Henderson Poe
M, #4081, b. 17 November 1842, d. 8 November 1904
Father | William Poe1 b. c 1808 |
Mother | Nancy (?)1 b. c 1803 |
Charts | Descendents of John (Johann) Paul VOGT/VAUGHT |
Last Edited | 23 Aug 2021 |
Henderson Poe was born on 17 November 1842 at Lee Summit, Jackson Co., Missouri, USA; jpm36161 cites 1850 census.2,3,4,5 He married Nancy Elizabeth Vaught, daughter of Andrew Jackson Vaught and Sarah Louisa Wilson, circa 1868.4
Henderson Poe died on 8 November 1904 at Arlington, Tarrant Co., Texas, USA, at age 61.2
Henderson Poe was buried after 8 November 1904 at Johnsons Station Cemetery, Arlington, Tarrant Co., Texas, USA; from Find A Grave:

Henderson Poe began military service 1st Regiment, Texas Calvery (McCulloch's) (1st Mounted Riflemen, Co. C
1st Regiment, Texas Calvery (Yager's) (1st Mounted Rifles) Co. H
8th Battalion, Texas Calvalry (Taylor's Battalion, Mounted Rifles) Co. E
"Fought with "Buck" Perry against the Indians."3
; Notes on POE family from DeLane Poe Peery, date pre-1999:
Henderson Poe (b. Nov. 17, 1842, d. Nov. 8, 1904) married Nancy Elizabeth Vaut (b. Oct. 1848, d. Sept. 29, 1928), daughter of Andrew Vaut, and stepdaughter of Jacob Boydston who was an early settler of Dallas County, homesteading in Cedar Hill, then known as Cedar mountains. The date of this marriage is unknown. He and Nancy continued to remain at his parental home. He farmed and raisec livestock. In 1892, he and A.J. Dukes went into the hardware business Henderson "Hence" Poe raised thoroughbreds for racing. Some debt or other was settled between Hence and A.J. Dukes by his giving A.J. some race horses. A.J.'s son Leonidas took them to St. Louis to market them but never returned with the money. Leonidas had met up with some men and one or more of his mother's brothers, and they managed to blow all the money before they got home.
William Poe, Henderson's father, in his later years traded away 149 and ½ acres of the So. W. survey of the Poe homestead to H.R. and Fannie Sharp on May 1, 1885. This did not please Henderson and he was able to eventually buy back the land approximately two years later. Nelmwood Estates now occupies a portion of the old Poe homestead. Henderson was half owner of the State Bank of Mansfield. He was in the hardware business with A.J. Dukes, establishing a store on Main St. He was an accomplished fiddler, and hunter. He was invited into the Masonic Lodge #331 in Mansfield, January 1870 and made a master Mason in 1871. Henderson helped in the construction of the Masonic Lodge on Main Street. He was so loved and respected at the lodge that at his death the lodge was draped in mourning, and all the members wore a badge of mourning for thirty days. A page of the Masonic record was dedicated to his memory. Hence attended the Confederate Veterans reunion in Ft. Worth in his later years, date un-known. He participated in an old fiddlers contest April 13, 1901. November 21, 1902 a fire destroyed the Henderson's home that stood four miles north of Mansfield on Hwy. 157. "Just at noon a heavy volume of smoke was noticed rising north of town, and it only took a short while with a good field glass to locate the fire as being the farm house of Mr. Poe's. Henderson and his son Will, were both away from home, and the only persons about were the two Mistress Poe's," (Nancy and Maggie) wrote the Mansfield News Mirror. The fire which started from a defective flue in the kitchen was discovered while it had yet made but little headway, but the ladies had no means of extinguishing it, and before effective help arrived on the scene, the pretty house was doomed. Mr. Poe had for years carried insurance on his house but had let the insurance expire only one year before, vowing that he was disgusted because the house would not burn. The loss was absolute except for his fiddle which was saved by his wife; it never even got scorched. However, he was inconsolable over the loss of his hunting horn. "By, George, the best'un I ever blowed", remorsed Mr. Poe. The property loss was something over $2,500.00 and he vowed that no one could make a house and furniture that would just exactly fit him like that one." reported the Mansfield News Mirror.
Henderson. lived a life undirected by any of orthodox creeds or generally accepted rules of conduct; he was good hearted and honest. He had the love and respect of all classes of society. He recognized the need of the hour and was generous to those in need, with a loan, a helping hand or a sack of flour, when a widow's table was bare. Henderson and Nancy had a good marriage. In the 1860's settlers were few and far between. A creek ran through the Poe land and many times during the rainy seasons the road to Mansfield would become impassable. The family would be cut off from friends and neighbors until the waters subsided.
There were four children born of the marriage of Henderson and Nancy:
1. Susan was born September 28, 1869 and died October 20, 1878 of scarlet fever.
2. William Silas was born July 30, 1871. When Will contacted scarlet fever he became very ill, and was not conscious much of the time. When he began to recover, he discovered that his two sisters, Mary Alice and Susan were already dead and buried.
3. Mary Alice was born June 24, 1875 and died October 20, 1878 of scarlet fever.
4. Mattie Lenora was born March 1, 1888 and died April 4, 1889. The cause of her death was pneumonia. Mattie had climbed up in a chair and pulled a scalding hot pot of coffee off of the table onto her tiny body and was severely burned. She developed pneumonia and was not able to recover. The three girls are buried at Johnson Station cemetery.
Some time before Susan's death Oct. 28, 1878, Henderson won a 1852 gold dollar in a gambling game. He came home and found Susan and Will playing in the yard. Laura Hardgraves, a black woman was doing the Poe family laundry (the old fashioned way with a fire burning around a wash pot, rub boards and tubs) and she was also minding the children. Laura said that Henderson called Susan to him and gave her the 1952 gold dollar. Susan hurriedly took the coin to her mother, Nancy and gave it to her to put in a safe place. Laura reported that Will was very disappointed because his Dad did not give the coin to him instead of Susan. Susan died soon after this incident. Still Nancy kept the gold dollar among her keepsakes until 1902 when the house was destroyed by fire. A new house was erected on the same foundation, with no underpinning. Many years later Sue Poe, granddaughter of Henderson was playing under the house and picked up a shiny object. Not knowing what it was, she went inside the house to show it to her mother. Maggie checked it over and found it to be an 1852 gold dollar. After much ju-bilation, Nancy, Sue's grandmother then gave the coin to Maggie to keep for Sue. Sue always treasured the coin and kept it until her death. It was dated the same year that her grandmother, Sue Broiles Erwin, was born in Rutherford County, Tennessee.
Henderson Poe died Nov. 8, 1904. Henderson's grandson and namesake, Hence, went to Dallas in a wagon to get him a tombstone. It is still standing at the head of his grave at Johnson Station Cemetery, Arlington, Texas.
Nancy Vaut Poe was born Oct. 1848 and died Sept. 29, 1928. It is told that she wrote poetry. One of her poems was printed in the Mansfield News in 1928. Nanny Poe had been suffering from a lengthy illness and lay dying, around 8:58 on the morning of September 29, 1928, the day of her death. W.B. Hawkins, Jr., who was the Methodist preacher in Mansfield just happened to be passing by in a wagon and dropped in to see Nannie. It so happened that her last breath was leaving her body at that very moment. "it was a comfort to have him with us in our sorrowful hour", wrote Maggie Poe, daughter-in-law, in the pages of the family bible, "salvation open to all believers". Nancy Poe is buried at Johnson Station Cemetery.
Colonel James A. Erwin (1846- 1926) was a native of Germany, who served through the Revolutionary struggle of America.
George W. Erwin (?-1887) (one of seven children) became a rioted planter and slave owner of North Carolina. He married Miss Margaret Henson. George and Margaret and family moved from N. Carolina in 1853, settling within the same year in Bedford County, Tennessee, where he became a prominent farmer, he died in 1887. His son, James A. Erwin was the eldest of nine children. He spent his boyhood days on a farm in central Tennessee, receiving only a limited education. He grew to manhood there and became a noted planter and slave owner of North Carolina. From 1871 to 1881 he resided on an improved farm in that state. In 1871, James Erwin was united in marriage to Miss Sue Letticia Broiles (1852-1931) daughter of Wilson S. Broiles (1817-1883) a Tennesseean and Fannie Hoover Broiles (1820-1885). (Fannie's mother's name was Rebecca. Father's name ?) Fannie was related to President Herbert Hoover. She had dark brown hair and brown eyes. Fannie and Wilson Broiles had seven children: a daughter, Sally, had a handicap and could not speak. Melinda married T.J. Robinson, who died in Tennessee. Melinda came to Texas with her family to Collin County but moved to Henrietta, Texas in 1885; John M. moved to Waco, Texas in 1881; Edna married E.E. Rankin, a merchant of Arlington; Hyram S. Broiles became a doctor of medicine, moved to Ft. Worth and became Mayor of the city in the mid 1850's.
Fannie Hoover Broiles departed this life in 1883, but her husband Wilson, survived until 1885, both dying in Tennessee. She and Wilson were members of the Methodist Church.
James A. Erwin and Sue L. Broiles Erwin had eight children while in Bell Buckle, Tennessee; Ella, wife of W.E. Butler was a clerk of the court at Fort Worth. Ella died at the age of 73, eleven months and 14 days on Saturday morning at 2:00 A.M. Sept. 8, 1946. J. Walter; Edward; Willie Burton, and twins Edna May and Robert. (b. April 12, 1886) Robert died Monday, October 21, 1886, and is buried at Johnson Station, in Arlington. Edna married Paul M. Monnig August 4, 1907 on Sunday. Paul owned a department store in Mansfield. They had one daughter, Margaret Monnig. Edna died June 27, 1962, she is buried at Mansfield. Other children of James and Sue Erwin were Marie Lucille Erwin Bryson, b. Jan. 25, 1896, in Mansfield, Tx. married Edward Earl Brysori August 5, 1917 on a Sunday. She died June 25, 1984, services were held at Blessing Mclnnis Chapel in Mansfield and she was buried at Mansfield. Marie and Ed had one daughter Edna Earl Bryson. Maggie Lee Erwin Poe (1878-1958) born in Bell Buckle, Tennessee. David Ernest Erwin, born Dec. 12, 1873. He first married Lena Massie, April 27, 1902 on a Wednesday. Later married Margaret McDavitt December 29th, 1926. They had one son David E. Erwin Jr. David Ernst Erwin lived at 301 Emma St. in Ft. Worth from 1943 till death Dec. 13, 1967. His son still resides at this address. Margaret McDavitt Erwin died May 1982 and was buried at Mansfield.
The James Erwin Family started West by wagon train in 1881. Maggie remembered sitting on her mother's lap while crossing a big river on a ferry. When she saw the wide, rushing current of the mighty Mississippi she became terrified because she had never in her life been subjected to so much water. She cried all the way across the river.
James A. Erwin purchased a farm at Johnson Station. In 1882, later he purchased a farm consisting of ninety-five acres from Mr. Julian Field, a prominent resident and namesake of Mansfield and settled there. This land was kept under a good state of cultivation. It was located on the Old Mansfield Highway on the West side of the road about one-half mile from the railroad tracks, bounded by Patterson Road. The tree where Will Poe tied his horse when he was courting Maggie is still standing and so is the old windmill that stood next to the house (1984). James A. Erwin was affiliated with the Democratic party, and both he and Sue were members of the Christian church. Mr. Erwin was left blinded by a cataract operation later in life, but learned to get around with the use of a cane. He would walk the approximate half mile into Mansfield every day. He was against alcohol and consumption of the "foul beverage". He had reddish brown hair and a fair complexion. His hair turned white in later years. Mr. Erwin always wore a beard and was a very distin-guished looking gentleman. He was guardian of Sally Broiles, his wife's sister, who was afflicted with a speech impediment, such that she could not speak. Sally Ann Broiles died on the 5th day of February 1904, 11:00 A.M. from congestion of the lungs. W.B. McKnight was her attending physician. Mr. Erwin died Jan. 24, 1926 at Mansfield, his wife died at the age of 78, April 26, 1931 at the home of her daughter, Edna, 2016 Binkley St., Ft. Worth, Texas. Sunday night at 10 o'clock. Funeral services were held at the home. Sue Broiles Erwin was buried at Mansfield Cemetery. She was ill for only two weeks prior to her death. This poem was written by Sue Erwin March 14, 1927.
Going Home
Adieu, sweet friends and children dear. I have waited long to hear the message that calls me home. And now it comes like a sweet old song, Welcome over the river foam. And my heart shall ache and my feet shall roam no more, no more. I am going home. Home, where no storms or suffering or trouble are in the light of eternal day. Where no willows weep o'er lonely graves and the tears from my eyelids are wiped away. And my soul shall sigh and my feet shall roam no more, no more, I am going home.
Maggie Lee Erwin married William Silas Poe Dec. 28th, 1958. They lived with Will's father, Henderson Poe and his mother Nancy Poe on FM 157, four miles from Mansfield. Their children were Edna, Hence, Sue, William Silas Poe, Jr.
After the death of Henderson and Nancy, Will and Maggie rented out the old homeplace and moved to a house on the Poe property east of FM 157 which had previously been owned by Cleo Wilson. This house was about a mile or so off the highway hidden away behind the mesquite and oak trees. Maggie's children were mostly grown by this time and married. Her daughter Sue, had left her husband Uoyd Leath and lived there also with her son, Jack Leath, who was a young teenager by this time. Will farmed and raised livestock in a limited fashion. After Will's death December 24, 1944, she moved back on FM 157, to a house that she had built not far from the original Poe homestead. She lived there with her daughter Sue and her granddaughter Mary Ann Poe who was the daughter of her son, Hence Poe.
Maggie's home was always a kind of hub for the family activities. Her sons and grandchildren paid frequent, if not daily visits to her home. All members of the family remained to live someplace on the Poe farm. None of them pursued farming as a means of livelihood for very long, only as a hobby or not at all. When World War II broke out, Bill, Sue and Hence found war related jobs as did Maggie's grandson Jack. These jobs paid better than farming, but the young adults continued to commute to the city to work even after the war ended.
Maggie always did the cooking for the family, but not the dishes. That job was left to the others. She liked to quilt, and loved to listen to soap operas on the radio. Every afternoon she would pull her rocking chair up beside the table where the radio sat, turn it on and lis-ten to "Just Plain Bill", "As the World Turns", "Lorenzo Jones", "Amos and Andy" and many other programs that were the highlight of the day.
One fall the family gathered for a hog killing. Bill, Jack and Hence were there to help. The hog was shot and tied to a pulley that was hung in a tree, so that it could be raised or lowered. The hog was lifted up off the ground and bled. Meanwhile a big vat was set up near the hog and filled with water. A fire was built under it and kept blazing until the water was boiling hot. Then the hog was pulled up by the hoist and lowered into the vat to remove all of the hair off the skin. The hog was split down the middle with an ax, skinned and butchered. Maggie and her daughter Sue, had fires under two big wash pots near the kitchen ready to make the cracklin's and the lard. Bill's children, Pat and Burton were the takin' in the whole affair. As Maggie cooked the cracklin's, the kids were watching and waiting. As fast as she could put them on a plate the kids would eat every last one of the cracklin's. Maggie was constantly scolding them because of it, but to no avail.
Maggie was always available as the family babysitter. She had kept toys and books that her children had played with, and the grandkids were welcome to play with them too. Sue was the teacher, and any child that was willing to learn from her many talents, she had the patience to try to help them learn to read, write, milk cows, sew, crochet or anything else that a child might be curious about. Maggie was a story teller for the children. She would patiently tell the "Three Bears", 'Three Little Pigs", "Cinderella" or "Snow White" over and over again. Maggie Lee Poe, was 80 years old when she died at her home, after a long illness on Nov. 26, 1958. She was buried alongside Will Poe at Rehoboth cemetery. Will Poe had bought several burial plots at Rehoboth when the cemetery was first being established. Several of his close family members are also buried there. At the age of 15 Maggie was baptized into the Christian Church of Mansfield.
Henderson Poe lived in 1850 at Washington, Jackson Co., Missouri, USA; Federal Census.4
Henderson Poe was listed as a resident in William Poe and Nancy (?)'s household in the census report on 19 August 1850 at Washington, Jackson Co., Missouri, USA;
p. 256-B, lines 23-27; Dwelling 7, Family 7
23 POE, William 42 [1808] M Farmer $700 NC
24 " , Nancy 47 [1803] F VA
25 " , William 13 [1837] M MO attended school
26 " , Silas 11 [1839] M MO attended school
27 " , Henderson 7 [1843] M MO attended school.7
Henderson Poe began military service between 10 May 1861 and 1863 at Tarrant Co., Texas, USA, Enlisted as a Private in Co., E, Taylor's Battalion texas Mounted Rifles, last record found dated 1863
Ancestry.com - Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Texas
Source Citation: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA); Washington, D.C; Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Texas; Series Number: M323; Roll: 55
Source Information: Ancestry.com. U.S., Confederate Soldiers Compiled Service Records, 1861-1865 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2011. U.S., Confederate Soldiers Compiled Service Records, 1861-1865 provided by Fold3 © Copyright 2011 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. All use is subject to the limited use license and other terms and conditions applicable to this site.
Original data: Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers. The National Archives at Washington, D.C.8,9

; Ancestry.com - Texas, U.S., Voter Registration Lists, 1867-1869
Henderson Poe lived in 1880 at Precinct 8, Tarrant Co., Texas, USA; Federal Census.4
Henderson Poe and Nancy Elizabeth Vaught appeared in the census of 15 June 1880 at Precinct 8, Tarrant Co., Texas, USA;
p. 239-D, lines 8-10; Dwelling ; Family
8 POE, Henderson W M 34 [1846] Married Farmer MO NC ??
9 " , Nancy E. W F 27 [1853] Wife Married Keeping house TX TX TX
10 " , William S. W M 9 [1871] Son Single attending school TX MO TX.11
Henderson Poe lived in 1900 at Mansfield, Tarrant Co., Texas, USA; Federal Census.4
Henderson Poe and Nancy Elizabeth Vaught appeared in the census of 18 June 1900 at Precinct 8, Fort Worth, Tarrant Co., Texas, USA;
p. 13A, lines 7-13; Dwelling 248; Family 249
7 POE, Henry Head W M Nov 1842 58 Married 30yrs [1870] MO NC VA
8 " , Nancy E. Wife W F Oct 1848 52 Married 30yrs [1870] 4-children-born 4-children-living TX AR GA
9 " , William Son W M July 1871 29 Married 1yr [1899] TX MO TX
10 " , Maggie Daughter-in-law W F Feb 1878 22 Married 1yr [1899] TX NC ??
11 " , Andrew J Grand child W M April 1893 1 Single TX TX TX
12 GARRISON, Thomas Boarder W M 1864 36 Single TN TN TN
13 HOLBROOKS, Henry D Boarder W M Aug 1868 32 Single NC NC NC.12

Henderson Poe died on 8 November 1904 at Arlington, Tarrant Co., Texas, USA, at age 61.2
Henderson Poe was buried after 8 November 1904 at Johnsons Station Cemetery, Arlington, Tarrant Co., Texas, USA; from Find A Grave:
BIRTH 17 Nov 1842, Jackson County, Missouri, USA
DEATH 8 Nov 1904 (aged 61), Mansfield, Tarrant County, Texas, USA
Brother of William E and Silas Poe. Company E, 8th Battalion, Texas Calvary, Confederate States of America. Married Nancy Elizabeth Vaut (1848-1928).
Son of William S. Poe and Nancy Emily Ervin
Family Members
Nancy Elizabeth Vaut Poe 1848–1928
Mary Alice Poe 1875–1878
Mattie Lenora Poe 1888–1889
BURIAL Johnson Station Cemetery, Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas, USA
Created by: Paula J
Added: 31 Dec 2003
Find a Grave Memorial 8227924.2,6
DEATH 8 Nov 1904 (aged 61), Mansfield, Tarrant County, Texas, USA
Brother of William E and Silas Poe. Company E, 8th Battalion, Texas Calvary, Confederate States of America. Married Nancy Elizabeth Vaut (1848-1928).
Son of William S. Poe and Nancy Emily Ervin
Family Members
Nancy Elizabeth Vaut Poe 1848–1928
Mary Alice Poe 1875–1878
Mattie Lenora Poe 1888–1889
BURIAL Johnson Station Cemetery, Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas, USA
Created by: Paula J
Added: 31 Dec 2003
Find a Grave Memorial 8227924.2,6

