Beatrix (?)1
F, #6781
Last Edited | 20 Oct 2020 |
Beatrix (?) married Huwes I (Hugues) d'Enghien seigneur d’Enghien, Lembeek, Tubize, (Rameru), et La Folie, son of Engelbert II d'Enghien seigneur d'Enghien and Béatrix (?).1
; NB: There is no common agreement on the number of names of the wives of Huwes/Hugues I, nor on the mother of his children.
Genealogics shows no wife for Huwes/Hugues I, but assigns him one son, Englebert III, as the son of this unnamed wife.
Med Lands says he m. "Beatrix" (poss. van Grimbergen?), and assigns all (six) children to her.
Racines et Histoire (Enghien) says he m.:
But Racines et Histoire (Enghien) doesn't distinguish which wife motheres which child (six).
Wikipédia (Fr.) says he m. Jeanne de Luxembourg, and only lists one son for her, Englebert III.
Genealogy.EU (Luxemburg 4) says he m. Hedwig, dau. of Otto von Salm, Ct Palatine of the Rhine, Gf von Bentheim and Gf von Rheineck, and Gertrud von Northeim, but shows no children
Conclusion: Each of the three possible wives is mentioned two of these sources. I have decided to show all three possible marriages, but have not assigned his children to any of them. GA Vaut.2,1,3,4,5,6
; Per Racines et Histoire (Enghien): “Huwes (Hugues) ° ~1120 + ~1183 ou 1190 chevalier (1121) seigneur d’Enghien (cité dès ~1121, peut-être 110/15 ; succède à son frère ; y achève le château fortifié érigé par son père ~1166/67 & gardé par des Brabançons), Lembeek, Tubize, Rameru, La Folie (fait donation d’une terre à Wasmes à l’Abbaye de Saint-Ghislain peu avant sa mort ; (hommage en 1154 de sa seigneurie à Godefroi, duc de Brabant, provoquant l’indignation suivie du siège de la place par Baudouin, comte de Hainaut, pour le contraindre à rétracter son hommage)
ép. Hedwige de Bentheim ° ~1120 (fille d’Otto, comte palatin du Rhin, et de Gertrud von Norheim) (une source moins fiable (?) lui donne pour épouse Elisabeth de Luxembourg)
ou ép. Jeanne de Luxembourg (ou ép. Béatrice ?) ”.3
; Per Med Lands:
"HUGUES d’Enghien (-after 1166). “Hoston de Bliqui, Tiévin [Liévin?] d’Herbau, Isembart de Mons, Hugues d’Enghien” witnessed the 1121 charter under which “Hersende noble demoiselle” donated herself as a serf to Saint-Ghislain[1163]. “Hugues d’Enghien, Gossuin son frère...” witnessed the charter dated 1122 under which “Alpayde noble dame” donated herself as a serf to Saint-Ghislain[1164]. “Gontier et Gilles de Chin son fils” [see Chapter 3.C of the present document] and “Hugues Seigneur d’Enghien” both donated land “à Wasmes” to Saint-Ghislain, dated to [1133] by Reiffenberg[1165], confirmed 4 Apr 1183 with other donations by Pope Lucius III (“in villa...Wamia...terramque Hugonis de Aengien”), confirmation repeated by Pope Lucius III 12 Jan 1185, by Pope Urban III 7 Mar 1187, and by Pope Celestine III 27 Jul 1191[1166]. "...Hugonis de Aingen..." witnessed the charter dated 1139 under which Baudouin IV Comte de Hainaut granted privileges to the Knights Templars[1167]. “Gertrudis castellana Montensis” donated “allodium...apud Inferiorem Eham et apud Maternam et apud Wolverkerke” to Eename abbey, with the consent of “...Hugone de Adengem...”, by undated charter[1168]. Thierry Count of Flanders donated rights to Froidmont, noting donations made by “Hugone de Adengem...per manum filiorum suorum Siheri Goxuini”, by charter dated 1142[1169]. “Eustachius del Ruez, Hugo de Adengen, Gossuinus de Mons, Theodericus de Ligne...” subscribed the charter dated 1147 under which Baudouin IV Comte de Hainaut terminated a dispute between Hautmont abbey and Nicolas d’Avesnes[1170]. “Alardus de Eversbeka” donated “allodium suum de parte matris sue” to Eename abbey by undated charter, witnessed by “Mathildis et filius eius Gerardus: Hugo de Adengem, Johannes de Petengem...”[1171]. Delporte discusses this charter, recording that it has been dated to [1110-15?] but suggesting that the witness list indicates a later date (in particular because the death of “Johannes de Petengem”, identified as Jan [I] van Peteghem, is estimated to 1154 or before)[1172]. The possibility of some, as yet unascertained, family relationship between the donor and the witnesses seems likely. “Hugo de Adengem et v filii eius...Gozuinus, Ingelbertus, Nicholaus, Sigerus, Bonefacius et frater eius, Hainnerus, Gozuinus...” witnessed the charter dated to [1146/48] under which “Reinsuendis uxor Alardi Hasbenium...” donated property to Eename[1173]. “Hugo de Aengien et Gossuinus filius eius, Arnulphus de Gavra, Theodericus de Linia” subscribed the charter dated 1154 under which Baudouin IV Comte de Hainaut confirmed various properties to the church of Cambron[1174]. "…Hugonis de Engien, Sigeri filii eius…" signed a charter dated 1157 under which Baudouin IV Comte de Hainaut settled a dispute between the abbey of Crespin and "Theodericum, villicum suum de Harminiaco"[1175]. “...Hugone de Adengem, Gozuino, fratre eius...” witnessed the charter dated 1158 under which “Egidius de Belchi” donated property “apud Helsbecam...pasturam que jacet inter Helbecam et Silgi” to Eename[1176]. “...Balduini et Hugonis de Adengem” witnessed the charter dated 1161 under which Nicolas Bishop of Cambrai confirmed donations made by “Ada” abbess of Nivelles “cum...sorore Hazeca”[1177]. Nicolas Bishop of Cambrai confirmed that “domina Ysabealdis de Stenkerca et filius eius Ingelbertus”, with the consent of “uxore eiusdem Ingelberti...prebentibus Hugone de Edengem et filii eius”, donated land and rights “infra nemus de Geterlau” to Cambron, noting that “Egidius de Trazinies” had rights in the same property which he also donated with the consent of “Hugone et filiis eius”, by charter dated 1161[1178]. “...Hugonis de Aingem, Gozuini filii eius et Gozuini fratris eius...” signed the charter dated 1161 under which “domina Eva de Cirvia que dicitur Domisons” donated “medietatem ville...Erbisul” to Ghislenghien, for the soul of “viri sui Razonis de Gavara”, the same document recording another donation witnessed by “Hugo de Aingem, Bonefacius, Gozwinus filii eius...”[1179]. “Hugo de Aenghien et Gosuinus filius nobiles...” witnessed the charter dated to [1164/66] under which “fratrem Fastredum monachum” donated property to Grimbergen[1180]. A charter dated to 1166 records that “Hugo Angiensis cum filiis Gosuino, Engelberto, Sigero et Bonifacio” built “arcem apud Angiam”[1181]. It is assumed that Hugues died soon after this document. Giselbert’s Chronicon Hanoniense records that “Hugo de Aenghien, vavasor potens, pater Gossuini et Engelberti, Soheri et Bonifacii”, vassal of the Comte de Hainaut, built “castrum fossato, muri et turri” but, in breach of his feudal obligation, swore allegiance to “duce Lovaniensi” which triggered war during the course of which Baudouin IV Comte de Hainaut destroyed the castle (undated)[1182].
"m BEATRIX, daughter of ---. She is named in the following charter of her grandson Engelbert [III] d’Enghien: “Ingelbertus de Aienghem” donated property “in loco...Keth in parrochia de Marcha juxta Aienghem” to Grimbergen, and confirmed “nonam partem decime de Herinis” donated by “avia mea domina Beltris de Aienghem”, for the anniversary of “patris nostri Ingelberti”, by charter dated 13 Jun 1200[1183]. Croenen suggests that she was Beatrix, daughter of Walter [I] [van Grimbergen][1184]. There do not appear to be any surviving primary sources which confirm this suggestion, but it would explain the Enghien family donations to Grimbergen. However, there do not seem to be enough data points available in the early generations of the Grimbergen family to test the suggestion chronologically."
Med Lands cites:
; NB: There is no common agreement on the number of names of the wives of Huwes/Hugues I, nor on the mother of his children.
Genealogics shows no wife for Huwes/Hugues I, but assigns him one son, Englebert III, as the son of this unnamed wife.
Med Lands says he m. "Beatrix" (poss. van Grimbergen?), and assigns all (six) children to her.
Racines et Histoire (Enghien) says he m.:
1. Hedwige de Bentheim (fille d’Otto, comte palatin du Rhin, et de Gertrud von Norheim
2. Jeanne de Luxembourg or Béatrice ?
2. Jeanne de Luxembourg or Béatrice ?
But Racines et Histoire (Enghien) doesn't distinguish which wife motheres which child (six).
Wikipédia (Fr.) says he m. Jeanne de Luxembourg, and only lists one son for her, Englebert III.
Genealogy.EU (Luxemburg 4) says he m. Hedwig, dau. of Otto von Salm, Ct Palatine of the Rhine, Gf von Bentheim and Gf von Rheineck, and Gertrud von Northeim, but shows no children
Conclusion: Each of the three possible wives is mentioned two of these sources. I have decided to show all three possible marriages, but have not assigned his children to any of them. GA Vaut.2,1,3,4,5,6
; Per Racines et Histoire (Enghien): “Huwes (Hugues) ° ~1120 + ~1183 ou 1190 chevalier (1121) seigneur d’Enghien (cité dès ~1121, peut-être 110/15 ; succède à son frère ; y achève le château fortifié érigé par son père ~1166/67 & gardé par des Brabançons), Lembeek, Tubize, Rameru, La Folie (fait donation d’une terre à Wasmes à l’Abbaye de Saint-Ghislain peu avant sa mort ; (hommage en 1154 de sa seigneurie à Godefroi, duc de Brabant, provoquant l’indignation suivie du siège de la place par Baudouin, comte de Hainaut, pour le contraindre à rétracter son hommage)
ép. Hedwige de Bentheim ° ~1120 (fille d’Otto, comte palatin du Rhin, et de Gertrud von Norheim) (une source moins fiable (?) lui donne pour épouse Elisabeth de Luxembourg)
ou ép. Jeanne de Luxembourg (ou ép. Béatrice ?) ”.3
; Per Med Lands:
"HUGUES d’Enghien (-after 1166). “Hoston de Bliqui, Tiévin [Liévin?] d’Herbau, Isembart de Mons, Hugues d’Enghien” witnessed the 1121 charter under which “Hersende noble demoiselle” donated herself as a serf to Saint-Ghislain[1163]. “Hugues d’Enghien, Gossuin son frère...” witnessed the charter dated 1122 under which “Alpayde noble dame” donated herself as a serf to Saint-Ghislain[1164]. “Gontier et Gilles de Chin son fils” [see Chapter 3.C of the present document] and “Hugues Seigneur d’Enghien” both donated land “à Wasmes” to Saint-Ghislain, dated to [1133] by Reiffenberg[1165], confirmed 4 Apr 1183 with other donations by Pope Lucius III (“in villa...Wamia...terramque Hugonis de Aengien”), confirmation repeated by Pope Lucius III 12 Jan 1185, by Pope Urban III 7 Mar 1187, and by Pope Celestine III 27 Jul 1191[1166]. "...Hugonis de Aingen..." witnessed the charter dated 1139 under which Baudouin IV Comte de Hainaut granted privileges to the Knights Templars[1167]. “Gertrudis castellana Montensis” donated “allodium...apud Inferiorem Eham et apud Maternam et apud Wolverkerke” to Eename abbey, with the consent of “...Hugone de Adengem...”, by undated charter[1168]. Thierry Count of Flanders donated rights to Froidmont, noting donations made by “Hugone de Adengem...per manum filiorum suorum Siheri Goxuini”, by charter dated 1142[1169]. “Eustachius del Ruez, Hugo de Adengen, Gossuinus de Mons, Theodericus de Ligne...” subscribed the charter dated 1147 under which Baudouin IV Comte de Hainaut terminated a dispute between Hautmont abbey and Nicolas d’Avesnes[1170]. “Alardus de Eversbeka” donated “allodium suum de parte matris sue” to Eename abbey by undated charter, witnessed by “Mathildis et filius eius Gerardus: Hugo de Adengem, Johannes de Petengem...”[1171]. Delporte discusses this charter, recording that it has been dated to [1110-15?] but suggesting that the witness list indicates a later date (in particular because the death of “Johannes de Petengem”, identified as Jan [I] van Peteghem, is estimated to 1154 or before)[1172]. The possibility of some, as yet unascertained, family relationship between the donor and the witnesses seems likely. “Hugo de Adengem et v filii eius...Gozuinus, Ingelbertus, Nicholaus, Sigerus, Bonefacius et frater eius, Hainnerus, Gozuinus...” witnessed the charter dated to [1146/48] under which “Reinsuendis uxor Alardi Hasbenium...” donated property to Eename[1173]. “Hugo de Aengien et Gossuinus filius eius, Arnulphus de Gavra, Theodericus de Linia” subscribed the charter dated 1154 under which Baudouin IV Comte de Hainaut confirmed various properties to the church of Cambron[1174]. "…Hugonis de Engien, Sigeri filii eius…" signed a charter dated 1157 under which Baudouin IV Comte de Hainaut settled a dispute between the abbey of Crespin and "Theodericum, villicum suum de Harminiaco"[1175]. “...Hugone de Adengem, Gozuino, fratre eius...” witnessed the charter dated 1158 under which “Egidius de Belchi” donated property “apud Helsbecam...pasturam que jacet inter Helbecam et Silgi” to Eename[1176]. “...Balduini et Hugonis de Adengem” witnessed the charter dated 1161 under which Nicolas Bishop of Cambrai confirmed donations made by “Ada” abbess of Nivelles “cum...sorore Hazeca”[1177]. Nicolas Bishop of Cambrai confirmed that “domina Ysabealdis de Stenkerca et filius eius Ingelbertus”, with the consent of “uxore eiusdem Ingelberti...prebentibus Hugone de Edengem et filii eius”, donated land and rights “infra nemus de Geterlau” to Cambron, noting that “Egidius de Trazinies” had rights in the same property which he also donated with the consent of “Hugone et filiis eius”, by charter dated 1161[1178]. “...Hugonis de Aingem, Gozuini filii eius et Gozuini fratris eius...” signed the charter dated 1161 under which “domina Eva de Cirvia que dicitur Domisons” donated “medietatem ville...Erbisul” to Ghislenghien, for the soul of “viri sui Razonis de Gavara”, the same document recording another donation witnessed by “Hugo de Aingem, Bonefacius, Gozwinus filii eius...”[1179]. “Hugo de Aenghien et Gosuinus filius nobiles...” witnessed the charter dated to [1164/66] under which “fratrem Fastredum monachum” donated property to Grimbergen[1180]. A charter dated to 1166 records that “Hugo Angiensis cum filiis Gosuino, Engelberto, Sigero et Bonifacio” built “arcem apud Angiam”[1181]. It is assumed that Hugues died soon after this document. Giselbert’s Chronicon Hanoniense records that “Hugo de Aenghien, vavasor potens, pater Gossuini et Engelberti, Soheri et Bonifacii”, vassal of the Comte de Hainaut, built “castrum fossato, muri et turri” but, in breach of his feudal obligation, swore allegiance to “duce Lovaniensi” which triggered war during the course of which Baudouin IV Comte de Hainaut destroyed the castle (undated)[1182].
"m BEATRIX, daughter of ---. She is named in the following charter of her grandson Engelbert [III] d’Enghien: “Ingelbertus de Aienghem” donated property “in loco...Keth in parrochia de Marcha juxta Aienghem” to Grimbergen, and confirmed “nonam partem decime de Herinis” donated by “avia mea domina Beltris de Aienghem”, for the anniversary of “patris nostri Ingelberti”, by charter dated 13 Jun 1200[1183]. Croenen suggests that she was Beatrix, daughter of Walter [I] [van Grimbergen][1184]. There do not appear to be any surviving primary sources which confirm this suggestion, but it would explain the Enghien family donations to Grimbergen. However, there do not seem to be enough data points available in the early generations of the Grimbergen family to test the suggestion chronologically."
Med Lands cites:
[1163] Reiffenberg (1848), Tome VIII, p. 349 (summary of the charter, no citation reference for the original).
[1164] Reiffenberg (1848), Tome VIII, p. 349 (French translation of the charter, no citation reference for the original).
[1165] Reiffenberg (1848), Tome VIII, p. 356 (summary of the charter, no citation reference for the original).
[1166] Reiffenberg (1848), Tome VIII, pp. 393, 396-7, 401, 409.
[1167] Duvivier (1903), 16, p. 35.
[1168] Eename, 19, p. 22.
[1169] (3 Apr 2020).
[1170] Duvivier (1865), CXXII bis, p. 562.
[1171] Eename, 368, p. 353.
[1172] Delporte, L. ‘La seigneurie et les premiers seigneurs d’Enghien (I) La plus ancienne mention d’Hugues d’Enghien : 1110-1115 ou 1121?’, Annales du Cercle Archéologique d’Enghien, Tome 39 (2005), pp. 17-28, citing for the charter’s dating Milis, L. (1965) Onuitgegeven oorkonden van de Sint-Salvatorsabdij te Ename voor 1200 (Bruxelles), p. xliv.
[1173] Eename, 375, p. 357, dating at (3 Apr 2020).
[1174] Cambron, Part 1, V, p. 96.
[1175] Duvivier (1898), p. 219.
[1176] Eename, 45, p. 45.
[1177] (3 Apr 2020).
[1178] Cambron, Part 1, VIII, p. 99.
[1179] Annales du Cercle Archéologique de Mons, Tome VIII (Mons, 1869), p. 147.
[1180] Analectes pour servir à l’histoire ecclésiastique de la Belgique, Tome XI (Louvain, Brussels, 1874), Documents extraits du cartulaire de Grimberghen, III, p. 14.
[1181] Roobaert, B. & Vanhollebeke, J. J. ‘Le Liber Chronotaxis de Godfried van Elshoudt (1137-1197) et les seigneurs d’Enghien’, Annales du Cercle Archéologique d’Enghien, Tome 37 (2003), Annexe A, p. 17.
[1182] Gisleberti Chronicon Hanoniense, MGH SS XXI, p. 516.
[1183] Analectes pour servir à l’histoire ecclésiastique de la Belgique, Tome XI (1874), Documents extraits du cartulaire de Grimberghen, VII, p. 19.
[1184] Croenen, G. (2003) Familie en macht: de familie Berthout en de Brabantse adel (Louvain), Table, p. 24, and p. 26.1
[1164] Reiffenberg (1848), Tome VIII, p. 349 (French translation of the charter, no citation reference for the original).
[1165] Reiffenberg (1848), Tome VIII, p. 356 (summary of the charter, no citation reference for the original).
[1166] Reiffenberg (1848), Tome VIII, pp. 393, 396-7, 401, 409.
[1167] Duvivier (1903), 16, p. 35.
[1168] Eename, 19, p. 22.
[1170] Duvivier (1865), CXXII bis, p. 562.
[1171] Eename, 368, p. 353.
[1172] Delporte, L. ‘La seigneurie et les premiers seigneurs d’Enghien (I) La plus ancienne mention d’Hugues d’Enghien : 1110-1115 ou 1121?’, Annales du Cercle Archéologique d’Enghien, Tome 39 (2005), pp. 17-28, citing for the charter’s dating Milis, L. (1965) Onuitgegeven oorkonden van de Sint-Salvatorsabdij te Ename voor 1200 (Bruxelles), p. xliv.
[1173] Eename, 375, p. 357, dating at
[1174] Cambron, Part 1, V, p. 96.
[1175] Duvivier (1898), p. 219.
[1176] Eename, 45, p. 45.
[1178] Cambron, Part 1, VIII, p. 99.
[1179] Annales du Cercle Archéologique de Mons, Tome VIII (Mons, 1869), p. 147.
[1180] Analectes pour servir à l’histoire ecclésiastique de la Belgique, Tome XI (Louvain, Brussels, 1874), Documents extraits du cartulaire de Grimberghen, III, p. 14.
[1181] Roobaert, B. & Vanhollebeke, J. J. ‘Le Liber Chronotaxis de Godfried van Elshoudt (1137-1197) et les seigneurs d’Enghien’, Annales du Cercle Archéologique d’Enghien, Tome 37 (2003), Annexe A, p. 17.
[1182] Gisleberti Chronicon Hanoniense, MGH SS XXI, p. 516.
[1183] Analectes pour servir à l’histoire ecclésiastique de la Belgique, Tome XI (1874), Documents extraits du cartulaire de Grimberghen, VII, p. 19.
[1184] Croenen, G. (2003) Familie en macht: de familie Berthout en de Brabantse adel (Louvain), Table, p. 24, and p. 26.1
Family | Huwes I (Hugues) d'Enghien seigneur d’Enghien, Lembeek, Tubize, (Rameru), et La Folie b. 1120, d. a 1190 |
Child |
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website (oiginated by Leo van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes), online, Huwes I: Hereinafter cited as Genealogics Website.
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Maison d’ Enghien, p. 2: Hereinafter cited as Racines et Histoire.
- [S4742] Wikipédia - L'encyclopédie libre, online, Maison d'Enghien: Hereinafter cited as Wikipédia (FR).
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, online, unknown author (e-mail address), downloaded updated 15 May 2003, Luxemburg 4 page:
- [S1549] "Author's comment", various, Gregory A. Vaut (e-mail address), to unknown recipient (unknown recipient address), 19 July 2020; unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "GA Vaut Comment."
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
Ansfrid/Ansfred II Onfror Goz1
M, #6782, b. 970
Father | Ansfred I Rollosson (?) b. 935, d. bt 973 - 1026 |
Mother | Helloe (?) b. 937, d. bt 973 - 1032 |
Reference | GAV28 |
Last Edited | 17 Jul 2020 |
Ansfrid/Ansfred II Onfror Goz was born in 970.2
; Per Med Lands:
"ANSFRID, son of --- . His name and that of his son suggest that this family was of Viking origin, which is confirmed by Guillaume of Jumièges who names [his son] “Turstenus cognomento Guz, Ausfridi Dani filius...præses Oximensis”[101].
"m ---. The name of Ansfrid's wife is not known."
Med Lands cites:
; Per Med Lands:
"ANSFRID, son of --- . His name and that of his son suggest that this family was of Viking origin, which is confirmed by Guillaume of Jumièges who names [his son] “Turstenus cognomento Guz, Ausfridi Dani filius...præses Oximensis”[101].
"m ---. The name of Ansfrid's wife is not known."
Med Lands cites:
[101] Willelmi Gemmetencis Historiæ (Duchesne, 1619), Liber VII, VI, p. 270.1
Ansfrid/Ansfred II Onfror Goz was also known as Ansfrid "Ansfroi le Danois".3Family | |
Child |
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S640] Inc. Brøderbund Software, World Family Tree Vol. L1, Ed. 1, Family #0021 (n.p.: Release date: October 30, 1998, unknown publish date).
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Vicomtes d’Avranches , p. 2: Hereinafter cited as Racines et Histoire.
Ansfred I Rollosson (?)
M, #6783, b. 935, d. between 973 and 1026
Father | Rollo Thurstan Brico b. 909, d. bt 939 - 1000 |
Mother | Gerlotte (?) b. 913, d. bt 939 - 1007 |
Reference | GAV30 EDV30 |
Last Edited | 4 May 2003 |
Ansfred I Rollosson (?) was born in 935.1 He married Helloe (?), daughter of Godfrey "Ginbe" (?) Count of Beulac, between 953 and 983
; WFT Est.1
Ansfred I Rollosson (?) died between 973 and 1026; WFT Est.1
GAV-30 EDV-30 GKJ-30.
; WFT Est.1
Ansfred I Rollosson (?) died between 973 and 1026; WFT Est.1
GAV-30 EDV-30 GKJ-30.
Family | Helloe (?) b. 937, d. bt 973 - 1032 |
Child |
- [S640] Inc. Brøderbund Software, World Family Tree Vol. L1, Ed. 1, Family #0021 (n.p.: Release date: October 30, 1998, unknown publish date).
Helloe (?)
F, #6784, b. 937, d. between 973 and 1032
Father | Godfrey "Ginbe" (?) Count of Beulac b. 911, d. bt 941 - 1002 |
Reference | GAV30 EDV30 |
Last Edited | 12 Feb 2003 |
Helloe (?) was born in 937.1 She married Ansfred I Rollosson (?), son of Rollo Thurstan Brico and Gerlotte (?), between 953 and 983
; WFT Est.1
Helloe (?) died between 973 and 1032; WFT Est.1
GAV-30 EDV-30.
; WFT Est.1
Helloe (?) died between 973 and 1032; WFT Est.1
GAV-30 EDV-30.
Family | Ansfred I Rollosson (?) b. 935, d. bt 973 - 1026 |
Child |
- [S640] Inc. Brøderbund Software, World Family Tree Vol. L1, Ed. 1, Family #0021 (n.p.: Release date: October 30, 1998, unknown publish date).
Godfrey "Ginbe" (?) Count of Beulac
M, #6785, b. 911, d. between 941 and 1002
Reference | GAV31 EDV31 |
Last Edited | 12 Feb 2003 |
Godfrey "Ginbe" (?) Count of Beulac was born in 911.1 He married an unknown person between 930 and 962
; WFT Est.1
Godfrey "Ginbe" (?) Count of Beulac died between 941 and 1002; WFT Est.1
GAV-31 EDV-31.
; WFT Est.1
Godfrey "Ginbe" (?) Count of Beulac died between 941 and 1002; WFT Est.1
GAV-31 EDV-31.
Family | |
Child |
- [S640] Inc. Brøderbund Software, World Family Tree Vol. L1, Ed. 1, Family #0021 (n.p.: Release date: October 30, 1998, unknown publish date).
Rollo Thurstan Brico
M, #6786, b. 909, d. between 939 and 1000
Reference | GAV31 EDV31 |
Last Edited | 13 Feb 2003 |
Rollo Thurstan Brico was born in 909.1 He married Gerlotte (?) between 928 and 958
; WFT Est.1
Rollo Thurstan Brico died between 939 and 1000; WFT Est.1
GAV-31 EDV-31.
; WFT Est.1
Rollo Thurstan Brico died between 939 and 1000; WFT Est.1
GAV-31 EDV-31.
Family | Gerlotte (?) b. 913, d. bt 939 - 1007 |
Child |
- [S640] Inc. Brøderbund Software, World Family Tree Vol. L1, Ed. 1, Family #0021 (n.p.: Release date: October 30, 1998, unknown publish date).
Gerlotte (?)
F, #6787, b. 913, d. between 939 and 1007
Reference | GAV31 EDV31 |
Last Edited | 12 Feb 2003 |
Gerlotte (?) was born in 913.1 She married Rollo Thurstan Brico between 928 and 958
; WFT Est.1
Gerlotte (?) died between 939 and 1007; WFT Est.1
GAV-31 EDV-31.
; WFT Est.1
Gerlotte (?) died between 939 and 1007; WFT Est.1
GAV-31 EDV-31.
Family | Rollo Thurstan Brico b. 909, d. bt 939 - 1000 |
Child |
- [S640] Inc. Brøderbund Software, World Family Tree Vol. L1, Ed. 1, Family #0021 (n.p.: Release date: October 30, 1998, unknown publish date).
Geila (?)1
F, #6788
Reference | GAV30 |
Last Edited | 28 Jun 2020 |
Geila (?) married Cadelon I (?) Vicomte d'Aulnay.1
; Per Med Lands:
"CADELON [I] ([880/90][12]-after Dec 948). "Iterius" donated property "in pago Briocense…villa…Lupchiacus" to Saint-Jean d'Angély by charter dated Jul [921] subscribed by "Kadelonis vicecomitis, Mainardi vicecomitis, Kaldelmi vicarii…"[13]. "Aimericus vicecomes et advocatus sancti Maxentii" claimed the return of property to the abbey from "Godobaldus et Ermenbertus" by charter dated 28 Apr 925 subscribed by "Heldegarii vicecomiti, Saverici vicecomiti…Kadœlonis"[14]. "Cadelonis vicecomitis" subscribed the donation by "Rotbertus clericus" of property to St Cyprien, Poitiers by charter dated [932/36][15]. "Cadelonis" subscribed the donation by "Tetelo episcopus in via domni Froterii episcopi" of property to St Cyprien, Poitiers by charter dated 936[16]. "Willelmi comitis, Hugoni comitis, item Hugoni, Savarici vicecomitis, Kadeloni vicecomitis, Adraldi vicecomitis, Radulfi vicecomitis…" subscribed the charter dated [936/37] ("anno I Ludovico regnante") under which "Senegundis" donated "alodem suum in pago Alienense, in vicaria Basiacinse in villa…Fornax…" to St Cyprien, Poitiers[17]. "Guillelmum…Pictavorum comes" transferred land by charter dated Mar 939 subscribed by "…Rorgoni, Kadeloni…"[18]. "Kadelonis vicecomitis" subscribed a charter dated Jun 941 under which "Gumbaldus et Gosselinus et uxor mea Gausbergis" donated property "in pago Pictavo in vicaria Marniacense in villa de Lidemniaco" to Saint-Jean d'Angély[19]. "Guillelmum…Pictavorum comes" transferred land by charter dated Dec 948 subscribed by "…Cadeloni, iterum Cadeloni vicarii…"[20].
"m GEILA, daughter of ---. "Cadelonum…vicecomes et Ermenfredum abbatem sancti Maxentii" agreed an exchange of property by charter dated Dec 928 subscribed by "uxori suæ Geilæ"[21]."
Med Lands cites:
; Per Med Lands:
"CADELON [I] ([880/90][12]-after Dec 948). "Iterius" donated property "in pago Briocense…villa…Lupchiacus" to Saint-Jean d'Angély by charter dated Jul [921] subscribed by "Kadelonis vicecomitis, Mainardi vicecomitis, Kaldelmi vicarii…"[13]. "Aimericus vicecomes et advocatus sancti Maxentii" claimed the return of property to the abbey from "Godobaldus et Ermenbertus" by charter dated 28 Apr 925 subscribed by "Heldegarii vicecomiti, Saverici vicecomiti…Kadœlonis"[14]. "Cadelonis vicecomitis" subscribed the donation by "Rotbertus clericus" of property to St Cyprien, Poitiers by charter dated [932/36][15]. "Cadelonis" subscribed the donation by "Tetelo episcopus in via domni Froterii episcopi" of property to St Cyprien, Poitiers by charter dated 936[16]. "Willelmi comitis, Hugoni comitis, item Hugoni, Savarici vicecomitis, Kadeloni vicecomitis, Adraldi vicecomitis, Radulfi vicecomitis…" subscribed the charter dated [936/37] ("anno I Ludovico regnante") under which "Senegundis" donated "alodem suum in pago Alienense, in vicaria Basiacinse in villa…Fornax…" to St Cyprien, Poitiers[17]. "Guillelmum…Pictavorum comes" transferred land by charter dated Mar 939 subscribed by "…Rorgoni, Kadeloni…"[18]. "Kadelonis vicecomitis" subscribed a charter dated Jun 941 under which "Gumbaldus et Gosselinus et uxor mea Gausbergis" donated property "in pago Pictavo in vicaria Marniacense in villa de Lidemniaco" to Saint-Jean d'Angély[19]. "Guillelmum…Pictavorum comes" transferred land by charter dated Dec 948 subscribed by "…Cadeloni, iterum Cadeloni vicarii…"[20].
"m GEILA, daughter of ---. "Cadelonum…vicecomes et Ermenfredum abbatem sancti Maxentii" agreed an exchange of property by charter dated Dec 928 subscribed by "uxori suæ Geilæ"[21]."
Med Lands cites:
[12] Birth date range estimated on the basis of his first mention as vicecomes in [921].
[13] Saint-Jean d’Angély, Tome I, CLXII, p. 191.
[14] Saint-Maixent, Vol. I, XI, p. 23.
[15] Poitiers Saint-Cyprien, 23, p. 27.
[16] Poitiers Saint-Cyprien 4, p. 6.
[17] Poitiers Saint-Cyprien 549, p. 325.
[18] Saint-Maixent, Vol. I, XIV, p. 26.
[19] Saint-Jean d’Angély, Tome I, CLXXXIX, p. 229.
[20] Saint-Maixent, Vol. I, XVII, p. 28.
[21] Saint-Maixent, Vol. I, XIII, p. 25.1
GAV-30.[13] Saint-Jean d’Angély, Tome I, CLXII, p. 191.
[14] Saint-Maixent, Vol. I, XI, p. 23.
[15] Poitiers Saint-Cyprien, 23, p. 27.
[16] Poitiers Saint-Cyprien 4, p. 6.
[17] Poitiers Saint-Cyprien 549, p. 325.
[18] Saint-Maixent, Vol. I, XIV, p. 26.
[19] Saint-Jean d’Angély, Tome I, CLXXXIX, p. 229.
[20] Saint-Maixent, Vol. I, XVII, p. 28.
[21] Saint-Maixent, Vol. I, XIII, p. 25.1
Family | Cadelon I (?) Vicomte d'Aulnay b. bt 880 - 890, d. a Dec 948 |
Child |
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
Unknown Mistress (?)1
F, #6790
Last Edited | 29 Jun 2020 |
Family | Charles V "le Sage" (?) King of France b. bt 21 Jan 1337 - 1338, d. 16 Sep 1380 |
Child |
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
Humbert II (?) Dauphin de Viennois1
M, #6791, b. 1312, d. 22 May 1355
Father | Jean II (?) Dauphin de Viennois, Cte d'Albon et de Grenoble1 b. 1274, d. 4 Mar 1319 |
Mother | Beatrix (?) of Hungary1 b. bt Mar 1290 - Apr 1290, d. 1354 |
Last Edited | 29 Jun 2020 |
Humbert II (?) Dauphin de Viennois was born in 1312.1 He married Marie del Bazo, daughter of Bertrand III del Bazo sn de Berre, Vcte de Misson, Cte d'Andria e di Montescaglioso, Captain-General of Tuscnay, Grand-Justiciar of Naples-Sicily, Senator of Rome and Beatrice/Beatrix (?) of Siciliy, Princess of Naples, in 1332.2,1,3
Humbert II (?) Dauphin de Viennois and Bianca/Blanche Maria (?) de Savoy were engaged in 1347.4,1 Humbert II (?) Dauphin de Viennois and Jeanne (?) de Bourbon, Queen of France were engaged on 24 June 1348.5,1
Humbert II (?) Dauphin de Viennois died in 1355.2
Humbert II (?) Dauphin de Viennois died on 22 May 1355 at Clermont-en-Auvergne, France.1
Humbert II (?) Dauphin de Viennois was buried after 22 May 1355 at Dominican Convent, Paris, City of Paris, Île-de-France, France (now).1
; Per Med Lands:
"BLANCHE MARIE de Savoie ([1335]-Pavia 31 Dec 1387, bur Pavia Santa Chiara). The testament of "Domina Yolanda de Monteferrato comitissa Sabaudiæ conjuxque…domini Aymonnis comitis Sabaudiæ" dated 14 Dec 1342 makes bequests to "Joannem…filium suum…Blancham filiam suam…filium suum posthumum si nascatur ex ea…Amedeum…filium suum primogenitum"[622]. The testament of "Dominus Aymo comes Sabaudiæ, dux Chablasii et Augustæ, in Italia Marchio, et Baroniarum Baugiaci et Coloniaci dominus ac filius claræ memoriæ Dom. Amedei comitis Sabaudiæ" dated 11 Jun 1343 nominates "filiam suam Blanchiam…Joannem eius filium secundo genitum…Amedeum filium suum primogenitum" as his heirs[623]. Dame de Yenne. The Chronicon of Pietro Azario records that "Domino Galeazio" married "Blancam…sororem…principis domini comitis Sabaudiæ"[624]. Negotiations took place in 1345 for the marriage of "la Sorella del Conte Amedeo VI di Savoia" and to one of the sons (unnamed) of Edward III King of England, as recorded in three letters from King Edward III to Louis de Savoie Baron de Vaud and Amedée III Comte de Genève, as regents of Amedée VI Comte de Savoie[625]. The marriage contract of "Dom. Dalphini" and "Dom. Blanchæ" is dated 15 May 1347 and provides for a dowry given by "Dom. comes Sabaudiæ…dictæ…Blanchæ sorori suæ"[626]. The Annales Mediolanenses record that "Dominus Archiepiscopus" arranged the marriage of "Domino Galeazio" and "Dominam Blancam de Sabaudia sororem…Principis Sabaudiæ" after recalling him from exile[627]. Her marriage was arranged to seal the alliance between her brother and the Visconti family, with whom he had enjoyed good relations since Galeazzo's exile at the court of Savoy from 1346 to 1349[628]. The contract of marriage between "Galeazzo Visconti di Milano" and "Bianca figlia del Conte Aimone di Savoia, Sorella del Conte Amedeo" is dated 18 Sep 1350[629]. She was granted the towns of Monza, Abiate, San Colombano, Graffignana, Binasco, Conzano, Gentilino and Corte Nuova, which she ceded to her son 24 Nov 1380. The testament of "domina Blanca de Sabaudia filia quondam bone memorie…principis domini Amonis comitis Sabaudie et relicta quondam…domini Galeaz Vicecomitis Mediolani Papie…imperialis vicarii generalis…" is dated 12 Nov 1387, and chooses burial "in ecclesia sancte Marie della Nunciata ordinis sancte Clare…in civitate Papie"[630]. Giovanni di Musso´s Chronicon Placentinum records the death in Jan 1387 in Pavia of "Domina Blanca mater…Domini comitis Virtutum et quondam soror Domini comitis Sabaudiæ" and her burial "in ecclesia monasterii monialium Sanctæ Claræ"[631].
