Guy I 'Troussel' de Montlhéry Seigneur de Monthléry et Chevreuse, Chatelain de Rochefort-en-Yvelines1,2,3,4,5
M, #5251, b. between 1009 and 1010, d. 1095
Father | Milon I de Monthléry Seigneur de la Ferte6,3,2,7,5 b. c 979 |
Mother | NN de Montlhéry8,5 b. c 985 |
Reference | GAV26 EDV26 |
Last Edited | 29 Apr 2020 |
Guy I 'Troussel' de Montlhéry Seigneur de Monthléry et Chevreuse, Chatelain de Rochefort-en-Yvelines was born between 1009 and 1010.3,5 He married Hodierne de Gometz-la-Ferté Dame de Bures et de La Ferté-Alais, daughter of Guillaume de Gometz-la-Ferte Seigneur de Bures, between 1031 and 1035.9,4,10,5,11,12
Guy I 'Troussel' de Montlhéry Seigneur de Monthléry et Chevreuse, Chatelain de Rochefort-en-Yvelines died in 1095 at Longpont.9,3,5
; Per Genealogy.EU: "Gui I de Monthléry, chatelain de Rochefort-en-Yvelines, +as monk at Longpont 1095, bur there; m.Hodierne de Gometz-la-Ferte."2
Reference: Genealogics cites: Europäische Stammtafeln, J.A. Stargardt Verlag Marburg., Detlev Schwennicke, Editor, Reference: III 624.10 He was seigneur de Montlhéry et de Bray, La Ferté-Alais (en partie), Châtelain de Rochefort-en-Yvelines (78, ~1068/74), Bréthencourt (Saint-Martin de -, 78), Chevreuse et Châteaufort (78.)5
; Per Wikipedia (Fr.):
"Guy Ier est un seigneur de Montlhéry né vers 1031 et mort en 10951. Il est probablement fils de Thibaud de Montlhéry (v. 970-1031 ; sans doute un cadet de la Maison de Montmorency), mais certains ouvrages le donnent comme fils d’un Milon. Thibaud de Montlhéry-Montmorency serait alors son grand-père (maternel ? : Milon serait alors le gendre de Thibaud ; ou bien, en patrilinéarité, y aurait-il eu deux Thibaud père et fils, confondus en un seul par la tradition ? ; chronologiquement, et dans les deux hypothèses, l'introduction d'une génération supplémentaire semble effectivement plus cohérente).
"Il épousa Hodierne de Gometz, fille de Guillaume de Gometz, seigneur de Gometz, et eut :
"Il mourut l’année où Urbain II lança son appel pour la croisade, et plusieurs de ses fils et petits fils s’illustrèrent en Terre sainte.
Lien interne
** Famille de Montlhéry:
Notes et références
1. MOUTIE (Aug.) Chevreuse, 2e part. (chatelain,barons, ducs) M. & D. Sté Arch. de Rambouillet, 1875-76 (1876), t.3, p.11.
2. Alice Saunier-Seité, Les Courtenay, Éditions France-Empire, 1998. (ISBN 2-7048-0845-7)
3. Edouard de Saint Phalle, Les seigneurs de Traînel et de Venizy du XIe au XIIIe siècle, 2008."13
; Per Wikipedia:
"Guy I (died 1095) was the second lord of Bray and the second lord of Montlhéry (Latin: Monte Leterico). He was probably the son of Thibaud of Montmorency, but some sources say that his father was named Milo. Thibaud may instead have been his grandfather.
"He married Hodierna of Gometz,[1] daughter of William, lord of Gometz. They had seven children:
"Guy died in 1095, the same year Pope Urban II launched the First Crusade. Many of his descendants had illustrious careers in the Holy Land, through the Montlhéry, Courtenay, and Le Puiset branches of his family.[2] See the Houses of Montlhéry and Le Puiset.
1. La Monte & January 1942, p. 100-101.
2. La Monte & January 1942, p. 100-118.
** La Monte, John L. (January 1942). "The Lords of Le Puiset on the Crusades". Speculum."14
; Per Genealogics: "Son of Milon de Monteleherico, Gui I was lord of Monthléry and Chevreuse as well as Châteaufort and Bray. With his wife Hodierne de Gometz-la-Ferté, daughter of Guillaume de Gometz-la-Ferté, seigneur de Bures, he had seven children who would all have progeny. Gui founded the abbey of Longpont, where late in life he became a monk and where he died in 1095, the same year Pope Urban II launched the First Crusade. Many of his descendants had illustrious careers in the Holy Land, through the Montlhéry, Courtenay, and Le Puiset branches of his family."10 He was Chatelain de Rochefort.1 GAV-26 EDV-26 GKJ-27.
; Per Racines et Histoire:
Montlhéry, p. 2: "Gui 1er “Troussel” de Montlhéry ° 1009/10 + 1095 (moine à Longpont, Abbaye qu’il fonde entre 1061 et 1085) seigneur de Montlhéry et de Bray, La Ferté-Alais (en partie), Châtelain de Rochefort-en-Yvelines (78, ~1068/74), Bréthencourt (Saint-Martin de -, 78), Chevreuse et Châteaufort (78),
ép. ~1031/35 Hodierne de Gometz (alias Jourdaine de La Ferté ° ~1014 + 12/07/1074 dame de Bures et de La Ferté-Alais (en partie) (fille de Guillaume, seigneur de la Ferté, Bures et Gometz)"
Gometz, p. 3: "1) Hodierne de Gometz ° ~1014 + 12/07/1074 (alias Jourdaine de La Ferté) (citée pour des dons à l’église de Montmartre et au prieuré de Saint-Martin-des-Champs en 1096)
ép. 1) Gui 1er “Troussel” de Montlhéry ° 1009/10 + 1095 (moine à Longpont) seigneur de Montlhéry et de Bray, châtelain de Rochefort
ép. 2) Gauthier Payen."5,15
Guy I 'Troussel' de Montlhéry Seigneur de Monthléry et Chevreuse, Chatelain de Rochefort-en-Yvelines died in 1095 at Longpont.9,3,5
; Per Genealogy.EU: "Gui I de Monthléry, chatelain de Rochefort-en-Yvelines, +as monk at Longpont 1095, bur there; m.Hodierne de Gometz-la-Ferte."2
Reference: Genealogics cites: Europäische Stammtafeln, J.A. Stargardt Verlag Marburg., Detlev Schwennicke, Editor, Reference: III 624.10 He was seigneur de Montlhéry et de Bray, La Ferté-Alais (en partie), Châtelain de Rochefort-en-Yvelines (78, ~1068/74), Bréthencourt (Saint-Martin de -, 78), Chevreuse et Châteaufort (78.)5
; Per Wikipedia (Fr.):
"Guy Ier est un seigneur de Montlhéry né vers 1031 et mort en 10951. Il est probablement fils de Thibaud de Montlhéry (v. 970-1031 ; sans doute un cadet de la Maison de Montmorency), mais certains ouvrages le donnent comme fils d’un Milon. Thibaud de Montlhéry-Montmorency serait alors son grand-père (maternel ? : Milon serait alors le gendre de Thibaud ; ou bien, en patrilinéarité, y aurait-il eu deux Thibaud père et fils, confondus en un seul par la tradition ? ; chronologiquement, et dans les deux hypothèses, l'introduction d'une génération supplémentaire semble effectivement plus cohérente).
"Il épousa Hodierne de Gometz, fille de Guillaume de Gometz, seigneur de Gometz, et eut :
** Milon Ier le Grand, seigneur de Montlhéry
** Mélissente/Mélis(s)ende de Montlhéry, mariée à Hugues (†1118), comte de Rethel
** Élisabeth de Montlhéry, mariée à Josselin, seigneur de Courtenay2
** Gui Ier le Rouge (†1108), seigneur de Rochefort
** Mélissent de Montlhéry, dite la Jeune, mariée à Pons Ier de Traînel3
** Béatrice de Montlhéry, mariée à Hervé Ier de Gallardon († 1092) ; (puis au sénéchal Anseau de Garlande (1069 † vers 1118) ?, à moins que ce ne soit sa nièce Béatrice, fille de Guy le Rouge, qui soit plutôt la femme d'Anseau).
** Hodierne de Montlhéry, mariée à Gauthier de Saint-Valéry
** Alix de Montlhéry (1040 † 1097), mariée à Hugues Ier Blavons (1035 † 1094), seigneur du Puiset
** Mélissente/Mélis(s)ende de Montlhéry, mariée à Hugues (†1118), comte de Rethel
** Élisabeth de Montlhéry, mariée à Josselin, seigneur de Courtenay2
** Gui Ier le Rouge (†1108), seigneur de Rochefort
** Mélissent de Montlhéry, dite la Jeune, mariée à Pons Ier de Traînel3
** Béatrice de Montlhéry, mariée à Hervé Ier de Gallardon († 1092) ; (puis au sénéchal Anseau de Garlande (1069 † vers 1118) ?, à moins que ce ne soit sa nièce Béatrice, fille de Guy le Rouge, qui soit plutôt la femme d'Anseau).
** Hodierne de Montlhéry, mariée à Gauthier de Saint-Valéry
** Alix de Montlhéry (1040 † 1097), mariée à Hugues Ier Blavons (1035 † 1094), seigneur du Puiset
"Il mourut l’année où Urbain II lança son appel pour la croisade, et plusieurs de ses fils et petits fils s’illustrèrent en Terre sainte.
Lien interne
** Famille de Montlhéry:
Notes et références
1. MOUTIE (Aug.) Chevreuse, 2e part. (chatelain,barons, ducs) M. & D. Sté Arch. de Rambouillet, 1875-76 (1876), t.3, p.11.
2. Alice Saunier-Seité, Les Courtenay, Éditions France-Empire, 1998. (ISBN 2-7048-0845-7)
3. Edouard de Saint Phalle, Les seigneurs de Traînel et de Venizy du XIe au XIIIe siècle, 2008."13
; Per Wikipedia:
"Guy I (died 1095) was the second lord of Bray and the second lord of Montlhéry (Latin: Monte Leterico). He was probably the son of Thibaud of Montmorency, but some sources say that his father was named Milo. Thibaud may instead have been his grandfather.
"He married Hodierna of Gometz,[1] daughter of William, lord of Gometz. They had seven children:
** Milo I the Great,[1] (also called Milon I) lord of Montlhéry, married Lithuaise, Vicomtesse of Troyes
** Melisende of Montlhéry (d. 1097), married Hugh I, Count of Rethel.[1] Mother of Baldwin II of Jerusalem.[1]
** Elizabeth (Isabel) of Montlhéry, married Joscelin, lord of Courtenay, mother of Joscelin I, Count of Edessa[1]
** Guy II the Red (d. 1108),[1] lord of Rochefort
** Beatrice of Rochefort (1069–1117), married Anseau of Garlande
** Hodierna of Montlhéry, married Walter of Saint-Valery
** Alice of Montlhéry (also called Adele or Alix) (1040–1097), married Hugh I, lord of Le Puiset (1035–1094).[1] Their son was Hugh I of Jaffa and daughter was Humberge of Le Puiset who travelled on the First Crusade with her husband Walo II of Chaumont-en-Vexin. Humberge's cousin (name unknown) was married to Ralph the Red of Pont-Echanfrey who also travelled with her husband on crusade.
** Melisende of Montlhéry (d. 1097), married Hugh I, Count of Rethel.[1] Mother of Baldwin II of Jerusalem.[1]
** Elizabeth (Isabel) of Montlhéry, married Joscelin, lord of Courtenay, mother of Joscelin I, Count of Edessa[1]
** Guy II the Red (d. 1108),[1] lord of Rochefort
** Beatrice of Rochefort (1069–1117), married Anseau of Garlande
** Hodierna of Montlhéry, married Walter of Saint-Valery
** Alice of Montlhéry (also called Adele or Alix) (1040–1097), married Hugh I, lord of Le Puiset (1035–1094).[1] Their son was Hugh I of Jaffa and daughter was Humberge of Le Puiset who travelled on the First Crusade with her husband Walo II of Chaumont-en-Vexin. Humberge's cousin (name unknown) was married to Ralph the Red of Pont-Echanfrey who also travelled with her husband on crusade.
"Guy died in 1095, the same year Pope Urban II launched the First Crusade. Many of his descendants had illustrious careers in the Holy Land, through the Montlhéry, Courtenay, and Le Puiset branches of his family.[2] See the Houses of Montlhéry and Le Puiset.
1. La Monte & January 1942, p. 100-101.
2. La Monte & January 1942, p. 100-118.
** La Monte, John L. (January 1942). "The Lords of Le Puiset on the Crusades". Speculum."14
; Per Genealogics: "Son of Milon de Monteleherico, Gui I was lord of Monthléry and Chevreuse as well as Châteaufort and Bray. With his wife Hodierne de Gometz-la-Ferté, daughter of Guillaume de Gometz-la-Ferté, seigneur de Bures, he had seven children who would all have progeny. Gui founded the abbey of Longpont, where late in life he became a monk and where he died in 1095, the same year Pope Urban II launched the First Crusade. Many of his descendants had illustrious careers in the Holy Land, through the Montlhéry, Courtenay, and Le Puiset branches of his family."10 He was Chatelain de Rochefort.1 GAV-26 EDV-26 GKJ-27.
; Per Racines et Histoire:
Montlhéry, p. 2: "Gui 1er “Troussel” de Montlhéry ° 1009/10 + 1095 (moine à Longpont, Abbaye qu’il fonde entre 1061 et 1085) seigneur de Montlhéry et de Bray, La Ferté-Alais (en partie), Châtelain de Rochefort-en-Yvelines (78, ~1068/74), Bréthencourt (Saint-Martin de -, 78), Chevreuse et Châteaufort (78),
ép. ~1031/35 Hodierne de Gometz (alias Jourdaine de La Ferté ° ~1014 + 12/07/1074 dame de Bures et de La Ferté-Alais (en partie) (fille de Guillaume, seigneur de la Ferté, Bures et Gometz)"
Gometz, p. 3: "1) Hodierne de Gometz ° ~1014 + 12/07/1074 (alias Jourdaine de La Ferté) (citée pour des dons à l’église de Montmartre et au prieuré de Saint-Martin-des-Champs en 1096)
ép. 1) Gui 1er “Troussel” de Montlhéry ° 1009/10 + 1095 (moine à Longpont) seigneur de Montlhéry et de Bray, châtelain de Rochefort
ép. 2) Gauthier Payen."5,15
Family | Hodierne de Gometz-la-Ferté Dame de Bures et de La Ferté-Alais b. c 1014, d. 12 Jul 1074 |
Children |
- [S792] e-mail address, online, Susan Johanson (unknown location), downloaded updated 29 June 2001,
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, online, unknown author (e-mail address), downloaded updated 15 May 2003, Monthlery page ("Family de Monthléry"):
- [S1490] Genealogics Website (oiginated by Leo van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes), online, Gui I de Monthléry: Hereinafter cited as Genealogics Website.
- [S1671] Count W. H. Rüdt-Collenberg, The Rupenides, Hethumides and Lusignans: The Structure of the Armeno-Cilician Dynasties (11, Rude de Lille, Paris 7e, France: Librairie C. Klincksieck for the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Armenian Library (Lisbon), 1963), Chart V (J): The House of the Kings of Jerusalem. Hereinafter cited as Rudt-Collenberg: The Rupenides, etc.
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Seigneurs de Montlhéry Bray-sur-Seine, La Ferté-Milon, p. 2: Hereinafter cited as Racines et Histoire.
- [S792] e-mail address, updated 29 June 2001,
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Milon de Monteleherico:
- [S792] e-mail address, updated 29 June 2001,
- [S632] Frederick Lewis Weis, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charlemagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong, and Some of Their Descendants, 7th edition (n.p.: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.
Baltimore, 1992, unknown publish date), line 103A-24, p. 99. Hereinafter cited as Weis AR-7. - [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Gui I de Monthléry:
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Hodierne de Gometz-la-Ferté:
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S4742] Wikipédia - L'encyclopédie libre, online, Gui Ier de Montlhéry: Hereinafter cited as Wikipédia (FR).
- [S1953] Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, online, Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia.
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Premiers seigneurs de Gometz, p. 3:
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Hodierne de Monthléry:
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Hodierne de Gometz-la-Ferté:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Alix de Monthléry:
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Melisende dite Caravicina de Monthléry:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Milon I de Monthléry dit de Bray:
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Elisabeth de Monthléry:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Gui II 'le Rouge' de Monthléry:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Mélisende de Monthléry:
Hodierne de Gometz-la-Ferté Dame de Bures et de La Ferté-Alais1,2
F, #5252, b. circa 1014, d. 12 July 1074
Father | Guillaume de Gometz-la-Ferte Seigneur de Bures3,2,4 |
Reference | GAV26 EDV26 |
Last Edited | 29 Apr 2020 |
Hodierne de Gometz-la-Ferté Dame de Bures et de La Ferté-Alais was born circa 1014.5,2 She married Guy I 'Troussel' de Montlhéry Seigneur de Monthléry et Chevreuse, Chatelain de Rochefort-en-Yvelines, son of Milon I de Monthléry Seigneur de la Ferte and NN de Montlhéry, between 1031 and 1035.6,7,8,2,4,9
Hodierne de Gometz-la-Ferté Dame de Bures et de La Ferté-Alais died on 12 July 1074.2
; Per Racines et Histoire:
Montlhéry, p. 2: "Gui 1er “Troussel” de Montlhéry ° 1009/10 + 1095 (moine à Longpont, Abbaye qu’il fonde entre 1061 et 1085) seigneur de Montlhéry et de Bray, La Ferté-Alais (en partie), Châtelain de Rochefort-en-Yvelines (78, ~1068/74), Bréthencourt (Saint-Martin de -, 78), Chevreuse et Châteaufort (78),
ép. ~1031/35 Hodierne de Gometz (alias Jourdaine de La Ferté ° ~1014 + 12/07/1074 dame de Bures et de La Ferté-Alais (en partie) (fille de Guillaume, seigneur de la Ferté, Bures et Gometz)"
Gometz, p. 3: "1) Hodierne de Gometz ° ~1014 + 12/07/1074 (alias Jourdaine de La Ferté) (citée pour des dons à l’église de Montmartre et au prieuré de Saint-Martin-des-Champs en 1096)
ép. 1) Gui 1er “Troussel” de Montlhéry ° 1009/10 + 1095 (moine à Longpont) seigneur de Montlhéry et de Bray, châtelain de Rochefort
ép. 2) Gauthier Payen."2,10
Reference: Genealogics cites: Europäische Stammtafeln, J.A. Stargardt Verlag, Marburg, Schwennicke, Detlev (Ed.) 3:624.4
; Per Wikipedia:
"Hodierna (Hodierne) of Gometz (died 1108), sister of William, Lord of Gometz, and wife of Guy I of Montlhéry. She made great donations to the new religious of the order of Saint-Benoît, installed in the Notre-Dame-de-Bonne-Garde Basilica of Longpont-sur-Orge, a monastery founded by her husband. Guy obtained the concession of the church of Long Pont in 1061 of Godfrey, Bishop of Paris. According to Gallia Christiana: "She herself went to Cluny to obtain from the abbot a certain number of monks; And she presented to the abbey a golden chalice of thirty ounces and a precious chasuble.”[1]
"It is reported that Hodierne was working in the construction of the church, and that she went to fetch the water from a distant fountain, which still enjoys the reputation of curing fever. It is reported that she came to ask the local blacksmith how to carry his buckets with less fatigue, and that the blacksmith, a brutal man, threw at her a red-hot squash, but Hodierne was not burnt. In order to punish the blacksmith she cursed all the posterity of the hammered men, and swore that any one who came to establish himself at Long Pont would not see the end of the year. The blacksmith soon died. Some people, have written that since that time no blacksmith had been established at Long Pont.
"Hodierna married Guy I of Montlhéry and they had seven children:
"The church of the priory was beautiful, very large, and contained a great number of tombs. Hodierne was buried there in front of the high altar, under a tomb that reads: Hodieræ inclytcæ omitisshæ erici montis sacrarum harum Ædium fundatricis ossa. Sub dio jacentia ab anno millesimo, pro nichaelis the masle Domni of the rocks, hujusce domus prioris studio hic translata fuere anno 1651 die ultima mensis augusti. Rue Dame Hodierne exists in his honor at Montlhéry.
1. Longpont-sous-Montlhéry, p. 19-20.
2. La Monte & January 1942, p. 100-101.
** Dulaure, A., Histoire physique, civile et morale des environs de Paris, tome 6, deuxième édition, p. 152
** Hodierne de Gometz, Dame de Montlhery (available on-line)
** La Monte, John L.,The Lords of Le Puiset on the Crusades". Speculum, 1942
** Longpont-sous-Montlhéry (Abbey), Le Cartulaire du Prieuré de Notre-Dame de Longpont de l'Ordre de Cluny au Diocèse de Paris. Lyon: Perrin et Marinet, 1879.
** Riley-Smith, Johathan, The First Crusaders, 1095-1131, Cambridge University Press, London, 1997."11
; Per Med Lands:
"HODIERNE de Gometz-la-Ferté (-26 Apr ----, bur ---, transferred 1641 to Longpont church). The Historia of Monk Aimon records that "Guidonem", son of "Theobaldus cognomina Filans-stupas, Forestarius [Roberti Regis]", married "dominam de Feritate et de Gommet"[729]. The primary source which confirms her precise parentage has not been identified. The editor of the cartulary of Longpont refers to a history of Longpont written in 1713 which records that "Gui II de Montmorency fils de Thibaud de Montmorency surnommé File-Etoupes seigneur de Bray" [presumed to refer to Guy [I] de Montlhéry] married "Hodierne fille et héritière de Guillaume de Gomintez sénéchal de France seigneur de la Ferté" but does not cite the corresponding primary source[730]. The chronology of her descendants indicates that Hodierne (whose great-granddaughter married in 1104) was much older than Guillaume [II] de Gometz-la-Ferté (probably born in the 1060s). It appears unlikely, therefore, that she was the daughter of Guillaume [I] but was more probably his sister. "Guido de Monte Leterico eiusque uxor Hodierna" donated property to Notre-Dame de Longpont by charter dated to [1061], witnessed by "Wido filius eorum, Adam vicecomes..."[731]. "Guido de Monte Leherico" donated property to Notre-Dame de Longpont, confirmed by "filii mei Milo et Guido et conjux mea Hodierna", by charter dated to [1070][732]. "Guido de Monte Leherico" donated property to Notre-Dame de Longpont, confirmed by "filii mei Milo et Guido et conjux mea Hodierna", by charter dated to [1070][733]. The necrology of Longpont records the death "IX Kal Aug" of "Guido institutor hujus loci. Guido vicecomes; Adalaidis comitissa, uxor; Wido filius eius", a supplementary section adding a further reference to the anniversary of “donni Guidonis senioris hujus loci institutoris et Guidonis comitis filii eius...IX Kal Aug” as well as the anniversary of “donne Hodierne uxoris ipsius Guidonis senioris et Ermensendis de Sancto Galarico filie amborum...VII Kal Apr” with a reference to her visit to Cluny where “beato Hugoni abbati” gave her “calicem...aureum”[734]. The editor of the cartulary of Longpont quotes an inscription in the church of Longpont which records that the body of "Audiernæ...comitissæ Herici Montis...harum ædium fundatricis" was transferred into the church 31 Aug 1641[735].
"m GUY [I] Seigneur de Montlhéry, son of THIBAUT “Filans-stupas/File-Etoupes” & his wife --- (-[24 Jul] 1095, bur abbaye de Longpont). "
Med Lands cites:
; Per Wikipedia (Fr.):
"Hodierne de Gometz est la fille de Guillaume de Gometz, Seigneur de Gometz ; épouse de Gui Ier de Montlhéry, elle fit de grandes libéralités aux nouveaux religieux de l’ordre de Saint-Benoît, installés dans la Basilique Notre-Dame-de-Bonne-Garde de Longpont-sur-Orge1 (monastère fondé par Guy de Montlhéry son époux, qui obtint dans ce but la concession de l’église de Long Pont en 1061 de Geoffroy, évêque de Paris). On lit dans le Gallia Christiana : « Elle-même alla à Cluny pour obtenir de l’abbé certain nombre de moines ; et elle fit présent à l’abbaye d’un calice d’or de trente onces et d’une chasuble précieuse »2.
Histoire et légende
"On rapporte que cette dame travaillait de ses mains à la construction de l’église, et qu'elle allait chercher l’eau à une fontaine assez éloignée, qui jouit encore aujourd’hui de la réputation de guérir les fiévreux. On rapporte encore qu’un jour Hodierne vint demander au forgeron du lieu la manière de porter ses seaux avec moins de fatigue, et que le forgeron, homme brutal, lui jeta une courge de fer rouge ; qu’Hodierne ne se brûla pas ; et que pour punir le forgeron, elle maudit toute la postérité des gens à marteau, et jura même que quiconque viendrait s’établir à Long Pont ne verrait pas la fin de l’année. Le forgeron mourut bientôt après ; et quelques personnes crédules ont écrit que depuis, on n’avait vu aucun forgeron s’établir à Long Pont.
"L’église du prieuré était belle, très grande, et renfermait un grand nombre de tombeaux. Hodierne y fut enterrée devant le maître-autel, sous une tombe sur laquelle on lisait :
"Une rue Dame Hodierne existe en son honneur à Montlhéry.
Notes et références
1. construction e la basilique de Longpont [archive]
2. Gallia Christiana.
** J. A. Dulaure, Histoire physique, civile et morale des environs de Paris, tome 6, deuxième édition, p. 152
Articles connexes
** Basilique Notre-Dame-de-Bonne-Garde:
** Famille de Montlhéry:"12 GAV-26 EDV-26 GKJ-27. She was living in 1062.4
Hodierne de Gometz-la-Ferté Dame de Bures et de La Ferté-Alais died on 12 July 1074.2
; Per Racines et Histoire:
Montlhéry, p. 2: "Gui 1er “Troussel” de Montlhéry ° 1009/10 + 1095 (moine à Longpont, Abbaye qu’il fonde entre 1061 et 1085) seigneur de Montlhéry et de Bray, La Ferté-Alais (en partie), Châtelain de Rochefort-en-Yvelines (78, ~1068/74), Bréthencourt (Saint-Martin de -, 78), Chevreuse et Châteaufort (78),
ép. ~1031/35 Hodierne de Gometz (alias Jourdaine de La Ferté ° ~1014 + 12/07/1074 dame de Bures et de La Ferté-Alais (en partie) (fille de Guillaume, seigneur de la Ferté, Bures et Gometz)"
Gometz, p. 3: "1) Hodierne de Gometz ° ~1014 + 12/07/1074 (alias Jourdaine de La Ferté) (citée pour des dons à l’église de Montmartre et au prieuré de Saint-Martin-des-Champs en 1096)
ép. 1) Gui 1er “Troussel” de Montlhéry ° 1009/10 + 1095 (moine à Longpont) seigneur de Montlhéry et de Bray, châtelain de Rochefort
ép. 2) Gauthier Payen."2,10
Reference: Genealogics cites: Europäische Stammtafeln, J.A. Stargardt Verlag, Marburg, Schwennicke, Detlev (Ed.) 3:624.4
; Per Wikipedia:
"Hodierna (Hodierne) of Gometz (died 1108), sister of William, Lord of Gometz, and wife of Guy I of Montlhéry. She made great donations to the new religious of the order of Saint-Benoît, installed in the Notre-Dame-de-Bonne-Garde Basilica of Longpont-sur-Orge, a monastery founded by her husband. Guy obtained the concession of the church of Long Pont in 1061 of Godfrey, Bishop of Paris. According to Gallia Christiana: "She herself went to Cluny to obtain from the abbot a certain number of monks; And she presented to the abbey a golden chalice of thirty ounces and a precious chasuble.”[1]
"It is reported that Hodierne was working in the construction of the church, and that she went to fetch the water from a distant fountain, which still enjoys the reputation of curing fever. It is reported that she came to ask the local blacksmith how to carry his buckets with less fatigue, and that the blacksmith, a brutal man, threw at her a red-hot squash, but Hodierne was not burnt. In order to punish the blacksmith she cursed all the posterity of the hammered men, and swore that any one who came to establish himself at Long Pont would not see the end of the year. The blacksmith soon died. Some people, have written that since that time no blacksmith had been established at Long Pont.
"Hodierna married Guy I of Montlhéry and they had seven children:
** Milo I the Great, (also called Milon I) lord of Montlhéry, married Lithuaise, Vicomtesse of Troyes
** Melisende of Montlhéry (d. (1097), married Hugh I, Count of Rethel. Mother of Baldwin II of Jerusalem.
** Elizabeth (Isabel) of Montlhéry, married Joscelin, lord of Courtenay, mother of Joscelin I, Count of Edessa
** Guy II the Red (d. 1108), lord of Rochefort
** Beatrice of Rochefort (1069–1117), married Anseau of Garlande
** Hodierna of Montlhéry, married Walter of Saint-Valery
** Alice of Montlhéry (also called Adele or Alix) (1040–1097), married Hugh I, lord of Le Puiset (1035–1094).[2] Their son was Hugh I of Jaffa and daughter was Humberge of Le Puiset who travelled on the First Crusade with her husband Walo II of Chaumont-en-Vexin. Humberge's cousin (name unknown) was married to Ralph the Red of Pont-Echanfrey who also travelled with her husband on crusade.
** Melisende of Montlhéry (d. (1097), married Hugh I, Count of Rethel. Mother of Baldwin II of Jerusalem.
** Elizabeth (Isabel) of Montlhéry, married Joscelin, lord of Courtenay, mother of Joscelin I, Count of Edessa
** Guy II the Red (d. 1108), lord of Rochefort
** Beatrice of Rochefort (1069–1117), married Anseau of Garlande
** Hodierna of Montlhéry, married Walter of Saint-Valery
** Alice of Montlhéry (also called Adele or Alix) (1040–1097), married Hugh I, lord of Le Puiset (1035–1094).[2] Their son was Hugh I of Jaffa and daughter was Humberge of Le Puiset who travelled on the First Crusade with her husband Walo II of Chaumont-en-Vexin. Humberge's cousin (name unknown) was married to Ralph the Red of Pont-Echanfrey who also travelled with her husband on crusade.
"The church of the priory was beautiful, very large, and contained a great number of tombs. Hodierne was buried there in front of the high altar, under a tomb that reads: Hodieræ inclytcæ omitisshæ erici montis sacrarum harum Ædium fundatricis ossa. Sub dio jacentia ab anno millesimo, pro nichaelis the masle Domni of the rocks, hujusce domus prioris studio hic translata fuere anno 1651 die ultima mensis augusti. Rue Dame Hodierne exists in his honor at Montlhéry.
1. Longpont-sous-Montlhéry, p. 19-20.
2. La Monte & January 1942, p. 100-101.
** Dulaure, A., Histoire physique, civile et morale des environs de Paris, tome 6, deuxième édition, p. 152
** Hodierne de Gometz, Dame de Montlhery (available on-line)
** La Monte, John L.,The Lords of Le Puiset on the Crusades". Speculum, 1942
** Longpont-sous-Montlhéry (Abbey), Le Cartulaire du Prieuré de Notre-Dame de Longpont de l'Ordre de Cluny au Diocèse de Paris. Lyon: Perrin et Marinet, 1879.
** Riley-Smith, Johathan, The First Crusaders, 1095-1131, Cambridge University Press, London, 1997."11
; Per Med Lands:
"HODIERNE de Gometz-la-Ferté (-26 Apr ----, bur ---, transferred 1641 to Longpont church). The Historia of Monk Aimon records that "Guidonem", son of "Theobaldus cognomina Filans-stupas, Forestarius [Roberti Regis]", married "dominam de Feritate et de Gommet"[729]. The primary source which confirms her precise parentage has not been identified. The editor of the cartulary of Longpont refers to a history of Longpont written in 1713 which records that "Gui II de Montmorency fils de Thibaud de Montmorency surnommé File-Etoupes seigneur de Bray" [presumed to refer to Guy [I] de Montlhéry] married "Hodierne fille et héritière de Guillaume de Gomintez sénéchal de France seigneur de la Ferté" but does not cite the corresponding primary source[730]. The chronology of her descendants indicates that Hodierne (whose great-granddaughter married in 1104) was much older than Guillaume [II] de Gometz-la-Ferté (probably born in the 1060s). It appears unlikely, therefore, that she was the daughter of Guillaume [I] but was more probably his sister. "Guido de Monte Leterico eiusque uxor Hodierna" donated property to Notre-Dame de Longpont by charter dated to [1061], witnessed by "Wido filius eorum, Adam vicecomes..."[731]. "Guido de Monte Leherico" donated property to Notre-Dame de Longpont, confirmed by "filii mei Milo et Guido et conjux mea Hodierna", by charter dated to [1070][732]. "Guido de Monte Leherico" donated property to Notre-Dame de Longpont, confirmed by "filii mei Milo et Guido et conjux mea Hodierna", by charter dated to [1070][733]. The necrology of Longpont records the death "IX Kal Aug" of "Guido institutor hujus loci. Guido vicecomes; Adalaidis comitissa, uxor; Wido filius eius", a supplementary section adding a further reference to the anniversary of “donni Guidonis senioris hujus loci institutoris et Guidonis comitis filii eius...IX Kal Aug” as well as the anniversary of “donne Hodierne uxoris ipsius Guidonis senioris et Ermensendis de Sancto Galarico filie amborum...VII Kal Apr” with a reference to her visit to Cluny where “beato Hugoni abbati” gave her “calicem...aureum”[734]. The editor of the cartulary of Longpont quotes an inscription in the church of Longpont which records that the body of "Audiernæ...comitissæ Herici Montis...harum ædium fundatricis" was transferred into the church 31 Aug 1641[735].
"m GUY [I] Seigneur de Montlhéry, son of THIBAUT “Filans-stupas/File-Etoupes” & his wife --- (-[24 Jul] 1095, bur abbaye de Longpont). "
Med Lands cites:
[729] Ex continuatione Historiæ Aimoni Monachi Floriacensis, RHGF, Tome XI, p. 275.
[730] Longpont Notre-Dame, Introduction, p. 20, quoting Brémeron, Sire de (1713) Livre contenant les Inventaires des Titres du petit couvent de Longpont & de ceux de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Paris, Archives de Seine-et-Oise, H. Prieuré de Longpont.
[731] Longpont Notre-Dame, XLI, p. 88.
[732] Longpont Notre-Dame, XLVIII, p. 95.
[733] Longpont Notre-Dame, XLVIII, p. 95.
[734] Obituaires de Sens Tome I.1, Prieuré de Longpont, pp. 525 and 529.
[735] Longpont Notre-Dame, Introduction, pp. 23-4.9
[730] Longpont Notre-Dame, Introduction, p. 20, quoting Brémeron, Sire de (1713) Livre contenant les Inventaires des Titres du petit couvent de Longpont & de ceux de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Paris, Archives de Seine-et-Oise, H. Prieuré de Longpont.
[731] Longpont Notre-Dame, XLI, p. 88.
[732] Longpont Notre-Dame, XLVIII, p. 95.
[733] Longpont Notre-Dame, XLVIII, p. 95.
[734] Obituaires de Sens Tome I.1, Prieuré de Longpont, pp. 525 and 529.
[735] Longpont Notre-Dame, Introduction, pp. 23-4.9
; Per Wikipedia (Fr.):
"Hodierne de Gometz est la fille de Guillaume de Gometz, Seigneur de Gometz ; épouse de Gui Ier de Montlhéry, elle fit de grandes libéralités aux nouveaux religieux de l’ordre de Saint-Benoît, installés dans la Basilique Notre-Dame-de-Bonne-Garde de Longpont-sur-Orge1 (monastère fondé par Guy de Montlhéry son époux, qui obtint dans ce but la concession de l’église de Long Pont en 1061 de Geoffroy, évêque de Paris). On lit dans le Gallia Christiana : « Elle-même alla à Cluny pour obtenir de l’abbé certain nombre de moines ; et elle fit présent à l’abbaye d’un calice d’or de trente onces et d’une chasuble précieuse »2.
Histoire et légende
"On rapporte que cette dame travaillait de ses mains à la construction de l’église, et qu'elle allait chercher l’eau à une fontaine assez éloignée, qui jouit encore aujourd’hui de la réputation de guérir les fiévreux. On rapporte encore qu’un jour Hodierne vint demander au forgeron du lieu la manière de porter ses seaux avec moins de fatigue, et que le forgeron, homme brutal, lui jeta une courge de fer rouge ; qu’Hodierne ne se brûla pas ; et que pour punir le forgeron, elle maudit toute la postérité des gens à marteau, et jura même que quiconque viendrait s’établir à Long Pont ne verrait pas la fin de l’année. Le forgeron mourut bientôt après ; et quelques personnes crédules ont écrit que depuis, on n’avait vu aucun forgeron s’établir à Long Pont.
"L’église du prieuré était belle, très grande, et renfermait un grand nombre de tombeaux. Hodierne y fut enterrée devant le maître-autel, sous une tombe sur laquelle on lisait :
Hodieræ inclytcæ omitisshæ erici montis sacrarum harum Ædium fundatricis ossa
Sub dio jacentia ab anno millesimo, pro nichaelis le masle Domni des roches, hujusce domus prioris studio hic translata fuere anno 1651 die ultima mensis augusti.
