar 9, 1761 in Somerset Co MD at 69 years of age.1
Family | Thomas Chancellor b. 5 Jul 1691, d. 9 Mar 1761 |
Children |
- [S967] e-mail address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=:a21063, Unknown (unknown location), downloaded updated 25 Aug 2001.
John Chancellor1
M, #27013, b. circa 1726, d. 10 March 1815
Father | Thomas Chancellor1 b. 5 Jul 1691, d. 9 Mar 1761 |
Mother | Katherine Fitzgerald Copper1 b. 1705, d. 1767 |
Last Edited | 23 Dec 2001 |
John Chancellor and an unknown person were divorced; N.1 He was born circa 1726 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1 He married an unknown person in 1747 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
John Chancellor died on 10 March 1815 at Prince William Co., Virginia, USA.1
John Chancellor died on 10 March 1815 at Prince William Co., Virginia, USA.1
- [S967] e-mail address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=:a21063, Unknown (unknown location), downloaded updated 25 Aug 2001.
Katherine Chancellor1
F, #27014, b. circa 1730
Father | Thomas Chancellor1 b. 5 Jul 1691, d. 9 Mar 1761 |
Mother | Katherine Fitzgerald Copper1 b. 1705, d. 1767 |
Last Edited | 23 Dec 2001 |
Katherine Chancellor and Thomas Wroe were divorced; N.1 Katherine Chancellor was born circa 1730 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1 She married Thomas Wroe, son of Original Wroe and Jane Lyne, in 1765.1
Family | Thomas Wroe b. 10 Jan 1746 |
- [S967] e-mail address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=:a21063, Unknown (unknown location), downloaded updated 25 Aug 2001.
Rebecca Chancellor1
F, #27015, b. 20 November 1742
Father | Thomas Chancellor1 b. 5 Jul 1691, d. 9 Mar 1761 |
Mother | Katherine Fitzgerald Copper1 b. 1705, d. 1767 |
Last Edited | 23 Dec 2001 |
Rebecca Chancellor and Richard Wroe were divorced; N.1 Rebecca Chancellor was born on 20 November 1742 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1 She married Richard Wroe, son of Original Wroe and Jane Lyne, in 1760.1
Family | Richard Wroe b. 3 Apr 1738, d. 18 Sep 1813 |
- [S967] e-mail address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=:a21063, Unknown (unknown location), downloaded updated 25 Aug 2001.
Thomas Chancellor1
M, #27016, b. circa 1745
Father | Thomas Chancellor1 b. 5 Jul 1691, d. 9 Mar 1761 |
Mother | Katherine Fitzgerald Copper1 b. 1705, d. 1767 |
Last Edited | 23 Dec 2001 |
Thomas Chancellor and an unknown person were divorced; N.1 He was born circa 1745 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1 He married an unknown person in 1765.1
- [S967] e-mail address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=:a21063, Unknown (unknown location), downloaded updated 25 Aug 2001.
Sarah Chancellor1
F, #27017, b. circa 1749
Father | Thomas Chancellor1 b. 5 Jul 1691, d. 9 Mar 1761 |
Mother | Katherine Fitzgerald Copper1 b. 1705, d. 1767 |
Last Edited | 23 Dec 2001 |
Sarah Chancellor and Benjamin Wroe were divorced; N.1 Sarah Chancellor was born circa 1749 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1 She married Benjamin Wroe, son of Original Wroe and Jane Lyne, in 1773.1
Family | Benjamin Wroe b. 8 Jan 1750, d. 1819 |
- [S967] e-mail address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=:a21063, Unknown (unknown location), downloaded updated 25 Aug 2001.
Dr. John Copper1
M, #27018, b. before 1688, d. 1735
Charts | Ancestors - John M. Jones, III |
Reference | GKJ7 |
Last Edited | 1 Feb 2003 |
Dr. John Copper married Hannah Kenne Bushrod Allerton.1
Dr. John Copper was born before 1688 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1 He married Lady Katherine Fitzgerald, daughter of Sir Edmund Fitzgerald Knt. of Glyn, circa 1703 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
Dr. John Copper died in 1735 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
; From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.1 GKJ-7.
Dr. John Copper was born before 1688 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1 He married Lady Katherine Fitzgerald, daughter of Sir Edmund Fitzgerald Knt. of Glyn, circa 1703 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
Dr. John Copper died in 1735 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
; From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.1 GKJ-7.
Family 1 | Hannah Kenne Bushrod Allerton |
Family 2 | Lady Katherine Fitzgerald b. c 1688, d. b 1735 |
Child |
- [S967] e-mail address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=:a21063, Unknown (unknown location), downloaded updated 25 Aug 2001.
Lady Katherine Fitzgerald1
F, #27019, b. circa 1688, d. before 1735
Father | Sir Edmund Fitzgerald Knt. of Glyn1 |
Charts | Ancestors - John M. Jones, III |
Reference | GKJ7 |
Last Edited | 1 Feb 2003 |
Lady Katherine Fitzgerald was born circa 1688 at Ireland.1 She married Dr. John Copper circa 1703 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
Lady Katherine Fitzgerald died before 1735 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
; Lady Katherine FCitzgerald was b. in Ireland ca 1688. Lady d before 1735 in Westmoreland Co Va. She m. John Cooper in W Co VA ca 1703. John was b. before 1688 in W Co Va. d. 1735 in W Co VA. His boy interred 1735 in Bushfield, Westmoreland Co VA.1
; >From William and Mary Quarterly - Page 193-no date. Cooper-Fitzgerald 'Katherine Fitzgerald was the only child of Sir Edmund Fitzgerald, Knight of Glyn, Dublin, Ireland and heir to her father's vast estatae. Her paternal uncle, desirous of becoming the heir at his brother's death, had her kidnapped on the way to school, and according to tradition, was given to a sea captain to drown at sea, but his heart failed him and he brought her to America to be adopted by the Cooper family. She was at this time only 10 or 12 years old. At the age of sixteen she was married to the son in the family-John Cooper. She brought with her to Virginia her Bible which is now in the possession of the Pagett family in the west, her doll which was stolen from a descendent in Ohio which was stolen some years ago; and her lace frame or loom which is said to be in possession of descenents now living in Texas. Decendents in Texas also have a very fine oil painting of Lady Katherine Fitzgerald Cooper. Dr John Cooper m second Mrs. Hannah Keene Bushrod Allerton. She was the daughter of Wm. Keene and widow of John Bushrod and Col A Willoughby Allerton. Dr Cooper d in W Co VA in 1735, leaving a will under that date in which he mentions his daughter Katherine Chancellor, son in law Thomas Chancellor and grandson John Chancellor. John Cooper had no issue by 2nd marriage. Hannah Cooper d in 1738 and according to her will, John Cooper is buried at 'Bushfield' near the mouth of Nominy Creek in W Co, VA. She requests in her will that she be buried between John Bushrod and Dr Cooper. Wills in W Co, Va, 1654 to 1800 shows on page 99 that John Cooper in his will dated Oct 12, 1734 and probated 25 Mar. 1735 names his wife Hannah, daughter Katherine Chancellor, a son in law Thomas Chancellor and a grandson John Chancellor.1' GKJ-7.