"Betrothed (1347) to HUMBERT [II] Dauphin de Viennois, son of JEAN [II] Comte d’Albon Dauphin de Viennois [la Tour du Pin] & his wife Béatrice of Hungary ([1312]-Clermont-en-Auvergne 22 May 1355, bur Paris Dominican convent).
"m (contract 18 Sep 1350, Rivoli 28 Sep 1350) GALEAZZO II Visconti joint Lord of Milan, son of STEFANO Visconti joint Lord of Milan & his wife Valentina Doria ([1324/27]-Pavia 6 Aug 1378)."
Med Lands cites:
; Per Med Lands:
"JEANNE de Bourbon (Château du Bois de Vincennes 3 Feb 1339-Hôtel de Saint-Pol, Paris 6 Feb 1378, bur église de l'Abbaye royale de Saint-Denis). [Gilles de Roye’s Annales Belgici record the marriages in 1347 in Paris of “duo filii ducis Brabantiæ...Henricus primogenitus filiam ducis Normanniæ et Godefridus filiam ducis Borbonii”[226]. The identity of the betrothed of Godefroi de Brabant is not specified. However, it was probably Jeanne if she was her father’s oldest daughter and therefore most likely the first to have been betrothed.] The marriage contract of "Dom. Humberti Dalphini Vienn." and "Dom. Johannam primogenitam Dom. Ducis [Borbonesii]" is dated 24 Jun 1348[227]. The marriage contract of "Jehan ainsnez fils du Roy de France, Duc de Normandie et de Guyenne…Charles de France nostre ainsnez fils" and "Pierre Duc de Bourbonnois conte de Clermont et de la Marche…Jehanne de Bourbon nostre ainsnée fille" is dated Jul 1349[228]. Ayala´s Crónica de Pedro I records that another daughter “del...Duque de Borbon” married “el Rey de Francia Don Carlos” when recording the negotiations for the marriage of her sister Blanche in 1351[229]. She was crowned Queen of France with her husband 19 May 1364. She died from a fever following childbirth. The Chronique des règnes de Jean II et de Charles V records the death 8 Feb 1377 (O.S.) of “la...Royne...ou...hostel de Saint-Pol” and her burial “à Saint-Denis”[230].
"[Betrothed (Paris 1347) to GODEFROI de Brabant, son of JEAN III Duke of Brabant & his wife Marie d'Evreux (-after 3 Feb 1352, bur Tervueren).]
"Betrothed (24 Jun 1348) to HUMBERT [II] Dauphin de Viennois, son of JEAN [II] Comte d’Albon Dauphin de Viennois [la Tour du Pin] & his wife Béatrice of Hungary ([1312]-Clermont-en-Auvergne 22 May 1355, bur Paris Dominican convent).
"m (contract Lyon Jul 1349, Tain-en-Viennois, Drôme 8 Apr 1350) CHARLES de France Dauphin de Viennois, son of JEAN de France Duc de Guyenne [later JEAN II "le Bon" King of France] & his first wife Jutta [Bonne] of Bohemia [Luxembourg] (Château du Bois de Vincennes 21 Jan 1338-Château de Beauté-sur-Marne, Nogent-sur-Marne 16 Sep 1380, bur église de l'Abbaye royale de Saint-Denis). Comte de Poitiers 1354. Duc de Normandie 7 Dec 1355. He succeeded his father in 1364 as CHARLES V King of France."
Med Lands cites:
; Per Racines et Histoire (Bourbon): “Jeanne de Bourbon ° 03/02/1339 (Vincennes) + 06/02/1378 (Hôtel Saint-Pol, Paris) Reine de France (couronnée 19/05/1364)
fiancée 24/06/1348 à Humbert II Dauphin du Viennois ° 1312 + 22/05/1355 (Clermont) (fils de Jean II, comte d’Albon et de Béatrice de Hongrie)
ép. (c.m.) 06/1349 (Lyon) & 08/04/1350 (Tain-enViennois) Charles, Dauphin de France puis Roi Charles V (1364) ° 21/01/1338 (Vincennes) + 16/09/1380 (Beauté-sur-Marne) comte de Poitiers (1354), duc de Normandie (07/12/1355) (fils de Jean II «Le Bon» et de Judith (Jutta, Bonne) de Bohême)”.6
; Per Med Lands:
"MARIE de Baux (-Rhodes [Feb/Apr] 1347). The Aymari Rivalli De Allobrogibus records the marriage of "Humbertus Delphinus" and "Mariam Bauciam comitis Montis Campi filiam, Roberti regis Siciliæ neptem"[913]. "Roberti…Hierusalem et Siciliæ Regis" granted revenue to "Dom. Humbertus Dalphini…nepos noster" in consideration of his marriage with "Domicella Maria nata…Bertrandi de Baucio Montis Caveosi comitis nepte nostra" by charter dated 26 Jul 1332[914]. The Chronicle of Matthias Nueweburgensis records that "Delphini Viennenses…iunior Humbertus" married "filiam sororis Roberti regis…[et] [comitis] Novellus"[915]. The testament of "Dom. Humb. Dalph. Vienn. Sedis Apst. Capitaneus Generalis" is dated 29 Jan 1347 at Rhodos provided a pension for "Dom. Mariæ de Baucio Dalph. Vienn…consorti meæ"[916]. Pope Clement VI sent letters of condolence to "Humberto Dalphino Vienn." on the death of "quondam Mariam conjugem tuam" dated 15 May 1347[917].
"m (after 26 Jul 1332) HUMBERT [II] de Viennois, son of JEAN [II] Comte d’Albon Dauphin de Viennois [la Tour du Pin] & his wife Béatrice of Hungary ([1312]-Clermont-en-Auvergne 22 May 1355, bur Paris Dominican convent). He succeeded his brother in 1333 as Dauphin de Viennois."
Med Lands cites:
; Per Med Lands:
"HUMBERT [II] ([1312]-Clermont-en-Auvergne 22 May 1355, bur Paris Dominican convent). The Aymari Rivalli De Allobrogibus names "Guigonem et Humbertum" as the sons of "Ioanni" and his wife[386]. He succeeded his brother in 1333 as Dauphin de Viennois. "Humbertus Dalphinus Viennensis, dux Campisauri, Vienne et Albonis comes ac palatinus" donated property to Cremieu monastery, founded by "dominum Joannem Delphinum quondam patrem nostrum", with the consent of "B. matris eius", by charter dated 7 Feb 1337[387]. A charter dated 31 Jul 1343 records an agreement between "Dominus Humbertus Dalphinus Viennensis" agreed with "dominus Philippus de Vienna dominus de Pymont et Guido de Vienna eius filius primogenitus, consanguinei eiusdem domini Delphini" about the inheritance of "domina Margareta de Montelupello, uxore quondam eiusdem domini Philippi…filia Guidonis quondam domini Montislupelli"[388]. He became a Dominican monk at Beauvoir in 1343[389]. Appointed leader of a crusade against Umur Pasha, he left from Marseille in May 1345, but his fleet was attacked by the Genoese near Rhodes[390]. The testament of "Dom. Humb. Dalph. Vienn. Sedis Apst. Capitaneus Generalis" is dated 29 Jan 1347 at Rhodos, provided a pension for "Dom. Mariæ de Baucio Dalph. Vienn…consorti meæ", and made bequests to "Hugoni de Gebennis Dom. de Antone et de Varey…consanguineo meo…Galiaco de Salutiis…nepoti meo…Dom. Johannis bastardo quondam…Dom. Guigonis Dalphini fratris mei…Amedeo bastardo meo…Johanni bastardo de Fucigniaco…Humberto de Fucigniaco…Dom. Politæ uxori Dom. Hugonis de Gebennis…Dom. Guillelmæ Alamandi…bastardæ meæ quæ est in monasterio de Salectis…nepti meæ filiæ principis Auraicæ moniali de Salectis ordinis Cartusiensis…"[391]. He returned to France having achieved nothing, before the crusading army defeated a Turkish army at Smyrna[392]. He abdicated as Dauphin 16 Jul 1349 in favour of the king of France, to whom he sold the Dauphiné for 400,000 écus and an annual pension[393]. He adopted the titles Prince de Briançonnois, Duc de Champsor, and Marquis de Cézane. He was awarded the titles Patriarch of Alexandria and Perpetual administrator of the archiepiscopal church of Reims[394]. The testament of "Dominus Humbertus…Patriarcha Alexandrinus, administrator perpetuus ecclesiæ Remensis et Dalphinus antiquior Vienn." is dated 21 May 1355 and chose his burial "in ecclesia Fratrum Prædictorum Parisiens. juxta sepulchrum bonæ memoriæ Dom. Clementiæ quondam Reginæ Franciæ amitæ nostræ"[395]. The necrology of Vauvert records the death "X Kal Jun" of "patriarcha Alexandrinus quondam delphinus Viennensis postea archiepiscopus Remensis"[396].
"m (after 26 Jul 1332) MARIE de Baux, daughter of BERTRAND de Baux, Seigneur de Berre, Conte d'Andria e di Montescaglioso & his first wife Béatrice of Sicily [Anjou-Capet] (-Rhodes [Feb/Apr] 1347). The Aymari Rivalli De Allobrogibus records the marriage of "Humbertus Delphinus" and "Mariam Bauciam comitis Montis Campi filiam, Roberti regis Siciliæ neptem"[397]. "Roberti…Hierusalem et Siciliæ Regis" granted revenue to "Dom. Humbertus Dalphini…nepos noster" in consideration of his marriage with "Domicella Maria nata…Bertrandi de Baucio Montis Caveosi comitis nepte nostra" by charter dated 26 Jul 1332[398]. The Chronicle of Matthias Nuewenburgensis records that "Delphini Viennenses…iunior Humbertus" married "filiam sororis Roberti regis…[et] [comitis] Novellus"[399]. The testament of "Dom. Humb. Dalph. Vienn. Sedis Apst. Capitaneus Generalis" is dated 29 Jan 1347 at Rhodos provided a pension for "Dom. Mariæ de Baucio Dalph. Vienn…consorti meæ"[400]. Pope Clement VI sent letters of condolence to "Humberto Dalphino Vienn." on the death of "quondam Mariam conjugem tuam" dated 15 May 1347[401].
"Betrothed (1347) to BLANCHE MARIE de Savoie, daughter of AYMON Comte de Savoie & his wife Violanta di Monferrato ([1335]-Pavia 31 Dec 1387, bur Pavia Santa Chiara). The marriage contract of "Dom. Dalphini" and "Dom. Blanchæ" is dated 15 May 1347 and provides for a dowry given by "Dom. comes Sabaudiæ…dictæ…Blanchæ sorori suæ"[402].
"Betrothed (24 Jun 1348) to JEANNE de Bourbon, daughter of PIERRE Duc de Bourbon & his wife Isabelle de Valois (Château du Bois de Vincennes 3 Feb 1339-Hôtel de Saint-Pol, Paris 6 Feb 1378, bur église de l'Abbaye royale de Saint-Denis). The marriage contract of "Dom. Humberti Dalphini Vienn." and "Dom. Johannam primogenitam Dom. Ducis [Borbonesii]" is dated 24 Jun 1348[403]."
Med Lands cites:
Humbert II (?) Dauphin de Viennois and Bianca/Blanche Maria (?) de Savoy were engaged in 1347.4,1 Humbert II (?) Dauphin de Viennois and Jeanne (?) de Bourbon, Queen of France were engaged on 24 June 1348.5,1
Humbert II (?) Dauphin de Viennois died in 1355.2
Humbert II (?) Dauphin de Viennois died on 22 May 1355 at Clermont-en-Auvergne, France.1
Humbert II (?) Dauphin de Viennois was buried after 22 May 1355 at Dominican Convent, Paris, City of Paris, Île-de-France, France (now).1
; Per Med Lands:
"BLANCHE MARIE de Savoie ([1335]-Pavia 31 Dec 1387, bur Pavia Santa Chiara). The testament of "Domina Yolanda de Monteferrato comitissa Sabaudiæ conjuxque…domini Aymonnis comitis Sabaudiæ" dated 14 Dec 1342 makes bequests to "Joannem…filium suum…Blancham filiam suam…filium suum posthumum si nascatur ex ea…Amedeum…filium suum primogenitum"[622]. The testament of "Dominus Aymo comes Sabaudiæ, dux Chablasii et Augustæ, in Italia Marchio, et Baroniarum Baugiaci et Coloniaci dominus ac filius claræ memoriæ Dom. Amedei comitis Sabaudiæ" dated 11 Jun 1343 nominates "filiam suam Blanchiam…Joannem eius filium secundo genitum…Amedeum filium suum primogenitum" as his heirs[623]. Dame de Yenne. The Chronicon of Pietro Azario records that "Domino Galeazio" married "Blancam…sororem…principis domini comitis Sabaudiæ"[624]. Negotiations took place in 1345 for the marriage of "la Sorella del Conte Amedeo VI di Savoia" and to one of the sons (unnamed) of Edward III King of England, as recorded in three letters from King Edward III to Louis de Savoie Baron de Vaud and Amedée III Comte de Genève, as regents of Amedée VI Comte de Savoie[625]. The marriage contract of "Dom. Dalphini" and "Dom. Blanchæ" is dated 15 May 1347 and provides for a dowry given by "Dom. comes Sabaudiæ…dictæ…Blanchæ sorori suæ"[626]. The Annales Mediolanenses record that "Dominus Archiepiscopus" arranged the marriage of "Domino Galeazio" and "Dominam Blancam de Sabaudia sororem…Principis Sabaudiæ" after recalling him from exile[627]. Her marriage was arranged to seal the alliance between her brother and the Visconti family, with whom he had enjoyed good relations since Galeazzo's exile at the court of Savoy from 1346 to 1349[628]. The contract of marriage between "Galeazzo Visconti di Milano" and "Bianca figlia del Conte Aimone di Savoia, Sorella del Conte Amedeo" is dated 18 Sep 1350[629]. She was granted the towns of Monza, Abiate, San Colombano, Graffignana, Binasco, Conzano, Gentilino and Corte Nuova, which she ceded to her son 24 Nov 1380. The testament of "domina Blanca de Sabaudia filia quondam bone memorie…principis domini Amonis comitis Sabaudie et relicta quondam…domini Galeaz Vicecomitis Mediolani Papie…imperialis vicarii generalis…" is dated 12 Nov 1387, and chooses burial "in ecclesia sancte Marie della Nunciata ordinis sancte Clare…in civitate Papie"[630]. Giovanni di Musso´s Chronicon Placentinum records the death in Jan 1387 in Pavia of "Domina Blanca mater…Domini comitis Virtutum et quondam soror Domini comitis Sabaudiæ" and her burial "in ecclesia monasterii monialium Sanctæ Claræ"[631].
"Betrothed (1347) to HUMBERT [II] Dauphin de Viennois, son of JEAN [II] Comte d’Albon Dauphin de Viennois [la Tour du Pin] & his wife Béatrice of Hungary ([1312]-Clermont-en-Auvergne 22 May 1355, bur Paris Dominican convent).
"m (contract 18 Sep 1350, Rivoli 28 Sep 1350) GALEAZZO II Visconti joint Lord of Milan, son of STEFANO Visconti joint Lord of Milan & his wife Valentina Doria ([1324/27]-Pavia 6 Aug 1378)."
Med Lands cites:
[622] Guichenon (Savoie), Tome IV, Preuves, p. 179.
[623] State Archives, volume 104, page 51, fascicule 9.1, and Guichenon (Savoie), Tome IV, Preuves, p. 170.
[624] Petri Azarii Chronicon, Cap. XI, RIS XVI, col. 324.
[625] State Archives, volume 102, page 57, fascicule 1.
[626] Valbonnais (1722), Tome II, CCLI, p. 569.
[627] Annales Mediolanenses, Cap. CXVI, RIS XVI, col. 721.
[628] Marie José (1956), p. 134.
[629] State Archives, volume 102, page 59, fascicule 1.
[630] Osio, L. (ed.) (1864) Documenti Diplomatici tratti dagli archivii Milanesi (Milan) ("Documenti Diplomatici Milanesi"), Vol. I, CXCII, p. 260.
[631] Chronicon Placentinum, RIS XVI, col. 549.4
[623] State Archives, volume 104, page 51, fascicule 9.1, and Guichenon (Savoie), Tome IV, Preuves, p. 170.
[624] Petri Azarii Chronicon, Cap. XI, RIS XVI, col. 324.
[625] State Archives, volume 102, page 57, fascicule 1.
[626] Valbonnais (1722), Tome II, CCLI, p. 569.
[627] Annales Mediolanenses, Cap. CXVI, RIS XVI, col. 721.
[628] Marie José (1956), p. 134.
[629] State Archives, volume 102, page 59, fascicule 1.
[630] Osio, L. (ed.) (1864) Documenti Diplomatici tratti dagli archivii Milanesi (Milan) ("Documenti Diplomatici Milanesi"), Vol. I, CXCII, p. 260.
[631] Chronicon Placentinum, RIS XVI, col. 549.4
; Per Med Lands:
"JEANNE de Bourbon (Château du Bois de Vincennes 3 Feb 1339-Hôtel de Saint-Pol, Paris 6 Feb 1378, bur église de l'Abbaye royale de Saint-Denis). [Gilles de Roye’s Annales Belgici record the marriages in 1347 in Paris of “duo filii ducis Brabantiæ...Henricus primogenitus filiam ducis Normanniæ et Godefridus filiam ducis Borbonii”[226]. The identity of the betrothed of Godefroi de Brabant is not specified. However, it was probably Jeanne if she was her father’s oldest daughter and therefore most likely the first to have been betrothed.] The marriage contract of "Dom. Humberti Dalphini Vienn." and "Dom. Johannam primogenitam Dom. Ducis [Borbonesii]" is dated 24 Jun 1348[227]. The marriage contract of "Jehan ainsnez fils du Roy de France, Duc de Normandie et de Guyenne…Charles de France nostre ainsnez fils" and "Pierre Duc de Bourbonnois conte de Clermont et de la Marche…Jehanne de Bourbon nostre ainsnée fille" is dated Jul 1349[228]. Ayala´s Crónica de Pedro I records that another daughter “del...Duque de Borbon” married “el Rey de Francia Don Carlos” when recording the negotiations for the marriage of her sister Blanche in 1351[229]. She was crowned Queen of France with her husband 19 May 1364. She died from a fever following childbirth. The Chronique des règnes de Jean II et de Charles V records the death 8 Feb 1377 (O.S.) of “la...Royne...ou...hostel de Saint-Pol” and her burial “à Saint-Denis”[230].
"[Betrothed (Paris 1347) to GODEFROI de Brabant, son of JEAN III Duke of Brabant & his wife Marie d'Evreux (-after 3 Feb 1352, bur Tervueren).]
"Betrothed (24 Jun 1348) to HUMBERT [II] Dauphin de Viennois, son of JEAN [II] Comte d’Albon Dauphin de Viennois [la Tour du Pin] & his wife Béatrice of Hungary ([1312]-Clermont-en-Auvergne 22 May 1355, bur Paris Dominican convent).
"m (contract Lyon Jul 1349, Tain-en-Viennois, Drôme 8 Apr 1350) CHARLES de France Dauphin de Viennois, son of JEAN de France Duc de Guyenne [later JEAN II "le Bon" King of France] & his first wife Jutta [Bonne] of Bohemia [Luxembourg] (Château du Bois de Vincennes 21 Jan 1338-Château de Beauté-sur-Marne, Nogent-sur-Marne 16 Sep 1380, bur église de l'Abbaye royale de Saint-Denis). Comte de Poitiers 1354. Duc de Normandie 7 Dec 1355. He succeeded his father in 1364 as CHARLES V King of France."
Med Lands cites:
[226] Sweerts, F. (1620) Rerum Belgicarum Annales Chronici et Historici (Frankfurt), Tome I, Ægidii de Roya Annales Belgici, 1347, p. 61.
[227] Valbonnais, Marquis de (1722) Histoire de Dauphiné (Geneva), Tome II, CCLXII, p. 576.
[228] Valbonnais (1722), Tome II, CCLXXVII, p. 607.
[229] López de Ayala, P. (1779) Crónicas de los reyes de Castilla (Madrid), Tome I, Crónica del rey don Pedro, Año Secundo, Cap. XV, p. 53.
[230] Delachenal, R. (1916) Chronique des règnes de Jean II et de Charles V, Tome II (Paris), p. 278.5
[227] Valbonnais, Marquis de (1722) Histoire de Dauphiné (Geneva), Tome II, CCLXII, p. 576.
[228] Valbonnais (1722), Tome II, CCLXXVII, p. 607.
[229] López de Ayala, P. (1779) Crónicas de los reyes de Castilla (Madrid), Tome I, Crónica del rey don Pedro, Año Secundo, Cap. XV, p. 53.
[230] Delachenal, R. (1916) Chronique des règnes de Jean II et de Charles V, Tome II (Paris), p. 278.5
; Per Racines et Histoire (Bourbon): “Jeanne de Bourbon ° 03/02/1339 (Vincennes) + 06/02/1378 (Hôtel Saint-Pol, Paris) Reine de France (couronnée 19/05/1364)
fiancée 24/06/1348 à Humbert II Dauphin du Viennois ° 1312 + 22/05/1355 (Clermont) (fils de Jean II, comte d’Albon et de Béatrice de Hongrie)
ép. (c.m.) 06/1349 (Lyon) & 08/04/1350 (Tain-enViennois) Charles, Dauphin de France puis Roi Charles V (1364) ° 21/01/1338 (Vincennes) + 16/09/1380 (Beauté-sur-Marne) comte de Poitiers (1354), duc de Normandie (07/12/1355) (fils de Jean II «Le Bon» et de Judith (Jutta, Bonne) de Bohême)”.6
; Per Med Lands:
"MARIE de Baux (-Rhodes [Feb/Apr] 1347). The Aymari Rivalli De Allobrogibus records the marriage of "Humbertus Delphinus" and "Mariam Bauciam comitis Montis Campi filiam, Roberti regis Siciliæ neptem"[913]. "Roberti…Hierusalem et Siciliæ Regis" granted revenue to "Dom. Humbertus Dalphini…nepos noster" in consideration of his marriage with "Domicella Maria nata…Bertrandi de Baucio Montis Caveosi comitis nepte nostra" by charter dated 26 Jul 1332[914]. The Chronicle of Matthias Nueweburgensis records that "Delphini Viennenses…iunior Humbertus" married "filiam sororis Roberti regis…[et] [comitis] Novellus"[915]. The testament of "Dom. Humb. Dalph. Vienn. Sedis Apst. Capitaneus Generalis" is dated 29 Jan 1347 at Rhodos provided a pension for "Dom. Mariæ de Baucio Dalph. Vienn…consorti meæ"[916]. Pope Clement VI sent letters of condolence to "Humberto Dalphino Vienn." on the death of "quondam Mariam conjugem tuam" dated 15 May 1347[917].
"m (after 26 Jul 1332) HUMBERT [II] de Viennois, son of JEAN [II] Comte d’Albon Dauphin de Viennois [la Tour du Pin] & his wife Béatrice of Hungary ([1312]-Clermont-en-Auvergne 22 May 1355, bur Paris Dominican convent). He succeeded his brother in 1333 as Dauphin de Viennois."
Med Lands cites:
[913] Terrebasse, A. de (ed.) (1844) Aymari Rivalli De Allobrogibus (Vienne) ("De Allobrogibus") VIII, p. 469.
[914] Valbonnais, Marquis de (1722) Histoire de Dauphiné (Geneva), Tome II, I, p. 238.
[915] Boehmer, J. F. (1868) Fontes Rerum Germanicarum, Band IV (Stuttgart), Matthias Nuewenburgensis, p. 216.
[916] Valbonnais (1722), Tome II, CCXXXIX, p. 541.
[917] Valbonnais (1722), Tome II, CCXLIII, p. 554.3
[914] Valbonnais, Marquis de (1722) Histoire de Dauphiné (Geneva), Tome II, I, p. 238.
[915] Boehmer, J. F. (1868) Fontes Rerum Germanicarum, Band IV (Stuttgart), Matthias Nuewenburgensis, p. 216.
[916] Valbonnais (1722), Tome II, CCXXXIX, p. 541.
[917] Valbonnais (1722), Tome II, CCXLIII, p. 554.3
; Per Med Lands:
"HUMBERT [II] ([1312]-Clermont-en-Auvergne 22 May 1355, bur Paris Dominican convent). The Aymari Rivalli De Allobrogibus names "Guigonem et Humbertum" as the sons of "Ioanni" and his wife[386]. He succeeded his brother in 1333 as Dauphin de Viennois. "Humbertus Dalphinus Viennensis, dux Campisauri, Vienne et Albonis comes ac palatinus" donated property to Cremieu monastery, founded by "dominum Joannem Delphinum quondam patrem nostrum", with the consent of "B. matris eius", by charter dated 7 Feb 1337[387]. A charter dated 31 Jul 1343 records an agreement between "Dominus Humbertus Dalphinus Viennensis" agreed with "dominus Philippus de Vienna dominus de Pymont et Guido de Vienna eius filius primogenitus, consanguinei eiusdem domini Delphini" about the inheritance of "domina Margareta de Montelupello, uxore quondam eiusdem domini Philippi…filia Guidonis quondam domini Montislupelli"[388]. He became a Dominican monk at Beauvoir in 1343[389]. Appointed leader of a crusade against Umur Pasha, he left from Marseille in May 1345, but his fleet was attacked by the Genoese near Rhodes[390]. The testament of "Dom. Humb. Dalph. Vienn. Sedis Apst. Capitaneus Generalis" is dated 29 Jan 1347 at Rhodos, provided a pension for "Dom. Mariæ de Baucio Dalph. Vienn…consorti meæ", and made bequests to "Hugoni de Gebennis Dom. de Antone et de Varey…consanguineo meo…Galiaco de Salutiis…nepoti meo…Dom. Johannis bastardo quondam…Dom. Guigonis Dalphini fratris mei…Amedeo bastardo meo…Johanni bastardo de Fucigniaco…Humberto de Fucigniaco…Dom. Politæ uxori Dom. Hugonis de Gebennis…Dom. Guillelmæ Alamandi…bastardæ meæ quæ est in monasterio de Salectis…nepti meæ filiæ principis Auraicæ moniali de Salectis ordinis Cartusiensis…"[391]. He returned to France having achieved nothing, before the crusading army defeated a Turkish army at Smyrna[392]. He abdicated as Dauphin 16 Jul 1349 in favour of the king of France, to whom he sold the Dauphiné for 400,000 écus and an annual pension[393]. He adopted the titles Prince de Briançonnois, Duc de Champsor, and Marquis de Cézane. He was awarded the titles Patriarch of Alexandria and Perpetual administrator of the archiepiscopal church of Reims[394]. The testament of "Dominus Humbertus…Patriarcha Alexandrinus, administrator perpetuus ecclesiæ Remensis et Dalphinus antiquior Vienn." is dated 21 May 1355 and chose his burial "in ecclesia Fratrum Prædictorum Parisiens. juxta sepulchrum bonæ memoriæ Dom. Clementiæ quondam Reginæ Franciæ amitæ nostræ"[395]. The necrology of Vauvert records the death "X Kal Jun" of "patriarcha Alexandrinus quondam delphinus Viennensis postea archiepiscopus Remensis"[396].
"m (after 26 Jul 1332) MARIE de Baux, daughter of BERTRAND de Baux, Seigneur de Berre, Conte d'Andria e di Montescaglioso & his first wife Béatrice of Sicily [Anjou-Capet] (-Rhodes [Feb/Apr] 1347). The Aymari Rivalli De Allobrogibus records the marriage of "Humbertus Delphinus" and "Mariam Bauciam comitis Montis Campi filiam, Roberti regis Siciliæ neptem"[397]. "Roberti…Hierusalem et Siciliæ Regis" granted revenue to "Dom. Humbertus Dalphini…nepos noster" in consideration of his marriage with "Domicella Maria nata…Bertrandi de Baucio Montis Caveosi comitis nepte nostra" by charter dated 26 Jul 1332[398]. The Chronicle of Matthias Nuewenburgensis records that "Delphini Viennenses…iunior Humbertus" married "filiam sororis Roberti regis…[et] [comitis] Novellus"[399]. The testament of "Dom. Humb. Dalph. Vienn. Sedis Apst. Capitaneus Generalis" is dated 29 Jan 1347 at Rhodos provided a pension for "Dom. Mariæ de Baucio Dalph. Vienn…consorti meæ"[400]. Pope Clement VI sent letters of condolence to "Humberto Dalphino Vienn." on the death of "quondam Mariam conjugem tuam" dated 15 May 1347[401].
"Betrothed (1347) to BLANCHE MARIE de Savoie, daughter of AYMON Comte de Savoie & his wife Violanta di Monferrato ([1335]-Pavia 31 Dec 1387, bur Pavia Santa Chiara). The marriage contract of "Dom. Dalphini" and "Dom. Blanchæ" is dated 15 May 1347 and provides for a dowry given by "Dom. comes Sabaudiæ…dictæ…Blanchæ sorori suæ"[402].
"Betrothed (24 Jun 1348) to JEANNE de Bourbon, daughter of PIERRE Duc de Bourbon & his wife Isabelle de Valois (Château du Bois de Vincennes 3 Feb 1339-Hôtel de Saint-Pol, Paris 6 Feb 1378, bur église de l'Abbaye royale de Saint-Denis). The marriage contract of "Dom. Humberti Dalphini Vienn." and "Dom. Johannam primogenitam Dom. Ducis [Borbonesii]" is dated 24 Jun 1348[403]."
Med Lands cites:
[386] De Allobrogibus VIII, p. 457.
[387] Bibliotheca Sebusiana, Centuria II, XXIII, p. 218.
[388] Bibliotheca Sebusiana, Centuria II, XXII, p. 215.
[389] ES III 115.
[390] Sturdza (1999), p. 504, and Runciman (1978), Vol. 3, p. 452.
[391] Valbonnais (1722), Tome II, CCXXXIX, p. 541.
[392] Sturdza (1999), p. 504, and Runciman (1978), Vol. 3, p. 452.
[393] Valbonnais (1722), Tome II, CCLXXIV, p. 594.
[394] Sturdza (1999), p. 504.
[395] Valbonnais (1722), Tome II, CCLXXXVII, p. 618.
[396] Obituaires de Sens Tome I.2, Chartreux de Vauvert, p. 700.
[397] De Allobrogibus VIII, p. 469.
[398] Valbonnais (1722), Tome II, I, p. 238.
[399] Matthias Nuewenburgensis, p. 216.
[400] Valbonnais (1722), Tome II, CCXXXIX, p. 541.
[401] Valbonnais (1722), Tome II, CCXLIII, p. 554.
[402] Valbonnais (1722), Tome II, CCLI, p. 569.1
[387] Bibliotheca Sebusiana, Centuria II, XXIII, p. 218.
[388] Bibliotheca Sebusiana, Centuria II, XXII, p. 215.
[389] ES III 115.
[390] Sturdza (1999), p. 504, and Runciman (1978), Vol. 3, p. 452.
[391] Valbonnais (1722), Tome II, CCXXXIX, p. 541.
[392] Sturdza (1999), p. 504, and Runciman (1978), Vol. 3, p. 452.
[393] Valbonnais (1722), Tome II, CCLXXIV, p. 594.
[394] Sturdza (1999), p. 504.
[395] Valbonnais (1722), Tome II, CCLXXXVII, p. 618.
[396] Obituaires de Sens Tome I.2, Chartreux de Vauvert, p. 700.
[397] De Allobrogibus VIII, p. 469.
[398] Valbonnais (1722), Tome II, I, p. 238.
[399] Matthias Nuewenburgensis, p. 216.
[400] Valbonnais (1722), Tome II, CCXXXIX, p. 541.
[401] Valbonnais (1722), Tome II, CCXLIII, p. 554.
[402] Valbonnais (1722), Tome II, CCLI, p. 569.1
Family 1 | Bianca/Blanche Maria (?) de Savoy b. bt 1335 - 1336, d. 31 Dec 1387 |
Family 2 | Jeanne (?) de Bourbon, Queen of France b. 3 Feb 1339, d. 6 Feb 1378 |
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, online, unknown author (e-mail address), downloaded updated 15 May 2003, Baux 3 page:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Maison de Bourbon, p. 4: Hereinafter cited as Racines et Histoire.
Thibaut I de Reynel Comte de Reynel1
M, #6792, d. before 21 April 1101
Father | Orly III de Reynel Comte de Reynel1 |
Last Edited | 18 Aug 2020 |
Thibaut I de Reynel Comte de Reynel married Ermentrude de Ramerupt, daughter of Hildouin IV de Montdidier comte de Montdidier, seigneur de Ramerupt, d’Arcis et de Breteuil, comte de Roucy and Adele (Adelix) de Roucy,
His 1st wife.2 Thibaut I de Reynel Comte de Reynel married Petronille (?)
His 2nd wife.2
Thibaut I de Reynel Comte de Reynel died before 21 April 1101.1
; Per Med Lands:
"THIBAUT [I] de Reynel (-before 21 Apr 1101). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Comte de Reynel.
"m [firstly] ERMENTRUDE de Ramerupt, daughter of HILDUIN [IV] de Montdidier et de Ramerupt Comte de Roucy & his wife Adelaide de Roucy (-1102 or after). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Ermentrudis" as fourth daughter of Hilduin Comte de Roucy and names her husband "Theobaldo comiti de Rimnello"[736]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "tertiam…Hilduini comitis filiam Ermentrudem" as wife of "Theobaldus comes de Rinnel"[737].
"[m secondly PETRONILLE, daughter of ---. "Teobaudus comes de Risnello" donated property to the abbey of Molesme with the consent of "uxore sua Petronilla et filiis suis Hugone et Arnulfo" by charter dated to [1076/1100][738]. An alternative interpretation of this charter is that "Petronilla" was a copyist's error for "Ermentrude".]"
Med Lands cites:
; Per Med Lands:
"ERMENTRUDE de Ramerupt (-1102 or after). The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "tertiam…Hilduini comitis filiam Ermentrudem" as wife of "Theobaldus comes de Rinnel"[662]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Ermentrudis" as fourth daughter of Hilduin Comte de Roucy and names her husband "Theobaldo comiti de Rimnello"[663].
"m THIBAUT [I] Comte de Reynel, son of OLRY Comte de Reynel & his wife --- (-before 11 Apr 1101)."
Med Lands cites:
His 1st wife.2 Thibaut I de Reynel Comte de Reynel married Petronille (?)
His 2nd wife.2
Thibaut I de Reynel Comte de Reynel died before 21 April 1101.1
; Per Med Lands:
"THIBAUT [I] de Reynel (-before 21 Apr 1101). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Comte de Reynel.
"m [firstly] ERMENTRUDE de Ramerupt, daughter of HILDUIN [IV] de Montdidier et de Ramerupt Comte de Roucy & his wife Adelaide de Roucy (-1102 or after). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Ermentrudis" as fourth daughter of Hilduin Comte de Roucy and names her husband "Theobaldo comiti de Rimnello"[736]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "tertiam…Hilduini comitis filiam Ermentrudem" as wife of "Theobaldus comes de Rinnel"[737].
"[m secondly PETRONILLE, daughter of ---. "Teobaudus comes de Risnello" donated property to the abbey of Molesme with the consent of "uxore sua Petronilla et filiis suis Hugone et Arnulfo" by charter dated to [1076/1100][738]. An alternative interpretation of this charter is that "Petronilla" was a copyist's error for "Ermentrude".]"
Med Lands cites:
[736] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1063, MGH SS XXIII, p. 794.
[737] Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis 16, MGH SS XIII, p. 255.