Sub dio jacentia ab anno millesimo, pro nichaelis le masle Domni des roches, hujusce domus prioris studio hic translata fuere anno 1651 die ultima mensis augusti.
"Une rue Dame Hodierne existe en son honneur à Montlhéry.
Notes et références
1. construction e la basilique de Longpont [archive]
2. Gallia Christiana.
** J. A. Dulaure, Histoire physique, civile et morale des environs de Paris, tome 6, deuxième édition, p. 152
Articles connexes
** Basilique Notre-Dame-de-Bonne-Garde:
** Famille de Montlhéry:"12 GAV-26 EDV-26 GKJ-27. She was living in 1062.4
Family | Guy I 'Troussel' de Montlhéry Seigneur de Monthléry et Chevreuse, Chatelain de Rochefort-en-Yvelines b. bt 1009 - 1010, d. 1095 |
Children |
- [S1490] Genealogics Website (oiginated by Leo van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes), online, Hodierne de Gometz-la-Ferté: Hereinafter cited as Genealogics Website.
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Seigneurs de Montlhéry Bray-sur-Seine, La Ferté-Milon, p. 2: Hereinafter cited as Racines et Histoire.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Guillaume de Gometz-la-Ferté:
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Hodierne de Gometz-la-Ferté:
- [S619] Inc. Brøderbund Software, GEDCOM file imported on 27 Dec 1999 from World Family Tree Vol. 6, Ed. 1, Family #6-1556., CD-ROM (n.p.: Release date: August 22, 1996, 1996). Hereinafter cited as WFT 6-1556.
- [S632] Frederick Lewis Weis, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charlemagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong, and Some of Their Descendants, 7th edition (n.p.: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.
Baltimore, 1992, unknown publish date), line 103A-24, p. 99. Hereinafter cited as Weis AR-7. - [S1671] Count W. H. Rüdt-Collenberg, The Rupenides, Hethumides and Lusignans: The Structure of the Armeno-Cilician Dynasties (11, Rude de Lille, Paris 7e, France: Librairie C. Klincksieck for the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Armenian Library (Lisbon), 1963), Chart V (J): The House of the Kings of Jerusalem. Hereinafter cited as Rudt-Collenberg: The Rupenides, etc.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Gui I de Monthléry:
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Premiers seigneurs de Gometz, p. 3:
- [S1953] Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, online, Hodierna of Gometz. Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia.
- [S4742] Wikipédia - L'encyclopédie libre, online, Hereinafter cited as Wikipédia (FR).
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Hodierne de Monthléry:
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, online, unknown author (e-mail address), downloaded updated 15 May 2003, Monthlery page ("Family de Monthléry"):
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Alix de Monthléry:
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Melisende dite Caravicina de Monthléry:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Milon I de Monthléry dit de Bray:
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Elisabeth de Monthléry:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Gui II 'le Rouge' de Monthléry:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Mélisende de Monthléry:
Guy II "le Rouge" de Montlhéry Comte de Rochefort-en-Yvelines1,2,3
M, #5253, b. circa 1040, d. 1108
Father | Guy I 'Troussel' de Montlhéry Seigneur de Monthléry et Chevreuse, Chatelain de Rochefort-en-Yvelines6,8,3,7 b. bt 1009 - 1010, d. 1095 |
Mother | Hodierne de Gometz-la-Ferté Dame de Bures et de La Ferté-Alais4,3,5,6,7 b. c 1014, d. 12 Jul 1074 |
Reference | GAV27 |
Last Edited | 3 Oct 2020 |
Guy II "le Rouge" de Montlhéry Comte de Rochefort-en-Yvelines married Elisabeth (?), daughter of Hildouin IV de Montdidier comte de Montdidier, seigneur de Ramerupt, d’Arcis et de Breteuil, comte de Roucy and Adele (Adelix) de Roucy,
His 1st wife.9,3,6,10,7 Guy II "le Rouge" de Montlhéry Comte de Rochefort-en-Yvelines married Adelais (?)
His 3rd wife.
Genealogics shows this 3rd marriage. Med Lands only shows his first two marriages.11,3,6,7 Guy II "le Rouge" de Montlhéry Comte de Rochefort-en-Yvelines was born circa 1040 at Montlhery, Seine-Et-Oise, France.6 He married Adelaide de Crecy Dame de Gournay-sur-Marne between 1071 and 1080
Her 2nd husband; his 2nd wife.12,3,6,7
Guy II "le Rouge" de Montlhéry Comte de Rochefort-en-Yvelines died in 1108.1,6,7
; Per Genealogics:
"Gui, called 'le Rouge', was a seneschal of France of the house of Monthléry. He was a younger son of Gui I de Monthléry, seigneur de Monthléry et Chevreuse, and Hodierne de Gometz-la-Ferté.
"From his parents he inherited the castles of Rochefort-en-Yvelines, Gometz and Châteaufort, while the family seat Monthléry went to his older brother Milon I. Gui is considered to be the builder of the castle of Bréthencourt.
"Gui had three children with his first wife Elisabeth, of whom a daughter, possibly called Béatrice or Agnès, would have progeny, becoming the second wife of Anceau de Garlande, comte de Rochefort.
"His second wife was Adélaide de Crécy, dame de Gournay-sur-Marne, widow of Bouchard II, comte de Corbeil, who brought the castles of Crécy-en-Brie and Gournay-sur-Marne to the marriage. Of their children Hugues and Lucienne, the latter would have progeny.
"Abbot Suger of Saint-Denis wrote that Gui was a close friend of Philippe I, king of France, who appointed him as his seneschal. Suger wrote that he also received the title of count. Gui had a dominant influence at the royal court, to the considerable benefit of his family, in the centre of a closely related group of families of castle lords on the Ile de France. He took part in the Crusade of 1101 in the Lombard contingent, in part to restore the family honour after his nephew Gui Troussel had deserted at the siege of Antioch during the First Crusade.
"After his return Gui immediately resumed the leading position at court. He looked to cement the position of his family through a marriage into the royal family. In 1104 he married a grand-niece Elisabeth de Monthléry to Philippe de France, the king's son from his second marriage, and in the same year he married his daughter Lucienne de Rochefort to Louis, the heir to the throne, the future King Louis VI 'the Fat'. Shortly afterwards he passed the position of seneschal to his son Hugues. However in 1107 the dauphin Louis determined to free himself from the influence of the house of Monthléry-Rochefort and he divorced Lucienne. He withdrew the position of seneschal from Hugues and awarded it to Anceau de Garlande, Gui's son-in-law.
"The family of Monthléry then launched a long insurgency by the castle lords of the Ile de France that preoccupied King Louis VI for years. In 1108 Gui and his son Hugues had to defend the castle of Gournay against the king's army. Gui succeeded in winning the powerful Thibaut IV-II, comte de Blois et Chartres, to his cause, but Thibaut was defeated by the king in attempting to relieve the siege. Gui had to give up the castle of Gournay, and he died shortly after. His son Hugues then led the insurgency, which continued until 1118."6 He was Seneschal of France.3
; Per Genealogy.EU: "Gui II "le Rouge", Cte de Rochefort, Seneschal of France, went on First Crusade, +1108; 1m: Elizabeth N; 2m: Adelaide de Crecy (+after 1104); 3m: Adelais N."3
; Per Wikipedia:
"Guy II the Red de Montlhéry (died 1108), son of Guy I, Seigneur de Montlhéry, and Hodierne de Gometz-la-Ferté. Count of Rochefort-en-Yvelines. Châtelain of Châteaufort and of Gometz. Seneschal of France under Philip I the Amorous, 1104-1106.
"Guy joined with the Lombard contingent in the minor Crusade of 1101, later joining the army of Stephen of Blois.[1] He apparently rebelled against Louis VI, King of France (once his son-in-law), when he was killed.
"Guy first married Elisabeth from an unknown family. He then married Adelais de Crécy, widow of Bouchard II, Count of Corbeil, grandson of Mauger, Count of Corbeil. Guy and Elisabeth had three children:
Guy III (d. 19 November 1115), Count of Rochefort. His son Simon (d. before 1125) was also Count of Rochefort.
Biote de Montlhéry, married Folques, Vicomte of Château-Landon.
"Guy and Adelais had three children:
Hugh of Crécy (d. 31 July 1147). Seigneur de Gournay. Seneschal of France under Robert II, 1106-1107. He apparently helped his father in his rebellion and was forced to flee, becoming a monk at the Cluny Abbey.
Lucienne (1090-6 May 1138), married first to Louis, son of Philip I, and later king of France (annulled by the Council of Troyes on the grounds of consanguinity) and second to Guichard IV, Seigneur de Beaujeu. No children are recorded.
Beatrix (1105-after 1168), married first Manasses de Tournan-en-Brie and second Druex, Seigneur de Pierrfonds.
"He was succeeded by his son Guy III and then his grandson Simon as Count of Rochefort.[2]
** Riley-Smith, Jonathan, The First Crusaders, 1095-1131, Cambridge University Press, London, 1997
** Medieval Lands Project, Comtes de Rochefort (Seigneurs de Montlhéry):
** "Database of Crusaders to the Holy Land: Guy II the Red":
** "Comtes de Rochefort":"13
; Per Wikipedia (Fr.):
"Gui II de Montlhéry, dit Le Rouge, à cause de la couleur de ses cheveux1, connu comme Gui Ier de Rochefort, né vers 1055 et mort en 1108, est un seigneur français du Moyen Âge, qui exerça des charges importantes sous Philippe Ier. Il était comte de Rochefort, seigneur de Chevreuse, de Châteaufort, de Gournay-sur-Marne et de Crécy-en-Brie, châtelain de Brétencourt.
"Gui de Montlhéry est le second fils de Gui Ier de Montlhéry et d'Hodierne de Gometz, dame de La Ferté2. Guy le Rouge, par son mariage avec Adélaïde de Rochefort, héritière de cette terre, il prend le nom de Guy Ier de Rochefort, titre qu'il portait en 1063 lors de la souscription en compagnie de son père des deux chartes royales octroyées à l'abbaye Saint-Pierre d' Hasnon3.
"Il molesta les religieux de l'abbaye de Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire pour un différent concernant le prieuré de Sonchamp au voisinage de Rochefort. Admonesté, par son père, il renonça aux coutumes qu'il prélevait indûment sur leurs domaines, ce qui fut sanctionné par un diplôme de Philippe Ier en 10674,5. Il assigna à la léproserie du Grand-Beaulieu, cinq coudées de fer à prendre annuellement sur sa ville forte de Rochefort6.
"Lorsque son père se retira à Longpont, Guy Le Rouge entra en possession de Gournay et du tiers de Châteaufort selon la coutume assignant les biens maternels aux cadets. Plus tard, il reçut La Ferté-Baudoin et Gometz-le-Châtel, puis hérita de sa femme Adélaïde de la Ferté, ce qui le mit en possession de la totalité de la châtellenie.
"C'est vers 1079 que devant Jean de Grandpont, doyen du chapitre de Notre-Dame de Paris, Guy, seigneur de la Ferté et Adélaïde (Alais) son épouse donnèrent au chapitre toutes les coutumes justes et injustes qu'ils percevaient sur la terre d'Itteville, au Bouchet et à Saint-Aubin, avec les droits de garenne et de voirie, ainsi que les vignes du Bouchet7
"En 1091, il gagne la confiance du roi Philippe Ier (1052-1108), et il en devient le sénéchal, comme son aïeul maternel, et la charte du roi est munie du Signum Widonis dapiferi de Rupeforti8, de 1091 à 1095. En 1092 il souscrit un diplôme, puis le roi le charge de négocier avec Yves de Chartres (v.1040-1116), évêque de Chartres, afin qu'il obtienne de lui, par tous les moyens une lettre du pape approuvant son union avec Bertrade de Montfort (v.1070-1117), femme du Comte d'Anjou. Deux lettres de 1093 et 1095 sont toujours conservées, par lesquelles le prélat refuse de plier à ses instances. Car Hugues de Die (v.1040-1106), prélat du pape Urbain II, a en octobre 1094, sous sa présidence réuni le concile d'Autun, à sa demande, excommunie le roi de France, excommunication confirmée par le pape Urbain II(1042-1099), lui-même au concile de Clermont en 1095 ; l'interdit est jeté sur le royaume de 1096 à 1104. C'est le pape Pascal II (v.1050-1118) qui lèvera l'interdit. Un autre diplôme est souscrit par lui en 1094 ainsi qu'un suivant à la fin de 1095, avant qu'il ne se démette de ses fonctions en 1096 pour partir en Terre Sainte.
"Avec son épouse, ils donnent en 1094, les églises de la Ferté-Baudoin (Ferté-Alais), ainsi que la dîme des moulins et du four banal, et des terres labourables dans toute la châtellenie. À cette époque, et jusqu'à la Révolution, La Ferté était divisé en deux fiefs : le Prieuré et le Péage. Au Prieuré, la seigneurie comprenait la moitié de la ville et de son territoire. La justice y était rendu au nom des religieux par un maire9. Gui Le Rouge et son fils Hugues était en possession de cette châtellenie dès 1079, et jusqu'en 1108, date à laquelle Louis VI leur succéda.
"Il part en 1096 pour la première croisade, dont il revient en 1104. Sa présence est attestée à Nicomédie aux premiers jours du mois de juin 1101, puis le 5 août suivant il bataille contre les Turcs à proximité d'Amasia, contant parmi les survivants qui gagnèrent Constantinople. Il rentra en France couvert de gloire et d'honneur10,11.
"À cette époque, il fiance sa fille Lucienne avec le futur Louis VI le Gros. Cette alliance conforte son influence sur la couronne, mais elle provoque la jalousie des autres grands du royaume qui parviennent à faire annuler les fiançailles pour consanguinité. Les Garlande montent une cabale et persuadent le pape Pascal II d'annuler l'union. Gui le rouge rompt avec le roi et organise alors les révoltes des petits vassaux, mais Louis VI finira par le mater12.
"Accablé par ces événements, Guy le Rouge se retire au prieuré de Gournay où il s'éteint avant le mois d'août 1108. Son obit est célébré le 9 mars au prieuré Notre-Dame de Longpont13 Durant toute sa vie, il s'est évertué à propager le culte de saint Arnoult autour de Paris, en particulier à Gournay-sur-Marne, où il fait construire une chapelle, et à Marolles-en-Brie.
"Gui II de Montlhéry épouse en premières noces Adélaïde de Rochefort14. Ils eurent :
"Il épouse en secondes noces Élisabeth de Crécy, qui lui apporta la seigneurie de Crécy-en-Brie. Ils eurent17 :
Notes et références
1. Père Anselme, Histoire généalogique de la maison royale de la France et des grands officiers de la couronne, vol. III, p. 666 et vol. VI, p. 29 et 83.
2. Gustave Estournet, La Ferté-Alais, ses origines, ses noms, ses premiers seigneurs, SHACEH, 1944.
3. Maurice Prou (1861-1930), Recueil des chartes de l'abbaye de Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire, Paris, A. Picard et fils, 1900-1912, p.63, n°22 et 23.
4. Maurice Prou, Recueil des actes de Philippe 1er, roi de France, Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1908, p.98.
5. Chartes de Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire, I, n°77.
6. R. Merlet et M. Jusselin, Cartulaire de la léproserie du Grand-Beaulieu, p.68.
7. Guérard, Cartulaire de Notre-Dame de Paris, I, 324.
8. Maurice Prou, Actes de Philippe Ier, n°127
9. Enquête de 1543 aux Archives nationales, R4 943, p.17, 40, 50.
10. Abbé Suger,Gesta Ludovici Grossi, éd. Lecoy de la Marche, p.25
11. « Œuvres complètes de Suger » par Albert Lecoy de La Marche, p. 1-149, p.25.
12. Cartulaire de l'abbaye de Saint-Martin de Pontoise, p.320, édité de Joseph Depoin.
13. Auguste Molinier (1831-1904), Obituaires de la Province de Sens, Paris, 1902, I, 525.
14. Actuellement Rochefort-en-Yvelines.
15. Cartulaire de Longpont, n° CCLVI, CCLXXII.
16. A. Moutié, Chevreuse, II, pp. 72-78.
17. Auguste Moutié, Chevreuse, 2 tomes en 1 volume in-8°, II, Rambouillet, Éd. Raynal, 1874-1876, p. 72, extrait des Mémoires et documents, publiés par la Société d'archéologie de Rambouillet, vol. II, et III.
18. original perdu, copie de 1153, ms, lat 9968, n°292 - Marion, Cartulaire du prieuré de Longpont, p.236
19. Gustave Estournet, Bouchard II, pp. 29-32.
Voir aussi
** (la) Abbé Suger, Vita Ludovici Grossi Regis [« Vie de Louis le Gros »], 1143.
** Gustave Estournet, La Ferté-Alais, ses origines, ses noms, ses premiers seigneurs, SHACEH, 1944.
** Bernard Gineste [éd.], « Gustave Estournet : La Ferté-Alais, ses origines, ses noms, ses premiers châtelains (1944) » (en ligne sur Corpus Étampois, 2007 [archive]).
** Joseph Depoin, « La Chevalerie étampoise. Les chevaliers et les vicomtes d’Étampe sous Philippe Ier et Louis VI », Bulletin de la Société historique et archéologique de Corbeil, d’Étampes et du Hurepoix, 15, [15e année], 1909, pp. 73-93.
** Chevalerie étampoise : les chevaliers et les vicomtes d’Étampes sous Philippe Ier et Louis VI, [in-8°; 12 p.], tiré à part, La Picard, 1910. Dont une réédition en ligne : Bernard Gineste [éd.], Joseph Depoin: La Chevalerie étampoise (1909, dans Corpus Étampois, [archive], 2007.
** Jules Viard (éditeur), Les Grandes Chroniques de France, Paris, Champion, coll. « Publications de la Société de l'histoire de France » (no 395, 401, 404, 415, 417, 423, 429, 435, 438 et 457), 1920-1953 (Wikisource).
Article connexe
** Famille de Montlhéry:
Lien externe
** La Ferté-Alais, ses origines, ses noms, ses premiers seigneurs, SHACEH, 1944 [archive], sur"14
; Per Med Lands:
"GUY [II] "le Rouge" de Montlhéry, son of GUY [I] Seigneur de Montlhéry & his wife Hodierne de Gometz-la-Ferté (-1108). The Historia of Monk Aimon names "Milonem de Brayo et Guidonem Rubeum, Comitissam quoque Reiteste, et Bonam-vecinam de Pontibus, Elizabeth etiam uxorem Joscelini de Corteciniaco, insuper dominam de Puisat, et dominam de S. Galerico" as the children of "Guidonem" and his wife[474]. "Guido de Monte Leterico eiusque uxor Hodierna" donated property to Notre-Dame de Longpont by charter dated to [1061], witnessed by "Wido filius eorum, Adam vicecomes..."[475]. "Guido de Monte Leherico" donated property to Notre-Dame de Longpont, confirmed by "filii mei Milo et Guido et conjux mea Hodierna", by charter dated to [1070][476]. "Wido filius Widonis de Leuteriomonte" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Martin des Champs by charter dated [1085][477]. "Dominus Guido de Firmitate et uxor eius Adeleisda" donated their rights "in tota terra Steoville et Boschelt et Alben" to Notre-Dame de Paris by charter dated to [1085][478]. Comte de Rochefort-en-Yvelines before 1095. Châtelain de Châteaufort et de Gometz. Seigneur de Crècy-en-Bray, de Gournay-sur-Marne et de Bréthencourt. Albert of Aix records that "…Milo…de Braio, Wido pariter rufus capite…" joined with the Lombard contingent on the second wave of the First Crusade, dated to late 1100 from the context[479]. Seneschal of France 1104/06. Suger's Vita Ludovici records that "Guido Rubeus filiusque eius Hugo Creciacensis…fratri Corboilensi Odoni" rebelled during the reign of Louis VI King of France[480]. The necrology of Longpont records the deaths “VII Id Mar” of “Guido comes” and "IX Kal Aug" of "Guido institutor hujus loci. Guido vicecomes; Adalaidis comitissa, uxor; Wido filius eius", a supplementary section adding a further reference to the anniversary of “donni Guidonis senioris hujus loci institutoris et Guidonis comitis filii eius...IX Kal Aug” as well as the anniversary of “donne Hodierne uxoris ipsius Guidonis senioris et Ermensendis de Sancto Galarico filie amborum...VII Kal Apr” with a reference to her visit to Cluny where “beato Hugoni abbati” gave her “calicem...aureum”[481].
"m firstly ELISABETH, daughter of ---. The primary source which confirms her marriage has not been identified. 1059/1067. Père Anselme reverses the order of Guy [II]’s wives, naming “Adelais” as his first wife and “Elizabeth dame de Crecy, veuve de Bouchard II Comte de Corbeil” as his second, noting that “Adelais” founded the priory of Notre-Dame de Gournay-sur-Marne with her husband[482].
"m secondly (after [1071/80]) as her second husband, ADELAIS de Crécy, widow of BOUCHARD [II] Comte de Corbeil, daughter of --- (-[24 Sep or 12 Oct] after 1104). "Odo comes de Corboilo" donated property "in terra Morissarti" [Mortcerf] to the abbey of Saint-Martin de Pontoise on the intercession of "matre sua comitissa de Creceio" by charter dated [1080][483]. Her two marriages are indicated by Suger's Vita Ludovici which records that "Guido Rubeus filiusque eius Hugo Creciacensis…fratri Corboilensi Odoni" rebelled during the reign of Louis VI King of France[484]. "Dominus Guido de Firmitate et uxor eius Adeleisda" donated their rights "in tota terra Steoville et Boschelt et Alben" to Notre-Dame de Paris by charter dated to [1085][485]. The necrology of Paris Notre-Dame records the death "IV Id Oct" of "Adelaidis comitissa de Rupeforti" and her donation of “domum Droconis archidiaconi”[486]. The necrology of Longpont records the deaths "IX Kal Aug" of "Guido institutor hujus loci. Guido vicecomes; Adalaidis comitissa, uxor; Wido filius eius" and “VIII Kal Oct” of “Adaleidis comitissa” although it is not certain that the second entry refers to the second wife of Guy [II][487].
"Guy [II] & his [first] wife had [three] children.
"Guy [II] & his second wife had three children."
Med Lands cites:
Reference: Genealogics cites: Europäische Stammtafeln, J.A. Stargardt Verlag, Marburg, Schwennicke, Detlev (Ed.) 3:624.6
; Per Racines et Histoire: "Gui II de Montlhéry “Le Rouge” (Gui 1er de Rochefort) °1037 +1108 seigneur puis comte de Rocheforten-Yvelines (avant 1095), seigneur de Châteaufort, Crécy-en-Bray, Bréthencourt et Gournaysur-Marne, Sénéchal de France (1091-1096 ou 1104/06 ?), croisé (1096, 1101-1104) puis moine
ép. 1) Elisabeth dame de Rochefort (citée en 1059/1067)
ép. 2) ~1080 Adelaïde (Aélis, Elisabeth) de Crécy ° ~1055 + un 12/10 après 1104 comtesse de Corbeil, dame de Crécy-en-Brie (77) et Gournaysur-Marne (93) (veuve de Bouchard II de Montmorency, comte de Corbeil ~1070 +X dès 1078 par EtienneHenri, comte de Blois) (citée dans une charte de donation de terres à Mortcerf par Bouchard en faveur de Saint-Martin de Pontoise - 1080.)15" He was he went on the First Crusade
Per Database of Crusaders
Guy II unknown of Rochefort
Country and Region of Origin France?Ile-de-France (RE) Yvelines (D)
Specific Title Count of Rochefort
Role Count (lay)?
Gender and Marital Statusa Male
Family nephew: Guy Trousseau of Montlhéry (First Crusader) Brother: Miles of Bray (1101 Crusader) Brother: Hugh I of Le Puiset Brother-in-law: Walter of Saint-Valery (First Crusader) Sister: Hodierna of Montlhéry Sister: Elizabeth of Montlhéry Nephew: Baldwin of Bourcq (First Crusader, king of Jerusalem) Niece: Cecilia of Le Bourcq, pilgrim Nephew: Joscelin of Courtenay, count of Edessa
Expedition Crusade of 1101?
Contingent Leader Stephen of Blois and Stephen I of Burgundy?
Probability of Participation Certain
Actions Guy was seneschal of King Phillip I of France. When he came home he was met by a triumphal procession of monks and many of his own vassals. It was said that while he was on crusade his lands had descended into chaos.
Sources AA, pp. 594-595, 606-607, 614-615. Chronique de Morigny (1095-1152), ed. L. Mirot, Collection de textes, XLI (Paris, 1909), pp. 40-41. RFC, p. 145.
(For details of sources see: ) in 1101.16,6,17
His 1st wife.9,3,6,10,7 Guy II "le Rouge" de Montlhéry Comte de Rochefort-en-Yvelines married Adelais (?)
His 3rd wife.
Genealogics shows this 3rd marriage. Med Lands only shows his first two marriages.11,3,6,7 Guy II "le Rouge" de Montlhéry Comte de Rochefort-en-Yvelines was born circa 1040 at Montlhery, Seine-Et-Oise, France.6 He married Adelaide de Crecy Dame de Gournay-sur-Marne between 1071 and 1080
Her 2nd husband; his 2nd wife.12,3,6,7
Guy II "le Rouge" de Montlhéry Comte de Rochefort-en-Yvelines died in 1108.1,6,7
; Per Genealogics:
"Gui, called 'le Rouge', was a seneschal of France of the house of Monthléry. He was a younger son of Gui I de Monthléry, seigneur de Monthléry et Chevreuse, and Hodierne de Gometz-la-Ferté.
"From his parents he inherited the castles of Rochefort-en-Yvelines, Gometz and Châteaufort, while the family seat Monthléry went to his older brother Milon I. Gui is considered to be the builder of the castle of Bréthencourt.
"Gui had three children with his first wife Elisabeth, of whom a daughter, possibly called Béatrice or Agnès, would have progeny, becoming the second wife of Anceau de Garlande, comte de Rochefort.
"His second wife was Adélaide de Crécy, dame de Gournay-sur-Marne, widow of Bouchard II, comte de Corbeil, who brought the castles of Crécy-en-Brie and Gournay-sur-Marne to the marriage. Of their children Hugues and Lucienne, the latter would have progeny.
"Abbot Suger of Saint-Denis wrote that Gui was a close friend of Philippe I, king of France, who appointed him as his seneschal. Suger wrote that he also received the title of count. Gui had a dominant influence at the royal court, to the considerable benefit of his family, in the centre of a closely related group of families of castle lords on the Ile de France. He took part in the Crusade of 1101 in the Lombard contingent, in part to restore the family honour after his nephew Gui Troussel had deserted at the siege of Antioch during the First Crusade.
"After his return Gui immediately resumed the leading position at court. He looked to cement the position of his family through a marriage into the royal family. In 1104 he married a grand-niece Elisabeth de Monthléry to Philippe de France, the king's son from his second marriage, and in the same year he married his daughter Lucienne de Rochefort to Louis, the heir to the throne, the future King Louis VI 'the Fat'. Shortly afterwards he passed the position of seneschal to his son Hugues. However in 1107 the dauphin Louis determined to free himself from the influence of the house of Monthléry-Rochefort and he divorced Lucienne. He withdrew the position of seneschal from Hugues and awarded it to Anceau de Garlande, Gui's son-in-law.
"The family of Monthléry then launched a long insurgency by the castle lords of the Ile de France that preoccupied King Louis VI for years. In 1108 Gui and his son Hugues had to defend the castle of Gournay against the king's army. Gui succeeded in winning the powerful Thibaut IV-II, comte de Blois et Chartres, to his cause, but Thibaut was defeated by the king in attempting to relieve the siege. Gui had to give up the castle of Gournay, and he died shortly after. His son Hugues then led the insurgency, which continued until 1118."6 He was Seneschal of France.3
; Per Genealogy.EU: "Gui II "le Rouge", Cte de Rochefort, Seneschal of France, went on First Crusade, +1108; 1m: Elizabeth N; 2m: Adelaide de Crecy (+after 1104); 3m: Adelais N."3
; Per Wikipedia:
"Guy II the Red de Montlhéry (died 1108), son of Guy I, Seigneur de Montlhéry, and Hodierne de Gometz-la-Ferté. Count of Rochefort-en-Yvelines. Châtelain of Châteaufort and of Gometz. Seneschal of France under Philip I the Amorous, 1104-1106.
"Guy joined with the Lombard contingent in the minor Crusade of 1101, later joining the army of Stephen of Blois.[1] He apparently rebelled against Louis VI, King of France (once his son-in-law), when he was killed.
"Guy first married Elisabeth from an unknown family. He then married Adelais de Crécy, widow of Bouchard II, Count of Corbeil, grandson of Mauger, Count of Corbeil. Guy and Elisabeth had three children:
Guy III (d. 19 November 1115), Count of Rochefort. His son Simon (d. before 1125) was also Count of Rochefort.
Biote de Montlhéry, married Folques, Vicomte of Château-Landon.
"Guy and Adelais had three children:
Hugh of Crécy (d. 31 July 1147). Seigneur de Gournay. Seneschal of France under Robert II, 1106-1107. He apparently helped his father in his rebellion and was forced to flee, becoming a monk at the Cluny Abbey.
Lucienne (1090-6 May 1138), married first to Louis, son of Philip I, and later king of France (annulled by the Council of Troyes on the grounds of consanguinity) and second to Guichard IV, Seigneur de Beaujeu. No children are recorded.
Beatrix (1105-after 1168), married first Manasses de Tournan-en-Brie and second Druex, Seigneur de Pierrfonds.
"He was succeeded by his son Guy III and then his grandson Simon as Count of Rochefort.[2]
** Riley-Smith, Jonathan, The First Crusaders, 1095-1131, Cambridge University Press, London, 1997
** Medieval Lands Project, Comtes de Rochefort (Seigneurs de Montlhéry):
** "Database of Crusaders to the Holy Land: Guy II the Red":
** "Comtes de Rochefort":"13
; Per Wikipedia (Fr.):
"Gui II de Montlhéry, dit Le Rouge, à cause de la couleur de ses cheveux1, connu comme Gui Ier de Rochefort, né vers 1055 et mort en 1108, est un seigneur français du Moyen Âge, qui exerça des charges importantes sous Philippe Ier. Il était comte de Rochefort, seigneur de Chevreuse, de Châteaufort, de Gournay-sur-Marne et de Crécy-en-Brie, châtelain de Brétencourt.
"Gui de Montlhéry est le second fils de Gui Ier de Montlhéry et d'Hodierne de Gometz, dame de La Ferté2. Guy le Rouge, par son mariage avec Adélaïde de Rochefort, héritière de cette terre, il prend le nom de Guy Ier de Rochefort, titre qu'il portait en 1063 lors de la souscription en compagnie de son père des deux chartes royales octroyées à l'abbaye Saint-Pierre d' Hasnon3.
"Il molesta les religieux de l'abbaye de Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire pour un différent concernant le prieuré de Sonchamp au voisinage de Rochefort. Admonesté, par son père, il renonça aux coutumes qu'il prélevait indûment sur leurs domaines, ce qui fut sanctionné par un diplôme de Philippe Ier en 10674,5. Il assigna à la léproserie du Grand-Beaulieu, cinq coudées de fer à prendre annuellement sur sa ville forte de Rochefort6.
"Lorsque son père se retira à Longpont, Guy Le Rouge entra en possession de Gournay et du tiers de Châteaufort selon la coutume assignant les biens maternels aux cadets. Plus tard, il reçut La Ferté-Baudoin et Gometz-le-Châtel, puis hérita de sa femme Adélaïde de la Ferté, ce qui le mit en possession de la totalité de la châtellenie.
"C'est vers 1079 que devant Jean de Grandpont, doyen du chapitre de Notre-Dame de Paris, Guy, seigneur de la Ferté et Adélaïde (Alais) son épouse donnèrent au chapitre toutes les coutumes justes et injustes qu'ils percevaient sur la terre d'Itteville, au Bouchet et à Saint-Aubin, avec les droits de garenne et de voirie, ainsi que les vignes du Bouchet7
"En 1091, il gagne la confiance du roi Philippe Ier (1052-1108), et il en devient le sénéchal, comme son aïeul maternel, et la charte du roi est munie du Signum Widonis dapiferi de Rupeforti8, de 1091 à 1095. En 1092 il souscrit un diplôme, puis le roi le charge de négocier avec Yves de Chartres (v.1040-1116), évêque de Chartres, afin qu'il obtienne de lui, par tous les moyens une lettre du pape approuvant son union avec Bertrade de Montfort (v.1070-1117), femme du Comte d'Anjou. Deux lettres de 1093 et 1095 sont toujours conservées, par lesquelles le prélat refuse de plier à ses instances. Car Hugues de Die (v.1040-1106), prélat du pape Urbain II, a en octobre 1094, sous sa présidence réuni le concile d'Autun, à sa demande, excommunie le roi de France, excommunication confirmée par le pape Urbain II(1042-1099), lui-même au concile de Clermont en 1095 ; l'interdit est jeté sur le royaume de 1096 à 1104. C'est le pape Pascal II (v.1050-1118) qui lèvera l'interdit. Un autre diplôme est souscrit par lui en 1094 ainsi qu'un suivant à la fin de 1095, avant qu'il ne se démette de ses fonctions en 1096 pour partir en Terre Sainte.
"Avec son épouse, ils donnent en 1094, les églises de la Ferté-Baudoin (Ferté-Alais), ainsi que la dîme des moulins et du four banal, et des terres labourables dans toute la châtellenie. À cette époque, et jusqu'à la Révolution, La Ferté était divisé en deux fiefs : le Prieuré et le Péage. Au Prieuré, la seigneurie comprenait la moitié de la ville et de son territoire. La justice y était rendu au nom des religieux par un maire9. Gui Le Rouge et son fils Hugues était en possession de cette châtellenie dès 1079, et jusqu'en 1108, date à laquelle Louis VI leur succéda.
"Il part en 1096 pour la première croisade, dont il revient en 1104. Sa présence est attestée à Nicomédie aux premiers jours du mois de juin 1101, puis le 5 août suivant il bataille contre les Turcs à proximité d'Amasia, contant parmi les survivants qui gagnèrent Constantinople. Il rentra en France couvert de gloire et d'honneur10,11.
"À cette époque, il fiance sa fille Lucienne avec le futur Louis VI le Gros. Cette alliance conforte son influence sur la couronne, mais elle provoque la jalousie des autres grands du royaume qui parviennent à faire annuler les fiançailles pour consanguinité. Les Garlande montent une cabale et persuadent le pape Pascal II d'annuler l'union. Gui le rouge rompt avec le roi et organise alors les révoltes des petits vassaux, mais Louis VI finira par le mater12.
"Accablé par ces événements, Guy le Rouge se retire au prieuré de Gournay où il s'éteint avant le mois d'août 1108. Son obit est célébré le 9 mars au prieuré Notre-Dame de Longpont13 Durant toute sa vie, il s'est évertué à propager le culte de saint Arnoult autour de Paris, en particulier à Gournay-sur-Marne, où il fait construire une chapelle, et à Marolles-en-Brie.
"Gui II de Montlhéry épouse en premières noces Adélaïde de Rochefort14. Ils eurent :
** Gui ou Guy III devient comte de Rochefort en 1108, et à ce titre confirme la terre de Soligny au prieuré de Longpont15. En 1112, il part en guerre en compagnie du comte de Blois Thibaut IV et trouve la mort devant le château du Puiset16. Il n'avait pas de postérité. Sa sœur lui succéda dans le comté de Rochefort ;
** Agnès de Rochefort, qui hérite de son frère et épouse Anseau Ier de Garlande (1069-1118), favori de Louis VI le Gros, seigneur de Gournay-sur-Marne, vassal du comte de Melun, comte de Rochefort, conseiller du roi, sénéchal de France de juillet 1108 à 1118, dont une fille :
** Agnès de Rochefort, qui hérite de son frère et épouse Anseau Ier de Garlande (1069-1118), favori de Louis VI le Gros, seigneur de Gournay-sur-Marne, vassal du comte de Melun, comte de Rochefort, conseiller du roi, sénéchal de France de juillet 1108 à 1118, dont une fille :
** Agnès de Garlande (1122-1143), comtesse de Rochefort, dame de Gournay et Gometz, mariée en 1120 avec Amaury III de Montfort, et en 1137 ou 1140 avec Robert de France (né en 1123) comte de Dreux.
"Il épouse en secondes noces Élisabeth de Crécy, qui lui apporta la seigneurie de Crécy-en-Brie. Ils eurent17 :
** Hugues (mort en 1147), sénéchal de France, seigneur de Crécy-en-Brie et de Gournay-sur-Marne ;
** Biotte, ou Biote, mariée à Foulques, comte de Château-Landon et vicomte de Gâtinais dès 1076, mort après 1118 ;
** Lucienne (1094-1137), fiancée à 10 ans en 1104 à Louis VI le Gros, roi de France, puis mariée en 1107 à Guichard III de Beaujeu. Vers 1140, elle donna ses terres d'Égly et de Boissy au prieuré Notre-Dame de Longpont avec l'assentiment de son frère Hugues, de sa sœur Béatrix et du mari de celle-ci: Manassès de Tournan18.