Henderson Poe began military service 1st Regiment, Texas Calvery (McCulloch's) (1st Mounted Riflemen, Co. C
1st Regiment, Texas Calvery (Yager's) (1st Mounted Rifles) Co. H
8th Battalion, Texas Calvalry (Taylor's Battalion, Mounted Rifles) Co. E
"Fought with "Buck" Perry against the Indians."3
; Notes on POE family from DeLane Poe Peery, date pre-1999:
Henderson Poe (b. Nov. 17, 1842, d. Nov. 8, 1904) married Nancy Elizabeth Vaut (b. Oct. 1848, d. Sept. 29, 1928), daughter of Andrew Vaut, and stepdaughter of Jacob Boydston who was an early settler of Dallas County, homesteading in Cedar Hill, then known as Cedar mountains. The date of this marriage is unknown. He and Nancy continued to remain at his parental home. He farmed and raisec livestock. In 1892, he and A.J. Dukes went into the hardware business Henderson "Hence" Poe raised thoroughbreds for racing. Some debt or other was settled between Hence and A.J. Dukes by his giving A.J. some race horses. A.J.'s son Leonidas took them to St. Louis to market them but never returned with the money. Leonidas had met up with some men and one or more of his mother's brothers, and they managed to blow all the money before they got home.
William Poe, Henderson's father, in his later years traded away 149 and ½ acres of the So. W. survey of the Poe homestead to H.R. and Fannie Sharp on May 1, 1885. This did not please Henderson and he was able to eventually buy back the land approximately two years later. Nelmwood Estates now occupies a portion of the old Poe homestead. Henderson was half owner of the State Bank of Mansfield. He was in the hardware business with A.J. Dukes, establishing a store on Main St. He was an accomplished fiddler, and hunter. He was invited into the Masonic Lodge #331 in Mansfield, January 1870 and made a master Mason in 1871. Henderson helped in the construction of the Masonic Lodge on Main Street. He was so loved and respected at the lodge that at his death the lodge was draped in mourning, and all the members wore a badge of mourning for thirty days. A page of the Masonic record was dedicated to his memory. Hence attended the Confederate Veterans reunion in Ft. Worth in his later years, date un-known. He participated in an old fiddlers contest April 13, 1901. November 21, 1902 a fire destroyed the Henderson's home that stood four miles north of Mansfield on Hwy. 157. "Just at noon a heavy volume of smoke was noticed rising north of town, and it only took a short while with a good field glass to locate the fire as being the farm house of Mr. Poe's. Henderson and his son Will, were both away from home, and the only persons about were the two Mistress Poe's," (Nancy and Maggie) wrote the Mansfield News Mirror. The fire which started from a defective flue in the kitchen was discovered while it had yet made but little headway, but the ladies had no means of extinguishing it, and before effective help arrived on the scene, the pretty house was doomed. Mr. Poe had for years carried insurance on his house but had let the insurance expire only one year before, vowing that he was disgusted because the house would not burn. The loss was absolute except for his fiddle which was saved by his wife; it never even got scorched. However, he was inconsolable over the loss of his hunting horn. "By, George, the best'un I ever blowed", remorsed Mr. Poe. The property loss was something over $2,500.00 and he vowed that no one could make a house and furniture that would just exactly fit him like that one." reported the Mansfield News Mirror.
Henderson. lived a life undirected by any of orthodox creeds or generally accepted rules of conduct; he was good hearted and honest. He had the love and respect of all classes of society. He recognized the need of the hour and was generous to those in need, with a loan, a helping hand or a sack of flour, when a widow's table was bare. Henderson and Nancy had a good marriage. In the 1860's settlers were few and far between. A creek ran through the Poe land and many times during the rainy seasons the road to Mansfield would become impassable. The family would be cut off from friends and neighbors until the waters subsided.
There were four children born of the marriage of Henderson and Nancy:
1. Susan was born September 28, 1869 and died October 20, 1878 of scarlet fever.
2. William Silas was born July 30, 1871. When Will contacted scarlet fever he became very ill, and was not conscious much of the time. When he began to recover, he discovered that his two sisters, Mary Alice and Susan were already dead and buried.
3. Mary Alice was born June 24, 1875 and died October 20, 1878 of scarlet fever.
4. Mattie Lenora was born March 1, 1888 and died April 4, 1889. The cause of her death was pneumonia. Mattie had climbed up in a chair and pulled a scalding hot pot of coffee off of the table onto her tiny body and was severely burned. She developed pneumonia and was not able to recover. The three girls are buried at Johnson Station cemetery.
Some time before Susan's death Oct. 28, 1878, Henderson won a 1852 gold dollar in a gambling game. He came home and found Susan and Will playing in the yard. Laura Hardgraves, a black woman was doing the Poe family laundry (the old fashioned way with a fire burning around a wash pot, rub boards and tubs) and she was also minding the children. Laura said that Henderson called Susan to him and gave her the 1952 gold dollar. Susan hurriedly took the coin to her mother, Nancy and gave it to her to put in a safe place. Laura reported that Will was very disappointed because his Dad did not give the coin to him instead of Susan. Susan died soon after this incident. Still Nancy kept the gold dollar among her keepsakes until 1902 when the house was destroyed by fire. A new house was erected on the same foundation, with no underpinning. Many years later Sue Poe, granddaughter of Henderson was playing under the house and picked up a shiny object. Not knowing what it was, she went inside the house to show it to her mother. Maggie checked it over and found it to be an 1852 gold dollar. After much ju-bilation, Nancy, Sue's grandmother then gave the coin to Maggie to keep for Sue. Sue always treasured the coin and kept it until her death. It was dated the same year that her grandmother, Sue Broiles Erwin, was born in Rutherford County, Tennessee.
Henderson Poe died Nov. 8, 1904. Henderson's grandson and namesake, Hence, went to Dallas in a wagon to get him a tombstone. It is still standing at the head of his grave at Johnson Station Cemetery, Arlington, Texas.
Nancy Vaut Poe was born Oct. 1848 and died Sept. 29, 1928. It is told that she wrote poetry. One of her poems was printed in the Mansfield News in 1928. Nanny Poe had been suffering from a lengthy illness and lay dying, around 8:58 on the morning of September 29, 1928, the day of her death. W.B. Hawkins, Jr., who was the Methodist preacher in Mansfield just happened to be passing by in a wagon and dropped in to see Nannie. It so happened that her last breath was leaving her body at that very moment. "it was a comfort to have him with us in our sorrowful hour", wrote Maggie Poe, daughter-in-law, in the pages of the family bible, "salvation open to all believers". Nancy Poe is buried at Johnson Station Cemetery.
Colonel James A. Erwin (1846- 1926) was a native of Germany, who served through the Revolutionary struggle of America.
George W. Erwin (?-1887) (one of seven children) became a rioted planter and slave owner of North Carolina. He married Miss Margaret Henson. George and Margaret and family moved from N. Carolina in 1853, settling within the same year in Bedford County, Tennessee, where he became a prominent farmer, he died in 1887. His son, James A. Erwin was the eldest of nine children. He spent his boyhood days on a farm in central Tennessee, receiving only a limited education. He grew to manhood there and became a noted planter and slave owner of North Carolina. From 1871 to 1881 he resided on an improved farm in that state. In 1871, James Erwin was united in marriage to Miss Sue Letticia Broiles (1852-1931) daughter of Wilson S. Broiles (1817-1883) a Tennesseean and Fannie Hoover Broiles (1820-1885). (Fannie's mother's name was Rebecca. Father's name ?) Fannie was related to President Herbert Hoover. She had dark brown hair and brown eyes. Fannie and Wilson Broiles had seven children: a daughter, Sally, had a handicap and could not speak. Melinda married T.J. Robinson, who died in Tennessee. Melinda came to Texas with her family to Collin County but moved to Henrietta, Texas in 1885; John M. moved to Waco, Texas in 1881; Edna married E.E. Rankin, a merchant of Arlington; Hyram S. Broiles became a doctor of medicine, moved to Ft. Worth and became Mayor of the city in the mid 1850's.
Fannie Hoover Broiles departed this life in 1883, but her husband Wilson, survived until 1885, both dying in Tennessee. She and Wilson were members of the Methodist Church.
James A. Erwin and Sue L. Broiles Erwin had eight children while in Bell Buckle, Tennessee; Ella, wife of W.E. Butler was a clerk of the court at Fort Worth. Ella died at the age of 73, eleven months and 14 days on Saturday morning at 2:00 A.M. Sept. 8, 1946. J. Walter; Edward; Willie Burton, and twins Edna May and Robert. (b. April 12, 1886) Robert died Monday, October 21, 1886, and is buried at Johnson Station, in Arlington. Edna married Paul M. Monnig August 4, 1907 on Sunday. Paul owned a department store in Mansfield. They had one daughter, Margaret Monnig. Edna died June 27, 1962, she is buried at Mansfield. Other children of James and Sue Erwin were Marie Lucille Erwin Bryson, b. Jan. 25, 1896, in Mansfield, Tx. married Edward Earl Brysori August 5, 1917 on a Sunday. She died June 25, 1984, services were held at Blessing Mclnnis Chapel in Mansfield and she was buried at Mansfield. Marie and Ed had one daughter Edna Earl Bryson. Maggie Lee Erwin Poe (1878-1958) born in Bell Buckle, Tennessee. David Ernest Erwin, born Dec. 12, 1873. He first married Lena Massie, April 27, 1902 on a Wednesday. Later married Margaret McDavitt December 29th, 1926. They had one son David E. Erwin Jr. David Ernst Erwin lived at 301 Emma St. in Ft. Worth from 1943 till death Dec. 13, 1967. His son still resides at this address. Margaret McDavitt Erwin died May 1982 and was buried at Mansfield.
The James Erwin Family started West by wagon train in 1881. Maggie remembered sitting on her mother's lap while crossing a big river on a ferry. When she saw the wide, rushing current of the mighty Mississippi she became terrified because she had never in her life been subjected to so much water. She cried all the way across the river.
James A. Erwin purchased a farm at Johnson Station. In 1882, later he purchased a farm consisting of ninety-five acres from Mr. Julian Field, a prominent resident and namesake of Mansfield and settled there. This land was kept under a good state of cultivation. It was located on the Old Mansfield Highway on the West side of the road about one-half mile from the railroad tracks, bounded by Patterson Road. The tree where Will Poe tied his horse when he was courting Maggie is still standing and so is the old windmill that stood next to the house (1984). James A. Erwin was affiliated with the Democratic party, and both he and Sue were members of the Christian church. Mr. Erwin was left blinded by a cataract operation later in life, but learned to get around with the use of a cane. He would walk the approximate half mile into Mansfield every day. He was against alcohol and consumption of the "foul beverage". He had reddish brown hair and a fair complexion. His hair turned white in later years. Mr. Erwin always wore a beard and was a very distin-guished looking gentleman. He was guardian of Sally Broiles, his wife's sister, who was afflicted with a speech impediment, such that she could not speak. Sally Ann Broiles died on the 5th day of February 1904, 11:00 A.M. from congestion of the lungs. W.B. McKnight was her attending physician. Mr. Erwin died Jan. 24, 1926 at Mansfield, his wife died at the age of 78, April 26, 1931 at the home of her daughter, Edna, 2016 Binkley St., Ft. Worth, Texas. Sunday night at 10 o'clock. Funeral services were held at the home. Sue Broiles Erwin was buried at Mansfield Cemetery. She was ill for only two weeks prior to her death. This poem was written by Sue Erwin March 14, 1927.
Going Home
Adieu, sweet friends and children dear. I have waited long to hear the message that calls me home. And now it comes like a sweet old song, Welcome over the river foam. And my heart shall ache and my feet shall roam no more, no more. I am going home. Home, where no storms or suffering or trouble are in the light of eternal day. Where no willows weep o'er lonely graves and the tears from my eyelids are wiped away. And my soul shall sigh and my feet shall roam no more, no more, I am going home.
Maggie Lee Erwin married William Silas Poe Dec. 28th, 1958. They lived with Will's father, Henderson Poe and his mother Nancy Poe on FM 157, four miles from Mansfield. Their children were Edna, Hence, Sue, William Silas Poe, Jr.
After the death of Henderson and Nancy, Will and Maggie rented out the old homeplace and moved to a house on the Poe property east of FM 157 which had previously been owned by Cleo Wilson. This house was about a mile or so off the highway hidden away behind the mesquite and oak trees. Maggie's children were mostly grown by this time and married. Her daughter Sue, had left her husband Uoyd Leath and lived there also with her son, Jack Leath, who was a young teenager by this time. Will farmed and raised livestock in a limited fashion. After Will's death December 24, 1944, she moved back on FM 157, to a house that she had built not far from the original Poe homestead. She lived there with her daughter Sue and her granddaughter Mary Ann Poe who was the daughter of her son, Hence Poe.
Maggie's home was always a kind of hub for the family activities. Her sons and grandchildren paid frequent, if not daily visits to her home. All members of the family remained to live someplace on the Poe farm. None of them pursued farming as a means of livelihood for very long, only as a hobby or not at all. When World War II broke out, Bill, Sue and Hence found war related jobs as did Maggie's grandson Jack. These jobs paid better than farming, but the young adults continued to commute to the city to work even after the war ended.
Maggie always did the cooking for the family, but not the dishes. That job was left to the others. She liked to quilt, and loved to listen to soap operas on the radio. Every afternoon she would pull her rocking chair up beside the table where the radio sat, turn it on and lis-ten to "Just Plain Bill", "As the World Turns", "Lorenzo Jones", "Amos and Andy" and many other programs that were the highlight of the day.
One fall the family gathered for a hog killing. Bill, Jack and Hence were there to help. The hog was shot and tied to a pulley that was hung in a tree, so that it could be raised or lowered. The hog was lifted up off the ground and bled. Meanwhile a big vat was set up near the hog and filled with water. A fire was built under it and kept blazing until the water was boiling hot. Then the hog was pulled up by the hoist and lowered into the vat to remove all of the hair off the skin. The hog was split down the middle with an ax, skinned and butchered. Maggie and her daughter Sue, had fires under two big wash pots near the kitchen ready to make the cracklin's and the lard. Bill's children, Pat and Burton were the takin' in the whole affair. As Maggie cooked the cracklin's, the kids were watching and waiting. As fast as she could put them on a plate the kids would eat every last one of the cracklin's. Maggie was constantly scolding them because of it, but to no avail.
Maggie was always available as the family babysitter. She had kept toys and books that her children had played with, and the grandkids were welcome to play with them too. Sue was the teacher, and any child that was willing to learn from her many talents, she had the patience to try to help them learn to read, write, milk cows, sew, crochet or anything else that a child might be curious about. Maggie was a story teller for the children. She would patiently tell the "Three Bears", 'Three Little Pigs", "Cinderella" or "Snow White" over and over again. Maggie Lee Poe, was 80 years old when she died at her home, after a long illness on Nov. 26, 1958. She was buried alongside Will Poe at Rehoboth cemetery. Will Poe had bought several burial plots at Rehoboth when the cemetery was first being established. Several of his close family members are also buried there. At the age of 15 Maggie was baptized into the Christian Church of Mansfield.
Henderson Poe lived in 1850 at Washington, Jackson Co., Missouri, USA; Federal Census.4
Henderson Poe was listed as a resident in William Poe and Nancy (?)'s household in the census report on 19 August 1850 at Washington, Jackson Co., Missouri, USA;
p. 256-B, lines 23-27; Dwelling 7, Family 7
23 POE, William 42 [1808] M Farmer $700 NC
24 " , Nancy 47 [1803] F VA
25 " , William 13 [1837] M MO attended school
26 " , Silas 11 [1839] M MO attended school
27 " , Henderson 7 [1843] M MO attended school.7

Henderson Poe began military service between 10 May 1861 and 1863 at Tarrant Co., Texas, USA, Enlisted as a Private in Co., E, Taylor's Battalion texas Mounted Rifles, last record found dated 1863
Ancestry.com - Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Texas
Record ID 2322::16121177
Name Henderson Poe
Age 20
Birth Date abt 1842
Enlistment Date 1862
Military Unit Eighth (Taylor's) Battalion, Cavalry (Taylor's Battalion, Mounted Rifles)
Name Henderson Poe
Age 20
Birth Date abt 1842
Enlistment Date 1862
Military Unit Eighth (Taylor's) Battalion, Cavalry (Taylor's Battalion, Mounted Rifles)
Title U.S., Confederate Soldiers Compiled Service Records, 1861-1865
Part1 National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Part2 Washington, D.C.
Part1 National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Part2 Washington, D.C.
Source Citation: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA); Washington, D.C; Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Texas; Series Number: M323; Roll: 55
Source Information: Ancestry.com. U.S., Confederate Soldiers Compiled Service Records, 1861-1865 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2011. U.S., Confederate Soldiers Compiled Service Records, 1861-1865 provided by Fold3 © Copyright 2011 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. All use is subject to the limited use license and other terms and conditions applicable to this site.
Original data: Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers. The National Archives at Washington, D.C.8,9

; Ancestry.com - Texas, U.S., Voter Registration Lists, 1867-1869
Record ID 2274::132322
Name Henderson Poe
Birth Place Missouri
Registry Date 14 August 1867
County Tarrant
Line Number 439
Archive Name Texas State Library and Archives
Archive Collection Title 1867 Voter Registration Lists
Archive Reel Number 11.10
Name Henderson Poe
Birth Place Missouri
Registry Date 14 August 1867
County Tarrant
Line Number 439
Archive Name Texas State Library and Archives
Archive Collection Title 1867 Voter Registration Lists
Archive Reel Number 11.10

Henderson Poe lived in 1880 at Precinct 8, Tarrant Co., Texas, USA; Federal Census.4
Henderson Poe and Nancy Elizabeth Vaught appeared in the census of 15 June 1880 at Precinct 8, Tarrant Co., Texas, USA;
p. 239-D, lines 8-10; Dwelling ; Family
8 POE, Henderson W M 34 [1846] Married Farmer MO NC ??
9 " , Nancy E. W F 27 [1853] Wife Married Keeping house TX TX TX
10 " , William S. W M 9 [1871] Son Single attending school TX MO TX.11

Henderson Poe lived in 1900 at Mansfield, Tarrant Co., Texas, USA; Federal Census.4
Henderson Poe and Nancy Elizabeth Vaught appeared in the census of 18 June 1900 at Precinct 8, Fort Worth, Tarrant Co., Texas, USA;
p. 13A, lines 7-13; Dwelling 248; Family 249
7 POE, Henry Head W M Nov 1842 58 Married 30yrs [1870] MO NC VA
8 " , Nancy E. Wife W F Oct 1848 52 Married 30yrs [1870] 4-children-born 4-children-living TX AR GA
9 " , William Son W M July 1871 29 Married 1yr [1899] TX MO TX
10 " , Maggie Daughter-in-law W F Feb 1878 22 Married 1yr [1899] TX NC ??
11 " , Andrew J Grand child W M April 1893 1 Single TX TX TX
12 GARRISON, Thomas Boarder W M 1864 36 Single TN TN TN
13 HOLBROOKS, Henry D Boarder W M Aug 1868 32 Single NC NC NC.12

Family | Nancy Elizabeth Vaught b. 22 Oct 1848, d. 29 Sep 1928 |
Children |
- [S2968] 1850 Federal Census, 1850 Census MO Jackson Co Washington Twp, Source Citation: Year: 1850; Census Place: Washington, Jackson, Missouri; Roll: M432_402; Page: 256B; Image: 65
http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1850usfedcenancestry&indiv=try&h=3819577 - [S606] Mansfield (TX) Historical Society, The History of Mansfield Texas: Mid 1800-1965: A Community Service Project by The Mansfield Historical Society (Mansfield, TX: Mansfield (TX) Historical Society, 1996). Hereinafter cited as MHS [1996] History of Mansfield, Texas.
- [S2338] Ancestry.Com Family Trees, online http://trees.ancestry.com/, Henderson Poe: http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/47122950/person/6698708764?ssrc=pt_t65762246_p42143418618&ml_rpos=2&tid=65762246&pid=42143418618. Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Family Trees.
- [S2338] Ancestry.Com Family Trees, online http://trees.ancestry.com/, Henderson Poe: http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/51493636/person/13920025447?ssrc=pt_t65762246_p42143418618&ml_rpos=3&tid=65762246&pid=42143418618
- [S3760] Unknown subject, Collected materials and recollections, no date, Computer: C:GENSurnames(surname), 6 Baycrest Drive, South Burlington, Chittenden Co., Vermont, USA.
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online http://www.findagrave.com/, Henderson Poe: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSln=Poe&GSiman=1&GScid=198359&GRid=8227924&. Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
- [S2968] 1850 Federal Census, 1850 Census MO Jackson Co Washington Twp, Source Citation: Year: 1850; Census Place: Washington, Jackson, Missouri; Roll: M432_402; Page: 256B; Image: 65
Info: http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1850usfedcenancestry&indiv=try&h=3819577
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/8054/4200562_00065?pid=3819577&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1850usfedcenancestry%26indiv%3Dtry%26h%3D3819577&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true - [S3032] Unknown name of person file; ; unknown series (n.p.: Texas State Archives), POE, Henderson: Card Numbers: 5027-2686, -2764, -2843, -2923, -3279, -3525; and 5020-2262, -3713, -4168, -4556, -6931.
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online http://search.ancestry.com/, Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Texas: https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?indiv=1&dbid=2322&h=16121177. Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site.
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online http://search.ancestry.com/, Texas, U.S., Voter Registration Lists, 1867-1869
Info: https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?indiv=1&dbid=2274&h=132322
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/2274/images/32623_236938-00168 - [S2472] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX Tarrant Co Precinct 8, Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 8, Tarrant, Texas; Roll: 1328; Family History Film: 1255328; Page: 239D; Enumeration District: 099
Info: http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1880usfedcen&indiv=try&h=11652691
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/6742/4244800-00484?pid=11652691&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1880usfedcen%26indiv%3Dtry%26h%3D11652691&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true - [S180] 1900 Federal Census, 1900 Census TX Tarrant Co Mansfield Prec 8, Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 8, Tarrant, Texas; Roll: 1671; Page: 13A; Enumeration District: 0121; FHL microfilm: 1241671
Info: http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1900usfedcen&indiv=try&h=44264621
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/7602/4118559_01057?pid=44264621&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1900usfedcen%26indiv%3Dtry%26h%3D44264621&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true - [S2338] Ancestry.Com Family Trees, online http://trees.ancestry.com/, William Silas Poe: http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/47122950/person/6698708757
- [S180] 1900 Federal Census, 1900 Census TX Tarrant Co Mansfield Prec 8, Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 8, Tarrant, Texas; Roll: 1671; Page: 13A; Enumeration District: 0121; FHL microfilm: 1241671
Col. George Wilson1,2,3,4,5
M, #4082, b. 27 November 1806, d. 28 February 1889
Father | Thomas Wilson6,5 b. 1785, d. 16 Sep 1829 |
Mother | Elizabeth Gardner7,5 b. 1786, d. Sep 1845 |
Charts | Ancestors - Bert A VAUT, Sr. |
Reference | GAV3 |
Last Edited | 30 Oct 2018 |
Col. George Wilson was born on 27 November 1806 at Buncombe Co., North Carolina, USA; aged 43 1850 census and POB=NC; aged 64 1870 census and POB=NC; aged 74 in 1880 census and POB=NC;
Levine is source of birthplace; she cites: Title: Ancestry Family Trees
Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created.
Page: Ancestry Family Trees
Note: Text: http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=5564069&pid=-634493797.2,1,8,4,5,9,10 He married Elizabeth Jackson McCoy, daughter of John McCoy (Sr.) and Mary S. Beesley, circa 1827 at Tennessee, USA.11,5,10
Col. George Wilson died on 28 February 1889 at Duncanville, Dallas Co., Texas, USA, at age 82.4,9
Col. George Wilson was buried after 28 February 1889 at Little Bethel Memorial Park, Duncanville, Dallas Co., Texas, USA; from Find A Grave website:
Birth: Nov. 27, 1806
Death: Feb. 28, 1889
THE LATE COL. GEORGE WILSON. A Summary of the Important Events in His Honorable Career.
The death of this old, honorable and useful citizen at his old residence, four miles northwest of Cedar Hill, a few days since, recalls his value as a citizen. He came from Missouri to Lamar county about 1840---was in several expeditions against the Indians---and in 1847 was an officer in Col. Wm. C. Young's regiment for the Mexican war; but they reached Mexico as the war closed. In 1848, he came to Dallas county, where he has ever ranked among the foremost of its most enlightened and successful farmers. He rendered valuable service in the civil war and also represented Dallas county in the legislature. While always a popular man, he shrank from office holding. For a great many years, he was a conscientious member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Having passed beyond four score years, he died lamented by all who knew him, leaving his aged wife, several sons, a daughter and several grand children to cherish his memory. A more upright and estimable man never lived in Dallas county. - March 5, 1889, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 3 by way of FAG Contributor Sherry.
Family links: Spouse: Elizabeth Jackson McCoy Wilson (1805 - 1894)*
Martin McCoy Wilson (1827 - 1903)*
James K. Polk Wilson (1848 - 1896)*
Burial: Little Bethel Memorial Park, Duncanville, Dallas County, Texas, USA
Created by: Patricia Kemper
Record added: Apr 24, 2009
Find A Grave Memorial# 36321271.12

; Levine cites: Title: Ancestry Family Trees
Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created.
Page: Ancestry Family Trees
Text: http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=5564069&pid=-634493796.4
; "Bob Massengill" (21 May 2001 email)
George Wilson and Elizabeth are brick walls, although I know a bit of their lives and offspring. I have seen information posted that Elizabeth's last name is Lay and also McCoy (MacKay). You have used Lay. I'm getting some information in the mail, hopefully today, that lists the name as McCoy. Personally, I believe it to be McCoy. The information will be based on a written history, not primary evidence. One of George's sons married a
Mollie Lay. Do you have more concrete sources?
I have recently received information that George's dad was born in Scotland - but 1880 census looks like SC, although my notes questioned the entry. Since I did not print a copy of the page, I must go back to verify such next time I'm at FHC.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
From Family Tree Maker's CD#514: Early Texas Settlers 1700s-1800s
>>Republic of Texas Poll Lists for 1846:
- George Wilson, Lamar Co.
- G.W. Wilson, Houston Co.
>>Stephen F. Austin's Register of Families, Vol. 2
'George B. Wilson, 34 years of age, native of England. Elizabeth his wife 28 years, one male, one femaile. Has two years to return to the country, wants land in our contract."
Col. George Wilson appeared on the census of 1810 in the household of Thomas Wilson and Elizabeth Gardner at Buncombe Co., North Carolina, USA;
Edward Wilson, George Wilson Jr., and George Wilson Sr. are all are on the same census page.
p. 256, Line 13
Name: Thomas Wilson
Home in 1810 (City, County, State): Buncombe, North Carolina
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10: 1 [1800-1809] George 4
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25: 1 [1785-1794] Thomas 25
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: 1 [1800-1809] Rachel 1
Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25: 1 [1785-1794] Elizabeth 24
Number of Household Members Under 16: 2
Number of Household Members: 4.13
Col. George Wilson appeared in the census of 1830 at Morgan Co., Tennessee, USA; [This may be the same George Wilson]
p. 94, line 26
Name: George Wilson
Home in 1830 (City, County, State): Morgan, Tennessee
Free White Persons - Males - Under 5: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29: 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 5: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29: 1
Free White Persons - Under 20: 3
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 2
Total Free White Persons: 5
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored): 5.14
Col. George Wilson lived circa 1840 at Texas, USA; based on son Harrison's birthplace.
Col. George Wilson was mentioned in a land transaction on 5 April 1841 at Red River Co., Texas, USA,
Memo: Certificate #157 640 acres.15
Col. George Wilson began military service in 1846 at Texas, USA, Mexican War - Lt. Col William C. Young's Third Regiment of Texas Mounted Volunteers.
Col. George Wilson and Elizabeth Jackson McCoy appeared in the census of 3 December 1850 at Dallas Co., Texas, USA;
p. 96A, Lines 7-17, Dwelling 345; Family 355
7 WILSON, George Wilson 43 [1807] M Farmer $1508 NC
8 " , Elizabeth 44 [1806] F -- -- Tenn
9 " , Thomas 21 [1829] M Farmer -- Tenn
10 " , Joseph 19 [1831] M Farmer -- Tenn
11 " , Nancy 18 [1832] F -- -- Tenn
12 " , Avrilla 16 [1834] F -- -- Tenn
13 " , Jane 14 [1836] F -- -- Tenn
14 " , William 12 [1838] M -- -- MO
15 " , Harison 10 [1840] M -- -- Texas
16 " , Lorinda 8 [1842] F -- -- Texas
16 " , Charles D. 6 [1844] M -- -- Texas
17 " , James K. P. 2 [1848] M -- -- Texas
18 WHEALER, John J. 25 [1825] M Farmer -- NC
19 " , Rhoda 27 [1823] F -- -- AL
20 " , James C. 2 [1848] M -- -- Texas
21 " , Elisha N. 2/12 [1850] M -- -- Texas
22 GUEST, Joseph C. 22 [1828] M Farmer -- AL.16
Col. George Wilson and Elizabeth Jackson McCoy appeared in the census of 16 August 1860 at Precinct 8, Cedar Hill, Dallas Co., Texas, USA;
p. 386, Lines 7-17, Dwelling 631; Family 631
7 WILSON, Geo 54 [1806] M Farmer $22,850 $4,400 NC
8 " , Elizabeth 55 [1805] F TN
9 " , Thos G 32 [1828] Machinist TN
10 " , Joseph C 30 [1830] Machinist TN
11 " , Avarilla 24 [1836] F TN
12 " , Mary J 20? [1840] F TN
13 " , Wm J 22 [1838] M TN
14 " , Harrison B 20 [1840] M TN
15 " , Larinda R 19 [1841] F TX
16 " , Chas D 17 [1843] M TX
17 " , Jas K P 14 [1846] M TX.17
Col. George Wilson and Elizabeth Jackson McCoy appeared in the census of 11 July 1870 at Precinct 2, Dallas Co., Texas, USA; p. 325B, Lines 16-19, Dwelling 128, Family 132
16 WILSON, George 64 [1806] M W Farmer $9000 $4562 NC
17 " , Elizabeth 61 [1809] F W Keeps House -- -- Tenn.
18 " , Thomas 41 [1829] M W Mill Maker -- - Tenn.
19 REED Frank 17 [1853] M W -- -- -- England Cannot read Cannot write.18
Col. George Wilson witnessed the birth of Lilly (?) circa 1871 at Texas, USA; aged 9 in 1880 census "Granddaughter" of George Wilson, not sure who here parents were.19
Col. George Wilson was mentioned in a land transaction on 20 February 1871 at Lamar Co., Texas, USA,

Col. George Wilson and Elizabeth Jackson McCoy appeared in the census of 18 June 1880 at Precinct 6, Dallas Co., Texas, USA; p. 316C, lines 32-37, Dwelling 160, Family 165
32 WILSON, George W M 74 [1806] -- Married Farmer NC SC VA
33 " , Ellizabeth W F 75 [1805] Wife Married Keeping House TN Scotland TN
34 " , Thos G W M 46 [1834] Son Widowed TN NC TN
35 " , Jas K. P. W M 32 [1848] Son Single Surveyor TX NC TN
36 " , Lilly W F 9 [1871] Granddaughter Single TX TX TX
37 HAULLEHAN, Dan W M 50 [1830] Boarder -- Laborer Ireland Ireland Ireland.21

Levine is source of birthplace; she cites: Title: Ancestry Family Trees
Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created.
Page: Ancestry Family Trees
Note: Text: http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=5564069&pid=-634493797.2,1,8,4,5,9,10 He married Elizabeth Jackson McCoy, daughter of John McCoy (Sr.) and Mary S. Beesley, circa 1827 at Tennessee, USA.11,5,10
Col. George Wilson died on 28 February 1889 at Duncanville, Dallas Co., Texas, USA, at age 82.4,9
Col. George Wilson was buried after 28 February 1889 at Little Bethel Memorial Park, Duncanville, Dallas Co., Texas, USA; from Find A Grave website:
Birth: Nov. 27, 1806
Death: Feb. 28, 1889
THE LATE COL. GEORGE WILSON. A Summary of the Important Events in His Honorable Career.
The death of this old, honorable and useful citizen at his old residence, four miles northwest of Cedar Hill, a few days since, recalls his value as a citizen. He came from Missouri to Lamar county about 1840---was in several expeditions against the Indians---and in 1847 was an officer in Col. Wm. C. Young's regiment for the Mexican war; but they reached Mexico as the war closed. In 1848, he came to Dallas county, where he has ever ranked among the foremost of its most enlightened and successful farmers. He rendered valuable service in the civil war and also represented Dallas county in the legislature. While always a popular man, he shrank from office holding. For a great many years, he was a conscientious member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Having passed beyond four score years, he died lamented by all who knew him, leaving his aged wife, several sons, a daughter and several grand children to cherish his memory. A more upright and estimable man never lived in Dallas county. - March 5, 1889, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 3 by way of FAG Contributor Sherry.
Family links: Spouse: Elizabeth Jackson McCoy Wilson (1805 - 1894)*
Martin McCoy Wilson (1827 - 1903)*
James K. Polk Wilson (1848 - 1896)*
Burial: Little Bethel Memorial Park, Duncanville, Dallas County, Texas, USA
Created by: Patricia Kemper
Record added: Apr 24, 2009
Find A Grave Memorial# 36321271.12