[738] Molesme, Tome II, 82, p. 87.1
[737] Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis 16, MGH SS XIII, p. 255.
[738] Molesme, Tome II, 82, p. 87.1
; Per Med Lands:
"ERMENTRUDE de Ramerupt (-1102 or after). The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "tertiam…Hilduini comitis filiam Ermentrudem" as wife of "Theobaldus comes de Rinnel"[662]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Ermentrudis" as fourth daughter of Hilduin Comte de Roucy and names her husband "Theobaldo comiti de Rimnello"[663].
"m THIBAUT [I] Comte de Reynel, son of OLRY Comte de Reynel & his wife --- (-before 11 Apr 1101)."
Med Lands cites:
[662] Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis 16, MGH SS XIII, p. 255.
[663] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1063, MGH SS XXIII, p. 794.2
[663] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1063, MGH SS XXIII, p. 794.2
Family 1 | Petronille (?) |
Family 2 | Ermentrude de Ramerupt d. c 1102 |
Child |
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
Adeliz/Adelise de Bellême Dame de Domfront1,2,3,4
F, #6793, b. circa 1026
Father | Warin/Guerin de Bellême Seigneur de Domfront4,2,1 d. 1026 |
Mother | Melisende (?) vicomtesse de Châteaudun5,4 |
Reference | GAV25 |
Last Edited | 18 Aug 2020 |
Adeliz/Adelise de Bellême Dame de Domfront was born circa 1026. She married Rotrou I (?) comte de Mortagne, vicomte de Châteaudun, son of Geoffroy II/III (?) Vicomte de Châteaudun, Comte de Mortagne, seigneur of Nogent-le-Rotrou and Helvidis/Helvise (?), before 1041.6,7,8,9,10,2,11,12,4
Adeliz/Adelise de Bellême Dame de Domfront was born in 1043.13
GAV-25 EDV-26.
Reference: Genealogics ites: Europäische Stammtafeln, J.A. Stargardt Verlag Marburg., Detlev Schwennicke, Editor, Reference: III 689.4
Reference: Genealogics cites: Europäische Stammtafeln, J.A. Stargardt Verlag, Marburg, Schwennicke, Detlev (Ed.) 3:689.4 Adeliz/Adelise de Bellême Dame de Domfront was also known as Adelise (Adeline) de Bellême.14 Adeliz/Adelise de Bellême Dame de Domfront was also known as Adeline de Domfront.
; Per Med Lands:
"ADELISE de Bellême . Her parentage is suggested by Orderic Vitalis who records that the great-grandfather of Rotrou [III] Comte du Perche was Guerin "quem dæmones suffocaverunt"[38]. It is also suggested by the reference in the same source to her son Geoffroy having a justified claim to Domfront, a castle which had been constructed by Adelise’s paternal grandfather. The source which confirms her name has not been identified.
"m ROTROU [I] Vicomte de Châteaudun, son of GEOFFROY Vicomte de Châteaudun & his wife Helvis [Elisabeth] de Corbon (-1 Mar [1080]). Comte de Mortagne 1058."
Med Lands cites:
; Per Med Lands:
"ROTROU de Châteaudun, son of GEOFFROY Vicomte de Châteaudun & his wife Helvis [Elisabeth] de Corbon (-1 Mar [1080]). "Hugonis filii domini Gaufridi vicecomitis, Rotroci fratris eius, Eleusie matris eorum" subscribed the charter dated [20 Jul 1031/19 Jul 1032] under which "Gauffridus Castridunensium vicecomes" founded the abbey of Saint-Denis de Nogent[2064]. "Gauffredus vicecomes Dunensis Castri" made a donation to Saint-Denis de Nogent by charter dated 1040, witnessed by "Hugo filius Gauffridi, Rotrocus frater eius"[2065]. "Rotrocus castri Mauritanie comes atque Dunensis castri vicecomes" names "Gaufridus pater meus comes" in his confirmation of donations to Saint-Denis de Nogent with the consent of "filiorum meorum…Gaufridi, Hugonis, Rotroci, Fulcoisi ac filie mee Helvise" by charter dated 11 Jan 1078[2066]. Vicomte de Châteaudun. Comte de Mortagne 1058. "Rotrochus comes de Mauritania et mea uxor Adeliz et filii nostri Rotrochus et ceteri nostri infantes" donated property to Saint-Vincent du Mans, for the anniversary of "avi mei Fulcuich comitis et avunculi mei Hugonis et patris mei vicecomitis Gaufridi" by charter dated to [1065][2067]. The necrology of Saint-Père-en-Vallée records the death "Kal Mar" of "Rotrocus comes"[2068].
"m ADELISE de Bellême, daughter of GUERIN [Warinus] de Bellême & his wife ---. Her parentage is suggested by Orderic Vitalis who records that the great-grandfather of Rotrou [III] Comte du Perche was Guerin "quem dæmones suffocaverunt"[2069]. It is also suggested by the reference in the same source to her son Geoffroy having a justified claim to Domfront, a castle which had been constructed by Adelise’s paternal grandfather. The source which confirms her name has not been identified."
Med Lands cites:
; Per Racines et Histoire (Châteaudun): “Rotrou ° ~1034 + 01/03/1079/80 seigneur de Nogent, comte de Mortagne et du Perche (1058) puis vicomte de Châteaudun (1042-1080)
ép. 1) ~1040 Adèle (Adelise, Adeline) de Bellême (alias de Domfront) (fille de Guérin (Guarin, Warinus) de Bellême, seigneur de Domfront)
ép. 2) ~1060 Lucie de Gennes
X) liaison avec ? ”
Per Racines et Histoire (Bellême): “Adelise (Adeline, Adèle) d’Escures) de Bellême (citée dès 1060)
ép. Rotrou 1er, vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Mortagne (1039) et du Perche (1058), seigneur de Nogent (-Le-Rotrou) (fils de Geoffroi, vicomte de Châteaudun, et d’Helvise (Elisabeth) de Corbon + 01/03/1080)”.10,15
; From Wilson:
"Settipani and Keats-Rohan, in the essays listed below, seem to have sorted out the early viscounts of Chateaudun whose line is disconnected in ES iii, 689, and apparently in error in earlier secondary sources. I would appreciate it if someone would let me know if I have misread the relevant portions of these essays, or if you note other errors in the pedigree below.
First Generation
"1 Routrou I Count of Mortagne.[233, iii, 636, 689],[74, See 151:24],[73, p. 49],[82, 455:20->685:04],[411, pp. 467, 468 (tables 4, 6)],[467],[376, ³Bellesmes² 24, p. 36],[151, 249:31],[104, pp. 18, 179] Routrou I died ca 1080.[233] Vicomte of Chateaudun; seigneur of Nogent-le-Rotrou.[151]
bef 1041 Routrou married Adeline of Domfront[233, iii, 636, 689],[74, See 151:24],[73, p. 49],[411, pp. 467, 468 (tables 4, 6)],[376, See ³Bellesmes² 24, p. 36],[151, See 249:31],[104, pp. 18, 179],[82, 455:21->685:05].[151]
Second Generation
"2 Geoffrey III Viscount of Chateaudun.[233, iii, 689],[73, p. 49],[466],[467],[376, ³Bellesmes² 25, p. 36],[151, 249:32],[104, p. 179],[82, 685:08] Geoffrey III was alive in 1031.[233, iii, 689],[466] Geoffrey III died in 1039/1040.[233, iii, 689 +] Seigneur of Nogent-le-Rotrou.[151],[467]
"3 Heloise \ Elisabeth of Mortaigne.[233, iii, 689],[73, p. 49],[467],[376, See ³Bellesmes² 25, p. 36],[151, See 249:32],[104, p. 179],[82, 685:09] Born abt 995.
Third Generation
"4 Geoffrey II Viscount of Chateaudun.[73, p. 48],[466],[467],[151, See 249:33 (Hugh I, brother)] Geoffrey II was alive in 1004.[466] Viscount of Chateaudun .[467]
"5 Melisinda of Nogent.[73, p. 48],[466],[467]
"6 Fulk Count of Mortagne [233, iii, 689],[73, p. 48],[467],[151, See 249:32] Count of Corbon.[233]
Fourth Generation
"8 Geoffrey I Viscount of Chateaudun.[233, iii, 689],[73, p. 48 (? Hugh I, brother of Geoffrey II)],[466],[467] Geoffrey I died aft 986.[233, iii, 689 +] Viscount of Chateaudun .[467] ca 1020 Geoffrey I married Hildegarde.[233, iii, 689 =]
"9 Hildegarde.[233, iii, 689],[73, p. 48],[466],[467] Hildegarde was alive ca 970.[467] was alive ca 1020.[467] Hildegarde died bef 1023.[233, iii, 689 +] Hildegarde is suggested to be a granddaughter of Hugh I, Count of Maine.[466]
"10 Rotrou Seigneur of Nogent.[467] Rotrou was alive in 967.[467] was alive in 996.[467] Seigneur of Nogent .[467]
Alan B. Wilson“.16 She was living in 1060; mentioned.4
Adeliz/Adelise de Bellême Dame de Domfront was born in 1043.13
GAV-25 EDV-26.
Reference: Genealogics ites: Europäische Stammtafeln, J.A. Stargardt Verlag Marburg., Detlev Schwennicke, Editor, Reference: III 689.4
Reference: Genealogics cites: Europäische Stammtafeln, J.A. Stargardt Verlag, Marburg, Schwennicke, Detlev (Ed.) 3:689.4 Adeliz/Adelise de Bellême Dame de Domfront was also known as Adelise (Adeline) de Bellême.14 Adeliz/Adelise de Bellême Dame de Domfront was also known as Adeline de Domfront.
; Per Med Lands:
"ADELISE de Bellême . Her parentage is suggested by Orderic Vitalis who records that the great-grandfather of Rotrou [III] Comte du Perche was Guerin "quem dæmones suffocaverunt"[38]. It is also suggested by the reference in the same source to her son Geoffroy having a justified claim to Domfront, a castle which had been constructed by Adelise’s paternal grandfather. The source which confirms her name has not been identified.
"m ROTROU [I] Vicomte de Châteaudun, son of GEOFFROY Vicomte de Châteaudun & his wife Helvis [Elisabeth] de Corbon (-1 Mar [1080]). Comte de Mortagne 1058."
Med Lands cites:
[38] Motey (1920), p. 153.1
; Per Med Lands:
"ROTROU de Châteaudun, son of GEOFFROY Vicomte de Châteaudun & his wife Helvis [Elisabeth] de Corbon (-1 Mar [1080]). "Hugonis filii domini Gaufridi vicecomitis, Rotroci fratris eius, Eleusie matris eorum" subscribed the charter dated [20 Jul 1031/19 Jul 1032] under which "Gauffridus Castridunensium vicecomes" founded the abbey of Saint-Denis de Nogent[2064]. "Gauffredus vicecomes Dunensis Castri" made a donation to Saint-Denis de Nogent by charter dated 1040, witnessed by "Hugo filius Gauffridi, Rotrocus frater eius"[2065]. "Rotrocus castri Mauritanie comes atque Dunensis castri vicecomes" names "Gaufridus pater meus comes" in his confirmation of donations to Saint-Denis de Nogent with the consent of "filiorum meorum…Gaufridi, Hugonis, Rotroci, Fulcoisi ac filie mee Helvise" by charter dated 11 Jan 1078[2066]. Vicomte de Châteaudun. Comte de Mortagne 1058. "Rotrochus comes de Mauritania et mea uxor Adeliz et filii nostri Rotrochus et ceteri nostri infantes" donated property to Saint-Vincent du Mans, for the anniversary of "avi mei Fulcuich comitis et avunculi mei Hugonis et patris mei vicecomitis Gaufridi" by charter dated to [1065][2067]. The necrology of Saint-Père-en-Vallée records the death "Kal Mar" of "Rotrocus comes"[2068].
"m ADELISE de Bellême, daughter of GUERIN [Warinus] de Bellême & his wife ---. Her parentage is suggested by Orderic Vitalis who records that the great-grandfather of Rotrou [III] Comte du Perche was Guerin "quem dæmones suffocaverunt"[2069]. It is also suggested by the reference in the same source to her son Geoffroy having a justified claim to Domfront, a castle which had been constructed by Adelise’s paternal grandfather. The source which confirms her name has not been identified."
Med Lands cites:
[2064] Nogent-le-Rotrou V, p. 13.
[2065] Nogent-le-Rotrou L, p. 118.
[2066] Nogent-le-Rotrou VI, p. 19, and Cluny, Tome IV, 3517, p. 633.
[2067] Le Mans Saint-Vincent, Liber primus, 609, p. 350.
[2068] Obituaires de Sens Tome II, Abbaye de Saint-Père-enVallée, p. 184.
[2069] Motey (1920), p. 153.12
[2065] Nogent-le-Rotrou L, p. 118.
[2066] Nogent-le-Rotrou VI, p. 19, and Cluny, Tome IV, 3517, p. 633.
[2067] Le Mans Saint-Vincent, Liber primus, 609, p. 350.
[2068] Obituaires de Sens Tome II, Abbaye de Saint-Père-enVallée, p. 184.
[2069] Motey (1920), p. 153.12
; Per Racines et Histoire (Châteaudun): “Rotrou ° ~1034 + 01/03/1079/80 seigneur de Nogent, comte de Mortagne et du Perche (1058) puis vicomte de Châteaudun (1042-1080)
ép. 1) ~1040 Adèle (Adelise, Adeline) de Bellême (alias de Domfront) (fille de Guérin (Guarin, Warinus) de Bellême, seigneur de Domfront)
ép. 2) ~1060 Lucie de Gennes
X) liaison avec ? ”
Per Racines et Histoire (Bellême): “Adelise (Adeline, Adèle) d’Escures) de Bellême (citée dès 1060)
ép. Rotrou 1er, vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Mortagne (1039) et du Perche (1058), seigneur de Nogent (-Le-Rotrou) (fils de Geoffroi, vicomte de Châteaudun, et d’Helvise (Elisabeth) de Corbon + 01/03/1080)”.10,15
; From Wilson:
"Settipani and Keats-Rohan, in the essays listed below, seem to have sorted out the early viscounts of Chateaudun whose line is disconnected in ES iii, 689, and apparently in error in earlier secondary sources. I would appreciate it if someone would let me know if I have misread the relevant portions of these essays, or if you note other errors in the pedigree below.
First Generation
"1 Routrou I Count of Mortagne.[233, iii, 636, 689],[74, See 151:24],[73, p. 49],[82, 455:20->685:04],[411, pp. 467, 468 (tables 4, 6)],[467],[376, ³Bellesmes² 24, p. 36],[151, 249:31],[104, pp. 18, 179] Routrou I died ca 1080.[233] Vicomte of Chateaudun; seigneur of Nogent-le-Rotrou.[151]
bef 1041 Routrou married Adeline of Domfront[233, iii, 636, 689],[74, See 151:24],[73, p. 49],[411, pp. 467, 468 (tables 4, 6)],[376, See ³Bellesmes² 24, p. 36],[151, See 249:31],[104, pp. 18, 179],[82, 455:21->685:05].[151]
Second Generation
"2 Geoffrey III Viscount of Chateaudun.[233, iii, 689],[73, p. 49],[466],[467],[376, ³Bellesmes² 25, p. 36],[151, 249:32],[104, p. 179],[82, 685:08] Geoffrey III was alive in 1031.[233, iii, 689],[466] Geoffrey III died in 1039/1040.[233, iii, 689 +] Seigneur of Nogent-le-Rotrou.[151],[467]
"3 Heloise \ Elisabeth of Mortaigne.[233, iii, 689],[73, p. 49],[467],[376, See ³Bellesmes² 25, p. 36],[151, See 249:32],[104, p. 179],[82, 685:09] Born abt 995.
Third Generation
"4 Geoffrey II Viscount of Chateaudun.[73, p. 48],[466],[467],[151, See 249:33 (Hugh I, brother)] Geoffrey II was alive in 1004.[466] Viscount of Chateaudun .[467]
"5 Melisinda of Nogent.[73, p. 48],[466],[467]
"6 Fulk Count of Mortagne [233, iii, 689],[73, p. 48],[467],[151, See 249:32] Count of Corbon.[233]
Fourth Generation
"8 Geoffrey I Viscount of Chateaudun.[233, iii, 689],[73, p. 48 (? Hugh I, brother of Geoffrey II)],[466],[467] Geoffrey I died aft 986.[233, iii, 689 +] Viscount of Chateaudun .[467] ca 1020 Geoffrey I married Hildegarde.[233, iii, 689 =]
"9 Hildegarde.[233, iii, 689],[73, p. 48],[466],[467] Hildegarde was alive ca 970.[467] was alive ca 1020.[467] Hildegarde died bef 1023.[233, iii, 689 +] Hildegarde is suggested to be a granddaughter of Hugh I, Count of Maine.[466]
"10 Rotrou Seigneur of Nogent.[467] Rotrou was alive in 967.[467] was alive in 996.[467] Seigneur of Nogent .[467]
73. Moriarty, George Andrews, The Plantagenet Ancestry of King Edward III and Queen Philippa, Salt Lake City, Utah: Mormon Pioneer Genealogy Society, 1985.
74. Weis, Frederick Lewis, Ancestral roots of certain American colonists who came to America before 1700; 7th ed., with additions and correctiuons by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr; assisted by David Faris, Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1992.
82. Call, Michel L., Royal Ancestors of Some American Families ; Pedigree Charts., Printed by the author, 1991.
104. Turton, William Harry, The Plantagenet ancestry, Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1993.
151. Stuart, Roderick W., Royalty for commoners : the complete known lineage of John of Gaunt. . . second edition, Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1992.
233. Schwennicke, Detlev (ed.), Europaische Stammtafeln : Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der europaischen Staaten / begrundet von Wilhelm Karl Prinz zu Isenburg ; fortgefuhrt von Frank Baron Freytag von Loringhoven ; neue Folge herausgegeben vonŠ., Marburg: Stargardt, 1978-<1995 >.
376. Winkhaus, Eberhard, Ahnen Zu Karl Dem Grossen Und Widukind, Westfalen, 1950.
411. Barlow, Frank, William Rufus, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1983.
466. Keats-Rohan, K.S.B., ³ŒUn vassal sans histoire¹?: Count Hugh II (c. 940/955-992) and the Origins of Angevin Overlordship in Maine,² K.S.B. Keats-Rohan (ed.), Family Trees and the Roots of Politics, Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK: Boydell Press, 1997, 189-210.
467. Settipani, Christian, ³Les comtes d¹Anjou et leurs alliances aux Xe et XIe siecles,² K.S.B. Keats-Rohan (ed.), Family Trees and the Roots of Politics, Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK: Boydell Press, 1997, 211-267.
74. Weis, Frederick Lewis, Ancestral roots of certain American colonists who came to America before 1700; 7th ed., with additions and correctiuons by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr; assisted by David Faris, Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1992.
82. Call, Michel L., Royal Ancestors of Some American Families ; Pedigree Charts., Printed by the author, 1991.
104. Turton, William Harry, The Plantagenet ancestry, Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1993.
151. Stuart, Roderick W., Royalty for commoners : the complete known lineage of John of Gaunt. . . second edition, Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1992.
233. Schwennicke, Detlev (ed.), Europaische Stammtafeln : Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der europaischen Staaten / begrundet von Wilhelm Karl Prinz zu Isenburg ; fortgefuhrt von Frank Baron Freytag von Loringhoven ; neue Folge herausgegeben vonŠ., Marburg: Stargardt, 1978-<1995 >.
376. Winkhaus, Eberhard, Ahnen Zu Karl Dem Grossen Und Widukind, Westfalen, 1950.
411. Barlow, Frank, William Rufus, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1983.
466. Keats-Rohan, K.S.B., ³ŒUn vassal sans histoire¹?: Count Hugh II (c. 940/955-992) and the Origins of Angevin Overlordship in Maine,² K.S.B. Keats-Rohan (ed.), Family Trees and the Roots of Politics, Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK: Boydell Press, 1997, 189-210.
467. Settipani, Christian, ³Les comtes d¹Anjou et leurs alliances aux Xe et XIe siecles,² K.S.B. Keats-Rohan (ed.), Family Trees and the Roots of Politics, Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK: Boydell Press, 1997, 211-267.
Alan B. Wilson“.16 She was living in 1060; mentioned.4
Family | Rotrou I (?) comte de Mortagne, vicomte de Châteaudun b. 1005, d. c 1 Mar 1080 |
Children |
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Famille de Bellême Seigneurs d’Alençon & Château-Gontier, & Château-Renaud, p. 3: Hereinafter cited as Racines et Histoire.
- [S2372] Frederick Lewis Weis, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charlemagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong, and Some of Their Descendants, 8th ed. w/ additions by Wm R. and Kaleen E. Beall (Baltimore, 1992: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 2004), Line 153-24A, p. 146. Hereinafter cited as Weis [2004] "Ancestral Roots" 8th ed.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website (oiginated by Leo van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes), online, Adeliz de Bellême: Hereinafter cited as Genealogics Website.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Melisende:
- [S757] Compiled by Carl Boyer 3rd, Medieval English Ancestors of Certain Americans: Many of the English Ancestral Lines Prior to 1300 of those Colonial Americans with known Royal Ancestry but Fully Developed in all Possible Lines (PO Box 220333, Santa Clarita, CA 91322-0333: Carl Boyer 3rd, 2001), p. 193, de PERCHE 1. Hereinafter cited as Boyer [2001] Med English Ancestors.
- [S1529] Alan B. Wilson, "Wilson email 5 June 1998 "Early viscounts of Chateaudun"," e-mail message from e-mail address ( to soc.genealogy.medieval, 5 June 1998. Hereinafter cited as "Wilson email 5 June 1998."
- [S4756] Christian Settipani, "Les vicomtes de Châteaudun et leurs alliés," in Onomastique et Parenté dans l’Occident médiéval, K. S. B. Keats-Rohan and Christian Settipani, editor. (Linacre College, Oxford University: Oxford Unit for Prosopographical Research, 2000). Hereinafter cited as "Settipani [2000] Les vicomtes de Châteaudun."
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Rotrou:
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Vicomtes de Châteaudun, p. 3:
- [S2372] Frederick Lewis Weis, Weis [2004] "Ancestral Roots" 8th ed, line 151-23, p. 146.
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S640] Inc. Brøderbund Software, World Family Tree Vol. L1, Ed. 1, Family #0021 (n.p.: Release date: October 30, 1998, unknown publish date).
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online,ême.pdf, p. 3.
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Famille de Bellême Seigneurs d’Alençon & Château-Gontier, & Château-Renaud, p. 4:
- [S1529] Alan B. Wilson, "Wilson email 5 June 1998," e-mail to soc.genealogy.medieval, 5 June 1998, (accessed 16 Aug 2020).
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Hugues III:
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Vicomtes de Châteaudun, p. 8:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Rotrou de Montfort:
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Geoffrey II:
Geoffroy II/III (?) Vicomte de Châteaudun, Comte de Mortagne, seigneur of Nogent-le-Rotrou1,2,3,4,5,6
M, #6794, b. between 970 and 975, d. between 1038 and 1039
Father | Foucois/Fulcuich/Fulcois (?) Seigneur de Nogent-le-Rotrou. comte en Perche, comte de Mortagne4,1,7,8,9,2,3,5,10,11,6 b. bt 950 - 955, d. b 1032 |
Mother | Mélisende de Nogent-le-Rotrou vicomtesse de Châteaudun7,1,12,5,13,6 b. bt 950 - 960, d. b 1040 |
Reference | GAV27 EDV27 |
Last Edited | 18 Aug 2020 |
Geoffroy II/III (?) Vicomte de Châteaudun, Comte de Mortagne, seigneur of Nogent-le-Rotrou married Helvidis/Helvise (?), daughter of Rainard/Renhard (?) Seigneur de Pithiviers and Helvise/Helvidis (?).10,2,1,4,5,14,6
Geoffroy II/III (?) Vicomte de Châteaudun, Comte de Mortagne, seigneur of Nogent-le-Rotrou was born between 970 and 975; Settipani says b. 970/75; Genealogics says b. ca 980.10,1
Geoffroy II/III (?) Vicomte de Châteaudun, Comte de Mortagne, seigneur of Nogent-le-Rotrou died between 1038 and 1039 at Chartres, Departement de l'Eure-et-Loir, Centre-Val de Loire, France (now); murdered. Settipani and The Henry Project say d. 1038/9.10,1,2,6
Reference: Genealogics cites:
1. Europäische Stammtafeln, J.A. Stargardt Verlag Marburg., Detlev Schwennicke, Editor, Reference: III 689.
2. Biogr. details drawn from Wikipedia. French edition.1 GAV-27 EDV-27.
; Per Genealogics:
"Geoffroy was the son of Fulcois, comte de Mortagne, and Melisende Nogent. He was seigneur de Mortagne-au-Perche and seigneur de Nogent-le-Rotrou from around 1000 to his death, and vicomte de Châteaudun from 1004 when his uncle Hugues became archbishop of Tours.
"With his wife Helvis, possibly the daughter of Renard, seigneur de Pithivers, and his wife Helvis, he had three sons of whom Rotrou is recorded with progeny.
"Geoffroy freed himself from the suzerainty of Blois and began hostilities against Fulbert, bishop of Chartres. Fulbert in vain requested help from the count of Blois and the king of France, then excommunicated Geoffroy, who had to submit in 1029 and build the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Châteaudun as his penance.
"In 1040 when he was in Chartres a riot broke out against him, during which he was killed."1
; This is the same person as ”Geoffrey II, Viscount of Châteaudun” at Wikipedia and as ”Geoffroy Ier du Perche” at Wikipédia (FR).8,15
; Per Wikipédia (Fr.): "1003-1039 : Geoffroy II, neveu du précédent, vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Mortagne et de Nogent (Geoffroy Ier du Perche ; deux comtés venus de son père Fulcois probable frère cadet du vicomte Hugues Ier) ; son frère cadet Hugues du Perche est l'ancêtre dans les mâles des Plantagenêts ; x Helvise de Corbon ?“.15 Geoffroy II/III (?) Vicomte de Châteaudun, Comte de Mortagne, seigneur of Nogent-le-Rotrou was also known as Gausfred (III) Vicomte de Châteaudunm.10 Geoffroy II/III (?) Vicomte de Châteaudun, Comte de Mortagne, seigneur of Nogent-le-Rotrou was also known as Geoffrey II Viscount of Châteaudun.16
; Per Med Lands:
"GEOFFROY (-murdered Chartres [1039/40]). His parentage is confirmed by the charter dated to [1065] under which "Rotrochus comes de Mauritania et mea uxor Adeliz et filii nostri Rotrochus et ceteri nostri infantes" donated property to Saint-Vincent du Mans, for the anniversary of "avi mei Fulcuich comitis et avunculi mei Hugonis et patris mei vicecomitis Gaufridi"[866]. "Hildegardis, vicecomitissa Castridunensis" donated property "alodum meum de Bello Monte" to "sanctissimo Petro Carnotensis cœnobii", with the consent of "filio meo Hugone, archiepiscopo Turonorum", by charter dated to 1020, signed by "Hugo archipræsul., Gausfridi nepotis eius…Helgaudi filii archiepiscopi…"[867]. Vicomte de Châteaudun 1004. "…Gaufredi vicecomitis" subscribed the charter dated 1004 under which "Gislebertus prepositus" recorded a donation[868]. "Gauffridus Castridunensium vicecomes" founded the abbey of Saint-Denis de Nogent with the consent of "domine meo Odone Palatino" by charter dated [20 Jul 1031/19 Jul 1032], subscribed by "Hugonis filii domini Gaufridi vicecomitis, Rotroci fratris eius, Eleusie matris eorum"[869]. "Gauffredus vicecomes Dunensis Castri" made a donation to Saint-Denis de Nogent by charter dated 1040, witnessed by "Hugo filius Gauffridi, Rotrocus frater eius"[870]. He was murdered in front of the cathedral of Chartres.
"m HELVISE [Elisabeth], daughter of --- (-after [20 Jul 1031/19 Jul 1032]). 1007/[1029/31]. "Hugonis filii domini Gaufridi vicecomitis, Rotroci fratris eius, Eleusie matris eorum" subscribed the charter dated [20 Jul 1031/19 Jul 1032] under which "Gauffridus Castridunensium vicecomes" founded the abbey of Saint-Denis de Nogent[871]."
Med Lands cites:
; Per Racines et Histoire (Châteaudun): “Geoffroi + 1039/40 (ass. devant la cathédrale de Chartres) vicomte de Châteaudun (1004, semble succéder à son oncle Hugues) (souscrit une charte de donation du Prévôt Gislebert 1004 ;
fonde avec sa femme l’abbaye de Saint-Denis de Nogent par charte entre 20/07/1031 et 19/07/1032 ; donation à cette abbaye 1040)
ép. Helvise de Corbon + après 20/07/1031-19/07/1032 (fille de Fulcuich, comte de Corbon (Mortagne) ”.4
; Per France Balade: Geoffroy III (1023-1040)
"Fils de Geoffroy II, il devient Vicomte de Chateaudun à la suite de son père, Il est également Seigneur de Nogent dans le Perche.
"Il épouse Helvise (Héloise) fille de Foulques Comte de Mortagne (on dit aussi Corbon), ils ont pour enfants:
"Geoffroy a eu de sérieux démélés avec l'Eveque Fulbert de Chartres et lui a meme fait la guerre. Il a construit deux chateaux à Illiers et Gallardon qui lui permettait de controler Chartres et Fulbert, après avoir vainement fait appel au Comte de Blois puis au Roi de France Robert II le Pieux, fut obligé de prononcer une sentence d'excommunication contre le Vicomte Geoffroy. Ce dernier finit par se soumettre et pour son pardon a fondé l'Eglise du Saint Sépulchre à Chateaudun en 1029. En 1031 il fonde un Monastère dédié à Saint Denis dans le Bourg de Nogent et il lui rattache l'Eglise de Saint Sépulchre.
"Geoffroy est mort en 1040 à Chartres à la suite d'une émeute des habitants contre lui. “.3
; See attached image of a chart showing the descent of Hildegardis (who m. Geoffroy I, vicomte de Châteaudun), based on the work of Settipani [2000].17,10
; NB: The lineage of the Vicomtes de Châteaudun is not clear. A 1998 email from Wilson [reprinted in a separate note, here] outlines the more-or-less received wisdom at that point. Med Lands and Racines et Histoire (Châteaudun) show two different lines for the early vicomtes. France Balade shows one line. Genealogics seems to skip the early generations. Wikipedia and Wikipédia (Fr.) offer slightly different lines. Settipani [2000] presents a synthesis of the various facts available into a more coherent picture. I show here what each source says about the generations in a direct line from Geoffroy III Vicomte de Châteaudun (b. ca 980 - d. 1040), backward. In each descent, I have underlined this individual.
The Henry Project page on "Geoffroy (II)" (Geoffrey II/III, d. 1038/39, has a good discussion on the ancestry of this individual and of the vicomtes de Châteaudun. It is worth referring to that discussion to get more clarity on the issues and individuals I discuss here.
I. Med Lands: Med Lands shows to lines, running roughly 967-1080, but no connection is described between the two lines.
I. A. Med Lands Line 1 - This starts with a Geoffrey and runs 4 generations:
I.B. Med Lands Line 2 - This starts with a Rotrou and runs 4 generations:
II. Racines et Histoire (Châteaudun): Racines et Histoire also shows two lineages, without any connection described.
II.A. Racines et Histoire Line 1 - 5 generations:
II.B. Racines et Histoire Line 1 - 5 generations:
III. France Balade: France Balade presents a fragmented view of the various Vicomtes from a Rampo (ca 860) down to Geoffroy III (d. 1040), in 4 or 5 generations.
IV. Genealogics: Genealogics only describes 2 generations:
V. Wikipedia: Wikipedia lists 10 Viscounts/Vicountesses of Châteaudun from Geoffrey I to Geoffrey III, some of whom are shown as related.
VI. Wikipédia (Fr.): Wikipédia (Fr.) lists 9 various Vicomtes (without Vicomtesses) covering 6 generations (initial dates are approximate reigns as Vicomte):
VII. Settipani [2000] uses the Latin names given in early sources. He outlines 4 generations from the so-called Gausfred I (Geoffrey I) to Gausfred III (Geoffrey III), plus an earlier ancestor, father of Geoffrey I. An image of a chart from Settipani's paper is attached to demonstrate the total structure he proposed.
VII.A.I. Gausfred (900-aft 942), Vicomte de Chartres
VII.A.2. Gausfred (925-986/9), Vicomte de Châteaudun, m. Hildegardis (ca 935 - aft ca 1020)
VII.A.3. Hugo (950-1023), Vicomte de Châteaudun, Archevêque de Tours
VII.A.3. Fulcois (ca 950/5-bef 1003), Comte de Perche m. Melisendis (955-aft 1029) fl. Nogent
VII.A.4. Gausfred (ca 970/75-1038/9), Vicomte de Châteaudun, m. Helvidis (980-unk)
VII.A.5. Rotrocus (1005-aft 1051/60). Vicomte de Châteaudun, Comte de Perche m. Adelais de Bellême
Conclusion: Frankly, I am still trying to organize all of this information in my mind and have not decided on what I will finally show for the ancestors of Geoffrey III. What I currently have should be considered a draft work in progress. I accept the scholarship of Settipani, but am still trying to fit all of the pieces together and evaluate the information given in the other sources. GA Vaut.18,19,3,20,16,10,21,6
; From Wilson:
"Settipani and Keats-Rohan, in the essays listed below, seem to have sorted out the early viscounts of Chateaudun whose line is disconnected in ES iii, 689, and apparently in error in earlier secondary sources. I would appreciate it if someone would let me know if I have misread the relevant portions of these essays, or if you note other errors in the pedigree below.
First Generation
"1 Routrou I Count of Mortagne.[233, iii, 636, 689],[74, See 151:24],[73, p. 49],[82, 455:20->685:04],[411, pp. 467, 468 (tables 4, 6)],[467],[376, ³Bellesmes² 24, p. 36],[151, 249:31],[104, pp. 18, 179] Routrou I died ca 1080.[233] Vicomte of Chateaudun; seigneur of Nogent-le-Rotrou.[151]
bef 1041 Routrou married Adeline of Domfront[233, iii, 636, 689],[74, See 151:24],[73, p. 49],[411, pp. 467, 468 (tables 4, 6)],[376, See ³Bellesmes² 24, p. 36],[151, See 249:31],[104, pp. 18, 179],[82, 455:21->685:05].[151]
Second Generation
"2 Geoffrey III Viscount of Chateaudun.[233, iii, 689],[73, p. 49],[466],[467],[376, ³Bellesmes² 25, p. 36],[151, 249:32],[104, p. 179],[82, 685:08] Geoffrey III was alive in 1031.[233, iii, 689],[466] Geoffrey III died in 1039/1040.[233, iii, 689 +] Seigneur of Nogent-le-Rotrou.[151],[467]
"3 Heloise \ Elisabeth of Mortaigne.[233, iii, 689],[73, p. 49],[467],[376, See ³Bellesmes² 25, p. 36],[151, See 249:32],[104, p. 179],[82, 685:09] Born abt 995.
Third Generation
"4 Geoffrey II Viscount of Chateaudun.[73, p. 48],[466],[467],[151, See 249:33 (Hugh I, brother)] Geoffrey II was alive in 1004.[466] Viscount of Chateaudun .[467]
"5 Melisinda of Nogent.[73, p. 48],[466],[467]
"6 Fulk Count of Mortagne [233, iii, 689],[73, p. 48],[467],[151, See 249:32] Count of Corbon.[233]
Fourth Generation
"8 Geoffrey I Viscount of Chateaudun.[233, iii, 689],[73, p. 48 (? Hugh I, brother of Geoffrey II)],[466],[467] Geoffrey I died aft 986.[233, iii, 689 +] Viscount of Chateaudun .[467] ca 1020 Geoffrey I married Hildegarde.[233, iii, 689 =]
"9 Hildegarde.[233, iii, 689],[73, p. 48],[466],[467] Hildegarde was alive ca 970.[467] was alive ca 1020.[467] Hildegarde died bef 1023.[233, iii, 689 +] Hildegarde is suggested to be a granddaughter of Hugh I, Count of Maine.[466]
"10 Rotrou Seigneur of Nogent.[467] Rotrou was alive in 967.[467] was alive in 996.[467] Seigneur of Nogent .[467]
Alan B. Wilson“.2 He was vicomte de Châteaudun between 1023 and 1040.22,15
Geoffroy II/III (?) Vicomte de Châteaudun, Comte de Mortagne, seigneur of Nogent-le-Rotrou was born between 970 and 975; Settipani says b. 970/75; Genealogics says b. ca 980.10,1
Geoffroy II/III (?) Vicomte de Châteaudun, Comte de Mortagne, seigneur of Nogent-le-Rotrou died between 1038 and 1039 at Chartres, Departement de l'Eure-et-Loir, Centre-Val de Loire, France (now); murdered. Settipani and The Henry Project say d. 1038/9.10,1,2,6
Reference: Genealogics cites:
1. Europäische Stammtafeln, J.A. Stargardt Verlag Marburg., Detlev Schwennicke, Editor, Reference: III 689.
2. Biogr. details drawn from Wikipedia. French edition.1 GAV-27 EDV-27.
; Per Genealogics:
"Geoffroy was the son of Fulcois, comte de Mortagne, and Melisende Nogent. He was seigneur de Mortagne-au-Perche and seigneur de Nogent-le-Rotrou from around 1000 to his death, and vicomte de Châteaudun from 1004 when his uncle Hugues became archbishop of Tours.