** Béatrix, dame de Crécy en 1118, épouse vers 1120 Manassès de Tournan, ou Manassès de Tournehem, dont elle eut trois fils, Guy, Hugues et Jean, lesquels fondèrent le prieuré de Saint-Ouen de Favières. Elle épousa en secondes noces Dreux Ier de Pierrefonds, avec lequel elle donna en 1144 sa part de dîmes dans le péage de Crécy à l'église Saint-Martin du Vieux-Crécy. De cette nouvelle union naissent quatre enfants : Dreux, seigneur de Pierrefonds, Ade, dame de Crécy, mariée à Gaucher de Châtillon, Marguerite, femme de Pierre de Vic-sur-Aisne et Agathe, mentionnée dans les chartes d'Yerres et de Longpont19 ;
** Gui II (mort en 1115), seigneur de Rochefort.
** Biotte, ou Biote, mariée à Foulques, comte de Château-Landon et vicomte de Gâtinais dès 1076, mort après 1118 ;
** Lucienne (1094-1137), fiancée à 10 ans en 1104 à Louis VI le Gros, roi de France, puis mariée en 1107 à Guichard III de Beaujeu. Vers 1140, elle donna ses terres d'Égly et de Boissy au prieuré Notre-Dame de Longpont avec l'assentiment de son frère Hugues, de sa sœur Béatrix et du mari de celle-ci: Manassès de Tournan18.
** Béatrix, dame de Crécy en 1118, épouse vers 1120 Manassès de Tournan, ou Manassès de Tournehem, dont elle eut trois fils, Guy, Hugues et Jean, lesquels fondèrent le prieuré de Saint-Ouen de Favières. Elle épousa en secondes noces Dreux Ier de Pierrefonds, avec lequel elle donna en 1144 sa part de dîmes dans le péage de Crécy à l'église Saint-Martin du Vieux-Crécy. De cette nouvelle union naissent quatre enfants : Dreux, seigneur de Pierrefonds, Ade, dame de Crécy, mariée à Gaucher de Châtillon, Marguerite, femme de Pierre de Vic-sur-Aisne et Agathe, mentionnée dans les chartes d'Yerres et de Longpont19 ;
** Gui II (mort en 1115), seigneur de Rochefort.
Notes et références
1. Père Anselme, Histoire généalogique de la maison royale de la France et des grands officiers de la couronne, vol. III, p. 666 et vol. VI, p. 29 et 83.
2. Gustave Estournet, La Ferté-Alais, ses origines, ses noms, ses premiers seigneurs, SHACEH, 1944.
3. Maurice Prou (1861-1930), Recueil des chartes de l'abbaye de Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire, Paris, A. Picard et fils, 1900-1912, p.63, n°22 et 23.
4. Maurice Prou, Recueil des actes de Philippe 1er, roi de France, Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1908, p.98.
5. Chartes de Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire, I, n°77.
6. R. Merlet et M. Jusselin, Cartulaire de la léproserie du Grand-Beaulieu, p.68.
7. Guérard, Cartulaire de Notre-Dame de Paris, I, 324.
8. Maurice Prou, Actes de Philippe Ier, n°127
9. Enquête de 1543 aux Archives nationales, R4 943, p.17, 40, 50.
10. Abbé Suger,Gesta Ludovici Grossi, éd. Lecoy de la Marche, p.25
11. « Œuvres complètes de Suger » par Albert Lecoy de La Marche, p. 1-149, p.25.
12. Cartulaire de l'abbaye de Saint-Martin de Pontoise, p.320, édité de Joseph Depoin.
13. Auguste Molinier (1831-1904), Obituaires de la Province de Sens, Paris, 1902, I, 525.
14. Actuellement Rochefort-en-Yvelines.
15. Cartulaire de Longpont, n° CCLVI, CCLXXII.
16. A. Moutié, Chevreuse, II, pp. 72-78.
17. Auguste Moutié, Chevreuse, 2 tomes en 1 volume in-8°, II, Rambouillet, Éd. Raynal, 1874-1876, p. 72, extrait des Mémoires et documents, publiés par la Société d'archéologie de Rambouillet, vol. II, et III.
18. original perdu, copie de 1153, ms, lat 9968, n°292 - Marion, Cartulaire du prieuré de Longpont, p.236
19. Gustave Estournet, Bouchard II, pp. 29-32.
Voir aussi
** (la) Abbé Suger, Vita Ludovici Grossi Regis [« Vie de Louis le Gros »], 1143.
** Gustave Estournet, La Ferté-Alais, ses origines, ses noms, ses premiers seigneurs, SHACEH, 1944.
** Bernard Gineste [éd.], « Gustave Estournet : La Ferté-Alais, ses origines, ses noms, ses premiers châtelains (1944) » (en ligne sur Corpus Étampois, 2007 [archive]).
** Joseph Depoin, « La Chevalerie étampoise. Les chevaliers et les vicomtes d’Étampe sous Philippe Ier et Louis VI », Bulletin de la Société historique et archéologique de Corbeil, d’Étampes et du Hurepoix, 15, [15e année], 1909, pp. 73-93.
** Chevalerie étampoise : les chevaliers et les vicomtes d’Étampes sous Philippe Ier et Louis VI, [in-8°; 12 p.], tiré à part, La Picard, 1910. Dont une réédition en ligne : Bernard Gineste [éd.], Joseph Depoin: La Chevalerie étampoise (1909, dans Corpus Étampois, [archive], 2007.
** Jules Viard (éditeur), Les Grandes Chroniques de France, Paris, Champion, coll. « Publications de la Société de l'histoire de France » (no 395, 401, 404, 415, 417, 423, 429, 435, 438 et 457), 1920-1953 (Wikisource).
Article connexe
** Famille de Montlhéry:
Lien externe
** La Ferté-Alais, ses origines, ses noms, ses premiers seigneurs, SHACEH, 1944 [archive], sur"14
; Per Med Lands:
"GUY [II] "le Rouge" de Montlhéry, son of GUY [I] Seigneur de Montlhéry & his wife Hodierne de Gometz-la-Ferté (-1108). The Historia of Monk Aimon names "Milonem de Brayo et Guidonem Rubeum, Comitissam quoque Reiteste, et Bonam-vecinam de Pontibus, Elizabeth etiam uxorem Joscelini de Corteciniaco, insuper dominam de Puisat, et dominam de S. Galerico" as the children of "Guidonem" and his wife[474]. "Guido de Monte Leterico eiusque uxor Hodierna" donated property to Notre-Dame de Longpont by charter dated to [1061], witnessed by "Wido filius eorum, Adam vicecomes..."[475]. "Guido de Monte Leherico" donated property to Notre-Dame de Longpont, confirmed by "filii mei Milo et Guido et conjux mea Hodierna", by charter dated to [1070][476]. "Wido filius Widonis de Leuteriomonte" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Martin des Champs by charter dated [1085][477]. "Dominus Guido de Firmitate et uxor eius Adeleisda" donated their rights "in tota terra Steoville et Boschelt et Alben" to Notre-Dame de Paris by charter dated to [1085][478]. Comte de Rochefort-en-Yvelines before 1095. Châtelain de Châteaufort et de Gometz. Seigneur de Crècy-en-Bray, de Gournay-sur-Marne et de Bréthencourt. Albert of Aix records that "…Milo…de Braio, Wido pariter rufus capite…" joined with the Lombard contingent on the second wave of the First Crusade, dated to late 1100 from the context[479]. Seneschal of France 1104/06. Suger's Vita Ludovici records that "Guido Rubeus filiusque eius Hugo Creciacensis…fratri Corboilensi Odoni" rebelled during the reign of Louis VI King of France[480]. The necrology of Longpont records the deaths “VII Id Mar” of “Guido comes” and "IX Kal Aug" of "Guido institutor hujus loci. Guido vicecomes; Adalaidis comitissa, uxor; Wido filius eius", a supplementary section adding a further reference to the anniversary of “donni Guidonis senioris hujus loci institutoris et Guidonis comitis filii eius...IX Kal Aug” as well as the anniversary of “donne Hodierne uxoris ipsius Guidonis senioris et Ermensendis de Sancto Galarico filie amborum...VII Kal Apr” with a reference to her visit to Cluny where “beato Hugoni abbati” gave her “calicem...aureum”[481].
"m firstly ELISABETH, daughter of ---. The primary source which confirms her marriage has not been identified. 1059/1067. Père Anselme reverses the order of Guy [II]’s wives, naming “Adelais” as his first wife and “Elizabeth dame de Crecy, veuve de Bouchard II Comte de Corbeil” as his second, noting that “Adelais” founded the priory of Notre-Dame de Gournay-sur-Marne with her husband[482].
"m secondly (after [1071/80]) as her second husband, ADELAIS de Crécy, widow of BOUCHARD [II] Comte de Corbeil, daughter of --- (-[24 Sep or 12 Oct] after 1104). "Odo comes de Corboilo" donated property "in terra Morissarti" [Mortcerf] to the abbey of Saint-Martin de Pontoise on the intercession of "matre sua comitissa de Creceio" by charter dated [1080][483]. Her two marriages are indicated by Suger's Vita Ludovici which records that "Guido Rubeus filiusque eius Hugo Creciacensis…fratri Corboilensi Odoni" rebelled during the reign of Louis VI King of France[484]. "Dominus Guido de Firmitate et uxor eius Adeleisda" donated their rights "in tota terra Steoville et Boschelt et Alben" to Notre-Dame de Paris by charter dated to [1085][485]. The necrology of Paris Notre-Dame records the death "IV Id Oct" of "Adelaidis comitissa de Rupeforti" and her donation of “domum Droconis archidiaconi”[486]. The necrology of Longpont records the deaths "IX Kal Aug" of "Guido institutor hujus loci. Guido vicecomes; Adalaidis comitissa, uxor; Wido filius eius" and “VIII Kal Oct” of “Adaleidis comitissa” although it is not certain that the second entry refers to the second wife of Guy [II][487].
"Guy [II] & his [first] wife had [three] children.
"Guy [II] & his second wife had three children."
Med Lands cites:
[474] Ex continuatione Historiæ Aimoni Monachi Floriacensis, RHGF, Tome XI, p. 275.
[475] Longpont Notre-Dame, XLI, p. 88.
[476] Longpont Notre-Dame, XLVIII, p. 95.
[477] Liber Testamentorum Sancti Martini de Campis, XXV, p. 30.
[478] Paris Notre-Dame, Tome I, p. 324.
[479] Albert of Aix (RHC), Liber VIII, Cap. VI, p. 563.
[480] Suger Vita Ludovici Grossi Regis XIV, p. 50.
[481] Obituaires de Sens Tome I.1, Prieuré de Longpont, pp. 521, 525 and 529.
[482] Père Anselme, Tome III, p. 666.
[483] Pontoise Saint-Martin XIII, p. 12.
[484] Suger Vita Ludovici Grossi Regis XIV, p. 50.
[485] Paris Notre-Dame, Tome I, p. 324.
[486] Obituaires de Sens Tome I.1, Cathédrale de Paris, Obituaire du XIII siècle, p. 188.
[487] Obituaires de Sens Tome I.1, Prieuré de Longpont, pp. 525 and 527.7
GAV-27 EDV-25 GKJ-26. [475] Longpont Notre-Dame, XLI, p. 88.
[476] Longpont Notre-Dame, XLVIII, p. 95.
[477] Liber Testamentorum Sancti Martini de Campis, XXV, p. 30.
[478] Paris Notre-Dame, Tome I, p. 324.
[479] Albert of Aix (RHC), Liber VIII, Cap. VI, p. 563.
[480] Suger Vita Ludovici Grossi Regis XIV, p. 50.
[481] Obituaires de Sens Tome I.1, Prieuré de Longpont, pp. 521, 525 and 529.
[482] Père Anselme, Tome III, p. 666.
[483] Pontoise Saint-Martin XIII, p. 12.
[484] Suger Vita Ludovici Grossi Regis XIV, p. 50.
[485] Paris Notre-Dame, Tome I, p. 324.
[486] Obituaires de Sens Tome I.1, Cathédrale de Paris, Obituaire du XIII siècle, p. 188.
[487] Obituaires de Sens Tome I.1, Prieuré de Longpont, pp. 525 and 527.7
Reference: Genealogics cites: Europäische Stammtafeln, J.A. Stargardt Verlag, Marburg, Schwennicke, Detlev (Ed.) 3:624.6
; Per Racines et Histoire: "Gui II de Montlhéry “Le Rouge” (Gui 1er de Rochefort) °1037 +1108 seigneur puis comte de Rocheforten-Yvelines (avant 1095), seigneur de Châteaufort, Crécy-en-Bray, Bréthencourt et Gournaysur-Marne, Sénéchal de France (1091-1096 ou 1104/06 ?), croisé (1096, 1101-1104) puis moine
ép. 1) Elisabeth dame de Rochefort (citée en 1059/1067)
ép. 2) ~1080 Adelaïde (Aélis, Elisabeth) de Crécy ° ~1055 + un 12/10 après 1104 comtesse de Corbeil, dame de Crécy-en-Brie (77) et Gournaysur-Marne (93) (veuve de Bouchard II de Montmorency, comte de Corbeil ~1070 +X dès 1078 par EtienneHenri, comte de Blois) (citée dans une charte de donation de terres à Mortcerf par Bouchard en faveur de Saint-Martin de Pontoise - 1080.)15" He was he went on the First Crusade
Per Database of Crusaders
Guy II unknown of Rochefort
Country and Region of Origin France?Ile-de-France (RE) Yvelines (D)
Specific Title Count of Rochefort
Role Count (lay)?
Gender and Marital Statusa Male
Family nephew: Guy Trousseau of Montlhéry (First Crusader) Brother: Miles of Bray (1101 Crusader) Brother: Hugh I of Le Puiset Brother-in-law: Walter of Saint-Valery (First Crusader) Sister: Hodierna of Montlhéry Sister: Elizabeth of Montlhéry Nephew: Baldwin of Bourcq (First Crusader, king of Jerusalem) Niece: Cecilia of Le Bourcq, pilgrim Nephew: Joscelin of Courtenay, count of Edessa
Expedition Crusade of 1101?
Contingent Leader Stephen of Blois and Stephen I of Burgundy?
Probability of Participation Certain
Actions Guy was seneschal of King Phillip I of France. When he came home he was met by a triumphal procession of monks and many of his own vassals. It was said that while he was on crusade his lands had descended into chaos.
Sources AA, pp. 594-595, 606-607, 614-615. Chronique de Morigny (1095-1152), ed. L. Mirot, Collection de textes, XLI (Paris, 1909), pp. 40-41. RFC, p. 145.
(For details of sources see: ) in 1101.16,6,17
Family 1 | Adelais (?) |
Family 2 | |
Children |
Family 3 | Adelaide de Crecy Dame de Gournay-sur-Marne d. a 1104 |
Children |
Family 4 | Elisabeth (?) b. c 1028, d. a 1104 |
Children |
- [S1490] Genealogics Website (oiginated by Leo van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes), online, Gui II 'le Rouge': Hereinafter cited as Genealogics Website.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Mélesinde de Crécy:
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, online, unknown author (e-mail address), downloaded updated 15 May 2003, Monthlery page ("Family de Monthléry"):
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Hodierne de Gometz-la-Ferté:
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Seigneurs de Montlhéry Bray-sur-Seine, La Ferté-Milon, p. 2: Hereinafter cited as Racines et Histoire.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Gui II 'le Rouge' de Monthléry:
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Gui I de Monthléry:
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Elisabeth:
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Elisabeth:
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Adélais:
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Adélaide de Crécy:
- [S1953] Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, online, Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia.
- [S4742] Wikipédia - L'encyclopédie libre, online, Gui Ier de Rochefort: Hereinafter cited as Wikipédia (FR).
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Seigneurs de Montlhéry, Bray-sur-Seine, La Ferté-Milon, p. 3:
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Gui II 'le Rouge' de Monthléry:
- [S4754] A Database of Crusaders to the Holy Land | 1095 - 1149, online <>, Hereinafter cited as Crusaders to the Holy Land 1095-1149.
- [S757] Compiled by Carl Boyer 3rd, Medieval English Ancestors of Certain Americans: Many of the English Ancestral Lines Prior to 1300 of those Colonial Americans with known Royal Ancestry but Fully Developed in all Possible Lines (PO Box 220333, Santa Clarita, CA 91322-0333: Carl Boyer 3rd, 2001), p. 159, de MONTFORT of Leicester 4:i. Hereinafter cited as Boyer [2001] Med English Ancestors.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Hugues de Crécy:
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, updated 15 May 2003, Mtlery page (Family de Monthlery):
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Lucienne de Rochefort:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, NN de Rochefort-en-Yvelines:
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, NN de Rochefort-en-Yvelines:
Thibault 'File-étoupe' de Montlhéry seigneur de Bray-sur-Seine, et 1er seigneur de Montlhéry, Forestier du Roi1
M, #5254, b. 970, d. 1031
Father | Ansaud II "Le Riche" (?)2 b. c 940, d. a 1016 |
Mother | Reitrude (?)3 b. bt 940 - 945 |
Reference | GAV28 EDV28 |
Last Edited | 31 May 2020 |
Thibault 'File-étoupe' de Montlhéry seigneur de Bray-sur-Seine, et 1er seigneur de Montlhéry, Forestier du Roi was born in 970 at France.2,1
Thibault 'File-étoupe' de Montlhéry seigneur de Bray-sur-Seine, et 1er seigneur de Montlhéry, Forestier du Roi died in 1031.2,1
Reference: Royalty for Commoners-Stuart-2nd edition-GPC.2,4
Thibault 'File-étoupe' de Montlhéry seigneur de Bray-sur-Seine, et 1er seigneur de Montlhéry, Forestier du Roi lived at Montlhery, France.
; Per Racines et Histoire: "Thibault de Montlhéry “File-étoupe” ° ~970 +1031 seigneur de Bray-sur-Seine (77) et 1er seigneur de Montlhéry (07/991), Forestier du Roi Robert II (2ème fils de Bouchard 1er de Montmorency) ép. ?"
Racines et Histoire shows a dau. "? de Bray" m. Milon I Monthléry dit 'de Bray'.
See attached diagram from Racines et Histoires.1
He was Grand Forester of King Robert II of France. Built castle of Montlhery.2 GAV-28 EDV-28 GKJ-29.
Thibault 'File-étoupe' de Montlhéry seigneur de Bray-sur-Seine, et 1er seigneur de Montlhéry, Forestier du Roi died in 1031.2,1
Reference: Royalty for Commoners-Stuart-2nd edition-GPC.2,4
Thibault 'File-étoupe' de Montlhéry seigneur de Bray-sur-Seine, et 1er seigneur de Montlhéry, Forestier du Roi lived at Montlhery, France.
; Per Racines et Histoire: "Thibault de Montlhéry “File-étoupe” ° ~970 +1031 seigneur de Bray-sur-Seine (77) et 1er seigneur de Montlhéry (07/991), Forestier du Roi Robert II (2ème fils de Bouchard 1er de Montmorency) ép. ?"
Racines et Histoire shows a dau. "? de Bray" m. Milon I Monthléry dit 'de Bray'.
See attached diagram from Racines et Histoires.1

Family | |
Child |
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Seigneurs de Montlhéry Bray-sur-Seine, La Ferté-Milon, p. 2: Hereinafter cited as Racines et Histoire.
- [S792] e-mail address, online, Susan Johanson (unknown location), downloaded updated 29 June 2001,
- [S792] e-mail address, updated 29 June 2001,
- [S1424] Roderick W. Stuart, Royalty for Commoners, 2nd ed. (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1992). Hereinafter cited as Stuart [1992] Royalty for Commoners.
Herve de Montmorency abbot of St-Martin-de-Montmorency1
M, #5255, d. 25 March 1192
Father | Mattieu I de Montmorency Baron de Montmorency1 d. a 1 Aug 1160 |
Mother | Alice (Aline) (?) of England1 d. b 24 Apr 1141 |
Last Edited | 17 Oct 2004 |
Herve de Montmorency abbot of St-Martin-de-Montmorency died on 25 March 1192.1
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, online, unknown author (e-mail address), downloaded updated 15 May 2003, Morency 1 page - Montmorency family:
Gasce (?) de Poissy1
M, #5256, d. 14 August 1189
Last Edited | 17 Oct 2004 |
Gasce (?) de Poissy married Alice de Montmorency, daughter of Mattieu I de Montmorency Baron de Montmorency and Alice (Aline) (?) of England.1
Gasce (?) de Poissy died on 14 August 1189.1
Gasce (?) de Poissy died on 14 August 1189.1
Family | Alice de Montmorency |
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, online, unknown author (e-mail address), downloaded updated 15 May 2003, Morency 1 page - Montmorency family:
Lambert II "Baudri" (?) comte de Louvain, graf van Brussel1,2,3,4,5
M, #5257, b. 990, d. after 21 September 1062
Father | Lambert I "The Bearded" (?) Count of Louvain6,1,7,8,3,5,4 b. c 950, d. 12 Sep 1015 |
Mother | Gerberga (?) de Lorraine1,9,8,3,5,4 b. c 975, d. 27 Jan 1018 |
Reference | GAV27 EDV26 |
Last Edited | 29 Aug 2020 |
Lambert II "Baudri" (?) comte de Louvain, graf van Brussel was born in 990 at Leuven (Louvain), Arrondissement Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, Belgium (now); Genealogics says b. 990; Weis says b. ca 991.10,5,11 He married Uda/Oda (?) of Lower Lorraine, daughter of Gozelo I "The Great" (?) Count of Verdun, Duke of Upper-Lorraine, Markgraf of Antwerpen.6,1,12,13,5,14,15,3
Lambert II "Baudri" (?) comte de Louvain, graf van Brussel died after 21 September 1062 at Cloister of St.Gertrud, Nivelles.1,2,5,3,4,11
Lambert II "Baudri" (?) comte de Louvain, graf van Brussel was buried after 21 September 1062 at Saint Gertrudes Collegiate Church, Nivelles, Arrondissement de Nivelles, Walloon Brabant, Belgium; From Find A Grave:
BIRTH unknown, France
DEATH 19 Jun 1054, Tournai, Arrondissement de Tournai, Hainaut, Belgium
Lambert II was the Count of Leuven. He was the son of Lambert I of Leuven and Gerberga of Lower Lorraine, the daughter of Charles of Lower Lorraine and Adelaide of Troyes. According the Vita Gudilae (recorded between 1048-1051) he followed his brother Henry I of Leuven. Lambert scorned both temporal and spiritual authorities and in 1054, he took up arms against Holy Roman Emperor Henry III. He was defeated and lost his life at Tournai. During his reign Brussels began its growth. Lambert arranged to transfer the remains of Saint Gudule to the St. Michael church, now known as St. Michael and Gudula Cathedral. Lambert also constructed a fortress on the Coudenberg hill. Lambert married Oda of Verdun, the daughter of Gozelo I and Urraca of Italy.
Family Members
Lambert Of Louvain unknown–1015
Gerberga Van Neder Lotharingen Of Louvain unknown–1018
Oda Van Verdun Of Louvain unknown–1062
Maud Of Louvain Of Boulogne
Henry De Louvain, II 1021–1078
BURIAL Saint Gertrudes Collegiate Church, Nivelles, Arrondissement de Nivelles, Walloon Brabant, Belgium
Created by: Kat
Added: 14 Feb 2012
Find A Grave Memorial 85003727.16,3
; Per Genealogics:
"Lambert II, comte de Louvain, was born about 990, the son of Lambert I, comte de Louvain, and Gerberga of Lower-Lorraine. Lambert was count of Louvain between 1033 and 1054. According to the _Vita Gudilae_ (the life of the martyr Saint Gudula written between 1048 and 1051) he succeeded his brother Henri I.
"During Lambert's reign Brussels began its growth. He arranged the transfer of the remains of Saint Gudula from the church of Saint Gaugericus, on the island of Saint Géry to the Church of Saint Michael in Brussels. The church, thereafter known as Saints-Michael-et-Gudule, developed to become the Cathédrale Saints-Michel-et-Gudule. Lambert also constructed a fortress on the Coudenberg hill in Brussels. It later evolved into a palace and seat of government until its destruction in 1731.
"With his wife Oda of Lower-Lorraine, daughter of Gozelo I, duke of Upper-Lorraine, margrave of Antwerpen, Lambert had two children, Henri II and Adela, who would have progeny.
"Lambert scorned both temporal and spiritual authorities, and in 1054 he even took up arms against Emperor Heinrich III, but he was defeated.
"Lambert died after 21 September 1062, the date of an imperial charter referring to him."5 GAV-27 EDV-26 GKJ-26.
; This is the same person as ”Lambert II, Count of Louvain” at Wikipedia and as ”Lambert II de Louvain” at Wikipédia (FR).17,18 Lambert II "Baudri" (?) comte de Louvain, graf van Brussel was also known as Lambert II (?) Count of Lorraine.10
Reference: Genealogics cites:
; Per Med Lands:
"LAMBERT [Baldric] de Louvain, son of LAMBERT [I] "le Barbu" Comte de Louvain & his wife Gerberge of Lower Lotharingia [Carolingian] (-after 21 Sep 1062, bur Nivelles). The Vita Sanctæ Gudilæ records that "Lambertus…comes" succeeded his brother Henri[52]. The Genealogica comitum Buloniensium records that "Henricum seniorem de Bursella" was father of "Lambertum comitem et Henricum fratrem eius et Mathildem sororem eorum", but this appears to be a confused representation of the situation[53]. He succeeded his brother in 1038 as LAMBERT [II] Comte de Louvain, after depriving his nephew of his rights: the Chronicon Sigeberti records the death in 1038 of "Henricus Lovaniensis Comes" and the succession of "filius eius Otho" who was deprived by "patruus eius Baldricus qui et Lambertus"[54]. The Chronicon Brabanti also refers to the two names of Lambert when recording the death of "Lambertus II qui et Baldricus dictus Cum-Barba"[55], although it is unclear how reliable this is as "cum-barba" is the nickname applied in other sources to Comte Lambert [I]. If Lambert [II] was in fact also called Baldric, it suggests a relationship (which has not been identified) with the early Graafen van Betuwe (see the document HOLLAND) and Comtes de Looz (see LOWER LOTHARINGIAN NOBILITY), in which three bishops of Liège named Baldric belonged. "Baldricus…cum uxore mea Oda" founded the collegial church in Brussels by charter dated 1047[56]. The Vita Balderici refers to "comes Lowaniensis Lambertus vir profanæ mentis et moribus barbarus"[57], presumed to refer to Comte Lambert [II].
"m UDA de Lotharingia, daughter of GOZELON I Duke of Lower Lotharingia & his wife --- (-23 Oct, after 1047). The Vita Sanctæ Gudilæ names "Oda…Gozelonis ducis filia" as wife of "Lambertus…comes" in a passage dated 1047[58]. The Genealogica ex Stirpe Sancti Arnulfi names "Godefridum ducem, Odam et Regelindam" as children of "Gozelo, frater Arnulphi et Godefridi"[59]. "Baldricus…cum uxore mea Oda" founded the collegial church in Brussels by charter dated 1047[60]."
Med Lands cites:
; Per Racines et Histoire (Brabant 2): “Lambert II de Louvain «Baudri» + après 21/09/1062 comte de Louvain (1038, succède à son frère), graf van Brussel(s) (1062)
ép. Uda de (Haute-) Lorraine ° ~995 + un 23/10 ~1044 (fille de Gozelon 1er, duc de Haute-Lorraine, marquis d’Anvers, et d’Elisabeth de Courtenay)”.4
; Per Weis: “Lambert II, Count of Louvain, b. abt. 991, d. aft 21 Sept 1062; m. Oda, dau. of Gozelon I, d. 19 Apr. 1044, Count of Verdun, Dukeof Lower Lorraine, gt.-gr.son of Cungonde (143-18). (ES I.2/202).”.11
; Per Genealogy.EU (Luxemburg 1): “D4. Oda; m.Ct Lambert II of Louvaine”
Per Genealogy.EU (Brabant 2): “Ct Lambert II "Baudry" of Louvaine (Leuven) (1038-92), *ca 995, +Cloister of St.Gertrud, Nivelles after 21.9.1062; m.Uda of Lorraine (*ca 995 +1044)”.19,20,11
; Per Med Lands:
"UDA (-23 Oct, after 1047). The Vita Sanctæ Gudilæ names "Oda…Gozelonis ducis filia" as wife of "Lambertus…comes" in a passage dated 1047[252]. The Genealogica ex Stirpe Sancti Arnulfi names "Godefridum ducem, Odam et Regelindam" as children of "Gozelo, frater Arnulphi et Godefridi"[253]. "Baldricus…cum uxore mea Oda" founded the collegial church in Brussels by charter dated 1047[254].
"m LAMBERT [II] Comte de Louvain, son of LAMBERT [I] "le Barbu" Comte de Louvain & his wife Gerberge of Lower Lotharingia [Carolingian] (-after 21 Sep 1062, bur Nivelles)."
Med Lands cites:
; Per Genealogy.EU (Luxemburg 1): “D4. Oda; m.Ct Lambert II of Louvaine”.19 He was Count of Louvain between 1038 and 1062.1
Lambert II "Baudri" (?) comte de Louvain, graf van Brussel died after 21 September 1062 at Cloister of St.Gertrud, Nivelles.1,2,5,3,4,11
Lambert II "Baudri" (?) comte de Louvain, graf van Brussel was buried after 21 September 1062 at Saint Gertrudes Collegiate Church, Nivelles, Arrondissement de Nivelles, Walloon Brabant, Belgium; From Find A Grave:
BIRTH unknown, France
DEATH 19 Jun 1054, Tournai, Arrondissement de Tournai, Hainaut, Belgium
Lambert II was the Count of Leuven. He was the son of Lambert I of Leuven and Gerberga of Lower Lorraine, the daughter of Charles of Lower Lorraine and Adelaide of Troyes. According the Vita Gudilae (recorded between 1048-1051) he followed his brother Henry I of Leuven. Lambert scorned both temporal and spiritual authorities and in 1054, he took up arms against Holy Roman Emperor Henry III. He was defeated and lost his life at Tournai. During his reign Brussels began its growth. Lambert arranged to transfer the remains of Saint Gudule to the St. Michael church, now known as St. Michael and Gudula Cathedral. Lambert also constructed a fortress on the Coudenberg hill. Lambert married Oda of Verdun, the daughter of Gozelo I and Urraca of Italy.
Family Members
Lambert Of Louvain unknown–1015
Gerberga Van Neder Lotharingen Of Louvain unknown–1018
Oda Van Verdun Of Louvain unknown–1062
Maud Of Louvain Of Boulogne
Henry De Louvain, II 1021–1078
BURIAL Saint Gertrudes Collegiate Church, Nivelles, Arrondissement de Nivelles, Walloon Brabant, Belgium
Created by: Kat
Added: 14 Feb 2012
Find A Grave Memorial 85003727.16,3
; Per Genealogics:
"Lambert II, comte de Louvain, was born about 990, the son of Lambert I, comte de Louvain, and Gerberga of Lower-Lorraine. Lambert was count of Louvain between 1033 and 1054. According to the _Vita Gudilae_ (the life of the martyr Saint Gudula written between 1048 and 1051) he succeeded his brother Henri I.
"During Lambert's reign Brussels began its growth. He arranged the transfer of the remains of Saint Gudula from the church of Saint Gaugericus, on the island of Saint Géry to the Church of Saint Michael in Brussels. The church, thereafter known as Saints-Michael-et-Gudule, developed to become the Cathédrale Saints-Michel-et-Gudule. Lambert also constructed a fortress on the Coudenberg hill in Brussels. It later evolved into a palace and seat of government until its destruction in 1731.
"With his wife Oda of Lower-Lorraine, daughter of Gozelo I, duke of Upper-Lorraine, margrave of Antwerpen, Lambert had two children, Henri II and Adela, who would have progeny.
"Lambert scorned both temporal and spiritual authorities, and in 1054 he even took up arms against Emperor Heinrich III, but he was defeated.
"Lambert died after 21 September 1062, the date of an imperial charter referring to him."5 GAV-27 EDV-26 GKJ-26.
; This is the same person as ”Lambert II, Count of Louvain” at Wikipedia and as ”Lambert II de Louvain” at Wikipédia (FR).17,18 Lambert II "Baudri" (?) comte de Louvain, graf van Brussel was also known as Lambert II (?) Count of Lorraine.10
Reference: Genealogics cites:
1. Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels, Fürstliche Häuser. 1961 53.
2. Die Nachkommen Karls des Grossen, 1995, Neustadt an der Aisch , Brandenburg, Erich. 93.5
2. Die Nachkommen Karls des Grossen, 1995, Neustadt an der Aisch , Brandenburg, Erich. 93.5
; Per Med Lands:
"LAMBERT [Baldric] de Louvain, son of LAMBERT [I] "le Barbu" Comte de Louvain & his wife Gerberge of Lower Lotharingia [Carolingian] (-after 21 Sep 1062, bur Nivelles). The Vita Sanctæ Gudilæ records that "Lambertus…comes" succeeded his brother Henri[52]. The Genealogica comitum Buloniensium records that "Henricum seniorem de Bursella" was father of "Lambertum comitem et Henricum fratrem eius et Mathildem sororem eorum", but this appears to be a confused representation of the situation[53]. He succeeded his brother in 1038 as LAMBERT [II] Comte de Louvain, after depriving his nephew of his rights: the Chronicon Sigeberti records the death in 1038 of "Henricus Lovaniensis Comes" and the succession of "filius eius Otho" who was deprived by "patruus eius Baldricus qui et Lambertus"[54]. The Chronicon Brabanti also refers to the two names of Lambert when recording the death of "Lambertus II qui et Baldricus dictus Cum-Barba"[55], although it is unclear how reliable this is as "cum-barba" is the nickname applied in other sources to Comte Lambert [I]. If Lambert [II] was in fact also called Baldric, it suggests a relationship (which has not been identified) with the early Graafen van Betuwe (see the document HOLLAND) and Comtes de Looz (see LOWER LOTHARINGIAN NOBILITY), in which three bishops of Liège named Baldric belonged. "Baldricus…cum uxore mea Oda" founded the collegial church in Brussels by charter dated 1047[56]. The Vita Balderici refers to "comes Lowaniensis Lambertus vir profanæ mentis et moribus barbarus"[57], presumed to refer to Comte Lambert [II].
"m UDA de Lotharingia, daughter of GOZELON I Duke of Lower Lotharingia & his wife --- (-23 Oct, after 1047). The Vita Sanctæ Gudilæ names "Oda…Gozelonis ducis filia" as wife of "Lambertus…comes" in a passage dated 1047[58]. The Genealogica ex Stirpe Sancti Arnulfi names "Godefridum ducem, Odam et Regelindam" as children of "Gozelo, frater Arnulphi et Godefridi"[59]. "Baldricus…cum uxore mea Oda" founded the collegial church in Brussels by charter dated 1047[60]."
Med Lands cites:
[52] Huberto, Vita Sanctæ Gudilæ, MGH SS XV.2, p. 1203.
[53] Genealogica comitum Buloniensium MGH SS IX, p. 301.
[54] Chronicon Sigeberti, quoted in RHGF XI, p. 422.
[55] Ex Chronicis Brab. in Magno Chron. Belg, p. 106, quoted in RHGF XI, p. 423.
[56] Miraeus (Le Mire), A. (1723) Opera diplomatica et historica, 2nd edn. (Louvain), Tome I, XLVII, p. 57.
[57] Vita Balderici episcopi Leodiensis 7, MGH SS IV, p. 727.
[58] Huberto, Vita Sanctæ Gudilæ, MGH SS XV.2, p. 1203.
[59] Genealogica ex Stirpe Sancti Arnulfi descendentium Mettensis 5, MGH SS XXV, p. 384.
[60] Miraeus (1723), Tome I, XLVII, p. 57.3
[53] Genealogica comitum Buloniensium MGH SS IX, p. 301.
[54] Chronicon Sigeberti, quoted in RHGF XI, p. 422.
[55] Ex Chronicis Brab. in Magno Chron. Belg, p. 106, quoted in RHGF XI, p. 423.
[56] Miraeus (Le Mire), A. (1723) Opera diplomatica et historica, 2nd edn. (Louvain), Tome I, XLVII, p. 57.
[57] Vita Balderici episcopi Leodiensis 7, MGH SS IV, p. 727.
[58] Huberto, Vita Sanctæ Gudilæ, MGH SS XV.2, p. 1203.
[59] Genealogica ex Stirpe Sancti Arnulfi descendentium Mettensis 5, MGH SS XXV, p. 384.
[60] Miraeus (1723), Tome I, XLVII, p. 57.3
; Per Racines et Histoire (Brabant 2): “Lambert II de Louvain «Baudri» + après 21/09/1062 comte de Louvain (1038, succède à son frère), graf van Brussel(s) (1062)
ép. Uda de (Haute-) Lorraine ° ~995 + un 23/10 ~1044 (fille de Gozelon 1er, duc de Haute-Lorraine, marquis d’Anvers, et d’Elisabeth de Courtenay)”.4
; Per Weis: “Lambert II, Count of Louvain, b. abt. 991, d. aft 21 Sept 1062; m. Oda, dau. of Gozelon I, d. 19 Apr. 1044, Count of Verdun, Dukeof Lower Lorraine, gt.-gr.son of Cungonde (143-18). (ES I.2/202).”.11
; Per Genealogy.EU (Luxemburg 1): “D4. Oda; m.Ct Lambert II of Louvaine”
Per Genealogy.EU (Brabant 2): “Ct Lambert II "Baudry" of Louvaine (Leuven) (1038-92), *ca 995, +Cloister of St.Gertrud, Nivelles after 21.9.1062; m.Uda of Lorraine (*ca 995 +1044)”.19,20,11
; Per Med Lands:
"UDA (-23 Oct, after 1047). The Vita Sanctæ Gudilæ names "Oda…Gozelonis ducis filia" as wife of "Lambertus…comes" in a passage dated 1047[252]. The Genealogica ex Stirpe Sancti Arnulfi names "Godefridum ducem, Odam et Regelindam" as children of "Gozelo, frater Arnulphi et Godefridi"[253]. "Baldricus…cum uxore mea Oda" founded the collegial church in Brussels by charter dated 1047[254].