; From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.1
Lady Katherine Fitzgerald died before 1735 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
; Lady Katherine FCitzgerald was b. in Ireland ca 1688. Lady d before 1735 in Westmoreland Co Va. She m. John Cooper in W Co VA ca 1703. John was b. before 1688 in W Co Va. d. 1735 in W Co VA. His boy interred 1735 in Bushfield, Westmoreland Co VA.1
; >From William and Mary Quarterly - Page 193-no date. Cooper-Fitzgerald 'Katherine Fitzgerald was the only child of Sir Edmund Fitzgerald, Knight of Glyn, Dublin, Ireland and heir to her father's vast estatae. Her paternal uncle, desirous of becoming the heir at his brother's death, had her kidnapped on the way to school, and according to tradition, was given to a sea captain to drown at sea, but his heart failed him and he brought her to America to be adopted by the Cooper family. She was at this time only 10 or 12 years old. At the age of sixteen she was married to the son in the family-John Cooper. She brought with her to Virginia her Bible which is now in the possession of the Pagett family in the west, her doll which was stolen from a descendent in Ohio which was stolen some years ago; and her lace frame or loom which is said to be in possession of descenents now living in Texas. Decendents in Texas also have a very fine oil painting of Lady Katherine Fitzgerald Cooper. Dr John Cooper m second Mrs. Hannah Keene Bushrod Allerton. She was the daughter of Wm. Keene and widow of John Bushrod and Col A Willoughby Allerton. Dr Cooper d in W Co VA in 1735, leaving a will under that date in which he mentions his daughter Katherine Chancellor, son in law Thomas Chancellor and grandson John Chancellor. John Cooper had no issue by 2nd marriage. Hannah Cooper d in 1738 and according to her will, John Cooper is buried at 'Bushfield' near the mouth of Nominy Creek in W Co, VA. She requests in her will that she be buried between John Bushrod and Dr Cooper. Wills in W Co, Va, 1654 to 1800 shows on page 99 that John Cooper in his will dated Oct 12, 1734 and probated 25 Mar. 1735 names his wife Hannah, daughter Katherine Chancellor, a son in law Thomas Chancellor and a grandson John Chancellor.1' GKJ-7.
; From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.1
Family | Dr. John Copper b. b 1688, d. 1735 |
Child |
- [S967] e-mail address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=:a21063, Unknown (unknown location), downloaded updated 25 Aug 2001.
John Chancellor1
M, #27020, b. circa 1650
Charts | Ancestors - John M. Jones, III |
Reference | GKJ7 |
Last Edited | 22 Aug 2002 |
John Chancellor and Margaret (?) were divorced; N.1 John Chancellor married Margaret (?)1
John Chancellor was born circa 1650 at England.1
; John immigrated from England to Somerset Co., Maryland abt 1682. From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.1 GKJ-7.
John Chancellor was born circa 1650 at England.1
; John immigrated from England to Somerset Co., Maryland abt 1682. From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.1 GKJ-7.
Family | Margaret (?) |
Children |
- [S967] e-mail address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=:a21063, Unknown (unknown location), downloaded updated 25 Aug 2001.
Margaret (?)1
F, #27021
Charts | Ancestors - John M. Jones, III |
Reference | GKJ7 |
Last Edited | 26 Jan 2003 |
Margaret (?) and John Chancellor were divorced; N.1 Margaret (?) married John Chancellor.1
; From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.1
; From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.1
Family | John Chancellor b. c 1650 |
Children |
- [S967] e-mail address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=:a21063, Unknown (unknown location), downloaded updated 25 Aug 2001.
Elizabeth Chancellor1
F, #27022, b. 29 March 1694
Father | John Chancellor1 b. c 1650 |
Mother | Margaret (?)1 |
Last Edited | 23 Dec 2001 |
Elizabeth Chancellor was born on 29 March 1694 at Somerset Co., Maryland, USA.1
- [S967] e-mail address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=:a21063, Unknown (unknown location), downloaded updated 25 Aug 2001.
Martha (?)1
F, #27023, b. ABT 1736 1741, d. 1822
Charts | Ancestors - John M. Jones, III |
Reference | GKJ5 |
Last Edited | 14 Dec 2002 |
Martha (?) was born ABT 1736 1741 at Prob., Northumberland Co., Virginia, USA.1 She married George Turberville Kenner, son of Midshipman Howson Francis Kenner and Margaret Eskridge.1
Martha (?) and George Turberville Kenner were divorced; N.1
Martha (?) died in 1822 at Fauquier Co., Virginia, USA.1
; A SEATON-ZENOR FAMILY HISTORY 2ND ED. 1983 pp 116. CURRY DESCENDANTS by Judge Noble K. Littell pp21 ref#426.1
; Martha's will 24Aug1822/23Sep1822 (Fauquier Co Will Book #8 p230) lists children: son-in-law Jonathan Cooper and wife Eliz.,dau. Martha G. Hanay, granddau. Catherine Luckett, son Thomas H. Kenner, son Robert Kenner, son Rodham Kenner, dau. Sarah Rowe, heirs of deceased dau. Judith Hattox. Martha's will is better. Fauquier co Will Book #8, p230 Mentions: son-in-law Jonathon Cooper and wife Eliz. dau Martha G. Hanay granddaughter Catherine Luckett son, Thomas H Kenner son, Robert Kenner son, Rodham Kenner dau Sarah Rowe heirs of deceased dau Judith Hattox' Virgina State Library is supposed to be able to get you a copy of her will.1
Martha (?) and George Turberville Kenner were divorced; N.1
Martha (?) died in 1822 at Fauquier Co., Virginia, USA.1
; A SEATON-ZENOR FAMILY HISTORY 2ND ED. 1983 pp 116. CURRY DESCENDANTS by Judge Noble K. Littell pp21 ref#426.1
; Martha's will 24Aug1822/23Sep1822 (Fauquier Co Will Book #8 p230) lists children: son-in-law Jonathan Cooper and wife Eliz.,dau. Martha G. Hanay, granddau. Catherine Luckett, son Thomas H. Kenner, son Robert Kenner, son Rodham Kenner, dau. Sarah Rowe, heirs of deceased dau. Judith Hattox. Martha's will is better. Fauquier co Will Book #8, p230 Mentions: son-in-law Jonathon Cooper and wife Eliz. dau Martha G. Hanay granddaughter Catherine Luckett son, Thomas H Kenner son, Robert Kenner son, Rodham Kenner dau Sarah Rowe heirs of deceased dau Judith Hattox' Virgina State Library is supposed to be able to get you a copy of her will.1
Family | George Turberville Kenner b. 1736, d. 5 Sep 1810 |
Children |
- [S967] e-mail address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=:a21063, Unknown (unknown location), downloaded updated 25 Aug 2001.
