Pearl M. Crow
F, #2401, b. circa 1903
Father | (?) Crow d. bt 1916 - 1920 |
Mother | Ida M. (?) b. c 1881 |
Last Edited | 29 May 2001 |
- [S213] 1920 Federal Census, 1920 Census, OK, Garvin Co., Whitebead, Maysville.
Earnest M. Crow
M, #2402, b. circa 1905
Father | (?) Crow d. bt 1916 - 1920 |
Mother | Ida M. (?) b. c 1881 |
Last Edited | 29 May 2001 |
- [S213] 1920 Federal Census, 1920 Census, OK, Garvin Co., Whitebead, Maysville.
Frank B. Crow
M, #2403, b. circa 1908
Father | (?) Crow d. bt 1916 - 1920 |
Mother | Ida M. (?) b. c 1881 |
Last Edited | 29 May 2001 |
- [S213] 1920 Federal Census, 1920 Census, OK, Garvin Co., Whitebead, Maysville.
Jessie E. Crow
F, #2404, b. circa 1902
Father | (?) Crow d. bt 1916 - 1920 |
Mother | Ida M. (?) b. c 1881 |
Last Edited | 29 May 2001 |
- [S213] 1920 Federal Census, 1920 Census, OK, Garvin Co., Whitebead, Maysville.
Charles N. Crow
M, #2405, b. circa 1906
Father | (?) Crow d. bt 1916 - 1920 |
Mother | Ida M. (?) b. c 1881 |
Last Edited | 29 May 2001 |
- [S213] 1920 Federal Census, 1920 Census, OK, Garvin Co., Whitebead, Maysville.
Milley Hudson1
F, #2406, b. 23 November 1770, d. between 1830 and 1840
Father | Joshua Hudson Sr.1,2 b. c 1725, d. bt 6 Jan 1799 - 19 Apr 1801 |
Mother | Mary Terrell1 b. bt 1728 - 1730, d. bt 1786 - 1789 |
Last Edited | 12 Oct 2017 |
Milley Hudson was born on 23 November 1770 at Amherst Co., Virginia, USA.1 She married Achilles/Achillis Ballinger on 5 May 1787 at Amherst Co., Virginia, USA.1,2
Milley Hudson died between 1830 and 1840 at Marion Co., Missouri, USA.1
Milley Hudson was also known as Mildred Hudson.2 Milley Hudson was also known as Molly Hudson.2
In Joshua Hudson Sr.'s will dated 5 January 1799 at Amherst Co., Virginia, USA, Milley Hudson was named as an heir; (Transcript of will provided by
Will of Joshua HUDSON
Jan.5, 1799 - Apr. 20, 1801
Will Book 4, pp.6-8, Amherst Co, VA.
"In the name of God Amen I Joshua HUDSON of the County of Amherst being weake of Body but of sound mind and memory, do make and Ordain this my last will and Testament in name and form following.
To wit: It is my Will & desire that after my Decease my Body be intered in a decent and Christian like manner at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named. My soul I recommend to Almighty God hoping to find Mercy & forgiveness at his hands and as touching such worldly goods as it hath Pleased Almighty God to bless me I dispose of in manner following vist:
Item: I give and bequeath to my Daughter Sarah WRIGHT five Shillings to be paid by my Executors out of my Estate having formerly giving her what I intended for her.
Item: I give and Bequeath unto my son Rush HUDSON Eight Acres of Land on the End of Turkey Mountain adjoining the Tract he now lives on to complement my Old Peach Orchard and as much more as will make up the Quantity to him & his heirs forever.
Item: I give & Bequeath to my Daughter Mary DAWSON the Sum of ten Pounds Per annum to be paid her by Reuben HUDSON her heirs & assigns during her Natural Life for her Maintainence.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth DENNIS and the heirs of her body a good sound Title in the Negro formerly taken away by her named Jude and five Shillings Current Money.
Item: I give and bequeath unto Horatio HUDSON and Nancy HUDSON Infant Children of my son Joshua HUDSON dec'd the Sum of seventy five Pounds Current Money in Consideration of their fathers Estate which fell into my hands on his decease which Sum my Executors are directed to receive out of my Estate and put out to Interest for the said Children until they come of Age or get married and that the Principal & Interest be Equally divided between them share & share alike and in Causes Either of them should Depart this Life before that time my desire is that the Survivor have the - - - of the said Seventy five Pounds & Interest and my Executors bring against the sd Children no further - - - and for Bedding or Clothing so as to receive the sd Seventy five Pounds & Interest.
Item: It is my Will and desire that the Tract of land whereon I now live be sold by my Executors on Twelve Months Credit for the best Price can be had and the money Owing from such Sale to be Equally divided between my two Sons Reuben & George HUDSON to them & their heirs upon Reuben's paying to my Daughter Mary DAWSON ten Pounds p- Annum during her natural Life for her maintainence.
Item: I give and bequeath to my Daughter Frances TATE five Shillings and no more.
Item: I give unto my Daughter Ann GITTERSON five Shillings and no more having formerly given her a Negro Girl.
Item: I give unto the heirs of Robert HUDSON dec'd the Sum of five Shillings.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Lucy SANDRIDGE the Sum of fifty Pounds to be paid equally divided between the heirs of her Body share and share alike to be received out of my Estate and paid into the hands of Pullom SANDRIDGE for the purpose aforesaid and to be paid by him to the Children as they come of age or get married.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Peggy CHILDRESS five Shillings and not more.
Item: I give unto my Daughter Molly BALLINGER five Shillings & no more;
I give unto the Heirs of my Daughter Rachel MILES the sum of five Shillings.
Item: I give unto the legal representative of my Daughter Patsy RUCKER dec'd the sum of five Shillings & no more.
I give unto my Gran Daughter Rachel HUDSON MILES the Sum of Seventy five Pounds to be put out to Interest for her maintainence and the balance paid her when she comes of age or gets married and the said Sum to be raised by my Executor from my Estate.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my Son George HUDSON one Negro man Andrew and to him and his heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my Grand Daughter Molly DAWSON the Sum of fifty Pounds current money to be raised out of my Estate by my Executors and put out to Interest for her until she comes of age or gets married.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my Grand Son Flemming DAWSON the Sum of fifty Pounds to be raised out of my Estate and put out to Interst for him by my Executors until he comes of age.
Item: It is my Will and desire that all my just debts be fully paid and that all my Estate Desposed of be sold by my Executors for the best Price can be had on Twelve Months Credit and after complying with the aforesaid legacys the balance of the said Sale to the Equally Divided between my Son Reuben HUDSON and the lawful begotten Heirs of Robert HUDSON dec'd One moiety to the said Reuben and his heirs and the other moiety to the said Heirs of Robert HUDSON dec'd
Item: Lastly I appoint my friend Rellson SANDRIDGE & my Son Reuben HUDSON my Executors to this last Will & Testament in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand & fixed my Seal this 5 day of January, One thousand Seven hundred & Ninty Nine - - -
Signed Sealed & Acknowledged
in Presence of
Sharrod X BUGG
(evident codicil)
" September 18th 1800 My Will and desire is that fifty Pounds directed to be paid to Fleming DAWSON in consequence of his misconduct I wish the same to be withdrawn from him & paid by my Executors to my Son Rush HUDSON.
Wit: Rush HUDSON, Jr.
(evident codicil)
"Whereas by my last Will & Testament executed the fifth day of January, 1799, I directed my Executors to Receive out of my Estate the Sum of Seventy five Pounds & Pay the same to Horatio & Nancy HUDSON Infant Children of Joshua HUDSON Dec'd in lieu of their father's Estate which fell into my hands which Estate has lately been demanded by the Executors of the said Children & delivered to them. It is therefore my Will & desire that the said Children do receive nothing further from my Estate than what they have already rec'd and that my Executors do receive from my Estate in manner aforesaid the said Seventy five Pounds and Pay the same to my Son Rush HUDSON - - Given under my hand & Seal this 16 day of November, 1800.
his Joshua X HUDSON mark
Sig'd Sealed in presence of us
Bennett HUDSON
George WILLIS."3

Milley Hudson died between 1830 and 1840 at Marion Co., Missouri, USA.1
Milley Hudson was also known as Mildred Hudson.2 Milley Hudson was also known as Molly Hudson.2
In Joshua Hudson Sr.'s will dated 5 January 1799 at Amherst Co., Virginia, USA, Milley Hudson was named as an heir; (Transcript of will provided by
Will of Joshua HUDSON
Jan.5, 1799 - Apr. 20, 1801
Will Book 4, pp.6-8, Amherst Co, VA.
"In the name of God Amen I Joshua HUDSON of the County of Amherst being weake of Body but of sound mind and memory, do make and Ordain this my last will and Testament in name and form following.
To wit: It is my Will & desire that after my Decease my Body be intered in a decent and Christian like manner at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named. My soul I recommend to Almighty God hoping to find Mercy & forgiveness at his hands and as touching such worldly goods as it hath Pleased Almighty God to bless me I dispose of in manner following vist:
Item: I give and bequeath to my Daughter Sarah WRIGHT five Shillings to be paid by my Executors out of my Estate having formerly giving her what I intended for her.
Item: I give and Bequeath unto my son Rush HUDSON Eight Acres of Land on the End of Turkey Mountain adjoining the Tract he now lives on to complement my Old Peach Orchard and as much more as will make up the Quantity to him & his heirs forever.
Item: I give & Bequeath to my Daughter Mary DAWSON the Sum of ten Pounds Per annum to be paid her by Reuben HUDSON her heirs & assigns during her Natural Life for her Maintainence.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth DENNIS and the heirs of her body a good sound Title in the Negro formerly taken away by her named Jude and five Shillings Current Money.
Item: I give and bequeath unto Horatio HUDSON and Nancy HUDSON Infant Children of my son Joshua HUDSON dec'd the Sum of seventy five Pounds Current Money in Consideration of their fathers Estate which fell into my hands on his decease which Sum my Executors are directed to receive out of my Estate and put out to Interest for the said Children until they come of Age or get married and that the Principal & Interest be Equally divided between them share & share alike and in Causes Either of them should Depart this Life before that time my desire is that the Survivor have the - - - of the said Seventy five Pounds & Interest and my Executors bring against the sd Children no further - - - and for Bedding or Clothing so as to receive the sd Seventy five Pounds & Interest.
Item: It is my Will and desire that the Tract of land whereon I now live be sold by my Executors on Twelve Months Credit for the best Price can be had and the money Owing from such Sale to be Equally divided between my two Sons Reuben & George HUDSON to them & their heirs upon Reuben's paying to my Daughter Mary DAWSON ten Pounds p- Annum during her natural Life for her maintainence.
Item: I give and bequeath to my Daughter Frances TATE five Shillings and no more.
Item: I give unto my Daughter Ann GITTERSON five Shillings and no more having formerly given her a Negro Girl.
Item: I give unto the heirs of Robert HUDSON dec'd the Sum of five Shillings.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Lucy SANDRIDGE the Sum of fifty Pounds to be paid equally divided between the heirs of her Body share and share alike to be received out of my Estate and paid into the hands of Pullom SANDRIDGE for the purpose aforesaid and to be paid by him to the Children as they come of age or get married.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Peggy CHILDRESS five Shillings and not more.
Item: I give unto my Daughter Molly BALLINGER five Shillings & no more;
I give unto the Heirs of my Daughter Rachel MILES the sum of five Shillings.
Item: I give unto the legal representative of my Daughter Patsy RUCKER dec'd the sum of five Shillings & no more.
I give unto my Gran Daughter Rachel HUDSON MILES the Sum of Seventy five Pounds to be put out to Interest for her maintainence and the balance paid her when she comes of age or gets married and the said Sum to be raised by my Executor from my Estate.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my Son George HUDSON one Negro man Andrew and to him and his heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my Grand Daughter Molly DAWSON the Sum of fifty Pounds current money to be raised out of my Estate by my Executors and put out to Interest for her until she comes of age or gets married.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my Grand Son Flemming DAWSON the Sum of fifty Pounds to be raised out of my Estate and put out to Interst for him by my Executors until he comes of age.
Item: It is my Will and desire that all my just debts be fully paid and that all my Estate Desposed of be sold by my Executors for the best Price can be had on Twelve Months Credit and after complying with the aforesaid legacys the balance of the said Sale to the Equally Divided between my Son Reuben HUDSON and the lawful begotten Heirs of Robert HUDSON dec'd One moiety to the said Reuben and his heirs and the other moiety to the said Heirs of Robert HUDSON dec'd
Item: Lastly I appoint my friend Rellson SANDRIDGE & my Son Reuben HUDSON my Executors to this last Will & Testament in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand & fixed my Seal this 5 day of January, One thousand Seven hundred & Ninty Nine - - -
Signed Sealed & Acknowledged
in Presence of
Sharrod X BUGG
(evident codicil)
" September 18th 1800 My Will and desire is that fifty Pounds directed to be paid to Fleming DAWSON in consequence of his misconduct I wish the same to be withdrawn from him & paid by my Executors to my Son Rush HUDSON.
Wit: Rush HUDSON, Jr.
(evident codicil)
"Whereas by my last Will & Testament executed the fifth day of January, 1799, I directed my Executors to Receive out of my Estate the Sum of Seventy five Pounds & Pay the same to Horatio & Nancy HUDSON Infant Children of Joshua HUDSON Dec'd in lieu of their father's Estate which fell into my hands which Estate has lately been demanded by the Executors of the said Children & delivered to them. It is therefore my Will & desire that the said Children do receive nothing further from my Estate than what they have already rec'd and that my Executors do receive from my Estate in manner aforesaid the said Seventy five Pounds and Pay the same to my Son Rush HUDSON - - Given under my hand & Seal this 16 day of November, 1800.
his Joshua X HUDSON mark
Sig'd Sealed in presence of us
Bennett HUDSON
George WILLIS."3