"m LAMBERT [II] Comte de Louvain, son of LAMBERT [I] "le Barbu" Comte de Louvain & his wife Gerberge of Lower Lotharingia [Carolingian] (-after 21 Sep 1062, bur Nivelles)."
Med Lands cites:
[252] Huberto, Vita Sanctæ Gudilæ, MGH SS XV.2, p. 1203.
[253] Genealogica ex Stirpe Sancti Arnulfi descendentium Mettensis 5, MGH SS XXV, p. 384.
[254] Miraeus (Le Mire), A. (1723) Opera diplomatica et historica, 2nd edn. (Louvain), Tome I, XLVII, p. 57.15
[253] Genealogica ex Stirpe Sancti Arnulfi descendentium Mettensis 5, MGH SS XXV, p. 384.
[254] Miraeus (Le Mire), A. (1723) Opera diplomatica et historica, 2nd edn. (Louvain), Tome I, XLVII, p. 57.15
; Per Genealogy.EU (Luxemburg 1): “D4. Oda; m.Ct Lambert II of Louvaine”.19 He was Count of Louvain between 1038 and 1062.1
Family | Uda/Oda (?) of Lower Lorraine b. c 995, d. bt 1062 - 1063 |
Children |
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, online, unknown author (e-mail address), downloaded updated 15 May 2003, Brabant 1 page (Dukes of Brabant and Landgraves of Hesse):
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, updated 15 May 2003, Brabant 2 page:
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online,,%20LOUVAIN.htm#LambertIILouvaindiedafterSep1062B. Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Ducs de Brabant grafen im Maasgau, comtes de Louvain (Leuven), seigneurs de Perwez et Lovain(e) (Angleterre), p. 4: Hereinafter cited as Racines et Histoire.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website (oiginated by Leo van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes), online, Lambert II: Hereinafter cited as Genealogics Website.
- [S1396] Burke's Peerage & Gentry Web Site, online, Milford Haven Family Page. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage & Gentry Web Site.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Lambert I:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,,%20LOUVAIN.htm#LambertILouvaindied1015.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Gerberga of Lower-Lorraine:
- [S812] e-mail address, online, Jr. William R. Ferris (unknown location), downloaded updated 4 Apr 2002,
- [S2372] Frederick Lewis Weis, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charlemagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong, and Some of Their Descendants, 8th ed. w/ additions by Wm R. and Kaleen E. Beall (Baltimore, 1992: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 2004), Line 154-21, p. 149. Hereinafter cited as Weis [2004] "Ancestral Roots" 8th ed.
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, updated 15 May 2003, Luxemburg 1 page (The Luxemburg Family):
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online,, p. 4.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Oda of Lower-Lorraine:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Find A Grave, database and images ( : accessed 08 October 2019), memorial page for Lambert II Of Louvain (unknown–19 Jun 1054), Find A Grave Memorial no. 85003727, citing Saint Gertrudes Collegiate Church, Nivelles, Arrondissement de Nivelles, Walloon Brabant, Belgium ; Maintained by Kat (contributor 47496397), at: Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
- [S1953] Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, online,,_Count_of_Louvain. Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia.
- [S4742] Wikipédia - L'encyclopédie libre, online, Lambert II de Louvain: Hereinafter cited as Wikipédia (FR).
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, updated 15 May 2003, Luxemburg 1 page (The Luxemburg Family):
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, updated 15 May 2003, Brabant 2:
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Adela de Louvain:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,,%20LOUVAIN.htm#AdelaLouvaindied1083.
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,,%20LOUVAIN.htm#HenriIILouvaindied1078.
Régnier III de Hainaut Duke of Upper Lorraine, Comte de Hainaut1,2,3,4,5
M, #5258, b. circa 920, d. 973
Father | Reginar/Regnier II (?) comte de Hainaut3,6,7 b. 882, d. bt 931 - 932 |
Mother | Alix/Alice/Adelaide (?) de Bourgogne3,6,7 b. c 900 |
Reference | GAV28 EDV28 |
Last Edited | 19 Aug 2020 |
Régnier III de Hainaut Duke of Upper Lorraine, Comte de Hainaut was born circa 920.4,6,7 He married Adele von Dachsburg, daughter of Hugo V (?) Graf im Nordgau, Graf von Dachsburg und Egisheim and Hildegard (?),
; per Racines et Histoire, Reginar III's wife was "Adela von Dachsburg + 961 (fille d’Hugo III, graf von
Dachsburg und Egisgheim (Alsace), et d’Hildegard(e.)2,3,4,8"
Régnier III de Hainaut Duke of Upper Lorraine, Comte de Hainaut died in 973 at Bohemia, Czech Republic (now); died in exile.9,2,3,4,6,7
; Per Med Lands:
"REGINAR [III] ([920]-973). The Annales Hanoniæ name "Raginerus" as son of "Raginerus [filius Ragineri dicti Longi-colli]"[33]. "Otto…rex" confirmed the possession of Kloster Süsteren by Prüm abbey by charter dated 1 Jun 949, signed by "Cuonradus dux, Herimannus dux, Hezzo comes, Godefridus comes, Rudolfus comes, Reginherus comes"[34]. He succeeded his father as Comte de Hainaut, although the date he took control of the county is not known. "Ragineri comitis…" signed the charter dated to [936/57] under which "Adhelardus et conjux mea Fulcuera" donated a serf to the abbey of Saint-Ghislain[35]. In 956, Reginar seized Brussels and the surrounding areas which had been the dower of Gerberge Queen of France on her first marriage to his uncle Giselbert Duke of Lotharingia. King Lothaire, together with Bruno Archbishop of Köln, invaded Count Reginar's territory, captured his fort on the Chier and took his family prisoner, releasing them only after Reginar returned the land which he had taken[36]. The Gesta Episcoporum Cameracensium records that Reginar was banished to Bohemia in [958] by Archbishop Bruno[37], but was later reinstated in Hainaut by Otto II King of Germany[38].
"m ADELA, daughter of --- (-961). The Annales Hanoniæ record the death in 961 of "Adela comitissa Montensis…uxor Ragineri comitis"[39], although as this passage follows closely on those dealing with the exploits of "Raginerus Longi-colli" it is unclear to which Count Reginar the Annales are referring at this point. She is named in secondary sources as Adela von Dachsburg, daughter of Hugo [V] Graf von Dachsburg und Egisheim [Alsace] & his wife Hildegard ---, but the primary source which confirms that this is correct has not yet been identified."
Med lands cites:
; Per Genealogics:
"Reginar III, count in Hainault, was born in Brabant about 920, the son of Reginar II, count in Hainault, and Aelis de Bourgogne. He was count of Hainaut from 940 to 958. With his wife Adela de Louvain, daughter of Lambert, comte de Louvain, and a lady of the van de Betuwe family, he had two sons, Reginar IV and Lambert I, who would have progeny. Together with his brother Rodolphe, he took part in the rebellion of his uncle Giselbert, duke of Lorraine. When Giselbert was killed after his capture at the Battle of Andernach in 939, Reginar had to pledge fealty to Emperor Otto I 'the Great'. Reginar then allied himself with Louis IV 'd'Outremer', king of France, but Emperor Otto sent Hermann I, Herzog von Schwaben, to quell the rebels in 944.
"Otto appointed Konrad 'the Red' as duke of Lorraine, who tried to diminish Reginar's power. However, when Konrad rose against Otto, Reginar supported him. In an anarchic situation, Reginar appropriated the dowry of Gerbera von Sachsen, his great-uncle's widow, Emperor Otto's sister and mother of Lothar I, king of France, as well as church property.
"In 953 Otto's brother Bruno, archbishop of Cologne, who had been appointed duke of Lotharingia, restored order and defeated Reginar in 958, and exiled him. He gave the county to Godfrey, son of Godfrey, count palatine of Lotharingia. The next year Lorraine was divided, to make it easier to defend from enemies within and without. The lower portion went to Godfrey while the upper went to Friedrich I, son of Wigerich, Graf im Bidgau und Ardennengau.
"Reginar was exiled to Bohemia, where he died in 973."6
Reference: Genealogics cites: Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels, Fürstliche Häuser. 1961.6
; Per Wikipedia:
"Reginar III (c. 920 – 973) was a Count of Hainaut from approximately 940 until his exile in 958.
"He was the son of Reginar II, Count of Hainaut.
"He took part in the rebellion of his uncle Gilbert, Duke of Lorraine. When Gilbert was killed in 939, Regnier had to pledge fealty to King Otto the Great.[citation needed]
"He then allied himself with King Louis IV of France, but King Otto sent duke Hermann of Swabia to quell the rebels in 944.[1]
"Otto appointed Conrad the Red as duke of Lotharingia, who tried to diminish the power of Reginar. However, when Conrad rose against Otto, Reginar supported him. In an anarchic situation, Reginar appropriated the dowry of Gerberga of Saxony, Otto's sister and mother of the French king, and also church property.
"In 953, Bruno, Archbishop of Cologne, who had also been appointed duke of Lotharingia, restored order and defeated Reginar.
"As Reginar refused to submit, he was exiled to Bohemia, where he died.
1.he annals of Flodoard of Reims, 919-966, S. Fanning and David. S. Bachrach trans., in: Readings in medieval civilizations and cultures 9 (Peterborough etc. 2004) p.11. Also Latin edition available at, MGH SS 3, J. Heller and G. Waitz, eds (Hannover 1881).
"He fathered two sons:
External links
-- American link:"
Per Wikipedia:
"Régnier III fut comte de Hainaut de 940 à 958. Il était fils de Régnier II, comte de Hainaut.
"Il participa avec son frère Rodolphe à la révolte de son oncle Gislebert, duc de Lotharingie, mais ce dernier fut tué et Régnier et Rodolphe durent faire leur soumission à Otton Ier, roi de Germanie.
"Il ne tarda pas à nouer de nouvelles alliances avec le Carolingien Louis IV d'Outremer, mais Otton envoya le duc Hermann Ier de Souabe pour soumettre les rebelles en 944.
"Otton nomma comme duc de Lotharingie son gendre Conrad le Roux, qui chercha à réduire la puissance de Régnier, qu'il considérait comme un rival. Conrad se révolta ensuite contre l'empereur et Régnier, de rebelle, se retrouva soutien de l'empereur.
"L'anarchie se développa en Lotharingie et Régnier se tailla une principauté aux dépens de l'Empire et du royaume de France, s'emparant du douaire de la reine Gerberge, sœur d'Otton Ier et mère du roi de France Lothaire, et pillant les églises et les abbayes. Enfin, l'archevêque Brunon de Cologne, nommé duc de Lotharingie s'attacha à restaurer l'ordre et à soumettre les révoltés. Après de durs combats, il vainquit Régnier, mais celui-ci, ne voulant pas faire sa soumission, fut exilé en Bohême. Il y vécut encore quelques années.
Mariage et enfants
"D'une épouse prénommée Adela, fille de Hugues Ier de Nordgau1, ou bien plus précisément Adèle de Dabo2, Régnier a eu :
Notes et références
1. Adela, fille d'Hugues de Nordgau, sur le site Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (en anglais) [archive]
2. selon le site FamilyTreeMaker de Timothy Stephen Amos [archive]
** L. Vanderkindere, « Régnier III », Académie royale de Belgique, Biographie nationale, vol. 18, Bruxelles, 1905 [détail des éditions], p. 875-879."10,5 GAV-28 EDV-28 GKJ-28. Régnier III de Hainaut Duke of Upper Lorraine, Comte de Hainaut was also known as Reginar III Duke of Upper Lorraine.2
; per Racines et Histoire: "cité charte du roi Otto(n) à l’abbaye de Prüm 01/06/946 ; l’empereur Otto confirme ses donations à Nivelles 24/01/966) (s’empare 956 du douaire de la reine Gerberge provoquant une riposte du roi Lothaire et Bruno, archevêque de Köln ; capturé sur le Chier puis banni en Bohême (959) revient en grâce sous Otto II, roi de Germanie qui lui restitue son comté."4
; Per Genealogics: "C1. Ct Reginar III of Hainault, +973; m.Adela N (+961.)11" He was Comte de Hainaut between 940 and 958.5,10 He was Duke of Upper Lorraine in 954.2
; per Racines et Histoire, Reginar III's wife was "Adela von Dachsburg + 961 (fille d’Hugo III, graf von
Dachsburg und Egisgheim (Alsace), et d’Hildegard(e.)2,3,4,8"
Régnier III de Hainaut Duke of Upper Lorraine, Comte de Hainaut died in 973 at Bohemia, Czech Republic (now); died in exile.9,2,3,4,6,7
; Per Med Lands:
"REGINAR [III] ([920]-973). The Annales Hanoniæ name "Raginerus" as son of "Raginerus [filius Ragineri dicti Longi-colli]"[33]. "Otto…rex" confirmed the possession of Kloster Süsteren by Prüm abbey by charter dated 1 Jun 949, signed by "Cuonradus dux, Herimannus dux, Hezzo comes, Godefridus comes, Rudolfus comes, Reginherus comes"[34]. He succeeded his father as Comte de Hainaut, although the date he took control of the county is not known. "Ragineri comitis…" signed the charter dated to [936/57] under which "Adhelardus et conjux mea Fulcuera" donated a serf to the abbey of Saint-Ghislain[35]. In 956, Reginar seized Brussels and the surrounding areas which had been the dower of Gerberge Queen of France on her first marriage to his uncle Giselbert Duke of Lotharingia. King Lothaire, together with Bruno Archbishop of Köln, invaded Count Reginar's territory, captured his fort on the Chier and took his family prisoner, releasing them only after Reginar returned the land which he had taken[36]. The Gesta Episcoporum Cameracensium records that Reginar was banished to Bohemia in [958] by Archbishop Bruno[37], but was later reinstated in Hainaut by Otto II King of Germany[38].
"m ADELA, daughter of --- (-961). The Annales Hanoniæ record the death in 961 of "Adela comitissa Montensis…uxor Ragineri comitis"[39], although as this passage follows closely on those dealing with the exploits of "Raginerus Longi-colli" it is unclear to which Count Reginar the Annales are referring at this point. She is named in secondary sources as Adela von Dachsburg, daughter of Hugo [V] Graf von Dachsburg und Egisheim [Alsace] & his wife Hildegard ---, but the primary source which confirms that this is correct has not yet been identified."
Med lands cites:
[33] Iacobi de Guisia Annales Hanoniæ VIII.XII, MGH SS XXX Part 1, p. 114.
[34] D O I 111, p. 194.
[35] Duvivier, C. (1903) Actes et documents anciens interéssant la Belgique, Nouvelle série (Brussels), 3, p. 11.
[36] McKitterick, R. (1983) Frankish Kingdoms under the Carolingians 751-987 (Longman, London and New York), p. 324.
[37] Gesta Episcoporum Cameracensium, I.95, MGH SS VII, p. 439.
[38] McKitterick (1983), p. 325, the author attributing this event to 977 which must be incorrect assuming Comte Reginar died in 973.
[39] Iacobi de Guisia Annales Hanoniæ XIV.XXXVI, MGH SS XXX Part 1, p. 183.7
He was Count of Hainault at Hainaut, France. [34] D O I 111, p. 194.
[35] Duvivier, C. (1903) Actes et documents anciens interéssant la Belgique, Nouvelle série (Brussels), 3, p. 11.
[36] McKitterick, R. (1983) Frankish Kingdoms under the Carolingians 751-987 (Longman, London and New York), p. 324.
[37] Gesta Episcoporum Cameracensium, I.95, MGH SS VII, p. 439.
[38] McKitterick (1983), p. 325, the author attributing this event to 977 which must be incorrect assuming Comte Reginar died in 973.
[39] Iacobi de Guisia Annales Hanoniæ XIV.XXXVI, MGH SS XXX Part 1, p. 183.7
; Per Genealogics:
"Reginar III, count in Hainault, was born in Brabant about 920, the son of Reginar II, count in Hainault, and Aelis de Bourgogne. He was count of Hainaut from 940 to 958. With his wife Adela de Louvain, daughter of Lambert, comte de Louvain, and a lady of the van de Betuwe family, he had two sons, Reginar IV and Lambert I, who would have progeny. Together with his brother Rodolphe, he took part in the rebellion of his uncle Giselbert, duke of Lorraine. When Giselbert was killed after his capture at the Battle of Andernach in 939, Reginar had to pledge fealty to Emperor Otto I 'the Great'. Reginar then allied himself with Louis IV 'd'Outremer', king of France, but Emperor Otto sent Hermann I, Herzog von Schwaben, to quell the rebels in 944.
"Otto appointed Konrad 'the Red' as duke of Lorraine, who tried to diminish Reginar's power. However, when Konrad rose against Otto, Reginar supported him. In an anarchic situation, Reginar appropriated the dowry of Gerbera von Sachsen, his great-uncle's widow, Emperor Otto's sister and mother of Lothar I, king of France, as well as church property.
"In 953 Otto's brother Bruno, archbishop of Cologne, who had been appointed duke of Lotharingia, restored order and defeated Reginar in 958, and exiled him. He gave the county to Godfrey, son of Godfrey, count palatine of Lotharingia. The next year Lorraine was divided, to make it easier to defend from enemies within and without. The lower portion went to Godfrey while the upper went to Friedrich I, son of Wigerich, Graf im Bidgau und Ardennengau.
"Reginar was exiled to Bohemia, where he died in 973."6
Reference: Genealogics cites: Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels, Fürstliche Häuser. 1961.6
; Per Wikipedia:
"Reginar III (c. 920 – 973) was a Count of Hainaut from approximately 940 until his exile in 958.
"He was the son of Reginar II, Count of Hainaut.
"He took part in the rebellion of his uncle Gilbert, Duke of Lorraine. When Gilbert was killed in 939, Regnier had to pledge fealty to King Otto the Great.[citation needed]
"He then allied himself with King Louis IV of France, but King Otto sent duke Hermann of Swabia to quell the rebels in 944.[1]
"Otto appointed Conrad the Red as duke of Lotharingia, who tried to diminish the power of Reginar. However, when Conrad rose against Otto, Reginar supported him. In an anarchic situation, Reginar appropriated the dowry of Gerberga of Saxony, Otto's sister and mother of the French king, and also church property.
"In 953, Bruno, Archbishop of Cologne, who had also been appointed duke of Lotharingia, restored order and defeated Reginar.
"As Reginar refused to submit, he was exiled to Bohemia, where he died.
1.he annals of Flodoard of Reims, 919-966, S. Fanning and David. S. Bachrach trans., in: Readings in medieval civilizations and cultures 9 (Peterborough etc. 2004) p.11. Also Latin edition available at, MGH SS 3, J. Heller and G. Waitz, eds (Hannover 1881).
"He fathered two sons:
** Reginar IV, Count of Mons
** Lambert I of Leuven
** Lambert I of Leuven
External links
-- American link:"
Per Wikipedia:
"Régnier III fut comte de Hainaut de 940 à 958. Il était fils de Régnier II, comte de Hainaut.
"Il participa avec son frère Rodolphe à la révolte de son oncle Gislebert, duc de Lotharingie, mais ce dernier fut tué et Régnier et Rodolphe durent faire leur soumission à Otton Ier, roi de Germanie.
"Il ne tarda pas à nouer de nouvelles alliances avec le Carolingien Louis IV d'Outremer, mais Otton envoya le duc Hermann Ier de Souabe pour soumettre les rebelles en 944.
"Otton nomma comme duc de Lotharingie son gendre Conrad le Roux, qui chercha à réduire la puissance de Régnier, qu'il considérait comme un rival. Conrad se révolta ensuite contre l'empereur et Régnier, de rebelle, se retrouva soutien de l'empereur.
"L'anarchie se développa en Lotharingie et Régnier se tailla une principauté aux dépens de l'Empire et du royaume de France, s'emparant du douaire de la reine Gerberge, sœur d'Otton Ier et mère du roi de France Lothaire, et pillant les églises et les abbayes. Enfin, l'archevêque Brunon de Cologne, nommé duc de Lotharingie s'attacha à restaurer l'ordre et à soumettre les révoltés. Après de durs combats, il vainquit Régnier, mais celui-ci, ne voulant pas faire sa soumission, fut exilé en Bohême. Il y vécut encore quelques années.
Mariage et enfants
"D'une épouse prénommée Adela, fille de Hugues Ier de Nordgau1, ou bien plus précisément Adèle de Dabo2, Régnier a eu :
** Régnier IV († 1013), comte de Hainaut et comte de Mons, marié à Hedwige, fille de Hugues Capet.
** Lambert Ier dit le Barbu, († 1015), comte de Louvain
** Lambert Ier dit le Barbu, († 1015), comte de Louvain
Notes et références
1. Adela, fille d'Hugues de Nordgau, sur le site Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (en anglais) [archive]
2. selon le site FamilyTreeMaker de Timothy Stephen Amos [archive]
** L. Vanderkindere, « Régnier III », Académie royale de Belgique, Biographie nationale, vol. 18, Bruxelles, 1905 [détail des éditions], p. 875-879."10,5 GAV-28 EDV-28 GKJ-28. Régnier III de Hainaut Duke of Upper Lorraine, Comte de Hainaut was also known as Reginar III Duke of Upper Lorraine.2
; per Racines et Histoire: "cité charte du roi Otto(n) à l’abbaye de Prüm 01/06/946 ; l’empereur Otto confirme ses donations à Nivelles 24/01/966) (s’empare 956 du douaire de la reine Gerberge provoquant une riposte du roi Lothaire et Bruno, archevêque de Köln ; capturé sur le Chier puis banni en Bohême (959) revient en grâce sous Otto II, roi de Germanie qui lui restitue son comté."4
; Per Genealogics: "C1. Ct Reginar III of Hainault, +973; m.Adela N (+961.)11" He was Comte de Hainaut between 940 and 958.5,10 He was Duke of Upper Lorraine in 954.2
Family | Adele von Dachsburg b. c 929, d. 961 |
Children |
- [S812] e-mail address, online, Jr. William R. Ferris (unknown location), downloaded updated 4 Apr 2002,
- [S1396] Burke's Peerage & Gentry Web Site, online, Milford Haven Family Page. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage & Gentry Web Site.
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, online, unknown author (e-mail address), downloaded updated 15 May 2003, Brabant 1 page (Dukes of Brabant and Landgraves of Hesse):
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online,, p. 2. Hereinafter cited as Racines et Histoire.
- [S4742] Wikipédia - L'encyclopédie libre, online, Régnier III de Hainaut: Hereinafter cited as Wikipédia (FR).
- [S1490] Genealogics Website (oiginated by Leo van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes), online, Reginar III: Hereinafter cited as Genealogics Website.
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S632] Frederick Lewis Weis, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charlemagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong, and Some of Their Descendants, 7th edition (n.p.: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.
Baltimore, 1992, unknown publish date), line 155-219, p. 135. Hereinafter cited as Weis AR-7. - [S1953] Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, online,,_Count_of_Hainaut. Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia.
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, updated 15 May 2003, Dukes of Brabant and Landgraves of Hesse:
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online,, p. 3.
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Lambert I:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,,%20LOUVAIN.htm#LambertILouvaindied1015.
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Ducs de Brabant grafen im Maasgau, comtes de Louvain (Leuven), seigneurs de Perwez et Lovain(e) (Angleterre), p. 4:
Adele von Dachsburg1
F, #5259, b. circa 929, d. 961
Father | Hugo V (?) Graf im Nordgau, Graf von Dachsburg und Egisheim1,2 d. 940 |
Mother | Hildegard (?)1 b. c 862 |
Reference | GAV28 EDV28 |
Last Edited | 19 Aug 2020 |
Adele von Dachsburg was born circa 929.3 She married Régnier III de Hainaut Duke of Upper Lorraine, Comte de Hainaut, son of Reginar/Regnier II (?) comte de Hainaut and Alix/Alice/Adelaide (?) de Bourgogne,
; per Racines et Histoire, Reginar III's wife was "Adela von Dachsburg + 961 (fille d’Hugo III, graf von
Dachsburg und Egisgheim (Alsace), et d’Hildegard(e.)4,5,6,1"
Adele von Dachsburg died in 961.1
; per Racines et Histoire: "cité charte du roi Otto(n) à l’abbaye de Prüm 01/06/946 ; l’empereur Otto confirme ses donations à Nivelles 24/01/966) (s’empare 956 du douaire de la reine Gerberge provoquant une riposte du roi Lothaire et Bruno, archevêque de Köln ; capturé sur le Chier puis banni en Bohême (959) revient en grâce sous Otto II, roi de Germanie qui lui restitue son comté."6
; Per Genealogics: "C1. Ct Reginar III of Hainault, +973; m.Adela N (+961.)7"
; NB: There is some disagreement concerning the parents of the Adele/Adela who m. Régnier III de Hainaut.
Genealogics says that she was the dau. of Lambert, Comte de Louvain. Genealgoics cites: Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels, Fürstliche Häuser. 1961.
Med Lands, Racines et Histoire and Wikipédia (Fr.) all say she was the dau. of Huago V Graf von Dachsburg. Med says: "She is named in secondary sources as Adela von Dachsburg, daughter of Hugo [V] Graf von Dachsburg und Egisheim [Alsace] & his wife Hildegard ---, but the primary source which confirms that this is correct has not yet been identified."
Conclusion: I have chosen to follow the lineage given by Med Lands, et al. GA Vaut.1,8,9,10,11
Reference: Genealogics cites: Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels, Fürstliche Häuser. 1961.9 GAV-28 EDV-27 GKJ-28.
; Per Med Lands: "[ADELA (-961). The Annales Hanoniæ record the death in 961 of "Adela comitissa Montensis…uxor Ragineri comitis"[122], although as this passage follows closely on those dealing with the exploits of "Raginerus Longi-colli" it is unclear to which Count Reginar the Annales are referring at this point. The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. m REGINAR [III] Comte de Hainaut, son of REGINAR [II] Comte de Hainaut & his wife --- (920-973).]"
Med lands cites: [122] Iacobi de Guisia Annales Hanoniæ XIV.XXXVI, MGH SS XXX Part 1, p. 183.1 Adele von Dachsburg was also known as Adele Countess of Equisheim.
; per Racines et Histoire, Reginar III's wife was "Adela von Dachsburg + 961 (fille d’Hugo III, graf von
Dachsburg und Egisgheim (Alsace), et d’Hildegard(e.)4,5,6,1"
Adele von Dachsburg died in 961.1
; per Racines et Histoire: "cité charte du roi Otto(n) à l’abbaye de Prüm 01/06/946 ; l’empereur Otto confirme ses donations à Nivelles 24/01/966) (s’empare 956 du douaire de la reine Gerberge provoquant une riposte du roi Lothaire et Bruno, archevêque de Köln ; capturé sur le Chier puis banni en Bohême (959) revient en grâce sous Otto II, roi de Germanie qui lui restitue son comté."6
; Per Genealogics: "C1. Ct Reginar III of Hainault, +973; m.Adela N (+961.)7"
; NB: There is some disagreement concerning the parents of the Adele/Adela who m. Régnier III de Hainaut.
Genealogics says that she was the dau. of Lambert, Comte de Louvain. Genealgoics cites: Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels, Fürstliche Häuser. 1961.
Med Lands, Racines et Histoire and Wikipédia (Fr.) all say she was the dau. of Huago V Graf von Dachsburg. Med says: "She is named in secondary sources as Adela von Dachsburg, daughter of Hugo [V] Graf von Dachsburg und Egisheim [Alsace] & his wife Hildegard ---, but the primary source which confirms that this is correct has not yet been identified."
Conclusion: I have chosen to follow the lineage given by Med Lands, et al. GA Vaut.1,8,9,10,11
Reference: Genealogics cites: Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels, Fürstliche Häuser. 1961.9 GAV-28 EDV-27 GKJ-28.
; Per Med Lands: "[ADELA (-961). The Annales Hanoniæ record the death in 961 of "Adela comitissa Montensis…uxor Ragineri comitis"[122], although as this passage follows closely on those dealing with the exploits of "Raginerus Longi-colli" it is unclear to which Count Reginar the Annales are referring at this point. The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. m REGINAR [III] Comte de Hainaut, son of REGINAR [II] Comte de Hainaut & his wife --- (920-973).]"
Med lands cites: [122] Iacobi de Guisia Annales Hanoniæ XIV.XXXVI, MGH SS XXX Part 1, p. 183.1 Adele von Dachsburg was also known as Adele Countess of Equisheim.
Family | Régnier III de Hainaut Duke of Upper Lorraine, Comte de Hainaut b. c 920, d. 973 |
Children |
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S619] Inc. Brøderbund Software, GEDCOM file imported on 27 Dec 1999 from World Family Tree Vol. 6, Ed. 1, Family #6-1556., CD-ROM (n.p.: Release date: August 22, 1996, 1996). Hereinafter cited as WFT 6-1556.
- [S1396] Burke's Peerage & Gentry Web Site, online, Milford Haven Family Page. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage & Gentry Web Site.
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, online, unknown author (e-mail address), downloaded updated 15 May 2003, Brabant 1 page (Dukes of Brabant and Landgraves of Hesse):
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online,, p. 2. Hereinafter cited as Racines et Histoire.
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, updated 15 May 2003, Dukes of Brabant and Landgraves of Hesse:
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Ducs de Brabant, p. 2:
- [S1490] Genealogics Website (oiginated by Leo van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes), online, Adela de Louvain: Hereinafter cited as Genealogics Website.
- [S4742] Wikipédia - L'encyclopédie libre, online, Régnier III de Hainaut: Hereinafter cited as Wikipédia (FR).
- [S1549] "Author's comment", various, Gregory A. Vaut (e-mail address), to unknown recipient (unknown recipient address), 3 May 2020; unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "GA Vaut Comment."
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online,, p. 3.
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Lambert I:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,,%20LOUVAIN.htm#LambertILouvaindied1015.
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Ducs de Brabant grafen im Maasgau, comtes de Louvain (Leuven), seigneurs de Perwez et Lovain(e) (Angleterre), p. 4:
Renaud de Clermont Great Chamberlain of France
M, #5260, b. 1010, d. after 1098
Father | Hugh De Creil b. c 990, d. 1060 |
Reference | GAV25 EDV25 |
Last Edited | 27 Nov 2020 |
Renaud de Clermont Great Chamberlain of France married Ermengardis de Clermont, daughter of Baudouin II de Clermont Comte, at England.1
Renaud de Clermont Great Chamberlain of France was born in 1010 at Clermont, Oise, France.1
Renaud de Clermont Great Chamberlain of France died after 1098.1
GAV-25 EDV-25 GKJ-26.
Renaud de Clermont Great Chamberlain of France was born in 1010 at Clermont, Oise, France.1
Renaud de Clermont Great Chamberlain of France died after 1098.1
GAV-25 EDV-25 GKJ-26.
Family | Ermengardis de Clermont b. 1010, d. WFT Est. 1034-1104 |
Child |
- [S619] Inc. Brøderbund Software, GEDCOM file imported on 27 Dec 1999 from World Family Tree Vol. 6, Ed. 1, Family #6-1556., CD-ROM (n.p.: Release date: August 22, 1996, 1996). Hereinafter cited as WFT 6-1556.
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Seigneurs de Clermonten-Beauvaisis & de Clermont-Nesle, p. 2: Hereinafter cited as Racines et Histoire.
Ermengardis de Clermont
F, #5261, b. 1010, d. WFT Est. 1034-1104
Father | Baudouin II de Clermont Comte b. 990 |
Reference | GAV25 EDV25 |
Last Edited | 27 Nov 2020 |
Ermengardis de Clermont died WFT Est. 1034-1104.1 She married Renaud de Clermont Great Chamberlain of France, son of Hugh De Creil, at England.1
Ermengardis de Clermont was born in 1010 at Clermont, Oise, France.1
GAV-25 EDV-25 GKJ-26.
Ermengardis de Clermont was born in 1010 at Clermont, Oise, France.1
GAV-25 EDV-25 GKJ-26.
Family | Renaud de Clermont Great Chamberlain of France b. 1010, d. a 1098 |
Child |
- [S619] Inc. Brøderbund Software, GEDCOM file imported on 27 Dec 1999 from World Family Tree Vol. 6, Ed. 1, Family #6-1556., CD-ROM (n.p.: Release date: August 22, 1996, 1996). Hereinafter cited as WFT 6-1556.
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Seigneurs de Clermonten-Beauvaisis & de Clermont-Nesle, p. 2: Hereinafter cited as Racines et Histoire.
Alix/Alice/Adelaide (?) de Bourgogne1
F, #5262, b. circa 900
Father | Richard II "le Justicier" (?) Duc de Bourgogne, Cte d'Auxerre, Cte de Châlons, de Mâcon, d'Autun, de Sens et de Nevers1 b. c 858, d. 1 Jan 921 |
Mother | Adelheid d'Auxerre (?) Princess of Burgundy1 b. c 872, d. a 921 |
Reference | GAV28 EDV28 |
Last Edited | 3 May 2020 |
Alix/Alice/Adelaide (?) de Bourgogne was born circa 900.1 She married Reginar/Regnier II (?) comte de Hainaut, son of Reginar/Regnier I "Langhals" (?) graf im Hennegau, duc de Lotharingie and Alberade (?) of Mons ().2,3,1,4
GAV-28 EDV-28 GKJ-29.
GAV-28 EDV-28 GKJ-29.
Family | Reginar/Regnier II (?) comte de Hainaut b. 882, d. bt 931 - 932 |
Children |
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, online, unknown author (e-mail address), downloaded updated 15 May 2003, Boson page (Bosonides):
- [S619] Inc. Brøderbund Software, GEDCOM file imported on 27 Dec 1999 from World Family Tree Vol. 6, Ed. 1, Family #6-1556., CD-ROM (n.p.: Release date: August 22, 1996, 1996). Hereinafter cited as WFT 6-1556.
- [S1396] Burke's Peerage & Gentry Web Site, online, Milford Haven Family Page. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage & Gentry Web Site.
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, updated 15 May 2003, Brabant 1 page (Dukes of Brabant and Landgraves of Hesse):
- [S1490] Genealogics Website (oiginated by Leo van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes), online, Reginar III: Hereinafter cited as Genealogics Website.
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
George T. Nelson Sr.1,2
M, #5263, b. 16 June 1836, d. 24 June 1877
Father | George A. Nelson2 b. c 1810 |
Last Edited | 14 Jun 2018 |
George T. Nelson Sr. was born on 16 June 1836 at Fauquier Co., Virginia, USA.3 He married Mary "Mollie" Lynn Hudson, daughter of Washington Banks Hudson and Louisa Marksberry, on 24 December 1858 at Davidson Co., Tennessee, USA,
; Her 1st husband.1
George T. Nelson Sr. died on 24 June 1877 at Davidson Co., Tennessee, USA, at age 41.3
George T. Nelson Sr. was buried after 24 June 1877 at Spring Hill Cemetery, Nashville, Davidson Co., Tennessee, USA; from Find A Grave:
Birth: Jun. 16, 1836, Fauquier County, Virginia, USA
Death: Jun. 24, 1877, Davidson County, Tennessee, USA
First husband of Mary "Molllie" Lynn Hudson, daughter of Margaret and Horatio Hudson, who married T. Dixon Overton after George's death.
George died as a result of injuries from accident while working on his barn.
Family links: Spouse: Mary L. Hudson Overton (1845 - 1911)*
Children: Percy Lynn Nelson (1872 - 1892)*
Burial: Spring Hill Cemetery, Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee, USA
Plot: Sec. 5
Created by: Enjay
Record added: Feb 03, 2017
Find A Grave Memorial# 175970465.3
George T. Nelson Sr. was listed as a resident in George A. Nelson's household in the census report on 22 July 1870 at District 19, Davidson Co., Tennessee, USA; p. 85-A, lines 37-40, dwelling 58, family 60
37 NELSON, Geo. A. 60 [1810] M W Farmer $232,000 $10,000 VA
38 " , Geo. T. 32 [1838] M W Farmer $5,000 VA
39 " , Mary 22 [1848] F W Keeping house KY
40 " , Geo. T. 6/12 M W At home TN Dec.2

; Her 1st husband.1
George T. Nelson Sr. died on 24 June 1877 at Davidson Co., Tennessee, USA, at age 41.3
George T. Nelson Sr. was buried after 24 June 1877 at Spring Hill Cemetery, Nashville, Davidson Co., Tennessee, USA; from Find A Grave:
Birth: Jun. 16, 1836, Fauquier County, Virginia, USA
Death: Jun. 24, 1877, Davidson County, Tennessee, USA
First husband of Mary "Molllie" Lynn Hudson, daughter of Margaret and Horatio Hudson, who married T. Dixon Overton after George's death.