Elizabeth Vaulx1
F, #27024
Father | Robert Vaulx2,3 b. 1651, d. b 27 May 1685 |
Mother | Mary Foxall3,4 b. 1658, d. b 29 Jul 1713 |
Last Edited | 7 Aug 2019 |
Elizabeth Vaulx married an unknown person.1
She and an unknown person were divorced; N.1 She married Col. George Eskridge, son of (?) Eskridge.1
Elizabeth Vaulx and Col. George Eskridge were divorced; N.1
She and an unknown person were divorced; N.1 She married Col. George Eskridge, son of (?) Eskridge.1
Elizabeth Vaulx and Col. George Eskridge were divorced; N.1
Family | Col. George Eskridge b. 1655, d. b 25 Nov 1735 |
Child |
- [S967] e-mail address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=:a21063, Unknown (unknown location), downloaded updated 25 Aug 2001.
- [S3744] Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties, online <http://www.colonial-settlers-md-va.us/>, https://www.colonial-settlers-md-va.us/getperson.php?personID=I023824&tree=Tree1. Hereinafter cited as Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck.
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online http://www.colonial-settlers-md-va.us/, https://www.colonial-settlers-md-va.us/getperson.php?personID=I023817&tree=Tree1
- [S3744] Early Settlers of So Md and VA Northern Neck, online http://www.colonial-settlers-md-va.us/, https://www.colonial-settlers-md-va.us/getperson.php?personID=I023819&tree=Tree1
William Browne1
M, #27025, b. circa 1680
Father | Original Browne1 b. c 1650 |
Mother | Jane Brooks1 b. c 1650 |
Last Edited | 23 Dec 2001 |
William Browne was born circa 1680 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
- [S967] e-mail address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=:a21063, Unknown (unknown location), downloaded updated 25 Aug 2001.
Jane Browne1
F, #27026, b. 1672, d. 1752
Father | Original Browne1 b. c 1650 |
Mother | Jane Brooks1 b. c 1650 |
Last Edited | 23 Dec 2001 |
Jane Browne married an unknown person.1
She and an unknown person were divorced; N.1 She was born in 1672 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
Jane Browne died in 1752.1
She and an unknown person were divorced; N.1 She was born in 1672 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
Jane Browne died in 1752.1
- [S967] e-mail address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=:a21063, Unknown (unknown location), downloaded updated 25 Aug 2001.
Leonard Howson Sr.1
M, #27027, b. before 1670, d. 17 April 1689
Charts | Ancestors - John M. Jones, III |
Reference | GKJ8 |
Last Edited | 14 Dec 2002 |
Leonard Howson Sr. and Elizabeth Lee were divorced; N.1 Leonard Howson Sr. was born before 1670 at England.1 He married Elizabeth Lee, daughter of Col. Richard Henry Lee and Anne Constable, in 1670 at Dividing Creek, Northumberland Co., Virginia, USA.1
Leonard Howson Sr. died on 17 April 1689 at Wicomico Parish, Northumberland Co., Virginia, USA.1
; Cottrell: Source: The Virginia Histircal Magazine, Vol XXXI. Marriages of some Virginia Residents. The Lees of Virginia. Everton Publishrs Computrized Family Files.1
; He married Elizabeth Lee do Richard I in Dividing Creek, Northumberland, VA, 1670. Elizabeth was born in Va 1653. Elizabeth was the daughter of Colonel Richard Lee I and Ann Constable.1
; Leonard Howson fought in the Susquahannock Indian War.1 GKJ-8.
; Leonard and Elizabeth were members of the Church of England.1
; Notes for Leonard Howson: From Mary and Robert Pettitt: See the notes of Hannah Rodham, daughter of Mathew Rodham and Elizabeth Hewitt, and sister to Elizabeth Rodham, wife of Richard Kenner.1
; There are a series of dispositions given on April 11, 1671 which several people testify that they had heard stories that Hannah was some kind of witch, because she had supposably put some kind of hex on a Edward Cole and his family. It turned out that Mr. Cole decided that Hannah wasn't a witch after all, and he was trying to make statements to clear her name. These dispositions were witnessed by a couple of people, among them apparently this Leon Howson.1
; Leonard Howson Sr was born before 1670, the first event for which there is a recorded date.1
Leonard Howson Sr. died on 17 April 1689 at Wicomico Parish, Northumberland Co., Virginia, USA.1
; Cottrell: Source: The Virginia Histircal Magazine, Vol XXXI. Marriages of some Virginia Residents. The Lees of Virginia. Everton Publishrs Computrized Family Files.1
; He married Elizabeth Lee do Richard I in Dividing Creek, Northumberland, VA, 1670. Elizabeth was born in Va 1653. Elizabeth was the daughter of Colonel Richard Lee I and Ann Constable.1
; Leonard Howson fought in the Susquahannock Indian War.1 GKJ-8.
; Leonard and Elizabeth were members of the Church of England.1
; Notes for Leonard Howson: From Mary and Robert Pettitt: See the notes of Hannah Rodham, daughter of Mathew Rodham and Elizabeth Hewitt, and sister to Elizabeth Rodham, wife of Richard Kenner.1
; There are a series of dispositions given on April 11, 1671 which several people testify that they had heard stories that Hannah was some kind of witch, because she had supposably put some kind of hex on a Edward Cole and his family. It turned out that Mr. Cole decided that Hannah wasn't a witch after all, and he was trying to make statements to clear her name. These dispositions were witnessed by a couple of people, among them apparently this Leon Howson.1
; Leonard Howson Sr was born before 1670, the first event for which there is a recorded date.1
Family | Elizabeth Lee b. c 1653 |
Children |
- [S967] e-mail address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=:a21063, Unknown (unknown location), downloaded updated 25 Aug 2001.
Margaret Douglas1
F, #27028, d. circa 1 August 1377
Father | Sir John Douglas1,2 d. bt 25 Jan 1349 - 1350 |
Mother | Agnes de Graham1,2 |
Last Edited | 3 Sep 2019 |
Margaret Douglas married Sir Adam de Glendonwyne of the Ilk
; allegedly married.1
Margaret Douglas died circa 1 August 1377.1
; allegedly married.1
Margaret Douglas died circa 1 August 1377.1
Family | Sir Adam de Glendonwyne of the Ilk |
- [S1396] Burke's Peerage & Gentry Web Site, online http://www.burkes-peerage.net/sites/peerageandgentry/sitepages/home.asp, Morton Family Page. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage & Gentry Web Site.