"With his wife Helvis, possibly the daughter of Renard, seigneur de Pithivers, and his wife Helvis, he had three sons of whom Rotrou is recorded with progeny.
"Geoffroy freed himself from the suzerainty of Blois and began hostilities against Fulbert, bishop of Chartres. Fulbert in vain requested help from the count of Blois and the king of France, then excommunicated Geoffroy, who had to submit in 1029 and build the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Châteaudun as his penance.
"In 1040 when he was in Chartres a riot broke out against him, during which he was killed."1
; This is the same person as ”Geoffrey II, Viscount of Châteaudun” at Wikipedia and as ”Geoffroy Ier du Perche” at Wikipédia (FR).8,15
; Per Wikipédia (Fr.): "1003-1039 : Geoffroy II, neveu du précédent, vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Mortagne et de Nogent (Geoffroy Ier du Perche ; deux comtés venus de son père Fulcois probable frère cadet du vicomte Hugues Ier) ; son frère cadet Hugues du Perche est l'ancêtre dans les mâles des Plantagenêts ; x Helvise de Corbon ?“.15 Geoffroy II/III (?) Vicomte de Châteaudun, Comte de Mortagne, seigneur of Nogent-le-Rotrou was also known as Gausfred (III) Vicomte de Châteaudunm.10 Geoffroy II/III (?) Vicomte de Châteaudun, Comte de Mortagne, seigneur of Nogent-le-Rotrou was also known as Geoffrey II Viscount of Châteaudun.16
; Per Med Lands:
"GEOFFROY (-murdered Chartres [1039/40]). His parentage is confirmed by the charter dated to [1065] under which "Rotrochus comes de Mauritania et mea uxor Adeliz et filii nostri Rotrochus et ceteri nostri infantes" donated property to Saint-Vincent du Mans, for the anniversary of "avi mei Fulcuich comitis et avunculi mei Hugonis et patris mei vicecomitis Gaufridi"[866]. "Hildegardis, vicecomitissa Castridunensis" donated property "alodum meum de Bello Monte" to "sanctissimo Petro Carnotensis cœnobii", with the consent of "filio meo Hugone, archiepiscopo Turonorum", by charter dated to 1020, signed by "Hugo archipræsul., Gausfridi nepotis eius…Helgaudi filii archiepiscopi…"[867]. Vicomte de Châteaudun 1004. "…Gaufredi vicecomitis" subscribed the charter dated 1004 under which "Gislebertus prepositus" recorded a donation[868]. "Gauffridus Castridunensium vicecomes" founded the abbey of Saint-Denis de Nogent with the consent of "domine meo Odone Palatino" by charter dated [20 Jul 1031/19 Jul 1032], subscribed by "Hugonis filii domini Gaufridi vicecomitis, Rotroci fratris eius, Eleusie matris eorum"[869]. "Gauffredus vicecomes Dunensis Castri" made a donation to Saint-Denis de Nogent by charter dated 1040, witnessed by "Hugo filius Gauffridi, Rotrocus frater eius"[870]. He was murdered in front of the cathedral of Chartres.
"m HELVISE [Elisabeth], daughter of --- (-after [20 Jul 1031/19 Jul 1032]). 1007/[1029/31]. "Hugonis filii domini Gaufridi vicecomitis, Rotroci fratris eius, Eleusie matris eorum" subscribed the charter dated [20 Jul 1031/19 Jul 1032] under which "Gauffridus Castridunensium vicecomes" founded the abbey of Saint-Denis de Nogent[871]."
Med Lands cites:
[866] Le Mans Saint-Vincent, Liber primus, 609, p. 350.
[867] Chartres Saint-Père I, Liber Sextus, Cap. VI, p. 117.
[868] Marmoutier-Dunois III, p. 4.
[869] Nogent-le-Rotrou, V, p. 13.
[870] Nogent-le-Rotrou L, p. 118.
[871] Nogent-le-Rotrou V, p. 13.5
[867] Chartres Saint-Père I, Liber Sextus, Cap. VI, p. 117.
[868] Marmoutier-Dunois III, p. 4.
[869] Nogent-le-Rotrou, V, p. 13.
[870] Nogent-le-Rotrou L, p. 118.
[871] Nogent-le-Rotrou V, p. 13.5
; Per Racines et Histoire (Châteaudun): “Geoffroi + 1039/40 (ass. devant la cathédrale de Chartres) vicomte de Châteaudun (1004, semble succéder à son oncle Hugues) (souscrit une charte de donation du Prévôt Gislebert 1004 ;
fonde avec sa femme l’abbaye de Saint-Denis de Nogent par charte entre 20/07/1031 et 19/07/1032 ; donation à cette abbaye 1040)
ép. Helvise de Corbon + après 20/07/1031-19/07/1032 (fille de Fulcuich, comte de Corbon (Mortagne) ”.4
; Per France Balade: Geoffroy III (1023-1040)
"Fils de Geoffroy II, il devient Vicomte de Chateaudun à la suite de son père, Il est également Seigneur de Nogent dans le Perche.
"Il épouse Helvise (Héloise) fille de Foulques Comte de Mortagne (on dit aussi Corbon), ils ont pour enfants:
- Hugues Vicomte de Chateaudun en 1040,
- Rotrou d'abord Seigneur de Nogent et Comte de Mortagne puis aussi Vicomte de Chateaudun à la suite de Hugues.
- Rotrou d'abord Seigneur de Nogent et Comte de Mortagne puis aussi Vicomte de Chateaudun à la suite de Hugues.
"Geoffroy a eu de sérieux démélés avec l'Eveque Fulbert de Chartres et lui a meme fait la guerre. Il a construit deux chateaux à Illiers et Gallardon qui lui permettait de controler Chartres et Fulbert, après avoir vainement fait appel au Comte de Blois puis au Roi de France Robert II le Pieux, fut obligé de prononcer une sentence d'excommunication contre le Vicomte Geoffroy. Ce dernier finit par se soumettre et pour son pardon a fondé l'Eglise du Saint Sépulchre à Chateaudun en 1029. En 1031 il fonde un Monastère dédié à Saint Denis dans le Bourg de Nogent et il lui rattache l'Eglise de Saint Sépulchre.
"Geoffroy est mort en 1040 à Chartres à la suite d'une émeute des habitants contre lui. “.3
; See attached image of a chart showing the descent of Hildegardis (who m. Geoffroy I, vicomte de Châteaudun), based on the work of Settipani [2000].17,10

; NB: The lineage of the Vicomtes de Châteaudun is not clear. A 1998 email from Wilson [reprinted in a separate note, here] outlines the more-or-less received wisdom at that point. Med Lands and Racines et Histoire (Châteaudun) show two different lines for the early vicomtes. France Balade shows one line. Genealogics seems to skip the early generations. Wikipedia and Wikipédia (Fr.) offer slightly different lines. Settipani [2000] presents a synthesis of the various facts available into a more coherent picture. I show here what each source says about the generations in a direct line from Geoffroy III Vicomte de Châteaudun (b. ca 980 - d. 1040), backward. In each descent, I have underlined this individual.
The Henry Project page on "Geoffroy (II)" (Geoffrey II/III, d. 1038/39, has a good discussion on the ancestry of this individual and of the vicomtes de Châteaudun. It is worth referring to that discussion to get more clarity on the issues and individuals I discuss here.
I. Med Lands: Med Lands shows to lines, running roughly 967-1080, but no connection is described between the two lines.
I. A. Med Lands Line 1 - This starts with a Geoffrey and runs 4 generations:
I.A.1. GEOFFROY, son of --- (-after 986).
I.A.2. HUGUES (I) (-989 or after). Vicomte de Châteaudun
I.A.3. HUGUES (II) de Châteaudun (-10 Jun 1026). Vicomte de Châteaudun (980/1003), Archbishop of Tours 1005, two illegitimate sons by an unknown mistress or mistresses
I.A.3. [MELISENDE (-before 1040). Vicomtesse de Châteaudun. m FULCOIS Seigneur de Nogent-le-Rotrou Comte de Mortagne
I.A.3. NN daughter . m (before 989) ALBERT [II] de la Ferté-en-Beauce
I.A.2. HUGUES (I) (-989 or after). Vicomte de Châteaudun
I.A.3. HUGUES (II) de Châteaudun (-10 Jun 1026). Vicomte de Châteaudun (980/1003), Archbishop of Tours 1005, two illegitimate sons by an unknown mistress or mistresses
I.A.3. [MELISENDE (-before 1040). Vicomtesse de Châteaudun. m FULCOIS Seigneur de Nogent-le-Rotrou Comte de Mortagne
I.A.3. NN daughter . m (before 989) ALBERT [II] de la Ferté-en-Beauce
I.B. Med Lands Line 2 - This starts with a Rotrou and runs 4 generations:
I.B.1. ROTROU (-after 12 Feb 996). Seigneur de Nogent.
I.B.2. FULCOIS Comte de Mortagne. m MELISENDE Vicomtesse de Châteaudun, daughter of [HUGUES [I] Vicomte de Châteaudun [NB: It is not explained if this Hugues [I] is one of the Hugues in Line #1]
I.B.3. GEOFFROY (-murdered Chartres [1039/40]) m HELVISE [Elisabeth] Vicomte de Châteaudun
I.B.4. GEOFFROY (-[1015/28] or after).
I.B.4. HUGUES m ADELA, daughter of ---.
I.B.4. ROTROU (-1 Mar [1080]). Vicomte de Châteaudun. Comte de Mortagne m ADELISE de Bellême
I.B.3. Hugues du Perche Comte de Gâtinais m ([1000]) as her second husband, BEATRIX de Mâcon
I.B.4. GEOFFROY [II] "Ferréol" de Gâtinais (-30 Apr [1043/47]), Comte de Gâtinais, Seigneur de Château-Landon. m ([1035]) as her first husband, ERMENGARDE d'Anjou. Descendants COMTES d'ANJOU
I.B.4. LIETAUD (-[1050] or after). Descendants VICOMTES de CHÂTEAU-LANDON
I.B.2. FULCOIS Comte de Mortagne. m MELISENDE Vicomtesse de Châteaudun, daughter of [HUGUES [I] Vicomte de Châteaudun [NB: It is not explained if this Hugues [I] is one of the Hugues in Line #1]
I.B.3. GEOFFROY (-murdered Chartres [1039/40]) m HELVISE [Elisabeth] Vicomte de Châteaudun
I.B.4. GEOFFROY (-[1015/28] or after).
I.B.4. HUGUES m ADELA, daughter of ---.
I.B.4. ROTROU (-1 Mar [1080]). Vicomte de Châteaudun. Comte de Mortagne m ADELISE de Bellême
I.B.3. Hugues du Perche Comte de Gâtinais m ([1000]) as her second husband, BEATRIX de Mâcon
I.B.4. GEOFFROY [II] "Ferréol" de Gâtinais (-30 Apr [1043/47]), Comte de Gâtinais, Seigneur de Château-Landon. m ([1035]) as her first husband, ERMENGARDE d'Anjou. Descendants COMTES d'ANJOU
I.B.4. LIETAUD (-[1050] or after). Descendants VICOMTES de CHÂTEAU-LANDON
II. Racines et Histoire (Châteaudun): Racines et Histoire also shows two lineages, without any connection described.
II.A. Racines et Histoire Line 1 - 5 generations:
II.A.1. Mathilde de Vendôme ° ~960 ép. ~972 Rampo de Châteaudun ° ~954 + 986 1er seigneur de Châteaudun
II.A.2. Hugues 1er de Châteaudun ° ~975 + ~1012 seigneur de Châteaudun ép. Hildegarde
II.A.3. Mélissende de Châteaudun ° 997 + 1035 ép. Guarin d’Alençon (alias Foulques de Mortagne ?) seigneur de Mortagne + 1026
II.A.4. Geoffroi 1er d’Alençon ° ~1012 + ~1051 comte de Mortagne, seigneur de Nogent et d’Illiers (fortifie Gallardon) ép. Helvise, dame de Mortagne ° ~1010 (fille de Rainard, seigneur de Pithiviers, et d’Héloïse, fille d’Eudes 1er comte de Chartres)
II.A.5. Rotrou 1er de Châteaudun ° ~1034 + avant 1079 comte de Mortagne, seigneur de Nogent et Châteaudun ép. ~1050 Adeline de Domfront (fille de Guarin de Bellême, seigneur de Domfront)
II.A.2. Hugues 1er de Châteaudun ° ~975 + ~1012 seigneur de Châteaudun ép. Hildegarde
II.A.3. Mélissende de Châteaudun ° 997 + 1035 ép. Guarin d’Alençon (alias Foulques de Mortagne ?) seigneur de Mortagne + 1026
II.A.4. Geoffroi 1er d’Alençon ° ~1012 + ~1051 comte de Mortagne, seigneur de Nogent et d’Illiers (fortifie Gallardon) ép. Helvise, dame de Mortagne ° ~1010 (fille de Rainard, seigneur de Pithiviers, et d’Héloïse, fille d’Eudes 1er comte de Chartres)
II.A.5. Rotrou 1er de Châteaudun ° ~1034 + avant 1079 comte de Mortagne, seigneur de Nogent et Châteaudun ép. ~1050 Adeline de Domfront (fille de Guarin de Bellême, seigneur de Domfront)
II.B. Racines et Histoire Line 1 - 5 generations:
II.B.1. Rampo de Châteaudun 1er vicomte de Châteaudun ~860 à titre d’office
II.B.2. Geoffroi vicomte de Chartres et de Châteaudun ~940
II.B.3. Geoffroi 1er de Châteaudun vicomte de Châteaudun (967-986) ép. Hildegarde ° 970 + 1020 (petite-fille d’Hugues 1er, comte du Maine et veuve de Ernaud, seigneur de La Ferté-Vidame)
II.B.4. Hugues 1er + 12/05/1023 vicomte de Châteaudun (989-1003), seigneur du Vivier, Archevêque de Tours (1003-1023)
II.B.4. Geoffroi II vicomte de Châteaudun (1004-1023) seigneur de Nogent (987, Perche) ép. Mélissende de Nogent (fille de Rotrou, seigneur de Nogent de 950 à 990)
II.B.5. Geoffroi III ° ~1012 + 1040 (Chartres, ass.) vicomte de Châteaudun (1023-1040) comte de Mortagne, seigneur de Nogent, Châtelain d’Illiers et de Gallardon ép. Helvise Corbon (Héloïse, Avoise, Elisabeth) dame de Mortagne ° ~1010 (fille de Foulques dit «Corbon», comte de Mortagne) [ ? ou Héloïse de Pithiviers (fille de Rainard, seigneur de Pithiviers, et d’Héloïse, fille d’Eudes 1er comte de Chartres ?) ]
II.B.4. Alo (Adalard) seigneur de Chinon ép. Senagaudis
II.B.4. Mélissende ? ép. Albert, Abbé de Micy (de la famille des Bellême)
II.B.2. Geoffroi vicomte de Chartres et de Châteaudun ~940
II.B.3. Geoffroi 1er de Châteaudun vicomte de Châteaudun (967-986) ép. Hildegarde ° 970 + 1020 (petite-fille d’Hugues 1er, comte du Maine et veuve de Ernaud, seigneur de La Ferté-Vidame)
II.B.4. Hugues 1er + 12/05/1023 vicomte de Châteaudun (989-1003), seigneur du Vivier, Archevêque de Tours (1003-1023)
II.B.4. Geoffroi II vicomte de Châteaudun (1004-1023) seigneur de Nogent (987, Perche) ép. Mélissende de Nogent (fille de Rotrou, seigneur de Nogent de 950 à 990)
II.B.5. Geoffroi III ° ~1012 + 1040 (Chartres, ass.) vicomte de Châteaudun (1023-1040) comte de Mortagne, seigneur de Nogent, Châtelain d’Illiers et de Gallardon ép. Helvise Corbon (Héloïse, Avoise, Elisabeth) dame de Mortagne ° ~1010 (fille de Foulques dit «Corbon», comte de Mortagne) [ ? ou Héloïse de Pithiviers (fille de Rainard, seigneur de Pithiviers, et d’Héloïse, fille d’Eudes 1er comte de Chartres ?) ]
II.B.4. Alo (Adalard) seigneur de Chinon ép. Senagaudis
II.B.4. Mélissende ? ép. Albert, Abbé de Micy (de la famille des Bellême)
III. France Balade: France Balade presents a fragmented view of the various Vicomtes from a Rampo (ca 860) down to Geoffroy III (d. 1040), in 4 or 5 generations.
III.A.1. Rampo - Vicomte de Châteaudun, à titre d'office, dans les années 860.
III.B.2. Geoffroy Vicomte de Chartres (les années 940) "il semble avoir assuré les fonctions de Vicomte de Châteaudun à cette époque meme s'il n'en portait pas explicitement le titre." [Translation: "he seems to have assumed the functions of Vicomte de Châteaudun at that time even if he did not explicitly bear the title."] No connection to Rampo is described.
III.B.2. Geoffroy I (967-986), Vicomte de Châteaudun, son of the former, m. Hildegarde widow of Ernaud Seigneur de la Ferté(-Vidame)
III.B.3. Hugues I Vicomte de Châteaudun (989-1003) then Archevêque de Tours (1003-1023), son of Geoffroy and Hildegarde
III.B.3. Geoffroy II Vicomte de Châteaudun (1004-1023), son of Geoffroy and Hildegarde, m. Mélissende, dau. of Rotrou, Seigneur de Nogent.
III.B.4. Geoffroy III (1023-1040), son Geoffroy II, Vicomte de Châteaudun, Seigneur de Nogent dans le Perche, m. Helvise (Héloise) de Mortagne fille de Foulques Comte de Mortagne (aka Corbon)
III.B.2. Geoffroy Vicomte de Chartres (les années 940) "il semble avoir assuré les fonctions de Vicomte de Châteaudun à cette époque meme s'il n'en portait pas explicitement le titre." [Translation: "he seems to have assumed the functions of Vicomte de Châteaudun at that time even if he did not explicitly bear the title."] No connection to Rampo is described.
III.B.2. Geoffroy I (967-986), Vicomte de Châteaudun, son of the former, m. Hildegarde widow of Ernaud Seigneur de la Ferté(-Vidame)
III.B.3. Hugues I Vicomte de Châteaudun (989-1003) then Archevêque de Tours (1003-1023), son of Geoffroy and Hildegarde
III.B.3. Geoffroy II Vicomte de Châteaudun (1004-1023), son of Geoffroy and Hildegarde, m. Mélissende, dau. of Rotrou, Seigneur de Nogent.
III.B.4. Geoffroy III (1023-1040), son Geoffroy II, Vicomte de Châteaudun, Seigneur de Nogent dans le Perche, m. Helvise (Héloise) de Mortagne fille de Foulques Comte de Mortagne (aka Corbon)
IV. Genealogics: Genealogics only describes 2 generations:
IV.A.1. Fulcois Vicomte de Châteaudun m. Mélissende Nogent (no parents given)
IV.A.2 Geoffroy III b. ca 980 d. 1040), Vicomte de Châteaudun, Comte de Mortagne m. Helvis/Elizabeth, dau. of Fulcuich, Comte de Corbon.
IV.A.2 Geoffroy III b. ca 980 d. 1040), Vicomte de Châteaudun, Comte de Mortagne m. Helvis/Elizabeth, dau. of Fulcuich, Comte de Corbon.
V. Wikipedia: Wikipedia lists 10 Viscounts/Vicountesses of Châteaudun from Geoffrey I to Geoffrey III, some of whom are shown as related.
V.1. Geoffrey I (967–985), Viscount of Châteaudun
V.2. Hugues I (985–989), Viscount of Châteaudun, son of the previous m.
V.2. Hildegarde (989–1022), Viscountess of Châteaudun, wife of the previous
V.3. Hugues II (1022–1026), Viscount of Châteaudun and Archbishop of Tours, son of the previous
V.4. Geoffrey II (1030–1039), Viscount of Châteaudun and Count of Perche (as Geoffrey I), son of the previous
V.5. Hugues III de Perche (1039–1044), Viscount of Châteaudun and Count of Perche (as Hugues I), son of the previous
V.5. Rotrou I de Perche (1044–1080), Viscount of Châteaudun and Count of Perche (as Rotrou II), brother of the previous
V.6. Hugues IV (1080–1110), Viscount of Châteaudun, son of the previous
V.7. Geoffrey III (1110–1145), Viscount of Châteaudun, son of the previous
V.3. Melisende (1026–1030), Viscountess of Châteaudun, sister of the previous
V.2. Hugues I (985–989), Viscount of Châteaudun, son of the previous m.
V.2. Hildegarde (989–1022), Viscountess of Châteaudun, wife of the previous
V.3. Hugues II (1022–1026), Viscount of Châteaudun and Archbishop of Tours, son of the previous
V.4. Geoffrey II (1030–1039), Viscount of Châteaudun and Count of Perche (as Geoffrey I), son of the previous
V.5. Hugues III de Perche (1039–1044), Viscount of Châteaudun and Count of Perche (as Hugues I), son of the previous
V.5. Rotrou I de Perche (1044–1080), Viscount of Châteaudun and Count of Perche (as Rotrou II), brother of the previous
V.6. Hugues IV (1080–1110), Viscount of Châteaudun, son of the previous
V.7. Geoffrey III (1110–1145), Viscount of Châteaudun, son of the previous
V.3. Melisende (1026–1030), Viscountess of Châteaudun, sister of the previous
VI. Wikipédia (Fr.): Wikipédia (Fr.) lists 9 various Vicomtes (without Vicomtesses) covering 6 generations (initial dates are approximate reigns as Vicomte):
VI.A.1. ca 860 Rampo
VI.B.1. 956-986 : Geoffroy Ier (Gauzfred), vicomte de Châteaudun, m. Hildegarde ou Ermengarde
VI.B.2. 989-1003 : Hugues I (d. 1023), son of the previous, Vicomte de Châteaudun, then (1003) Archevêque de Tours
VI.B.2. Unnamed brother or sister of the previous
VI.B.3. 1003-1039 : Geoffroy II, nephew of Hugues I, vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Mortagne et de Nogent
VI.B.4. 1039-1045 : Hugues II, son of the previous, Vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Mortagne et de Nogent m. Adila, s.p.
VI.B.4. 1051-1080 : Rotrou Ier, son of the previous, Vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Mortagne et de Nogent m. Adelise/Adeline de Bellême-Alençon
VI.B.5. 1080-vers 1110 : Hugues III, vicomte de Châteaudun, dit d'Alençon, son of the previous. m. Agnès de Fréteval
VI.B.6. vers 1110-1140/1150 : Geoffroy III, vicomte de Châteaudun, son of the previous ; m. his 1st cousin Helvise de Mondoubleau-Fréteval
VI.B.1. 956-986 : Geoffroy Ier (Gauzfred), vicomte de Châteaudun, m. Hildegarde ou Ermengarde
VI.B.2. 989-1003 : Hugues I (d. 1023), son of the previous, Vicomte de Châteaudun, then (1003) Archevêque de Tours
VI.B.2. Unnamed brother or sister of the previous
VI.B.3. 1003-1039 : Geoffroy II, nephew of Hugues I, vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Mortagne et de Nogent
VI.B.4. 1039-1045 : Hugues II, son of the previous, Vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Mortagne et de Nogent m. Adila, s.p.
VI.B.4. 1051-1080 : Rotrou Ier, son of the previous, Vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Mortagne et de Nogent m. Adelise/Adeline de Bellême-Alençon
VI.B.5. 1080-vers 1110 : Hugues III, vicomte de Châteaudun, dit d'Alençon, son of the previous. m. Agnès de Fréteval
VI.B.6. vers 1110-1140/1150 : Geoffroy III, vicomte de Châteaudun, son of the previous ; m. his 1st cousin Helvise de Mondoubleau-Fréteval
VII. Settipani [2000] uses the Latin names given in early sources. He outlines 4 generations from the so-called Gausfred I (Geoffrey I) to Gausfred III (Geoffrey III), plus an earlier ancestor, father of Geoffrey I. An image of a chart from Settipani's paper is attached to demonstrate the total structure he proposed.
VII.A.I. Gausfred (900-aft 942), Vicomte de Chartres
VII.A.2. Gausfred (925-986/9), Vicomte de Châteaudun, m. Hildegardis (ca 935 - aft ca 1020)
VII.A.3. Hugo (950-1023), Vicomte de Châteaudun, Archevêque de Tours
VII.A.3. Fulcois (ca 950/5-bef 1003), Comte de Perche m. Melisendis (955-aft 1029) fl. Nogent
VII.A.4. Gausfred (ca 970/75-1038/9), Vicomte de Châteaudun, m. Helvidis (980-unk)
VII.A.5. Rotrocus (1005-aft 1051/60). Vicomte de Châteaudun, Comte de Perche m. Adelais de Bellême
Conclusion: Frankly, I am still trying to organize all of this information in my mind and have not decided on what I will finally show for the ancestors of Geoffrey III. What I currently have should be considered a draft work in progress. I accept the scholarship of Settipani, but am still trying to fit all of the pieces together and evaluate the information given in the other sources. GA Vaut.18,19,3,20,16,10,21,6

; From Wilson:
"Settipani and Keats-Rohan, in the essays listed below, seem to have sorted out the early viscounts of Chateaudun whose line is disconnected in ES iii, 689, and apparently in error in earlier secondary sources. I would appreciate it if someone would let me know if I have misread the relevant portions of these essays, or if you note other errors in the pedigree below.
First Generation
"1 Routrou I Count of Mortagne.[233, iii, 636, 689],[74, See 151:24],[73, p. 49],[82, 455:20->685:04],[411, pp. 467, 468 (tables 4, 6)],[467],[376, ³Bellesmes² 24, p. 36],[151, 249:31],[104, pp. 18, 179] Routrou I died ca 1080.[233] Vicomte of Chateaudun; seigneur of Nogent-le-Rotrou.[151]
bef 1041 Routrou married Adeline of Domfront[233, iii, 636, 689],[74, See 151:24],[73, p. 49],[411, pp. 467, 468 (tables 4, 6)],[376, See ³Bellesmes² 24, p. 36],[151, See 249:31],[104, pp. 18, 179],[82, 455:21->685:05].[151]
Second Generation
"2 Geoffrey III Viscount of Chateaudun.[233, iii, 689],[73, p. 49],[466],[467],[376, ³Bellesmes² 25, p. 36],[151, 249:32],[104, p. 179],[82, 685:08] Geoffrey III was alive in 1031.[233, iii, 689],[466] Geoffrey III died in 1039/1040.[233, iii, 689 +] Seigneur of Nogent-le-Rotrou.[151],[467]
"3 Heloise \ Elisabeth of Mortaigne.[233, iii, 689],[73, p. 49],[467],[376, See ³Bellesmes² 25, p. 36],[151, See 249:32],[104, p. 179],[82, 685:09] Born abt 995.
Third Generation
"4 Geoffrey II Viscount of Chateaudun.[73, p. 48],[466],[467],[151, See 249:33 (Hugh I, brother)] Geoffrey II was alive in 1004.[466] Viscount of Chateaudun .[467]
"5 Melisinda of Nogent.[73, p. 48],[466],[467]
"6 Fulk Count of Mortagne [233, iii, 689],[73, p. 48],[467],[151, See 249:32] Count of Corbon.[233]
Fourth Generation
"8 Geoffrey I Viscount of Chateaudun.[233, iii, 689],[73, p. 48 (? Hugh I, brother of Geoffrey II)],[466],[467] Geoffrey I died aft 986.[233, iii, 689 +] Viscount of Chateaudun .[467] ca 1020 Geoffrey I married Hildegarde.[233, iii, 689 =]
"9 Hildegarde.[233, iii, 689],[73, p. 48],[466],[467] Hildegarde was alive ca 970.[467] was alive ca 1020.[467] Hildegarde died bef 1023.[233, iii, 689 +] Hildegarde is suggested to be a granddaughter of Hugh I, Count of Maine.[466]
"10 Rotrou Seigneur of Nogent.[467] Rotrou was alive in 967.[467] was alive in 996.[467] Seigneur of Nogent .[467]
73. Moriarty, George Andrews, The Plantagenet Ancestry of King Edward III and Queen Philippa, Salt Lake City, Utah: Mormon Pioneer Genealogy Society, 1985.
74. Weis, Frederick Lewis, Ancestral roots of certain American colonists who came to America before 1700; 7th ed., with additions and correctiuons by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr; assisted by David Faris, Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1992.
82. Call, Michel L., Royal Ancestors of Some American Families ; Pedigree Charts., Printed by the author, 1991.
104. Turton, William Harry, The Plantagenet ancestry, Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1993.
151. Stuart, Roderick W., Royalty for commoners : the complete known lineage of John of Gaunt. . . second edition, Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1992.
233. Schwennicke, Detlev (ed.), Europaische Stammtafeln : Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der europaischen Staaten / begrundet von Wilhelm Karl Prinz zu Isenburg ; fortgefuhrt von Frank Baron Freytag von Loringhoven ; neue Folge herausgegeben vonŠ., Marburg: Stargardt, 1978-<1995 >.
376. Winkhaus, Eberhard, Ahnen Zu Karl Dem Grossen Und Widukind, Westfalen, 1950.
411. Barlow, Frank, William Rufus, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1983.
466. Keats-Rohan, K.S.B., ³ŒUn vassal sans histoire¹?: Count Hugh II (c. 940/955-992) and the Origins of Angevin Overlordship in Maine,² K.S.B. Keats-Rohan (ed.), Family Trees and the Roots of Politics, Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK: Boydell Press, 1997, 189-210.
467. Settipani, Christian, ³Les comtes d¹Anjou et leurs alliances aux Xe et XIe siecles,² K.S.B. Keats-Rohan (ed.), Family Trees and the Roots of Politics, Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK: Boydell Press, 1997, 211-267.
74. Weis, Frederick Lewis, Ancestral roots of certain American colonists who came to America before 1700; 7th ed., with additions and correctiuons by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr; assisted by David Faris, Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1992.
82. Call, Michel L., Royal Ancestors of Some American Families ; Pedigree Charts., Printed by the author, 1991.
104. Turton, William Harry, The Plantagenet ancestry, Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1993.
151. Stuart, Roderick W., Royalty for commoners : the complete known lineage of John of Gaunt. . . second edition, Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1992.
233. Schwennicke, Detlev (ed.), Europaische Stammtafeln : Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der europaischen Staaten / begrundet von Wilhelm Karl Prinz zu Isenburg ; fortgefuhrt von Frank Baron Freytag von Loringhoven ; neue Folge herausgegeben vonŠ., Marburg: Stargardt, 1978-<1995 >.
376. Winkhaus, Eberhard, Ahnen Zu Karl Dem Grossen Und Widukind, Westfalen, 1950.
411. Barlow, Frank, William Rufus, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1983.
466. Keats-Rohan, K.S.B., ³ŒUn vassal sans histoire¹?: Count Hugh II (c. 940/955-992) and the Origins of Angevin Overlordship in Maine,² K.S.B. Keats-Rohan (ed.), Family Trees and the Roots of Politics, Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK: Boydell Press, 1997, 189-210.
467. Settipani, Christian, ³Les comtes d¹Anjou et leurs alliances aux Xe et XIe siecles,² K.S.B. Keats-Rohan (ed.), Family Trees and the Roots of Politics, Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK: Boydell Press, 1997, 211-267.
Alan B. Wilson“.2 He was vicomte de Châteaudun between 1023 and 1040.22,15
Family | Helvidis/Helvise (?) b. c 995 |
Children |
- [S1490] Genealogics Website (oiginated by Leo van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes), online, Geoffroy III: Hereinafter cited as Genealogics Website.
- [S1529] Alan B. Wilson, "Wilson email 5 June 1998 "Early viscounts of Chateaudun"," e-mail message from e-mail address ( to soc.genealogy.medieval, 5 June 1998, (accessed 16 Aug 2020). Hereinafter cited as "Wilson email 5 June 1998."
- [S4748] France Balade, online <>, Les Vicomtes de Chateaudun: Hereinafter cited as France Balade Website (FR).
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Vicomtes de Châteaudun, p. 4: Hereinafter cited as Racines et Histoire.
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S1702] The Henry Project: The ancestors of king Henry II of England, An experiment in cooperative medieval genealogy on the internet (now hosted by the American Society of Genealogists, ASG), online, Hereinafter cited as The Henry Project.
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S1953] Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, online,,_Viscount_of_Ch%C3%A2teaudun. Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Fulcois:
- [S4756] Christian Settipani, "Les vicomtes de Châteaudun et leurs alliés," in Onomastique et Parenté dans l’Occident médiéval, K. S. B. Keats-Rohan and Christian Settipani, editor. (Linacre College, Oxford University: Oxford Unit for Prosopographical Research, 2000). Hereinafter cited as "Settipani [2000] Les vicomtes de Châteaudun."
- [S1702] The Henry Project, online,
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Melisende Nogent:
- [S1702] The Henry Project, online,
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Helvis or Elisabeth:
- [S4742] Wikipédia - L'encyclopédie libre, online, Geoffroy Ier du Perche: Hereinafter cited as Wikipédia (FR).
- [S1953] Wikipedia, online,
- [S4742] Wikipédia (FR), online, Hervé Ier de Mortagne:
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Vicomtes de Châteaudun, p. 3:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S4742] Wikipédia (FR), online, Liste des comtes et vicomtes de Châteaudun:
- [S1549] "Author's comment", various, Gregory A. Vaut (e-mail address), to unknown recipient (unknown recipient address), 16 Aug 2020; unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "GA Vaut Comment."
- [S4748] France Balade Website (FR), online
- [S1953] Wikipedia, online,,_Viscount_of_Ch%C3%A2teaudun.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Rotrou:
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Famille de Bellême Seigneurs d’Alençon & Château-Gontier, & Château-Renaud, p. 3:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
Helvidis/Helvise (?)1,2
F, #6795, b. circa 995
Father | Rainard/Renhard (?) Seigneur de Pithiviers1,2 b. 950, d. 1000 |
Mother | Helvise/Helvidis (?)1,2 b. 960 |
Reference | GAV27 EDV27 |
Last Edited | 18 Aug 2020 |
Helvidis/Helvise (?) married Geoffroy II/III (?) Vicomte de Châteaudun, Comte de Mortagne, seigneur of Nogent-le-Rotrou, son of Foucois/Fulcuich/Fulcois (?) Seigneur de Nogent-le-Rotrou. comte en Perche, comte de Mortagne and Mélisende de Nogent-le-Rotrou vicomtesse de Châteaudun.1,3,4,5,6,7,2
Helvidis/Helvise (?) was born circa 995.8
; Per France Balade: Geoffroy III (1023-1040)
"Fils de Geoffroy II, il devient Vicomte de Chateaudun à la suite de son père, Il est également Seigneur de Nogent dans le Perche.
"Il épouse Helvise (Héloise) fille de Foulques Comte de Mortagne (on dit aussi Corbon), ils ont pour enfants:
"Geoffroy a eu de sérieux démélés avec l'Eveque Fulbert de Chartres et lui a meme fait la guerre. Il a construit deux chateaux à Illiers et Gallardon qui lui permettait de controler Chartres et Fulbert, après avoir vainement fait appel au Comte de Blois puis au Roi de France Robert II le Pieux, fut obligé de prononcer une sentence d'excommunication contre le Vicomte Geoffroy. Ce dernier finit par se soumettre et pour son pardon a fondé l'Eglise du Saint Sépulchre à Chateaudun en 1029. En 1031 il fonde un Monastère dédié à Saint Denis dans le Bourg de Nogent et il lui rattache l'Eglise de Saint Sépulchre.