George died as a result of injuries from accident while working on his barn.
Family links: Spouse: Mary L. Hudson Overton (1845 - 1911)*
Children: Percy Lynn Nelson (1872 - 1892)*
Burial: Spring Hill Cemetery, Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee, USA
Plot: Sec. 5
Created by: Enjay
Record added: Feb 03, 2017
Find A Grave Memorial# 175970465.3
George T. Nelson Sr. was listed as a resident in George A. Nelson's household in the census report on 22 July 1870 at District 19, Davidson Co., Tennessee, USA; p. 85-A, lines 37-40, dwelling 58, family 60
37 NELSON, Geo. A. 60 [1810] M W Farmer $232,000 $10,000 VA
38 " , Geo. T. 32 [1838] M W Farmer $5,000 VA
39 " , Mary 22 [1848] F W Keeping house KY
40 " , Geo. T. 6/12 M W At home TN Dec.2


Family | Mary "Mollie" Lynn Hudson b. 11 Mar 1845, d. 25 Dec 1911 |
Children |
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Mary L. "Mollie" Hudson Overton: Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
- [S3797] 1870 Federal Census, 1870 Census TN Davidson Co District 19, Year: 1870; Census Place: District 19, Davidson, Tennessee; Roll: M593_1522; Page: 85A; Family History Library Film: 553021
Image: - [S2374] Find a Grave, online, George T. Nelson:
- [S3879] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TN Davidson Co District 19, Year: 1880; Census Place: District 19, Davidson, Tennessee; Roll: 1251; Family History Film: 1255251; Page: 304B; Enumeration District: 078
Image: - [S3879] 1880 Federal Census, 1880 Census TN Davidson Co District 19, Year: 1880; Census Place: District 19, Davidson, Tennessee; Roll: 1251; Family History Film: 1255251; Page: 304B; Enumeration District: 078
Hugh De Creil
M, #5264, b. circa 990, d. 1060
Father | Renaud De Creil b. 970, d. c 1047 |
Reference | GAV26 EDV26 |
Last Edited | 10 Jan 2003 |
Family | |
Child |
- [S619] Inc. Brøderbund Software, GEDCOM file imported on 27 Dec 1999 from World Family Tree Vol. 6, Ed. 1, Family #6-1556., CD-ROM (n.p.: Release date: August 22, 1996, 1996). Hereinafter cited as WFT 6-1556.
Baudouin II de Clermont Comte
M, #5265, b. 990
Father | Baudouin I de Clermont Comte b. 965 |
Reference | GAV26 EDV26 |
Last Edited | 10 Jan 2003 |
Family | |
Child |
- [S619] Inc. Brøderbund Software, GEDCOM file imported on 27 Dec 1999 from World Family Tree Vol. 6, Ed. 1, Family #6-1556., CD-ROM (n.p.: Release date: August 22, 1996, 1996). Hereinafter cited as WFT 6-1556.
Herloin/Hilduin III de Montdidier seigneur de Ramerupt et de Montdidier1,2
M, #5266, b. circa 985, d. circa 1037
Father | Hilduin/Herloin II (?) Comte d'Arcis-sur-Aube3,4,5,6 b. c 960, d. b 1000 |
Mother | Halvise (?) de Laon7 |
Reference | GAV27 |
Last Edited | 1 Oct 2020 |
Herloin/Hilduin III de Montdidier seigneur de Ramerupt et de Montdidier married Hersende (?)2
Herloin/Hilduin III de Montdidier seigneur de Ramerupt et de Montdidier was born circa 985 at Montdidier, Somme, France.6
Herloin/Hilduin III de Montdidier seigneur de Ramerupt et de Montdidier died circa 1037.6
Reference: Genealogics cites: Europäische Stammtafeln, J.A. Stargardt Verlag Marburg., Detlev Schwennicke, Editor, Reference: III 676.5
; Per Weis: “Hilduin II (of III) de Rameru, b. abt. 985, d. abt. 1037.”.6 GAV-27.
; This is the same person as ”Hilduin III, Count of Montdidier” at Wikipedia.8
; Per Racines et Histoire (de Boubers): “Herloin ou Hilduin III seigneur de Ramerupt et de Montdidier
ép. ? Hersende (veuve ép. Hilduin III de Ponthieu)”.2
; NB: The lineage of the Comtes de Montdidier and Seigneurs de Ramerupt is confusing to me. So far, I have consulted four sources: Racines et Histoire, Genealogics, Med Lands, and Weis. They do not appear consistent with each other. The common point in all lineages is the marriage of a Hilduin (de Ponthieu/de Montdidier) and an Alix/Adèle/lice/Adelaide (de Roucy), dau. of Ebles Comte de Roucy and Beatrix de Hainaut.
I. Racines et Histoire (Montdidier, Ramerupt) is the longest lineage offered in terms of number of generations, but cites no sources. The five of generations to arrive at the common couple of Hilduin and Alix is as follows:
II. Racines et Histoire (de Boubers) shows how confusion between given names (Helgaud, Herloin/Herluin, Hilduin) and title (Ponthieu, Montreuil, Ramerup) could lead to further confusion:
III. Racines et Histoire (Ponthieu-Montreuil) again shows how a confusion between names (Helgaud, Herloin/Herluin, Hilduin) and title (Ponthieu, Montreuil, Ramerup) could lead to confusion.:
IV. Genealogics differs significantly from the Racines et Histoire lineage. It offers only four generation to the CP and cites the same Europäische Stammtafeln table for all relationships (3:676):
V. Med Lands shows all of the primary individuals listed by Genealogy, but is somewhat uncertain in attributing fathers to son for the first three generations. No predecessor is shown to generation III.1:
VI. Weis, in a new line added to the 8th edition, shows:
Conclusion: I can't resolve all of the variation in these lineages, but I am convinced that some of the confusion may relate to the use of the name Herluin and Hildouin in so many families (that on occasion intermarried) and possible confusion between the Ponthieu, Montreuil, Boulogne and Ramerupt titles. In effort to resolve the ancestry of Hilduin** who m. Adele**, I posted a query on soc.genealogy.medieval, and received the following useful reply from Peter Stewart:
My query also elicited the comment from P. J. Evans: "Moriarty's manuscript ... says that the early generations are "unclear""
VII. The Stewart & Evans comments imply the following:
The Weis and Genealogics lineages are close to being consistent to the "known" facts outlined by Stewart. The partial consistency in generations 3, 4 and 5 between Genealogics and Med Lands encourages me to accept those three generations as likely on track. However, the major differences between the three Racine et Histoire lineages and the other three sources leave me too confused to draw a clear conclusion. (Peter Steward completely rejects Racines et Histoire as a source). In its discussion of the Comtes de Montreuil, Med Lands shows individuals who correspond to Racine et Histoire's (Montdidier) and R&H (Ponthieu) first three generations (I.1 - I.3 and III.1 - III.3), but shows no children for I.3/III.3 Roger and makes no connection to the Seigneurs de Ramerupt line shown by Genealogics and Med Lands. I have amended my database to be reasonably consistent with the Weis, Genealogics, and Stewart lineages, but have not yet completely severed connections to earlier generations. GA Vaut.9,10,11,12,6,13,2,14,15 He was living in 1026.5
Herloin/Hilduin III de Montdidier seigneur de Ramerupt et de Montdidier was born circa 985 at Montdidier, Somme, France.6
Herloin/Hilduin III de Montdidier seigneur de Ramerupt et de Montdidier died circa 1037.6
Reference: Genealogics cites: Europäische Stammtafeln, J.A. Stargardt Verlag Marburg., Detlev Schwennicke, Editor, Reference: III 676.5
; Per Weis: “Hilduin II (of III) de Rameru, b. abt. 985, d. abt. 1037.”.6 GAV-27.
; This is the same person as ”Hilduin III, Count of Montdidier” at Wikipedia.8
; Per Racines et Histoire (de Boubers): “Herloin ou Hilduin III seigneur de Ramerupt et de Montdidier
ép. ? Hersende (veuve ép. Hilduin III de Ponthieu)”.2
; NB: The lineage of the Comtes de Montdidier and Seigneurs de Ramerupt is confusing to me. So far, I have consulted four sources: Racines et Histoire, Genealogics, Med Lands, and Weis. They do not appear consistent with each other. The common point in all lineages is the marriage of a Hilduin (de Ponthieu/de Montdidier) and an Alix/Adèle/lice/Adelaide (de Roucy), dau. of Ebles Comte de Roucy and Beatrix de Hainaut.
I. Racines et Histoire (Montdidier, Ramerupt) is the longest lineage offered in terms of number of generations, but cites no sources. The five of generations to arrive at the common couple of Hilduin and Alix is as follows:
I.1. Helgaud II comte de Montreuil, d aft 879, had a son:
**I.2. Herluin II comte de Ponthieu, Montreuil et Amiens, b ca 890 d 13 Jul 945; m1 NN de Dammartin; m2 NN, had a son (mother not identified):
****I.3. Ro(t)ger (Rotgaire) comte de Ternois et de Montreuil, d 957; m NN, had a son:
******I.4. Guillaume I comte de Ponthieu, de Montreuil et de Boulogne, b ca 915/20 d ca 980; m Mahaut (Mathilde, Maud) de Boulogne, had a son:
********I.5. Hilduin** III de Ponthieu (1er de Montdidier) comte de Montdidier, de Ponthieu et de Roucy, b ca 933/45 d bef 956 or 1009; m1 Hersende (Hersent) d’Arcis-sur-Aube (dau. of Helpuin comte d'Arcis); m2 Alix** (Adélaïde) de Roucy
**I.2. Herluin II comte de Ponthieu, Montreuil et Amiens, b ca 890 d 13 Jul 945; m1 NN de Dammartin; m2 NN, had a son (mother not identified):
****I.3. Ro(t)ger (Rotgaire) comte de Ternois et de Montreuil, d 957; m NN, had a son:
******I.4. Guillaume I comte de Ponthieu, de Montreuil et de Boulogne, b ca 915/20 d ca 980; m Mahaut (Mathilde, Maud) de Boulogne, had a son:
********I.5. Hilduin** III de Ponthieu (1er de Montdidier) comte de Montdidier, de Ponthieu et de Roucy, b ca 933/45 d bef 956 or 1009; m1 Hersende (Hersent) d’Arcis-sur-Aube (dau. of Helpuin comte d'Arcis); m2 Alix** (Adélaïde) de Roucy
II. Racines et Histoire (de Boubers) shows how confusion between given names (Helgaud, Herloin/Herluin, Hilduin) and title (Ponthieu, Montreuil, Ramerup) could lead to further confusion:
II.1. Helgaud I comte de Ponthieu, Abbé de Saint-Riquier (son of Oswin) m b ca 805 d 863; m Berthe de Ponthieu, b ca 805 d bef 859, had a son:
**II.2. Hilduin 1er comte de Ponthieu et de Montreuil, d ca 878; m Hélissende de Ramerupt comtesse d’Arcis-sur-Aube, had a son:
****II.3. Helgaud II (Childwald) comte de Ponthieu et de Montreuil, b ca 860 d 926; m NN, had a son:
******II.4. Herluin II seigneur de Ramerupt and de Montdidier; m? Hersende (widow of Hilduin III de Ponthieu), had a son:
********II.5. Herloin/Hilduin** IV comte de Montdidier, seigneur de Ramerupt, d’Arcis et de Breteuil, comte de Roucy (by marriage); m Alix** de Roucy
**II.2. Hilduin 1er comte de Ponthieu et de Montreuil, d ca 878; m Hélissende de Ramerupt comtesse d’Arcis-sur-Aube, had a son:
****II.3. Helgaud II (Childwald) comte de Ponthieu et de Montreuil, b ca 860 d 926; m NN, had a son:
******II.4. Herluin II seigneur de Ramerupt and de Montdidier; m? Hersende (widow of Hilduin III de Ponthieu), had a son:
********II.5. Herloin/Hilduin** IV comte de Montdidier, seigneur de Ramerupt, d’Arcis et de Breteuil, comte de Roucy (by marriage); m Alix** de Roucy
III. Racines et Histoire (Ponthieu-Montreuil) again shows how a confusion between names (Helgaud, Herloin/Herluin, Hilduin) and title (Ponthieu, Montreuil, Ramerup) could lead to confusion.:
III.1. Helgaud II (Childwald)° comte de Ponthieu et de Montreuil, b ca 860 926; m NN, had a son:
**III.2. Herluin II (Childwin) comte de Ponthieu, Montreuil et Amiens b ca 890 d 945; m1 (div. bef 927) ? de Dammartin; m2) NN, had a son (mother not identified):
****III.3. Ro(t)ger (Rotgaire) comte de Ternois et de Montreuil d 957; m NN, had a son:
******III.4. Guillaume 1er comte de Ponthieu, de Montreuil et de Boulogne, b ca 915/920 d ca 980; m ca 940 Mahaut (Mathilde, Maud) de Boulogne, had a son:
********III.5. Hilduin** III de Ponthieu (1er de Montdidier) comte de Montdidier & de Ponthieu, seigneur de Ramerupt, Arcis et Breteuil, comte de Roucy (by marriage), b ca 933/45 d ca 1009; m1 ? Hersende «La Pieuse» de Ramerupt b ca 950 comtesse d’Arcies; m2 Alix** (Adélaïde) de Roucy
**III.2. Herluin II (Childwin) comte de Ponthieu, Montreuil et Amiens b ca 890 d 945; m1 (div. bef 927) ? de Dammartin; m2) NN, had a son (mother not identified):
****III.3. Ro(t)ger (Rotgaire) comte de Ternois et de Montreuil d 957; m NN, had a son:
******III.4. Guillaume 1er comte de Ponthieu, de Montreuil et de Boulogne, b ca 915/920 d ca 980; m ca 940 Mahaut (Mathilde, Maud) de Boulogne, had a son:
********III.5. Hilduin** III de Ponthieu (1er de Montdidier) comte de Montdidier & de Ponthieu, seigneur de Ramerupt, Arcis et Breteuil, comte de Roucy (by marriage), b ca 933/45 d ca 1009; m1 ? Hersende «La Pieuse» de Ramerupt b ca 950 comtesse d’Arcies; m2 Alix** (Adélaïde) de Roucy
IV. Genealogics differs significantly from the Racines et Histoire lineage. It offers only four generation to the CP and cites the same Europäische Stammtafeln table for all relationships (3:676):
IV.1. (no predecessors shown)
**IV.2. Hilduin [I] Comte d'Arcis-sur-Aube; m Hersende Dame de Ramerupt, had a son:
****IV.3. Hilduin II Sire de Ramerupt Comes, b ca 960, had a son:
******IV.4. Hilduin III Sire de Ramerupt Comes, liv 1026; m NN, had a son:
********IV.5. Hildouin** IV de Montdidier, b ca 1005 d 1063; m Adèle** (Alice) de Roucy Heiress of Roucy
**IV.2. Hilduin [I] Comte d'Arcis-sur-Aube; m Hersende Dame de Ramerupt, had a son:
****IV.3. Hilduin II Sire de Ramerupt Comes, b ca 960, had a son:
******IV.4. Hilduin III Sire de Ramerupt Comes, liv 1026; m NN, had a son:
********IV.5. Hildouin** IV de Montdidier, b ca 1005 d 1063; m Adèle** (Alice) de Roucy Heiress of Roucy
V. Med Lands shows all of the primary individuals listed by Genealogy, but is somewhat uncertain in attributing fathers to son for the first three generations. No predecessor is shown to generation III.1:
V.1. Hilduin I Comte de Montdidier, d bef 956; m NN, relationship to following unknown:
**V.2. Unknown m Hersende, Dame de Ramerupt, had a son:
****V.3. Hilduin II Comte d’Arcis-sur-Aube, Seigneur de Ramerupt, d aft 992/993; m NN, possibly, had a son:
******V.4. Hilduin III de Ramerupt Comte de Montdidier, Seigneur de Ramerupt, d aft 1032; m NN, had a son:
********V.5. Hilduin** IV de Ramerupt Comte de Montdidier, Seigneur de Ramerupt, d 1063; m Adelaide de Roucy**
**V.2. Unknown m Hersende, Dame de Ramerupt, had a son:
****V.3. Hilduin II Comte d’Arcis-sur-Aube, Seigneur de Ramerupt, d aft 992/993; m NN, possibly, had a son:
******V.4. Hilduin III de Ramerupt Comte de Montdidier, Seigneur de Ramerupt, d aft 1032; m NN, had a son:
********V.5. Hilduin** IV de Ramerupt Comte de Montdidier, Seigneur de Ramerupt, d 1063; m Adelaide de Roucy**
VI. Weis, in a new line added to the 8th edition, shows:
VI1. (no predecessors shown)
**VI2. Helpuin I Comte d'Arcis-sur-Aube, b ca 925; m. Hersend, Countess de Rameru [sic], had a son:
****VI3. Hilduin I (or II), b. ca 950 d bef 1000, had a son:
******VI4. Hilduin II (or III) de Rameru [sic], b. ca 985 d. ca 1037, had a son:
********VI5. Hilduin** II (or III) de Rameru [sic] Count of Montdidier, Lord of Rameru [sic], Count of Roucy, b. ca 1010, d. 1063; m. ca 1031 Adele de Roucy** d. 1062.
**VI2. Helpuin I Comte d'Arcis-sur-Aube, b ca 925; m. Hersend, Countess de Rameru [sic], had a son:
****VI3. Hilduin I (or II), b. ca 950 d bef 1000, had a son:
******VI4. Hilduin II (or III) de Rameru [sic], b. ca 985 d. ca 1037, had a son:
********VI5. Hilduin** II (or III) de Rameru [sic] Count of Montdidier, Lord of Rameru [sic], Count of Roucy, b. ca 1010, d. 1063; m. ca 1031 Adele de Roucy** d. 1062.
Conclusion: I can't resolve all of the variation in these lineages, but I am convinced that some of the confusion may relate to the use of the name Herluin and Hildouin in so many families (that on occasion intermarried) and possible confusion between the Ponthieu, Montreuil, Boulogne and Ramerupt titles. In effort to resolve the ancestry of Hilduin** who m. Adele**, I posted a query on soc.genealogy.medieval, and received the following useful reply from Peter Stewart:
"As for the ancestry of Hilduin (died 1063) the husband of Alix/Adela of Roucy, we know from a charter of King Robert II dated 1031 that Hilduin (IV) was son of a count also named Hilduin whose brother Manasses was count (almost certainly) of Dammartin. We know from a charter of King Philippe I dated 1061 that their father was a nephew of another Hilduin who was granted Combs-la-Ville by Hugo Magnus, duke of Franks (died 956). This Hilduin died before Hugo Magnus, who took back Combs for himself.
"We also know from a Vita of St Balsemius (or Baussange) that the mother of Count Hilduin active until 977/92 was Hersende who together with him founded the priory of Notre-Dame at Ramerupt where they deposited relics of the saint taken from Arcis-sur-Aube. Hersende appears to have been heiress of these places, or at least of Ramerupt, since she was a widow acting on her own authority when she took the relics from Arcis for her new church at Ramerupt ca 960. The Vita of St Balsemius was probably written in the 11th or 12th century, though this is not certain - its fullest extant version is a copy made by 1519, perhaps at Saint-Basle de Verzy abbey.
"The names of the wives of these men, apart from Hersende, are unknown. Jean-Noël Mathieu and others have speculatively proposed family origins for them, but without evidence solid enough for details to be worth repeating."
"We also know from a Vita of St Balsemius (or Baussange) that the mother of Count Hilduin active until 977/92 was Hersende who together with him founded the priory of Notre-Dame at Ramerupt where they deposited relics of the saint taken from Arcis-sur-Aube. Hersende appears to have been heiress of these places, or at least of Ramerupt, since she was a widow acting on her own authority when she took the relics from Arcis for her new church at Ramerupt ca 960. The Vita of St Balsemius was probably written in the 11th or 12th century, though this is not certain - its fullest extant version is a copy made by 1519, perhaps at Saint-Basle de Verzy abbey.
"The names of the wives of these men, apart from Hersende, are unknown. Jean-Noël Mathieu and others have speculatively proposed family origins for them, but without evidence solid enough for details to be worth repeating."
My query also elicited the comment from P. J. Evans: "Moriarty's manuscript ... says that the early generations are "unclear""
VII. The Stewart & Evans comments imply the following:
VII.1 (predecessors are "unclear"
**VII.2 Hilduin Count live 977/92; m. Hersende heiress of Arcis-sur-Aube and Ramerupt, had a son:
****VII.3 Hilduin
******VII.4 Manasses Comte de Dammartin
******VII.4 Hilduin Count
********VII.5 Hilduin** IV d. 1063; m Alix/Adela** de Roucy
**VII.2 Hilduin Count live 977/92; m. Hersende heiress of Arcis-sur-Aube and Ramerupt, had a son:
****VII.3 Hilduin
******VII.4 Manasses Comte de Dammartin
******VII.4 Hilduin Count
********VII.5 Hilduin** IV d. 1063; m Alix/Adela** de Roucy
The Weis and Genealogics lineages are close to being consistent to the "known" facts outlined by Stewart. The partial consistency in generations 3, 4 and 5 between Genealogics and Med Lands encourages me to accept those three generations as likely on track. However, the major differences between the three Racine et Histoire lineages and the other three sources leave me too confused to draw a clear conclusion. (Peter Steward completely rejects Racines et Histoire as a source). In its discussion of the Comtes de Montreuil, Med Lands shows individuals who correspond to Racine et Histoire's (Montdidier) and R&H (Ponthieu) first three generations (I.1 - I.3 and III.1 - III.3), but shows no children for I.3/III.3 Roger and makes no connection to the Seigneurs de Ramerupt line shown by Genealogics and Med Lands. I have amended my database to be reasonably consistent with the Weis, Genealogics, and Stewart lineages, but have not yet completely severed connections to earlier generations. GA Vaut.9,10,11,12,6,13,2,14,15 He was living in 1026.5
Family | Hersende (?) |
Child |
- [S1490] Genealogics Website (oiginated by Leo van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes), online, Hilduin II: Hereinafter cited as Genealogics Website.
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Famille & Seigneurs de BOUBERS-1, p. 2: Hereinafter cited as Racines et Histoire.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Hilduin II:
- [S2372] Frederick Lewis Weis, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charlemagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong, and Some of Their Descendants, 8th ed. w/ additions by Wm R. and Kaleen E. Beall (Baltimore, 1992: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 2004), Line 151A-20, p. 147. Hereinafter cited as Weis [2004] "Ancestral Roots" 8th ed.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Hilduin III:
- [S2372] Frederick Lewis Weis, Weis [2004] "Ancestral Roots" 8th ed, Line 151A-21, p. 147.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Hersende:
- [S1953] Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, online,,_Count_of_Montdidier. Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Hilduin:
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Seigneurs de Ramerupt, Comtes de Montdidier: Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Comtes de Montdidier, Comtes de Dammartin, & Seigneurs de Ramerupt, p. 2:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online, COMTES de MONTREUIL:
- [S4812] Peter Stewart, "Stewart email 1 Oct 2020: "Who were the ancestors of the Hilduin III/IV (?) who m. Adelaide/Alix/Adele de Roucy?"," e-mail message from e-mail address via ( to Google Group: soc.genealogy.medieval, 2 Nov 2011, Hereinafter cited as "Stewart email 1 Oct 2020."
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Comtes de Ponthieu, & Montreuil, Saint-Pol, p. 4:
- [S1549] "Author's comment", various, Gregory A. Vaut (e-mail address), to unknown recipient (unknown recipient address), 1 Oct 2020; unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "GA Vaut Comment."
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Hilduin III:
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Hildouin IV de Montdidier:
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online,, p. 3.
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Famille & Seigneurs de BOUBERS-1, p. 3:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
Ebles I “Fortis” de Roucy Count of Rheims & Roucy1
M, #5267, b. circa 988, d. 11 May 1033
Father | Ebalus/Ebles (?) de Poitou2 d. a 997 |
Reference | GAV26 EDV27 |
Last Edited | 16 Dec 2020 |
Ebles I “Fortis” de Roucy Count of Rheims & Roucy was born circa 988 at Reims, Departement de la Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France.3 He married Beatrix (?) Countess of Hainaut, daughter of Regnier IV (?) comte de Hainaut et de Mons and Hedwige/Adwige (?) Princess of France,
; her 1st husband.4,5,6 Ebles I “Fortis” de Roucy Count of Rheims & Roucy and Beatrix (?) Countess of Hainaut were divorced before 1021.6
Ebles I “Fortis” de Roucy Count of Rheims & Roucy died on 11 May 1033 at Reims, Departement de la Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France (now).1
He was Archbishop of Rheims.5 GAV-26 EDV-27 GKJ-27.7,5
; NB: There are at least two theories concerning the ancestry of Judith and her siblings, Lietaud and Ebles I. These are outlined by Genealogics:
Conclusion: I have followed Genealogics' "more recent conjectures", assigning Judith and her siblings as children of Ebles de Poitiers. GA Vaut
There is also confusion about the line of the various men named Manasses who were comtes de Rethel and their wives (Judity de Roucy, Judith, Yvetter de Roucy, etc.)
I. Weis states unequivocally Manasses III m. "Yvette de Roucy, dau. of Giselbert (151-20), Count of Roucy". In addition to this Yvette, Weis also assigns Ebles I as a child of this Giselbert. Weis does not show any ancestry for Manasses III.
II. Genealogics offers the following (showing no parents for Manasses I):
III. Med Lands offers a different descent:
IV. Genealogy.EU (Rethel Family) offers the following:
V. Racines et Histoire (Rethel) shows two variants:
; her 1st husband.4,5,6 Ebles I “Fortis” de Roucy Count of Rheims & Roucy and Beatrix (?) Countess of Hainaut were divorced before 1021.6
Ebles I “Fortis” de Roucy Count of Rheims & Roucy died on 11 May 1033 at Reims, Departement de la Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France (now).1
He was Archbishop of Rheims.5 GAV-26 EDV-27 GKJ-27.7,5
; NB: There are at least two theories concerning the ancestry of Judith and her siblings, Lietaud and Ebles I. These are outlined by Genealogics:
“This NN person is being shown to separate the children from the traditional view that their father was Giselbert, Comte de Roucy (I00020519). Ebles succeeded Giselbert and is documented to have the siblings shown. Thus, this fatherhood was widely assumed. Giselbert's wife was conjectured to have been a daughter of Guillaume III de Poitiers and Adela de Normandy in order to explain the name Ebles.
“A more recent conjectures suggest the children are those of Ebles de Poitiers (I00020505), younger son of Guillaume IV de Poitiers and Emma de Blois, a daughter of Aubry II de Macon and Ermentrude de Roucy, Giselbert's sister. That could explain the rare name Liétaud, whose appearance as both the father-in-law of a sister of Gisbelbert de Roucy and a brother of his successor is striking, the name Eudes and the succession to the Blois lands of Rumigny and Coucy. [Reference] _'La Succession au comté de Roucy aux environs se l'an mil', in 'Onomastique et Parenté dans l'Occident médiéval'_, by Jean-Noël Mathieu.”
“A more recent conjectures suggest the children are those of Ebles de Poitiers (I00020505), younger son of Guillaume IV de Poitiers and Emma de Blois, a daughter of Aubry II de Macon and Ermentrude de Roucy, Giselbert's sister. That could explain the rare name Liétaud, whose appearance as both the father-in-law of a sister of Gisbelbert de Roucy and a brother of his successor is striking, the name Eudes and the succession to the Blois lands of Rumigny and Coucy. [Reference] _'La Succession au comté de Roucy aux environs se l'an mil', in 'Onomastique et Parenté dans l'Occident médiéval'_, by Jean-Noël Mathieu.”
Conclusion: I have followed Genealogics' "more recent conjectures", assigning Judith and her siblings as children of Ebles de Poitiers. GA Vaut
There is also confusion about the line of the various men named Manasses who were comtes de Rethel and their wives (Judity de Roucy, Judith, Yvetter de Roucy, etc.)
I. Weis states unequivocally Manasses III m. "Yvette de Roucy, dau. of Giselbert (151-20), Count of Roucy". In addition to this Yvette, Weis also assigns Ebles I as a child of this Giselbert. Weis does not show any ancestry for Manasses III.
II. Genealogics offers the following (showing no parents for Manasses I):
II.1 Manasses I, Comte de Réthel m. Judith de Roucy
II.2 Manasses II, Comte de Réthel m. Judith b. Est 1020
II.3 Hugues I, Comte de Réthel
II.2 Manasses II, Comte de Réthel m. Judith b. Est 1020
II.3 Hugues I, Comte de Réthel
III. Med Lands offers a different descent:
III.1 Manasses I, Comte de Réthel d. aft 989 m. Oradela de Castres
III.2 Manasses II, Comte de Réthel b. 942/960 d. aft 1026 m. Dada
(unclear relation to Manasses III, possibly grandson)
III.3 Manasses III, Comte de Réthel m. Judith, one of three possible women:
(1) JUDITH [de Roucy, daughter of --- & his wife ---]. Given the estimated birth date of Judith, wife of Comte Manassès, as shown above, it is chronologically impossible for her to have been the daughter of Giselbert Comte de Roucy, who died in the last years of the 10th century. However, it is not impossible that she was the uterine half-sister of Ebles Comte de Roucy, assuming that their mother remarried after the death of her husband Giselbert.
(2) [IDA] [de Boulogne, daughter of EUSTACHE I Comte de Boulogne & his wife Mathilde de Louvain.]
(3) [JUDITH] of Lotharingia, daughter of GODEFROI "le Barbu" Duke of Lower Lotharingia & his first wife Doda ---
III.4 Hugues, Comte de Réthel
III.2 Manasses II, Comte de Réthel b. 942/960 d. aft 1026 m. Dada
(unclear relation to Manasses III, possibly grandson)
III.3 Manasses III, Comte de Réthel m. Judith, one of three possible women:
(1) JUDITH [de Roucy, daughter of --- & his wife ---]. Given the estimated birth date of Judith, wife of Comte Manassès, as shown above, it is chronologically impossible for her to have been the daughter of Giselbert Comte de Roucy, who died in the last years of the 10th century. However, it is not impossible that she was the uterine half-sister of Ebles Comte de Roucy, assuming that their mother remarried after the death of her husband Giselbert.
(2) [IDA] [de Boulogne, daughter of EUSTACHE I Comte de Boulogne & his wife Mathilde de Louvain.]
(3) [JUDITH] of Lotharingia, daughter of GODEFROI "le Barbu" Duke of Lower Lotharingia & his first wife Doda ---
III.4 Hugues, Comte de Réthel
IV. Genealogy.EU (Rethel Family) offers the following:
IV.1 Menasses I, Ct de Rethel, *935, +after 974; m.Odélie (*940)
IV.2 Menasses II, Ct de Rethel, *965, +990; 1m: Yvette de Roucy (*976/985); 2m: 1026 Dada N
IV.3 Menasses III, Ct de Rethel, *990, +1056, fl 1081; m.Judith de Roucy (his mother younger sister) (*990 +? 1081
IV.4 Hugues I, Cte de Rethel, *1030
IV.2 Menasses II, Ct de Rethel, *965, +990; 1m: Yvette de Roucy (*976/985); 2m: 1026 Dada N
IV.3 Menasses III, Ct de Rethel, *990, +1056, fl 1081; m.Judith de Roucy (his mother younger sister) (*990 +? 1081
IV.4 Hugues I, Cte de Rethel, *1030
V. Racines et Histoire (Rethel) shows two variants:
R&H Variant I:
V.I.1 Manasses I de Réthel, Ct de Réthel , +after 989
V.I.2 Manasses II de Réthel , Ct de Réthel m: 1026 Dada N
R&H Variant II:
V.II.1 Manasses I d'Omont, (935-aft 989) Ct de Réthel , +after 989
V.II.2 Roger
V.II.3 Manasses II, (965-aft 1026) Ct de Rethel, m Dada/Doda/Yvette de Roucy
V.II.4 Manasses III, (990-1056) Ct de Rethel m. Judith/Ida de Boulogne
V.II.5 Hugues I, Cte de Rethel
Conclusion: In trying to construct a reasonable lineage, I have settled, for the moment, on two unconnected lines, mostly for chronological consistency:
and (with no direct connection):
This is not entirely satisfactory and I continue to research issue. GA Vaut.2,8,9,10,11
V.I.1 Manasses I de Réthel, Ct de Réthel , +after 989
V.I.2 Manasses II de Réthel , Ct de Réthel m: 1026 Dada N
R&H Variant II:
V.II.1 Manasses I d'Omont, (935-aft 989) Ct de Réthel , +after 989
V.II.2 Roger
V.II.3 Manasses II, (965-aft 1026) Ct de Rethel, m Dada/Doda/Yvette de Roucy
V.II.4 Manasses III, (990-1056) Ct de Rethel m. Judith/Ida de Boulogne
V.II.5 Hugues I, Cte de Rethel
Conclusion: In trying to construct a reasonable lineage, I have settled, for the moment, on two unconnected lines, mostly for chronological consistency:
1 Manasses I, Comte de Réthel d. aft 989 m. Oradela de Castres
2 Manasses II, Comte de Réthel b. 942/960 d. aft 1026 m. Dada
2 Manasses II, Comte de Réthel b. 942/960 d. aft 1026 m. Dada
and (with no direct connection):
1 Manasses II, Comte de Réthel m. Judith de Roucy
2 Manasses III, Comte de Réthel m. Judith b. Est 1020
3 Hugues I, Comte de Réthel
2 Manasses III, Comte de Réthel m. Judith b. Est 1020
3 Hugues I, Comte de Réthel
This is not entirely satisfactory and I continue to research issue. GA Vaut.2,8,9,10,11
Family | Beatrix (?) Countess of Hainaut b. c 998, d. bt 1016 - 1092 |
Children |
- [S2374] Find a Grave, online, Find A Grave, database and images ( : accessed 08 October 2019), memorial page for Ebles “Fortis” De Roucy & De Reims, I (unknown–11 May 1033), Find A Grave Memorial no. 160517977, ; Maintained by mackntosh (contributor 48132394) Burial Details Unknown, who reports a Macon, France, at: Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website (oiginated by Leo van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes), online, NN: Hereinafter cited as Genealogics Website.
- [S812] e-mail address, online, Jr. William R. Ferris (unknown location), downloaded updated 4 Apr 2002,
- [S619] Inc. Brøderbund Software, GEDCOM file imported on 27 Dec 1999 from World Family Tree Vol. 6, Ed. 1, Family #6-1556., CD-ROM (n.p.: Release date: August 22, 1996, 1996). Hereinafter cited as WFT 6-1556.
- [S632] Frederick Lewis Weis, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charlemagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong, and Some of Their Descendants, 7th edition (n.p.: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.
Baltimore, 1992, unknown publish date), line 151-21, p. 133. Hereinafter cited as Weis AR-7. - [S1438] Miroslav Marek, online, unknown author (e-mail address), downloaded updated 15 May 2003, Brabant 1 page (Dukes of Brabant and Landgraves of Hesse):
- [S1396] Burke's Peerage & Gentry Web Site, online, Milford Haven Family Page. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage & Gentry Web Site.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online,
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, updated 15 May 2003, Rethel Family:
- [S1549] "Author's comment", various, Gregory A. Vaut (e-mail address), to unknown recipient (unknown recipient address), 16 Dec 2020; unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "GA Vaut Comment."
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online,, p. 2. Hereinafter cited as Racines et Histoire.
- [S2372] Frederick Lewis Weis, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charlemagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong, and Some of Their Descendants, 8th ed. w/ additions by Wm R. and Kaleen E. Beall (Baltimore, 1992: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 2004), Line 151-22, p. 146. Hereinafter cited as Weis [2004] "Ancestral Roots" 8th ed.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Adèle (Alice) de Roucy:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
Beatrix (?) Countess of Hainaut1,2
F, #5268, b. circa 998, d. between 1016 and 1092
Father | Regnier IV (?) comte de Hainaut et de Mons3,2 b. a 947, d. c 1013 |
Mother | Hedwige/Adwige (?) Princess of France2,4 b. c 969, d. a 1013 |
Reference | GAV26 EDV27 |
Last Edited | 1 Oct 2020 |
Beatrix (?) Countess of Hainaut was born circa 998 at Hainaut, France.5 She married Ebles I “Fortis” de Roucy Count of Rheims & Roucy, son of Ebalus/Ebles (?) de Poitou,
; her 1st husband.5,6,2
Beatrix (?) Countess of Hainaut died between 1016 and 1092; date is WFT estimate.5 She and Ebles I “Fortis” de Roucy Count of Rheims & Roucy were divorced before 1021.2 Beatrix (?) Countess of Hainaut married Manasses (?) de Ramerupt
; her 2nd husband.2
Beatrix (?) Countess of Hainaut was Countess of Hainault at Hainaut, France. GAV-26 EDV-27 GKJ-27.
; her 1st husband.5,6,2
Beatrix (?) Countess of Hainaut died between 1016 and 1092; date is WFT estimate.5 She and Ebles I “Fortis” de Roucy Count of Rheims & Roucy were divorced before 1021.2 Beatrix (?) Countess of Hainaut married Manasses (?) de Ramerupt
; her 2nd husband.2
Beatrix (?) Countess of Hainaut was Countess of Hainault at Hainaut, France. GAV-26 EDV-27 GKJ-27.