Family | Achilles/Achillis Ballinger b. 20 Sep 1766, d. 24 Aug 1854 |
Child |
- [S3799] DAR Application No. 591629 - Ancestor: Joshua HUDSON, DAR No. A059717 and Supporting Documents, unknown series. Hereinafter cited as DAR App #591629 Joshua HUDSON 81079.
- [S3800] DAR Application No. 734672 - Ancestor: Joshua HUDSON, DAR No. A059717 and Supporting Documents, unknown series, Supporting document attached to Dar App. #734672: "The Children of Joshua and Mary Terrell Hudson of Amherst County Virginia - Information from the will of Joshua Hudson who died about 1801 and from the marriage Records of Amherst County Virginia"
The Wills of Amherst Country, Virginia, 1761-1865, by Rev. Bailey Davis.
Amherst County, Virginia Marriages. Hereinafter cited as DAR App #734672 Joshua HUDSON 81079. - [S3625] Joshua HUDSON (Sr.) will (5 Jan 1799), Will of Joshua Hudson of Amherst Co., VA- 5 Jan 1799, proved 20 Apr 1801 Will Book 4, pp. 6-9: Will seen on on 13 Oct. 2017 at:, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Will - HUDSON, Joshua 5 Jan 1799.
William H. Roberts
M, #2407, b. circa 1845
Last Edited | 9 Apr 2015 |
William H. Roberts was born circa 1845 at Texas, USA; Aged 35 in 1880 census.1 He married Sarah A. (?)
; her 2nd husband? his 2nd wife?1
William H. Roberts and Sarah A. (?) appeared in the census of 4 June 1880 at Precinct 3, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA; p. 344D, Lines 10-21, Dwelling 25; Family 27
10 ROBERTS, Wm H W M 35 [1845] Married Farmer TX -- --
11 " , Sarah A. W F 32 [1848] wife Married Keeping House GA -- --
12 " , Laura M W F 1 [1879] dau Single TX -- GA
13 GOODSON, Ann L. W F 14 [1866] step dau Single at home TX -- GA
14 " , M. Eldridge W M 11 [1869] step son Single works on farm TX -- GA
15 " , John I W M 5 [1875] step son Single TX -- GA
16 " , Jas W. W M 8 [1872] step son Single TX -- GA
17 " , Joe W. W M 17 [1863] step son Single Farmer
18 ROBERTS, Wm L. W M 11 [1869] Son Single works on farm TX -- --
19 " , Sarah J. W F 8 [1872] Dau Single TX -- --
20 " , Elizabeth W F 6 [1874] Dau Single TX -- --
21 " , Jane A. W F 3 Dau Single TX -- --.2
; her 2nd husband? his 2nd wife?1
William H. Roberts and Sarah A. (?) appeared in the census of 4 June 1880 at Precinct 3, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA; p. 344D, Lines 10-21, Dwelling 25; Family 27
10 ROBERTS, Wm H W M 35 [1845] Married Farmer TX -- --
11 " , Sarah A. W F 32 [1848] wife Married Keeping House GA -- --
12 " , Laura M W F 1 [1879] dau Single TX -- GA
13 GOODSON, Ann L. W F 14 [1866] step dau Single at home TX -- GA
14 " , M. Eldridge W M 11 [1869] step son Single works on farm TX -- GA
15 " , John I W M 5 [1875] step son Single TX -- GA
16 " , Jas W. W M 8 [1872] step son Single TX -- GA
17 " , Joe W. W M 17 [1863] step son Single Farmer
18 ROBERTS, Wm L. W M 11 [1869] Son Single works on farm TX -- --
19 " , Sarah J. W F 8 [1872] Dau Single TX -- --
20 " , Elizabeth W F 6 [1874] Dau Single TX -- --
21 " , Jane A. W F 3 Dau Single TX -- --.2

Family 1 | |
Children |
Family 2 | Sarah A. (?) b. c 1848 |
Child |
- [S215] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX Cherokee Co Prec 3, Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 3, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: 1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 344D; Enumeration District: 014.
- [S215] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX Cherokee Co Prec 3, Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 3, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: 1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 344D; Enumeration District: 014.
Sarah J. Shelton
F, #2408, b. circa 1840, d. before 1880
Last Edited | 31 Dec 2017 |
Sarah J. Shelton was born circa 1840 at Mississippi, USA. She married Joseph Randolph Roberts, son of (?) Roberts and Lucinda (?), on 20 December 1860 at Ashley Co., Arkansas, USA,
; His 1st wife - Arkansas, County Marriages Index, 1837-1957
Name: Joseph R Roberts
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Birth Year: abt 1839
Residence: Ashley, Arkansas
Spouse's Name: Sarah Shelton
Spouse's Gender: Female
Spouse's Age: 18
Spouse's Residence: Ashley, Arkansas
Marriage Date: 20 Dec 1860
Marriage County: Ashley
Event Type: Marriage
FHL Film Number: 979081
Source Information: Arkansas, County Marriages Index, 1837-1957 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011.
Original data: "Arkansas County Marriages, 1838–1957." Index. FamilySearch, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2009, 2011. "Arkansas County Marriages, 1838–1957," database, FamilySearch; from Arkansas Courts of Common Pleas and County Clerks. Digital images of originals housed at various county courthouses in the State of Arkansas. Marriage records.1,2
Sarah J. Shelton died before 1880 at Rusk?, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA; new wife appears in 1880 census.
Sarah J. Shelton and Joseph Randolph Roberts appeared in the census of 1870 at Beat No. 1, Alto, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA; M W TX
p. 32, Lines 10-13, Dwelling 213; Family 213
10 ROBERTS, Joseph R. 32 M W Farmer $250 $250 AL
11 " , Sarah J. 30 F W Keeping House MS
12 " , Charles R. 2 M W TX
13 " , Lucinda 63 F W GA.3

; His 1st wife - Arkansas, County Marriages Index, 1837-1957
Name: Joseph R Roberts
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Birth Year: abt 1839
Residence: Ashley, Arkansas
Spouse's Name: Sarah Shelton
Spouse's Gender: Female
Spouse's Age: 18
Spouse's Residence: Ashley, Arkansas
Marriage Date: 20 Dec 1860
Marriage County: Ashley
Event Type: Marriage
FHL Film Number: 979081
Source Information: Arkansas, County Marriages Index, 1837-1957 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011.
Original data: "Arkansas County Marriages, 1838–1957." Index. FamilySearch, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2009, 2011. "Arkansas County Marriages, 1838–1957," database, FamilySearch; from Arkansas Courts of Common Pleas and County Clerks. Digital images of originals housed at various county courthouses in the State of Arkansas. Marriage records.1,2
Sarah J. Shelton died before 1880 at Rusk?, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA; new wife appears in 1880 census.
Sarah J. Shelton and Joseph Randolph Roberts appeared in the census of 1870 at Beat No. 1, Alto, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA; M W TX
p. 32, Lines 10-13, Dwelling 213; Family 213
10 ROBERTS, Joseph R. 32 M W Farmer $250 $250 AL
11 " , Sarah J. 30 F W Keeping House MS
12 " , Charles R. 2 M W TX
13 " , Lucinda 63 F W GA.3

Family | Joseph Randolph Roberts b. 15 Sep 1841, d. 20 Mar 1901 |
Children |
- [S222] Unknown household, 1870 Federal Census, unknown repository address, unknown repository.
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, Marriage record seen on on 31 Dec 2017 at Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site.
- [S222] 1870 Federal Census, unknown repository address, , Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Beat 1, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: M593_1578; Page: 178B; Image: 363; Family History Library Film: 553077.
Image:,%2520USA%26msbpn%3D3%26msbpn_PInfo%3D5-%257C0%257C1652393%257C0%257C2%257C0%257C3%257C0%257C0%257C0%257C0%257C0%257C%26msrpn__ftp%3DAlto,%2520Cherokee,%2520Texas,%2520USA%26msrpn%3D76560%26msrpn_PInfo%3D8-%257C0%257C1652393%257C0%257C2%257C0%257C46%257C0%257C579%257C76560%257C0%257C0%257C%26msrpn_x%3D1%26msrpn__ftp_x%3D1%26_83004003-n_xcl%3Df%26MSAV%3D1%26uidh%3Dv51%26ssrc%3Dpt_t114465740_p240128044986%26pcat%3D35%26fh%3D0%26h%3D10769705%26recoff%3D%26ml_rpos%3D1&ssrc=pt_t114465740_p240128044986&treeid=114465740&personid=240128044986&hintid=&usePUB=true&_phsrc=OQU411&_phstart=successSource&usePUBJs=true. - [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, Social Security record seen on on 31 Dec 2017 at
John J. Roberts1
M, #2409, b. 24 June 1837, d. 18 June 1889
Last Edited | 31 Oct 2018 |
John J. Roberts was born on 24 June 1837 at South Carolina, USA; age 28 in 1870 census.2,1 He married Emley Rainey.2
John J. Roberts died on 18 June 1889 at Franklin Co., Texas, USA, at age 51.1
John J. Roberts was buried after 18 June 1889 at Purley Baptist Church Cemetery, Purley, Franklin Co., Texas, USA; from Find A Grave:
Birth: Jun. 24, 1837
Death: Jun., 1889
Family Members
Spouse: Emley Rainey Roberts 1833–1895
Burial: Purley Baptist Church Cemetery, Purley, Franklin County, Texas, USA
Created by: Wanda Corn
Record added: Sep 08, 2007
Find A Grave Memorial# 21428481.3
; This is an unknown ROBERTS in the 1870 census. The Rainey Williams 2012 family tree on shows his supposed descent from Hardy Roberts (1740-1789) and Patience Sherrod (unk-1790). No link to my ROBERTS ancestry has been found.4,5,6
John J. Roberts and Emley Rainey appeared in the census of 11 August 1870 at Mt. Pleasant, Titus Co., Texas, USA; unknown John ROBERTS in 1870 census Mt. Pleasant, Titus Co., TX
p. 104, Lines 26-28, Dwelling 1280; Family 1280
26 ROBERTS, John 28 [1842] M W Farmer $250 SC
27 " , Emily 34 [1836] F W Keeping House SC
28 RANEY, John 24 [1846] M W Farmer $300 AL.4

John J. Roberts died on 18 June 1889 at Franklin Co., Texas, USA, at age 51.1
John J. Roberts was buried after 18 June 1889 at Purley Baptist Church Cemetery, Purley, Franklin Co., Texas, USA; from Find A Grave:
Birth: Jun. 24, 1837
Death: Jun., 1889
Family Members
Spouse: Emley Rainey Roberts 1833–1895
Burial: Purley Baptist Church Cemetery, Purley, Franklin County, Texas, USA
Created by: Wanda Corn
Record added: Sep 08, 2007
Find A Grave Memorial# 21428481.3

; This is an unknown ROBERTS in the 1870 census. The Rainey Williams 2012 family tree on shows his supposed descent from Hardy Roberts (1740-1789) and Patience Sherrod (unk-1790). No link to my ROBERTS ancestry has been found.4,5,6
John J. Roberts and Emley Rainey appeared in the census of 11 August 1870 at Mt. Pleasant, Titus Co., Texas, USA; unknown John ROBERTS in 1870 census Mt. Pleasant, Titus Co., TX
p. 104, Lines 26-28, Dwelling 1280; Family 1280
26 ROBERTS, John 28 [1842] M W Farmer $250 SC
27 " , Emily 34 [1836] F W Keeping House SC
28 RANEY, John 24 [1846] M W Farmer $300 AL.4