"Geoffroy est mort en 1040 à Chartres à la suite d'une émeute des habitants contre lui. “.9
; Per Racines et Histoire (Châteaudun): “Geoffroi + 1039/40 (ass. devant la cathédrale de Chartres) vicomte de Châteaudun (1004, semble succéder à son oncle Hugues) (souscrit une charte de donation du Prévôt Gislebert 1004 ;
fonde avec sa femme l’abbaye de Saint-Denis de Nogent par charte entre 20/07/1031 et 19/07/1032 ; donation à cette abbaye 1040)
ép. Helvise de Corbon + après 20/07/1031-19/07/1032 (fille de Fulcuich, comte de Corbon (Mortagne) ”.5
; Per Med Lands:
"GEOFFROY (-murdered Chartres [1039/40]). His parentage is confirmed by the charter dated to [1065] under which "Rotrochus comes de Mauritania et mea uxor Adeliz et filii nostri Rotrochus et ceteri nostri infantes" donated property to Saint-Vincent du Mans, for the anniversary of "avi mei Fulcuich comitis et avunculi mei Hugonis et patris mei vicecomitis Gaufridi"[866]. "Hildegardis, vicecomitissa Castridunensis" donated property "alodum meum de Bello Monte" to "sanctissimo Petro Carnotensis cœnobii", with the consent of "filio meo Hugone, archiepiscopo Turonorum", by charter dated to 1020, signed by "Hugo archipræsul., Gausfridi nepotis eius…Helgaudi filii archiepiscopi…"[867]. Vicomte de Châteaudun 1004. "…Gaufredi vicecomitis" subscribed the charter dated 1004 under which "Gislebertus prepositus" recorded a donation[868]. "Gauffridus Castridunensium vicecomes" founded the abbey of Saint-Denis de Nogent with the consent of "domine meo Odone Palatino" by charter dated [20 Jul 1031/19 Jul 1032], subscribed by "Hugonis filii domini Gaufridi vicecomitis, Rotroci fratris eius, Eleusie matris eorum"[869]. "Gauffredus vicecomes Dunensis Castri" made a donation to Saint-Denis de Nogent by charter dated 1040, witnessed by "Hugo filius Gauffridi, Rotrocus frater eius"[870]. He was murdered in front of the cathedral of Chartres.
"m HELVISE [Elisabeth], daughter of --- (-after [20 Jul 1031/19 Jul 1032]). 1007/[1029/31]. "Hugonis filii domini Gaufridi vicecomitis, Rotroci fratris eius, Eleusie matris eorum" subscribed the charter dated [20 Jul 1031/19 Jul 1032] under which "Gauffridus Castridunensium vicecomes" founded the abbey of Saint-Denis de Nogent[871]."
Med Lands cites:
; NB: There are several theories as to the father/parents of the Helvise/Elisabeth who m. Geoffroy III:
I. Wikipedia says she was "Helvise (Elizabeth) de Corbon, daughter of Rainard, Lord of Pithiviers, and his wife Helvise."
II. Wikipédia (Fr.) says he m. "Helvise, fille probable de Renard de Broyes, seigneur de Pithiviers et Nogent, et d'Helvide ou Héloïse (de Bassigny ?)"
III. Med Lands says: "...m HELVISE [Elisabeth], daughter of --- (-after [20 Jul 1031/19 Jul 1032])."
IV. France Balade says he m. "Helvise (Héloise) fille de Foulques Comte de Mortagne (on dit aussi Corbon)"
V. Racines et Histoire calls her Helvise de Corbon fille de Fulcuich, comte de Corbon (Mortagne)
VI. Settipani names her as Helvidis and gives her a completely different ancestry, as a possible dau. of Renhard, Seigneurs de Pithiviers (980-ca 1000) and his wife Helvidis (960-unk). (See attachted image of the chart from Settipani's paper is attached.)
Conclusion: Settipani is the only one of these six sources that gives detailed arguments and cites a number of other researchers in supporting his conclusion. His argumentation supports the (probably later) conclusions in the Wikipedia and Wikipédia (Fr.) articles. I have changed my own data to reflect Settipani's conclusion as to Helvise/Helvidis's parents and ancestry. GA Vaut.10,11,6,9,5,1,12
; My ancestry for Helvidis/Helvise who m. Gausfred/Geoffroy III, Vcte de Châteaudun is based on the work of Settipani. (An image of a chart from Settipani's article is attached.) GA Vaut.12
; NB: The lineage of the Vicomtes de Châteaudun is not clear. A 1998 email from Wilson [reprinted in a separate note, here] outlines the more-or-less received wisdom at that point. Med Lands and Racines et Histoire (Châteaudun) show two different lines for the early vicomtes. France Balade shows one line. Genealogics seems to skip the early generations. Wikipedia and Wikipédia (Fr.) offer slightly different lines. Settipani [2000] presents a synthesis of the various facts available into a more coherent picture. I show here what each source says about the generations in a direct line from Geoffroy III Vicomte de Châteaudun (b. ca 980 - d. 1040), backward. In each descent, I have underlined this individual.
The Henry Project page on "Geoffroy (II)" (Geoffrey II/III, d. 1038/39, has a good discussion on the ancestry of this individual and of the vicomtes de Châteaudun. It is worth referring to that discussion to get more clarity on the issues and individuals I discuss here.
I. Med Lands: Med Lands shows to lines, running roughly 967-1080, but no connection is described between the two lines.
I. A. Med Lands Line 1 - This starts with a Geoffrey and runs 4 generations:
I.B. Med Lands Line 2 - This starts with a Rotrou and runs 4 generations:
II. Racines et Histoire (Châteaudun): Racines et Histoire also shows two lineages, without any connection described.
II.A. Racines et Histoire Line 1 - 5 generations:
II.B. Racines et Histoire Line 1 - 5 generations:
III. France Balade: France Balade presents a fragmented view of the various Vicomtes from a Rampo (ca 860) down to Geoffroy III (d. 1040), in 4 or 5 generations.
IV. Genealogics: Genealogics only describes 2 generations:
V. Wikipedia: Wikipedia lists 10 Viscounts/Vicountesses of Châteaudun from Geoffrey I to Geoffrey III, some of whom are shown as related.
VI. Wikipédia (Fr.): Wikipédia (Fr.) lists 9 various Vicomtes (without Vicomtesses) covering 6 generations (initial dates are approximate reigns as Vicomte):
VII. Settipani [2000] uses the Latin names given in early sources. He outlines 4 generations from the so-called Gausfred I (Geoffrey I) to Gausfred III (Geoffrey III), plus an earlier ancestor, father of Geoffrey I. An image of a chart from Settipani's paper is attached to demonstrate the total structure he proposed.
VII.A.I. Gausfred (900-aft 942), Vicomte de Chartres
VII.A.2. Gausfred (925-986/9), Vicomte de Châteaudun, m. Hildegardis (ca 935 - aft ca 1020)
VII.A.3. Hugo (950-1023), Vicomte de Châteaudun, Archevêque de Tours
VII.A.3. Fulcois (ca 950/5-bef 1003), Comte de Perche m. Melisendis (955-aft 1029) fl. Nogent
VII.A.4. Gausfred (ca 970/75-1038/9), Vicomte de Châteaudun, m. Helvidis (980-unk)
VII.A.5. Rotrocus (1005-aft 1051/60). Vicomte de Châteaudun, Comte de Perche m. Adelais de Bellême
Conclusion: Frankly, I am still trying to organize all of this information in my mind and have not decided on what I will finally show for the ancestors of Geoffrey III. What I currently have should be considered a draft work in progress. I accept the scholarship of Settipani, but am still trying to fit all of the pieces together and evaluate the information given in the other sources. GA Vaut.13,14,9,15,16,1,17,2
; From Wilson:
"Settipani and Keats-Rohan, in the essays listed below, seem to have sorted out the early viscounts of Chateaudun whose line is disconnected in ES iii, 689, and apparently in error in earlier secondary sources. I would appreciate it if someone would let me know if I have misread the relevant portions of these essays, or if you note other errors in the pedigree below.
First Generation
"1 Routrou I Count of Mortagne.[233, iii, 636, 689],[74, See 151:24],[73, p. 49],[82, 455:20->685:04],[411, pp. 467, 468 (tables 4, 6)],[467],[376, ³Bellesmes² 24, p. 36],[151, 249:31],[104, pp. 18, 179] Routrou I died ca 1080.[233] Vicomte of Chateaudun; seigneur of Nogent-le-Rotrou.[151]
bef 1041 Routrou married Adeline of Domfront[233, iii, 636, 689],[74, See 151:24],[73, p. 49],[411, pp. 467, 468 (tables 4, 6)],[376, See ³Bellesmes² 24, p. 36],[151, See 249:31],[104, pp. 18, 179],[82, 455:21->685:05].[151]
Second Generation
"2 Geoffrey III Viscount of Chateaudun.[233, iii, 689],[73, p. 49],[466],[467],[376, ³Bellesmes² 25, p. 36],[151, 249:32],[104, p. 179],[82, 685:08] Geoffrey III was alive in 1031.[233, iii, 689],[466] Geoffrey III died in 1039/1040.[233, iii, 689 +] Seigneur of Nogent-le-Rotrou.[151],[467]
"3 Heloise \ Elisabeth of Mortaigne.[233, iii, 689],[73, p. 49],[467],[376, See ³Bellesmes² 25, p. 36],[151, See 249:32],[104, p. 179],[82, 685:09] Born abt 995.
Third Generation
"4 Geoffrey II Viscount of Chateaudun.[73, p. 48],[466],[467],[151, See 249:33 (Hugh I, brother)] Geoffrey II was alive in 1004.[466] Viscount of Chateaudun .[467]
"5 Melisinda of Nogent.[73, p. 48],[466],[467]
"6 Fulk Count of Mortagne [233, iii, 689],[73, p. 48],[467],[151, See 249:32] Count of Corbon.[233]
Fourth Generation
"8 Geoffrey I Viscount of Chateaudun.[233, iii, 689],[73, p. 48 (? Hugh I, brother of Geoffrey II)],[466],[467] Geoffrey I died aft 986.[233, iii, 689 +] Viscount of Chateaudun .[467] ca 1020 Geoffrey I married Hildegarde.[233, iii, 689 =]
"9 Hildegarde.[233, iii, 689],[73, p. 48],[466],[467] Hildegarde was alive ca 970.[467] was alive ca 1020.[467] Hildegarde died bef 1023.[233, iii, 689 +] Hildegarde is suggested to be a granddaughter of Hugh I, Count of Maine.[466]
"10 Rotrou Seigneur of Nogent.[467] Rotrou was alive in 967.[467] was alive in 996.[467] Seigneur of Nogent .[467]
Alan B. Wilson“.3 She was living in 1007.7 She was living in 1031.2
Helvidis/Helvise (?) was born circa 995.8
; Per France Balade: Geoffroy III (1023-1040)
"Fils de Geoffroy II, il devient Vicomte de Chateaudun à la suite de son père, Il est également Seigneur de Nogent dans le Perche.
"Il épouse Helvise (Héloise) fille de Foulques Comte de Mortagne (on dit aussi Corbon), ils ont pour enfants:
- Hugues Vicomte de Chateaudun en 1040,
- Rotrou d'abord Seigneur de Nogent et Comte de Mortagne puis aussi Vicomte de Chateaudun à la suite de Hugues.
- Rotrou d'abord Seigneur de Nogent et Comte de Mortagne puis aussi Vicomte de Chateaudun à la suite de Hugues.
"Geoffroy a eu de sérieux démélés avec l'Eveque Fulbert de Chartres et lui a meme fait la guerre. Il a construit deux chateaux à Illiers et Gallardon qui lui permettait de controler Chartres et Fulbert, après avoir vainement fait appel au Comte de Blois puis au Roi de France Robert II le Pieux, fut obligé de prononcer une sentence d'excommunication contre le Vicomte Geoffroy. Ce dernier finit par se soumettre et pour son pardon a fondé l'Eglise du Saint Sépulchre à Chateaudun en 1029. En 1031 il fonde un Monastère dédié à Saint Denis dans le Bourg de Nogent et il lui rattache l'Eglise de Saint Sépulchre.
"Geoffroy est mort en 1040 à Chartres à la suite d'une émeute des habitants contre lui. “.9
; Per Racines et Histoire (Châteaudun): “Geoffroi + 1039/40 (ass. devant la cathédrale de Chartres) vicomte de Châteaudun (1004, semble succéder à son oncle Hugues) (souscrit une charte de donation du Prévôt Gislebert 1004 ;
fonde avec sa femme l’abbaye de Saint-Denis de Nogent par charte entre 20/07/1031 et 19/07/1032 ; donation à cette abbaye 1040)
ép. Helvise de Corbon + après 20/07/1031-19/07/1032 (fille de Fulcuich, comte de Corbon (Mortagne) ”.5
; Per Med Lands:
"GEOFFROY (-murdered Chartres [1039/40]). His parentage is confirmed by the charter dated to [1065] under which "Rotrochus comes de Mauritania et mea uxor Adeliz et filii nostri Rotrochus et ceteri nostri infantes" donated property to Saint-Vincent du Mans, for the anniversary of "avi mei Fulcuich comitis et avunculi mei Hugonis et patris mei vicecomitis Gaufridi"[866]. "Hildegardis, vicecomitissa Castridunensis" donated property "alodum meum de Bello Monte" to "sanctissimo Petro Carnotensis cœnobii", with the consent of "filio meo Hugone, archiepiscopo Turonorum", by charter dated to 1020, signed by "Hugo archipræsul., Gausfridi nepotis eius…Helgaudi filii archiepiscopi…"[867]. Vicomte de Châteaudun 1004. "…Gaufredi vicecomitis" subscribed the charter dated 1004 under which "Gislebertus prepositus" recorded a donation[868]. "Gauffridus Castridunensium vicecomes" founded the abbey of Saint-Denis de Nogent with the consent of "domine meo Odone Palatino" by charter dated [20 Jul 1031/19 Jul 1032], subscribed by "Hugonis filii domini Gaufridi vicecomitis, Rotroci fratris eius, Eleusie matris eorum"[869]. "Gauffredus vicecomes Dunensis Castri" made a donation to Saint-Denis de Nogent by charter dated 1040, witnessed by "Hugo filius Gauffridi, Rotrocus frater eius"[870]. He was murdered in front of the cathedral of Chartres.
"m HELVISE [Elisabeth], daughter of --- (-after [20 Jul 1031/19 Jul 1032]). 1007/[1029/31]. "Hugonis filii domini Gaufridi vicecomitis, Rotroci fratris eius, Eleusie matris eorum" subscribed the charter dated [20 Jul 1031/19 Jul 1032] under which "Gauffridus Castridunensium vicecomes" founded the abbey of Saint-Denis de Nogent[871]."
Med Lands cites:
[866] Le Mans Saint-Vincent, Liber primus, 609, p. 350.
[867] Chartres Saint-Père I, Liber Sextus, Cap. VI, p. 117.
[868] Marmoutier-Dunois III, p. 4.
[869] Nogent-le-Rotrou, V, p. 13.
[870] Nogent-le-Rotrou L, p. 118.
[871] Nogent-le-Rotrou V, p. 13.6
GAV-27 EDV-27. Helvidis/Helvise (?) was also known as Helvise/Elisabeth.7,6 Helvidis/Helvise (?) was also known as Helvise/Elizabeth de Corbon.10,5 [867] Chartres Saint-Père I, Liber Sextus, Cap. VI, p. 117.
[868] Marmoutier-Dunois III, p. 4.
[869] Nogent-le-Rotrou, V, p. 13.
[870] Nogent-le-Rotrou L, p. 118.
[871] Nogent-le-Rotrou V, p. 13.6
; NB: There are several theories as to the father/parents of the Helvise/Elisabeth who m. Geoffroy III:
I. Wikipedia says she was "Helvise (Elizabeth) de Corbon, daughter of Rainard, Lord of Pithiviers, and his wife Helvise."
II. Wikipédia (Fr.) says he m. "Helvise, fille probable de Renard de Broyes, seigneur de Pithiviers et Nogent, et d'Helvide ou Héloïse (de Bassigny ?)"
III. Med Lands says: "...m HELVISE [Elisabeth], daughter of --- (-after [20 Jul 1031/19 Jul 1032])."
IV. France Balade says he m. "Helvise (Héloise) fille de Foulques Comte de Mortagne (on dit aussi Corbon)"
V. Racines et Histoire calls her Helvise de Corbon fille de Fulcuich, comte de Corbon (Mortagne)
VI. Settipani names her as Helvidis and gives her a completely different ancestry, as a possible dau. of Renhard, Seigneurs de Pithiviers (980-ca 1000) and his wife Helvidis (960-unk). (See attachted image of the chart from Settipani's paper is attached.)
Conclusion: Settipani is the only one of these six sources that gives detailed arguments and cites a number of other researchers in supporting his conclusion. His argumentation supports the (probably later) conclusions in the Wikipedia and Wikipédia (Fr.) articles. I have changed my own data to reflect Settipani's conclusion as to Helvise/Helvidis's parents and ancestry. GA Vaut.10,11,6,9,5,1,12

; My ancestry for Helvidis/Helvise who m. Gausfred/Geoffroy III, Vcte de Châteaudun is based on the work of Settipani. (An image of a chart from Settipani's article is attached.) GA Vaut.12

; NB: The lineage of the Vicomtes de Châteaudun is not clear. A 1998 email from Wilson [reprinted in a separate note, here] outlines the more-or-less received wisdom at that point. Med Lands and Racines et Histoire (Châteaudun) show two different lines for the early vicomtes. France Balade shows one line. Genealogics seems to skip the early generations. Wikipedia and Wikipédia (Fr.) offer slightly different lines. Settipani [2000] presents a synthesis of the various facts available into a more coherent picture. I show here what each source says about the generations in a direct line from Geoffroy III Vicomte de Châteaudun (b. ca 980 - d. 1040), backward. In each descent, I have underlined this individual.
The Henry Project page on "Geoffroy (II)" (Geoffrey II/III, d. 1038/39, has a good discussion on the ancestry of this individual and of the vicomtes de Châteaudun. It is worth referring to that discussion to get more clarity on the issues and individuals I discuss here.
I. Med Lands: Med Lands shows to lines, running roughly 967-1080, but no connection is described between the two lines.
I. A. Med Lands Line 1 - This starts with a Geoffrey and runs 4 generations:
I.A.1. GEOFFROY, son of --- (-after 986).
I.A.2. HUGUES (I) (-989 or after). Vicomte de Châteaudun
I.A.3. HUGUES (II) de Châteaudun (-10 Jun 1026). Vicomte de Châteaudun (980/1003), Archbishop of Tours 1005, two illegitimate sons by an unknown mistress or mistresses
I.A.3. [MELISENDE (-before 1040). Vicomtesse de Châteaudun. m FULCOIS Seigneur de Nogent-le-Rotrou Comte de Mortagne
I.A.3. NN daughter . m (before 989) ALBERT [II] de la Ferté-en-Beauce
I.A.2. HUGUES (I) (-989 or after). Vicomte de Châteaudun
I.A.3. HUGUES (II) de Châteaudun (-10 Jun 1026). Vicomte de Châteaudun (980/1003), Archbishop of Tours 1005, two illegitimate sons by an unknown mistress or mistresses
I.A.3. [MELISENDE (-before 1040). Vicomtesse de Châteaudun. m FULCOIS Seigneur de Nogent-le-Rotrou Comte de Mortagne
I.A.3. NN daughter . m (before 989) ALBERT [II] de la Ferté-en-Beauce
I.B. Med Lands Line 2 - This starts with a Rotrou and runs 4 generations:
I.B.1. ROTROU (-after 12 Feb 996). Seigneur de Nogent.
I.B.2. FULCOIS Comte de Mortagne. m MELISENDE Vicomtesse de Châteaudun, daughter of [HUGUES [I] Vicomte de Châteaudun [NB: It is not explained if this Hugues [I] is one of the Hugues in Line #1]
I.B.3. GEOFFROY (-murdered Chartres [1039/40]) m HELVISE [Elisabeth] Vicomte de Châteaudun
I.B.4. GEOFFROY (-[1015/28] or after).
I.B.4. HUGUES m ADELA, daughter of ---.
I.B.4. ROTROU (-1 Mar [1080]). Vicomte de Châteaudun. Comte de Mortagne m ADELISE de Bellême
I.B.3. Hugues du Perche Comte de Gâtinais m ([1000]) as her second husband, BEATRIX de Mâcon
I.B.4. GEOFFROY [II] "Ferréol" de Gâtinais (-30 Apr [1043/47]), Comte de Gâtinais, Seigneur de Château-Landon. m ([1035]) as her first husband, ERMENGARDE d'Anjou. Descendants COMTES d'ANJOU
I.B.4. LIETAUD (-[1050] or after). Descendants VICOMTES de CHÂTEAU-LANDON
I.B.2. FULCOIS Comte de Mortagne. m MELISENDE Vicomtesse de Châteaudun, daughter of [HUGUES [I] Vicomte de Châteaudun [NB: It is not explained if this Hugues [I] is one of the Hugues in Line #1]
I.B.3. GEOFFROY (-murdered Chartres [1039/40]) m HELVISE [Elisabeth] Vicomte de Châteaudun
I.B.4. GEOFFROY (-[1015/28] or after).
I.B.4. HUGUES m ADELA, daughter of ---.
I.B.4. ROTROU (-1 Mar [1080]). Vicomte de Châteaudun. Comte de Mortagne m ADELISE de Bellême
I.B.3. Hugues du Perche Comte de Gâtinais m ([1000]) as her second husband, BEATRIX de Mâcon
I.B.4. GEOFFROY [II] "Ferréol" de Gâtinais (-30 Apr [1043/47]), Comte de Gâtinais, Seigneur de Château-Landon. m ([1035]) as her first husband, ERMENGARDE d'Anjou. Descendants COMTES d'ANJOU
I.B.4. LIETAUD (-[1050] or after). Descendants VICOMTES de CHÂTEAU-LANDON
II. Racines et Histoire (Châteaudun): Racines et Histoire also shows two lineages, without any connection described.
II.A. Racines et Histoire Line 1 - 5 generations:
II.A.1. Mathilde de Vendôme ° ~960 ép. ~972 Rampo de Châteaudun ° ~954 + 986 1er seigneur de Châteaudun
II.A.2. Hugues 1er de Châteaudun ° ~975 + ~1012 seigneur de Châteaudun ép. Hildegarde
II.A.3. Mélissende de Châteaudun ° 997 + 1035 ép. Guarin d’Alençon (alias Foulques de Mortagne ?) seigneur de Mortagne + 1026
II.A.4. Geoffroi 1er d’Alençon ° ~1012 + ~1051 comte de Mortagne, seigneur de Nogent et d’Illiers (fortifie Gallardon) ép. Helvise, dame de Mortagne ° ~1010 (fille de Rainard, seigneur de Pithiviers, et d’Héloïse, fille d’Eudes 1er comte de Chartres)
II.A.5. Rotrou 1er de Châteaudun ° ~1034 + avant 1079 comte de Mortagne, seigneur de Nogent et Châteaudun ép. ~1050 Adeline de Domfront (fille de Guarin de Bellême, seigneur de Domfront)
II.A.2. Hugues 1er de Châteaudun ° ~975 + ~1012 seigneur de Châteaudun ép. Hildegarde
II.A.3. Mélissende de Châteaudun ° 997 + 1035 ép. Guarin d’Alençon (alias Foulques de Mortagne ?) seigneur de Mortagne + 1026
II.A.4. Geoffroi 1er d’Alençon ° ~1012 + ~1051 comte de Mortagne, seigneur de Nogent et d’Illiers (fortifie Gallardon) ép. Helvise, dame de Mortagne ° ~1010 (fille de Rainard, seigneur de Pithiviers, et d’Héloïse, fille d’Eudes 1er comte de Chartres)
II.A.5. Rotrou 1er de Châteaudun ° ~1034 + avant 1079 comte de Mortagne, seigneur de Nogent et Châteaudun ép. ~1050 Adeline de Domfront (fille de Guarin de Bellême, seigneur de Domfront)
II.B. Racines et Histoire Line 1 - 5 generations:
II.B.1. Rampo de Châteaudun 1er vicomte de Châteaudun ~860 à titre d’office
II.B.2. Geoffroi vicomte de Chartres et de Châteaudun ~940
II.B.3. Geoffroi 1er de Châteaudun vicomte de Châteaudun (967-986) ép. Hildegarde ° 970 + 1020 (petite-fille d’Hugues 1er, comte du Maine et veuve de Ernaud, seigneur de La Ferté-Vidame)
II.B.4. Hugues 1er + 12/05/1023 vicomte de Châteaudun (989-1003), seigneur du Vivier, Archevêque de Tours (1003-1023)
II.B.4. Geoffroi II vicomte de Châteaudun (1004-1023) seigneur de Nogent (987, Perche) ép. Mélissende de Nogent (fille de Rotrou, seigneur de Nogent de 950 à 990)
II.B.5. Geoffroi III ° ~1012 + 1040 (Chartres, ass.) vicomte de Châteaudun (1023-1040) comte de Mortagne, seigneur de Nogent, Châtelain d’Illiers et de Gallardon ép. Helvise Corbon (Héloïse, Avoise, Elisabeth) dame de Mortagne ° ~1010 (fille de Foulques dit «Corbon», comte de Mortagne) [ ? ou Héloïse de Pithiviers (fille de Rainard, seigneur de Pithiviers, et d’Héloïse, fille d’Eudes 1er comte de Chartres ?) ]
II.B.4. Alo (Adalard) seigneur de Chinon ép. Senagaudis
II.B.4. Mélissende ? ép. Albert, Abbé de Micy (de la famille des Bellême)
II.B.2. Geoffroi vicomte de Chartres et de Châteaudun ~940
II.B.3. Geoffroi 1er de Châteaudun vicomte de Châteaudun (967-986) ép. Hildegarde ° 970 + 1020 (petite-fille d’Hugues 1er, comte du Maine et veuve de Ernaud, seigneur de La Ferté-Vidame)
II.B.4. Hugues 1er + 12/05/1023 vicomte de Châteaudun (989-1003), seigneur du Vivier, Archevêque de Tours (1003-1023)
II.B.4. Geoffroi II vicomte de Châteaudun (1004-1023) seigneur de Nogent (987, Perche) ép. Mélissende de Nogent (fille de Rotrou, seigneur de Nogent de 950 à 990)
II.B.5. Geoffroi III ° ~1012 + 1040 (Chartres, ass.) vicomte de Châteaudun (1023-1040) comte de Mortagne, seigneur de Nogent, Châtelain d’Illiers et de Gallardon ép. Helvise Corbon (Héloïse, Avoise, Elisabeth) dame de Mortagne ° ~1010 (fille de Foulques dit «Corbon», comte de Mortagne) [ ? ou Héloïse de Pithiviers (fille de Rainard, seigneur de Pithiviers, et d’Héloïse, fille d’Eudes 1er comte de Chartres ?) ]
II.B.4. Alo (Adalard) seigneur de Chinon ép. Senagaudis
II.B.4. Mélissende ? ép. Albert, Abbé de Micy (de la famille des Bellême)
III. France Balade: France Balade presents a fragmented view of the various Vicomtes from a Rampo (ca 860) down to Geoffroy III (d. 1040), in 4 or 5 generations.
III.A.1. Rampo - Vicomte de Châteaudun, à titre d'office, dans les années 860.
III.B.2. Geoffroy Vicomte de Chartres (les années 940) "il semble avoir assuré les fonctions de Vicomte de Châteaudun à cette époque meme s'il n'en portait pas explicitement le titre." [Translation: "he seems to have assumed the functions of Vicomte de Châteaudun at that time even if he did not explicitly bear the title."] No connection to Rampo is described.
III.B.2. Geoffroy I (967-986), Vicomte de Châteaudun, son of the former, m. Hildegarde widow of Ernaud Seigneur de la Ferté(-Vidame)
III.B.3. Hugues I Vicomte de Châteaudun (989-1003) then Archevêque de Tours (1003-1023), son of Geoffroy and Hildegarde
III.B.3. Geoffroy II Vicomte de Châteaudun (1004-1023), son of Geoffroy and Hildegarde, m. Mélissende, dau. of Rotrou, Seigneur de Nogent.
III.B.4. Geoffroy III (1023-1040), son Geoffroy II, Vicomte de Châteaudun, Seigneur de Nogent dans le Perche, m. Helvise (Héloise) de Mortagne fille de Foulques Comte de Mortagne (aka Corbon)
III.B.2. Geoffroy Vicomte de Chartres (les années 940) "il semble avoir assuré les fonctions de Vicomte de Châteaudun à cette époque meme s'il n'en portait pas explicitement le titre." [Translation: "he seems to have assumed the functions of Vicomte de Châteaudun at that time even if he did not explicitly bear the title."] No connection to Rampo is described.
III.B.2. Geoffroy I (967-986), Vicomte de Châteaudun, son of the former, m. Hildegarde widow of Ernaud Seigneur de la Ferté(-Vidame)
III.B.3. Hugues I Vicomte de Châteaudun (989-1003) then Archevêque de Tours (1003-1023), son of Geoffroy and Hildegarde
III.B.3. Geoffroy II Vicomte de Châteaudun (1004-1023), son of Geoffroy and Hildegarde, m. Mélissende, dau. of Rotrou, Seigneur de Nogent.
III.B.4. Geoffroy III (1023-1040), son Geoffroy II, Vicomte de Châteaudun, Seigneur de Nogent dans le Perche, m. Helvise (Héloise) de Mortagne fille de Foulques Comte de Mortagne (aka Corbon)
IV. Genealogics: Genealogics only describes 2 generations:
IV.A.1. Fulcois Vicomte de Châteaudun m. Mélissende Nogent (no parents given)
IV.A.2 Geoffroy III b. ca 980 d. 1040), Vicomte de Châteaudun, Comte de Mortagne m. Helvis/Elizabeth, dau. of Fulcuich, Comte de Corbon.
IV.A.2 Geoffroy III b. ca 980 d. 1040), Vicomte de Châteaudun, Comte de Mortagne m. Helvis/Elizabeth, dau. of Fulcuich, Comte de Corbon.
V. Wikipedia: Wikipedia lists 10 Viscounts/Vicountesses of Châteaudun from Geoffrey I to Geoffrey III, some of whom are shown as related.
V.1. Geoffrey I (967–985), Viscount of Châteaudun
V.2. Hugues I (985–989), Viscount of Châteaudun, son of the previous m.
V.2. Hildegarde (989–1022), Viscountess of Châteaudun, wife of the previous
V.3. Hugues II (1022–1026), Viscount of Châteaudun and Archbishop of Tours, son of the previous
V.4. Geoffrey II (1030–1039), Viscount of Châteaudun and Count of Perche (as Geoffrey I), son of the previous
V.5. Hugues III de Perche (1039–1044), Viscount of Châteaudun and Count of Perche (as Hugues I), son of the previous
V.5. Rotrou I de Perche (1044–1080), Viscount of Châteaudun and Count of Perche (as Rotrou II), brother of the previous
V.6. Hugues IV (1080–1110), Viscount of Châteaudun, son of the previous
V.7. Geoffrey III (1110–1145), Viscount of Châteaudun, son of the previous
V.3. Melisende (1026–1030), Viscountess of Châteaudun, sister of the previous
V.2. Hugues I (985–989), Viscount of Châteaudun, son of the previous m.
V.2. Hildegarde (989–1022), Viscountess of Châteaudun, wife of the previous
V.3. Hugues II (1022–1026), Viscount of Châteaudun and Archbishop of Tours, son of the previous
V.4. Geoffrey II (1030–1039), Viscount of Châteaudun and Count of Perche (as Geoffrey I), son of the previous
V.5. Hugues III de Perche (1039–1044), Viscount of Châteaudun and Count of Perche (as Hugues I), son of the previous
V.5. Rotrou I de Perche (1044–1080), Viscount of Châteaudun and Count of Perche (as Rotrou II), brother of the previous
V.6. Hugues IV (1080–1110), Viscount of Châteaudun, son of the previous
V.7. Geoffrey III (1110–1145), Viscount of Châteaudun, son of the previous
V.3. Melisende (1026–1030), Viscountess of Châteaudun, sister of the previous
VI. Wikipédia (Fr.): Wikipédia (Fr.) lists 9 various Vicomtes (without Vicomtesses) covering 6 generations (initial dates are approximate reigns as Vicomte):
VI.A.1. ca 860 Rampo
VI.B.1. 956-986 : Geoffroy Ier (Gauzfred), vicomte de Châteaudun, m. Hildegarde ou Ermengarde
VI.B.2. 989-1003 : Hugues I (d. 1023), son of the previous, Vicomte de Châteaudun, then (1003) Archevêque de Tours
VI.B.2. Unnamed brother or sister of the previous
VI.B.3. 1003-1039 : Geoffroy II, nephew of Hugues I, vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Mortagne et de Nogent
VI.B.4. 1039-1045 : Hugues II, son of the previous, Vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Mortagne et de Nogent m. Adila, s.p.
VI.B.4. 1051-1080 : Rotrou Ier, son of the previous, Vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Mortagne et de Nogent m. Adelise/Adeline de Bellême-Alençon
VI.B.5. 1080-vers 1110 : Hugues III, vicomte de Châteaudun, dit d'Alençon, son of the previous. m. Agnès de Fréteval
VI.B.6. vers 1110-1140/1150 : Geoffroy III, vicomte de Châteaudun, son of the previous ; m. his 1st cousin Helvise de Mondoubleau-Fréteval
VI.B.1. 956-986 : Geoffroy Ier (Gauzfred), vicomte de Châteaudun, m. Hildegarde ou Ermengarde
VI.B.2. 989-1003 : Hugues I (d. 1023), son of the previous, Vicomte de Châteaudun, then (1003) Archevêque de Tours
VI.B.2. Unnamed brother or sister of the previous
VI.B.3. 1003-1039 : Geoffroy II, nephew of Hugues I, vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Mortagne et de Nogent
VI.B.4. 1039-1045 : Hugues II, son of the previous, Vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Mortagne et de Nogent m. Adila, s.p.
VI.B.4. 1051-1080 : Rotrou Ier, son of the previous, Vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Mortagne et de Nogent m. Adelise/Adeline de Bellême-Alençon
VI.B.5. 1080-vers 1110 : Hugues III, vicomte de Châteaudun, dit d'Alençon, son of the previous. m. Agnès de Fréteval
VI.B.6. vers 1110-1140/1150 : Geoffroy III, vicomte de Châteaudun, son of the previous ; m. his 1st cousin Helvise de Mondoubleau-Fréteval
VII. Settipani [2000] uses the Latin names given in early sources. He outlines 4 generations from the so-called Gausfred I (Geoffrey I) to Gausfred III (Geoffrey III), plus an earlier ancestor, father of Geoffrey I. An image of a chart from Settipani's paper is attached to demonstrate the total structure he proposed.
VII.A.I. Gausfred (900-aft 942), Vicomte de Chartres
VII.A.2. Gausfred (925-986/9), Vicomte de Châteaudun, m. Hildegardis (ca 935 - aft ca 1020)
VII.A.3. Hugo (950-1023), Vicomte de Châteaudun, Archevêque de Tours
VII.A.3. Fulcois (ca 950/5-bef 1003), Comte de Perche m. Melisendis (955-aft 1029) fl. Nogent
VII.A.4. Gausfred (ca 970/75-1038/9), Vicomte de Châteaudun, m. Helvidis (980-unk)
VII.A.5. Rotrocus (1005-aft 1051/60). Vicomte de Châteaudun, Comte de Perche m. Adelais de Bellême
Conclusion: Frankly, I am still trying to organize all of this information in my mind and have not decided on what I will finally show for the ancestors of Geoffrey III. What I currently have should be considered a draft work in progress. I accept the scholarship of Settipani, but am still trying to fit all of the pieces together and evaluate the information given in the other sources. GA Vaut.13,14,9,15,16,1,17,2

; From Wilson:
"Settipani and Keats-Rohan, in the essays listed below, seem to have sorted out the early viscounts of Chateaudun whose line is disconnected in ES iii, 689, and apparently in error in earlier secondary sources. I would appreciate it if someone would let me know if I have misread the relevant portions of these essays, or if you note other errors in the pedigree below.
First Generation
"1 Routrou I Count of Mortagne.[233, iii, 636, 689],[74, See 151:24],[73, p. 49],[82, 455:20->685:04],[411, pp. 467, 468 (tables 4, 6)],[467],[376, ³Bellesmes² 24, p. 36],[151, 249:31],[104, pp. 18, 179] Routrou I died ca 1080.[233] Vicomte of Chateaudun; seigneur of Nogent-le-Rotrou.[151]
bef 1041 Routrou married Adeline of Domfront[233, iii, 636, 689],[74, See 151:24],[73, p. 49],[411, pp. 467, 468 (tables 4, 6)],[376, See ³Bellesmes² 24, p. 36],[151, See 249:31],[104, pp. 18, 179],[82, 455:21->685:05].[151]
Second Generation
"2 Geoffrey III Viscount of Chateaudun.[233, iii, 689],[73, p. 49],[466],[467],[376, ³Bellesmes² 25, p. 36],[151, 249:32],[104, p. 179],[82, 685:08] Geoffrey III was alive in 1031.[233, iii, 689],[466] Geoffrey III died in 1039/1040.[233, iii, 689 +] Seigneur of Nogent-le-Rotrou.[151],[467]
"3 Heloise \ Elisabeth of Mortaigne.[233, iii, 689],[73, p. 49],[467],[376, See ³Bellesmes² 25, p. 36],[151, See 249:32],[104, p. 179],[82, 685:09] Born abt 995.