Family 1 | Ebles I “Fortis” de Roucy Count of Rheims & Roucy b. c 988, d. 11 May 1033 |
Children |
Family 2 | Manasses (?) de Ramerupt |
- [S753] Jr. Aileen Lewers Langston and J. Orton Buck, compiler, Pedigrees of Some of the Emperor Charlemagne's Descendants, Vol. II (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1974 (1996 reprint)), p. 140. Hereinafter cited as Langston & Buck [1974] - Charlemagne Desc. vol II.
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, online, unknown author (e-mail address), downloaded updated 15 May 2003, Brabant 1 page (Dukes of Brabant and Landgraves of Hesse):
- [S1396] Burke's Peerage & Gentry Web Site, online, Milford Haven Family Page. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage & Gentry Web Site.
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S619] Inc. Brøderbund Software, GEDCOM file imported on 27 Dec 1999 from World Family Tree Vol. 6, Ed. 1, Family #6-1556., CD-ROM (n.p.: Release date: August 22, 1996, 1996). Hereinafter cited as WFT 6-1556.
- [S632] Frederick Lewis Weis, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charlemagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong, and Some of Their Descendants, 7th edition (n.p.: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.
Baltimore, 1992, unknown publish date), line 151-21, p. 133. Hereinafter cited as Weis AR-7. - [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online,, p. 2. Hereinafter cited as Racines et Histoire.
- [S2372] Frederick Lewis Weis, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charlemagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong, and Some of Their Descendants, 8th ed. w/ additions by Wm R. and Kaleen E. Beall (Baltimore, 1992: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 2004), Line 151-22, p. 146. Hereinafter cited as Weis [2004] "Ancestral Roots" 8th ed.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website (oiginated by Leo van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes), online, Adèle (Alice) de Roucy: Hereinafter cited as Genealogics Website.
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
Alberade (?) of Mons ()
F, #5269, b. circa 870, d. 916
Reference | GAV29 EDV29 |
Last Edited | 24 Nov 2020 |
Alberade (?) of Mons () married Reginar/Regnier I "Langhals" (?) graf im Hennegau, duc de Lotharingie, son of Giselbert II (?) Graf im Maasgau, Gf im Lommegau and Ermengarde/Irmgard (?) de Lotharingie, Dss of Mosselle.1,2,3
Alberade (?) of Mons () was born circa 870 at France.4
Alberade (?) of Mons () died in 916.1
GAV-29 EDV-29 GKJ-30.
Alberade (?) of Mons () was born circa 870 at France.4
Alberade (?) of Mons () died in 916.1
GAV-29 EDV-29 GKJ-30.
Family | Reginar/Regnier I "Langhals" (?) graf im Hennegau, duc de Lotharingie b. c 850, d. bt 25 Oct 915 - 19 Jan 916 |
Children |
- [S632] Frederick Lewis Weis, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charlemagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong, and Some of Their Descendants, 7th edition (n.p.: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.
Baltimore, 1992, unknown publish date), line 240-17, p. 204. Hereinafter cited as Weis AR-7. - [S1438] Miroslav Marek, online, unknown author (e-mail address), downloaded updated 15 May 2003, Brabant 1 page (Dukes of Brabant and Landgraves of Hesse):
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online,, p. 2. Hereinafter cited as Racines et Histoire.
- [S619] Inc. Brøderbund Software, GEDCOM file imported on 27 Dec 1999 from World Family Tree Vol. 6, Ed. 1, Family #6-1556., CD-ROM (n.p.: Release date: August 22, 1996, 1996). Hereinafter cited as WFT 6-1556.
- [S1396] Burke's Peerage & Gentry Web Site, online, Milford Haven Family Page. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage & Gentry Web Site.
- [S1823] Peter Stewart, "Stewart email #1 3 Nov 2004 "Re: Giselbert Duke of Lorraine parentage"," e-mail message from e-mail address ( to e-mail address, 3 Nov 2004. Hereinafter cited as "Stewart email #1 3 Nov 2004."
- [S1490] Genealogics Website (oiginated by Leo van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes), online, Giselbert: Hereinafter cited as Genealogics Website.
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Ducs de Brabant grafen im Maasgau, comtes de Louvain (Leuven), seigneurs de Perwez et Lovain(e) (Angleterre), p. 2:
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S1702] The Henry Project: The ancestors of king Henry II of England, An experiment in cooperative medieval genealogy on the internet (now hosted by the American Society of Genealogists, ASG), online, Hereinafter cited as The Henry Project.
- [S812] e-mail address, online, Jr. William R. Ferris (unknown location), downloaded updated 4 Apr 2002,
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
Renaud De Creil
M, #5270, b. 970, d. circa 1047
Reference | GAV27 EDV27 |
Last Edited | 10 Jan 2003 |
Renaud De Creil was born in 970 at Creil, Oise, France.1
Renaud De Creil died circa 1047.1
GAV-27 EDV-27 GKJ-28.
Renaud De Creil died circa 1047.1
GAV-27 EDV-27 GKJ-28.
Family | |
Child |
- [S619] Inc. Brøderbund Software, GEDCOM file imported on 27 Dec 1999 from World Family Tree Vol. 6, Ed. 1, Family #6-1556., CD-ROM (n.p.: Release date: August 22, 1996, 1996). Hereinafter cited as WFT 6-1556.
Baudouin I de Clermont Comte
M, #5271, b. 965
Reference | GAV27 EDV27 |
Last Edited | 10 Jan 2003 |
Family | |
Child |
- [S619] Inc. Brøderbund Software, GEDCOM file imported on 27 Dec 1999 from World Family Tree Vol. 6, Ed. 1, Family #6-1556., CD-ROM (n.p.: Release date: August 22, 1996, 1996). Hereinafter cited as WFT 6-1556.
Hilduin/Herloin II (?) Comte d'Arcis-sur-Aube1,2,3
M, #5272, b. circa 960, d. before 1000
Father | Herloin/Hilduin I (?) comte de Ponthieu et de Montreuil2,3,4,5 b. c 925 |
Mother | Hersende/Hélissende de Ramerupt Dame de Ramerupt, comtesse d’Arcis-sur-Aube1,2,3 |
Reference | GAV27 |
Last Edited | 1 Oct 2020 |
Hilduin/Herloin II (?) Comte d'Arcis-sur-Aube married Halvise (?) de Laon.1
Hilduin/Herloin II (?) Comte d'Arcis-sur-Aube was born circa 960 at Montdidier, Somme, France; Genealogics says b. ca 960; Weis says b. ca 950.2,3
Hilduin/Herloin II (?) Comte d'Arcis-sur-Aube died before 1000.3
; Per Weis: “Hilduin I (or II), b. abt. 950, d. bef. 1000.”.3
Reference: Genealogics cites: Europäische Stammtafeln, J.A. Stargardt Verlag Marburg., Detlev Schwennicke, Editor, Reference: III 676.2 GAV-27.
; This is the same person as ”Hilduin II, Count of Arcis-sur-Aube” at Wikipedia.6
; Per Racines et Histoire (de Boubers): “Herloin ou Hilduin II comte d’Arcis-sur-Aube
ép. Halvise de Laon”.5
; NB: The lineage of the Comtes de Montdidier and Seigneurs de Ramerupt is confusing to me. So far, I have consulted four sources: Racines et Histoire, Genealogics, Med Lands, and Weis. They do not appear consistent with each other. The common point in all lineages is the marriage of a Hilduin (de Ponthieu/de Montdidier) and an Alix/Adèle/lice/Adelaide (de Roucy), dau. of Ebles Comte de Roucy and Beatrix de Hainaut.
I. Racines et Histoire (Montdidier, Ramerupt) is the longest lineage offered in terms of number of generations, but cites no sources. The five of generations to arrive at the common couple of Hilduin and Alix is as follows:
II. Racines et Histoire (de Boubers) shows how confusion between given names (Helgaud, Herloin/Herluin, Hilduin) and title (Ponthieu, Montreuil, Ramerup) could lead to further confusion:
III. Racines et Histoire (Ponthieu-Montreuil) again shows how a confusion between names (Helgaud, Herloin/Herluin, Hilduin) and title (Ponthieu, Montreuil, Ramerup) could lead to confusion.:
IV. Genealogics differs significantly from the Racines et Histoire lineage. It offers only four generation to the CP and cites the same Europäische Stammtafeln table for all relationships (3:676):
V. Med Lands shows all of the primary individuals listed by Genealogy, but is somewhat uncertain in attributing fathers to son for the first three generations. No predecessor is shown to generation III.1:
VI. Weis, in a new line added to the 8th edition, shows:
Conclusion: I can't resolve all of the variation in these lineages, but I am convinced that some of the confusion may relate to the use of the name Herluin and Hildouin in so many families (that on occasion intermarried) and possible confusion between the Ponthieu, Montreuil, Boulogne and Ramerupt titles. In effort to resolve the ancestry of Hilduin** who m. Adele**, I posted a query on soc.genealogy.medieval, and received the following useful reply from Peter Stewart:
My query also elicited the comment from P. J. Evans: "Moriarty's manuscript ... says that the early generations are "unclear""
VII. The Stewart & Evans comments imply the following:
The Weis and Genealogics lineages are close to being consistent to the "known" facts outlined by Stewart. The partial consistency in generations 3, 4 and 5 between Genealogics and Med Lands encourages me to accept those three generations as likely on track. However, the major differences between the three Racine et Histoire lineages and the other three sources leave me too confused to draw a clear conclusion. (Peter Steward completely rejects Racines et Histoire as a source). In its discussion of the Comtes de Montreuil, Med Lands shows individuals who correspond to Racine et Histoire's (Montdidier) and R&H (Ponthieu) first three generations (I.1 - I.3 and III.1 - III.3), but shows no children for I.3/III.3 Roger and makes no connection to the Seigneurs de Ramerupt line shown by Genealogics and Med Lands. I have amended my database to be reasonably consistent with the Weis, Genealogics, and Stewart lineages, but have not yet completely severed connections to earlier generations. GA Vaut.4,7,8,9,10,11,5,12,13
; He made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.14
Hilduin/Herloin II (?) Comte d'Arcis-sur-Aube was born circa 960 at Montdidier, Somme, France; Genealogics says b. ca 960; Weis says b. ca 950.2,3
Hilduin/Herloin II (?) Comte d'Arcis-sur-Aube died before 1000.3
; Per Weis: “Hilduin I (or II), b. abt. 950, d. bef. 1000.”.3
Reference: Genealogics cites: Europäische Stammtafeln, J.A. Stargardt Verlag Marburg., Detlev Schwennicke, Editor, Reference: III 676.2 GAV-27.
; This is the same person as ”Hilduin II, Count of Arcis-sur-Aube” at Wikipedia.6
; Per Racines et Histoire (de Boubers): “Herloin ou Hilduin II comte d’Arcis-sur-Aube
ép. Halvise de Laon”.5
; NB: The lineage of the Comtes de Montdidier and Seigneurs de Ramerupt is confusing to me. So far, I have consulted four sources: Racines et Histoire, Genealogics, Med Lands, and Weis. They do not appear consistent with each other. The common point in all lineages is the marriage of a Hilduin (de Ponthieu/de Montdidier) and an Alix/Adèle/lice/Adelaide (de Roucy), dau. of Ebles Comte de Roucy and Beatrix de Hainaut.
I. Racines et Histoire (Montdidier, Ramerupt) is the longest lineage offered in terms of number of generations, but cites no sources. The five of generations to arrive at the common couple of Hilduin and Alix is as follows:
I.1. Helgaud II comte de Montreuil, d aft 879, had a son:
**I.2. Herluin II comte de Ponthieu, Montreuil et Amiens, b ca 890 d 13 Jul 945; m1 NN de Dammartin; m2 NN, had a son (mother not identified):
****I.3. Ro(t)ger (Rotgaire) comte de Ternois et de Montreuil, d 957; m NN, had a son:
******I.4. Guillaume I comte de Ponthieu, de Montreuil et de Boulogne, b ca 915/20 d ca 980; m Mahaut (Mathilde, Maud) de Boulogne, had a son:
********I.5. Hilduin** III de Ponthieu (1er de Montdidier) comte de Montdidier, de Ponthieu et de Roucy, b ca 933/45 d bef 956 or 1009; m1 Hersende (Hersent) d’Arcis-sur-Aube (dau. of Helpuin comte d'Arcis); m2 Alix** (Adélaïde) de Roucy
**I.2. Herluin II comte de Ponthieu, Montreuil et Amiens, b ca 890 d 13 Jul 945; m1 NN de Dammartin; m2 NN, had a son (mother not identified):
****I.3. Ro(t)ger (Rotgaire) comte de Ternois et de Montreuil, d 957; m NN, had a son:
******I.4. Guillaume I comte de Ponthieu, de Montreuil et de Boulogne, b ca 915/20 d ca 980; m Mahaut (Mathilde, Maud) de Boulogne, had a son:
********I.5. Hilduin** III de Ponthieu (1er de Montdidier) comte de Montdidier, de Ponthieu et de Roucy, b ca 933/45 d bef 956 or 1009; m1 Hersende (Hersent) d’Arcis-sur-Aube (dau. of Helpuin comte d'Arcis); m2 Alix** (Adélaïde) de Roucy
II. Racines et Histoire (de Boubers) shows how confusion between given names (Helgaud, Herloin/Herluin, Hilduin) and title (Ponthieu, Montreuil, Ramerup) could lead to further confusion:
II.1. Helgaud I comte de Ponthieu, Abbé de Saint-Riquier (son of Oswin) m b ca 805 d 863; m Berthe de Ponthieu, b ca 805 d bef 859, had a son:
**II.2. Hilduin 1er comte de Ponthieu et de Montreuil, d ca 878; m Hélissende de Ramerupt comtesse d’Arcis-sur-Aube, had a son:
****II.3. Helgaud II (Childwald) comte de Ponthieu et de Montreuil, b ca 860 d 926; m NN, had a son:
******II.4. Herluin II seigneur de Ramerupt and de Montdidier; m? Hersende (widow of Hilduin III de Ponthieu), had a son:
********II.5. Herloin/Hilduin** IV comte de Montdidier, seigneur de Ramerupt, d’Arcis et de Breteuil, comte de Roucy (by marriage); m Alix** de Roucy
**II.2. Hilduin 1er comte de Ponthieu et de Montreuil, d ca 878; m Hélissende de Ramerupt comtesse d’Arcis-sur-Aube, had a son:
****II.3. Helgaud II (Childwald) comte de Ponthieu et de Montreuil, b ca 860 d 926; m NN, had a son:
******II.4. Herluin II seigneur de Ramerupt and de Montdidier; m? Hersende (widow of Hilduin III de Ponthieu), had a son:
********II.5. Herloin/Hilduin** IV comte de Montdidier, seigneur de Ramerupt, d’Arcis et de Breteuil, comte de Roucy (by marriage); m Alix** de Roucy
III. Racines et Histoire (Ponthieu-Montreuil) again shows how a confusion between names (Helgaud, Herloin/Herluin, Hilduin) and title (Ponthieu, Montreuil, Ramerup) could lead to confusion.:
III.1. Helgaud II (Childwald)° comte de Ponthieu et de Montreuil, b ca 860 926; m NN, had a son:
**III.2. Herluin II (Childwin) comte de Ponthieu, Montreuil et Amiens b ca 890 d 945; m1 (div. bef 927) ? de Dammartin; m2) NN, had a son (mother not identified):
****III.3. Ro(t)ger (Rotgaire) comte de Ternois et de Montreuil d 957; m NN, had a son:
******III.4. Guillaume 1er comte de Ponthieu, de Montreuil et de Boulogne, b ca 915/920 d ca 980; m ca 940 Mahaut (Mathilde, Maud) de Boulogne, had a son:
********III.5. Hilduin** III de Ponthieu (1er de Montdidier) comte de Montdidier & de Ponthieu, seigneur de Ramerupt, Arcis et Breteuil, comte de Roucy (by marriage), b ca 933/45 d ca 1009; m1 ? Hersende «La Pieuse» de Ramerupt b ca 950 comtesse d’Arcies; m2 Alix** (Adélaïde) de Roucy
**III.2. Herluin II (Childwin) comte de Ponthieu, Montreuil et Amiens b ca 890 d 945; m1 (div. bef 927) ? de Dammartin; m2) NN, had a son (mother not identified):
****III.3. Ro(t)ger (Rotgaire) comte de Ternois et de Montreuil d 957; m NN, had a son:
******III.4. Guillaume 1er comte de Ponthieu, de Montreuil et de Boulogne, b ca 915/920 d ca 980; m ca 940 Mahaut (Mathilde, Maud) de Boulogne, had a son:
********III.5. Hilduin** III de Ponthieu (1er de Montdidier) comte de Montdidier & de Ponthieu, seigneur de Ramerupt, Arcis et Breteuil, comte de Roucy (by marriage), b ca 933/45 d ca 1009; m1 ? Hersende «La Pieuse» de Ramerupt b ca 950 comtesse d’Arcies; m2 Alix** (Adélaïde) de Roucy
IV. Genealogics differs significantly from the Racines et Histoire lineage. It offers only four generation to the CP and cites the same Europäische Stammtafeln table for all relationships (3:676):
IV.1. (no predecessors shown)
**IV.2. Hilduin [I] Comte d'Arcis-sur-Aube; m Hersende Dame de Ramerupt, had a son:
****IV.3. Hilduin II Sire de Ramerupt Comes, b ca 960, had a son:
******IV.4. Hilduin III Sire de Ramerupt Comes, liv 1026; m NN, had a son:
********IV.5. Hildouin** IV de Montdidier, b ca 1005 d 1063; m Adèle** (Alice) de Roucy Heiress of Roucy
**IV.2. Hilduin [I] Comte d'Arcis-sur-Aube; m Hersende Dame de Ramerupt, had a son:
****IV.3. Hilduin II Sire de Ramerupt Comes, b ca 960, had a son:
******IV.4. Hilduin III Sire de Ramerupt Comes, liv 1026; m NN, had a son:
********IV.5. Hildouin** IV de Montdidier, b ca 1005 d 1063; m Adèle** (Alice) de Roucy Heiress of Roucy
V. Med Lands shows all of the primary individuals listed by Genealogy, but is somewhat uncertain in attributing fathers to son for the first three generations. No predecessor is shown to generation III.1:
V.1. Hilduin I Comte de Montdidier, d bef 956; m NN, relationship to following unknown:
**V.2. Unknown m Hersende, Dame de Ramerupt, had a son:
****V.3. Hilduin II Comte d’Arcis-sur-Aube, Seigneur de Ramerupt, d aft 992/993; m NN, possibly, had a son:
******V.4. Hilduin III de Ramerupt Comte de Montdidier, Seigneur de Ramerupt, d aft 1032; m NN, had a son:
********V.5. Hilduin** IV de Ramerupt Comte de Montdidier, Seigneur de Ramerupt, d 1063; m Adelaide de Roucy**
**V.2. Unknown m Hersende, Dame de Ramerupt, had a son:
****V.3. Hilduin II Comte d’Arcis-sur-Aube, Seigneur de Ramerupt, d aft 992/993; m NN, possibly, had a son:
******V.4. Hilduin III de Ramerupt Comte de Montdidier, Seigneur de Ramerupt, d aft 1032; m NN, had a son:
********V.5. Hilduin** IV de Ramerupt Comte de Montdidier, Seigneur de Ramerupt, d 1063; m Adelaide de Roucy**
VI. Weis, in a new line added to the 8th edition, shows:
VI1. (no predecessors shown)
**VI2. Helpuin I Comte d'Arcis-sur-Aube, b ca 925; m. Hersend, Countess de Rameru [sic], had a son:
****VI3. Hilduin I (or II), b. ca 950 d bef 1000, had a son:
******VI4. Hilduin II (or III) de Rameru [sic], b. ca 985 d. ca 1037, had a son:
********VI5. Hilduin** II (or III) de Rameru [sic] Count of Montdidier, Lord of Rameru [sic], Count of Roucy, b. ca 1010, d. 1063; m. ca 1031 Adele de Roucy** d. 1062.
**VI2. Helpuin I Comte d'Arcis-sur-Aube, b ca 925; m. Hersend, Countess de Rameru [sic], had a son:
****VI3. Hilduin I (or II), b. ca 950 d bef 1000, had a son:
******VI4. Hilduin II (or III) de Rameru [sic], b. ca 985 d. ca 1037, had a son:
********VI5. Hilduin** II (or III) de Rameru [sic] Count of Montdidier, Lord of Rameru [sic], Count of Roucy, b. ca 1010, d. 1063; m. ca 1031 Adele de Roucy** d. 1062.
Conclusion: I can't resolve all of the variation in these lineages, but I am convinced that some of the confusion may relate to the use of the name Herluin and Hildouin in so many families (that on occasion intermarried) and possible confusion between the Ponthieu, Montreuil, Boulogne and Ramerupt titles. In effort to resolve the ancestry of Hilduin** who m. Adele**, I posted a query on soc.genealogy.medieval, and received the following useful reply from Peter Stewart:
"As for the ancestry of Hilduin (died 1063) the husband of Alix/Adela of Roucy, we know from a charter of King Robert II dated 1031 that Hilduin (IV) was son of a count also named Hilduin whose brother Manasses was count (almost certainly) of Dammartin. We know from a charter of King Philippe I dated 1061 that their father was a nephew of another Hilduin who was granted Combs-la-Ville by Hugo Magnus, duke of Franks (died 956). This Hilduin died before Hugo Magnus, who took back Combs for himself.
"We also know from a Vita of St Balsemius (or Baussange) that the mother of Count Hilduin active until 977/92 was Hersende who together with him founded the priory of Notre-Dame at Ramerupt where they deposited relics of the saint taken from Arcis-sur-Aube. Hersende appears to have been heiress of these places, or at least of Ramerupt, since she was a widow acting on her own authority when she took the relics from Arcis for her new church at Ramerupt ca 960. The Vita of St Balsemius was probably written in the 11th or 12th century, though this is not certain - its fullest extant version is a copy made by 1519, perhaps at Saint-Basle de Verzy abbey.
"The names of the wives of these men, apart from Hersende, are unknown. Jean-Noël Mathieu and others have speculatively proposed family origins for them, but without evidence solid enough for details to be worth repeating."
"We also know from a Vita of St Balsemius (or Baussange) that the mother of Count Hilduin active until 977/92 was Hersende who together with him founded the priory of Notre-Dame at Ramerupt where they deposited relics of the saint taken from Arcis-sur-Aube. Hersende appears to have been heiress of these places, or at least of Ramerupt, since she was a widow acting on her own authority when she took the relics from Arcis for her new church at Ramerupt ca 960. The Vita of St Balsemius was probably written in the 11th or 12th century, though this is not certain - its fullest extant version is a copy made by 1519, perhaps at Saint-Basle de Verzy abbey.
"The names of the wives of these men, apart from Hersende, are unknown. Jean-Noël Mathieu and others have speculatively proposed family origins for them, but without evidence solid enough for details to be worth repeating."
My query also elicited the comment from P. J. Evans: "Moriarty's manuscript ... says that the early generations are "unclear""
VII. The Stewart & Evans comments imply the following:
VII.1 (predecessors are "unclear"
**VII.2 Hilduin Count live 977/92; m. Hersende heiress of Arcis-sur-Aube and Ramerupt, had a son:
****VII.3 Hilduin
******VII.4 Manasses Comte de Dammartin
******VII.4 Hilduin Count
********VII.5 Hilduin** IV d. 1063; m Alix/Adela** de Roucy
**VII.2 Hilduin Count live 977/92; m. Hersende heiress of Arcis-sur-Aube and Ramerupt, had a son:
****VII.3 Hilduin
******VII.4 Manasses Comte de Dammartin
******VII.4 Hilduin Count
********VII.5 Hilduin** IV d. 1063; m Alix/Adela** de Roucy
The Weis and Genealogics lineages are close to being consistent to the "known" facts outlined by Stewart. The partial consistency in generations 3, 4 and 5 between Genealogics and Med Lands encourages me to accept those three generations as likely on track. However, the major differences between the three Racine et Histoire lineages and the other three sources leave me too confused to draw a clear conclusion. (Peter Steward completely rejects Racines et Histoire as a source). In its discussion of the Comtes de Montreuil, Med Lands shows individuals who correspond to Racine et Histoire's (Montdidier) and R&H (Ponthieu) first three generations (I.1 - I.3 and III.1 - III.3), but shows no children for I.3/III.3 Roger and makes no connection to the Seigneurs de Ramerupt line shown by Genealogics and Med Lands. I have amended my database to be reasonably consistent with the Weis, Genealogics, and Stewart lineages, but have not yet completely severed connections to earlier generations. GA Vaut.4,7,8,9,10,11,5,12,13
; He made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.14
Family 1 | Halvise (?) de Laon |
Child |
Family 2 | |
Child |
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online,, p. 3. Hereinafter cited as Racines et Histoire.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website (oiginated by Leo van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes), online, Hilduin II: Hereinafter cited as Genealogics Website.
- [S2372] Frederick Lewis Weis, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charlemagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong, and Some of Their Descendants, 8th ed. w/ additions by Wm R. and Kaleen E. Beall (Baltimore, 1992: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 2004), Line 151A-20, p. 147. Hereinafter cited as Weis [2004] "Ancestral Roots" 8th ed.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Hilduin:
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Famille & Seigneurs de BOUBERS-1, p. 2:
- [S1953] Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, online,,_Count_of_Arcis-sur-Aube. Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia.
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Seigneurs de Ramerupt, Comtes de Montdidier: Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Comtes de Montdidier, Comtes de Dammartin, & Seigneurs de Ramerupt, p. 2:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online, COMTES de MONTREUIL:
- [S2372] Frederick Lewis Weis, Weis [2004] "Ancestral Roots" 8th ed, Line 151A-21, p. 147.
- [S4812] Peter Stewart, "Stewart email 1 Oct 2020: "Who were the ancestors of the Hilduin III/IV (?) who m. Adelaide/Alix/Adele de Roucy?"," e-mail message from e-mail address via ( to Google Group: soc.genealogy.medieval, 2 Nov 2011, Hereinafter cited as "Stewart email 1 Oct 2020."
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Comtes de Ponthieu, & Montreuil, Saint-Pol, p. 4:
- [S1549] "Author's comment", various, Gregory A. Vaut (e-mail address), to unknown recipient (unknown recipient address), 1 Oct 2020; unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "GA Vaut Comment."
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Hilduin:
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Hilduin III:
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Manasses de Montdidier:
Regnier IV (?) comte de Hainaut et de Mons1,2,3
M, #5273, b. after 947, d. circa 1013
Father | Régnier III de Hainaut Duke of Upper Lorraine, Comte de Hainaut2,3,4,5,6 b. c 920, d. 973 |
Mother | Adele von Dachsburg b. c 929, d. 961; Racines et Histoire says Reginar IV's mother was "Adela von Dachsburg"2,3,4 |
Reference | GAV26 EDV27 |
Last Edited | 3 May 2020 |
Regnier IV (?) comte de Hainaut et de Mons was born after 947 at Hainaut, France; Genealogy.EU (Brabant 1 page) says b. aft 947.2,7,3 He married Hedwige/Adwige (?) Princess of France, daughter of Hugues Capet (?) Cte de Paris, Duc de France, King of France and Adélaïde/Aelis (?), circa 996
; her 1st husband.2,8,3,9,4
Regnier IV (?) comte de Hainaut et de Mons died circa 1013.7,1,2,3
; Per Med Lands:
"REGINAR [IV], son of REGINAR [III] Comte de Hainaut & his wife Adela [von Dachsburg] (after 947-1013). The Annales Hanoniæ name "Raginerus" as son of "secundi Ragineri"[100]. The Gesta Episcorum Cameracensium records that "Rainerus atque Lantbertus, filii…Raineri", who had been banished by "archiepiscopus Bruno", returned to their father's lands after the death of Emperor Otto I and besieged "super Hagnam fluvium castrum Bussud", but that Emperor Otto II ordered their exile again[101]. The Annales Leodienses, Floressienses et Marchianenses record that "Raginerus et Lantbertus" (sons of Reginar [III] Comte de Hainaut) returned from exile in 973 and killed "Guarnero et Rainaldo", who occupied their father's county, "apud Perronam" and besieged "super Hagnam fluvium castello Buxude"[102]. Thietmar records that "Lantbertus, Reinherii filius…cum fratre…Reingerio" killed "Wirinharium et eius germanum Reinzonem"[103]. Sigebert's Chronica records that in 977 "filii Ragineri" were "in terra partum suorum relocati"[104], which presumably marked the beginning of their rehabilitation. Archbishop Egbert donated property "de beneficio Luthardi comitis…mortuo sine herede" to St Paul at Trier by charter dated 981, subscribed by "…Regeneri rerum S Marie advocatis…"[105], although it is not known whether this is the same Reginar. A letter of Gerbert dated to [985] names "comes Reinharius"[106]. It is not clear from the context whether this refers to Reginar, son of Gozelon (see LOWER LOTHARINGIAN NOBILITY), or Reginar [IV] Comte de Hainaut. However, a later letter names "Hainao Reniero"[107] which suggests that the latter is correct. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records that "comes Raginerus" captured "Montem castri" from "comiti Godefrido" in 998[108], from which time REGINAR [IV] can properly be described as Comte de Hainaut, Comte de Mons. The Miracula S. Gisleni date one of the events recorded to "tempore Arnulfi et Raineri comitum…Hainacensium"[109], which suggests that Arnoul continued to enjoy some jurisdictional rights in the county of Hainaut even after the restoration of Comte Reginar [IV]. As shown below in Chapter 2, it is assumed that this was in the march of Valenciennes. "Raginero comite…et Hathuidis coniunx eius" donated property at Gion to Gembloux by charter dated to [1013][110]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records the death in 1013 of "in Haynico…comite Raginero Montense"[111].
"m ([996]) HEDWIGE [Avoie] de France, daughter of HUGUES Capet King of France & his wife Adelais d'Aquitaine ([969][112]-after 1013). The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "Robertum regem et filiam Hadevidem…comitissam Hainonensium" as the children of King Hugues[113]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines also names "soror regis Roberti Hadwidis" as wife of "Rainero comiti de Hainaco, fratri Lamberti comitis de Lovanio"[114]. Sigebert's Chronica records in 977 that "Raginerus" married "Hathuidem filiam Hugonis postea regis"[115]. "Comes Raginerus et Hathuidis coniux" are named in the Gesta of Gembloux Abbey[116]. Her brother gave her the towns of Couvin, Fraisne, Nîme, Eve and Bens (all now in Belgium) as her dowry on her marriage. "Raginero comite…et Hathuidis coniunx eius" donated property at Gion to Gembloux by charter dated to [1013][117]. "Heinricus…Romanorum imperator augustus" took into his protection the abbey of Florennes founded by "Gerardus…in primis meus capellanus postea…Cameracensis episcopus effectus et fratres sui Godefridus et Arnulphus" by charter dated 1018, which refers to earlier donations of property by "comitissa Hawidis, annuentibus filiis suis comite Raginero et Lamberto"[118]. "Chuonradus…Romanorum imperator augustus" confirmed the foundation of Florennes abbey by charter dated 1033, which records among others the donation of "comitissa Hadegundis, annuentibus comite Raginero et Lamberto filiis suis…in Prona sita in pago Haynomensi"[119]. The identity of "comitissa Hawidis/Hadegundis", and therefore the existence of Lambert supposed brother of Reginar [V] Comte de Hainaut, is not certain. Hedwige, wife of Reginar [IV] Comte de Hainaut, is the most obvious candidate. If this is correct, the donation must have been made after her husband's death in 1013 as he is not named in the document. The other possibility is that she was the mother of Reginar [IV] Comte de Hainaut and his brother Lambert [I] Comte de Louvain. However, the name of the wife of their father, Reginar [III], is recorded elsewhere as Adela (see BRABANT). "
Med Lands cites:
; her 1st husband.2,8,3,9,4
Regnier IV (?) comte de Hainaut et de Mons died circa 1013.7,1,2,3
; Per Med Lands:
"REGINAR [IV], son of REGINAR [III] Comte de Hainaut & his wife Adela [von Dachsburg] (after 947-1013). The Annales Hanoniæ name "Raginerus" as son of "secundi Ragineri"[100]. The Gesta Episcorum Cameracensium records that "Rainerus atque Lantbertus, filii…Raineri", who had been banished by "archiepiscopus Bruno", returned to their father's lands after the death of Emperor Otto I and besieged "super Hagnam fluvium castrum Bussud", but that Emperor Otto II ordered their exile again[101]. The Annales Leodienses, Floressienses et Marchianenses record that "Raginerus et Lantbertus" (sons of Reginar [III] Comte de Hainaut) returned from exile in 973 and killed "Guarnero et Rainaldo", who occupied their father's county, "apud Perronam" and besieged "super Hagnam fluvium castello Buxude"[102]. Thietmar records that "Lantbertus, Reinherii filius…cum fratre…Reingerio" killed "Wirinharium et eius germanum Reinzonem"[103]. Sigebert's Chronica records that in 977 "filii Ragineri" were "in terra partum suorum relocati"[104], which presumably marked the beginning of their rehabilitation. Archbishop Egbert donated property "de beneficio Luthardi comitis…mortuo sine herede" to St Paul at Trier by charter dated 981, subscribed by "…Regeneri rerum S Marie advocatis…"[105], although it is not known whether this is the same Reginar. A letter of Gerbert dated to [985] names "comes Reinharius"[106]. It is not clear from the context whether this refers to Reginar, son of Gozelon (see LOWER LOTHARINGIAN NOBILITY), or Reginar [IV] Comte de Hainaut. However, a later letter names "Hainao Reniero"[107] which suggests that the latter is correct. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records that "comes Raginerus" captured "Montem castri" from "comiti Godefrido" in 998[108], from which time REGINAR [IV] can properly be described as Comte de Hainaut, Comte de Mons. The Miracula S. Gisleni date one of the events recorded to "tempore Arnulfi et Raineri comitum…Hainacensium"[109], which suggests that Arnoul continued to enjoy some jurisdictional rights in the county of Hainaut even after the restoration of Comte Reginar [IV]. As shown below in Chapter 2, it is assumed that this was in the march of Valenciennes. "Raginero comite…et Hathuidis coniunx eius" donated property at Gion to Gembloux by charter dated to [1013][110]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records the death in 1013 of "in Haynico…comite Raginero Montense"[111].
"m ([996]) HEDWIGE [Avoie] de France, daughter of HUGUES Capet King of France & his wife Adelais d'Aquitaine ([969][112]-after 1013). The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "Robertum regem et filiam Hadevidem…comitissam Hainonensium" as the children of King Hugues[113]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines also names "soror regis Roberti Hadwidis" as wife of "Rainero comiti de Hainaco, fratri Lamberti comitis de Lovanio"[114]. Sigebert's Chronica records in 977 that "Raginerus" married "Hathuidem filiam Hugonis postea regis"[115]. "Comes Raginerus et Hathuidis coniux" are named in the Gesta of Gembloux Abbey[116]. Her brother gave her the towns of Couvin, Fraisne, Nîme, Eve and Bens (all now in Belgium) as her dowry on her marriage. "Raginero comite…et Hathuidis coniunx eius" donated property at Gion to Gembloux by charter dated to [1013][117]. "Heinricus…Romanorum imperator augustus" took into his protection the abbey of Florennes founded by "Gerardus…in primis meus capellanus postea…Cameracensis episcopus effectus et fratres sui Godefridus et Arnulphus" by charter dated 1018, which refers to earlier donations of property by "comitissa Hawidis, annuentibus filiis suis comite Raginero et Lamberto"[118]. "Chuonradus…Romanorum imperator augustus" confirmed the foundation of Florennes abbey by charter dated 1033, which records among others the donation of "comitissa Hadegundis, annuentibus comite Raginero et Lamberto filiis suis…in Prona sita in pago Haynomensi"[119]. The identity of "comitissa Hawidis/Hadegundis", and therefore the existence of Lambert supposed brother of Reginar [V] Comte de Hainaut, is not certain. Hedwige, wife of Reginar [IV] Comte de Hainaut, is the most obvious candidate. If this is correct, the donation must have been made after her husband's death in 1013 as he is not named in the document. The other possibility is that she was the mother of Reginar [IV] Comte de Hainaut and his brother Lambert [I] Comte de Louvain. However, the name of the wife of their father, Reginar [III], is recorded elsewhere as Adela (see BRABANT). "
Med Lands cites:
[100] Iacobi de Guisia Annales Hanoniæ VIII.XII, MGH SS XXX Part 1, p. 114.
[101] Gesta Episcorum Cameracensium I.95, MGH SS VII, p. 439.
[102] Annales Leodienses, Floressienses et Marchianenses 973, quoted in MGH SS VII, p. 439 footnote 47.
[103] Thietmari Chronicon VII, 32, MGH SS III, p. 851.
[104] Sigeberti Chronica 973, MGH SS VI, p. 352.
[105] Mittelrheinisches Urkundenbuch 255, p. 311.
[106] Havet, J. (ed.) (1889) Lettres de Gerbert 983-997 (Paris), 58, p. 56.
[107] Gerbert 59, p. 58.
[108] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 998, MGH SS XXIII, p. 777.