Family | Emley Rainey b. 26 Sep 1833, d. 20 Mar 1895 |
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, John J. Roberts: Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
- [S218] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census TX Titus Co Mt Pleasant, , p. 104.
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Find A Grave, database and images ( : accessed 31 October 2018), memorial page for John J. Roberts (24 Jun 1837–Jun 1889), Find A Grave Memorial no. 21428481, citing Purley Baptist Church Cemetery, Purley, Franklin County, Texas, USA ; Maintained by Wanda Corn (contributor 46777927) at:
- [S218] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census TX Titus Co Mt Pleasant,, Year: 1870; Census Place: Titus, Texas; Roll: M593_1606; Page: 104A; Family History Library Film: 553105
Image: - [S2338] Ancestry.Com Family Trees, online, Rainey Williams 2012 family tree: Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Family Trees.
- [S1549] "Author's comment", various, Gregory A. Vaut (e-mail address), to unknown recipient (unknown recipient address), 31 Oct 2018; unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "GA Vaut Comment."
Alfred Pratt1
M, #2410, b. circa 1825
Last Edited | 17 Sep 2018 |
Alfred Pratt was born circa 1825 at Georgia, USA.1 He married Sarah M. Allison before 1854.1
Alfred Pratt and Sarah M. Allison appeared in the census of 21 July 1870 at Mount Pleasant, Titus Co., Texas, USA;
N.B. This is an unknown PRATT in 1870 Census, Mount Pleasant, Titus Co., TX.
p. 80, Lines 12-22, Dwelling 541; Family 541
12 PRATT, Alfred 45 [1825] M W Farmer $800 $600 Georgia
13 " , Sarah M 32 [1838] F W Keeping House Georgia
14 " , James 16 [1854] M W Georgia
15 " , Garlin 14 [1856] W Alabama
16 " , Mariah J 12 [1858] F W Alabama
17 " , Mollie A 10 [1860] F W Alabama
18 " , Elizabeth 6 [1864] F W Alabama
19 " , Catherine 4 [1866] F W Alabama
20 ALLSON, Callumder 40 [1830] M Black Servant Virgina
21 HIGH , Easter 27 [1843] F Black Domestic Servant Georgia
22 HIGH , Lewis 5 [1865] M Black Texas.2

Alfred Pratt and Sarah M. Allison appeared in the census of 21 July 1870 at Mount Pleasant, Titus Co., Texas, USA;
N.B. This is an unknown PRATT in 1870 Census, Mount Pleasant, Titus Co., TX.
p. 80, Lines 12-22, Dwelling 541; Family 541
12 PRATT, Alfred 45 [1825] M W Farmer $800 $600 Georgia
13 " , Sarah M 32 [1838] F W Keeping House Georgia
14 " , James 16 [1854] M W Georgia
15 " , Garlin 14 [1856] W Alabama
16 " , Mariah J 12 [1858] F W Alabama
17 " , Mollie A 10 [1860] F W Alabama
18 " , Elizabeth 6 [1864] F W Alabama
19 " , Catherine 4 [1866] F W Alabama
20 ALLSON, Callumder 40 [1830] M Black Servant Virgina
21 HIGH , Easter 27 [1843] F Black Domestic Servant Georgia
22 HIGH , Lewis 5 [1865] M Black Texas.2

Family | Sarah M. Allison b. c 1838 |
Children |
- [S218] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census TX Titus Co Mt Pleasant, .
- [S218] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census TX Titus Co Mt Pleasant,, Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: , Titus, Texas; Roll: M593_1606; Page: 52B; Image: 108; Family History Library Film: 553105
Caroline Furr1
F, #2411, b. circa 1822
Father | Tobias Furr2 b. c 1800 |
Mother | Sarah Plunkett2 b. c 1805 |
Last Edited | 10 Jan 2019 |
Caroline Furr was born circa 1822 at North Carolina, USA; Age 28 in 1850 census; age 40 in 1860 census.2,3 She married Misenheimer (?) before 1842 at Mississippi, USA,
; per 1860 census, their first child, James, was born ca 1842.4,3 Caroline Furr married Amos W. Roberts on 9 October 1852 at Winston Co., Mississippi, USA,
; - Mississippi Marriages, 1776-1935
Name: A. W. Roberts
Spouse: Caroline Mossuenhammer
Marriage Date: 9 Oct 1852
County: Winston
Source Information: Hunting For Bears, comp.. Mississippi Marriages, 1776-1935 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004.
Original data: Mississippi marriage information taken from county courthouse records. Many of these records were extracted from copies of the original records in microfilm, microfiche, or book format, located at the Family History Library.5
Caroline Furr appeared in the census of 4 September 1850 at Winston Co., Mississippi, USA;
[Note: Caroline is in the household of her father, Tobias Furr, and next door to her brother, Tobias O. Furr]
p. 326-B, lines 9-10, dwelling 150, family 164
9 MISONHANA, Caroline 28 [1822] F NC
10 " , John 4 [1846] M MS.2
Caroline Furr appeared in the census of 9 June 1860 at Beat No. 1, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA;
[Note: Caroline is on the same page as her mother, Sarah FURR and several siblings.]
pp. 417-418, Lines 36-39 + 1-2, Dwelling 111; Family 111
36 ROBERTS, Caroline 40 [1820] F House Keeping $250 NC
37 " , James 18 [1842] M Farming SC
38 " , John M 14 [1846] MS
39 " , Archie 13 M [1847] MS
p. 418 (next page)
1 " , Susan 3 F [1857] TX
2 " , Mary 1 F [1859] TX.3

Caroline Furr was listed as a resident in John Misenheimer's household in the census report on 9 June 1880 at Precinct 4, Houston Co., Texas, USA; p. 350-D, lines 6-8, dwelling 487, family 487
6 ROBERTS, John W M 30 [1850] Self Farm Laborer MS SC NC
7 " , Susan W F 23 [1857] Sister Keeping House TX SC NC
8 " , Caroline W F 64 [1816] Mother at Home Cannot read Cannot write NC NC NC.6

; per 1860 census, their first child, James, was born ca 1842.4,3 Caroline Furr married Amos W. Roberts on 9 October 1852 at Winston Co., Mississippi, USA,
; - Mississippi Marriages, 1776-1935
Name: A. W. Roberts
Spouse: Caroline Mossuenhammer
Marriage Date: 9 Oct 1852
County: Winston
Source Information: Hunting For Bears, comp.. Mississippi Marriages, 1776-1935 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004.
Original data: Mississippi marriage information taken from county courthouse records. Many of these records were extracted from copies of the original records in microfilm, microfiche, or book format, located at the Family History Library.5
Caroline Furr appeared in the census of 4 September 1850 at Winston Co., Mississippi, USA;
[Note: Caroline is in the household of her father, Tobias Furr, and next door to her brother, Tobias O. Furr]
p. 326-B, lines 9-10, dwelling 150, family 164
9 MISONHANA, Caroline 28 [1822] F NC
10 " , John 4 [1846] M MS.2

Caroline Furr appeared in the census of 9 June 1860 at Beat No. 1, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA;
[Note: Caroline is on the same page as her mother, Sarah FURR and several siblings.]
pp. 417-418, Lines 36-39 + 1-2, Dwelling 111; Family 111
36 ROBERTS, Caroline 40 [1820] F House Keeping $250 NC
37 " , James 18 [1842] M Farming SC
38 " , John M 14 [1846] MS
39 " , Archie 13 M [1847] MS
p. 418 (next page)
1 " , Susan 3 F [1857] TX
2 " , Mary 1 F [1859] TX.3

Caroline Furr was listed as a resident in John Misenheimer's household in the census report on 9 June 1880 at Precinct 4, Houston Co., Texas, USA; p. 350-D, lines 6-8, dwelling 487, family 487
6 ROBERTS, John W M 30 [1850] Self Farm Laborer MS SC NC
7 " , Susan W F 23 [1857] Sister Keeping House TX SC NC
8 " , Caroline W F 64 [1816] Mother at Home Cannot read Cannot write NC NC NC.6

Family 1 | Misenheimer (?) d. b 1852 |
Child |
Family 2 | Amos W. Roberts b. c 1788, d. Dec 1859 |
Children |
- [S2338] Ancestry.Com Family Trees, online, MY SMITH -GOTCHER FAMILY FTM 2012: Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Family Trees.
- [S3877] 1850 Federal Census, 1850 Census MS, Winston Co., Year: 1850; Census Place: Winston, Mississippi; Roll: M432_382; Page: 326B; Image: 665
Image: - [S221] 1860 Federal Census, 1860 Census TX, Cherokee Co., Rusk, Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 1, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: M653_1290; Page: 417 & 418; Image: 150; Family History Library Film: 805290.
Image:,%2520USA%26msbpn%3D36%26msbpn_PInfo%3D5-%257C0%257C0%257C0%257C0%257C0%257C0%257C0%257C0%257C0%257C0%257C0%257C0%257C0%257C0%257C2%257C0%257C36%257C0%257C0%257C0%257C0%257C%26msrpn__ftp%3DCherokee%2520County,%2520Texas,%2520USA%26msrpn%3D579%26msrpn_PInfo%3D7-%257C0%257C1652393%257C0%257C2%257C0%257C46%257C0%257C579%257C0%257C0%257C0%257C%26msrpn_x%3D1%26msrpn__ftp_x%3D1%26_83004003-n_xcl%3Dm%26MSAV%3D1%26uidh%3Dv51%26ssrc%3Dpt_t114465740_p240128044985%26pcat%3D35%26fh%3D0%26h%3D34988891%26recoff%3D%26ml_rpos%3D1&ssrc=pt_t114465740_p240128044985&treeid=114465740&personid=240128044985&hintid=&usePUB=true&_phsrc=OQU306&_phstart=successSource&usePUBJs=true. - [S2338] Ancestry.Com Family Trees, online, MY SMITH -GOTCHER FAMILY FTM 2012:
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, Marriage record seen on on 9 Dec 2017 at: Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site. - [S3875] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX, Houston Co., Precinct 4, Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 4, Houston, Texas; Roll: 1312; Family History Film: 1255312; Page: 350D; Enumeration District: 026
Image: - [S221] 1860 Federal Census, 1860 Census TX, Cherokee Co., Rusk, Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 1, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: M653_1290; Page: 417; Family History Library Film: 805290
Joseph Randolph Roberts1,2
M, #2412, b. 15 September 1841, d. 20 March 1901
Father | (?) Roberts d. b 1850 |
Mother | Lucinda (?) b. c 1810, d. b 1880; Assume that Lucinda is his mother in the 1870 census3 |
Last Edited | 31 Dec 2017 |
Joseph Randolph Roberts was born on 15 September 1841 at Lowndes Co., Alabama, USA; Date from "Application for Headstone or Marker" seen on Find A Grave memorial.2,1
He married Sarah J. Shelton on 20 December 1860 at Ashley Co., Arkansas, USA,
; His 1st wife - Arkansas, County Marriages Index, 1837-1957
Name: Joseph R Roberts
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Birth Year: abt 1839
Residence: Ashley, Arkansas
Spouse's Name: Sarah Shelton
Spouse's Gender: Female
Spouse's Age: 18
Spouse's Residence: Ashley, Arkansas
Marriage Date: 20 Dec 1860
Marriage County: Ashley
Event Type: Marriage
FHL Film Number: 979081
Source Information: Arkansas, County Marriages Index, 1837-1957 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011.
Original data: "Arkansas County Marriages, 1838–1957." Index. FamilySearch, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2009, 2011. "Arkansas County Marriages, 1838–1957," database, FamilySearch; from Arkansas Courts of Common Pleas and County Clerks. Digital images of originals housed at various county courthouses in the State of Arkansas. Marriage records.3,4 Joseph Randolph Roberts married Lucille Laury "Lucy" Woodall in 1868 at Wells, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA,
; His 2nd wife;
Roberts Family Tree shows marriage in 1868, but Joseph's son Charles R. was born in 1868 and the son of his 1st wife, Sarah, not of Lucille. Joseph and Lucille's daughter S. B. wasn't born until ca 1876, so Joseph's marriage to Lucille may have been later (ca 1869-1875). GA Vaut.1,5
Joseph Randolph Roberts died on 20 March 1901 at Cherokee Co., Texas, USA, at age 59.6
Joseph Randolph Roberts was buried after 20 March 1901 at Mount Hope Cemetery, Wells, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA; from Find A Grave:
Birth: Sep. 15, 1841, Alabama, USA
Death: Mar. 20, 1901, Cherokee County, Texas, USA
Co. E. Terry's Texas, 8th Cavalry Rangers, CSA, Capt. L. M. Rayburn
Enlisted: Sept. 1861
Discharged: April 30, 1865
In looking at 1870 Census of Cherokee Co. it appears his 1st wife was Sarah J.(age 30). Then 1880 Census of Cherokee Co. lists wife as L. L. Roberts (age 25)
Found D/C on Joseph Randolph Roberts, 1878-1938, who appears to be the son of Joseph R. Roberts and wife Lucy Woodall.
Family links: Children:
Joseph Randolph Roberts (1878 - 1938)*
E D Roberts (1887 - 1942)*
Burial: Mount Hope Cemetery, Wells, Cherokee County, Texas, USA
Created by: Jim Nelson
Record added: Feb 08, 2011
Find A Grave Memorial# 65349518.6