Third Generation
"4 Geoffrey II Viscount of Chateaudun.[73, p. 48],[466],[467],[151, See 249:33 (Hugh I, brother)] Geoffrey II was alive in 1004.[466] Viscount of Chateaudun .[467]
"5 Melisinda of Nogent.[73, p. 48],[466],[467]
"6 Fulk Count of Mortagne [233, iii, 689],[73, p. 48],[467],[151, See 249:32] Count of Corbon.[233]
Fourth Generation
"8 Geoffrey I Viscount of Chateaudun.[233, iii, 689],[73, p. 48 (? Hugh I, brother of Geoffrey II)],[466],[467] Geoffrey I died aft 986.[233, iii, 689 +] Viscount of Chateaudun .[467] ca 1020 Geoffrey I married Hildegarde.[233, iii, 689 =]
"9 Hildegarde.[233, iii, 689],[73, p. 48],[466],[467] Hildegarde was alive ca 970.[467] was alive ca 1020.[467] Hildegarde died bef 1023.[233, iii, 689 +] Hildegarde is suggested to be a granddaughter of Hugh I, Count of Maine.[466]
"10 Rotrou Seigneur of Nogent.[467] Rotrou was alive in 967.[467] was alive in 996.[467] Seigneur of Nogent .[467]
73. Moriarty, George Andrews, The Plantagenet Ancestry of King Edward III and Queen Philippa, Salt Lake City, Utah: Mormon Pioneer Genealogy Society, 1985.
74. Weis, Frederick Lewis, Ancestral roots of certain American colonists who came to America before 1700; 7th ed., with additions and correctiuons by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr; assisted by David Faris, Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1992.
82. Call, Michel L., Royal Ancestors of Some American Families ; Pedigree Charts., Printed by the author, 1991.
104. Turton, William Harry, The Plantagenet ancestry, Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1993.
151. Stuart, Roderick W., Royalty for commoners : the complete known lineage of John of Gaunt. . . second edition, Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1992.
233. Schwennicke, Detlev (ed.), Europaische Stammtafeln : Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der europaischen Staaten / begrundet von Wilhelm Karl Prinz zu Isenburg ; fortgefuhrt von Frank Baron Freytag von Loringhoven ; neue Folge herausgegeben vonŠ., Marburg: Stargardt, 1978-<1995 >.
376. Winkhaus, Eberhard, Ahnen Zu Karl Dem Grossen Und Widukind, Westfalen, 1950.
411. Barlow, Frank, William Rufus, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1983.
466. Keats-Rohan, K.S.B., ³ŒUn vassal sans histoire¹?: Count Hugh II (c. 940/955-992) and the Origins of Angevin Overlordship in Maine,² K.S.B. Keats-Rohan (ed.), Family Trees and the Roots of Politics, Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK: Boydell Press, 1997, 189-210.
467. Settipani, Christian, ³Les comtes d¹Anjou et leurs alliances aux Xe et XIe siecles,² K.S.B. Keats-Rohan (ed.), Family Trees and the Roots of Politics, Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK: Boydell Press, 1997, 211-267.
74. Weis, Frederick Lewis, Ancestral roots of certain American colonists who came to America before 1700; 7th ed., with additions and correctiuons by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr; assisted by David Faris, Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1992.
82. Call, Michel L., Royal Ancestors of Some American Families ; Pedigree Charts., Printed by the author, 1991.
104. Turton, William Harry, The Plantagenet ancestry, Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1993.
151. Stuart, Roderick W., Royalty for commoners : the complete known lineage of John of Gaunt. . . second edition, Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1992.
233. Schwennicke, Detlev (ed.), Europaische Stammtafeln : Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der europaischen Staaten / begrundet von Wilhelm Karl Prinz zu Isenburg ; fortgefuhrt von Frank Baron Freytag von Loringhoven ; neue Folge herausgegeben vonŠ., Marburg: Stargardt, 1978-<1995 >.
376. Winkhaus, Eberhard, Ahnen Zu Karl Dem Grossen Und Widukind, Westfalen, 1950.
411. Barlow, Frank, William Rufus, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1983.
466. Keats-Rohan, K.S.B., ³ŒUn vassal sans histoire¹?: Count Hugh II (c. 940/955-992) and the Origins of Angevin Overlordship in Maine,² K.S.B. Keats-Rohan (ed.), Family Trees and the Roots of Politics, Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK: Boydell Press, 1997, 189-210.
467. Settipani, Christian, ³Les comtes d¹Anjou et leurs alliances aux Xe et XIe siecles,² K.S.B. Keats-Rohan (ed.), Family Trees and the Roots of Politics, Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK: Boydell Press, 1997, 211-267.
Alan B. Wilson“.3 She was living in 1007.7 She was living in 1031.2
Family | Geoffroy II/III (?) Vicomte de Châteaudun, Comte de Mortagne, seigneur of Nogent-le-Rotrou b. bt 970 - 975, d. bt 1038 - 1039 |
Children |
- [S4756] Christian Settipani, "Les vicomtes de Châteaudun et leurs alliés," in Onomastique et Parenté dans l’Occident médiéval, K. S. B. Keats-Rohan and Christian Settipani, editor. (Linacre College, Oxford University: Oxford Unit for Prosopographical Research, 2000). Hereinafter cited as "Settipani [2000] Les vicomtes de Châteaudun."
- [S1702] The Henry Project: The ancestors of king Henry II of England, An experiment in cooperative medieval genealogy on the internet (now hosted by the American Society of Genealogists, ASG), online, Hereinafter cited as The Henry Project.
- [S1529] Alan B. Wilson, "Wilson email 5 June 1998 "Early viscounts of Chateaudun"," e-mail message from e-mail address ( to soc.genealogy.medieval, 5 June 1998, (accessed 16 Aug 2020). Hereinafter cited as "Wilson email 5 June 1998."
- [S1490] Genealogics Website (oiginated by Leo van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes), online, Geoffroy III: Hereinafter cited as Genealogics Website.
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Vicomtes de Châteaudun, p. 4: Hereinafter cited as Racines et Histoire.
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Helvis or Elisabeth:
- [S1529] Alan B. Wilson, "Wilson email 5 June 1998," e-mail to soc.genealogy.medieval, 5 June 1998.
- [S4748] France Balade, online <>, Les Vicomtes de Chateaudun: Hereinafter cited as France Balade Website (FR).
- [S1953] Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, online,,_Viscount_of_Ch%C3%A2teaudun. Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia.
- [S4742] Wikipédia - L'encyclopédie libre, online, Geoffroy Ier du Perche: Hereinafter cited as Wikipédia (FR).
- [S1549] "Author's comment", various, Gregory A. Vaut (e-mail address), to unknown recipient (unknown recipient address), 17 Aug 2020; unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "GA Vaut Comment."
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Vicomtes de Châteaudun, p. 3:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S4742] Wikipédia (FR), online, Liste des comtes et vicomtes de Châteaudun:
- [S1953] Wikipedia, online,
- [S1549] Gregory A. Vaut, "GA Vaut Comment", 16 Aug 2020.
- [S1953] Wikipedia, online,,_Viscount_of_Ch%C3%A2teaudun.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Geoffroy II:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Rotrou:
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Famille de Bellême Seigneurs d’Alençon & Château-Gontier, & Château-Renaud, p. 3:
Arnoul de Reynel Comte de Reynel1
M, #6797, d. circa 1172
Father | Hugues de Reynel Comte de Reynel1 d. b 1127 |
Mother | Hadwide de Montreuil-Thiécourt1 |
Last Edited | 18 Aug 2020 |
Arnoul de Reynel Comte de Reynel married Hodiarde de Pierrefitte
His 1st wife.1 Arnoul de Reynel Comte de Reynel married Andeline de Bordon
His 2nd wife.1
Arnoul de Reynel Comte de Reynel died circa 1172; Med Lands says d. 1172 or after.1
; Per Med Lands:
"ARNOUL de Reynel (-1172 or after). His parentage is confirmed by the charter dated [1125 or before] in which "Airardus Breonensis comes…et comitem Barrensem Milonem fratrem suum" are named, subscribed by "…Arnulfi Risnellensis, Airardi fratris eius"[751], read together with the Gesta Episcoporum Virdunensium which names "Aderardus filius Hugonis comitis de Risnello"[752]. Comte de Reynel. Seigneur de Reynel. “Dominus Hugo de Fisca et dominus Arnulfus de Risnel assensu et voluntate uxorum suarum” donated “terram...circa Auedoiz” [Audeux] to the monks of La Crète, in the presence of “Jofridus de Joniville”, by charter dated 1158 witnessed by “...Airardus de Risnel...”[753]. Henri Bishop of Toul confirmed donations made to La Crète, including “terram itaque grangiæ de Haydoiz de trium villarum Temprouh, Brichenville, Allenville territoriis fundatæ” donated by “domino Hugone comite Rinelli et filiis eius Hernulfe et Hayrardo, et Hugone domino de Fischa assensu et laude uxoris suæ Bergerolæ, et domini Gaufridi de Jonivilla et uxoris suæ Felicitatis”, by charter dated 1158[754]. Pierre Bishop of Toul confirmed donations made to Mureau/La Crète, including “grangiam de Aydoyz in sicco pago Ornensi, de trium villarum Brichenville et Allenville territoriis fundatam” donated by “dominus Arnulfus de Risnel et filii eius Wyardus, Hugo...dominus Hugo de Fisca et uxor eius et filii eius, Hugo et uxor eius Hayvydis, Milo, Symon, Otto, Albricus...nepotes prædicti Hugonis, Hugo, Abertus, Ulricus, Symon, Petrus et soror eorum Aelydis et maritus eius Theodericus de Ribovilla...Hugo de Ru...Symon dominus de Borlenmont et sororius eius Hugo de Berfroymont et uxor eius Hayvydis et filii eius Simon, Lebaldus”, by charter dated 1172[755]. The Feoda Campanie dated [1172] includes “...dominus Risnelli…Erardus Risnelli…” in De Vitriaco et appenditiis[756].
"m firstly HODIARDE de Pierrefitte, daughter of ---. The primary source which confirms her marriage has not yet been identified.
"m secondly ANDELINE de Bordon, daughter of ---. The primary source which confirms her marriage has not yet been identified."
Med Lands cites:
His 1st wife.1 Arnoul de Reynel Comte de Reynel married Andeline de Bordon
His 2nd wife.1
Arnoul de Reynel Comte de Reynel died circa 1172; Med Lands says d. 1172 or after.1
; Per Med Lands:
"ARNOUL de Reynel (-1172 or after). His parentage is confirmed by the charter dated [1125 or before] in which "Airardus Breonensis comes…et comitem Barrensem Milonem fratrem suum" are named, subscribed by "…Arnulfi Risnellensis, Airardi fratris eius"[751], read together with the Gesta Episcoporum Virdunensium which names "Aderardus filius Hugonis comitis de Risnello"[752]. Comte de Reynel. Seigneur de Reynel. “Dominus Hugo de Fisca et dominus Arnulfus de Risnel assensu et voluntate uxorum suarum” donated “terram...circa Auedoiz” [Audeux] to the monks of La Crète, in the presence of “Jofridus de Joniville”, by charter dated 1158 witnessed by “...Airardus de Risnel...”[753]. Henri Bishop of Toul confirmed donations made to La Crète, including “terram itaque grangiæ de Haydoiz de trium villarum Temprouh, Brichenville, Allenville territoriis fundatæ” donated by “domino Hugone comite Rinelli et filiis eius Hernulfe et Hayrardo, et Hugone domino de Fischa assensu et laude uxoris suæ Bergerolæ, et domini Gaufridi de Jonivilla et uxoris suæ Felicitatis”, by charter dated 1158[754]. Pierre Bishop of Toul confirmed donations made to Mureau/La Crète, including “grangiam de Aydoyz in sicco pago Ornensi, de trium villarum Brichenville et Allenville territoriis fundatam” donated by “dominus Arnulfus de Risnel et filii eius Wyardus, Hugo...dominus Hugo de Fisca et uxor eius et filii eius, Hugo et uxor eius Hayvydis, Milo, Symon, Otto, Albricus...nepotes prædicti Hugonis, Hugo, Abertus, Ulricus, Symon, Petrus et soror eorum Aelydis et maritus eius Theodericus de Ribovilla...Hugo de Ru...Symon dominus de Borlenmont et sororius eius Hugo de Berfroymont et uxor eius Hayvydis et filii eius Simon, Lebaldus”, by charter dated 1172[755]. The Feoda Campanie dated [1172] includes “...dominus Risnelli…Erardus Risnelli…” in De Vitriaco et appenditiis[756].
"m firstly HODIARDE de Pierrefitte, daughter of ---. The primary source which confirms her marriage has not yet been identified.
"m secondly ANDELINE de Bordon, daughter of ---. The primary source which confirms her marriage has not yet been identified."
Med Lands cites:
[751] Montiérender 72, p. 197.
[752] Gesta Episcoporum Virdunensium 32, MGH SS VIII, p. 512.
[753] Documents Vosges, Tome V, p. 1 (in second part of the book from 375/442).
[754] Documents Vosges, Tome V, p. 3 (in second part of the book from 375/442).
[755] Documents Vosges, Tome V, p. 13 (in second part of the book from 375/442).
[756] Longnon (1901), Tome I, Les Fiefs, 1ère Partie, p. 13.1
[752] Gesta Episcoporum Virdunensium 32, MGH SS VIII, p. 512.
[753] Documents Vosges, Tome V, p. 1 (in second part of the book from 375/442).
[754] Documents Vosges, Tome V, p. 3 (in second part of the book from 375/442).
[755] Documents Vosges, Tome V, p. 13 (in second part of the book from 375/442).
[756] Longnon (1901), Tome I, Les Fiefs, 1ère Partie, p. 13.1
Family 1 | Andeline de Bordon |
Family 2 | Hodiarde de Pierrefitte |
Family 3 | |
Children |
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
Arnulf (?) Archeveque de Tours1
M, #6798
Father | Albert II de la Ferté-en-Beauce Abbé de Micy1 |
Mother | NN de Châteaudun1,2 |
Last Edited | 18 Aug 2020 |
- [S4748] France Balade, online <>. Hereinafter cited as France Balade Website (FR).
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online,, p. 3. Hereinafter cited as Racines et Histoire.
- [S1530] Les Eveques et Archeveques de Tours, online Hereinafter cited as Les Eveques et Archeveques de Tours.
Hugues II/III (?) Vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Perche1,2,3,4,5
M, #6799, b. 1000, d. 1042
Father | Geoffroy II/III (?) Vicomte de Châteaudun, Comte de Mortagne, seigneur of Nogent-le-Rotrou1,4,2,3,5,6 b. bt 970 - 975, d. bt 1038 - 1039 |
Mother | Helvidis/Helvise (?)1,4,3,2,5 b. c 995 |
Last Edited | 19 Aug 2020 |
Hugues II/III (?) Vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Perche married Adela (?)
; Per Wikipédia (Fr.): "Il avait épousé une Adila, mais qui ne lui avait pas donné d'enfants.1,4,7" Hugues II/III (?) Vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Perche was born in 1000.5
Hugues II/III (?) Vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Perche died in 1042.8,5
; Per France Balade: "Hugues II (1040-1042) - Fils de Geoffroy III, il devient Vicomte de Chateaudun à la suite de son père. Il meurt deux ans plus tard sans s'etre marié et c'est donc son frère Rotrou qui prend sa succession.“.8
; This is the same person as ”Hugh III, Viscount of Châteaudun” at Wikipedia and as ”Hugues Ier du Perche” at Wikipédia (FR).1,7
; Per Wikipedia: "Hugues III de Perche (1039–1044), Viscount of Châteaudun and Count of Perche (as Hugues I), son of the previous" [Geoffrey II]
Per Wikipédia (Fr.): "1039-1045 : Hugues II, fils du précédent, vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Mortagne et de Nogent (Hugues Ier) ; x Adila, s.p.9,10" Hugues II/III (?) Vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Perche was also known as Hugo Seigneur de Pithiviiers, Comte de Mortagne.5 Hugues II/III (?) Vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Perche was also known as Hugues III de Perche, vicomte de Châteaudun.11 Hugues II/III (?) Vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Perche was also known as Hugues I du Perche Seigneur de Mortagne-au-Perche, de Nogent-le-Rotrou et vicomte de Châteaudun.7
; Per Med Lands:
"HUGUES . "Hugonis filii domini Gaufridi vicecomitis, Rotroci fratris eius, Eleusie matris eorum" subscribed the charter dated [20 Jul 1031/19 Jul 1032] under which "Gauffridus Castridunensium vicecomes" founded the abbey of Saint-Denis de Nogent[872]. Vicomte de Châteaudun. 1007/[1039/40]. "Gauffredus vicecomes Dunensis Castri" made a donation to Saint-Denis de Nogent by charter dated 1040, witnessed by "Hugo filius Gauffridi, Rotrocus frater eius"[873].
"m ADELA, daughter of ---. "Filius eius Hugo…[et] uxorem eius Adilam" confirmed a donation of "Gausfredus vicecomes", recorded in a charter dated to [1036/40][874]."
Med Lands cites:
; Per Racines et Histoire (Châteaudun): “Hugues + 1039/40 (avec son père ?) vicomte de Châteaudun (1007-1039/40) (souscrit la charte de fondation de l’Abbaye de Saint-Denis de Nogent entre 20/07/1031 et 19/07/1032 ; donation à cette Abbaye 1040)
ép. Adila (confirme une donation de son mari 1036/40)”.3
; NB: The lineage of the Vicomtes de Châteaudun is not clear. A 1998 email from Wilson [reprinted in a separate note, here] outlines the more-or-less received wisdom at that point. Med Lands and Racines et Histoire (Châteaudun) show two different lines for the early vicomtes. France Balade shows one line. Genealogics seems to skip the early generations. Wikipedia and Wikipédia (Fr.) offer slightly different lines. Settipani [2000] presents a synthesis of the various facts available into a more coherent picture. I show here what each source says about the generations in a direct line from Geoffroy III Vicomte de Châteaudun (b. ca 980 - d. 1040), backward. In each descent, I have underlined this individual.
The Henry Project page on "Geoffroy (II)" (Geoffrey II/III, d. 1038/39, has a good discussion on the ancestry of this individual and of the vicomtes de Châteaudun. It is worth referring to that discussion to get more clarity on the issues and individuals I discuss here.
I. Med Lands: Med Lands shows to lines, running roughly 967-1080, but no connection is described between the two lines.
I. A. Med Lands Line 1 - This starts with a Geoffrey and runs 4 generations:
I.B. Med Lands Line 2 - This starts with a Rotrou and runs 4 generations:
II. Racines et Histoire (Châteaudun): Racines et Histoire also shows two lineages, without any connection described.
II.A. Racines et Histoire Line 1 - 5 generations:
II.B. Racines et Histoire Line 1 - 5 generations:
III. France Balade: France Balade presents a fragmented view of the various Vicomtes from a Rampo (ca 860) down to Geoffroy III (d. 1040), in 4 or 5 generations.
IV. Genealogics: Genealogics only describes 2 generations:
V. Wikipedia: Wikipedia lists 10 Viscounts/Vicountesses of Châteaudun from Geoffrey I to Geoffrey III, some of whom are shown as related.
VI. Wikipédia (Fr.): Wikipédia (Fr.) lists 9 various Vicomtes (without Vicomtesses) covering 6 generations (initial dates are approximate reigns as Vicomte):
VII. Settipani [2000] uses the Latin names given in early sources. He outlines 4 generations from the so-called Gausfred I (Geoffrey I) to Gausfred III (Geoffrey III), plus an earlier ancestor, father of Geoffrey I. An image of a chart from Settipani's paper is attached to demonstrate the total structure he proposed.
VII.A.I. Gausfred (900-aft 942), Vicomte de Chartres
VII.A.2. Gausfred (925-986/9), Vicomte de Châteaudun, m. Hildegardis (ca 935 - aft ca 1020)
VII.A.3. Hugo (950-1023), Vicomte de Châteaudun, Archevêque de Tours
VII.A.3. Fulcois (ca 950/5-bef 1003), Comte de Perche m. Melisendis (955-aft 1029) fl. Nogent
VII.A.4. Gausfred (ca 970/75-1038/9), Vicomte de Châteaudun, m. Helvidis (980-unk)
VII.A.5. Rotrocus (1005-aft 1051/60). Vicomte de Châteaudun, Comte de Perche m. Adelais de Bellême
Conclusion: Frankly, I am still trying to organize all of this information in my mind and have not decided on what I will finally show for the ancestors of Geoffrey III. What I currently have should be considered a draft work in progress. I accept the scholarship of Settipani, but am still trying to fit all of the pieces together and evaluate the information given in the other sources. GA Vaut.12,13,2,10,11,5,14,6
He was vicomte de Châteaudun? Between 1039 and 1044.8,11
; Per Wikipédia (Fr.): "Il avait épousé une Adila, mais qui ne lui avait pas donné d'enfants.1,4,7" Hugues II/III (?) Vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Perche was born in 1000.5
Hugues II/III (?) Vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Perche died in 1042.8,5
; Per France Balade: "Hugues II (1040-1042) - Fils de Geoffroy III, il devient Vicomte de Chateaudun à la suite de son père. Il meurt deux ans plus tard sans s'etre marié et c'est donc son frère Rotrou qui prend sa succession.“.8
; This is the same person as ”Hugh III, Viscount of Châteaudun” at Wikipedia and as ”Hugues Ier du Perche” at Wikipédia (FR).1,7
; Per Wikipedia: "Hugues III de Perche (1039–1044), Viscount of Châteaudun and Count of Perche (as Hugues I), son of the previous" [Geoffrey II]
Per Wikipédia (Fr.): "1039-1045 : Hugues II, fils du précédent, vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Mortagne et de Nogent (Hugues Ier) ; x Adila, s.p.9,10" Hugues II/III (?) Vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Perche was also known as Hugo Seigneur de Pithiviiers, Comte de Mortagne.5 Hugues II/III (?) Vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Perche was also known as Hugues III de Perche, vicomte de Châteaudun.11 Hugues II/III (?) Vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Perche was also known as Hugues I du Perche Seigneur de Mortagne-au-Perche, de Nogent-le-Rotrou et vicomte de Châteaudun.7
; Per Med Lands:
"HUGUES . "Hugonis filii domini Gaufridi vicecomitis, Rotroci fratris eius, Eleusie matris eorum" subscribed the charter dated [20 Jul 1031/19 Jul 1032] under which "Gauffridus Castridunensium vicecomes" founded the abbey of Saint-Denis de Nogent[872]. Vicomte de Châteaudun. 1007/[1039/40]. "Gauffredus vicecomes Dunensis Castri" made a donation to Saint-Denis de Nogent by charter dated 1040, witnessed by "Hugo filius Gauffridi, Rotrocus frater eius"[873].
"m ADELA, daughter of ---. "Filius eius Hugo…[et] uxorem eius Adilam" confirmed a donation of "Gausfredus vicecomes", recorded in a charter dated to [1036/40][874]."
Med Lands cites:
[872] Nogent-le-Rotrou V, p. 13.
[873] Nogent-le-Rotrou L, p. 118.
[874] Marmoutier-Dunois I, p. 1.4
[873] Nogent-le-Rotrou L, p. 118.
[874] Marmoutier-Dunois I, p. 1.4
; Per Racines et Histoire (Châteaudun): “Hugues + 1039/40 (avec son père ?) vicomte de Châteaudun (1007-1039/40) (souscrit la charte de fondation de l’Abbaye de Saint-Denis de Nogent entre 20/07/1031 et 19/07/1032 ; donation à cette Abbaye 1040)
ép. Adila (confirme une donation de son mari 1036/40)”.3
; NB: The lineage of the Vicomtes de Châteaudun is not clear. A 1998 email from Wilson [reprinted in a separate note, here] outlines the more-or-less received wisdom at that point. Med Lands and Racines et Histoire (Châteaudun) show two different lines for the early vicomtes. France Balade shows one line. Genealogics seems to skip the early generations. Wikipedia and Wikipédia (Fr.) offer slightly different lines. Settipani [2000] presents a synthesis of the various facts available into a more coherent picture. I show here what each source says about the generations in a direct line from Geoffroy III Vicomte de Châteaudun (b. ca 980 - d. 1040), backward. In each descent, I have underlined this individual.
The Henry Project page on "Geoffroy (II)" (Geoffrey II/III, d. 1038/39, has a good discussion on the ancestry of this individual and of the vicomtes de Châteaudun. It is worth referring to that discussion to get more clarity on the issues and individuals I discuss here.
I. Med Lands: Med Lands shows to lines, running roughly 967-1080, but no connection is described between the two lines.
I. A. Med Lands Line 1 - This starts with a Geoffrey and runs 4 generations:
I.A.1. GEOFFROY, son of --- (-after 986).
I.A.2. HUGUES (I) (-989 or after). Vicomte de Châteaudun
I.A.3. HUGUES (II) de Châteaudun (-10 Jun 1026). Vicomte de Châteaudun (980/1003), Archbishop of Tours 1005, two illegitimate sons by an unknown mistress or mistresses
I.A.3. [MELISENDE (-before 1040). Vicomtesse de Châteaudun. m FULCOIS Seigneur de Nogent-le-Rotrou Comte de Mortagne
I.A.3. NN daughter . m (before 989) ALBERT [II] de la Ferté-en-Beauce
I.A.2. HUGUES (I) (-989 or after). Vicomte de Châteaudun
I.A.3. HUGUES (II) de Châteaudun (-10 Jun 1026). Vicomte de Châteaudun (980/1003), Archbishop of Tours 1005, two illegitimate sons by an unknown mistress or mistresses
I.A.3. [MELISENDE (-before 1040). Vicomtesse de Châteaudun. m FULCOIS Seigneur de Nogent-le-Rotrou Comte de Mortagne
I.A.3. NN daughter . m (before 989) ALBERT [II] de la Ferté-en-Beauce
I.B. Med Lands Line 2 - This starts with a Rotrou and runs 4 generations:
I.B.1. ROTROU (-after 12 Feb 996). Seigneur de Nogent.
I.B.2. FULCOIS Comte de Mortagne. m MELISENDE Vicomtesse de Châteaudun, daughter of [HUGUES [I] Vicomte de Châteaudun [NB: It is not explained if this Hugues [I] is one of the Hugues in Line #1]
I.B.3. GEOFFROY (-murdered Chartres [1039/40]) m HELVISE [Elisabeth] Vicomte de Châteaudun
I.B.4. GEOFFROY (-[1015/28] or after).
I.B.4. HUGUES m ADELA, daughter of ---.
I.B.4. ROTROU (-1 Mar [1080]). Vicomte de Châteaudun. Comte de Mortagne m ADELISE de Bellême
I.B.3. Hugues du Perche Comte de Gâtinais m ([1000]) as her second husband, BEATRIX de Mâcon
I.B.4. GEOFFROY [II] "Ferréol" de Gâtinais (-30 Apr [1043/47]), Comte de Gâtinais, Seigneur de Château-Landon. m ([1035]) as her first husband, ERMENGARDE d'Anjou. Descendants COMTES d'ANJOU
I.B.4. LIETAUD (-[1050] or after). Descendants VICOMTES de CHÂTEAU-LANDON
I.B.2. FULCOIS Comte de Mortagne. m MELISENDE Vicomtesse de Châteaudun, daughter of [HUGUES [I] Vicomte de Châteaudun [NB: It is not explained if this Hugues [I] is one of the Hugues in Line #1]
I.B.3. GEOFFROY (-murdered Chartres [1039/40]) m HELVISE [Elisabeth] Vicomte de Châteaudun
I.B.4. GEOFFROY (-[1015/28] or after).
I.B.4. HUGUES m ADELA, daughter of ---.
I.B.4. ROTROU (-1 Mar [1080]). Vicomte de Châteaudun. Comte de Mortagne m ADELISE de Bellême
I.B.3. Hugues du Perche Comte de Gâtinais m ([1000]) as her second husband, BEATRIX de Mâcon
I.B.4. GEOFFROY [II] "Ferréol" de Gâtinais (-30 Apr [1043/47]), Comte de Gâtinais, Seigneur de Château-Landon. m ([1035]) as her first husband, ERMENGARDE d'Anjou. Descendants COMTES d'ANJOU
I.B.4. LIETAUD (-[1050] or after). Descendants VICOMTES de CHÂTEAU-LANDON
II. Racines et Histoire (Châteaudun): Racines et Histoire also shows two lineages, without any connection described.
II.A. Racines et Histoire Line 1 - 5 generations:
II.A.1. Mathilde de Vendôme ° ~960 ép. ~972 Rampo de Châteaudun ° ~954 + 986 1er seigneur de Châteaudun
II.A.2. Hugues 1er de Châteaudun ° ~975 + ~1012 seigneur de Châteaudun ép. Hildegarde
II.A.3. Mélissende de Châteaudun ° 997 + 1035 ép. Guarin d’Alençon (alias Foulques de Mortagne ?) seigneur de Mortagne + 1026
II.A.4. Geoffroi 1er d’Alençon ° ~1012 + ~1051 comte de Mortagne, seigneur de Nogent et d’Illiers (fortifie Gallardon) ép. Helvise, dame de Mortagne ° ~1010 (fille de Rainard, seigneur de Pithiviers, et d’Héloïse, fille d’Eudes 1er comte de Chartres)
II.A.5. Rotrou 1er de Châteaudun ° ~1034 + avant 1079 comte de Mortagne, seigneur de Nogent et Châteaudun ép. ~1050 Adeline de Domfront (fille de Guarin de Bellême, seigneur de Domfront)
II.A.2. Hugues 1er de Châteaudun ° ~975 + ~1012 seigneur de Châteaudun ép. Hildegarde
II.A.3. Mélissende de Châteaudun ° 997 + 1035 ép. Guarin d’Alençon (alias Foulques de Mortagne ?) seigneur de Mortagne + 1026
II.A.4. Geoffroi 1er d’Alençon ° ~1012 + ~1051 comte de Mortagne, seigneur de Nogent et d’Illiers (fortifie Gallardon) ép. Helvise, dame de Mortagne ° ~1010 (fille de Rainard, seigneur de Pithiviers, et d’Héloïse, fille d’Eudes 1er comte de Chartres)
II.A.5. Rotrou 1er de Châteaudun ° ~1034 + avant 1079 comte de Mortagne, seigneur de Nogent et Châteaudun ép. ~1050 Adeline de Domfront (fille de Guarin de Bellême, seigneur de Domfront)
II.B. Racines et Histoire Line 1 - 5 generations:
II.B.1. Rampo de Châteaudun 1er vicomte de Châteaudun ~860 à titre d’office
II.B.2. Geoffroi vicomte de Chartres et de Châteaudun ~940
II.B.3. Geoffroi 1er de Châteaudun vicomte de Châteaudun (967-986) ép. Hildegarde ° 970 + 1020 (petite-fille d’Hugues 1er, comte du Maine et veuve de Ernaud, seigneur de La Ferté-Vidame)
II.B.4. Hugues 1er + 12/05/1023 vicomte de Châteaudun (989-1003), seigneur du Vivier, Archevêque de Tours (1003-1023)
II.B.4. Geoffroi II vicomte de Châteaudun (1004-1023) seigneur de Nogent (987, Perche) ép. Mélissende de Nogent (fille de Rotrou, seigneur de Nogent de 950 à 990)
II.B.5. Geoffroi III ° ~1012 + 1040 (Chartres, ass.) vicomte de Châteaudun (1023-1040) comte de Mortagne, seigneur de Nogent, Châtelain d’Illiers et de Gallardon ép. Helvise Corbon (Héloïse, Avoise, Elisabeth) dame de Mortagne ° ~1010 (fille de Foulques dit «Corbon», comte de Mortagne) [ ? ou Héloïse de Pithiviers (fille de Rainard, seigneur de Pithiviers, et d’Héloïse, fille d’Eudes 1er comte de Chartres ?) ]
II.B.4. Alo (Adalard) seigneur de Chinon ép. Senagaudis
II.B.4. Mélissende ? ép. Albert, Abbé de Micy (de la famille des Bellême)
II.B.2. Geoffroi vicomte de Chartres et de Châteaudun ~940
II.B.3. Geoffroi 1er de Châteaudun vicomte de Châteaudun (967-986) ép. Hildegarde ° 970 + 1020 (petite-fille d’Hugues 1er, comte du Maine et veuve de Ernaud, seigneur de La Ferté-Vidame)
II.B.4. Hugues 1er + 12/05/1023 vicomte de Châteaudun (989-1003), seigneur du Vivier, Archevêque de Tours (1003-1023)
II.B.4. Geoffroi II vicomte de Châteaudun (1004-1023) seigneur de Nogent (987, Perche) ép. Mélissende de Nogent (fille de Rotrou, seigneur de Nogent de 950 à 990)
II.B.5. Geoffroi III ° ~1012 + 1040 (Chartres, ass.) vicomte de Châteaudun (1023-1040) comte de Mortagne, seigneur de Nogent, Châtelain d’Illiers et de Gallardon ép. Helvise Corbon (Héloïse, Avoise, Elisabeth) dame de Mortagne ° ~1010 (fille de Foulques dit «Corbon», comte de Mortagne) [ ? ou Héloïse de Pithiviers (fille de Rainard, seigneur de Pithiviers, et d’Héloïse, fille d’Eudes 1er comte de Chartres ?) ]
II.B.4. Alo (Adalard) seigneur de Chinon ép. Senagaudis
II.B.4. Mélissende ? ép. Albert, Abbé de Micy (de la famille des Bellême)
III. France Balade: France Balade presents a fragmented view of the various Vicomtes from a Rampo (ca 860) down to Geoffroy III (d. 1040), in 4 or 5 generations.
III.A.1. Rampo - Vicomte de Châteaudun, à titre d'office, dans les années 860.
III.B.2. Geoffroy Vicomte de Chartres (les années 940) "il semble avoir assuré les fonctions de Vicomte de Châteaudun à cette époque meme s'il n'en portait pas explicitement le titre." [Translation: "he seems to have assumed the functions of Vicomte de Châteaudun at that time even if he did not explicitly bear the title."] No connection to Rampo is described.
III.B.2. Geoffroy I (967-986), Vicomte de Châteaudun, son of the former, m. Hildegarde widow of Ernaud Seigneur de la Ferté(-Vidame)
III.B.3. Hugues I Vicomte de Châteaudun (989-1003) then Archevêque de Tours (1003-1023), son of Geoffroy and Hildegarde
III.B.3. Geoffroy II Vicomte de Châteaudun (1004-1023), son of Geoffroy and Hildegarde, m. Mélissende, dau. of Rotrou, Seigneur de Nogent.
III.B.4. Geoffroy III (1023-1040), son Geoffroy II, Vicomte de Châteaudun, Seigneur de Nogent dans le Perche, m. Helvise (Héloise) de Mortagne fille de Foulques Comte de Mortagne (aka Corbon)
III.B.2. Geoffroy Vicomte de Chartres (les années 940) "il semble avoir assuré les fonctions de Vicomte de Châteaudun à cette époque meme s'il n'en portait pas explicitement le titre." [Translation: "he seems to have assumed the functions of Vicomte de Châteaudun at that time even if he did not explicitly bear the title."] No connection to Rampo is described.
III.B.2. Geoffroy I (967-986), Vicomte de Châteaudun, son of the former, m. Hildegarde widow of Ernaud Seigneur de la Ferté(-Vidame)
III.B.3. Hugues I Vicomte de Châteaudun (989-1003) then Archevêque de Tours (1003-1023), son of Geoffroy and Hildegarde
III.B.3. Geoffroy II Vicomte de Châteaudun (1004-1023), son of Geoffroy and Hildegarde, m. Mélissende, dau. of Rotrou, Seigneur de Nogent.
III.B.4. Geoffroy III (1023-1040), son Geoffroy II, Vicomte de Châteaudun, Seigneur de Nogent dans le Perche, m. Helvise (Héloise) de Mortagne fille de Foulques Comte de Mortagne (aka Corbon)
IV. Genealogics: Genealogics only describes 2 generations:
IV.A.1. Fulcois Vicomte de Châteaudun m. Mélissende Nogent (no parents given)
IV.A.2 Geoffroy III b. ca 980 d. 1040), Vicomte de Châteaudun, Comte de Mortagne m. Helvis/Elizabeth, dau. of Fulcuich, Comte de Corbon.
IV.A.2 Geoffroy III b. ca 980 d. 1040), Vicomte de Châteaudun, Comte de Mortagne m. Helvis/Elizabeth, dau. of Fulcuich, Comte de Corbon.
V. Wikipedia: Wikipedia lists 10 Viscounts/Vicountesses of Châteaudun from Geoffrey I to Geoffrey III, some of whom are shown as related.