- [S4719] John P. Ravilious, "The Earls of Menteith", The Scottish Genealogist LXIV:49-52 (June 2017): p. 51. Hereinafter cited as "The Earls of Menteith."
Col. George Eskridge1
M, #27029, b. 1655, d. before 25 November 1735
Father | (?) Eskridge1 |
Charts | Ancestors - John M. Jones, III |
Reference | GKJ7 |
Last Edited | 30 Mar 2018 |
Col. George Eskridge married Elizabeth Vaulx, daughter of Robert Vaulx and Mary Foxall.1
Col. George Eskridge and Elizabeth Vaulx were divorced; N.1 Col. George Eskridge was born in 1655 at Lancashire, England.1 He married Rebecca Bonam, daughter of Samuel Bonum Sr. and Margaret [Powell] Philpott, circa 1698 at Virginia, USA,
; Ancestry.com - Virginia, Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia, 1649-1800
Name: George Eskridge
Marriage Date: Abt 1698
Spouse Name: Rebecca Bonam
Marriage Location: Virginia, United States
Source Information: Ancestry.com. Virginia, Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia, 1649-1800 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2012.
Original data: Headley, Robert K. Married Well and Often: Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia, 1649–1800. Baltimore, MD, USA: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2003.1
Col. George Eskridge died before 25 November 1735 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
; QUERY: Does anyone know the names of Colonel George's parents? Information I [Sylvia Cates] have (that I [Sylvia Cates] got from my aunt) connects Col. George to the Eskridge's in Lincolnshire, England, including 'Edgar de Eskridge' who 'had a mansion in the time of Edward the First.' However, there is no 'proof' of this. The information we have says Col. George came from Lincolnshire about 1670 and located in Westmoreland County, Virginia at Sandy Point. I have a transcript of his will, but there is only mention of wife and children, no other relatives.
Apparently there are a lot of English records filed at Somerset House, London, starting from the year 1704 and continuing through 1729, regarding his landholdings. Has anyone seen these? I wonder if there is any genealogical information in them.1
; QUERY: Col George's will apparently states: 'I give unto my son Robert and his heirs all my land at the marsh in Price William County upon the condition that he pay all my debts that I now owe to any person in Whitehaven, Great Britain.' Does anyone know what this is referring to? When (if) did Col George live in Whitehaven? I am interested in finding out more about Col George before he came to Virginia and his immediate ancestors.
ANSWER: Whitehaven was a port city that was built from, basically, nothing in the mid-1600s, and is about 50 miles north by northwest of Lancaster, and is 15 miles or so due west of the Lake District. It was a major center for trade with the West Indies and American colonies and was particularly prominent in the tobacco and slave trades. I was in Whitehaven in the fall of '96 and had a chance to look through the Cumbrian Archives there and found no birth, marriage or death records of any Eskridges in or around the vicinity of Whitehaven in George's era, save for the afortementioned son Robert. I would imagine that ol' Colonel George owed money to the tobacco factors in Whitehaven who in turn for his tobacco shipped him the English goodies that Virginia planters needed to live in the accustomed style. Like most Virginia planters of his time, George was playing a losing game and was in debt.
As for poor old Robert, he met an unhappy fate. A will on record there says that he left a small estate to his wife and young daughter, after his death in the 1740s, which apparently occured at sea while he was serving as ship's doctor aboard a slave ship. Not the most lucrative, or desired work. I believe the will mentioned that he may have been killed in a fire aboard the ship.1
; There is a wealth of information about Col. George Eskridge at the Westmoreland County Courthouse/Museum in Montross, Va. I visited there a couple of years ago and talked with a very helpful curator who knew all about George and his wife, Rebecca Bonum. In fact, there are portraits of the two in the museum. Although his early life is sketchy, it is believed he was orphaned at an early age in England. It is also known he first came to Virginia as an indentured servant, won his freedom and went back to England for a short while. He then returned to Virginia and became a fabulously wealthy landowner and had four (if I recall correctly) sons. I am a direct descendant of him, through a line of descendants who moved to North Carolina, settled first in Caswell County and then to Cleveland County (Shelby). Eskridge is a fairly well-known surname in North Carolina, at least with the old-timers. There is an unconfirmed story that George had been kidnapped as a youth when he was originally brought to Virginia. Anyhow, he was in servitude when he first got here. You should also know that he was the guardian of the mother of George Washington. Hence, he's the namesake of the father of our country. I'd like to know more about the origins of the Eskridge name, although I thought it came from an old English market town called Askrigg in Yorkshire.1 GKJ-7.
; Rough River Lake is situated in Breckinridge, Hardin, and Grayson Counties of Central Kentucky. The dam is located on Rough River 89.3 miles above its juncture with the Green River, 6 miles upstream from Falls of Rough. Elizabethtown (first known as Hynes Station) was settled in 1780 and Hardinsburg (known as Hardin's Station) was settled in 1781. The farmland of Rough River was not developed until 1810, at which time George Eskridge, a Revolutionary War soldier, built a cabin and settled near the present location of the dam.1
; Notes for George W. Eskridge: From WFT Vol 1 #2687.1
; From 'Cleveland Co. Heritage' pages 218-222.1
; Col George Eskridge came from Lancaster, England. In 1670, he was seized in Wales by Press Gang, who carried him aboard a ship bound for Virginia, where he was sold to a planter as an indentured servant for 8 years. When he was freed, he returned to England to get his Law Degree and then he came back to Northern Neck of Virginia, between the Potomac and the Rappahannock Rivers. He settled in Westmoreland County, Virginia in 1696.
George was an eminent lawyer. He served 10 years in the House of Burgesses and was a member of Quoram & Kings Attorneys. His plantation of many thousands of acres (Land Grants(below) show 12, 644 acres), was called 'Sandy Point', and was located on the Potomac River.
George played an important role in the life of our first President, George Washington. George Washington's mother was named Mary Ball. Her father called her his 'Little Rose of Epping Forest'. Mary's father died when she was 3 years old. Her mother died a few years later, and in her will she named George Eskridge as the guardian of Mary. Mary spent her childhood in the Eskridge home, and later married a neighbor, Augustine Washington. The wedding took place at 'Sandy Point'. When Mary's first child was born, he was named for her much loved guardian, George.