; Levine cites: Title: Ancestry Family Trees
Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created.
Page: Ancestry Family Trees
Text: http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=5564069&pid=-634493796.4
; "Bob Massengill"
George Wilson and Elizabeth are brick walls, although I know a bit of their lives and offspring. I have seen information posted that Elizabeth's last name is Lay and also McCoy (MacKay). You have used Lay. I'm getting some information in the mail, hopefully today, that lists the name as McCoy. Personally, I believe it to be McCoy. The information will be based on a written history, not primary evidence. One of George's sons married a
Mollie Lay. Do you have more concrete sources?
I have recently received information that George's dad was born in Scotland - but 1880 census looks like SC, although my notes questioned the entry. Since I did not print a copy of the page, I must go back to verify such next time I'm at FHC.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
From Family Tree Maker's CD#514: Early Texas Settlers 1700s-1800s
>>Republic of Texas Poll Lists for 1846:
- George Wilson, Lamar Co.
- G.W. Wilson, Houston Co.
>>Stephen F. Austin's Register of Families, Vol. 2
'George B. Wilson, 34 years of age, native of England. Elizabeth his wife 28 years, one male, one femaile. Has two years to return to the country, wants land in our contract."
Col. George Wilson appeared on the census of 1810 in the household of Thomas Wilson and Elizabeth Gardner at Buncombe Co., North Carolina, USA;
Edward Wilson, George Wilson Jr., and George Wilson Sr. are all are on the same census page.
p. 256, Line 13
Name: Thomas Wilson
Home in 1810 (City, County, State): Buncombe, North Carolina
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10: 1 [1800-1809] George 4
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25: 1 [1785-1794] Thomas 25
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: 1 [1800-1809] Rachel 1
Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25: 1 [1785-1794] Elizabeth 24
Number of Household Members Under 16: 2
Number of Household Members: 4.13

Col. George Wilson appeared in the census of 1830 at Morgan Co., Tennessee, USA; [This may be the same George Wilson]
p. 94, line 26
Name: George Wilson
Home in 1830 (City, County, State): Morgan, Tennessee
Free White Persons - Males - Under 5: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29: 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 5: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29: 1
Free White Persons - Under 20: 3
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 2
Total Free White Persons: 5
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored): 5.14

Col. George Wilson lived circa 1840 at Texas, USA; based on son Harrison's birthplace.
Col. George Wilson was mentioned in a land transaction on 5 April 1841 at Red River Co., Texas, USA,
Memo: Certificate #157 640 acres.15

Col. George Wilson began military service in 1846 at Texas, USA, Mexican War - Lt. Col William C. Young's Third Regiment of Texas Mounted Volunteers.
Col. George Wilson and Elizabeth Jackson McCoy appeared in the census of 3 December 1850 at Dallas Co., Texas, USA;
p. 96A, Lines 7-17, Dwelling 345; Family 355
7 WILSON, George Wilson 43 [1807] M Farmer $1508 NC
8 " , Elizabeth 44 [1806] F -- -- Tenn
9 " , Thomas 21 [1829] M Farmer -- Tenn
10 " , Joseph 19 [1831] M Farmer -- Tenn
11 " , Nancy 18 [1832] F -- -- Tenn
12 " , Avrilla 16 [1834] F -- -- Tenn
13 " , Jane 14 [1836] F -- -- Tenn
14 " , William 12 [1838] M -- -- MO
15 " , Harison 10 [1840] M -- -- Texas
16 " , Lorinda 8 [1842] F -- -- Texas
16 " , Charles D. 6 [1844] M -- -- Texas
17 " , James K. P. 2 [1848] M -- -- Texas
18 WHEALER, John J. 25 [1825] M Farmer -- NC
19 " , Rhoda 27 [1823] F -- -- AL
20 " , James C. 2 [1848] M -- -- Texas
21 " , Elisha N. 2/12 [1850] M -- -- Texas
22 GUEST, Joseph C. 22 [1828] M Farmer -- AL.16

Col. George Wilson and Elizabeth Jackson McCoy appeared in the census of 16 August 1860 at Precinct 8, Cedar Hill, Dallas Co., Texas, USA;
p. 386, Lines 7-17, Dwelling 631; Family 631
7 WILSON, Geo 54 [1806] M Farmer $22,850 $4,400 NC
8 " , Elizabeth 55 [1805] F TN
9 " , Thos G 32 [1828] Machinist TN
10 " , Joseph C 30 [1830] Machinist TN
11 " , Avarilla 24 [1836] F TN
12 " , Mary J 20? [1840] F TN
13 " , Wm J 22 [1838] M TN
14 " , Harrison B 20 [1840] M TN
15 " , Larinda R 19 [1841] F TX
16 " , Chas D 17 [1843] M TX
17 " , Jas K P 14 [1846] M TX.17

Col. George Wilson and Elizabeth Jackson McCoy appeared in the census of 11 July 1870 at Precinct 2, Dallas Co., Texas, USA; p. 325B, Lines 16-19, Dwelling 128, Family 132
16 WILSON, George 64 [1806] M W Farmer $9000 $4562 NC
17 " , Elizabeth 61 [1809] F W Keeps House -- -- Tenn.
18 " , Thomas 41 [1829] M W Mill Maker -- - Tenn.
19 REED Frank 17 [1853] M W -- -- -- England Cannot read Cannot write.18

Col. George Wilson was mentioned in a land transaction on 20 February 1871 at Lamar Co., Texas, USA,

Col. George Wilson and Elizabeth Jackson McCoy appeared in the census of 18 June 1880 at Precinct 6, Dallas Co., Texas, USA; p. 316C, lines 32-37, Dwelling 160, Family 165
32 WILSON, George W M 74 [1806] -- Married Farmer NC SC VA
33 " , Ellizabeth W F 75 [1805] Wife Married Keeping House TN Scotland TN
34 " , Thos G W M 46 [1834] Son Widowed TN NC TN
35 " , Jas K. P. W M 32 [1848] Son Single Surveyor TX NC TN
36 " , Lilly W F 9 [1871] Granddaughter Single TX TX TX
37 HAULLEHAN, Dan W M 50 [1830] Boarder -- Laborer Ireland Ireland Ireland.21

Family | Elizabeth Jackson McCoy b. 15 Aug 1806, d. 1894 |
Children |
- [S2327] 1870 Census TX, Dallas Co., Precinct 2, 1870 Census TX, Dallas Co., Precinct 2, Household 128/132, Roll M593_1581; Page: 325; Image: 131, 9. 22, Dwelling 128, Family 132, lines 16-19: George Wilson household.
- [S2328] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX Dallas Co Prec 6, p. 19, Dwelling 160, Family 165, lines 32-37: George Wilson household.
- [S2329] 1850 Federal Census, 1850 Census TX Dallas Co, Dwelling 345, Family 355, line 7.
- [S2330] e-mail address, online http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=SHOW&db=dlevine11&surname=Wilson%2C+George, Debbie Levine (unknown location), downloaded updated 5 Aug 2009, http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=dlevine11&id=P3660473499
- [S2331] e-mail address, online http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=SHOW&db=timothybidleman&surname=Wilson%2C+George, Timothy Bidleman (unknown location), downloaded 11 Jan 2009, http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=timothybidleman&id=I40589
- [S2331] e-mail address, 11 Jan 2009, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=timothybidleman&id=I46403
- [S2331] e-mail address, 11 Jan 2009, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=timothybidleman&id=I46404
- [S2329] 1850 Federal Census, 1850 Census TX Dallas Co, Dwelling 345, Family 355, lines 7-17: George Wilson household.
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online http://www.findagrave.com/, George Wilson: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSln=wilson&GSiman=1&GScid=4860&GRid=36321271&. Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
- [S2691] John Carroll Power, History of the Early Settlers of Sangamon County, Illinois: Centennial Record (Springfield, Ill.: Edwin A. Wilson & co., 1876), p. 779. Hereinafter cited as Power [1876] - History Early Settlers Sangamon Co.
- [S808] e-mail address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=ourfamilytree, JoAnne McCoy Webb (unknown location), downloaded updated 2 Oct 2001, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=ourfamilytree&id=I43000849
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online http://www.findagrave.com/, George Wilson: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/36321271/wilson
- [S2692] 1810 Federal Census, 1810 Census NC Buncombe Co, Source Citation: Year: 1810; Census Place: , Buncombe, North Carolina; Roll: 39; Page: 256; Image: 0337912; Family History Library Film: 00147.
Info: http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?indiv=1&db=1810usfedcenancestry&rank=1&new=1&MSAV=1&msT=1&gss=angs-d&gsln=Wilson&msrpn__ftp=Buncombe+County%2c+North+Carolina%2c+USA&msrpn=412&msrpn_PInfo=7-%7c0%7c1652393%7c0%7c2%7c3245%7c36%7c0%7c412%7c0%7c0%7c&dbOnly=_F0005104%7c_F0005104_x%2c_F0005106%7c_F0005106_x%2c_F0005107%7c_F0005107_x%2c_F0005108%7c_F0005108_x&uidh=v51&pcat=35&fh=17&h=353033&recoff=8&ml_rpos=18
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/7613/4433260_00147?pid=353033&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?indiv%3D1%26db%3D1810usfedcenancestry%26rank%3D1%26new%3D1%26MSAV%3D1%26msT%3D1%26gss%3Dangs-d%26gsln%3DWilson%26msrpn__ftp%3DBuncombe%2BCounty%252c%2BNorth%2BCarolina%252c%2BUSA%26msrpn%3D412%26msrpn_PInfo%3D7-%257c0%257c1652393%257c0%257c2%257c3245%257c36%257c0%257c412%257c0%257c0%257c%26dbOnly%3D_F0005104%257c_F0005104_x%252c_F0005106%257c_F0005106_x%252c_F0005107%257c_F0005107_x%252c_F0005108%257c_F0005108_x%26uidh%3Dv51%26pcat%3D35%26fh%3D17%26h%3D353033%26recoff%3D8%26ml_rpos%3D18&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true - [S3136] 1830 Federal Census, 1830 Census TN, Morgan Co., Source Citation - 1830; Census Place: Morgan, Tennessee; Series: M19; Roll: 180; Page: 94; Family History Library Film: 0024538
http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?indiv=1&db=1830usfedcenancestry&gss=angs-d&new=1&rank=1&gsfn=george&gsfn_x=1&gsln=wilson&gsln_x=1&msrpn__ftp=Tennessee%2c+USA&msrpn=45&msrpn_PInfo=5-%7c0%7c1652393%7c0%7c2%7c3246%7c45%7c0%7c0%7c0%7c0%7c&msrpn_x=1&msrpn__ftp_x=1&MSAV=1&uidh=v51&pcat=CEN_1830&fh=2&h=743752&recoff=5+6&ml_rpos=3 - [S3781] The Texas General Land Office Land Grant Database, online http://www.glo.texas.gov/history/archives/land-grants/index.cfm, http://www.glo.texas.gov/ncu/SCANDOCS/archives_webfiles/arcmaps/webfiles/landgrants/PDFs/1/0/6/1/1061845.pdf. Hereinafter cited as The Texas General Land Office.
- [S2329] 1850 Federal Census, 1850 Census TX Dallas Co, Source Citation: Year: 1850; Census Place: , Dallas, Texas; Roll: M432_910; Page: 96A; Image: 184.
Info: http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1850usfedcenancestry&indiv=try&h=6903302
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/8054/4191104-00184?pid=6903302&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1850usfedcenancestry%26indiv%3Dtry%26h%3D6903302&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true - [S574] 1860 Federal Census, 1860 Census TX Dallas Co Cedar Hill, Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Precinct 8, Dallas, Texas; Roll: M653_1292; Page: 386; Image: 249; Family History Library Film: 805292.
Info: https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1860usfedcenancestry&indiv=try&h=34982580
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/7667/4297434_00249?pid=34982580&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1860usfedcenancestry%26indiv%3Dtry%26h%3D34982580&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true - [S2327] 1870 Census TX, Dallas Co., Precinct 2, 1870 Census TX, Dallas Co., Precinct 2,Household 128/132, Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Precinct 2, Dallas, Texas; Roll: M593_1581; Page: 325B; Image: 135; Family History Library Film: 553080.
Info: https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1870usfedcen&indiv=try&h=7632567
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/7163/4275551_00135?pid=7632567&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1870usfedcen%26indiv%3Dtry%26h%3D7632567&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true - [S2328] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX Dallas Co Prec 6, Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 6, Dallas, Texas; Roll: 1299; Family History Film: 1255299; Page: 316C; Enumeration District: 067.
- [S3781] The Texas General Land Office, online http://www.glo.texas.gov/history/archives/land-grants/index.cfm
- [S2328] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX Dallas Co Prec 6, Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 6, Dallas, Texas; Roll: 1299; Family History Film: 1255299; Page: 316C; Enumeration District: 067.
Info: https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1880usfedcen&indiv=try&h=10564131
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/6742/4244719-00636?pid=10564131&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1880usfedcen%26indiv%3Dtry%26h%3D10564131&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true - [S2374] Find a Grave, online http://www.findagrave.com/, Martin McCoy Wilson: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/32297151/martin-mccoy-wilson
- [S808] e-mail address, updated 2 Oct 2001, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=ourfamilytree&id=I56648443
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online http://search.ancestry.com/, Death certificate seen on Ancestry.com on 31 Jan 2018 at:
Info: https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?viewrecord=1&r=an&db=txdeathcerts&indiv=try&h=30040927
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/2272/33154_B061884-00020/30040927?backurl=https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/person/tree/1454357/person/663089333/facts/citation/100107351430/edit/record. Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site. - [S2330] e-mail address, updated 5 Aug 2009, http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=dlevine11&id=P3660456871
Elizabeth Jackson McCoy1,2,3,4,5
F, #4083, b. 15 August 1806, d. 1894
Father | John McCoy (Sr.)6 b. 1765, d. 16 Mar 1815 |
Mother | Mary S. Beesley7 b. c 1779, d. c 1860 |
Charts | Ancestors - Bert A VAUT, Sr. |
Reference | GAV3 |
Last Edited | 30 Oct 2018 |
Elizabeth Jackson McCoy was born on 15 August 1806 at Rutherford Co., Tennessee, USA; aged 44 1850 census and POB=TN; aged 61 1870 census and POB=Tenn; aged 75 in 1880 census and POB=TN.8,9,10,2,1,11 She married Col. George Wilson, son of Thomas Wilson and Elizabeth Gardner, circa 1827 at Tennessee, USA.8,12,13
Elizabeth Jackson McCoy died in 1894 at Cedar Hill, Dallas Co., Texas, USA.1
Elizabeth Jackson McCoy was buried in 1894 at Little Bethel Memorial Park, Duncanville, Dallas Co., Texas, USA; from Find A Grave website:
Birth: 1805
Death: 1894
Family links: Spouse: George Wilson (1806 - 1889)
Martin McCoy Wilson (1827 - 1903)*
James K. Polk Wilson (1848 - 1896)*
Burial: Little Bethel Memorial Park, Duncanville, Dallas County, Texas, USA
Maintained by: Find A Grave
Originally Created by: Judy Richards
Record added: May 06, 2015
Find A Grave Memorial# 146115999.1,14

Elizabeth Jackson McCoy was listed as a resident in John McCoy (Sr.) and Mary S. Beesley's household in the census report in 1810 at Jefferson, Rutherford Co., Tennessee, USA; p. 47, line 13
Name: John McCoy
Home in 1810 (City, County, State): Jefferson, Rutherford, Tennessee
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10: 3 [1801-10] John 1800, Hardy c1801, Abner 1802
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44 : 1 [1766-84] John c1765
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: 1 [1801-10] Elizabeth 1806
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15: 2 [1795-1800] Unknown?, Unknown?
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44: 1 [1766-84] Mary c1799
Free White Persons - Females - 45 and over : 1 [bef 1766] Kesiah? c1737
Number of Household Members Under 16: 6
Number of Household Members Over 25: 3
Number of Household Members: 9.15
Elizabeth Jackson McCoy and Col. George Wilson appeared in the census of 3 December 1850 at Dallas Co., Texas, USA;
p. 96A, Lines 7-17, Dwelling 345; Family 355
7 WILSON, George Wilson 43 [1807] M Farmer $1508 NC
8 " , Elizabeth 44 [1806] F -- -- Tenn
9 " , Thomas 21 [1829] M Farmer -- Tenn
10 " , Joseph 19 [1831] M Farmer -- Tenn
11 " , Nancy 18 [1832] F -- -- Tenn
12 " , Avrilla 16 [1834] F -- -- Tenn
13 " , Jane 14 [1836] F -- -- Tenn
14 " , William 12 [1838] M -- -- MO
15 " , Harison 10 [1840] M -- -- Texas
16 " , Lorinda 8 [1842] F -- -- Texas
16 " , Charles D. 6 [1844] M -- -- Texas
17 " , James K. P. 2 [1848] M -- -- Texas
18 WHEALER, John J. 25 [1825] M Farmer -- NC
19 " , Rhoda 27 [1823] F -- -- AL
20 " , James C. 2 [1848] M -- -- Texas
21 " , Elisha N. 2/12 [1850] M -- -- Texas
22 GUEST, Joseph C. 22 [1828] M Farmer -- AL.16
Elizabeth Jackson McCoy and Col. George Wilson appeared in the census of 16 August 1860 at Precinct 8, Cedar Hill, Dallas Co., Texas, USA;
p. 386, Lines 7-17, Dwelling 631; Family 631
7 WILSON, Geo 54 [1806] M Farmer $22,850 $4,400 NC
8 " , Elizabeth 55 [1805] F TN
9 " , Thos G 32 [1828] Machinist TN
10 " , Joseph C 30 [1830] Machinist TN
11 " , Avarilla 24 [1836] F TN
12 " , Mary J 20? [1840] F TN
13 " , Wm J 22 [1838] M TN
14 " , Harrison B 20 [1840] M TN
15 " , Larinda R 19 [1841] F TX
16 " , Chas D 17 [1843] M TX
17 " , Jas K P 14 [1846] M TX.17
Elizabeth Jackson McCoy and Col. George Wilson appeared in the census of 11 July 1870 at Precinct 2, Dallas Co., Texas, USA; p. 325B, Lines 16-19, Dwelling 128, Family 132
16 WILSON, George 64 [1806] M W Farmer $9000 $4562 NC
17 " , Elizabeth 61 [1809] F W Keeps House -- -- Tenn.
18 " , Thomas 41 [1829] M W Mill Maker -- - Tenn.
19 REED Frank 17 [1853] M W -- -- -- England Cannot read Cannot write.18
Elizabeth Jackson McCoy and Col. George Wilson appeared in the census of 18 June 1880 at Precinct 6, Dallas Co., Texas, USA; p. 316C, lines 32-37, Dwelling 160, Family 165
32 WILSON, George W M 74 [1806] -- Married Farmer NC SC VA
33 " , Ellizabeth W F 75 [1805] Wife Married Keeping House TN Scotland TN
34 " , Thos G W M 46 [1834] Son Widowed TN NC TN
35 " , Jas K. P. W M 32 [1848] Son Single Surveyor TX NC TN
36 " , Lilly W F 9 [1871] Granddaughter Single TX TX TX
37 HAULLEHAN, Dan W M 50 [1830] Boarder -- Laborer Ireland Ireland Ireland.19

Elizabeth Jackson McCoy died in 1894 at Cedar Hill, Dallas Co., Texas, USA.1
Elizabeth Jackson McCoy was buried in 1894 at Little Bethel Memorial Park, Duncanville, Dallas Co., Texas, USA; from Find A Grave website:
Birth: 1805
Death: 1894
Family links: Spouse: George Wilson (1806 - 1889)
Martin McCoy Wilson (1827 - 1903)*
James K. Polk Wilson (1848 - 1896)*
Burial: Little Bethel Memorial Park, Duncanville, Dallas County, Texas, USA
Maintained by: Find A Grave
Originally Created by: Judy Richards
Record added: May 06, 2015
Find A Grave Memorial# 146115999.1,14

Elizabeth Jackson McCoy was listed as a resident in John McCoy (Sr.) and Mary S. Beesley's household in the census report in 1810 at Jefferson, Rutherford Co., Tennessee, USA; p. 47, line 13
Name: John McCoy
Home in 1810 (City, County, State): Jefferson, Rutherford, Tennessee
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10: 3 [1801-10] John 1800, Hardy c1801, Abner 1802
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44 : 1 [1766-84] John c1765
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: 1 [1801-10] Elizabeth 1806
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15: 2 [1795-1800] Unknown?, Unknown?
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44: 1 [1766-84] Mary c1799
Free White Persons - Females - 45 and over : 1 [bef 1766] Kesiah? c1737
Number of Household Members Under 16: 6
Number of Household Members Over 25: 3
Number of Household Members: 9.15

Elizabeth Jackson McCoy and Col. George Wilson appeared in the census of 3 December 1850 at Dallas Co., Texas, USA;
p. 96A, Lines 7-17, Dwelling 345; Family 355
7 WILSON, George Wilson 43 [1807] M Farmer $1508 NC
8 " , Elizabeth 44 [1806] F -- -- Tenn
9 " , Thomas 21 [1829] M Farmer -- Tenn
10 " , Joseph 19 [1831] M Farmer -- Tenn
11 " , Nancy 18 [1832] F -- -- Tenn
12 " , Avrilla 16 [1834] F -- -- Tenn
13 " , Jane 14 [1836] F -- -- Tenn
14 " , William 12 [1838] M -- -- MO
15 " , Harison 10 [1840] M -- -- Texas
16 " , Lorinda 8 [1842] F -- -- Texas
16 " , Charles D. 6 [1844] M -- -- Texas
17 " , James K. P. 2 [1848] M -- -- Texas
18 WHEALER, John J. 25 [1825] M Farmer -- NC
19 " , Rhoda 27 [1823] F -- -- AL
20 " , James C. 2 [1848] M -- -- Texas
21 " , Elisha N. 2/12 [1850] M -- -- Texas
22 GUEST, Joseph C. 22 [1828] M Farmer -- AL.16

Elizabeth Jackson McCoy and Col. George Wilson appeared in the census of 16 August 1860 at Precinct 8, Cedar Hill, Dallas Co., Texas, USA;
p. 386, Lines 7-17, Dwelling 631; Family 631
7 WILSON, Geo 54 [1806] M Farmer $22,850 $4,400 NC
8 " , Elizabeth 55 [1805] F TN
9 " , Thos G 32 [1828] Machinist TN
10 " , Joseph C 30 [1830] Machinist TN
11 " , Avarilla 24 [1836] F TN
12 " , Mary J 20? [1840] F TN
13 " , Wm J 22 [1838] M TN
14 " , Harrison B 20 [1840] M TN
15 " , Larinda R 19 [1841] F TX
16 " , Chas D 17 [1843] M TX
17 " , Jas K P 14 [1846] M TX.17

Elizabeth Jackson McCoy and Col. George Wilson appeared in the census of 11 July 1870 at Precinct 2, Dallas Co., Texas, USA; p. 325B, Lines 16-19, Dwelling 128, Family 132
16 WILSON, George 64 [1806] M W Farmer $9000 $4562 NC
17 " , Elizabeth 61 [1809] F W Keeps House -- -- Tenn.
18 " , Thomas 41 [1829] M W Mill Maker -- - Tenn.
19 REED Frank 17 [1853] M W -- -- -- England Cannot read Cannot write.18

Elizabeth Jackson McCoy and Col. George Wilson appeared in the census of 18 June 1880 at Precinct 6, Dallas Co., Texas, USA; p. 316C, lines 32-37, Dwelling 160, Family 165
32 WILSON, George W M 74 [1806] -- Married Farmer NC SC VA
33 " , Ellizabeth W F 75 [1805] Wife Married Keeping House TN Scotland TN
34 " , Thos G W M 46 [1834] Son Widowed TN NC TN
35 " , Jas K. P. W M 32 [1848] Son Single Surveyor TX NC TN
36 " , Lilly W F 9 [1871] Granddaughter Single TX TX TX
37 HAULLEHAN, Dan W M 50 [1830] Boarder -- Laborer Ireland Ireland Ireland.19