V.1. Geoffrey I (967–985), Viscount of Châteaudun
V.2. Hugues I (985–989), Viscount of Châteaudun, son of the previous m.
V.2. Hildegarde (989–1022), Viscountess of Châteaudun, wife of the previous
V.3. Hugues II (1022–1026), Viscount of Châteaudun and Archbishop of Tours, son of the previous
V.4. Geoffrey II (1030–1039), Viscount of Châteaudun and Count of Perche (as Geoffrey I), son of the previous
V.5. Hugues III de Perche (1039–1044), Viscount of Châteaudun and Count of Perche (as Hugues I), son of the previous
V.5. Rotrou I de Perche (1044–1080), Viscount of Châteaudun and Count of Perche (as Rotrou II), brother of the previous
V.6. Hugues IV (1080–1110), Viscount of Châteaudun, son of the previous
V.7. Geoffrey III (1110–1145), Viscount of Châteaudun, son of the previous
V.3. Melisende (1026–1030), Viscountess of Châteaudun, sister of the previous
V.2. Hugues I (985–989), Viscount of Châteaudun, son of the previous m.
V.2. Hildegarde (989–1022), Viscountess of Châteaudun, wife of the previous
V.3. Hugues II (1022–1026), Viscount of Châteaudun and Archbishop of Tours, son of the previous
V.4. Geoffrey II (1030–1039), Viscount of Châteaudun and Count of Perche (as Geoffrey I), son of the previous
V.5. Hugues III de Perche (1039–1044), Viscount of Châteaudun and Count of Perche (as Hugues I), son of the previous
V.5. Rotrou I de Perche (1044–1080), Viscount of Châteaudun and Count of Perche (as Rotrou II), brother of the previous
V.6. Hugues IV (1080–1110), Viscount of Châteaudun, son of the previous
V.7. Geoffrey III (1110–1145), Viscount of Châteaudun, son of the previous
V.3. Melisende (1026–1030), Viscountess of Châteaudun, sister of the previous
VI. Wikipédia (Fr.): Wikipédia (Fr.) lists 9 various Vicomtes (without Vicomtesses) covering 6 generations (initial dates are approximate reigns as Vicomte):
VI.A.1. ca 860 Rampo
VI.B.1. 956-986 : Geoffroy Ier (Gauzfred), vicomte de Châteaudun, m. Hildegarde ou Ermengarde
VI.B.2. 989-1003 : Hugues I (d. 1023), son of the previous, Vicomte de Châteaudun, then (1003) Archevêque de Tours
VI.B.2. Unnamed brother or sister of the previous
VI.B.3. 1003-1039 : Geoffroy II, nephew of Hugues I, vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Mortagne et de Nogent
VI.B.4. 1039-1045 : Hugues II, son of the previous, Vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Mortagne et de Nogent m. Adila, s.p.
VI.B.4. 1051-1080 : Rotrou Ier, son of the previous, Vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Mortagne et de Nogent m. Adelise/Adeline de Bellême-Alençon
VI.B.5. 1080-vers 1110 : Hugues III, vicomte de Châteaudun, dit d'Alençon, son of the previous. m. Agnès de Fréteval
VI.B.6. vers 1110-1140/1150 : Geoffroy III, vicomte de Châteaudun, son of the previous ; m. his 1st cousin Helvise de Mondoubleau-Fréteval
VI.B.1. 956-986 : Geoffroy Ier (Gauzfred), vicomte de Châteaudun, m. Hildegarde ou Ermengarde
VI.B.2. 989-1003 : Hugues I (d. 1023), son of the previous, Vicomte de Châteaudun, then (1003) Archevêque de Tours
VI.B.2. Unnamed brother or sister of the previous
VI.B.3. 1003-1039 : Geoffroy II, nephew of Hugues I, vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Mortagne et de Nogent
VI.B.4. 1039-1045 : Hugues II, son of the previous, Vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Mortagne et de Nogent m. Adila, s.p.
VI.B.4. 1051-1080 : Rotrou Ier, son of the previous, Vicomte de Châteaudun, comte de Mortagne et de Nogent m. Adelise/Adeline de Bellême-Alençon
VI.B.5. 1080-vers 1110 : Hugues III, vicomte de Châteaudun, dit d'Alençon, son of the previous. m. Agnès de Fréteval
VI.B.6. vers 1110-1140/1150 : Geoffroy III, vicomte de Châteaudun, son of the previous ; m. his 1st cousin Helvise de Mondoubleau-Fréteval
VII. Settipani [2000] uses the Latin names given in early sources. He outlines 4 generations from the so-called Gausfred I (Geoffrey I) to Gausfred III (Geoffrey III), plus an earlier ancestor, father of Geoffrey I. An image of a chart from Settipani's paper is attached to demonstrate the total structure he proposed.
VII.A.I. Gausfred (900-aft 942), Vicomte de Chartres
VII.A.2. Gausfred (925-986/9), Vicomte de Châteaudun, m. Hildegardis (ca 935 - aft ca 1020)
VII.A.3. Hugo (950-1023), Vicomte de Châteaudun, Archevêque de Tours
VII.A.3. Fulcois (ca 950/5-bef 1003), Comte de Perche m. Melisendis (955-aft 1029) fl. Nogent
VII.A.4. Gausfred (ca 970/75-1038/9), Vicomte de Châteaudun, m. Helvidis (980-unk)
VII.A.5. Rotrocus (1005-aft 1051/60). Vicomte de Châteaudun, Comte de Perche m. Adelais de Bellême
Conclusion: Frankly, I am still trying to organize all of this information in my mind and have not decided on what I will finally show for the ancestors of Geoffrey III. What I currently have should be considered a draft work in progress. I accept the scholarship of Settipani, but am still trying to fit all of the pieces together and evaluate the information given in the other sources. GA Vaut.12,13,2,10,11,5,14,6

Family | Adela (?) |
- [S1953] Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, online,,_Viscount_of_Ch%C3%A2teaudun. Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia.
- [S4748] France Balade, online <>, Les Vicomtes de Chateaudun: Hereinafter cited as France Balade Website (FR).
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Vicomtes de Châteaudun, p. 4: Hereinafter cited as Racines et Histoire.
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S4756] Christian Settipani, "Les vicomtes de Châteaudun et leurs alliés," in Onomastique et Parenté dans l’Occident médiéval, K. S. B. Keats-Rohan and Christian Settipani, editor. (Linacre College, Oxford University: Oxford Unit for Prosopographical Research, 2000). Hereinafter cited as "Settipani [2000] Les vicomtes de Châteaudun."
- [S1702] The Henry Project: The ancestors of king Henry II of England, An experiment in cooperative medieval genealogy on the internet (now hosted by the American Society of Genealogists, ASG), online, Hereinafter cited as The Henry Project.
- [S4742] Wikipédia - L'encyclopédie libre, online, Hugues Ier du Perche: Hereinafter cited as Wikipédia (FR).
- [S4748] France Balade Website (FR), online
- [S1953] Wikipedia, online, Counts and Viscounts of Châteaudun:
- [S4742] Wikipédia (FR), online, Liste des comtes et vicomtes de Châteaudun:
- [S1953] Wikipedia, online,
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Vicomtes de Châteaudun, p. 3:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S1549] "Author's comment", various, Gregory A. Vaut (e-mail address), to unknown recipient (unknown recipient address), 16 Aug 2020; unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "GA Vaut Comment."
Sir William de Plumpton1
M, #6801, d. 8 June 1405
Father | Sir Robert Plumpton of Plumpton1 |
Mother | Isabel le Scrope1 b. 24 Aug 1337, d. 19 Apr 1407 |
Last Edited | 10 Nov 2002 |
Sir William de Plumpton died on 8 June 1405 at York, Yorkshire, England.1
; William de Plumpton (Sir), joined his uncle Archbishop Scrope in rebellion, and was also beheaded at York, 8 June, 1405.1
; William de Plumpton (Sir), joined his uncle Archbishop Scrope in rebellion, and was also beheaded at York, 8 June, 1405.1
- [S1396] Burke's Peerage & Gentry Web Site, online, Scrope of Danby Family Page. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage & Gentry Web Site.
Eilika von Schweinfurt1,2
F, #6802, b. between 1000 and 1005, d. circa 1055
Father | Heinrich I von Schweinfurt Herzog von Schweinfurt, Markgraf auf dem Nordgau2,1,3,4,5,6,7 b. c 975, d. 18 Sep 1017 |
Mother | Gerberge von Hammerstein1,4,5,8 b. c 970, d. a 1036 |
Reference | GAV25 EDV25 |
Last Edited | 23 Aug 2020 |
Eilika von Schweinfurt was born between 1000 and 1005; Genealogy.EU says b. 1000; Genealogics says b. ca 1004; Med Lands says b. 1000/05.2,1,4,5 She married Bernhard II (?) Herzog von Sachsen, son of Bernard I (?) Duke of Saxony and Hildegarde (?) von Stade, circa 1020.9,10,11,12,4,5
Eilika von Schweinfurt died circa 1055.2,1,4,5
; Per Med Lands:
"BERNHARD (after 990-29 Jun 1059, bur Lüneburg St Michael). The Annalista Saxo names "duce Bernhardo, filius eius Bernhardus" when recording his succession to his father in 1011 as BERNHARD II Herzog in Sachsen[330]. As "Bernard Duke of Westfalia", he signed the 1013 document of Heinrich II King of Germany under which the king renewed his settlement of a dispute over Gandersheim, listed first among the lay signatories[331]. The Annalista Saxon records that he rebelled against Emperor Heinrich in 1020, captured "Scalkesburh", but withdrew and was restored to his properties after the intercession of the empress[332]. "Heinricus…Romanorum imperator augustus" renewed the privileges of Kloster Fulda by undated charter, placed in the compilation with other charters dated 1020, witnessed by "Godifridi ducis, Berinhardi ducis, Thiederici ducis, Welphonis comitis, Cunonis comitis, Kunrati comitis, Ottonis comitis, Adilbrahtis comitis, Bobonis comitis, Friderici comitis, Bezilini comitis, Ezonis comitis palatini"[333], the order of witnesses presumably giving some idea of the relative importance of these named nobles at the court of Emperor Heinrich II at the time. Adam of Bremen records the death in 1059 of "Bernardus Saxonum dux"[334]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "29 Jun" of "Bernhardus dux"[335].
"m ([1020]) EILIKA von Schweinfurt, daughter of HEINRICH von Schweinfurt Markgraf der Nordgau & his wife Gerberga [von Hammerstein] ([1000]-10 Dec after [1055/56]). The Annalista Saxo names "Eilica…filia marchionis Heinrici de Suinvorde" as wife of "Bernhardus iunior"[336]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "10 Dec" of "Eila ducissa"[337]."
Med Lands cites:
; Per Genealogy.EU (Billung): “C1. Duke Bernhard III [sic] of Saxony (1011-59), *ca 995, +29.6.1059; m.1020 Eilika von Schweinfurt (*1000, +ca 1055)"
Per Genealogy.EU (Wittel 19): “D2. Eilika von Schweinfur [sic], *ca 987/1000, +after 1055; 1020 Bernard II of Saxony (*995 +1059)”.13,14
Reference: Genealogics cites: Europäische Stammtafeln, Band I, Frank Baron Freytag von Loringhoven, 1975, Isenburg, W. K. Prinz von. 8,10.4
Reference: Weis [1992:131] line 149-22.15
; Per Wikipedia (De.) - On her father's page: "Eilika, † 10. Dezember nach 1055–1056, ? Bernhard II. Herzog in Sachsen, † 29. Juni 1059 (Billunger.)16"
; This is the same person as:
”Eilika of Schweinfurt” at Wikipedia, and as
”Eilika de Schweinfurt” at Wikipédia (Fr.)17,18 GAV-25 EDV-25.
; Per Med Lands:
"EILIKA ([1000/05][1090]-10 Dec after [1055/56]). The Annalista Saxo names "Eilica…filia marchionis Heinrici de Suinvorde" as wife of "Bernhardus iunior"[1091]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "10 Dec" of "Eila ducissa"[1092].
"m ([1020]) BERNHARD II Duke in Saxony, son of BERNHARD I Duke in Saxony [Billung] & his wife Hildegard von Stade (after 990-29 Jun 1059, bur Lüneburg St Michael)."
Med Lands cites:
Eilika von Schweinfurt died circa 1055.2,1,4,5
; Per Med Lands:
"BERNHARD (after 990-29 Jun 1059, bur Lüneburg St Michael). The Annalista Saxo names "duce Bernhardo, filius eius Bernhardus" when recording his succession to his father in 1011 as BERNHARD II Herzog in Sachsen[330]. As "Bernard Duke of Westfalia", he signed the 1013 document of Heinrich II King of Germany under which the king renewed his settlement of a dispute over Gandersheim, listed first among the lay signatories[331]. The Annalista Saxon records that he rebelled against Emperor Heinrich in 1020, captured "Scalkesburh", but withdrew and was restored to his properties after the intercession of the empress[332]. "Heinricus…Romanorum imperator augustus" renewed the privileges of Kloster Fulda by undated charter, placed in the compilation with other charters dated 1020, witnessed by "Godifridi ducis, Berinhardi ducis, Thiederici ducis, Welphonis comitis, Cunonis comitis, Kunrati comitis, Ottonis comitis, Adilbrahtis comitis, Bobonis comitis, Friderici comitis, Bezilini comitis, Ezonis comitis palatini"[333], the order of witnesses presumably giving some idea of the relative importance of these named nobles at the court of Emperor Heinrich II at the time. Adam of Bremen records the death in 1059 of "Bernardus Saxonum dux"[334]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "29 Jun" of "Bernhardus dux"[335].
"m ([1020]) EILIKA von Schweinfurt, daughter of HEINRICH von Schweinfurt Markgraf der Nordgau & his wife Gerberga [von Hammerstein] ([1000]-10 Dec after [1055/56]). The Annalista Saxo names "Eilica…filia marchionis Heinrici de Suinvorde" as wife of "Bernhardus iunior"[336]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "10 Dec" of "Eila ducissa"[337]."
Med Lands cites:
[330] Annalista Saxo 1010.
[331] D H II 255, p. 293.
[332] Annalista Saxo 1020.
[333] D H II 427, p. 542.
[334] Adami, Gesta Hammenburgensis Ecclesiæ Pontificum III.42, MGH SS VII, p. 351.
[335] Althoff, G. (ed.) (1983) Die Totenbücher von Merseburg, Magdeburg und Lüneburg (Hannover), Lüneburg.
[336] Annalista Saxo 1059.
[337] Althoff, G. (ed.) (1983) Die Totenbücher von Merseburg, Magdeburg und Lüneburg (Hannover), Lüneburg.12
[331] D H II 255, p. 293.
[332] Annalista Saxo 1020.
[333] D H II 427, p. 542.
[334] Adami, Gesta Hammenburgensis Ecclesiæ Pontificum III.42, MGH SS VII, p. 351.
[335] Althoff, G. (ed.) (1983) Die Totenbücher von Merseburg, Magdeburg und Lüneburg (Hannover), Lüneburg.
[336] Annalista Saxo 1059.
[337] Althoff, G. (ed.) (1983) Die Totenbücher von Merseburg, Magdeburg und Lüneburg (Hannover), Lüneburg.12
; Per Genealogy.EU (Billung): “C1. Duke Bernhard III [sic] of Saxony (1011-59), *ca 995, +29.6.1059; m.1020 Eilika von Schweinfurt (*1000, +ca 1055)"
Per Genealogy.EU (Wittel 19): “D2. Eilika von Schweinfur [sic], *ca 987/1000, +after 1055; 1020 Bernard II of Saxony (*995 +1059)”.13,14
Reference: Genealogics cites: Europäische Stammtafeln, Band I, Frank Baron Freytag von Loringhoven, 1975, Isenburg, W. K. Prinz von. 8,10.4
Reference: Weis [1992:131] line 149-22.15
; Per Wikipedia (De.) - On her father's page: "Eilika, † 10. Dezember nach 1055–1056, ? Bernhard II. Herzog in Sachsen, † 29. Juni 1059 (Billunger.)16"
; This is the same person as:
”Eilika of Schweinfurt” at Wikipedia, and as
”Eilika de Schweinfurt” at Wikipédia (Fr.)17,18 GAV-25 EDV-25.
; Per Med Lands:
"EILIKA ([1000/05][1090]-10 Dec after [1055/56]). The Annalista Saxo names "Eilica…filia marchionis Heinrici de Suinvorde" as wife of "Bernhardus iunior"[1091]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "10 Dec" of "Eila ducissa"[1092].
"m ([1020]) BERNHARD II Duke in Saxony, son of BERNHARD I Duke in Saxony [Billung] & his wife Hildegard von Stade (after 990-29 Jun 1059, bur Lüneburg St Michael)."
Med Lands cites:
[1090] Birth date range estimated on the basis of her having given birth to her first child in [1020].
[1091] Annalista Saxo 1059.
[1092] Althoff, G. (ed.) (1983) Die Totenbücher von Merseburg, Magdeburg und Lüneburg (Hannover), Lüneburg.5
[1091] Annalista Saxo 1059.
[1092] Althoff, G. (ed.) (1983) Die Totenbücher von Merseburg, Magdeburg und Lüneburg (Hannover), Lüneburg.5
Family | Bernhard II (?) Herzog von Sachsen b. c 995, d. 29 Jun 1059 |
Children |
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, online, unknown author (e-mail address), downloaded updated 15 May 2003, Wittel 19 page:
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, updated 15 May 2003, Billung page (Billung family):
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website (oiginated by Leo van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes), online, Eilica von Schweinfurt: Hereinafter cited as Genealogics Website.
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Heinrich von Schweinfurt:
- [S2372] Frederick Lewis Weis, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charlemagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong, and Some of Their Descendants, 8th ed. w/ additions by Wm R. and Kaleen E. Beall (Baltimore, 1992: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 2004), line 149-22, p. 144. Hereinafter cited as Weis [2004] "Ancestral Roots" 8th ed.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Geberge:
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, updated 15 May 2003, Wittel 19 page:
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, updated 15 May 2003, Billung page (Billung family):
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Bernhard II:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, updated 15 May 2003, Billung Family:
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, updated 15 May 2003, Wittel 19:
- [S632] Frederick Lewis Weis, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charlemagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong, and Some of Their Descendants, 7th edition (n.p.: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.
Baltimore, 1992, unknown publish date), line 149-22, p. 131. Hereinafter cited as Weis AR-7. - [S4759] Wikipedia - Die freie Enzyklopädie, online, Heinrich von Schweinfurt: Hereinafter cited as Wikipédia (DE).
- [S4742] Wikipédia - L'encyclopédie libre, online, Eilika de Schweinfurt: Hereinafter cited as Wikipédia (FR).
- [S1953] Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, online, Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia.
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online,, p. 4. Hereinafter cited as Racines et Histoire.
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Gertrud von Sachsen:
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Ida von Sachsen:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
Heinrich I von Schweinfurt Herzog von Schweinfurt, Markgraf auf dem Nordgau1,2,3
M, #6803, b. circa 975, d. 18 September 1017
Father | Berchtold I (?) Markgraf im Bayerischen Nordgau1,4 b. bt 915 - 926, d. 15 Jan 980 |
Mother | Heliksuinda/Eilike von Walbeck Countess von Walbeck5,1,4 b. c 941, d. 19 Aug 1015 |
Reference | GAV26 EDV26 |
Last Edited | 15 Aug 2020 |
Heinrich I von Schweinfurt Herzog von Schweinfurt, Markgraf auf dem Nordgau was born circa 975 at Schweinfurt, unterfranken, Bavaria, Germany (now); Med Lands says b. 970/75; Genealogics says b. ca 971; Genealogy.EU says b. ca 975.3,1,4 He married Gerberge von Hammerstein, daughter of Heribert I (?) Graf von Gleiberg im Kinziggau und von der Wetterau and Irmentrude/Imiza (?), before 1003.2,3,6,7,1
Heinrich I von Schweinfurt Herzog von Schweinfurt, Markgraf auf dem Nordgau died on 18 September 1017.3,1,4
Heinrich I von Schweinfurt Herzog von Schweinfurt, Markgraf auf dem Nordgau was buried after 18 September 1017 at Schweinfurt .1,3
; Per Genealogy.EU (Wittel 19): "C2. Markgraf Heinrich I von Schweinfurt, *ca 975, +18.9.1017; m.Gfn Gerberga von Kitzinggau (*ca 970 +after 1017.)4"
Reference: Genealogics cites:
; This is the same person as ”Henry of Schweinfurt” at Wikipedia and as ”Heinrich von Schweinfurt” at Wikipedia (DE).8,9
; Per Genealogics:
“Heinrich was the son of Berthold, Graf im Radenzgau, and Heliksuinda/Eilika von Walbeck. His father's parentage is not known with certainty, but he may have been a son of Arnulf, duke of Bavaria. Heinrich was Bavarian, whatever the identity of his grandfather. He was called the 'glory of eastern Franconia' by his cousin, the chronicler Thietmar von Merseburg.
“With his wife Gerberge, the daughter of an Otto whose identity is disputed, Heinrich had three sons and two daughters, of whom Otto, Eilica and Judith would have progeny.
“Heinrich held a succession of countships after his father's death in 980. Like his father he was appointed marchio of the Bavarian Nordgau in 994. In 1003 he revolted against the future emperor Heinrich II 'der Heilige', claiming that he had been promised the duchy of Bavaria in return for his support. The king said that the Bavarians had a right to elect their own duke. Heinrich allied with Boleslaw I Chrobry, king of Poland, and Boleslaw III, duke of Bohemia. Nevertheless, his rebellion was quashed and he himself was briefly captive. The king established the diocese of Bamberg to prevent any further uprisings in the region. The new diocese took over the secular authority of the margrave in the region of the Bavarian Nordgau.
“In the end it was only the joint persuasion of both his secular and ecclesiastical overlords, Bernhard I, Herzog von Sachsen, and Tagino, archbishop of Magdeburg, that reconciled Heinrich to his king in 1004. Heinrich did subsequently gain new and old countships before his death in 1017. He was buried at Schweinfurt.”.1 GAV-26 EDV-26.
; Per Med Lands:
"HEINRICH von Schweinfurt ([970/75]-18 Sep 1017, bur Schweinfurt). His parentage is specified in the Annalista Saxo[1083]. His birth date range is based on his parents' estimated marriage date. Graf an der unteren Naab 981. Graf an der unteren Altmühl 983. Markgraf auf dem bayerischen Nordgau 994. Graf im Radenzgau 1002. He rebelled against Heinrich II King of Germany in 1003 on the grounds that he had not been granted the duchy of Bavaria as promised and allied himself with Bohemia and Poland. His rebellion was crushed and King Heinrich set up the bishopric of Bamberg to provide central control in the area in place of the margravate of bayerischen Nordgau[1084]. Graf an der Pegnitz 1009 and 1011. Graf an der oberen Naab 1015. Thietmar records the death 18 Sep 1017 of "Markgraf Heinrich my aunt's son and the glory of eastern Franconia"[1085].
"m (before 1003) GERBERGA [von Hammerstein], daughter of HERIBERT Pfalzgraf Graf im Kinziggau & his wife Imiza --- ([975/80]-after 1036). Thietmar names "Ottone germano sui", referring to Gerberga wife of Heinrich von Schweinfurt, whose captivity is recorded in the preceding paragraph, an earlier paragraph referring to "Heriberti comitis filio Ottone" which appears to refer to the same Otto[1086]. An alternative possibility is that Gerberga was the daughter of Otto Graf von Grabfeld, the solution chosen by Europäische Stammtafeln[1087], but this assumes that the two references to "Otto" in Thietmar were to different individuals. It is also less likely chronologically as it would appear that Otto Graf von Grabfeld was several decades older than Otto Graf von Hammerstein. Her birth date range is estimated on the basis of her daughter Eilika having given birth to her first child in [1020]. Thietmar states that Gerberga and her children were guarded by her husband's brother Bukko during their rebellion against Heinrich II King of Germany in 1003[1088].
"Markgraf Heinrich & his wife had [five] children."
Med Lands cites:
; Per Med Lands:
"GERBERGA ([975/80]-after 1036). Thietmar names "Ottone germano sui", referring to Gerberga wife of Heinrich von Schweinfurt, whose captivity is recorded in the preceding paragraph, an earlier paragraph referring to "Heriberti comitis filio Ottone" which appears to refer to the same Otto[343]. An alternative possibility is that Gerberga was the daughter of Otto Graf von Grabfeld (see below), the solution chosen by Europäische Stammtafeln[344], but this assumes that the two references to "Otto" in Thietmar were to different individuals. It is also less likely chronologically as it would appear that Otto Graf von Grabfeld was several decades older than Otto Graf von Hammerstein. Her birth date range is estimated on the basis of her daughter Eilika having given birth to her first child in [1020]. Thietmar states that Gerberga and her children were guarded by her husband's brother Bukko during their rebellion against Heinrich II King of Germany in 1003[345].
"m (before 1003) HEINRICH von Schweinfurt Graf im Nordgau, son of Graf BERNHARD & his wife Eilika von Walbeck ([970/75][346]-18 Sep 1017, bur Schweinfurt)."
Med Lands cites:
Heinrich I von Schweinfurt Herzog von Schweinfurt, Markgraf auf dem Nordgau died on 18 September 1017.3,1,4
Heinrich I von Schweinfurt Herzog von Schweinfurt, Markgraf auf dem Nordgau was buried after 18 September 1017 at Schweinfurt .1,3
; Per Genealogy.EU (Wittel 19): "C2. Markgraf Heinrich I von Schweinfurt, *ca 975, +18.9.1017; m.Gfn Gerberga von Kitzinggau (*ca 970 +after 1017.)4"
Reference: Genealogics cites:
1. Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der Europäischen Staaten, 4 volumes, Marburg, 1953, 1975., W. K. Prinz von Isenburg, Reference: I 8.
2. Europäische Stammtafeln, J.A. Stargardt Verlag Marburg., Detlev Schwennicke, Editor, Reference: 1-1 8, 88.
3. Biogr. details drawn from Wikipedia.1
2. Europäische Stammtafeln, J.A. Stargardt Verlag Marburg., Detlev Schwennicke, Editor, Reference: 1-1 8, 88.
3. Biogr. details drawn from Wikipedia.1
; This is the same person as ”Henry of Schweinfurt” at Wikipedia and as ”Heinrich von Schweinfurt” at Wikipedia (DE).8,9
; Per Genealogics:
“Heinrich was the son of Berthold, Graf im Radenzgau, and Heliksuinda/Eilika von Walbeck. His father's parentage is not known with certainty, but he may have been a son of Arnulf, duke of Bavaria. Heinrich was Bavarian, whatever the identity of his grandfather. He was called the 'glory of eastern Franconia' by his cousin, the chronicler Thietmar von Merseburg.
“With his wife Gerberge, the daughter of an Otto whose identity is disputed, Heinrich had three sons and two daughters, of whom Otto, Eilica and Judith would have progeny.
“Heinrich held a succession of countships after his father's death in 980. Like his father he was appointed marchio of the Bavarian Nordgau in 994. In 1003 he revolted against the future emperor Heinrich II 'der Heilige', claiming that he had been promised the duchy of Bavaria in return for his support. The king said that the Bavarians had a right to elect their own duke. Heinrich allied with Boleslaw I Chrobry, king of Poland, and Boleslaw III, duke of Bohemia. Nevertheless, his rebellion was quashed and he himself was briefly captive. The king established the diocese of Bamberg to prevent any further uprisings in the region. The new diocese took over the secular authority of the margrave in the region of the Bavarian Nordgau.
“In the end it was only the joint persuasion of both his secular and ecclesiastical overlords, Bernhard I, Herzog von Sachsen, and Tagino, archbishop of Magdeburg, that reconciled Heinrich to his king in 1004. Heinrich did subsequently gain new and old countships before his death in 1017. He was buried at Schweinfurt.”.1 GAV-26 EDV-26.
; Per Med Lands:
"HEINRICH von Schweinfurt ([970/75]-18 Sep 1017, bur Schweinfurt). His parentage is specified in the Annalista Saxo[1083]. His birth date range is based on his parents' estimated marriage date. Graf an der unteren Naab 981. Graf an der unteren Altmühl 983. Markgraf auf dem bayerischen Nordgau 994. Graf im Radenzgau 1002. He rebelled against Heinrich II King of Germany in 1003 on the grounds that he had not been granted the duchy of Bavaria as promised and allied himself with Bohemia and Poland. His rebellion was crushed and King Heinrich set up the bishopric of Bamberg to provide central control in the area in place of the margravate of bayerischen Nordgau[1084]. Graf an der Pegnitz 1009 and 1011. Graf an der oberen Naab 1015. Thietmar records the death 18 Sep 1017 of "Markgraf Heinrich my aunt's son and the glory of eastern Franconia"[1085].
"m (before 1003) GERBERGA [von Hammerstein], daughter of HERIBERT Pfalzgraf Graf im Kinziggau & his wife Imiza --- ([975/80]-after 1036). Thietmar names "Ottone germano sui", referring to Gerberga wife of Heinrich von Schweinfurt, whose captivity is recorded in the preceding paragraph, an earlier paragraph referring to "Heriberti comitis filio Ottone" which appears to refer to the same Otto[1086]. An alternative possibility is that Gerberga was the daughter of Otto Graf von Grabfeld, the solution chosen by Europäische Stammtafeln[1087], but this assumes that the two references to "Otto" in Thietmar were to different individuals. It is also less likely chronologically as it would appear that Otto Graf von Grabfeld was several decades older than Otto Graf von Hammerstein. Her birth date range is estimated on the basis of her daughter Eilika having given birth to her first child in [1020]. Thietmar states that Gerberga and her children were guarded by her husband's brother Bukko during their rebellion against Heinrich II King of Germany in 1003[1088].
"Markgraf Heinrich & his wife had [five] children."
Med Lands cites:
[1083] Annalista Saxo 977 and 1015.
[1084] Schmeidler 'Franconia's place in medieval Germany' (1967), Vol. II, pp. 85-6.
[1085] Thietmar 7.63, p. 352.
[1086] Thietmar 5.35 and 5.24 respectively.
[1087] ES III 54.
[1088] Thietmar 5.34, p. 228.
[1089] Annalista Saxo 1047.3
[1084] Schmeidler 'Franconia's place in medieval Germany' (1967), Vol. II, pp. 85-6.
[1085] Thietmar 7.63, p. 352.
[1086] Thietmar 5.35 and 5.24 respectively.
[1087] ES III 54.
[1088] Thietmar 5.34, p. 228.
[1089] Annalista Saxo 1047.3
; Per Med Lands:
"GERBERGA ([975/80]-after 1036). Thietmar names "Ottone germano sui", referring to Gerberga wife of Heinrich von Schweinfurt, whose captivity is recorded in the preceding paragraph, an earlier paragraph referring to "Heriberti comitis filio Ottone" which appears to refer to the same Otto[343]. An alternative possibility is that Gerberga was the daughter of Otto Graf von Grabfeld (see below), the solution chosen by Europäische Stammtafeln[344], but this assumes that the two references to "Otto" in Thietmar were to different individuals. It is also less likely chronologically as it would appear that Otto Graf von Grabfeld was several decades older than Otto Graf von Hammerstein. Her birth date range is estimated on the basis of her daughter Eilika having given birth to her first child in [1020]. Thietmar states that Gerberga and her children were guarded by her husband's brother Bukko during their rebellion against Heinrich II King of Germany in 1003[345].
"m (before 1003) HEINRICH von Schweinfurt Graf im Nordgau, son of Graf BERNHARD & his wife Eilika von Walbeck ([970/75][346]-18 Sep 1017, bur Schweinfurt)."
Med Lands cites:
[343] Thietmar 5.35 and 5.24 respectively.
[344] ES III 54.
[345] Thietmar 5.34, p. 228.
[346] Birth date range estimated on the basis of his parents' estimated marriage date.6
[344] ES III 54.
[345] Thietmar 5.34, p. 228.
[346] Birth date range estimated on the basis of his parents' estimated marriage date.6
Family | Gerberge von Hammerstein b. c 970, d. a 1036 |
Children |
- [S1490] Genealogics Website (oiginated by Leo van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes), online, Heinrich von Schweinfurt: Hereinafter cited as Genealogics Website.
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, online, unknown author (e-mail address), downloaded updated 15 May 2003, Wittel 19 page:
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, updated 15 May 2003, Wittel 19 page:
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Heliksuinda/Eilika von Walbeck:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Geberge:
- [S1953] Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, online, Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia.
- [S4759] Wikipedia - Die freie Enzyklopädie, online, Heinrich von Schweinfurt: Hereinafter cited as Wikipédia (DE).
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Judith von Schweinfurt:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Heinrich I:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Otto:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, updated 15 May 2003, Billung page (Billung family):
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Eilica von Schweinfurt:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S2372] Frederick Lewis Weis, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charlemagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong, and Some of Their Descendants, 8th ed. w/ additions by Wm R. and Kaleen E. Beall (Baltimore, 1992: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 2004), line 149-22, p. 144. Hereinafter cited as Weis [2004] "Ancestral Roots" 8th ed.
Bernard I (?) Duke of Saxony1,2
M, #6804, b. 940, d. 9 February 1011
Father | Hermann Billung (?) Mkgf of Lower Elbe, Herzog von Sachsen1,3,4,5 b. 900, d. 27 Mar 973 |
Mother | Oda (?)1,6,3 b. c 925 |
Reference | GAV26 EDV26 |
Last Edited | 25 Nov 2020 |
Bernard I (?) Duke of Saxony was born in 940.1 He married Hildegarde (?) von Stade, daughter of Heinrich I "der Kahle" (?) Graf von Stade, Graf im Heiangau and Hildegard (?) von Reinhausen, in 990
; Genealogy.EU (Billung page) says m. ca 974.1,7
Bernard I (?) Duke of Saxony died on 9 February 1011 at Corvey.1
GAV-26 EDV-26 GKJ-27. He was Duke of Saxony between 988 and 1011.1
; Genealogy.EU (Billung page) says m. ca 974.1,7
Bernard I (?) Duke of Saxony died on 9 February 1011 at Corvey.1
GAV-26 EDV-26 GKJ-27. He was Duke of Saxony between 988 and 1011.1
Family | Hildegarde (?) von Stade b. bt 974 - 977, d. 1011 |
Child |
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, online, unknown author (e-mail address), downloaded updated 15 May 2003, Billung page (Billung family):
- [S1490] Genealogics Website (oiginated by Leo van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes), online, Bernhard I: Hereinafter cited as Genealogics Website.
- [S1702] The Henry Project: The ancestors of king Henry II of England, An experiment in cooperative medieval genealogy on the internet (now hosted by the American Society of Genealogists, ASG), online, Hermann "Billung": Hereinafter cited as The Henry Project.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Hermann Billung:
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, NN:
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Hildegard von Stade:
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, updated 15 May 2003, Billung page (Billung family):
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Bernhard II:
Hildegarde (?) von Stade1
F, #6805, b. between 974 and 977, d. 1011
Father | Heinrich I "der Kahle" (?) Graf von Stade, Graf im Heiangau d. 11 May 976 |
Mother | Hildegard (?) von Reinhausen2,3 |
Reference | GAV26 EDV26 |
Last Edited | 18 Jun 2020 |
Hildegarde (?) von Stade was born between 974 and 977.4 She married Bernard I (?) Duke of Saxony, son of Hermann Billung (?) Mkgf of Lower Elbe, Herzog von Sachsen and Oda (?), in 990
; Genealogy.EU (Billung page) says m. ca 974.1,4
Hildegarde (?) von Stade died in 1011.1
GAV-26 EDV-26.
; Genealogy.EU (Billung page) says m. ca 974.1,4
Hildegarde (?) von Stade died in 1011.1
GAV-26 EDV-26.
Family | Bernard I (?) Duke of Saxony b. 940, d. 9 Feb 1011 |
Child |
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, online, unknown author (e-mail address), downloaded updated 15 May 2003, Billung page (Billung family):
- [S1490] Genealogics Website (oiginated by Leo van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes), online, Hildegard (von Reinhausen): Hereinafter cited as Genealogics Website.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Heinrich I 'der Kahle':
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Hildegard von Stade:
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, updated 15 May 2003, Billung page (Billung family):
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Bernhard II:
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
Heinrich I "der Kahle" (?) Graf von Stade, Graf im Heiangau1
M, #6806, d. 11 May 976
Father | Lothar II von Stade Graf von Stade2,1 d. 5 Sep 929 |
Mother | Swanehild (?)1,2 |
Reference | GAV27 EDV27 |
Last Edited | 4 Apr 2020 |
Heinrich I "der Kahle" (?) Graf von Stade, Graf im Heiangau married Hildegard (?) von Reinhausen
; his 2nd wife.3 Heinrich I "der Kahle" (?) Graf von Stade, Graf im Heiangau married Judith von Lahngau, daughter of Udo (?) Count in the Wetterau, Lord of Rheingau, Lahngau and Cunegonde (?) de Vermandois, in 946
; his 1st wife.1,4
Heinrich I "der Kahle" (?) Graf von Stade, Graf im Heiangau died on 11 May 976.1
GAV-27 EDV-27.