[109] Ex Raineri Miraculis S. Gisleni 12, MGH XV.2, p. 584.
[110] Roland, C. G. (ed.) (1921) Recueil des chartes de l’abbaye de Gembloux (Gembloux) ("Gembloux"), 15, p. 32.
[111] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1013, MGH SS XXIII, p. 780.
[112] ES II 11. Kerrebrouck, P. Van (2000) Les Capétiens 987-1328 (Villeneuve d'Asq), p. 49, gives no date of birth.
[113] Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis 2, MGH SS XIII, p. 252.
[114] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1031, MGH SS XXIII, p. 783.
[115] Sigeberti Chronica 973, MGH SS VI, p. 352.
[116] Gesta Abbatum Gemblacensium 43, MGH SS VIII, p. 541.
[117] Gembloux, 15, p. 32.
[118] D H II 387, p. 493.
[119] D K II 202, p. 271.4
GAV-26 EDV-27 GKJ-27. He was Count of Hainault between 973 and 1013 at Hainaut, France.3[101] Gesta Episcorum Cameracensium I.95, MGH SS VII, p. 439.
[102] Annales Leodienses, Floressienses et Marchianenses 973, quoted in MGH SS VII, p. 439 footnote 47.
[103] Thietmari Chronicon VII, 32, MGH SS III, p. 851.
[104] Sigeberti Chronica 973, MGH SS VI, p. 352.
[105] Mittelrheinisches Urkundenbuch 255, p. 311.
[106] Havet, J. (ed.) (1889) Lettres de Gerbert 983-997 (Paris), 58, p. 56.
[107] Gerbert 59, p. 58.
[108] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 998, MGH SS XXIII, p. 777.
[109] Ex Raineri Miraculis S. Gisleni 12, MGH XV.2, p. 584.
[110] Roland, C. G. (ed.) (1921) Recueil des chartes de l’abbaye de Gembloux (Gembloux) ("Gembloux"), 15, p. 32.
[111] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1013, MGH SS XXIII, p. 780.
[112] ES II 11. Kerrebrouck, P. Van (2000) Les Capétiens 987-1328 (Villeneuve d'Asq), p. 49, gives no date of birth.
[113] Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis 2, MGH SS XIII, p. 252.
[114] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1031, MGH SS XXIII, p. 783.
[115] Sigeberti Chronica 973, MGH SS VI, p. 352.
[116] Gesta Abbatum Gemblacensium 43, MGH SS VIII, p. 541.
[117] Gembloux, 15, p. 32.
[118] D H II 387, p. 493.
[119] D K II 202, p. 271.4
Family | Hedwige/Adwige (?) Princess of France b. c 969, d. a 1013 |
Children |
- [S1396] Burke's Peerage & Gentry Web Site, online, Milford Haven Family Page. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage & Gentry Web Site.
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, online, unknown author (e-mail address), downloaded updated 15 May 2003, Brabant 1 page (Dukes of Brabant and Landgraves of Hesse):
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online,, p. 3. Hereinafter cited as Racines et Histoire.
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website (oiginated by Leo van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes), online, Reginar III: Hereinafter cited as Genealogics Website.
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S632] Frederick Lewis Weis, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charlemagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong, and Some of Their Descendants, 7th edition (n.p.: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.
Baltimore, 1992, unknown publish date), line 144A-21, p. 128. Hereinafter cited as Weis AR-7. - [S1438] Miroslav Marek, updated 15 May 2003, Capet 4 page:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
Hedwige/Adwige (?) Princess of France1,2
F, #5274, b. circa 969, d. after 1013
Father | Hugues Capet (?) Cte de Paris, Duc de France, King of France1,3,4,5 b. bt 940 - 941, d. 24 Oct 996 |
Mother | Adélaïde/Aelis (?)1,6,4,5,7 b. c 945, d. bt 1004 - 1006 |
Reference | GAV26 EDV26 |
Last Edited | 27 Aug 2020 |
Hedwige/Adwige (?) Princess of France was born circa 969 at France.1,5 She married Regnier IV (?) comte de Hainaut et de Mons, son of Régnier III de Hainaut Duke of Upper Lorraine, Comte de Hainaut and Adele von Dachsburg, circa 996
; her 1st husband.8,1,2,5,9 Hedwige/Adwige (?) Princess of France married Hugues III (?) Cte de Dasbourg
; her 2nd husband.1
Hedwige/Adwige (?) Princess of France died after 1013.1,2,5
GAV-26 EDV-26.
; Per Med Lands:
"HEDWIGE [Avoie] de France ([969][161]-after 1013). The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "Robertum regem et filiam Hadevidem…comitissam Hainonensium" as the children of King Hugues[162]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines also names "soror regis Roberti Hadwidis" as wife of "Rainero comiti de Hainaco, fratri Lamberti comitis de Lovanio"[163]. Sigebert's Chronica records in 977 that "Raginerus" married "Hathuidem filiam Hugonis postea regis"[164]. "Comes Raginerus et Hathuidis coniux" are named in the Gesta of Gembloux Abbey[165]. Her brother gave her the towns of Couvin, Fraisne, Nîme, Eve and Bens [all now in Belgium] as her dowry on her marriage. "Raginero comite…et Hathuidis coniunx eius" donated property at Gion to Gembloux by charter dated to [1013][166]. "Heinricus…Romanorum imperator augustus" took into his protection the abbey of Florennes founded by "Gerardus…in primis meus capellanus postea…Cameracensis episcopus effectus et fratres sui Godefridus et Arnulphus" by charter dated 1018, which refers to earlier donations of property by "comitissa Hawidis, annuentibus filiis suis comite Raginero et Lamberto"[167]. "Chuonradus…Romanorum imperator augustus" confirmed the foundation of Florennes abbey by charter dated 1033, which records among others the donation of "comitissa Hadegundis, annuentibus comite Raginero et Lamberto filiis suis…in Prona sita in pago Haynomensi"[168]. The identity of "comitissa Hawidis/Hadegundis", and therefore the existence of Lambert, supposed brother of Reginar [V] Comte de Hainaut, is not certain. Hedwige, wife of Reginar [IV] Comte de Hainaut, is the most obvious candidate. If this is correct, the donation must have been made after her husband's death in 1013 as he is not named in the document. The other possibility is that the donor was the mother of Reginar [IV] Comte de Hainaut and his brother Lambert [I] Comte de Louvain. However, the name of the wife of their father, Reginar [III] Graf im Maasgau, is recorded elsewhere as Adela (see BRABANT).
"m ([996]) REGINAR IV Comte de Hainaut, son of REGINAR [III] Graf im Maasgau & his wife Adela [von Dachsburg] (after 947-1013)."
Med Lands cites:
Reference: Weis [1992:128] Line 144A.11
; her 1st husband.8,1,2,5,9 Hedwige/Adwige (?) Princess of France married Hugues III (?) Cte de Dasbourg
; her 2nd husband.1
Hedwige/Adwige (?) Princess of France died after 1013.1,2,5
GAV-26 EDV-26.
; Per Med Lands:
"HEDWIGE [Avoie] de France ([969][161]-after 1013). The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "Robertum regem et filiam Hadevidem…comitissam Hainonensium" as the children of King Hugues[162]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines also names "soror regis Roberti Hadwidis" as wife of "Rainero comiti de Hainaco, fratri Lamberti comitis de Lovanio"[163]. Sigebert's Chronica records in 977 that "Raginerus" married "Hathuidem filiam Hugonis postea regis"[164]. "Comes Raginerus et Hathuidis coniux" are named in the Gesta of Gembloux Abbey[165]. Her brother gave her the towns of Couvin, Fraisne, Nîme, Eve and Bens [all now in Belgium] as her dowry on her marriage. "Raginero comite…et Hathuidis coniunx eius" donated property at Gion to Gembloux by charter dated to [1013][166]. "Heinricus…Romanorum imperator augustus" took into his protection the abbey of Florennes founded by "Gerardus…in primis meus capellanus postea…Cameracensis episcopus effectus et fratres sui Godefridus et Arnulphus" by charter dated 1018, which refers to earlier donations of property by "comitissa Hawidis, annuentibus filiis suis comite Raginero et Lamberto"[167]. "Chuonradus…Romanorum imperator augustus" confirmed the foundation of Florennes abbey by charter dated 1033, which records among others the donation of "comitissa Hadegundis, annuentibus comite Raginero et Lamberto filiis suis…in Prona sita in pago Haynomensi"[168]. The identity of "comitissa Hawidis/Hadegundis", and therefore the existence of Lambert, supposed brother of Reginar [V] Comte de Hainaut, is not certain. Hedwige, wife of Reginar [IV] Comte de Hainaut, is the most obvious candidate. If this is correct, the donation must have been made after her husband's death in 1013 as he is not named in the document. The other possibility is that the donor was the mother of Reginar [IV] Comte de Hainaut and his brother Lambert [I] Comte de Louvain. However, the name of the wife of their father, Reginar [III] Graf im Maasgau, is recorded elsewhere as Adela (see BRABANT).
"m ([996]) REGINAR IV Comte de Hainaut, son of REGINAR [III] Graf im Maasgau & his wife Adela [von Dachsburg] (after 947-1013)."
Med Lands cites:
[161] ES II 11. Kerrebrouck (2000), p. 49, gives no date of birth.
[162] Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis 2, MGH SS XIII, p. 252.
[163] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1031, MGH SS XXIII, p. 783.
[164] Sigeberti Chronica 973, MGH SS VI, p. 352.
[165] Gesta Abbatum Gemblacensium 43, MGH SS VIII, p. 541.
[166] Roland, C. G. (ed.) (1921) Recueil des chartes de l´abbaye de Gembloux (Gembloux) ("Gembloux"), 15, p. 32.
[167] D H II 387, p. 493.
[168] D K II 202, p. 271.5
Hedwige/Adwige (?) Princess of France was also known as Hathuide.10 [162] Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis 2, MGH SS XIII, p. 252.
[163] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1031, MGH SS XXIII, p. 783.
[164] Sigeberti Chronica 973, MGH SS VI, p. 352.
[165] Gesta Abbatum Gemblacensium 43, MGH SS VIII, p. 541.
[166] Roland, C. G. (ed.) (1921) Recueil des chartes de l´abbaye de Gembloux (Gembloux) ("Gembloux"), 15, p. 32.
[167] D H II 387, p. 493.
[168] D K II 202, p. 271.5
Reference: Weis [1992:128] Line 144A.11
Family 1 | Regnier IV (?) comte de Hainaut et de Mons b. a 947, d. c 1013 |
Children |
Family 2 | Hugues III (?) Cte de Dasbourg |
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, online, unknown author (e-mail address), downloaded updated 15 May 2003, Capet 4 page:
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online,, p. 3. Hereinafter cited as Racines et Histoire.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website (oiginated by Leo van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes), online, Hugues Capet: Hereinafter cited as Genealogics Website.
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Aelis:
- [S1702] The Henry Project: The ancestors of king Henry II of England, An experiment in cooperative medieval genealogy on the internet (now hosted by the American Society of Genealogists, ASG), online, Adélaïde: Hereinafter cited as The Henry Project.
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, updated 15 May 2003, Brabant 1 page (Dukes of Brabant and Landgraves of Hesse):
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S1396] Burke's Peerage & Gentry Web Site, online, Milford Haven Family Page. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage & Gentry Web Site.
- [S632] Frederick Lewis Weis, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700: The Lineage of Alfred the Great, Charlemagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong, and Some of Their Descendants, 7th edition (n.p.: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.
Baltimore, 1992, unknown publish date), line 144A-, p. 128. Hereinafter cited as Weis AR-7.
Isabel de Bruce1
F, #5275
Father | Sir Robert "the Competitor" de Brus 6th Lord of Anandale, Earl of Carrick1,2,3 b. 1210, d. 31 Mar 1295 |
Mother | Isabella de Clare2,4 b. 8 Nov 1226, d. b 10 May 1275 |
Last Edited | 31 Aug 2008 |
Isabel de Bruce married Sir John fitz Marmaduke of Horden.5,6,2
; van de Pas cites: The Complete Peerage, 1936, Doubleday, H. A. & Lord Howard de Walden, Reference: VIII 268.2 Isabel de Bruce was also known as Isabel Bruce.2
; van de Pas cites: The Complete Peerage, 1936, Doubleday, H. A. & Lord Howard de Walden, Reference: VIII 268.2 Isabel de Bruce was also known as Isabel Bruce.2
Family | Sir John fitz Marmaduke of Horden |
Child |
- [S1396] Burke's Peerage & Gentry Web Site, online, Scarbrough Family Page - "dau of Robert de Bruce, seemingly identical with ROBERT I (THE BRUCE) KING OF SCOTS". Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage & Gentry Web Site.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website (oiginated by Leo van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes), online, Isabel Bruce: Hereinafter cited as Genealogics Website.
- [S2086] John P. Ravilious, "Ravilious email 5 Aug 2006: "re: Eupheme de Brus"," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to e-mail address, 5 Aug 2006. Hereinafter cited as "Ravilious email 5 Aug 2006."
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Isabella de Clare:
- [S1396] Burke's Peerage & Gentry Web Site, online, Scarbrough Family Page.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Sir John FitzMarmaduke, of Horden:
Joan Basset
F, #5276
Father | Gilbert Basset b. 1090, d. a 1165 |
Mother | Edith D'Oilly b. 1094, d. a 1165 |
Last Edited | 1 Sep 2019 |
Joan Basset was born at Wellington, England.1 She was born in 1114 at Wellingford, Oxfordshire, England.2
- [S616] Inc. Brøderbund Software, GEDCOM file imported on 26 Dec 1999 from World Family Tree Vol. 18, Ed. 1, Family #18-0770., CD-ROM (n.p.: Brøderbund Software, Inc., 1998). Hereinafter cited as WFT 18-0770.
- [S619] Inc. Brøderbund Software, GEDCOM file imported on 27 Dec 1999 from World Family Tree Vol. 6, Ed. 1, Family #6-1556., CD-ROM (n.p.: Release date: August 22, 1996, 1996). Hereinafter cited as WFT 6-1556.
Clémence/Clementia de Bar Comtesse de Dammartin1,2,3
F, #5278, b. circa 1110, d. after 20 January 1182/83
Father | Renaud/Reinald I "One-Eyed/Le Borgne" (?) comte de Bar, Mousson1,4,2,5,6 b. c 1090, d. 10 Mar 1148/49 |
Mother | Gisele de Vaudémont1,7,2,5,6 b. 1090, d. a 1141 |
Reference | GAV23 EDV23 |
Last Edited | 29 Jun 2020 |
Clémence/Clementia de Bar Comtesse de Dammartin married NN de Dammartin Comte de Dammartin
Her 1st husband.8 Clémence/Clementia de Bar Comtesse de Dammartin was born circa 1110 at Dammartin, Seine-Et-Marne, France; Genealogics says b. ca 1110; Med Lands says b. 1123/27.1,9,6 She married Renaud II/III (?) Cte de Clermont-en-Beauvais,, son of Hugues II de Creil dit «de Mouchy» (?) Seigneur de Mouchy, Comte de Clermont-en-Beauvaisis and Marguerite de Montdidier of Roucy, in 1135
Her 2nd husband; his 2nd wife.1,10,11,5 Clémence/Clementia de Bar Comtesse de Dammartin married Thibaut III "Le Riche" (?) de Crépy, seigneur de Nanteuil-Le-Haudouin, son of Thibaut II (?) de Crépy and Mathilde (?), circa 1153
Her 2nd husband.1,5,12,13,14,2
Clémence/Clementia de Bar Comtesse de Dammartin died after 20 January 1182/83.1,2,14,5,6
Reference: Genealogics cites: Europäische Stammtafeln, J.A. Stargardt Verlag, Marburg, Schwennicke, Detlev (Ed.) 3:653; 6:147.5 GAV-23 EDV-23. Clémence/Clementia de Bar Comtesse de Dammartin was also known as Clemence de Bar-le-Duc.15
; Per Racines et Histoire (Baf): “2) Clémence de Bar ° ~1110 + après 20/01/1183
ép.1) ~1140 Renaud II, comte de Clermont-enBeauvaisis ° ~1075 + avant 1162 (fils d’Hugues de Clermont dit «de Mouchy» et de Marguerite de Montdidier)
ép. 2) Thibaud III de Crépy , seigneur de NanteuilLe-Haudouin + avant 20/01/1183”.2
; Per Genealogy.EU (Bar 1): “C6. [2m.] Clementia, *ca 1110, +after 20.1.1183; 1m: ca 1140 Cte Renaud II de Clermont (+ca 1162); 2m: Thibaut de Crepy”.16
; Per Med Lands:
"CLEMENCE de Bar ([1123/27]]-after 20 Jan 1183). The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis records that "comes Rainaldus [de Claromonte]" married "comitissam de Dammartin, filiam comitis Rainaldi de Monzuns"[165]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines refers to "comites de Claromonte Belvacensi" as descended from "una…sorore eiusdem comitis [=comes Barri iunior Raynaldus]"[166]. Her birth date range is estimated based on the date of her parents' marriage. Renaud’s second wife would presumably have held the title “Ctss de Dammartin” through an earlier marriage to a comte de Dammartin. If she had been the daughter of a comte de Dammartin, she would not have borne the comital title. [“Radulfus Oysardi filius” donated property at Creil to Saint-Leu d’Esserent, and the nuns obtained the consent of "comitem Rainaldum Claromontensem…uxor eius Clementia, filia…ipsius Margarita", by charter dated to [1119][167]. The dating of this document is problematic: while the presence of Marguerite suggests that she was still unmarried, the date is inconsistent with the estimated birth date of Clémence. It should be noted that Mathon dates the consent given by Comte Renaud to [1153], although he does not state why he says this[168]. If that dating is correct, the witness would have been Renaud’s daughter Marguerite by his second marriage, although it is unclear why she would have been singled out for giving consent without her brothers and sisters.] Louis VII King of France confirmed what “episcopus Parisiensis et Guillelmus Lupus frater eius et comes Damni-Martini Renaudus cum uxore sua” donated to Chaalis “per concessum Adelizæ de Bulis et filiorum eius fratrum suorum” and the donation of land “apud Hermenovillam et...moriens juxta Villam-novam” made by “Joscelinus de Damno-Martino”, by charter dated 1138[169]. The property the subject of the first-named donation is not specified in the charter. However, a possibly linked charter dated to [1137] records that “Willelmus Lupus Silvanectensis” donated “ quo situm est cœnobium...[et] usum totius Espioniæ et Beeley”, with the support of “uxore mea Adelvia, filioque meo majore...Guidone” and sealed by “fratris mei Stephani Parisiensis episc.”[170]. The charter dated 1138 also provides a possible indication of Clémence’s family origin: the joint donation suggests a joint interest in the property donated, and so a connection with the family of the bouteillers de Senlis (to which Guillaume “le Loup” and his brother Etienne Bishop of Paris belonged). A charter dated 1144 confirmed a donation by "Rainaldus Claromontensis comes" to Saint-Leu d’Esserent, with the consent of "Clementia uxor prædicti comitis cum filio suo Guidone"[171]. An undated charter records the grant of pasturage rights "ad castrum Claromontis, Credulii, Gornaci, Lusarchiarum" to Saint-Leu d’Esserant by "Hugo comes Cestrensis" and "Hugo Claromontensis et Margarita uxor eius", later confirmed by "Rainaldus comes" with the consent of "uxore eius Clementia et filiis eius Guidone et Rainaldo"[172]. "Rainaldus comes de Claromonte et Clemencia uxor eius et Widdo eorum filius" confirmed donations to Saint-Leu d’Esserant made by "Albericus…Paganus…comites de Donno Martino…pater suus Hugo de Claromonte et Margarita uxor eius et comites Cestrences Hugo et Richardus", on the advice of "uxoris meæ Adæ", by charter dated 1152[173]. Louvet notes a donation to the priory of Gournay-sur-Aronde made by “Rainal Comte de Clermont et Clemence sa femme” which was confirmed and supplemented in 1165 by “leurs enfans...Raoult Comte de Clermont, Simon, Gautier, Margueritte, Matilde et Comtesse”[174]. Louis VII King of France confirmed an agreement between Eudes Prior of Saint-Denis and "Donni Martini comitissam Clementiam" who relinquished rights “in Trenbleio” by charter dated 1153[175]. Mathieu quotes a charter of Manassès Bishop of Meaux, dated to [1157], which records property first donated to Chaalis by “Domnimartini comitissa Clementia, laudante viro suo Renaldo de Clarimonte” as well as her donation of rights of way and use of wood “in omnia terra” belonging to “consulatum Domnimartini”[176]. “Clementia comitissa de Domno Martino cum liberis meis” renounced rights over “villa Trembliaco” after disputes between the abbey of Saint-Denis and “antecessores nostros comites de Dompno Martino”, litigated before “regis Ludovici”, by undated charter (dated to [1153/62]), witnessed by “Ansoldus de Claromonte et Petrus nepos eius, Galterus de Alneto...”[177]. [Duchesne states that Thibaut [III] de Nanteuil married “Clemence veuve de Renaut Comte de Clairmont en Beauvoisin” by whom he had three children, but does not cite the corresponding primary source[178]. The primary source which confirms this third marriage has not yet been identified, and from a chronological point of view it appears unlikely to be correct particularly as she is supposed to have had children by her third husband.]
"m firstly --- Comte de Dammartin, son of ---.
"m secondly ([1135]) as his second wife, RENAUD Comte de Clermont [en-Beauvaisis], son of HUGUES de Clermont [en-Beauvaisis] dit de Mouchy & his wife Marguerite de Montdidier (-[1152/53]).
"[m thirdly THIBAUT [III] de Crépy Seigneur de Nanteuil-le-Haudouin, son of THIBAUT [II] de Crépy & his wife Elisabeth --- (-before 20 Jan 1183).]"
Med Lands cites:
; Per Racines et Histoire (Clermont-en-Beauvais): “Renaud II de Clermont ° ~1075/78 + avant 1162 (~1152/56/61 ?) 1er comte de Clermont-en-Beauvaisis(1101/03, par Philippe 1er, aux droits de sa femme), seigneur de la moitié de Luzarches, croisé (1099, avec Adhémar, Evêque du Puy)
ép. 1) ~1102/03 Adélaïde (Alix) comtesse de Vermandois, Valois et Crépy ° ~1062/65 + 28/09/1124 (Meulan) (fille d’Herbert IV de Vermandois et d’Adèle de Valois (ou Ermentrude ?) ; veuve d’Hugues de France + 18/10/1101/02 (croisé, Tarse, Turquie)
ép. 2) ~ 1138 (1135, 1140, 1129 ?) Clémence de Bar ° ~ 1115/20/27 + après 20/01/1182/83 comtesse de Dammartin (fille de Renaud 1er, comte de Bar-Le-Duc et de Mousson, et de Gisèle (ou Gillette) de Vaudémont ; veuve de ? de Dammartin + avant 1138 ; ép. 3?) Thibaud III de Crépy, seigneur de Nanteuil-Le-Haudouin (60)) ”.17
; Per Med Lands:
"RENAUD [III] de Clermont, son of HUGUES [II] de Creil & his wife Marguerite de Ramerupt (-[1152/53]). The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "Guido dictus Qui-non-dormit et Hugo Pauper et comes Rainaldus et sorores eorum" as children of "Hugo comes de Claro-monte" and his wife Marguerite[61]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "comitem Rainaldum" as son of "comiti Hugonis de Claromonte Baluacensi" and his wife Marguerite[62]. Albert of Aix names "…Reinoldus de civitate Belvatiæ…" among those who took part in the siege of Nikaia, dated to mid-1097 from the context[63]. Albert of Aix records that "…Reinaldus de Belvacio…" fought against the Turks at Dorylæum (1 Jul 1097)[64]. "Hugo Clarimontis dns" confirmed his donations to the church of Saint-Germer-de-Flay, with the consent of "filiis meis Rainaldo et Guidone", by charter dated to before Nov 1099[65]. He assumed the title Comte de Clermont [en-Beauvaisis] after his first marriage[66]. [“Radulfus Oysardi filius” donated property at Creil to Saint-Leu d’Esserent, and the nuns obtained the consent of "comitem Rainaldum Claromontensem…uxor eius Clementia, filia…ipsius Margarita", by charter dated to [1119][67]. The dating of this document is problematic: while the presence of Marguerite suggests that she was still unmarried, the date is inconsistent with the estimated birth date of Clémence. It should be noted that Mathon dates the consent given by Comte Renaud to [1153], although he does not state why he says this[68]. If that dating is correct, the witness would have been Renaud’s daughter Marguerite by his second marriage, although it is unclear why she would have been singled out for giving consent without her brothers and sisters.] A charter dated 1144 confirmed a donation by "Rainaldus Claromontensis comes" to Saint-Leu d’Esserent, with the consent of "Clementia uxor prædicti comitis cum filio suo Guidone"[69]. An undated charter records the grant of pasturage rights "ad castrum Claromontis, Credulii, Gornaci, Lusarchiarum" to Saint-Leu d’Esserant by "Hugo comes Cestrensis" and "Hugo Claromontensis et Margarita uxor eius", later confirmed by "Rainaldus comes" with the consent of "uxore eius Clementia et filiis eius Guidone et Rainaldo"[70]. "Rainaldus comes de Claromonte et Clemencia uxor eius et Widdo eorum filius" confirmed donations to Saint-Leu d’Esserant made by "Albericus…Paganus…comites de Donno Martino…pater suus Hugo de Claromonte et Margarita uxor eius et comites Cestrences Hugo et Richardus", on the advice of "uxoris meæ Adæ", by charter dated 1152[71]. Louvet notes a donation to the priory of Gournay-sur-Aronde made by “Rainal Comte de Clermont et Clemence sa femme” which was confirmed and supplemented in 1165 by “leurs enfans...Raoult Comte de Clermont, Simon, Gautier, Margueritte, Matilde et Comtesse”[72]. The charter dated 1153 which records the donation made by his wife and children suggests that Renaud was already dead at that time.
"m firstly (1103) ADELAIS Ctss de Vermandois, de Valois et de Crépy, widow of HUGUES de France Comte de Vermandois, daughter and heiress of HERIBERT [VI] Comte de Vermandois & his wife Adelais de Valois ([1065]-28 Sep [1120/24]). The De Genere Comitum Flandrensium, Notæ Parisienses names "Odonem et Adelam sororem" as the two children of "comes Herbertus", specifying that the husband of Adela was "Hugoni le Magne" and referring to her second husband "comes de Claromonte", specifying that her daughter by the latter married Charles Count of Flanders[73]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "Adelidem comitissam Viromandensium, defuncto priore viro, scilicet Hugone Magno" as wife of "comes Rainaldus [de Claromonte]"[74].
"m secondly ([1135]) [as her second husband,] CLEMENCE de Bar, [widow of --- Comte de Dammartin,] daughter of RENAUD I Comte de Bar & his wife Gisèle de Vaudémont ([1123/27]-after 20 Jan 1182). The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis records that "comes Rainaldus [de Claromonte]" married "comitissam de Dammartin, filiam comitis Rainaldi de Monzuns"[75]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines refers to "comites de Claromonte Belvacensi" as descended from "una…sorore eiusdem comitis [=comes Barri iunior Raynaldus]"[76]. Her birth date range is estimated based on the date of her parents' marriage. Renaud’s second wife would presumably have held the title “Ctss de Dammartin” through an earlier marriage to a comte de Dammartin. If she had been the daughter of a comte de Dammartin, she would not have borne the comital title. [“Radulfus Oysardi filius” donated property at Creil to Saint-Leu d’Esserent, and the nuns obtained the consent of "comitem Rainaldum Claromontensem…uxor eius Clementia, filia…ipsius Margarita", by charter dated to [1119][77]. The dating of this document is problematic: while the presence of Marguerite suggests that she was still unmarried, the date is inconsistent with the estimated birth date of Clémence. It should be noted that Mathon dates the consent given by Comte Renaud to [1153], although he does not state why he says this[78]. If that dating is correct, the witness would have been Renaud’s daughter Marguerite by his second marriage, although it is unclear why she would have been singled out for giving consent without her brothers and sisters.] Louis VII King of France confirmed what “episcopus Parisiensis et Guillelmus Lupus frater eius et comes Damni-Martini Renaudus cum uxore sua” donated to Chaalis “per concessum Adelizæ de Bulis et filiorum eius fratrum suorum” and the donation of land “apud Hermenovillam et...moriens juxta Villam-novam” made by “Joscelinus de Damno-Martino”, by charter dated 1138[79]. The property the subject of the first-named donation is not specified in the charter. However, a possibly linked charter dated to [1137] records that “Willelmus Lupus Silvanectensis” donated “ quo situm est cœnobium...[et] usum totius Espioniæ et Beeley”, with the support of “uxore mea Adelvia, filioque meo majore...Guidone” and sealed by “fratris mei Stephani Parisiensis episc.”[80]. The charter dated 1138 also provides a possible indication of Clémence’s family origin: the joint donation suggests a joint interest in the property donated, and so a connection with the family of the bouteillers de Senlis (to which Guillaume “le Loup” and his brother Etienne Bishop of Paris belonged). A charter dated 1144 confirmed a donation by "Rainaldus Claromontensis comes" to Saint-Leu d’Esserent, with the consent of "Clementia uxor prædicti comitis cum filio suo Guidone"[81]. An undated charter records the grant of pasturage rights "ad castrum Claromontis, Credulii, Gornaci, Lusarchiarum" to Saint-Leu d’Esserant by "Hugo comes Cestrensis" and "Hugo Claromontensis et Margarita uxor eius", later confirmed by "Rainaldus comes" with the consent of "uxore eius Clementia et filiis eius Guidone et Rainaldo"[82]. "Rainaldus comes de Claromonte et Clemencia uxor eius et Widdo eorum filius" confirmed donations to Saint-Leu d’Esserant made by "Albericus…Paganus…comites de Donno Martino…pater suus Hugo de Claromonte et Margarita uxor eius et comites Cestrences Hugo et Richardus", on the advice of "uxoris meæ Adæ", by charter dated 1152[83]. Louvet notes a donation to the priory of Gournay-sur-Aronde made by “Rainal Comte de Clermont et Clemence sa femme” which was confirmed and supplemented in 1165 by “leurs enfans...Raoult Comte de Clermont, Simon, Gautier, Margueritte, Matilde et Comtesse”[84]. Louis VII King of France confirmed an agreement between Eudes Prior of Saint-Denis and "Donni Martini comitissam Clementiam" who relinquished rights “in Trenbleio” by charter dated 1153[85]. Mathieu quotes a charter of Manassès Bishop of Meaux, dated to [1157], which records property first donated to Chaalis by “Domnimartini comitissa Clementia, laudante viro suo Renaldo de Clarimonte” as well as her donation of rights of way and use of wood “in omnia terra” belonging to “consulatum Domnimartini”[86]. “Clementia comitissa de Domno Martino cum liberis meis” renounced rights over “villa Trembliaco” after disputes between the abbey of Saint-Denis and “antecessores nostros comites de Dompno Martino”, litigated before “regis Ludovici”, by undated charter (dated to [1153/62]), witnessed by “Ansoldus de Claromonte et Petrus nepos eius, Galterus de Alneto...”[87]. [She married [thirdly] Thibaut [III] de Crépy Seigneur de Nanteuil-le-Hardouin. Duchesne states that Thibaut [III] de Nanteuil married “Clemence veuve de Renaut Comte de Clairmont en Beauvoisin” by whom he had three children, but does not cite the corresponding primary source[88]. The primary source which confirms this third marriage has not been identified, and from a chronological point of view it appears unlikely to be correct particularly as she is supposed to have had children by her third husband.] "
Med Lands cites:
; Per Racines et Histoire (Nanteuil): “1) Thibaud III Le Riche fl ~1150/1182 ° ~1125 + 27/01/1183 seigneur de Nanteuil-Le-Haudouin et du Donjon de Crépy
ép. ~1153 Clémence de Bar ° après 1112 + après 20/01/1183 (fille de Renaud 1er, comte de Bar, et de Gisèle de Vaudémont ; veuve de Renaud, comte de Clermont-en-Beauvaisis) ”.14
; Per Med Lands:
"THIBAUT [III] de Crépy (-before 20 Jan 1183). A charter dated to [1135] records a dispute between the abbot of Cluny and "Theobaldum de Crispeio dominum de Nantholio", witnessed by "Helizabeth uxor eius, Thebaldus filius eius, Henricus nepos ipsius Thebaldi…"[1259]. Seigneur de Nanteuil-le-Haudouin.
"[m as her third husband, CLEMENCE de Bar, widow firstly of --- Comte de Dammartin and secondly of RENAUD Comte de Clermont, daughter of RENAUD I Comte de Bar & his wife Gisèle de Vaudémont ([1123/27]-after 20 Jan 1182). Duchesne states that Thibaut [III] de Nanteuil married “Clemence veuve de Renaut Comte de Clairmont en Beauvoisin” by whom he had three children, but does not cite the corresponding primary source[1260]. The primary source which confirms this third marriage has not been identified, and from a chronological point of view it appears unlikely to be correct particularly as she is supposed to have had children by her third husband.]"
Med Lands cites:
; Per Med Lands:
"--- de Dammartin (-before [1135]). Comte de Dammartin.