Col George Eskridge was neighbors and friends to the Washingtons, Lees, and Carters of Virginia. He was a Vestryman of Yeocomico Episcopal Church in Virginia. He was the first Eskridge to come to America. His portrait hung for several years at Mount Vernon Plantation, but is now in the Department of Archives of the Virginia Historical Society in Richmond, Virginia. Further reference to George Eskridge is in the Eskridge drawer in the Westmoreland County Museum, Virginia.
From a story about George Washington's baptism (where he is named George after Col Eskridge)...'One of these is a certian important gentleman from 'down the river', Col George Eskridge of Sandy Points--he so belongs in the picture. He is a full-faced, dignified man, an eminent lawyer, and of high standing in the community. He long was the faithful guardian of young Mary Ball, now the wife of Augustine, and the mother of the child to be baptized. Much honor is come to him this day.'
From WFT Vol. 6 #3663:
Written and Published in the book 'Kin of my Grandchildren', by Judge Noble Littell
Colonel George Eskridge was reportedly shanghaied in his youth while walking along a wharf in England about 1670. He was brought to America and sold as an indentured servant. When his term expired, he returned to England, studied law, and came back to Virginia.
He was a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses for many of the sessions from 1704 through 1734.
George Washington was very likely named for him, Douglas S. Freeman so stated in his biography of Washington.
Mary Hewes, (the mother of Mary Balland and Mary's older half-sister, Elizabeth Johnson, who married Samuel Bonum), named Colonel Eskridge as the guardian of Mary Ball (George Washington's mother). He served in this capacity from the time Mary was 13 years old, until she married Augustine Washington (George's father). Mary Ball was reared in the home of Colonel Eskridge and her marriage to Augustine Washington took place in Colonel Eskridge's home. It was George Eskridge who held their first born, as he was christened George Washington. A highway marker near Sandy Point, Westmoreland County, Virginia attests to this fact.
Freeman commented that Colonel Eskridge was a lawyer of distinction, a land speculator of skill, and a gentleman of character. He was the father of six children by his first marriage (Rebecca Bonum). He married the second. Elizabeth Vaulx, and was the father of a 7th child.
From Family Tree Maker CD162 Virginia Genealogies #1 'Geneologies of Virginia Families II Cl-Fi' :
Land Grants of Col George Eskridge of Westmoreland Co, Virginia- 16 Feb 1703/4 58 acres in Westmoreland Co, 16 Jan 1709 305 acres in Westmoreland Co, 26 Aug 1712 600 acres in Northumberland Co, 31 Dec 1715 2298 acres in Stafford Co, 27 Dec 1717 2060 acres in Richmond Co, 10 Nov 1717 300 acres in Richmond Co, 10 Aug 1719 850 acres in Richmond Co, 27 Jan 1725 2610 acres in Stafford Co, 31 Jan 1726 26 acres in Westmoreland Co, 25 Jul 1728 640 acres in Stafford Co, 3 Feb 1725 934 acres in Stafford Co, 21 Mar 1729 612 acres in Stafford Co, 22 Mar 1729 1115 acres in Stafford Co.
(Col George Eskridge, of 'Sandy Point,' Westmoreland County, was long a prominent lawyer, and was a member of the House of Burgessess for Westmoreland at the sessions of October 1705, April 1706, Oct 1710, Nov 1711, Jan 1712, Oct 1712, Nov 1713, Nov 1714, April 1718, Nov 1718, Nov. 1720, May 1722, May 1723, May 1726, Feb 1727-8, May 1730, May 1732, and August 1734. He married first, Rebecca daughter of Samuel and Margaret (Philpot) Bonum of Westmoreland, and secondly Elizabeth daughter of Robert Vaulx, of the same county. All of Col Eskridge's children except his daughter Elizabeth, were of the first marriage. George Eskridge was gaurdian of Mary Ball, the mother of George Washington, from the time she was thirteen years old until she married. Portraits of Col Eskridge and one on his wives were bequeathed in 1913 by General P C Rust to the Virginia Historical Society and are now in the portrait collection of the Society.)
George died 25 NOV 1735 in Westmoreland, VA, at 80 years of age.
George the first of the line in VA Prob born in Lancashire, Eng. Most likely in Bolton le Sands Parrish However have not found birth of christening record assigned to George.
Numerous stories have been written concerning his early life, including one which stated that he had been siezed by a press gang while studying law in North Wales and spend eight years in VA as a bound servant. No documented evidence has been found except records show that George was in VA in 1690's where he proceeded to make himself the most wealthy land owners in Westmoreland Co and a Lawyer of prominence. He was a member of te VA House of Burgesses almost continuously from 1705-1735.
The Queen's Attorney for Queen Anne and the King's Attorney for King's George I and George II, Coroner for the Patomac District, Member of the VA Quorum, Tobbacco Agent for Northumberland and Westmoreland Co's, Legal Council in hundreds of Civil and Criminal court cases, Executor in dozens of Wills, and most important of all the gaurdian of Mary Ball, Future mother of George Washington.
Mary Ball's early life was plagued with deaths in the immediate family. Her mother married three times, outliving three husbands; her father, Joseph Ball, died in 1713 and her mother, Mary in 1721. After her mother's death, Mary's closest living relative in VA was her half sister, Elizabeth, who was married to Samuel Bonum III, a nephew to George Eskridge's wife, Rebecca Bonum.
In her will, Mary's mother designated George Eskridge as guardian of her thirteen year old daughter Mary. From that time until her marriage in 1731, Mary lived as part of George Eskridge's large family at Sandy Point, Westmoreland County. An article in the DAR Magazine, April 1927, titled 'The Christening of George Washington', describes how George came to be named after his mother's guardian, George Eskridge.
Section 2, Carter, Robert (1663-1732), Letterbook, 1727-1728 This section consists of two items, a letterbook and index, 13 May 1727-23 July 1728, of Robert 'King' Carter. An index prepared by the staff of the Virginia Historical Society is included. The letterbook was kept at Corotoman, Lancaster County, and Williamsburg, Virginia. Among the items are documents of George Eskridge (of Westmoreland County, Virginia, concerning the sale of slaves).