Family | Col. George Wilson b. 27 Nov 1806, d. 28 Feb 1889 |
Children |
- [S2330] e-mail address, online http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=SHOW&db=dlevine11&surname=Wilson%2C+George, Debbie Levine (unknown location), downloaded updated 5 Aug 2009, http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=dlevine11&id=P3660473500
- [S2329] 1850 Federal Census, 1850 Census TX Dallas Co, Dwelling 345, Family 355, lines 7-17: George Wilson household.
- [S2328] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX Dallas Co Prec 6.
- [S2327] 1870 Census TX, Dallas Co., Precinct 2, 1870 Census TX, Dallas Co., Precinct 2, Household 128/132, Roll M593_1581; Page: 325; Image: 131.
- [S2331] e-mail address, online http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=SHOW&db=timothybidleman&surname=Wilson%2C+George, Timothy Bidleman (unknown location), downloaded 11 Jan 2009, http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=timothybidleman&id=I40590
- [S808] e-mail address, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=ourfamilytree, JoAnne McCoy Webb (unknown location), downloaded updated 2 Oct 2001, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=ourfamilytree&id=I56648428
- [S808] e-mail address, updated 2 Oct 2001, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=ourfamilytree&id=I43000447
- [S808] e-mail address, updated 2 Oct 2001, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=ourfamilytree&id=I43000849
- [S2327] 1870 Census TX, Dallas Co., Precinct 2, 1870 Census TX, Dallas Co., Precinct 2,Household 128/132, 9. 22, Dwelling 128, Family 132, lines 16-19: George Wilson household.
- [S2328] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX Dallas Co Prec 6, p. 19, Dwelling 160, Family 165, lines 32-37: George Wilson household.
- [S2338] Ancestry.Com Family Trees, online http://trees.ancestry.com/, Elizabeth Jackson McCoy: http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/1454357/person/663242116. Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Family Trees.
- [S2331] e-mail address, 11 Jan 2009, http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=timothybidleman&id=I40589
- [S2691] John Carroll Power, History of the Early Settlers of Sangamon County, Illinois: Centennial Record (Springfield, Ill.: Edwin A. Wilson & co., 1876), p. 779. Hereinafter cited as Power [1876] - History Early Settlers Sangamon Co.
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online http://www.findagrave.com/, Elizabeth Jackson McCoy Wilson: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/146115999/elizabeth-jackson-wilson. Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
- [S3129] 1810 Federal Census, 1810 Census TN, Rutherford Co., Jefferson, Source Citation - Year: 1810; Census Place: Jefferson, Rutherford, Tennessee; Roll: 63; Page: 47; Image: 00031; Family History Library Film: 0218687
Info: https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?indiv=1&dbid=7613&h=607948&ssrc=pt&tid=117991514&pid=320182536211&usePUB=true&requr=2550866976735232&ur=32768
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/7613/4433193_00031?pid=607948&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?indiv%3D1%26dbid%3D7613%26h%3D607948%26ssrc%3Dpt%26tid%3D117991514%26pid%3D320182536211%26usePUB%3Dtrue%26requr%3D2550866976735232%26ur%3D32768&ssrc=pt&treeid=117991514&personid=320182536211&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true - [S2329] 1850 Federal Census, 1850 Census TX Dallas Co, Source Citation: Year: 1850; Census Place: , Dallas, Texas; Roll: M432_910; Page: 96A; Image: 184.
Info: http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1850usfedcenancestry&indiv=try&h=6903302
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/8054/4191104-00184?pid=6903302&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1850usfedcenancestry%26indiv%3Dtry%26h%3D6903302&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true - [S574] 1860 Federal Census, 1860 Census TX Dallas Co Cedar Hill, Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Precinct 8, Dallas, Texas; Roll: M653_1292; Page: 386; Image: 249; Family History Library Film: 805292.
Info: https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1860usfedcenancestry&indiv=try&h=34982580
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/7667/4297434_00249?pid=34982580&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1860usfedcenancestry%26indiv%3Dtry%26h%3D34982580&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true - [S2327] 1870 Census TX, Dallas Co., Precinct 2, 1870 Census TX, Dallas Co., Precinct 2,Household 128/132, Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Precinct 2, Dallas, Texas; Roll: M593_1581; Page: 325B; Image: 135; Family History Library Film: 553080.
Info: https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1870usfedcen&indiv=try&h=7632567
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/7163/4275551_00135?pid=7632567&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1870usfedcen%26indiv%3Dtry%26h%3D7632567&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true - [S2328] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX Dallas Co Prec 6, Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 6, Dallas, Texas; Roll: 1299; Family History Film: 1255299; Page: 316C; Enumeration District: 067.
Info: https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1880usfedcen&indiv=try&h=10564131
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/6742/4244719-00636?pid=10564131&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1880usfedcen%26indiv%3Dtry%26h%3D10564131&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true - [S2338] Ancestry.Com Family Trees, online http://trees.ancestry.com/, Elizabeth Jackson McCoy: http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/5580305/person/-1433374002
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online http://www.findagrave.com/, Martin McCoy Wilson: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/32297151/martin-mccoy-wilson
- [S808] e-mail address, updated 2 Oct 2001, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=ourfamilytree&id=I56648443
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online http://search.ancestry.com/, Death certificate seen on Ancestry.com on 31 Jan 2018 at:
Info: https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?viewrecord=1&r=an&db=txdeathcerts&indiv=try&h=30040927
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/2272/33154_B061884-00020/30040927?backurl=https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/person/tree/1454357/person/663089333/facts/citation/100107351430/edit/record. Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site. - [S2330] e-mail address, updated 5 Aug 2009, http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=dlevine11&id=P3660456871
Mary Jane "Mollie" Boydstun1,2,3
F, #4084, b. 1 October 1846, d. 2 November 1928
Father | Benjamin Franklin Boydstun4 b. 21 May 1811, d. 14 Dec 1882 |
Mother | Mary Elizabeth Isabelle Crenshaw4 b. 21 Jan 1818, d. 22 Jul 1892 |
Charts | Descendents of John (Johann) Paul VOGT/VAUGHT |
Last Edited | 14 May 2022 |
Mary Jane "Mollie" Boydstun was born on 1 October 1846 at Abingdon, Warren Co., Illinois, USA; year and state per 1880 census and Weaver [1927:75].5,3,6 She married William Harrison Vaut, son of Andrew Jackson Vaught and Sarah Louisa Wilson, on 24 June 1869 at Rockwall, Rockwall Co., Texas, USA.5,1,6
Mary Jane "Mollie" Boydstun died on 2 November 1928 at King Co., Washington, USA, at age 82.3
Mary Jane "Mollie" Boydstun was buried after 2 November 1928 at Hillcrest Burial Park, Kent, King Co., Washington, USA;
from Find A Grave website:
Birth: Oct. 1, 1846, Illinois, USA
Death: Nov. 2, 1928, Seattle, King County, Washington, USA
According to her Washington State death record, Mollie was the daughter of Mr. Boydstun. Her mother's maiden name was Grenshaw.
Mollie appears in the 1900 Census with her husband William. They lived in what was then called Houghton Precinct, King Co., Washington.
Her obit states that she died at the home of her son, E. D. Vaut of Seattle. Mollie had lived in Kent for 26 years. She was the sister of B. W. Boydstun of Kent.
Obit: Kent Advertiser Journal, Nov. 8, 1928
Family links:
Spouse: William Harrison Vaut (1845 - 1918)*
Burial: Hillcrest Burial Park, Kent, King County, Washington, USA
Created by: Mark Vernon
Record added: Mar 18, 2010
Find A Grave Memorial# 49894512.3
Mary Jane "Mollie" Boydstun and William Harrison Vaut appeared in the census of 24 June 1880 at District 205, Tarrant Co., Texas, USA; On same page as Martha J. VAUT HOLLAND ERWIN, William's sister.
p. 269C, lines 19-24, Dwelling 58; Family58
Mary Jane "Mollie" Boydstun and William Harrison Vaut appeared in the census of 1892 at Thurston Co., Washington, USA; p.260, lines 36-39
Mary Jane "Mollie" Boydstun and William Harrison Vaut appeared in the census of 21 June 1900 at Disctrict 0059, Houghton, King Co., Washington, USA; p. 10A, lines 2-3, Dwelling 193, Family 193
2 VAUT, William Head W M Oct 1845 Married 31yrs TX unknown AL Farmer
3 " , Mary J. Wife W F Oct 1846 Married 31yrs 2-children-born 2-children-living IL KY VA.9
Mary Jane "Mollie" Boydstun and William Harrison Vaut appeared in the census of 15 April 1910 at District 0043, Meeker, King Co., Washington, USA; p. 1A, lines 43-44, Dwelling 8, Family 8
43 VAUT, William H. Head M W 63 [1847] Married 1x TX US US Farmer-general farm
44 " , Moley J. Wife F W 62 [1848] Married 1x 40yrs 2-children-born 2-children-living TX US US.10
Mary Jane "Mollie" Boydstun appeared in the census of 1 May 1920 at Meadow Point, King Co., Washington, USA; p. 1-B, lines 51-53, dwelling 11, family 12
Mary Jane "Mollie" Boydstun died on 2 November 1928 at King Co., Washington, USA, at age 82.3
Mary Jane "Mollie" Boydstun was buried after 2 November 1928 at Hillcrest Burial Park, Kent, King Co., Washington, USA;
from Find A Grave website:
Birth: Oct. 1, 1846, Illinois, USA
Death: Nov. 2, 1928, Seattle, King County, Washington, USA
According to her Washington State death record, Mollie was the daughter of Mr. Boydstun. Her mother's maiden name was Grenshaw.
Mollie appears in the 1900 Census with her husband William. They lived in what was then called Houghton Precinct, King Co., Washington.
Her obit states that she died at the home of her son, E. D. Vaut of Seattle. Mollie had lived in Kent for 26 years. She was the sister of B. W. Boydstun of Kent.
Obit: Kent Advertiser Journal, Nov. 8, 1928
Family links:
Spouse: William Harrison Vaut (1845 - 1918)*
Burial: Hillcrest Burial Park, Kent, King County, Washington, USA
Created by: Mark Vernon
Record added: Mar 18, 2010
Find A Grave Memorial# 49894512.3

Mary Jane "Mollie" Boydstun and William Harrison Vaut appeared in the census of 24 June 1880 at District 205, Tarrant Co., Texas, USA; On same page as Martha J. VAUT HOLLAND ERWIN, William's sister.
p. 269C, lines 19-24, Dwelling 58; Family58
19 VAUT, William W M 32 [1848] Farmer TX -- --
20 " , Mary J. W F 31 [1849] Wife Keeping House Ill KY KY
21 " , Emily D. W F 8 [1872] Dau at home TX TX IL
22 " , Mary L. W F 4 [1876] Dau at home TX TX IL
23 HOLLAND, James H. W M 24 [1856] Boarder Single Farm Laborer KY KY KY
24 MALONY, Timothy W M 21 [1859] Boarder Single Farm Laborer TN -- --.7
20 " , Mary J. W F 31 [1849] Wife Keeping House Ill KY KY
21 " , Emily D. W F 8 [1872] Dau at home TX TX IL
22 " , Mary L. W F 4 [1876] Dau at home TX TX IL
23 HOLLAND, James H. W M 24 [1856] Boarder Single Farm Laborer KY KY KY
24 MALONY, Timothy W M 21 [1859] Boarder Single Farm Laborer TN -- --.7

Mary Jane "Mollie" Boydstun and William Harrison Vaut appeared in the census of 1892 at Thurston Co., Washington, USA; p.260, lines 36-39
36 VAUT, W. H. 47 [1845] M W Marrieed Farmer TX
37 " , M. J. 46 [1846] F W Married IL
38 " , Emory D. 19 [1873] M W Single Clerk TX
39 " , Mamie L. 16 [1876] F W TX.8
37 " , M. J. 46 [1846] F W Married IL
38 " , Emory D. 19 [1873] M W Single Clerk TX
39 " , Mamie L. 16 [1876] F W TX.8

Mary Jane "Mollie" Boydstun and William Harrison Vaut appeared in the census of 21 June 1900 at Disctrict 0059, Houghton, King Co., Washington, USA; p. 10A, lines 2-3, Dwelling 193, Family 193
2 VAUT, William Head W M Oct 1845 Married 31yrs TX unknown AL Farmer
3 " , Mary J. Wife W F Oct 1846 Married 31yrs 2-children-born 2-children-living IL KY VA.9

Mary Jane "Mollie" Boydstun and William Harrison Vaut appeared in the census of 15 April 1910 at District 0043, Meeker, King Co., Washington, USA; p. 1A, lines 43-44, Dwelling 8, Family 8
43 VAUT, William H. Head M W 63 [1847] Married 1x TX US US Farmer-general farm
44 " , Moley J. Wife F W 62 [1848] Married 1x 40yrs 2-children-born 2-children-living TX US US.10

Mary Jane "Mollie" Boydstun appeared in the census of 1 May 1920 at Meadow Point, King Co., Washington, USA; p. 1-B, lines 51-53, dwelling 11, family 12
51 VAUT, Mary Head F W 73 [1847] Widowed IL KY VA
52 " , Emery Son M W 47 [1873] Maried TX TX IL Clerk Harware Store
53 " , Maud Daughter-In-Law 44 [1876] Married IA IL IA.11
52 " , Emery Son M W 47 [1873] Maried TX TX IL Clerk Harware Store
53 " , Maud Daughter-In-Law 44 [1876] Married IA IL IA.11

Family | William Harrison Vaut b. Oct 1845, d. 14 Apr 1918 |
Children |
- [S2338] Ancestry.Com Family Trees, online http://trees.ancestry.com/, William H Vaught: http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/13045403/person/-134784154?ssrc=. Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Family Trees.
- [S2338] Ancestry.Com Family Trees, online http://trees.ancestry.com/, Mary Jane Boydston: http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/48280455/person/20092217003
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online http://www.findagrave.com/, Mary Jane "Mollie" Vaut: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=49894512. Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
- [S4479] Gustine Courson Weaver, The Boydstun Family (Cincinnati, OH: Powell & White, 1927), p. 74. Hereinafter cited as Weaver [1927] The Boydstun Family.
- [S90] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX, Tarrant Co., Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: , Tarrant, Texas; Roll: 1328; Family History Film: 1255328; Page: 269C; Enumeration District: 205.
- [S4479] Gustine Courson Weaver, Weaver [1927] The Boydstun Family, p. 75.
- [S90] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX, Tarrant Co., Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: , Tarrant, Texas; Roll: 1328; Family History Film: 1255328; Page: 269C; Enumeration District: 205.
Info: http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1880usfedcen&indiv=try&h=11654091
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/6742/4244800-00543?pid=11654091&backurl=http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1880usfedcen%26indiv%3Dtry%26h%3D11654091&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true - [S5438] 1892 WA State Census, 1892 State Census WA Thurston Co, Washington State Archives; Olympia, Washington; Washington Territorial Census Rolls, 1857-1892 seen 14 May 2022
Info: https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/201357:1018
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/1018/images/wav228_17-0517?usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true&pId=201357 - [S3039] 1900 Federal Census, 1900 Census WA, King Co., Houghton, Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Houghton, King, Washington; Roll: 1743; Page: 10A; Enumeration District: 0059; FHL microfilm: 1241743
http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1900usfedcen&indiv=try&h=80010393 - [S3040] 1910 Federal Census, 1910 Census WA King Co Meeker, Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Meeker, King, Washington; Roll: T624_1657; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 0043; FHL microfilm: 1375670
http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1910USCenIndex&indiv=try&h=29724430 - [S5413] 1920 Federal Census, 1920 Census WA King Co Meadow Point, Year: 1920; Census Place: Meadow Point, King, Washington; Roll: T625_1925; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 52 seen on Ancestry.com on 5 May 2022
Info: https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/13411053:6061
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/6061/images/4391993_00210?usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true&pId=13411054
Emery D. Vaut1,2
M, #4085, b. 13 January 1872, d. 22 October 1968
Father | William Harrison Vaut b. Oct 1845, d. 14 Apr 1918 |
Mother | Mary Jane "Mollie" Boydstun b. 1 Oct 1846, d. 2 Nov 1928 |
Charts | Descendents of John (Johann) Paul VOGT/VAUGHT |
Last Edited | 6 May 2022 |
Emery D. Vaut was born on 13 January 1872 at Texas, USA.3,1,2 He married Maude Elizabeth Marfield on 21 May 1902 at Tacoma, Pierce Co., Washington, USA,
; Ancestry.com - Washington, U.S., Marriage Records, 1854-2013
Source Citation: Washington State Archives; Olympia, Washington; Washington Marriage Records, 1854-2013; Reference Number: prcmc_v3_0629-DA1
Source Information: Ancestry.com. Washington, U.S., Marriage Records, 1854-2013 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2012.
Original data: Washington State Archives. Olympia, Washington: Washington State Archives.4
Emery D. Vaut was buried in October 1968 at Hillcrest Burial Park, King, King Co., Washington, USA; From Find A Grave:
Emery D. Vaut died on 22 October 1968 at Seattle, King Co., Washington, USA, at age 96; Ancestry.com - U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
Source Citatio: Social Security Administration; Washington D.C., USA; Social Security Death Index, Master File
Source Information: Ancestry.com. U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2014.
Original data: Social Security Administration. Social Security Death Index, Master File. Social Security Administration.
Ancestry.com - Washington, U.S., Death Index, 1940-2017
Source Citation: Washington State Archives; Olympia, Washington; Washington Death Index, 1940-1959, 1965-2017
Source Information: Ancestry.com. Washington, U.S., Death Index, 1940-2017 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2002.
Original data: Washington State Department of Health. State Death Records Index, 1940-1996. Microfilm. Washington State Archives, Olympia, Washington.1,2,5
Reference: (an unknown value.)3 Emery D. Vaut was also known as Emily D. Vaught There is a daughter listed as "Emily D.", but in the 1910 census, there is an "Emery D." listed as a brother-in-law in the household of Mary Louise (Vaught) Jordan. Therefore, I believe that the 1880 census enumerator made an error.6
Emery D. Vaut appeared on the census of 24 June 1880 in the household of William Harrison Vaut and Mary Jane "Mollie" Boydstun at District 205, Tarrant Co., Texas, USA; On same page as Martha J. VAUT HOLLAND ERWIN, William's sister.
p. 269C, lines 19-24, Dwelling 58; Family58
Emery D. Vaut was listed as a resident in William Harrison Vaut and Mary Jane "Mollie" Boydstun's household in the census report in 1892 at Thurston Co., Washington, USA; p.260, lines 36-39
Emery D. Vaut was listed as a resident in Frederick Hopson Jordan and Mary Louise Vaut's household in the census report on 11 April 1910 at Ward 7, District 0141, Seattle, King Co., Washington, USA; Emery D. Vaut shows up twice in the 1910 census, once in Seattle (with his sister and brother-in-law) and once in Berkeley, CA with his wife and adopted daugher.
p. 1A, lines 66-71, dwelling 15, family 16
Source Information: Ancestry.com. 1910 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2006.
Original data: Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910 (NARA microfilm publication T624, 1,178 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C. For details on the contents of the film numbers, visit the following NARA web page: NARA.8
Emery D. Vaut and Maude Elizabeth Marfield appeared in the census of 16 April 1910 at 1627 Grove St., Berkeley, Alameda Co., California, USA; Emery D. Vaut shows up twice in the 1910 census, once in Seattle (with his sister and brother-in-law) and once in Berkeley, CA with his wife and adopted daugher.
p. 3-B, lines 51-53, dwelling 56, family 59
51 VAUT, Emory D. Lodger (Husband) M W 36 [1874] Married 1x 6yrs TX US US Hardware Merchant
52 " , Maud Lodger (Wife) F W 35 [1875] Married 1x 6yrs IA IA NY
53 SMITH, Hazel L. Adopted Daughter F W 24 1886 Married 1x 2yrs AR ENG MI.9
Emery D. Vaut was listed as a resident in Mary Jane "Mollie" Boydstun's household in the census report on 1 May 1920 at Meadow Point, King Co., Washington, USA; p. 1-B, lines 51-53, dwelling 11, family 12
Emery D. Vaut and Maude Elizabeth Marfield appeared in the census of 12 May 1950 at King Co., Washington, USA; Maude's husband, Emery D. Vaut, was absent in her households in the 1930 and 1940 census. They reappeared together in the 1950 census. I have no explanation for his absence.
p. 38, lines 19-20
; Ancestry.com - Washington, U.S., Marriage Records, 1854-2013
Record ID 2378::1660645
Name Emery David Vaut
Marriage Date 21 May 1902
Marriage Place Tacoma, Pierce, Washington, USA
Spouse Maud Elizabeth Marfield
Name Emery David Vaut
Marriage Date 21 May 1902
Marriage Place Tacoma, Pierce, Washington, USA
Spouse Maud Elizabeth Marfield
Source Citation: Washington State Archives; Olympia, Washington; Washington Marriage Records, 1854-2013; Reference Number: prcmc_v3_0629-DA1
Source Information: Ancestry.com. Washington, U.S., Marriage Records, 1854-2013 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2012.
Original data: Washington State Archives. Olympia, Washington: Washington State Archives.4

Emery D. Vaut was buried in October 1968 at Hillcrest Burial Park, King, King Co., Washington, USA; From Find A Grave:
BIRTH 1872
DEATH 1968 (aged 95–96)
BURIAL Hillcrest Burial Park, Kent, King County, Washington, USA
Created by: Hans Sherrer
Added: 20 Oct 2016
Find a Grave Memorial 171588672.1
DEATH 1968 (aged 95–96)
BURIAL Hillcrest Burial Park, Kent, King County, Washington, USA
Created by: Hans Sherrer
Added: 20 Oct 2016
Find a Grave Memorial 171588672.1

Emery D. Vaut died on 22 October 1968 at Seattle, King Co., Washington, USA, at age 96; Ancestry.com - U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
Record ID 3693::64292815
Record Page Link
Name Emery Vaut
Social Security Number 538-30-1383
Birth Date 13 January 1872
Issue Year 1951-1952
Issue State Washington
Last Residence 98118, Seattle, King, Washington, USA
Death Date October 1968
Record Page Link
Name Emery Vaut
Social Security Number 538-30-1383
Birth Date 13 January 1872
Issue Year 1951-1952
Issue State Washington
Last Residence 98118, Seattle, King, Washington, USA
Death Date October 1968
Source Citatio: Social Security Administration; Washington D.C., USA; Social Security Death Index, Master File
Source Information: Ancestry.com. U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2014.
Original data: Social Security Administration. Social Security Death Index, Master File. Social Security Administration.
Ancestry.com - Washington, U.S., Death Index, 1940-2017
Record ID 6716::905402
Record Page Link
Name Emery D Vaut
Gender Male
Residence Place King, Washington, USA
Death Date 22 October 1968
Death Place Seattle, Washington
Certificate Number 025423
Record Page Link
Name Emery D Vaut
Gender Male
Residence Place King, Washington, USA
Death Date 22 October 1968
Death Place Seattle, Washington
Certificate Number 025423
Source Citation: Washington State Archives; Olympia, Washington; Washington Death Index, 1940-1959, 1965-2017
Source Information: Ancestry.com. Washington, U.S., Death Index, 1940-2017 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2002.
Original data: Washington State Department of Health. State Death Records Index, 1940-1996. Microfilm. Washington State Archives, Olympia, Washington.1,2,5
Reference: (an unknown value.)3 Emery D. Vaut was also known as Emily D. Vaught There is a daughter listed as "Emily D.", but in the 1910 census, there is an "Emery D." listed as a brother-in-law in the household of Mary Louise (Vaught) Jordan. Therefore, I believe that the 1880 census enumerator made an error.6
Emery D. Vaut appeared on the census of 24 June 1880 in the household of William Harrison Vaut and Mary Jane "Mollie" Boydstun at District 205, Tarrant Co., Texas, USA; On same page as Martha J. VAUT HOLLAND ERWIN, William's sister.
p. 269C, lines 19-24, Dwelling 58; Family58
19 VAUT, William W M 32 [1848] Farmer TX -- --
20 " , Mary J. W F 31 [1849] Wife Keeping House Ill KY KY
21 " , Emily D. W F 8 [1872] Dau at home TX TX IL
22 " , Mary L. W F 4 [1876] Dau at home TX TX IL
23 HOLLAND, James H. W M 24 [1856] Boarder Single Farm Laborer KY KY KY
24 MALONY, Timothy W M 21 [1859] Boarder Single Farm Laborer TN -- --.6
20 " , Mary J. W F 31 [1849] Wife Keeping House Ill KY KY
21 " , Emily D. W F 8 [1872] Dau at home TX TX IL
22 " , Mary L. W F 4 [1876] Dau at home TX TX IL
23 HOLLAND, James H. W M 24 [1856] Boarder Single Farm Laborer KY KY KY
24 MALONY, Timothy W M 21 [1859] Boarder Single Farm Laborer TN -- --.6

Emery D. Vaut was listed as a resident in William Harrison Vaut and Mary Jane "Mollie" Boydstun's household in the census report in 1892 at Thurston Co., Washington, USA; p.260, lines 36-39
36 VAUT, W. H. 47 [1845] M W Marrieed Farmer TX
37 " , M. J. 46 [1846] F W Married IL
38 " , Emory D. 19 [1873] M W Single Clerk TX
39 " , Mamie L. 16 [1876] F W TX.7
37 " , M. J. 46 [1846] F W Married IL
38 " , Emory D. 19 [1873] M W Single Clerk TX
39 " , Mamie L. 16 [1876] F W TX.7

Emery D. Vaut was listed as a resident in Frederick Hopson Jordan and Mary Louise Vaut's household in the census report on 11 April 1910 at Ward 7, District 0141, Seattle, King Co., Washington, USA; Emery D. Vaut shows up twice in the 1910 census, once in Seattle (with his sister and brother-in-law) and once in Berkeley, CA with his wife and adopted daugher.
p. 1A, lines 66-71, dwelling 15, family 16
66 JORDAN, Frederick H. Head M W 43 [1867] Married 1x 14yrs IL IRE IRE Secretary Building Contractor
67 " , Mary L. Wife F W 34 [1876] Married 1x 14yrs 2-children-born 2-children-living TX TX VA
68 " , Lucius D. Son M W 11 [1899] Single OR IL TX
69 " , Margaret Daughter F W 7 [1903] Single WA IL TX
70 VAUT, Emery D. Brother-in-Law M W 38 [1872] Married 1x 8yrs TX TX VA Retail Harware Merchant
71 LOVING, Julia Servant F Black 34 [1872] Widowed 2-children-born 1-child-living OH US US Servant Private Family
67 " , Mary L. Wife F W 34 [1876] Married 1x 14yrs 2-children-born 2-children-living TX TX VA
68 " , Lucius D. Son M W 11 [1899] Single OR IL TX
69 " , Margaret Daughter F W 7 [1903] Single WA IL TX
70 VAUT, Emery D. Brother-in-Law M W 38 [1872] Married 1x 8yrs TX TX VA Retail Harware Merchant
71 LOVING, Julia Servant F Black 34 [1872] Widowed 2-children-born 1-child-living OH US US Servant Private Family
Source Information: Ancestry.com. 1910 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2006.
Original data: Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910 (NARA microfilm publication T624, 1,178 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C. For details on the contents of the film numbers, visit the following NARA web page: NARA.8

Emery D. Vaut and Maude Elizabeth Marfield appeared in the census of 16 April 1910 at 1627 Grove St., Berkeley, Alameda Co., California, USA; Emery D. Vaut shows up twice in the 1910 census, once in Seattle (with his sister and brother-in-law) and once in Berkeley, CA with his wife and adopted daugher.
p. 3-B, lines 51-53, dwelling 56, family 59
51 VAUT, Emory D. Lodger (Husband) M W 36 [1874] Married 1x 6yrs TX US US Hardware Merchant
52 " , Maud Lodger (Wife) F W 35 [1875] Married 1x 6yrs IA IA NY
53 SMITH, Hazel L. Adopted Daughter F W 24 1886 Married 1x 2yrs AR ENG MI.9