; unknown ROBERTS family in 1870 and 1880 Census Rusk, Cherokee Co., TX.3,7
Joseph Randolph Roberts was listed as a resident in Lucinda (?)'s household in the census report on 28 November 1850 at Lowndes, Lowndes Co., Alabama, USA; p. 157-A, lines 22-24, dwelling 8/32, family 832
22 ROBERTS, Lucinda 45 [1805] F Unknown
23 " , Robert 6 [1844] M AL
24 " , Charles 4 [1846] M AL.8
Joseph Randolph Roberts began military service between September 1861 and 30 April 1865 at Civil War - Confederate, Texas, USA, from Find A Grave:
Co. E. Terry's Texas
8th Cavalry Rangers, CSA
Capt. L. M. Rayburn
Enlisted: Sept. 1861
Discharged: April 30, 1865.2
Joseph Randolph Roberts and Sarah J. Shelton appeared in the census of 1870 at Beat No. 1, Alto, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA; M W TX
p. 32, Lines 10-13, Dwelling 213; Family 213
10 ROBERTS, Joseph R. 32 M W Farmer $250 $250 AL
11 " , Sarah J. 30 F W Keeping House MS
12 " , Charles R. 2 M W TX
13 " , Lucinda 63 F W GA.9
Joseph Randolph Roberts and Lucille Laury "Lucy" Woodall appeared in the census of 15 June 1880 at Precinct 8, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA; [Sons C. R. and A. G. are shown with mothers born in MS, while dau S. B. and son J. R. have mothers born in AL. This indicates that C. R. and A. G. are the sons of his 1st wife, Sarah, while dau S. B. and son J. R. are children of his 2nd wife, Lucille.]
pp. 447-B & 448-A, Lines 46-50 + 1, Dwelling 18; Family 18
46 ROBERTS, J. R. W M 41 [1839] Married Farmer AL AL GA
47 " , L. L. W F 25 [1855] Wife Married Housekeeper AL AL AL
48 " , C. R. W M 11 [1869] Son Single TX AL MS
49 " , A. G. W M 9 [1871] Son Single TX AL MS
50 " , S. B. W F 4 [1876] Dau Single TX AL AL
1 " , J. R. W M 1 [1879] TX AL AL.10

Joseph Randolph Roberts appeared in the census of 11 June 1900 at Justice Precinct 8, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA; p. 7-A, lines 31-33, dwelling 118, family 118
31 ROBERTS, Joseph R Head W M Nov 1838 61 Married 7yrs AL VA GA Farmer
32 " , Eureka D. Son W M Oct 1887 12 Single TX AL AL Farm Laborer Attended school
33 " , Jesse L. Son W M Jan 1891 9 Single TX AL AL At school.11

; His 1st wife - Arkansas, County Marriages Index, 1837-1957
Name: Joseph R Roberts
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Birth Year: abt 1839
Residence: Ashley, Arkansas
Spouse's Name: Sarah Shelton
Spouse's Gender: Female
Spouse's Age: 18
Spouse's Residence: Ashley, Arkansas
Marriage Date: 20 Dec 1860
Marriage County: Ashley
Event Type: Marriage
FHL Film Number: 979081
Source Information: Arkansas, County Marriages Index, 1837-1957 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011.
Original data: "Arkansas County Marriages, 1838–1957." Index. FamilySearch, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2009, 2011. "Arkansas County Marriages, 1838–1957," database, FamilySearch; from Arkansas Courts of Common Pleas and County Clerks. Digital images of originals housed at various county courthouses in the State of Arkansas. Marriage records.3,4 Joseph Randolph Roberts married Lucille Laury "Lucy" Woodall in 1868 at Wells, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA,
; His 2nd wife;
Roberts Family Tree shows marriage in 1868, but Joseph's son Charles R. was born in 1868 and the son of his 1st wife, Sarah, not of Lucille. Joseph and Lucille's daughter S. B. wasn't born until ca 1876, so Joseph's marriage to Lucille may have been later (ca 1869-1875). GA Vaut.1,5
Joseph Randolph Roberts died on 20 March 1901 at Cherokee Co., Texas, USA, at age 59.6
Joseph Randolph Roberts was buried after 20 March 1901 at Mount Hope Cemetery, Wells, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA; from Find A Grave:
Birth: Sep. 15, 1841, Alabama, USA
Death: Mar. 20, 1901, Cherokee County, Texas, USA
Co. E. Terry's Texas, 8th Cavalry Rangers, CSA, Capt. L. M. Rayburn
Enlisted: Sept. 1861
Discharged: April 30, 1865
In looking at 1870 Census of Cherokee Co. it appears his 1st wife was Sarah J.(age 30). Then 1880 Census of Cherokee Co. lists wife as L. L. Roberts (age 25)
Found D/C on Joseph Randolph Roberts, 1878-1938, who appears to be the son of Joseph R. Roberts and wife Lucy Woodall.
Family links: Children:
Joseph Randolph Roberts (1878 - 1938)*
E D Roberts (1887 - 1942)*
Burial: Mount Hope Cemetery, Wells, Cherokee County, Texas, USA
Created by: Jim Nelson
Record added: Feb 08, 2011
Find A Grave Memorial# 65349518.6

; unknown ROBERTS family in 1870 and 1880 Census Rusk, Cherokee Co., TX.3,7
Joseph Randolph Roberts was listed as a resident in Lucinda (?)'s household in the census report on 28 November 1850 at Lowndes, Lowndes Co., Alabama, USA; p. 157-A, lines 22-24, dwelling 8/32, family 832
22 ROBERTS, Lucinda 45 [1805] F Unknown
23 " , Robert 6 [1844] M AL
24 " , Charles 4 [1846] M AL.8

Joseph Randolph Roberts began military service between September 1861 and 30 April 1865 at Civil War - Confederate, Texas, USA, from Find A Grave:
Co. E. Terry's Texas
8th Cavalry Rangers, CSA
Capt. L. M. Rayburn
Enlisted: Sept. 1861
Discharged: April 30, 1865.2

Joseph Randolph Roberts and Sarah J. Shelton appeared in the census of 1870 at Beat No. 1, Alto, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA; M W TX
p. 32, Lines 10-13, Dwelling 213; Family 213
10 ROBERTS, Joseph R. 32 M W Farmer $250 $250 AL
11 " , Sarah J. 30 F W Keeping House MS
12 " , Charles R. 2 M W TX
13 " , Lucinda 63 F W GA.9

Joseph Randolph Roberts and Lucille Laury "Lucy" Woodall appeared in the census of 15 June 1880 at Precinct 8, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA; [Sons C. R. and A. G. are shown with mothers born in MS, while dau S. B. and son J. R. have mothers born in AL. This indicates that C. R. and A. G. are the sons of his 1st wife, Sarah, while dau S. B. and son J. R. are children of his 2nd wife, Lucille.]
pp. 447-B & 448-A, Lines 46-50 + 1, Dwelling 18; Family 18
46 ROBERTS, J. R. W M 41 [1839] Married Farmer AL AL GA
47 " , L. L. W F 25 [1855] Wife Married Housekeeper AL AL AL
48 " , C. R. W M 11 [1869] Son Single TX AL MS
49 " , A. G. W M 9 [1871] Son Single TX AL MS
50 " , S. B. W F 4 [1876] Dau Single TX AL AL
1 " , J. R. W M 1 [1879] TX AL AL.10

Joseph Randolph Roberts appeared in the census of 11 June 1900 at Justice Precinct 8, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA; p. 7-A, lines 31-33, dwelling 118, family 118
31 ROBERTS, Joseph R Head W M Nov 1838 61 Married 7yrs AL VA GA Farmer
32 " , Eureka D. Son W M Oct 1887 12 Single TX AL AL Farm Laborer Attended school
33 " , Jesse L. Son W M Jan 1891 9 Single TX AL AL At school.11

Family 1 | Sarah J. Shelton b. c 1840, d. b 1880 |
Children |
Family 2 | Lucille Laury "Lucy" Woodall b. 28 Apr 1854, d. 23 Nov 1894 |
Children |
- [S2338] Ancestry.Com Family Trees, online, Roberts Family Tree: Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Family Trees.
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Pvt Joseph Robert Roberts: Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
- [S222] Unknown household, 1870 Federal Census, unknown repository address, unknown repository.
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, Marriage record seen on on 31 Dec 2017 at Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site.
- [S1549] "Author's comment", various, Gregory A. Vaut (e-mail address), to unknown recipient (unknown recipient address), 31 Dec 2017; unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "GA Vaut Comment."
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Pvt Joseph Robert Roberts:
- [S217] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX Cherokee Co. Precinct 8.
- [S3907] 1850 Federal Census, 1850 Census AL, Lowndes Co., Lowndes, Year: 1850; Census Place: Lowndes, Lowndes, Alabama; Roll: M432_8; Page: 157A; Image: 531
Image: - [S222] 1870 Federal Census, unknown repository address, , Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Beat 1, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: M593_1578; Page: 178B; Image: 363; Family History Library Film: 553077.
Image:,%2520USA%26msbpn%3D3%26msbpn_PInfo%3D5-%257C0%257C1652393%257C0%257C2%257C0%257C3%257C0%257C0%257C0%257C0%257C0%257C%26msrpn__ftp%3DAlto,%2520Cherokee,%2520Texas,%2520USA%26msrpn%3D76560%26msrpn_PInfo%3D8-%257C0%257C1652393%257C0%257C2%257C0%257C46%257C0%257C579%257C76560%257C0%257C0%257C%26msrpn_x%3D1%26msrpn__ftp_x%3D1%26_83004003-n_xcl%3Df%26MSAV%3D1%26uidh%3Dv51%26ssrc%3Dpt_t114465740_p240128044986%26pcat%3D35%26fh%3D0%26h%3D10769705%26recoff%3D%26ml_rpos%3D1&ssrc=pt_t114465740_p240128044986&treeid=114465740&personid=240128044986&hintid=&usePUB=true&_phsrc=OQU411&_phstart=successSource&usePUBJs=true. - [S217] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX Cherokee Co. Precinct 8, pp. 447B & 448 Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: 1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 447B; Enumeration District: 019.
Image: - [S3906] 1900 Federal Census, 1900 Census TX, Cherokee Co., Justice Precinct 8, Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 8, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: 1619; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 0030; FHL microfilm: 1241619
Image: - [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, Social Security record seen on on 31 Dec 2017 at
- [S217] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX Cherokee Co. Precinct 8, pp. 447B & 448 Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: 1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 447B; Enumeration District: 019.
Charles Robert Roberts1
M, #2413, b. 15 January 1869
Father | Joseph Randolph Roberts2,1 b. 15 Sep 1841, d. 20 Mar 1901 |
Mother | Sarah J. Shelton2,1 b. c 1840, d. b 1880 |
Last Edited | 31 Dec 2017 |
Charles Robert Roberts was born on 15 January 1869 at Alto, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA; Aged 11 in 1880 census; Aged 2 in 1870 census - U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007
Name: Charles Robert Roberts
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birth Date: 15 Jan 1869
Birth Place: Alto, Texas
Father: Joseph R Roberts
Mother: Sarah E Shelton
SSN: 450228107
Notes: Jul 1939: Name listed as CHARLES ROBERT ROBERTS
Source Information: U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015.
Original data: Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007.2,3,1
Charles Robert Roberts was listed as a resident in Joseph Randolph Roberts and Sarah J. Shelton's household in the census report in 1870 at Beat No. 1, Alto, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA; M W TX
p. 32, Lines 10-13, Dwelling 213; Family 213
10 ROBERTS, Joseph R. 32 M W Farmer $250 $250 AL
11 " , Sarah J. 30 F W Keeping House MS
12 " , Charles R. 2 M W TX
13 " , Lucinda 63 F W GA.4
; M W TXp. 32
Lines 10-13
Dwelling 213; Family 213
10 ROBERTS, Joseph R. 32 M W Farmer $250 $250 AL
11 " , Sarah J. 30 F W Keeping House MS
12 " , Charles R. 2 M W TX
12 " , Lucinda 63 F W GA.2
Charles Robert Roberts was listed as a resident in Joseph Randolph Roberts and Lucille Laury "Lucy" Woodall's household in the census report on 15 June 1880 at Precinct 8, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA; [Sons C. R. and A. G. are shown with mothers born in MS, while dau S. B. and son J. R. have mothers born in AL. This indicates that C. R. and A. G. are the sons of his 1st wife, Sarah, while dau S. B. and son J. R. are children of his 2nd wife, Lucille.]
pp. 447-B & 448-A, Lines 46-50 + 1, Dwelling 18; Family 18
46 ROBERTS, J. R. W M 41 [1839] Married Farmer AL AL GA
47 " , L. L. W F 25 [1855] Wife Married Housekeeper AL AL AL
48 " , C. R. W M 11 [1869] Son Single TX AL MS
49 " , A. G. W M 9 [1871] Son Single TX AL MS
50 " , S. B. W F 4 [1876] Dau Single TX AL AL
1 " , J. R. W M 1 [1879] TX AL AL.5 - U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007
Name: Charles Robert Roberts
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birth Date: 15 Jan 1869
Birth Place: Alto, Texas
Father: Joseph R Roberts
Mother: Sarah E Shelton
SSN: 450228107
Notes: Jul 1939: Name listed as CHARLES ROBERT ROBERTS
Source Information: U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015.
Original data: Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007.2,3,1
Charles Robert Roberts was listed as a resident in Joseph Randolph Roberts and Sarah J. Shelton's household in the census report in 1870 at Beat No. 1, Alto, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA; M W TX
p. 32, Lines 10-13, Dwelling 213; Family 213
10 ROBERTS, Joseph R. 32 M W Farmer $250 $250 AL
11 " , Sarah J. 30 F W Keeping House MS
12 " , Charles R. 2 M W TX
13 " , Lucinda 63 F W GA.4