Will of Colonel George Eskridge (1735):
In the name of God I George Eskridge of the county of West moreland do make this my last will and testament. Imprimis I give unto my son Samiel and his heirs forever the house and plantation where I now live containing eight hundred acres be the same more or less bonding the lands of John Crucher and Robert Ball and a Ditch made by me to divide this land from another tract I have upon the river and from the Ditch to John King's Creed including a parcel of land I bought from One Rust. Item, I give unto my son William Eskridge and the heirs of his body Lawfully begotten my tract of Land upon the River adjoining the aforesaid house and plantation and the Lands before given to my son Samuel during his natural life also I give to my said wife [Elizabeth Vaulx] all the slaves she brought to me in marriage with their increase and ten other of my slaves during her natural life and after her death, I give the said slaves I had with her in marriage to my daughter Elizabeth and her heirs forever. I give my land at Machotic commonly called Machetic Quarter in Westmoreland County to my son Robert and his heirs forever. I give unto the four sons of my son George deceased four slaves apiece when they respectively arrive at the age of twenty-one years. I give unto my daughter Elizabeth and her heirs a tract of land I have at Polrick in Prince William County and all the slaves and stock upon the same, I give to my aforesaid son Samuel and his heirs five hundred acres of land in Prince William County to be chosen by him in any one place at the said tract. I give to my son in law Willoughby Newton and Sarah his Wife and their heirs Eight hundred acres of land part of the said tract at Flatlick. I give to be equally divided among the children of my son George and the daughter of my daughter Margaret Kenner and their heirs. I give to my wife the use of my Machotick land for five years after my decease. I give unto my son Robert and his heirs all my land at the Marsh in Prince William County upon the Condition that he pay all my debts I now owe to any person in Whitehaven in Great Britian. I give to may son Samuel ten negroes, to my son Robert sixteen negroes I mean those at my Machotick Quarter. I give five of the ten slaves hereinbefore given to my wife during her life unto my daughter Elizabeth, the other five I give unto my son Samuel. I give to my son Wulliam and the heirs of his body ten slaves to be annexed to the land hereinbefore given to him. It is the will that my living wife have the use of all my household stuff during her life and also the use of half of the cattle, hogs and horses upon my several plantations in Westmoreland County during her life. All the rest of my estates after my debts paid I give to be equally divided amongst my childten now living. I give unto my son in law Howson Kenner and his wife [Margaret] and their heirs eight hundred acres of Land part of my land at the Marsh before given to Robert which the said Howson is already in possession of and also five hundred acres more of the said Land at the Marsh adjoining to that the rest I give to my son Robert upon the condition before mentioned. I do hereby revoke all former wills by me made and declare this to be my last will. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 27th day of October, 1735. I do appoint my son Samuel and Robert and My good friend Captain George Turberville executors of this my will.
George Eskridge
signed published and declared by the said testator as his last will in prsence of us---Esq Parragall, Sml. Cobs Willm Webb, Westmoreland. At a court held for the said County the 25th day of November 1735 this last will and testament of Colone George Eskridge dec'd was presented into Court by Samuel Eskridge, Robert Eskridge and George Turberville prayed further time to consider thereof and the said will being proved.1
Col. George Eskridge and Elizabeth Vaulx were divorced; N.1 Col. George Eskridge was born in 1655 at Lancashire, England.1 He married Rebecca Bonam, daughter of Samuel Bonum Sr. and Margaret [Powell] Philpott, circa 1698 at Virginia, USA,
; Ancestry.com - Virginia, Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia, 1649-1800
Name: George Eskridge
Marriage Date: Abt 1698
Spouse Name: Rebecca Bonam
Marriage Location: Virginia, United States
Source Information: Ancestry.com. Virginia, Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia, 1649-1800 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2012.
Original data: Headley, Robert K. Married Well and Often: Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia, 1649–1800. Baltimore, MD, USA: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2003.1

Col. George Eskridge died before 25 November 1735 at Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
; QUERY: Does anyone know the names of Colonel George's parents? Information I [Sylvia Cates] have (that I [Sylvia Cates] got from my aunt) connects Col. George to the Eskridge's in Lincolnshire, England, including 'Edgar de Eskridge' who 'had a mansion in the time of Edward the First.' However, there is no 'proof' of this. The information we have says Col. George came from Lincolnshire about 1670 and located in Westmoreland County, Virginia at Sandy Point. I have a transcript of his will, but there is only mention of wife and children, no other relatives.
Apparently there are a lot of English records filed at Somerset House, London, starting from the year 1704 and continuing through 1729, regarding his landholdings. Has anyone seen these? I wonder if there is any genealogical information in them.1
; QUERY: Col George's will apparently states: 'I give unto my son Robert and his heirs all my land at the marsh in Price William County upon the condition that he pay all my debts that I now owe to any person in Whitehaven, Great Britain.' Does anyone know what this is referring to? When (if) did Col George live in Whitehaven? I am interested in finding out more about Col George before he came to Virginia and his immediate ancestors.
ANSWER: Whitehaven was a port city that was built from, basically, nothing in the mid-1600s, and is about 50 miles north by northwest of Lancaster, and is 15 miles or so due west of the Lake District. It was a major center for trade with the West Indies and American colonies and was particularly prominent in the tobacco and slave trades. I was in Whitehaven in the fall of '96 and had a chance to look through the Cumbrian Archives there and found no birth, marriage or death records of any Eskridges in or around the vicinity of Whitehaven in George's era, save for the afortementioned son Robert. I would imagine that ol' Colonel George owed money to the tobacco factors in Whitehaven who in turn for his tobacco shipped him the English goodies that Virginia planters needed to live in the accustomed style. Like most Virginia planters of his time, George was playing a losing game and was in debt.
As for poor old Robert, he met an unhappy fate. A will on record there says that he left a small estate to his wife and young daughter, after his death in the 1740s, which apparently occured at sea while he was serving as ship's doctor aboard a slave ship. Not the most lucrative, or desired work. I believe the will mentioned that he may have been killed in a fire aboard the ship.1
; There is a wealth of information about Col. George Eskridge at the Westmoreland County Courthouse/Museum in Montross, Va. I visited there a couple of years ago and talked with a very helpful curator who knew all about George and his wife, Rebecca Bonum. In fact, there are portraits of the two in the museum. Although his early life is sketchy, it is believed he was orphaned at an early age in England. It is also known he first came to Virginia as an indentured servant, won his freedom and went back to England for a short while. He then returned to Virginia and became a fabulously wealthy landowner and had four (if I recall correctly) sons. I am a direct descendant of him, through a line of descendants who moved to North Carolina, settled first in Caswell County and then to Cleveland County (Shelby). Eskridge is a fairly well-known surname in North Carolina, at least with the old-timers. There is an unconfirmed story that George had been kidnapped as a youth when he was originally brought to Virginia. Anyhow, he was in servitude when he first got here. You should also know that he was the guardian of the mother of George Washington. Hence, he's the namesake of the father of our country. I'd like to know more about the origins of the Eskridge name, although I thought it came from an old English market town called Askrigg in Yorkshire.1 GKJ-7.