Emery D. Vaut was listed as a resident in Mary Jane "Mollie" Boydstun's household in the census report on 1 May 1920 at Meadow Point, King Co., Washington, USA; p. 1-B, lines 51-53, dwelling 11, family 12
51 VAUT, Mary Head F W 73 [1847] Widowed IL KY VA
52 " , Emery Son M W 47 [1873] Maried TX TX IL Clerk Harware Store
53 " , Maud Daughter-In-Law 44 [1876] Married IA IL IA.10
52 " , Emery Son M W 47 [1873] Maried TX TX IL Clerk Harware Store
53 " , Maud Daughter-In-Law 44 [1876] Married IA IL IA.10

Emery D. Vaut and Maude Elizabeth Marfield appeared in the census of 12 May 1950 at King Co., Washington, USA; Maude's husband, Emery D. Vaut, was absent in her households in the 1930 and 1940 census. They reappeared together in the 1950 census. I have no explanation for his absence.
p. 38, lines 19-20
19 VAUT, Emory D. Head W M 78 [1872] Married TX Salesman Hardware
20 " , Maude M. Wife W F 74 [1876] Maried IA.11
20 " , Maude M. Wife W F 74 [1876] Maried IA.11

Family | Maude Elizabeth Marfield b. 1876, d. 1957 |
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online http://www.findagrave.com/, Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/171588672/emery-d-vadt: accessed 05 May 2022), memorial page for Emery D Vadt (1872–1968), Find a Grave Memorial ID 171588672, citing Hillcrest Burial Park, Kent, King County, Washington, USA; Maintained by Hans Sherrer (contributor 48053120) at https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/171588672. Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online http://search.ancestry.com/, U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014 seen on Ancestry.com on 5 May 2022 at https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/64292815:3693. Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site.
- [S90] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX, Tarrant Co., Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: , Tarrant, Texas; Roll: 1328; Family History Film: 1255328; Page: 269C; Enumeration District: 205.
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online http://search.ancestry.com/, Washington, U.S., Marriage Records, 1854-2013 on Ancestry.com on 5 May 2022
Info: https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/1660645:2378
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/2378/images/92437743_064b670e-8e20-48a4-a7a7-5f135246ca5b?treeid=52429696&personid=402072803728&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true&pId=1660645 - [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online http://search.ancestry.com/, Washington, U.S., Death Index, 1940-2017 seen on Ancestry.com on 5 May 2022 at https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/905402:6716
- [S90] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX, Tarrant Co., Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: , Tarrant, Texas; Roll: 1328; Family History Film: 1255328; Page: 269C; Enumeration District: 205.
Info: http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1880usfedcen&indiv=try&h=11654091
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/6742/4244800-00543?pid=11654091&backurl=http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1880usfedcen%26indiv%3Dtry%26h%3D11654091&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true - [S5438] 1892 WA State Census, 1892 State Census WA Thurston Co, Washington State Archives; Olympia, Washington; Washington Territorial Census Rolls, 1857-1892 seen 14 May 2022
Info: https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/201357:1018
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/1018/images/wav228_17-0517?usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true&pId=201357 - [S4899] 1910 Federal Census, 1910 Census WA King Co Seattle, Year: 1910; Census Place: Seattle Ward 7, King, Washington; Roll: T624_1661; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 0141; FHL microfilm: 1375674 seen on Ancestry.com on 5 May 2022
Info: https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/29824340:7884
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/7884/images/4454836_00038?usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true&pId=29824340 - [S4918] 1910 Federal Census, 1910 Census CA Alameda Co Oakland Twp. Berkely City, Year: 1910; Census Place: Berkely, Alameda, California; Roll: T624_72; Page: 3B; Enumeration District: 0045; FHL microfilm: 1374085 seen on Ancestry.com on 5 May 2022
Info: https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/942793:7884
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/7884/images/31111_4327262-00550?usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true&pId=942793 - [S5413] 1920 Federal Census, 1920 Census WA King Co Meadow Point, Year: 1920; Census Place: Meadow Point, King, Washington; Roll: T625_1925; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 52 seen on Ancestry.com on 5 May 2022
Info: https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/13411053:6061
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/6061/images/4391993_00210?usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true&pId=13411054 - [S5416] 1950 Federal Census, 1950 Census WA King Co, United States of America, Bureau of the Census; Washington, D.C.; Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950; Record Group: Records of the Bureau of the Census, 1790-2007; Record Group Number: 29; Residence Date: 1950; Home in 1950: King, Washington; Roll: 2433; Sheet Number: 38; Enumeration District: 17-42 seen on 6 May 2022
Info: https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/65675410:62308
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/62308/images/43290879-Washington-093316-0039?usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true&pId=65675410
Mary Louise Vaut1,2
F, #4086, b. 17 November 1875, d. 21 May 1964
Father | William Harrison Vaut b. Oct 1845, d. 14 Apr 1918 |
Mother | Mary Jane "Mollie" Boydstun b. 1 Oct 1846, d. 2 Nov 1928 |
Charts | Descendents of John (Johann) Paul VOGT/VAUGHT |
Last Edited | 6 May 2022 |
Mary Louise Vaut was born on 17 November 1875 at Texas, USA.2,3,1 She married Frederick Hopson Jordan on 2 July 1896 at Vancouver, Clark Co., Washington, USA,
; Ancestry.com - Washington, U.S., Marriage Records, 1854-2013
Washington State Archives; Olympia, Washington; Washington Marriage Records, 1854-2013; Reference Number: SWCLMR156.2
Mary Louise Vaut died on 21 May 1964 at Seattle, King Co., Washington, USA, at age 88; Ancestry.com - Washington, U.S., Death Index, 1940-2017
Source Citation: Washington State Archives; Olympia, Washington
Source Information: Ancestry.com. Washington, U.S., Death Index, 1940-2017 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2002.
Original data: Washington State Department of Health. State Death Records Index, 1940-1996. Microfilm. Washington State Archives, Olympia, Washington.4
Reference: (an unknown value.)1
Mary Louise Vaut appeared on the census of 24 June 1880 in the household of William Harrison Vaut and Mary Jane "Mollie" Boydstun at District 205, Tarrant Co., Texas, USA; On same page as Martha J. VAUT HOLLAND ERWIN, William's sister.
p. 269C, lines 19-24, Dwelling 58; Family58
Mary Louise Vaut was listed as a resident in William Harrison Vaut and Mary Jane "Mollie" Boydstun's household in the census report in 1892 at Thurston Co., Washington, USA; p.260, lines 36-39
Mary Louise Vaut and Frederick Hopson Jordan appeared in the census of 12 April 1900 at Seattle, King Co., Washington, USA; p. 16, lines 71-73, dwelling 241, family 281
Mary Louise Vaut and Frederick Hopson Jordan appeared in the census of 11 April 1910 at Ward 7, District 0141, Seattle, King Co., Washington, USA; Emery D. Vaut shows up twice in the 1910 census, once in Seattle (with his sister and brother-in-law) and once in Berkeley, CA with his wife and adopted daugher.
p. 1A, lines 66-71, dwelling 15, family 16
Source Information: Ancestry.com. 1910 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2006.
Original data: Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910 (NARA microfilm publication T624, 1,178 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C. For details on the contents of the film numbers, visit the following NARA web page: NARA.8
Mary Louise Vaut and Frederick Hopson Jordan appeared in the census of 3 January 1920 at Seattle, King Co., Washington, USA; p. 1-B, lines 63-67, dwelling 13, family 16
Mary Louise Vaut appeared in the census of 2 April 1930 at Seattle, King Co., Washington, USA; p. 1-A, lines 24-27, dwelling 5, family 5
Mary Louise Vaut appeared in the census of 10 April 1940 at Seattle, King Co., Washington, USA; p. 7-A, lines 13-15
Mary Louise Vaut was listed as a resident in Clark Jordan and Jean M. (?)'s household in the census report on 5 April 1950 at Everett, Snohomish Co., Washington, USA; Nary Louise (Vaut) Jordan seems to appear twice in the 1950 census: once as a Roomer in Seattle, and secondly in her son Clark Vaut's household in Everett, Snooomish Co.
p. 73, lines 6-9, dwelling 63
Mary Louise Vaut appeared in the census of 20 April 1950 at Seattle, King Co., Washington, USA; Nary Louise (Vaut) Jordan seems to appear twice in the 1950 census: once as a Roomer in Seattle, and secondly in her son Clark Vaut's household in Everett, Snonom
p. 83, line 6, dwelling 233
; Ancestry.com - Washington, U.S., Marriage Records, 1854-2013
Record ID 2378::280386
Name Fred Hopson Jordan
Marriage Age 29
Birth Date abt 1867
Birth Place Mendola Ill
Marriage Date 2 July 1896
Marriage Place Vancouver, Clark, Washington, USA
Date Recorded 1 July 1896
Father Thomas O Jordan
Mother Mary E Jordan
Spouse Mary Louise Vaut
Name Fred Hopson Jordan
Marriage Age 29
Birth Date abt 1867
Birth Place Mendola Ill
Marriage Date 2 July 1896
Marriage Place Vancouver, Clark, Washington, USA
Date Recorded 1 July 1896
Father Thomas O Jordan
Mother Mary E Jordan
Spouse Mary Louise Vaut
Title Washington, U.S., Marriage Records, 1854-2013
Part1 Washington State Archives
Part2 Olympia, Washington
Part3 Washington Marriage Records, 1854-2013
Reference Number SWCLMR156
Part1 Washington State Archives
Part2 Olympia, Washington
Part3 Washington Marriage Records, 1854-2013
Reference Number SWCLMR156
Washington State Archives; Olympia, Washington; Washington Marriage Records, 1854-2013; Reference Number: SWCLMR156.2

Mary Louise Vaut died on 21 May 1964 at Seattle, King Co., Washington, USA, at age 88; Ancestry.com - Washington, U.S., Death Index, 1940-2017
Record ID 6716::3491861
Name Mary L Jordan
Gender Female
Age 88
Birth Year abt 1876
Residence Place Seattle, King
Death Date 21 May 1964
Certificate Number 10735
Name Mary L Jordan
Gender Female
Age 88
Birth Year abt 1876
Residence Place Seattle, King
Death Date 21 May 1964
Certificate Number 10735
Source Citation: Washington State Archives; Olympia, Washington
Source Information: Ancestry.com. Washington, U.S., Death Index, 1940-2017 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2002.
Original data: Washington State Department of Health. State Death Records Index, 1940-1996. Microfilm. Washington State Archives, Olympia, Washington.4
Reference: (an unknown value.)1
Mary Louise Vaut appeared on the census of 24 June 1880 in the household of William Harrison Vaut and Mary Jane "Mollie" Boydstun at District 205, Tarrant Co., Texas, USA; On same page as Martha J. VAUT HOLLAND ERWIN, William's sister.
p. 269C, lines 19-24, Dwelling 58; Family58
19 VAUT, William W M 32 [1848] Farmer TX -- --
20 " , Mary J. W F 31 [1849] Wife Keeping House Ill KY KY
21 " , Emily D. W F 8 [1872] Dau at home TX TX IL
22 " , Mary L. W F 4 [1876] Dau at home TX TX IL
23 HOLLAND, James H. W M 24 [1856] Boarder Single Farm Laborer KY KY KY
24 MALONY, Timothy W M 21 [1859] Boarder Single Farm Laborer TN -- --.5
20 " , Mary J. W F 31 [1849] Wife Keeping House Ill KY KY
21 " , Emily D. W F 8 [1872] Dau at home TX TX IL
22 " , Mary L. W F 4 [1876] Dau at home TX TX IL
23 HOLLAND, James H. W M 24 [1856] Boarder Single Farm Laborer KY KY KY
24 MALONY, Timothy W M 21 [1859] Boarder Single Farm Laborer TN -- --.5

Mary Louise Vaut was listed as a resident in William Harrison Vaut and Mary Jane "Mollie" Boydstun's household in the census report in 1892 at Thurston Co., Washington, USA; p.260, lines 36-39
36 VAUT, W. H. 47 [1845] M W Marrieed Farmer TX
37 " , M. J. 46 [1846] F W Married IL
38 " , Emory D. 19 [1873] M W Single Clerk TX
39 " , Mamie L. 16 [1876] F W TX.6
37 " , M. J. 46 [1846] F W Married IL
38 " , Emory D. 19 [1873] M W Single Clerk TX
39 " , Mamie L. 16 [1876] F W TX.6

Mary Louise Vaut and Frederick Hopson Jordan appeared in the census of 12 April 1900 at Seattle, King Co., Washington, USA; p. 16, lines 71-73, dwelling 241, family 281
71 JORDAN, Frederick H. Head W F Oct 1866 33 Married 4yrs IL Scotland Scotland Bookkeeper Steamboat Co.
72 " , Mary L. Wife W F Nov 1875 24 Married 4yrs 1-child-born 1-childd-living TX TX IL
73 " , Lucius D. Son W M Oct 1898 1 Single OR IL TX.7
72 " , Mary L. Wife W F Nov 1875 24 Married 4yrs 1-child-born 1-childd-living TX TX IL
73 " , Lucius D. Son W M Oct 1898 1 Single OR IL TX.7

Mary Louise Vaut and Frederick Hopson Jordan appeared in the census of 11 April 1910 at Ward 7, District 0141, Seattle, King Co., Washington, USA; Emery D. Vaut shows up twice in the 1910 census, once in Seattle (with his sister and brother-in-law) and once in Berkeley, CA with his wife and adopted daugher.
p. 1A, lines 66-71, dwelling 15, family 16
66 JORDAN, Frederick H. Head M W 43 [1867] Married 1x 14yrs IL IRE IRE Secretary Building Contractor
67 " , Mary L. Wife F W 34 [1876] Married 1x 14yrs 2-children-born 2-children-living TX TX VA
68 " , Lucius D. Son M W 11 [1899] Single OR IL TX
69 " , Margaret Daughter F W 7 [1903] Single WA IL TX
70 VAUT, Emery D. Brother-in-Law M W 38 [1872] Married 1x 8yrs TX TX VA Retail Harware Merchant
71 LOVING, Julia Servant F Black 34 [1872] Widowed 2-children-born 1-child-living OH US US Servant Private Family
67 " , Mary L. Wife F W 34 [1876] Married 1x 14yrs 2-children-born 2-children-living TX TX VA
68 " , Lucius D. Son M W 11 [1899] Single OR IL TX
69 " , Margaret Daughter F W 7 [1903] Single WA IL TX
70 VAUT, Emery D. Brother-in-Law M W 38 [1872] Married 1x 8yrs TX TX VA Retail Harware Merchant
71 LOVING, Julia Servant F Black 34 [1872] Widowed 2-children-born 1-child-living OH US US Servant Private Family
Source Information: Ancestry.com. 1910 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2006.
Original data: Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910 (NARA microfilm publication T624, 1,178 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C. For details on the contents of the film numbers, visit the following NARA web page: NARA.8

Mary Louise Vaut and Frederick Hopson Jordan appeared in the census of 3 January 1920 at Seattle, King Co., Washington, USA; p. 1-B, lines 63-67, dwelling 13, family 16
63 JORDAN, Fred H. Head M W 52 [1868] Married IL IRE IRE Accountant US Shipping
64 " , Mary L. Wife F W 43 [1877] Married TX TX IL
65 " , Lucius D. Son M W 21 [1899] Single Attended School OR IL TX
66 " , Marguerite E. Daughter F W 16 [1904] Attended School WA IL TX
67 " , Clark son M w 9 [1911] single Attended School WA IL TX.9
64 " , Mary L. Wife F W 43 [1877] Married TX TX IL
65 " , Lucius D. Son M W 21 [1899] Single Attended School OR IL TX
66 " , Marguerite E. Daughter F W 16 [1904] Attended School WA IL TX
67 " , Clark son M w 9 [1911] single Attended School WA IL TX.9

Mary Louise Vaut appeared in the census of 2 April 1930 at Seattle, King Co., Washington, USA; p. 1-A, lines 24-27, dwelling 5, family 5
24 JORDAN, Mary L. Head W F 49 [1881] Widowed 18yrsold TX TX IL
25 " , Clark Son M W 19 [1911] Single WA IL TX Mechanic Repair Shop
26 TOROE, Arthur G. Lodger M W 30 [1900] Single Or Norway IA Accountant Fruit Co.
27 MCFARLAND, Peter Lodger M w 24 [1906] Single WA Scotland USA Office Clerk Fruit & Produce Co.10
25 " , Clark Son M W 19 [1911] Single WA IL TX Mechanic Repair Shop
26 TOROE, Arthur G. Lodger M W 30 [1900] Single Or Norway IA Accountant Fruit Co.
27 MCFARLAND, Peter Lodger M w 24 [1906] Single WA Scotland USA Office Clerk Fruit & Produce Co.10

Mary Louise Vaut appeared in the census of 10 April 1940 at Seattle, King Co., Washington, USA; p. 7-A, lines 13-15
13 JORDAN, Mary Louise Head F W 64 [1876] Widowed TX 1935: Same House
14 " , Margaret Daughter F W 34 [1906] Single WA 1935: Same House
15 " , Clark Son M W 29 [1911] Single WA 1935: Same House Riveter Airplane Factory.11
14 " , Margaret Daughter F W 34 [1906] Single WA 1935: Same House
15 " , Clark Son M W 29 [1911] Single WA 1935: Same House Riveter Airplane Factory.11

Mary Louise Vaut was listed as a resident in Clark Jordan and Jean M. (?)'s household in the census report on 5 April 1950 at Everett, Snohomish Co., Washington, USA; Nary Louise (Vaut) Jordan seems to appear twice in the 1950 census: once as a Roomer in Seattle, and secondly in her son Clark Vaut's household in Everett, Snooomish Co.
p. 73, lines 6-9, dwelling 63
6 JORDAN, Clark Head W M 37 [1913] Marfried WA Pilot Airlines Commercial Service
7 " , Jean M. Wife W F 30 [1920] Married CAnada Stenographer Lumber Mill
8 " , K. Dianne Daughter W F 8 [1982] Canada
9 " , Mary L. Mother W F 60+ [bef 1890] Widowed TX Lived in Seattle, King Co., WA one year before.12
7 " , Jean M. Wife W F 30 [1920] Married CAnada Stenographer Lumber Mill
8 " , K. Dianne Daughter W F 8 [1982] Canada
9 " , Mary L. Mother W F 60+ [bef 1890] Widowed TX Lived in Seattle, King Co., WA one year before.12

Mary Louise Vaut appeared in the census of 20 April 1950 at Seattle, King Co., Washington, USA; Nary Louise (Vaut) Jordan seems to appear twice in the 1950 census: once as a Roomer in Seattle, and secondly in her son Clark Vaut's household in Everett, Snonom
p. 83, line 6, dwelling 233
6 JORDAN, Mary L. Roomer W F 75 [1875] Widowed TX.13

Family | Frederick Hopson Jordan b. c 1867, d. 29 May 1922 |
Children |
- [S90] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX, Tarrant Co., Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: , Tarrant, Texas; Roll: 1328; Family History Film: 1255328; Page: 269C; Enumeration District: 205.
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online http://search.ancestry.com/, Washington, U.S., Marriage Records, 1854-2013 seen on Ancestry.com on 5 May 2022
Info: https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/2438232:2378
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/2378/images/33686200_543897a5-c9ed-4e5d-8a4b-051de8e5bdfa?usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true&pId=1052438232. Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site. - [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online http://search.ancestry.com/, U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014 seen on Ancestry.com on 5 May 2022 at https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/31870149:3693
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online http://search.ancestry.com/, Washington, U.S., Death Index, 1940-2017 on Ancestry.com on 5 May 2022
Info: https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/3491861:6716
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/6716/images/gray00903?usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true&pId=3491861 - [S90] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX, Tarrant Co., Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: , Tarrant, Texas; Roll: 1328; Family History Film: 1255328; Page: 269C; Enumeration District: 205.
Info: http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1880usfedcen&indiv=try&h=11654091
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/6742/4244800-00543?pid=11654091&backurl=http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1880usfedcen%26indiv%3Dtry%26h%3D11654091&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true - [S5438] 1892 WA State Census, 1892 State Census WA Thurston Co, Washington State Archives; Olympia, Washington; Washington Territorial Census Rolls, 1857-1892 seen 14 May 2022
Info: https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/201357:1018
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/1018/images/wav228_17-0517?usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true&pId=201357 - [S5417] 1900 Federal Census, 1900 Census WA King Co Seattle, Year: 1900; Census Place: Seattle Ward 7, King, Washington; Roll: 1745; Page: 16; Enumeration District: 0109; FHL microfilm: 1241745 seen on 6 May 2022
Info: https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/73045942:7602
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/7602/images/4118874_00725 - [S4899] 1910 Federal Census, 1910 Census WA King Co Seattle, Year: 1910; Census Place: Seattle Ward 7, King, Washington; Roll: T624_1661; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 0141; FHL microfilm: 1375674 seen on Ancestry.com on 5 May 2022
Info: https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/29824340:7884
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/7884/images/4454836_00038?usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true&pId=29824340 - [S5418] 1920 Federal Census, 1920 Census WA King Co Seattle, Year: 1920; Census Place: Seattle, King, Washington; Roll: T625_1927; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 182 seen on 6 May 2022
Info: https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/13556365:6061
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/6061/images/4390829_01146 - [S5419] 1930 Federal Census, 1930 Census WA King Co Seattle, Year: 1930; Census Place: Seattle, King, Washington; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 0092; FHL microfilm: 2342231 seen on 6 May 2022
Info: https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/112180237:6224
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/6224/images/4547448_00546?usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true&pId=112180237 - [S5420] 1940 Federal Census, 1940 Census WA King Co Seattle, Year: 1940; Census Place: Seattle, King, Washington; Roll: m-t0627-04375; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 40-52 seen on 6 May 2022
Info: https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/64178157:2442
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/2442/images/m-t0627-04375-00602 - [S5422] 1950 Federal Census, 1950 Census WA Snohomish Co Everett, United States of America, Bureau of the Census; Washington, D.C.; Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950; Record Group: Records of the Bureau of the Census, 1790-2007; Record Group Number: 29; Residence Date: 1950; Home in 1950: Everett, Snohomish, Washington; Roll: 5841; Sheet Number: 73; Enumeration District: 31-116 seen on 6 May 2022
Info: https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/65111727:62308
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/65111727:62308https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/62308/images/43290879-Washington-106936-0034 - [S5421] 1950 Federal Census, 1950 Census WA King Co Seattle, United States of America, Bureau of the Census; Washington, D.C.; Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950; Record Group: Records of the Bureau of the Census, 1790-2007; Record Group Number: 29; Residence Date: 1950; Home in 1950: Seattle, King, Washington; Roll: 2804; Sheet Number: 83; Enumeration District: 40-356 seen on 6 May 2022
Info: https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/65850807:62308
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/62308/images/43290879-Washington-106936-0034 - [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online http://search.ancestry.com/, Washington, U.S., County Birth Records, 1870-1935 seen on 6 May 2022
Info: https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/1424:1209
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/1209/images/WAVR_3-0175?usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true&pId=1424
Louisa Holland
F, #4087, b. circa 1862
Father | Mordecai Franklin Holland1 b. 8 Dec 1837, d. 20 Feb 1873 |
Mother | Martha (Mattie) Jane Vaught1 b. 26 Feb 1844, d. 26 Oct 1916 |
Charts | Descendents of John (Johann) Paul VOGT/VAUGHT |
Last Edited | 16 Sep 2014 |
Louisa Holland was born circa 1862.2
Louisa Holland was listed as a resident in Mordecai Franklin Holland and Martha (Mattie) Jane Vaught's household in the census report on 31 August 1870 at Precinct 1, Fort Worth, Tarrant Co., Texas, USA;
p. 534-A, Lines 1-8, Dwelling 594; Family 596
1 HOLLAND, M F 32 [1838] M W Farmer 2000 1000 IL
2 " , Martha 24 [1846] F W Keeping House TX
3 " , Louisa 8 [1862] F W TX
4 " , Mary 5 [1865] F W TX
5 " , Ada 3 [1867] F W TX
6 BAUT, A 16 [1854] M W TX
7 " , Mary 19 [ 1851] F W TX
8 E HOBSON 18 [1852] M W AR (unknown person.)3
Louisa Holland was listed as a resident in Martha (Mattie) Jane Vaught and Robert Ervin's household in the census report on 24 June 1880 at District 205, Tarrant Co., Texas, USA;
(same page as William Vaught, Martha J's brother)
p. 269C, lines 36-42, Dwelling 61; Family 61
36 IRVIN, Robert W M 33 [1847] Farmer MO
37 " , Martha J. W F 33 [1847] Wife Keeping House TX AL MO
38 " , Infant W M 6/12 bNov [1879] Son TX TX MO
39 HOLLAND, Louisa W F 17 [1863] Dau at school TX TX TX
40 " , Mary W F 15 [1865] Dau at school TX TX TX
41 " , Ada W F 14 [1866] Dau at school TX TX TX
42 " , Ira W M 9 [1871] Son at school TX TX TX.4

Louisa Holland was listed as a resident in Mordecai Franklin Holland and Martha (Mattie) Jane Vaught's household in the census report on 31 August 1870 at Precinct 1, Fort Worth, Tarrant Co., Texas, USA;
p. 534-A, Lines 1-8, Dwelling 594; Family 596
1 HOLLAND, M F 32 [1838] M W Farmer 2000 1000 IL
2 " , Martha 24 [1846] F W Keeping House TX
3 " , Louisa 8 [1862] F W TX
4 " , Mary 5 [1865] F W TX
5 " , Ada 3 [1867] F W TX
6 BAUT, A 16 [1854] M W TX
7 " , Mary 19 [ 1851] F W TX
8 E HOBSON 18 [1852] M W AR (unknown person.)3

Louisa Holland was listed as a resident in Martha (Mattie) Jane Vaught and Robert Ervin's household in the census report on 24 June 1880 at District 205, Tarrant Co., Texas, USA;
(same page as William Vaught, Martha J's brother)
p. 269C, lines 36-42, Dwelling 61; Family 61
36 IRVIN, Robert W M 33 [1847] Farmer MO
37 " , Martha J. W F 33 [1847] Wife Keeping House TX AL MO
38 " , Infant W M 6/12 bNov [1879] Son TX TX MO
39 HOLLAND, Louisa W F 17 [1863] Dau at school TX TX TX
40 " , Mary W F 15 [1865] Dau at school TX TX TX
41 " , Ada W F 14 [1866] Dau at school TX TX TX
42 " , Ira W M 9 [1871] Son at school TX TX TX.4