; M W TXp. 32
Lines 10-13
Dwelling 213; Family 213
10 ROBERTS, Joseph R. 32 M W Farmer $250 $250 AL
11 " , Sarah J. 30 F W Keeping House MS
12 " , Charles R. 2 M W TX
12 " , Lucinda 63 F W GA.2
Charles Robert Roberts was listed as a resident in Joseph Randolph Roberts and Lucille Laury "Lucy" Woodall's household in the census report on 15 June 1880 at Precinct 8, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA; [Sons C. R. and A. G. are shown with mothers born in MS, while dau S. B. and son J. R. have mothers born in AL. This indicates that C. R. and A. G. are the sons of his 1st wife, Sarah, while dau S. B. and son J. R. are children of his 2nd wife, Lucille.]
pp. 447-B & 448-A, Lines 46-50 + 1, Dwelling 18; Family 18
46 ROBERTS, J. R. W M 41 [1839] Married Farmer AL AL GA
47 " , L. L. W F 25 [1855] Wife Married Housekeeper AL AL AL
48 " , C. R. W M 11 [1869] Son Single TX AL MS
49 " , A. G. W M 9 [1871] Son Single TX AL MS
50 " , S. B. W F 4 [1876] Dau Single TX AL AL
1 " , J. R. W M 1 [1879] TX AL AL.5

- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, Social Security record seen on on 31 Dec 2017 at Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site.
- [S222] Unknown household, 1870 Federal Census, unknown repository address, unknown repository.
- [S217] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX Cherokee Co. Precinct 8, pp. 447B & 448 Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: 1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 447B; Enumeration District: 019.
- [S222] 1870 Federal Census, unknown repository address, , Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Beat 1, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: M593_1578; Page: 178B; Image: 363; Family History Library Film: 553077.
Image:,%2520USA%26msbpn%3D3%26msbpn_PInfo%3D5-%257C0%257C1652393%257C0%257C2%257C0%257C3%257C0%257C0%257C0%257C0%257C0%257C%26msrpn__ftp%3DAlto,%2520Cherokee,%2520Texas,%2520USA%26msrpn%3D76560%26msrpn_PInfo%3D8-%257C0%257C1652393%257C0%257C2%257C0%257C46%257C0%257C579%257C76560%257C0%257C0%257C%26msrpn_x%3D1%26msrpn__ftp_x%3D1%26_83004003-n_xcl%3Df%26MSAV%3D1%26uidh%3Dv51%26ssrc%3Dpt_t114465740_p240128044986%26pcat%3D35%26fh%3D0%26h%3D10769705%26recoff%3D%26ml_rpos%3D1&ssrc=pt_t114465740_p240128044986&treeid=114465740&personid=240128044986&hintid=&usePUB=true&_phsrc=OQU411&_phstart=successSource&usePUBJs=true. - [S217] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX Cherokee Co. Precinct 8, pp. 447B & 448 Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: 1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 447B; Enumeration District: 019.
Lucinda (?)
F, #2414, b. circa 1810, d. before 1880
Last Edited | 29 Mar 2018 |
Lucinda (?) was born circa 1810 at Georgia, USA; Age 50 in 1860 census; age 63 in 1870 census.1,2 She married (?) Roberts before 1841 at Alabama, USA,
; Their oldest known son Joseph was born in 1841 in AL. GA Vaut.1
Lucinda (?) died before 1880 at Cherokee Co?, Texas, USA; doesn't appear in 1880 census in Joseph's household.3
; appears in 1870 census, Atto, Cherokee Co., TX with Joseph R. ROBERTS household - speculate that she is Joseph's mother.4
Lucinda (?) appeared in the census of 28 November 1850 at Lowndes, Lowndes Co., Alabama, USA; p. 157-A, lines 22-24, dwelling 8/32, family 832
22 ROBERTS, Lucinda 45 [1805] F Unknown
23 " , Robert 6 [1844] M AL
24 " , Charles 4 [1846] M AL.5
Lucinda (?) appeared in the census of July 1860 at Carter, Ashley Co., Arkansas, USA; pp. 219 & 220, lines 39-40 & 1-3, dwelling 838, family 863
39 ROBERTS, Lucinda 50 [1810] F W $200 $500 GA
40 " , J. R. 21 [1839] M W Farmer $200 AL
1 " , R. M. 18 [1842] M W Farmer AL Attended School
2 " , C. R. 14 [1846] M W AL Attended School
3 SHEPPARD, R. M. 21 [1839] M W Farmer $85 GA.6

Lucinda (?) was listed as a resident in Joseph Randolph Roberts and Sarah J. Shelton's household in the census report in 1870 at Beat No. 1, Alto, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA; M W TX
p. 32, Lines 10-13, Dwelling 213; Family 213
10 ROBERTS, Joseph R. 32 M W Farmer $250 $250 AL
11 " , Sarah J. 30 F W Keeping House MS
12 " , Charles R. 2 M W TX
13 " , Lucinda 63 F W GA.2

; Their oldest known son Joseph was born in 1841 in AL. GA Vaut.1
Lucinda (?) died before 1880 at Cherokee Co?, Texas, USA; doesn't appear in 1880 census in Joseph's household.3
; appears in 1870 census, Atto, Cherokee Co., TX with Joseph R. ROBERTS household - speculate that she is Joseph's mother.4
Lucinda (?) appeared in the census of 28 November 1850 at Lowndes, Lowndes Co., Alabama, USA; p. 157-A, lines 22-24, dwelling 8/32, family 832
22 ROBERTS, Lucinda 45 [1805] F Unknown
23 " , Robert 6 [1844] M AL
24 " , Charles 4 [1846] M AL.5

Lucinda (?) appeared in the census of July 1860 at Carter, Ashley Co., Arkansas, USA; pp. 219 & 220, lines 39-40 & 1-3, dwelling 838, family 863
39 ROBERTS, Lucinda 50 [1810] F W $200 $500 GA
40 " , J. R. 21 [1839] M W Farmer $200 AL
1 " , R. M. 18 [1842] M W Farmer AL Attended School
2 " , C. R. 14 [1846] M W AL Attended School
3 SHEPPARD, R. M. 21 [1839] M W Farmer $85 GA.6

Lucinda (?) was listed as a resident in Joseph Randolph Roberts and Sarah J. Shelton's household in the census report in 1870 at Beat No. 1, Alto, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA; M W TX
p. 32, Lines 10-13, Dwelling 213; Family 213
10 ROBERTS, Joseph R. 32 M W Farmer $250 $250 AL
11 " , Sarah J. 30 F W Keeping House MS
12 " , Charles R. 2 M W TX
13 " , Lucinda 63 F W GA.2

Family | (?) Roberts d. b 1850 |
Children |
- [S1549] "Author's comment", various, Gregory A. Vaut (e-mail address), to unknown recipient (unknown recipient address), 31 Dec 2017; unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "GA Vaut Comment."
- [S222] Unknown household, 1870 Federal Census, unknown repository address, unknown repository, Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Beat 1, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: M593_1578; Page: 178B; Image: 363; Family History Library Film: 553077.
Image:,%2520USA%26msbpn%3D3%26msbpn_PInfo%3D5-%257C0%257C1652393%257C0%257C2%257C0%257C3%257C0%257C0%257C0%257C0%257C0%257C%26msrpn__ftp%3DAlto,%2520Cherokee,%2520Texas,%2520USA%26msrpn%3D76560%26msrpn_PInfo%3D8-%257C0%257C1652393%257C0%257C2%257C0%257C46%257C0%257C579%257C76560%257C0%257C0%257C%26msrpn_x%3D1%26msrpn__ftp_x%3D1%26_83004003-n_xcl%3Df%26MSAV%3D1%26uidh%3Dv51%26ssrc%3Dpt_t114465740_p240128044986%26pcat%3D35%26fh%3D0%26h%3D10769705%26recoff%3D%26ml_rpos%3D1&ssrc=pt_t114465740_p240128044986&treeid=114465740&personid=240128044986&hintid=&usePUB=true&_phsrc=OQU411&_phstart=successSource&usePUBJs=true. - [S217] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX Cherokee Co. Precinct 8, pp. 447B & 448A Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: 1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 447B; Enumeration District: 019.
Image: - [S222] 1870 Federal Census, unknown repository address, .
- [S3907] 1850 Federal Census, 1850 Census AL, Lowndes Co., Lowndes, Year: 1850; Census Place: Lowndes, Lowndes, Alabama; Roll: M432_8; Page: 157A; Image: 531
Image: - [S3905] 1860 Federal Census, 1860 Census AR, Ashley Co., Carter Township, Year: 1860; Census Place: Carter, Ashley, Arkansas; Roll: M653_37; Page: 219; Family History Library Film: 803037
Lucille Laury "Lucy" Woodall1,2,3,4
F, #2415, b. 28 April 1854, d. 23 November 1894

Last Edited | 31 Dec 2017 |
Lucille Laury "Lucy" Woodall was born on 28 April 1854 at Jackson Co., Alabama, USA; Age 25 in 1880 census.5,6 She married Joseph Randolph Roberts, son of (?) Roberts and Lucinda (?), in 1868 at Wells, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA,
; His 2nd wife;
Roberts Family Tree shows marriage in 1868, but Joseph's son Charles R. was born in 1868 and the son of his 1st wife, Sarah, not of Lucille. Joseph and Lucille's daughter S. B. wasn't born until ca 1876, so Joseph's marriage to Lucille may have been later (ca 1869-1875). GA Vaut.4,7
Lucille Laury "Lucy" Woodall died on 23 November 1894 at Wells, Jackson Co., Alabama, USA, at age 40.5
Lucille Laury "Lucy" Woodall and Joseph Randolph Roberts appeared in the census of 15 June 1880 at Precinct 8, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA; [Sons C. R. and A. G. are shown with mothers born in MS, while dau S. B. and son J. R. have mothers born in AL. This indicates that C. R. and A. G. are the sons of his 1st wife, Sarah, while dau S. B. and son J. R. are children of his 2nd wife, Lucille.]
pp. 447-B & 448-A, Lines 46-50 + 1, Dwelling 18; Family 18
46 ROBERTS, J. R. W M 41 [1839] Married Farmer AL AL GA
47 " , L. L. W F 25 [1855] Wife Married Housekeeper AL AL AL
48 " , C. R. W M 11 [1869] Son Single TX AL MS
49 " , A. G. W M 9 [1871] Son Single TX AL MS
50 " , S. B. W F 4 [1876] Dau Single TX AL AL
1 " , J. R. W M 1 [1879] TX AL AL.8

; His 2nd wife;
Roberts Family Tree shows marriage in 1868, but Joseph's son Charles R. was born in 1868 and the son of his 1st wife, Sarah, not of Lucille. Joseph and Lucille's daughter S. B. wasn't born until ca 1876, so Joseph's marriage to Lucille may have been later (ca 1869-1875). GA Vaut.4,7
Lucille Laury "Lucy" Woodall died on 23 November 1894 at Wells, Jackson Co., Alabama, USA, at age 40.5
Lucille Laury "Lucy" Woodall and Joseph Randolph Roberts appeared in the census of 15 June 1880 at Precinct 8, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA; [Sons C. R. and A. G. are shown with mothers born in MS, while dau S. B. and son J. R. have mothers born in AL. This indicates that C. R. and A. G. are the sons of his 1st wife, Sarah, while dau S. B. and son J. R. are children of his 2nd wife, Lucille.]
pp. 447-B & 448-A, Lines 46-50 + 1, Dwelling 18; Family 18
46 ROBERTS, J. R. W M 41 [1839] Married Farmer AL AL GA
47 " , L. L. W F 25 [1855] Wife Married Housekeeper AL AL AL
48 " , C. R. W M 11 [1869] Son Single TX AL MS
49 " , A. G. W M 9 [1871] Son Single TX AL MS
50 " , S. B. W F 4 [1876] Dau Single TX AL AL
1 " , J. R. W M 1 [1879] TX AL AL.8