; Rough River Lake is situated in Breckinridge, Hardin, and Grayson Counties of Central Kentucky. The dam is located on Rough River 89.3 miles above its juncture with the Green River, 6 miles upstream from Falls of Rough. Elizabethtown (first known as Hynes Station) was settled in 1780 and Hardinsburg (known as Hardin's Station) was settled in 1781. The farmland of Rough River was not developed until 1810, at which time George Eskridge, a Revolutionary War soldier, built a cabin and settled near the present location of the dam.1
; Notes for George W. Eskridge: From WFT Vol 1 #2687.1
; From 'Cleveland Co. Heritage' pages 218-222.1
; Col George Eskridge came from Lancaster, England. In 1670, he was seized in Wales by Press Gang, who carried him aboard a ship bound for Virginia, where he was sold to a planter as an indentured servant for 8 years. When he was freed, he returned to England to get his Law Degree and then he came back to Northern Neck of Virginia, between the Potomac and the Rappahannock Rivers. He settled in Westmoreland County, Virginia in 1696.
George was an eminent lawyer. He served 10 years in the House of Burgesses and was a member of Quoram & Kings Attorneys. His plantation of many thousands of acres (Land Grants(below) show 12, 644 acres), was called 'Sandy Point', and was located on the Potomac River.
George played an important role in the life of our first President, George Washington. George Washington's mother was named Mary Ball. Her father called her his 'Little Rose of Epping Forest'. Mary's father died when she was 3 years old. Her mother died a few years later, and in her will she named George Eskridge as the guardian of Mary. Mary spent her childhood in the Eskridge home, and later married a neighbor, Augustine Washington. The wedding took place at 'Sandy Point'. When Mary's first child was born, he was named for her much loved guardian, George.
Col George Eskridge was neighbors and friends to the Washingtons, Lees, and Carters of Virginia. He was a Vestryman of Yeocomico Episcopal Church in Virginia. He was the first Eskridge to come to America. His portrait hung for several years at Mount Vernon Plantation, but is now in the Department of Archives of the Virginia Historical Society in Richmond, Virginia. Further reference to George Eskridge is in the Eskridge drawer in the Westmoreland County Museum, Virginia.
From a story about George Washington's baptism (where he is named George after Col Eskridge)...'One of these is a certian important gentleman from 'down the river', Col George Eskridge of Sandy Points--he so belongs in the picture. He is a full-faced, dignified man, an eminent lawyer, and of high standing in the community. He long was the faithful guardian of young Mary Ball, now the wife of Augustine, and the mother of the child to be baptized. Much honor is come to him this day.'
From WFT Vol. 6 #3663:
Written and Published in the book 'Kin of my Grandchildren', by Judge Noble Littell
Colonel George Eskridge was reportedly shanghaied in his youth while walking along a wharf in England about 1670. He was brought to America and sold as an indentured servant. When his term expired, he returned to England, studied law, and came back to Virginia.
He was a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses for many of the sessions from 1704 through 1734.
George Washington was very likely named for him, Douglas S. Freeman so stated in his biography of Washington.
Mary Hewes, (the mother of Mary Balland and Mary's older half-sister, Elizabeth Johnson, who married Samuel Bonum), named Colonel Eskridge as the guardian of Mary Ball (George Washington's mother). He served in this capacity from the time Mary was 13 years old, until she married Augustine Washington (George's father). Mary Ball was reared in the home of Colonel Eskridge and her marriage to Augustine Washington took place in Colonel Eskridge's home. It was George Eskridge who held their first born, as he was christened George Washington. A highway marker near Sandy Point, Westmoreland County, Virginia attests to this fact.
Freeman commented that Colonel Eskridge was a lawyer of distinction, a land speculator of skill, and a gentleman of character. He was the father of six children by his first marriage (Rebecca Bonum). He married the second. Elizabeth Vaulx, and was the father of a 7th child.
From Family Tree Maker CD162 Virginia Genealogies #1 'Geneologies of Virginia Families II Cl-Fi' :
Land Grants of Col George Eskridge of Westmoreland Co, Virginia- 16 Feb 1703/4 58 acres in Westmoreland Co, 16 Jan 1709 305 acres in Westmoreland Co, 26 Aug 1712 600 acres in Northumberland Co, 31 Dec 1715 2298 acres in Stafford Co, 27 Dec 1717 2060 acres in Richmond Co, 10 Nov 1717 300 acres in Richmond Co, 10 Aug 1719 850 acres in Richmond Co, 27 Jan 1725 2610 acres in Stafford Co, 31 Jan 1726 26 acres in Westmoreland Co, 25 Jul 1728 640 acres in Stafford Co, 3 Feb 1725 934 acres in Stafford Co, 21 Mar 1729 612 acres in Stafford Co, 22 Mar 1729 1115 acres in Stafford Co.
(Col George Eskridge, of 'Sandy Point,' Westmoreland County, was long a prominent lawyer, and was a member of the House of Burgessess for Westmoreland at the sessions of October 1705, April 1706, Oct 1710, Nov 1711, Jan 1712, Oct 1712, Nov 1713, Nov 1714, April 1718, Nov 1718, Nov. 1720, May 1722, May 1723, May 1726, Feb 1727-8, May 1730, May 1732, and August 1734. He married first, Rebecca daughter of Samuel and Margaret (Philpot) Bonum of Westmoreland, and secondly Elizabeth daughter of Robert Vaulx, of the same county. All of Col Eskridge's children except his daughter Elizabeth, were of the first marriage. George Eskridge was gaurdian of Mary Ball, the mother of George Washington, from the time she was thirteen years old until she married. Portraits of Col Eskridge and one on his wives were bequeathed in 1913 by General P C Rust to the Virginia Historical Society and are now in the portrait collection of the Society.)
George died 25 NOV 1735 in Westmoreland, VA, at 80 years of age.
George the first of the line in VA Prob born in Lancashire, Eng. Most likely in Bolton le Sands Parrish However have not found birth of christening record assigned to George.
Numerous stories have been written concerning his early life, including one which stated that he had been siezed by a press gang while studying law in North Wales and spend eight years in VA as a bound servant. No documented evidence has been found except records show that George was in VA in 1690's where he proceeded to make himself the most wealthy land owners in Westmoreland Co and a Lawyer of prominence. He was a member of te VA House of Burgesses almost continuously from 1705-1735.
The Queen's Attorney for Queen Anne and the King's Attorney for King's George I and George II, Coroner for the Patomac District, Member of the VA Quorum, Tobbacco Agent for Northumberland and Westmoreland Co's, Legal Council in hundreds of Civil and Criminal court cases, Executor in dozens of Wills, and most important of all the gaurdian of Mary Ball, Future mother of George Washington.
Mary Ball's early life was plagued with deaths in the immediate family. Her mother married three times, outliving three husbands; her father, Joseph Ball, died in 1713 and her mother, Mary in 1721. After her mother's death, Mary's closest living relative in VA was her half sister, Elizabeth, who was married to Samuel Bonum III, a nephew to George Eskridge's wife, Rebecca Bonum.