- [S572] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census TX Tarrant Co Prec 1, Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Precinct 1, Tarrant, Texas; Roll: M593_1605; Page: 534A; Image: 679; Family History Library Film: 553104.
- [S572] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census TX Tarrant Co Prec 1, M593 roll 1605 page 534 Lines 3
Dwelling: 896 Family: 896. - [S572] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census TX Tarrant Co Prec 1, Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Precinct 1, Tarrant, Texas; Roll: M593_1605; Page: 534A; Image: 679; Family History Library Film: 553104.
Info: https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1870usfedcen&indiv=try&h=7840530
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/7163/4267896_00679?pid=7840530&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1870usfedcen%26indiv%3Dtry%26h%3D7840530&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true - [S90] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX, Tarrant Co., Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: , Tarrant, Texas; Roll: 1328; Family History Film: 1255328; Page: 269C; Enumeration District: 205.
Info: http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1880usfedcen&indiv=try&h=7293605
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/6742/4244800-00543?pid=7293605&backurl=http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?indiv%3D1%26dbid%3D6742%26h%3D7293605%26tid%3D%26pid%3D%26usePUB%3Dtrue%26_phsrc%3DOQU268%26_phstart%3DsuccessSource&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&_phsrc=OQU268&_phstart=successSource&usePUBJs=true
Mary Holland
F, #4088, b. 1865
Father | Mordecai Franklin Holland1 b. 8 Dec 1837, d. 20 Feb 1873 |
Mother | Martha (Mattie) Jane Vaught1 b. 26 Feb 1844, d. 26 Oct 1916 |
Charts | Descendents of John (Johann) Paul VOGT/VAUGHT |
Last Edited | 16 Sep 2014 |
Mary Holland was born in 1865 at Texas, USA.2
Mary Holland was listed as a resident in Mordecai Franklin Holland and Martha (Mattie) Jane Vaught's household in the census report on 31 August 1870 at Precinct 1, Fort Worth, Tarrant Co., Texas, USA;
p. 534-A, Lines 1-8, Dwelling 594; Family 596
1 HOLLAND, M F 32 [1838] M W Farmer 2000 1000 IL
2 " , Martha 24 [1846] F W Keeping House TX
3 " , Louisa 8 [1862] F W TX
4 " , Mary 5 [1865] F W TX
5 " , Ada 3 [1867] F W TX
6 BAUT, A 16 [1854] M W TX
7 " , Mary 19 [ 1851] F W TX
8 E HOBSON 18 [1852] M W AR (unknown person.)3
Mary Holland was listed as a resident in Martha (Mattie) Jane Vaught and Robert Ervin's household in the census report on 24 June 1880 at District 205, Tarrant Co., Texas, USA;
(same page as William Vaught, Martha J's brother)
p. 269C, lines 36-42, Dwelling 61; Family 61
36 IRVIN, Robert W M 33 [1847] Farmer MO
37 " , Martha J. W F 33 [1847] Wife Keeping House TX AL MO
38 " , Infant W M 6/12 bNov [1879] Son TX TX MO
39 HOLLAND, Louisa W F 17 [1863] Dau at school TX TX TX
40 " , Mary W F 15 [1865] Dau at school TX TX TX
41 " , Ada W F 14 [1866] Dau at school TX TX TX
42 " , Ira W M 9 [1871] Son at school TX TX TX.4

Mary Holland was listed as a resident in Mordecai Franklin Holland and Martha (Mattie) Jane Vaught's household in the census report on 31 August 1870 at Precinct 1, Fort Worth, Tarrant Co., Texas, USA;
p. 534-A, Lines 1-8, Dwelling 594; Family 596
1 HOLLAND, M F 32 [1838] M W Farmer 2000 1000 IL
2 " , Martha 24 [1846] F W Keeping House TX
3 " , Louisa 8 [1862] F W TX
4 " , Mary 5 [1865] F W TX
5 " , Ada 3 [1867] F W TX
6 BAUT, A 16 [1854] M W TX
7 " , Mary 19 [ 1851] F W TX
8 E HOBSON 18 [1852] M W AR (unknown person.)3

Mary Holland was listed as a resident in Martha (Mattie) Jane Vaught and Robert Ervin's household in the census report on 24 June 1880 at District 205, Tarrant Co., Texas, USA;
(same page as William Vaught, Martha J's brother)
p. 269C, lines 36-42, Dwelling 61; Family 61
36 IRVIN, Robert W M 33 [1847] Farmer MO
37 " , Martha J. W F 33 [1847] Wife Keeping House TX AL MO
38 " , Infant W M 6/12 bNov [1879] Son TX TX MO
39 HOLLAND, Louisa W F 17 [1863] Dau at school TX TX TX
40 " , Mary W F 15 [1865] Dau at school TX TX TX
41 " , Ada W F 14 [1866] Dau at school TX TX TX
42 " , Ira W M 9 [1871] Son at school TX TX TX.4

- [S572] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census TX Tarrant Co Prec 1, Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Precinct 1, Tarrant, Texas; Roll: M593_1605; Page: 534A; Image: 679; Family History Library Film: 553104.
- [S572] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census TX Tarrant Co Prec 1, M593 roll 1605 page 534 Lines 4
Dwelling: 896 Family: 896. - [S572] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census TX Tarrant Co Prec 1, Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Precinct 1, Tarrant, Texas; Roll: M593_1605; Page: 534A; Image: 679; Family History Library Film: 553104.
Info: https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1870usfedcen&indiv=try&h=7840530
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/7163/4267896_00679?pid=7840530&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1870usfedcen%26indiv%3Dtry%26h%3D7840530&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true - [S90] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX, Tarrant Co., Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: , Tarrant, Texas; Roll: 1328; Family History Film: 1255328; Page: 269C; Enumeration District: 205.
Info: http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1880usfedcen&indiv=try&h=7293605
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/6742/4244800-00543?pid=7293605&backurl=http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?indiv%3D1%26dbid%3D6742%26h%3D7293605%26tid%3D%26pid%3D%26usePUB%3Dtrue%26_phsrc%3DOQU268%26_phstart%3DsuccessSource&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&_phsrc=OQU268&_phstart=successSource&usePUBJs=true
Ada Holland
F, #4089, b. between 1866 and 1867
Father | Mordecai Franklin Holland1 b. 8 Dec 1837, d. 20 Feb 1873 |
Mother | Martha (Mattie) Jane Vaught1 b. 26 Feb 1844, d. 26 Oct 1916 |
Charts | Descendents of John (Johann) Paul VOGT/VAUGHT |
Last Edited | 12 Oct 2018 |
Ada Holland was born between 1866 and 1867 at Texas, USA; Born Apr 1872 per 1900 census, however she was aged 3 in 1870 census (iimplying she was born ca 1867) and 14 in 1880 census, (iimplying she was born ca 1866.)2,3
Ada Holland was listed as a resident in Mordecai Franklin Holland and Martha (Mattie) Jane Vaught's household in the census report on 31 August 1870 at Precinct 1, Fort Worth, Tarrant Co., Texas, USA;
p. 534-A, Lines 1-8, Dwelling 594; Family 596
1 HOLLAND, M F 32 [1838] M W Farmer 2000 1000 IL
2 " , Martha 24 [1846] F W Keeping House TX
3 " , Louisa 8 [1862] F W TX
4 " , Mary 5 [1865] F W TX
5 " , Ada 3 [1867] F W TX
6 BAUT, A 16 [1854] M W TX
7 " , Mary 19 [ 1851] F W TX
8 E HOBSON 18 [1852] M W AR (unknown person.)3
Ada Holland was listed as a resident in Martha (Mattie) Jane Vaught and Robert Ervin's household in the census report on 24 June 1880 at District 205, Tarrant Co., Texas, USA;
(same page as William Vaught, Martha J's brother)
p. 269C, lines 36-42, Dwelling 61; Family 61
36 IRVIN, Robert W M 33 [1847] Farmer MO
37 " , Martha J. W F 33 [1847] Wife Keeping House TX AL MO
38 " , Infant W M 6/12 bNov [1879] Son TX TX MO
39 HOLLAND, Louisa W F 17 [1863] Dau at school TX TX TX
40 " , Mary W F 15 [1865] Dau at school TX TX TX
41 " , Ada W F 14 [1866] Dau at school TX TX TX
42 " , Ira W M 9 [1871] Son at school TX TX TX.4
Ada Holland was listed as a resident in Robert Ervin and Martha (Mattie) Jane Vaught's household in the census report on 20 June 1900 at Justice Precinct 8, Mansfield, Tarrant Co., Texas, USA;
p. 15B, lines 59-64, Dwelling 293, Family 294
59 ERVIN, Robert Head W M ??? 1896 54 Married 21yrs MO VA -- Farmer
60 " , Martha Wife W F ??? 1894 56 Married 21 yrs TX -- IL
61 HOLLAND, Ada Daughter W F April 1872 28 Single TX IL TX
62 " , Willie H Son W M Oct 1880 19 Single TX TN IL
63 " , Ida Daughter?? W M Jan 1883 17 Single TX TN IL
64 " , Elmer G Daughter?? W M June 1886 14 Single TX TN IL.5

Ada Holland was listed as a resident in Mordecai Franklin Holland and Martha (Mattie) Jane Vaught's household in the census report on 31 August 1870 at Precinct 1, Fort Worth, Tarrant Co., Texas, USA;
p. 534-A, Lines 1-8, Dwelling 594; Family 596
1 HOLLAND, M F 32 [1838] M W Farmer 2000 1000 IL
2 " , Martha 24 [1846] F W Keeping House TX
3 " , Louisa 8 [1862] F W TX
4 " , Mary 5 [1865] F W TX
5 " , Ada 3 [1867] F W TX
6 BAUT, A 16 [1854] M W TX
7 " , Mary 19 [ 1851] F W TX
8 E HOBSON 18 [1852] M W AR (unknown person.)3

Ada Holland was listed as a resident in Martha (Mattie) Jane Vaught and Robert Ervin's household in the census report on 24 June 1880 at District 205, Tarrant Co., Texas, USA;
(same page as William Vaught, Martha J's brother)
p. 269C, lines 36-42, Dwelling 61; Family 61
36 IRVIN, Robert W M 33 [1847] Farmer MO
37 " , Martha J. W F 33 [1847] Wife Keeping House TX AL MO
38 " , Infant W M 6/12 bNov [1879] Son TX TX MO
39 HOLLAND, Louisa W F 17 [1863] Dau at school TX TX TX
40 " , Mary W F 15 [1865] Dau at school TX TX TX
41 " , Ada W F 14 [1866] Dau at school TX TX TX
42 " , Ira W M 9 [1871] Son at school TX TX TX.4

Ada Holland was listed as a resident in Robert Ervin and Martha (Mattie) Jane Vaught's household in the census report on 20 June 1900 at Justice Precinct 8, Mansfield, Tarrant Co., Texas, USA;
p. 15B, lines 59-64, Dwelling 293, Family 294
59 ERVIN, Robert Head W M ??? 1896 54 Married 21yrs MO VA -- Farmer
60 " , Martha Wife W F ??? 1894 56 Married 21 yrs TX -- IL
61 HOLLAND, Ada Daughter W F April 1872 28 Single TX IL TX
62 " , Willie H Son W M Oct 1880 19 Single TX TN IL
63 " , Ida Daughter?? W M Jan 1883 17 Single TX TN IL
64 " , Elmer G Daughter?? W M June 1886 14 Single TX TN IL.5

- [S572] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census TX Tarrant Co Prec 1, Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Precinct 1, Tarrant, Texas; Roll: M593_1605; Page: 534A; Image: 679; Family History Library Film: 553104.
- [S180] 1900 Federal Census, 1900 Census TX Tarrant Co Mansfield Prec 8, Source Citation - Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 8, Tarrant, Texas; Roll: 1671; Page: 15B; Enumeration District: 0121; FHL microfilm: 1241671
http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1900usfedcen&indiv=try&h=44264873 - [S572] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census TX Tarrant Co Prec 1, Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Precinct 1, Tarrant, Texas; Roll: M593_1605; Page: 534A; Image: 679; Family History Library Film: 553104.
Info: https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1870usfedcen&indiv=try&h=7840530
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/7163/4267896_00679?pid=7840530&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1870usfedcen%26indiv%3Dtry%26h%3D7840530&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true - [S90] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX, Tarrant Co., Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: , Tarrant, Texas; Roll: 1328; Family History Film: 1255328; Page: 269C; Enumeration District: 205.
Info: http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1880usfedcen&indiv=try&h=7293605
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/6742/4244800-00543?pid=7293605&backurl=http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?indiv%3D1%26dbid%3D6742%26h%3D7293605%26tid%3D%26pid%3D%26usePUB%3Dtrue%26_phsrc%3DOQU268%26_phstart%3DsuccessSource&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&_phsrc=OQU268&_phstart=successSource&usePUBJs=true - [S180] 1900 Federal Census, 1900 Census TX Tarrant Co Mansfield Prec 8, Source Citation - Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 8, Tarrant, Texas; Roll: 1671; Page: 15B; Enumeration District: 0121; FHL microfilm: 1241671
Info: http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1900usfedcen&indiv=try&h=44264873
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/7602/4118559_01062?pid=44264873&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1900usfedcen%26indiv%3Dtry%26h%3D44264873&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true
Jacob Gardner Boydstun
M, #4090, b. 24 January 1812, d. 25 May 1899

Father | Benjamin Boydstun1,2 b. 18 Sep 1776, d. 1 Apr 1851 |
Mother | Mary Gardner1,2 b. 12 Aug 1777, d. 14 Sep 1845 |
Last Edited | 6 Feb 2019 |
Jacob Gardner Boydstun was born on 24 January 1812 at Kentucky, USA.1,2 He married Drusilla Ground, daughter of Robert Ground and Rhoda Long, on 27 August 1833 at Kentucky, USA,
his 1st wife
Anmcestry.com - Kentucky, County Marriage Records, 1783-1965
Name: Jacob Boilston
Gender: Male
Marriage Date: 27 Aug 1833
Marriage Place: Warren, Kentucky, USA
Spouse: Drucilla Ground
Film Number: 000339890
Source Information: Ancestry.com. Kentucky, County Marriage Records, 1783-1965 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2016.
Original data: Marriage Records. Kentucky Marriages. Madison County Courthouse, Richmond, Kentucky.3,1,4
Jacob Gardner Boydstun married Sarah Louisa Wilson, daughter of Col. George Wilson and Elizabeth Jackson McCoy, on 4 October 1862
; his 2nd wife.5,1
Jacob Gardner Boydstun died on 25 May 1899 at Pleasant Valley, Dallas Co., Texas, USA, at age 87.1,2
Jacob Gardner Boydstun was buried after 25 May 1899 at Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Cedar Hill, Dallas Co., Texas, USA; from Find A Grave website:
Birth: Jan. 24, 1812, Kentucky, USA
Death: May 25, 1899, Pleasant Valley (Dallas County), Dallas County, Texas, USA
*Note: Jacob Gardner Boydstun and family with the members of the Goodnight, Holland, Ground, and Lowe Families and perhaps others moved in 1833 to Abingdon, Knox Co., IL, and then to TX in 1848.
Jacob Gardner Boydstun was the son of Benjamin Boydstun and Mary Ground; his brother William and his wife Nancy are also buried at Pleasant Valley Cemetery.
He married on 27 Aug 1833, (1) Drusilla Ground (buried at Pleasant Valley), daughter of Robert Ground and Rhoda Long; they moved on their wedding day to Abingdon, Knox Co., IL, where they had 7 children: Henry who was kicked by a horse and killed when he was 13 (buried at Pleasant Valley); Mary Margaret who married William Henry Wolcott; Rhoda E; Robert Ground who enlisted as a Pvt. in Co. A, 19th Reg, TX Cav., (CSA)(buried at Pleasant Valley); Julia Ann; Nancy Jane; and Susan Caroline Boydstun. He married (2) Sarah Louisa "Lou" Wilson (buried at Pleasant Valley) who had previously been married to Andrew Jackson Vaught; they had 2 children: James Boydstun b. 1864, and Sarah Louisa Boydstun (1866-1951) who married Allen T. Baggett.
Jacob and Drusilla moved to TX in 1848 and settled at Mountain Creek, building a cabin made of cedar and later additions which stood until 1920 when it was destroyed by fire. They had 2 more children in TX: Sarah M. (1850-before 1852) (buried at Pleasant Valley), and Martha Virginia b. in 1852.
Jacob gave 3 acres to build a church and cemetery which became known as Pleasant Valley Cemetery. Four members of the family had already been buried there: Sarah M., wife Drusilla, Henry, and Robert Robert. In 1870, Rhoda was also buried there.
[Source: Martha R. Bates]
Family links:
Drusilla Ground Boydstun (1811 - 1856)
(Sarah) Louisa Wilson Boydstun (1824 - 1908)*
Henry Boydstun (1836 - 1848)*
Robert Ground Boydstun (1839 - 1868)*
Rhoda Elizabeth Boydstun Kelley (1840 - 1876)*
Julia Ann Boydstun Rape (1843 - 1883)*
Sarah M. Boydstun (1850 - 1852)*
*Calculated relationship
Pleasant Valley Cemetery
Cedar Hill (Dallas County)
Dallas County
Texas, USA
Edit Virtual Cemetery info [?]
Created by: Alice Huitt Preston
Record added: Sep 19, 2004
Find A Grave Memorial# 9478449.1

Reference: (an unknown value.)5
Jacob Gardner Boydstun and Drusilla Ground immigrated in 1833 to Abingdon, Knox Co., Illinois, USA; KY -> IL.1
Jacob Gardner Boydstun and Drusilla Ground immigrated in 1848 to Mountain Creek, Texas, USA; IL -> TX
from Find A Grave website for Robert Ground Boydstun: "Robert and his brother Henry drove their' parents' wagon team to TX in 1848, from Abingdon, Knox Co., IL; the trip took 6 weeks by boat and wagon."1,6,2
Jacob Gardner Boydstun appeared in the census of 15 August 1860 at Precinct 8, Cedar Hill, Dallas Co., Texas, USA;
p. 384, Lines 7-14, Dwelling 609; Family 609
7 BOYDSTON, J. G. 48 [1812] M Farmer $3408 $4650 KY
8 " , Mary M 22 [1838] F IL
9 " , Robert 21 [1839] M IL at school
10 " , Rhoda 20 [1840] F IL
11 " , Julia 17 [1843] F IL
12 " , Nancy 15 [1845] F IL at school
13 " , Caroline 12 [1848] F TX at school
14 " , Martha 8 [1852] F TX at school.7
Jacob Gardner Boydstun and Sarah Louisa Wilson appeared in the census of 4 July 1870 at Lancaster PO, Precinct 2, Dallas Co., Texas, USA;
p. 316A, Lines 12-15, Dwelling 16; Family 16
12 BOYDSTON, Jacob 58 [1812] M W Farmer $2,000 $2,500 KY
13 " , Louisa 46 [1824] F W Keeping House AL
14 " , James H 6 [1864] M W TX
15 " , Sallie 4 [1866] F W TX.8
Jacob Gardner Boydstun and Sarah Louisa Wilson appeared in the census of 5 June 1880 at Precinct 6, Dallas Co., Texas, USA;
p. 307A, Lines 10-13, Dwelling 2; Family 2
10 BOYDSTUN, Jacob W M 68 [1812] Farmer KY VA VA
11 " , Louiza W F 54 [1826] Wife Housekeeper TN TN TN
12 " , James W M 16 [1864] Son Single At Home TX KY TN
13 " , Sarah W F 14 [1866] Daughter Single At Home TX KY TN.9

his 1st wife
Anmcestry.com - Kentucky, County Marriage Records, 1783-1965
Name: Jacob Boilston
Gender: Male
Marriage Date: 27 Aug 1833
Marriage Place: Warren, Kentucky, USA
Spouse: Drucilla Ground
Film Number: 000339890
Source Information: Ancestry.com. Kentucky, County Marriage Records, 1783-1965 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2016.
Original data: Marriage Records. Kentucky Marriages. Madison County Courthouse, Richmond, Kentucky.3,1,4

; his 2nd wife.5,1

Jacob Gardner Boydstun died on 25 May 1899 at Pleasant Valley, Dallas Co., Texas, USA, at age 87.1,2
Jacob Gardner Boydstun was buried after 25 May 1899 at Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Cedar Hill, Dallas Co., Texas, USA; from Find A Grave website:
Birth: Jan. 24, 1812, Kentucky, USA
Death: May 25, 1899, Pleasant Valley (Dallas County), Dallas County, Texas, USA
*Note: Jacob Gardner Boydstun and family with the members of the Goodnight, Holland, Ground, and Lowe Families and perhaps others moved in 1833 to Abingdon, Knox Co., IL, and then to TX in 1848.
Jacob Gardner Boydstun was the son of Benjamin Boydstun and Mary Ground; his brother William and his wife Nancy are also buried at Pleasant Valley Cemetery.
He married on 27 Aug 1833, (1) Drusilla Ground (buried at Pleasant Valley), daughter of Robert Ground and Rhoda Long; they moved on their wedding day to Abingdon, Knox Co., IL, where they had 7 children: Henry who was kicked by a horse and killed when he was 13 (buried at Pleasant Valley); Mary Margaret who married William Henry Wolcott; Rhoda E; Robert Ground who enlisted as a Pvt. in Co. A, 19th Reg, TX Cav., (CSA)(buried at Pleasant Valley); Julia Ann; Nancy Jane; and Susan Caroline Boydstun. He married (2) Sarah Louisa "Lou" Wilson (buried at Pleasant Valley) who had previously been married to Andrew Jackson Vaught; they had 2 children: James Boydstun b. 1864, and Sarah Louisa Boydstun (1866-1951) who married Allen T. Baggett.
Jacob and Drusilla moved to TX in 1848 and settled at Mountain Creek, building a cabin made of cedar and later additions which stood until 1920 when it was destroyed by fire. They had 2 more children in TX: Sarah M. (1850-before 1852) (buried at Pleasant Valley), and Martha Virginia b. in 1852.
Jacob gave 3 acres to build a church and cemetery which became known as Pleasant Valley Cemetery. Four members of the family had already been buried there: Sarah M., wife Drusilla, Henry, and Robert Robert. In 1870, Rhoda was also buried there.
[Source: Martha R. Bates]
Family links:
Drusilla Ground Boydstun (1811 - 1856)
(Sarah) Louisa Wilson Boydstun (1824 - 1908)*
Henry Boydstun (1836 - 1848)*
Robert Ground Boydstun (1839 - 1868)*
Rhoda Elizabeth Boydstun Kelley (1840 - 1876)*
Julia Ann Boydstun Rape (1843 - 1883)*
Sarah M. Boydstun (1850 - 1852)*
*Calculated relationship
Pleasant Valley Cemetery
Cedar Hill (Dallas County)
Dallas County
Texas, USA
Edit Virtual Cemetery info [?]
Created by: Alice Huitt Preston
Record added: Sep 19, 2004
Find A Grave Memorial# 9478449.1

Reference: (an unknown value.)5
Jacob Gardner Boydstun and Drusilla Ground immigrated in 1833 to Abingdon, Knox Co., Illinois, USA; KY -> IL.1
Jacob Gardner Boydstun and Drusilla Ground immigrated in 1848 to Mountain Creek, Texas, USA; IL -> TX
from Find A Grave website for Robert Ground Boydstun: "Robert and his brother Henry drove their' parents' wagon team to TX in 1848, from Abingdon, Knox Co., IL; the trip took 6 weeks by boat and wagon."1,6,2
Jacob Gardner Boydstun appeared in the census of 15 August 1860 at Precinct 8, Cedar Hill, Dallas Co., Texas, USA;
p. 384, Lines 7-14, Dwelling 609; Family 609
7 BOYDSTON, J. G. 48 [1812] M Farmer $3408 $4650 KY
8 " , Mary M 22 [1838] F IL
9 " , Robert 21 [1839] M IL at school
10 " , Rhoda 20 [1840] F IL
11 " , Julia 17 [1843] F IL
12 " , Nancy 15 [1845] F IL at school
13 " , Caroline 12 [1848] F TX at school
14 " , Martha 8 [1852] F TX at school.7

Jacob Gardner Boydstun and Sarah Louisa Wilson appeared in the census of 4 July 1870 at Lancaster PO, Precinct 2, Dallas Co., Texas, USA;
p. 316A, Lines 12-15, Dwelling 16; Family 16
12 BOYDSTON, Jacob 58 [1812] M W Farmer $2,000 $2,500 KY
13 " , Louisa 46 [1824] F W Keeping House AL
14 " , James H 6 [1864] M W TX
15 " , Sallie 4 [1866] F W TX.8

Jacob Gardner Boydstun and Sarah Louisa Wilson appeared in the census of 5 June 1880 at Precinct 6, Dallas Co., Texas, USA;
p. 307A, Lines 10-13, Dwelling 2; Family 2
10 BOYDSTUN, Jacob W M 68 [1812] Farmer KY VA VA
11 " , Louiza W F 54 [1826] Wife Housekeeper TN TN TN
12 " , James W M 16 [1864] Son Single At Home TX KY TN
13 " , Sarah W F 14 [1866] Daughter Single At Home TX KY TN.9