Family | Joseph Randolph Roberts b. 15 Sep 1841, d. 20 Mar 1901 |
Children |
- Her name 'L. L. "Lucy"' is from the death certificate of her son, Joseph Randolph.
- [S217] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX Cherokee Co. Precinct 8, pp. 447B & 448 Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: 1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 447B; Enumeration District: 019.
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, Death certificate seenon on 15 Oct 2017 at:
Image: Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site. - [S2338] Ancestry.Com Family Trees, online, Roberts Family Tree: Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Family Trees.
- [S2338] Ancestry.Com Family Trees, online, Roberts Family Tree:
- [S217] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX Cherokee Co. Precinct 8, pp. 447B & 448A Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: 1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 447B; Enumeration District: 019.
Image: - [S1549] "Author's comment", various, Gregory A. Vaut (e-mail address), to unknown recipient (unknown recipient address), 31 Dec 2017; unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "GA Vaut Comment."
- [S217] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX Cherokee Co. Precinct 8, pp. 447B & 448 Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: 1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 447B; Enumeration District: 019.
Image: - [S3906] 1900 Federal Census, 1900 Census TX, Cherokee Co., Justice Precinct 8, Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 8, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: 1619; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 0030; FHL microfilm: 1241619
A. G. Roberts1
M, #2416, b. circa 1871
Father | Joseph Randolph Roberts b. 15 Sep 1841, d. 20 Mar 1901 |
Mother | Sarah J. Shelton b. c 1840, d. b 1880 |
Last Edited | 6 Feb 2014 |
A. G. Roberts was born circa 1871 at Texas, USA.
; Assume A. G. is son of Sarah, Joseph's 1st wife, based on the places of birth of parents given in 1880 census. Joseph's 1st wife Sarah was born in MS. His 2nd wife, L. L., was born in AL.2
A. G. Roberts was listed as a resident in Joseph Randolph Roberts and Lucille Laury "Lucy" Woodall's household in the census report on 15 June 1880 at Precinct 8, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA; [Sons C. R. and A. G. are shown with mothers born in MS, while dau S. B. and son J. R. have mothers born in AL. This indicates that C. R. and A. G. are the sons of his 1st wife, Sarah, while dau S. B. and son J. R. are children of his 2nd wife, Lucille.]
pp. 447-B & 448-A, Lines 46-50 + 1, Dwelling 18; Family 18
46 ROBERTS, J. R. W M 41 [1839] Married Farmer AL AL GA
47 " , L. L. W F 25 [1855] Wife Married Housekeeper AL AL AL
48 " , C. R. W M 11 [1869] Son Single TX AL MS
49 " , A. G. W M 9 [1871] Son Single TX AL MS
50 " , S. B. W F 4 [1876] Dau Single TX AL AL
1 " , J. R. W M 1 [1879] TX AL AL.3

; Assume A. G. is son of Sarah, Joseph's 1st wife, based on the places of birth of parents given in 1880 census. Joseph's 1st wife Sarah was born in MS. His 2nd wife, L. L., was born in AL.2
A. G. Roberts was listed as a resident in Joseph Randolph Roberts and Lucille Laury "Lucy" Woodall's household in the census report on 15 June 1880 at Precinct 8, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA; [Sons C. R. and A. G. are shown with mothers born in MS, while dau S. B. and son J. R. have mothers born in AL. This indicates that C. R. and A. G. are the sons of his 1st wife, Sarah, while dau S. B. and son J. R. are children of his 2nd wife, Lucille.]
pp. 447-B & 448-A, Lines 46-50 + 1, Dwelling 18; Family 18
46 ROBERTS, J. R. W M 41 [1839] Married Farmer AL AL GA
47 " , L. L. W F 25 [1855] Wife Married Housekeeper AL AL AL
48 " , C. R. W M 11 [1869] Son Single TX AL MS
49 " , A. G. W M 9 [1871] Son Single TX AL MS
50 " , S. B. W F 4 [1876] Dau Single TX AL AL
1 " , J. R. W M 1 [1879] TX AL AL.3

- [S222] Unknown household, 1870 Federal Census, unknown repository address, unknown repository, Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: 1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 447B; Enumeration District: 019.
- [S217] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX Cherokee Co. Precinct 8.
- [S217] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX Cherokee Co. Precinct 8, pp. 447B & 448 Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: 1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 447B; Enumeration District: 019.
Safrona B. Roberts1
F, #2417, b. circa 1876
Father | Joseph Randolph Roberts1 b. 15 Sep 1841, d. 20 Mar 1901 |
Mother | Lucille Laury "Lucy" Woodall1 b. 28 Apr 1854, d. 23 Nov 1894 |
Last Edited | 31 Dec 2017 |
Safrona B. Roberts was born circa 1876 at Cherokee Co., Texas, USA; Age 4 in 1880 censu.1
Safrona B. Roberts was listed as a resident in Joseph Randolph Roberts and Lucille Laury "Lucy" Woodall's household in the census report on 15 June 1880 at Precinct 8, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA; [Sons C. R. and A. G. are shown with mothers born in MS, while dau S. B. and son J. R. have mothers born in AL. This indicates that C. R. and A. G. are the sons of his 1st wife, Sarah, while dau S. B. and son J. R. are children of his 2nd wife, Lucille.]
pp. 447-B & 448-A, Lines 46-50 + 1, Dwelling 18; Family 18
46 ROBERTS, J. R. W M 41 [1839] Married Farmer AL AL GA
47 " , L. L. W F 25 [1855] Wife Married Housekeeper AL AL AL
48 " , C. R. W M 11 [1869] Son Single TX AL MS
49 " , A. G. W M 9 [1871] Son Single TX AL MS
50 " , S. B. W F 4 [1876] Dau Single TX AL AL
1 " , J. R. W M 1 [1879] TX AL AL.3

Safrona B. Roberts was listed as a resident in Joseph Randolph Roberts and Lucille Laury "Lucy" Woodall's household in the census report on 15 June 1880 at Precinct 8, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA; [Sons C. R. and A. G. are shown with mothers born in MS, while dau S. B. and son J. R. have mothers born in AL. This indicates that C. R. and A. G. are the sons of his 1st wife, Sarah, while dau S. B. and son J. R. are children of his 2nd wife, Lucille.]
pp. 447-B & 448-A, Lines 46-50 + 1, Dwelling 18; Family 18
46 ROBERTS, J. R. W M 41 [1839] Married Farmer AL AL GA
47 " , L. L. W F 25 [1855] Wife Married Housekeeper AL AL AL
48 " , C. R. W M 11 [1869] Son Single TX AL MS
49 " , A. G. W M 9 [1871] Son Single TX AL MS
50 " , S. B. W F 4 [1876] Dau Single TX AL AL
1 " , J. R. W M 1 [1879] TX AL AL.3

- [S217] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX Cherokee Co. Precinct 8, pp. 447B & 448 Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: 1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 447B; Enumeration District: 019.
- [S217] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX Cherokee Co. Precinct 8.
- [S217] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX Cherokee Co. Precinct 8, pp. 447B & 448 Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: 1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 447B; Enumeration District: 019.
Joseph Randolph Roberts Jr.1,2
M, #2418, b. 25 October 1878, d. 9 June 1938
Father | Joseph Randolph Roberts1 b. 15 Sep 1841, d. 20 Mar 1901 |
Mother | Lucille Laury "Lucy" Woodall1 b. 28 Apr 1854, d. 23 Nov 1894 |
Last Edited | 31 Dec 2017 |
Joseph Randolph Roberts Jr. was born on 25 October 1878 at Cherokee Co., Texas, USA.1,2
Joseph Randolph Roberts Jr. died on 9 June 1938 at Wells, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA, at age 59; - Texas, Death Certificates, 1903-1982
Name: Joseph Randalph Roberts
Gender: Male
Race: White
Age: 59
Birth Date: 25 Oct 1878
Birth Place: Cherokee, Texas
Residence: Texas, USA
Death Date: 9 Jun 1938
Death Place: Precinct 2, Cherokee, Texas, USA
Father: Joseph R Robert O
Mother: Lucy Woodall
Spouse: Bell Roberts
Source Citation: Texas Department of State Health Services; Austin Texas, USA; Texas Death Certificates, 1903–1982
Source Information: Texas, Death Certificates, 1903-1982 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2013.
Original data: Texas Department of State Health Services. Texas Death Certificates, 1903–1982. Austin, Texas, USA.2
Joseph Randolph Roberts Jr. was listed as a resident in Joseph Randolph Roberts and Lucille Laury "Lucy" Woodall's household in the census report on 15 June 1880 at Precinct 8, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA; [Sons C. R. and A. G. are shown with mothers born in MS, while dau S. B. and son J. R. have mothers born in AL. This indicates that C. R. and A. G. are the sons of his 1st wife, Sarah, while dau S. B. and son J. R. are children of his 2nd wife, Lucille.]
pp. 447-B & 448-A, Lines 46-50 + 1, Dwelling 18; Family 18
46 ROBERTS, J. R. W M 41 [1839] Married Farmer AL AL GA
47 " , L. L. W F 25 [1855] Wife Married Housekeeper AL AL AL
48 " , C. R. W M 11 [1869] Son Single TX AL MS
49 " , A. G. W M 9 [1871] Son Single TX AL MS
50 " , S. B. W F 4 [1876] Dau Single TX AL AL
1 " , J. R. W M 1 [1879] TX AL AL.3

Joseph Randolph Roberts Jr. died on 9 June 1938 at Wells, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA, at age 59; - Texas, Death Certificates, 1903-1982
Name: Joseph Randalph Roberts
Gender: Male
Race: White
Age: 59
Birth Date: 25 Oct 1878
Birth Place: Cherokee, Texas
Residence: Texas, USA
Death Date: 9 Jun 1938
Death Place: Precinct 2, Cherokee, Texas, USA
Father: Joseph R Robert O
Mother: Lucy Woodall
Spouse: Bell Roberts
Source Citation: Texas Department of State Health Services; Austin Texas, USA; Texas Death Certificates, 1903–1982
Source Information: Texas, Death Certificates, 1903-1982 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2013.
Original data: Texas Department of State Health Services. Texas Death Certificates, 1903–1982. Austin, Texas, USA.2

Joseph Randolph Roberts Jr. was listed as a resident in Joseph Randolph Roberts and Lucille Laury "Lucy" Woodall's household in the census report on 15 June 1880 at Precinct 8, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA; [Sons C. R. and A. G. are shown with mothers born in MS, while dau S. B. and son J. R. have mothers born in AL. This indicates that C. R. and A. G. are the sons of his 1st wife, Sarah, while dau S. B. and son J. R. are children of his 2nd wife, Lucille.]
pp. 447-B & 448-A, Lines 46-50 + 1, Dwelling 18; Family 18
46 ROBERTS, J. R. W M 41 [1839] Married Farmer AL AL GA
47 " , L. L. W F 25 [1855] Wife Married Housekeeper AL AL AL
48 " , C. R. W M 11 [1869] Son Single TX AL MS
49 " , A. G. W M 9 [1871] Son Single TX AL MS
50 " , S. B. W F 4 [1876] Dau Single TX AL AL
1 " , J. R. W M 1 [1879] TX AL AL.3

- [S217] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX Cherokee Co. Precinct 8, pp. 447B & 448 Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: 1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 447B; Enumeration District: 019.
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, Death certificate seenon on 15 Oct 2017 at:
Image: Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site. - [S217] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX Cherokee Co. Precinct 8, pp. 447B & 448 Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: 1295; Family History Film: 1255295; Page: 447B; Enumeration District: 019.
Abraham Vaught
M, #2419, b. circa 1804
Last Edited | 18 Dec 2017 |
Abraham Vaught was born circa 1804 at Kentucky, USA; Age 66 in 1870 census.1
Abraham Vaught appeared in the census of 15 July 1870 at Beat 2, Rusk, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA; unknown VAUGHT in 1870 census Rusk, Cherokee Co., TX (living alone, no family)
p. 195A, Line 37, dwelling 20, family 20
37 VAUGHT, Abraham 66 [1804] M W Farmer $320 $150 KY.1

Abraham Vaught appeared in the census of 15 July 1870 at Beat 2, Rusk, Cherokee Co., Texas, USA; unknown VAUGHT in 1870 census Rusk, Cherokee Co., TX (living alone, no family)
p. 195A, Line 37, dwelling 20, family 20
37 VAUGHT, Abraham 66 [1804] M W Farmer $320 $150 KY.1

- [S223] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census, TX, Cherokee Co., Rusk, Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Beat 2, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: M593_1578; Page: 195A; Image: 398; Family History Library Film: 553077.
Elizabeth (?)
F, #2420, b. circa 1814
Last Edited | 8 Dec 2017 |
Elizabeth (?) married (?) Crow.1
Elizabeth (?) was born circa 1814 at Tennessee, USA.
Elizabeth (?) appeared in the census of 1850 at Precinct 1, Cass Co., Texas, USA;
[Note: Unknown CROW family in 1850 Cass Co., TX census.]
p. 731-A, lines 7-13, dwelling 108, family 114
7 CROW, Elizabeth 36 [1814] F Farmer $1500 TN
8 " , Martin 18 [1832] M Laborer TN
9 " , Mansfield 16 [1834] M Laborer TN
10 " , Franklin 14 [1836] M TN
11 " , Mary 12 [1838] F TN
12 " , Nancy 7 [1843] F TX
13 CARSON, Nathaniel 27 [1823] M Laborer TN.1