In her will, Mary's mother designated George Eskridge as guardian of her thirteen year old daughter Mary. From that time until her marriage in 1731, Mary lived as part of George Eskridge's large family at Sandy Point, Westmoreland County. An article in the DAR Magazine, April 1927, titled 'The Christening of George Washington', describes how George came to be named after his mother's guardian, George Eskridge.
Section 2, Carter, Robert (1663-1732), Letterbook, 1727-1728 This section consists of two items, a letterbook and index, 13 May 1727-23 July 1728, of Robert 'King' Carter. An index prepared by the staff of the Virginia Historical Society is included. The letterbook was kept at Corotoman, Lancaster County, and Williamsburg, Virginia. Among the items are documents of George Eskridge (of Westmoreland County, Virginia, concerning the sale of slaves).
Will of Colonel George Eskridge (1735):
In the name of God I George Eskridge of the county of West moreland do make this my last will and testament. Imprimis I give unto my son Samiel and his heirs forever the house and plantation where I now live containing eight hundred acres be the same more or less bonding the lands of John Crucher and Robert Ball and a Ditch made by me to divide this land from another tract I have upon the river and from the Ditch to John King's Creed including a parcel of land I bought from One Rust. Item, I give unto my son William Eskridge and the heirs of his body Lawfully begotten my tract of Land upon the River adjoining the aforesaid house and plantation and the Lands before given to my son Samuel during his natural life also I give to my said wife [Elizabeth Vaulx] all the slaves she brought to me in marriage with their increase and ten other of my slaves during her natural life and after her death, I give the said slaves I had with her in marriage to my daughter Elizabeth and her heirs forever. I give my land at Machotic commonly called Machetic Quarter in Westmoreland County to my son Robert and his heirs forever. I give unto the four sons of my son George deceased four slaves apiece when they respectively arrive at the age of twenty-one years. I give unto my daughter Elizabeth and her heirs a tract of land I have at Polrick in Prince William County and all the slaves and stock upon the same, I give to my aforesaid son Samuel and his heirs five hundred acres of land in Prince William County to be chosen by him in any one place at the said tract. I give to my son in law Willoughby Newton and Sarah his Wife and their heirs Eight hundred acres of land part of the said tract at Flatlick. I give to be equally divided among the children of my son George and the daughter of my daughter Margaret Kenner and their heirs. I give to my wife the use of my Machotick land for five years after my decease. I give unto my son Robert and his heirs all my land at the Marsh in Prince William County upon the Condition that he pay all my debts I now owe to any person in Whitehaven in Great Britian. I give to may son Samuel ten negroes, to my son Robert sixteen negroes I mean those at my Machotick Quarter. I give five of the ten slaves hereinbefore given to my wife during her life unto my daughter Elizabeth, the other five I give unto my son Samuel. I give to my son Wulliam and the heirs of his body ten slaves to be annexed to the land hereinbefore given to him. It is the will that my living wife have the use of all my household stuff during her life and also the use of half of the cattle, hogs and horses upon my several plantations in Westmoreland County during her life. All the rest of my estates after my debts paid I give to be equally divided amongst my childten now living. I give unto my son in law Howson Kenner and his wife [Margaret] and their heirs eight hundred acres of Land part of my land at the Marsh before given to Robert which the said Howson is already in possession of and also five hundred acres more of the said Land at the Marsh adjoining to that the rest I give to my son Robert upon the condition before mentioned. I do hereby revoke all former wills by me made and declare this to be my last will. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 27th day of October, 1735. I do appoint my son Samuel and Robert and My good friend Captain George Turberville executors of this my will.
George Eskridge
signed published and declared by the said testator as his last will in prsence of us---Esq Parragall, Sml. Cobs Willm Webb, Westmoreland. At a court held for the said County the 25th day of November 1735 this last will and testament of Colone George Eskridge dec'd was presented into Court by Samuel Eskridge, Robert Eskridge and George Turberville prayed further time to consider thereof and the said will being proved.1
Family 1 | Elizabeth Vaulx |
Child |
Family 2 | Rebecca Bonam b. c 1675, d. 27 Oct 1715 |
Children |
- [S967] e-mail address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=:a21063, Unknown (unknown location), downloaded updated 25 Aug 2001.
Rebecca Bonam1,2
F, #27030, b. circa 1675, d. 27 October 1715
Father | Samuel Bonum Sr.1 b. 1621, d. bt 1681 - 1702 |
Mother | Margaret [Powell] Philpott1 b. c 1640, d. a 1698 |
Charts | Ancestors - John M. Jones, III |
Reference | GKJ7 |
Last Edited | 30 Mar 2018 |
Rebecca Bonam was born circa 1675 at Yeocomico, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1 She married Col. George Eskridge, son of (?) Eskridge, circa 1698 at Virginia, USA,
; Ancestry.com - Virginia, Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia, 1649-1800
Name: George Eskridge
Marriage Date: Abt 1698
Spouse Name: Rebecca Bonam
Marriage Location: Virginia, United States
Source Information: Ancestry.com. Virginia, Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia, 1649-1800 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2012.
Original data: Headley, Robert K. Married Well and Often: Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia, 1649–1800. Baltimore, MD, USA: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2003.1
Rebecca Bonam died on 27 October 1715 at Sandy Point, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
; 'A Seaton-Zenor Family History,' 3d edition by Floyd W. Wickenkamp.1 GKJ-7.
; Ancestry.com - Virginia, Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia, 1649-1800
Name: George Eskridge
Marriage Date: Abt 1698
Spouse Name: Rebecca Bonam
Marriage Location: Virginia, United States
Source Information: Ancestry.com. Virginia, Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia, 1649-1800 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2012.
Original data: Headley, Robert K. Married Well and Often: Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia, 1649–1800. Baltimore, MD, USA: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2003.1

Rebecca Bonam died on 27 October 1715 at Sandy Point, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, USA.1
; 'A Seaton-Zenor Family History,' 3d edition by Floyd W. Wickenkamp.1 GKJ-7.
Family | Col. George Eskridge b. 1655, d. b 25 Nov 1735 |
Children |
- [S967] e-mail address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=:a21063, Unknown (unknown location), downloaded updated 25 Aug 2001.
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online http://search.ancestry.com/, Marriage record seen on Ancestry.com on 30 March 2018 at:
Info: https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?indiv=1&dbid=5063&h=2208&ssrc=pt&tid=49120904&pid=260086243051&usePUB=true
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/5063/gpc_marriedwellandoften-0139?pid=2208&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?indiv%3D1%26dbid%3D5063%26h%3D2208%26ssrc%3Dpt%26tid%3D49120904%26pid%3D260086243051%26usePUB%3Dtrue&ssrc=pt&treeid=49120904&personid=260086243051&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true. Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site.