Family 1 | Drusilla Ground b. 11 Jul 1811, d. 5 Feb 1856 |
Children |
Family 2 | Sarah Louisa Wilson b. c 1825, d. 1908 |
Children |
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online http://www.findagrave.com/, Jacob Gardner Boydstun: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSln=boydstun&GSiman=1&GScid=1961808&GRid=9478449&. Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
- [S4479] Gustine Courson Weaver, The Boydstun Family (Cincinnati, OH: Powell & White, 1927), p. 103. Hereinafter cited as Weaver [1927] The Boydstun Family.
- [S606] Mansfield (TX) Historical Society, The History of Mansfield Texas: Mid 1800-1965: A Community Service Project by The Mansfield Historical Society (Mansfield, TX: Mansfield (TX) Historical Society, 1996). Hereinafter cited as MHS [1996] History of Mansfield, Texas.
- [S2354] Ancestry.Com Web Site, online http://search.ancestry.com/, Marriage record of Jacob Boilston seen on Ancestry.com on 21 Sept 2018 at:
Info: https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=FSMarriageKentucky&h=1341307&indiv=try&o_vc=Record:OtherRecord&rhSource=6742
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/61372/TH-1971-28861-921-31?pid=1341307&backurl=http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3DFSMarriageKentucky%26h%3D1341307%26indiv%3Dtry%26o_vc%3DRecord:OtherRecord%26rhSource%3D6742&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true. Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Web Site. - [S571] Morreta Holland Weatherford, letter from Morreta Holland Weatherford to Greg Vaut dtd 25 June 1999 (n.p.: Morreta Holland Weatherford
2309 Ashland
Fort Worth, TX 76107-4261
e-mail address, unknown publish date), from info on tombstones in unknown cemetery (Pleasant Valley, Cedar Hill, Dallas Co., TX?), photocopy. - [S2374] Find a Grave, online http://www.findagrave.com/, Robert Ground Boydstun: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=9478591
- [S574] 1860 Federal Census, 1860 Census TX Dallas Co Cedar Hill, Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Precinct 8, Dallas, Texas; Roll: M653_1292; Page: 384; Image: 246; Family History Library Film: 805292.
Info: http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1860usfedcenancestry&indiv=try&h=35173850
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/7667/4297434_00246?pid=35173850&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1860usfedcenancestry%26indiv%3Dtry%26h%3D35173850&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true - [S86] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census TX Dallas Co Precinct 2, Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Precinct 2, Dallas, Texas; Roll: M593_1581; Page: 316A; Image: 116; Family History Library Film: 553080.
Info: http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1870usfedcen&indiv=try&h=14465725
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/7163/4275551_00116?pid=14465725&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1870usfedcen%26indiv%3Dtry%26h%3D14465725&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true - [S2328] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX Dallas Co Prec 6, Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 6, Dallas, Texas; Roll: 1299; Family History Film: 1255299; Page: 307A; Enumeration District: 067.
Info: http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1880usfedcen&indiv=try&h=10562963
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/6742/4244719-00618?pid=10562963&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1880usfedcen%26indiv%3Dtry%26h%3D10562963&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true - [S2374] Find a Grave, online http://www.findagrave.com/, Henry Boydstun: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=9478584
- [S574] 1860 Federal Census, 1860 Census TX Dallas Co Cedar Hill, Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Precinct 8, Dallas, Texas; Roll: M653_1292; Page: 384; Image: 246; Family History Library Film: 805292.
http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1860usfedcenancestry&h=35173850&ti=0&indiv=try&gss=pt&ssrc=gr_t68721256_p42186594783_ktidz0q3d68721256z0q26pidz0q3d42186594783z0q26hidz0q3d83154212599z0q26dbidz0q3d7667z0q26rpidz0q3d35173850z0q26hfz0q3dAllHintsz0q26pnz0q3d1z0q26hsz0q3dlastz0q26ssrcz0q3dgrz0q26pgz0q3d32880z0q26pgplz0q3dtidz0q257cpidz0q257chidz0q257cdbidz0q257crpidz0q257chfz0q257cpnz0q257chsz0q257cssrcz0q26pgpsz0q3d42186594783_h83154212599 - [S2374] Find a Grave, online http://www.findagrave.com/, Rhoda Elizabeth Boydstun Kelley: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=9478669
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online http://www.findagrave.com/, Julia Ann Boydstun Rape: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=9480313
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online http://www.findagrave.com/, Sarah M. Boydstun: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=9478597
James H. Boydstun1
M, #4091, b. 1864, d. 14 February 1952
Father | Jacob Gardner Boydstun2 b. 24 Jan 1812, d. 25 May 1899 |
Mother | Sarah Louisa Wilson3 b. c 1825, d. 1908 |
Last Edited | 16 Mar 2015 |
James H. Boydstun was born in 1864 at Dallas Co., Texas, USA; Aged 6 in 1870 census.4,1 He married Elizabeth (?) before 1885 at Texas, USA,
; Year of birth of 1st child.5
James H. Boydstun died on 14 February 1952 at Hereford, Deaf Smith Co., Texas, USA.6
James H. Boydstun appeared on the census of 4 July 1870 in the household of Jacob Gardner Boydstun and Sarah Louisa Wilson at Lancaster PO, Precinct 2, Dallas Co., Texas, USA;
p. 316A, Lines 12-15, Dwelling 16; Family 16
12 BOYDSTON, Jacob 58 [1812] M W Farmer $2,000 $2,500 KY
13 " , Louisa 46 [1824] F W Keeping House AL
14 " , James H 6 [1864] M W TX
15 " , Sallie 4 [1866] F W TX.7
James H. Boydstun appeared on the census of 5 June 1880 in the household of Jacob Gardner Boydstun and Sarah Louisa Wilson at Precinct 6, Dallas Co., Texas, USA;
p. 307A, Lines 10-13, Dwelling 2; Family 2
10 BOYDSTUN, Jacob W M 68 [1812] Farmer KY VA VA
11 " , Louiza W F 54 [1826] Wife Housekeeper TN TN TN
12 " , James W M 16 [1864] Son Single At Home TX KY TN
13 " , Sarah W F 14 [1866] Daughter Single At Home TX KY TN.8
James H. Boydstun and Elizabeth (?) appeared in the census of 22 June 1900 at Precinct 6, Dallas Co., Texas, USA; p. 20A, lines 38-43; Dwelling 373, Family 376
38 BOYDSTUN, James H. Head W M June 1863 36 Married 15yrs TX IL IL Farmer
39 " , Elizabeth Wife W F June 1865 34 Married 15yrs 4-children-born 4-children-living TX IL MS
40 " , Sarah L. Daughter W F May 1885 15 Single TX TX TX at school
41 " , James J. Son W M Apr 1889 11 Single TX TX TX at school
42 " , Mitta E. Daughter W F June 1891 8 Single TX TX TX
43 " , Ada M. Daughter W F Mar 1895 5 Single TX TX TX.5
James H. Boydstun and Elizabeth (?) appeared in the census of 4 May 1910 at Justice Precinct 4, Castro Co., Texas, USA; p. 10A, lines 15-19, Dwelling 93; Family 99
15 BOYDSTON, J. H. Head M W 46 [1864] M1x 25yrs TX KY AL Farmer
16 " , Elizabeth Wife F W 44 [1866] M1x 25yrs 5-children-born 5-children-living TX England GA
17 " , James J. Son M W 21 [1889] Single TX TX TX Laborer Home Farms
18 " , Ada May Daughter F W 15 [1895] Single TX TX TX
19 " , Bella H. Daughter F W [1903] Single TX TX TX.9
James H. Boydstun and Elizabeth (?) appeared in the census of 5 April 1930 at Precinct 2, Deaf Smith Co., Texas, USA; p. 4A, lines 17-19, Dwelling 63, Family 68
17 BOYDSTON, J. H. Head M W 66 [1864] Married age24 TX KY GA Rancher chicken ranch
18 " , Elizabeth Wife F W 63 [1867] Married age30 TX US US
19 HUGHS, Willis Granddaughter F W 14 [1916] TX TX TX.10
; Year of birth of 1st child.5
James H. Boydstun died on 14 February 1952 at Hereford, Deaf Smith Co., Texas, USA.6
James H. Boydstun appeared on the census of 4 July 1870 in the household of Jacob Gardner Boydstun and Sarah Louisa Wilson at Lancaster PO, Precinct 2, Dallas Co., Texas, USA;
p. 316A, Lines 12-15, Dwelling 16; Family 16
12 BOYDSTON, Jacob 58 [1812] M W Farmer $2,000 $2,500 KY
13 " , Louisa 46 [1824] F W Keeping House AL
14 " , James H 6 [1864] M W TX
15 " , Sallie 4 [1866] F W TX.7

James H. Boydstun appeared on the census of 5 June 1880 in the household of Jacob Gardner Boydstun and Sarah Louisa Wilson at Precinct 6, Dallas Co., Texas, USA;
p. 307A, Lines 10-13, Dwelling 2; Family 2
10 BOYDSTUN, Jacob W M 68 [1812] Farmer KY VA VA
11 " , Louiza W F 54 [1826] Wife Housekeeper TN TN TN
12 " , James W M 16 [1864] Son Single At Home TX KY TN
13 " , Sarah W F 14 [1866] Daughter Single At Home TX KY TN.8

James H. Boydstun and Elizabeth (?) appeared in the census of 22 June 1900 at Precinct 6, Dallas Co., Texas, USA; p. 20A, lines 38-43; Dwelling 373, Family 376
38 BOYDSTUN, James H. Head W M June 1863 36 Married 15yrs TX IL IL Farmer
39 " , Elizabeth Wife W F June 1865 34 Married 15yrs 4-children-born 4-children-living TX IL MS
40 " , Sarah L. Daughter W F May 1885 15 Single TX TX TX at school
41 " , James J. Son W M Apr 1889 11 Single TX TX TX at school
42 " , Mitta E. Daughter W F June 1891 8 Single TX TX TX
43 " , Ada M. Daughter W F Mar 1895 5 Single TX TX TX.5

James H. Boydstun and Elizabeth (?) appeared in the census of 4 May 1910 at Justice Precinct 4, Castro Co., Texas, USA; p. 10A, lines 15-19, Dwelling 93; Family 99
15 BOYDSTON, J. H. Head M W 46 [1864] M1x 25yrs TX KY AL Farmer
16 " , Elizabeth Wife F W 44 [1866] M1x 25yrs 5-children-born 5-children-living TX England GA
17 " , James J. Son M W 21 [1889] Single TX TX TX Laborer Home Farms
18 " , Ada May Daughter F W 15 [1895] Single TX TX TX
19 " , Bella H. Daughter F W [1903] Single TX TX TX.9

James H. Boydstun and Elizabeth (?) appeared in the census of 5 April 1930 at Precinct 2, Deaf Smith Co., Texas, USA; p. 4A, lines 17-19, Dwelling 63, Family 68
17 BOYDSTON, J. H. Head M W 66 [1864] Married age24 TX KY GA Rancher chicken ranch
18 " , Elizabeth Wife F W 63 [1867] Married age30 TX US US
19 HUGHS, Willis Granddaughter F W 14 [1916] TX TX TX.10

Family | Elizabeth (?) b. c Jan 1865 |
Children |
- [S86] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census TX Dallas Co Precinct 2, Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Precinct 2, Dallas, Texas; Roll: M593_1581; Page: 316A; Image: 116; Family History Library Film: 553080.
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online http://www.findagrave.com/, Jacob Gardner Boydstun: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSln=boydstun&GSiman=1&GScid=1961808&GRid=9478449&. Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
- [S86] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census TX Dallas Co Precinct 2, Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Precinct 2, Dallas, Texas; Roll: M593_1581; Page: 316A; Image: 116; Family History Library Film: 553080.
http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1870usfedcen&indiv=try&h=14465725 - [S606] Mansfield (TX) Historical Society, The History of Mansfield Texas: Mid 1800-1965: A Community Service Project by The Mansfield Historical Society (Mansfield, TX: Mansfield (TX) Historical Society, 1996), "born 1864, no further information". Hereinafter cited as MHS [1996] History of Mansfield, Texas.
- [S2544] 1900 Federal Census, 1900 Census TX Dallas Co Precinct 6, Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 6, Dallas, Texas; Roll: 1626; Page: 20A; Enumeration District: 0142; FHL microfilm: 1241626.
http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1900usfedcen&indiv=try&h=70539319 - [S2338] Ancestry.Com Family Trees, online http://trees.ancestry.com/, James Boydstun: http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/13045403/person/-134786320. Hereinafter cited as Ancestry.Com Family Trees.
- [S86] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census TX Dallas Co Precinct 2, Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Precinct 2, Dallas, Texas; Roll: M593_1581; Page: 316A; Image: 116; Family History Library Film: 553080.
Info: http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1870usfedcen&indiv=try&h=14465725
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/7163/4275551_00116?pid=14465725&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1870usfedcen%26indiv%3Dtry%26h%3D14465725&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true - [S2328] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX Dallas Co Prec 6, Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 6, Dallas, Texas; Roll: 1299; Family History Film: 1255299; Page: 307A; Enumeration District: 067.
Info: http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1880usfedcen&indiv=try&h=10562963
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/6742/4244719-00618?pid=10562963&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1880usfedcen%26indiv%3Dtry%26h%3D10562963&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true - [S3035] 1910 Federal Census, 1910 Census TX, Castro Co., Precinct 4, Source Citation - Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Castro, Texas; Roll: T624_1537; Page: 10A; Enumeration District: 0022; FHL microfilm: 1375550
http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1910USCenIndex&indiv=try&h=27773871 - [S3036] 1930 Federal Census, 1930 Census TX, Deaf Smith Co., Precinct 2, Source Citation - Year: 1930; Census Place: Precinct 2, Deaf Smith, Texas; Roll: 2323; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 0004; Image: 83.0; FHL microfilm: 2342057
Sarah Louisa Boydstun
F, #4092, b. 1 February 1866, d. 9 May 1951
Father | Jacob Gardner Boydstun1 b. 24 Jan 1812, d. 25 May 1899 |
Mother | Sarah Louisa Wilson2 b. c 1825, d. 1908 |
Last Edited | 2 May 2019 |
Sarah Louisa Boydstun was born on 1 February 1866 at Ellis Co., Texas, USA; Aged 4 in 1870 census.3,4,5 She married Allen Thomas Baggett circa 1889 at Texas, USA,
; married 21 years in 1910 census.1,5,6
Sarah Louisa Boydstun died on 9 May 1951 at Cedar Hill, Dallas Co., Texas, USA, at age 85.3,5
Sarah Louisa Boydstun was buried after 9 May 1951 at Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Cedar Hill, Dallas Co., Texas, USA;
from Find A Grave website:
Birth: Feb. 1, 1866, Ellis County, Texas, USA
Death: May 9, 1951, Cedar Hill (Dallas County), Dallas County, Texas, USA
Daughter of Jacob Gardner Boydstun & 2nd wife Sarah Louisa [Wilson] Vaught
Wife of Allen Thomas Baggett about 1887 - Dallas Co., TX
Family Members
Jacob Gardner Boydstun 1812–1899
Sarah Louisa Wilson Boydstun 1824–1908
Allen Thomas Baggett 1861–1943
James Harrison Boydston 1863–1952
Half Siblings
Henry Boydstun 1836–1848
Robert Ground Boydstun 1839–1868
Rhoda Elizabeth Boydstun Kelley 1840–1876
Julia Ann Boydstun Rape 1843–1883
Sarah M. Boydstun 1850–1852
Annabell Baggett Sullivan 1895–1991
Winnie Edna Baggett Witherspoon 1898–1959
John Thomas Baggett 1901–1902
Joseph Boydstun Baggett 1901–1974
Burial: Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Cedar Hill (Dallas County), Dallas County, Texas, USA
Created by: LoRetta Hughes
Record added: Jul 10, 2007
Find A Grave Memorial# 20396676.7
Sarah Louisa Boydstun appeared on the census of 4 July 1870 in the household of Jacob Gardner Boydstun and Sarah Louisa Wilson at Lancaster PO, Precinct 2, Dallas Co., Texas, USA;
p. 316A, Lines 12-15, Dwelling 16; Family 16
12 BOYDSTON, Jacob 58 [1812] M W Farmer $2,000 $2,500 KY
13 " , Louisa 46 [1824] F W Keeping House AL
14 " , James H 6 [1864] M W TX
15 " , Sallie 4 [1866] F W TX.8
Sarah Louisa Boydstun appeared on the census of 5 June 1880 in the household of Jacob Gardner Boydstun and Sarah Louisa Wilson at Precinct 6, Dallas Co., Texas, USA;
p. 307A, Lines 10-13, Dwelling 2; Family 2
10 BOYDSTUN, Jacob W M 68 [1812] Farmer KY VA VA
11 " , Louiza W F 54 [1826] Wife Housekeeper TN TN TN
12 " , James W M 16 [1864] Son Single At Home TX KY TN
13 " , Sarah W F 14 [1866] Daughter Single At Home TX KY TN.9
Sarah Louisa Boydstun and Allen Thomas Baggett appeared in the census of 22 June 1900 at Precinct 6, Dallas Co., Texas, USA;
p. 20A, Lines 44-50, Dwelling 374; Family 377
44 BAGGETT, Allen T Head W M Mar 1861 39 Married 12 years TX FA IL Farmer
45 " , Sarah L. Wife W F Feb 1866 34 Married 12 years 3-children-born 3-children-living TX KY TN
46 " , Mary L Daughter W F July 1890 9 Single TX TX TX
47 " , Anna B Daughter W F Dec 1845 4 Single TX TX TX
48 " , Minnie E. Daughter W F Dec 1898 1 Single TX TX TX
49 BOYDSTUN, Louiza Mother-in-Law Oct 1825 74 Widow TN -- --
40 JONES, Bert E Servant W M Jan 1875 25 Single TX -- -- Farm Labourer.10
Sarah Louisa Boydstun and Allen Thomas Baggett appeared in the census of 25 April 1910 at Justice Precinct 6, Dallas Co., Texas, USA;
p. 7B, Lines 68-74, Dwelling 134; Family 132
68 BAGGETT, Allen T. Head M W 49 [1861] Married 1s 21yrs TX GA IL Farmer
69 " , Sarah L. Wife F W 44 [1866] Married 1x 21yrs 6-children-born 5-children-living TX KY TN
70 " , Mary L. Daughter F W 19 [1891] Single TX TX TX
71 " , Annabell Daughter F W 14 [1896] Single TX TX TX
72 " , Willie E. Daughter F W 11 [1899] Single TX TX TX
73 " , Joe B. Son M W 8 [1902] Single TX TX TX
74 " , A. T. Sone M W 4 [1906] Single TX TX TX.11
Sarah Louisa Boydstun and Allen Thomas Baggett appeared in the census of 12 January 1920 at Precinct 6, Midlothian City, Ellis Co., Texas, USA;
p. 11A, Lines 5-10, Dwelling 241; Family 255
5 BAGGETT, Allen T. Head M WM 58 [1862] Married 1x TX GA ILFarming own farm
6 " , Sara Wife F W 53 [1867] Married 1x TX KY TN
7 " , Anabelle Daughter F W 23 [1897] Single TX TX TX
8 " , Winnie Daughter F W 21 [1899] Single TX TX TX Teacher Public School
9 " , Joe Son M W 18 [1902] Single TX TX TX
10 " , Allen T. Jr. Son M W 14 [1906] Single TX TX TX.12
Sarah Louisa Boydstun and Allen Thomas Baggett appeared in the census of 7 April 1930 at Midlothian City, Ellis Co., Texas, USA;
p. 6A, Lines 20-22, Dwelling 125; Family 139
20 BAGGETT, A. Tom Head M W 68 [1861] Married 28yrs old TX GA IL Farmer General Farm
21 " , Sarah L. Wife F W 64 [1866] Married 22 Yrs old TX KY TN
22 " , A. T. Jr. Son M W 24 [1906] single TX TX TX Musician Orchestra.13
Sarah Louisa Boydstun and Allen Thomas Baggett appeared in the census of 8 April 1940 at Midlothian City, Ellis Co., Texas, USA;
pp. 4B-5A, Lines 76-80, 1, Dwelling 107
76 BAGGETT, Allen T. Head M W 79 [1861] Married TX Farmer Farm
77 " , Sarah Wife F W 74 [1866] Married TX
78 " , Joe Son M W 38 [1902] TX Laborer Farm
79 " , Ruth Daughter-in-law F W 34 [1906] Married TX
80 " , Mary Jo Grand Daughter F W 12 [1928] Single TX
1 " , Doris Lynn Grand Daughter F W 8 [1932] Single TX.14

; married 21 years in 1910 census.1,5,6
Sarah Louisa Boydstun died on 9 May 1951 at Cedar Hill, Dallas Co., Texas, USA, at age 85.3,5
Sarah Louisa Boydstun was buried after 9 May 1951 at Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Cedar Hill, Dallas Co., Texas, USA;
from Find A Grave website:
Birth: Feb. 1, 1866, Ellis County, Texas, USA
Death: May 9, 1951, Cedar Hill (Dallas County), Dallas County, Texas, USA
Daughter of Jacob Gardner Boydstun & 2nd wife Sarah Louisa [Wilson] Vaught
Wife of Allen Thomas Baggett about 1887 - Dallas Co., TX
Family Members
Jacob Gardner Boydstun 1812–1899
Sarah Louisa Wilson Boydstun 1824–1908
Allen Thomas Baggett 1861–1943
James Harrison Boydston 1863–1952
Half Siblings
Henry Boydstun 1836–1848
Robert Ground Boydstun 1839–1868
Rhoda Elizabeth Boydstun Kelley 1840–1876
Julia Ann Boydstun Rape 1843–1883
Sarah M. Boydstun 1850–1852
Annabell Baggett Sullivan 1895–1991
Winnie Edna Baggett Witherspoon 1898–1959
John Thomas Baggett 1901–1902
Joseph Boydstun Baggett 1901–1974
Burial: Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Cedar Hill (Dallas County), Dallas County, Texas, USA
Created by: LoRetta Hughes
Record added: Jul 10, 2007
Find A Grave Memorial# 20396676.7

Sarah Louisa Boydstun appeared on the census of 4 July 1870 in the household of Jacob Gardner Boydstun and Sarah Louisa Wilson at Lancaster PO, Precinct 2, Dallas Co., Texas, USA;
p. 316A, Lines 12-15, Dwelling 16; Family 16
12 BOYDSTON, Jacob 58 [1812] M W Farmer $2,000 $2,500 KY
13 " , Louisa 46 [1824] F W Keeping House AL
14 " , James H 6 [1864] M W TX
15 " , Sallie 4 [1866] F W TX.8

Sarah Louisa Boydstun appeared on the census of 5 June 1880 in the household of Jacob Gardner Boydstun and Sarah Louisa Wilson at Precinct 6, Dallas Co., Texas, USA;
p. 307A, Lines 10-13, Dwelling 2; Family 2
10 BOYDSTUN, Jacob W M 68 [1812] Farmer KY VA VA
11 " , Louiza W F 54 [1826] Wife Housekeeper TN TN TN
12 " , James W M 16 [1864] Son Single At Home TX KY TN
13 " , Sarah W F 14 [1866] Daughter Single At Home TX KY TN.9

Sarah Louisa Boydstun and Allen Thomas Baggett appeared in the census of 22 June 1900 at Precinct 6, Dallas Co., Texas, USA;
p. 20A, Lines 44-50, Dwelling 374; Family 377
44 BAGGETT, Allen T Head W M Mar 1861 39 Married 12 years TX FA IL Farmer
45 " , Sarah L. Wife W F Feb 1866 34 Married 12 years 3-children-born 3-children-living TX KY TN
46 " , Mary L Daughter W F July 1890 9 Single TX TX TX
47 " , Anna B Daughter W F Dec 1845 4 Single TX TX TX
48 " , Minnie E. Daughter W F Dec 1898 1 Single TX TX TX
49 BOYDSTUN, Louiza Mother-in-Law Oct 1825 74 Widow TN -- --
40 JONES, Bert E Servant W M Jan 1875 25 Single TX -- -- Farm Labourer.10

Sarah Louisa Boydstun and Allen Thomas Baggett appeared in the census of 25 April 1910 at Justice Precinct 6, Dallas Co., Texas, USA;
p. 7B, Lines 68-74, Dwelling 134; Family 132
68 BAGGETT, Allen T. Head M W 49 [1861] Married 1s 21yrs TX GA IL Farmer
69 " , Sarah L. Wife F W 44 [1866] Married 1x 21yrs 6-children-born 5-children-living TX KY TN
70 " , Mary L. Daughter F W 19 [1891] Single TX TX TX
71 " , Annabell Daughter F W 14 [1896] Single TX TX TX
72 " , Willie E. Daughter F W 11 [1899] Single TX TX TX
73 " , Joe B. Son M W 8 [1902] Single TX TX TX
74 " , A. T. Sone M W 4 [1906] Single TX TX TX.11

Sarah Louisa Boydstun and Allen Thomas Baggett appeared in the census of 12 January 1920 at Precinct 6, Midlothian City, Ellis Co., Texas, USA;
p. 11A, Lines 5-10, Dwelling 241; Family 255
5 BAGGETT, Allen T. Head M WM 58 [1862] Married 1x TX GA ILFarming own farm
6 " , Sara Wife F W 53 [1867] Married 1x TX KY TN
7 " , Anabelle Daughter F W 23 [1897] Single TX TX TX
8 " , Winnie Daughter F W 21 [1899] Single TX TX TX Teacher Public School
9 " , Joe Son M W 18 [1902] Single TX TX TX
10 " , Allen T. Jr. Son M W 14 [1906] Single TX TX TX.12

Sarah Louisa Boydstun and Allen Thomas Baggett appeared in the census of 7 April 1930 at Midlothian City, Ellis Co., Texas, USA;
p. 6A, Lines 20-22, Dwelling 125; Family 139
20 BAGGETT, A. Tom Head M W 68 [1861] Married 28yrs old TX GA IL Farmer General Farm
21 " , Sarah L. Wife F W 64 [1866] Married 22 Yrs old TX KY TN
22 " , A. T. Jr. Son M W 24 [1906] single TX TX TX Musician Orchestra.13

Sarah Louisa Boydstun and Allen Thomas Baggett appeared in the census of 8 April 1940 at Midlothian City, Ellis Co., Texas, USA;
pp. 4B-5A, Lines 76-80, 1, Dwelling 107
76 BAGGETT, Allen T. Head M W 79 [1861] Married TX Farmer Farm
77 " , Sarah Wife F W 74 [1866] Married TX
78 " , Joe Son M W 38 [1902] TX Laborer Farm
79 " , Ruth Daughter-in-law F W 34 [1906] Married TX
80 " , Mary Jo Grand Daughter F W 12 [1928] Single TX
1 " , Doris Lynn Grand Daughter F W 8 [1932] Single TX.14