Elizabeth (?) was born circa 1814 at Tennessee, USA.
Elizabeth (?) appeared in the census of 1850 at Precinct 1, Cass Co., Texas, USA;
[Note: Unknown CROW family in 1850 Cass Co., TX census.]
p. 731-A, lines 7-13, dwelling 108, family 114
7 CROW, Elizabeth 36 [1814] F Farmer $1500 TN
8 " , Martin 18 [1832] M Laborer TN
9 " , Mansfield 16 [1834] M Laborer TN
10 " , Franklin 14 [1836] M TN
11 " , Mary 12 [1838] F TN
12 " , Nancy 7 [1843] F TX
13 CARSON, Nathaniel 27 [1823] M Laborer TN.1

Family | (?) Crow d. b 1850 |
Children |
- [S225] Unknown household, 1850 1850 Federal Census, unknown repository address unknown repository, Year: 1850; Census Place: Precinct 1, Cass, Texas; Roll: M432_909; Page: 731A; Image: 276
Sir David Graham of Montrose Kincardine1
M, #2421, b. circa 1270, d. 1327
Father | Sir Patrick Graham2,3 b. c 1249, d. 28 Apr 1296 |
Mother | Annabella (?) of Strathearn1 |
Last Edited | 26 Aug 2019 |
Sir David Graham of Montrose Kincardine was born circa 1270.1
Sir David Graham of Montrose Kincardine died in 1327.4,1
Per Genealogics:
"Sir David Graham, of Kincardine, was the son of Sir Patrick Graham, of Kincardine, and Annabella of Strathearn. On 5 June 1292 the claimant Baliol nominated him as one of the auditors for the Scottish succession, but on 3 August 1292 he was forced to swear fealty to Edward I, king of England. In 1296, Edward I, king of England, took him prisoner to England, but on 30 July 1297 he was released on condition of serving that king abroad in his wars against France. He acquired the lands of Loveth, county Inverness. From Robert I, king of Scots, in consideration of his faithful service, he received several grants and exchanged with the king Cardross, county Dunbarton, for the lands of Old Montrose, county Forfar. In 1320 Sir David signed the famous letter to the pope, asserting the independence of Scotland. In 1322 he was one of the guarantees of a treaty with England. Sir David Graham, laird of Kincardine and Old Montrose, died in 1327."1
Reference: Genealogics cites:
1. Burke's Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage, London, 1938. Page 1775
2. The Great Historic Families of Scotland, London, 1889, Taylor, James. II 143 biography.1 Sir David Graham of Montrose Kincardine was also known as Sir David de Graham of Montrose Kincardine.4,1
Sir David Graham of Montrose Kincardine died in 1327.4,1
Per Genealogics:
"Sir David Graham, of Kincardine, was the son of Sir Patrick Graham, of Kincardine, and Annabella of Strathearn. On 5 June 1292 the claimant Baliol nominated him as one of the auditors for the Scottish succession, but on 3 August 1292 he was forced to swear fealty to Edward I, king of England. In 1296, Edward I, king of England, took him prisoner to England, but on 30 July 1297 he was released on condition of serving that king abroad in his wars against France. He acquired the lands of Loveth, county Inverness. From Robert I, king of Scots, in consideration of his faithful service, he received several grants and exchanged with the king Cardross, county Dunbarton, for the lands of Old Montrose, county Forfar. In 1320 Sir David signed the famous letter to the pope, asserting the independence of Scotland. In 1322 he was one of the guarantees of a treaty with England. Sir David Graham, laird of Kincardine and Old Montrose, died in 1327."1
Reference: Genealogics cites:
1. Burke's Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage, London, 1938. Page 1775
2. The Great Historic Families of Scotland, London, 1889, Taylor, James. II 143 biography.1 Sir David Graham of Montrose Kincardine was also known as Sir David de Graham of Montrose Kincardine.4,1
Family | |
Children |
- [S1490] Genealogics Website (oiginated by Leo van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes), online, Sir David Graham, of Montrose Kincardine, Dabidh mac Padraig a Graem: Hereinafter cited as Genealogics Website.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Sir Patrick Graham, of Kincardine, Padraig a Graem:
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Annabella of Strathearn, Annabella a Stratheireann:
- [S1996] John P. Ravilious, "Ravilious email 9 Nov 2005: "SP Addition: Helen of Strathearn, wife of Sir David Graham," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to e-mail address, 9 Nov 2005. Hereinafter cited as "Ravilious email 9 Nov 2005."
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, NN Graham:
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Sir David Graham, of Dundaff:
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Sir David Graham, of Montrose:
James B. Vaught1
M, #2422, b. circa 1819
Last Edited | 20 Dec 2017 |
James B. Vaught was born circa 1819 at Tennessee, USA. He married Nancy J. Tunnell on 9 June 1850 at Cherokee Co., Texas, USA,
; Texas Marriage Early to 1850 says m. 9 June 1850; Ancestry Marriage Record #2 says 4 June; Ancestry Marriage Record #3 says 9 June
Marriage Record #2: - Texas, Select County Marriage Index, 1837-1965
Name: James B Vaught
Gender: Male
Marriage Date: 4 Jun 1850
Marriage Place: Cherokee, Texas, United States
Spouse: Nancy J
FHL Film Number: 988075
Source Information: Texas, Select County Marriage Index, 1837-1965 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014.
Original data: Texas, County Marriage Index, 1837-1977. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013.
Marriage Record #3: - Texas, Marriage Index, 1824-2014
Name: Nancy J. Tunnell
Marriage Date: 9 Jun 1850
Marriage Place: Cherokee, Texas, USA
Spouse: James B. Vaught
Source Citation: Texas Department of State Health Services; Austin, Texas; County Court Records - FHL microfilm # 0988076
Source Information: Texas, Marriage Index, 1824-2014 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2005.
Original data:
Dodd, Jordan R, et. al. Early American Marriages: Texas to 1850. Bountiful, UT: Precision Indexing Publishers, 19xx.
Hunting For Bears, comp. Texas marriage information taken from county courthouse records. Many of these records were extracted from copies of the original records in microfilm, microfiche, or book format, located at the Family History Library.
Texas Department of State Health Services. Texas Marriage Index, 1966-2014. Texas Department of State Health Services, Texas.
Dodd, Jordan, Liahona Research, comp. (P.O. Box 740, Orem, Utah 84059) from county marriage records on microfilm located at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah, in published books cataloged by the Library of Congress, or from county courthouse records.2,3,4
; This is an unknown VAUGHT I found in the 1850 Census, Cherokee Co., TX. According to two Ancestry family trees, this VAUGHT line is not related to line of John Paul VAUGHT - at least in America. The line looks like:
4. James B. VAUGHT (1816-1879) [Vaughn Family Tree], son of
3. --> William(2) VAUGHT (1793-unk) and Leann Broyles (1793-1840) [Vaughn Family Tree], son of
2. --> William(1) VAUGHT (1758-unk) and Margaret Mercy George (1762-unk) [Germanna Colonies Tree], son of
1. --> Christian VAUGHT [1720-1765] and Hanna CRUM (1733-1789) [Germanna Colonies Tree].
]According to these trees:
Generation 1: Christian was the original immigrant (from Baumholder, Nassau-Saarbrucken). He married in MD and died in PA.
Generation 2: His son, William(1), was born in MD, married in VA and eventually had children born first in TN and then lastly in AL.
Generation 3: His son, William(2), was born and married in TN.
Generation 4: James was born in TN, married and died in TX.
The Virginia to Tennessee to Alabama to Texas trail parallels that of my own VAUGHT/VAUT line (descended from John Paul VAUGHT), but the families are separate unless John Paul and Christian were related in Germany. I don't have enough information on their origins and German lineages to evaluate that.
GA Vaut.5,6,7,8
; Texas Marriage Early to 1850 says m. 9 June 1850; Ancestry Marriage Record #2 says 4 June; Ancestry Marriage Record #3 says 9 June
Marriage Record #2: - Texas, Select County Marriage Index, 1837-1965
Name: James B Vaught
Gender: Male
Marriage Date: 4 Jun 1850
Marriage Place: Cherokee, Texas, United States
Spouse: Nancy J
FHL Film Number: 988075
Source Information: Texas, Select County Marriage Index, 1837-1965 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014.
Original data: Texas, County Marriage Index, 1837-1977. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013.
Marriage Record #3: - Texas, Marriage Index, 1824-2014
Name: Nancy J. Tunnell
Marriage Date: 9 Jun 1850
Marriage Place: Cherokee, Texas, USA
Spouse: James B. Vaught
Source Citation: Texas Department of State Health Services; Austin, Texas; County Court Records - FHL microfilm # 0988076
Source Information: Texas, Marriage Index, 1824-2014 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2005.
Original data:
Dodd, Jordan R, et. al. Early American Marriages: Texas to 1850. Bountiful, UT: Precision Indexing Publishers, 19xx.
Hunting For Bears, comp. Texas marriage information taken from county courthouse records. Many of these records were extracted from copies of the original records in microfilm, microfiche, or book format, located at the Family History Library.
Texas Department of State Health Services. Texas Marriage Index, 1966-2014. Texas Department of State Health Services, Texas.
Dodd, Jordan, Liahona Research, comp. (P.O. Box 740, Orem, Utah 84059) from county marriage records on microfilm located at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah, in published books cataloged by the Library of Congress, or from county courthouse records.2,3,4
; This is an unknown VAUGHT I found in the 1850 Census, Cherokee Co., TX. According to two Ancestry family trees, this VAUGHT line is not related to line of John Paul VAUGHT - at least in America. The line looks like:
4. James B. VAUGHT (1816-1879) [Vaughn Family Tree], son of
3. --> William(2) VAUGHT (1793-unk) and Leann Broyles (1793-1840) [Vaughn Family Tree], son of
2. --> William(1) VAUGHT (1758-unk) and Margaret Mercy George (1762-unk) [Germanna Colonies Tree], son of
1. --> Christian VAUGHT [1720-1765] and Hanna CRUM (1733-1789) [Germanna Colonies Tree].
]According to these trees:
Generation 1: Christian was the original immigrant (from Baumholder, Nassau-Saarbrucken). He married in MD and died in PA.
Generation 2: His son, William(1), was born in MD, married in VA and eventually had children born first in TN and then lastly in AL.
Generation 3: His son, William(2), was born and married in TN.
Generation 4: James was born in TN, married and died in TX.
The Virginia to Tennessee to Alabama to Texas trail parallels that of my own VAUGHT/VAUT line (descended from John Paul VAUGHT), but the families are separate unless John Paul and Christian were related in Germany. I don't have enough information on their origins and German lineages to evaluate that.
GA Vaut.5,6,7,8
Family | Nancy J. Tunnell b. c 1828 |
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, Vaughn Family Tree: Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site.
- [S575] Extracted and transcribed by Llahona Research Inc. compiled, compiler, Texas Marriages Early to 1850: A Research Tool
call number G976.4T
ISBN 1-877677-26-4 (Bountiful, UT: Precision Indexing). - [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, Marriage record #2 seen on on 19 Dec 2017 at:
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, Marriage record #3 seen on on 19 Dec 2017 at:
- [S226] 1850 Census TX Cherokee Co, 1850 1850 Federal Census, unknown repository address unknown repository.
- [S1549] "Author's comment", various, Gregory A. Vaut (e-mail address), to unknown recipient (unknown recipient address), 20 Dec 2017; unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "GA Vaut Comment."
- [S2338] Ancestry.Com Family Trees, online, Vaughn Family Tree: Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Family Trees.
- [S2338] Ancestry.Com Family Trees, online, Germanna Colonies:
Nancy J. Tunnell
F, #2423, b. circa 1828
Last Edited | 19 Dec 2017 |
Nancy J. Tunnell was born circa 1828 at Tennessee, USA. She married James B. Vaught on 9 June 1850 at Cherokee Co., Texas, USA,
; Texas Marriage Early to 1850 says m. 9 June 1850; Ancestry Marriage Record #2 says 4 June; Ancestry Marriage Record #3 says 9 June
Marriage Record #2: - Texas, Select County Marriage Index, 1837-1965
Name: James B Vaught
Gender: Male
Marriage Date: 4 Jun 1850
Marriage Place: Cherokee, Texas, United States
Spouse: Nancy J
FHL Film Number: 988075
Source Information: Texas, Select County Marriage Index, 1837-1965 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014.
Original data: Texas, County Marriage Index, 1837-1977. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013.
Marriage Record #3: - Texas, Marriage Index, 1824-2014
Name: Nancy J. Tunnell
Marriage Date: 9 Jun 1850
Marriage Place: Cherokee, Texas, USA
Spouse: James B. Vaught
Source Citation: Texas Department of State Health Services; Austin, Texas; County Court Records - FHL microfilm # 0988076
Source Information: Texas, Marriage Index, 1824-2014 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2005.
Original data:
Dodd, Jordan R, et. al. Early American Marriages: Texas to 1850. Bountiful, UT: Precision Indexing Publishers, 19xx.
Hunting For Bears, comp. Texas marriage information taken from county courthouse records. Many of these records were extracted from copies of the original records in microfilm, microfiche, or book format, located at the Family History Library.
Texas Department of State Health Services. Texas Marriage Index, 1966-2014. Texas Department of State Health Services, Texas.
Dodd, Jordan, Liahona Research, comp. (P.O. Box 740, Orem, Utah 84059) from county marriage records on microfilm located at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah, in published books cataloged by the Library of Congress, or from county courthouse records.1,2,3
; Texas Marriage Early to 1850 says m. 9 June 1850; Ancestry Marriage Record #2 says 4 June; Ancestry Marriage Record #3 says 9 June
Marriage Record #2: - Texas, Select County Marriage Index, 1837-1965
Name: James B Vaught
Gender: Male
Marriage Date: 4 Jun 1850
Marriage Place: Cherokee, Texas, United States
Spouse: Nancy J
FHL Film Number: 988075
Source Information: Texas, Select County Marriage Index, 1837-1965 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014.
Original data: Texas, County Marriage Index, 1837-1977. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013.
Marriage Record #3: - Texas, Marriage Index, 1824-2014
Name: Nancy J. Tunnell
Marriage Date: 9 Jun 1850
Marriage Place: Cherokee, Texas, USA
Spouse: James B. Vaught
Source Citation: Texas Department of State Health Services; Austin, Texas; County Court Records - FHL microfilm # 0988076
Source Information: Texas, Marriage Index, 1824-2014 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2005.
Original data:
Dodd, Jordan R, et. al. Early American Marriages: Texas to 1850. Bountiful, UT: Precision Indexing Publishers, 19xx.
Hunting For Bears, comp. Texas marriage information taken from county courthouse records. Many of these records were extracted from copies of the original records in microfilm, microfiche, or book format, located at the Family History Library.
Texas Department of State Health Services. Texas Marriage Index, 1966-2014. Texas Department of State Health Services, Texas.
Dodd, Jordan, Liahona Research, comp. (P.O. Box 740, Orem, Utah 84059) from county marriage records on microfilm located at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah, in published books cataloged by the Library of Congress, or from county courthouse records.1,2,3
Family | James B. Vaught b. c 1819 |
- [S575] Extracted and transcribed by Llahona Research Inc. compiled, compiler, Texas Marriages Early to 1850: A Research Tool
call number G976.4T
ISBN 1-877677-26-4 (Bountiful, UT: Precision Indexing). - [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, Marriage record #2 seen on on 19 Dec 2017 at: Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site.
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online, Marriage record #3 seen on on 19 Dec 2017 at:
- [S226] 1850 Census TX Cherokee Co, 1850 1850 Federal Census, unknown repository address unknown repository.
- [S575] Extracted and transcribed by Llahona Research Inc. compiled, Texas Marriages Early to 1850: A Research Tool
call number G976.4T
ISBN 1-877677-26-4, lists the marriage of a James B. Vaught and Nancy J. Tunnell 9 June 1850 in Cherokee Co., TX.
Jonathan Pratt
M, #2424, b. circa 1823
Last Edited | 16 Sep 2018 |
Jonathan Pratt was born circa 1823 at Virginia, USA.1 He married Sarah (?)2
Jonathan Pratt and Sarah (?) appeared in the census of 20 July 1870 at Wright City, Warren Co., Missouri, USA;
Unknown PRATT family in 1870 Census Wright City, Warren Co., MO. Possibly brother of Thomas P. PRATT
p. 755-B, lines 26-35, Dwelling 116; Family 101
26 PRATT, Jonathan 47 [1823] M W Farming $2400 $800 VA
27 " , Sarah 43 [1827] F W Keeping House VA
28 " , Nancy 13 [1857] F W at school MO
29 " , Lucy 11 [1859] F W at school MO
30 " , Charles 9 [1861] M W MO
31 " , Joseph 7 [1863] M W MO
32 " , Thomas 5 [1865] M W MO
33 " , Cora 3 [1867] F W MO
34 " , Michel 1 [1869] M W MO
35 EDWARDS, Susan 21 [1849] F Black Dom. Serv MO.3