"m as her first husband, CLEMENCE de Bar, daughter of RENAUD I Comte de Bar & his wife Gisèle de Vaudémont ([1123/27]-after 20 Jan 1182). She married secondly ([1135]) as his second wife, Renaud [III] Comte de Clermont, who was Comte de Dammartin, de iure uxoris. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis records that "comes Rainaldus [de Claromonte]" married "comitissam de Dammartin, filiam comitis Rainaldi de Monzuns"[805]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines refers to "comites de Claromonte Belvacensi" as descended from "una…sorore eiusdem comitis [=comes Barri iunior Raynaldus]"[806]. Her birth date range is estimated based on the date of her parents' marriage. [“Radulfus Oysardi filius” donated property at Creil to Saint-Leu d’Esserent, and the nuns obtained the consent of "comitem Rainaldum Claromontensem…uxor eius Clementia, filia…ipsius Margarita", by charter dated to [1119][807]. The dating of this document is problematic: while the presence of Marguerite suggests that she was still unmarried, the date is inconsistent with the estimated birth date of Clémence. It should be noted that Mathon dates the consent given by Comte Renaud to [1153], although he does not state why he says this[808]. If that dating is correct, the witness would have been Renaud’s daughter Marguerite by his second marriage, although it is unclear why she would have been singled out for giving consent without her brothers and sisters.] Louis VII King of France confirmed what “episcopus Parisiensis et Guillelmus Lupus frater eius et comes Damni-Martini Renaudus cum uxore sua” donated to Chaalis “per concessum Adelizæ de Bulis et filiorum eius fratrum suorum” and the donation of land “apud Hermenovillam et...moriens juxta Villam-novam” made by “Joscelinus de Damno-Martino”, by charter dated 1138[809]. The property the subject of the first-named donation is not specified in the charter. However, a possibly linked charter dated to [1137] records that “Willelmus Lupus Silvanectensis” donated “ quo situm est cœnobium...[et] usum totius Espioniæ et Beeley”, with the support of “uxore mea Adelvia, filioque meo majore...Guidone” and sealed by “fratris mei Stephani Parisiensis episc.”[810]. The charter dated 1138 also provides a possible indication of Clémence’s family origin: the joint donation suggests a joint interest in the property donated, and so a connection with the family of the bouteillers de Senlis (to which Guillaume “le Loup” and his brother Etienne Bishop of Paris belonged). A charter dated 1144 confirmed a donation by "Rainaldus Claromontensis comes" to Saint-Leu d’Esserent, with the consent of "Clementia uxor prædicti comitis cum filio suo Guidone"[811]. An undated charter records the grant of pasturage rights "ad castrum Claromontis, Credulii, Gornaci, Lusarchiarum" to Saint-Leu d’Esserant by "Hugo comes Cestrensis" and "Hugo Claromontensis et Margarita uxor eius", later confirmed by "Rainaldus comes" with the consent of "uxore eius Clementia et filiis eius Guidone et Rainaldo"[812]. "Rainaldus comes de Claromonte et Clemencia uxor eius et Widdo eorum filius" confirmed donations to Saint-Leu d’Esserant made by "Albericus…Paganus…comites de Donno Martino…pater suus Hugo de Claromonte et Margarita uxor eius et comites Cestrences Hugo et Richardus", on the advice of "uxoris meæ Adæ", by charter dated 1152[813]. Louvet notes a donation to the priory of Gournay-sur-Aronde made by “Rainal Comte de Clermont et Clemence sa femme” which was confirmed and supplemented in 1165 by “leurs enfans...Raoult Comte de Clermont, Simon, Gautier, Margueritte, Matilde et Comtesse”[814]. Louis VII King of France confirmed an agreement between Eudes Prior of Saint-Denis and "Donni Martini comitissam Clementiam" who relinquished rights “in Trenbleio” by charter dated 1153[815]. Mathieu quotes a charter of Manassès Bishop of Meaux, dated to [1157], which records property first donated to Chaalis by “Domnimartini comitissa Clementia, laudante viro suo Renaldo de Clarimonte” as well as her donation of rights of way and use of wood “in omnia terra” belonging to “consulatum Domnimartini”[816]. “Clementia comitissa de Domno Martino cum liberis meis” renounced rights over “villa Trembliaco” after disputes between the abbey of Saint-Denis and “antecessores nostros comites de Dompno Martino”, litigated before “regis Ludovici”, by undated charter (dated to [1153/62]), witnessed by “Ansoldus de Claromonte et Petrus nepos eius, Galterus de Alneto...”[817]. "
Med Lands cites:
Her 1st husband.8 Clémence/Clementia de Bar Comtesse de Dammartin was born circa 1110 at Dammartin, Seine-Et-Marne, France; Genealogics says b. ca 1110; Med Lands says b. 1123/27.1,9,6 She married Renaud II/III (?) Cte de Clermont-en-Beauvais,, son of Hugues II de Creil dit «de Mouchy» (?) Seigneur de Mouchy, Comte de Clermont-en-Beauvaisis and Marguerite de Montdidier of Roucy, in 1135
Her 2nd husband; his 2nd wife.1,10,11,5 Clémence/Clementia de Bar Comtesse de Dammartin married Thibaut III "Le Riche" (?) de Crépy, seigneur de Nanteuil-Le-Haudouin, son of Thibaut II (?) de Crépy and Mathilde (?), circa 1153
Her 2nd husband.1,5,12,13,14,2
Clémence/Clementia de Bar Comtesse de Dammartin died after 20 January 1182/83.1,2,14,5,6
Reference: Genealogics cites: Europäische Stammtafeln, J.A. Stargardt Verlag, Marburg, Schwennicke, Detlev (Ed.) 3:653; 6:147.5 GAV-23 EDV-23. Clémence/Clementia de Bar Comtesse de Dammartin was also known as Clemence de Bar-le-Duc.15
; Per Racines et Histoire (Baf): “2) Clémence de Bar ° ~1110 + après 20/01/1183
ép.1) ~1140 Renaud II, comte de Clermont-enBeauvaisis ° ~1075 + avant 1162 (fils d’Hugues de Clermont dit «de Mouchy» et de Marguerite de Montdidier)
ép. 2) Thibaud III de Crépy , seigneur de NanteuilLe-Haudouin + avant 20/01/1183”.2
; Per Genealogy.EU (Bar 1): “C6. [2m.] Clementia, *ca 1110, +after 20.1.1183; 1m: ca 1140 Cte Renaud II de Clermont (+ca 1162); 2m: Thibaut de Crepy”.16
; Per Med Lands:
"CLEMENCE de Bar ([1123/27]]-after 20 Jan 1183). The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis records that "comes Rainaldus [de Claromonte]" married "comitissam de Dammartin, filiam comitis Rainaldi de Monzuns"[165]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines refers to "comites de Claromonte Belvacensi" as descended from "una…sorore eiusdem comitis [=comes Barri iunior Raynaldus]"[166]. Her birth date range is estimated based on the date of her parents' marriage. Renaud’s second wife would presumably have held the title “Ctss de Dammartin” through an earlier marriage to a comte de Dammartin. If she had been the daughter of a comte de Dammartin, she would not have borne the comital title. [“Radulfus Oysardi filius” donated property at Creil to Saint-Leu d’Esserent, and the nuns obtained the consent of "comitem Rainaldum Claromontensem…uxor eius Clementia, filia…ipsius Margarita", by charter dated to [1119][167]. The dating of this document is problematic: while the presence of Marguerite suggests that she was still unmarried, the date is inconsistent with the estimated birth date of Clémence. It should be noted that Mathon dates the consent given by Comte Renaud to [1153], although he does not state why he says this[168]. If that dating is correct, the witness would have been Renaud’s daughter Marguerite by his second marriage, although it is unclear why she would have been singled out for giving consent without her brothers and sisters.] Louis VII King of France confirmed what “episcopus Parisiensis et Guillelmus Lupus frater eius et comes Damni-Martini Renaudus cum uxore sua” donated to Chaalis “per concessum Adelizæ de Bulis et filiorum eius fratrum suorum” and the donation of land “apud Hermenovillam et...moriens juxta Villam-novam” made by “Joscelinus de Damno-Martino”, by charter dated 1138[169]. The property the subject of the first-named donation is not specified in the charter. However, a possibly linked charter dated to [1137] records that “Willelmus Lupus Silvanectensis” donated “ quo situm est cœnobium...[et] usum totius Espioniæ et Beeley”, with the support of “uxore mea Adelvia, filioque meo majore...Guidone” and sealed by “fratris mei Stephani Parisiensis episc.”[170]. The charter dated 1138 also provides a possible indication of Clémence’s family origin: the joint donation suggests a joint interest in the property donated, and so a connection with the family of the bouteillers de Senlis (to which Guillaume “le Loup” and his brother Etienne Bishop of Paris belonged). A charter dated 1144 confirmed a donation by "Rainaldus Claromontensis comes" to Saint-Leu d’Esserent, with the consent of "Clementia uxor prædicti comitis cum filio suo Guidone"[171]. An undated charter records the grant of pasturage rights "ad castrum Claromontis, Credulii, Gornaci, Lusarchiarum" to Saint-Leu d’Esserant by "Hugo comes Cestrensis" and "Hugo Claromontensis et Margarita uxor eius", later confirmed by "Rainaldus comes" with the consent of "uxore eius Clementia et filiis eius Guidone et Rainaldo"[172]. "Rainaldus comes de Claromonte et Clemencia uxor eius et Widdo eorum filius" confirmed donations to Saint-Leu d’Esserant made by "Albericus…Paganus…comites de Donno Martino…pater suus Hugo de Claromonte et Margarita uxor eius et comites Cestrences Hugo et Richardus", on the advice of "uxoris meæ Adæ", by charter dated 1152[173]. Louvet notes a donation to the priory of Gournay-sur-Aronde made by “Rainal Comte de Clermont et Clemence sa femme” which was confirmed and supplemented in 1165 by “leurs enfans...Raoult Comte de Clermont, Simon, Gautier, Margueritte, Matilde et Comtesse”[174]. Louis VII King of France confirmed an agreement between Eudes Prior of Saint-Denis and "Donni Martini comitissam Clementiam" who relinquished rights “in Trenbleio” by charter dated 1153[175]. Mathieu quotes a charter of Manassès Bishop of Meaux, dated to [1157], which records property first donated to Chaalis by “Domnimartini comitissa Clementia, laudante viro suo Renaldo de Clarimonte” as well as her donation of rights of way and use of wood “in omnia terra” belonging to “consulatum Domnimartini”[176]. “Clementia comitissa de Domno Martino cum liberis meis” renounced rights over “villa Trembliaco” after disputes between the abbey of Saint-Denis and “antecessores nostros comites de Dompno Martino”, litigated before “regis Ludovici”, by undated charter (dated to [1153/62]), witnessed by “Ansoldus de Claromonte et Petrus nepos eius, Galterus de Alneto...”[177]. [Duchesne states that Thibaut [III] de Nanteuil married “Clemence veuve de Renaut Comte de Clairmont en Beauvoisin” by whom he had three children, but does not cite the corresponding primary source[178]. The primary source which confirms this third marriage has not yet been identified, and from a chronological point of view it appears unlikely to be correct particularly as she is supposed to have had children by her third husband.]
"m firstly --- Comte de Dammartin, son of ---.
"m secondly ([1135]) as his second wife, RENAUD Comte de Clermont [en-Beauvaisis], son of HUGUES de Clermont [en-Beauvaisis] dit de Mouchy & his wife Marguerite de Montdidier (-[1152/53]).
"[m thirdly THIBAUT [III] de Crépy Seigneur de Nanteuil-le-Haudouin, son of THIBAUT [II] de Crépy & his wife Elisabeth --- (-before 20 Jan 1183).]"
Med Lands cites:
[165] Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis 15, MGH SS XIII, p. 255.
[166] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1170, MGH SS XXIII, p. 853.
[167] Müller, E. (ed.) (1900) Le prieuré de Saint-Leu d’Esserent, Cartulaire première partie 1080-1150 (Pontoise) ("Esserent Saint-Leu"), XXI, p. 25.
[168] Mathon ‘Notice historique sur la ville de Creil et sur son ancien château’, Mémoires de la Société Académique de l’Oise, Tome IV (Beauvais, 1859), p. 593.
[169] Gallia Christiana, Tome X, Instrumenta, XVIII, col. 212.
[170] Gallia Christiana, Tome X, Instrumenta, XVIII, col. 212.
[171] Esserent Saint-Leu, XLII, p. 45.
[172] Esserent Saint-Leu, LIX, p. 59.
[173] Esserent Saint-Leu, LXIII, p. 64.
[174] Louvet, P. (1635) Histoire et antiquitéz du pays de Beauvaisis (Beauvais), Tome II, p. 5, no precise citation reference.
[175] Tardif, J. (1866) Monuments historiques (Paris), 523, p. 274.
[176] Mathieu, J. N. 'Recherches sur les premiers Comtes de Dammartin', Mémoires publiés par la Fédération des sociétés historiques et archéologiques de Paris et de l'Ile-de-France, t. 47 (1996), p. 29, footnote 76.
[177] Chartes de l’abbaye de Saint-Denis, Le cartulaire blanc, Tome I, p. 464, available at (8 Sep 2015).
[178] Duchesne (1621) Châtillon, p. 658, no citation reference.6
[166] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1170, MGH SS XXIII, p. 853.
[167] Müller, E. (ed.) (1900) Le prieuré de Saint-Leu d’Esserent, Cartulaire première partie 1080-1150 (Pontoise) ("Esserent Saint-Leu"), XXI, p. 25.
[168] Mathon ‘Notice historique sur la ville de Creil et sur son ancien château’, Mémoires de la Société Académique de l’Oise, Tome IV (Beauvais, 1859), p. 593.
[169] Gallia Christiana, Tome X, Instrumenta, XVIII, col. 212.
[170] Gallia Christiana, Tome X, Instrumenta, XVIII, col. 212.
[171] Esserent Saint-Leu, XLII, p. 45.
[172] Esserent Saint-Leu, LIX, p. 59.
[173] Esserent Saint-Leu, LXIII, p. 64.
[174] Louvet, P. (1635) Histoire et antiquitéz du pays de Beauvaisis (Beauvais), Tome II, p. 5, no precise citation reference.
[175] Tardif, J. (1866) Monuments historiques (Paris), 523, p. 274.
[176] Mathieu, J. N. 'Recherches sur les premiers Comtes de Dammartin', Mémoires publiés par la Fédération des sociétés historiques et archéologiques de Paris et de l'Ile-de-France, t. 47 (1996), p. 29, footnote 76.
[177] Chartes de l’abbaye de Saint-Denis, Le cartulaire blanc, Tome I, p. 464, available at
[178] Duchesne (1621) Châtillon, p. 658, no citation reference.6
; Per Racines et Histoire (Clermont-en-Beauvais): “Renaud II de Clermont ° ~1075/78 + avant 1162 (~1152/56/61 ?) 1er comte de Clermont-en-Beauvaisis(1101/03, par Philippe 1er, aux droits de sa femme), seigneur de la moitié de Luzarches, croisé (1099, avec Adhémar, Evêque du Puy)
ép. 1) ~1102/03 Adélaïde (Alix) comtesse de Vermandois, Valois et Crépy ° ~1062/65 + 28/09/1124 (Meulan) (fille d’Herbert IV de Vermandois et d’Adèle de Valois (ou Ermentrude ?) ; veuve d’Hugues de France + 18/10/1101/02 (croisé, Tarse, Turquie)
ép. 2) ~ 1138 (1135, 1140, 1129 ?) Clémence de Bar ° ~ 1115/20/27 + après 20/01/1182/83 comtesse de Dammartin (fille de Renaud 1er, comte de Bar-Le-Duc et de Mousson, et de Gisèle (ou Gillette) de Vaudémont ; veuve de ? de Dammartin + avant 1138 ; ép. 3?) Thibaud III de Crépy, seigneur de Nanteuil-Le-Haudouin (60)) ”.17
; Per Med Lands:
"RENAUD [III] de Clermont, son of HUGUES [II] de Creil & his wife Marguerite de Ramerupt (-[1152/53]). The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "Guido dictus Qui-non-dormit et Hugo Pauper et comes Rainaldus et sorores eorum" as children of "Hugo comes de Claro-monte" and his wife Marguerite[61]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "comitem Rainaldum" as son of "comiti Hugonis de Claromonte Baluacensi" and his wife Marguerite[62]. Albert of Aix names "…Reinoldus de civitate Belvatiæ…" among those who took part in the siege of Nikaia, dated to mid-1097 from the context[63]. Albert of Aix records that "…Reinaldus de Belvacio…" fought against the Turks at Dorylæum (1 Jul 1097)[64]. "Hugo Clarimontis dns" confirmed his donations to the church of Saint-Germer-de-Flay, with the consent of "filiis meis Rainaldo et Guidone", by charter dated to before Nov 1099[65]. He assumed the title Comte de Clermont [en-Beauvaisis] after his first marriage[66]. [“Radulfus Oysardi filius” donated property at Creil to Saint-Leu d’Esserent, and the nuns obtained the consent of "comitem Rainaldum Claromontensem…uxor eius Clementia, filia…ipsius Margarita", by charter dated to [1119][67]. The dating of this document is problematic: while the presence of Marguerite suggests that she was still unmarried, the date is inconsistent with the estimated birth date of Clémence. It should be noted that Mathon dates the consent given by Comte Renaud to [1153], although he does not state why he says this[68]. If that dating is correct, the witness would have been Renaud’s daughter Marguerite by his second marriage, although it is unclear why she would have been singled out for giving consent without her brothers and sisters.] A charter dated 1144 confirmed a donation by "Rainaldus Claromontensis comes" to Saint-Leu d’Esserent, with the consent of "Clementia uxor prædicti comitis cum filio suo Guidone"[69]. An undated charter records the grant of pasturage rights "ad castrum Claromontis, Credulii, Gornaci, Lusarchiarum" to Saint-Leu d’Esserant by "Hugo comes Cestrensis" and "Hugo Claromontensis et Margarita uxor eius", later confirmed by "Rainaldus comes" with the consent of "uxore eius Clementia et filiis eius Guidone et Rainaldo"[70]. "Rainaldus comes de Claromonte et Clemencia uxor eius et Widdo eorum filius" confirmed donations to Saint-Leu d’Esserant made by "Albericus…Paganus…comites de Donno Martino…pater suus Hugo de Claromonte et Margarita uxor eius et comites Cestrences Hugo et Richardus", on the advice of "uxoris meæ Adæ", by charter dated 1152[71]. Louvet notes a donation to the priory of Gournay-sur-Aronde made by “Rainal Comte de Clermont et Clemence sa femme” which was confirmed and supplemented in 1165 by “leurs enfans...Raoult Comte de Clermont, Simon, Gautier, Margueritte, Matilde et Comtesse”[72]. The charter dated 1153 which records the donation made by his wife and children suggests that Renaud was already dead at that time.
"m firstly (1103) ADELAIS Ctss de Vermandois, de Valois et de Crépy, widow of HUGUES de France Comte de Vermandois, daughter and heiress of HERIBERT [VI] Comte de Vermandois & his wife Adelais de Valois ([1065]-28 Sep [1120/24]). The De Genere Comitum Flandrensium, Notæ Parisienses names "Odonem et Adelam sororem" as the two children of "comes Herbertus", specifying that the husband of Adela was "Hugoni le Magne" and referring to her second husband "comes de Claromonte", specifying that her daughter by the latter married Charles Count of Flanders[73]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "Adelidem comitissam Viromandensium, defuncto priore viro, scilicet Hugone Magno" as wife of "comes Rainaldus [de Claromonte]"[74].
"m secondly ([1135]) [as her second husband,] CLEMENCE de Bar, [widow of --- Comte de Dammartin,] daughter of RENAUD I Comte de Bar & his wife Gisèle de Vaudémont ([1123/27]-after 20 Jan 1182). The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis records that "comes Rainaldus [de Claromonte]" married "comitissam de Dammartin, filiam comitis Rainaldi de Monzuns"[75]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines refers to "comites de Claromonte Belvacensi" as descended from "una…sorore eiusdem comitis [=comes Barri iunior Raynaldus]"[76]. Her birth date range is estimated based on the date of her parents' marriage. Renaud’s second wife would presumably have held the title “Ctss de Dammartin” through an earlier marriage to a comte de Dammartin. If she had been the daughter of a comte de Dammartin, she would not have borne the comital title. [“Radulfus Oysardi filius” donated property at Creil to Saint-Leu d’Esserent, and the nuns obtained the consent of "comitem Rainaldum Claromontensem…uxor eius Clementia, filia…ipsius Margarita", by charter dated to [1119][77]. The dating of this document is problematic: while the presence of Marguerite suggests that she was still unmarried, the date is inconsistent with the estimated birth date of Clémence. It should be noted that Mathon dates the consent given by Comte Renaud to [1153], although he does not state why he says this[78]. If that dating is correct, the witness would have been Renaud’s daughter Marguerite by his second marriage, although it is unclear why she would have been singled out for giving consent without her brothers and sisters.] Louis VII King of France confirmed what “episcopus Parisiensis et Guillelmus Lupus frater eius et comes Damni-Martini Renaudus cum uxore sua” donated to Chaalis “per concessum Adelizæ de Bulis et filiorum eius fratrum suorum” and the donation of land “apud Hermenovillam et...moriens juxta Villam-novam” made by “Joscelinus de Damno-Martino”, by charter dated 1138[79]. The property the subject of the first-named donation is not specified in the charter. However, a possibly linked charter dated to [1137] records that “Willelmus Lupus Silvanectensis” donated “ quo situm est cœnobium...[et] usum totius Espioniæ et Beeley”, with the support of “uxore mea Adelvia, filioque meo majore...Guidone” and sealed by “fratris mei Stephani Parisiensis episc.”[80]. The charter dated 1138 also provides a possible indication of Clémence’s family origin: the joint donation suggests a joint interest in the property donated, and so a connection with the family of the bouteillers de Senlis (to which Guillaume “le Loup” and his brother Etienne Bishop of Paris belonged). A charter dated 1144 confirmed a donation by "Rainaldus Claromontensis comes" to Saint-Leu d’Esserent, with the consent of "Clementia uxor prædicti comitis cum filio suo Guidone"[81]. An undated charter records the grant of pasturage rights "ad castrum Claromontis, Credulii, Gornaci, Lusarchiarum" to Saint-Leu d’Esserant by "Hugo comes Cestrensis" and "Hugo Claromontensis et Margarita uxor eius", later confirmed by "Rainaldus comes" with the consent of "uxore eius Clementia et filiis eius Guidone et Rainaldo"[82]. "Rainaldus comes de Claromonte et Clemencia uxor eius et Widdo eorum filius" confirmed donations to Saint-Leu d’Esserant made by "Albericus…Paganus…comites de Donno Martino…pater suus Hugo de Claromonte et Margarita uxor eius et comites Cestrences Hugo et Richardus", on the advice of "uxoris meæ Adæ", by charter dated 1152[83]. Louvet notes a donation to the priory of Gournay-sur-Aronde made by “Rainal Comte de Clermont et Clemence sa femme” which was confirmed and supplemented in 1165 by “leurs enfans...Raoult Comte de Clermont, Simon, Gautier, Margueritte, Matilde et Comtesse”[84]. Louis VII King of France confirmed an agreement between Eudes Prior of Saint-Denis and "Donni Martini comitissam Clementiam" who relinquished rights “in Trenbleio” by charter dated 1153[85]. Mathieu quotes a charter of Manassès Bishop of Meaux, dated to [1157], which records property first donated to Chaalis by “Domnimartini comitissa Clementia, laudante viro suo Renaldo de Clarimonte” as well as her donation of rights of way and use of wood “in omnia terra” belonging to “consulatum Domnimartini”[86]. “Clementia comitissa de Domno Martino cum liberis meis” renounced rights over “villa Trembliaco” after disputes between the abbey of Saint-Denis and “antecessores nostros comites de Dompno Martino”, litigated before “regis Ludovici”, by undated charter (dated to [1153/62]), witnessed by “Ansoldus de Claromonte et Petrus nepos eius, Galterus de Alneto...”[87]. [She married [thirdly] Thibaut [III] de Crépy Seigneur de Nanteuil-le-Hardouin. Duchesne states that Thibaut [III] de Nanteuil married “Clemence veuve de Renaut Comte de Clairmont en Beauvoisin” by whom he had three children, but does not cite the corresponding primary source[88]. The primary source which confirms this third marriage has not been identified, and from a chronological point of view it appears unlikely to be correct particularly as she is supposed to have had children by her third husband.] "
Med Lands cites:
[61] Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis 15, MGH SS XIII, p. 255.
[62] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1063, MGH SS XXIII, p. 794.
[63] Albert of Aix (RHC), Liber II, Cap. XXIII, p. 316.
[64] Albert of Aix (RHC), Liber II, Cap. XLII, p. 332.
[65] Lépinois (1877), Pièces justificatives, I, p. 421.
[66] Kerrebrouck (2000), pp. 538 and 544 footnote 9.
[67] Esserent Saint-Leu, XXI, p. 25.
[68] Mathon ‘Notice sur Creil’ (1859), p. 593.
[69] Esserent Saint-Leu, XLII, p. 45.
[70] Esserent Saint-Leu, LIX, p. 59.
[71] Esserent Saint-Leu, LXIII, p. 64.
[72] Louvet (1635), Tome II, p. 5, no precise citation reference.
[73] De Genere Comitum Flandrensium, Notæ Parisienses MGH SS, p. 257.
[74] Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis 15, MGH SS XIII, p. 255.
[75] Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis 15, MGH SS XIII, p. 255.
[76] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1170, MGH SS XXIII, p. 853.
[77] Esserent Saint-Leu, XXI, p. 25.
[78] Mathon ‘Notice sur Creil’ (1859), p. 593.
[79] Gallia Christiana, Tome X, Instrumenta, XVIII, col. 212.
[80] Gallia Christiana, Tome X, Instrumenta, XVIII, col. 212.
[81] Esserent Saint-Leu, XLII, p. 45.
[82] Esserent Saint-Leu, LIX, p. 59.
[83] Esserent Saint-Leu, LXIII, p. 64.
[84] Louvet (1635), Tome II, p. 5, no precise citation reference.
[85] Tardif (1866), 523, p. 274.
[86] Mathieu ' Comtes de Dammartin' (1996), p. 29, footnote 76.
[87] Chartes de l’abbaye de Saint-Denis, Le cartulaire blanc, Tome I, p. 464.
[88] Duchesne (1621) Châtillon, p. 658, no citation reference.11
[62] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1063, MGH SS XXIII, p. 794.
[63] Albert of Aix (RHC), Liber II, Cap. XXIII, p. 316.
[64] Albert of Aix (RHC), Liber II, Cap. XLII, p. 332.
[65] Lépinois (1877), Pièces justificatives, I, p. 421.
[66] Kerrebrouck (2000), pp. 538 and 544 footnote 9.
[67] Esserent Saint-Leu, XXI, p. 25.
[68] Mathon ‘Notice sur Creil’ (1859), p. 593.
[69] Esserent Saint-Leu, XLII, p. 45.
[70] Esserent Saint-Leu, LIX, p. 59.
[71] Esserent Saint-Leu, LXIII, p. 64.
[72] Louvet (1635), Tome II, p. 5, no precise citation reference.
[73] De Genere Comitum Flandrensium, Notæ Parisienses MGH SS, p. 257.
[74] Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis 15, MGH SS XIII, p. 255.
[75] Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis 15, MGH SS XIII, p. 255.
[76] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1170, MGH SS XXIII, p. 853.
[77] Esserent Saint-Leu, XXI, p. 25.
[78] Mathon ‘Notice sur Creil’ (1859), p. 593.
[79] Gallia Christiana, Tome X, Instrumenta, XVIII, col. 212.
[80] Gallia Christiana, Tome X, Instrumenta, XVIII, col. 212.
[81] Esserent Saint-Leu, XLII, p. 45.
[82] Esserent Saint-Leu, LIX, p. 59.
[83] Esserent Saint-Leu, LXIII, p. 64.
[84] Louvet (1635), Tome II, p. 5, no precise citation reference.
[85] Tardif (1866), 523, p. 274.
[86] Mathieu ' Comtes de Dammartin' (1996), p. 29, footnote 76.
[87] Chartes de l’abbaye de Saint-Denis, Le cartulaire blanc, Tome I, p. 464.
[88] Duchesne (1621) Châtillon, p. 658, no citation reference.11
; Per Racines et Histoire (Nanteuil): “1) Thibaud III Le Riche fl ~1150/1182 ° ~1125 + 27/01/1183 seigneur de Nanteuil-Le-Haudouin et du Donjon de Crépy
ép. ~1153 Clémence de Bar ° après 1112 + après 20/01/1183 (fille de Renaud 1er, comte de Bar, et de Gisèle de Vaudémont ; veuve de Renaud, comte de Clermont-en-Beauvaisis) ”.14
; Per Med Lands:
"THIBAUT [III] de Crépy (-before 20 Jan 1183). A charter dated to [1135] records a dispute between the abbot of Cluny and "Theobaldum de Crispeio dominum de Nantholio", witnessed by "Helizabeth uxor eius, Thebaldus filius eius, Henricus nepos ipsius Thebaldi…"[1259]. Seigneur de Nanteuil-le-Haudouin.
"[m as her third husband, CLEMENCE de Bar, widow firstly of --- Comte de Dammartin and secondly of RENAUD Comte de Clermont, daughter of RENAUD I Comte de Bar & his wife Gisèle de Vaudémont ([1123/27]-after 20 Jan 1182). Duchesne states that Thibaut [III] de Nanteuil married “Clemence veuve de Renaut Comte de Clairmont en Beauvoisin” by whom he had three children, but does not cite the corresponding primary source[1260]. The primary source which confirms this third marriage has not been identified, and from a chronological point of view it appears unlikely to be correct particularly as she is supposed to have had children by her third husband.]"
Med Lands cites:
[1259] Toussaints du Plessis (1731), Tome II, Pièces justificatives, LII, p. 31.
[1260] Duchesne (1621) Châtillon, p. 658, no citation reference.13
[1260] Duchesne (1621) Châtillon, p. 658, no citation reference.13
; Per Med Lands:
"--- de Dammartin (-before [1135]). Comte de Dammartin.
"m as her first husband, CLEMENCE de Bar, daughter of RENAUD I Comte de Bar & his wife Gisèle de Vaudémont ([1123/27]-after 20 Jan 1182). She married secondly ([1135]) as his second wife, Renaud [III] Comte de Clermont, who was Comte de Dammartin, de iure uxoris. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis records that "comes Rainaldus [de Claromonte]" married "comitissam de Dammartin, filiam comitis Rainaldi de Monzuns"[805]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines refers to "comites de Claromonte Belvacensi" as descended from "una…sorore eiusdem comitis [=comes Barri iunior Raynaldus]"[806]. Her birth date range is estimated based on the date of her parents' marriage. [“Radulfus Oysardi filius” donated property at Creil to Saint-Leu d’Esserent, and the nuns obtained the consent of "comitem Rainaldum Claromontensem…uxor eius Clementia, filia…ipsius Margarita", by charter dated to [1119][807]. The dating of this document is problematic: while the presence of Marguerite suggests that she was still unmarried, the date is inconsistent with the estimated birth date of Clémence. It should be noted that Mathon dates the consent given by Comte Renaud to [1153], although he does not state why he says this[808]. If that dating is correct, the witness would have been Renaud’s daughter Marguerite by his second marriage, although it is unclear why she would have been singled out for giving consent without her brothers and sisters.] Louis VII King of France confirmed what “episcopus Parisiensis et Guillelmus Lupus frater eius et comes Damni-Martini Renaudus cum uxore sua” donated to Chaalis “per concessum Adelizæ de Bulis et filiorum eius fratrum suorum” and the donation of land “apud Hermenovillam et...moriens juxta Villam-novam” made by “Joscelinus de Damno-Martino”, by charter dated 1138[809]. The property the subject of the first-named donation is not specified in the charter. However, a possibly linked charter dated to [1137] records that “Willelmus Lupus Silvanectensis” donated “ quo situm est cœnobium...[et] usum totius Espioniæ et Beeley”, with the support of “uxore mea Adelvia, filioque meo majore...Guidone” and sealed by “fratris mei Stephani Parisiensis episc.”[810]. The charter dated 1138 also provides a possible indication of Clémence’s family origin: the joint donation suggests a joint interest in the property donated, and so a connection with the family of the bouteillers de Senlis (to which Guillaume “le Loup” and his brother Etienne Bishop of Paris belonged). A charter dated 1144 confirmed a donation by "Rainaldus Claromontensis comes" to Saint-Leu d’Esserent, with the consent of "Clementia uxor prædicti comitis cum filio suo Guidone"[811]. An undated charter records the grant of pasturage rights "ad castrum Claromontis, Credulii, Gornaci, Lusarchiarum" to Saint-Leu d’Esserant by "Hugo comes Cestrensis" and "Hugo Claromontensis et Margarita uxor eius", later confirmed by "Rainaldus comes" with the consent of "uxore eius Clementia et filiis eius Guidone et Rainaldo"[812]. "Rainaldus comes de Claromonte et Clemencia uxor eius et Widdo eorum filius" confirmed donations to Saint-Leu d’Esserant made by "Albericus…Paganus…comites de Donno Martino…pater suus Hugo de Claromonte et Margarita uxor eius et comites Cestrences Hugo et Richardus", on the advice of "uxoris meæ Adæ", by charter dated 1152[813]. Louvet notes a donation to the priory of Gournay-sur-Aronde made by “Rainal Comte de Clermont et Clemence sa femme” which was confirmed and supplemented in 1165 by “leurs enfans...Raoult Comte de Clermont, Simon, Gautier, Margueritte, Matilde et Comtesse”[814]. Louis VII King of France confirmed an agreement between Eudes Prior of Saint-Denis and "Donni Martini comitissam Clementiam" who relinquished rights “in Trenbleio” by charter dated 1153[815]. Mathieu quotes a charter of Manassès Bishop of Meaux, dated to [1157], which records property first donated to Chaalis by “Domnimartini comitissa Clementia, laudante viro suo Renaldo de Clarimonte” as well as her donation of rights of way and use of wood “in omnia terra” belonging to “consulatum Domnimartini”[816]. “Clementia comitissa de Domno Martino cum liberis meis” renounced rights over “villa Trembliaco” after disputes between the abbey of Saint-Denis and “antecessores nostros comites de Dompno Martino”, litigated before “regis Ludovici”, by undated charter (dated to [1153/62]), witnessed by “Ansoldus de Claromonte et Petrus nepos eius, Galterus de Alneto...”[817]. "
Med Lands cites:
[805] Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis 15, MGH SS XIII, p. 255.
[806] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1170, MGH SS XXIII, p. 853.
[807] Esserent Saint-Leu, XXI, p. 25.
[808] Mathon ‘Notice sur Creil’ (1859), p. 593.
[809] Gallia Christiana, Tome X, Instrumenta, XVIII, col. 212.
[810] Gallia Christiana, Tome X, Instrumenta, XVIII, col. 212.
[811] Esserent Saint-Leu, XLII, p. 45.
[812] Esserent Saint-Leu, LIX, p. 59.
[813] Esserent Saint-Leu, LXIII, p. 64.
[814] Louvet (1635), Tome II, p. 5, no precise citation reference.
[815] Tardif (1866), 523, p. 274.
[816] Mathieu Comtes de Dammartin' (1996), p. 29, footnote 76.
[817] Chartes de l’abbaye de Saint-Denis, Le cartulaire blanc, Tome I, p. 464.8
[806] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1170, MGH SS XXIII, p. 853.
[807] Esserent Saint-Leu, XXI, p. 25.
[808] Mathon ‘Notice sur Creil’ (1859), p. 593.
[809] Gallia Christiana, Tome X, Instrumenta, XVIII, col. 212.
[810] Gallia Christiana, Tome X, Instrumenta, XVIII, col. 212.
[811] Esserent Saint-Leu, XLII, p. 45.
[812] Esserent Saint-Leu, LIX, p. 59.
[813] Esserent Saint-Leu, LXIII, p. 64.
[814] Louvet (1635), Tome II, p. 5, no precise citation reference.
[815] Tardif (1866), 523, p. 274.
[816] Mathieu Comtes de Dammartin' (1996), p. 29, footnote 76.
[817] Chartes de l’abbaye de Saint-Denis, Le cartulaire blanc, Tome I, p. 464.8
Family 1 | NN de Dammartin Comte de Dammartin d. b 1135 |
Family 2 | Renaud II/III (?) Cte de Clermont-en-Beauvais, b. c 1090, d. bt 1152 - 1153 |
Children |
Family 3 | Thibaut III "Le Riche" (?) de Crépy, seigneur de Nanteuil-Le-Haudouin b. c 1125, d. b 20 Jan 1183 |
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, online, unknown author (e-mail address), downloaded updated 15 May 2003, Bar 1 page:
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Comtes de Bar, p. 4: Hereinafter cited as Racines et Histoire.
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Seigneurs de NanteuilLe-Haudouin, p. 3:
- [S1490] Genealogics Website (oiginated by Leo van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes), online, Reinald I: Hereinafter cited as Genealogics Website.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Clémence de Bar:
- [S2203] Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG): MEDIEVAL LANDS - A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families, online, Hereinafter cited as FMG Medieval Lands Website.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Gisèle de Vaudemont:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online,, p. 4.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Renaud:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Thibaut III de Crépy:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Seigneurs de NanteuilLe-Haudouin, p. 2:
- [S812] e-mail address, online, Jr. William R. Ferris (unknown location), downloaded updated 4 Apr 2002,
- [S1438] Miroslav Marek, updated 15 May 2003, Bar 1:
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online, Seigneurs de Clermonten-Beauvaisis & de Clermont-Nesle,p. 3:
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online,, p. 7.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Guy de Clermont:
- [S2203] FMG Medieval Lands Website, online,
- [S2280] Racines et Histoire, online,, p. 5.
- [S1490] Genealogics Website, online, Mahaut (Mabilie) de Clermont:
Gilbert Basset
M, #5279, b. 1090, d. after 1165
Father | Richard Basset1 b. c 1050, d. a 1086 |
Reference | GAV24 EDV24 |
Last Edited | 29 Nov 2012 |
Gilbert Basset was born in 1090 at Wellingford, Oxfordshire, England.2 He married Edith D'Oilly in 1113.2
Gilbert Basset died after 1165.2
GAV-24 EDV-24 GKJ-24.
Gilbert Basset died after 1165.2
GAV-24 EDV-24 GKJ-24.
Family | Edith D'Oilly b. 1094, d. a 1165 |
Children |
- [S812] e-mail address, online, Jr. William R. Ferris (unknown location), downloaded updated 4 Apr 2002,
- [S619] Inc. Brøderbund Software, GEDCOM file imported on 27 Dec 1999 from World Family Tree Vol. 6, Ed. 1, Family #6-1556., CD-ROM (n.p.: Release date: August 22, 1996, 1996). Hereinafter cited as WFT 6-1556.
- [S2362] John Watson, "Watson email 26 Dec 2009: "Re: Need parents of Thos. I Basset b.1130-32 d. 1181, wife Alice de Dunstanville"," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to e-mail address, 26 Dec 2009, See R W Eyton, Antiquities of Shropshire, Vol. 2 (London 1855) p. 296
available on Google Books.
Thomas' parents were Gilbert Basset and Egelina de Courtenay.
Aquilina de Curt' to Bicester Priory : Grant, for the souls of her
father Reynold de Curt', her mother, her husband Gilbert Basset, and
her son Thomas Basset, of all her land of Sutton Cowtney (Swthona) :
[Berks.] [1].
1. Exchequer: King's Remembrancer: Ancient Deeds, Series D, E 210/3321. Hereinafter cited as "Watson email 26 Dec 2009."
Edith D'Oilly
F, #5280, b. 1094, d. after 1165
Reference | GAV24 EDV24 |
Last Edited | 29 Nov 2012 |
Edith D'Oilly was born in 1094 at Hook Norton, Oxfordshire, England.1 She married Gilbert Basset, son of Richard Basset, in 1113.1
Edith D'Oilly died after 1165.1
GAV-24 EDV-24 GKJ-24.
Edith D'Oilly died after 1165.1
GAV-24 EDV-24 GKJ-24.
Family | Gilbert Basset b. 1090, d. a 1165 |
Children |
- [S619] Inc. Brøderbund Software, GEDCOM file imported on 27 Dec 1999 from World Family Tree Vol. 6, Ed. 1, Family #6-1556., CD-ROM (n.p.: Release date: August 22, 1996, 1996). Hereinafter cited as WFT 6-1556.
- [S2362] John Watson, "Watson email 26 Dec 2009: "Re: Need parents of Thos. I Basset b.1130-32 d. 1181, wife Alice de Dunstanville"," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to e-mail address, 26 Dec 2009, See R W Eyton, Antiquities of Shropshire, Vol. 2 (London 1855) p. 296
available on Google Books.
Thomas' parents were Gilbert Basset and Egelina de Courtenay.
Aquilina de Curt' to Bicester Priory : Grant, for the souls of her
father Reynold de Curt', her mother, her husband Gilbert Basset, and
her son Thomas Basset, of all her land of Sutton Cowtney (Swthona) :
[Berks.] [1].
1. Exchequer: King's Remembrancer: Ancient Deeds, Series D, E 210/3321. Hereinafter cited as "Watson email 26 Dec 2009."