Family | Allen Thomas Baggett b. 19 Mar 1861, d. 20 Jul 1943 |
Children |
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online http://www.findagrave.com/, Jacob Gardner Boydstun: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSln=boydstun&GSiman=1&GScid=1961808&GRid=9478449&. Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
- [S86] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census TX Dallas Co Precinct 2, Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Precinct 2, Dallas, Texas; Roll: M593_1581; Page: 316A; Image: 116; Family History Library Film: 553080.
http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1870usfedcen&indiv=try&h=14465725 - [S606] Mansfield (TX) Historical Society, The History of Mansfield Texas: Mid 1800-1965: A Community Service Project by The Mansfield Historical Society (Mansfield, TX: Mansfield (TX) Historical Society, 1996). Hereinafter cited as MHS [1996] History of Mansfield, Texas.
- [S86] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census TX Dallas Co Precinct 2, Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Precinct 2, Dallas, Texas; Roll: M593_1581; Page: 316A; Image: 116; Family History Library Film: 553080.
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online http://www.findagrave.com/, Sarah Louisa "Lou" Boydstun Baggett: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSln=boydstun&GSiman=1&GScid=1961808&GRid=20396676&
- [S2773] 1910 Federal Census, 1910 Census TX Dallas Co Prec 6, Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 6, Dallas, Texas; Roll: T624_1545; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 0100; FHL microfilm: 1375558.
http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1910USCenIndex&indiv=try&h=27912527 - [S2374] Find a Grave, online http://www.findagrave.com/, Find A Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com : accessed 02 May 2019), memorial page for Sarah Louisa “Lou” Boydstun Baggett (1 Feb 1866–9 May 1951), Find A Grave Memorial no. 20396676, citing Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Cedar Hill, Dallas County, Texas, USA ; Maintained by LoRetta Hughes (contributor 46865226), at: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/20396676?search=true
- [S86] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census TX Dallas Co Precinct 2, Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Precinct 2, Dallas, Texas; Roll: M593_1581; Page: 316A; Image: 116; Family History Library Film: 553080.
Info: http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1870usfedcen&indiv=try&h=14465725
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/7163/4275551_00116?pid=14465725&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1870usfedcen%26indiv%3Dtry%26h%3D14465725&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true - [S2328] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TX Dallas Co Prec 6, Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 6, Dallas, Texas; Roll: 1299; Family History Film: 1255299; Page: 307A; Enumeration District: 067.
Info: http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1880usfedcen&indiv=try&h=10562963
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/6742/4244719-00618?pid=10562963&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1880usfedcen%26indiv%3Dtry%26h%3D10562963&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true - [S2544] 1900 Federal Census, 1900 Census TX Dallas Co Precinct 6, Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 6, Dallas, Texas; Roll: 1626; Page: 20A; Enumeration District: 0142; FHL microfilm: 1241626.
Info: http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1900usfedcen&indiv=try&h=70539325
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/7602/4118455_00449?pid=70539319&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1900usfedcen%26indiv%3Dtry%26h%3D70539319&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true - [S2773] 1910 Federal Census, 1910 Census TX Dallas Co Prec 6, Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 6, Dallas, Texas; Roll: T624_1545; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 0100; FHL microfilm: 1375558.
Info: http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1910USCenIndex&indiv=try&h=27912527
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/7884/4449281_00573?pid=27912527&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1910USCenIndex%26indiv%3Dtry%26h%3D27912527&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true - [S2774] 1920 Federal Census, 1920 Census TX, Ellis Co., Midlothian City, Source Citation: Year: 1920; Census Place: Midlothian, Ellis, Texas; Roll: T625_1800; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 143; Image: 394.
Info: http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1920usfedcen&indiv=try&h=80381997
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/6061/4389738_00394?pid=80381997&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1920usfedcen%26indiv%3Dtry%26h%3D80381997&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true - [S2775] 1930 Federal Census, 1930 Census TX Ellis Co Midlothian, Source Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: Midlothian, Ellis, Texas; Roll: 2327; Page: 6A; Enumeration District: 0037; Image: 419.0; FHL microfilm: 2342061.
Info: http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1930usfedcen&indiv=try&h=64099562
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/6224/4547950_00423?pid=64099562&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1930usfedcen%26indiv%3Dtry%26h%3D64099562&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true - [S2776] 1940 Federal Census, 1940 Census TX, Ellis Co., Midlothian City, Source Citation: Year: 1940; Census Place: Midlothian, Ellis, Texas; Roll: T627_4027; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 70-39.
Info: http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1940usfedcen&indiv=try&h=154919679
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/2442/m-t0627-04027-00424?pid=154919679&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1940usfedcen%26indiv%3Dtry%26h%3D154919679&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true - [S2544] 1900 Federal Census, 1900 Census TX Dallas Co Precinct 6, Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 6, Dallas, Texas; Roll: 1626; Page: 20A; Enumeration District: 0142; FHL microfilm: 1241626.
http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1900usfedcen&h=70539330&ti=0&indiv=try&gss=pt&ssrc=gr_t68721256_p42186593055_ktidz0q3d68721256z0q26pidz0q3d42186593055z0q26hidz0q3d82767512127z0q26dbidz0q3d7602z0q26rpidz0q3d70539330z0q26hfz0q3dAllHintsz0q26pnz0q3d1z0q26hsz0q3drecentz0q26ssrcz0q3dgrz0q26pgz0q3d32880z0q26pgplz0q3dtidz0q257cpidz0q257chidz0q257cdbidz0q257crpidz0q257chfz0q257cpnz0q257chsz0q257cssrcz0q26pgpsz0q3d42186593055_h82767512127 - [S2374] Find a Grave, online http://www.findagrave.com/, Winniw Edna Baggett Sullivan Witherspoon: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSln=Witherspoon&GScid=1961808&GRid=20661997&
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online http://www.findagrave.com/, John Thomas "Johnnie" Baggett: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=20582435
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online http://www.findagrave.com/, Joseph Boydstun "Joe" Baggett: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=20582188
Thomas Page
M, #4094, b. circa 1661
Father | Col. John Page b. 1627, d. 23 Jan 1691/92 |
Mother | Alice Luckin b. c 1625, d. 22 Jun 1698 |
Last Edited | 29 May 2001 |
- [S577] Unknown author, World Family Tree Vol. 10, Ed. 1, Family # 4092
Fred H. Hirsch
11 Mountain Meadow Road
Laramie, WY 82070 (n.p.: published by: Family Tree Maker, Broderbund Software, Inc., Release date: May 6, 1997, unknown publish date), lists Thomas as a son of John Page and Alice Luckin.
Margaret La Zouche1
F, #4096, d. 1430
Last Edited | 21 Aug 2019 |
Margaret La Zouche married Sir Sir Rhys Ieuanc 'the younger' ap Rhys Gruffudd ap Hywel, son of Sir Rhys Hên ap Gruffudd ap Hywel 'the elder' ap Gruffudd and Joan de Somerville, before 1377
; his 2nd wife.1,2 Margaret La Zouche married Sir William Walsall after 6 November 1385
; her 2nd husband.1
Margaret La Zouche died in 1430.1
; per Richardson: "He married (2nd) before 1377 MARGARET LA ZOUCHE, died 1430, daughter of _____ la Zouche. His widow, Margaret, married (2nd) after 6 November 1385 William Walsall (died 1414), of Rushall, Staffordshire, Knight of the Shire for Staffordshire, Escheator of Shropshire, Staffordshire, and the Welsh Marsh, Sheriff of Shropshire and Staffordshire, 1377, Sheriff of Staffordshire, 1381-1383, 1389-1390, 1396-1399, 1406-1407, Constable of Stafford, Carmarthen and Dynevor castles, Marshal of the Hall to King Richard II, 1395-1399."1
; his 2nd wife.1,2 Margaret La Zouche married Sir William Walsall after 6 November 1385
; her 2nd husband.1
Margaret La Zouche died in 1430.1
; per Richardson: "He married (2nd) before 1377 MARGARET LA ZOUCHE, died 1430, daughter of _____ la Zouche. His widow, Margaret, married (2nd) after 6 November 1385 William Walsall (died 1414), of Rushall, Staffordshire, Knight of the Shire for Staffordshire, Escheator of Shropshire, Staffordshire, and the Welsh Marsh, Sheriff of Shropshire and Staffordshire, 1377, Sheriff of Staffordshire, 1381-1383, 1389-1390, 1396-1399, 1406-1407, Constable of Stafford, Carmarthen and Dynevor castles, Marshal of the Hall to King Richard II, 1395-1399."1
Family 1 | Sir Sir Rhys Ieuanc 'the younger' ap Rhys Gruffudd ap Hywel b. c 25 Dec 1325, d. 27 May 1380 |
Child |
Family 2 | Sir William Walsall |
- [S2003] Douglas Richardson, "Richardson email #2 10 Nov 2005: "The Merlay-Somerville-Griffith descent"," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to e-mail address, 10 Nov 2005. Hereinafter cited as "Richardson email #2 10 Nov 2005."
- [S1490] Genealogics Website (oiginated by Leo van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes), online http://www.genealogics.org/index.php, Sir Rhys Ieuanc ap Rhys Gruffudd 'the younger' ap Hywel: https://www.genealogics.org/getperson.php?personID=I00433076&tree=LEO. Hereinafter cited as Genealogics Website.
Francis Page
M, #4097, b. circa 1619
Father | Francis Page of Bedfont, Middlesex1 b. c 1594, d. 13 Oct 1678 |
Mother | Isabel Wyatt b. c 1595 |
Last Edited | 10 Sep 2018 |
Francis Page was born circa 1619.2
- [S3755] LLB and Nelson Osgood Rhoades George Norbury Mackenzie, compiler, Colonial Families of the United States of America: in Which is Given the History, Genealogy and Armorial Bearings of Colonial Families Who Settled in the American Colonies From the Time of the Settlement of Jamestown, 13th May, 1607, to the Battle of Lexington, 19th April, 177 (7 volumes) (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Original 1912, Reprint 1966, 1995), p. 365. Hereinafter cited as MacKenzie [1912] Colonial Families of the USA.
- [S577] Unknown author, World Family Tree Vol. 10, Ed. 1, Family # 4092
Fred H. Hirsch
11 Mountain Meadow Road
Laramie, WY 82070 (n.p.: published by: Family Tree Maker, Broderbund Software, Inc., Release date: May 6, 1997, unknown publish date), source of date of birth.
Matthew Page
M, #4098, b. circa 1621
Father | Francis Page of Bedfont, Middlesex1 b. c 1594, d. 13 Oct 1678 |
Mother | Isabel Wyatt b. c 1595 |
Last Edited | 21 Feb 2019 |
Matthew Page was born circa 1621.2 He married Elizabeth (?)
; Her 2nd husband.3
Matthew Page and Elizabeth (?) were mentioned in a land transaction on 19 March 1662
Per Davis [1998:56]: "...in a land patent of Matthew Pagge [sic] on March 19, 1662, the patent idendtified his wife at that time as Elizabeth Crimp, the widow of John Crump.3
; Her 2nd husband.3
Matthew Page and Elizabeth (?) were mentioned in a land transaction on 19 March 1662
Per Davis [1998:56]: "...in a land patent of Matthew Pagge [sic] on March 19, 1662, the patent idendtified his wife at that time as Elizabeth Crimp, the widow of John Crump.3
Family | Elizabeth (?) |
- [S3755] LLB and Nelson Osgood Rhoades George Norbury Mackenzie, compiler, Colonial Families of the United States of America: in Which is Given the History, Genealogy and Armorial Bearings of Colonial Families Who Settled in the American Colonies From the Time of the Settlement of Jamestown, 13th May, 1607, to the Battle of Lexington, 19th April, 177 (7 volumes) (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Original 1912, Reprint 1966, 1995), p. 365. Hereinafter cited as MacKenzie [1912] Colonial Families of the USA.
- [S577] Unknown author, World Family Tree Vol. 10, Ed. 1, Family # 4092
Fred H. Hirsch
11 Mountain Meadow Road
Laramie, WY 82070 (n.p.: published by: Family Tree Maker, Broderbund Software, Inc., Release date: May 6, 1997, unknown publish date), source of date of birth. - [S4451] Virginia Lee Hutcheson Davis, Tidewater Virginia Families: Generations Beyond (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1998), p. 56. Hereinafter cited as Davis [1998] Tidewater VA Fam: Generations Beyond.
Robert Page
M, #4099, b. circa 1623
Father | Francis Page of Bedfont, Middlesex1 b. c 1594, d. 13 Oct 1678 |
Mother | Isabel Wyatt b. c 1595 |
Last Edited | 10 Sep 2018 |
Robert Page was born circa 1623.2
- [S3755] LLB and Nelson Osgood Rhoades George Norbury Mackenzie, compiler, Colonial Families of the United States of America: in Which is Given the History, Genealogy and Armorial Bearings of Colonial Families Who Settled in the American Colonies From the Time of the Settlement of Jamestown, 13th May, 1607, to the Battle of Lexington, 19th April, 177 (7 volumes) (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Original 1912, Reprint 1966, 1995), p. 365. Hereinafter cited as MacKenzie [1912] Colonial Families of the USA.
- [S577] Unknown author, World Family Tree Vol. 10, Ed. 1, Family # 4092
Fred H. Hirsch
11 Mountain Meadow Road
Laramie, WY 82070 (n.p.: published by: Family Tree Maker, Broderbund Software, Inc., Release date: May 6, 1997, unknown publish date), source of date of birth.
Gibbs Page
M, #4100, b. circa 1625
Father | Francis Page of Bedfont, Middlesex b. c 1594, d. 13 Oct 1678 |
Mother | Isabel Wyatt b. c 1595 |
Last Edited | 29 May 2001 |
Gibbs Page was born circa 1625.1
- [S577] Unknown author, World Family Tree Vol. 10, Ed. 1, Family # 4092
Fred H. Hirsch
11 Mountain Meadow Road
Laramie, WY 82070 (n.p.: published by: Family Tree Maker, Broderbund Software, Inc., Release date: May 6, 1997, unknown publish date), source of date of birth.
Ince Page
F, #4101, b. circa 1627
Father | Francis Page of Bedfont, Middlesex b. c 1594, d. 13 Oct 1678 |
Mother | Isabel Wyatt b. c 1595 |
Last Edited | 29 May 2001 |
Ince Page was born circa 1627.1
- [S577] Unknown author, World Family Tree Vol. 10, Ed. 1, Family # 4092
Fred H. Hirsch
11 Mountain Meadow Road
Laramie, WY 82070 (n.p.: published by: Family Tree Maker, Broderbund Software, Inc., Release date: May 6, 1997, unknown publish date), source of date of birth.
Lytle R. Hudson Jr.1,2
M, #4102, b. between 1863 and 1864
Father | Lytle Royston Hudson Sr.1 b. 1839, d. a 5 Jun 1880 |
Mother | Catherine "Kate" Champion1 b. 1844, d. 22 Sep 1887 |
Last Edited | 11 Sep 2018 |
Lytle R. Hudson Jr. was born between 1863 and 1864 at Davidson Co., Tennessee, USA; Aged 7 in 1870 census; 18 in 1880 census.1,2
Lytle R. Hudson Jr. was listed as a resident in Lytle Royston Hudson Sr. and Catherine "Kate" Champion's household in the census report on 11 August 1870 at District 21, Davidson Co., Tennessee, USA; p. 120-A, lines 12-21, dwelling 74, family 72
12 HUDSON, Lytle R. 30 [1840] M W Farmer $4000 KY
13 " , Kate 25 [1845] F W Keeping house TN
14 " , Henry 8 [1862[ M W At home TN
15 " , Lytle 7 [1863] M W At home TN
16 " , Jessie 5 [1865] M W At Home TN
17 " , Morgan 3 [1867] M W At Home TN
18 CHAMPION, Catherine 45 [1825] F W At Home KY
19 SANDERS, Mary 20 [1850] F Black Domestic Servant TN Cannot read Cannot write
20 JOMEAN, Wm 28 [1842] M Black Farm Laborer TN Cannot read Cannot write
21 WILKINSON, Gran 19 [1851] M Black Farm Laborer TN Cannot read Cannot write.1

Lytle R. Hudson Jr. was listed as a resident in Lytle Royston Hudson Sr. and Catherine "Kate" Champion's household in the census report on 11 August 1870 at District 21, Davidson Co., Tennessee, USA; p. 120-A, lines 12-21, dwelling 74, family 72
12 HUDSON, Lytle R. 30 [1840] M W Farmer $4000 KY
13 " , Kate 25 [1845] F W Keeping house TN
14 " , Henry 8 [1862[ M W At home TN
15 " , Lytle 7 [1863] M W At home TN
16 " , Jessie 5 [1865] M W At Home TN
17 " , Morgan 3 [1867] M W At Home TN
18 CHAMPION, Catherine 45 [1825] F W At Home KY
19 SANDERS, Mary 20 [1850] F Black Domestic Servant TN Cannot read Cannot write
20 JOMEAN, Wm 28 [1842] M Black Farm Laborer TN Cannot read Cannot write
21 WILKINSON, Gran 19 [1851] M Black Farm Laborer TN Cannot read Cannot write.1

- [S4305] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census TN Davidson Co District 21, Year: 1870; Census Place: District 21, Davidson, Tennessee; Roll: M593_1522; Page: 120A; Family History Library Film: 553021
Info: https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1870usfedcen&indiv=try&h=7131976
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/7163/4276591_00244?pid=7131976&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1870usfedcen%26h%3D7131976%26indiv%3Dtry%26o_vc%3DRecord:OtherRecord%26rhSource%3D1169&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true - [S4307] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TN Davidson Co Nashville, Year: 1880; Census Place: Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee; Roll: 1250; Page: 346C; Enumeration District: 053
Info: https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1880usfedcen&indiv=try&h=9437507
Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/6742/4244540-00387?pid=9437507&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1880usfedcen%26indiv%3Dtry%26h%3D9437507&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true
Lt. Col. Richard Page
M, #4103, b. circa 1567, d. between 1638 and 1642
Father | John Page b. bt 1528 - 1536, d. 1623 |
Mother | Audrey Redding b. c 1535, d. 1600 |
Last Edited | 29 May 2001 |
Lt. Col. Richard Page was born on 1 January 1564/65 at Boxted, co. Essex, England; source for place and date of birth: WFT 13-2826. He was born circa 1567 at Wembley, co. Middlesex, England.1 He married Frances Mudge, daughter of Robert Mudge, on 30 September 1583 at Dedham, co. Essex, England,
; source for place and date of marriage: WFT 13-2826.
Lt. Col. Richard Page died on 13 November 1605 at Boxted, co. Essex, England; source for place and date of death: WFT 13-2826.
Lt. Col. Richard Page died between 1638 and 1642 at Harrow, co. Middlesex, England.2
; per WFT 18-1590
CNP: had ten children
LDS: Lived at "Uxcudon"--some of additional children: Robert; Rev. William who was b. 1590 and d. 1663, both at Harrow; Francis; Henry; Barbara, who m. Clement Sondamore; Jean, who m. William Savage; and Audrey, who m. Robert Hodder
LDS: Robert was b. 1587, m. Elizabeth Cart (?); Francis was b. 1593, d. 13 Oct 1678, m; Henry was b. 1594; Barbara was b. 1597; Jean was b. 1599; and Audrey was b. 1601. All born in Harrow, Middlesex, England.
LDS: Francis b. 1594 Belfont, Middlesex Co., England, m. about 1626, d. 13 OCT 1678... wife b. 1596, Harrow, Middlesex Co., England. Their children: Col. John Page (The Councilor), b. 1627, Harrow, m. Alice Locken, d. 23 JAN 1692; Elizabeth, b. 1629, d. 1691, m. Edward Diggs; Matthew, b. 1631, d. 1673; Francis, b. ca. 1633; Robert, b. ca. 1635;
Gibbs, b. ca. 1639; Pace, b. ca. 1639. Col. John Page buried at Williamsburg, VA (Benton Churchyard)... his wife b. 1620, New Kent, VA, d. 23 JAN 1693, buried York Co., VA. Her father Edward Locken, b. 6 SEP 1601. Her children: Mary, b. 1648, New
Kent, VA, d. 1693, m. 1659 to Walter Chiles; Matthew, b. 1659, Reservedale, VA; Francis, b. 1659, m. Mary Diggs; Thomas, b. 1661, m(1) Suzanne, m(2) Elizabeth; and Elizabeth, b. ca. 1653.
; source for place and date of marriage: WFT 13-2826.
Lt. Col. Richard Page died on 13 November 1605 at Boxted, co. Essex, England; source for place and date of death: WFT 13-2826.
Lt. Col. Richard Page died between 1638 and 1642 at Harrow, co. Middlesex, England.2
; per WFT 18-1590
CNP: had ten children
LDS: Lived at "Uxcudon"--some of additional children: Robert; Rev. William who was b. 1590 and d. 1663, both at Harrow; Francis; Henry; Barbara, who m. Clement Sondamore; Jean, who m. William Savage; and Audrey, who m. Robert Hodder
LDS: Robert was b. 1587, m. Elizabeth Cart (?); Francis was b. 1593, d. 13 Oct 1678, m; Henry was b. 1594; Barbara was b. 1597; Jean was b. 1599; and Audrey was b. 1601. All born in Harrow, Middlesex, England.
LDS: Francis b. 1594 Belfont, Middlesex Co., England, m. about 1626, d. 13 OCT 1678... wife b. 1596, Harrow, Middlesex Co., England. Their children: Col. John Page (The Councilor), b. 1627, Harrow, m. Alice Locken, d. 23 JAN 1692; Elizabeth, b. 1629, d. 1691, m. Edward Diggs; Matthew, b. 1631, d. 1673; Francis, b. ca. 1633; Robert, b. ca. 1635;
Gibbs, b. ca. 1639; Pace, b. ca. 1639. Col. John Page buried at Williamsburg, VA (Benton Churchyard)... his wife b. 1620, New Kent, VA, d. 23 JAN 1693, buried York Co., VA. Her father Edward Locken, b. 6 SEP 1601. Her children: Mary, b. 1648, New
Kent, VA, d. 1693, m. 1659 to Walter Chiles; Matthew, b. 1659, Reservedale, VA; Francis, b. 1659, m. Mary Diggs; Thomas, b. 1661, m(1) Suzanne, m(2) Elizabeth; and Elizabeth, b. ca. 1653.
Family | Frances Mudge b. 15 May 1569, d. 1641 |
Children |
- [S577] Unknown author, World Family Tree Vol. 10, Ed. 1, Family # 4092
Fred H. Hirsch
11 Mountain Meadow Road
Laramie, WY 82070 (n.p.: published by: Family Tree Maker, Broderbund Software, Inc., Release date: May 6, 1997, unknown publish date), source of date and place of death. - [S577] Unknown author, World Family Tree Vol. 10, Ed. 1, Family # 4092
Fred H. Hirsch
11 Mountain Meadow Road
Laramie, WY 82070, source of date and place of birth.
Frances Mudge
F, #4104, b. 15 May 1569, d. 1641
Father | Robert Mudge b. 1531 |
Last Edited | 29 May 2001 |
Frances Mudge was born on 15 May 1569 at London, City of London, Greater London, England.1 She married Lt. Col. Richard Page, son of John Page and Audrey Redding, on 30 September 1583 at Dedham, co. Essex, England,
; source for place and date of marriage: WFT 13-2826.
Frances Mudge died in 1641.2
; source for place and date of marriage: WFT 13-2826.
Frances Mudge died in 1641.2
Family | Lt. Col. Richard Page b. c 1567, d. bt 1638 - 1642 |
Children |
- [S577] Unknown author, World Family Tree Vol. 10, Ed. 1, Family # 4092
Fred H. Hirsch
11 Mountain Meadow Road
Laramie, WY 82070 (n.p.: published by: Family Tree Maker, Broderbund Software, Inc., Release date: May 6, 1997, unknown publish date), source of date and place of birth. - [S623] Inc. Brøderbund Software, World Family Tree CD #18 Family #1806., CD-ROM (n.p.: Brøderbund Software, Inc.). Hereinafter cited as WFT 18-1806.
Richard Page
M, #4105, b. circa 1589
Father | Lt. Col. Richard Page b. c 1567, d. bt 1638 - 1642 |
Mother | Frances Mudge b. 15 May 1569, d. 1641 |
Last Edited | 29 May 2001 |
Richard Page was born circa 1589.1
- [S577] Unknown author, World Family Tree Vol. 10, Ed. 1, Family # 4092
Fred H. Hirsch
11 Mountain Meadow Road
Laramie, WY 82070 (n.p.: published by: Family Tree Maker, Broderbund Software, Inc., Release date: May 6, 1997, unknown publish date), source of date of birth.
William Page
M, #4106, b. 1590, d. 1663
Father | Lt. Col. Richard Page b. c 1567, d. bt 1638 - 1642 |
Mother | Frances Mudge b. 15 May 1569, d. 1641 |
Last Edited | 29 May 2001 |
- [S577] Unknown author, World Family Tree Vol. 10, Ed. 1, Family # 4092
Fred H. Hirsch
11 Mountain Meadow Road
Laramie, WY 82070 (n.p.: published by: Family Tree Maker, Broderbund Software, Inc., Release date: May 6, 1997, unknown publish date), source of date of birth. - [S577] Unknown author, World Family Tree Vol. 10, Ed. 1, Family # 4092
Fred H. Hirsch
11 Mountain Meadow Road
Laramie, WY 82070, source of date of death.
Robert Page
M, #4107, b. circa 1591
Father | Lt. Col. Richard Page b. c 1567, d. bt 1638 - 1642 |
Mother | Frances Mudge b. 15 May 1569, d. 1641 |
Last Edited | 29 May 2001 |
Robert Page was born circa 1591.1
; per WFT 10-4092: "Moved to Dedham, Essex County, England; and later to America.
; per WFT 10-4092: "Moved to Dedham, Essex County, England; and later to America.
- [S577] Unknown author, World Family Tree Vol. 10, Ed. 1, Family # 4092
Fred H. Hirsch
11 Mountain Meadow Road
Laramie, WY 82070 (n.p.: published by: Family Tree Maker, Broderbund Software, Inc., Release date: May 6, 1997, unknown publish date), source of date of birth.
Henry Page
M, #4108, b. circa 1592
Father | Lt. Col. Richard Page b. c 1567, d. bt 1638 - 1642 |
Mother | Frances Mudge b. 15 May 1569, d. 1641 |
Last Edited | 29 May 2001 |
Henry Page was born circa 1592.1
- [S577] Unknown author, World Family Tree Vol. 10, Ed. 1, Family # 4092
Fred H. Hirsch
11 Mountain Meadow Road
Laramie, WY 82070 (n.p.: published by: Family Tree Maker, Broderbund Software, Inc., Release date: May 6, 1997, unknown publish date), source of date of birth.
Thomas Page
M, #4109, b. circa 1595
Father | Lt. Col. Richard Page b. c 1567, d. bt 1638 - 1642 |
Mother | Frances Mudge b. 15 May 1569, d. 1641 |
Last Edited | 29 May 2001 |
Thomas Page was born circa 1595 at Uxenden, co. Middlesex, England.1
- [S577] Unknown author, World Family Tree Vol. 10, Ed. 1, Family # 4092
Fred H. Hirsch
11 Mountain Meadow Road
Laramie, WY 82070 (n.p.: published by: Family Tree Maker, Broderbund Software, Inc., Release date: May 6, 1997, unknown publish date), source of date and place of birth.
Barbara Page
F, #4110, b. circa 1597
Father | Lt. Col. Richard Page b. c 1567, d. bt 1638 - 1642 |
Mother | Frances Mudge b. 15 May 1569, d. 1641 |
Last Edited | 29 May 2001 |
Barbara Page was born circa 1597.1
- [S577] Unknown author, World Family Tree Vol. 10, Ed. 1, Family # 4092
Fred H. Hirsch
11 Mountain Meadow Road
Laramie, WY 82070 (n.p.: published by: Family Tree Maker, Broderbund Software, Inc., Release date: May 6, 1997, unknown publish date), source of date of birth.