Jonathan Pratt and Sarah (?) appeared in the census of 20 July 1870 at Wright City, Warren Co., Missouri, USA;
Unknown PRATT family in 1870 Census Wright City, Warren Co., MO. Possibly brother of Thomas P. PRATT
p. 755-B, lines 26-35, Dwelling 116; Family 101
26 PRATT, Jonathan 47 [1823] M W Farming $2400 $800 VA
27 " , Sarah 43 [1827] F W Keeping House VA
28 " , Nancy 13 [1857] F W at school MO
29 " , Lucy 11 [1859] F W at school MO
30 " , Charles 9 [1861] M W MO
31 " , Joseph 7 [1863] M W MO
32 " , Thomas 5 [1865] M W MO
33 " , Cora 3 [1867] F W MO
34 " , Michel 1 [1869] M W MO
35 EDWARDS, Susan 21 [1849] F Black Dom. Serv MO.3

Family | Sarah (?) b. c 1827 |
Children |
- [S229] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census MO Warren Co Wright City, p. 16, lines 26-35.
- [S229] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census MO Warren Co Wright City, Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Hickory Grove, Warren, Missouri; Roll: M593_824; Page: 755B; Image: 774; Family History Library Film: 552323. - [S229] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census MO Warren Co Wright City, Year: 1870; Census Place: Hickory Grove, Warren, Missouri; Roll: M593_824; Page: 755B; Family History Library Film: 552323
William Pratt
M, #2425, b. circa 1829
Last Edited | 14 Sep 2018 |
William Pratt married Amencia (?)1
William Pratt was born circa 1829 at Pennsylvania, USA.
William Pratt and Amencia (?) appeared in the census of 12 September 1870 at Deepwater Twp, Clinton, Henry Co., Missouri, USA;
Unknown PRATT family in 1870 Census Deepwater Twp, Clinton, Henry Co., MO. Some children must be by William with a former wife, based on age of Amencia and age of older children in 1870 census (Henry Co., MO). Paulina Vanhoy may be Amencia's mother.
p. 39, Lines 17 - 26
17 PRATT, William 41 [1829] M W Farmer $1600 $750 PA
18 " , Amencia 26 [1844] F W Keeping house NC
19 " , Nancy E. 16 [1854] F W MO
20 " , Emanuel 14 [1856] M W MO
21 " , Isabel 8 [1862] F W MO
22 " , Mary V. 7 [1863] F W MO
23 " , Samuel 4 [1866] M W MO
24 " , Laura L. 3 [1867] F W MO
25 " , Chas A. 1 [1869] M W MO
26 VANHOY, Paulina 56 [1814] F W NC.2

William Pratt was born circa 1829 at Pennsylvania, USA.
William Pratt and Amencia (?) appeared in the census of 12 September 1870 at Deepwater Twp, Clinton, Henry Co., Missouri, USA;
Unknown PRATT family in 1870 Census Deepwater Twp, Clinton, Henry Co., MO. Some children must be by William with a former wife, based on age of Amencia and age of older children in 1870 census (Henry Co., MO). Paulina Vanhoy may be Amencia's mother.
p. 39, Lines 17 - 26
17 PRATT, William 41 [1829] M W Farmer $1600 $750 PA
18 " , Amencia 26 [1844] F W Keeping house NC
19 " , Nancy E. 16 [1854] F W MO
20 " , Emanuel 14 [1856] M W MO
21 " , Isabel 8 [1862] F W MO
22 " , Mary V. 7 [1863] F W MO
23 " , Samuel 4 [1866] M W MO
24 " , Laura L. 3 [1867] F W MO
25 " , Chas A. 1 [1869] M W MO
26 VANHOY, Paulina 56 [1814] F W NC.2

Family | Amencia (?) b. c 1844 |
Children |
- [S230] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census MO, Henry Co., Deepwater Twp, Clinton, Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Deepwater, Henry, Missouri; Roll: M593_778; Page: 242A; Image: 490; Family History Library Film: 552277.
Source Information: 1870 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2009. Images reproduced by FamilySearch. - [S230] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census MO, Henry Co., Deepwater Twp, Clinton, Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Deepwater, Henry, Missouri; Roll: M593_778; Page: 242A; Image: 490; Family History Library Film: 552277.
Jackson Pratt
M, #2426, b. circa 1850
Last Edited | 29 May 2001 |
Jackson Pratt was born circa 1850 at Indiana, USA.
; unknown PRATT in 1880 Census, White Oak Twp, Henry Co., MO.1
; unknown PRATT in 1880 Census, White Oak Twp, Henry Co., MO.1
Family | Martha (?) b. c 1854 |
Children |
- [S231] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census, MO, Henry Co., White Oak Twp, .
Ashel () Hart
M, #2427
Father | Timothy Fillmore Hart b. 19 Jul 1852, d. 8 Dec 1916 |
Mother | Julia Ann Long b. c 1859 |
Last Edited | 29 May 2001 |
- [S304] Unknown author, "History of Urich, Mo. and Community" - "HART FAMILY" (n.p.:, unknown publish date).
Alfred Hart
M, #2428, b. circa 1830
Last Edited | 29 May 2001 |
Family | Alvira (?) b. c 1830 |
Children |
- [S234] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census, MO, Warren Co., Charrette Twp., PO Holstein, .
Peter Hart
M, #2429, b. circa 1838
Last Edited | 29 May 2001 |
Family | Rosa (?) b. c 1850 |
Children |
Lucretia Jane Smith
F, #2430, d. 12 November 1874
Last Edited | 16 Feb 2014 |
Lucretia Jane Smith married Alvin Clinton Hart, son of Asheal Woodruff Hart and Verlinda Van Hoy, on 28 December 1869 at Johnson Co., Missouri, USA.1
Lucretia Jane Smith died on 12 November 1874 at Walker Township, Henry Co., Missouri, USA.1
; From History of Henry and St. Clair Counties: "ALVIN C. HART, section 29, is a native of North Carolina, and was born in Stokes County on June 4, 1846. His parents were Ashael W. and Verlinda Hart, nee Vanhoy. In 1852 his father came to Henry County and lived one year in White Oak Township, and in 1855 he entered 120 acres of land, where he died November 3, 1865. His wife followed him on the 6th of April, 1868. Alvin's youthful days were employed with his father until of age, and on December 28, 1869, he was married in Johnson County to Miss Lucretia Smith, a native of Johnson County. She lived but five years after her marriage, dying November 12, 1874, and leaving one child, Arthur Wallace, born January 20, 1871. In 1875 Mr. Hart went to the Pacific coast, where he remained one year. Since 1877 he has been farming, and now owns a farm containing 160 acres, about 100 acres being in cultivation. He is a prominent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Of his father's family of ten children, five of whom are now living: Sebastian C, Timothy, Sarah B., (wife of James H, Piatt) and Mary E., (wife of James W. Hunt.)1" (an unknown value.)2
Lucretia Jane Smith died on 12 November 1874 at Walker Township, Henry Co., Missouri, USA.1
; From History of Henry and St. Clair Counties: "ALVIN C. HART, section 29, is a native of North Carolina, and was born in Stokes County on June 4, 1846. His parents were Ashael W. and Verlinda Hart, nee Vanhoy. In 1852 his father came to Henry County and lived one year in White Oak Township, and in 1855 he entered 120 acres of land, where he died November 3, 1865. His wife followed him on the 6th of April, 1868. Alvin's youthful days were employed with his father until of age, and on December 28, 1869, he was married in Johnson County to Miss Lucretia Smith, a native of Johnson County. She lived but five years after her marriage, dying November 12, 1874, and leaving one child, Arthur Wallace, born January 20, 1871. In 1875 Mr. Hart went to the Pacific coast, where he remained one year. Since 1877 he has been farming, and now owns a farm containing 160 acres, about 100 acres being in cultivation. He is a prominent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Of his father's family of ten children, five of whom are now living: Sebastian C, Timothy, Sarah B., (wife of James H, Piatt) and Mary E., (wife of James W. Hunt.)1" (an unknown value.)2
Family | Alvin Clinton Hart b. 4 Jun 1846, d. 12 May 1887 |
Child |
- [S232] Unknown author, "The History of Henry and St. Clair Counties, Missouri: Containing a History of these Counties, Their Cities, Towns, Etc., Etc. - Biographical Sketches of Their Citizens, General and Local Statistics, History of Missouri, Map of Henry and St. Clair Counties, Etc. (St. Joseph, MO: National Historical Company, 1883), p. 722. Hereinafter cited as History of Henry and St. Clair Cos MO.
- [S232] Unknown author, History of Henry and St. Clair Cos MO.
- [S308] Unknown author, per Family Group Record - MRIN 20, dtd Sept. 27, 1993, prepared by Ralph E. and Mary F. Clary, 1601 S. Main, Clinton, MO 64735, Tel: 816-885-8946. (n.p.:, unknown publish date).