; his 2nd wife.3 Heinrich I "der Kahle" (?) Graf von Stade, Graf im Heiangau married Judith von Lahngau, daughter of Udo (?) Count in the Wetterau, Lord of Rheingau, Lahngau and Cunegonde (?) de Vermandois, in 946
; his 1st wife.1,4
Heinrich I "der Kahle" (?) Graf von Stade, Graf im Heiangau died on 11 May 976.1
GAV-27 EDV-27.
Family 1 | Judith von Lahngau d. c 16 Oct 973 |
Children |
Family 2 | Hildegard (?) von Reinhausen |
Child |
- [S1490] Genealogics Website (oiginated by Leo van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes), online, Heinrich I 'der Kahle': Hereinafter cited as Genealogics Website.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Lothar II:
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Hildegard (von Reinhausen):
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Judith von Lahngau:
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Siegfried II:
Judith von Lahngau1
F, #6807, d. circa 16 October 973
Father | Udo (?) Count in the Wetterau, Lord of Rheingau, Lahngau2,1 b. c 900, d. 2 Dec 949 |
Mother | Cunegonde (?) de Vermandois1,3 b. c 882, d. 2 Dec 949 |
Reference | EDV31 |
Last Edited | 12 Nov 2020 |
Judith von Lahngau married Heinrich I "der Kahle" (?) Graf von Stade, Graf im Heiangau, son of Lothar II von Stade Graf von Stade and Swanehild (?), in 946
; his 1st wife.4,1
Judith von Lahngau died circa 16 October 973.1
Reference: Genealogics cites: Europäische Stammtafeln, J.A. Stargardt Verlag Marburg., Detlev Schwennicke, Editor, Reference: VIII 133.1
; his 1st wife.4,1
Judith von Lahngau died circa 16 October 973.1
Reference: Genealogics cites: Europäische Stammtafeln, J.A. Stargardt Verlag Marburg., Detlev Schwennicke, Editor, Reference: VIII 133.1
Family | Heinrich I "der Kahle" (?) Graf von Stade, Graf im Heiangau d. 11 May 976 |
Children |
- [S1490] Genealogics Website (oiginated by Leo van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes), online, Judith von Lahngau: Hereinafter cited as Genealogics Website.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Konrad:
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, (Cunegonde|Kunigunde) de Vermandois:
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Heinrich I 'der Kahle':
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Siegfried II:
Hermann Billung (?) Mkgf of Lower Elbe, Herzog von Sachsen1,2,3,4
M, #6808, b. 900, d. 27 March 973
Father | Billung von Sachsen Graf von Sachsen1,5,2,3,4 b. c 890 |
Mother | Ermengarde (?) of Nantes1,2 b. c 900 |
Reference | GAV31 EDV29 |
Last Edited | 25 Nov 2020 |
Hermann Billung (?) Mkgf of Lower Elbe, Herzog von Sachsen married Oda (?)
His 1st wife.1,6,2,4 Hermann Billung (?) Mkgf of Lower Elbe, Herzog von Sachsen married Hildesuit/Hildegard von Westerburg, daughter of Lothar II von Stade Graf von Stade and Swanehild (?),
His 2nd wife.4 Hermann Billung (?) Mkgf of Lower Elbe, Herzog von Sachsen was born in 900 at Hermannsburg, Landkreis Celle, Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen), Germany (now); Genealogy.EU says b. ca 915; Genealogics says b. 900.1,3,7
Hermann Billung (?) Mkgf of Lower Elbe, Herzog von Sachsen died on 27 March 973 at Quedlinburg, Landkreis Harz, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany (now).1,2,3
Hermann Billung (?) Mkgf of Lower Elbe, Herzog von Sachsen was buried after 27 March 973 at Sankt Michaeliskirche Lüneburg, Lüneburg, Landkreis Lüneburg, Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen), Germany; From Find A Grave:
BIRTH unknown, Hermannsburg, Landkreis Celle, Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen), Germany
DEATH 27 Mar 973, Quedlinburg, Landkreis Harz, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
Hermann Billung born about 900 and died March 27, 973 was a Margrave of Saxony and one of the most well-known members of the House of Billung. He was the son of Billung von Stubenskorn (c. 860-967) and Ermengarde of Nantes (b. 900) and the younger brother of the Saxon count Wichmann the Elder. Hermann is generally counted as the first Billung Duke of Saxony, but his exact position is unclear. King Otto I appointed Hermann margrave in 936, granting him a march north of the Elbe between the Limes Saxoniae and Peene Rivers. Hermann Billung was probably married twice, first to a woman named Oda (who died on 15 March in an unknown year), and second to Hildegarde of Westerbourg.
He had five children:
1. Bernhard I (died 1011), Duke of Saxony
2. Liutger (died 26 February 1011) Count in Westfalengau, attested in 991, buried in St. Michaels in Lüneburg, married Emma (died 3 December 1038), buried in the Bremen Cathedral, daughter of Immed IV (Immedinger), sister of Bishop Meinwerk of Paderborn.
3. Suanhilde (born between 945 and 955, died 28 November 1014, buried in the monastery of Jena, reburied after 1028 in the Georgskirche of Naumburg in Saale, married 1st in 970 Thietmar I (died after 979) Margrave of Meissen, married (2) before 1000 Ekkehard I (murdered 30 April 1002 in Pöhlde); in 992 Margrave of Meissen, buried in the monastery of Jena, reburied after 1028 in the Church of Georg Naumburg (Saale)
4. Mathilde (born between 935 and 945, died 25 May 1008 in Ghent St. Peter, married 1st in 961 to Balduin III, Count of Flanders (died 1 January 962), married second Gottfried der Gefangene (died on 3/4 April after 995) in 963/982, Count of Verdun (Wigeriche), buried in St. Peter's in Ghent
5. Imma, in 995 Abbess of Herford.
Family Members
Hildegarde von Westerburg Billung 935–976
Mathilde Billung unknown–1008
Suanhilde Billung unknown–1014
Bernard I Duke Of Saxony 950–1011
BURIAL Sankt Michaeliskirche Lüneburg, Landkreis Lüneburg, Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen), Germany
PLOT Lüneburg Church of St. Michaelis
Created by: Kat
Added: 1 Sep 2012
Find a Grave Memorial 96382202.7
; Per Genealogics:
“Hermann Billung was born in 900, the son of Billung, count of Saxony. He was one of the best-known members of the House of Billung. Hermann is generally counted as the first Billung duke of Saxony, but his exact position is unclear. King Otto I appointed Hermann margrave in 936, granting him the march north of the Elbe between the _Limes Saxoniae_ (Saxon Wall) and the Peene River. Having more autonomy than his contemporary margrave Gero, Hermann exacted tribute from the Polabian Slavs inhabiting the march of the Billungs. He often fought against the West Slavid tribes of the Redarians, Obotrites, and Wagrians.
“By 953 Otto I, who was also duke of Saxony, began entrusting more and more of his authority in Saxony to Hermann during his absences, naming him _procurator regis._ However, Hermann is never named as duke in royal documents. Instead, he is named as a military leader _princeps militiae_, count, and margrave.
“By an unnamed wife, Hermann had three children who would have progeny: Bernhard, Mathilde and Schwanhild/Suanehild.
“Hermann had property around Lüneburg and founded the St. Michaeliskloster (monastery of St. Michael) in that city. He died in Quedlinburg on 27 March 973, and was buried in the St. Michaeliskloster. His son Bernhard inherited and strengthened his father's position, and managed to be recognised as duke.”.3
; This is the same person as "Hermann "Billung"” at The Henry Project.2
; This is the same person as ”Hermann Billung” at Wikipedia and as ”Hermann Billung” at Wikipedia (DE).8,9
Reference: Genealogics cites:
; Per Med Lands:
"HERMANN [Billung] ([905/10]-Quedlinburg 27 Mar 973, bur Lüneburg St Michael). The Cronica Principum Saxonie names "Bilingus…filium Hermannum"[221]. His birth date range is estimated on the assumption that he was adult when appointed military commander in 936. He was given military command in Saxony ("princeps militiæ") by Otto I King of Germany in 936, which triggered the revolt of his brother Wichmann[222]. Graf in Wetigau 940. Procurator of the king in Saxony 953, 961 and 966. "Otto…rex" granted property "Ozmina marcam…et Tarata marcam cum castello Grodista" to "vassallo Billing" by charter dated 26 Jun 952[223]. "Otto…rex" granted property to the church of St Moritz, Magdeburg by charter dated 953, which names "Billingus…noster miles"[224]. Graf in dem Gauen Tilithi und Marstem 955. Markgraf 956: "Otto…rex" granted rights to salt duties to Lüneburg St Mikhael at the request of "Herimanni marchionis" by charter dated 13 Aug 956[225]. "Otto…rex" gave property "in pago Usiti in comitatu comitis Willihelmi" to "nostro fideli vasallo comitique Billinc" by charter dated 2 Dec 958[226], which may refer to Hermann Billung although he is not titled Markgraf in the document. "Otto…rex" granted property "in locis Vurmerstat, Otunpach, Gozarstat, Haholtestat…in pago Usiti in comitatu comitis Uuillihelmi" to "vasallo comitisque…Billinc" by charter dated 2 Dec 958[227]. "Otto…rex" granted property "Asundorf marcam et Dornsteti marcam Liubissa…in pago Hassigeuui in comitatu comitis Sigiuuridi…loco Biscopstat…in pago Altgeuui in comitatu comitis Uuillihelmi" to "vassallo Billing" by charter dated 23 Apr 961[228]. "Otto…imperator augustus" granted property "in pago Neletici in comitatu Billingi comitis" to Magdeburg St Moritz by charter dated 28 Jul 965[229]. Dux in Saxony 965. He founded St Michaeliskloster at Lüneburg. The necrology of Fulda records the death in 973 of "Heriman dux"[230]. Thietmar records the death of Duke Hermann, father of Bernhard, at Quedlinburg on 1 Apr, the transportation of his body to Lüneburg, and the refusal by Bruno Bishop of Verden (maybe his nephew) to allow his burial in church because of his prior excommunication[231]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "27 Mar" of "Herimannus dux"[232].
"m firstly ODA, daughter of --- (-15 Mar ----). The primary source which confirms the name of Hermann's first wife has not so far been identified.
"m secondly HILDESUIT, daughter of ---. The primary source which confirms the name of Hermann's second wife has not so far been identified. "Otto…imperator augustus" confirmed the donation of property "aliquando Bilingo nostro comiti…in Neletici…quitquid coniunx sua hereditarii iuris habere" to Magdaburg St Moritz by charter dated 28 Jul 966[233]."
Med Lands cites:
; Per Genealogy.EU (Billung): “A3. Hermann Billung, Mkgf of Lower Elbe 936, Duke of Saxony (960-973), *ca 915, +27.3.973; m.Hildegarde von Westerburg (*ca 925)”.10 He was Duke of Saxony between 960 and 973.1
His 1st wife.1,6,2,4 Hermann Billung (?) Mkgf of Lower Elbe, Herzog von Sachsen married Hildesuit/Hildegard von Westerburg, daughter of Lothar II von Stade Graf von Stade and Swanehild (?),
His 2nd wife.4 Hermann Billung (?) Mkgf of Lower Elbe, Herzog von Sachsen was born in 900 at Hermannsburg, Landkreis Celle, Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen), Germany (now); Genealogy.EU says b. ca 915; Genealogics says b. 900.1,3,7
Hermann Billung (?) Mkgf of Lower Elbe, Herzog von Sachsen died on 27 March 973 at Quedlinburg, Landkreis Harz, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany (now).1,2,3
Hermann Billung (?) Mkgf of Lower Elbe, Herzog von Sachsen was buried after 27 March 973 at Sankt Michaeliskirche Lüneburg, Lüneburg, Landkreis Lüneburg, Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen), Germany; From Find A Grave:
BIRTH unknown, Hermannsburg, Landkreis Celle, Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen), Germany
DEATH 27 Mar 973, Quedlinburg, Landkreis Harz, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
Hermann Billung born about 900 and died March 27, 973 was a Margrave of Saxony and one of the most well-known members of the House of Billung. He was the son of Billung von Stubenskorn (c. 860-967) and Ermengarde of Nantes (b. 900) and the younger brother of the Saxon count Wichmann the Elder. Hermann is generally counted as the first Billung Duke of Saxony, but his exact position is unclear. King Otto I appointed Hermann margrave in 936, granting him a march north of the Elbe between the Limes Saxoniae and Peene Rivers. Hermann Billung was probably married twice, first to a woman named Oda (who died on 15 March in an unknown year), and second to Hildegarde of Westerbourg.
He had five children:
1. Bernhard I (died 1011), Duke of Saxony
2. Liutger (died 26 February 1011) Count in Westfalengau, attested in 991, buried in St. Michaels in Lüneburg, married Emma (died 3 December 1038), buried in the Bremen Cathedral, daughter of Immed IV (Immedinger), sister of Bishop Meinwerk of Paderborn.
3. Suanhilde (born between 945 and 955, died 28 November 1014, buried in the monastery of Jena, reburied after 1028 in the Georgskirche of Naumburg in Saale, married 1st in 970 Thietmar I (died after 979) Margrave of Meissen, married (2) before 1000 Ekkehard I (murdered 30 April 1002 in Pöhlde); in 992 Margrave of Meissen, buried in the monastery of Jena, reburied after 1028 in the Church of Georg Naumburg (Saale)
4. Mathilde (born between 935 and 945, died 25 May 1008 in Ghent St. Peter, married 1st in 961 to Balduin III, Count of Flanders (died 1 January 962), married second Gottfried der Gefangene (died on 3/4 April after 995) in 963/982, Count of Verdun (Wigeriche), buried in St. Peter's in Ghent
5. Imma, in 995 Abbess of Herford.
Family Members
Hildegarde von Westerburg Billung 935–976
Mathilde Billung unknown–1008
Suanhilde Billung unknown–1014
Bernard I Duke Of Saxony 950–1011
BURIAL Sankt Michaeliskirche Lüneburg, Landkreis Lüneburg, Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen), Germany
PLOT Lüneburg Church of St. Michaelis
Created by: Kat
Added: 1 Sep 2012
Find a Grave Memorial 96382202.7

; Per Genealogics:
“Hermann Billung was born in 900, the son of Billung, count of Saxony. He was one of the best-known members of the House of Billung. Hermann is generally counted as the first Billung duke of Saxony, but his exact position is unclear. King Otto I appointed Hermann margrave in 936, granting him the march north of the Elbe between the _Limes Saxoniae_ (Saxon Wall) and the Peene River. Having more autonomy than his contemporary margrave Gero, Hermann exacted tribute from the Polabian Slavs inhabiting the march of the Billungs. He often fought against the West Slavid tribes of the Redarians, Obotrites, and Wagrians.
“By 953 Otto I, who was also duke of Saxony, began entrusting more and more of his authority in Saxony to Hermann during his absences, naming him _procurator regis._ However, Hermann is never named as duke in royal documents. Instead, he is named as a military leader _princeps militiae_, count, and margrave.
“By an unnamed wife, Hermann had three children who would have progeny: Bernhard, Mathilde and Schwanhild/Suanehild.
“Hermann had property around Lüneburg and founded the St. Michaeliskloster (monastery of St. Michael) in that city. He died in Quedlinburg on 27 March 973, and was buried in the St. Michaeliskloster. His son Bernhard inherited and strengthened his father's position, and managed to be recognised as duke.”.3
; This is the same person as "Hermann "Billung"” at The Henry Project.2
; This is the same person as ”Hermann Billung” at Wikipedia and as ”Hermann Billung” at Wikipedia (DE).8,9
Reference: Genealogics cites:
1. Europäische Stammtafeln, Band I, Frank Baron Freytag von Loringhoven, 1975, Isenburg, W. K. Prinz von. 10.
2. Europäische Stammtafeln, J.A. Stargardt Verlag, Marburg, Schwennicke, Detlev (Ed.) 1.1.
3. Biogr. details drawn from Wikipedia.3
GAV-31 EDV-29 GKJ-28. 2. Europäische Stammtafeln, J.A. Stargardt Verlag, Marburg, Schwennicke, Detlev (Ed.) 1.1.
3. Biogr. details drawn from Wikipedia.3
; Per Med Lands:
"HERMANN [Billung] ([905/10]-Quedlinburg 27 Mar 973, bur Lüneburg St Michael). The Cronica Principum Saxonie names "Bilingus…filium Hermannum"[221]. His birth date range is estimated on the assumption that he was adult when appointed military commander in 936. He was given military command in Saxony ("princeps militiæ") by Otto I King of Germany in 936, which triggered the revolt of his brother Wichmann[222]. Graf in Wetigau 940. Procurator of the king in Saxony 953, 961 and 966. "Otto…rex" granted property "Ozmina marcam…et Tarata marcam cum castello Grodista" to "vassallo Billing" by charter dated 26 Jun 952[223]. "Otto…rex" granted property to the church of St Moritz, Magdeburg by charter dated 953, which names "Billingus…noster miles"[224]. Graf in dem Gauen Tilithi und Marstem 955. Markgraf 956: "Otto…rex" granted rights to salt duties to Lüneburg St Mikhael at the request of "Herimanni marchionis" by charter dated 13 Aug 956[225]. "Otto…rex" gave property "in pago Usiti in comitatu comitis Willihelmi" to "nostro fideli vasallo comitique Billinc" by charter dated 2 Dec 958[226], which may refer to Hermann Billung although he is not titled Markgraf in the document. "Otto…rex" granted property "in locis Vurmerstat, Otunpach, Gozarstat, Haholtestat…in pago Usiti in comitatu comitis Uuillihelmi" to "vasallo comitisque…Billinc" by charter dated 2 Dec 958[227]. "Otto…rex" granted property "Asundorf marcam et Dornsteti marcam Liubissa…in pago Hassigeuui in comitatu comitis Sigiuuridi…loco Biscopstat…in pago Altgeuui in comitatu comitis Uuillihelmi" to "vassallo Billing" by charter dated 23 Apr 961[228]. "Otto…imperator augustus" granted property "in pago Neletici in comitatu Billingi comitis" to Magdeburg St Moritz by charter dated 28 Jul 965[229]. Dux in Saxony 965. He founded St Michaeliskloster at Lüneburg. The necrology of Fulda records the death in 973 of "Heriman dux"[230]. Thietmar records the death of Duke Hermann, father of Bernhard, at Quedlinburg on 1 Apr, the transportation of his body to Lüneburg, and the refusal by Bruno Bishop of Verden (maybe his nephew) to allow his burial in church because of his prior excommunication[231]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "27 Mar" of "Herimannus dux"[232].
"m firstly ODA, daughter of --- (-15 Mar ----). The primary source which confirms the name of Hermann's first wife has not so far been identified.
"m secondly HILDESUIT, daughter of ---. The primary source which confirms the name of Hermann's second wife has not so far been identified. "Otto…imperator augustus" confirmed the donation of property "aliquando Bilingo nostro comiti…in Neletici…quitquid coniunx sua hereditarii iuris habere" to Magdaburg St Moritz by charter dated 28 Jul 966[233]."
Med Lands cites:
[221] Cronica Principum Saxonie, MGH SS XXV, p. 472.
[222] Reuter (1991), p. 152.
[223] D O I 152, p. 231.
[224] D O I 165, p. 246.
[225] D O I 183, p. 266.
[226] D O I 198, p. 278.
[227] D O I 198, p. 278.
[228] D O I 223, p. 307.
[229] D O I 303, p. 418.
[230] Annales Necrologici Fuldenses, MGH SS XIII, p. 123.
[231] Thietmar 2.31, p. 115, footnote 121 commenting that the date is mistaken for 27 Mar.
[232] Althoff, G. (ed.) (1983) Die Totenbücher von Merseburg, Magdeburg und Lüneburg (Hannover), Lüneburg.
[233] D O I 329, p. 443.4
[222] Reuter (1991), p. 152.
[223] D O I 152, p. 231.
[224] D O I 165, p. 246.
[225] D O I 183, p. 266.
[226] D O I 198, p. 278.
[227] D O I 198, p. 278.
[228] D O I 223, p. 307.
[229] D O I 303, p. 418.
[230] Annales Necrologici Fuldenses, MGH SS XIII, p. 123.
[231] Thietmar 2.31, p. 115, footnote 121 commenting that the date is mistaken for 27 Mar.
[232] Althoff, G. (ed.) (1983) Die Totenbücher von Merseburg, Magdeburg und Lüneburg (Hannover), Lüneburg.
[233] D O I 329, p. 443.4
; Per Genealogy.EU (Billung): “A3. Hermann Billung, Mkgf of Lower Elbe 936, Duke of Saxony (960-973), *ca 915, +27.3.973; m.Hildegarde von Westerburg (*ca 925)”.10 He was Duke of Saxony between 960 and 973.1
Family 1 | Hildesuit/Hildegard von Westerburg b. 935, d. 15 Mar 976 |
Family 2 | Oda (?) b. c 925 |
Children |
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, online, unknown author (e-mail address), downloaded updated 15 May 2003, Billung page (Billung family):
- [S1702] The Henry Project: The ancestors of king Henry II of England, An experiment in cooperative medieval genealogy on the internet (now hosted by the American Society of Genealogists, ASG), online, Hermann "Billung": Hereinafter cited as The Henry Project.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website (oiginated by Leo van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes), online, Hermann Billung: Hereinafter cited as Genealogics Website.
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Billung:
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, NN:
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 25 November 2020), memorial page for Hermann Billung (unknown–27 Mar 973), Find a Grave Memorial no. 96382202, citing Sankt Michaeliskirche Lüneburg, Landkreis Lüneburg, Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen), Germany; Maintained by Kat (contributor 47496397), at: Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
- [S1953] Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, online, Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia.
- [S4759] Wikipedia - Die freie Enzyklopädie, online, Hermann Billung: Hereinafter cited as Wikipédia (DE).
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, updated 15 May 2003, Billung Family:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Mathilde of Saxony:
- [S1702] The Henry Project, online, Mathilde von Sachsen:
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Matilde|Machteld von Hammerstein:
- [S2372] Frederick Lewis Weis, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charlemagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong, and Some of Their Descendants, 8th ed. w/ additions by Wm R. and Kaleen E. Beall (Baltimore, 1992: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 2004), Line 162-19, p. 156. Hereinafter cited as Weis [2004] "Ancestral Roots" 8th ed.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Schwanhild|Suanehild of Saxony:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
Oda (?)1,2
F, #6809, b. circa 925
Reference | GAV31 EDV29 |
Last Edited | 25 Nov 2020 |
Oda (?) married Hermann Billung (?) Mkgf of Lower Elbe, Herzog von Sachsen, son of Billung von Sachsen Graf von Sachsen and Ermengarde (?) of Nantes,
His 1st wife.3,2,1,4 Oda (?) was born circa 925.3
; Per Med Lands:
"HERMANN [Billung] ([905/10]-Quedlinburg 27 Mar 973, bur Lüneburg St Michael). The Cronica Principum Saxonie names "Bilingus…filium Hermannum"[221]. His birth date range is estimated on the assumption that he was adult when appointed military commander in 936. He was given military command in Saxony ("princeps militiæ") by Otto I King of Germany in 936, which triggered the revolt of his brother Wichmann[222]. Graf in Wetigau 940. Procurator of the king in Saxony 953, 961 and 966. "Otto…rex" granted property "Ozmina marcam…et Tarata marcam cum castello Grodista" to "vassallo Billing" by charter dated 26 Jun 952[223]. "Otto…rex" granted property to the church of St Moritz, Magdeburg by charter dated 953, which names "Billingus…noster miles"[224]. Graf in dem Gauen Tilithi und Marstem 955. Markgraf 956: "Otto…rex" granted rights to salt duties to Lüneburg St Mikhael at the request of "Herimanni marchionis" by charter dated 13 Aug 956[225]. "Otto…rex" gave property "in pago Usiti in comitatu comitis Willihelmi" to "nostro fideli vasallo comitique Billinc" by charter dated 2 Dec 958[226], which may refer to Hermann Billung although he is not titled Markgraf in the document. "Otto…rex" granted property "in locis Vurmerstat, Otunpach, Gozarstat, Haholtestat…in pago Usiti in comitatu comitis Uuillihelmi" to "vasallo comitisque…Billinc" by charter dated 2 Dec 958[227]. "Otto…rex" granted property "Asundorf marcam et Dornsteti marcam Liubissa…in pago Hassigeuui in comitatu comitis Sigiuuridi…loco Biscopstat…in pago Altgeuui in comitatu comitis Uuillihelmi" to "vassallo Billing" by charter dated 23 Apr 961[228]. "Otto…imperator augustus" granted property "in pago Neletici in comitatu Billingi comitis" to Magdeburg St Moritz by charter dated 28 Jul 965[229]. Dux in Saxony 965. He founded St Michaeliskloster at Lüneburg. The necrology of Fulda records the death in 973 of "Heriman dux"[230]. Thietmar records the death of Duke Hermann, father of Bernhard, at Quedlinburg on 1 Apr, the transportation of his body to Lüneburg, and the refusal by Bruno Bishop of Verden (maybe his nephew) to allow his burial in church because of his prior excommunication[231]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "27 Mar" of "Herimannus dux"[232].
"m firstly ODA, daughter of --- (-15 Mar ----). The primary source which confirms the name of Hermann's first wife has not so far been identified.
"m secondly HILDESUIT, daughter of ---. The primary source which confirms the name of Hermann's second wife has not so far been identified. "Otto…imperator augustus" confirmed the donation of property "aliquando Bilingo nostro comiti…in Neletici…quitquid coniunx sua hereditarii iuris habere" to Magdaburg St Moritz by charter dated 28 Jul 966[233]."
Med Lands cites:
; Per The Henry Project: “Oda, d. 15 March, year uncertain.
Althoff cites the necrology of St. Xanten for 15 March as giving the obituary of Hermann's wife ("obitus Ode uxoris Hermanni duci"), and the necrology of St. Michael's at Lüneburg gives the same date [Althoff (1984), 392 (G 27)]. Countess Oda ("Ode comes.") heads the list of women in Tabula gentis Billingorum [MGH SS 13: 344], followed by "Hildesuith comes." and "Hildegard com.", the latter of whom can be identified with the wife of Hermann's son duke Bernhard I. The often repeated claim that Hermann's wife was named Hildegarde is discussed in the Commentary section. Based primarily on the fact that the name Oda also appears in the Liudolfinger family (see the page of Oda, wife of duke Liudolf), Jackman would place Oda as a sister of bishop Bruno I of Verden (see below) and of a count Liudolf I of Derlingen (fl. 942), daughter of count Bruno II of Derlingen (fl. ca. 937), and granddaughter of duke Bruno (d. 880, see the page of duke Bruno's father Liudolf) [Jackman (2000), 34, 38, 56]. However, the extremely conjectural nature of this attribution is evident, and there seems to be no good reason to accept it ["There is every likelihood that this Oda was from the Brunoner line of the Liudolfinger, a sister therefore (possibly niece or daughter) of count Liudolf I." ibid., 38; the table on p. 56 places Oda as a sister of Liudolf I and bishop Bruno of Verden without any indication of uncertainty].”.1
Reference: Genealogics cites: Europäische Stammtafeln, Band I, Frank Baron Freytag von Loringhoven, 1975, Isenburg, W. K. Prinz von. 10.2 GAV-31 EDV-29 GKJ-28.
His 1st wife.3,2,1,4 Oda (?) was born circa 925.3
; Per Med Lands:
"HERMANN [Billung] ([905/10]-Quedlinburg 27 Mar 973, bur Lüneburg St Michael). The Cronica Principum Saxonie names "Bilingus…filium Hermannum"[221]. His birth date range is estimated on the assumption that he was adult when appointed military commander in 936. He was given military command in Saxony ("princeps militiæ") by Otto I King of Germany in 936, which triggered the revolt of his brother Wichmann[222]. Graf in Wetigau 940. Procurator of the king in Saxony 953, 961 and 966. "Otto…rex" granted property "Ozmina marcam…et Tarata marcam cum castello Grodista" to "vassallo Billing" by charter dated 26 Jun 952[223]. "Otto…rex" granted property to the church of St Moritz, Magdeburg by charter dated 953, which names "Billingus…noster miles"[224]. Graf in dem Gauen Tilithi und Marstem 955. Markgraf 956: "Otto…rex" granted rights to salt duties to Lüneburg St Mikhael at the request of "Herimanni marchionis" by charter dated 13 Aug 956[225]. "Otto…rex" gave property "in pago Usiti in comitatu comitis Willihelmi" to "nostro fideli vasallo comitique Billinc" by charter dated 2 Dec 958[226], which may refer to Hermann Billung although he is not titled Markgraf in the document. "Otto…rex" granted property "in locis Vurmerstat, Otunpach, Gozarstat, Haholtestat…in pago Usiti in comitatu comitis Uuillihelmi" to "vasallo comitisque…Billinc" by charter dated 2 Dec 958[227]. "Otto…rex" granted property "Asundorf marcam et Dornsteti marcam Liubissa…in pago Hassigeuui in comitatu comitis Sigiuuridi…loco Biscopstat…in pago Altgeuui in comitatu comitis Uuillihelmi" to "vassallo Billing" by charter dated 23 Apr 961[228]. "Otto…imperator augustus" granted property "in pago Neletici in comitatu Billingi comitis" to Magdeburg St Moritz by charter dated 28 Jul 965[229]. Dux in Saxony 965. He founded St Michaeliskloster at Lüneburg. The necrology of Fulda records the death in 973 of "Heriman dux"[230]. Thietmar records the death of Duke Hermann, father of Bernhard, at Quedlinburg on 1 Apr, the transportation of his body to Lüneburg, and the refusal by Bruno Bishop of Verden (maybe his nephew) to allow his burial in church because of his prior excommunication[231]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "27 Mar" of "Herimannus dux"[232].
"m firstly ODA, daughter of --- (-15 Mar ----). The primary source which confirms the name of Hermann's first wife has not so far been identified.
"m secondly HILDESUIT, daughter of ---. The primary source which confirms the name of Hermann's second wife has not so far been identified. "Otto…imperator augustus" confirmed the donation of property "aliquando Bilingo nostro comiti…in Neletici…quitquid coniunx sua hereditarii iuris habere" to Magdaburg St Moritz by charter dated 28 Jul 966[233]."
Med Lands cites:
[221] Cronica Principum Saxonie, MGH SS XXV, p. 472.
[222] Reuter (1991), p. 152.
[223] D O I 152, p. 231.
[224] D O I 165, p. 246.
[225] D O I 183, p. 266.
[226] D O I 198, p. 278.
[227] D O I 198, p. 278.
[228] D O I 223, p. 307.
[229] D O I 303, p. 418.
[230] Annales Necrologici Fuldenses, MGH SS XIII, p. 123.
[231] Thietmar 2.31, p. 115, footnote 121 commenting that the date is mistaken for 27 Mar.
[232] Althoff, G. (ed.) (1983) Die Totenbücher von Merseburg, Magdeburg und Lüneburg (Hannover), Lüneburg.
[233] D O I 329, p. 443.4
[222] Reuter (1991), p. 152.
[223] D O I 152, p. 231.
[224] D O I 165, p. 246.
[225] D O I 183, p. 266.
[226] D O I 198, p. 278.
[227] D O I 198, p. 278.
[228] D O I 223, p. 307.
[229] D O I 303, p. 418.
[230] Annales Necrologici Fuldenses, MGH SS XIII, p. 123.
[231] Thietmar 2.31, p. 115, footnote 121 commenting that the date is mistaken for 27 Mar.
[232] Althoff, G. (ed.) (1983) Die Totenbücher von Merseburg, Magdeburg und Lüneburg (Hannover), Lüneburg.
[233] D O I 329, p. 443.4
; Per The Henry Project: “Oda, d. 15 March, year uncertain.
Althoff cites the necrology of St. Xanten for 15 March as giving the obituary of Hermann's wife ("obitus Ode uxoris Hermanni duci"), and the necrology of St. Michael's at Lüneburg gives the same date [Althoff (1984), 392 (G 27)]. Countess Oda ("Ode comes.") heads the list of women in Tabula gentis Billingorum [MGH SS 13: 344], followed by "Hildesuith comes." and "Hildegard com.", the latter of whom can be identified with the wife of Hermann's son duke Bernhard I. The often repeated claim that Hermann's wife was named Hildegarde is discussed in the Commentary section. Based primarily on the fact that the name Oda also appears in the Liudolfinger family (see the page of Oda, wife of duke Liudolf), Jackman would place Oda as a sister of bishop Bruno I of Verden (see below) and of a count Liudolf I of Derlingen (fl. 942), daughter of count Bruno II of Derlingen (fl. ca. 937), and granddaughter of duke Bruno (d. 880, see the page of duke Bruno's father Liudolf) [Jackman (2000), 34, 38, 56]. However, the extremely conjectural nature of this attribution is evident, and there seems to be no good reason to accept it ["There is every likelihood that this Oda was from the Brunoner line of the Liudolfinger, a sister therefore (possibly niece or daughter) of count Liudolf I." ibid., 38; the table on p. 56 places Oda as a sister of Liudolf I and bishop Bruno of Verden without any indication of uncertainty].”.1
Reference: Genealogics cites: Europäische Stammtafeln, Band I, Frank Baron Freytag von Loringhoven, 1975, Isenburg, W. K. Prinz von. 10.2 GAV-31 EDV-29 GKJ-28.
Family | Hermann Billung (?) Mkgf of Lower Elbe, Herzog von Sachsen b. 900, d. 27 Mar 973 |
Children |
- [S1702] The Henry Project: The ancestors of king Henry II of England, An experiment in cooperative medieval genealogy on the internet (now hosted by the American Society of Genealogists, ASG), online, Hermann "Billung": Hereinafter cited as The Henry Project.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website (oiginated by Leo van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes), online, NN: Hereinafter cited as Genealogics Website.
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, online, unknown author (e-mail address), downloaded updated 15 May 2003, Billung page (Billung family):
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S812] e-mail address, online, Jr. William R. Ferris (unknown location), downloaded updated 4 Apr 2002,
Billung von Sachsen Graf von Sachsen1,2,3
M, #6810, b. circa 890
Reference | GAV28 EDV28 |
Last Edited | 25 Nov 2020 |
Billung von Sachsen Graf von Sachsen was born circa 890.1 He married Ermengarde (?) of Nantes, daughter of Wipert (?) and Adeltrude (?), circa 915.1,3
Billung von Sachsen Graf von Sachsen died on 26 May 967; Genealogics says d. 26 May 967; Genealogy.EU says d. ca 951.2,1
GAV-28 EDV-28.
Reference: Genealogics cites: Europäische Stammtafeln, Band I, Frank Baron Freytag von Loringhoven, 1975, Isenburg, W. K. Prinz von. 10.2 Billung von Sachsen Graf von Sachsen was also known as Billung von Stubenskorn.1
; Per Genealogy.EU (Billung): “Billung von Stubenskorn, *ca 890, +ca 951; m.Ermengarde of Nantes (*ca 900)”.1
; Per Racines et Histoire (Craon): “Ermengarde ° ~900 ép. ~915 Billung von Sachsen”.3
Billung von Sachsen Graf von Sachsen died on 26 May 967; Genealogics says d. 26 May 967; Genealogy.EU says d. ca 951.2,1
GAV-28 EDV-28.
Reference: Genealogics cites: Europäische Stammtafeln, Band I, Frank Baron Freytag von Loringhoven, 1975, Isenburg, W. K. Prinz von. 10.2 Billung von Sachsen Graf von Sachsen was also known as Billung von Stubenskorn.1
; Per Genealogy.EU (Billung): “Billung von Stubenskorn, *ca 890, +ca 951; m.Ermengarde of Nantes (*ca 900)”.1
; Per Racines et Histoire (Craon): “Ermengarde ° ~900 ép. ~915 Billung von Sachsen”.3
Family | Ermengarde (?) of Nantes b. c 900 |
Children |
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, online, unknown author (e-mail address), downloaded updated 15 May 2003, Billung page (Billung family):
- [S1490] Genealogics Website (oiginated by Leo van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes), online, Billung: Hereinafter cited as Genealogics Website.
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Seigneurs de Craon, p. 2: Hereinafter cited as Racines et Histoire.
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S1702] The Henry Project: The ancestors of king Henry II of England, An experiment in cooperative medieval genealogy on the internet (now hosted by the American Society of Genealogists, ASG), online, Hermann "Billung": Hereinafter cited as The Henry Project.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Hermann Billung:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,